tv Glenn Beck FOX News December 13, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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you know what that is? that is racism. that might give some a special feeling, but i say stick your comments up your you know what. but that is just me. >> [applause] >> we are here in new york and it is a christmas session. i am wearing my ho, hotie and we have a student audience here . we have a different week.
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this week i will be in wilmington, ohio doing america's firsta christmas. if you are near come bundle us up and join us on wednesday. you will see bedford falls and learn a lot from the people of wilmington, ohio. we brought in a studio audience . i want them to join in conversation. how many of you believe things now if you thought was crazy a year ago. yeah. how many people are comfortable with the things you now believe? yeah, i am comfortable with that. highway many of you see things on this show and elsewhere and you read and you think, oh, i don't want that to be true. please, i hope that that is not true. right. so the point is here if i
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paying we are no different than each other. i don't want to believe the things that i believe, quite honestly i can't believe i am a guy on national television hey, there is a effort on fought and our members of government are part of it and it is all about global rule. that doesn't sound reasonable does it? we could be looking at the end of our sovereignty and thind of the republic as we know it, i know how that sounds. and i wouldn't nor i couldn't come on to television every day and tell you that if we hadn't done our homework. we do draw conclusions that others may not. but i haven't met anyone who
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did the homework we have . you talk to people on the street all of the time. that is crazy, and do you know this and this and this. watch the. once you put it altogether. you think you could understand this show and understand what we are talking about and the trouble coming if you haven't watched the show every day? no. no one else is covering this. but love me or hate me, if you know me, you know that i am not unreasonable . i know you are not unreasonable either. but we must think outside of the box, our biggest problem right now we are battling an idea that somebody told me the other day, the biggest battle is when people feel something
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is normal it is a protection device. we as humans look for something as normal and we hang on to it and we have to be able to think out of the box because times are not normal. it is our saving grace and also our achilles heel. it will make you look at stories and say that is crazy. because it is so far out of the but we have to be willing to accept the things that are out of the norm if we want to save our republic. what is happening in europe will happen here. it is only a matter of time and it is sooner rather than later. when i told you that riots would come in the streets of europe, does any of you remember me saying this. did it sound crazy then? no one was talking about it then. it is happening now. big government policies have failed and the band aids are
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running out. they finally had to fix the wound and they are going to have to instead of patching it and hoping that no one notices the blood pouring out of the dora the explorer band aid. we are sticking the dora explorer band aids all over the globe. but only a matter of time angry mobs are shouting things like off with their heads here in america. it is already happening in britain. these pictures are astounding and some of these only a few blocks away from parliment and they are not just rowdy students that were skipping class and acting violently against the police. these people actually believe in revolution. they carried out an attack on the car that prince charles and camill a. camilla rolled down the window and while they were driving through the crowd
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is a question that needs to be answered. every single member if this happened on the president of the united states, every single member of the security team should be fired. a protestor reached in the window and made contact with camilla. one report said she was poked with a stick. she was on the ground of the limousine. they came within moments of opening fire on the crowd during the attack. if a nut job tried to smash and reach in and carry the president of the united states or mrs. obama. i wouldn't feel guilt if the secret service took them out especially if the mob was shouting the things this mob was shouting. >> off of w heads. off with their heads. >> this is not a meaningless phrase in england or in europe. is that just a figure of
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speech? it has not happened to us here, but it has happened to royals across the ocean. what is it going to take to convince people if it can happen a block away from parliment in the uk it can happen in washington d.c.. is it that far fetched. all of this over tuition hikes. imagine when they hike tuor food stamps or free health care in england is taken away. what is going to happen here? the goal behind all of this is fundmentally change the structure of power all over the globe. don't believe me? watch . >> so how are we going to key the global economic. >> students as workers or global citizens. we created global finance and companies and we have to create a global government.
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>> a new set of rules. >> global gopherance and agreements. >> i think to me and you. >> and the global citizen continue to bind us together. >> you can say this means whatever. when we got rid of tharticles of confederation and moved to the constitution, the founders put out something called the federalist papers and they were the argument for the new constitution and they said, this is what it is. this is what it does. this is how it works. do you know how this global order works? do you know they say we are headed for state cap pitalism. but it is not state capitalism. capitalism is nonsense to these people. they hate capitalism.
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the system in china used to be called communism. they let people have some ownership. it is a hybrid andet middle step and socialism. we know it is socialism. state and national and global. which will it be. national globalism or socialism is mussolini. is it global? we know it is not state. it is not state. because we are headed for a global order. national, and global . socialism . how is that going to work? we know how we are going to get there. if you talk the people at their word. the way to do it is through chaos. julian assange said so himself. chaos is his goal. it is not transparency. the hact vist who support him talked of creating a force for
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chaotic good. what is that? it achieves their end. ben jones is talking about creating chaos and bottom up and inside out and top comes crashing down. all of the support for julian assange a coincidence? look at his supporters and the latest is vladimir putin of russia who actually suggest that assange should receive the nobel peace prize for what exactly? throwing the world in chaos. germany said if you donate to wecky - wikileaks it is tax free. assange is six finalist for times person of the year. i don't remember the media lavishing praise on climate gate, mails. statement from the new york times reporter andrew rebkin.
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documents were acquired illegally and contain private information and statements never intended to the public eye and so they will not be posted here. it is so weird they will not do climate gate when they are looking for transparency. it seems the principle is more liquid than solid for those on the left. why? the reason they like it assange wants what they want. believe it or not, crazy as it sound and one of the hactivist said chaos for good. chaos for good. you remember the episode where i put all of the radicals and i said there are real radicals like ben jones and then the democratic radicals and remember that episode. one side anar chist and you can't put bill clinton with the van jones revolutionaries. they are using them. they are using revolutionaries
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and anar chist for what. create chaos so people will big - beg for the system to come down. gang, you are playing with nitroglycerin. chaos for good leads to more control. more government control. here he is viewed as a hero instead of someone who is illegally obtaining private information. more government is what we are going. >> have you seen the shield bill? who is coming up with the name? this bill is new and about to make it easier for the government to prosecute people like assange under the espion age act. which president brought it. woodrow wilson?
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yes? this is from congressman pete king. he said julian assange and associates who support wikileaks damaged united states national security with their releases of the classified documents but also placed at risk lives of those in our intelligence sources. wikileaks presents a clear and present cange to the national security of the united states and julian assange should be prosecuted under the espionage act and this legislation will give the attorney general additional tools to do just that. what if we don't expand the government power? we are what he's demonstrating with the leaksed documents, you cannot trust the government . so to stop him from exposing a government you cannot trust, you want to give that government more power? have we all gone insane?
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they will not call this law retroactive, but this law seems to be created to target one individual which i don't think is even constitutional and i don't know how you make a law to punish something that has order happened. they are going after him for somebody he already did or are they hoping he does it again. bring this from walmart. you stand at line in walmart and you will see this. homeland security begins with home town security. that's why i am pleased that walmart is helping to make our communities more safe and secure. if you see something susin the parking lot or store say something immediately and report suspicious activity to the local police or sheriff if you need help ask a walmart manager for assistance. >> is somebody making bombs in
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the parking lot of the walmart? is somebody in the sock department reporting suspicious activity? does this include shop lifters? because if it does. why is the department of the homeland security now at my local walmart? top down. those you see marching in europe and those setting fire by releasing stolen documents are looking for chaos. responsible citizens of the u.s. are looking for trance parency and limited government. do not confuse the two goals. the enemy of your enemy is not your friends. that kind of thinking is what led to our nightmares in the middle east. i don't believe going for chaos, but i do believe in limited government. i believe in government, but limited.
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this is not the way to get that. we haven't had limited government in how long? hundred years? the ways to get limited government is not to collapse it. that is the way to get to, totalian government, that's what revaries do, especially if they are look for example state capitalism. bottom up, inside out and top down. the bottom is coming up. van jones talked about it and now talking about the need for more inside out. you've been playing and trained to protest. we have been trained to critique and be mad at nasa and not grab the whip and run the planitation. that's not what we are training to do . so i would argue that it is the inside out transformation
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that will ignite the bottom up transform that will make the top down transformation and the power that we were not taken seriously and has to do with the media and racial discourse in the media and that's the next front ear. >> julian assange is part of that. that is where the battle is. we have seen class warfare and already seen racial discontent, now they are really turning up the heat on the rich. well, may i ask, is it fair to say the teparters are causing all of the discontent and violence in the streets can we now target those like van jones and everyone else in the administration making us hate the rich. can we say that the arsonist in cape cod targeting wealthy homes to destroy, can we now saw van jones is to blame?
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you can see how ridiculous this is. in cape cod they wrote f-the rich in the scene. this is what they are using as their weapon. this anderacy. >> rush limbaugh has the right to say what he want to say. but not on publicly regulated air ways. the fcc has responsibility to set standarped and say the public cannot be afended based on the race or agenda in this country and u.s. federally regulated air waves that they give license to and fcc is selective basod standards. >> may i ask you two questions. who deems what is offensive or
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not. if you go wake up your friends and family and neighbors, we are in for tough time because a lot has changed while. it is video from a 15 year old kid in london, watch >> they think if we claim down we will not demonstrate. let them go out about next tuesday and next week and month and year they can't stop us from demonstrating. they can't stop us from fighting back and in the street was london. we will always be there to demonstrate and be there to fight. where are those children of the republic? where are those children for the constitution and the
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[applause] we are back in new york with our senior judicial analyst in fox news. judge napolitano and a very good friend of mine. >> thank you. >> judge. how many people are uncomfortable with julian assange being allowed to do what he is doing right now. >> okay. >> how many people want to shut him down? >> maybe five. >> and they are tentative. i think you feel like oh, i am the odd ball in the delass.
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put your arm out, man. >> they don't want me to bite their heads off. >> i am uncomfortable. there is no good win here. if he continues, he is an enemy of the state. if he continues, he is taking stolen documents and putting them out and there are some things that should be kept secret in diplomacy. but he is exposing the lice of our government. the thief who steals the document is the one who commits the crime. the person who desiminates them as long as they are truthful documents is not the crime. it proves that the build up to the viet nam war was a hoax and 50,000 people died whether you think it was right or wrong. julian assange i don't know his motivation. >> i know. i read his own words .
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>> if his motivation is chaos. that comes a hitler and a stalin. but if his motivation is to expose the truth he is applauded for that. because in a mature democracy we have a right to know what the government is doing in our name. whether lying, cheating or stealing or killing. >> look at the people. that is his goal because he said it himself. look at the people he survounds himself. markist and communist and revolutionaris and et cetera. the media doesn't have a leg to stand on they will not print the documents on climate change where the government did the same thing. >> one of the things he revealed is that the united states government committed briber in the copenhagen. mr. #1: you don't hear that. >> i suspect new york times and media have known it a while. they are inconvenient truths
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to quote a certain person, we have a right to know the truths. if the government does evil in our names and lies about it, we should know it. >> i am not a conspiracy theorist. i read their own words. they are looking for a way to control the internet and control information. cass sunstein is all over this stuff. people say we have to stop this guy. tell me the difference. i obtained my information legally. tell me the difference between julian assange and what he is doing and what i am doing? >> a lot of people would like to stop you and me and those of us who are not afraid to take on the government when it is exceeding the constitution. to the government the constitution is something to get around and evade. the rest of us it is a rule of
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law that restrains the government. the constitution was written to keep the government off people's backs and the government doesn't like that. one of the ways you restrain the government is expose it. glenn, the pentagon papers decision cut the espion age act. which wood row wilason wrote to not get rid of dangerous human beings but that challenged him. it is still on the books but the guts is gone because the attitude of the first amendment. truth trumps secrecy and freedom of speech trumps the government and individuals and not the government will decide what they say, speak and think and read and hear and observe. >> the biggest terrorist attack on the united states soil was prior to 9/11.
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do you know? >> pearl harbor. >> pearl harbor. it was actually in woodrow wilson's administration and it was a munitions depo right across the water from where the world trade center came wn. it was done by german spies and it was such a spectacular bombing. >> right. >> that one of the artillery shields pierced the statute of liberty. has anyone ever heard that? it is a fascinating story and we'll tell that story next year. it is a fascinating story. woodrow wilson blamed it on big business that did this and sloppy and shoddy et cetera because it didn't work to his advantage at the time for the germans to be exposed m. >> because we were not ready for them to be taken noun. we would have been a healthier
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society if we knew wilson was making this up. >> this kind of thing is happening for a extraordinary long time. my concern is that people don't understand because there is no transparency on who is finding all of this stuff . what people's motives are. you are taking one set of liars and exchanging them for a much more dangerous set of liars. >> i don't know where it is ending up. but the government's behavior has been reprehensible. >> in washington fox news alert. president obama is about to make a statement in the white house briefing room on the senate deal with the republicans. the senate decided to move forward with the package and vote total is 80-10. that vote is still open at this hour. but this is the end to the debate and a procedural move and the big hurd they'll the
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senate needed to get forward to debate the entire bill. that is likely to pass the senate soon as early as tomorrow. president obama has been pushing this package and compromise with congressional republicans despite a push back from the house democratic caucus that has problems with the elements of the compromise including the estate tax. now this is a bipartisan show of support 80-10 and here is president obama in the white house briefing room. >> i am pleased to announce at this hour, the united states senate is moving forward on a package of tax cuts that has strong bipartisan support. this proves that both parties can in fact work together to grow our economy and look out for the american people. once the senate completes action on this bill it will move over to the house of representatives for its consideration. i have talked with several
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members of that body and i recognize folks on both sides of the political spectrum are unhappy with parts of the package and i understand those concerns. i share some of them. but that's the nature much compromise. sacrificing something that each of us cares about to move forward on what matter to all of us. right now, that is growing the economy and creating jobs and nearly every economist agrees that that is what this package will do. taken as a whole, the bill that the senate will allow to proceed does good things for america's economy and american people. first and foremost, it is a substantial victory for middle class families who no longer have to worry about a massive tax hike come january 1st . offer hope to millions of americans that lost their jobs through no fault of their own and not wanting to be out in the cold without unemployment
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benefits that they were counting on . offer real tax relief for americans who are paying for college and parents raising their children and business owners looking to invest in businesss and propel the economy forward. so urge the house of representatives to act quickly on this matter. if there is one thing to agree on urgent work of protect being middle class familis and removing uncertainty for america's businesss and giving our economy a boost in the new year. thank you very much. >> president obama with a brief statement in the white house briefing room and trying to push the deal with congressional republicans in the finish line. joining me now is karl cameron live on capitol hill. karl, the presidencies a push back from house demdeps and trying to get this thing through. the senate made a statement by
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80-10 vote so far. >> still 10 more vetes to cast. they could get one or two more no votes. there is a bipartisan support for the plan that the president negotiated with the republicans. he said this proves bipartisanship can get things done. he called republicans the party of no and the opposition that was willing to block just about everything . the president also urged the house to act quickly. he saved some of his harsher rhetoric and called them sanctimonous referring to the democrats that complained about the proposal. the sticky point is the estate tax and the liberals argue that it should be much bigger than the deal. but the rank and file complain and insist in changes. democratic will make an effort but not block last week they
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voted not to entertain a debate . now saying there would be a vote and all of the body language and implied read between the lines rhetoric suggest they are prepared all be it grudgingly to pass with the estate tax. >> the house majority leader said in the speech today house democrats want to tweak that estate tax deal that the administration made with republicans. by a vote of 80-10 to end the debate in the senate, does that send a message don't touch this thing otherwise it may all fall apart. >> it is a strong message and one that democrats will read in the senate from the democrats of the 2010 midterm results. the house democrats are not going to put themselves in the poto be criticized by the senate democrats and president and public for letting the
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taxes snap back up. the president said repeatedly there are things in the bill he doesn't like. in order to reach compromise you have to sacrifices things that you want for what you need . president and republicans and democrats in the senate are saying tax cuts should be extended and taxes should not be increase the unemployment benefits and two percent pay roll tax cut would be a benefit very much needed in the down economy. >> 30 seconds here karl about getting this off of the table and the vote is 79-11 and again still open. getting this deal off of the table so house demdeps and senate democrats can deal with other pieces of legislation. >> there is not much time not only to finish this but continuing resolution to keep the government open is a major battle. >> karl, thank you very much. this is a fox news alert and now rejoin the glenn beck
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program in progress and we'll see you at the top of the hour for a special report. ♪ [applause] >> kind of a special week in the glenn beck program. we have a great, great week scheduled for you. we will be in wilmington, ohio live on wednesday. bring your family and friends. this is the quinessential american town that has a lot to teach america. i would invite you to do your christmas shopping there. they have lost 7000 job in the town of 12,000. they are going down swinging it is a great, great town. it is less than three weeks left in the year that makes it a great time for congress to screw you quite honestly.
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i am sorry, time for bipartisan legislation that protects you and your working family. they are working on a tax increase to protect you from it. that's what the spin is, i always watch the other hand. what else is going on? a price tag of 855 billion dollars. is that even true? what is in this bill. republican congressman jason chasen joins me up. >> hello, glenn fired up ready to go. >> jason, 855 billion is that know counting the would would-be tax increase? >> roughly about just under 550 billion dollars of that scores, according to the congressional budget office actually accounts for the taxes. about 8cent 0 billion .
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550, of that. if they raise the taxes and cut them. if you maintain the taxes. that is not a tax cut. >> i don't understand. the media gets away with it. but what else is in this? i am beginning to think what is the rush on this one. you guys are going in and get blamed for whatever else is in this bill next year. i have a gut feeling it is not going to be good. >> the problem that i see now that we look under the hood and look at numbers. the president said we need to extend unemployment. that was a 56 billion i think for a conservative like myself it is unpalatable. we'll add 300 billion to our debt and no tough decision in
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washington d.c. if we spend money over here we'll have to stop spending money over there. it is new stimulus and that drives me crazy. it is the president. if the president came forward and said you know what, 3.5 trillion that is just not enough. i need 300 billion dollars, we would say no. but it comes under the guise that we are maintaining the taxs and the spin gets in the way of the reality of 300 billion of. debt. >> they are playing a new rules game they are extending the number of days that you have left before you take the holiday. have you heard this? >> yeah. who knows? i am headed back to washington d.c. tonight. i have no idea when i come home. >> i am really concerned that everything bad happens with the administration every time. >> last year, they passed 550
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billion dollar package on the third week of december. it was a friday and no one was paying attention. that's the way they do these things . >> they also did the fed, extended the tarp during the holidays. jason keep an eagle eye out for us and tell your fellow republicans, trust the american people, they are paying attention right now. trust them. if it is wrong for the country, and come back and do it later. don't get sucked in to a trap because of a false deadline. don't do the wrong thing. >> thanks, glenn. it is a trap and we shouldn't do it and adds hundreds of billions of the debt and not one dime is paid for. not one dime. >> back in a moment. [applause]
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gotten a lot of e-mail and people making signs in their yard welcome to wilmington and opening their doors to us and they are waiting for you. in today's local newspaper a reader wrote in the local paper he hope that is people will learn more about wilmington. i hope our determined unity, referring to me chose wilmington as a model. i also hope and pray that his visiten that is unit yet show chases to other communities what cooperation across political ideologies can do for a community hit by a economic crisis. i don't care if they are republican or democrat. what brought me to wilmington. we were look for example a miracle and stumbled on to this one. glen, you have to see this community. they have pulled together as
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people of faith and americans not as republicans or democrats. that ain't going to get us anywhere but in trouble. they are pulling together as americans and that's what will save us. i want to show that to america. the city is expecting thousands of people to visit main street area on wednesday. i got a letter from a soldier who wrote in from iraq and called his family to make sure they get a hotel room so they can celebrate christmas. the city has an on line visitor's guide and a way for you to buy christmas presents to help their economy out. the general store website is wilmington general there is a shuttle service that is set up to take people from fair grounds to downtown.
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there might be four people there, i don't know. they are sure opening themselves up to welcome you. several local county and offices and businesses are going to have everything open so you can get hot cocoa. i will be there starting at 6:00. i will be broadcasting my radio show live and then the tv show at 5:00 p.m. and then a special stage show and america's first christmas . it is sold out. all seeds will help them out. sugar tree ministries is a soup kitchen that is set up . we provided an access to the broadcast and generation pizza, will be broadcasting it live . you will have a good time meeting people just like you. and experiencing that real special spirit of christmas. bring your family and do your shop bring your joy.
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>> the president's minist or or whatever he is. jim wallace. i am sure the president has no idea. he has run around the world bad mouging me saying i have a problem with social justice. as i do. social justice as described by markist jim wallace . he believes that the government needs to do these things. he said to the churches get the government involved. i think the only social justice jesus was into is change a man's heart and made the individual say i have to do i never read in the gospels. jesus said go take it from that guy and get the government redistribute it
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over here. that is ridiculous. never once did jesus talk about taxes as the way to solve the problem. you have to change your heart. on the story this weekend. mouth bethil methodist church didn't know what their philosophy was. senior minister dr. randy mickler was working with homeless outreach trying to figure out how to help the homeless men. he took a tour to find out how the men were coping. they were living under bridges and tent citis and plastic to keep the rain off. they had a big storm coming in atlanta. yesterday dr. ranny had an idea. the church has a gym and showers, they could open the church to the homeless . he didn't tell the congregation and suggest that the congregation pay more in taxes. he stood up in front of the congregation and asked them
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this. >> i can't do it on my own or do it. it is your church. but if you would be in support of a ministry like this, for these kind of severe winter night that is would involve mount bethel, would you stand. now he that question in two different services and that was 3,000 people supporting it and then he said we need volunteers and we need donations. earlier today we called him and he said it was spontanous volunteerism people lining in the aisles waiting to volunteer. they cleaned and cooked and donated food and 200 air mattress and blankets and sleeping bags and toiletry and they didn't involve the government. they stood as christians
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