tv Hannity FOX News December 17, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EST
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meant to avoid a january 1 increase in income taxes the bill is going to renew jobless benefits and includes cuts in social security taxes. just moments ago voting to vote down the pomeroy revisions. that did not happen. went to a final vote. the tax bill now passed. the president negotiated this deal with top republicans earlier in the week. if you're just joining us, tax bill has passed. now back to "hannity" already in progress. >> sean: high drama this hour. a short time ago senator harry reid the pork-filled omnibus bill if the floor of the senate that means the controversial piece of legislation is now dead. major whip for senate republicans. the house is expected to vote on extending the bush tax cuts. it has been a rollercoaster day for democrats.
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a number of road blocks thanks to some on the left who attempted to derail the so-called compromise. illinois congressman told fox news, my brain is going to blow up after this he apparently was not alone. oregon representative who is behind much of the opposition of this bill joined the chorus as well. >> my brain is fried, sorry. >> sean: liberal democrats agree with the anointed one-on-one thing the fate of his presidency rests with this deal. last night defazio said the president is making calls saying this is the end of his presidency if he does not get this bad deal. this is potentially the end of possibility of him getting elected if he gets this deal. on one hand he is telling democrats his presidency rests on the -- aoelt -- either way
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mr. president, your future does not look bright in christmas season. joining me with analysis on where the president stands now is the rnc chairman, michael steele who just announced this week he will seek another term in that position. mr. chairman, appreciate you being here. >> good to be back. >> sean: wall street skwurpb says this is the worst congress in modern history. i'm not sure what to make of this omnibus in the senate. looks like this was good news this was the bill with 6,600 earmarks in it. >> eight billion dollars worth of earmarks. i want to send out a shout-out and applause and thanks to mitch mcconnell and leadership for drawing a bright line on the congress saying stop the spending. we don't need to do this now. the nation is tying to heal itself economically. let's keep these bush tax cuts in place.
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let's not see a massive inkeys in taxes on the american people, coupled with additional spending they can't afford in 2011. i applaud the senate leadership for drawing a bright line and standing firm. now we look to the house, on the tax bill to make sure that gets passed so there is not a massive tax increase on the american people. >> sean: do you think this is because in the senate that all the republicans then held firm? in other words the house passed the they will -- resolution. they will take this up in the next congress. you think democrats caved in on the earmarks? did they cave on pressure from the public or they didn't have the votes? >> i think it is a combination of all three. the reality is the 2010 elects married. people realize on the hill -- elections mattered. people realized on the hilt
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they could not go back and justify eight billion dollars worth of earmarks. i think reality set in hard that the majority leader harry reid recognized that he did not have the votes. those folks up in 2012 did not want in hanging over their heads, as they had to deal with other parts of the obama agenda that are still to come in 2011. i think that saner heads prevailed. senate majority leader recognized the moon north leader got it right and pulled the bill. >> sean: the house had to stop movement because they couldn't get through the rules committee on the tax cut bill. they are having trouble with that bill in is their congress. it is speaker pelosi, harry reid. what do you make what is happening? omnibus bill with earmarks. this tax cut bill with 200 billion dollars in new spending. they are trying to bring up start, don't ask, don't tell,
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the dream act. what do you make of this flurry of activity in the wanning days in this 111th congress. >> this is called the jamming in of the agenda before change of control begins next year. even in the senate where democrats will keep the majority we've seen a pick-up of senate republicans there. that independent hanses the ability of minority leader -- that enhances the ability of mcconnell to negotiate and navigate on behalf of common sense policies. i think they are trying to jam it in now. trying to whipsaw democrats who lost in november saying what do you have to lose, vote, get it out of the door, part of the legacy of obama, part of the liberal agenda. and they can't stomach it because the weight of it is too great for the american people. >> sean: i'm aggravated with six republicans in the senate that had an opportunity to support jim demint making these tax cuts permanent.
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i named them last night. we had nine republican senators allowed this -- what i think is a really bad start treaty debate to begin. it included lindsey graham and john mccain. are you concerned about some of those votes? >> i'm not concerned about those votes so much as i understand the dynamics what is going on on the economic front and national security front. i think the american people can appreciate this you are talking about start treaty or any other aspect of our economy there's got to be a balancing act. all the members who represent diverse states and have different interests they have to consider in coming to some agreement and arrangement to move forward. i think that's what are going to see a little more of. both for democrats and republicans, the dynamics have changed as a result of the november elections. i appreciate what are saying about how the votes were cast.
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there's a lot more behind that vote than the casting of it. i think those are the things we need to wait to hear from those senators and leadership as to what else is involved on both subjects. >> sean: i noticed mr. chairman you do have some opponents and pretty much you have had them since the beginning of your term. left leaning political stories have come out and some express concerns about the you raised or gaffes you may have made as chairman. you announced you are going to run for reelection. what do you say to those who have spoken out you? >> i say the job isn't done. we removed nancy pelosi from the chair. now we need to take the white house in 2012. i think that is important that the party continue its grass roots movement upward. in order other words from the bottom up making sure people are engaged. i don't believe in quitting the fight. we raised close to 190 million dollars since 2009.
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we put that money out into the streets of america in over 360 victory centers around the country that enabled us to contact 45 million voters. we saw 44 million go out and vote, republican this year. we are very excited about the progress that we've made. i'm so proud of our state party, chairman, national committee men and women around the country have done a nominal job. i want to be the leader that get us there. >> sean: this is the best midterm election in 70 years and there is still infighting perplexing. >> the focus is not on each other it is on the obama agenda for the next two years. we've already begun to seen the machinations they are willing to push and force through legislation. it will get worse next year even with the leadership in the senate. >> sean: are you concerned about the spending in the tax cut bill?
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in other words, the 200 billion dollars, extension of unemployment and this extra money? are you concerned about that aspect of the bill? >> absolutely. you cannot go forward necessarily and say we are going to keep these tax cuts in place and then have the democrats come behind you and whipsaw in more spending. the reality is, i think republican leadership has been consistent on this, whether in the senate or the house, whatever we do, we have to first make sure these tax cuts are locked in, permanent. so that the business class has a security, if you will, in knowing how we're going to move forward. then the nation can begin to address those issues that relate to spending, big it under control so you can revive the health of this nation and its economy. >> sean: mr. chairman good to see you. happy new year, merry christmas. plenty more hannity coming up. ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] print from any mobile vice so your ideas can be there even when you're not. introducing the new web-connected printers with eprint from hp. >> sean: senate republicans were asking for more time to read the start treaty. vice president biden has this special christmas message. >> get out of the way. there's too much at stake for america's national security. don't tell me about christmas. >> sean: deck the halls with deja vu. who needs to read a bill before it is shoved through a before it is shoved through a week before christmas. ♪ for he's a jolly good fellow ♪ the meeting's tomorro in dals ♪
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just shake it. [ rattling ] [ male announcer ] need ink? staples has a low price guarantee on all the ink you need. find a lower price at another store, and we'll match it. that was easy. >> sean: senate majority leader harry reid pull the controversial trillion dollar spending bill from the floor of the senate. this bill was overflowing with billions in earmarks. the stupidding turn of events happened a short time -- the stunning turn of events happened a short time ago. take a look. >> i really tried to make this something that was good for the congress. i was elated.
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one of my republican friends said here's who is going to support you. up to nine. they know who they are. in the last 24 hours they've walked away from the ability for us to complete this legislation. >> sean: it has been a whirlwind night. some stores have been confused about what has been going on many look at this exchange between a freshman senator and senator mccain. >> as the most junior member for those who are not understanding what just happened. did we just win? >> i think there's little doubt that the majority leader of the united states senate would not have taken the action he just took if he didn't have 41 votes to stop this. i don't think there's any doubt about it. >> for economic conservatives a 19,024 page just died.
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and 6,000 earmarks will not move forward? >> yes and i feel bad about those earmarks because i had so much fun with them. >> sean: joining me reaction democratic governor from pennsylvania, governor ed rendell. welcome back. >> good evening sean. >> sean: i'm looking at this bill. first they should have passed these appropriations bills in the spring, in the summer, leading up to the election. they wait until the government is about to shutdown. they stick 6,600 pieces of pork legislation in this thing. how could they be this tone-deaf? >> sean, let me start out by agreeing with you, i know that will shock you. they should have gotten these things done earlier. part of the gridlock that grips the congress that has forced these things up the deadline. like the tax bill. we almost saw taxes group on
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americans because congress couldn't act earlier. they should get their work done on time. we should put aside all of this posturing. >> sean: maybe if the president would stop calling republicans hostages. maybe if he would stop referring to them as the enemy. maybe if he said they could sit in the back -- >> and sean i agree. i think on the tax bill, i think the president did lead. it was good for america, the results. wasn't perfect from anybody's standpoint but it got the job done. >> sean: we don't know yet. the bill hasn't passed in the house. >> the democrats and republicans both, through their amendments -- withdrew their amendments, so i think it is going to pass. the basic thing is we can fight the next election battle for the next two years if we do the country is going to hell in a hand basket. >> sean: it is already going to hell in a hand basket.
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>> we have to cooperate on something that will begin the job of cutting the deficit. >> sean: governor, i respect what you are saying. here's my take on president obama, i mean this, i'm being as respectful as i can. he's weak. he's allowing nancy pelosi and harry reid to set the agenda. he has from the beginning. he made all these promises about earmarks. he didn't stand up and say no, take those earmarks out. let's roll the tape first. >> our earmark system what is called pork barrel spending in washington is fraught with abuse. it badly needs reform. i pledge to slash:#okx earmarksy more than half when i'm president of the united states of america. i'm not going to tell you what i'm going to spend, i'm going to tell you what i will save. we will go through the federal budget page by page, line by line eliminate programs that don't work. senator mccain talks about
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earmarks. no doubt the system needs reform and things we spend money on that need to be eliminated. >> sean: first bill he signs 9,000 earmarks into law. he said he would eliminate ear marks. nancy pelosi, harry reid put it in there. he didn't have the courage to say i won't sign this bill! he seems to have no strength. he seems weak! >> sean, again, i think the president has proved that when he entered into a agreement with republican leadership on most important seminole issue facing the nation. i think he went against a lot of the wishes of democrats. he's been battered by the left. he did take a strong stand for what he believed is right for the country. >> sean: governor, i could show you dozens of more examples where he made that promise. is his word no good?skv is his word meaningless?
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>> have you had any indication he would have signed the bill with earmarks in it? been discussig earmarks since this omnibus has been put on the table. the white house through their spokesman yesterday came out and said we would rather they not be there, but this is what we have so we'll have to go along with it. >> well, again, i think for you to say that the president is weak, this is a times-ñ wheni think he's exercised his strongest leadership. he went a lot of -- >> sean: if i get caught in a lie i'm going straight to you. >> no, this is not a lie. a lot of his own party didn't want the tax cut bill to be passed. you know of that. >> sean: two separate issues. >> you're saying he doesn't lead and he sent strong. i think he knows he has to lead now. i think he's learned a lesson. in the end you and i both know the best politics is good government. if he can lead the country, reduce the deficit, get an
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energy bill, forget cap and trade, but an energy bill that creates american energy independence, good educational if he can do that he's going to get reelected. >> sean: in two years he's given us three trillion in debt, tripled the bush budget deficit and kept it there for two years, unemployment 10%. he's not doing a great job. >> unemployment dropped in pennsylvania today to 89.6% in pennsylvania. >> sean: i give you credit, not him. >> thanks sean. >> sean: coming up, a political unraveling for the democrats in this lame duck session. reaction former speaker of the house newt gingrich to all of tonight's events and what it means for the president's future. that and more, straight ahead. [ female announcer ] it's red lobster's ultimate surf and turf event. with three seafood-and-steak combinations, all under $20! like succulent lobster and wood-grilled sirloin, or new chardonnay shrimp and sirloin. ends soon at red lobster.
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[ male announcer ] you know her. we know diamonds. together we'll make her holiday. that's why only zales is the diamond store. where you can get up to $1,000 off now through sunday. just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies? [ glass shatters ] more passion for the one you love? more fun with your family and friends? it could be a treatable condition
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>> sean: my next guest was calling for the president to keep his word and refused to sign a pork filled bill. christmas has come early with news that harry reid pulled the omnibus bill rendering it dead. senator mccain reacted to the surprise move a short time ago. >> i appreciate the fact that the majority leader has agreed to a continuing resolution. have no doubt, as to why it happened. it happened because the majority leader didn't have the votes. >> sean: with reaction is fox news contributor, former speaker of the house co-author of valley form, newt gingrich is back with us. you can get an autographed copy which would make a great christmas gift good to have you back. >> great to be back.
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>> sean: your reaction to the omnibus bill? >> at american solutions we sent out over a million e-mails today asking people to call their senators. we are thrilled. we think it is a great victory for the american people. i'm talking to you from south carolina where it is a get victory for jim demint who joined senator mccain leading the fight against these earmarks. good stuff in the right direction. next, the senate has to give up trying to pass the start treaty. which i think is a terrible idea for a lame duck session to try to ram through at the last minute. they ought to go home. the number within thing this lame duck session should do is go home. leave us alone. we don't want them around any more. the house ought to pass the tax continuation that passed the senate without any amendment. get it signed and go home. this has been bad government. to have a huge election and have democrats trying to ram
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things through as though the election never occurred. >> sean: do you have problems with the tax bill in terms of the spending? i was uncomfortable with 200 billion dollars in new spending. >> sure. i think the bill is the least bad option we have. i think to leave town without having extended the taxes would risk pushing us into an 11or12% unemployment. this bill is not a stimulus bill. all this bill does is continue the current tax code but avoids the disaster of having taxes group in january. and it avoids the disaster of businesses having no idea what the tax code is. what the republicans have to do is come back in january and launch a series of 9 to 12 bills each designed to increase jobs and economic growth. and recognize that all we did here was avoided a disastrous columns -- collapse of the economy we have nothing to get us back to job creation.
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it is clear the obama administration doesn't have a clue how you create jobs. john boehner and the house republicans need to lead the way in focusing on jobs and paychecks. >> sean: i won't pay attention you are back in south carolina tonight. you mentioned senator demint. he gave the senate republicans an opportunity to make the bush tax cuts permanent. six republicans voted against that. as it relates to advancing the discussions and debate in the senate and start treaty nine republicans made that possible. i agree they should go home. i would rather they would have fought harder not to have 200 billion dollars in spending. the start teeth is aed about deal and shouldn't be tan up by this -- the start treaty is a bad deal. and shouldn't be tan up. i'm not sure if they are going to support this, but -- >> my understanding that john mccain has made clear he will move to block it being voted
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on unless they make an order, very important amendments on missile defense and the right of america to defend ourselves, which involves places like iran, north korea, pakistan, china. not just russia i think senator mccain is not going to let it go forward. i would urge everybody ing tonight, call your senator -- everybody watching tonight call your senator tomorrow and demand your senator stop the start treaty. ex-mail your friends around the country and ask them to call their senators this is a real-time opportunity to stop a bad treaty. >> sean: i like the idea go home, leave us -- along and stop ramming bills down our throat. this is america's christmas nightmare every december. let's look ahead to the next congress. when they take power january 5th, and we have more republican senators, first
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order of business to repeal health care, cut spending. you lived through this. how long is it going to be before democrats start characterizing republicans as wanting to kick granny on the street and have grandma and grant eat dog food? >> well, i'm sure some left wingers will start doing it on christmas day. i think the key is, for speaker boehner and the republican team in the house, to calmly and methodically focus on job creation. focus on hearings on obamacare and then repeal it and replace it with a better plan and cut spending and control spending. my understanding is congressman paul ryan is ready to move on the spending side. i think dave camp is prepared to move on the jobs' side in ways and means. i think fred upton is prepared to move on obamacare. i think you will see a republican team in the house from day one, prepared to move towards a healthier, more prosperous, more employed
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america. i think that's good news for the country. >> sean: i think it is too. one question about congressman boehner soon to be speaker of the house. you even suggested that he could learn perhaps from some mistakes that you think you made when you took over. he's done a couple of interviews, he's gotten emotional, he's been hammered and criticized for it. is that a bad idea? >> it is interesting if you are a republican and done show emotion it is a sign you are aloof, cold and indifferent. if you are a guy who is heart of a huge family who worked his way up and proud to be an american it is a sign that there is something wrong. i think you have to relax. the news media is going to find some reason to criticize you. john boehner is true to who he is. wonderful person, he has a deep passionate love for america. i think he's really deep down humble to be where he is and sometime it shows. i think that's a good thing.
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>> sean: merry christmas, happy new year. enjoy your time in south carolina and i'm sure we will be talking to you from new hampshire any day now. >> philadelphia eagles' quarterback mike vick says he wants to on a dog again some day. should he be allowed? we'll debate gecko: good news sir, i just got an email from the office and word is people really love our claims service. gecko: 'specially the auto repair xpress.
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repairs are fast and they're guaranteed for as long as you own your car. boss: hey, that's great! is this your phone? gecko: yeah, 'course. boss: but...where do you put...i mean how do you...carry... waitress: here you go. boss: thanks! gecko: no, no i got it, sir. anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. [ technician ] are you busy? management just sent over these new technical manuals. they need you to translate them into portuguese. by tomorrow. [ male announcer ] ducati knows it's better for xerox to manage their global publications. so they can focus on building amazing bikes. with xerox, you're ready for real business. oh, my gosh. oh, my gosh.
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♪ [ male announcer ] you know her. we know diamonds. together we'll make her holiday. that's why only zales is the diamond store. where you can get up to $1,000 off now through sunday. >> sean: the year will end on an all time low for president obama according to the numbers. according to a fox news poll 29% of americans think he will be reelected in 2012, significant drop from 44% this time last year. 34% of americans expect obama to rate as either one of the country's worst or as a below average president. [ male announcer ] earlier today, your living room was game day central.
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[ cheering ] a place for friends, family, and your husbd's trademark victory dance. [ cheering ] now the crowd is gone. and all that remains is the s. [ dog barks ] but you're ready because febreze air effects cleans ay tough game day ors in air. sweat socks, chicken wings, garlic dip and leaves a light fresh scent. febreze air effects. just one of the many ways
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>> sean: welcome to media mash. where we expose the most outrageous examples of the mainstream media's liberal bias. joining us brent bozell. welcome back. >> merry christmas sean how are you? >> sean: fine, thank you. bill clinton commandeers the podium. barack obama i gotta run my wife has been waiting a half
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hour. how does the media react? giddy. >> tonight president clinton make as unexpected and unprecedented encore appearance in the white house briefing room, to push the obama tax cut deal. >> that was an awesome bit of political theater. an amazing atmosphere in the room, i have to imagine. >> i think we are end mored with it in the media. >> i think there's always -- there's a lot of clinton kool-aid dingers. >> sean: if i was obama, i would be embarrassed. >> this was a -- bad moment for obama i don't think he realized how much the media loves bill clinton. i have to give matthews credit for admitting there is no semblance of objectivity when covering him. the real disconnect is that clinton is some kind of rock star in the democratic party. he loses as many races as obama does. obama lost 63 seats in his first midterm, bill clinton
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lost 54, right behind him. >> sean: good point. it was funny to see him take over this is the same pill clinton that said they played the race card against him. i don't think he has gotten over that. we spent a lot of time, maybe a week, two weeks talking about joe wilson we he said you lie during the state of the union address. we have these reports about democrats using the f-word to describe the president. do you think the media spent a lot of time covering that? >> it was the shout heard round the world. >> you lie! >> it was a frightening mix of disrespect and bad behavior. >> booing. >> it strikes a lot of people as awfully close to the idea that maybe there was some sort of racist or bigoted element there. >> sean: what do you think? >> what a difference two years makes. it wasn't just that one comment that was made about
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obama reportedly. they also -- it was reported in the huffington post they also said "f" the president, no ing way he -- he ifed up. reported it. all those networks that went after wilson for saying you lie not one --. >> sean: it is almost too much to take so biased, unbelievable. i think there's a lesson to be learned for incoming speaker boehner. he went on "60 minutes" he got emotional. on election night he got emotional. he's known for being emotional. barbara walters on "the view" had harsh words to say about it. >> incoming house speaker john boehner known to get emotional cried several time during an interview on "60 minutes" that
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has a lot of people asking would his tears get a different reaction if he was a woman. >> this guy has an emotional problem every time he talks about anything that is not raise taxes, he cries. [ laughing] >> if had seen nancy pelosi all these past years, crying what would you say? >> sean: there's a part of me that wishes he wouldn't do it. i'm going to be honest. >> he does because that his -- back to 1994 what did news week manage soon say about crying what did they say about -- "newsweek" magazine say about crying? when it is a liberal who is crying they love it. they don't believe conservatives have he motion. they believe all we care about is tax cuts and global warming and other ways of polluting the planet and destroying
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mother earth. when john boehner shows emotion they ridicule him because they don't believe it. >> sean: i think it opens him up for criticism. if he's stoic he's going to be criticized for being a hard-hearted conservative. >> i don't think he plans it if he sets this thing up where he was going to make himself cry. remember how bill clinton did it around brown's funeral how he was caught by rush limbaugh, forcing himself to cry we the camera caught him. all of a -- >> sean: all of a sudden he's joking and joking then he gets caught classic. >> best tv moment in history that day. if boehner did that, go after him, like they didn't go after bill ton. he's just being emotional, give him credit. >> sean: brent bozell, appreciate it. >> merry christmas. >> sean: you can tune in tomorrow night right here 9:00
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eastern for a special show, politicians tell you about the good legislation and how good it's gonna do. what about the harm it could cause? that is the subject of tomorrow night's special hosted by john stossel. don't miss politicians' top 10 promises gone wrong. >> our great, great american panel, straight ahead. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you know her. oh, my gosh. [ male announcer ] we know diamonds. oh, my gosh. [ male announcer ] together we'll make her holiday. that's why only zales is the diamond store. where you'll pay no interest if paid in full by january 2012.
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up his tent? >> it was good news. it was bound to happen. i have slim hope i would love to see the same with the tax bill. i think it is a terrible piece of legislation. >> sean: it did get hung up in the house today. >> as we speak they are debating it. if it doesn't get derailed tonight it is not. the republican appropriator stood onboard on this. they've gotten religion. >> sean: bond, bennett and others were not. >> the other thing is, it is six weeks late but isn't it great to hear harry reid loses? >> sean: i want to give you a shot as the lib on the panel. the issue i was bringing up with ed rendell. barack obama says over and over again, no earmarks. first bill, 9,000 earmarks. 6600 here. at no point did he publicly -- the white house said they
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would sign the bill. he is weak. where is his backbone. >> he is not weak. he's committed to getting the business of the people done. on this specific issue, i agree, he's -- he's not week. i think the president is a strong leader. >> he was silent, absent talking to a native american group today. >> just as every other president in history has been silent on this subject. [ talking over each other ] the president thinks it is a good thing. >> sean: you are missing my point. she is right. he made the promise repeatedly after the election. again on november 13th. my point is, who runs this place? he's the president of the united states. >> wait a minute -- >> sean: if nancy pelosi and harry reid wants something. >> the president doesn't run the place. the people rqhy the place. >> did he bend over for
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republicans on the tax deal? >> that depends on which you ask. what he's done, what he's agreed to, how he has outraged his base. perhaps after the midterms his heart isn't in this presidency -- >> sean: he bends over, bows down before foreign leaders, it seems he does the same for nancy pelosi and harry reid. >> president of the united states does not do. >> sean: we have video of him repeatedly bowing down before foreign leaders. >> no. >> he has been spineless on gitmo, on afghanistan. spineless on don't ask, don't tell. you should be outraged that he has -- >> first of all i'm a democrat committed to people working for this country. >> regardless, you should be out . >> you are a liberal. >> last time i was on you said i was a socialist. >> sean: same thing. >> we like that spinelessness.
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democratic president who has not raised taxes on the rich, cut the payroll tax and frozen federal workers' salaries. i want to see a republican president in 2013 freeze workers' salaries to do all the things that obama has been doing so far. >> lame stream media has already distorted this story. i just checked, headline is gop senate resistance kills giant spending bill. no mention of the fact they didn't have the democratic vote. no mention this is going to be a gop obstructionist story now. >> democrats and republicans opposed this bill because of earmarks, good thin as you pointed out. [ talking over each other ] >> sean: does it bother you as a democrat obama repeated say said no bush taxes for the wealthy. he gave in on that. does that bother you? >> i do not like the
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legislation. >> sean: he gave in on that. he bowed on that? >> i do not think we should extend tax cuts for the wealthy this is the best deal he could get for -- [ talking over each other ] >> more progressive tax code than today. with the payroll tax cut, [ talking over each other ] >> sean: "wall street journal" worst congress in modern history. he's the worst president in modern history. modern history. [ male announcer ] one look can turn the everyday into romantic. ♪ an accidental touch can turn rdinary into sething more. moments can change anytime -- just like that. and when they do men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready with cialis for daily use. alis for daily use is a clinically proven, low-dose tablet you take every day, so you can be ready ytime the mome is right. tell your door about your medical condition and all medications,
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tonight was his last broadcast. we want to wish him the very best. he is a great pioneer in radio and television. literally changed broadcasting in terms of its history. he's had a profound impact on everybody in this industry. i know him and his family. we send out our best to him and what has been a phenomenal career to larry king. >> probably wouldn't be sitting here today if it weren't for him. >> sean: he had a big impact on all of us. i know his wife well, they are wonderful people. larry we wish you and your family the best. >> michael vick wants a dog. i'd like to have another dog in the future. i think it would be a big step for me in the rehabilitation process. i think to have a pet in my household and show people i care and love animals, i think would be outstanding. >> i am not interested in his rehabilitation process or
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helping with it. people who abuse animals, especially in the manner that he did are sociopaths. that is not like spraining an ankle and we rehab you. we released him back into the wild, i guess that is okay. >> michael vick is not a sociopath and never was. you can't be rehabilitated as a sociopath because you don't have a conscience. the man has demonstrated nothing but a conscience ever since. >> oh come . at the barrel of a gun. >> you have to watch the redskin defense they will tell you he's very dangerous. when you are not sure whether you can trust someone, we get michael vick an ant farm and see how he handles that if he doesn't start a ant ring or something like that -- >> sean: i love dogs. my friend mark leff screen wrote one of the best dog -- mark levin wrote one of the
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best dog books i've read. i love these animals. you can't read what is someone's hard. he seems contrite, two years in prison, having a terrific season. >> he seems to have been a good citizen not having off field incidents. with time he may be able to earn people's trust. >> sean: do we believe he can change? >> he was at the humane society telling kids what a terrible thing he did. >> this is all stuff that michael vick had to do if he cared about his future. i don't know if it is genuine, we'll never know that. >> i don't that i is fair. i think michael vick will be the best dog -- owner is the right word. best companion. >> sean: he's one of the best quarterbacks in the nfl today by far. his ability to throw and run and throw on the run is spectacular. >> bully for him.
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>> go ask tony dungy. >> sean: tony dungy has been working with him. tony dungy, i love a lot. >> if michael vick gets a dog we know he won't start another dogfighting ring. >> sean: i don't think he would either. >> i would like to think he's not to learn -- he's learned not to do that with a dog. >> give him a chance. >> we've given him a. >> when he's allowed to own a dog off probation he should be able to get within. >> sean: -- to get within. >> sean: she said what are you getting your wife for christmas? i said an iron. >> you also said a mop. >> sean: i was kidding, i her diamond erins. >> so much for that
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