tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News December 17, 2010 10:00pm-11:00pm EST
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afford to hire people. >> and though taxes can go up? >> they can retro that back. i think it is a lucy deal and we can do better. >> greta: is governor palin right? is this a lousy deal? congresswoman bachmann joins us. should the tea party caucus and the tea party movement should they be happy with this or not? >> i want happy with it. and i voted no on the tax bill as well. it continues deficit spending. spending that we can't pay for. a clear message we got from the voters in november. even more than that, i'm worried because it blows a hole wide open in the social security trust fun of 111 billion dollars. i think president obama -- president obama will call for tax increases shortly to be able to pay for that. i think what he may down is call to live the cap on earnings subject to payroll taxes. i think he may call for
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employers to pick up the 2% share that employees won't be paying. because the way we fund social security today is in real-time. it is all of our paychecks the payroll tax comes out, it goes into the social security trust fund and essentially it goes right out the door to pay when we lower that amount, that is going into social security by 111 billion dollars, people are still depending on those checks. we have to pay them. so we have to have some means to do it. i think this bill will mean a tax increase around the >> greta: 138 republicans in the house voted for this bill. what specifically, if you had a magic wand to make the perfect bill, what did you want? >> i would have extended -- i introduced a bill two days ago. it would have examine ended the tax cuts at -- extended the tax cuts at current levels,
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repeal the death tax, and it would have lowered the corporate tax rate from 34% down to 25%. the reason, because now japan has decided they are going to lower their corporate tax rate 5%. that means the united states has the highist corporate tax rate in the world. if people want to know why companies are outsourcing jobs, look no further than the tax code. now the united states has the unenviable position of being the highest tax country in the world for corporate taxes. higher than any other nation. we need to lower that corporate tax rate. >> greta: what do you make of the fact when the president signed the bill there were notable absences, speaker of the house wasn't there. democratic leadership wasn't there also republican leadership of the house was not there. yet, this was a bipartisan bill. what should we read into the absence? >> i think a lot of people --
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certainly speaker pelosi was not happy with this bill. it does mean deficit spending. i think it was a bill, if your listeners saw the last three hours of debate on this bill, they saw no one liked this bill. when you have that sort of unanimity against something it is probably better to go back to the drawing board. this year was a failure. there was no budget. no spending bill. no tax bill until the 11th hour. the one they chose was a clunk . >> in terms of the legislative record of this past year, are the democrats generally the opposing party are they generally content with what happened this year? if you even know. >> i would say probably not. certainly, individual members have individual things that they are happy about. that maybe they were able to do for their districts. overall, i don't think you get
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a positive. i think that's why today, the united states congress has approval rating at an all-time low of 13%. the american people aren't happy with what theyq saw in the last two years. i can certainly appreciate why. >> greta: tea party movement. what can we expect in the next year? >> we are going to see new seminars on the constitution. i've asked justice scalia to come. he is going to kick us off. we've seen a wonderful resurgence of interest in knowing about our founding documents, the constitution, bill of rights and the declaration. when we come to washington before we cost our first vote of the week, we are going to going for an -- gather for an hour in the capital and study the constitution. justice scalia and other constitutional scholars will lead us off. i hope you will lead one of our classes as well on the subject of your choice.
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>> greta: i have to think about it. i have no idea so i'll take a pass on that. you caught me cold. any way. should the republican party be worried about the tea party movement if the tea party movement is unhappy with this bill and they are part of championing it? >> i think the republican party needs to recognize that people were serious about stopping the over-the-top spending that is not paid for. that's a message that the republican part has to listen to. people are upset about taxes. but they really want to make sure that spending comes in line with our ability to pay for it. all of these people, the people have been observing this last week, they aren't being paid for. that means a bigger and bigger deficit. the same time we are watching what is happening in greece, italy and the u.k.. we don't want to this see here in the united states. >> congresswoman, thank you. >> thank you greta. >> greta: not only does
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governor palin call the tax cut deal lousy, she said it proves president obama is a flip-flopper. >> it is a flip-flop, because he was so adamant about not allowing the tax extension to take place for job creators. one day he was fine with it. again, i appreciate that he -- you can term it compromise, i term it flip-flop. i'm thankful that he did. but it is still not good enough. >> whether you call it flip-flop or compromise president obama changed course with the tax cut deal. the question is, where is he going? joining us rick klein. what is the difference toon a flip-flopper and a compromiser? >> whether you like it or not is the short answer. clearly, a compromiser is someone you like what they are doing. flip-flopper is someone you are not so happy about. >> greta: where is the president headed in terms of signing this tax cut bill is
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this a sign of what to come next year. is he happy he closed this out? does this leave a bad taste in everybody's mouth on both sides of the aisle? >> i think he's happy he's able to get this victory. if he hadn't been able to get democrats to go along it would have been a tough pill to swallow for him. i think we saw glimpse glimpses of what he is likely to do which is try to rise above party line. he made clear in the news conference he had a week or two ago as well as the event with bill clinton that he intends to say i know what the democrats and republicans are saying but i want to work for the american people. that's what made him popular and that's likely to give him some chance to rebound politically over these next two years. >> greta: if he is looking to please and dialed back to summer of '09 when we had all those town hall meetings and the american people were upset
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with the expected health care legislation, he wasn't trying to please them then. there were a lot of unhappy people at that time. >> that's right. at that time, they cheerly thought think had a mandate that they were working with the democratic majority to get big things done. they've seen the public react negative. the fact that it is distressing is that this much compromise happened before the republicans' take over. president obama is looking at that political reality he knows the hand he was dealt was not strong. he's able to negotiate a tax bill that the republicans were happier to support than the democrats. >> not only were the democrats unhappy in terms of looking ahead, he needs bipartisan help on any bills or legislation, but speaker pelosi was not there at the signing. steny hoyer wasn't there. he also needs the cooperation
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of the democratic house leadership. even though they are going into the minority. >> right. more liberal caucus than in the current congress because some of the blue dog moderate members who lost their campaigns. the white house calculation is that the base, the left, the members of congress on the democratic side, they don't have many other places to go and they are likely to work with president obama for the most part. at times, infuriate them by cutting them out like in this case. but he has to be careful about that. a lot of them feel wronged. if you do that too much you don't have the trust of the votes you need to build on if you are going to get compromises, you need to bill on the democratic minority to bill the majority. >> greta: the fact that pelosi wasn't there today sends a bit of a message. >> no question for speaker pelosi it is sending a message to her own caucus, i know we
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weren't happy but we had to do this for the president. they supported it reluctantly this is a strained time, no question between leadership in the house and white house. they realize there's a lot of finger-pointing that goes on after the election. we saw public and private grumbling over this tax measure. both sighs realize it is not productive there. are going to be more times where their interests do not converge over these next two years. being a minority helps focus the mind to a remarkable extend. there are -- to an extent. >> should we read into ab sense by speaker pelosi as sore loser or is this politics and how you make your own base happy? >> i think it is more the latter. she knew where this was going. i think she knows it sends a message to go to a bill signing that would have infuriated a lot of her members. >> greta: rick, thank you.
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>> thanks. >> greta: republicans are bragging maybe even getting cocky about the death of the 1.1 trillion dollar omnibus bill. is this a sign of what is to come? how politically smart is it to gloat? >> a terminator becomes a governor. could a hermanator become president? >> who could have guessed this is bill o'reilly plan -- planning a camping trip with. . >> ? make you feel good? oh, yeah. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings of vegetables. v8. what's your number? feeling fresh enough to last through my parent's cocktail party? that's where we're going? ♪ [ female announcer ] feel fresh up to five times longer with scope outlast. still feeling fresh?
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. >> greta: the new congress is not even in town and republicans are flexing muscles big time. the omnibus spending bill is dead and republicans in the senate are taking credit for it, even gloating. former white house press secretary dana perino joins us. i'm always nervous about ers. i think it is perilous. your thoughts on the republicans gloating? >> i don't think they've gone overboard. i remember when i was white house press secretary president bush used to make sure we never dance in the end zone. always focus, be i go winners and move on. i think mcconnell and boehner have been gracious. what i would say is it was a stunning upset for senate
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majority leader harry reid. he dumped the omnibus with little warning. had all the earmarks in it. he didn't have the votes and he had to pull it. i think that was a significant victory for the republicans, because they said, as michelle bachmann said earlier, republicans seem to have gotten the message from what voters were trying to say in november the democrats didn't quite learn it but they learned it the hard way this week. >> greta: we knew when the fiscal year began october 1st, it begins the same time every year. this idea that we have to go into over time and do the mad scramble. we have this drama, burning midnight oil and they can get it together. senate majority leader he is the architect of this whole schedule, has to pull it. i think it is profoundly disappointing. at least in early of how the process should work. >> right. i think it was the first congress that had not produced
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an outline of a budget in years. maybe ever. senator senator reid had his hands full this fall where he had his own major reelection battle in nevada, where he beat sharron angle. which meant they could have done over the summer an individual spending bill so you didn't have this big lump sum. the threat of trying to this through at the end, without an people enough time to read it was too much like what they did on health care for people to bear. i think americans were out ed. i if he that the phones were ringing off the hook. e-mails were being burned up because americans said this is exactly what we did not want and we will not tolerate it. now, the question is greta, what happens in february? the continuing resolution that will fund the government only an lasts until february 18th. come january, what sort of posturing are the republicans and democrats going to be in,
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in order to move that ball so we don't have the same situation come february? >> greta: if the tea party movement has any teeth and you heard congressman bachmann is not backing down. she opposed the bill in the -- the tax cut bill in the house. if there is any teeth at all the republicans who will take over the united states senate will have a lot of work to do teen the time they start business in january until the continuing resolution expires. the question is, will they listen to the tea party movement or not or do they have to? >> good question. i think you have to ask another question, which is, what will president obama do in the state of the union? that happens the third week of january on a tuesday. the following week is when the president submits his budget requests to congress. this continuing resolution would expire on february 18th. that's not a lot of time to get a new congress in place.
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to give them enough time to find out where the restrooms are and all that. i think it could be -- it depends on what president obama's posturing is. the president, any president, always sets the agenda. then congress is reactive. i think you will see more collaboration, i'm not going to say compromise, but collaboration with house republicans than you have in the past. i think congressman boehner put out a press release today saying what you saw this week with the push-back you are going to see a lot more of that. >> greta: the president's beyond will be different this time. last time he had wind behind his back. this year he only has the senate. it will be interesting to see how he tries to please both sides. dana, thank you. knicks, a twist this mexican drug war you might never expect. year long investigation uncovers secret information
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that hits home. >> a star is here. catherine mcphee. we know she loves to sing why has she been belting out christmas carols since the dead of summer? she will explain. ♪ [ male announcer ] you know her. we know diamonds. together we'll make her holiday. that's why only zales is the diamond store. where you can get up to $1,000 off now through sunday. so i've come up with some mnemonic devices to help me learn your nas. hello, a "penny" saved a "penny" earned. oh, that's 'cause fedex ground helps you save money. that'sht, penny. do you know ours? heavens to betsy. dwayne the bathtub. magic wanda. ah!
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. growth almost every night on the record -- >> greta: for more than a year on the record has been reporting on mexico. "washington post" just finished a year long investigation uncovering secret information about the guns used in the drug war. "washington post" staff reporter sari horowitz. i know is going to enrage a
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lot of people especially the nra. you have done a year long report. where are the guns coming from in mexico in these crime scenes? >> nice to be on the show. first let me explain in 2003 congress passed an amendment that made this information private, hidden from view. we spent a year looking into what is called gun trace data. when a gun is found in mexico traced back to the united states, the dealer and the first purchaser. we found more than 60,000 guns that are recovered in mexico during these bloody drug cartel wars were traced back to the united states. mostly to next texas. next to arizona and then california. >> >> greta: when we were in the area and talked to the batf people they told us the guns were coming from the united states going into mexico and it lit a lot of people on fire. now i see from reading your
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report, your investigation, that congress has passed this law to sort of hide it from us. why would congress do that? >> in 2003 the amendment passed, the gun lobby led by the nra pushed for this. they felt the gun tracing data was unfair to dealers. there were lawsuits over this data. their argument was just because a lot of guns are traced to the dealer doesn't mean the dealer did anything wrong that is accurate. sometimes dealers sell a lot of guns. we felt it was important to uncover this investigation, and see where these guns led us. what kind of trafficking patterns we could see? what we saw, as i said most of the guns are coming from texas that found in mexico, then in arizona and then in california. the dealers say they are the first line of defense. they are trying to stop the trafficking and in some cases it is very difficult because of something called straw s.
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someone comes in and buys a gun for someone else, someone prohibited from buying the gun who may be a felon or illegal immigrant. >> greta: why are these guns being purchased in the united states? are they not available in mexico for those who are criminals and want to use them unlawfully? >> yes, there are severe restrictions in buying in mexico. they can come across the border and they can buy in texas, arizona and california. interesting, if you buy more than within handgun, say from a text -- more than one handgun say from a texas store if five days that information is reported. if you go into a store and you by 10 ak-47s, rifles that is not reported to the atf. bulk volume of the kind of weapons that are prefered -- >> why do you have to report
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-- why don't you have to report those? >> the nra has lobbied against that. you have to report more than one sale of a handgun in a week but not long guns. the atf published what they hoped would be in the federal register to take the border stores and ask them to report when someone boys -- buys more than one ak-47 or a long gun in a five day period hopefully to take care of the trafficking problem. >> greta: when we were in mexico within thing i heard was they felt out powered. they would have weapons that were not nearly as powerful as the cartels were using. does that factor into this investigation? >> absolutely. increasingly over the last four years the cartels are prefering over handguns the 50 calibre armor piercing weapons, ak-47 areas, ar-15 how powered so-called assault weapons.
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-- that's what the atf wants to get more control over. >> greta: great investigation. i know it took a long time. the goal is to keep guns out of criminals a hands and that is a challenge. thank you. >> thank you growth tap. >> next, the hermanator might be running for president. who is the hermanator? you will meet him next. >> bill o'reilly wants to hunt moose in alaska with governor palin. he also just invited us. isn't glenn beck available? bill is coming up. just shake it. [ rattling ] [ male announcer ] need ink? staples has a low price guarantee on all the ink you need. find a lower price at another store, and we'll match it. that was easy.
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clinton was trying to pass health care. i was a spokesperson for the somebody came up with the name hermanator and it stuck. >> greta: i think it is fun. you are seriously considering running for president? >> yes, for the following reasons: number one, i couldn't stand doing a radio show every night and watching the deterioration watching the deterioration of this economy. watching all of this spending not generate, you know sizeable jobs. didn't get the economy stimulated. ly all of the frustration and anger i hear from my listeners every night. i was curious whether it was going to convert into votes on november 2nd to change the political landscape and it did. that was like a breath of fresh air. the other thing reason that i'm thinking about it is because of all of the thing as that are going on and happening in this country, we have got to get this nation
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back on the right track. i started to consider it when people started to incourage me. i've taken trips to new hampshire, iowa. been traveling all over the country. i've been involved with the citizens movement. i've gotten a lot of encouragement from people also from people who could help me raise financial resources. >> greta: a couple of questions. i take it you are not a democrat. >> no. >> greta: that leaves three choices,: independent, tea party or republican. >> i would be running as a republican. i ran as a republican in 2004 when i ran for u.s. senate and finished an impressive second. i didn't just come in second, it was impressive, because i almost forced a runoff. i would run as a republican. i'm a conservative first and republican second. >> greta: what does that mean? you are dissatisfied with what republicans have done? >> i believe in less government. lower taxes and more individual responsibility.
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we need to restructure all the different social programs that are supposed to help people, but instead they make people dependent. we need to design programs where if people help themselves they will help them. they don't get hooked and sees some of these as entitlement programs. >> greta: if some have made the mistake not to hear your radio show or may not know your business background. tell me what your business background is? >> i graduated from moorhouse college in 1967 and i climbed the corporate ladder i worked for the department of the navy as a mat tisch , pillsbury company, coca-cola, later promoted to vice president of information technology. i moved over to burger king corporation. started from the bottom up all over again worked my way back up to become vice president at burger king and president of godfather's pizza took that company when we were looking
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bankruptcy between the eyes turn that company around with the help of a good management . most of my career has been involving problems. i happy to believe that a lot of voters might be ready for an unconventional candidate for president in 12 -- in 2012. >> greta: why do you say unconventional? >> i haven't held political office before. a lot of people are saying that's good. don't know how washington works. people are saying that is better. if you go to washington, d.c. knowing how it works you might try to work the way washington works, rather than change the way washington works. that would be my approach. like it was when i took over various businesses that i had the opportunity to be involved with, in my business career. >> greta: being a good candidate unfortunately the only criteria, you to raise money. what are your feelings --
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feelers telling you? >> my feelers are telling me it is possible. one of the things i've been doing is reaching out to people and asking, are you willing to become an unconversional candidate? are you willing to back someone who has a strategy that is bottom's up, outside the box? we've already developed a very impressive ground game in terms of support that i have, as a natural constituency through various organizations that i've worked with. >> greta: when are you going to decide? >> after the first of the year. >> greta: will you come back and tell us first, maybe? i know you are friends with neil cavuto. >> neil cavuto has offered to disown me and send guido to break my knees -- >> greta: what is the percentage likelihood you will run? >> 70%. is that fair enough? >> that's fair enough.
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>> greta: next, a star, singer and actress and performing christmas carols since june. katherine mcphee is here next. >> you know white christmas, how about drunk on christmas? stay tuned. everyone has someone to go heart healthy for. who's your someone? campbell's healthy request can help. low cholesterol, zero grams trans fat, and a healthy level of sodium. it's amazing what soup can do. princess of the powerpoint. your core competency... is competency. and you rent from national. because only national lets y choose any car ithe aisle.
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if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, stop taking cialis and call your doctor t away. [ male announcer ] as your doctor if cialis f daily use is rit for you. for a 30-tablet free trial offer, go to . >> reporter: from america's news headquarters i'm marianne rafferty. the u.s. senate has just staved off a shutdown. short term resolution will put funding in place through tuesday night was passed unanimously. the bill will go to president obama for his signature. >> founder of wikileaks saying he believes the united states is preparing to indict him. julian assange says he's being subbed to a smear campaign. attorney general holder has said a criminal investigation of wikileaks' release is underway. >> many of madoff's victims could get at least half their
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money back. the widow of a florida philanthropist has agreed to return 7.2 billion dollars. i'm marianne rafferty. now back to on the record. >> greta: the name of katherine mcphee's latest album says it all. christmas is the time to say i love you. earlier katherine mcphee went on the record. nice to see you. >> thank you for having me back. >> greta: exciting time. you have a new cd. it as been out a little bit for the holiday season. it is timely, shall we say? >> well the holidays are almost over as we wind down to the final weeks. i had a lot of finance promoting it is called christmas is the time to say i love you. appropriate. >> greta: where is the name from?
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>> billy squire wrote a song in the 80s for all the mtv vijays, i was a baby in the 80s my musical director, he was like i want to play you this one song. i instantly loved it. a holiday party sounding type vibe. i immediately knew that would be the title. >> greta: what was it about it? >> i watched on youtube, because i never her the son. i loved there was a big group of people who didn't sing particularly well but were clapping their hands almost like they were in a holiday party and that's what i wanted it to feel like the whole record, especially that song that was like a party and people were having a good time and eating holiday food and having dings and having a good time. >> greta: interesting. there are a lot of holiday songs. i imagine trying to decide what to put on a holiday cd is not easy. how did you pick the songs that are on this one?
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>> i wanted traditional songs like jingle bells, o holy night. i didn't have a lot of time. i only had two months to put it together. i quickly a pen and paper out and started jotting down songs listening to records who i love, celine dion, mariah carey and see if worked with my voice. if it didn't work i would scratch 'em off and move on to the income thing. out of that came writing an original song which i so did not expect. which is something you have been showing clips of this evening. i wrote that with my musical director. that was finance. i guess i thens from the people who are not here during the holidays like our troops and even me, getting inspiration for the last two years that i haven't been home for the holidays with family. and that gave me inspiration
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for this song. it was fun. >> it is interesting to see that you got the go ahead in june. i think of holiday songs are so driven by the moment, you walk didn't the street and see snow or something the spirit over takes you. there's a different feel to holiday songs. how do you record a holiday album in june and july and get into the holiday spirit? >> time constraint is always good you have the pressure, you can think about it. you just have to get it done. i was born and raised in l.a. i've never been used to cold winters. we get a winter -- [ unintelligible ] i'm in new york right now and it is freezing. i had to jump right into it. you get yourself in the studio it is cold, put christmas lights up and you got inspiration. >> greta: you ever hear one of
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your songs on the radio? >> yes especially during the holiday time all the perhapsers h# switched over to holiday music. it is fun to be in my car and hear the christmas songs playing. it is fun no matter how many times you hear it on the radio. >> greta: there's so much more to you. let's talk about st. jude's what are you doing for them? >> a campaign i did with them i shot a music video. we did a music video with the kids from the patients who are in st. jude's to give back to the people who have given money. i started on my raising with my fans. i set the goal higher. if it match i'm gonna match it myself. but it is an amazing hospital. amazing thing they do there. basically what we did was to bring more awareness to what
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st. jude's does. no patient has received a bill whatsoever there. ties are manage -- the facilities magnificent the staff is magnificent. their success rate, their healing rate is getting bigger and bigger every year. not just their traditional medicine but all the research allows them to do that comes from the extra donations. it is a special program. i've always loved doing stuff for children. i'm long-winded but -- >> greta: it is extraordinary what you have done with st. jude's i know they are grateful to it. also to attach your star power to these causes means a lot in so many i was. all right, your acting career. how is the acting career? >> going well. i just finished a big movie. the biggest independent of the year. now it is entitled. it will be -- now it is
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untitled. it will be out late summer, early fall. i'm not sure what the release date is. maybe i will be here promoting some sort of thriller movie in the next year of 2011. >> greta: what is more fun to watch your movies, or listen to your music? >> well, i have to say i don't really watch ear or listen to either. i try to listen to the christmas record more because i've been singing on television and making sure i know them. i don't go back analyst ton the records too much. i enjoy doing them live. every once in a while -- i did a movie called house bunny that was a rearen't the other night i got to watch that the other night. once the premiere comes out you see it once, for me, i don't time watching on dvd's on airplanes and stuff like that.
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>> greta: if you didn't sing, act or help in a hospital, i wish i could? >> i would be an anness tisch . since i was like -- annesstician. i've all been in extracting acne and that kind of thing. might have that it can clear people's skin. you don't have to live with acne. i sound like a spokesperson. i would have loved to open some sort of spa and help people's skin look better. it is weird. >> greta: you can add that to your repertoire. >> a clinical spa for skin treatments. >> greta: come back when you promote your movie. congratulations the holiday cd, people certainly enjoy it. always nice to see you. >> thank you so much for
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having me. >> greta: next, the best of the rest. does this sound like the weirdest camping trip ever, bill o'rile -- bill o'reilly, sarah palin and me? >> a secret santa just gave away 55 crisp $100 bills. stay here for that entire story. -[ male announcer ] got a? -[ sniffles ] [ male announcer ] not sure what to take? now click on the robitussin relief finder. click on your symptoms. get the right relief. makes the cold aisle easy. the robitussin relief finder. it's that simple.
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>> greta: here's the best of the rest. this would be a road trip for the ages. watch the o'reilly factor last night? bill is making travel plans to alaska we didn't know about. >> i need you to come up here. >> bill: i'm coming next summer. i absolutely, i'm a tough guy. i'll be out there skinning those moose or whatever you guys do. if i come up next summer and you take us out, i want van susteren to come out there too. i want her to come out. you guys can take us out. just give me a knife and i'll anything that comes at me. just give me a knife. >> greta: o'reilly with a knife? you don't get that on his bold
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fresh tour with glenn beck. we'll be waiting for bill to send us that itinerary. >> this time of year we hear the bells by salvation army workers. a mystery sana -- santa decided to make history, gave away 55 crisp $100 bills that is $5500. the biggest donation ever given to the salvation army in chattanooga. no word who that secret santa is. >> firing santa? st. nick's ho-ho has been silent. a man named dennis jackson dressed up and visited students the past four years. this year officials gave san at that time pink slip. why? a person from -- head start tells a local paper the parents of some children in the class complained because
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>> greta: 11:00 is almost here, it's time. last call. jimmy fallon is spreading holiday cheer with an emotional song that comes from the heart. it's fitting for last call. ♪ this is the time, the special time of year ♪ for peace and joy and happiness, wonderment and cheer ♪ opening presents underneath the tree ♪ and spending countless hours with your family ♪ that's why i'm drinking drinking drinking ♪ i'm going to drink all day. i'm going home for christmas and my family is insane ♪ just got to make it through the day and there is no other way ♪ going to get drunk, drunk, drunk
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