tv Hannity FOX News November 19, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EST
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you can get signed copies of my book. great gift for christmas. thanks for watching. i'm laura ingraham tonight for bill o'reilly. please remember the spin stops here, because we are always, always looking out for you. we are still on the air. there's no one taking us off the air, please it is so old! >> sean: holiday season officially kicks off one week from today. as airport prepare for the onslaught of travelers the growing outrage over the tsa's invasive screening is sure to hit a boiling point. with everyday that passes more stories leak about the intrusive nature of new security measures. yesterday got pictures of flyers being patted down at the airport. it is not hard to believe why
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some believe the procedures go too far after looking at some of these photographs. joining me lanny davis and international best selling office mark stein is here. you are filling in for rush today and tomorrow, too? >> that's right. >> sean: somebody told me you said what was hannity saying? >> you why talking about the professionalization of these guys yesterday. >> sean: my experience has been they are professionals, following orders. >> that's what you don't want in this situation. they are following what they call to use the head guy i saw at the airport yesterday, "standard procedure." >> sean: they are supposed to quit their jobs? >> they would be better off using human judgment. the next time something happens it will be because everybody was brain dead and followed standard procedure in the same way that thousands died on september 11,th because everybody followed
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standard procedure. >> sean: maybe we are blaming different people. i don't blame them. if they don't follow those standard procedures they are going to get fired. i blame sherlock napolitano who believes in man caused disasters and overseas contingency operations. we have a better option. follow the israeli model. >> we caught the bomber, washington state border not because we were examining his hair gel or we were feeling around in his underwear because the agent used human judgment about how nervous and shifty he was. if we had this system in place he would have whizzed through and wound up blowing up -- >> sean: lanny, let me bring new. would it be wrong to -- washington times used a good example. spend more time on a 19-year-old yes, ma'am me exchange student than a 90-year-old grandmother? >> i'm in favor of increasing
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the scrutiny and my inconvenience -- >> sean: lanny answer the question for crying out loud! >> the answer is you do both because security makes me feel safer and most americans safer. with due respect to mr. stein, i'm glad people are being intruded upon because i feel safer flying because of that. that sounds pretty conservative. most liberals would say there's an invasion of privacy rights. for me feeling security is more important than somebody patting me down. >> this is the insanity. lanny davis is worried about appearing politically incorrect. he would rather government bureaucrats have their hands down the underwear of 300 million law abiding americans this is absurd. you have a great nation here and you are groping yourself over the cliff into oblivion. >> sean: that's a great line. we are giving up our rights, people are going down our under pants, they are groping
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and grabbing. why wouldn't we do the intelligence venue first? >> your guest may be unfamiliar with me i never attack people's motives or their political correctness, i take what they say. >> sean: get to the point, we that, you are a great american, go. >> no, the point is your guest is over the line when he attacks me for my views and motives rather than the merits. there are a lot of people like me who don't october to these security measures, even if they are intrusive and there are a lot of people who do object. that doesn't mean he ought to be attacking people who feel more comfortable. >> this is the tragedy. the liberals used to be very good on the idea that -- >> there he goes again. >> you couldn't subject someone to undue search and intimate full body searches without probable cause. this was one thing that liberal were classically good on aclu and everybody else. it is a tragedy that we now
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accept the right of government bureaucrats to poke around in our private parts because we are wedded to the pro tense that all seven billion people on this planet are an equal security threat to the united states of america that is a ludricrous proposition and a tragedy that civil libertarians, particularly somebody like lanny davis pointed to the civil libertarian oversight board, a couple of years ago, particularly said when somebody as distinguished as lanny davis is not concerned that the right of bureaucrats poking around in our underwear for no good reason. >> thank you, mark i appreciate that. i grant you if you are uncomfortable, you are entitled. i erred when i was on that board and given access to the surveillance programs and counterterrorism measures there were a lot of liberals who wanted to abolish those.
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i surprised a lot of people by saying -- i supported the bush administration's measures. it depends on your point of view. i think given the age of terrorism it is worth taking that compromise. >> sean: nobody can doubt the israelis have as big a threat as anybody. they use enhanced intelligence gathering efforts. would you support profiling? >> to the extent that we have data that shows particular ethnic groups, and we do have data, as juan williams was honest enough to say, it is not racial profiling to use data as the israelis do to scrutinize certain categories of people. >> sean: you support -- >> i do but we have to be careful about judging people on their race and looks and there's a sensitivity issue about how you do it. i don't mind being searched. nobody has searched my body parts mark, how about you? >> i was searched yesterday.
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>> your body parts? >> i had the upper body searched. i said with my frequent flyer miles i would like i agree up-grope. >> sean: these are new enhanceed procedures that just started. >> i cleared through and there was a laid any tears, tiny airport, burlington, vermont frontline on america's war on terrorism. the woman is in tears she has had the enhanced pat-down this is the crazy thing she -- she was -- [ talking over each other ] >> she missed the flight and they left her in tears. >> sean: this has happened to nuns. to toddlers. pilots. flight attendants. >> i'll agree with one maybe we'll end with one agreement. i watched senator daniel patrick moynihan in his elder years going through laguardia airport forced to takeoff
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everything that was metal and forced to be body searched. i said to one of the security people, do you know who this is? this is patrick moynihan. he said what mark said, standard operating procedure there. is a point of -- >> sean: when they grope, fondle, grab the crouch of your wife and kids, tell me you feel the same way? >> i'll wait for that to happen and i'll probably tell you i don't like it. >> sean: checkmate. it took the entire segment. >> give me liberty or give me a grope! that's what it has come to. >> sean: mark good to see you, lanny, thank you. plenty more hannity straight ahead. >> do the things that will get our country going again. >> sean: republicans on the rise. karl rove has a warning for the gop. >> your member was not corrupt. >> sean: congressman rangel found guilty of ethics
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violations. you won't believe how his fellow democrats plan to punish him. senator jay rockefeller blasts cable news and wants the fcc to take fox often air. so much for free spe this year chevrolet gave us legendary dependability, innovative tecology, and inspired design. and now, they want to give as much as they can to as many as possible. your chevy dealer is giving back to the community. come see how chevy is giving more. right now, get no monthly payments till spring plus 0% apr financing and fifteen hundred dollars holiday allowance on most chevy models. see how your dealer is giving at
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updated. from dodd's staff apologies to dodd's followers last week was not from chris dodd. no indication that anybody hacked into the senator's twitter account. looks like the senator is determined to g wi the capital one venture card we get double miles on everyurchase. so we earned a holiday trip to the big apple twice as fast! dinner! [ garth ] we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the who gang! it's hard to beat double miles! i want a maze, a ord, a... oww! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to i wonder what it coulbe?! what's in your wallet?
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his recent trip to asia can be summed up as a waste of time. his pal charlie rangel making headlines for the wrong reasons. nancy pelosi refusing to go away and has been elected the next house minority leader. worst of all for the president it is getting too cold for him to go golfing. my next guest has a message to republicans. do not get cocky. he says defeating a sitting president is difficult and since world war ii it has been extremely rare. here to explain author of courage and consequence which is available in paperback and includes a new chapter the one and only karl rove. brother rove, go on get cocky gop, obama is weak but it is always difficult to defeat a sitting president. >> it is always difficult. since world war ii. we've had three presidents get he feeted for reelection two decide not to run, five sought and won reelection. as bad as it looks for him
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today. the worst thing for conservatives and republicans to do is assume two years from now he's going to be in as bad a posture as he is today and we can take it easy. that is not the way it works. the economy is likely not to be helping him. unlike reagan at least he put in place the right policies and tax cuts he signed began to be implemented in 1983, by the end of 1983 reagan had 8% growth in the last two quarters of '83. president obama university of michigan forecast in its study of economists' views suggest growth will be just over 2% next year and just over 3% in 2012. unemployment will still be over 9%. those aren't numbers for a resounding reelection victory. still, we can't take anything for granted. >> sean: i agree. anybody that unestimates barack obama does so to their
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own peril. i assume he will be a tough campaigner. it is clear that a lot is going to depend on was in the next two years. with that said, i'm encouraged by where the republicans are headed versus where the democrats are headed. democrats don't seem to get the message. they want to pass the dream act, don't ask, don't tell, star treaty. republicans eliminating earmarks. john boehner is giving back his plane. they are talking about cutting spending and tax cuts for everybody. they seem more on message and more in tune with what the electorate was saying. >> absolutely. i'm gratified by the response of the republicans. not only that, they are talking about creating jobs. we need to create jobs first by keeping tax rates low not having the biggest tax increase levied on january 1. but i'm also energized by the fact we don't have a
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presumptive front runner. we are going to be benefited by having a wide open contest for the nomination. over the next 13 months, is gonna have a bunch of candidates out there making the case for themselves, doing the things that are necessary to lay the predicate. i that i could strengthen the party. when we start voting in 15 months in the first week of february iowa caucuses, new hampshire and south carolina primaries the potential is there to have more interest in republicans. expanded registration totals. more volunteers and more people willing to take a in the campaign and write a check or send in an internet contribution. we will face a tough battle against obama. >> sean: if you are obama you think things couldn't get worse. according to a meeting george soros is attack the president. quoted as having said we loss this election we need to draw a line if this president can't
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do what we need it is time to start looking somewhere else! >> there's a lot of tension inside the activist base in the democratic party. the mindset is we loss because we were insufficiently liberal and didn't do a good enough job of communicating what we have achieved. but it stars with we weren't liberal enough. inside the white house there are the prague activities who say we just got -- the pragmatists who said we just got whipped and didn't communicate, why are those people on our left criticizing don't they know we are pretty left wing. you gmñ tension playing out over the next couple of months. at the end of the day the president is going to find some way to resolve that he's not going to be challenged on his left. they are going to talk themselves that saying we don't want a conservative. he may not be as left wing as we wanted, but he is pretty left wing so let's work our hearts out.
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>> sean: who do you see getting into the presidential race for the republicans? any truth to the battle going on between you and governor palin that you were critical of her new show and tlc? >> yeah, first of all, there are 11 names mentioned. i'm going to try in alphabetical order. no bias. barbour, daniels, gingrich, huckabee, jen , palin, pawlenty, pence, rom they, santorum, thune, jindal, bill o'reilly, i left him out. excuse me i got a cold. we had four bunched together nobody getting more than 19%. because the republican genetic
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predisposition to picking a front runner each contest is not there this time. that's why i'm harden -- heartened. as to governor palin. i did raise a question as to whether or not doing the show on tlc was the best use of her time whether it made her look presidential or gave her a chance to campaign for as many as she could. guess what, i'm a commentator. i'm sorry if she took offense. i hope every candidate has a tougher skin. i've said nice things about her and i've raised a question. a confident candidate doesn't get thrown off by that. a confident candidate says people are entitled to their opinion. >> sean: you do recognize she is going to be a force if she runs, right? >> absolutely. i've been saying for a year and a half when these smart commentators, columnists for "the new york times" say she shouldn't run i say that's not up to u i said she would be a
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formidable candidate. i'm a little frankly surprised that one comment about whether or not it was a good thing to do drew such a response from some of her supporters. i hope she has a thicker skin because there's going to be a lot commentary done by a lot of people. >> sean: she has had enough shots in her direction. i think she has proven she can take a punch. karl rove, good to see you. >> i wind punching her, i was making a comment. -- i wasn't punching her, i was making a comment. >> sean: maybe this will put it to rest. >> there you go. >> one of the frustrating things about this entire bill has been the lack of urgency in washington. >> sean: what happened in the days following the catastrophic oil spill in the gulf? governor jindal gives a behind the scenes shocking look at *u for charlie rangel. but he's getting away with only a slap on the wrist. the schlamp lives on in
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washington. >> -- the swamp lives on in washington. >> npr's taxpayer ride may [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. lord of the carry-on. sovereign of the security line. you never take an upgrade for granted. and you rent from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above.
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just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies? [ glass shatters ] more passion for the one you love? more fun with your family and friends? it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone, or low t. c'mon, stop living in the shadows.
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>> sean: the obama administration's handling of the deep water horizon oil spill showed now inept this white house is at dealing with a national . the oil spewed for 86 days one of the people that saw the administration's lackluster effort firsthand was louisiana governor bobby jindal. in his new book he's holding nothing back when it comes to placing blame in president obama's lap. saying the government believed the elite could fix everything. in the end he says it was the
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advice from local leaders and parish presidents and fishermen that made the difference. joining me to explain the man himself, his new book "leadership in crisis" now in stores. the governor from louisiana governor bobby jindal is with us, good to see you, thanks for being here. >> great to be back with you. >> sean: i don't get shocked too often when i'm reading books. you tell the story two weeks into the spill. we know three days after the spill that the countries were offering boom and skimmers, you tell the story air force one pulls up. you there to meet the president. two weeks into the spill. you think the president is there to talk about the spill. he pulls awe side and excoriates. tell us what happened? >> absurd his first visit clearly angry, it is all a press stunt. i thought he's mad about the oil, lack of a plan.
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mad about the slow response that's not it. what he is mad about is the chance he might look bad. he's mad at me about a letter we sent the day before about all things about food stamps. he was so angry. at the same time he was getting mad at me, rahm emanuel was cursing out my chief of staff. i had to tell him mr. president we are mad at the lack of a response and plan. it is a pattern. this administration has been disconnected from the facts on the ground. they didn't respond well. they didn't cut through the red tape. two weeks ago the voters told them they weren't responding well. the country wants them -- they are expanding obamacare, taking over car companies. raising taxes. he was -- it was absurd, surreal, i couldn't believe that's what got him angry. >> sean: you have a meeting with the president.
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the president looks at you and i think the quote, telling you to stop going on television to criticize him. >> that's exactly -- the second time he comes down to the state of louisiana after the oil spill. stop going on tv to criticize me. immediately after, he goes out to give his remarks in front of the press. his staff persons wants know stand right next to him in the camera shot. governor crist moved me out of the way, a was more than happy to give him the ground. they were so worried about perception. as i say in the book, don't worry about the politics, worry about getting the job done. time and time again boom and skimmers sitting in the docks, they wouldn't let them be used. offers from foreign governments an admiral told me they didn't take skimmers europe made available us to this is what happens when government gets so big it can't do its core function. >> sean: you have great chapters about immigration, spending and how america is
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moving in a socialist direction and corruption. one of the things i think separates your governing philosophy from that of the president can be summed up as it relates to the oil spill. you said if this oil spill teaches us one thing is a distant central command and control model simply doesn't work with the fast moving ever changing crisis that's unfolding. isn't that the big divide between you and president obama? >> that's exactly right. i also write in the book the bigger the government gets the more taxes, the more expense, less liberty, less freedom we have. the left doesn't like this, the founding fathers intended limited government. great idea for our new republican majority in the house, let's return to a part-time congress. we used to pay farmers not to grow crops let's pay them not to pass bills. the lodger they stay home the safer we are. he believes in a bigger government we believe in a limited government.
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we believe in the american people not a government that is so big to give you everything it is big enough to take everything away. >> sean: how bad do you think president is? you've gotten high marks as governor of louisiana. you seem to be by every account, i think so, a rising star in the conservative movement in the country. if he's as bad as you think, do you think there's any chance you would consider running in 2012? >> there will be good candidates running. we have more work to do in louisiana. we've cut spending, cut taxes. we have the second best economic performance during the recession. we've cut spending 26% overall since we've taken office. this president doubled down after the election he said it was a communications problem. the american people didn't understand the great things he he was trying to do for them. you are right, he is more ideological, you saw this before anybody. i thought after this election
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he has a chance to move to the center he's not doing that we need to change washington, d.c.. we need take our country back. >> sean: i was excoriated for my analysis of his background. i wish i was wrong for the sake of the country. his policies are failing and we could ill afford to continue down this path for two more years, never mind six more years. governor congrats on the book, thanks for being with us, appreciate it. >> thank you. >> sean: who wants the fcc to take the fox news channel off the air. >> plus rangel receives punishment for violating 11 house ethics rules. does the
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he 1971 at the time he was still appealing convictions for profanity and indecent exposure. rock fans have been seeking his pardon fornthe history of ms has ever turned down a hand-made ornament. that's why we've set up santa's wonderland at bass pro shops. where kids can get their picture with santa. and, this weekend, make a chrismoose ornament. and it's all free. oh. about what? uh, they don't really think you're an exchange student. what? they think you're a businessman, using our house to meet new clients in china. for reals, player? [ woman saks chinese ] they overheard a phone call. speaks chinese ] something about shipping with fedex to shanghai. and then you opened a bottle of champagne. that was for a science project. [ man and woman speaking chinese ]
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i'm late for..occer... rehearsal. [ man speaks chinese ] you and i are cool? i'll be home by curfew. [ male announcer ] we understand.® you need a partner who can help you go global. fedex. >> sean: embarrassing 2 1/2-year-old scandal near closure today the house voted on rangel's punishment. verdict censure. verb equivalent to a slap on the wrist for the new york democrat found guilty of
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financial and fundraising misconduct. rangel insists while what he did was irresponsible his actions were not corrupt, just sloppy. >> it would really help, i don't think it is out of line, if the committee say you could put in that report no matter what you agree the sanctions would be that your member was not corrupt and did not seek and did not gain anything personally for the bad conduct that i've had. >> sean: congressman -- the top republican on the committee wasn't buying it. >> mr. rangel can no longer blame anyone other than himself for the position he now finds himself in. mr. rangel should only look into the mirror if he wants to know who to blame. >> sean: after violating nearly a dozen house ethics rules, he is let off easy, congress shows an ininability
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-- inability to punish their their own for outrageous behavior. somehow nancy pelosi's swamp continues to fester. joining me with reaction host of huckabee, also new children's book "can't wait until christmas." i snuck into every crevice, i knew every gift santa was bringing. no surprises. >> this book will be like your biography. very cute book, very fun. this thing with rangel is troubling. once again congress has shown how out of touch they are with the american people. for 17 years rangel did not pay taxes on some of his income, 17 years. he says that is not corruption. what is it? if you were to not pay taxes for 17 years you would be under the jail.
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they would have a perp walk down 6th avenue for you. >> sean: perp walk, handcuffs, done, i would be over. >> you would be going through the full body scanner 14 times on msnbc from noon until midnight. >> sean: nobody would see it, so it wouldn't be a problem. [ laughing ] >> touche! >> sean: they should have expelled the guy. >> expulsion would have been appropriate. not because they were trying to punish charles rangel. they should have done it in order to save the reputation of the congress of the united states. there was not just one violation. there were repeated violatings. failure to pay taxes. shake down of donors for the charles rangel center. for the fact he was able to get an apartment in new york -- >> sean: rent stablized, four. >> then used it for a campaign headquarters. multiple violations he got away with because he was a
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congressman. he used his position, his position of power and influence for personal gain and for personal advancement that is corruption by anybody's definition. >> sean: what does this say about congress overall? the exit polls couldn't have been more clear. americans are suffering, real unemployment in this country is over 17%. in some cities it is over 20%. like michigan and nevada and other places. democrats won't support the moratorium on earmarks. pushing don't ask, don't tell. pushing this star treaty the president supports. pushing the dream act, among other things. i'm thinking did you guys hear anything? >> they overwhelmingly reelected nancy pelosi by 150-43 to remain the face of the party, which is great news for the republicans. the republicans got in trouble a few years ago because of
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jack abramoff and cunningham and others guilty of corruption and paid dearly for it the question is, will the democrats realize that they too paid dearly in this last election and will continue to? if they say to rangel you are 80-years-old, you have been there 40 years. think about that he's been in congress for 40 years. >> sean: they didn't have the moral courage to stand up. do you think he could face prosecution? >> you would, i would, most americans would. why shouldn't he, that's what makes people mad. two sets of rules, one set for the average joe schmo trying to pay his bills and make sure his rent is on time and different rules for members of congress. >> sean: the radical left wing center for american progress john pedesta's group and a lot of hard left groups are suggesting what the president couldn't get done in this
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election through the electoral process, what he can never accomplish legislatively they are saying he ought to use executive authority to pass things that the american people obviously don't want, to advance their socialist agenda. if the president does this, how will the country react? >> i think the republicans will be given yet an early christmas gift. one that will give through the 2012, election cycle. and any special election or elections like the one maybe in mississippi coming up next year. it would be an outrageous affront to the integrity of the american voter and to their intelligence. i cannot believe that ultimately, cooler heads will be so push add side. >> sean: who is going to say mr. president you need to change your radical ideology? >> sean you are the only one who can do it. i got the telephone number for. >> sean: you interviewed michelle obama.
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>> i don't think she has that much influence now this is a parade with no drum major. >> sean: governor good to see you. time check in with greta for a sneak peek. you see any bugs last night? >> i looked around but i wore a mosquito net. didn't you notice on the air. >> sean: i did not see that. >> greta: i had one on last night. now i'm in d.c., it is safe. we hit the road quickly. tonight senator lamar alexander. rick santorum, lou dobbs my old colleague from cnn is going to drop in. the debt commission, we have to the co-chairman of the debt commission they are going to be here. there's a war going on in mexico and jennifer griffin is covering it, it is horrible. we've been reporting about it nightly. jennifer is there tonight. >> sean: we'll be watching in 18 short minutes. our great, great american
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if yoursthma does not improve or gets worse. symbicort is a good choice to help control my asthma all day and night. [ inhales ] [ exhales ] ask yr doctor if symbicort is a good choice for you. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> sean: tonight on our great american panel columnist, kirsten.ers with. white house correspondent, david brody. she is an actress, grammy award winning artist rebecca st. james is back. you wouldn't believe, a united states senator wants to silence voices in america. freedom of speech is supposed to prevail. listen to jay rockefeller. >> there's a bug inside of me which wants to get the fcc to say to fox and msnbc, out, off,
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end, good-bye. it would be a big favor to political discourse to do our work here in congress. and to the american people to be able to talk with each other and have some faith in their government and in their future. >> sean: how dare we speak out! let me tell you something what is this the old soviet union? we are going to silence critics. senator rockefeller, you should be fired for that statement. read your constitution! >> i don't think he was talking about using the government to shut us down. >> sean: excuse me, wait a minute. he said there's a bug inside of me that and thes -- that wants to get the fcc to. >> he was saying i would like to say that but i can. the bigger part is the arrogance. the idea that he should be the arbiter of what we should be listening to. where people should be getting their information. >> he wants to silence the
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back porch? fox news is the back porch of america. msnbc, back porch, the point is, it is what america is all about. >> sean: he can't take the criticism. >> it is a back-handed compliment to you guys. you are inflew within shall, powerful and he knows that aunt are not supporting his agenda. >> sean: here's the environment that we as conservatives live in right now. this is the reality. i'm on the radio three hours a day, fox news one hour a night. every single hour i'm on the air, every word i say, every sentence i utter, every phrase, you got people in their underwear, hiding out in who knows, new mexico somewhere, literally, monitoring every word, hoping i say something that they can either silence me by getting my advertisers to pull out or by getting me
fired this is the environment we live in. liberals do not believe in free speech in america. >> people in new mexico in their underwear what does that mean? >> sean: you have people whose jobs they get paid to literally try and get people fired! >> what is wrong with being held accountable sean? >> sean: i'm on the air four hours i'm ad libing and i screw up -- [ talking over each other ] >> sean: there are organized campaigns to silence conservatives. they want to shut fox news down because they can't handle free speech! >> there are conservatives who want liberals fired. >> sean: let them speak they are dumb i want them to talk. >> what he's talking about is attacking the bay is of america which is freedom of speech. it -- the basis of america, which is freedom of speech. >> it is only unconstitutional
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>> sean: more with our panel. we are going to ask powers if she wants to be groped at the copd makes it hard for meo breathe. but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now, i can join the fun and games withy grandchildren. great news! for people with copd, inuding chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both, advair helps significantly improve lung function. while nothing can reverse copd, advair is different from most other copd medications because it contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help you breathe better. advair won't replace fast-acting hars for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. i had fun today, grandpa. you and me both. if copd is still making it hard to breathe, ask your doctor if including advair
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>> sean: we continue with our great american panel many back to this npr. you support defunding npr? >> i don't believe it is propaganda. it is 2% of their budget. >> sean: juan williams! >> no reason they can't raise the money separately. take it out of the debate. >> sean: nina totenberg doesn't get fired after what she said about jesse helms grandchildren -- >> 15 years ago.
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i love npr, i think they do great work. they should take care of their own funding. >> the gop is going to make make hay on this perfect play for the gop here. >> sean: no-brainer the country is on the verge of bankruptcy, thanks to obama don't fund npr, let them raise their own money say anything they want, i don't care. >> you heard it here from sean. >> sean: we have unfortunate incidents, one week from today is thanksgiving. people are going to be traveling. going through airports. heading into the busiest travel season. now you've got enhanced pat-downs, full body scanners that you are going to be dealing with for the first time. any problems with this? >> i deal with it all the time. have you been through the new scanners? i've been through it. it is crazy, you holding your
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hands up like this, you feeling this thing go around you like you are in a dentist and it is an tray, you feel like i'm being subjected to radiation beyond that they still pat you down. >> sean: did have you the enhanced pat-down? >> know. >> sean: see the pictures? >> i have. >> sean: look at this. look at where that hand is for crying out loud! if we have a couple more we'll throw them up there. >> it is uncomfortable. >> sean: right on the top of the woman's breasts. this picture going town in lady's pans. -- going down this lady's pants. you want to go through it? >> no. i also don't want to be blown up midair on a plane. there are better scanners and aren't as intrusive. the question is why -- there are other scanners that are less intrusive. >> this has to be some sort of
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tea partiesque revolt. people are going to have to say something big time. it has to be 10 -- tens of thousands of calls. >> sean: a lady excoriated me over the holidays, i'm going on vacation, she was making the case what about my kids? i thought that was g g g g a a d point. i don't have the luxury of saying no if my boss says i gotta travel. >> there are options on kids. the pufrer -- the puffer, there is other months that aren't making pornographic images for some guy to look at. >> sean: you are a famous singer, a lot of people know you, there's rebecca st. scrape there's your full body, nay -- st. james, there's your full body -- >> i haven't thought about it. a guy from
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