tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News December 13, 2010 11:00pm-12:00am EST
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>> church of music director woke up sunday morning just hoping the idea would work. well, it did. and that is your last call. lights are blinking and we're closing down shop. we'll see you again tomorrow. make sure to follow us on twitter, go to slash greta wire. see all of the pictures. they're raw but go see the pictures of children and everything. o'reilly factor is next so good night from washington, d.c.. we'll see you tomorrow night, 10:00 p.m. eastern. he holbrooke family allf our best wishes. now to bill o'reilly. >> bill: tonight. >> you are in good hands. >> thank you. >> bill: washington still buzzing about former president clinton upstaging the current president! how badly did this exposition hurt mr. obama? brit hume and i will analyze. >> we need to create a real
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crisis here so the republicans will have to answer. >> bill: far left wants to create more economic turmoil in order to punish the gop. >> i will see you next week in tampa, florida when i join glenn beck and bill o'reilly as part of our bold fresh tour. pill bill "saturday night live" mocking president obama by using beck and me. >> it was a terrifying experience. i don't think i will ever get over it, really. >> bill: you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor bins -- begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly thanks for watching us tonight. who is looking out for your ? the subject of this evening talking points memo. stripping away all the bs, which is what we do here. it is clear the american economy needs you to spend more. american consumer drives the economy, the more confident
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folks are the more money in their pockets, the more they will spend. don't have to be a ph.d to figure that out. president obama tried to spend tax dollars, trillions it has not worked and the president's image has been badly battered. now these going the private route. business will not pay more to the feds neither will rich people. the hope is business will expand and rich people will spend more that happened under presidents reagan and bush the younger, so we hope it happens again. enter bill clinton who joined with president obama last friday to try to convince you that what i just said is true. however, things got a little strained. >> i've been keeping the first lady waiting for about half an hour. i'm gonna takeoff. >> i don't want to make her mad, please go. >> you are in good hands. gibbs will call last question. >> help me, thank you. go ahead. >> bill: many used that
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sequence to mock both men, not me. i'm glad mr. clinton and mr. obama see it my way. i want the compromise and i want consumers to be more confident that. is the only way this bad economy is gonna turn around. if bill chin ton has to relive the good old days i have no beef. with just a few days left before christmas recess congress will most likely approve the compromise. some on the far left and right continue to object. conservatives don't want extension of unemployment benefits unless funded. i say when republicans take control of the house in january, they should put forth immediately, legislation that cuts federal spending by 25%, over the next three years. it is simple, the feds have to stop spending so much money. if the republican party leads the way in containing federal spending the folks will notice and the unemployment extension will not mean very much down the road. again, the country needs a 25%
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federal spending cut obvious the next three years. 8 and 1/3 each year painful but it has to be done. many democrats will oppose that. perhaps including president obama. that will set the stage for the election of 2012. for now we need this compromise, so pass it. that's the memo. now the top story, let's go to washington and fan out what -- find out what is happening behind the scenes. james rosen and paul cameron. we have the president speaking. we have the senate voting. i love this the senate votes on whether they should vote. all of this nonsense. boiling it down cameron, it is gonna pass, correct? >> overwhelming victory. well north of 70 votes. in fact 75, 77 and still counting later in the afternoon. a lot of lawmakers were delayed because of the storms.
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>> bill: does that indicate when they vet on the real tax compromise these people will support it? >> a large number of democrats will. there is no indication there will be republican on circumstance to speak of. it is a big bipartisan win for the president. democrats have signed on at least to debating this. maybe as soon as tomorrow. the partisan liberal left that had been adamantly extending all bush tax cuts seeps to be either in retreat or signing on to the -- >> bill: i think they are disintegrating rosen. i think the partisan far left are disintegrating across the . they don't have any constituency at all the folks want it passed, right? >> liberal running of the -- wing of the democratic part have for gotten about the bush tax cuts it is san juan hill on which they are willing to die over this legislation that is the estate tax no longer about bush era tax cuts for
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top earner it is now the estate tax whether it should be 55% or 35%. it is curious that the democrats at least the balance has chosen to elevate the issue in this way. for one big reason, when we say estate tax that is the unchallenged know machine clay , when you hear those -- nomenclature, when you hear those, we all have an estate, we all feel affected by that and i'm sure we all undergo death at some point. i don't think this is a winning issue for the democrats right now or the series of procedural lame duck votes -- >> bill: lame duck, cut through this all this. >> it is not going to stop anything. >> right. 35% on the estate, i think. 35% tax when you die. it is gonna be the same tack
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rates we have in 2010. and then they are going home for christmas, cameron, correct. am i correct? >> joe end told democrats no changes to the framework. the president shook hands with the ranking republican mitch connell and john boehner and said we a deal, right? this is going to stay solid, the framework stands. they shook on it. republicans aren't going to give. even hoyer, pelosi, van hole:, her number two deputy, all of them have signaled either in explicit words or implied they recognize the estate tax is essentially a last-ditch effort and they are going to cave in the end. >> bill: so 35%. rosen, what about this clinton deal that was finance any. in the sensez-i that -- we are going to talk about later, i was at the white house christmas party. i didn't see you guys. i asked, they said no we
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didn't invite cameron and rosen, because we hate them. >> that's good if i could get that in writing from you. badge of honor baby! pill bill i said i think chin ton is still down there, this was 9 p.m., there was nobody there but he was still talking and everybody had left. it did make president obama look a little -- what is the word i'm looking for? >> perhaps less than fully in charge. the purpose of having bill clinton there was unclear to me. was he there to appeal to this liberal wing of the democratic party? >> bill: absolutely. >> or was he there to imbue mr. obama, i should say respectfully, with the aura of a try lay for, someone like clinton can reach out and cut dells with the opposing party? -- i'm not sure it did president obama any good. the most interesting aspect was how he told us that he is now out of politics. and he told us that a few minutes after he boasted of headlining 133 campaign
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events. >> bill: you know what i love cameron, when president obama left and he had to leave, because he had other commitments. then president clinton went, all right, see you later. you in the back row there! it was great. like here i am, i'm in charge for one more day! it was funny. i don't think it did president obama any harm if he gets it passed. everybody will forget that and we'll go on with our lives. >> if it was a comparison in triangulation it was a difference. barack obama said democrats were being sanctimonious and republicans were hostage-takers. there's a different kind of triangulation. polls show it hadn't worked. there's a poll out today that says independents are liking him less and he remainses and continues to have the lowest approval rating since the election and democrats are
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getting more aggravated. >> bill: i think once of the first of the year starts with the tax code staying the same, we can start to improve the economy. gentlemen, we appreciate. next brit hume will react to the clinton-obama exposition and your money. later, bernie goldberg says we should be praising rich people, @ñçm@;
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. >> bill: was president obama smart bring in bill clinton as a tax adviser? joining us from washington fox news chief political -- brit hume. what say you? >> i say yes, smart move. bill clinton still has considerable credibility among rank and file democrats including many on the left. people in the public in general remember fondly, particularly the last phases of his presidency when he was facing the republican congress and the economy boomed and he did a fair amount of business with the . it harks back to the happier time perhaps. and it gives him the voice of effective salesman. smart move in my view. >> bill: did the president handle mr. clinton correctly? >> i don't -- as to the choreography of their appearance together and his leaving and all that. i don't know about that. i don't think it matters much. the fact he was there and said what he said is more important. the president does need to
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learn a little bit more about how to go about this dance we call triangulation. which the president, facing a partly hostile congress and skeptical electorate and a potentially resive base, places himself somewhere where he's not quite with one or the other but in part with both, that's triangulation. that's what bill clinton did. if the president is going to it he needs to do it in a way when he reaches a deal with the other party that he seeps to like it, believe in it and be gracious about it. >> bill: do not say they are hostage-takers? >> i think it was unnecessary. made him look like he lost. you want to look like you are winning. particularly if you are engaging in something the public likes and the polls show the public likes this. you don't want to appear to hate it and as you go along with it. >> bill: get point. i just struck a deal with the
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gop who are devils and i hate them and they are hostage-takers, but i did make the deal. >> i just did something the american people like -- pill bill but i don't like it. >> but i hate it. >> i think he's beginning to get the hang of it. he's a couple beats behind the music. it took a clinton a while. >> bill: they are two dining room guys. you know that better than anyone. i think this is interesting. let me define how i see them you can tell me how i'm wrong or how you see them. bill clinton whose belief system is not nearly as strong, in my opinion as barack obama's. yeah, he's a democrat. yeah, he leans left. but does he real to bed every night going oh man i to get that income redistribution? no. he wants an income redistribution for him. he wants money. i never felt that he was a social justice guy. barack obama on the other hand this is his whole life. he wants to go down in history
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as the champion of the poor. the kennediesque person. the person who took on the establishment that greedy corrupt establishment and spread the wealth to the have nots. that's what he lives for. two different guys. am i wrong? >> i think it is true that barack obama comes at this job and these issues from a position further out on the left than bill clinton ever did. let's not overlook the fact that clinton governed as a left liberal in the first two years -- >> bill: that's what him elected he didn't really beef -- >> that's not right. clinton ran as a centrist. he ran on the promise of a middle class tax cut. he ran on bread and butter centrist issues. he went back on the promise of the middle class tax cut. >> bill: that's because hillary was pushing that. >> hillary was part of the package. remember two for the price of one and all that?
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and her undertaking of health care to be unpopular. when republicans win, historic win in '94, he changed course. he didn't change immediately. there was a long -- almost a year before you could see something was changing with bill clinton. dick morris was there with him, he can vouch for this. it did come around he worked with a number of issues, kept his initiatives that were liberal, small and he found welfare reform. >> bill: are you saying barack obama may be coming around? >> i think we need to watch here. as i've say before bill, you need to watch what he does, not what he says. what he said on this tax cut compromise suggested he's an embittered leftist. what he did suggested he's moving center. >> bill: you're the commentator, will the real barack obama please stand up? embittered leftist orsen tryst going to the center, because he knows that's best for the country, which is it? >> remember the issues are he
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faces. a war in afghanistan unpopular with his party. my sense is, he will have republican support on that and will try to go forward with that. that will appeal to the right. he has to deal with exploding deficit. the public's preoccupies with this is stronger than i've seen it re ed in the midterm elections. -- those two issues that will tend to drive him to his right. >> bill: very interesting, thank you. ahead, the far left still fighting to tax the rich. the latest on the movement. but, bernie goldberg says, give the rich a break, in every way. upcoming. at can i get ya? i'd like one of those desserts and some coffee. sure, decaf or regular? - regular. - cake or pie? - pie. - apple or cherry? cherry. oil or cream? oil or cream?
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not going quietly into the night on the tax deal. new polls show committed leftists turning on president obama because they want more income redistribution. most radical of the crew and want to create economic kay why is. >> i think we need to create a real crisis here so that the republicans will have to answer for denying americans unemployment benefits on the eve of the christmas holiday.,l >> bill: that's swell let's blow up the economy so we can get the republicans. joining us from washington fox news analyst mary catherine and juan williams who just landed a big book contract. did i not predict that williams? did i not? >> yes. when you told me i was gonna do a book i was a little stunned, because i was so depressed at the moment. but you were right. >> bill: as usual. congratulations to you. it is a big house too, random house?
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>> yeah. >> bill: wow, big time williams. >> i'm catching up with you. >> bill: you will never catch up with me. >> true, good point. >> bill: good christmas prince for you and your family, . now this crazy guy in minnesota. takes grayson's place as the looneyest guy in the house. he says let's blow up the economy so we the income redistributors can show the american people -- and i'm going, are you just dumb or what? >> no, there's a political strategy at play here. a couple of things at play. one is that clearly, the people in the house like ellis, right up the road to the pelosi at the top, feel the president was negotiating with the senate, specifically republicans in the senate, some in the house, especially has cut off the democrats in the house. so the democrats in the house is like we should turn out the
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lights and go home because we got two more years of this coming. the second thing, they genuinely believe, if you say to the american people all the republicans stand for are tax cuts for the very rich the repu. the polls show consistently that the american people didn't want the tax cuts for the very wealthy. >> bill: that poll is as misleading as any i've seen. >> now they've changed because the american people want -- >> bill: they wanna keep it the same. they understand, as i do and i think you both do. we have to have consistency here in this bad economy. mary catherine, i'm gonna play you another sound bite by gerald nadler who is almost as crazy left as ellis. >> the republican blackmail hereoyóñ, they are saying like a bunch of gangsters that nice middle class tax cut you , pity if something would happen to it. unless you give millionaires and billionaires a long term cut we are in the going to
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permit the middle class to get it, continue its tax cuts. >> bill: here's my question, do these guys think going on national television and saying this kind of stuff, is gonna change anybody's mind? is gonna do anything? >> i think they are very, very mad. liberal guys in congress have a liberal base to deal with as well. they are talking to them, in part. conservatives could live on left fury along they would be happy. they are pretty upset about the ethanol subsidies which everyone hates except for farmers and the guys who have to get elected in iowa. but they are still in there. a symbol of how washington works. what the left is mad about is they are losing this philosophical argument about the bush tax cuts. >> bill: they lost it all. it blew up when obama said, i can get it through. i'm gonna do what is best for the country. >> that's what they are upset about.
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>> bill: if i were a far left loon i would be upset because my whole reason for living has evaporated for two years. >> that's what i was trying to say to you earlier. they are upset this conversation now is all on republican terms. and just as you -- >> bill: it is over. -- like the jets yesterday they couldn't score a touchdown in four quarters and they lost. >> the idea that republicans, who have obstructed obama all along and said no to him and wroepb vote for anything. they now get -- won't vote for anything. they now dictate the terms just dives -- >> bill: okay, we -- just dives. >> bill: okay we it. interesting discussion about the true nature of bill clinton and barack obama. i continue to believe that president obama's belief system, liberal belief system that he has is much more intense juan than bill
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clinton. you say? >> i think that's right. bill clinton was governor of arkansas and got defeated once and had to find a way to make his way back. he knows how to find a way to play politics to make deals and build new coalitions. barack obama comes from a different mind sill at the time which is left wing ideal. . he's saying this is what is right, et cetera. what you and brit were off with this all was doing when he was talking about tax cuts being the holy grill of the republicans and hostage-takers, he was trying to throw a bone to the left wing in the house so they would understand -- >> bill: that is probably true, but i think he believes it. mary catherine, same question. barack obama's ideology compared to bill clinton. >> i think he's farther let. i think right now he's an embittered leftist held hostage by his ambition and need to succeed in 2012.
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it is tempting not to negotiate with the hostage-taker but when the hostage is going to get hurt you have to -- he would have made more friends if he had not been the lou rig know of the -- the >> bill: the lou ferrigno, the incredible hulk. >> he would have won more friends if he had not done that. >> bill: merry christmas to you guys. "saturday night live" zeroes in on beck, o'reilly and obama, quite a crew. we'll play you the clip. >> federal judge says within huge part of obamacare is unconstitutional, our judge napolitano will weigh in. [ female announcer ] will women switch to new caltrate soft chews
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unconstitutional. setting the table for a supreme court challenge. the issue is the feds forcing you guys to buy stuff. here's what i said a year and a half ago. government is saying you have to buy health insurance. you have to do it. >> right. >> bill: i say that's unconstitutional. the federal government doesn't have the power to force an american to buy anything. now judge hudson agrees with me. thank you judge. does judge napolitano? i couldn't use the whole clip. i based that on, i said one caveat, the government can force you to buy something if afety is concerned i.e. author insurance. there's a public safety component. here there not. >> it is the states that require you to buy auto insurance. >> bill: if you challenge the state and took it to the supreme court the supreme court i would rule in favor of the state on the public safety issue. go ahead. >> because the states can do things the feds can. where in the constitution is
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the federal government authorized to compel you to buy health care? know matter how nobel the goal is, where is it? it is not there. >> bill: everything but taxes, taxes is spelled out in the constitution. you can say the federal government has no right to draft you into the armed services. >> i would make that argument, but not here this is an affirmative come ing to you do something. >> bill: you have to or it will hurt you. >> right. is the hurt a penalty or tax? the government fudged. >> bill: they said it was a tax, but who is buying that? nobody. >> the opinion today said if this is a tax it will be the first in american history that doesn't apply to everybody. >> bill: that was to get around the fact. you and i agree. >> you must have been reading something that i wrote that caused you to make that brilliant comment a year ago. >> bill: my brilliant comment happened in august of 2009, when fox was deciding on
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whether to fire you -- no, i'm making that up. i'm not a constitutional scholar but i do understand the country. >> there are 20 lawsuits, three so far. two have gone the other way. this third one that came down today. >> bill: did federal judges rule on the other two? >> yes. i think the supreme court is going to wait until they all rule. >> bill: this is a republican judge appointed by "w" two judges said no the feds can force you to do it. one judge has said no. >> correct. there's a huge one coming down in january in florida, where 20 states, including virginia are plaintiffs. >> bill: the same issue? >> yes. it also addresses the issues of can congress tell the states what they have to do to set up medical exchanges. >> bill: i like to keep it simple. you agree that the constitution of the united states does not give the federal government the power to say you have to buy this, and if it is in the interest of the public? >> yes.
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>> bill: because there a public safety combo tent to it. >> suppose congress declares the sun causes skin cancer, can it make us wear hats? no. we have the right to make that choice. >> bill: you wouldn't have the right if that slippery slope comes in and say that the supreme court rules the government does have the right to compel you to buy health insurance. then what you just said about the hats could start. >> slippery slope might come in. the supreme court might say the feds are paying for it. >> bill: why can the federal government ban narcotic use make it illegal they made booze illegal. they can say you can't buy this. >> in my opinion, under the constitution they can ban narcotics any more than they can ban booze. >> bill: now you are going into crazy land. >> you knew that. >> bill: i want people to stand that you are still crazy even though you agree with me on this issue.
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>> have you read my books on the constitution? >> bill: of course not why would i ever read your books on the constitution. in my opinion it is public safe the government has a right to protect you from people who would get jacked up on some substance and hurt you. >> states have that right, not the federal government. >> bill: judge napolitano we agree on the obamacare issue. when we come back, bernie goldberg says we should embrace and applaud rich americans. i guess that means bernie. "saturday night live" embracing beck
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gecko: good news sir, i just got an email from the office and word is people really love our claims service. gecko: 'specially the auto repair xpress. repairs are fast and they're guaranteed for as long as you own your car. boss: hey, that's great! is this your phone? gecko: yeah, 'course. boss: but...where do you put...i mean how do you...carry... waitress: here you go. boss: thanks! gecko: no, no i got it, sir. anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. ♪ [ male announcer ] they've been tested, built and driven like no other and now they're being offered like no other. come to the winter event and get an exceptional offer on the mercedes-benz of your dreams. it our way of showing a little holiday spirit.
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short skate away from his lavish home. okay, why done i let you explain this column. >> okay. cigar, rich people, you get it? >> bill: got it. >> what i said in the column is we need to build a beautiful granite and bronze monument in our nation's capital to honor american heroes. unsung american heroes. and those unsung american heroes are the rich. i said that half tongue-in-cheek, okay. but the absolute serious part was, try to imagine an america without rich people. rich people contribute a lot to this country. they pay the top 1% of wage earners', 38% of all federal taxes, top 5% pay 60% and the top 10% pay 70% of all federal income taxes. now, they pay a
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disproportionate amount for all sorts of things that help poor people, whether it is food or medicine or whether it is helping send other kids to college. the rich do a lot of good. what i'm saying bill is that i don't believe all rich people are self-less philanthropists. i'm not even making the argument that they need, and i put that word in big quotation marks "need" the tax break. what i am saying is, they don't need to be vilified the way they are by the left in america today. >> bill: now, how do you react to the bible passage that says, it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it would be for a camel to go through a needle's eye? >> this is gonna offend even my friends out there in tv land. i don't care what the bible says on matters like that. as a matter fact, jesus probably would be, except for liberaltwoú]jutj
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deml@vru(u if he were around today. so i don't care. we're not governed by the bible. and i'm not defending rich people who cheated to get their money. i'm not defending that. and i didn't say, by the way, i didn't say one negative word in the entire column, thank god for the rich, i didn't say one negative word about poor people or about middle class people or anything else. all i said was that the rich deserve our gratitude. as a result of that, our friends in left wing, you know websites have sent the most vile, i mean this is beyond nasty hate mail, the most vile e-mails that i've received. and why? >> bill: what is the point they wanna make by being vile? that rich people are all evil? is that what they want to say? >> yeah. >> bill: all rich people are evil? >> you just had on your program a few minutes ago, a mainstream liberal democrat,
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congressman nadler, calling republicans gangsters. that's what he said. that's his word. >> bill: i would ask nadler if he would show up. he won't he's afraid. what he thinks of the kennedy family, very, very wealthy. they are the democratic icons, i believe. the money that they accumulated was accumulated by joseph kennedy, a bootlegger who broke the law to amass the family fortune. yet the democratic party puts up the kennedy family. and believe me i respect the kennedy family. i respect their service. they do a tremendous amount of good. you don't blame the children for the sins of the father and all of that. but, i would ask mr. nadler, okay, here we have, you know perhaps the most famous family in the united states, democrat icons, hugely rich. hugely rich. what are you saying? >> they are liberal democrats.
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if you are hugely rich and a liberal democrat you get a pass. never seen class warfare as nasty as it is today, as a result of this tax debate. i've seen it. >> bill: it is generalized. stupid. irrational. steven spielberg beyond wealthy. you take a guy like bill gates the same situation. and these people, they make an enormous amount of money. are they over-paying taxes giving away their wealth to the government? i don't think so. john kerry could have checked the box in massachusetts that said i would like to give mormon and pay a higher tack rate. he chose -- more money and pay a higher tax rate. he chose not to. i think this is a bogus, phony debate. >> thank you for that. a lot of people who are writing think that all rich people make spielberg . or john kerry . a lot of so-called rich
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according to legislation make $250,000. that's a lot of money, but it is not rich. i want to make -- what's that that >> bill: the only point i want to mention is that if the higher tax rate had been embraced, 50% of it would have been paid by small business, which would have constricted hiring. that's all you need to know. i'll give you last word, go. >> i'll agree with that and let it go at that. >> bill: i didn't want you to because i have 60 seconds more. why don't you attack someone, just pick someone out. >> let's pick bernie sanders he goes on the floor of the senate a few days ago and he talks about, i'm talking about the rich. he's talking about the greedy, selfish, no good sob rich. they think rich people the hard left or some members of
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that night i was lucky enough to go to the annual white house media christmas party. decorations were stunning. everybody was nice of the i even posed for a picture with joy behar. who i urged to sing joy to the world. she declined. it is christmas. any way, we are hoping the president will come on the factor soon. we chatted about that with his guys and gals. i even said merry christmas to mr. obama. the president's house was magnificent as it always is, especially at christmastime. it was a privilege for me to be there no matter who is in the white house. check two, "saturday night live" weighed in on the tax compromise. >> i kind of agreed with the republican philosophy of trickle down economics. that's why to me the tax cuts for the wealthy aren't a big problem. they are the best part of the bill. so, if house speaker nancy pelosi or as i now like to call her san francisco nancy, would stop her
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obstructionist tactics and let this bill come to a vote we can get our economy moving again. that's all for tonight. i will see you next week in tampa florida when i join glenn beck and bill o'reilly as part of our bold tour. [ laughing ] >> bill: that would be something to see, would it not? check three: things have been heading south for 18-year-old miley cyrus recently. here's the latest. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ laughing ] >> they going to dock machine the [ bleep ] out of this right now. talk to me.
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[ unintelligible ] [ laughing ] >> bill: that is pathetic. she says she was using a legal substance. the sad fact that her days of being a positive role model for young women are long gone. four: 'tis the season a church in west palm beach, florida was rehearsing a nativity show when this happened. ♪ ♪ >> bill: they fired the camel. true story. check five: on the fox business network, imus holds court in the
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morning. >> opening for this show, o'reilly and -- i was watching geraldo last night. >> you are disturbed. >> could you do that one more time actually. >> yeah. >> i was hoping would you fall out of your chair. >> bill: it is over the shoulder imus it is a smooth thing, not a shakey thing. my better judgment i will be speaking to imus tomorrow morning on the fox business channel around 8:30 eastern time that is reality check. pinheads and patriots up next. tonight starring putin singing fats know. sorry fat man, right back with p & p. wi the capital one venture card
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we get double miles on everyurchase. so we earned a holiday trip to the big apple twice as fast! dinner! [ garth ] we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the who gang! it's hard to beat double miles! i want a maze, a ord, a... oww! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to i wonder what it coulbe?! what's in your wallet? yeah. aww...that oj needs alka-seltzer plus. fast powder packs are a taste-free fizz-free way to transform your drink into a powerl cold fighter! there's a cold front moving in, but relief is on the way.
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more fun with your family and friends? it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone, or low t. c'mon, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more. >> bill: starring putin singing fats domino in a moment. >> we are sold out of women's american patriot fleece jackets. we have a few left for men, very hot item. same with the patriots' sweatshirts just a few remain. great items priced reasonably. we have a good supply of mats and mugs. get 'em while we have 'em. >> now my book remains best seller after three months. if you become a premium member you get the book free. if you want the book autographed you have two days
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if you ordered so we can get it under the tree by christmas. all the money i get from the website is donated to charity. thank you all we had the biggest weekend ever this month along we will donate $400,000 to charity bus of you guys. now the mail: >> bill: so am it. >> bill: commission accomplished, thank you very much
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. >> bill: i hope so. geraldo with colonel hunt did a very nice job. here's the the address ruby. >> bill: you're welcome. we want to reward all factor viewers so we are giving away as much stuff as we can. as i said we had biggest weekend ever. finally pinheads and patriots at a char toy fundraiser in russia, putin did this: ♪ ♪
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i found my thrill on blueberry hill ♪ ♪ >> bill: when putin was head of the kgb it was alleged he tortured people. now we know how. is the guy a pinhead or patriot for that rendition? friday we asked whether oprah was a pinhead for dugging this question: >> do you think sarah palin qualified to be president? >> i'm not going to answer that. that's good. >> i tried. >> i'm not answering. >> you could have answered. >> i'm not answering. >> bill: 60% say oprah winfrey was a pinhead for not
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