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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 15, 2010 6:00am-9:00am EST

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>> breaking up and then -- well, the old congress trying to straighten your tax dollars up, things like termite research, beaver management and salmon preservation. can they get away with it before republicans take over? it's race the clock, brian. >> someone has to manage the beavers. could today be the day we could be closer to finding out what our taxes would be like next year as the senate prepares to take a final vote on the tax cut? "fox & friends" starts right now. >> yes, looky here, what a guest list we have on today's program. brian, we'll kick things off with -- >> wwe champ will be here. larry gatlin refuses to wrestle
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him. nancy o'dell will be here talking about entertainment, brand new book. >> kelsey grammer who i'm very excited to see. frasier -- also known as frasier in my house. >> he's working down the street on broadway right now. >> he has a deep voice. >> he does indeed. and archie manning is going to stop by to talk about how you can vote on coach of the year. >> possibly the coolest part of this morning is the live nativity scene that we have out on the plaza. >> that's right. this is the nativity project which has been going on for five years. campaign encourages individuals and groups to secure permits for nativity scenes in their towns where they have been banned and prohibited. find out how you can have something like that in your town. >> you know what? by the way, not only is this a wonderful scene -- >> is that a little baby? that's a real baby! >> it's live. >> worthy of the season but it's
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freezing. it's really cold out there. >> it is really cold. >> and we need to thank 1-800-flowers for the beautiful poinsettias that we have this morning so in the holiday spirit. >> and dana, it's our job to take care of them while you read the headlines. >> ok. i will do that. new details are out this morning revealing why an ex-con opened fire on a school board meeting in florida before turning the gun on himself. 56-year-old left a suicide note on his facebook page. he blamed the wealthy for what he did. we're about to show you the video. first, we want to warn you, it's extremely disturbing. >> this is a problem, please don't. please don't. please! i'm going to kill you. one more thing. i don't want anybody to -- just listen to me for a minute. >> shot by a security guard fell to the ground before turning the gun on himself. he complained to the board and superintendent. his wife was fired by the school system. in his facebook, he portrayed
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himself as the victim of an unfair system saying the government-sponsored media will say i was evil, a monster. no, i was just born poor in a country where the wealthy manipulate views and economically inflate 95% of the population. 10 years ago, he spent four years behind bars for shooting the tires of his wife's car. that was after he confronted her wearing a mask and bulletproof vest. >> yeah. coming up at 7:00, we'll be joined live by the superintendent who had that gun pointed directly in his face and lived to tell the story. >> at least 27 people are dead this morning after trying to escape this boat off the coast of australia, of an australian island. wooden boat was packed with 70 men, women and children seeking asylum when it smashed apart on jagged rocks. investigators think the boat lost control after an engine failure. at least 30 people managed to escape but they were badly hurt. today could mark the final attempt at ending the military's ban on openly gay service members. the house is set to vote on an
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appeal to the military don't ask, don't tell measure. it has been stuck in the senate for weeks. this attempt is going through, sorry, as a stand alone bill. in the past, lawmakers tried to tax a repeal on the other legislation like the defense funding bill. one said watching the trampoline fly over her church reminded her of the wizard of oz. it struck a small town 45 smiles south of portland. there was no serious injuries but damage to many businesses and some homes is substantial. those are your headlines. >> you're from kansas, did you ever hear of a tornado in oregon? >> actually, no. you're exactly right. it's a little -- it's a little to the west of tornado alley. exactly right. >> you know what it's like to say to yourself, i got to really stop spending. sometimes you look at the budget and say i really have to reign things in. that's what the federal government is doing as soon as they spend $1.1 trillion. as soon as they get that out of the way, they'll start tightening their belts. that's exactly what's happening
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as they're prepared today to pass, debate and knock around an omnibus bill that would cost $1.1 trillion. catch all. >> this is a gigantic bill. keep in mind, this is on the senate side and it's $1.2 trillion like brian said. this bill is 1,924 pages long. in it, republicans have been pouring over it and they have found at least 6,000 earmarks totalling $8 billion for really important stuff like this. stuff we can't live without. $84 million for pacific salmon preservation from senator patty murray. 3,094,000 for subterranean termite research. thank you. >> and there's other -- you know, we've got $this one $500,000 for obesity research. i'll tell you for free, people eat too much. >> keep $499,000 for yourself.
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>> eddie bernice johnson is the one that put that in for texas and earlier this year, questions were raised about her funneling grants to family members as well. >> a lot of times you look at a group of beavers and say someone has to wrangle them and get them together. we have $208,000 put aside for beaver management. special thanks to senator kay hagan for this. does anyone see the election results? this is unbelievable. no doubt about it. john madden murtha was the man in charge of all time pork projects. remember the airport for one that he had in his district? in his memory, they have a foundation set aside, $10 million for public service. a $10 million grant for public service in john murtha's name. >> in some ways, i would imagine that would create a couple of jobs. going back to the jobs. government funded jobs program. >> it comes back to and john mccain, you're about to hear from him.
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brian touched on it. they would stop spending the money. salmon research, 1924 pages long. appropriations bills for a grand total for $1 trillion. are we tone deaf? what is going on here? earmarks totalling near $8.3 billion. here's a small sample. $277,000 for potato pest
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management in wisconsin. $246,000 for bovine tuberculosis in michigan and minnesota. $522,000 for kranberry and blueberry disease and breeding in new jersey. $500,000 for oyster safety in florida. $349,000 for swine waste management in north carolina. $413,000 for peanut research in alabama. $300,000 for the polynesian voyaging society in hawaii. now, some people are watching it thinking i'm making this up. i'm not making it up. >> well, the thing is if they don't pass some kind of bill, the government is going to shut down because there's no budget there. so you have to wonder -- >> but they packed them all together. >> do you remember when president obama came out and said i kind of agree with the republicans are doing, banning all the earmarks. don't you think the president an
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opportunity now to check out this bill and veto this bill? >> sure, he could and there's a couple of things in there that he's said before he would veto. i can't remember which one at the moment. it's one he said was unnecessary and so did secretary gates and he said he would veto it if it was in there. it's in there. just remember, congress this year did not pass a budget. >> that's right. >> this is why we're in this situation. they didn't pass a budget and i think the appropriateers would have been happy to pass 12 spending bills individually. that never happened and senator reed had a lot on his plate and a big election, re-election effort in his own state so they tried to jam this through. one of the things that's interesting, reminds me of the health care bill. it was 3,000 pages long. they just tried to jam it through. in this bill is $1 billion for obama care. a lot of people are going to now come into congress, starting january 5th and one of their first moves will be to repeal obama care so this spending would already be in the works if it passes. i don't think it's going to
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pass. >> probably not. how many of the guys who are requesting pork will be back -- >> well, senator bennett from utah is a good example. he's a republican who lost his re-election bid. he said yesterday that he does plan to vote for the bill. >> big supporter. >> senator mcconnell has indicated he won't and he probably won't. >> he has earmarks in this, too. the other bill that congress is working on is extending the bush era tax rates. it could happen today. peter doocy live in washington with the drama as it could unfold. right, peter? >> that's right, brian. like you guys were talking about, senate majority leader harry reid says today is the day at 11:00 a.m. here in washington. his chamber is going to debate that tax bill and vote on possible amendments and then his senate is set to vote on final passage of the bill. we think it's going to happen sometime around 1:00 and this bill is expected to pass the vote in the senate. it did get 83 yea votes in a test the other day after all. if it does pass, this $858
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billion bill extends that bush tax cuts for people of all income levels. it will go over to the house side for a vote but some congressmen in there want changes. they are unhappy still. >> well, clearly, it is taking the middle class hostage in saying that not a word can be changed by the house of congress that the constitution says is supposed to write the whole bill shows such a disregard for middle-class families and such a disregard for the u.s. constitution. >> so a lot of democrats on the house side like representative sherman that you just heard there have some serious issues especially with the specifics of that estate tax but no matter how much noise they make on the house side, the senate has basically said that they're not going to go back to the drawing board because democrats and republicans there think that this bill is their best chance of avoiding a tax hike taking
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effect on new year's day. >> this agreement this is not subject to being reopened. and i hope our friends in the house understand that's the best way to go forward. simply pass the senate bill. >> if the house does end up passing the senate version of this bill. it will be the second time in less than a year they allowed them to do heavy lifting on the major piece of legislation and get something done. the last time was in march when the senate handed down its version of the health care overhaul for the house to pass. back to you. >> thanks very much, peter. good to see you in d.c. >> thank you. >> that's the debate that rages today. on the republican side, there's another contest which is whether or not michael steele could win re-election as rnc chair. he wants the job. he revealed that on fox news with greta van susteren. >> can he win? >> i think it's tough. he can win. but it's tough.
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there's -- i think six other people are already in the running. the way the voting is structured, you'll have many rounds of voting and we have the folks up there that are running. sever several of them are very experienced. a good friend of mine is deputy treasury secretary, michael steele is back in the race. mike duncan is chairperson for the rnc in 2004 so he could win but i think it will be very difficult. >> it looks like there's 168 voters, right? so you need the majority. they say that michael steele has 40 -- as much as 40 rock solid votes. not going to be enough, come in high but usually go lower as the rounds progress. >> it's interesting. we're talking about this. a couple of days ago, politico had that story saying he's not going to run for re-election. he is running. i even asked, how could a left wing blog know what the right wing and the head of the right wing, the rnc is doing. as it turns out, they didn't know and there's a fella over there by the name of fred ryan,
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the c.e.o. of politico, better keep an eye of what's going on over there. web site is known as politico. better get the political stories right. >> dick morris continues the conversation about the other white meat in pork. when will congress get it, america wants politicians to stop spending our money. we'll look at that. >> wait until you see who came to the rescue. oh, my goodness! >> and it's starting to look a lot like christmas especially on the plaza. but live nativities like this are a dying breed. the government trying to shut them down. yellowbook has always been good for business. but these days you need more than the book. you need website develoent, 1-on-1 marketing advice,
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>> senate democrats are trying to force through a $1.3 trillion you government spending bill filled with earmarks by threatening a government shutdown. and they want to do it without a full debate. >> i do not think this is the appropriate way to run the senate. i do not think we ought to take a bill that's in the course of
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being developed all year but never taken to the floor that even members of the appropriations committee have only seen parts of and try to ram it through here on christmas eve. it's completely inappropriate. >> is the latest spending approv approval on the way. even though this thing funds the government, you hope it's reject the so that the republicans can come in in january and come through with the bill with no earmarks, right? >> yeah. the threat of a shutdown is ridiculous. if they'll pass the continuing resolution like the house has done and keep the government running until the republicans come in and control the house in january. we all really need to understand, though, why earmarks are bad. it is not just that they spend money and that they burden the taxpayers with garbage and it's not just that they take money that should go to like the best
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cancer research in country and instead, they spend it on the university of oshkosh with cancer research. no knock on oshkosh, they could be doing good stuff. it's worse. 1/3 of the campaign war chests of most of these senators comes from earmark lobbyists who got earmarks. >> that's right. >> who kicked back campaign contributions. so the reason these senators are fighting like crazy for this budget is not because they want to provide jobs for their state, it's because they have $5 or $7 million of campaign contributions on the line from the lobbyists for the project that get the earmark. that's legalized bribery but it is legal. >> and i'm sure you've heard the clip we ran of john mccain earlier where he said, what are we, tone deaf? the whole point of the election in november is america wants washington to turn off the spik et. >> right. well i think that's absolutely true but i think we don't understand really and in fact, i
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didn't understand until i get some research that i was doing the other day exactly how correlated these earmarks are with campaign contributions. if you go to and click on earmarks you'll see, then, earmarks for contributors and you literally see a senator votes $500,000 for research to a university and the university's lobbyists give him $100,000 contribution. got to be a coincidence. >> most of them are exactly 10%. >> that's something. all right. >> dick, sit right there. you say the g.o.p. made a big mistake in cutting the deal with president obama. we're going to talk to dick morris about that coming up next and then the environmentally obsessed city forcing customers into bringing their own bags to the supermarket. if you don't, the city will charge you. huh? right back. [ male announcer ] when you eat kashi golean,
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you don't get 100% daily value of any vitamins. unless you do this. but total is the cereal that gives you 100% daily value of 11 essential vitamins and minerals and crunchy oat clusters. total. are you getting 100%?
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>> welcome back. i've got some quick headlines for you. rahm emanuel is back on the stand today after being grilled for 12 hours at a hearing to determine if he's eligible to run for mayor of chicago. opponents are angry because he filed his 2009 taxes in a different city. san jose, california. now the largest city -- i'm sorry, that's so funny. i thought rahm emanuel filed in san jose, california. >> next stop california. >> i just kept reading. sorry. >> love it there. >> ok, now, san jose, california is the largest city in the u.s. to ban plastic carry out bags so the new laws meant to protect the environment. if you want paper, you have to pay for it. >> great. >> we've heard a lot about the president moving to the middle on the tax cut compromise just like bill clinton in 1994, but dick morris, former clinton aide said obama is not moving. he's just losing. we're back with dick morris. dick, you just think it was a
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bad move overall and you don't like this trend, why not? >> well, when bill clinton moved to the middle, he did it in triumph. he defeated the republicans and the government shutdown and then he went with the balanced budget. he beat back and vetoed the republican bills on welfare reform. when he got a bill he liked, he signed it in triumph. obama is moving to the center, he's fleeing to the center. this is no more deal. it's a surrender and basically, what is happening is that even though a lot of voters are saying, ok, he's at least compromising, they're also saying he's weak. and i believe that obama will look weaker and weaker and weaker as he blinks and caves in the face of the republicans. >> i just wondered, dick, if it's possible that whereas president clinton had been the governor and maybe, is it going to take president obama a little longer to find his voice as he moves to the center, if he moves to the center. i wonder if it's more of a little bit of --
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>> learning curve? >> no, not learning curve but getting used to the fact it's a different world now. >> that's like saying he doesn't know how to read in the eighth grade but he'll learn it by the ninth. should have done it before -- the point about this, though, is that i believe that obama is laying the basis for a huge issue against him as well which is that he's just not up to this job. he got reversed in the courts on his health care bill, he lost the election. he's nine million jobs that have vanished since he became president. i think there's a real sense emerging that this guy just isn't up to it. and i think when he caves in on stuff like this, he looks even worse. >> when you look, though,dick, at the latest pugh research poll, it shows 60% of the country likes the idea of the president obama, g.o.p. tax compromise deal. that's something in his favor. >> yeah, and the exact same time that you find that, you find
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zogby with obama's approval at 39%. the lowest he's ever had it. and that's what i'm saying, yeah, they approve of the compromise, but they don't necessarily approve of the compromiser. >> right. so you think the g.o.p. should have just held out and gotten more? do you like the fact that -- >> yeah, i think the republicans should have simply said, you cannot pass or pass whatever you can get through. we're not going to give you any votes and on january 2nd we're going to give you the bill to extend tax cuts and by the way putting in $100 billion in spending cuts and you either sign it or taxes go up for the entire country. >> do you think at the end of the day, though, it passes. >> yes. i do. because the democrats know especially the house libs now that if they don't, the republicans are going to take over the house on january 2nd and they're going to pass a bill that the democrats will really hate.
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>> yeah. >> excellent point. all right, dick, always a pleasure, thank you very much for joining us from connecticut. you can check out his web site thank you, sir. >> we forge ahead. a cop calls for backup. was it a fellow officer who saved his life? meet the woman who came to the rescue. >> oh, my! plus he plays a villian in the ring but he's a hero in real life. wrestler is here with a tribute to our troops. >> and cracking down on nativity scenes but not here on our plaza. >> happy birthday to adam brody. he is 31 today. ♪ every time it's so right ♪ well, it feels so good [ female announcer ] when you have a softer bath tissue,
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exhilarating to drive and worry free to own. celebrate this holiday season with the gift of platinum. jaguar platinum coverage: five years or 50,000 miles of complimentary scheduled maintenance, and no cost replacement of wear and tear items visit your jaguar dealer during the platinum celebration foa $599 lease offer on the 2011 x >> can you believe the numbers all across the country. five in iowa. 13 in wisconsin. 22 in washington and that's just president obama's approval rating. that has nothing to do -- >> there were times that president obama was off-limits. they have found a way to find some funny. >> indeed. all right, dana is in today. gretchen is out.
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she's not feeling too terrific. so it's good to have you here. >> i was in new york city so this all worked out and i'll give you a couple of headlines here. president obama is going to meet with nearly two dozen of the nation's top ceo's today in washington hoping to improve relations between the government and the private sector. american express, google and pepsico are expected to be among the companies represented. the president wants the private sector to use its record profits, excuse me, to create more jobs. there will be no funeral for mark madoff, bernie madoff's oldest son. the 46-year-old took his own life inside his apartment on saturday morning in manhattan. mark's family says he'll be cremated and there will be no public memorial. "time" magazine is expected to announce wikileaks founder julian assange as the person of the year. >> you got to be kidding me. >> getting nearly 400,000 votes on "time"'s web site. swedish prosecutors will appear in federal court to fight a petition to grant bail to assange.
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they're running out of time to charge him with sexual assault. a police officer tries to fight off a suspect to try to steal his gun. the woman comes out of nowhere and starts slapping and punching the suspect as he fights with the officer. the officer eventually gets control of the suspect just as backup arrive. police don't know who this woman is. while they thank her for stepping in, they say citizens should not get involved in this situations like this. >> brian kilmeade? >> thank you very much for being so polite. he's wrestled his way from mtv reality star to wwe champ. you're looking at the footage now. just last month, he finished off randy orton with a signature move. the skull crushing finale to win the wwe championship and let the partying begin. he has now teamed up with other stars for the upcoming tv special, the wwe tribute to the troops, good morning to the miz's mike. >> good to be here!
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time to wake up! >> i know. i'm up. i don't need the five hour energy. >> 6:30 in the morning, what better way to celebrate than be here young friends? >> you're pumped up. this has always been your dream. you get emotional when you think about the fact that the rock wore that belt, that hulk hogan wore that belt. >> i don't like to call it a belt. you can buy a belt at target. i call this a title. i won this. i'm from a reality show "the role world back to new york" and to pave my way, 10 years ago i was in a reality show and having to wear a belt and now i'm holding the real thing, real prestigious title. >> you gave me that in the break when dana was reading that news story i was supposed to read, thanks, dana, and all of a sudden, it weighs like 40 pounds. >> it looks easy right now but my arm is going like this. >> you're all pumped for this and i predict in my humble opinion you'll be a huge star. >> i'm a huge star but going to be a bigger star.
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>> maybe in the next fighter 2. tell me about the tribute to the troops over at fort hood. >> tribute to the troops is our eighth annual celebration. eighth annual celebration where we're kind of continuing where bob hope left off and we basically go out to fort hood this year. usually we go out to iraq or afghanistan. this year, we wanted to reach the most military personnel that we possibly could and this year we reached 50,000 soldiers, families and friends and we -- not to mention we brought celebrities out this year. we brought diddy's dirty money, trace adkins performs. what kind can give you wwe superstars and dirty diddy money as well as is hecedric the entertainer. a 12-year-old girl sang the national anthem. >> one guy i know that was going to be on our show like you, possibly could take you, trace adkins. >> the guy is like 6'8" and reminds me of the undertaker to be honest. the dude is scary.
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let's face it, i'm the wwe champion. trace adkins doesn't want any of this. >> you are a heel, right? >> people think i'm a bad guy. i'm not a bad guy! people think i'm a bad guy because i beat up people's heroes. if someone is coming after your title, you're going to beat it up. >> people take it the wrong way when you beat up the hero. >> i know. it's like don't be mean. but the thing is i'm not a mean guy. i'm just a wwe champion. i got a target on my back. i have to protect myself. >> right. and you are very confident in your ability to retain that belt. >> i'm not one to brag about it but i'm the best in the wwe. and in the world. >> and you are one to brag about it. hey, mike, best of luck. >> thank you so much. >> thanks for making us your first stop this morning. let's go outside. christmas, right? >> tribute to the troops. it's christmas. let's do it. >> we'll be watching your show. >> better be. >> that will be this saturday. it's going to air december 18th at 9:00. let's go outside to look at another tribute. >> that's right, brian. you know, the nativity scene represents the true meaning of christmas but it's being banned
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in a lot of holiday displays across the country. the nativity project is trying to change all that. they travel across the country creating live nativity scenes like we have got right here in front of our building. with us right now is reverend pat mahoney with the christian coalition, one of the groups behind the movement. >> merry christmas, everyone. isn't it fantastic behind you? s>> it is fantastic. let's take a look. this is actual -- in front of my church and in front of the buildings in my town, they're all characters made out of plastic and straw and stuff like that. >> auto cardboard. >> and a real camel. junior is back there. >> lovely touch. and in fact, the baby jesus is an actual baby. >> that's actually my grandson, steve. this came about for two reasons. number one, to share the message of christmas which is peace on earth, good will toward men. to remind people of the meaning of christmas but also, steve, we're seeing in an erosion of our religious expression in the public square. nativity scenes are being
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removed and taken away. >> right, because there are groups, atheist groups across the country are saying look, there's a separation between church and state. you can't do it here. >> we found a way to get around it. i want to encourage everyone that's interested to go to to stand up for christmas. individuals can apply for permits. we had this in front of the united states supreme court and had this in front of the united states capitol. >> you had this in front of the supreme court. >> we went out there and got permits. if you're throughout and they took a nativity scene from ohio, you as an individual citizen can go and you can apply for a permit. that's what we did. this was in front of the supreme court and they can go to livenailiv and it gives information and explains to people. it is important in this hectic season to pull back and to focus and remind us about family, faith and the message of christmas. and it's amazing, we're right here in midtown manhattan.
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we talked across the capitol. junior was right in front of the united states -->> the camel. >> was right in front of the united states supreme court. that one, ok? anyway, it was fantastic and this is a way for us to stand up and to take christmas back and to say we don't have to see this erosion of religious liberty and freedom. >> pat, reverend, let's step out of the way so we can get a wide much. and once again, if people are interested in more information, what's the web site? >> >> merry christmas to you. and merry christmas to all of you. thank you, that's absolutely beautiful. all right. brian, and dana, back into you. >> nice job. >> next on the rundown, we have stuart varney who says that list of earmarks we've been talking about reads like a thief's grab bag. >> so optimistic all week. check out this video. a robber makes a run for it after stealing millions of dollars in chips from a vegas
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casino but the casino gets the last laugh plus -- >> our show continues with a big guest list. we have larry gatlin, nancy o'dell, kelsey grammer and archie manning. i can't believe i used to swing ov those rocks...
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>> they say everything is bigger in texas. well, no one else in the country has a longer and more expensive commute than dallas. that's according to a new survey from consumer group bundle. i didn't know there was one. also, worst in commutes, houston, miami and phoenix. an armed man -- an armed man robbed a billagio casino in las vegas with $1 1/2 million in
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chips from a craps table. the casino is not worried because he'll actually have a very tough time cashing in those chips. it turns out they won't. >> all right. make way for the gigantic omnibus. the $1.1 trillion spending bill includes, get this, more than $8 billion in earmarks. >> $8 billion. >> stu varney says it's outrageous. it is. didn't we learn in november? >> no, we obviously did not. this is the old guard hiking it out of town, grabbing the money while it still can. this is an earmark festival and it's a disgrace. i honestly think that senator reid has completely messed up the legislative process, and presented us with this 1924 page monstrosity with thousands and thousands of earmarks which is just going to cause outrage the world over. >> which ones do you think are the worst and most egregious? >> funny you should ask.
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help for the cut throat crowd. obviously, there's help mosquito trapping and planning. damage control, beaver management, texas obesity -- it goes on and on. >> those are the projects. let's take a look at some of the people who actually attached them to the bill. senator thad cochran, 230. he's a republican. senator roger wicker from mississippi has 199. when was it -- they kind of cleaned up the language and call it an earmark now. it's pork. >> one thing that's different is now there's the transparency who knows what's going on. >> it took three days to read it and jam through. there's nothing about it. this reminds me of the health care legislation. you have to pass it to find out what's in it. you have to read this thing in three days to find out what's in it. and pass it. otherwise the threat is the government shuts down.
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this is outrageous. >> i don't think it will pass. go to a clean cut -- >> with us, yes. she'll be outraged i know it. >> talk about the tax bill and health care bill as well. we understand there's about a billion dollars worth of pork in -- >> well, that's not -- >> pork central, 9:20, fox business network. >> billion dollars worth of earmarks in this particular bill. all right. thank you, sir. we'll be watching. >> all right. terrorists are using you tube to recruit new members and the company doesn't seem to care. should it be allowed to pass the buck and blame the users? we report and you decide. >> then there's a penalty for mouthing off when you don't listen to a ref's call. don't like it. but what will happen when -- to the player who decided a body slam might work better? that's straight ahead. [ female announcer ] will women switch to new caltrate soft chews
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because they have 20% more calcium per chew than viactiv or for the delicious flavors like chocolate truffle and vanilla creme? mmm. -mmm. -mmm. [ female announcer ] hard to say really. new caltrate soft chews, we put the yum in calcium.
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>> all right. welcome back, everyone. you tube has a new policy where users and not the web site's staff decides if a video should be removed for promoting terrorism. are they passing the buck? joining us to debate this is the terrorism analyst and author harvey kushner and assistant director of the epic open government program. harvey, you're the expert. are we ok with having the people decide something's promoting terror or not? >> well, that's better than having nobody decide, actually, brian. i think it's important because the internet certainly, you tube and other platforms are basically recruiting tools for al-qaida and other types of terror organizations. look, we don't let pornography out on you tube. we certainly wouldn't let neo-nazi statements and other things out there. i think it needs to be policed and i think there's a good
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staff. >> if the people are doing it, are you ok with that? >> i think that the important part of this is that you tube actually has a separate review of the people's review. it's very important that there be some sort of independent review of this on you tube's part to ensure things aren't being tagged this way willie nilly. >> i know what you're saying, you're concerned about the first amendment. what if you don't like the policy or what if there's an extreme case of this. for example, this guy is in this country over in yemen right now. they're still posting some of his remarks and we know this guy has radicalized many people here in the u.s. >> that's true, brian. look, if we know that the remarks will lead to an act of violence, certainly, they need to be taken down, you know, there's a very fine line between incendiary rhetoric and political statement and our first amendment. but quite frankly, if it's a call for jihad and we know people are listening to it, we need to take it down. >> all right. let's see what you tube says. their spokesperson defends their
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policy. many are critical of it. take it down and why worry about it? last month, we ended a flag promoting terrorism to the flagging menu. review flagged videos around the clock and if we find they violate our policies, we take them down. they do go up first. does that bother you at all? does that bother you at all, ginger? >> i think it would be very difficult on you tube's part to police everything that goes up on this site. there is some value in this crowd sourcing because there is so much content on you tube but again, you tube needs to have an independent review of these videos and ideally, they would make those requirements public. they would make their policies about videos and what qualifies as promoting terrorism. >> the thing is, this is not very hard. if you have a guy who is condemning america and calling all militants to act against america, why does it have to be there at all?
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>> if you say condemning america, nancy pelosi condemns america and others on the far left. certainly, we need to have a policy but again, brian, and it's a fine line between what incendiary rhetoric will lead to violence but certainly, we do know that there have been sites out there before and the recruitments that have led to acts of violence inside the united states or at least attempted acts that have been stopped by federal agencies. >> so i guess joe lieberman says this. let's see what he puts out. he's been very critical of you tube. he goes out and says it's essentially a very important first step. so we'll see where this goes and if the policing of the american people policing does keep the first amendment intact, it keeps us safe here at home. good job. >> thanks. >> all right. coming up straight ahead, the video will make your heart stop. a man points his gun at a school superintendent and then pulls the trigger. we warn you, the video is disturbing. this is the way it happened. >> this is a problem. >> please don't. please don't.
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please -- >> the superintendent thankfully survived. he joins us top of the hour. and then you know the guy accused of trying to blow up a military station in baltimore, do you know that it wasn't his fault? join the jaguar platinum celebration ! come celebrate exciting cars that are stunning to look at, exhilarating to drive and worry free to own. celebrate this holiday season with the gift of platinum. jaguar platinum coverage: five years or 50,000 miles
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stella: hmmm. we're getting new medicare benefits from the new healthcare law. jane: yea. most people will get free cancer screenings. and 50 percent off of brand name prescription drugs if you're in the donut hole. stella: you read my paper. jane: i went to it's open enrollment, you know. so i checked out all the options and found a better plan to fit my budget. stella: well, you know what they say...knowledge... jane: knowledge is power.
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>> good morning. it's wednesday, december 15, 2010. the lame duck congress having a party as one of their last acts. democrats trying to jam through a $1.1 trillion spending bill stuffed with earmarks. what didn't they hear during the election? >> hey, the video was shocking. you have a gunman opening fire at a school board meeting all caught on tape before being taken down himself. the man who stared down the barrel of that gun, joins us live in just moments. >> amazing. plus, americans hating american. filmmaker michael moore offers to bail out wikileaks founder julian assange. >> couldn't make it up. it's all true.
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folks, that story straight ahead. hour two, "fox & friends" for wednesday starting right now. >> ♪ he rules the world with truth and grace and makes the nations prove the glories of his righteousness and wonders of his love and wonders of his love and wonders wonders of his love ♪ >> take a look at this. it's a live nativity scene in front of our building called the nativity project. it's been going for five years. they encourage individuals and groups to secure permits to put nativity scenes in locations where they've been banned and prohibited by various municipalities. >> with us all morning here on the plaza. >> sometimes traffic is so bad, the best way to get in is by camel. >> that's right. >> that's the case today. >> look at that as they zoom in,
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the baby jesus there is an actual baby. >> right. >> real baby. >> cold baby. >> being taken care of. >> let's hope that's an insulated blanket and hay is actually warm. >> is there a drummer boy? >> i didn't see a drummer boy. there's a crowd of people out there. there could be a drummer boy. we have dana perino, though. >> that's right. let me give you a fox news alert. hundreds of protesters are clashing with riot police in central athens. at least 20,000 demonstrators at this hour are smashing cars and hurling gasoline bombs during a massive labor protest against the government's austerity measures, police are firing tear gas as the violence escalates outside the parliament and today, the senate is expected to extend the bush era tax cuts for people of all income levels but house democrats are threatening to make last minute changes. they're upset that the president's deal with the g.o.p. didn't hit the rich with higher taxes. >> well, clearly, it is, you
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know, taking the middle class hostage. and saying that not a word can be changed by the house of congress that the constitution says is supposed to write the whole bill. shows such a disregard for middle-class families and such a disregard for the u.s. constitution. >> but republican leaders want to stick to their deal they made with the president. >> this agreement is not subject to being reopened. and i hope that our friends in the house will understand that that's the best way to go forward, simply pass the senate bill. >> senator mitch mcconnell says that that will take place today at 11 clo:00 this morning. that's when they're expected to start debate and vote is expected this afternoon. today could mark this congress' last attempt to end the military ban's on openly gay service members. house is set to vote on the
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appeal to the military's don't ask, don't tell measure. the debate has been stuck in the senate for weeks. the attempt is going through as a stand alone bill. in the past, what lawmakers have done is try to tack the appeal on other legislation like a defense spending bill. and tragedy at sea off the coast of christmas island. at least 27 people are dead this morning after trying to escape from this boat in the indian ocean. the wooden boat was packed with about 70 men, women and children seeking asylum when it smashed apart on jagged rocks. investigators think the boat lost control after an engine failure. about 30 people managed to escape. but they're badly hurt. and those are your headlines, gentlemen. >> all right. we have been showing you this video. it is disturbing. harrowing moments inside a school board meeting last night in panama city, florida, as a gunman threatens to kill everyone inside. the video you're about to see is violent but amazingly, nobody was hurt. >> just listen to me for a minute. i don't want anybody to get hurt and i've got a feeling what you
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want is the cops to come in and kill you because you're mad. you think you're going to die tonight. >> why? this isn't worth it. this is a problem. >> please don't. please don't. please -- >> [gunshot] >> i'm going to continue -- >> no! >> the shooter, you saw him. he was apparently hit by a school safety officer and then later turned the gun on himself. the man who calmly confronted the gunman in that video is district school superintendent bill husfeld who joins us live right now. good morning to you, bill. >> good morning. >> bill, when he had that gun pointing right at you, what were you thinking? >> he's going to shoot. it was so surreal. when it first started, we didn't realize what was going on and then right before he pulled the trigger and the partial clip that you showed, i knew he was
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going to pull the trigger. you could see it in his eyes. and it was a look that you could just tell. he'd already told us he wanted to die and we were going to die, too. >> right. >> was that you, bill, saying to him please don't. >> that was me. that was me. i could -- we had talked for a couple minutes by then. and it was just that he got that look in his eyes and i'm done talking and i'm getting ready to pull this trigger and so, you know, we knew that the swat team was real close. we knew our safety officer was in the building. and so we were just trying to get time, that's the only thing we had on our side. >> at one point, i understand before the guy -- the safety officer came in with the gun and got him in the leg, apparently, a member of the school board by the name of ginger littleton let him have it with her purse. tell me about that. >> well, he basically told everybody to get out except the
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male people on the desk, at the board meeting, the board members, myself and our attorney and so he told them all to get out and ginger saw an opportunity when she could come back and tried to knock the gun out of his hand with her big bag and he just threw her to the floor. and we thought he was going to shoot her right then but, you know, there were angels all around us. i'm going to tell you. you know, i just accepted that he was going to shoot me. and it's not something you want to happen but it was -- i knew that if i was shot and i was killed, i knew where i was going to end up. i knew that god was there with me. i didn't know he was standing in front of me. >> yeah. it looked like and it looked like he hit you. where did the bullet go? >> he's standing as close to me as i am this camera. and i mean, you can see the video. he's got the gun pointed right at me.
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i mean, i'm telling you, god blocked that bullet. i mean, you know, i'm not being flippant and i'm not being a martyr. i'm telling you that you give me another reason because he took two shots right quick right there and it's just -- it's only by god's grace i'm able to sit here and talk with you and i realize that. >> we're so glad that you are. the shock of the incident obviously is going to have a big impact on your school district. you had the presence of mind last night to be so calm. what do you plan to do today as the leader of that school district to try to get everybody focused on, you know, moving on from this incident? >> well, you know, e-mail is great and we've used that to communicate several times already. i communicated an e-mail last night to everyone. i did one real early this morning. we're going to try to run business as usual. we're so thankful there were no students in there because about 30, 40 minutes prior to this, that board room was full. we had students and parents and
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public people. people from the public in there and, you know, there would have been a lot of people killed if not for -- >> a lot of students that were getting -- a lot of the students were actually getting awards, right, from the school district? >> awards, oh, yeah, we had dozens of kids that we recognized yesterday. and their parents were there with them and it was a celebration. it was -- and we always talk about the most fun we get to do as board members because the rest of the meetings are usually boring. but when he got that gun out, it turned everything around. we know it's going to be -- >> this guy's mind set, you want to get a sense of what was going through clay duke's head before he took his own life. he says this on his facebook posting, the government sponsor media will say i was evil and a monster. no, i was just born poor in a country where they manipulate the views of 95% of the population. is this the first time you've seen this guy? >> never seen him before.
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never. we didn't know what he was talking about and that's the -- that's the sad thing about it is i feel so sorry for his family because now they have to endure all this and it's a tragedy but i'm going to tell you if it wasn't for our school safety officer that came in, we would have been burying some of our loved ones and friends and it could have been me just as well. he came in and started shooting and then he turned away because you could see he was just shooting. and he had that gun, i'm going to tell you, one of the police officers called it a pistol. that looked like a gigantic shotgun to me. >> not only was he there but he was armed and that was important because unless he was mike singletary with 4.1 speed in the 40, you weren't getting to him in time. >> you're lucky, bill, he was a bad shot. because he was right there. >> well, you can say lucky but i'm telling you, i know it's by the grace of god i'm able to be here and talk with you today. i know that. >> thank you, sir.
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>> bill, thank you so much. superintendent down there at bay district school superintendent. merry christmas to you. >> you, too. merry christmas. >> and the next stop as we move ahead back to politics where it's not life or death but in terms of the health of the country, you cannot feel good about what's in it. at one point $1 trillion omnibus bill being jammed down our throats. john mccain has a few highlights of this outrage. >> 12:15 my office received this appropriations bill. this appropriations bill. 1,924 pages long. and contains funding for all 12 of the annual appropriations bills for a grand total of $1.1 trillion. are we tone deaf? are we stricken with amnesia? what is going on here? here's a small sample. $277,000 for potato pest
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management in wisconsin. $246,000 for bovine tuberculosis in michigan and minnesota. $349,000 for swine waste management in north carolina. $413,000 for peanut research in alabama. $300,000 for the polynesian voyaging society in hawaii. now, some people are watching it thinking i'm making this up. i'm not making it up. >> not making it up and so this omnibus spending bill is on the senate side and this is supposed to fund the government. they've put on 12 bills all together and robert gibbs was asked yesterday, look, 2,000 pages at the last minute. anybody going to read this thing? >> the omnibus involved is 1924 pages, are you worried that could gum up things a bit? >> no, i think it means a lot of people will be up late
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reading between now and, say, the 22nd or 23rd. >> who is going to read that? >> i -- i -- i know during the health care debate, that was a big thing and i assume many members up on capitol hill will. >> really? no. >> i take them at their word. >> we've heard from them. they don't read it. remember? >> dana, do you feel compelled as robert gibbs is the press secretary for the white house. why is he defending him? >> i didn't think he was necessarily although look, the democrats still are in the majority in the senate. they did not pass a budget bill this year. this is why we're in the situation that we're in that they're trying to jam it at the last minute because if not, the government won't be funded. and i think that in some ways, president obama has already said that if there are a couple of things in there, he will exercise a veto. they didn't reiterate that threat yesterday but that's what they had said before when this defense measure was in there. it could be that president obama
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would veto it. what i think is going to happen, if i have my crystal ball, this omnibus will not pass. we'll get a short term continuing resolution that take us into the new year. the government will continue to be funded. it will be a squeaker and we'll get the tax rates extended at least for two years and then we'll have this fight all again the next congress. >> harry reid a little bit more ambitious than that. >> he has a lot more he wants to do. >> michael steele wants to be the rnc chair again. he shocked a lot of people by saying he wants to run for re-electi re-election. he has 164 people to win over. >> actually it's 168 at this point. he only has 40 that are pretty solid. it's going to be very hard. he has some convincing to do. the last two years have not been the smoothest for the republican national committee even though the republicans did so well in the midterm elections. >> money wise is the problem. >> that's what the chairman's role really is. he's -- he can be a very effective spokesperson for the republican party and that comes
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with the territory as well. people want a steady hand that can raise those dollars because 2012, the presidential election will be a big fundraising year because president obama will be on the ticket if he decides to run again which we think that he is. and he's a fundraising machine and the republicans will have to match that. >> you know what's amazing about the story is a couple of days ago, politico came out with it and said he's not going to seek re-election. they got that story wrong. how could the left lynning blog know what the guy at the rnc is doing? turns out they didn't. if i was the ceo of politico, i would go keep an eye of what's going on at the web site because it's a political web site. >> yeah. >> they blowed it. >> they tried to say they were careful about it. and i actually wondered if somebody gave them misinformation but they didn't report that yesterday. >> all right. let me give you some accurate information. tell you what's coming up, the man who tried to blow up a
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military equipment center up, saying it's not my fault. the government set me up. there's the political panel. >> and a teenager not happy with the ref's call so he throws him to the ground. what is wrong with people these days? >> seriously. >> the story straight ahead. >> what is wrong? i can't believe i used to swing ov those rocks...
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>> welcome back. one week ago, 21-year-old latino construction worker antonio martinez known as muhammad hussein was arrested by the f.b.i. for attempting to detonate a fake bomb at this military recruitment center in maryland. now the muslim convert's lawyer is claiming entrapment. was he lured by the feds or just good police work? joining me is country music legend larry gatlin, former howard dean campaign manager joe trippy and former speechwriter for secretary of state condaleeza rice. good to have the three of you here. larry, what do you think? do you think the police were doing the right thing or maybe
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they went too far and entrapped this young man? >> they caught him doing something wrong, right? why don't we entrap a bunch more of them? i think we need to entrap a whole slew of them. you know, one of my great heroes, the extremism and, you know, defense of liberty, the moderation and pursuit of justice, no virtue. we got the bad guy. i don't have any problem with that. i really don't. >> always was after 9/11, how do you -- how do you prosecute terrorism cases? you don't want to have to prosecute them after the fact. and i think almost everybody seems to be on the same page. >> yeah, if three months from now, he had done something because they didn't catch him, everybody would be screaming how incompetent the f.b.i. is everybody are. here, what happened here is, of course, what defense is he going to give? of course he's going to say entrapment. but look, if it was i'm sure there will be some kind of evidence, taped or something that he could try to prove his case.
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but the they did what -- they're doing their job. >> next time i invoke barry goldwater, i'll invoke joe trippi right next to me. >> example of the f.b.i. doing a great job. they really have stepped up in how they're getting these plots from the very beginning and then taking it to a level where they -- these individuals are planning to kill innocent americans and now we have the grounds to prosecute. >> it was eerily similar to the plot in oregon where the man wanted to blow up his car at the big christmas festivities there. one question i've always had is how do we stay one step ahead of these individuals if we're not using all the tools available to the police? >> you remember how much of a broo-ha-ha it was that the wall between the f.b.i. and the c.i.a., about the guy, you know, flight training. >> they don't talk to one another. >> that's the same thing. it's law enforcement, you know, an ounce of prevention worth a
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pound of cure. i say let's go get them. good gracious. i'm a simple man, you know, from west texas but i know that there are good guys and bad guys. i say let's root for the good guys and put the bad guys in jail. >> these are not partisan issues, right? >> i don't think it is. i think part of this is a trust thing, you know, where somewhere trust is eroding our institutions and some people think there's some other motive. i don't know what the motive could be. the f.b.i. is spending their time getting two guys, faking it to get two guys. it doesn't make any sense. there has to be something else going on here. >> will you stick around for one commercial break and come back and talk about other things in politics? >> yeah. >> great. >> ok, next, we'll talk about what congress couldn't resist which was one more serving of pork before they get out the door. why isn't the government listening to you? aren't you sick of congress spending your money and then julian assange, one step closer to freedom thanks to guess who, michael moore. "entertainment tonight's" nancy o'dell is going to be here and she'll weigh in.
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>> hey, the minnesota vikings now say their monday night game against the bears will be played outdoors at a stadium on the university of minnesota campus. well, chicago can handle it. crews are currently working to remove the two feet of snow blanketing that stadium which was supposed to be -- they were supposed to play indoors. they used to play outdoors. damage to the metrodome's roof worse than they originally thought and they don't know when repairs will be done and a tunnel was discovered leading from mexico over to a parking lot in arizona. and a van with a whole in the bottom parks above the tunnel and cartel members hand off the drugs. isn't that nice? police were tipped off when a package of marijuana fell out on -- fell out of the van. there it is. hey, dana. >> hi, i can't imagine that guy
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must have been pretty embarrassed when he dropped the marijuana bag. anyway, congress is probably embarrassed today in the gallup poll, they had an 83% disapproval rating and that comes just on the day when you thought the feeding frenzy was over, it's time that the senate democrats offered up another menu of pork. it was republicans within a $1.1 trillion spending bill. hear what senate minority leader mitch mcconnell's reaction to that bill. >> it's completely and totally inappropriate to wrap this up into a 2,000 page bill and try to pass it the week before christmas. >> so even with the lame duck congress in session, when are they going to stop spending your money? we're back with our political panel. glad you stuck around for that. so it's republicans and democrats, and really what senator mcconnell is making is a process argument against the bill. >> i think the bill is just outrageous to try to cram it down the throats of all -- of congress, you know, immediately during this lame duck before the
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holidays, they aren't going to give it any real deliberation. it's nearly 2,000 pages. no one has any real idea what's in it. maybe even only a few members of appropriations have actually read the bill. this is outrageous and it's not how it usually works. usually a budget is passed or the individual spending bills are done. that didn't happen this year. now they're in this box. >> these things are made -- i mean mitch mcconnell has hundreds of millions of dollars of earmarks he asks for in this bill. he's against it. where it is republicans and democrat. my theory is that everybody got the message of this election. so they're stuffing this one full of pork as much as they can which i disagree with you a little bit, they may actually pass it because of that so that next year, they can all hold hands and say bad earmarks, bad, and not have it happen. >> remember, president obama actually said after he passed this stimulus bill in february of 2009, now we're not going to do earmarks and now even the new
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congress has come in and leader boehner, soon-to-be speaker boehner led a vote to have a moratorium on earmarks and the senate in the -- in the same spirit, the senate republicans said they would do the same and then you had this led by appropriateors from both sides of the aisle. how mad do you think people will be across the country? will there be enough of a fever pitch that they stop this from passing or are they too busy with the holiday shopping and all that? >> if they had another election in two weeks, we might turn a bunch more out. it's preposterous. instead of a gavel, the speaker and leader should have an egg timer. they get 30 minutes. everybody has to show up. i have a gig on the 21st in dallas, he won't be able to call them and go -- ♪ all the gold i'll have to show up and do my job. i think they have to sit there when they put that stuff in there, they ought have to stand there and say i put this in. this is what we're going to vote on with everyone here. >> the reason we can look at it is there was a transparency that the democrats put in that this
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stuff had to be posted. >> now we know there's like $500,000 earmarks to study obesity in texas. we know how that works. >> i believe so. >> i'm surprised there's not another robert w. bird memorial bridge to the airport to, you know -- >> i mean, holy cow! how many times -- i've only been to west virginia 10 times. >> hey, so if you don't like the ref's call, should you be allowed to body slam him? this player did. and then he put american lives in danger. that doesn't seem to bother michael moore. he's helping get julian assange out of jail and nancy o'dell from "entertainment tonight" will be here to weigh in on that and talk about other things. someone that's doing something good for our troops. for camouflage. ♪ express yourself ♪ [ female announcer ] the newest seasonal flavors are here. ♪ express yourself ♪ [ female announcer ] because coffee is like the holidays. it's better when you add your flavor.
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coffee-mate. from nestle.
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the striking srx. it's the one gift you can open up allear long. see your cadillac dealer for this attractive offer. backed by the peace of mind that only comes from cadillac premium care maintenance. the season's best sales event. from cadillac. >> hi, everybody. let's quickly take a look at what's going on in the weather and there's a lot of weather on this wednesday. first up, look at this. down through dixieland, mix of rain and snow and sleet. it's a rough start to this wednesday as people head out the door to school or to work. meanwhile, just a little lingering stuff in portions of new england and sleet running through portions of the northern plains. the next map will show folks what the temperatures are like and currently, man, is it cold
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in chicago? only 6 there. we have 18 in cleveland. 22 in new york city. look at raleigh, 17. we got 20's extending right down through dixieland. next map shows you the kind of day ahead and i believe we've got a wind chill map. yep, there it is. it feels like 10 below in minneapolis right now. it feels like 4 in cleveland and 12 in raleigh. if you're in atlanta right now, it feels like 18 degrees. meanwhile, and look at florida. temperatures in the 30's. people in south florida investing in things they never thought they would need like space heaters and winter clothes as well. the murkry dipped into the upper 30's in miami overnight. but the cold snap will be brief. highs in the mid 70's are forecast for tomorrow. that's good. >> meanwhile, nobody gets left out by santa claus which is why this year during the fifth annual operation christmas spirit tour, he won't just be visiting injured troops across this country.
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he'll also be visiting iraq for the very first time. richard is the chairman of the spirit of liberty foundation. he's here with a very special guest, santa and that's gary and we'll explain what he does in a minute. thanks for making a house call today. >> glad to be here and glad to say hi to everybody. >> i understand you kicked off your tour in san diego just yesterday. >> the tour started in san diego. actually, it started monday. >> ok. >> and then we went to brook army medical center at fort houston, texas and saw the troops there and we flew into washington, d.c. and went to walter reed and saw our heroes there. we have seen a lot of wounded heroes and they've paid a great price for us. >> when santa shows up, he has goodies from guys and gals. >> we have great gifts. we're carrying drew brees' game jersey from the all star game and it's -- it would fit you to your toes. he's a big man.
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and we have been so blessed. senators, governors, members of the house of representatives and a lot of companies have given us great gifts to give to the troops. >> so -- this year for the first time, you're going to go to camp spiker, right? >> that's right. we're looking forward to it. i was happy to kiss the camel a couple of minutes ago. i know we'll have some over there. >> you have a letter from john mccain? >> we have letters from john mccain. john is, of course, one of the greatest supporters of our armed forces and we're carrying cards that he's personally signed to give to each and every one of the troops. >> that's very nice. >> how does gary factor into this? gary? >> well, i'm providing transportation across the united states as far as flying everybody domestically that's here and we're leaving to go over to iraq. >> tell him how we are designate the as we cross america. >> the faa was nice to give us a special call sign. we're called st. nick 1 wherever we go. >> yes. that's for you, santa. >> that's absolutely right.
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i'll tell you, old santa, when he doesn't have his reindeer, mrs. claus is getting the reindeers all pumped up for christmas eve and we will be back, children, in time to get around to see you on christmas eve. >> that's exactly what we want to hear. >> i'd like to say one thing, you know, our men and women are over there. they volunteer to risk and sadly, occasionally, give their lives and bodies. it's the holiday season and they'd like to be here with us. we're going over there to bring a little spirit and magic of christmas. >> that's absolutely wonderful and we can hardly wait until they're all home. all right, guys, santa, thank you very much for joining us live. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> maybe for christmas, santa could get you guys coats. >> be good now. >> only for christmas. >> that's right. >> ho, ho! >> brian and dana, into tyou. >> president obama meets with two dozen of the nation's top ceo's. that will happen in washington at his house hoping to improve relations between the government and the private sector.
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american express will be there and google and pepsico are expected to be some of the companies represented. the president wants the private sector to use its record profits to create more jobs. >> and the mother of those three missing boys from michigan is speaking out for the first time and said she's confident her boys are still alive. >> when i'm at my lowest and have my bible out and the word speaks to me and calms me down. >> what about your boys? tell me your favorite thing about them? just -- >> their hugs. their kisses. their smiles. their -- i love you, mommy! >> the boys' father is the main suspect in the disappearance. he's being held on $30 million bond right now. 9-year-old -- i'm sorry, excuse me, this is continuing on. there's 9-year-old andrew, 7-year-old alexander and 5-year-old tanner was last season -- >> let's move on. you have to check out this video. watch as mason holland of desoto
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high school in florida gets into it with an opposing player. the ref hits him with a technical foul. he was thrown out and may end up getting expelled and/or charged with assault, why not? the game ended in a forfeit. keep it under control! >> and oscar winner gwyneth paltrow and country superstar tim mcgraw making music together in the new movie "country strong". in fact, such sweet music that mcgraw wants paltrow on tour with him. >> i'm trying to get her go out on the road and open for me, you know, and bring all the kids and bring her husband and big old party out of it. >> i'd love to. >> paltrow's husband is coldplay singer chris martin and tim's wife is faith hill. that could make a great quartet. "country strong" is this in theaters next week december 22nd. >> more from the entertainment world. nancy o'dell joins us live. good morning to you obtained curvy couch. >> how are you? >> that's great.
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>> the tall people get to sit over there. >> you have heels and i get to be about 6 feet. >> i should sit up. >> i'm sorry. >> nice to meet you. >> nancy, we got your book going and you're going to be on new year's eve ringing in for fox. >> i'm very excited about it. >> can we talk about what's happening in the news a little bit? >> sure, absolute. >> julian assange, you know about him. >> michael moore. >> amongst the people that think he should be out and about, michael moore says take $20,000 towards his bail. are you surprised? >> of course michael moore does, right? first of all, he knows how to get some press and b, he loves to do anything that creates controversy. >> he loves to get -- in fact, we have bilthsia little bit of o listen to. >> will be charged under these circumstances, address that. >> that's the thing. he hasn't been charged. they've brought no criminal charges against him. this is all a bunch of hooey as far as i'm concerned and the man at least has a right to be out of prison while awaiting the hearing and i believe that -- that -- and this is why i
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participate in this. this is why i put up a chunk of the bail money and, you know, i'm proud to do it because i think this -- this man and what he's doing and what his group is doing is going to save lives. >> almost seems like he's confused what's going on. this is -- he's being charged in sweden not with the wikileaks stuff. he's got sex charges there. so that's why he's being held in great britain. >> yeah, it doesn't seem like michael is a little confused. he loves to create the controversy so it's kind of interesting that he would even volunteer to put up the bail. >> yeah. >> just again -- >> it's always interesting to consider violence against women a bunch of hooey. >> yeah. >> it was last year, steve, you don't mind if i bring this up, right, where steve lost out to ryan reynolds for sexiest man. >> he got my vote. >> it stung! it stung! now to find out that ryan r reynolds and scarlet johansson, could you make sense of this? this is your life. this is the entertainment world. why can't they stay together?
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crazy, beautiful people. >> maybe they were too good looking to be together. i'm only kidding. i honestly think what it is in hollywood, they stay so busy and traveling in such different areas. a marriage, most everybody knows if you don't really, you know, work on it and make sure you have some quality time together, then it can lead to separation and distance and not being best friends which is what a marriage is all about. i would suspect that had something to do with it. >> read in the paper she said one of the problems is because he's working on a movie and i'm working on a movie. they knew that going in. >> talk about tough times. honey, we're both on million dollar projects. i can't make it -- let's go see a counselor. >> that's what everybody thinks. everybody thinks they have this wonderful life which they do. they get all these perks and stuff. we know happiness starts at home. i think that's what a lot of people need to focus on is that you got to make that time. >> one of the ways you do that, you have a book called "full of love" about scrapbooking and helps you remember what everything is all about. >> it's very important. >> talking about this book right here, dana?
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>> happened to have a copy right there. >> o'dell -- >> i'm not very good at scrapbooking. when i looked at that, i thought it would be a good thing to be able -- >> this is what everybody says is that they don't have time for scrapbooking but you really -- this is what i wanted to do in connection with creative memories which is kind of the it company when it comes to album making and scrapbooking. i wanted to create a line that makes it really easy and simple so everything is color coordinated and everything is precut. >> you wanted to do this in time for a christmas gift. >> you're revealing my father's christmas gift. >> oh! >> this is an album. >> we got another one. we got another one. >> now, this is the album of hope that i made for my baby girl ashby and you can do the hummingbird collection in digital, too. it's all can creative memories which we're doing this initiative with the 40,000 creative memories consultants, asking everybody to make an album of hope for your child and just what we were talking about, making it important at home because when you put the
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pictures in here like i say to her, i tell her all my hopes and dreams were i hope you find the love of your life like i did in your father. you tell them things by reinforcing it and so doing it with the 40,000 consultants you can get one, call up creative memories and make a gift that can be the best gift you could ever give anybody. >> next year, you can put a picture of you in times square. you'll be out there for new year's, right? >> i'll be in vegas for new year's. >> at the end of the day, right? >> it will be a little bit crazy. can you imagine being in vegas on now year's eve? i'm pretty excited. it will be the first one i'm up for in a long time. >> you'll actually have to stay up. >> i always pretend i do. >> i have to stay up. >> congratulations on the new job. >> i'm very excited. my et job and also talking about, you know, talking about women's health is one of the things i'm doing here in new york city. >> you're way too busy. you have no time to be here with us. >> i am -- >> scarlet johansson says you're too busy. >> so good to be here always.
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>> straight ahead on this wednesday morning, we've been dissecting the bush era tax cuts. what about the cut in the payroll tax? what's that mean for your rally? dave ramsey will break that down. >> dogs that desperately need your help this christmas season. how you can give the adorable pups a new home. >> first, the trivia question of the day.
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join the jaguar platinum celebration ! come celebrate exciting cars that are stunning to look at, exhilarating to drive and worry free to own. celebrate this holiday season with the gift of platinum. jaguar platinum coverage: five years or 50,000 miles of complimentary scheduled maintenance, and no cost replacement of wear and tear items visit your jaguar dealer during the platinum celebration foa $599 lease offer on the 2011 x
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>> hi, everybody. this just in. "time" magazine selected their man of the year. it's that guy right there. the guy that started facebook, mark zuckerberg has been named person of the year by "time." 500 million people around the planet spend a little time on facebook every day. >> all right.
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meanwhile, with all the talk surrounding the tax compromise, little has been said about the proposal to reduce payroll taxes by 2%. in theory, it sounds like a great idea giving employers more money to spend immediately but our next guest says that may be a bunch of hype. personal finance expert dave ramsey joins us from nashville. good morning to you. >> good morning. how are you? >> i'm doing fine, thank you very much. not man of the year. that's fine. i wasn't expecting it. what do you think about this payroll deduction thing? it sounds good! >> well, it is good because any time the government lets us keep some of our money, it's a good thing but, you know, i've got a friend that's a world class magician and he says the way to make things disappear is the art of taking your eye off of things so what happens is if you do this, you're concentrating on something else and then the money disappears. so, you know, that's kind of an old basic thing but that's what they're doing here. what we've got is this 900 pound elephant in the room called the bush tax program, bush tax cuts. in the midst of that, we have an
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unemployment extension and way off the radar is this idea that the social security system which is underfunded and broken and screwed up is now going to be further underfunded to stimulate the economy and send the consumer back a little bit of money. >> so while you think to yourself, ok, if washington is getting less of our money, that's a good thing. because we're going to be putting less money into social security, somebody will wind up getting screwed. >> kind of a weird way to stimulate the economy is what it is. of all the places to try to find money right now, going to the social security coffers is laughable because we've discussed that, you know, it's broke for years and it's got to be reformed. it's been a big problem for a long, long time. and i guess what this is going to do since you're taking money away from it, it's going to hasten that discussion because it's going to further endanger the social security system in order to do stimulus to the economy. >> that's a conversation that washington, d.c. is reluctant to have because so many people don't want to touch that third
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rail of politics. >> well, that's exactly right. when president george w. bush started talking about privatizing it, just discussing it caused fireworks that were unbelievable. and all kinds of misnomers and accusations and everything else. so, again, all of this is a distraction technique where we're dealing with the bush tax cuts and so this thing slides under the radar. >> good point. you're not under the radar. you're on television right now. dave ramsey, thank you very much. have a great day there in nashville. >> good to be with you. >> merry christmas. all right. straight ahead, president obama forcing schools to make lunches more healthy. who is going to pay for it? we'll talk to a superintendent who says the parents and students and you and me. but first, what can you do to help save these dogs just in time for christmas? find out. brian in his next interview subject right there. back in 2008, number one song in america beyonce "single ladies."
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can getting enough vegetables make you feel good? oh, yeah. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings of vegetables. v8. what's your number? [ male announcer ] you know her. we know diamonds. together we'll make her holiday. that's why only zales is the diamond store. where you can get up to $1,000 off now through sunday.
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>> all right. the answer to the trivia question is don johnson. congratulations, don. you and michael won something important. michael is in toledo, ohio. thanks for playing. all right. let's talk about this. are you looking to give a little love this christmas? today is the day. day three of our paws for a cause series. time to welcome back loretta, president of forgotten friends of long island and a foster a rescue coordinator with them right now is chocolate, shepherd-pit mix, and a toy poodle. both of these guys have checked out in the green room, as well behaved as it gets. welcome back. >> thank you so much. >> what happened the last time you were here? >> last time we were on the show, i can't begin to thank you
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enough. we had a wonderful woman in florida that saw the show and really was quite impressed and very taken by the work that we do at forgotten friends and paid our entire vet bill of $32,000. >> wow. that's incredible. and these are two dogs that also need some help. give us some background on what chocolate went through. >> we received a call about a dog who was basically left in the backyard. >> tied up in the backyard. >> tied with a chain. no regular leash or collar. basically, whatever she had around her neck was never adjusted to the way she grew and the collar basically -- her neck and the collar grew into each other. she had an embedded collar. she was left outside through all weather, all year round and we received a call actually from the cops that reached out to us. >> getting emotional right now to know what this dog went through and this is a great dog and a great mix. my brother actually had a very similar, very athletic dogs as well.
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tell me about this one. >> this is anglo. anglo is a rescue from the animal shelter and as you can see, anglo is a senior. he's blind. when i saw him in the cage, he was kind of in a corner shaking. he had no hair on him. we just recently had a dental done on him. he was found to have hypothyroidism and made him hairless. since he's been on the proper medication and gotten good nutrition, his hair is starting to grow back. >> he's flossing now, i understand, take a quick look. look, the teeth are back to normal. >> yeah. >> fantastic. >> so what you're trying to say is a lot of people, you want to give gifts and do something to remember. if you want to save a life, help a dog and turn a family around, this can be a bonding experience, you can do it. how do we get a hold of you? >> we have a web site. it's www.forgottenfriendsoflong and all of our phone numbers are in there. e-mailing and getting in touch with us.
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>> always great to see you. we'll have it on dogs, thanks for coming in. >> thank you. >> meanwhile, tomorrow, the southeast animal control authority will be joining us. they'll be talking about dogs and saving other dogs' lives. meanwhile, straight ahead, congress still not listening to the american people. outgoing members spending more than $1 trillion of your hard earned cash. kelsey grammer here. he has a lot of cash. he'll weigh in and the government is cracking down on nativities across the country. not here on "fox & friends." we have jesus and a camel.
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>> dana: good morning. today is wednesday, december 15. i'm dana perino. i'm in for gretchen today. christmas dinner on capitol hill could include a healthy serving of pork. >> prop 15, my office received this appropriations bill. are we tone deaf?
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are we stricken with amnesia? what is going on here? >> dana: great question. the old congress trying to spend your tax dollars on things like termite research, salmon preservation. can they get away with it before republicans take over? >> steve: a florida school board meeting, a man, the guy right there, pulled out a gun and opens fire at the superintendent who amazingly survived the attack and others as well. hear how he did it when we talk to him. >> brian: i think democrats must be afraid of new jersey governor chris christie. now they're digging through dinner receipts. "fox & friends" starts now. ♪ joy to the world, the lord is come ♪ ♪ let earth receive her king ♪ let every heart prepare him
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room ♪ ♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪ and heaven, and heaven and nature sing. ♪ . >> steve: how many times have we done stories about various groups that tried to kick nativity out of the public square. you are looking at the nativity project, this has been going on for five years, for these real actors to portray, as you can see, the first christmas right there. they've got a brilliant idea. that is if individuals or groups apply for permits, you can do this legally in different places. in fact, they had this at the supreme court. it wasn't the supreme court putting it there. they petitioned and they got it. >> dana: wonderful to have them here. >> steve: puts you in the spirit of the season. >> dana: it sure does. >> brian: also makes you want to buy a snugy. >> dana: we have christmas spirit all over because we have
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flowers, the flowers here. smells very festive. new details this morning reveal why an ex-con opened fire on a school board meeting in florida. 56-year-old clay duke left a suicide note on his facebook page and blamed the wealthy for what he did. we're about to show you the video. let me warn you, it's extremely disturbing. >> this isn't worth it. please don't. please don't. >> duke, shot by a security guard, fell to the ground before turning the gun on himself. he complained to the superintendent that his wife was fired by the school system and his facebook, he said he was the victim of an unfair system. earlier, the superintendent who
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calmly tried to stop him, told us his frightening story. >> i knew he was going to pull the trigger. you could see it in his eyes and it was a look that you could just tell. he had already told us he wanted to die and we were going to die, too. there were angels all around us, i'm going to tell you. i just accepted that he was going to shoot me. >> dana: the security guard, not the only hero. board member ginger littleton came back into the room, snuck behind him and tried to fight him off with her purse. the only person hurt in this was the gunman. a fox news alert. hundreds of protesters are clashing with riot police in central athens. at least 20,000 demonstrators are in the city streets right now. some are smashing cars and hurling gas bombs. it's part of a massive labor protest against the government austerity measures. police are firing tear gas and grenades as the violence escalates.
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27 people have died this morning after trying to escape this boat off the coast of christmas island in the indian ocean. australian officials say it was packed with about 70 men, women and children when it smashed apart on sharp rocks. investigators think the boat lost control after the engine failed. 30 people managed to escape. but they're badly hurt. today could mark this congress' final attempt at ending the military's ban on openly gay service members. the house is set to vote on an appeal to the military's don't ask, don't tell measure. it's been stuck in the senate for weeks. this is going through as a stand alone bill. in the past, lawmakers individual to tack it onto other legislation like the defense funding bill. >> steve: meanwhile, the u.s. senate is expected to approve the tax compromise bill later on today. but house democrats want to make some last minute changes. for the latest, we go to wendell goler live at the white house where it is freezing. good morning to you. >> good morning. republicans have served notice there can't be any changes to
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the tax cut compromise, but that doesn't mean lawmakers won't go through the motions. both today in the senate and probably later in the house, a series of votes scheduled on amendments today that are all likely to fail. one would offset extending unemployment benefits and one would extend bush era tax cuts and permanently repeal the estate tax and a third would extend just the middle class tax cuts and add sweeteners for the middle class. mitch mcconnell says they're all likely to go down. he said it's basically take it or leave it for the compromise. >> this agreement is not subject to being reopened and i hope that our friends in the house will understand that that's the best way to go forward. simply pass the senate bill. >> that doesn't mean that everyone is going to vote for the bill. some democrats especially still have strong objections, both to extending the income tax cuts for upper income americans and especially to the estate tax cuts for the rich. california congressman brad sherman considers them ransom.
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>> well, clearly it is taking the middle class hostage and saying that not a word can be changed by the house of congress that the constitution says is supposed to write the whole bill, shows such a disregard for middle class families and such a disregard for the u.s. constitution. >> president obama meeting with a group of ceo's this morning before the senate votes to talk about ways to boost job growth. i wouldn't be surprised if he had some words of encouragement for lawmakers, both in the senate and the house. he's been working the phones building support for this tax cut compromise since it was announced a week ago. steve. >> steve: wendell goler, we thank you very much. there are two big bills that we're talking about today. wendell was just talking about the tax cut bill. we've been talk being that for a week or so. now up on the radar is this gigantic omnibus spending bill
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which is supposed to fund the government on the senate side. upon further review, there is so much pork jammed in this, people are going, didn't anybody pay attention in november? >> brian: it's obscene to think that after what happened, both sides think it would be advantageous and worth the risk to put this forward knowing it could be exposed on national programs like this. >> prop 15, my office received this appropriations bill. this appropriations bill. 1924 pages long and contains funding for all 12 of the annual appropriations bills for a grand total of $1.1 trillion. are we tone deaf? are we stricken with amnesia? what is going on here? here is a small sample.
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$277,000 for potato pest management in wisconsin. $246,000 for bovine tuberculosis in michigan and minnesota. $349,000 for swine waste management in north carolina. $413,000 for peanut research in alabama. $300,000 for the polynesian voyaging society in hawaii. now, some people are watching us thinking i'm making this up! i'm not making it up. >> steve: you know what? he's actually got, i think, seven democrat senators who signed on and said, yeah, the earmarks are wrong. >> dana: claire mccass kill from missouri who has a big election coming up in 2012 has said she won't be for it. it reminds me, i call it the ghost of christmas past because remember the health care bill was 3,000 pages long. it was filled with a lot of things that were extraneous. one of the complaints was that
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people didn't read the bill and robert gibbs yesterday was questioned on who will read this bill. let's listen. >> we're told it's 1924 pages. are you worried that could gum up things? >> i think a lot of people will be up reading late between now and the 22nd or 23rd. >> who is going to read that? >> i noticed during the health care debate that was a big thing and i assume many members up on capitol hill might. >> do you really? >> i mean, i take them at their word. >> brian: i tell you who will read it, senator demint will make sure every word of this bill is read out. it will take 40 hours to read. maybe they'll go right to the lame duck to christmas. >> steve: right. that thinking is then they could run out the clock. we should point out a number of the people who put stuff in there won't be back in january. but take a look at this, senator
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mccain was detailing things in the hundreds of thousands. $10 million allow money for the john p. murtha foundation. you got the fellows down below who think that is a good idea. democrats all. >> brian: even in death he's running up a bill, john murtha. >> dana: special airport that he had. that really galvanized america's opinions. the earmarksmarks and pork, i wouldn't be surprised if this does not pass. i think it might fail. >> brian: i think this is an opportunity for the president to say, i don't have a line item veto, so i'm getting rid of all of it. >> steve: no kidding. about a month ago we told you about how the department of justice had come out and scheduled chris christie by saying he spent too much on travel when he was a u.s. attorney. now apparently democrats in the state of new jersey fought to get chris christie's travel records. they said look, he's been traveling all over the place in the run up to the midterm
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elections. he went and campaigned for governors across the country, republicans, and also people running for congress, senator, representatives as well. how much money did he spend? well, the democrats got their answer in the form of 57 pages of highly redacted travel records. >> brian: and those travel records could be exposed and could be something that could be embarrassing for governor christy. if it's like the last time, i think this will fortify him and also, you have to wonder what, is it about this guy that is such a target for democrats? what do they fear about this republican governor? >> dana: what's strange also is that chris christie arguably has been the best thing to happen to new jersey from a reputation standpoint, not just from a policy standpoint, but everybody is turning to new jersey as like the model of what government could be. >> steve: i think you just answered his question, why are people looking at him and scrutinizing him? because he is a formidable force, not only changing things
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in new jersey regarding the teachers and pensions and stuff like that, but also people are going, hmm, we'll need a new president one of these years. why not that guy? >> brian: his wife won't let him run this time. it's next time. >> steve: i think you're right. >> brian: the world economy on shaky ground and a former bank executive says it's about to get worse. he joins us next with what it means for your money. he was running the world bank for a while. >> dana: then we're joined by kelsey grammar who is considering a career in politics. what would he do differently? >> brian: make us laugh.
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>> brian: our next guest thinks the future of america's economy looks bleak. he says the world economic system is undergoing a vast shift toward asia and believes the u.s. is in no position to fight it and he should know. he is the former president of the world bank and author of this book "a global life," he
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joins us now. you paint a dire picture. if i talk to you in 2008 and said we're going to be here in 2010, was this all predictable for you? >> i think it was in 2008 because we had, as you know, a real slow down in the economy in this country and a slow down globally. we were right on the edge for a period of six months. that was after 30, 40 years of continuing growth. that was a warning shot that came to everybody. >> brian: are you disturbed by how we've handleed the global down turn as a country? >> i think we could be a little more conservative. in the other countries, there has been an attempt to deal with the debt. in our country, we're trying to spend our way out and that may well work, but it's a very high risk thing. >> brian: you mean our national debt or major bank debt? >> i'm talking about both. i'm talking about the national debt, which is significant, but we've also had, as you know, a major crisis in the banks, which the federal reserve was able to come in and keep the major banks going by lending them money and
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helping them. >> brian: am i wrong to feel hardened that some of these banks are reporting record profits, big bonuses? if the banks are getting on track, doesn't that mean good news for the rest of the country? >> it means better news because the financial system is not going to collapse. we all rely on the financial system. so they did a good job in stabilizing what was happening. but above that, there is a greater problem which is the problem of the nation overspending. >> brian: you have a dire view of where we're going with unemployment. it's now virtually at 10%. why don't you think in two years it's going to be down from that? >> because i think industry is not very confident about reemploying people and that is happening at the moment. this country is grows at 2 or 3% a year. that's not a condition -- >> brian: this is your focus, but we understand the money is there and when people get confidence, they'll start spending the money and investing.
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if the money is there, and if things start getting on track, can't the recovery go on turbo speed? >> well, you have something like $2 trillion of cash in the hands of the companies, but their competitive situation is not what it was. we have much greater competition in goods and services from asia and the whole world is now moving towards asia in terms of that being the center of the economic world. >> brian: if you had to put your money on one country to lead over the next ten, 20 years, where would it go? >> first to china and then to india. >> brian: you don't teal like the labor unrest is a problem? >> i'm sure there will be bumps along the way, but the demographics are such that they will have to grow and i know both countries very well and it's my opinion that by 2050, they will have between 40, 45% of global gdp. >> brian: if you were to advise ben bernanke, it would be get on track to paying down our debt and that will give people confidence? >> i would do that. certainly. but i would take a look at our education system. i'd take a look at more of the
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fundamentals that we have. >> brian: we've been doing a lot of that here. it's a great book and very qualified guy to write it. thanks so much. >> thank you very much. >> brian: hopefully have you back in six months and say, hey, i was wrong. >> i hope that's true. >> brian: straight ahead, it's a dress code like no other. one of the world's largest companies telling people what underwear they can't wear and what they can eat. steve, pipe down. should they be allowed to do this? president obama forcing schools to make lunches more healthy. but who will pay for it? our next guest school superintendent says students and teachers and you, the taxpayers.
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>> brian: clean up resumes after a tornado struck a small town in iowa. about 45 miles south of
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portland. -- oregon. one person says she was reminded of the wizard of oz, seeing a tramp poe lean fly over a church. damage is substantial. san jose, california, now the largest city to ban plastic carry out bags. empty to protect the environment. if you want paper, you have to pay for it. steve? >> steve: thank you. the first lady asked her husband's side as the president signed into law a $4.5 billion childhood nutrition bill that is supposed to give children healthier lessons. she says it's as serious as our national security. >> who tell us that when more than one in four young people are unqualified for military service because of their weight, they tell us that childhood obesity isn't just a public health issue. they tell us that it is not just an economic threat. it is a national security threat
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as well. >> dana: our next guest says the new law is a bust. nixon, missouri school superintendent joins us to explain why. thank you for joining us this morning. >> glad to be with you. i find it interesting, though, if it's truly a national security matter, why we're not being funded much like the national security is funded, 'cause this is an unfunded mandate, and it's going to cost us millions of dollars, something we can't keep up with. that's for certain. >> steve: sure. and i was reading one of the reports earlier today about how under this new federal law that the president signed on monday, it's going to cost your school district 25 cents more per meal. and they're going to give you 6 cents. where is that money going to come from? >> it's coming from our own local taxpayers. but it's between 11 and 33 cents per meal is what it will cost schools throughout the country. our school district, about 25
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cents per meal, per student, per day. that accumulates to a number of teachers that we could probably hire. you're right, it is going to be reimbursed up to 6 cents hopefully, but you know how sometimes the government is. one thing that is not being talked about a great deal is when are we going to get that 6 cents? it doesn't kick in, the reimbursement starts three years from now. we're carrying the full bag all by our self for the first three years and maybe we'll get 6 cents on the quarter. >> dana: i'm sure you agree kids should try to eat more healthy. but one of your concerns is a lot of the food will go to waste. >> a lot of food goes to waste. imagine being at home at your own family dinner table. you try to make sure your kids eat healthy, but even at home you can't control a perfect meal setting and kids throw away broccoli, asparagus. i know what the government wants to do. they want to help us. but i'm not sure we can take much more of their help right now. it's very expensive. this is an unfunded mandate and
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for them to try to make meals healthier, that's fine. but we have to be able to pay for it. we can't just do it on the cheap. >> steve: i didn't realize that they weren't going to even start kicking in the cash for a couple of years. that's crazy. there are some people watching right now in washington, d.c what's your message to them? >> i would say sometimes moving slowly in the right direction. this is the right direction. nobody would argue that helping kids eat fresher foods and eating healthier, getting away from junk food is nothing but a good idea. but i would say sometimes moving slowly in the right direction is the fastest way to get there. right now it feels like we're not even jumping in the shallow end of a pool with both feet. we're going head first. i think there is a crash waiting for us. this is just one of -- public education has enough money to do anything we want to in america, but just not everything. we need to find a way to do a few things very well instead of many things fairly well. these expectations can't keep coming our way and expecting us to keep up with the expense.
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we're beyond the crisis point right now of funding. we're going off a funding cliff throughout the country and this is adding fuel to the fire. >> dana: i'm sure there is a lot of school superintendents that agree with you. thank you for joining us from nixon, missouri. >> steve: well put. >> thanks for taking me. >> steve: you bet. 27 minutes after the top of the hour. straight ahead, a police officer attacked on the side of the road. he called for back up. guess who came to his aid? that woman on the right. find out who she is. >> dana: then kelsey grammar is here live. he considered a run for office, so what would he do differently if voters sent him to washington? >> steve: the government cracking down on nativities all across the country. they can't touch this one 'cause it's here on our plaza. ♪ joy to the world the lord is come ♪ ♪ let earth receive her king ♪ let every heart
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>> president clinton defended the tax plan on friday. he kind of hogged the stage a little bit. did you see that? you see what happened when president obama tried to interrupt president clinton? take a look. >> i think we'll have a much more positive impact on the economy. so for whatever it's worth, that's what i think. i would like to say one other thing.
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>> brian: i didn't see that. i watched it over and over again. steve, i see you by the main injury, it's got to be something important. >> it is. i'm out here for a very important reason. we'll talk about that in a moment. first, baby, it's cold outside. take a look. these are the current readings coast to coast. right now in raleigh, north carolina, it's 21. we've got temperatures in the 20s down in portions of northern florida and that is not good for the crops. currently 36 in tampa. 26 in atlanta. and as you can see, only 19 in cleveland. let's go ahead and push the button and find out what the wind chills are currently coast to coast. up in chicago, they got 5. it's 7 below in minneapolis. it feels like 12 in raleigh. it feels like it is 32 and freeze not guilty tampa. -- freezing in tampa. it feels like 10 in new york city and i should be inside. but i'm outside for a very important reason. the nativity scene behind me
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represents the true meaning of christmas. but it's being banned in a lot of holiday displays, christmas displays across the country. the nativity project tried to change that. they travel across the country, creating live nativity scenes like this. joining us, reverend rob shank with faith in action in the nation's capitol, one of the co-sponsors between the nativity project and pastor david, located here in new york city. good morning to both of you. merry christmas. >> merry christmas to you. >> steve: thank you very much. well put. we hear so much, reverend, about how different groups go out there and try to stop nativity scenes from the public square. you say apply for a permit and these municipalities will be obligated to let you put a nativity like this anywhere. >> that's all it usually takes. let me tell you, in many places, nativity scenes like this have been banned. but that doesn't mean a private citizen cannot go apply for a permit, sometimes just for simple permission to place a
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nativity scene like this. we've done this in front of the united states supreme court. we tell that story on live nativity.u.s. you got to see it. this whole display. >> steve: there is a picture right there. >> there it is. we put it on. >> steve: i'm surprised you didn't get shut down. >> you know what we say? if we can put it on in front of the supreme court of the united states, you can put it on in front of your courthouse in your own community, your city hall, your county seat, your state capitol. all it takes is permission. private citizens are allowed to do it. you can find out all about it on live nativity.u.s. we've got an actual baby jesus there today. >> live with mom and dad there. but he's just been beautiful. he and the camel have been stealing the show today. it's a beautiful way. you can do this in your own community. you can get churches, in fact, pastor here, from the nearby bronks, he provided half the crew here. >> we got up very early to come
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here and brought about six and seven people to be here with us. local churches and organizations can do this. all you have to do is have a good person in charge and our chief of program was the stage director. you've got one in your local church, you can do this in your own community. >> steve: i've got to step over by the manger. this is the baby's actual mother. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: people want to know that the baby is actually warm enough to be outside. >> he's very warm. i think he's the warmest out of everyone. he has many layers on. he's sleeping, he's so warm. >> steve: when he's not in a nativity scene, what's his name? >> asa. >> steve: very nice. you're the parents? >> yes. >> steve: congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> steve: very nicely done. we thank you for bringing the nativity project to "fox & friends." >> thank you and folks can find out and you'll be doing it in your own community. >> steve: brian and dana, back to you. >> brian: when you come in and we meet kelsey grammar, can you
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please find out what the camel is chewing. 'cause i had no idea we had camel food. or if he's eating something he shouldn't. >> steve: he's eating a bagel. i think that's really very new york of him. >> brian: 24 minutes before the top of the hour. president obama meets with nearly two dozen of the nation's top ceo agencies -- ceo's. american express, ups, google, pepsico, all expected to be among the companies represented. he wants the private sector to use its record profits to create more jobs. hopefully they'll give in. >> dana: take a look at this video. this woman helps a dayton police officer fight off a suspect who tries to steal his gun. the woman comes out of nowhere and starts slapping and punching the suspect as he fights with the officer. the officer eventually gets control of the suspect just as back up arrives. police don't know who this woman is and while they thank her for stepping in, they say citizens should not get involved in situations like this.
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ubs is hoping to inc. chase image with a strict new dress code. they're testing the policy and inn a few offices to keep bank employees looking professional. the new rules say women can't wear tight blouses. men can't wear patterned socks and suits must be dry cleaned daily. also off limits, short skirts and excessive facial hair for women. kidding. women being told they can only wear flesh tone underwear. this is so weird. >> brian: for more on this story, we brought in kelsey grammar. why not patterned socks? >> well, i'm not sure why not. i'm not wearing any today, but i have quite a collection of them. >> brian: and you promise to change clothes every day? that will work for our show. >> i'm not sure people do that. >> brian: really? >> steve: what's a little different, you've been on the show a number of times. you're actually working on the street, so we thought we would -- we'll tell people what you're doing in a moment. but you've always been kind of political and there is a lot
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going on in washington, d.c. where that gal lives. and in particular, there is this great big spending bill that is cruising through the senate. kelsey, after the november election, you would think washington got the message. stop spending so damn much. but they're not. they got all this pork installed in this thing. >> well, it's hard to break old habits, i think. i believe they'll find something that makes more sense and kick out a few of the things. i understand the obligation that all representatives have to their particular constituencies and you want to be able to say i got you this. >> brian: we understand that. but it's got to be for the good of the country. 2.5 million for bike paths in illinois. 165,000 to study may until vermont? a billion dollars for obamacare. this has got to stop. >> i disagree with that. i think all of those things can be either generated by private charities or by private industry. >> brian: are you just relaxed or making a move on dana? >> i'm a big fan of hers.
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>> dana: oh, thank you. my husband is very jealous that i got to be here. one of the things you called for was more bipartisanship and i think people look at washington and think, are we not getting closer to having more cooperation from them? >> that's possible in washington people align themselves with causes that they think will win votes and you're not going to garner votes by being pals, it seems to be, because the public is not really on the page of bipartisanship. secretly we're all -- >> steve: people are mad. >> they're pointing fingers in terms of the accusation that we're all fear mongering is equally leveled at both sides of the aisle. >> dana: would you ever consider jumping in? >> it's a consideration i have had for several years, but that's when i'm finished acting. >> dana: where is residency for you? we have this big issue that rahm emanuel, former chief of staff for the white house, has gone back to chicago to run for mayor and had a big hearing yesterday
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to decide where his residency is. where would you run from? >> i'm not sure. >> dana: you could run nationally. >> hillary clinton, didn't she have an issue with that? >> brian: i think so. >> you go where you can win honestly. i'm willing to live wherever i have to. >> steve: move to cheers. >> i might do all right in massachusetts. >> brian: you just worked last night. you're on broadway right now. tell us about your latest gig. >> we're doing a film on 48 -- a play on 48th. >> brian: what do you play? >> this is interesting, i didn't know this until my girlfriend was looking it up, my fiance rather. that is the theater that's responsible for the curse on the boston red sox. that was the one that was part of the trade. >> steve: that's right. >> he bought the theater for his then girlfriend. >> steve: we're looking at some scenes from your show.
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>> this is me as a spanish dancer and now a willing fool. >> steve: in addition to working on broadway, you got a new tv show coming up. >> "boss," which is interesting you should mention rahm emanuel. it's set in chicago. it's mythically about the mayor of cool. >> dana: with or without the cussing? >> there will be some cussing. i do believe that's probably characteristics of politics. >> dana: you will be the mayor? >> yes. >> brian: do you have something wrong with you? not in real life, but in this? >> you always want to impose, like the running cab fare, the ticks clock. in his case, it's this disease that's is a wasting disease that's chronic and fatal. >> brian: how would a man govern a city knowing the finish line is staring him in the face? this is brilliant. >> that's exactly his dilemma. >> brian: you should take that part and get it into syndication and get more money.
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>> hopefully i'm actually up for losing quite a bit of money right now. >> brian: i heard about that. did "cheers" have direct deposit into your account. >> yes. it was a wire. >> brian: but you earned it. >> dana: you have a show tonight? >> i have a show tonight. >> steve: kelsey, always a pleasure. thank you very much. >> brian: you seem nice. >> dana: florida's deep freeze could spread across the entire country. grocer's prices are about to go up. but how much? we head live to florida next. >> steve: you could call him the father of the nfl's first family. archie manning, father of eli and peyton manning will join us here right where kelsey is.
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>> brian: just announced, mark zuckerberg is time magazine's person of the year. he's 26. he founded facebook, which grew this year. there's a big movie about his life. grabbing more than 1 1/2 million dollars in chips from the craps table. the thief outran security. sped off on a motorcycle, but it ends good. the chips are worthless. >> dana: cold weather freezing people in many parts of the country, including in the studio including regions that are normally warm. now the cold snap could hurt your wallet. orlando salinas is live near tampa with details. >> good morning. the strawberry capital of the world, i'm at fancy farms. this is about a 40-acre
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strawberry farm. phil, give folks a shot of what we're talking about. they are doing their best to avoid what has been a couple of days of freezing temperatures here in florida. you may wonder why does this matter? because if they do not spray these crop, they will freeze and they will be no good and you won't find them in your grocery store and that's what you really want. when the temperatures get to be about 39 degrees, that's when these folks start to turn on the sprinkler system and this sprinkler system is meant specifically to go ahead and save these strawberries from being bad. it may seem kind of counter productive. why would you want to spray water and freeze these strawberries, but you need to do that because this strawberry right here, this is one beautiful strawberry. and it is frozen. i'm telling you. but on the inside, this thing is nice. sweet. a little further south, they have had a harder time protecting their crop. we're talking about tomatoes.
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all kind of southerly vegetables. they have not done as well. but here in this strawberry part of the world, it's strawberry capital of the united states, they are indeed seeing some success. so that's the good news. back to you. >> dana: thank you so much. up next, a father of the nfl first family, archie manning on the way into the studio. first let's check in with martha mccallum for what's on at the top of the hour. >> hello. good morning to you. it is the most extraordinary story of the day. a gunman faces members of the school board and starts shooting. so if you had been let out of that room, would you sneak back in to save everyone else? that is what ginger littleton did. she's with us live at america's news room today. that and much more when bill and i join you at the top of the hour.
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>> brian: he's head of the first family in the national football league. pro bowl quarterback himself, archie manning turned his talent to coaching and helping out his sons eli and payton and making them great. now he's here to help you vote for the liberty mutual coach of the year award, one of the biggest awards in college football and this year the tradition will break the $1 million mark in charitable donations. this is unbelievable. and now dana, the man you've just been talking to. >> dana: here is nfl legend and chairman of the national football foundation, archie manning. such a pleasure to have you. >> thanks again for having me on. good morning. >> brian: coach of the i wouldn't -- >> steve: coach of the year. people at home can pick them. >> you can vote now, we're down to 25 finalists. you can vote now until december 28. there is ten in the old division 1 they call that the bowl championship division and then three divisions in the championship subdivision. three of those.
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so you can vote once a day every day on all four of these divisions. you talked about a million dollars. each winning coach in the division will get $50,000 that they gives to his favorite charity. then another 20,000 goes to their alumni association. so we'll announce the winners of the morning of the bcs championship game and it's more than just winning games. people look at sportsmanship, penalties that you get, your athlete, their academic records, their community involvement, so it's more than just winning. >> brian: it's a good week to book archie manning, which is every week, because your son won thursday and payton won sunday. i got to bring it to something else that happened. what is your take on this coach from my hometown who made this move on a dolphin defender that was coming down, he put his knee out, took him out, hit him, contusions in the thigh.
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have you seen anything like this? >> no. nod good. i'm so glad he's not hurt bad. but not a smart thing to do. >> brian: zach thomas of the miami dolphins said he believes the coaches were told to sit right on the side line because the dolphins tend to bow out into the end line and the coaches said just preserve the side line. don't knee the guy, but stand there. have you ever heard of anything like that? >> no. maybe i've been away from it a long time. i didn't know that went on on the side lines. >> dana: are you concerned -- what i see, and i'm not the biggest sports fan, but when i watch the increasing amount of unsportsman like conduct across the board in all sports? >> yeah. that's not good. weigh need to keep sportsmanship in every aspect. >> dana: that's part of what the liberty mutual coach of the year award is about. >> we want to look at that. we want to look at the total body work of this coach. what he's doing out in the community what, his players are doing, how they're doing in the
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classroom. >> brian: cam newton, best player in college football no doubt. when his dad is calling up on the phone saying, my son needs $180,000 to go it mississippi state, we just saw reggie bush get his stripped years after he won the heisman. what's your take? >> i think that's why some of the heisman voters didn't vote this year. clearly he had a great year and he's an outstanding football player. what he did for auburn to win every game, they won a rematch. so i understand some voters who didn't investment i hope this thing shakes out,ing this nothing there. >> steve: it's national cupcake day. look who is there. >> oh take a picture there. >> steve: the stuffed cupcake place in new jersey turned this -- you can see right there. an archie manning cupcake. >> dana: happy national cupcake day. who knew? >> i didn't know i was getting this award. >> dana: what would you rather have, this or the mutual liberty coach of the year award. >> that's a pretty big deal. >> steve: more calories. >> brian: when we come back, i'll ask you this question, less
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than a minute left on the clock, the ball is on the 20, you got to make 80 yards in less than a minute. what quarterback do you want behind center? you, eli or payton? the answer to that question when we come back, only on "fox & friends."
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