tv FOX News Watch FOX News November 13, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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civil saigs has to guard against a jungle coming back n i said brits and french have civilizing cleaning up to do. >> if you have a hit or miss, please send it to us. that is it for this week's edition of "the journal editorial report". we hope to see you right here next week. you right here next week. . >> jon: on fox news watch. >> the republicans have a different view and so we are going to have to have a negotiation. >> jon: following his party four mid term election outcome, there obama gives time to 60 minutes and flies off to strengthen ties with word leaders and build a better image with the press. did it work? back at home. nancy pelosi taking shots from other democrats, pushing for the lame duck speaker to step away from the throne. are the media with her or against her?
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the mid term winners begin to form a plan to push their agenda as speaker to be boehner gets the media spotlight. will that bright light burn him? >> many details about it, but i had the sickening feeling that you know, we may have shot that commercial airliner. >> president bush goes public for the first time after leaving office, pushing his new book and discussing the challenges he faced. how have the media reacted? >> al my customers-- >> the white house press secretary takes a stand for media access in india, did he go too far? msnbc bows to pressure and lets olbermann back on the air. sarah palin's new show is on, but some on the left want it off. a so-so cartoonist makes a call to arms to revolt against the right and red eye's greg gutfeld calls him out. on the panel this week writer and fox news contributor judy miller. author, journalist and fox news contributor liz trotta. jim pinkerton fellow new
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american foundation and news day columnist elliss henican. i'm jon scott, fox news watch is on right now. >> it used to be a president could call a press conference and the three major networks would come and he'd talk to them and you've pretty much reached everybody in america. and these days, the closest i can get to that is being on 60 minutes, but there are a whole bunch of folks who watch the daily show or watch "the view". and so, i've got to adapt the presidency to reach as many people as possible and my attitude is is, if i'm reaching people. if i'm talking to them i'm willing to make the risk of overexposure on that front. >> jon: the president there explaining why it is he makes the rounds on tv appearing on some shows that brought him
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some controversy. in that interview, liz, mr. obama also said when you're campaigning, i think you're liberated to say things without thinking about, okay, how am i actually going to practically implement this. isn't that what the media are supposed to do? >> yes, well, and he wasn't picked up on it the whole interview was a softball and he has a long relationship with steve cross going all the way back through the campaign. and like so many people in the mainstream media they didn't lay a glove on him. there wasn't a tough challenge in the whole interview so he got away actually with saying communication is the problem here not policy. >> jon: he seemed to be saying, elliss, politicians can say whatever they want if they're not challenged nobody is going to be the wiser. >> well, duh. [laughter] >> i mean, that's what campaigning is all about. >> jon: where are the media. >> have you ever heard of a politician making a promise, john? listen, this is how we play the game.
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there's tough media coverage, if you go back with a magnifying class and google, you might find some. what people are interested, television on the press are a bunch of personality stuff and we're suffering from it today. >> jon: and also said, judy, in the interview one of the things i think it's important for people to remember, you know, this country doesn't just agree with the new york times editorial page. that seems like a pretty monstrous change in direction for this president. >> well, i think one of the reviewers of this show and now we're reviewing these shows rather than covering them for content, pointed out that we had a different obama here. this was the humble, self-efacing obama as opposed to the charismatic order that we've seen and he says things like that without getting a response and i found it very, very interesting in terms of the new image that he wants to project. >> jon: no response, jim? because some on the left have said he's headed too far to the right now. >> right, i mean, he's got a
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major rebellion on his hands over the tax cut issue, for example, friday he was busy trying to put out the fire whether or not to extend the tax cut to everybody. i mean, this whole notion that there's a military different media segments is true, but as liz said he's absolutely convinced the only problem is he didn't go on enough shows and convince enough people that they listen to him more or listen to him closely. they would have agreed with him. >> jon: what about his status with the foreign press, he's gone on this big gaunt to asia now, seems to be enjoying rock star status over there. does he-- toss he work the press better than he does in this country. >> the foreign press is very, very liberal, almost always has been, and of course, encouraged by obama's analysis that everybody in the world hates us. that only certifies their animosity toward the u.s. and read some of the foreign newspapers and even the brits, it's a very far left liberal point of view.
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>> jon: elliss. well, it's also what we call the planet earth. you know, that's how most people are today. we're the outlighters in that equation, plus, remember, that this president follows one whose reaction to most of the world is to thumb his nose at it. so, sure, people are going to like this guy better. >> i wouldn't underestimate the ability of the american press to continue to adore him. clare shipman campaigning michelle obama to jackie kennedy, that's the coverage on good morning america. >> that's mrs. obama the they adore mrs. obama. i haven't heard a lot of adoration when it comes to the man on the mountain, the anointed one as sean hannity calls him. i haven't heard that, jim. >> having a little bit of a down beat, but-- (laughter) >> first time he calls the name, he'll come back up j talk about for a minute, nancy pelosi. some people say that she essentially was doing what the president wanted in the 111th congress and her party, her
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membership took a shellacking because of it. and now, a lot of people, even in her own party are urging her to step aside. are the media giving that the right amount of coverage, do you think? >> i think this is a major fight in terms of the direction of the democratic party and the media are responding as one would expect them to. i mean, what standards are we holding her to other than her ability to continue to raise money for a lot of people? look, she is the emblem of the left wing democrat, if she maintains that seat, i think it says something about where the party is going. >> elliss, you have a little shrine to nancy pelosi? >> not a little shrine guy. it's hugely important-- i would put my money on her, however, because the electorate here has gotten much closer to nancy than the one that elected her the last time and the caucus is more liberal than before. some of the blue dogs are chased away and i think she's probably going to win. >> it's time for a break and first check out the new website and keep an eye on the
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big media story and watch list section and you can go behind the scene and see the discussions you have in here during the commercial break, always very interesting, and up next, george w is back in the open, selling books and telling tales. >> i put in the book i'd do it again. the job of the president is to protect the innocent lives. >> george w. bush steps back in the spotlight, talking about his new book and the challenges of being commander-in-chief. have the media given the former president a fair shake? >> this was not a publicity stunt. >> and he's back! after a very brief suspension for breaking the rules, msnbc bows to pressure and puts their main attraction back in action. was any learned? that's all next on news watch. [ male announcer ] welcome to that one time of year when we all become doers. when our mittens double aswork gloves.
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>> did you ever ask yourself the question what more could i have done to prevent this from happening? >> well, we just didn't have any sort of intelligence that gave us warning on this. we didn't have any intelligence that said that you know, get ready they're going to fly airplanes into the new york buildings. >> the 43rd president with matt lauer nbc talking about the 9/11 attacks and new book "decision point" released earlier this week and sat down with oprah and discussed his new life after office. >> i'm lying on the couch and she walks in and i said free at least. she said you're free all right. you're free to do the dishes. [laughter] >> and talking to the former president, baby. she said, consider your new domestic policy agenda. [laughte [laughter] >> there was the former president making the rounds and he also appeared on, well, hannity and other shows here
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on fox and how has the treatment been? >> you know, i think that this was all done with a wink and a nod. everybody from the left was, and from the so-called mainstream media was falling all over themselves to get the interviews, once there of course they played right into the play book and this whole, the whole tour for the book had been set up by an army of all kinds of advisors and pr people, former bush servers and so he wasn't going to go into this unknowing and unplanned. so, it basically was, yes, we're going to treat him well. he was a president and we're going to sort of let bygones be bygones. >> jon: do you think the media was out to treat him well? >> i think actually they were. i agree with liz on this. one thing to agree on some questions about of an interview and another to be brain dead once you're actually there asking the questions. matt lauer's failure to follow-up. there was no intelligence? >> matt lauer made it sound like the old program, this is your life. you know, everything in the
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present tense and then you held off an army of you know, whatever, but i mean, awful. >> jon: jim. >> look, i've got to tell you plans on reading of the books and i haven't read any memoirs for long, long time. and the pulitzer prize winning critics of "the washington post," and he said there were only two memoirs worth reading. ulysses s grant, a very good book and the harry truman a good book and the rest are lawyered up and playing with the history books, why bother. >> you don't think that president bush came out with-- >> i've got better things to do than study. >> and thank goodness for the brilliant art of excerpting, someone else can read the book and you can read some key paragraphs and watch some interviews and get kind of a feel, you know, remember why it is that some of us really liked him and why some of us
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thought he didn't quite measure up. >> jon: the president was brutalized every time he misspoke and then earlier in the week when sean hannity flubbed his lines while interviewing the president, got a good laugh out of that. take a look. >> and thank you for joining us-- joining. >> what's at that again? >> never let me do it, you know? [laughter] (applause) >> it would have underestimate. >> this is all included. >> strategy not strategery. >> that's the only true moment from the fakery and oprah and that was probably the only real moment. >> you like the guy, you still want to have a beer with him.
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>> always funny, always good at delivering his lines and we agreed that oprah stuff was scripted and he delivered it well. >> jon: time for another break, but first, if you come across a story that you think shows media bias, e-mail us at news we'll be back with stories about a big state, a big foot and a big mouth. >> i owe three apologizes. >> msnbc's main man olbermann gets a pass from handlers and back on tv. a nice reward for bad behavior and sarah palin's new tv show launches this week and some on the liberal side want to shoot it down. ! " # $ / 0 i
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>> but i need to address one thing right now, i read in a couple of places that this has to have been a publicity stunt. this was not a publicity stunt. of course, if i had known that all of this would happen, i would have done this years ago! >> keith olbermann back on the air tuesday night after msnbc briefly suspended him for making campaign contributions to democratic candidates running for office, a violation of nbc rules. the suspension was brief. did nbc cave? >> i think they totally did. i think they clearly don't like him and he doesn't like them, and talking about the suits at nbc. msnbc and up the chain. and they were so mad, saw the chance to get rid of him and the backlash happened and they caved. he's back and stronger than ever and i'm sure he'll be more dominant within msnbc in the future. should journalists, covering political candidates should
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they be making contributions to candidates. >> he's a commentator, he's not a reporter, he's not a journalist, i don't see why it's an issue, it's a free speech issue as far as i'm concerned. >> jon: moving on to the white house press secretary who has had his share of reporters. >> and going with all of my gusto, okay? and that's the new agreement. >> and-- that was robert gibbs in india on monday fighting to get his eight pool reporters as they're known into the meeting between president obama and the indian prime minister. reporters there said gibbs threatened to pull president obama out of the meeting if his demands weren't met. it wasn't a press conference, eem, does the press secretary have the right to be throwing around the president? >> well, you know, i've been on a lot of those trips and never seen a display like that and we've only seen part of
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that. but, this is an administration so concerned with what their image is overseas and here he is the quintessential ugly american pushing the indians around over what, the distance between five people going in for 60 seconds or eight people going in for 60 seconds. >> did he overstep his bounds? >> oh, yes. >> a free speech medal. and finally-- >> oh. >> these guys spent most of their career keeping us out of stuff. >> i'm with gibbs on this one, that's his job. >> ugly americans. >> and who are you going to say-- he's not going to pull that. >> we're out of here. >> sucking up to the white house press. they criticize him often enough and finally did something nice for them. >> jon: wow, jim pinkerton agreeing with robert gibbs. let's mark this date. sarah palin's "alaska" set to premier on t.l.c. take a look at a clip. >> i think that my kids will
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always call alaska home. i'd rather be out here being free. >> this is what life is all about. >> and on a really clear day, you can see russia from here! almost. . >> jon: she has gotten a lot of heat from that new show. some lefty groups, elliss, are pushing discovery communications to pull the plug. how about at that for freedom of speech. >> a strategic miss steps on the part of the lefty groups as you mentioned, let the woman talk, the more she talks the better off they are. >> interesting that some of these folks who don't like her, i mean, she puts eyeballs in front of television sets, right. >> yeah, aen she got a network to pay her a million dollars per episode to do this, but i found the most interesting review to come from karl rove, who is not exactly a left wing who said this is not going to advance her presidential prospects, it doesn't make her look presidential. i'd listen to karl. >> and the numbers keep going down every time she makes appearance. her popularity numbers, you
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have to keep track of those. the more you see her the less you like her and overexposure is something the democrats have to pray for. >> jon: so you think that-- frnl plus the tactffactactfufat- >> plus you can bank on the timidity of men spooked by feminism they're afraid to criticize her. >> give them something on the cartoon network. >> and let her-- (laughter) >> and another episode, please? a thousand networks-- >> to go moose hunting. we have to take one more break. when we come back, what happens when two left wing nuts get together to plan a revolt? >> a cartoonist with questionable talent gives a call to arms for a revolt against the right. what's wrong with that? greg gutfeld has that answer next on news watch. it's pain relief without the pills. no pills, no pain. how can you get pain relief without taking pills around the clock?
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saying, quote, while most cartoonists support free speech many don't want to provoke the anger of devout muslims. this is the same guy that appeared on the show to suggest violent revolution in america. here is what he wrote in miss book. a war is coming. the government the corporations and the extreme right are prepared to go into an axis of evil. will you fight back? will you include in taking up arms. that revolt is a good idea and never been more necessary. >> so get this. with guns and violence, on a network msnbc accused tea partiers of the same. work, you won't stand up to a real threat, but now urges violence against peaceful folk. me, i can't wait to see ted coming out, swinging his npr
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