tv Hannity FOX News December 14, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EST
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answering. 40% believe he is a patriot. spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world, name a town if you wish to opine. when writing the factor do not be a barbermonger. i am gil o'reilly please remember the spin stops right here because we are absolutely looking out for you.clclclclclc. >> sean: president obama's attack cut compromise cleared a key hurdle. a final vote is expected tomorrow. that's the good news for president obama. if you look at the events the last week it has been nothing short of a political disaster for this administration that. is our headline the damage of the deal from the moment the
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so-called framework was announced the an ed one and his team has committed a series of gaffes. first he made us all believe he had everybody onboard. that was never the case. he has taken fire from both sides of the . democrats have been upset. at a aren't meeting one anonymous member shouted f the president. congressman moran has been quoted as saying this is a lack of leadership. i don't know where the blank obama is on this or anything else. the biggest blunder came friday when president obama made a surprise visit to the white house briefing room along side former president clinton. it want long before president clinton command deared that podium. that lead to this emembarrassing interrupt . >> he can say whatever he wants. >> here's what i'll say. i've been keeping the first lady waiting for about half an hour. so i'm gonna takeoff. >> i don't want to make her
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mad, please go. >> you are in good happeneds. and gibbs will call last question. >> help me, thank you. >> go ahead. >> sean: how damaging has all this been for the president? will the deal pass for the end of the year? with us to help answer this and many other questions is dick morris. first of all, clinton stayed there for an hour, dick. i mean, i'm in charge here and you know. almost like an al haig moment. >> it was, it was so cool. people are making a fundamental mistake when they compare obama's surrender over this bush tax extension deal to clinton's moving to the center. when clinton moved to the center it was because he won fights for things he wanted. he wanted a balanced budget deal, without cutting medicare and that stuff. he held out for it, he got it. he won the government shutdown
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did the deal. he wanted a welfare reform bill. he campaigned on it. he vetoed two that he thought were bad a bill, signed it and pushed it through. those were acts of victory as well as centristism. obama is an act of surrendering to move to the center. difference between moving to the center and fleeing to the center. barack obama faces a cosmic choice. either he's gonna lose in 2012 because he's too radical or because he's too weak. >> sean: interesting you bring up this clinton analogy. some people writing me saying, hannity wait a second, you this wrong. you won and give the president as he moves to the center. my argument is, he just had the biggest loss in 70 years in a midterm election number one. and number two, he didn't have the votes. he didn't have the votes in the senate. he was literally dragged kicking and screaming into a
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compromise where frankly i would argue he got too much. >> i agree with everything you just said. i did believe that he campaigned for president, primarily on the pledge of raising taxes on making -- >> sean: we played the montage last book he said it constantly. >> now he's lost that today he lost his health care reform on constitutionality. it will be relitigated. in supreme court you can bet that will be a 5-4 -- >> sean: i want to get to that in a second. the president a little unhinged. republicans are hostage-takers, the end think. -- enemy. i think we are seeing a side of barack obama, angry, almost pet . on the other hand you the -- pet . on the other hand you the democrats furious with him. two weeks we discussed, he lied. >> i don't think using the f-word is abnormal for the democrats. it is when they don't.
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the point here is that obama may well go down in history having lost the presidency for weakness. if he starts losing fight after fight with the republicans, which he will. if the republicans united he's going to cave over the debt limit, he's going to cave over bailing out states from bankruptcy. he's going to cave over a tax increase in his final budget. he's going to have to cave over obamacare. and he will really look very, very weak. clinton looked strong moving to the center. because he won and moved to the center. >> sean: he was also a southern governor. they have two different backgrounds. from chicago, radical leftists that he hung out with et cetera. i think there's two different backgrounds here. the democrats are so used to the cornhusker kickback, louisiana purchase, they want to sweeten the deal in the senate, ethanol subsidies,
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help big cities, they want to get -- if we give you this, republicans aren't gonna let that happen. what if this -- what if his on party rejects his deal that he cut with senator mcconnell? >> look, if this doesn't pass, it is the most wonderful thing of all. on january 2nd, -- [ talking over each other ] >> the republican party comes back and gives america a big fat christmas present january 2nd. >> sean: they look great. >> they extend bush tax cuts. kill inher tax. cut 100 billions of spending and take out all of the extra stuff obama had. and obama has to sign it. >> sean: tactically, republicans should have never made a deal. you are making the case they should have insisted up or down vote on raising taxes and no extra spending. and then wait until january and then come in and be -- >> they should have included we want spending cuts to pay
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for the bush tax cuts for the first year. they should not have cut a deal. if the democrats let them out of the deal, it would be fabulous that's why, by the way, the democrats will approve it. because they know if they don't the republicans will pass whatever they want and obama will have to eat it. >> sean: how often do i quote "the new york times"? never, right. health care law ruled unconstitutional. >> that's pretty good. we predicted this eileen and i in our book 2010, take back america that it would be declared unconstitutional. the idea of the individual mandate -- is based on the interstate commerce clause. it is not interstate because you can't sell health insurance because you cancel health insurance interstate and it is not commerce. no way that was going to be upheld. i believe it will be thrown out. i think you will see one bay one, every one of the things obama did dismantled.
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republicans gonna roll back stimulus spending. defund obamacare. courts will throw it out. cap and trade will be banned because by epa being banned from doing that. card check will be banned. financial reform will be changed. one after another they will all be changed. and this guy isn't going to stand for anything. >> sean: stinging rebuke buy henry hudson the judge in this case. that in a few minutes. last question, 2012, is there any one, two or three people that you see emerging as the likely front-runners, in your mind? >> no, it is way too early. the important thing to bear in mind is there are a lot of people with negatives on romney because of health care. palin, gingrich and huckabee, they are all the same thing. they are all well liked. well-known. staunch, good conservatives. but have baggage of one or another. voters in the republican primary are afraid to nominate
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them. they are saying if i nominate one of these three, i love 'em, i would love if they won, but they can't because of the bag grand jury. the question is, over the next year can one or more live down the baggage? frankly, sarah palin is doing a good job of it lately. and huckabee is on every week living it done. beginning rich may get vol -- gingrich may get in involved with the fight in congress. 15, 20 people who will come on this show and the other shows on fox and we'll fall in love with one. it will be like "american idol" >> sean: dick morris thanks for being with us. plenty more hannity, straight ahead. >> this deal is giving democrats some pause. >> sean: the future of the tax bill hangs in the balance. democrats vent their frustrations. >> federal judge deals obamacare a major blow.
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could this be the first step towards full repeal? the president forgets an important name on the stump. wait until you hear this. wait until you hear this. hannity conti [ manager ] you know... i've been looking at the numbers, and i think our campus is spending too much money on printing. i'd like to put you in charge of cutting costs. calm down. i know that it is not your job. what i'm saying... excuse me? alright, fine. no, you don't have to do it. ok? [ male announcer ] notre dame knows it's better for xerox to control its printing costs. so they can focus on winning on and off the field. [ manager ] are you sure i can't talk -- ok, no, i get it. [ male announcer ] with xerox, you're ready for real business. ♪ we need to finish tho projections ♪
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♪ then output the final presentations ♪ ♪ sally, i'm gonna need 40 copies, obviously collated ♪ wht's going on? when we're crunched for time, brad combines office celebrations with official business. it's about efficiency. [ courier ] we can help. wh you ship with fedex, you can work rht up until the lastinute. it gives you re time to get stuff done. that's a great idea. ♪ i need tspeak with you privately ♪ ♪ i found your resume on the printer ♪ everyone! ♪ i found your resume on the printer ♪ [ male announcer ] we understand.® you need a partner who gives you more time. fedex. >> sean: president obama tried to reach across the aisle today by recognizing senate minority leader mitch mcconnell who helped to pass the er-free kids act.
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>> mike mcconnell who helped facilitate the smooth passage. >> sean: mike mcconnell? that would be mitch, not mike mr. president. we know you are self-involved, we know you are self-involved, but you didn't feed to host: could switching to geico really save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance? do woodchucks chuck wood? (high-pitched laughter) man: hey you dang woodchucks, quit chucking my wood! vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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unlike the senate, opposition in the house appears to be growing. 54 house democrats have sent a letter to the san francisco speaker opposing the framework. calling it fiscally irresponsible and grossly unfair. this morning house majority leader hoyer described the unease his party feeling over this so-called compromise. >> this deal, is giving democrats some pause. having said that, i believe action is necessary and compromise was inevitable. there are a lot of things in this bill that we want to see passed. we are obviously having an argument about some other aspects of the bill. >> sean: that's just the left. republicans are not so happy about the so-called compromise either. for good reason. tonight i'm happy to be joined in studio by one of them, congressman steve king of iowa is here. good to see you in new york, how are you? >> thank you sean, good to be here. >> sean: i was on the radio
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today talking about this. reading from the ap article, about the ethanol subsidies, 55 million dollars in the senate version. i got a note from mcconnell's office saying that is not in there. is it in there or not? >> i don't have any way of telling. i'm going to suspect it is in there. but i've not read the language. we'll have to see if that is in. we've got the extension of these brackets, all for two years. i say that's not enough. if your investment capital and you've got a two year investment on business plan you've already invested that money. otherwise most are five, 10, more likely 15 year returns. i want to see this permanent. i want to play the best cards we can. >> sean: is that your biggest argument . business can decide where to go with a temporary economy? is that your biggest argument? my biggest concern, i'll take this because obama said, he's gonna run on this and axelrod confirmed this. this is going to be his issue in 2012.
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that may be a healthy debate for the country. they want to raise taxes and the republican party conservative movement wants to keep the tax base low. my concern is the 200 billion dollars in new spending. >> we have that. we have the transfer payments in part of that. the unemployment the 56 billion dollars. we've had unemployment 26 weeks now 99 pelosi. most of the people will get a job by the time unemployment out. 40 billion dollars refund tax credits that guess to people who aren't paying tax. almost 100 billion dollars there if you add that piece. >> sean: statistics show when people know their unemployment is running out, they run out and get a job? >> that's what happened. 15 weeks of unemployment they will spend 20 minutes a day as unemployment guess to 26 weeks when it runs out, they spend 70 minutes a day. >> sean: we have two extensions. you can go for about two years now, correct me if i'm wrong
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this will extend it out to a third year. >> this is 99 cumulatively then rolls for the next group. that's another argument we ought to have this language that seems to be movable in the senate we need 72 hours to read the bill. that's something that we -- >> sean: i think -- that's standard operating procedure. we've been down this road before. you have to pass the bill to know what's in the bill. that's nancy pelosi's house. even though it is a lame duck and she is still speaker, i don't think it is fair for the american people. what do we know in terms of 54 democrats writing this letter to pelosi. what do the numbers show are the democrats going to kill this? >> i would think all the democrats that oppose this negotiated settlement between mcconnell and president obama didn't sign the letter. i think that number is larger than 50 four. to get that many signatures is difficult to do.
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-- if they are putting christmas tree ornaments on this bill in the senate as we are confident they have. and it goes to the house side if that's enough ornaments to buy more progressives, they are going to lose more conservatives on the republican side. >> sean: maybe this is very naive in terms of the workings of washington. why can't we have a straight up or down vote on simple issues? should we extend unemployment? straight up or down vote. do we raise taxes the end of the year? straight up or down vote. do we eliminate the estate tax? i know that's not the way washington works. people like myself watch the way the process works. you have to buy votes the moral equivalency of blackmail or bribery would be a better word. why can't we have straight up or down votes on these things? >> i'm hopeful unspeaker boehner these things will happen. nice, clear stand alone pieces of legislation can come along. my preference would be to take
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all tax brackets that expire midnight december 31st, and set them up and make them all permanent as they are. i'll vote for something like that. >> sean: what if this is not done by the end of the year? new congress sworn in january 5th. the issue could be taken up, it could be made retroactive going back to the start of the year. would it be better to wait until then? rather than take a bill spending you don't want and things you don't want in the bill, would it be better to wait? >> it is better for extending all tax s. the problem i have is a moral conundrum. if you see estate taxes kick in and go from zero estate tax now to a million dollar exemption in a 35% bracket or what is really hanging out there -- [ talking over each other ] >> what happens is one million dollar exemption at 55% if that rolls obvious the first of the year, there will be thousands of families around a death bed making end of life
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decisions instead of their priest and pastor and doctor, the tax man looms over that bed. >> sean: if you died last year if i'm wrong, 45%. this year, 0%. next year 55%. only washington could think of this. >> some will decide they don't want treatment. others will -- >> sean: do you think people will decide not to have treatment the end of the year and die so they don't have to pay taxes? >> absolutely. i hear those anecdotes now. that's the combo innocent of this tax discussion that bothers me the most what happens with the estate tax and the moral decisions that people have to make? >> sean: why do i think i will be seeing a lot of you in the next two years? >> because we are going to repeal obamacare and pull it out by the radio . s -- out by the roots. >> sean: i was thinking more of a presidential election. plenty more hannity, straight ahead a virginia judge strikes
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down major pieces of obama care. will the bill survive a gop congress? >> this is a perfect example of how we 14 trillion in debt. >> sean: tax cut bill winding through congress. will the compromise dig you further into debt. >> no, no way, no how. >> sean: mayor bloomberg makes a revelation about his 2012 presidential ambitions.
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it goes too far. today condition cuccinelli reacted to the ruling. >> by the end of january i expect you will see for the first time in my knowledge, over half of the state's of the united states of america, as parties to a lawsuit the federal government. to rein in their overstepping the boundaries of the constitution. >> sean: newt gingrich said the ruling further proves need for repeal and evidence that the health reform law is unraveling. the white house responded by saying: >> challenges like this are nothing new in terms of laws that have come before the courts in the past, which -- in which our position has prevailed. we're confident that it is constitutional. and frankly of the three courts that have rendered decisions on this question, two have ruled in our favor.
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>> sean: the administration will likely appeal the ruling. it is widely expected the case will go before the u.s. supreme court. the decision comes as a big blow to the president and his fellow democrats. exciting victory for opponents of health care with potential far-reaching impact on future i am machine . does this ruling pave the way to permanently undo universal obamacare? author of uncle sam's plantation star parker and doug schoen. let's go to the "new york times", i love to quote them. health care law ruled unconstitutional. >> this is a problem for the president for the democrats. it creates momentum and validation of the republican position. and will embolden republicans who try to repeal the measure but also try to block its implementation in the states and in washington. >> sean: henry hudson's writings were phenomenal.
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not a long ruling, 45 pages or so. he first says the obamacare mandate exceeds the commerce clause powers vested in congress under article i. he rejected the administration's argument this was permissible under taxation authority noting the administration had publicly disputed, this was their argument during the campaign for this. it is not a tax. congress rejected that argument when passing the bill. instead he found it to be a penalty the point is, they can't have it both ways. they say it is not a tax, it is. they say it is not exactly a tax. >> it is a tax we all know it. to penalize american people for not buying a product this is absurd, of course it is unconstitutional. it has to go through the courts and let them know we are serious about not being forced to buy a product we
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done want this is a blow to the obama administration. >> sean: the judge predicted this would go to higher courts. he also gave an admission to the obama administration saying -- gave an admonition to the obama administration saying this ruling is now what stands. >> you can't provide people with preexisting conditions much more problematic. denying people health care with preexisting conditions only works as a rubric if everybody is buying a policy. if they don't have to the deal falls apart it becomes extraordinarily expensive for the individuals who buy policies because insurance companies raise rates. >> we have to get back to earlier discussions. when we started this discussion three years ago, two years ago, it was about the uninsured. nobody in this country does not get seen. if you have a preexisting condition and you go to the hospital they are not going to turn you away the question is, do we force people to buy insurance so they can make sure they have the coverage
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ahead of time? it is unconstitutional. >> sean: what's the political fall out? >> it hurts the president. the pub for repeal gets emboldened. it probably doesn't succeed because of the senate. but makes those who block funding of implementation of the bill more likely to be successful in the individual states it is gonna embolden republicans. >> and the states are already having trouble. the states are already having their on lawsuits because they do not want this -- [ talking over each other ] >> sean: when you couple this with you know the battle over the tax issue, you know it seems the republicans have this president cornered. i don't think this president has had a good day this year. >> he hadn't had a good day since he was elected and started to force the american people to do something they don't want to do. on november 2nd, after that particular slam against him,
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we should have known the rest is history. i think he's going to have a harder time next year. >> sean: you, me annika dell were the only people not invited to the white house. >> my invitation lost. >> they didn't even put your name on the cover -- of course you didn't get an invitation. you look good. this is very nice. >> sean: tennis magazine, this is it. check it out. >> there you are. >> sean: there i am. >> now we gotta all go get it. >> sean: as long as i keep playing i don't need obamacare. by the way, i don't know if that is in magazine stores. i got it delivered to my house. >> they should have put your name on the cover. so that your fans will know you are inside the magazine. that's the only reason i'm bringing it up. it is interesting, i suppose they now know -- [ talking over each other ]
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>> sean: really nice guy who wrote the article said he had never gotten such negative e-mail. >> i can imagine. >> the reaction, caddell and i have gotten has not been positive. bottom line, worse for the president. >> sean: thanks guys. shocking poll numbers just revealed how many americans do not think president obama should be reelected. can america really an for the president's new spending spree? and what it means for the budging deficit and more budging deficit and more coming up, including ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] print from any mobile vice so your ideas can be there even when you're not. introducing the new web-connected printers
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can getting enough vegetables for a 30-tablet free trial offer, make you feel good? oh, yeah. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings of vegetables. v8. what's your number? >> sean: great news from mayor bloomberg who made an important announcement yesterday on "meet the press." >> i'm not gonna run for president. i've a great job. i'm gonna finish out my 1100 or whatever number days left to go. i'll leave the politics to the experts. >> sean: mr. mayor, i guess you are no ross perot.
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>> sean: president obama's tax cut compromise something costing him big time. just not politically, also financially. according to the congressional budget office with the join committee on taxation, president obama's proposed tax cut compromise will roughly cost over 800 billion dollars over a 10 year period. there are people who disagree, including me, with that
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figure. joining me with analysis political commentator, lloyd weber. -- emjean lloyd weber. last time we a lot of hate mail about you. >> i'm sorry you talk and i'll be quiet. >> sean: people disagreed with you. >> i got nice e-mail as well. >> sean: a couple. i'm kidding. >> thanks for having me back. >> sean: you grew up in london. your story is fascinating. look what london is going through. london adopted socialism? >> i wouldn't go so far as socialism. carry on. [ unintelligible ] >> sean: thatcher pulled back the reins of socialism. >> under thatcher it was free. >> sean: government rationing body. you rationed health care. cost analysis. what is your age? what is the procedure you
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need? you are not going to live longer to get a knee or hip replacement. those are facts. you have to wait a long period of time. health care deteriorated. >> our life expectancy is longer in the u.k.. >> sean: second thing, 490,000 government workers under the new cameron government are going to be fired. >> yes, but that has now changed thanks to the changes in the current economic status. more growth so 90,000 of those jobs aren't going any more. >> sean: okay 400,000 jobs. the original figure was 490. >> i'm not sure on the exact figure. i'm sorry. i'll be quiet. i'll be silent, continue. >> sean: prince charles and camilla parker-bowles in a car. they are gonna raise tuition to the he of $14,000 a year.
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throwing paint at the car, smashing in the window -- >> this is more complicated. it has to do with the liberal democrats and the coalition government. if -- the problem was the liberal democrats who got into bed with the conservative party in may. we don't do gridlock in the u.k. we have a machinery system. liberal democrats ran on the basis they would not have tuition fee increases. a lot of students voted for the liberal democrats and are angry. >> sean: here's the pattern. you raised the retirement age in france, people riot. you fire 490,000 workers that work for government in britain. raise the cost of tuition. in other words, you create the welfare state, socialism, all proms broken.
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unsustainable and people get violent when you have to make the cuts. because you cannot afford this cradle to grave -- >> fundamentally, it is moving forward important elements like national health service. [ unintelligible ] here in the u.s. are you dealing with the deficit? no. the republicans and the democrats have joined together to add almost a trillion dollars to the deficit over the next two years. >> sean: here's my point, you are not addressing it. socialism as an economic philosophy has failed again and again. ireland, portugal, spain, european union, france and england have all experimented with national health care. entitlement society. they are broke. when you cut back -- >> first of all we are hanging on to our triple a rating that is doing well. happy with hanging on to our [ unintelligible ]
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>> sean: how would you feel if you are an person -- >> i see nobody dealing with the deficit here in the u.s.! >> sean: you are missing my point. >> they were begging for you guys to deal with the deficit. the deficit hasn't been dealt with here. the congress is [ unintelligible ] >> sean: imogene you are missing my point. hang on, take a breath. once the entitle s become unsustainable and you have addicted people to hand-outs and it is bankrupt the people get violent. >> we are not bankrupt. it is a few students. i don't think it has gone that far in america at all. i can't see -- you think there's going to be riots in the streets? >> sean: i think when we have to cutback and raise retirement age and means tests and steal people's social security, when welfare is
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broke [ talking over each other ] >> and republicans say no -- >> sean: how would you feel being an old person and you need a knee or hip replacement and you are in and they say sorry because of your age we are not going to do that? >> i know many people who have access to health care fundamentally. you can say everybody has access. 50 million americans do not have health insurance. which one isti person ey would rather take -- 50 million people do not have health insurance.y,t@ñ >> sean: all right 490,000 jobs. students smashing prince charles' window. >> oh please. >> that's a security issue. >> sean: imogen we'll see you. >> lovely seeing you sean.
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>> sean: lovely. let not your heart be troubled, our great american panel, next. ♪ [ male announcer ] at ge capital, we're out there every day with clients like jetblue -- financing their fleet, sharing our expertise, and working with people who are changing the face of business in america. after 25 years in the aviation business, i kind of feel like if you're not having fun at what you do,
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. >> sean: former deputy assistant deputy of state, bob beckel is back. con lummist for the sun sentinel, noelle nikpour. larry gatt lip and -- larry gatlin also joins us. goes to see you. first poll was 51% don't think obama should be elected. what is happening to your beloved anointed one? >> i'm not going to dignify that anointed statement. there's not a ran on the horizon or anywhere that is
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going to beat barack obama. >> sean: sarah palin. >> sarah palin has about as much chance of beating barack obama as you do. >> anyone with an economic plan has a chance of beating obama. >> really? >> wait, i'm wrong. government jobs he's created. and stimulus that he hasn't used. [ talking over each other ] >> the point is you are tying to work on him already it is not 2012. >> i think he will go down in history as the ed sell of politics. -- edsel of politics, shiney, chrome, bells, exist s and he's going to be a one-termer, my lips to god's ear. the people just keep following him lem ming-like into the sea. they kind of come around. >> he had to get bill clinton to stand up for him. >> sean: don't you think that was embarrassing beckel?
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>> no, i think obama was right to let him explain his policy. >> sean: john boehner is going to be the next speaker of the house. on election night he got emotional. he was on "60 minutes" last night and he got emotional. liberals are attacking him for doing this. >> there are some things that are very difficult to talk about. family, kids. i can't go to a school any more. i used to go to a lot of schools. i see all these little kids running around, can't talk about it. >> why? >> making sure that these kids have a shot at the american dream, like i did, it is important. >> i spent my whole life, chasing the american dream.
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[ applause ] >> sean: he grew up in a house with 11 kids, one bathroom, scrubbing barroom floor, he becomes speaker of the house. he can win he's hard-hearted if he's stoic and people attack him because -- >> this morning in austin, texas a little 10-year-old girl san the lead role in her christmas play. her papa didn't see it, he saw it two hours ago on the iphone thing and cried unashamedly. it was a moving moment in my life to see her do that. we have people crying because their kids, husbands, sons are being killed in afghanistan. we have people crying because they can feed their kids. i love it when dr. charles krauthammer when he says absurd with a "z" in it. brought brought you brought your guitar.
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we have to run out to a break we are going to continue. go ahead. >> they told me to write you a little song. sean's nuts over our young president ♪ he thinks he's crazy as can be ♪ >> sean: yes i do. ♪ if you can believe a word that i say tune in tomorrow night on hannity. mr. murdoch told sean exactly where the mistletoe goes ♪ off the back of his levi's faded blue ♪ it's been said many times many ways, sean has mistletoe, ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] here's hoping you find something special
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in your driveway this holiday. ♪ [ santa ] ho ho ho! [ male announcer ] get an exceptional offer on the mercedes-benz you've always wanted at the winter event going on now. and stay connected with three years of mbrace service complimentary. with three seafood-and-steak combinations, all under $20! like succulent lobster and wood-grilled sirloin, or new chardonnay shrimp and sirloin. ends soon at red lobster. boss: and now i'll turn it over gecko: ah, thank you, sir. as we all know, geico has been saving people money on rv, camper and trailer insurance... well as motorcycle insurance... gecko: oh...sorry, technical difficulties. boss: uh...what about this?
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richard holbrooke has died tonight. he was remembered by the president as a true giant of our american policy. we continue now. we bring back our great american panel. we were talking about boehner he was emotional on "60" minutes. >> let me say something about dick holbrook who i knew well. a guy who did the dayton accords and helped bring piece to the balkans. he will be sorely missed. he didn't get to be secretary of state which was his goal but he will be remembered fondly. boehner any criticism of him is misplaced. he grew up in a difficult situation when he taxes about kids going to school and going
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to college he means it. takes more courage for a politician to cry on television than it does to be tough. >> sean: why are people attacking him? >> i have no doubt idea if they are they have no heart and they ought to keep their mouth shut. >> in is the first time i agreed -- i've agreed with basketball. nancy pelosi says she never does anything like that. made her sound like such the ice queen, awful. >> when she told the members of her awcus to vote for obama care whether her constituents wanted them to or not. that shows me is not a soft touch. >> if we don't get these bush tax cuts resolved you will see a lot of men crying. >> sean: my jets have not had a good two weeks, new england and yet playing miami. their strength and conditioning coach who has been fined $25,000 and suspended for the rest of the season he may even face
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termination, miami player is out-of-bounds, running up the field and he sticks his knee out a little bit. >> he's on the jets' sideline, looked like he got tripped by one of the -- this is uncalled for in the nfl. >> watch the knee here being stuck out on purpose, to trip up nolan carroll. not sure who that person is, but they should be ashamed of themselves for that type of action. >> sean: i would argue -- >> you guys, you know that he received an award -- sportsmanship award in college in hofstra, did you know that? >> sean: hang on it want premeditated. >> did you see that? >> sean: i think the fine is appropriate. and a suspension is appropriate. why do we have to go for the juggler and fire somebody if they make a mistake in the spur of the moment? he said he was sorry. >> one of the coaches tripped
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me up it was easy for me, i just kicked the hell out of him. >> tie their tail together and there them over a clothes line, he will be sorry. >> you know the guy that he tripped carroll, his mother is the lt. governor elect to florida? >> sean: it was wrong, not great sports manship. i give a little slack. we are so quick to execution, it is like 0 to 60. i think he was sincerely sorry. he doesn't want to be embarrassed nationally. >> you a big story in tennis magazine about you. that game that is so tough. you know what happens in tennis, some boy scout comes out and hits you on the wrist. >> sean: can you pan in on that? >> let's not. it is a wussy. for those of us who play football, it's not
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