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tv   America Live  FOX News  February 2, 2011 1:00pm-3:00pm EST

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jon: if i come over for snacks at your place, mauck sure it's real meat. jenna: i make no promises. you will be lucky if you eat, huh? who says i'm feeding anybody. jon: thanks for joining us. come back tomorrow. jenna: we appreciate it. "america live" starts right now. megyn: this is a fox news alert. we're less than 24 hours after a powerful snow and ice storm paralyzed 1/3 of the united states. and we just got word that federal emergency management teams have set up camp in 13 states, this as ice, snow and subzero wind chills slam communities across the country. welcome to "america live." i'm megyn kelly. from missouri to southern maine, this massive storm dropped snow, sleet, freezing rain, over a 2,000-mile stretch of america. thousands of businesses and schools closed today.
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folks are not just trying to dig out, but hundreds of thousands are struggling to get by without power and in the midst of wind chills of minus 20. trace gallagher is covering this all from our breaking news desk. trace? >> reporter: megyn, this storm was ever bit as bad as advertised. can you imagine, this was the third worst storm in chicago in the past 125 years? chicago gets beaten up every winter. this is lakeshore drive. we talked about this so much yesterday. it came true. this was frozen in time, megyn, for several hours. in fact, it's still shut down. for a time, they had to go around with snowmobiles and rescue people in their cars and some people got frustrated and just took off and abandoned their cars altogether. these are the snowplows trying to catch up in chicago. they're still not there. this is part and parcel of
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what's going on around metro chicago and all around the midwest. let's move on to iowa. this is highway 61 near davenport, iowa. it looks like a demolition derby out there. as one police officer said, up and down the roads, it looks like "an apocalypse of cars" because so many cars were beat up and slid off and smashed up. the national guard has been called out, as has the national guard in many areas across the midwest. now to the northeast and philadelphia. remember, the major concern in philadelphia was the freezing rain and the freezing rain has proven to be very bad indeed. we're being told 80,000 people in metro philadelphia now without power. 20,000 people, that's the problem there, the powerlines come down. 20,000 in eastern pennsylvania also without power.
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move on now further north to connecticut. thousands there also without power. we're talking about power outages in norwalk, fairfield, westport, hartford, all with power outages. again, the wind temperatures, the freezing behind this storm, is a major concern. as the snow and freezing rain moves out, we're talking about temperatures at zero or well below zero now for that 2,000-mile path that this storm beat up for the past 48 hours. megyn? megyn: it's no time to be without electricity. trace, thank you. >> yeah, okay. megyn: flight cancellations are piling up. 5,000 today so far. this colossal storm choking airline travel at our nation's busiest airports. no one will be getting on a plane anytime soon in chicago. flights are not expected to resume there for another 24 hours. more than 1,800 flights canceled at o'hare alone.
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several major airlines are not taking any chances and have suspended all of their flights. so far, the airlines have canceled 13,000 flights this week, 13,000. it was 6,300 this time yesterday due to weather. just when you thought the worst was over, the forecasters are predicting a new storm is on its way. it's expected to form tomorrow night somewhere in the gulf of mexico. they say it will bring ice and snow to the south including dallas and houston. hello, super bowl. and the storm will then bring even more snow and ice to the northeast yet again. stay tuned for more on that. fox news alert out of australia, which is bracing for the biggest and potentially most destructive storm in its history. look at these pictures. a massive cyclone packing winds up to nearly 200 miles an hour.
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28 inches of rain and tidal wave surges along the northeast coast. 10,000 people are taking refuge in shelters. and all of it is hitting as australians are struggling to recover from the worst flooding in decades. remember, that was the story out of australia about a week or two ago. breaking news in egypt. rocks, bottles and firebombs raining down in central cairo. the situation there getting more precarious by the moment. these are live pictures coming in. protests turning into a violent face-off between pro and anti-government demonstrators. the united states is condemning the violence, while urging president mubarak to loosen his grip. we're joined on the phone now with someone on the ground. violence, while it has been present, has not been the main theme. are we seeing more of that today? >> we most certainly are and no letup in the violent protests
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and the clashes we're seeing between progovernment supporters and anti-mubarak demonstrators who have been in the square for nine days. we've seen, as you say, firebombs being thrown between the two sides. the firebombs are actually coming from progovernment protesters that have taken over a series of buildings on the approach to the square. from about 10 floors up, they're raining down firebombs on the anti-government protesters. it's been going on for the last four or five hours and there's no indication that it will end anytime soon. it began when a group of progovernment protesters started gathering. it appeared they had been organized by government organizers, who suddenly appeared in a fleet of black s.u.v.s and started giving directions on how to approach the square. they marched on the square. they were repeled by the anti-government protesters and then it turned violent quickly.
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progovernment protesters were immediately aggressive. there are suggestions that the progovernment protesters have motivated by authorities to cause trouble. megyn: and trouble is something they already have plenty of. dominic, thank you. at 2:30 today, we're going to be joined by the former israeli ambassador to the united nations, dan gillerman, with his take. israel has been very quiet about this situation. it will be the first time we've had a chance to talk to ambassador gillerman -- we're getting feedback -- about his thoughts on it and why israel has a lot riding on how this problem comes out in the middle east. megyn: the fight to repeal the healthcare overhaul law is front and center. republicans poised to force a vote on a repeal amendment in
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just hours. harry reid said it would not hit the floor. mitch mcconnell said, want to bet again? now it will happen, we're told. this as "the wall street journal" is reporting that more than 700 businesses and groups, including unions, are getting exemptions from key provisions of the new law. again, many of these are folks that championed the overhaul in the first place. fox business network's eric bolling is live with that story. >> reporter: that's right. the number has grown to 733 businesses and unions that have received waivers for the obama care law. here's the problem, megyn. you good to the website, and you call it up and you see unions after unions, indiana u.f.c. local, united crafts benefits, united food, and then you come to the sciu. they have three waivers. here's a group that gave $27 million for mr. obama when he
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was running for president back in 2008. also, were the most vocal supporters for obama care during the debate and now they're asking for health care waivers for their own groups. 40% of the 733 names on this list are unions. that while only around 11% to 12% of the work force is unionized. let's call it overwhelmingly more popular on this list than the businesses. megyn: isn't that because of the mini med programs they offer? it started to unfold with companies like mcdonald's saying, we give them healthcare, but it's not big medical programs. and they would be penalized in a way that would make them choose getting rid of the policies or paying tons of
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dough. >> absolutely. megyn: the way i put it more nefarious than the way you put it. >> here's the issue -- wouldn't it apply to every business in america? wouldn't it apply to small businesses as well? megyn: we don't have mini med coverage. we have normal medical coverage. >> but it's in place for any business or union that feels that by complying with the obama care law, they might put a lot of employees at risk for losing insurance. i would say there's a lots of people that would say, i want an exemption. i think a lot of employers, maybe even fox could apply for an exemption. here's the other thing -- some of the union benefits, the cadillac plans, are so big, so rich, that by putting them on obama care, they would be taxed so greatly, the unions may have to pull become some of the plans and they don't want to do that.
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they would rather apply for an exemption. why else would 40% of these names be unions, other than they're picking unions at a greater rate than businesses? megyn: i don't know the answer to that. when we looked at it the first time, it was not the major unions. it was smaller factions of unions that had the mini med programs. >> i have pages where half the names on the pages are unions. so it's going beyond that. remember when we first started, there were 22 waivers, then 100 something, and then 222? that list has grown. that list is 733 names on the list. again, 40% unions. by the way, afl-cio joined forces with the sciu in 2010, $100 million. guess where 90% of their contributions went, right or left? the democrats. megyn: as they have in
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virtually every election. there are some corporations on that list. >> sure, exactly. mcdonald's, we mentioned. a lot of small businesses, s-corps would love to be on this list, and maybe they're getting turned away. why know. megyn: eric bolling, thank you. you can catch more of eric on the fox business network, "follow the money" monday through friday 9:00 p.m. eastern, can except thursdays when he's on at 10:00. the largest carrier facing charges. a worker, a manager, at one of their managers violating the laws they're supposed to uphold. >> it's 3:00 a.m. and your children are safe and asleep, but there's a phone in the white house and it's ringing. something's happening in the world. your vote will decide who
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answers that call. megyn: that ad was put out by hillary clinton, her campaign, during her bid to become president against now-president barack obama. monica crowley says, it's 3:00 a.m. now in the middle east, and she has some thoughts on how the administration dealt with that call. she's here live, next. [ male announcer ] this is james. the morning after the big move starts with back pain... and a choice. take advilow... and maybe up to 4 in a day. or, choose eve and 2 pills for a day free of pain. smarmove.
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megyn: fox news alert. the white house daily press briefing is under way, as press secretary gibbs is addressing the events in egypt. let's take a quick lesson. >> the conversation that the president had with president mubarak was direct, frank, candid. and without getting into exactly what was said, i think the message that the president delivered clearly to president
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mubarak was that the time for change had come. >> i'm still trying to get at the core question about what this president can do about that. >> i think the -- i think change in all of these instances -- what we've seen transpire over the course of the many days in cairo and around egypt has taken place as a result of change that's needed to happen from within the country. i think you have seen statements from throughout the world, in the region and outside of the region, where president obama and leaders have been clear about what needs to happen. many of the changes will have to happen on the ground in egypt and only egypt can determine when those demands have been satisfied. it's clear that the egyptain
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people need to see progress and change immediately. >> finally, we've not had a chance to ask president obama any questions since this crisis began. there have been a couple of occasions that could have been open to the press that weren't. can you explain why we haven't been able to talk to the president? >> i think you will get a chance to talk to the president later in the week when prime minister harper is here. we've had a couple of occasions that have been still photographers only. those were part of the coverage plans that have been in place for a bit now in terms of those events. i will say this, i think we have, like you all watched a series of rapidly moving events. you've heard from the president and what's happened in egypt. we'll continue to keep you up to date as best we can, knowing honestly that some things in
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foreign policy have to be done away from tv cameras. those are the types of direct and frank talks that the president had last night with president mubarak. >> the president, just like the protesters on the streets, are clearly unhappy with mubarak's insistence of staying in power until september. what are the steps that the administration is considering and could it include a cutting off of aid? >> i want to peel those questions apart slightly. first of all, these are quick, rapidly-moving events. and we're watching them like you are. the question specifically on aid. as i said, i believe, last
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friday, we'll evaluate the actions of the government of egypt in making and reviewing decisions about aid. that continues. >> secretary clinton said it was not up for discussion -- megyn: there you have it. the latest headlines from press secretary robert gibbs. this is streaming live only if you care to listen to the press briefing. joining me for perspective on all this is monica crowley, radio host and fox news contributor. we've seen robert gibbs struggling to walk a fine line between ticking off mubarak, who has maintained peace in the middle east all this time, and ticking off the doctors, lawyers, middle class folks in egypt that are pushing for democratic reforms there. >> reporter: exactly. this is a fine line that every
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american president has walked with mubarak since he assumed power in 1981. i remember going into the offices of "the jerusalem post" and they had the major front pages on the wall and i saw the front page from 1981 the day after sadat was assassinated and mubarak assumed power. the headline said that mubarak was temporarily stepping in and would call for elections immediately. that was over 30 years ago. mubarak has kept a police state together for 30 years and as brutal as he's been to his own people, he's been a strong american ally and ally to israel. none of these issues are easy. i think that to be critical of the president is maybe jumping the gun a little bit here. i would point this out. one of the major questions, if not the major question that this president has not answered, which i think could
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go very far, megyn, in helping not just the foreign policy experts figure out what to do, but help the president guide what to do, is answer a simple question, that robert gibbs will not answer, which is, is the muslim brotherhood an enemy of the united states? we're very clear that al-qaeda is an enemy of the united states. we're clear that hamas -- megyn: both of which are connected to the muslim brotherhood. >> correct. the next question, because we're talking about an ascent of the muslim brotherhood, mr. president, is the muslim brotherhood an enemy of the united states? if he answers no, that makes a lot of things very clear to us. if he answers yes, then he will have to handle the situation in egypt a lot more aggressively to try to manage the possible ascent of the muslim brotherhood and have to deal with that presence here in the united states more toughly.
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megyn: why is barack obama supposed to answer questions like that? he has to walk a fine line. we have a different guest every day saying like israel is upset because they're upset he's not standing behind mubarak. but folks on the left and even on the right in this country who see these people in the streets -- forget the muslim brotherhood, but legitimate egyptain citizens pushing for democratic reforms, they've had none, mubarak has been ruling with an iron fist, and they think, why isn't president obama being more forceful in their support for them? he can't win, can he? >> one of the reasons that he's in a box like this is that this
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situation began two years ago with a revolt in iran. what happened then is the president of the united states -- remember, it was a different situation. the regime in iran is an in an enemy of the united states. it with have been relatively easy for the president to give moral support -- nobody was talking about military intervention -- to the people of iran that confronted their government. obama didn't do that at the time in a relatively clear-cut instance, where you have an enemy regime in iran oppressing its people. in this situation now, it's more complex. if obama had come out with a stronger, morally supportive statement to the people of iran, it would have added clarity today so he could have walked this fine line, but be clear about supporting
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demonstrators, dealing with mubarak to try to get the orderly transition that the white house said they want. megyn: do you think it has anything to do with the fact that when president bush was in office, he was very big on promoting his freedom agenda. when president obama came into office he rejected all things bush, including the freedom agenda and he didn't want to sound like president bush or look like president bush or act like president bush. and to do that, maybe in the iran situation or this situation would paint him with that brush? >> i think that's an excellent point and i think that could be one of the downfalls of this man's presidency. he was so intent on being anti-bush, he wasn't willing to embrace some of the bush policies that actually could be bearing fruit for his presidency as well as for the people of egypt and the region. when he gave that speech in cairo, he spoke to these things. he talked about greater freedom. megyn: and he also talked about it's not government's place to
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interfere with another government. >> correct. it's easy for a president to spout rhetoric, but the rubber meets the road when you have a crisis like this and you have to live up to the words. megyn: the phone rang at 3:00 a.m. and it wound up being a confusing, esoteric discussion. >> it wound up being, huh? i don't mean to make light of it. it's very dangerous right now. megyn: i'm looking forward to hearing from dan gillerman. we've wanted to hear from him. israel's been so quiet. we'll hear from him in an hour. monica, thank you. >> thank you. megyn: while we're seeing the situation get more violent in the heart of cairo today, there are new concerns about what is happening next door in jordan. we're live with more. nancy pelosi may have lost her gavel, but she's holding hearings on whether republicans
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should be more focused on jobs than healthcare. and america's problems with bed bugs so bad now that the federal government is getting involved. really? that's coming up.
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megyn: the muslim brotherhood, a group banned in egypt for decades, but out on the streets now, is now a driving force in this anti-government protesting that we're watching on the streets. it's the concern of many that if a prodemocratic revolution actually manages to get this government out and democratic elections are held, the muslim brotherhood or muslim brotherhood-backed candidates could take control there, that accepted as a potentially bad outcome for the united states and israel. a faction of that group is over in jordan as well and they're demanding the resignation of jordan's prime minister. what are we to expect in jordan and how does it affect the united states? mike tobin is live in jordan with more. everybody is focused on egypt right now. people have just come to understand how what's happening
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in egypt is relevant to america. now we're supposed to look to jordan at what's happening there and how that's relevant. >> reporter: it's relevant because the arab street is so interconnected. we saw it in such a way that the tunisian uprisings inspired what happened here and in cairo. the situation now in cairo has so much gravity, it has drawn a lot of passion out of the demonstrations here in jordan. the demonstrations went ahead as planned, voicing opposition to the king's latest move. he tasked an old general to form a new cabinet. the demonstrators said, you are replacing another crony with another old crony. they said, we don't need a change of faces. we need a change in policy. the demonstration was small, 100 people.
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less relevant than the size, is the fact that it happened at all. it was organized by the muslim brotherhood, but also the unity party. i was approached by someone from the student movement. the secular parties didn't have an opportunity to form. back to you in new york. megyn: we'll keep our eyes on that as well. mike tobin, thank you. jordan and egypt are two of israel's closest allies. what could all of this change mean for the government in jerusalem? coming up in less than an hour now, i will speak live with dan gillerman. he spent six years serving as israel's ambassador to the united nations and is very concerned about what all of this means for israel and the united states. hear him here in the next hour. she's no longer speaker. and the house is not even really in session today, but that's not stopping nancy pelosi from staging a hearing maybe with a big gavel right now on capitol hill.
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it's designed to press republicans to implement president obama's calls for increased spending and to highlight what she calls democrats' top priority -- to create jobs. marianne marsh, democratic strategist and former advisor to john kerry and neil borst, talkshow host. she's calling hearings when the house is not in session to talk about the democrats' top priority of gaining jobs and rip on the republicans for things like healthcare appeal. >> smart move. it shows the country that the republicans are making the same mistakes that the democrats made. what are they focused on -- healthcare and abortion. democrats are focused on jobs and deficit reduction. republicans are playing to their base. the democrats are playing to the country. and that's how you win elections. megyn: neil, does this ring
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true with the voters? the criticism was opposite nine months ago. >> well, first of all, i want to agree with marianne on the absurdity of the republicans starting to focus on abortion. that's going to get them absolutely nowhere. but she's also right when she says that democrats are appealing to their base. they are. it's unions, unions, unions. every area that barack obama and nancy pelosi want to spend on jobs, are really areas to increase union membership and union jobs, so you get more union dues, which means more union contributions to democrats and more help in future elections. this is stimulus number two. stimulus number one was a miserable failure, but democrats just can't give up on their spending dreams, oh, and
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their green energy dreams, which are going nowhere! we have green energy companies going out of business right and left, even the ones that obama visited last year. megyn: the independents, who you say that nancy pelosi is appealing to today, do you think they want to see more federal spending? >> they want to see deficit reduction. that's what independent voter have cared about and that was the large reason why obama's poll numbers dropped so much in the last two years. in the post-mid term elections, they want what obama is talking about, putting people back to work and cutting the deficit. the republicans are being held hostage by the tea party. they have everybody on probation. they're recruiting candidates to run against incumbent republicans and they want healthcare repealed. this is where it makes it hard to govern. megyn: the majority of the american public wants that, too. the latest fox news-opinion
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dynamics poll showed that people wanted the repeal. >> if you gave them a choice between healthcare repeal and getting a job, they would pick the job. megyn: but the democrats are the ones that said you can do both, you can walk and chew gum at the same time. how can nancy pelosi say the republicans are not able to do that? >> democrats and barack obama have asked the republicans, come, let's fix the things you are not happy with. there are provisions that can be improved upon. we don't need to start over. let's put people back to work and fix parts of healthcare that you are not happy with. megyn: is it hypocritical or does marianne have a point? >> she's had several points, but the healthcare bill -- megyn: there you go. there's a concession for you. >> the healthcare bill is a creeping mold on our economy. it's a jobs killer. it's a deficit monster. and we can't make any progress
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toward restoring the american free enterprise economy, not the central government economy, without getting rid of the most dangerous and atrocious piece of legislation passed by a congress in the last 100 years. megyn: that's what they're trying to do today in the u.s. senate. the house passed a vote for repeal. so nancy pelosi's hearing -- >> godspeed. megyn: must be focused on the senate side. the vote to take place today, folks, in the senate. thank you, both. >> thank you. >> thank you. megyn: the next generation of media was unveiled this morning in new york. fox news' parent company, news corp, launching "the daily," the world's first digital publication, delivered to the ipad and other tablets.
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>> reporter: it's a new chapter for journalism, consider it the anytime, anywhere news application. it was launched today in new york city. if you want a look at what it feels like, it's multidimensional. it's about a story-telling experience. 360-degree pictures, graphs, video, audio, melded into one with a solid backbone of journalism. and it has a strong value proposition as well. c.e.o. of news corp, rupert murdoch, was on hand and talked about why consumers will take hold of it. >> no paper. no multimillion dollar presses. no trucks. and we're passing on the savings to the reader, which is
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why we can offer "the daily" for 14 cents a day. >> reporter: there are big questions that remain. who is the target audience, whether consumers will pay for content when they're used to getting it for free. also, will we see it on other tablet devices? we don't know that yet, but the company maintains that it has a roadmap for the next few years. jesse angelo, editor of "the daily," had this to say. >> we think there will be a giant audience for tablet computing. there are -- by the end of next year, 50, 60 million of these devices. we think it's a giant market. we want to plant our flag first and say, hey, we're the news button for your tablet computer and your ipad. as the market grows, we'll grow with it. >> reporter: one person has
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given his stamp of approval and that's steve jobs, c. e.o. of apple. rupert murdoch said that steve jobs called him last week and called it terrific. megyn: what else can you get for 14 cents a day, not even a gum ball. it's 25 cents. i checked. shibani, thank you. fox news alert right now. we're getting reports that state tv in egypt has just issued a message for all of the protesters that you are seeing here to get out of the square immediately. we're not sure what that means, what's coming next. we should know more after the break. and this san francisco city official said she doesn't like the words "liberty and justice for all" in the pledge of allegiance. so she's refusing to recite it. the fallout ahead. >> i pledge allegiance to the
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flag of the united states of america. and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all. »@/svw÷ññ(>enpzúwdñ [ male announcer ] a chicken coop: the unlikely birthplace of a fundamental idea. it's where ethel percy andrus found a reted teacher living because she could afford nothing else. ethel couldn't ignore the clear need for health and financial security. and it inspired her to found aarp. for over 50 years, we've continued that work, to help all americans pursue their best life. discover more of what we do, for every generation at
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megyn: fox news alert. we're getting reports, again, that state tv in egypt has just issued a message for everyone in this square, telling them to get out immediately. we're trying to get our reporter, who is there, on the phone, so we can figure out what this means. why? what's coming next? why are they ordering this? we don't know. it's the first such warning we've heard like that. so more on that as we get it. again, today we're seeing more and more progovernment protesters go out to the streets and we're seeing more violence on the streets today. we'll try to find out what's happening. we have a fox reporter right
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there, so we should know momentarily and, therefore, so will you. a new jersey senator is calling for a federal investigation into the group planned parenthood. the organization facing questions after an undercover video surfaced, taken by an anti-abortion group that released the video, showing two people posing as a pimp and prostitute, and going into planned parenthoods. on the tape, can you hear an employee of that group -- it appears she's violating the laws that planned parenthood is supposed to uphold. the employy -- employee you see in the tape has now been fired.
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megyn: nancy skinner, syndicated radio talkshow host. thanks for being here. we reached out to planned parenthood and they were not able to join us today. we have their side represented. nancy, i think you are familiar with their facts. kathy, let me start with you. why does this pose a problem? planned parenthood has said, we are the ones who caught on to the fact that something was amiss in the clinics and we are the ones that alerted the federal authorities to this problem. >> they're just trying to change the subject. this is another video in a long list of videos that have come out over the last four years giving planned parenthood another black eye. indiana, arizona, alabama. this is just the latest video. it might be the most shocking, because right up front, the pimp says, we're sex workers. he said the children that are workers are 15 years and 14 years old and you have this
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planned parenthood manager giving him advice, telling him that the girls should lie saying, we're not going to take your social security numbers, and giving sex advice about how to continue the prostitution business after they get abortions. they have to wait two weeks, but can perform sex acts from the waist up. planned parenthood is not an organization that taxpayers should fund to the tune of $360 million a year. megyn: it's renewing the cause of critics saying we should withdraw the funding. why should taxpayer dollars fund an organization where you have a clinic manager engaging in discussions like that? >> no-brainer. >> let me agree with kathy on one point. this video is outrageous. and the actions of the clinic manager were outrageous and unheard of and planned parenthood fired her immediately.
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let me disagree with something when she said that planned parenthood was trying to change the subject. she's wrong. before this video was released, they knew there was either a sex trafficker situation going on and called to investigate. you cannot say that one clinic manager then indicts an entire organization, no more than you can say that wonder that writes a bad prescription has delegitimized the entire profession. megyn: go ahead, nancy. >> about the funding -- megyn: let kathy go. >> you cannot characterize this as an isolated incident. we have planned parenthood telling minors in alabama, tennessee, arizona and indiana, don't tell us your age. we don't want to know anything. just say you're 15. it's impossible to characterize this as isolated. it's a black eye for planned parenthood and there may be more videos to come.
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they're not learning from their mistakes. they can't help but reveal themselves to be the abusers they are and offensive organization that exploits young people. megyn: i want nancy to respond, but in particular, when something makes news, it doesn't look good. planned parenthood does do some good for young girls out there. you can take out the abortion situation, because that's too fiery for people to agree on, but they do do some good. go ahead, nancy. >> okay. first of all, the previous video that kathy talked about, they've been discredited because the person's stated goals with to take down planned parenthood -- megyn: it doesn't matter. we don't need to go after the motives of the person. talk about the merits. >> i have to finish my point. the videos were discredited. to say there's a coordinated effort -- planned parenthood gets no money for abortions. it's for reproductive health.
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they want to prevent unwanted pregnancy. megyn: yeah, family planning. >> it's about anti-abortion groups that want to take down this organization like acorn did the videos. megyn: i got to go. i'm up against a hard break. it's about the groups, but it's also about the willing employees who they fined inside the group who planned parenthood itself is condemning. we'll
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megyn: fox business network's ashley webster is in cairo covering the protest for us. ashley sending out a message saying that pro-mubarak protesters stormed into his hotel room, threatening his
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crew. we'll be joined by ashley shortly to update what happened. bed bugs invading homes and businesses across the country and these critters are hard to exterminate. trace gallagher here with tips to protect yourself. this is so nasty. >> reporter: it shows you how bad the problem is when they convene a national summit. now they're talking about a national eradication of bed bugs. they've been on the rise since d.d.t. was banned. there are tips. it's called can give you some tips about how to get rid of them or even to identify them.
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>> reporter: here's the thing. get a flashlight. go to your hotel bed or your bed and look and see for these black spots. bed bugs are visible, but you will mostly see the fecal spots, the black spots, that's how you know you have bed bugs on your box springs, mattress or headboard. don't let the bed bugs bite, that's from the 1800s. they're getting worse because there are 300 different sprays to get rid of them and they don't work. megyn: you have bed bugs and bed bugs' crap all over your bed. >> i was tactfully telling you that, but, yes. megyn: thanks, trace. my sister abby said you can
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take a bounce drier sheet and rub it on your bed. don't blame me, blame abby, if it doesn't work. one of our crews reportedly threatened by pro-mubarak protesters. we'll have a live report. we're live in cairo 3 minutes away. all that, plus a d.e.a. agent shoots himself in the foot before a classroom of children and now he's suing the feds over it. it's true. you never forget your first subaru.
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megyn: a fox news alert. a crucial vote on repealing healthcare expected soon in the united states senate. i'm megyn kelly. we are awaiting an up or down vote in the senate right now. just two days after a federal judge declared the law unconstitutional. this bill is identical to the repeal bill that passed in the house last month and it would require 60 senate votes for approval. that's a tall order. senator mitch mcconnell, the
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minority leader, says all members of his caucus are onboard, but it is not clear how much support there is from the democrats. in moments we'll speak with senator lamar alexander. he led the republican side during the healthcare summit last march when they gathered on capitol hill and barack obama said we'll do what we are going to do and that what elects are for? he has another bite of the am. he says they will get the vote to pass this bill. really? how? a day of bloody violence on the streets of cairo leaving an egyptian soldier dead and hundreds injured. the white house is warning if the egyptian government is behind the attacks on the protesters it better stop. listen to the most intensive and violent clashes we have seen so
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far. the mayhem exploding as pro-mubarak support percent on camels and horses stormed tahrir square. we have seen molotov cocktail bombs thrown from the rooftops in this the square. one setting fire to the egyptian museum. today's violence triggered 750 injuries. joining me on the phone is a member of the egyptian youth movement in tahrir square in the midst of all of this. austin, thank you so much for being here with us. set the scene for us in cairo. >> reporter: at the moment, the pro-mubarak protesters are
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trying to charge into the square and we are holding them back. they are using molotov cocktail bombs. rocks, sticks, some of them have swords. we heard a few gunshots but we haven't seen any gunshot wounds. and we caught almost 50 much them. most of them have police i.d.s or min strife interior i.d.s. some confess after the protesters beat them for a while that they were sent by the ministry of interior. as the situation now is that most of the political opposition present in tahrir square talking about conspiracy from within the minister of interior and these people are here to scare people off and the protests. megyn: how are you defending yourself against pro-mubarak
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supporters who have swords? >> we build barricade on the main roads. the only weapons we have at the moment are rocks. megyn: is today the first day you are seeing these particular anti-protesters? mostly we have seen anti-government supporters the last couple weeks. now we are hear being this clash. >> it is the first day we have seen these protesters. friday when the police forces were shooting and throwing stare gas at us. but other than that we have not seen any pro-mubarak protesters. megyn: how old are you? >> i'm 24. megyn: why are you out there in the streets? >> because i'm part of a large majority of the egyptian population that has had enough
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with not having our basic rights, and we are out here protesting to get -- to have our rights to democracy or some form of, you know -- we are fighting for our freedom basically. and we -- our demand are pretty basic. at top of those demand was hosni mubarak step down and the transitional government stay in power until the next election. but then there is a lot of other demand that follow that initial demand. but his speech last night infuriated the people even more. but still it remains a peaceful demonstration up until the pro-mubarak protesters attacked us. megyn: one thing people are worried about is if you get what you want and have a democratic free and fair election in september, groups backed by the muslim brotherhood may come to
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power in egypt and you can argue that may not be a good thing for egypt. >> what i can tell you about that is neither the muslim brotherhood morbrotherhood nor p has any interest in breaking peace with israel. i spoke to a lot of people from the muslim brotherhood, a lot of their leadership and they have been talking and a lot of opposition from other independent forces in the political opposition have been here and they have been talking. we wish we had some kind of representation that could speak out to the government and say we do not want to break our peace with israel regardless of who's in power. and egypt's tradition as an american ally, it's good for us 80s is good for them. megyn: what if anything do you want from america, from our government as this event
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unfolds? >> at the moment the only thing we want and the people have been chanting all through the protest is stop supporting mubarak. we know your government has strong leverage when it comes to decisions regarding our government. so the people here have been chanting. we don't want him anymore. a lot of people are accusing the united states government of only using the democracy card when it is in their own interests. so what they are saying is america help us by not supporting mubarak. megyn: thank you so much. we appreciate you being here. >> you are welcome. megyn: unbelievable. right? have you heard from somebody directly on the streets like that? fascinating account. coming up we'll have a special guest you do not want to miss. the former israeli ambassador to the united nations.
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he has spent his entire adult life observing the relationship between israel, its middle east neighbors and the united states. if there is one person who can answer the question what should we expect nest it's dan and his predictions are a little scary. back to our other top story. we are after he waiting a crucial vote on repealing healthcare. the senate set to take a tally on who is in favor of repealing the president's landmark legislation. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell admits it's a long shot. senator lamar alexander is a tennessee republican who joins me now. we remember watching you as the voice of the replican party last spring. that was a fight you lost. is this a fight you expect to lose? >> it was a fight we lost, but
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we won the argument. we said premiums are going up and people will lose their insurance. that's actually happened. we'll have a vote on whether to repeal the law and replace the with something that actually helps americans cut their healthcare costs. all i can tell you is all 47 republicans senators will vote to repeal it. megyn: you won't get enough crossover by all accounts to make that happen. even senators like ben nelson. >> it's up to the democrats in the senate. 23 of them are running for reelect. some of them may have changed their minds. megyn: there have been questions about whether the republican party has been hijacked by the tea party and it many the tea party strong arming you into taking a vote that even if it did pass in the senate would have no chance of being signed by the president. >> i think all of us have a lot of respect for americans who speak you have as tea party
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members did. this is a vote we cast last ye year. we voted against the current healthcare law and proposed instead a series of steps hat would reduce healthcare costs so people could afford to buy insurance. all we'll do is do again what we did last year. megyn: i can see politically how this will play out. we have democrats who will vote against repeal. then they have to run for reelection. but as a practical matter assuming you lose, it won't do anything in terms of changing americans' lives. what do you feel is your best option right now for actually making don't, significanter. >> otherwise in the healthcare law. >> this gives us the chance to
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renew the issue and remind people why we were right when we said premiums will go you have. if we lose today then we can move on to other things. almost every governor, democrat or republican is saying how can you impose this mandate of more medicaid costs on our states? so we can delay the medicaid expansion until the federal government is willing to pay for it. megyn: what about the judicial, how it's playing out in the court system? there was an important decision just this week on that. >> reporter: the court systems are saying this week that we were right last year when we said we shouldn't pass the law. i think that supports this. we want healthcare costs down. but the law as it was passed last year actually expands our
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healthcare costs. megyn: the viewers know the talking points with all due respect. but i want to -- >> those are my beliefs. megyn: i understand. the white house came out in the wake of that court opinion by judge vincent in pensacola, florida and called him a judicious activist and said his -- a judicial activist and his opinions are outside the mainstream. >> the mainstream of american people said in november they don't like the healthcare law and they put a lot more republicans in congress in control of the house. megyn: senator lamar alexander we'll be looking forward to seeing this unfold today. thanks so much. new documents are just south and they are suggesting the 9/11 hijackers got help from inside the united states in the weeks before the attacks. just ahead. see what we found out about four
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suspects who were never even arrested. plus ... oh, boy. this correct a agent was talking to kids about the dangers of guns and drugs when he demonstrated what he was talking about. now -- he is suing after shooting himself in the foot in today's "kelly's court." next meet one of the brand-new leaders of the city by the bay, and she is already ruffling some feathers by refusing to say one simple phrase. >> i don't think it represents a nation where there is liberty and justice for all. i reserve my right to disagree or protest when i think our government isn't representing theze best our. >> i deals and principles. alka-! it rushes multiple cold fighters,
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plus a powerful pain reliever, wherever you need it! [ both ] ♪ oh what a relief it is! wherever you need it! funny how nature just knows how to make things that are good for you. new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the goodness of green tea and powerful antioxidants. refreshingly good.
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megyn: this is a fox news
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extreme weather alert. a blizzard across america. a monster storm called the worst in decades is paralyzing huge stretches of the nation. in massachusetts schools across the state have cancelled class and here is why. check out how tougher it is for kids to trudge through that snow. can you imagine? some areas hit with freezing rain making driving extremely treacherous. over to chicago, the city buried in snow and lots of it. nearly 20 inches in the third worst storm in that city's history. and the blizzard stranding hundreds of motor rift on the city's lakeshore drive. this just before the roadway was shut down because of all the car accidents that took place there. check out this sign posted outside the first baptist church in new york. it asks whoever is praying for snow to please stop. and the winter storm in decades
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dumped record amounts of snow and ice act nation. it is not over yet. and it is not alone. another one is coming. you can go to right now if you like. enter your zip code and gets the current weather and forecast for any address across the country. one of the brand-new supervisors from the city of san francisco is getting national attention for refusing to say the pledge of allegiance. jane kim has refused to recite the pledge at public meetings since taking office last month. why? >> reporter: supervisor jane kim is a former green party member. she became a democrat when president obama took office. she was the former president of the san francisco school board where she also did not recite the pledge of allegiance. she says she hasn't recited the pledge since she was in high
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school and she is surprised by all the criticism surrounding her decision because she calls this the way she honors the flag and her country. listen. >> i don't think that our flag currently represents a nation where there is liberty and justice for all. i reserve my right to disagree or protest when i think our government isn't representing the best of our. >> i deals and principles. >> reporter: her family came to the united states from asia in the mid 1970s. she has fought for years for if san francisco to become a sanctuary city. they say she is well within her rights but add this. >> the cultural position is you are an elected official, parts of an elected democracy you probably shouldn't have a problem pledging allegiance to
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the united states. >> reporter: she is not going to change her ways. remember the berkeley city council stopped reciting the pledge, bowing to vietnam protesters. in the 1980s they began reciting the pledge again. megyn: is it just line with liberty and justice for all or she won't recite any of it. >> reporter: she won't recite any of it buff she cites the line "liberty and was is for all." megyn: the leg expert raise an interesting question why an elected official wouldn't say she pledges allegiance to the flag. but you heard her explanation. trace, thank you. brand-new information on the 9/11 attacks and the suspects who may have helped the hijackers. what happened to them. rear live with that story. plus president obama asking egypt's president to make a
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change as the chaos gets worse. israel's former ambassador to the united nations warning we may want to be careful what we ask for. [ female announcer ] enjoy a complete seafood dinner for two for just $29.99 at red lobster. with fresh salads and biscuits. your choice of entrees. and an appetizer or a dessert to share. for a limited time at red lobster.
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areas of virginia. they booked a hotel about it airport and paid cash and asked that the room not be clean. the hotel staff became suspicious because they found pilot uniforms, and computers listing pilot names and flight times. the former director of the 9/11 commission says khalid sheikh mohammed the self-described architect appeared to withhold
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information. it looked like ksm tried to protect information about activities inside the u.s. >> he was asked many times whether there were contacts in the united states, and from the reports we can read of those interrogations he always seemed to blow smoke. >> reporter: the 9/11 commission considered whether awlaki was also part of the cell. but i would point out that he had a connection to flight 77 that hit the pentagon. megyn: we have new video coming in as a number of roofs around massachusetts have started to give way under the weight of the heavy snow and more rain. this is a business called try on
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technologies. the snow as it's mixed with rain and sleet is very heavy. so it's unusually dangerous. one person was trapped in that building briefly. what a situation we are seeing across the united states. they say the storm affected 100 million people. there are serious concerns about what developments in egypt can mean for the united states, israel and the entire middle east. this is no small matter. in three minutes the former israeli ambassador to the u.n. joins me with a perspective we may not even hear from our own government. he was supposed to be the best trained person to handle a weapon. but this dea agent shot himself in front of a demonstration in front of a group of kids.
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now he's suing the feds because the guy who couldn't shoot straight had the wrong target. that's in today's "kelly's court." >> i'm only one in this room [inaudible] wow. it's real coming together. yep. this way, everyone will know out all r great discounts. safe driver, online, homeowner's -- more discounts than ever before. and they still get great service. ♪ ow! [ disco music plays ] ♪ whoa, yeah is it just me, or is it getting funky in here, huh? geyour groove on, y'all! catch you on the flip side! i'd tell him the sign's not finished, but it would just break his funky little heart. more discounts, more ways to save. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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megyn: just moving right now on
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the news wires. egypt says 600 people have been injured in today many riots in egypt. cairo got a whole lot more dangerous today as fights began breaking out between anti-government protesters who we have seen for a week now and folks who decided to come out today supporting president mubarak. ashley webster joins me on the phone. the violence taking place in this tahrir square and around it which is in cairo. now there was a warning out earlier from state tv in egypt ordering people to get out of that square immediately. we don't know why or whether that's credible. what are you hearing on that? >> reporter: we heard the order came out a number of hours ago, but who is going to enforce it? no one is paying any attention to that. the clashes go on. there is a man lighting up a
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molotov cocktail about to throw it down on top of the crowd from the building. the question is who would enforce getting them out of the square, both sides. the army still remaining quiet. they are remaining on their tanks and personnel carriers. egyptian television was reporting one soldier died in these clashes. we have yet to confirm that. but the tension remains extremely high at this hour. it's now past 9:30 in the evening. the anti-regime group says they will not move and are prepared the die rather than give their stands. one wonders how long they can last. they say if nothing is changed and mubarak has not left office by friday they will march on the presidential palace. so that could be a defining moment. we are interested to see if the authorities will come in tonight or tomorrow and try to physically remove the
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protesters. megyn: one wonders what the warning even if they aren't able to get them out of the square, one wonders whether they are trying to have cover before what comes next. some are saying they have given these warnings before and nothing has come of them. ashley, thank you so much, stay safe, my friend. our next guest has spent his entire career insuring israel survived and thrives as the only country in the middle east with an economy and government similar to the united states. he spent six years as israel's ambassador to the united states. if there is one person who understands what the collapse of the mubarak government could mean, it's ambassador dan gellerman. there is a slight satellite delay. ambassador, thank you so much for being here. i want to ask you first what your reaction is to the events
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that we have seen the past few days. mubarak says he won't step down but he won't run for reelection in september. >> thank you, megyn. it's good to be with you. we in israel are watching the events in egypt with great anxiety. this is the middle east. it has never been an easy neighborhood it's a tough neighborhood. but it's becoming much more dangerous, volatile and menacing the last few days. egypt is probably the most important arab country. president sadat described it as the mother of the arab world. he claims all the rest were tribes with flags. but there is no doubt that egypt has played a pivotal role in the arab world. and has been a staunch ally of
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the united states. what we are witnessing today is total havoc and there is no way of knowing how this will end. but i feel that president mubarak who ruled egypt for 3. >> years has been a staunch ally of the united states and maintained the peace treaty signed by his presented sells oar president sadat, wants to insure a careful, cautious and managed transition. i would hope that this happens because if it doesn't, it's anyone's guess which way egypt is going to go. megyn: president obama has been criticized for not speaking out for forcefully on behalf of the democratic protesters. those pushing for democracy. you have a different view of where the president should and needs to stand on this issue. >> yes, megyn. i must say as an israeli and a
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great admirer of the united states and a friend of america, i was surprised to see the very easy i would say maybe even irresponsible way in which the president just discarded a long-time ally. president mubarak has been a long-time loyal staunch ally of the united states. and to see him cut loose in this way was to me very, very sad moment. i can understand the president's sympathy for the egyptian people and for democracy. but i would think that loyalty and partnership would kawnlt at this time. what i wonder is what kind of message this cutting loose of a loyal and staunch ally sends to other allies of the united states? are they wondering whether they can count on the u.s.?
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whether when the time comes, the u.s. will be there for them? or will they just be discarded. i think the way president mubarak was treated was wrong. i think the president should have at least shown some empathy for the partnership and some appreciation for the loyalty and the very close relations between the united states and egypt. and, you know, i can't help wondering whether these demonstrations were held in tiananmen square whether the president would be as quick to cut off the chinese leadership and be -- on the side of the protesters. i think the wider picture has to be fully examined and the end result and the end game should be taken into consideration. nobody knows which way egypt is going to go. i think this should have been handled in a much more
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responsible and cautious way. i hope it still will be. megyn: president mubarak said he will not seek reelection in september. president obama responded by saying a transition must begin now. what happened? put it in perspective. if there is a free and fair election as that term is understood in the middle east. in september and you get someone in power, you get folks in power who are backed by the muslim brotherhood, what does that mean for israel and the united states? >> well, you know, megyn, we have been to this movie before. everybody claims that the elections and the palestinian authority would be fair and free, and they resulted in a terror organization, hamas taking over the palestinian authority and eventually taking over gaza and holding the people of gaza hostage and carrying
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terrorist attacks against israel. so democracy does not begin and end with elections. elections may be the beginning. but in order to insure democracy you must have democratic institutions in place, you must have the culture of democracy in place. this is not the case in egypt. this is why i think an orderly transition should be managed very, very carefully. otherwise there is the risk of the muslim brotherhood take over. at the end of the day there is only two organized forces in egypt. the only two organized forces on the ground at the moment. the muslim brotherhood and the army. the army is a key. it could play a very, very important role in insuring the stability of egypt and an organized and well managed transition. but if it doesn't, and the muslim brotherhood takes over.
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this will be a horrible development and make this neighborhood even uglier, bloodier and more dangerous than before. we as israel with have hamas in gaza, the muslim brotherhood in egypt, and hezbollah in lebanon. this indeed will be a preview of things to come in other parts of the world soon to be seen in a theater near you, megyn. megyn: the world is watching. thank you so much for being here. , ambassador dan gillerman. megyn: we are taking your thoughts on that. obvious lure we have a lot of coverage on the channel. if you want to supplement that you can click on
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and get just dates from our team of correspondents reporting live from the middle of the chaos in cairo and around the region including jordan, lebanon and israel. coming up in 19 minutes. "studio b" with mr. shepard smith. shep: we'll continue the discussion on nicholas burns. he will be here to help us understand who is behind these protests and what they mean in the bigger picture. juan williams is also here. and the two sides of this story of the muslim brotherhood and other organizations there, that's when the news begins anew at top of the hour. megyn: he was speaking to a group of kids about the dangers of drugs and guns. apparently the dea agent missed his own memo. why he's now suing over his own friendly fire that sent him home in a blaze of glory.
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megyn: "kelly's court" is back in session. on the docket today. an undercover agent with the dea giving a demonstration to students about the dangers of drugs and guns. when it goes from a discussion to a demonstration. >> too short. i'm only one in this room that i know of [inaudible] everybody all right? megyn: he is suing the feds after that video went viral online claiming the clip of him
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shooting himself in the foot was illegally and maliciously posted by someone inside the department violating his privacy and he's upset he's no longer being asked to provided casual seminars. let's ask our panel. lis weihl and kimberly guilfoy guilfoyle. >> i wonder why. it does bring a new meaning to the concept of shooting yourself in the foot. he still does have a suit because the dea confiscated that video and all the videos taken in that classroom and they had an internal investigation which i believe is still going on. during that internal investigation someone in the dea leaked this to youtube, leaked it to television, much to his embarrassment. just because he's a federal employee don't mean he does
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haven't privacy rights. megyn: the trial courts said he has to prove it was a willful and intentional attempt to embarrass him. but the court of appeals just reeve instated the lawsuit. they think maybe he's on to something. >> this detakes came down the end of -- this decision came count end of the december and it's still pending. but they haven't thrown it out yet. we are waiting to see what they are going to do. but yoare reading the opinion here. the court thinks her on shall we say solid footing here? he has no case. he has not made the merits of the case to say this was an intentional and willful violation of his privacy. megyn: why did the dea release it?
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>> what a man, he didn't cry or anything. megyn: let's listen. after he gets shot -- look at. he's walking around. and he continues the lesson and picks up another gun and you can see people start running. >> i would, too. >> this is like dea gone wild. >> if this was leaked by the dea, according to him, somebody in the d eark -- somebody in tha didn't like him. it did ruin this reputation. he was an undercover dea. that blew his cover. megyn: it's quite another to have that video go viral online. he says his career is over
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thanks to whoever leaked this video. >> how is his career over? maybe he can get a opportunity double in the next terminator flick. it doesn't look like somebody who is wimpy and a pencil pusher? i wouldn't put him on the shooting detail. megyn: would you put your son in a classroom he was going to speak before? >> now you are making a points. no way. megyn: he wants mental distress and emotional damages. the parent of those kids -- a good debate. invasion of privacy? he was in front of 50 people when it happened. i commend lee paige for how he handled the situation. he went right on, then tried to take responsibility for it and tried to teach the kids how
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dangerous guns could be. then it was inappropriate that he was further humiliated. however, there is no lawsuit here. sour grapes must be afoot. we'll be right back. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. of some of the annoying symptoms menopause brings. go it's one a day menopause formula. the only complete multivitamin with soy isoflavones to help address hot flashes and mild mood changes. one a day menopause formula.
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megyn: a powerful cyclone, potentially a hurricane crashing right now into northeastern australia. take a look at the map. one of the strongest storms to hit this area in a century triking the northeast coast near the great barrier reef with 186-mile-an-hour winds and torrential downpours. this area is trying to recover from epic flooding we watched two weeks ago. trace gallagher has more.
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>> reporter: they are saying this could be the strongest storm to ever hit that area of australia. not only that, look at context here. katrina was a hurricane category 3. this thing much, much stronger than that. on top of that as you look at the pictures from the beginning of the storm, we are talking about 21-foot storm surge. that would cause immeasurable damage. the storm was 500 miles wide. the distance from san diego to san francisco. the government says they are expecting scenes of devastation and heartbreak. we have not even begun to assess the damage. they have the military on standby to go in and pull out those who are injured. the survivors and those who may be trapped in their homes. injury. they think this is 1918, that hurricane damaged and destroyed
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10,000 homes. it injured thousands of people. the pictures are amazing. it's the early hours. it's been downgraded to a category 3 as it makes its way onto lands. about it was so strong and so big they believe it will remain a category 2 and a category 1 the next 48 hours. but it hit as a cat-5 with 200-mile-an-hour winds. megyn: a will the of people were asking why was that gun load in a classroom of children. he said it wasn't. he said he didn't know it was load. upcoming a breach of security at the vatican. you will not believe who got a personal meeting with the pope. captioning made possible by fox news network
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>>megyn: the pope's security de


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