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tv   America Live  FOX News  February 4, 2011 1:00pm-3:00pm EST

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jenna: thanks for joining us, everybody. jon: "america live" starts right now. have a good weekend. megyn: thanks, guys. this is a fox news alert out of cairo, where there are new concerns that today's mass demonstrations will have significant political impact on egypt, america and possibly the world. welcome to "america live." i'm megyn kelly. it's being called the day of departure. and we have brand-new video just into fox news of the chaos in the streets of cairo. thousands of anti-mubarak protesters calling for their leader to step down immediately. within the last hour, egypt's vice president says that mubarak has no plans to hand over power. and mohammed elbaradei says he has no plans to run for
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president. the army is out in full force in an effort to control the growing crowds, saying they will not leave until mubarak has left office. the army changing things up a bit. they were just standing by. now they're doing more to maintain the peace. austin saad, member of the egyptain youth movement, he wants mubarak gone, and joins me by phone. set the scene for us now in the middle of cairo, if you would. >> well, right now -- today was an effective day. there was no violence. it looked more like a carnival than a revolution. people were dancing, singing, chanting. at the moment, everyone has gathered around this big sheet we're using as a screen and
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they're switching between news channels waiting for a statement from egyptain officials. but there was no violence day. the pro-mubarak protesters, or whatever you call them, did try to advance, but they found that the numbers of people were just too many. so they went back on their way. megyn: why the shift in tone? what do you expect to hear from egyptain officials? >> well, there had been word going around that mubarak can possibly step down today. so people are just waiting for that to happen. everyone is optimistic and just waiting for some kind of news. megyn: and if he does not step down today, austin, then what?
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>> then we stay. the spirit is, he goes or we stay. megyn: austin, you've been in the middle of it for days. we appreciate you join us with an on-the-scene update, which has been more and more difficult to get since journalists have been attacked. thank you. the u.s. response has drawn criticism from israel. we're walking a tightrope. any support of mubarak's ouster could backfire against the united states and israel. my next guest says that the madness in egypt is an earthquake of horrific magnitude and the white house is sending a "horrible message" to its allies. dan gillerman, fox news contributors, and former
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ambassador for the u.n. ambassador, thank you for being back with us. now there are more and more reports that the white house behind the scenes may be leaning on president mubarak to get out now and not to wait until september. and you do not believe that that's necessarily in israel's or the united states's best interest. why? >> good afternoon, megyn. it's good to be with you again. i am very concerned about the haste and the pushing out of president mubarak. i think that the departure of president mubarak will happen. he will leave. but the big question is whether obama and the u.s. administration have the end game in place. do they know what will happen the minute he leaves? do they know who will fill the vacuum? this is no gain. i know everybody is watching it on television, but it's not a
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movie. it's real life. and these are real people. and this is a very, very volatile and very unpredictable region. and we want to make sure that whatever happens in egypt next is for the best for the egyptain people and the stability of the region. this could be mubarak's last weekend, but it could be egypt's last weekend of stability. and i think that this should be managed cautiously, gradually and carefully to assure that when mubarak leaves, there is a credible regime in place, which will, indeed, bring the egyptain people the democracy and freedom that they wish and they deserve. megyn: more and more some are focusing on elbaradei, who was a u.n. weapons' inspector that
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went into iran. he said there was nothing to worry about. when he got out, other weapons' inspectors told the world what they found in iran. his name has emerged that he may want the job, contrary to denials we heard today. the problem with him, he has not been in egypt in years. he's not really in egypt anymore and they say the force behind him is the muslim brotherhood. that's obviously a major concern for israel. >> there are many names mentioned. i worked with elbaradei when he was head of the national atomic agency. i'm not sure he displayed the qualities of leadership and strength that you need to lead a country like egypt, but maybe if he is elected in a democratic way gets into the job, maybe he will prove me wrong and i hope he does.
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there are other days. the secretary general of the arab league could be a contender. the worst-case scenario is what you mentioned, and that is, the muslim brotherhood. it will turn our neighborhood into an uglier, bloodier, more ominous one. it will mean for israel that we have hamas, hezbollah, and then another extreme fundamentalist organization that wishes to destroy israel in the largest arab country and it could signal a domino effect. what we're witnessing, megyn, is a fight between moderates and extremists.
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and it's in everybody's best interest that the moderates prevail. otherwise, it will be a bloodbath, which is stretching istanbul to islamabad, cairo to calcutta. and will make the world a far more ominous place than it is today. and this is something that i hope the u.s. government and president and international community realize. that's why it's a delicate, special situation that should be handled with care. megyn: it certainly is a terrifying thought to think that a radical theocracy could come to power in egypt and turn an ally into an enemy, not just to the united states but israel. and today we get a warning or a comment from ayatollah khameini saying that if the protesters can push this through, what he says will happen to u.s.
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policies will "be irrepairable defeat for america." it looks like president mubarak is going to go and it doesn't look at all certain that he can last longer than a couple of days. what is the best outcome at this point, as you see it, for israel, for america, and for egypt? >> well, first of all, megyn, the fact that the iranian leader is saying it comes out of a deep, long, personal history. it's what we saw in iran. there was a leader, a staunch ally of the united states. president carter discarded him, very much the same way that president obama is discarding mubarak now. and what the u.s. and international community got in return is the ayatollahs and mullahs creating a regime suppressing women and people
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and human rights. this is exactly what could happen in egypt. this is why i think that the transition should be managed very carefully. i think the best organization in egypt to manage this transition is the army. the army is secular. the army is very responsible. the army is very patriotic. omar suleiman, who was named vice president by mubarak, i think, has the support of the army and trust of many egyptains and the international community. i think if he manages this transition carefully and brings egypt to elections when it's ready, then hopefully a democratic government will be installed, a secular, moderate government, that will preserve peace with israel, but the stability of the region and also create a new atmosphere that hopefully will catch on in some of the other countries as
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well. this is the best-case scenario and the army is best positioned in egypt, where it has the respect of the people to do it. megyn: more and more folks are saying that about the army that that's the group that one needs to look to if there's to be a chance of peace between now and whenever the next election is. dan gillerman, always a pleasure hearing from you. thank you for your expertise. controversy now, today, over the keynote speaker at the annual u.s. air force academy prayer luncheon. why? the speaker is a fundamentalist christian. some of the instructors are suing saying their first amendment rights are being violated. a child seen walking dangerously close to a train platform. what happens next will make your heart stop. their 2-year-old son died of
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pheumonia after they failed that get any medical treatment at all, citing their faith. wait until you hear what their punishment will be, that's in today's "kelly's court." >> we're not aware of any medical intervention whatsoever. we believe that the first that anybody knew about it is when the funeral director was called. [ manager ] you know...
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i've been looking at the numbers, and i think our campus is spending too much money on printing. i'd like to put you in charge of cutting costs. calm down. i know that it is not your job. what i'm saying... excuse me? alright, fine. no, you don't have to do it. ok? [ male announcer ] notre dame knows it's better for xerox to control its printing costs. so they can focus on winning on and off the field. [ manager ] are you sure i can't talk -- ok, no, i get it.
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[ male announcer ] with xerox, you're ready for real business. megyn: fox news alert. unemployment rate dropping sharply, sinking to 9%, which is the lowest since april, 2009. looks good on paper, but is it, in fact, good news? the economy created just 36,000 jobs in january. that's the lowest we've created in months. so exactly how did we lower the unemployment rate significantly while creating just a few new jobs? stu varney is the host of "varney and company" and he will sort it out for us.
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harry reid said that today's news that unemployment fell is an encouraging sign that our economy is recovering. >> nice try, senator reid, but it won't work. when you look at the drop from 9.4 to 9.0, the reason is, 500,000 americans dropped out of the work force. 504,000 people just in the month of january gave up. they stopped looking for work. the labor force contracted. that's why the unemployment rate went down. megyn: how do we know that? >> official numbers. these are hard, cold numbers. megyn: people that stopped taking unemployment benefits? >> yeah. they're not counted. we know exactly what the labor force is. it's shrunk by 1.8 million people since october, 2008. as the labor force contracts,
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your unemployment rate comes down. just forget the economic numbers for a second and look at the human cost of what you're looking at. there is no way that you can spin this positively. when 500,000 people get discouraged, stop looking, give up, that's human misery, a terrible statistic. megyn: what is it supposed to mean when we see 36,000 jobs created? how big should it be? >> that was affected by the snow. if you want to grow the economy, it should be way up there around 250,000 new jobs each and every month. you have 125,000 new people coming into the labor force every month. so you need more than that in new jobs just to keep pace. megyn: college students graduating and so on? >> yeah. if you went to make a dent in the 15 million people that want
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to work, looking for jobs, are unemployment, it has to be at least 250,000 a month. megyn: could this continue? could we continue to see the unemployment rate falling to, let's say, 8%, where it looks great on paper, comparatively to being almost 10%, and yet the actual reality on the ground is worse than ever ?r -- ever? >> yes, you can. and in some ways, it's likely. the unemployment rate could come down. megyn: you see a spike in the application for welfare benefits, food stamps. >> yes. record numbers of people are on food stamps and you will see more of that because local governments will be firing, laying off, hundreds of thousands of people between now and the end of the year. megyn: and unemployment benefits will expire, they give up looking for jobs.
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>> you create an underclass of people that cannot find work and give up. terrible thing. megyn: it's an important asterisk to that number of 9.0, so we know what to fix. >> politicians love seeing 9.0, when in reality it's different. megyn: republicans don't want to raise that debt ceiling. who will blink first? we investigate. alan colmes is here on that next. remember this video of chrysler workers getting busted by a reporter drinking on the job? wait until you see what some of the workers are accused of doing now. >> the government spent a lot of money bailing you guys out and you are coming out here on your lunch break drinking like this?
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megyn: it's a rather extraordinary and high-stakes game of chick -- chicken with your money. exactly one month from today, the resolution allowing your government to borrow more money will expire. they will have to raise the limit. democrats say that the republicans are risking sending the economy over a cliff. listen to ben bernanke. >> i would very much urge congress to -- not to focus on
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the debt limit as being the bargaining chip in this discussion, but rather to address directly the spending and tax issues that we have to deal with if we can make progress on this fiscal situation. megyn: that wasn't that exciting, but he went on to say that it would be catastrophic if they don't raise that debt limit. radio host alan colmes is with me now. so bernanke said that it would be catastrophic and geithner said it would be catastrophic. republican are saying, too bad. we have to stop spending. >> it's interesting that they're responsible for the spending as much as democrats are. they're the ones that promoted the iraq war. they're the ones that started wars we shouldn't be fighting that spent all this month. megyn: it's like addiction. so the republicans had an alcohol addiction and the democrats have an alcohol addiction, should it prevent the republicans from saying, okay, we want to go to aa?
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>> it doesn't mean at this point we shouldn't raise the debt limit. that doesn't cause the problem. at this point, not raising the debt limit causes us problems, bond market, stock market. megyn: that's not just alan colmes talking. stu varney said that. he said it's insanity because we'll default on obligations and we have no choice unless to actually implement spending cuts. >> will they happen fast enough to be able to pay our debts by march or april? megyn: they've talked about it for months. >> i've seen interviews on the tea party candidates being asked, where are you going to cut? they don't have an answer. megyn: paul ryan has some answers. he has a plan that would be $75 billion less in spending than president obama called for. they want to clash domestic
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agency's budgets by 20% including the f.d.a., i.r.s., department of commerce, h.u.d., and so on. even cutting some money that president obama would send to the pentagon. >> half our budget is military spending. we have weapon systems we don't use. we're spending $1 million a year in afghanistan. megyn: why can't we agree on any of this and tighten the belt instead of raising the limit on the credit card? >> the agreements should have happened a long time ago. at this point, it's too late not to raise the debt limit. megyn: how much time do we need to do it? >> the spending has been appropriated. megyn: they had a few months to get the house in order. >> they will not cut quickly enough or do it in enough places. are you going to cut medicare, medicaid, social security? megyn: what about a start? >> it will not solve the need
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to increase the debt limit. and republicans are playing a game of chicken with democrats. they shut down the government once before. megyn: it was a similar fight. >> and it was not good as republicans, who were seen as obstructionists. we have obligations, republicans are equally, if not more responsible for the debts. megyn: i was a baby when that thing happened. >> sure. me, too. megyn: you were out living your life. >> i was much older. megyn: was the national temperature as anti-debt? >> there wasn't the tea party movement or as much of a focus on the debt, but the republicans that seemed to care about the deficit but didn't stop the tax breaks for the rich, doing things we could have done. megyn: they believe that's not going to change. >> but it -- we have the lowest
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tax rates ever. if we went back to clinton era tax rates when the economy was doing good, we'd be in better shape. it would solve, to some extent, our problems. megyn: president obama signed off on that. >> he did. he said he didn't want to do it. megyn: it just seems like if you have an addiction problem and the other side has an addiction problem, you should both get help, not mocking the other side. >> maybe the republicans should go to joint therapy. megyn: they should, like friends of w & o. get it? >> i get it. clever. megyn: thanks, alan. there are new fears today about this crisis in egypt. and the fears are that it should spread to other countries in the middle east. now the focus is on syria and mass demonstrations that could be happening there within hours. syria, folks, and we would love to hear from you on this.
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how much should the united states be getting involved? you can weigh in at and we're about an hour away from a power panel about everything you need to know. the justice department saying that it will block any attempt to fast track the lawsuit challenging healthcare reform from going directly to the supreme court. why? why not just get it there since we know the supreme court will have the ultimate say? could there be a political motivation behind that? >> this is a case of the highest order of magnitude of importance and this is one of the major conditions for the supreme court to expedite a case. ever wish vegetables didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. v8. what's your number? the doctor leaned over and said to me,
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megyn: one day after virginia's attorney general called for the u.s. supreme court to decide on an expedited basis on whether the healthcare overhaul law is constitutional, the department of justice says, no. why? isn't it better to get an answer from the high court now and have it resolved? chip merlyn, trial attorney. and jake lewis, syndicated radio host. gentlemen, it's very rare for the supreme court to allow this, to say, okay, because in
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the federal courts you have the appeal court level and normally you have to go up that order. sometimes it will allow you to skip that court of appeals and go to the supreme court. the point is, jason, the d.o.j. is saying, no, we're not even going to join in the request to have the supreme court decide it right away. why not? >> they're afraid. and they want to get steam up, try to get some of the law implemented. most of the goodies of the law don't start until 2014. but the more health insurance exchanges that are put in place, the more momentum they've got, and as much as we don't like to admit it, megyn, the supreme court does take into consideration popular opinion. you remember during the new deal when roosevelt threatened to pack the court. it was called the switch in time that saved nine. the court did a 180 on new deal
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legislation. so there's political pressure that can be put on the court. megyn: is there any way this can be anything but political? it will not be decided by lower courts. it will be decided by the supreme court. why wouldn't the administration be in favor of letting them do it and soon? >> it's all about politics right now. the politics has been driven by opponents of the healthcare bill itself. it's the attorney general of virginia pushing for this because it's a no-lose situation for them. they've already won. you don't have to worry about going through the appellate court and losing there. and with every doctor in the united states, small business people being against the bill, they want to come out and oppose it and get it to the supreme court as quickly as they can. megyn: what happens in the
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meantime? might the administration reverse itself? the administration lost two and won two. and the places it lost were virginia, so this guy in virginia, this attorney general, wants it to go right up and get his victory affirmed. but also down in florida. the 26 states sued over healthcare reform in florida. they won. now the law's been declared void. now some governors saying they will declare the law void. could the administration switch courts on this and say, wait a minute, we need a ruling and quickly. >> it depends how they read the tea leaves on this. the thinking of d.o.j. is, we don't want to get near this. it's the law of the land. have to go to the appellate route. until it get to the arbiter, it's the law of the land. some of the governors may be told to implement it.
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this decision is so scary for the elastic commerce clause people. i saw you talking about lopez and more -- morrison. it would be landmark. it would overturn other decisions. vinson went beyond the notion that this isn't really commerce. you are not regulating commerce because people are not buying anything. he went on to say, if this law is upheld, you could force people to buy g.m. automobiles because it has an affect on the federal government because we subsidize g.m. that strikes at the heart of the modern elastic clause. it could be the most important decision for federalism in 70 years. megyn: that decision in florida where the judge said the individual mandate is unconstitutional and as a result the law is void and
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fails. that got criticized by the white house saying he is a judicial activist and he overreached. jonathan turley, no conservative lawyer he, came out and said, that's ridiculous to call him a judicial activist. the government has itself to blame for this judge concluding that they're intertwined and he defended this judge. what is your take on it? >> it's a great point to bring. it's the opponents against the healthcare bill that are truly now promoting judicial activism. they're promoting judges to overturn the law of the land from congress. megyn: how is it judicial activism if the law is unconstitutional? >> most opponents of judicial activism get so upset about it,
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but in this case, they're asking for judges to overturn the law that congress has passed. megyn: but the problem with that logic, chip, it assumes the law is constitutional. i don't know whether it is or not. but your argument assumes it is constitutional and no judge should question it. >> no. i'm not saying that, whatsoever. as a trial attorney, i support the right of people to challenge laws as to whether or not they're constitutional. point being, typically these individuals that are against judicial activism are against judges making up the law and overturning what popular elected bodies put in place. megyn: i think you have redefined the arguments. normally when you hear judicial activists coming out of a liberals' mouth, that's what you are talking about. out of a conservative's mouth, it's inventing laws or stretching laws. >> and the roles are reversed
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in this case. megyn: go ahead. >> judges have been inventing and legislating from the bench on state issues -- megyn: i don't want a policy debate. i feel like judge vinson was thrown under the bus a bit by the white house calling him an activist. and then i hear jonathan turley, a liberal lawyer, defending this judge saying, that's not fair. the administration went in there and told this judge that this mandate is essential. it's an essential piece of the legislation. when the judge struck it down, what choice did he have? >> right. exactly. it's the very essence of the judiciary to take a look and see whether the federal government has overstopped its specific, enumerated powers. that's about as original as you can get. megyn: guys, i have to wrap it
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up. we framed a lot of issues for the viewer. i hope they stayed with us on it. gentlemen, thank you. >> thanks. megyn: fallout over an alaska mother and her decision to discipline her child by forcing him to swallow hot sauce and shoving him into a shower as he screamed and cried. a country says they're outraged and it could impact the lives of hundreds of families in the united states. we'll explain. the white house closely monitoring the situation in cairo. as the crisis escalates, we're now going to hear from president obama on this situation. the press core has been demanding that. we've been waiting to hear from the president. we haven't heard him say much. he will speak to the issue coming up right here very shortly.
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megyn: russian officials say they're outraged over the treatment of a russian child adopted by an american mother. jessica beagly charged with child abuse after she admitted that she put hot sauce on her 7-year-old son's tongue as punishment regularly, not to mention that she threw him into a cold shower as he screamed and cried. this is now causing an international incident. russian officials are suggesting that perhaps foreign adoptions should stop or be slowed down and this child possibly should be returned to his native country. this aired on "the dr. phil" tv show. >> when christophe lies, we put
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soap in his mouth. it had no effect. we went to hot sauce. it will stay in the bathroom so it's handy. when he gets a cold shower, i'm at the end of my rope. you are to do what you are told! nothing's gotten the results that i want. do you understand what i'm telling you? i want him to obey and listen and understand the consequences of his choices. you knew what would happen, right? nothing i've done has worked. i would say that christophe is the biggest stress in my life. megyn: now the russians are saying, we're sick of this. they remember the case last year of the 7-year-old boy sent back to russia by a frustrated american mother with nothing more than a note on their chest, no adult. and they say if this woman gets convicted of child abuse -- she's pled not guilty -- they're going to push for a
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return, they think, of the 7-year-old boy, to his native country. this as we'rein the midst of negotiating a treaty with russia to govern adoptions to make them better protected and easier. >> it's a shame, because i'm sure there are good families, good parents, adopting children, but you get in a situation like this and you have a video of it and it's awful and the mother doesn't seem to have any remorse what she's done and there are so many better ways to handle things. megyn: there are, but is it abuse? we did this a couple days ago and our viewers were divided on whether this is abuse. many of them had hot sauce put on their tongues and some said, i enjoyed it. others had soap in their mouth. they said, look, it may not be your choice of discipline, but it doesn't make it abuse. >> the standards of what constitutes abuse has developed over the years. it used to be okay to take a
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belt and whip your kid with a butt. megyn: i bet it's still happening. i bet our viewers have said, i've done that, too. >> it could be, but it's not normally acceptable. if you look at a classroom, the nuns used to be able to hit you with a ruler and now that's completely unacceptable. the thought of having this happen to a child, to most of us, i think, is not something that we would consider to be acceptable. megyn: if this woman gets convicted of child abuse, that the russians are considering trying to get custody back. if you did that to your son and were charged with child abuse and you lose your son forever more? >> there are a lot of steps that you can take between now and where she is now to being more reasonable. they could have somebody check on the children. they could have them see psychologists and child services monitor what's going on. there are six children in that
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home. speak to them. have her get counseling. megyn: she's clearly at her wit's end. they said that they've had some problems the russian children. they adopted him at 5 and so he was in an orphanage for most of this childhood. >> there is a fear that parents that adopt from russia lose the children, that's another problem. megyn: and we will not see any more of these tapes on "dr. phil." >> one of the children submitted the tape to dr. phil. there may be more going on than we see. the thing that struck me is to have a 10-year-old girl videotape her mother doing this, there may be more going on that we don't know about and the other issue is that these issues can escalate. we don't want to see worse
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abuse. clearly, they need help. megyn: the other problem that's disturbing is the anger of the mother as she's disciplining. that's always a red flag. to be doing it in anger in a way that seems -- i don't want to say uncontrolled -- but full of venom. >> if the child has issues, she needs help dealing with him. something has to be done to rectify the situation. megyn: and not just in this case. i know somebody who adopted a child from russia and they could not love her anymore and she's a wonderful child. so it doesn't always work out poorly, but sometimes it does and they need help. anne marie, thanks. megyn: it's bad enough they were caught drinking and smoking pot, but did some of the auto workers go to a crack house? an unbelievable update to a story you first saw here on "america live." >> were the chrysler workers hanging out here? >> no.
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i'm cold. have a nice day. >> reporter: you don't see them over here at lunch? >> no.
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megyn: a car slams into an elementary school leaving a 6x6-foot hole. that crash killing three people and investigators are investigating whether it was an accident or something far more disturbing. trace gallagher live with more. >> reporter: this happened at pine beech elementary school in pine beach, new jersey. this is the car. it's a black 2-door hyundai. that's the front of the car here. you see how smashed it is? that's the back of the car.
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imagine, if you will, how fast that car was going. the three people inside were all killed on impact. take a look at the hole behind the car. you mentioned a 6x6-foot hole. the police said that the car was going so fast, they struck this brick wall. it was fast. and there were no signs of skid marks. whoeever was driving this car made no attempt at all to slow down. again, the three people inside, traumatic injuries, is what killed them. police say the driver is 20-year-old matthew budesa. his farmer is a local city councilman. he was killed along with a 20-year-old woman and 21-year-old man. they do not know if drugs or alcohol were involved. toxicology has yet to come back.
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neighbors are baffled. >> it's sad, yeah. it makes your blood run cold, like, oh, god. you don't know why. i feel bad for the family. i feel bad for any family. this is a nice, quiet community. they're great people. they're really nice people. >> reporter: police say there is a possibility that this might have been an accident from a drag race, but the superintendent says there is no history at all in that area of drag racing, so police are tending to believe it's a case of suicide. none of the people inside the car were wearing a seatbelt. megyn: unbelievable, a suicide pact by all three of them? >> reporter: they don't know. they're waiting for toxicology to see if drugs and alcohol were involved and interviewing family and friends to find out what happened before the crash. megyn: let's just be glad it happened in the middle of the night and not when that building was full of elementary schoolkids. trace, thanks.
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the crisis in egypt reaching a boiling point. mass demonstrations calling for president mubarak to step down now and now we're expecting to hear from president obama. that happens coming up, we're awaiting at the white house at this moment. they were once political rivals. now is one man moving to the center? to put our 24-hour frequent heartburn protection to the test for two weeks. [ diehl ] people think we're indestructible, but if you're out there and you're feeling burning it's gonna affect the way that you play. prilosec otc is the one thing i can count on to block my heartburn. when i take it in the morning i'm ready to go for the rest of the day [ male announcer ] prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn! buy two 42-count boxes of prilosec otc. get $25 back. the unlikely birthplace of a fundamental idea. it's where ethel percy andrus found a reted teacher living
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to help address hot flashes and mild mood changes. one a day menopause formula. cayou enjoy vegetables with sauce and still reach your weight loss goals? you can with green giant frozen vegetables. over twenty delicious varieties have sixty calories or less per serving and are now weight watchers-endorsed. try green giant frozen vegetables with uce. megyn: a fox news alert. we are awaiting a news conference from president obama. beexpect him to be asked about the crisis in egypt that has america, egypt, and the muslim world on edge. i'm mc. the white house raising its profile on this story. yesterday we brought you the reports that white house correspondents charged president obama with providing too little
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access and information on a story of international significance. after that we'll hear directly from the president. as we await our president. tens of thousands of egyptians, anti-government protesters await the departure of their president. there is no sign that hosni mubarak plans to go anytime soon. we watch and wait as the showdown grows. these are the latest pictures into our newsroom. an estimated 300,000 protesters packing tahrir square. in iran the country's supreme leader making a dire warning for the united states. saying if egyptian protesters succeed they will deal a severe blow to american interests in the region. that's iran with a warning for us. in the west bank palestinians clark with israeli soldiers as
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tensions is today rate across the middle east. leland vittert has the latest. >> reporter: we are actually held up in a hotel here in cairo because we are so concerned about what's happening to journalists on the street. security forces have been reportedly destroying camera equipment and broadcasting equipment of our colleagues. it's dicey for us. but it was largely peaceful today for the protesters. all the anti-government protesters stayed in the square. we didn't see any of the anti-mubarak protesters who threw stones at everybody. it was a big difference from what we had seen in the past. today was supposedly a day of departure, a deadline set by the
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protesters for mubarak to leave. he's not gone. the opposition doesn't have anyone as a suitable candidate to take over power. the question is will former vice president dick cheney omar wille president omar suleiman make charge. we have even these different acts what will we see tomorrow. will omar suleiman take over in. the former air force command he assumed three decades ago after the assassination of his predecessor. now 82 years old he has kept the peace but he dealt out harsh polite wallow precious at home. next a major figure in the opposition. mohamed elbardei, a winner in of the nobel peace prize who
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conducted inspections in iran with questionable results. this man according to some does not have independent power and has been linked to the muslim brotherhood as to who is his power source. there are concerns he ascends he will be no more than a mouth piece for that group. but some believe of is the man for this job and he's calling for president mubarak to step down. the muslim brotherhood. an islamist fund islamist fundat group. under mubarak's rule this group's activities were severely restricted. analysts say the brotherhood inspired hamas and al qaeda. those in the west very concerned about the so-called power vacuum that the muslim brotherhood could step in to fill if events in egypt get out of control. those are some of the considerations we in america and
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other across the west are watching as we continue to see these events in egypt unfold. president obama is getting set to speak to the country about the uprising in egypt after recent controversy that he has faced for staying out of the spotlight during the crisis. mike emanuel is live with a preview of what we might hear. yesterday we heard was being criticized by the white house press corps for not answering questions on what is an important national and international story. >> reporter: the president of the united states will take a question, maybe two when he does a bilateral press with canadian prime minister stephen harper. they are starting a one-on-one meeting to talk about economic issues. it will be a one-on-one
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situation where they each make their statements then call on one american and one canadian reporter. considering the events around the world and egypt, president obama will get asked about the latest on egypt and we'll hear his thoughts in a non-scripted moment. megyn: there is a great deal of discussion about conversations between the u.s. and egyptian officials about president mubarak's exit and a transitional government that will get the egyptian people through until the election can be held. what is the united states admitting it is pushing for. >> reporter: they say they have been having conversations with egyptian officials. they have been open that the transition needs to begin now. robert gibbs said yesterday. they are laying out some different ideas. bottom line it is up to the egyptians to sign off on what
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plan works for them. but the one getting a lot of attention, having the vice president assume power. get mubarak out of the country an.megyn: just hours ago iran's supreme leader rallied his base. khomeini telling his people that if the egyptian protesters prevail, it will be an irreparable defeat for america. they are taking to the streets chanting death to america. a different message than the ones we are hearing in the streets of cairo. the dire warning concerning the growing middle east crisis and food prices. one of the things that sent these folks into the streets in cairo was food prices. it's one of the top four grievances they cite in terms of what they want changed.
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the united nations hitting an all-time high since it started tracking prices in 1990. eric bolling joins me live from our new york newsroom. you think food prices are going up. what does it mean to me and my bottom line. and we care what it means for the world, and it means a lot. >> reporter: the highest price for food around the world right now, the united nations tells us. there are a lot of things going into that. clearly food prices are on their way up. oil prices have been pushing them up. you and i have been talking about this way before any unrest in tunisia or egypt. this is only sparking more. there is a lot of money being pumped into the economy. that means a lot of dollars are floating around. one of the things that's interesting is there aren't that many other investments that are working. it don't pay to hire more people
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right now as evidenced by what's going on with the unemployment rate. this is the only investment for the wall street banks. they are the biggest players for the food profitability game. they are throwing a lot of money on that pushing food prices up. megyn: will we feel that as a practical matter at the grocery store? >> reporter: absolutely. like oil being a world currency, so is wheat, corn and soy beans. if you produce it here and ship it over to brazil or india, it's still the same bushel or barrel pushing the price up. if there is more demand for these things it will push all the wheat up, not just the wheat in saudi arabia and australia. it will push american prices up as well. megyn: you can catch more of eric bolling on "follow the
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money." hhe came out here and give stossestosguff. >> reporter: stossel, love him. they could have saved their own 2-year-old child had they given him a little medicine. instead these parents relied only on prayer. now a 2-year-old boy is dead. wait until you hear what their punishment is in today's "kelly's court." when we first told you about chrysler factory employees busted for smoking pot during their break hours. now more workers from the same plants are in trouble once again. we'll have that for you in a can't miss follow-up report. in three minutes, has president
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obama moved to the middle? guess who thinks so. senator john mccain. president obama a centrist? we explore right after this break.
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megyn: commander mark kelly going to space in one of the highest profile missions in history. the shuttle endeavour's final voyage. we are awaiting a news conference and kelly's decision to go. there was a question whether he would given what happened to his wife. the news comes as congresswoman giffords recovers from a gunshot wound to the head.
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arizona senator john mccain says the man that beat him out to become president is now a centrist. this one day after a private meeting between mccain and president obama. mccain saying the president is moving toward the political right and is much easier to work with. really? chris, so john mccain saying president obama is a centrist. and it seems like all unicorns and rainbows on capitol hill. >> john mccain was actually cautious in what he said. he said their relationship has always been cordial. it's not exactly a ring endorsement. megyn: then he said i think it's clear the president pivoted to a much more centrist position. >> i think that remains to be scene. john mccain is a moderate
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centrist republican himself. but also said their cordial relationship was based on john mccain's respect for the office of the president. but the president after his shellacking in the mid-term elections after some of his staff left to go on to do other things, replaced the chief of staff with william daley. and that send up red flags for the left-leaning supporters of obama like anybody who has had a real job in the real world is not qualified to engage in good government. i think we have to wait to see what barack obama does. all this talk about pivoting towards the center and all this talk about barack obama changing i think the results are not in. megyn: if john mccain says it can't you accept that it's true? if there is anybody ever in the center it would be john mccain.
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he was excoriated by the right for being too much in the center. he was the only palatable candidate for liberals base wasn't far right. he said i woke up one morning and guess who was there as well. it's other people in the center and it's not just me, it's barack obama too. >> when i was reading up on this i found a 2008 article after barack obama received the democratic nomination that he was pivoting to the center then. that he was pivoting to the right then. i just don't see evidence of that. megyn: what about working with the republicans on extend can the tax cuts. >> he was forced into doing that. megyn: what about not having the public option in the healthcare bill. >> that was forced out of the bill, and he's always gone back and forth on that himself.
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megyn: how about supporting the troops in afghanistan and sending additional troops to afghanistan, something the left did not want. >> double down and tripling down and declaring in the same breath thate announced additional troops would be going, they would begin to come home almost immediately. i think that was about the read as the of the situation in afghanistan. and also i think he needed some credit as commander-in-chief because of what he was doing in iraq. megyn: you are saying he was forced into all these things. maybe that's true. maybe there was pressure on him to do these things. but he didn't have to do any of it. he's the president of the united states. he could have said i'm towing the hard line. i'm not going to extend the bush tax cuts, i don't care what the republicans hold over my head. i'm pushing for the public option. this is what the left is saying, he could have done those things
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and should have done those things. they believe that he may have moved to the center and they are unhappy about it. >> but they are never happy about anything. the professional left is unappeasable. megyn: but so are you. he did these things that you seem to be in favor and you still say he's left and you have to wait. he has give up you his actions. >> i think that fair to say we'll wait and see. but that was before his big move to the center. as a senator his brief time in the senate, th the national joul declared barack obama to be the most liberal member of the united states senate of 66 votes that he took. 65 of them were all on the liberal side of the scale. he doesn't change his stripes. this is about triangulating. this is about the 2012 election. the president didn't invite the
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republican leader in the senate nell was almost two years into his presidency. he has no patience for republicans. he wants what he wants. but he wants to position himself for 2012. megyn: we shall see. chris, thank you. strange lights appearing in the sky over utah. we'll show you the video that has people talking about you know what. ufos. auto workers behaving badly. we brought you the story in september about bailed out auto workers enjoying a liquid lunch, then going back to build your cars. this time they are appearing to take it up a notch. but first a look back at stunning original report. >> there ain't no party like a detroit party, and the party in this park is off the hook.
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smoke, getting a quick buzz. this party is not even noon yet. [ male announcer ] gout's root cause is high uric acid. ♪ if you have gout, high uric acid can lead to more attacks. ♪ to help reduce attacks, lower your uric acid. uloric lowers uric acid levels in adus with gout. it's not for the treatment of high uric acid without a history of gout. uloric reduces uric acid to help you reach a healthy level. [ female announcer ] don't take uloric if you are taking azathioprine, mercaptopurine, or theophylline. gout may flare when starting uloric. don't stop taking it. your doctor may give you other medicines to help prevent flares. a small number of heart attacks, strokes, and heart-related deaths were seen in studies. it's not certain uloric caused them. certain testto check liver function may be required. tell your doctor about liver or kidney problems,
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megyn: busted again. chrysler workers accused of bad belive year on the job. we showed you in september a bunch of employees caught on tape boogs on their lunch break and smoking pot. some of those guys were fired. but now police say some of the workers from the same plant are behaving badly again. trace gallagher has more. >> reporter: these chrysler workers knew they were under closer scrutiny and they were under some sort of surveillance,
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and what happens? they get caught allegedly red-handed again. i want to show you the video from september. this is our fox affiliate in detroit watching these guys on their lunch break, then confronting them. report report hey, guys, shouldn't you guys be building cars. don't work out at the chrysler factory? you know, the government spent a lot of money bailing you guys out. and you are coming out here on your lunch break drinking like this? where you guys going, man? you going to go build some cars now after having some beers? >> reporter: three workers were fired. as a result chrysler hired increased security to watch the employees. the increased security worked because they watched employees go away to this building, and
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this building apparently was a drug house. so the security called the cops. the cops set up surveillance of this house right here, and sure enough, they noticed they employees go in, the cops knock on the door. here comes wjbk again. >> have a nice day, you guys. you don't see the chrysler workers over here at lunch. >> no, no i don't. >> reporter: police say they caught these guys. cops saw them. so the cops go back to the chrysler plant and they check loarks. and what do they find? cocaine. prescription medication. marijuana. the theory is that these workers were going to this drug house, then selling these drugs to other workers at chrysler. the case clearly still being prosecuted. allegedly act board. but that's what's happening now
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at this plant. those three workers whose lockers had the stuff in them have been suspended without pay penning the outcome of this investigation. megyn: we'll wait to see how the union says how the cases should come out. the guy sounded persuasive to me. we'll continue to follow that one. thanks, trace. it's no laughing matter. you don't want you're chrysler built by -- your chrysler built by somebody on crack. iran's supreme leader is using the egyptian crisis to attack america. it put supporters in the streets of iran yelling "death to america." he says what's happening in egypt could start a quote, islamic awakening." details on former president
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clinton many new job at the white house. remember when he came in and took over at the lectern? their 2-year-old died of pneumonia after they refused to get him any medical care. wasn't even seen by a doctor. wait until you hear their so-called punishment. and they still have 7 other children. that's in "kelly's court." >> you are not aware of any medical intervention whatsoever. we believe that the first anybody knew about it was when the funeral director was called. e had a heart attack caused by a completely blocked artery, another heart attack could be lurking, waiting to strike. a heart attack that's caused by a clot, one that could be fatal. but plavix helps save lives. plavix, taken with other heart medicines, goes beyond what other heart medicines do alone, to provide greater protection against heart attack or stroke and even death by helping to keep blood platelets from sticking together and forming dangerous clots.
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megyn: welcome back. mexico pulling the plug on an offer to send electricity to texas. mexico temporarily suspending the offer saying it is dealing with its own severe cold. so no help will be forthcoming. president obama tapping former president bill clinton to help accept energy innovation to the private sector. journalists in egypt unable to escape the violence. we told you about the bloody attack on gregg palkot and his cameraman olaf wiig. in a new article gregg just
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posted on he shares new details about their experience. it is an unbelievable read. he says when the demonstrations turned violent they found shelter in a nearby apartment. a gasoline bomb exploded through the window and sent them running for their lives into the hands of an angry mob. gregg describing how they were attacked with sticks and rocks and fists over and over, they were bleeding, they were severely hurt until some kind-hearted egyptians helped them escape to a military vehicle. finally they found their way into a hospital. soldiers took their passports and treated them as potential spies. they were blind fed. they were thrown in the back after jeep after their treatment. only after several stops were they set free. you can read all about greg's experience in his own words and
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i urge you to do so. he's a topnotch correspondent and poor olaf has been through a lot if you remember what happened to him in gaza. it's on the front page of and you should check it out. the man who pulls the springs in iran has a dire predict for the united states. the supreme leader ayatollah khomeini saying if egyptian protester are able to push this through, then what will happen to the u.s. policies in the region will be an irreparable defeat for america. that inspired some rainans to take to the -- inspired some rainans to take to the streets yelling "death to america. former abc correspondent bob zelnick has covered middle east
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affairs. judy is traveling to egypt to report on this crisis. that's a brave thing to do as we watch out for our own crews who are very much in danger. panel, thank you so much. i want to start with this news out of iran. a dire warning from the ayatollah in iran that inspired "death to america" chants on the streets in iran. what does that tell us. >> that many logical coming from the leadership of the iran because they are under pressure on the nuclear issue. when our main ally egypt which was supposed to be parts of our coalition is under difficulties and pressures, then the iranian leadership will say you can't apply pressures against us.
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khomeini is saying egypt may shift to the other side, what force is going to shift to their side? obviously the muslim brotherhood. this is additional evidence that iran is look to the muslim brotherhood as a potential ally. megyn: there is a question about whether the muslim brotherhood we are told isn't that big, it's not that influential. only if it has 30% influence, that many considerable when you have a power vacuum and you hold elections. >> there is no question about the that. the muslim brotherhood is one of the better organized political entities in egypt because there was so much pressure to keep others down. i also must say that without endorsing anything about iran or it government, i agree with the statement of the leader that if the united states loses egypt, that will reverberate throughout
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the islamic world and the middle east. there are a lot of countries where there are thing happening that are a threat to our interests. jordan, algeria, tunisia. syria. not to mention egypt. so i think that there is an awful lot hanging in the balance right now. megyn: what is the obama administration to do? as we await a statement from the president. he's going to take a couple questions today. what is he to do? >> at the moment he's trying to shift his position from being neutral in the beginning to being on the side of the protesters, on the side of history as some say. and you have seen an ever more assertive and aggressive response from the white house. i think in this case too aggressive. what robert gibbs said about the transition should have begun yesterday, that's not helpful when you are dealing with a man
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like hosni mubarak whom i know well, who is so stubborn and determined to have a dignified exit. megyn: when i see enemies of america in the middle east getting so happy and giddy over the prospects, i think i and other americans get a little nervous wondering, that seems bad. how do we stop that. are we powerless over the events we are watching in egypt? >> i think the administration in general and the designificant maker with regard to the middle east are several inches behind the events. and let me go one inch beyond and project what the muslim brotherhood are trying to do is lift the ban, to enter niko lition tha -- toenter any coalie government. even if they get education ministry, they have the plan basically to form local neighborhood organizations,
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enter the government, and at the same time connect with hamas in gaza and elsewhere. megyn: we can't stop that. >> we as americans cannot stop that. the only ones who can stop it are two forces in egypt, they have to be connected for them to be able to stop it. many is leaving. his militia will be leaving. you have the army and the secular part of the opposition. they want to maintain the secular part telling them we are going to be with you, we are moderates. we know the game. so we need an architecture in washington to reach out to the army and a piece of the opposition and form an interim government and block the muslim brotherhood. megyn: do you agree mubarak will go soon, he won't last until september. as we see crackdowns on journalists does it suggest he's becoming more desperate? >> i think the odds are marginally in favor of his being
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forced out before he would like to go, before the deadline that he set. i don't think that that solves the problem. i think one of the things we have seen in the area is that democracy doesn't necessarily produce the desired results. you have democracy in lebanon and hezbollah becomes the dominant faction. democracy in the gaza strip and hamas becomes the dominant faction. so it's not only a question of can we get mubarak to resign before he would like to, it's a question of what replaces him and what is necessary to quash the disturbances. megyn: for those who haven't been following this that closely, what do we need to know about jordan, yemen, syria, we just know the middle east is in fluk and others are getting
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nervous. >> we need to know whether this is going to be a domino effect. whether what happened in tunisia and is now happening in egypt will spread to the other arab countries. and by the way, while the ayatollah is gloating, i would remind him he had to suppress his own revolution of a million people in the streets. so i think there i a little trembling going on in tehran. this will be up to the egyptian people. i don't know this will be the case. but i'm hoping those million people who filled the squares in places in egypt can do more than twitter. i hope they can get their political act together, work with the military. to say to the muslim brotherhood you are part of us buff we want what's best for egypt. and peace is best for egypt. i don't think it's impossible. >> i don't disagree at all with
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my long-time colleague and friend judith miller. i may disagree on the odds it comes out right. i think it looks like a bad situation. i don't think that democracy is going to prevail in egypt and if it does, we may wish it didn't. megyn: we have a different understanding of that term in the united states. panel, thank you so much. two parents arrested after refusing to get medicine for their sick 2-year-old. that child died from a treatable illness. when investigators asked why, the parent cited their faith. the child is dead, the parent are convicted and their so-called punishment is next in "kelly's court." @vc when i grow up,
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i want to fix up old houses. ♪ [ woman ] when i grow up, i want to take him on his first flight. i want to run a marathon. i'm going to work with kids. i'm going to own my own restaurant. when i grow up, i'm going to start a band. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. thanks, mom. i just want to get my car back. [ female announcer ] together we can discover the best of what's next at
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megyn: "kelly's court" is back in session. the parents who will not serve any jail time after refusing to give their dying toddler any medicine. this fun -- this fundamentalist couple blocks to a church that won't give any medicine. when the child died they told investigators, we tried to fight the devil. but in the end the devil won. they were convicted of involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment. the judge slapped them with probation and told them they need to take care of their other 7 children and bring them for their regular checkups. is that justice? let's ask our panel.
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jonna? >> well, these cases sicken me. but here is the problem. faith healing is a constitutional unacorn. don't prosecute these people let alone punish them. but fit' not protected these people should be serving time. what this judge did was split the baby and said we are going acknowledge that you have this kooky belief but we are still going to prosecute you but not punish you. megyn: the prosecutor is happy with it, too. it's 10 years probation. bit's probation. a child is dead. >> this is a slap on the wrist that send the wrong message. the judge is wrong, the prosecutor is wrong. shame on them. other children will die because of their behavior. when you say someone committed these felonies. they were look up to a maximum
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of 10 years, they were convicted. the jury did their job. these children that are going to die because of this and have in the past from this church. there was another death where a mother received 16 months because she did not give her child the medicine he need. in 1991 from this church 9 children died from a measles outbreak because they didn't receive the care they needed to save them or get the vaccinations. it is an south rage. the behavior is sinful and should not allowed. megyn: there is a graveyard of children coming out of this church. when is enough enough? no more breaks for these parents. children are dying. parents are sitting there and watching it. >> i completely agree with you personally. legally, how do we get around the first-amendment protection. megyn: you can't give carte
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blanche to someone because say my religion allows it. you could have a pedophile saying my religion encourages this. >> i'm telling you, they stood by while he lingered and eventually died because he couldn't get the medicine he needed. how disgusting is that? they cannot hide behind religion and good. we are all god-fearing people and god does not excuse or believe in this kind of behavior. you should go see the doctor. treat your child with love and give them the medicine and checkups they need so they can thrive. megyn: the judge said you have to let doctors see your remaining 7 children and check in with the probation officers. looking at their son, their 2-year-old dying, didn't motivate them to call a doctor, do you think a court order will? >> i'm sure it won't. but here is the thing. we can't say the first amendment
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is going to let you faith heal if your kids have a plirnt about it won't if your kids have cancer. megyn: no one bought the first amendment. they were convicted. >> i'm with you, personally. but legally .they have a first amendment right to not get medical treatment no water what if that's their religion? megyn: the answer to that is no, legally. >> that's correct. the law will not excuse this or allow this behavior. they should have untilled the ud have followed the sentencing guidelines. children are dying because people are hiding behind religion. religion doesn't allow a child to sit there and suffer when you can go down the street and get medicine that can save their lives. megyn: pneumonia is very cureable in this country.
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one final word for our viewers. a child is dead and these two let it happen. if they can get their children medical help now to keep themselves out of jail, they could have don't before to keep their son alive. they don't deserve trust when it comes to their other children. they do deserve to go to jail. whoa! that achy cold needs alka-seltzer plus! it rushes multiple cold fighters, plus a powerful pain reliever, wherever you need it! [ both ] ♪ oh what a relief it is! , [ female announcer ] these are the crescents you love on a holiday.
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and these are the ones you'll love on a friday. pillsbury crescent pizza pockets. with just a few ingredients, ou have an easy to make dinner. they're crescents for the other 364. try them tonight.
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megyn: kind of brought the room down with that last store ir. the followup to a story we brought you yesterday. the family of a fallen marine adopting his partner. his bomb-sniffing dog eli rushed to his side to protect him after he was gunned down.
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>> reporter: kathy looks on as her son's dog eli shows off his talents. eli is a detector dog specially trained to locate improvised explosive devices. after colton's death his family petitions the marine doer adopt their son's best friend. >> eli has done this job. >> we are colton's family and now we'reie's family. >> the dog is supposed to stay in the kennel at night. he broke the rules a little bit. that's how close him and the dog hely were. >> reporter: colton's family
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says they are honor his memory by keeping his dog happy. megyn: thanks to our fox affiliate in an antonio, texas for that report. after this break. a horrifying case of bullying. a 13-year-old boy, beatenning with dragged through the snow and hanged from a fence. up next, how this horrific story -- the update to it will wind up warming your heart just a bit. captioning made possible by fox news network
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>>megyn: a heart warming moment for a 13-year-old philadelphia child who was hit head on. he was kicked and dragged through the snow and hoisted on to a tree and hanged by his coat from a metal fence. six of his classmates were then arrested. he was okay, physically. and then, yesterday, a surprise visit from his favorite football players.


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