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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  February 3, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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was attacking the mail truck. we know whose it was. ethyl kennedy bought some turkeys for the kids. one got loose and attacked the mail truck. kennedys say they are sore. turkey is safe and sound. now, you know the news on this day. i'm shepard smith. the factor begins right now. >> o'reilly factor is on. tonight.... [ gun shots ] >> does the obama administration have a plan if egypt collapses? what does it mean for the america if the jihadists take over. we'll have comprehensive analysis
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>> another shocker at the abortion provider planned parenthood. another worker tapes a man posing a as persistently running an under age prostitution ring. >> new york is when fairness and equality and everybody should have the right to marry the person they love. >> what do culture warriors think of president bush's daughter coming out in support of gay marriage. >> let me tell you past few years they have deepened my faith. >> the president accepting for the religious help? >> the factor begins right now.
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hi, everyone. thanks for watching us. the president hunting for votes, the votes of the faithful. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. he addressed a national prayer breakfast which is gathering of christians from across the country. it's good for the public and for the world to hear the president freely discuss the importance of faith in public and he recounted how during this community organizing days he accepted jesus christ as his lord and savior. what set my antenna is invocation of his faith to defend big government programs including his healthcare reform law. >> there is only so much a church can do to help all the families in need. there is only so much of the private sector will do to help folks who are desperately sick get the care that they need.
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that is why i continue to believe that in a caring and in a just society government must have a role to play. >> clearly the president was doing a little religious issue here. he is using it to justify his healthcare overhaul which an overwhelmingly opposed by religious voters which abhor the backdoor funding of healthcare. now, the "new york times" is reporting that obamacare will likely require insurers to female policy holders with family planning services. wouldn't that open the door to free abortion? two years ago when he spoke at 2009 prayer breakfast, president said. >> there is no god who condones taking the life of an innocent
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human being. this much we know. >> i guess we'll see that. is memo. now for the top story. egypt on the brink. for the sending straight day, anti-government protestors and supporters of egypt's president battled each other in the streets with rocks and molotov cocktails. the sound of gunfire in the air as the egypt's vice president warned the united states not to meddle in its affairs and violent campaign waged against journalists has hit close to home. greg palkot and his cameraman were attacked by pro-government thugs yesterday and were hospitalized overnight. their injuries are said to be grave. joining us now to analyze the situation is former ambassador of u.n. and from west palm beach, florida florida and peter brookes. difficult situation changing by the minute. nancy i want to start from you.
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reading this from abc news, one official in the obama administration described the administration's public stance on the issue as having to change every 12 hours because of events on the ground changing. then they recalled the diplomat that was assigned to cairo because he can't be effective as a conduit to president mubarak because his private conversations have been made public. that can't be a good situation for this administration. changing every 12 hours and ambassador is now recalled. >> it's not changing every 12 hours but no play book, nobody predicted what was going to happen in egypt. administration has been trying to walk a line of not abandoning a 30-year old close ally but the people are demanding change. i think they have been consistent, no violence, secretary of state strongly condemned the attacks on journalists and made it clear that mubarak has to go and they
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want free elections. >> the administration has up for the last four days now been clear, peter, they want this transition to happen quickly but the egyptian leadership are saying, don't meddle and nothing is going to happen that quickly. to do so would destabilize the country. where is america's influence at this point? >> i think it's weakening. i think mubarak is going to take his time and it's going to make america look weak throughout the world. i think the administration was caught flat-footed and i think they should have been pro-active and had the information from the ground, intelligence and from the state department to deal with this before we got in this situation. now, we don't have a lot of good options and our influence has been continually marginalized. nancy, your response a declining influence in egypt
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over the last four or five days. president came out after the egyptian leader came out when the statement first came out over the weekend. obviously not on the same page. mubarak, out in september, obama you got to be out basically now. what do you think is going to happen? >> i don't think the influence is waning. they are being very careful -- none of this is anti-american. they recognize that they are going to need america as a close friend. muslim brotherhood is minority party and they aren't going to run the next government. i think the next government will be pro western. >> conrad black wrote this in the national review today. mohamed elbaradei attempts to represent himself as a leader of opposition a fraud. what is your take? >> he stood up to the iranians
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and tried to impose. i love watching the transformation. he was bureaucrat and he got a leather jacket and shot with water cannons on the street. he didn't have strong popular support before this -- he was one leading -- he has transformed himself and has credibility because he is out there. >> john mccain doesn't think so. look, he was tough on iran. commentary i'm reading is certainly not as tough on iran as this administration wanted him to be and history of dealing with iran tells another story. your perspective? >> i have concerns about mohamed elbaradei. we need to know a lot more about him. many egyptians see him as a carpetbagger. he wasn't as tough on iran as he could have been. i'm worried he could give them a second chance if he is the
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leader of egypt where they have been helpful to us in being tough on iran over the nuclear problem. the other thing, laura, i don't agree. i think our middle east policies are failing. look what is going in lebanon and syria. iran is on the run the nuclear program. i think there is a real problem with the obama administration's middle east policy not just egypt and we're going to pay for this in the long run. >> do you think our other allies in the middle east are feeling good right now? even a lot of them don't do things we like but mubarak has been critical to keeping the peace. >> they are worried about things. they haven't had reform and they are worried about what will happen next. >> thank you so much for joining us. up next, who going to fill the
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power vacuum in egypt. is america's biggest ally is going to default to jihadists? and undercover tape reveals a planned parent worker posing as a child sex trafficker, our investigation to that continues when we come back. [ male announcer ] how can rice production in india, affect wheat output in the u.s., the shipping industry in norway, and e rubber industry, in south america? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex global economy. it's just one reason over 80% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment objectives, risks, fees, expenses, and other information to read and consider carefully before investing.
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in the impact segment. if hosni mubarak is removed month is going to take his place? most experts say the military will fill the vacuum which could be a stabilizing force and good for america and our allies but more ominous would be radical jihadist group muslim brotherhood would have a major say in egypt's future. what happens then? joining us now is omar a member of council of islamic relations. omar, good to see you. variety of opinions out there. where are we going in egypt. commentators today or at odds with each other about what role the muslim brotherhood, if any, would have in a new egypt after mubarak, what is your take? >> i have to tell you i have been on the phone all week talking to relatives and friends in egypt. i ask them the question about muslim brotherhood. it doesn't pear that they are
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playing any sort of leadership role or any sort of prominent role in this movement whatsoever. i don't sense that muslim brotherhood is an issue that we should be concerned about at this time. >> muslim brotherhood would beg to differ. it's top leadership and some of the big spokesmen are giving interviews saying we should consider this time, a time to start planning war against israel, other muslim brotherhood members are seeing this as an opportunity to call for the suez canal to be shut down. that is cause for concern to a lot of people. they do have a presence on the ground in the protests. how much sway they have? that remains to be seen. do you agree that if they do have a voice that that would be a disturbing thing for egypt? >> i think really what the main issue is what the egyptian people want to do at this point and what this is really all about is freedom, about
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democracy, it's not about the muslim brotherhood or what they want. it's about what the egyptian people want. it's about liberating people. about giving people choice. >> you think muslim brotherhood is about liberating our people. credo. professor set leader and jihad and for the sake of allah is highest of our aspirations. that their creed. back in 2009 in the summer of 2009 a federal district court judge found that your organization, care, had links to hamas, to the islamic society of north america and hamas being a muslim brotherhood front group. i think was your dallas chapter was also named in that case against the holy land foundation all tied together. your horse has had ties to hamas according to federal court judge
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and hamas, we know the ties to the muslim brotherhood. that is the history, is it not? >> well thanks for the reminder. i've been keeping in times but courts have been saying we had no association with those organizations whatsoever. the fact of the matter is, this is a movement by the egyptian people. this is a movement for freedom. its movement for justice. it's something the american people should be proud to say that democracy needs to flourish in the middle east and needs to flower in addition the muslim countries. >> my question to you initially, federal court ruling in texas stands. the findings of that federal judge stand. other people may be saying other things. the fact of the matter is, we have members of the muslim brotherhood who have made it clear that they would absolutely relinquish any responsibility that stems from the camp david accord. that is reported in every major
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news organization today. they want to do away with the camp david accord. would that to your organization's likely and be good for the middle east? >> i think what would be ultimately good for the middle east is to allow the people of egypt to be able to speak. there are couple dozen political parties in egypt. muslim brotherhood has a small percentage of that interest. again, this is not about israel, it's not about the muslim brotherhood. this is a secular movement. this is a populist movement that directed toward the direction of peace, justice and freedom. we are seeing extraordinary events to see the true face of the mubarak regime. >> we're seeing the true face of a lot of things, of islamism which calls for the destruction for the state of israel and which has no problem with the
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iran being a full-fledged member of the nuclear family. i ask you again, would you be bothered by those things happening by the muslim brotherhood, having a major say at the table, if you do, that is fine. i think we need to to know where care is on that fact regardless of what the egyptian people decide down the road. with a free press that is going to happen down the road, not anytime soon? >> we want to make sure that the people of egypt are heard. i certainly and the organization care are not going to sit back and allow any faction to be able to come in and put in a totalitarian society toward the egyptian people. there are muslims in egypt and other factions in egypt. all people need to be respected. there needs to be system of government that allows for those individuals to flourish and speak freely and to be able to express themselves.
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>> do you think the muslim brotherhood would allow for any of those things? >> i can't speak for the muslim brotherhood. >> you are to be an expert on this. aren't you an expert in islamic affairs. it's a pretty important group and organization worldwide. 70 countries and obviously has an important role in funding jihadist efforts around the world but you don't have any view whether they would be good at the table? >> your former guest, they are a red herring, this is about democracy in egypt. >> we appreciate it. thanks so much. directly ahead, planned parenthood under fire after another employee is exposed about operating a child sex ring. >> and the tucson massacre. will he be removed for politicizing justice ♪
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in a follow-up segment, another undercover tape released by pro life film makers. in richmond virginia giving advice to investigators for running an under age sex ring.
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planned parenthood released a statement today saying the employee acted professionally and they reported the situation at the time. they also attacked the film maker calling her an extremist and implying she may have edited the tape. she has received death threats and we invited planned parenthood to be on the program tonight but once again they refused to make the employee or anyone from that organization available to us for questions. joining us from boston is wendy murphy a former sex crimes prosecutor. wendy as a former prosecutor in this area of trafficking
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underage girls i find it to be incredibly appalling and planned parenthood reaction. almost any time these sting operations reveals gross malfeasance and attacking the film makers. your take? >> this is so much worse in my opinion. planned parenthood likes to present itself as the great liberator of women. we care about women's freedom and equality. we're talking about ultimate act violence against children, sexual trafficking and rape of female children. to have someone from planned parenthood turn a blind eye to that. did you notice in the clip, what they said, abortion is really private, but the rape of children, i'm not going to mention that. she didn't say a word about the fact they were acknowledging he
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was selling kids for sex. she was telling him to get around those rules of limitations on abortion rights. i'm pro-choice but i'm disgusted when the voice on behalf of women as a class and children as a class is not heard because they are still worried about abortion rights and planned parenthood and what the politics and ideology behind that. when they would put the interests of children, trafficked children aside and go in the silence mode. i would like to hear from any organization. >> where are these people? >> about women's freedom and about women's safety and targeted violence against women and children. where are they? >> i don't know where the national organization for women is, feminist majority is groups that routinely portray themselves we're for women. we're for rights and openness for freedom when in fact in this case we see a clinic worker
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clearly willing to look the other way. one of the most heinous crimes, the use and abuse of children in sex crimes. remember, we do this once or twice a month. when she was talking about ways to get around parental consent. the way she said it. we can get around that. does this happen in a widespread fashion across the country of planned parenthood, they say no, it doesn't. we report this. you don't need to worry about. this attorney generals in new jersey investigating it and now one in virginia is waiting for the full tape but they might look into it. >> there may be full investigation. i don't know. if their attitudes in both states in new jersey in terms of the sting operations which i
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support, if their attitudes is an indication of whether the widespread, of course, it is. because they continue condemn more cavalier and data, 300,000 candidates year are raped, sex trafficked and pimped, the average age is 13. you no know they are getting treatment and abortions. why are not we monitoring the federally funded entities to see if they are helping save children from sex slavery. >> we should say the folks should understand why this important, $362 million a year goes to planned parenthood. it has a billion dollar budget. we are paying for about a third of planned parenthood activities. >> as we move along, culture warriors are on the scene whether your tax dollars should be funding planned parent as well as president bush's
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daughter barbara getting involved.
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radioyour tax dollars going to abortion provider planned parenthood now that we know some workers there seem to help child traffickers. they receive one-third of a
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billion dollar budget from taxpayers, joining us is gretchen carlson and kathy rue contributing editor for the "washington post." kathy let me start with you. you are pro-choice and i imagine you are fan of planned parenthood. as woman, is planned parenthood now pro child sex trafficker? >> they show up and say hi, i'm pimp and i'm pro child pornography and child trafficking. actors asking crazy questions and these were a few bad apples working at planned parenthood saying all the wrong things. the women are no longer with us and they fired the woman in new jersey and they fire this woman in virginia apologize and keep doing the right things. they are doing many right things. >> i don't know how much more explicit the undercover folks
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can get. the pimp says, this is sex work. they are involved in sex work and says their girls and go on to say the girls or 14 and 15, you can't get more explicit than that, can you? >> you can't. this is jaw dropping. i do television every single day. this video, both of them, jaw dropping to me. and to me it hasn't nothing to do with abortion. this is whether or not they are breaking the law with sex trafficking. i think that is really important point to point out. also, here is the other thing. if you have these two women how many do we have? and it appears to be part of a culture more than a just bad apples. >> again, if we put the facts differently here and we say that it was some conservative group, maybe -- americans united for life, they wouldn't allow black people to be part of the
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organization. i have a feeling people wouldn't be so forgive giving of the pro-life group. that would be horrible but not necessarily against federal law but clearly discriminatory. i think there is a lot of willingness to give planned parenthood an enormous amount of slack, even planned parenthood called it repugnant the worker would do this. >> it's gross. what they said was awful and planned parenthood is defending the worker is odd but that is an investigation they still are going to let her go. planned parenthood has done many good things. many people have funded planned parenthood. >> they make hundreds of millions of dollars on abortion, why american taxpayers are forced to cough up 360 million dollars, we are giving money to
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planned parenthood aside from all this stuff. >> this the way i see it. abortion is legally lel in this country right now. what is not legal is sex trafficking of children. so to me, that is why i'm separating these two issues. i have to say i don't believe these two women happen to be bad apples. you have to ask the question, is this part of the culture? it outnumbered had to me this the way they do business. >> talking points, we have a way of getting around the parental notification. don't worry we can get around it. we do it at least twice a month. we'll see how it plays out in the investigation. let's move to president bush's daughter barbara bush. were you surprised she joined this effort more traditional marriage. what is your thoughts? >> the same things a few months ago. this is new generation of republicans.
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this is young bush saying, look this issue doesn't have to be black and white. i can be a republican and i can also support what is right and gay marriage is right. good for her standing up for the way she is standing up. i think her mother taught her well. stands up for women's rights and human rights and i think she raised her daughter to be the same way. >> obviously at odds what president obama has said about traditional marriage and president bush has said. but like a lot of other kids, former candidates, she has her own mind, what wrong. >> i wasn't surprised, she intimated earlier last year she was in favor of obamacare. so it not surprise me at all. a lot of kids, regulate answer and mccains and they have different views from their father. >> and organizations like to have their names attached to their causes because they are famous names. >> let's move on to the national prayer breakfast. president obama got a resounding
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response from the crowd, thousands of people across the country come every year to washington, christians of a variety of denominations. kathy, he talked about obamacare in general terms and how his faith compels him to do this for the needy and people who don't have care. >> he moved his audience and he was simply, as you mentioned, healthcare briefly. he is a christian and that is what he was talking about that respected his views. >> come on laura. this is all about being re-elected. this is all about being re-elected. he knows for sure some this is going to be broadcast all over the place. he a poll she should be nervous about. august 2010, american public, she 34% believe he was a christian. that was down from 47%. 18% still believe he was a muslim and 43% don't know.
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>> he felt the need to say lord and savior. had a those are important voters no doubt about it. coming up, a brand-new study proves the chaotic illegal immigrant isn't getting any better and dale earnhardt protecting one of his close friends on the track. we'll hear the heartbreaking story next. excuse me... shhh. but... shhhhh. too quiet. [ malennouncer ] ...youmany flight options, hotel options... [ dj ] let's take this up a notch! too loud! did someone say louder? [ male announcer ] ...and what you can expect to save wh you book themogether. everything you ed to know in onclick. perfect. [ male announcer ] when you orbitz, you know.
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thanks for staying with us. i'm laura ingle in for bill o'reilly. in unresolved problem segment. championships dup nick turned the tucson massacre in political theater when he linked conservatives and violent rhetoric to the shooting. and sheriff refuses to back down. >> i was accused of politicking and saying things at a bad time but if i didn't say what i said at the time, things i was really feeling at the time i was very angry. we wouldn't have gotten the attention that we did. the whole world was watching. two weeks after that event, the world is not watching anymore. i think some good came out of it because people across the
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country and even in foreign countries got a chance to stop and think about what i was saying. >> so misaligning people is okay as long as you get global attention and so the sheriff is joining us now. i want to be kind and charitable but it's hard to be kind and charitable when in fakd he doubled down after unfairly tarring talk radio and television and patriotic people across the country that believe in enforcing our borders. somehow they were adding to the atmosphere that created this tucson massacre. none of it was true and yet he does not care one way. unrepentant? >> it's unacceptable.
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what about us people out in arizona, all the men and women he punched in the gut that literally he said were the capital of hatred and bigotry. it had nothing to do with the shooting. he lunched a political assault against a number of people including conservatives and ascribed the motivations to the suspect when it had nothing to do with it. he may say these are his feelings and he feels good about it and he is angry. when in america if i am a deputy that shows up at your house, do you want me to talk about my feelings about the situation? that is not the role of us and certainly a sheriff. >> regardless of whether or not those feelings have any basis in reality. it is mind blowing this guy would still have the position he has.
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there are a number of candidates that are going to run against him in the next election and by the way, happy birthday sheriff dupnik. you should know that. >> is it your birthday. >> okay it's your birthday. let's move on to janet napolitano. in light of a survey that illegal immigration is leveling off. she is out there saying all you people complaining about border violence you are using that line for political purposes, things are not bad in these border towns and the border is being secured and stop the politization of the issue. she has been strong on the issue lately. >> i know she has got all the talking points down with the
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obama-holder administration. she is divorced from reality. the last two years i've been sheriff here we are the number one country for drug and human smuggling in the entire country. we had last year, 241,000 people who were apprehended just in the tucson sector. these are figures from her border patrol and homeland security. they admit that is one out of every 2.6. saying there is another 400,000 people that came through, this is their estimate, they don't know who they are or where they are going and where they are coming from. that is a problem. that is something else in anyone's score card. we in the sheriff's office we have doubled our confiscation of drugs. the number of calls with the border patrol and apprehension of illegal immigrants and pursuits, 140 to 286 in 2009
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then this past year, 340. these are times when people flee at high rates of speed from my deputies. things are not getting better. they are getting worse. when you look at 50 plus scouts on mountain tops that are guides for these cartels per homeland security people say, it's unacceptable. >> you are being too political sheriff you are not getting what you are saying what you are saying. your eyes are deceiving you. thanks so much. >> when dale earnhardt died on the racetrack he was trying to help one of his teammates. and then we'll have the latest on the violence unfolding in egypt. those reports coming up. [ male announcer] before he changed the world...
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tear down this wall. [ male announcer ] ...or led a nation... i nald reagan do solemnly swear. [ male announcer ] ...or governed a state... you and i have a rendeous with destiny. [ male announcer ] ...he inspired our company... with his optimism, his belief in innovation, and his entrepreneurial spirit. [ man ] for general electric, here is ronald reagan. ♪ double shift... i need a break. he needs some gellin'. yeahhhhhhh. gellin' is like having a teeny tiny foot masseuse in your shoe. you like ? nice. that's going to make you feel so much better. nice ! dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. outrageous comfort, all-day long.
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on the very last day of 2001 day tone if a 500, dale earnhardt hit the wall at 200 miles while trying to protect dale earnhardt, jr. and waltrip. waltrip went on to win the race but there would be no celebration as news spread. michael talks about that accident in his new book, in the blink of an eye. i talked to him exclusively yesterday. >> we're coming up to the tenth anniversary of the daytona 500, the race where you saw one of your great victories in your life and also one of the greatest moments of sadness. tell us about it? >> i don't think human beings are designed to have that big of a swing of emotions. i'm standing in victory lane
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seconds afterdale earn hard died he wasn't only my car owner but he was my dear friend that day. dale's son and we were racing toward the checkered which would have been the greatest race in nascar history had we made it the last quarter mile. instead it was the worst race in nascar history when dale died on turn four. i stood in victory lane oblivious to what happened for a while. it's a painful experience that all race fans went through on that day and those of us that were involved closely to the situation. >> you are the only one from the original team who really spoken out to the extent you have in your new book. why did it take ten years? >> as we were approaching tenth anniversary of that day, me and some buddies decided it was time
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to talk and lift the burden off my heart. for the first time i watched the tape of the race six months or so. i got prepared to write the book. it helped me process what happened. certainly i think it's important for me to ready to answer questions in the book in a blink of an eye and good way to start that. >> how did it change you? he was your mentor, he was your car owner. he was your friend. he was trying to help you in his last moments of his life. he was trying to block out the other drivers. i'll never forget watching the race. it was one of the most incredible moments in sports history. >> when you think of dadale earn hard, he fought hard for the checkered flag and fought hard for it. he inspired me. can you imagine?
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i have raced 426 times and never won, then, i pull into victory lane. i couldn't wait for dale to come and give me a big hug in victory lane. how are we going to win the next one, dale? you are the reason i'm here today. >> and michael, switching gears, which former president was the closest to nascar do you think in his heart, you've met a lot of them? >> my favorite memory of a president was in 1984 i was in the grandstands at daytona. maybe i was 20 years old. i was having a good time for the 400 in july. and air force one lands on the back straightaway. he president reagan and called on the radio and had a big barbecue after the race. that always left an impression on me. i was a big fan all the way
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through middle school and voted for him in 1981 and loved ronald reagan and the fact he took time to be part of that event that day. the growth since the '80s has been unprecedented in our support and it's because of the attention back then that president reagan gave us. i know his birthday is coming up soon and he was a true man that i admired and a great leader of our country. he was in daytona for something i loved, nascar. >> who gets bood the most? >> kyle busch, because he is mean, but i like him. he is so competitive and so intense. he tells you what he thinks. people don't like that. i had a brother named darrell and everybody boo'd him, as well.
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they want to see the guy that wins beat. >> michael waltrip, thanks for sharing your memories. >> i'm proud of the book and i appreciate the time tonight. >> and little housekeeping. sign up for my daily e-mail, very cool, free of charge at laura and coming up next, we'll continue reporting. please stay with us. -- laura er ultra, the most complete multivitamin for women over 50. it has vitamin d, which emerging science suggests supports breast health, centrum silver ultra women's.
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and about lipitor.
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>> laura: no pinheads and patriots tonight. instead we want to give you a bird's-eye view of today's developments this egypt. >> in fox news alert. gunshots are ringing out in tahrir square. they've gone from really bad to end worse. once again, automatic weapon fire inside tahrir square, molotov cocktails, a lot of people getting hurt. >> journalists coming under attack. today the military began rounding up foreign reporters, possibly for their on protection.
8:59 pm
>> the most horrible thing that made me feel bad the president's last speech he made. he didn't mention he's sorry for the blood of those innocent people. >> a new warning from the state department to americans still in egypt. get out today or you're on your own. >> we have been oppressed for so long. i've been born into oppression in this country. i think i speak for all of the youth here. we are willing to give our lives for this cause. >> the president: we pray that the violence in egypt will end. and the rights and aspirations of the egyptian people will be realized.


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