tv Glenn Beck FOX News November 19, 2010 2:00am-3:00am EST
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rove and bristol palin, together? you'll have to skbait see if they're separate or separate. make sure you check out our facebook fan page. until then keep it here on fox news channel. the o'reilly factor is next. good night from washington. go to greta see you tomorrow night, 10:00 p.m. eteteteteteteteteteteteteted for all. lou dobbs tonight with me on captioned by closed captioning services, inc. >> i hunger for quality news. i'm tired of the right and the i'm tired of the right and the there is a little bug inside of me which wants to get the fcc to say to fox and to msnbc out, off, end, goodbye.
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be a big favor to political discourse to be able to do our work in congress and to the american people to be able to talk with each other and have some faith in their government and in their, more importantly, in their future. glep glen who is that cute little senator who wants to do us all in? you are. the best way to restore trust in the government and to restore the level of discourse in america is to shut down discourse in america. like it's the media's fault that we have this gigantic debt. yeah. yeah. jay, may i call you jay? jay, i think of this as kind of like bank criminals saying do you know how many banks we could rob in a day if we could just get rid of the police? you know, jay, i have a little bug inside of me, too it wants to stop control hungry progressives in our lives and pushing us into a giant system of government. you know, the kind of global
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government that your dad liked so much oh, david rockefeller, oh, miss him. he was a globalist and had a wonderful vision of the future of our world. i liked his speech to the u.n. where he talked about overpopulation and bemoaned the fact that more infants now survive the birth process. don't you hate that when your kids survive? he said also more people are living longer. his solution, let's listen in. >> the united nations can and should play an essential role in helping the world find a satisfactory way of stabilizing world population and stimulating economic development in a manner that is sensitive to religious and moral considerations. >> glenn: pleasant. ha ha ha. it's going to be fun. tonight, how you can prepare and grab as much control, your
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control of your own life, so you are not indebted or control vehicle. >> hello, america. we have a study yens here today and because we have got -- we're going to talk about some freaky things. i just wanted to see if anybody was like this is weird. i feel a little uncomfortable. we'll talk about preparing for, let's just leave it at that being prepared. i want to start here. next week i'm going to talk to you about this.
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this is my father's jacket. and i will explain it all -- i mean, anyway, i will explain what it is all about. this left the family probably about 1976, '79 in that area in threettle in a thrift store called me up and said i think i have your father's jacket. i just got it, what, yesterday. you are going to meet her next week because it's an amazing story but as i was looking at it, i realized the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. senator rockefeller's daddy, as you look at everybody's dad. unapologetic. he said and i want to quote some people these are his words in this book. some people even believe that we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interest of the united states.
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characterizing my family and me as international lists and conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global, political, and economic structure, one world, if you will. if that's the charge, i stand guilty and i am proud of it. there he is. it's not a conspiracy. and they are not doing it in secret rooms or anything. they are out in the open. they are out in the open. okay. so, the son, a democratic senator is looking now to use his power to shut down the media let's go to george soros. i told you last week about george soros. george soros' daddy was a globalist as well. he believed in something called esperanto. it is a made up language. it was designed for a one world government. it started in the 1890s, 1880s. he was fluent in it he wrote a book in esperanto for one world
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government. later george soros started his open society institute. the main goal of the open society institute was really that of his father's. to create a world free of nationalities. one world government. i wish i had more time today, but we're going to get to it next week. but right now posted on the you must go there and listen to this audio. the journalists at the blaze put this together. it is audio that your blood will run cold. this is audio from soros that you have never heard. some of these are speeches that he just gave recently. it runs about five minutes. soros explains the anticapitalist pro-marxist tactics he uses to fundamentally transform countries. they are the dreams of his father. which is weird because that's almost the title of barack obama's book, the dreams from my father. his daddy, by all accounts was a communist, at least an anticolonialist as was his
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grandfather. the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. that's why one reason why we as parents must, must take a stand. our children are watching us. these guys, their children watched them. watched them. and they are completing their dream, in many ways i will tell you next week i think i'm doing that with my dad. i didn't even realize it until this week. look at who the president surrounds himself with. and the groups he works closely with. one of these groups is the center for american progress. remember, we told you last week this is a think tank. huge influence in washington with democrats. huge. everything comes from here. well, they receive a million dollars from george soros, the open society institute in 2008 alone a million dollars went here. well, john podesta, he was
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working with the clintons. this is where he is running it. this is where all the radical leftists and progressives came from. this is van jones, this is mark lloyd. all of it. all of it. now i know i have to tell you something. i know that van jones left the white house. and i have nothing to back this up other than my gut and i think my gut is pretty darn good. and also the history of van jones and soros funding of everything. i'm telling you, this guy is a key player. everyone dismisses him. he is in the shadows. if you want to see the future, you watch this guy. this guy is trouble. he is dangerous. he is a communist that in the 1990s was calling for a violent communist revolution. and he is deeply tied to george soros in all of the funding. there is something up much more with van jones. he has been watched too long to let him just fade in the night.
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now, the center for american progress is john podesta. he was the chief of staff under clinton, like i said. he knows how to get things done. in fact, they just throwed this for the president of the united states. this is a study. they just issued a report filled with recommendations to advance progressive change. so what's his ad vice for obama to get things done without having both majorities? he says, quote one of the best ways for the obama administration to achieve results of that nature in the short-term is through substantial executive authority and to make and implement policy. that's fantastic. you know what that means? that means executive orders. which is really weird. because what he is saying here is you can't get anything done through congress. so the executive branch will do it and it sounds familiar because it sounds a little something like this.
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i think congress is overplaying their hand more importantly. i think they are being outlaid and outmaneuvered. i think they are making themselves irrelevant to framework obama seems to be erecting with all kinds of czars and everything else okay. that's what this is. that's what this is skip congress this have the structure in place. they have cass. they have the banking regulation. they have everything they need. and if you believe that the ends justify the means and you don't believe the constitution is a valid document in in today's wo, why not just do it through the administration? too bad they haven't already gotten rid of fox yet. because then they could get so much more done. think how much easier it would be if you could get this done if there were no news organizations that would push you or challenge you or alert people on what was happening. well, i bet george soros would actually be against getting rid
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of the press all together, sure, sure, sure. i mean, because he wants to buy them all up. because that's what he is trying to do. that's what he is doing in many cases, but that's a different story. soros never works directly. remember what i told you last week. he works -- the most important -- the best year of his life, his words, not mine, was in what was it 1944 or 1945, during the war. he was wearing a mask. he was pretending to be something that he is not. it was a game to him. later we play the words where he was talking about how it's a game. it's a game. not that time. but now collapsing economies, and he never does things directly. he does things through trimmers. he does things by tell tell telegraphing and other people pick it up. in his words, this is what he did in britain. listen. >> i precipitated the event
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which occurred, i think the next day or within two days. so, in a way it works as -- the marxist way, marxist theory is that you can accelerate the course of history by anticipating it correctly. and i think -- in that particular instance, he is right. it's t. really works that way. >> glenn: so what he is saying is that they have anticipated that we are going to be one world government. and so he just anticipates and then when the time is right, he sends the tremor out. he nudges people. oh my gosh, it's the good thing we have the author of "nudge" working with these people. all right. so where does he want people to move? i mean the marxist way. he is right there marxist way. he gives recommendations waiting
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through other sheep to follow him. now, here is the latest soros tremor it came out yesterday. there was a private meeting tuesday. soros reportedly told wealthy donors -- now, this is a secret meeting. all kinds of security and everything else. these are just the elites there. this is not 1,000 people there. this is leaked. the annual democracy alliance gathering, according to the huffington post, leaked out so soros, he said, quote, i used to -- i'm used to fighting losing battles but i don't like to lose without fighting. he added, we have just lost this election. we need to draw a line. if this president can't do what we need, it is time to start looking somewhere else. now, why would you say that? because you are the administration. this is the guy who is not fighting. the left wants to you believe
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that somehow or another that this is proof that obama and soros are not connected. that is ridiculous. because this is where everything comes from. this and tides. tides comes from this guy, too. how do you explain the four times soros has visited the white house? how do you explain that during some of those visits he brought with him, what? a date? kristina chen, this woman, obama meets with soros. and he brings with him her. guess who she is now the new chief of staff for? her? i mean, hello. soros' influence is everywhere. unless that's just really bad luck again. i'm sure soros, you know, the soros funded apollo alliance when they were writing the stimulus bill that was just a coincidence. and the fact that soros funded center for american progress got caught managing p.r. spin for the white house in response to
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the devastating report on spain's failed green jobs experiment. i'm sure that signed executive order and other means besides congress, end quote, coming from the soros funded center for american progress is just a sign that he really wants to pull out. come on. these comments from soros, they are not a leak. they are a message meant for activists to get them into the fight. the president won't -- more importantly, he cannot fight unless they do. do you remember the quote we showed you after the progressive conference this summer? quote: anyone who supports the president can do that by making him do the right thing. bottom up, top down, inside out. it is up to the activists to give the president a reason to step in, create the chaos. there was another meeting involving the democracy alliance. soros was not at this one. so soros wasn't there.
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but soros sent a surrogate as he did with us. in fact, the exact same surrogate who delivered the warning, shall we say, to my staff, george soros' surrogate. he shows up. but who is he with? this time he came with van jones and trumpka. you have the knee breakers of the union and you have the violent communists meeting with soros' number two guy. it wasn't a private event. i mean, i'm sorry, it was a private event so we don't know exactly what they talked about. but let me go back to george soros and the leaked quote from earlier. he said, quote: he is used to fighting losing battles but doesn't like to lose without fighting. do those guys know how to fight? my guy saw exactly what happens with a george soros surrogate. that guy was ready to fight. we were issued threats. gee, you think?
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look, they know who barack obama is. this is a reuse where they say the president is not fighting hard enough. no, i'm sorry, that's not true. they know exactly what's going on. the president has been absent. he didn't move center. he didn't move await a minute he has just been absent. but nancy pelosi -- nancy pelosi has stayed exactly where she was after a miserable defeat she was reelected to lead the democrats. why? because you must feed the radicals. it's the same reason i said obama would not go to the center. he cannot. even if he wanted, to which i don't believe he did, obama, it is my belief, that obama is begging, begging soros and the left to push him even further. barack obama knows he is on the verge of accomplishing the dreams of his father, to end
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american colonialism and fundamentally transform america. is he surrounded by people's whose leader george soros has lived his own life continuing the dreams from his father to change the world. he, george soros thinks he is on the verge of getting that done. he has collapsed economies and entire currencies. they see it as possibly falling apart. i told you that i believed this show may have accelerated their timetable because we have exposed them. but what if? what if they really do believe that barack obama is not the guy to get it done? these guys, this is a violent, revolutionary. this guy is a labor union with millions of dollars. and, also, a globalist. this guy spooky dude. this is why i told you one of my longest standing worries about president obama was not about the country, not about corruption. it was about his safety and not because of the tea party people. but because the minute these
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radicals, if they actually decide that barack obama is not who he says he is, political danger is not his only concern. i ask you again to pray for our secret service. make sure our secret service are watching inside and out, pray for our president. as i see it, there are a million things that could happen. that's just one of them. there is a million things that can make the entire world fly apart. china's leaders know this as well as ours. but china is expressing many of those concerns out in the open. why? because they are not living in fear as many of our people are. chinese see what is happening to the world and they see it as an opportunity. the radical progressives here in america also see it as an opportunity to fundamentally transform america. the only thing that will hold this thing together is you, the people. i showed you earlier this week the tower of babble. i told you the story of this.
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and i told you that the king anymore -- nimrod wanted to make people the same. when you put bricks together you need mortar to hold it together. what was the mortar that held the tower together, the bricks together? well, daniel lap -- the rabbi that was here said in ancient hebrew that mortar is materialism. i have told you before, we have got to get rid of our materialistic viewpoint and change the mortar. because if stuff is the only thing that's holding us together and quite honestly it is, do our values, do our principles? does god hold us together anymore? how about our common history? how many people who loved america didn't even know our history two years ago? what's holding us together? four out of ten americans now say marriage is outdated and ir.
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-- irrelevant. it's almost gone. we have got to change the mortar. if these bricks start flying apart because we lose our materialism, our clothes, our job, our food, if we are focused on the mortar of materialism and that falls apart, we will beg for a strong man to hold it all together. you have got to get involved and prepare. i will show you number one problem coming and its solution next.
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[ applause ] >> glenn: all right. this show is -- this one is -- it's not for the faint of art. it's time to take your head out of the sand and prepare for what is coming. i hope that i am wrong. but i am asking to you use some common sense here. the price of raw materials like cotton and corn are on the rise. and i mean dramatic rise. cotton is the highest in 140 years, is it not. >> highest price ever traded, glenn. >> glenn: companies can no longer afford to eat the rising cost. so they're going to be passed on to you. if you think i just won't eat corn again, oh, problem with that one. everything is connected. for example, the typical grocery store, let me ask you guys, how
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many -- how many products are in the grocery store that are connected to corn? , do you think? >> a lot. >> glenn: give me a number, anybody? >> 500. >> glenn: 500, a thousand. 4,000 products. 4,000 products have corn ingredients on the label. now, this is eric bolling. he is the host of follow the money, which. >> thank you, glenn. glenn glenn is on the fox business network. how are you? >> i'm great. things are going up. >> glenn: you and i talked about this i think it was monday morning i came in. at fox we have really intense conversations at times in the hallway. you will be passing and you go wait a minute oil and corn are going through the roof, right? people are going to be starving to death you are like yeah, it's going to be bad. i asked to you put together and explain exactly what's going up and why. >> vilsack said the corn thing, this is all just what did he say it's all just speculators you
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are not going to worry about it? >> the government will tell you, people will tell that you we don't even have inflation. the reason for that is because the government puts out an inflation number that removes food and energy. how convenient, right? because the only two things that we really use every day food and energy. so you remove that and things don't look that bad. >> glenn: he says i'm sure the commodity prices -- i'm not sure they necessarily translate directly and proportionately into food costs. let me show corn. they go up and down all the time. show the commodity index for corn and what has happened here. look at this. you can show cotton? all time high. cotton was huge here. were prices up? >> student: 1995 there was a bit of a cotton short shortage.
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that would be called a panic. they spiked. however, when that happened, guess what price oil was per barrel in 1995. throw a number out there. >> glenn: 1995? i bet it was like $40, $30? >> try 15 bucks a barrel. so a cotton spike didn't feel like a brand new cotton spike right now with $82-barrel of oil and all the other prices going up. >> glenn: okay. so how many people here believe that inflation is not happening? [ laughter ] you go shopping, right? have you noticed the price increase? you have noticed anything that you have gone holly cow yet when you are in there? anybody give an example? >> milk. >> milk? >> milk was running 2.99 a month ago. my husband saw it for $3.99 a gallon. >> glenn milk up a dollar a gallon last year.
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cheese, milk prices going up effect a lot of things. >> glenn: let's just look at corn. because, if bewe have corn. let me play something this is me a long time ago when we were debating ethanol. watch what i said when we were debating ethanol like three or four years ago. what's the cause of this? well, it is something we have told you about for a long time. we are burning our food supply. ethanol, made of corn. and i talked there. i said if god forbid anything happens, we will be screwed. >> 1/3 of all corn production is used to produce ethanol right now. if that were to go up, that puts more pressure on corn. >> glenn: corn, what you don't understand is, corn not only effects corn syrup, not only effects corn syrup but it also effects the price of meat because we feed our pigs, our chickens, our cows corn. >> about 40% of what the corn,
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the bushel of corn goes to feeding our livestock. by the way, pick up almost any product in the supermarket, the 4,000, and you will notice high fructose corn syrup. that's where you take the corn and pull the colonels off and mash it and make the syrup out. everything is sweet. >> glenn: two things that concern me are oil and corn. because oil and corn, you have india and china, these new nations that are now coming on line and they're saying oh, they are going to be great. the emerging world. they need more rice. they need more of everything. i saw -- i don't know if it was in the "wall street journal" about energy in china. they have doubled, what is it their coal production in like three years? >> not only that, they have now surpassed the united states in energy usage per capita -- not per capita i'm sorry in total energy usage on their way to per capita because they are doing it so quickly. they are rapidly increasing. they have a food problem. they have an energy problem.
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they are solving it better than we are. >> glenn: okay. so you have -- if you take out energy, it's not just gasoline. the big chemical plant. he told me glenn, you use oil in the tablets that you take for medicine. >> sure. >> glenn: you use oil in everything. >> look at it this way. cotton at all time high. jeans, coats. what about wool? wool prices have gone up, too. you say how about polyester? >> glenn: oil. >> almost all oil. >> glenn: here's the thing. america, i just want you to think of this. the world is changing. the world is changing. and you can listen to yourself in the grocery store or you can listen to the people in washington. now, maybe they are right. maybe in the end this all goes away and this is just a little spike. maybe they are right. but we're talking about the future of our country and we are talking about our children. so now what do you do about it? not the big wall street
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now back to glen. [ applause ] >> glenn: if i had one thing to describe my family growing up, it would be mason jars. i may be one of the only people in manhattan that have mason jars for drinking glasses because that's what we used -- we used the mason jars for drinking glasses when i was growing up. i think because we couldn't afford real glasses.
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my mom used to can and my aunt still does. i just talked to my aunt joanne here recently. she just finished canning. they learned it from their mom. this is from the great depression. of course i can. but read this. i'm patriot i can as can be. and ration points won't worry me. why we think now somehow or another food will always be plentiful is beyond me. we now go to stores because nobody really does this, some people still do. we should learn this, make sure it's not a lost art. some people just go to stores and we always think that stores are always going to be there and they will always have food on the shelves. it is an anomaly. this has been an incredible time period in the history of the world. now, what happens? what happens if you are on the edge and you lose your job?
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my faith teaches that you should have food storage. it took me a long time to do it. it took me a year to actively build it up i have a year's a worth of food storage and i have weapons. but i have a year's worth of food storage. one thing i didn't realize would happen to me. my wife brought me downstairs and said we are finally finished. i sat there and i admired it for a while. this isn't going to come as a surprise to you but i actually wept because of this. as a dad, the weight was lifted off my shoulders. the weight was so heavy worrying about what if i lose my job? amazing what happens. even if nothing bad happens in the world, what food storage what a blessing it is. lisa bedford calls herself the survival mom. she -- you have been doing this for two years?
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>> two years. >> glenn: what made you start getting into food storage. >> a lot of families are aware right now with just the daunting realization that the world is changing as you mentioned earlier. and my husband is in construction in the phoenix area. and even though our business was doing okay two years ago, we saw bad things happen to good people. and jobs lost. homes lost. and one night my husband and i said we need to be proactive and so we did the easiest step possible. we actually just went to the grocery store with two carts and we began filling them up. >> glenn: it's really hard. i know when my wife and i started -- just the calculation of okay how much would we eat in this amount of time and how much -- i mean, it's daunting. it's daunting. you have put together a system for it? right? like where would people start? >> i think that for just at the very beginner level, i think a challenge to give them is to say prepare for one week's of
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emergency and assume you have no power. and that's starts the wheels turning. you start thinking what kind of food can i set aside that doesn't require refrigeration. you start thinking about things like shelf life. you start thinking about family allergies and preferences because you want to store things that makes sense for your family. it is not a one size fits all plan. >> glenn: i will tell you this. i'm a pretty prepared guy. but we lost power for, gosh, a week here this last winter. and i realized how unprepared i even am. >> right. >> glenn: i'm prepared. but we got into it like four days and i'm like okay i don't know if we have any more batteries left. i don't know if we have this. i don't know if we have this. it's bizarre. this obviously is -- we're going down the road of, you know, total meltdown, which god only knows. but what i want you to focus on tonight is just the rise of
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inflation. how close are you to the edge? are you the average american that is living paycheck to paycheck? now, how do you -- that paycheck turns off or if inflation goes up and you can't afford new clothing or you can't afford some of the food because it's just gone up in price by 20%, how do you survive? what can you do now? we'll go into that next. ñ÷
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[ applause ] >> glenn: you want to save your country, you have to be part of the solution, not the problem. you have to think outside of the box. we were just talking about people who live on the edge, how many millions of measures are -- measures are -- americans will living on the edge. let's say we have $5 a gallon
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for gasoline. that shoots to inflation across the board. we already have 50 million people living on food stamps right now. if it collapses because of oil prices, how many more people need to go on to food stamps? it is color and piven. be a shelter for your family and then if can you afford it for others as well. i want to talk to the audience. katie, we were talking during the break and you are just starting to do some food storage of some kind. why? >> my husband started a business at the beginning of the year. and it depends on cotton. >> glenn: holy cow. >> we have actually watched it ripple through his company but the impact it has on our household because you can't just constantly pass that on to your vendors and your customers because they are in the same position we are. so we eat more and more of it in terms of the profit and one of things we can do is try to buy and store.
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>> glenn: christine, you were saying the same thing. you are in livestock. >> -- the cost of feed has gone through the roof. i board horses but i have trouble, i can't pass it on to my boarders necessarily because they are really in the same boat as everybody else. it does make it a real difficult. >> glenn: we were saying i told you on this program before that the experts tell me that there is -- corn could go -- all of the food is like this. sugar is like 60 or $70, a little bag of sugar, an ear of corn could be $11. the only thing that will stop it from being $11 is the market can't bear it i mean you could raise it to a million, it doesn't matter. so where does it stop? 6 before people can't afford it anymore? we have, i can't see here because of hairy. nancy, you were actually in -- you live here in manhattan. >> metropolitan area. >> you are living in a place
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where everything is very small and very expensive. >> right. >> glenn: are you food storage? >> i am. what i do is minimal compared to some of the other moms that i have been talking to and some of the moms that as a mom who have a real production going on, but die and i have increased it over the year, i would say, for this past year. and you don't need to necessarily be a tin hatter living in a bunker typing away on the computer to believe that this is happening. all i have to do is i remember as a kid the carter years and the inflation that took place and what an impact that had on middle income average families. i'm one of six and my father was a teacher and our household overhead just rose dramatically. but the searls didn't. i remember as a mom i have appreciation for what my mother went through knowing that she had two kids nearing college and four others to feed and the whole nine that goes along with it as a mom, i appreciate that
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congratulations! i'm sure you'll have many happy years here. except for you. because you'll be gone three years from now. struck down by the same disease that got your father. sadly, it could have been detected early with a simple test. announcer: for a list of tests every man should have, go to
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>> glenn: on the bottom of the screen you should see some web sites that are providing information for you on how to get involved and what to do. the inflation we're tracking. we are also looking. there are ways for you to get involved in the littlest way all the way to i want to have food storage for 10, for five years. you can do whatever you want. just listen to your gut, please. i want to tell you a little bit about as a mom, -- lori parker has been on the program. she is the president and founder as a also barbara sanders super
2:55 am what is the one piece of advice you would have for somebody who is watching right now? >> if you don't know about food storage, get online. find out about it. our front page we have a thing that's food storage 101 i wrote a year ago. people were asking questions. what is food storage. why is glenn -- in food storage? i answered all of that we have an answer. we have food storage 102. has tons of links. just google it. >> glenn: since lori brought it up. i havei have i am a mormon, thia faith. just ask a mormon. they will be helping you can, it will be crazy. barbara, tell me about super seniors. because, you know, the one thing that really bothers me is that seniors are retiring. stop retiring and get involved. that's what your project is doing. what's the piece of advice you have. >> yes. okay, well, since you asked the seniors to get involved. they have inundated our site
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with home schooling, teaching, 700 of them have volunteered to do the food inflation survey. we have 100 survey results. in and the seniors know what it is to plan for the future. they're planning now. food storage canning, they are planning now. >> glenn: okay. one more. lisa is a is here and go to her web site as well the survival you can find all this information. just remember glenn it will direct you all to these sites and so much more information. back in a moment.
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