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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  February 2, 2011 1:00am-2:00am EST

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to have to tivo you, i apologize. but we are buddies. it doesn't mary. >> sean: you'r killing me. we can edit that out. that is all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. >> can i do one thing. my wife will love me for this. everybody across america, enough with the ball sean. >> sean: greta is next, see you tomorrow night. >> greta: fox news weather alert. we are getting slammed. ster winter storm bashing us. 10,000 flights -- grounded. roads iced over creating dangerous conditions. people in nearly 33 states are immobilized. more than three dozen major airports out of business. interstates shutdown millions stuck where they are. at least until this passes which right now feels like never. chief meteorologist is here with answers. rick, where is it headed?
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>> it will pass. we've got another 24 hours and we'll be done with it. it is in the central part of the country moving towards the northeast. it is so-called cold we are dealing with the coldest temperatures across parts of the plains we've seen in over a decade. i'm in denver, -29 is what the windchill is the actual air temperature is -8. -3 in dull last. so many places dealing with -- in dallas. so many places dealing with this extreme cold. you can get an idea of the storm and how massive. one of the things very unique is the size of it affecting a area. by the time this is done we'll see a 2,000 mile swath snowfall totals in excess of a foot. severe weather to the south now across areas of florida. heavy rain. where you see pink much of the state of pennsylvania, icing right now.
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anywhere where you see dark red that is blizzard warnings still in effect, especially areas like chicago and detroit and milwaukee. probably two feet of snow and winds blowing maybe up to 60 miles-an-hour causing horrible problems. here's the projected snowfall and icing totals, area across indiana up towards ohio seeing a quarter to half an inch in some case as inch of ice accumulating. then we'll be talking about significant snowfall a little er north of it places like chicago and southwestern side of michigan. also, on the eastern side of this storm, icing across places like philadelphia, northern new jersey and maybe in towards new york city as well. some of those areas could be seeing a quarter inch of ice accumulate. one of the biggest things is where you see ice, so many trees are going to be down and it is going to cause massive power outages.
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in many cases it will take a week for the power to get back on. behind the storm some of the coldest air people will be without power under these incredibly cold circumstances. >> greta: we just had three days without power at my house, it is not fun. rick, thank you. breaking news in egypt right now 5 a.m.. president mubarak just took to the air making a public statement announcing he will leave. but there's a big catch. he will serve out his term and won't leave right now. protesters in the street are enraged they want him out now. the situation is fragile. there is fear unrest will spread throughout the mideast. now what? newt gingrich is here to go on the record. first, majority leader harry reid look out, republican senators are charging right at you, full speed. one day after explosive ruling in florida that says the federal health care law is unconstitutional two republican senators are introducing a measure to let
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states opt out of the health care law's individual mandate, medicaid expansion and employer mandate. if several states opt out who will be paying for the health care law should the supreme court how old it constitutional? republican senators graham and barrasso are leading the charge and join us. if the -- if the operate out were to go through, let's -- opt-out would go through, how does the health care bill get paid for? >> it fails, you can't pay for it. the goal is to allow people to speak about the bill. this bill was passed on christmas eve in the dead of night behind closed doors without one republican vote, sleazey tactics to get the 60th vote. a process that stunk up the place. the fact the american people are not happy with the result should not be surprising. what we are tying to do is take debate out of washington
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at the state level and let people at home vote. my view of the matter would be if you allowed the states to opt-out over half would that would make us start over with a new bill. >> greta: explain senator? >> we want to make sure patients get the care they need from the doctors they want at costs they can afford. by giving states the individual choice they can opt-out of the individual mandate, the employer mandate this huge medicaid mandate, which is the mother of all unfunded mandates, they can opt-out of that. high levels of over-insuring people. to give states the choice, legislators, governor to say do we want this to apply to the people in our state? people are opposed to this bill 58% want it repealed. harry reid said there will not be a vote. there's going to be a vote tomorrow on repealing this health care law. it is going to be a vote in the senate, because republicans are keeping their promise to the american people.
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>> greta: no one expects the senate will pass it, you agree? >> probably won't get 60. >> greta: as i understand the strategy, to cut it off at the pass and defund it in whatever way, opt out-is one way, any appropriations is another way. >> you got it. it is a three front war. court, repealing, replace the whole thing, opt-out at the state definitely, defund it. i believe election of november of last year was about this bill as much as it was anything else. people hated the process. it was everything bad about washington coming together at one moment to pass a bill that affected all of our lives. the process stunk. the substance is over reaching. we are going to attack it every way we can. we feel we have the mandate to do this. >> greta: is there a point of no return? we get the machinery going implementing these 2700 pages
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and can't turn around because economically unwise and we are so invested in the new process? >> that's why the administration is dragging its feet on getting this to the supreme court. i that i ruling yesterday out of florida is the second stake in the heart of obamacare. we are at a point in country 9.4% unemployment trying to create new jobs by making it easier and cheaper to create private sector jobs. with these additional expensive mandates it is harder for job creators to be able to meet with these man days. that's making it harder and more expensive to create new private sector jobs. >> greta: i don't know how the supreme court is going to rule. but they -- i'm convinced it is a big fat lie it should take any more than 30 or 60 days nothing has to be pled it is not complicated, it is decide the thing. anyone who drags his feet or says it is complicated is lying. >> i heard you last night. you made a good point. we don't know what the taxes
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are going to be because this bill hasn't been defined yet. by 2014 if we don't replace this it will take effect. in my state of south carolina, under this bill, by 24 between when it becomes implemented -- 29% of the people in south carolina will be eligible for medicaid, one billion dollars more in cost to the state of south carolina to get federal funds because you have to put a state match. where does that money come from? higher taxes reduced benefits. you are right if we don't get this turned around by 2014 it is going to bankrupt states. >> greta: the political aspect is probably someone like senator mccaskill, a democrat one of the first supporters of then senator obama over senator clinton to be president. then she has last august this vote in missouri some horrendous percentage, 70% wanted to dump the individual mandate. now she has to do backpedaling.
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what is she going to do? >> i don't know. the secretary of health and human services has granted 2.2 million waivers. >> greta: that takes the money out of the system so who going to pay? >> 167 unions. >> greta: how many? >> 167 unions, 880,000 union employees. >> greta: how many got waivers? >> 40% have gone to union employees, just 7% of the workforce. total now of over 500 waivers, 2.2 million americans. we think every american ought to be able to get a waiver from this terrible health care law. >> greta: when do we get a vote on your bill? >> we don't know. repeal and replace will be voted on tomorrow. i hope it passes. i hope we start over. john and you are committed to making sure this amendment is placed on any bill that comes through the senate until we get a vote. if the people of this country could speak not just judges this bill would be released
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our provision gets it out of washington to the state level where we can have a meaningful debate if public. >> greta: senators, thank you both. >> president obama says he's eager to work with anyone who can improve the health care law during his state of the union address. is he really eager was that just fancy talk? a republican congressman is taking him up on that offer. >> all 47 republican senators lock arms. should senate majority leader harry reid be worried? >> arizona governor brewer is here. >> rush limbaugh is recommending another mandate for president obama. vu=8o3ñfçpñolmxgkobç÷kvóv
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>> greta: you heard president obama's offer. >> the president: if you have ideas about how to improve this law by making care better or more affordable, i am eager to work with you. >> greta: well, we have a taker! illinois congressman schilling says he's in. he has some ideas and fired off a letter to president obama to take him up on his offer. is the president serious about bipartisanship? will they be having a pizza summit? congressman joining us by skype, i understand you are having a little weather
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problem? >> yes, blizzard-like conditions but it is an honor to be with you. >> greta: have you heard back from the white house that they received your letter? >> we have not yet. we hand-walked it over the other day and we are hoping that we get a response. i think we are going to find out if he's serious about his invite. maybe with him coming to the middle maybe he will take me up on it. i'll bring the pizza from illinois here. >> greta: i should explain prior to becoming a member of the united states congress, you had a pizza business. you have some experience at bringing the pizza. >> we made the dough ourselves and everything. that's the thing that this health care program the take over, the job crusher, whatever you want to call it, it is going to affect, -- i have an hsa account, a health savings account. it looks like it might take that hsa account and we won't
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be able to have that available to us. so much for keeping your own health care like they told us back in the day. >> greta: do you expect the president will take you up on the offer? the reason i ask is a congressman from tennessee tried to take the president up on a offer having to do with health care. it was in august of '09. i don't think he ever heard back from the white house when he asked -- when he tried to take the president up on the offer to read it line by line the health care bill. >> yeah, i think he will take me up on the offer. i think we had a mandate november 2nd. i think maybe he will listen and invite me in and maybe we can sit down and have a frank discussion on some good pieces of reform. this did not have reform in it. this was -- it was a huge tax bill with a few pieces of
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reform it in. we need health care reform, not the take over that we had behind closed doors. this is about doing what is right for the american people. if we can get to the point where we have good honesty-based, no bathroom deals, no cornhusker deals to where it is good, true reform i think we can get something done. >> greta: how long do you think you are willing to wait before you think that the president is not serious about eager to get help from -- ideas? >> i'd say in the next 10, two weeks, 10 days to two weeks, we should hear something by then if he's serious and wants to do what is in the best interests of the people that's the thing that is nice. i come from the -- fresh out of business background. i've been dealing with this stuff on a firsthand base business for the last 14 years. i have some good ideas i can share and hopefully he would
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be willing to sit down and have a piece of speed a root beer. >> greta: good luck. >> coming up senator demint. is he now a big fan of trial lawyers? really? find out. right now we are watching egypt. the sun is soon to rise in cairo and everyone is worry. the situation is volatile. former speaker of the house newt gingrich goes on the record. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. executor of efficiency. you can spot an amateur from a mile away... while going shoeless and metal-free in seconds. and from national. because only national lets you choo any car in the aisle...and go. you can even take a full-se or above, and still pay the mid-size price. now this...will work. [ ale announcer ] just like you, business pro. just like you.
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>> greta: we've heard from two republican senators looking to hack away at key parts of the new health care law. our next guest wants the whole thing tossed out. with democrats still in control of the senate how far will he get? senator jim demint went on the record. nice to see you. >> god to be back. >> greta: you are seek -- good to be back. >> greta: you are seeking to repeal the law in the senate. it is attached to an faa authorization board? >> all 47 republicans want to repeal health care bill. because it has such a devastating effect not only on
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our health care system but on jobs the whole economy in our country. we're not sure how it is going to pass. senator mitch mcconnell has taken the lead in pulling this up. it looks like for now it is attached to an aviation bill on the floor now. it will probably come up as an amendment vote. hopefully, we'll have a couple of days to debate. harry reid could try to table it tomorrow. the vote could be tomorrow, thursday or sometime next week. >> greta: what would be the strategy for him to want to table it? you don't have the votes to pass it any way. >> right. he may want to get it out of the wait. he can table it and the vote would come up right way otherwise, we can debate the health care bill throughout this week and part of next week. justu> depends on how much the democrats want to hear republicans talk about how bad obamacare is. we can talk about the 500 waivers he gave last a lot to
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his union friends. that's what makes me mad. a lot of the unions around the country spent a lot of money pushing this bill down americans' throats now they so expensive to implement. >> greta: you guys do a lot of maneuvering on both sides. it seems there are some senators on the democratic side that might not want to vote. senator mccaskill, the people mandate. if there is a vote she has to pick which horse. i guess to table it she doesn't have to vote on it. >> right tabling gives them a little cover. a lot of times, i think these folks think people are stupid back home. they are not stupid. if you vote to table this, you are voting repealing it. i don't think they can hide. but they will try to find a strategy that gives them a little cover. joe manchin said he was opposed to the bill.
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we are hoping to get some democrats that will break away from their partisanship and go with their voters back home. >> greta: what is the point in some way to keep your promise to the voters. you have senator graham in your state trying to pass something so there's this opt-out provision. what's the point? you know it is not going to pass. >> we need to get everyone on record so americans and voters in 2012 will know where their senators stand on it. every republican in the house and a few democrats voted to repeal it. >> greta: we know that. [ talking over each other ] >> everyone needs to take the vote that is important. we need to do everything we can to defund it and give states waivers. we need to do everything we can to allow states to get out of it. the way judges are ruling more
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and more people are starting to see this as a massive over-reach of federal power if this stands there is nothing congress can't do. if they can tell you you have to buy a health insurance plan they can tell you you have to buy anything. >> greta: you mentioned the court in florida. how about those trial lawyers that helped you out? how about those mean bad trial lawyers? >> today they are my best friends. >> greta: i figured they were. in terms of this health care bill. let me ask you about the opting out that senator graham is seeking. let's assume it passed and states were allowed to optout how would this law be funded? >> i think all states would optout and the bill would be dead. the thing i don't want to do now is try and fix a bill. >> greta: a law.
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it is a law, right? >> it is a law. >> greta: you call it a bill, it is a law. >> it is a law. to fix pieces of it recognizing it is built on a foundation of government health care, we don't want to fix pieces of it. we want to repeal the whole thing and step-by-step improve the system we have now which is the best health care system in the world. we are not only trying to protect our health care system, but our way of life. hopefully, constitutional limits when this is over. >> greta: see the entire interview on >> coming up newt gingrich and calista gingrich, they are next. on the tense terrifying situation in egypt and why you should be worry. >> later governor brewer is here. arizona has big problems, illegal immigration, money now the weirdest one, new york mayor bloomberg is
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investigating arizona. you heard right. governor brewer is next. decisions, decisions. which beneful prepared meal tonight? roasted chicken recipe? - savory rice and lamb stew. - [ barks ] you're right. tonight is a beef stew kind of night. [ announcer ] beneful prepared meals. another healthful, flavorful beneful.
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>> greta: this is a fox news alert. it is just after 5 a.m. wednesday morning in egypt. nearly a quarter million protesters demanding president mubarak get out now. they are not giving up. people are literally running for their lives trying to flee the region because they are terrified. president mubarak announcing earlier today he will not seek reelection in september, but he's staying in office until september this is not good enough for protesters they want mubarak out now and a new leader now. joining us former speaker of the house newt gingrich and his wife. authors of the new book ronald reagan rendezvous with destiny.
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calista before we talk about the pictures, you studied ronald reagan so much. tell me, if were alive today, how do you think he would look at this egypt problem? >> i think he would have relied on strength and his belief in america and the american people. >> greta: would he be a different type of -- in terms of approaching this from president obama or if he could be sitting back trying to study the situation? >> he showed great strength when we defeated the soviet union you can look at that as an example. >> greta: you mentioned the soviet union. the new book has pictures of president reagan. whose idea was it for the picture book? >> i wanted to do a picture book and newt agreed this was after we had done our documentary. >> greta: i hope you don't have to ask him permission.
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he was smart enough to agree. >> yes. [ talking over each other ] >> this is a little moment like "the view." >> we really wanted to honor the life and legacy of our nation's 40th president ronald reagan as we celebrate his 100th birthday. >> greta: the pictures are fabulous. one of my favorites, president reagan with boy congressman. >> those are two great pictures. >> greta: there's newt gingrich. >> yes, the picture of newt and president reagan on air force one in the book hangs in our home and it is one of newt's favorites. >> greta: mr. speaker, let me pose the same question i posed to calista. this whole egypt crisis, how do you think president reagan would be looking at this one? >> you looked at how jimmy carter mishandled iran in the collapse of the shah's government and the rise of the
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khomeini dictatorship which is ill there and you look at how reagan approached these problems. reagan did believe in american strength as calista said and he believed in american exceptionalism and the american people. the second was that he thought strategically. when we made our movie on ronald reagan, in the book, here's a man who walks into office in 1981, when nobody believes the soviet and beyond could be defeated. he may have been the only person to believe it. a decade later, gone from history. that was the result of a very methodical, very systemmatic campaign that he personally oversaw, insisted on, changed bureaucracies. the first thing he would say is, what is the root of our problem? fascinating, people are frightened of the muslim brotherhood. >> greta: should they be? >> they should be.
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why did president obama invite them to his speech in cairo when he was there? we should be very frightened of the phaoub . >> greta: i think president obama was trying to reach out to them and begin a dialogue. >> except these may be people you can't dialogue with. reagan was clear. there were places he would talk. they never met with broach never -- once gorbachev came in a younger man, prime minister thatcher met with him and called reagan and said i think this guy will deal. at that point they began to figure out how to have a meeting. reagan did not think you gestured for its own sake. in our movie which captures this very powerful, lots of great witnesses, the photo book that we've just done, if i was asked by the president, which is unlikely, if i were asked for advice, i would say study reagan and carter, then do what reagan did and avoid
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what carter did. >> greta: i think people coming into office think peace in the mideast is impossible. >> i don't think you will get peace in the mideast until you defeat the almosts that are dedicated to the destruction of israel. until people come to grips with that and realize, hamas isn't cons fused. hamas says everyday we want to destroy israel. >> greta: calista, in the book it is interesting as you chronicle the president's life, the poland, the movie, and pictures of president reagan with the pope, it is interesting all the -- how it is threaded through this cold war we were talking about. >> right. president reagan, prime minister thatcher and pope john paul ii, paved the way for freedom for millions in central and eastern europe. >> greta: who decided on the pictures? >> it was a collective effort between your colleagues at
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citizens united who we made this book with our partner and me. [ laughing ] >> notice, she didn't turn to look at me on that one. >> greta: i caught it. you have a couple of pictures here. >> i do. >> greta: you got pictures. you can't complain about it at all. they are lovely pictures. in so many of these pictures, you've got ones from -- we he went to normandy. you forget all the things that presidents do and how even where they visit is so symbolic and important. >> right. >> in the movie version there's a segment where he reads from a young lady's led -- letter to her father, dead, landed at normandy you are seeing her sitting there. as he's reading it, he chokes up. i think we've seen it 30 times
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and we cry every time. his ability to capture the human emotion of history and combine it with a great moral lesson puts him in the handful of presidents who had that capacity. >> greta: how is president obama doing on egypt? >> i don't think they have a clue. i think it is very frightening to watch this administration. >> greta: would anybody? >> reagan would have had. reagan would have had -- reagan would have thought about and studied radical islam. reagan would have had a strategy. and would have pursued it. he didn't do that in the 80s some are going to want to complain. he had one foreign policy in the 80s, defeat the soviet union. he didn't divert himself because he wanted to defeat the soviet union. >> greta: calista steelers or packers? >> i've got to go with the packers. >> greta: calista from wisconsin, nice to see both of you k >> thanks greta.
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>> greta: that florida federal judge body slamming president obama and the democrats stamping a big unconstitutional on that health care law. what does arizona governor brewer have to say about it? is this ruling music to her ears? >> what do snooki and former president george w. bush have in common? you might not guess this one. maybe you will, but i doubt it. they're coming. seems like from every wireless carrier. you may have heard them already. the doubt-casting. the empty comparisons. while they shout them at the top of their lungs... to try to blur the lines. in the end, just ask yourself, does the network work ? this is america's largest and most reliable network. verizon. built so you can rule the air.
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>> from america's news headquarters, i'm ainsley earhardt. an update now on that massive winter storm that greta was telling but earlier. here's a look at the latest radar. at this hour, the storm moving from the midwest to the northeast, covering a third of the nation. the system is leaving thick ice, sub-zero temperatures and up to 2 feet of snow. blizzard and tornado warnings have been posted from texas to new england. hundreds of flights will remain grounded throughout wednesday. federal aviation officials testing a less invasive airport scanner with a generic image, not the revealing look, which some airline passengers feel is intrusive and offensive. anything seen as suspicious would result in a pat-down search. tsa is checking out the system in airports. for all of your business news, tune in to the fox news business network. i'm ainsley earhardt. now back to "on the record" with greta. greta. >> greta: arizona is in a
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struggle for survival. that's what governor brewer is saying about her own state, specifically regarding health care costs. what does she have to say about the bombshell health care decision in florida? that judge declared the national health care law unconstitutional. governor brewer went on the record. nice to see you. >> nice to hear from you greta! >> greta: governor, january 25th, you sent a letter to secretary sebelius asking for special favors in terms of the health care because of the cost in arizona your financial condition. now the health care law has been declared unconstitutional, now what? >> well, first let me say we are very pleased and incouraged. we will continue our negotiations with secretary sebelius and try to get some flexibility and reasonability out of the federal . although we are very
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encouraged that obama health care plan was found unconstitutional, we've always known it was unaffordable, unsustainable we know they will move forward and make an attempt to get a stay or go to the supreme court. we can't take chances we have budgets we have to get out. i need flexibility. i need a waiver or some type of help from the federal government to solve the issues we are facing. >> greta: i don't get it. so many states attorneys general are certain this is unconstitutional. it is an enormous cost to go forward with the expectation it will be enforceable or by stopping. i don't get that so many states seem to be willing to ignore the fact that the judge said it was unconstitutional and move forward as though they don't agree? >> well, you know, i'm hoping my attorney general, i think he was on last night, we need
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to continue to pursue it. right now we have won. it is my opinion from my council, we've won. we are waiting to see what the federal government is going to do. >> greta: why don't you just call stops on any adjustments made that you expected to make in light of the national health care bill and proceed? that doesn't seem like aunt reasonable option in light of the fact it has been declared unconstitutional. >> because, we know they still have remedies. they can still go through the courts. we have to be prepared. we can't all of a sudden have something fall on top of us and have to move forward and be able to turn this ship of the great state of arizona around on a moment's notice. we will continue -- on a three-track if you will. we will try the lawsuit remedy. the congressional changing the law remedy. and we will try to get the
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waiver remedy. wee cannot afford it. we need -- we not afford it. we need help from our government to back off and let the states do the job we are entitled to do under the constitution in the meantime, there are -- they are out there and they are not helping. they are hindering us. >> greta: you wrote a letter asking for the waiver january 25th, to the secretary sebelius. has she responded? >> no we have not heard from the secretary. our staff have been in contact. we are trying to get an appointment, face-to-face with her in washington, d.c. in the next couple of weeks. i'm hopeful that gets remedied and i can fly back there and speak to her person-to-person. i have been on the telephone with her try to try to explain to her the situation here in arizona. as a former governor herself, she understands what other states and arizona are facing in regards to this.
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even as we ask for this waiver, you know, with the waiver, if we have to do the things that we're gonna do, you know, the bottom line is, our plans still will be more generous than kansas and equal with florida, only six states, including arizona have this very generous medicaid plan that arizona has. so, it would just -- if they give us the flexibility we will save over a million people from being kicked off access totally! >> greta: at least she is responding in some way the staff has been talking that sounds like a positive step forward. let me turn to something else. mayor bloomberg of new york, which is 2,000 miles from your state apparently has decided to investigate your gun shows, arizona. i'm sure you have a thought about that? >> well, i find it interesting. he's out here in arizona solving our problems.
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i guess he believes that he has solved all the problems in new york. here he is in the good state of arizona. it has been a fascinating story. we are a big second amendment state i support our laws here. i've signed gun laws here. what he went after the way it was portrayed is not what the issue is. i think all laws should be enforced. those people that buy guns from private owners at a gun show have the responsibility, if they knowingly realize it, someone cannot pass a background check or if they suspect that maybe they are mentally incompetent it is a state felony and a federal felony. those laws need to be enforced. >> greta: interesting, according to the newspaper he spent $100,000 with eight investigators. i guess on the bright side, they probably stayed at a company of hotels in arizona -- [ talking over each other ]
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>> greta: might have helped you out a little. do you intend to send investigators to the city of new york to investigate anything? >> actually, no. i'll let him take care of his state. [ talking over each other ] >> greta: he'll take care of his city and you take care of arizona. governor always nice to see you, thank you for joining us. >> thank you greta. >> greta: coming up, more government mandates? what is rush limbaugh talking this time? we have the video and you might laugh. >> which football team is likely to trunk -- i mean trump the other in the super bowl? we have a prediction from a we have a prediction from a reliable, credible, [ male announcer ] ntgomery and abigail haggins had a tree that borthe most rare and magical fruit, which provided for their every financial need. [ thunder rumbling ] [ thunder crashing ] and then, in one blinding blink of an eye, their tree had gen its last. butith their raymond james finanal advisor,
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they had prepared for even the unthinkable. ♪ and they danced. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you.
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>> greta: here's the best of the rest. could the health care law and all the snow we're having this winter go hand-in-hand? rush limbaugh thinks they might. >> i'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. according to the white house, big sis, tpap tpap brief obama this morning on government preparations for the latest bouts of winter weather. -- yep, janet napolitano went in and told the president
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about the latest bout of winter weather what it is going to mean. why doesn't he mandate everything on a snowplow? the white house says obama stressed the need to be prepared for all scenarios, including significant power outages. he was not talking about egypt. he could mandate we all have generators too. >> greta: why too many mandates. >> barbara bush coming out for gay rights. not his mother, but former president george w. bush's daughter. she is part of a new online psa video by new yorkers for marriage equality. >> i'm barbara bush and i'm a new yorker for marriage equality. new york is about fairness and equality and everyone should have the right to marry the person they love. join us.
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>> greta: what does her father think about the new ad? so far no word. we know bar about's mother and former vice president cheney both support gay marriage rights. everyone listen up! snooki is talking politics. making appearance at the washington auto show she was asked which president tickles her fancy most? clinton, bush, obama? >> who is the hottest? >> i thought george bush was pretty cute for an old man, you know. >> greta: at least snooki knew the difference teen the presidents, we think. >> we've got a credible prediction. at the super bowl this weekend the packers will stomp the steelers. who is this credible predictor? jenny the elephant. workers at the dallas zoo pained two watermelons one the color of the steelers thechd@t
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other the color of the packers. whichever one jenny crushed with her foot will lose the super bowl. steelers got squashed leaving packers big winners. we knew we liked jenny. she is a very smart animal. there you have the best of the rest. >> still ahead last call. conan has advice for the egypt government. ♪ ♪ today was the day ♪ that i put everything in perspective ♪
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♪ i fell asleep ♪ when i woke up, everything changed ♪ ♪ and the sky was turned off ♪ that was before ♪ that was before ♪ you came along and you played me a song ♪ ♪ with a little bit of love ♪ and a little bit of yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ la , la la
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what do you see yourself doing after you do retire? client comes in and they have a box. and inside that box is their financial life. people wake up and realize. "i better start doing something." we open up that box. we organize it. and we make decisions. we really are here to help you. they look back and think "wow. i never thought i could do this." but we've actually done it. [ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach. >> greta: 11:00 is almost here
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flash the studio lights, it's time. imagine just a moment you dmot go online, no facebook, you tube or gretawire. it's a bad situation. conan thinks so, too. >> and we've been watching goes on in egypt. andy doesn't watch the news. >> i get the news. don't watch it. >> it's last couple days many of the incredible protests rif yetted the world. hundreds of thousands in egypt. the egyptian government responded to all of the thousands of protests by shutting down most of the country's internet. did you hear that? just a word of advice. if you want people to stay home, and do nothing, turn the innet back on. that is my experience. turn it on.