tv Glenn Beck FOX News November 21, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EST
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>> i have spent most of my life as a democrat. i have seen fit to go another course. >> the contrast between conservatives and liberals that's the driving force between politics for years. >> i will continue to shoot down all of the empty and hypocritical proposals. >> nobody had access to words like him. >> milton could fake a complex issue and reduce it to what the essence of it was.
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>> the great silent majority of my fellow americans i ask for your support. >> he said there's a silent majority out there that will show up on election day. he was right. >> when what we got was the great society two. >> we got solutions with disease worse than the cure. >> without any basis whatsoever in the constitution they found a right to an abortion. >> the concept told people they could relax. >> some did not understand negotiating with the soviets was not a surrender to them. >> their accommodation is appeasement and gives no choice between peace and war. >> they wanted to win with the right answer. >> the phoenix rose before the ashes of sutton. >> so the movement would live
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on. >> hello. welcome to the second installment in this fox news series the right all along. i am brit hume. >> in the ten years from 19d 49 to 1959 communism was on a role. the revolution turned china communist, soviet union tightened its grip on eastern europe and cruise chov told them we will bury you. he fell to castro. meanwhile out in california hollywood actor began intellectual journey that would make him the most effective communicators ever of conservative ideas. >> reagan was way left. in 1945, 46 and 47 by his own
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addition he was sympathetic to the new deal. he campaigned vigorously to harry truman in 1948. where did this other come through? i think that process began seriously in 52, 53, 54 particularly 54 when he joins general electric. >> that is par the living better. >> reagan began to hang out with corporate people play golf with corporate presidents and that's when he began to drift toward the republican party. >> the thing about reagan he was self taught. he visited ge factories over a 7 day period traveling by plane because he was afraid to fly. he was traveling with a stack of books and magazines and national review magazine along the way he picked up and absorbed a lot of the founders and he would use
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these thoughts in his speeches and try to explain them to real people. he would talk to the management and employees. the search he was given is pro business enter paren i-94 -- entrepreneur ship. >> he thought best with a pen in his hands. all of the speeches in the 50s and 06s mr. written by himself. i looked at his lab library. one of the box was witnessed by chambers. the one book that had me speechless was the law by frederick bostiac a 19th century writer he was some kinds of a
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hollywood b film actor. this is a man with real depth and perception. >> he knew my name. i applied to meet him. i was going to be in los angeles i said could i come by? instantly he said yes. he liked me. lord knows i liked him. >> i have known barry goldwater for a long time. if it weren't for barry keeping those boys in washington on their toes do you think our national defense would be as strong as it is? oo he started giving talks to goldwater. >> he turned to reagan to give him last minute show business. that's when he made the famous speech forever known as the
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speech. >> in the last days of the campaign a group of californians came to me and said they would like to put on a special television show to help us with ronald reagan. he was going to up stage barry. >> he was the campaign chairman. he said reagan isn't our candidate gold wauter is. nicks ton finally had to be resolved the candidate himself by barry gold wauter. he had not seen the speech or heard the speech. played him an audiotape. >> i spent most of my life as a democrat. i recently have seen fit to follow another course. >> what the hell is wrong with that? run it. >> goldwater miller on behalf of barry goldwater. >> a time for choosing it was called. >> whether we believe in our capacity whether we would
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abandon the revolution little intellectual elite: >> when that speech came over the television everybody said hallelujah. this is what we have been waiting for. >> there's no argument over the choice for a decent war. there's only one guaranteed war. surrender. >> i was working in the goldwater campaign i was a teammate in college. i was sitting at the house saying who is this guy? this is exactly what we believe. when goldwater talked like this he would be getting elected. >> this is the spector they are well meaning to face their accommodation is appeasement and it gives no choice between peace and war only between fight or surrender. >> that's what they wish they were saying with the campaign and that's how we wish they were saying it.
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>> without coming to the conclusion fat man got that way by taking advantage of the thin one. >> wasn't that a great speech? i was besiegeed by all of my other graduate school colleagues how could i be so stupid as to believe that balder dash and a man is an idiot and goldwater is an idiot and if i can't see that i am an idiot. >> the prophve -- profit has be molded it may be the incentives of the state. >> we were driving to washington i remember listening to that speech and even though i was not a goldwater fan i was impressed. and actually a lot of the things he said i agreed with. it was one hell of a speech. >> you and i have a rendezvous with destiny. we will preserve for our children this is the last best hope of man on earth and would put them into a thousand years of darkness.
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>> ep wanted a speech but goldwater couldn't do with the whole campaign. >> the money was raised by him by making that speech on television than anybody had ever raised politics up to that point. >> it was followed by goldwater's tremendous de feet yet it foreshadowed the entire future of the republican party. i knew immediately this man was our tiger. i switched and nothing flat to working for ronald reagan.
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>> worldwide communism was a rhetorical kor for the murderous regimes in history. goul lag labor camps millions of chinese killed in cultural revolution and millions more living lives without freedom in communist mu taupe yaws from cuba to north korea to east germany. >> what brought it home in the most vifr individual fashion possible was the trip i took through east germany into berlin
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through the summer of 1965. at that point there was none of this stuff that was intellectual any more. it was visible and tangible and right before your eyes. you sit in this train as you get in and the guards start coming and they are sticking bayonets under the seats to see if anybody is there. they are going into the holding compartments and everything. you look up you see these guys walking on tressels back and forth over the place armed to the nine's in case somebody should try to break in on the train. it didn't look like grand rapids central station to me it was evidence it was a real tiern knee. >> your speaker knows what a job we have before us to rid our country of the spirit of communism within the next few years. >> in the mid 1960s the loudest communist voice belonged to robert welch who started the john bunch society in 1988.
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>> we invite to you join us in our under taking. >> they were interested in one issue that was communism. they did one thing that hadn't existed that is to form a national conservative organization. conservatives didn't have one before. there were business organizations lots of others but it was a real conservative organization that had been set up by this candy maker robert welsh. for a while it made some noise. >> with more sthan 100,000 members divided into a coordinated network of local chapters they had anti communist literature sent speakers around the country raised millions of dollars a year. they were labeled cooks when welsh said the u.s. was dominated by a communist conspiracy and eisenhower was embedding it. >> they make no contribution to the fight against communism. they are a hindrance in fact. i think they are ridiculous.
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>> he was only quoted conservative he did this best mr. welch who discredited conserve tichism. >> he was a backer of national review. by the mid 19 century he was trying to make american conservatism into a movement deciding they were more than they were worth. buckley dedicated an entire issue of his magazine to savaging welch and followers. >> looking back it seemed like an easy call there was a huge reaction to readers because there was an overlap to the element. we lost readers. it took a lot of bravery to do. >> i think bill was right in the long run it was a foreign substance that had to be excluded from health legal conservatism. >> he did a lot some of us
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weren't aware of at that time. he did a huge hand in dispelling some of it. >> in 1957 libertarian atheist rand published her novel. it's blot is set in a world not completely removed from centralized planners were taking over all of the d doers doctors strike refusing to contribute. society not properly valued them collapses. the book was and continues to be a huge seller. it would make rand the biggest inspiration there was for converts for libertarianism. >> i probably read almost everything they wrote. she made me think because i loved her novels like so many others did. i am not sure i endorsed everything she says so she helped me sort it out. i liked individualism but i didn't like her hos illity toward people who happen to
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believe in a spring being. >> they ran infamous review by slug saying there was a novel that said to the gas chambers go. a lot of them haven't forgiven national review since. but buckley knew we would get nowhere if we were tainted by this stuff. >> a staunt catholic ban tished the legal review and said they were not emphasizing christianity enough. >> one of the leaders was his debating partner coauthor washington editor and broth bron law. it devastated bozel. >> my father was a convert to catholicism at an early age. when he saw in national review and conservatively was a lack of an under pinning in faith. that caused a terrible split between the two men who had been best friends and it was very
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painful. it was not a happy time for the family, because bill continued to be fiercely loved by everybody. >> by pruning the branchs of conservatism buckley helped the tree eventually grow fuller. >> when he did the cleansing it was amazing it didn't sink national review. it continued. if it hadn't continued there wasn't have been much of a movement. >> within years new strands of thinkers and activists would join the movement and increasingly they would get the chance to support political candidates who held their views. one of the candidates would be buckley himself in a most s-ítlóz[kzi@ñy÷ñ[÷ñw7ni'
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>> on june 24th 1965 national review pounder william f. buckley called a press conference to announce he was running for mayor of new york city. >> my purpose for running for mayor is to project issues that relate to the leads of new york. >> goldwater had been defeated by a lot of votes. conservatives felt they needed to redeem themselves politically and this mayoral election comes and mrs. buckley decides to be a third party candidate. they are waging a campaign from there without millions of dollars. it was seriously intended to do what i could. >> we had a party there that was entitled under law to put the candidate on the ballot. it was the easiest thing in the world to get the nomination what fun all of the speeches. just think. and a book to follow.
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>> i never really ran for mayor. i ran in order to have an opportunity to ventilate certain points about urban politics. >> this is a time when cities were in disarray including new york. riots in any of the major cities there has been a major disturbance in harlem. >> they are crime in the streets and group against group and person against person and neighbor against neighbor. >> the republicans had nominated what appeared to be the most attractive candidate in the entire party maybe nationally john lindh say. >> dave lindsay is one he will be in the front line of presidential politics. >> lindsay wanted to make new york in a giant he wanted to pull at intellectuals and thinkers and writers to ph.d.'s and have them rewrite the entire city.
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they wanted to put into the republican party but wanted to stop it because it was the politics true modern day conservatives oppose. >> i am everything he stands for hypocriip pock -- >> drug addicts should be kwaurn teed. >> his campaign was terrific. i followed it every day. i was writing editorials and we endorsed him. wrote the endorsement democrat buckley for mayor. >> the sa famous line he said a reporter asked what he would do if he won? he said i would demand a recount. >> lindsay won with a late surge. lindsay's reputation of the young star of the republicans was hopelessly tarnished. he would run for high office as a democrat but never win. >> the sheer intellectual and
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incoherence and speechlessness he was reduced to by buckley's arguments was a fro found effect that eastern establishment control the republican party was not only ending but justifiably ending. >> while some dismissed buckley aesz third place finish wausz a defeat for the right winger it was more evidence the movement was spreading. >> buckley discovered his support did not lie where he thought he would. it was middle class and working class people who agreed with buckley it was the former democrats now saw that this yale educated blue blood with his funny accent and his $10 words was actually saying the things they believed in. so his campaign became a break through. buckley proved that ideological conservatism could find a foot hold in america. so the movement would live on. >> months after buckley's defeat
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i won't. ♪ [ female announcer ] clear some snow. ♪ or spread a little warmth. maxwell house gives you a rich full flavored cup of cfee so you can be good to the last drop. >> what's this empty nonsense about ron malled reagan being just an actor. >> when ronald reagan ran for governor the political establishment hardly took it seriously. this is a mistake many opponent would regret starting with mark brown. >> mr. brown's advisors forced him to reduce this campaign to smearing and vilifying one of the finest men i have ever known ronald reagan. >> this is a victory squad headquarters doesn't look like much at the moment but it needs
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its people you and me. >> to be honest he didn't act away an intellectual would think someone smart would act. >> filthy speech advocates must not be allowed to disrupt the academic community. >> he wanted to win with the right answer. he put both of those together. >> i am convinced we can rebeaus big government. i am going to whittle it as much as i can. >> the p next governor of the state of california ronny reagan. >> he wins by a million votes. same amount of votes he lost with with the same message. how can we expect ronald reagan to run a state? to be ronald reagan was the guy who spoke borax soap. he was a first class governor. take the welfare reform he
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initiated. that was a major accomplishment nobody had done that taking conservative ideas taking welfare and making it more work fair. >> their whole big government approach has institutionalized poverty perpetuating degradation until welfare becomes a way of life for recipient families. they have tried this raising of people by mass movements, well our philosophy is based on a believe in the individual. i do not believe it constitutes political interference. oo ee thought out his positions he wasn't a rabid conservative he would have told you on most issues and most purposes i see things the conservative way. >> i thought i would inherit a government spending a million dollars a day over and above the state revenues. governor did spending like he was practicing to be president.
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>> he raised the rate of capital gains. >> his legislation this wasn't again something forced on him. >> he signed the most liberal abortion law in the nation at that time. he thought it would prevent young women from going out and getting illegal painful damaging abortio abortions. but after he signed it he began to legalize he had done something which was likely to be abused. it could be used as a convenience by young women who wanted free and easy birth control. a catholic gave him the writings of thomas aquinas to read as a result reagan had a profound change of heart and became from 1967 on wards passionate sincere opponents of state sponsored
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abortion. >> he was underestimated even by those seen as the most sav iest politicians. >> i think i have sevenss with reagan regarding communism at the moment. >> it was 1967 and the idea was it would be a trans-atlantic debate. you would have reagan and students at ox ford who would ask the questions. bobby kennedy had not prepared himself. he had fallen into the trap and so many reagan's opponents did. this was some hollywood b film actor. >> we are going to make every effort to reach an accommodation particularly with the soviet union and communist china if that is possible. let me ask you one question. at the ends of world war ii we have the atomic bomb, now the united states make no effort to impose its will on the rest of the nation.
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can you say in your heart had the soviet union been in a comparable situation with the bomb or today's reds chinese the world would not today have been conqu conquered by that. >> he was superb. bobby kennedy turned to one of his advisors and said who is the son of a pitch that got me into that debate. >> we can can have government bd for the people. i want that for our children. >> ronald reagan, where does he go from here? >> with no cleary pub can presidential frontrunner in 1968 some conservatives dreamed of giving reagan the nomination. more lined up from another republican one who had already spent time in the white house his path to the presidency would
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>> ever since the case you have had a lot of thought, a lot of thought. you have had an opportunity to attack me and i think i have given as good as i have taken. >> back in 1962 after losing the race for california governor vice president and republican presidential nominee told the press he was through with politics. >> i leave you think how much you are going to be missed. you don't have nixon to kick around any more. >> by the mid 50s he was plotting another run for the white house. >> i met nixon at the cocktail party and said i want to work with you. he invited me up to new york we spent three hours talking in my office said i want to hire this fella. >> the longest conversation i had with them is in buckley's
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house when he was wouldn'ting t wooing the conservatives. the name romney, george romney came up. what do you think of romney? i said i distrust his noisy relig y why yous city. i rolled it around in his mouth. national review supported him most of the time. a number of the editors rightly claimed to be friendly with him. i never particularly cared for nixon i never regarded him as a conservative. i thought he was an opportunist. >> he looked upon conservatives like me as a lie sometimes but not to us. he used to say occasionally what do they want now? i would sort of say -- >> in 68 the main competitors were two liberal governors george romney of michigan and
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nelson rockefeller of new york. that left an opening some conservatives thought ronald reagan even though he was governor for the last two years. >> i saw reagan he was a rival a serious rival. they were working with the rockefeller people to try to double team us in florida and break open nixon's delegations by denying him on the first ballot hoping it would fall apart. >> people don't realize people came close to winning in 1968. he had all kinds of people pledged on the second ballot. the nixon people had to make sure that they won of the first ballot. had it gone to a second ballot his majority would have unraveled.
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>> we have 30 votes for the nominee of this richard m. nixon. >> then he said if it wasn't nixon it would be rockefeller. i was there. if it wasn't nixon it would have been reagan. it came very close. >> i proudly move this convention declare itself unanimously united behind the candidate richard nixon as the next president of the united states. i so move. >> i came back and i said that's the man, he will be president some day. >> in 1968 democrats were in disarray. in january the offensive led the foerlt for johnson's and elling. eugene mccarthy showed unexpected strength against lbj in the primary. kennedy entered the race that was enough to force the president out.
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civil rights act tiss martin luther sparking riots in cities. in june bobby kennedy was assassinated at the ambassador hotel in os a los angeles. >> if there's a doctor in the house. i am going to stay right here. >> during a chicago convention that had police clashing with protestors. the chaos helped nixon to be the republican nominee. >> it is time to look at the proper look of order in the united states. crime wasn't an issue. so wun wungs it became a problee great society of lyndon johnson couldn't deal with because mainly one of the great supremacies is that the downtrodden the poor they acted in bad ways it hasn't th wasn't it was society's thought.
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they had tougher tactics in dealing with richard nixon. >> law an order is a company word for racism. what's the code word for law and order? this is what we are interested in. >> when nixon started talking about law and order he found a very, very ready audience. i could see it was killing you. we were afraid to go out. you would look in the refrigerator because you would want to see if there was milk for breakfast in the morning. oh, no, we are out of work. what do i do go out now and risk getting mugged or what? >> like nixon's 1960 race against kennedy the 68 election was a nail biter. nixon beat humphrey by less than one percent of the vote. george wallace took five southern states.
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>> wallace was important because he was a bridge for democrats to begin the transition to the republican part. a lot of democrats were not getting ready to vote for republicans. >> i richard mill house do solemnly swear. >> when he took office conservatives hoped for the best. best. there would be i can't believe i used to swing ov those rocks... took some foolish risks as a teenager. but i was still taking a foolish risk with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren't enough for me. i stopped kidding myself. i've been eating healthier, exercising more... and now i'm also taking lipitor. if you've been kidding yourself about high cholesterol...stop. along with diet, lipitor has been shown to lower bad cholesterol 39% to 60%. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in paents who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. [ fele announcer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including peoe with liver problems
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strong government intervention in the economy. best known was milton friedman a deep analytical thinker also a conversational writer who reached millions of americans through a series of public television called free to choose. >> look at this led pencil. there's not a single person in the world who could make this pencil. remarkable statement? not at all. >> you take a complex issue and reduce it to what the essence of it was and put that across. >> literally thousands of people cooperated to make this pencil. people who don't think the same language practice different religions who might hate one another if they ever met. >> can you image a little pencil could sell from a nickel the probably rubber came from indonesia the wood oregon and led south america and it only costs a nickel? >> how the government never got involved. >> that is why the operation of
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the free market is so essential. not only do promote productive efficiency but even more to foster harmony and peace among the people of the world. >> friedman is one of several school economists who would advise president nixon and find it a frustrating experience. >> i am ordering a freeze on all prices and wages throughout the united states for a period of 90-days. >> it was an utter shock when priet controls were instituted. ee told him what a bad mistake was to wage price controls. he said don't blame it on him he argued with it all of the way. >> he said the president decided to have wage and price controls and he wants you to run it. i said i don't believe in it
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george. >> he said i know that's why i want you to do it. >> don rumsfeld was the head of it dick cheney was his deputy. >> i was 30 years old i went to get the job done. i concluded it was a train wreck. a year and a half later he took over as treasury. he called a bunch of us over closed the door sat down and said gentlemen how are we going to get out of these dam controls? oo no one could understand the idiocy of controlling wage and prices. >> in order to get anything through there has to be sometimes some type of an agreement. >> nixon be trade us. he said he was a conservative he would govern as conservative. of course he did not. >> he signed off on expanding
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social security in irresponsible ways created environmental protection agency the consumer product safety commission and regulation exploded under the nixon administration. he also pushed for liberation. >> i think that any one at that moment would have to say something needs to be done. in retrospect we made a terrible mistake. we had two paths to take. the first would be to let black people fold into the fabric of american life like anybody else falling or succeeding on the strength of their own individual merits. the other way was affirmative action. it was only four or five years or so we began to realize the solutions were a disease worse than the cure. >> he was probably one of the most intelligent presidencies of
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the 20th century unfortunately he had whacky ideas. >> he was he asked who he should appoint how about my friend blackman? he hands down rowe versus wawad. >> he found somehow there was a right to an abortion. >> roe versus wade surprised me. i couldn't belief they would make up something like that. it's about 58 pages there's not a line of legal reasoning in it. >> roe verses weighed was a pro found set back to social conservatives. anti communists would be disappointed, too. the man who nailed alger his went soft on communism with two breath taking overtures friendly relations with communist china and ratcheting down tensions with soviet union with a policy called datonte.
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>> it was a tough one to me personally. i had been ambassador of nanato. they told people they could relax don't have to worry about soviet union not with standing the fact they were controlling eastern europe and receive yet republicans were ex passion niss in latin america. it was not a period where one could say they had pulled back and began behaving as a constructive conservatism in the word. >> they did not understand negotiating with the soviets was not a surrender to them but was a way of getting in the best position to defend the interests and also to leave open the possibility of changes within those societies that might produce a more peaceful world. >> he was wrong on the biggest issue of the world he thought he had to accommodate the soviet
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union. it could not be defeated. we had to come to terms with it. >> early 1975 i don't remember any conservative talking with beating the soviet union. that's when -- they were huge demonstrates in washington but the congress was attacking the military to punch it. we thought it was our duty to navigate during this. >> abandoning our commitment in vietnam here and now would mean turning south vietnamese over communist terror. >> negotiating away out of sri elt nam is one of the reasons he was trying to push the soviet union and may have been the reason for the opening assignment. >> he was so taken up with vietnam and other distractio di
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he decided vietnam was a distraction but in a certain perspective that's what it was. >> in 1971 national review brought together a coalition of conservatives who declared they were suspending support of the nixon administration. the leading conservative politicians goldwater and reagan were near him. he crushed george mcgovern who all but dismissed the communist threat. he won with 69 percent of the vote. a near years after democrat destroyed a republican the opposite happened. >> nixon is a style and majority that will show up on election day. showed up every where. >> nixon won 520 electoral votes mcgovern 17. that's one short of 538. the lags ballot was cast by conservative republican elect tore in vermont fed up with polici
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policies. his running mate theodore nathan of brand new libertarian party. made nathan the first woman ever to receive an electoral vote. nixon administration was implodeling. first vice president spur row ago gu resigned amidst charges. >> moderate congressman gerald ford ascended into presidency when the watergate scandal claimed nixon himself. >> it was my in the past few days, however, it has become ever dent to me that i no longer have a strong enough political base in the congress to justify continuing that effort. >> the momentum the conservative movement had worked for a decade.
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