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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  February 5, 2011 6:00am-10:00am EST

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>> laura: 53% said the former governor was pinheaded. thanks for watching tonight. i'm laura ingraham in for bill o'reilly. please remember, the spin stops right here, because we are all looking out for you. have a good weekend. >> good morning, everyone, on saturday, february 7th. we begin with a fox news alert for you. this is live in cairo where thousands of 18 government protesters are still camped out, even hundreds of thousands demanding the departure of president hosni mubarak. today could be the day he steps down. >> and fox news learning exclusively there has been an assassination attempt on the new vice president of egypt. but who is trying to take down
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the man who could be the country's next leader? >> and former governor sarah palin sticking it to president obama again. she says if ronald reagan were alive today he would be outraged at our bloated government. >> the president reagan realize ed what was happening to his beloved states, the central valley and he would be outraged. she says the white house is not listening to americans at all. that and so much more "fox and friends" for saturday, starting right now. >> good morning, everyone, look who is slopping it on a weekend. steve here for clayton this morning. >>dave: i managed to kick him out of his seat. >> i was in the neighborhood and i thought i would step but, it
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is warm in here and it is freezing outside, and we have a big super bowl party coming up in dallas, texas, where you can see although it is 5:01 central time the kids and the people who they the footballs are up and at 'em. in advance. i can hear brian's voice. can you hear us, defiance? >> not just yet. but, boy, he got the kids up early this morning and he must have called them individually. well check with brian with live guests including chad, and tony and marcus allen and i could go on and on. he was bringing it down there in dallas where it is freezing cold. >> and now we will get to the breaking news in egypt. a pipeline exploded near the egypt israeli border but no reports of injuries as protesters gather for the twelfth day of demonstrations against president hosni mubarak.
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>> the leader is refusing at this point to step down despite public and global pressure. there are some rumors that he may leave office today. this is secretary of state hillary clinton urging all countries in the middle east to adopt democratic reforms. >> for now, we will go live this morning to cairo with the latest good morning, guys. what we have seen the past 24 hours is the protesters are taking on a peaceful vibe than in the previous 44 hours which has been a big change. yesterday a couple of hundred thousand came to tahrir square for friday prayers and also for the demonstration. gone were the pro mubarak thugs that attacked everyone and what is interesting the protesters were on the square they stayed in the square and they did make good on the promise to mark to the palace, but the protesters are not happy that they are still on the square and the
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president is still in office. there is a deadlock that the protesters have shut down all of egypt. there is no more tourism. businesses have been closed for a week. talk of food shortages and other problems. yet, the president is still in power. the question now comes: who takes power? possibly suleiman, the vice president. there was an assassination attempt against him recently after he was nameed vice president by mubarak to pacify the protesters. so, what happened in the assassination attempt? two of the guards were wonned and obviously suleiman survived. how that plays into this we are not sure. the third thing where it is having more of a global implication and regional implication beyond the fears everyone had, gas leans pipe explosion on the north sinai, someone, probably strikes up there or the al qaeda cells in the sinai used this and the chaos of the protests to attack
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the gas pipeline that supplies egypt, jordan and israel. clearly, big regional players with a lot of implications. things are starting to come to a hold in terms of the issues outside but internally we have not seen any movement and the vice president promised calm and to protect the protesters and asked the protesters to go home and the president said he will not leave. wherest this fit in? everyone is waiting to see what happens next. each day the protests have brought a new surprise. today that surprise is the gas line explosion. whether there will be another surprise today, either possibly mubarak stepping down or saying something or anything else we do not know. guys? >> thank you from cairo. leland property up interesting points. were you watching yesterday when wendell asked gibbs about this.
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do you know anything about an assassination attempt on vice president suleiman a couple of days ago? >> i'm not going to get into that question. >> if you watched that, that is a red flag. >> you did not know is that because he didn't know about the attempt or, well, why is someone bringing this up? now we know and fox knows that, yes, in fact, there was an assassination attempt on suleiman and it happened soon after suleiman was appointed to be vice president on january 29th and it was an organized attack on his motorcade and, in fact, two of his bodyguards were killed. not just wounded. they were killed. so, obviously, he is already right in the front line of this fight. >> a lot of questions. who exactly was behind the assassination attempt? we did not know. but this is the head of intelligence, the former head of intelligence. and it was speculated this had to be an inside job.
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because the timing of it and because this happened to his motorcade. so, who pulled this off? what does it mean for the future? this could be the gee who guide them into democracy and provide that transitional government. >> you touched on the key: he is the transition. he's it. we're talking about if there is a transitional government he would take over so if someone kills him our plan up in smoke. who is it? stand by, maybe they know more and they are not talking, the current vice president been on the job ten days and already, people tried to off him out there. >> he is a leading voice of the egyptian uprising with more than 17,000 people following on twitter and many pro mubarak protesters are doing all they can to silence him including shutting down his website, destroying his car, and betting him up. all you he is prominent egyptian blogger and joins us on the phone. >> good morning.
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>> we are doing well, and better than you. tell us what happened when you were trying to deliver medical supplies to the protesters here in tahrir square. >> basically, i called people and they told me there were hundreds of wounded. i drove the car to behind tahrir square and met with mubarak goons who started to smash my car and i ran from them with the car and i had to find officers, and i asked for their help and all they did was kick away our phone, kick away our keys and then they incited the crowd to attack us and telling them that we were american agents and like they found like $5 on the girl whose started showing to the crowd and saying, see the dollars they are getting from the americans and the israelis, and they attacked a mob of 100 attacked the car and they were
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plain clothes officers and possibly some people and it was out of a zombie movie, 100 people smashing the windshield and grabbing from inside, and punching us. >> you mention a moment ago that they were hosni mubarak goons, as you said, or thugs. how do you know they were working for him? >> basically some of the people surrounding my car, although they were wearing plain clothes they had guns on them, basically, under their shirts, and it is hard in our nation to get a gun and they were threatening to lynch us and they were like, we're going to kill you or thank you, and people were trying to flip over the car while we were in there and this lasted for 35 minutes and i had to leave the car, the car, i cannot even find the car. >>dave: with the notable exception of your story has it
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been peaceful recently? is the military protecting the protesters? >> the military has been playing a neutral role in all of this. they are protecting the protesters but the problem is the police are attacking them and the sympathizers are attacking them. so, i don't know, nobody can make heads or tails of it. on one side we are helped by the army but we do not know if they are on our side or neutral. >> it sounds like you had a harrowing expense and we thank you for sharing it on the phone with us. thank you. >> thank you. >> that echoes some of greg's story, our own correspondent who is lucky to be alive. i am sure during it they did not thing they could be alive. and we do have other headlines.
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pakistan officials have indicted a u.s. diplomat charged with murder. and he may, though, soon be released and they told the associated press to expect raymond davis free in days after they go over documents to prove immunity. he works as the u.s. consequence last in lahor and he said he was in self defense when he shot and killed two armed men. >> and computer systems have opinion hacked, the trading platform on wall street, and they do not know who is behind it but they suspect it could be coming from russia. investigators are trying to pinpoint a motive, whether it is financial gain, stealing trade secrets, or possibly to plot a terror attack against the nasdaq. >> and it is official, astronaut mark kelly announcing a decision to return to space just weeks after his wife congresswoman gabrielle giffords was shot in the head.
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considering a bunch of other factors including how, what gabrielle giffords would want me to do and what her parents, my family and i would like i made the decision that i would like to return and command the mission. >> kelly will serve as shuttle commander for the splace shuttle "endeavour's" final flight with lift off in april. he is confident he wife will be able to attend the launch. >> that is optimistic. those are the had lines. >> winter is over, right, rick? >> have you been drinking? it is so early. >> guys, it is cold. and the winter weather we have been dealing with, still with us. and we have more winter weather advisories right here in memphis and the ohio valley and toward the northeast where a storm will move through today bringing snow and freezing rain and the worst of the snow will be when the
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storm gets to new england. more tonight. new hampshire and maine could get 6" to 10". we have snow around st. louis toward indianapolis and freezing rain across the northeast and this is not a major storm but there is an indication we could have a couple of big storms this week including the south. this is the storm that is moving across the far northern plains and tomorrow super bowl day we will talk about maybe some freezing rain in the dallas area if you can believe that. a horrible situation there and they will have a little bit more. >> unbelievable chunks of ice falling off the stadium injuring people in dallas. >> thank you. >> straight ahead on this saturday morning, egypt's president mubarak refusing to step aside. should the white house support him? our ally, help him? or push for new leadership. >>dave: and we are live at the super bowl all morning with huge
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guests. and little ones, as well. >> we've got a flood. hits the road, the nose the angels start second guessing where they tread. [ male announcer ] at&t introduces a new windows phone.
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>>dave: this is cairo protesters gathered peacefully in tahrir square for 11th day of protests. sources tell fox there was an unsuccessful assassination attempt against new egyptian vice president suleiman. what is next? and how should the u.s. be responding here? joining us or fox news contributor and fox news fellow at the new america foundation. good morning to both of you, ellen and jim. and now listen to the president on friday as to how he is
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handling this incident. here is the president. >> i believe president mubarak cares about his country. he is proud. but he is also a patriot. what i have suggested to him is he needs to consult with those who are around him in his government. he needs to listen to what's being voiced by the egyptian people and make a judgment about a pathway forward that is orderly, but that is meaningful, and serious. >>dave: jim, there is a lot to digest there s he a patriot? and is the president handling this correctly. >>guest: he said last night "meaningful and serious," the ultimate waffle words. look, the first rule when a president speaks is that as a matters of credibility for the united states the words should
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only come out when there is a realization that something will happen so when president obama said i want a transition, and the next day people were out with cam relatives and horses on sticks clubbing the protesters, it is clear that the egyptians are not listening to president obama and that is a failure of leadership and frankly in this case, if you cannot lead don't say anything at all. >>dave: does it weaken the president when he calls for these things and it does not happen and should he change his position? >> first of all i think that he is working the exact way he should, we have traveled in that region quite a bit and i have to tell you that egypt in some suspects is stable because their military is stable and we, the president has directed our military to talk to their military and they have been having regular talks and that military in the country is what making and holding the country together. so the president is doing exactly what he should be doing right now, president obama. taste dave you do not, jim, so
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if you advise the president what would you tell him to do? >>guest: i would say that ellen is right, the military to military contracts are great and the military will decide the fate of egypt but i would not bet that mubarak will leave any time soon, the history of protesters in the middle east is not always yielding freedom or democracy. look at syria, they have had in trouble repressing protest movements, many islamic the last few decades so as i tell the president, unless you can make your words stick, then don't say anything at all. >>dave: we have supported stability over democracy in the region for years, decades, administrations, is this the right approach? is it something we should rethink across the region, saudi arabia, and the list goes on. >>guest: my cousin was a peace negotiator for many years and he said we made pacts with the devil, you support us and we
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will not look into your internal affairs and we need to look at that, a policy of the united states which is not so good. >>dave: thank you both for being here bright and early on a saturday. coming up only on the job a few weeks but the new leader of the ground zero mosque leaving. is this a sign the whole project will be soon kaput? where to go for a quiet get away. [ male announcer ] thanks to therbitz matrix display, you can make more knowledgeable decisions when bookg vacation packages. excuse me... shhh.
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>> a couple of quick headlines, the global security conference in munich, germany, and secretary of state hillary clinton arriving at conference this morning. along with british prime minister and the conference will focus mostly on the current crisis in egypt. a warning from south of the border, officials telling machines not to drive at night
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in one mexican city because the area has seen uptick in gang- related violence, which is a popular tourist destination. >> don't walk. hard to walk in dallas-ft. worth, because they have had snow. and ice. but, he always gets to his assignment, we're talking about our reporter live at the nfl experience. the sight of the the -- the site of the world super bowl. >> in terms of the super bowl, it is incredible. i checked u.s. today because it is in clerk and it is 70 in phoenix, and 75 in san diego but dallas is 20. i think that the, something with the jet extreme, a bit of a challenge here, 250,000 people through dallas trying to make the best of what they can for
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the parties. for the first time north texas is host to the super bowl. super bowl 45 and we will have superstars and legends and one of the best wide receivers in the game, and the best quaterback in the history of the game, and colt mccoy, a legend in texas. join the military in texas if you want to get respect. we have four of america's finest, texas sergeant brad wilson. thank you for coming down. not only is brad in camouflage but you were in civilian clothes yesterday. >> i worked at the nfl experience working one of the kids' booth. it is a blast. >> kids are having a good time and they are out of school this week. >> cannot beat that. they are not used to that in texas. >> thank you for your service. now, i want you to meet staff sergeant cameron wily from the
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air force. why did you join? >> well, to be honest, ient whatted the opportunity to get out of texas and see the world and go to officer's school. >> you have a chan to walk through the airports around the world and tour the country. what is the difference walking through the airport at dfw? all people thank you and shake your hands and it is comforting to know that back home you have a lot of support. >> what is amazing you talk to people who serve and the game comes on a big game over the weekend, or baseball, but to a high leg, football, it brings you back to america, right? >> absolutely. especially texas. and i'm born and raised in texas so football is a rehim on out here. >> i seen "friday night like," and welcome, officer first-class. why did you join? >> to travel the world and be part of the world's greatest
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military. all when you come to texas you know you are in texas when you wear the uniform. >> people in texas are more welcome to the military and more appreciative. >> and of course there will be a lot of salutes to the military and with the fox sports guys they went overseas and that makes a difference. i want you to meet matthew loury, chief matthew loury. >> i am a hospital corpsman. >> so you have a hard job? all it is hard but it is very exciting and very rewarding. >> why did you join? >> i joined a family tradition, my father was a hospital corps man and i am carrying on the tradition and i love to serve the country and deploy and be with my marines and a little bit of education. >> you are from, originally? >> originally from louisiana. >> you are happy being in texas?
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>> i like texas, as close as i have been to home in 2 1 1/2 years. a welcome reward. >> stick around and watch my back because the kids are out-of-control. and they are faster and more athletic than me. i will give you a tour of the place and introduce you to outstanding players and get their take on steelers and packers and super bowl in north texas. >>dave: we send you to the super bowl to cover the big gale between the patriots and pittsburgh and we are going to watch you play football? >> packers. >> well, directv game in a little while and i have a chance to play on h.d. and 3-d, how do you play football in 3- we will examine that and how do you play football against girls? and look cool? how do you play against girls? >> somehow you will pull it off. >> coming up a scary moment in the skies a commercial flight
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almost collides with two military plans and now the national board wants to know how this could happen. >> you could be on a dating website and not often know it, a site is collecting your profile and why they say the invasion of privacy is to prove a point. [ robin ] my name is robin.
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>> this is a fox news alert, live images from cairo cairo's r square and opposition leaders have met with egypt's prime minister to discuss ways to ease hosni mubarak out of office. he doesn't want to go. this comes as protests continue in the streets of egypt and egyptians demand mubarak's out of ther and secretary of state hillary clinton urged middle east countries to adopt democratic reforms. and in one other headline a pipeline has exploded near the israeli-egyptian border. no one was hurt. continued coverage of the tensions in egypt continue through the morning as you see there in tahrir square. the protesters on the 12th day say they will wait it out if mubarak says he will not go, that's fine, they will stay there until he does.
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>> the peaceful, they are peaceful, thank you. and now close to home, a place of controversy for many months, the mosque, the planned mosque near ground zero. you will recall that a few weeks ago we were telling you how the imam most associated with it was pushed aside, the developer of the project thought that he was getting too outspoken and he was pushed aside for a new imam and that new imam is out also. >>dave: he stepped down sheik adhami needs to concentrate his book on the koran in the wake of suggestions he made on a website that homosexuals are the result of emmobile or sexual abuse as a child and ratherly are you born with that. it appears that ground zero mosque or islamic cultural
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center is falling apart and a woman's brother who was killed on lend agrees saying "despite the support of the political elite this project is collapsing under its own weight of disrespect and deception." where does it go from here? >> good question. we will find out. the primary face of this, the imam has stepped away as the official spokesman because he said in the last week, well, we probably would like to move it and the developer said, he doesn't speak for us. i speak for us. >> there is new moving because the developer brought that property. so there is no picking up that building and moving it elsewhere. >> they could develop that property. it is if lower manhattan. >> currently it is. >> abandoned burlington coat factory. it would be fine retail. >>alisyn: more to tell you about because of a dramatic stand off that left a man dead
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and sent ten fleeing a quiet florida neighborhood. >> an officer told me to leave my home, i need to leave. >> a four-year-old is in the trailer park and they said get away from the walls and lock the doors. >> this happened in florida and police evacuated the area after a man called 9-1-1 on his mentally ill son and the stand off ended with the crazed suspect shot, and a female officer with a bb gun prompting police to return fire and the suspect died at the scene. and police say they thought the bb gun was a real assault weapon. >> the ntsb investigating a near collision in the skies over new york city, an american airlines plane bound for brazil came a mile or two, a mile of two u.s. air force planes headed to air force base in new jersey and this happened after the plane took off from j.f.k. airport and this is the latest in a string of near misses incidents in the past several years and new
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regulations require air traffic controllers to notify the government when these happen. >> you might be signed up for a dating site and not know it. thanks to the creators of www.lovelyfacescom and the two brains took photographs from 250,000 facebook profiles and they categorized the pictures into personality types using facial recognition, but do not be alarmed, they claim that this is just part of a prank, a series of prank sites subpoenaed to make people think more what they put online. try telling that to your spouse. >> an emotional reunion for a mother forced to give up her mother for adoption 44 years ago. the woman was trying to find her daughter for years but finally realized that she had been searching the wrong name. she found the right one and she got a life changing phone call that led to the first meeting. >> it felt so natural. on the phone it has been like
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she never left. >> i didn't know anything but from the moment we spoke, it was as if we knew each other and i don't want to let another minute go by. all she wanted to see her daughter after getting diagnosissed with an eye condition that could leave her blind. now she can see her. >> a lovely reunion. >> and rick is standing by, by the weather map which we were hoping for warm temperatures. not today. >> not happen maybe for two weeks, in fact, this week we are probably going to deal with the cold air again like last week and maybe across the great lakes the coldest all year and snow today in the ohio valley but not causing a major problem but places like st. louis and indianapolis will see a few inches and the heaviest is tonight and across much of the northern parts of new england and upstate new york. and coastal areas, across southern new england seeing rain and maybe icing. this is the storm here. not a spectacular storm and nothing like the storm we saw this week.
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that is go news but it will be a nuisance. if you are sick of it you will be more exhausted because of the storm. across parts of the west, southwest looking great and that is the storm moving in across the northern plains and that will bring another shot at rain and snow toward dallas foam for game day and believe it or not when the temperatures 40 in dallas and tomorrow you will look at temperatures at similar range and guys, get ready, tomorrow a chance for rain and snow and wednesday, a chance for maybe big snow across the south, again, including oklahoma, over a foot of snow and maybe another 6" to 10". winter is here. guys. not going away. >>dave: a real change in how you get the news the first ever digital only newspaper designed just for the ipad. it is called the "daily," and now available from news corp but what makes it so special? with the answer is greg, the publisher for "the daily," and joins us. i have checked this out each day
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and it is very impressive but for folks that don't understand the difference between, say, "new york times", the "washington post", what can they look forward to? >> this is the first newspaper that is developed specifically for the ipad so when we tell stories and when we have stories in it we use a lot of photography, a lot of graphics, a lot of interaction, a lot of video, bringing things like twitter feeds and allow people to comment. >>dave: one thing you mention is the photography and that was one of the first things that struck me about reading in "the daily," the ipad was almost created for photographs and it really brings the story to life, doesn't it, to see some of the still pictures really tells the story. >> it is the most glossy ever invent the images, for example, of a volcano in japan, and you can click on each one of these and you can see what is going on
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and it is the most striking color and the most striking pictures and we have 360 pictures where you can feel like you are there and it spins around. >>dave: yesterday there was a 360 picture of the dallas stadium and with your finger you could guide yourself around the entire stadium and you have a perspective you cannot get anywhere expels that brings me to sports featured prominently right now. >>guest: we have a tremendous sports coverage. where, basely, for example, this is going through players who may swing the game tomorrow. you can click on each one of these, an interaction where you can see stories about the players themselves where we show plays, we have animation to take you to the various plays that you may see during the game to explain it. for people who may not understand, for example. >>dave: and of course it has opinions and arts and life, and gossip, a lot of folks love the gossip stories, and it is free
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right now, free for two weeks, i believe and then at? >>guest: a two week trial, and then it is $1 a week after that. or $40 for a year subscription and you can download it from the iphone stone. >>dave: it is just for the ipad. >>guest: just for the ipad. and other tablet devices as they come out, but the type of interaction that we have, and the video, really, it only exists by a device like this. >>dave: it would not translate to anotherup, anyway. thank you for being here and check out "the daily," it is fantastic. coming up next the uprising in egypt could lead to a domino affect in the middle east. is the u.s. prepared for the impact and should our allies be worried? a live report from jerusalem a live report from jerusalem coming up.♪ proud to be homegro ♪ can you hear it?
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♪ fuelin' the american spirit ♪ no matter when, no matter where ♪ ♪ marathon will take you there
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>> these are pictures from tahrir square with hundreds, thousands of people in egypt protesting for a 12th day against the government. what does this mean for the country's future? in particular, its neighbor, israel. and ultimately the united states. well, former ohio congressman joins us from jerusalem where he has been meeting with leaders to talk about the best way to respond to what is happening and joins us. what is the number wing thing people are overlooking? we look at the images of people in tahrir square and we think that is great, democracy is wonderful thing. but it comes with a cost for israel. doesn't it? >>guest: well, we remember when this happened in iran and the entire arab world pleaded with jimmy carter do not install an islamic republic a shiite government where all will be threatened and now 30 careers later the -- the consequence of that, an effort to shoe horn the
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muslim brotherhood. what they want is to have an islamic republic to control the actions, economic and military and elsewhere, and they have been outlawed and prevented from accomplishing that recently. now the united states of america and the term that is used by the president is "nonsectarian elements," we are sectarian, we are not reledgous, a non-secretariarian is a religious leader, and what is happening is that obama is trying to insert a religious leader, a muslim brotherhood participant in the new government. if that happens it will totally change the middle east. >> for people who have not been paying close attention to what is going on, give us a list of what some the greatest hits of the muslim brotherhood. this is a dangerous outfit. >>guest: they were established in the 1920's when there was a
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refusal to impose the leaders in turkey and they went to egypt and said we want to reestablish islamic control and they have given rise to hamas, to jihad, to jack -- al qaeda and they have been the roots of the radical organizations but they have never been allowed to take power and they are the ones, when egypt which is the major power here, the 10th largest army in the world, you cannot overrun israel unless you have the help of egypt and egypt's army and when egypt made peace with israel, that is when they killed sadat, they wounded mubarak and they have been out to destroy that government since. now we are in a position where we see the united states government is trying to reestablish and put them in power for the first time. every american should be alerted of the term "non-second tea --
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"nonsectarian," element. >> thank you for sharing your perspective. >> and straight ahead, before the super bowl kickoff, tomorrow, comes a super bowl party. what the celebrities have been up to coming up next live.
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>> this is inside the super bowl experience, two legendary teams, and now, our party correspondent
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for this full time job and basically, rich, you found a way to win the trust of almost everyone that plays in the national football league today and year. >> i am just, if i say i will do something i do it and i keep it real so that is where we are. >> we give you a microphone, and you will give us a flavor of what is happening away from the field for the guys that did not make it and the women that want to go and meet the people and a marketing promotion and there is a serious tone through the players party you went to yesterday. >> the lock out. will it be football? >> that is what we discussed and we will discuss a chance march 5th of them locking out because the owners and the players can not find a way to split $9 billion. let's look at it. >> guys we are the hottest part of the super bowl week, the player's party and you need a ticket to get in so we will go inside and check out the fun.
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told me what do you think about this? >> i am looking forward to it. it is going down. and a party ain't a party without addressing it with tracy morgan. >> when you can celebrate, it is a great game we play and we are fortunate to play and i am for it. >> everyone knows we are in a fight as far as the labor agreement and it is a good chance to come in and talk with the players and the people that are involved. >> i think it behooves all of us to be rational and figure out a way to get a deal done. the american people and the fans of football don't care about our fight or about anything, they just want to see football. we are working really hard and i believe that there should be football next year and we love
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our fans and it's the fans who keep this game going. so, look, tomorrow, sunday, we are going to watch two great teams, two great traditional football teams battle out for the world championship and i cannot imagine a world where we have a cancellation of something like that. we are just walking out of the nfl player's party and we give you the sights and sounds and i'm done for the night so i'm heading out. all right, everyone. >> and he went from there right to our set. good job. how is this guy as a correspondent? (applause) >> if you don't listen i'll send you all home. >> real quick the commission is dug in and it will be ugly. >> it will be a battle.
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a battle. >> and we will talk tomorrow to the players representative and find out if the players are going to walk away from all that money. and now back to the studios so you can tell us what is up next with a lot of surprises here in dallas ahead. >> thank you very much. on saturday, we are live in dallas. and washington. and cairo. and new york. back in two minutes. hoya
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>>alisyn: good morning, everyone, on saturday, february 5th. and now a fox news alert live in cairo, a 12th day of protests is raging. this as fox news has learned cluively there has been an assassination attempt on the new vice president of egypt. who is trying to take down the man who could be the next leader? we will live on the ground for you in moments. sarah palin says the financial crisis give the government license to go big. big government declared itself
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the solution to our problems. >> why she says our bloated government is drowning americans in debt. >> and wikileaks next big reveal could put the united states in hot water with own of our closest allies. why the united kingdom may not like one of the bargaining chips in the start treaty. because it involves them. >> "fox and friends", hour two, for saturday, continues right now. >> good morning, everyone, thank you for joining us. that is steve here for clayton, and we start with a fox news alert. the latest on egypt. egyptian opposition parties have met with egypt's prime minister as they start to talk about ways to transition president hosni mubarak out of power. but the opposition says the protests will continue until
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mubarak is gone and the protesters as you can see, live, are on the streets of cairo and elsewhere for a 12th state day. >> an explosion at a gas terminal near the egypt and israel border and secretary of state hillary clinton is calling on the middle east countries to be wary of "a perfect storm," and adopt democratic reforms right now. >> right now we have team coverage. peter is covering the u.s. response from washington, dc but first we go to our reporter in cairo. good morning, leland. >>reporter: good morning to you guys in new york. it is afternoon here in cairo and today we have another big surprise. a series of surprises, of course at the protests develop, a huge explosion in the sinai peninsula where there is a major gas loin that carries gas from israel and jordan. and the crisis could start spilling over into the rest of
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the middle east with other effects and is where it happened. we think it was by tribes or, perhaps, by al qaeda cells inside who use the crisis to their advantage to commit this attack. it is not clear, though, the effects on israel and jordan but people all over the region are now watching this much more closely and they are watching the picture in tahrir square where protesters are there for a 12th day and they say they are not leaving until president mubarak leaves office. what is president about today and yesterday opposed to early in the weeks it has been peaceful. a huge security cordoned off around the square provided bit army. i talked with someone by the square and say there are highly trained egyptian forces, often trained by the united states military protecting the journalists, a stark difference from a couple of days ago when pro mubarak thugs beat anyone with a camera.
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so, it is changing here. what is not changed is that president mubarak is still in power and protesters are still extremely unhappy. and the other thing that is happening the country is starting to shut down. we have reports of food shortages and reports of economic crisis. it is very difficult to find an a.t.m. around here that has cash. back to you. >>alisyn: leland, thank you. and that started it. the fact far there are food short averages and food prices and lack of cash and the unemployment was so high. remember why everyone got to this point of desperation. >> 75 percent of the country is under the able of 30 and many only make $2 a day so they look, and you add that to the unemployment and you have a desperate situation. >>dave: and folks who have dug in their heels. so, how is washington, dc, handle this? and now we go to peter with how the white house is responding.
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good morning, peter. >>reporter: it took 11 days but president obama did finally answer a question about the crisis in egypt and did so during a very brief press conference with the canadian prime minister harper. the president said that mubarak is a patriot and cares about egypt but if he does not wise up there is a chance he will not be remembered fondly. >> once the president himself announced that he was not going to run again and since the term is up, relatively shortly, the key question he should be asking himself: how do i leave a leg as behind in which egypt is able to get through this transforming period? and my hope is that he will end up making the right decision. >> so, president obama said he hopes mubarak makes the right decision but he did not make any direct suggestions what that decision should be. he did say, though, in the two
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recent phone conversations with mubarak he hammered home the point that the future of egypt is in the hands of its people. secretary of state hillary clinton, as you mentioned, had something to say about the people of the middle east at a conference in munich and how the youth population of the region is growing and so is their use of the internet which they will keep using to organize and push for containing unless political reforms are made and that if they are not, that region could face a perfect storm of unrest. back to you guys in new york. >> thank you very much. and now breaking news, a developing story and that is fox news has exclusively learned there was an assassination attempt on suleiman, the man just appointed as vice president. this happened soon after he was appointed on january 29th, and it is called an organized attack on his motorcade and it left two of his bodyguards dead. >> and, in fact, the world learned first about it when
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wendell, our reporter, asked robert gibbs, the press secretary for the president of the united states yesterday, about what he knew and mr. begins was not forthcoming. listen to this. >> do you know anything about an assassination attempt on vice president suleiman a couple of days ago? >> i am not going to get into that question. >> so he didn't. >> that was quick. >> either (a) he didn't know or more likely (b) he did not want to be forthcoming. but this is frightening, it could be the one man, right now, capable of handling a transition government to some type of democracy, to some type of vote in september. he is the guy, this was their former head of intelligence and according to charles krauthammer who knows the situation this had to be an inside job and this was to the motorcade and it looks like it was leaked from someone very close. >> and although robert gibbs and the press secretary would not confirm it and sort of
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sidestepped that question, a senior obama administration official confirmed it to fox. this really happened and it helpeds to the feeling of turbulence there when the person would has just been installed could be offed. >> and in our transitional plan, that is to make this guy president in the interim until they could have elections whether in september or sooner than that and if this guy were eliminated from the picture, who is the next guy? >> chaos. >> would it be mohamed elbaradei? or moussa. who is aligned with the muslim brotherhood so there is peril in that and peril in the entire situation and when you hear they are trying, and two of the guys' bodyguards were killed it is desperate. >>alisyn: pakistani officials have indicated that a u.s. diplomat charged with murder may soon be released. they told the associated press
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they expect raymond davis to be free in days once the pakistan court goes over documents to prove his immunity. he works at the consequence -- consulate in pakistan. the nasdaq computer system hacked into, several times in the past year but the actual tradingment form was not compromised. this is according to a report in the wall street journal and they still do not know who and behind this but there are some speculating it could be coming from russia and they are trying to pinpoint a motive, whether it is a financial game or to plot a terror attack against the nasdaq. all parents and students outraged after learning that the value dickarian at the high school is a girl whost not attend the school. she attends the school through a duel enrollment program but never even society foot in the high school.
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parents have formed a petition asking the policy require that the students attend the school if they are to be chosen as the valedictorian. >> does that mean that person is home schooled. >> maybe she is that smart. >> and now over to rick, back from my subarctic home state of colorado. >> the coldest temperature i have been in was minus 23 this week! it was really amazing. and there is more cold air for a lot of people this week including texas and tomorrow, super bowl, only into the 30's and maybe 40 and game time, and freezing rain mixed with snow at times. so a rough day tomorrow across parts of texas and these are the temperatures this morning, all the cold air, the central part of the country and it will continue the reinforcing batch of cold air will move in and further to the north this time, around parts of the great lakes
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with winter weather advisory effect in the south including arkansas and the ohio valley moving into the most and heaviest snow is across northern areas of new england and vermont and new hampshire and maine and that is from the storm you see there. snow this morning across parts of st. louis and toward indianapolis and toward ohio and it will be rain across the southern end of this and maybe a little bit mixing across parts of upstate new york, areas like albany could see ice accumulate. and across the west it is looking good but a storm is moving across the none plains making its way by texas tomorrow at game time. and today the highs, no one that cold but there is a lot of cool air that settled down across the south and tomorrow the cooling, again, across the far northern plains and get ready pus the temperatures will drop out again this week. it is winter, guys, take a deep breath. and get through it. >> it is winter. and now last night form governor sarah palin was the keynote
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speaker in california. tomorrow is the 100th anniversary of the birth of ronald reagan and there she is, the young america's foundation, a tribute to ronald reagan and she said if ronald reagan were alive today he would be outraged at the health care initiative that has passed. listen. >> if president reagan were alive today to see what is happening to his beloved golden state the central valley would echo with his outraged. nationally for many of us today that moment of outrage came with the passage of obamacare. for liberals, it was a crowning achievement and government control has been a goal of liberals for generations. they stopped at nothing to get it passed not even the constitution. last november the american people rejected the big government. we don't want it. we cannot afford it. >> sarah palin calling for
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reduced spending, to cut become on some of the reforms and entitlement reform and echoing the words of ronald reagan. you may think he is on the ball hot in 2012 puts we will hear about him tomorrow with an op-ed about how liberals have suddenly discovered ronald reagan and are using him to great effect if some of their speeches, as well and we will talk about that tomorrow. the economy added thousands fewer jobs in january than expected s this because the system is making people too lazy to look for work? we report. you decide. that's controversial opinion. >> and the courtroom brawl caught on camera, what sparked the fight ween two brothers in law in that courtroom. details ahead.
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>> welcome back, this is big news on the program, the unemployment rate for january has fallen to 9 percent, a flat 9 percent the lowest rate since april of 2009. but the economy only added 36,000 jobs. so that number doesn't make much sense. >> and that is because the system in place right now is creating lazy persons. and john is the author of the a best selling book. your premise is going to anger a lot of people. we have heard from so many unemployed people who say it is not that i am lazy, but it is that there are no jobs out there. >>guest: well, there is a conflict going on, people have an option to be on unemployment for 99 weeks in most states and human beings are driven by predictable pattern of behaviors looking for the desire for pleasure and the desire to eliminate pain and the majority of people did not enjoy the jobs they were doing before. so, why are they going to race back into that if they don't have to? what is driving them to get into
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the job force is after the 99 weeks are up, they don't have any money coming in and they cannot pay rent or my food and that is a big enough pain point to drive them back and get interest the position of going for another job again. i want to be clear i am not saying they are entirely at fault, there is a system in place that moves people in the direction of someone they don't want to go to in temperatures of their academic career and they get a job they don't have an interest in and after two years you are like, done. >> some people have been asked or furloughed from jobs that they to not like in the first place and they see the government say you can have 99 weeks of money from us and that is dangled in front of them and you make a good point and that is if you are going to be out for 99 weeks, make that time count and learn something. >> right, exactly, people make mistake of ending up at the end of 99 weeks no better off so i suggest become an expert. spend your 99 -- that is almost
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two years. two years of time. you can become an expert so when the 99 weeks are up you should have multiple job offers sitting in front of you, pot just job offers for anything but offers for things you are passionate about and excited about by choice, what you do with the 99 weeks is entirely up to you. >>alisyn: but the original point that the unemployment benefits are a disincentive, do you think people should go to, say, mcdonald's or a fast food job and make minimum wage or should they collect even more at home for 99 weeks? what do you recommend they do? >>guest: my suggestion is to collect but use that time while you are collecting to become as i said an expert on something you are passionate about otherwise you have a predictable pattern. you will work for a year at a john you don't like and then on unemployment and then work for a year and then on unemployment. and if you look at the total life, that is a depressing picture. so take this rare opportunity, because 99 weeks of unemployment
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will not last forever, take this rare opportunity to really create the life that you want for yourself so that when the next cycle happens you are in the midst of doing something you interested in. >> and you say if you are going to apply for a job that pays $50,000 a year go in there to the employment interview with $50,000 worth of great ideas so the guy says, that person is fantastic. >> there are so many people that make the mistake and they do not realize it is not enough to just show up. if someone pays you $50,000 you have to bring at least $50,000 in value to justify your place in that organization. so when you are sending out cover letters and resumes and trying to get jobs you cannot just send out cover letters and resume but you have to show how you will add value to a particular position and a particular company so people are getting that as you said and say wow, we can not go without this
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person. we need them on board. >> this guy, is an expert and we are lucky to have him. >> he was worth that three minutes. >> and your child was voted out of class cyber style, and that mother finally settled with a school but says she is not done fighting for justice for her son.
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>>megyn: for many, february is about valentine's day but it is also american heart month and according to the american heart association more than 2,000 americans die every day from cardiovascular disease an average of a person every 38 seconds. our guests know the dangers they bothed faced potentially fatal
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heart issues and here with their stories of survival. heather and scarlett. thank you, ladies, we got the red memo. i start with you, heather, you were 12 and suddenly you developed a problem. >> i developed a problem from a dental cleaning, a routine cleaning, i went in and after a week i came down with flu like symptoms and it just developed into multiple surgeries, and then repairs to my heart valves. >>megyn: did you have an underlying heart problem? >> no i was born with a heart ailment but was never told i needed to take medication before going to the dentist. >>megyn: how did you finally get over it?
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>> well, i was put on a machine and was able to recover my own heart. this is what i have. this is the newest versus. i was on something older so as i was talking yesterday, i kind of said that this, this is an actual pump itself, and what it does is it goes up your leg and pushes the blood through to your heart so it can recover on its own. it is incredible. kind of like going from a big cell phone which is what i was on to this is like the iphone of today. so ... >>megyn: you developed a viral cardio problem. how? >>guest: not sure. it was a viral infection of the heart and i was diagnosed with it in 2008 and i had the same thing as she did, influence like symptoms, shortness of breath, fatigue, weakness and i thought i had the flu. so, it was kind of shocking
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because my husband also had been diagnosed in 2006 with a heart virus. >>megyn: and it was something potentially faith. was surgery an option? >> they said i would have to have a heart transplant because the virus affected both sides of my heart and my matter wasn't squeezing and pumping the blood i needed through my organs but they did decide to, like she has, a device was used and i lad 2001 for the left side and one for the right side of the heart and that took over the pumping of the heart is my heart could rest and recover on its own. therefore, i didn't have to have a transplant. >>megyn: that is incredible. you have an important message that you can go on, and live a vibrant life without the open-heart surgery. so many are affected by
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cardiovascular disease and you are increasing awareness. and we appreciate that and i the put links on my blog. thank you both for coming in and showing us this incredible technology that you use now. a pleasure to meet both of you. meanwhile, governor christie versus the windy city. some illinois lawmakers think the garden state is trying to steal their jobs. and we are like at super bowl all weekend, what do you have? well, we had 850,000 square feet to show you and on the other side 100 kids having the time of their life with all this weather and they are out of school. and straight ahead the man who is a star of super bowl, jerry kramer of the packers talking with two of the most nervous people, the parents of aaron rogers coming your way here.
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>> welcome back a fox news alert, live at cairo's square right now, we are learning that opposition leaders have met with egypt's prime minister to discuss ways to ease president mubarak out of office. this comes as protests continue in the streets of egypt as
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egyptians demand mubarak's out of ther. >> and unity photographs are emerging amid chaos with christians holding hands together protecting muslims as they pray in tahrir square. the scene was caught on camera and the photograph are joins us from cairo. good morning to you. >> hell let. >> how do you know they were christians guarding the muslims who are praying? >> it doesn't show in the picture but the reason i took it we looked at the men holding hands around them they all had a cross tattoo below the palm of their hand and it is custom here for christians, egyptian christians to have the tattoo. and it was very touching. it was unbelievable to be honest. >> it is towning. the pictures are so poignant. tell us what the scene was, what
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the feeling and the vibe was in the square. >> we arrived an hour before i took the photo and there were a couple of friends and people were lovely, lovely, lovely and everyone was helping everyone giving each other food, helping each other with anything, singing, talking, and then the calm for prayers were heard throughout the speakers and usually when this happens people stop and they all pray specifically on that day so most men they stopped and they started praying on the floor and we found suddenly all the young men around them forming a ring of human shield protecting them and i started taking pictures and i realized that they were christians and my friend who was next to me who took the close up he started crying and he hugged one of them and there you go. >> is that typical that type of
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unity between christians and muslims? is that typical or a result of the protests? >> i don't believe so because i remember the level l bombings on new year's eve, everyone was going crazy because this is not us, this is not what we represent. and after, there was egyptian christmas, the coptic christmas and all of the muslim community that i know at least they went down and they all formed their own human shield around the churches so that the christians can to their own sermons in peace. so i wasn't surprised at all. >> thank you very much, your pictures tell a thousand words. >> thank you. not mean time to the headlines. he has only been charged with attempted murder so far. but it won't stay that way for long for accused tucson shooter
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jared loughner who will pursue additional murder charges against the 22-year-old when the first trial is over. that first trial will focus on his alleged assassination attempt on congresswoman gabrielle giffords along with two of her aides. more bombshell allegations from wikileaks, saying the u.s. agreed to give sensitive information about great britain's nuclear program to the russians in exchange for russia agreeing to the new start treaty. the news is contained in thousands of u.s. cables that talk about using the u.k. as bargaining chip. >> weeks avalanching an advertising campaign encouraging illinois business to relocate out east, governor christie visited the windy city and down played suggestions this could be nothing more than political grand standing. i don't know how it could be, what you are doing is coming out and sell what you have to sell which is the great state of new jersey and i don't understand why that is sewmanship and if i come back with one business that
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is one business i would not have if i didn't come to chicago. >> the illinois house minority leader says this makes the state vulnerable to losing more business and jobs. and an update of the mother of a boy who was voted out of his class survival style by the kindergarten classmates is receiving $400,000 in settlement money from the school board. the boy's teacher encouraged the vote but was only suspended for a few week and she joined us and said this is a growing problem. >> many parents would unfortunately do not have the time to dedicate to this issue that i do but have gone through as much as my family has and soon their children physically insulted in many different ways and the teachers remain in the choose room because of tenure and the support of the union. >> she says the settlement is a small victory and will fight to eliminate teacher tenure. those are the headlines.
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>>dave: and now a check on the winter weather. when will it warm up? >> april. april. may. maybe later part of february we will see a pattern change and it will warm up but that going to feel like a long ways away. and here are the temperatures. known is freezing in the way we were a couple of days ago so that is welcome news but we have a couple of storms tory abouts one across the east coast that is bringing snow and it is not going to be that bad, a little bit of snow accumulateing toward detroit and tonight it moves to buffalo and watertown and burl ington vermont and maine and some of those areas will be heavy tomorrow, but new york city, and best, looking mostly at rain that will spread later this afternoon. and now a look at the storm, radar shows you can see the heavy rain moving in across parts of the mid-atlantic, and snow as you head toward the interior section and that pink
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is mixing of freezing rain and that is going to be a problem especially across the hudson valley later this afternoon. and now, coming up we will talk about the storm that is going to move in and affect the game tomorrow in dallas. not what they want to hear. but more rain and snow ahead. >> and the stuff coming up here was down there and down there being dallas, where super bowl 45 is fought tomorrow. >> by the way, a quick note, if you do not know, seven were hurt gone into the stadium and leaving the stadium yesterday frommic falling from the roof on the outside and we will cover that as its happened but with me is someone who is very familiar in tv circles and experts circle, and one of the stores is super bowl one and two outstanding offensive lineman and kicker for the green bay packers jerry, thank you for joining us. a round of applause, ladies and gentleman. (applause).
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>> thank you. thank you. >> when you played in one and two, take a look at jerry you were the best in the gym at the time, or one of the best and you made $25,000. they will make in super bowl 45 $2.4 million. how do you explain the discrepancy? >> the nfl is doing very well. very well. actually, three or four all time pro will make throw times that more like $7.5 million and i don't think there is any real simple some nation for the smoke of the nfl. i remember early when we looked at a franchise in new orleans we were going to try to buy and i saw several general mornings and asked what they thought of the football business and they used terms like "saturation," "over exposure," "leveling off," and tickets went from $2.40 to $4
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and i don't know how much the fans can stand. >> later on they invented the car and we moved forward. this is the year of the packer, lombardi on broadway, and a documentary and the packers in the super bowl, jerry you and vince are linked forever after super bowl 2, you lifted him up, you knew it was his last game. tell us about the moment. >> we thought this could be his last game on thursday in a meeting he outlined the day and the duties we were to perform and he started to leave the podium and he came back and he said and this may be our last time together so i looked at bart and i said, what, what, what's that about? so we thought about it and talked about it and decided it could be his last game and i
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mentioned at half time that we will play the second half for the old man and somebody needs to carry him off the field, if this is history last game i want him to leave the field on the shoulders of his men and it was appropriate that willie davis and bob, offensive and defensive captain carry him off the field and that was the plan. willie was on the field with the team when the game ended and bob was wandering somewhere so of course i just happened to be close, and so we picked him up and away we went and lombardi and i had our moments, we were not always pals. there were some loud noises emanating from him from time to time and we had contentious relationship were and we got past that and i understood him and i grew to love him and appreciate him and that picture
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is a moment in time when we are looking at each other and we are both happy. >> how would he feel about having his name on the trophy given away one time a year on sunday? >> he would be very proud of that, he would feel very go about that. i am sure he would. we had three consecutive titles and our diamond, our super bowl ring has three diamonds in it and we wanted very badly to win three consecutive titles. no one had done it before or since and we won the last championship prior to the super bowl series and super bowl i and ii and he wanted that badly. i know he would love the trophy. >> and steelers and green bay, he would love this game. jerry, you put a lot into the sport, your hip, your knee, your ankle, and thank you for joining us. a round of applause forgery kramer, ladies and gentleman.
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(applause) back to the studio. >> great stuff. new investigation into what toyota intentionally hid safety data during a 2006 lawsuit. did the company know about major problems that led to dozens of accidents? we have details ahead. >> and could the unrest in egypt lead to similar scenes in jordan or saudi arabia or syria? some say we could be in store for a domino effect. [ malannouncer ] 95% of all americans aren't getting enough whole grain. but actually, it's never been easier to get the whole grain you want from your favorite big g cereals. from cheerios to lucky charms, there's whole grain in every box. make sure to look for the white eck.
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>> this is live at tahrir square in downtown cairo and we have seen the protests surging across egypt but how far are they willing to go and will the anti-government mentality spread to other countries in the region >>dave: the founder of a national security advisor for the christian action network, good morning, ryan.
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we want to talk about the next tom know to fall but first, president mubarak said if he resigns immediately the country could fall and sink into chaos. is there truth to that? >> absolutely, the muslim brother road would benefit from that so it is in our interests for elections to be held in september. >> of course this past week, the guy would runs jordan, the king, said, i am sacking my entire cabinet and in egypt, today is a day of rage and syria, and people realize, wait, people are watching on television and the internet and they are saying, well, the muslim nations are talking about democracy. we want some of that stuff. we want a starbucks. >> the arab psychology has changed over the past few weeks because it took one person and four deaths to light a match and brought down the most stable dictators in the entire middle east and arabs now believe no
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longer are they helpless but they can change the government if they want. >> we have to look at the timeline of how it breaks town and a look ahead at the protests what everybody is watching is saudi arabia. is there inquire potential at a revolution at these protests? and if so what does that mean for the united states? >> there were messages about a worker strike that did not materialize. so the royal familiar is tied in and they are keeping a his on it but with all the protests and the countries it could form a critical mass that sweeps the entire region because this week, the president of yemen, jordan, and syria and on and on. >> we look at what is going on in tahrir square and we see the young people, and it started on twitter and facebook but do you think there is a possible that, perhaps, the muslim brotherhood could have been behind this? you look at the population, that is a lot of people but it may not be a large proportion.
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>> the revolutions are secular but the muslim brother road is behind it because they know they can benefit from all of this. >> interesting stuff, thank you from "world threats." >> and next, same's sticking it to president obama. again. she says if reagan were alive he would be outraged at our bloat the government and why she says the white house is not listening to americans.
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>>megyn: and a players' parents join us like from dallas
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aaron rodgers' parents. mr. rodgers i start with you while your wife gets her equipment adjusted. how nervous are you? this morning? too tired to be vervous, really. yes, still have a day to go. >>megyn: what is your son's mood? >>guest: he is great. we saw him yesterday. he's calm. and just like normal. nothing different. >>megyn: a cool cucumber. your son replaced the king of green bay, brett favre, so, how did you and your wife prepare him for this position? >>guest: you necessity we tried to raise him the best we could, and hopefully we gave him a good foundation and a for grounding and really, the rest is a gift. he was gifted to do what he is
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doing. >>megyn: can you hear me, mrs. rodgers? steve, my coanchor asked if there is oxygen standing by for you. how nervous are you? >>guest: not as nervous as i was for playoff so maybe it will hit tomorrow but i am doing really good, really enjoying dallas. >>megyn: so, obviously, it is no secret that your son has waited a long time for this, he waited in the whens, through the whole brett favre saga and what was that experience like? >>guest: well, we really took our cues from aaron, he taught the family how to deal with all that. if we had any kind of mom and dad frustration with what was being said, we just wanted how aaron handled and it he was just as cool as he appeared.
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he let it all roll off his back and so did we and we knew it was part of a trial he was being allowed to go through. >>megyn: if the packers win tomorrow what are you doing on monday? >>guest: celebrateing. and taking a nap, probably. >>megyn: well, thank you so much mr. and mrs. rodgers for sharing your family's experience. good luck tomorrow. young egyptians are using social media to make sure their voices are heard through the unrest and chaos in egypt. hear from a man who is making the voice of egyptians heard from los angeles. ♪ [ male announcer ] you like who you are...
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the man you've become. and you learned something along the way. about the world. and yourself. ♪ this is the age of knowing what you're made of. and knowing how to get things done.
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so, why would you let something like erectile dysfunction get in your way? isn't it time you talked to your doctor about viagra? 20 million men already have. wih every age comes responsibility. ask your doctor if your heart is heahy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects may include headache, flushing, upset smach, and abnormal vision. to avoid ong-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. you didn't get to this age by having things handed to you. this is the age of taking actn. viagra. talk to your docr. see if america's most prescribed e.d. treatment is right for you. >>megyn: and opposition leaders say they are holding talks to transition egypt's president out of office.
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but mubarak seems to be holding on at this hour plus cluive information about an assassination attempt on the new vice president and we have a live report for you from cairo. >>dave: and wikileaks's reveal could put the u.s. in hot water with a closest ally and the u.k. may not like a bargaining chips in the start treaty. >> hear from a mother who says a special diet cured her son of autism. you do not want to miss this. "fox and friends" hour three, 8:00 in new york city, good morning, folks. >> good saturday morning, everyone, and i am here for clayton who is off across france as we speak right now. good to have you here, steve, and we are talking about egypt. and friday was the day of
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departure and no one departed. not president mubarak and not the protesters and it doesn't look like either is going anywhere any time soon. >> latest on egypt situation with opposition leaders meeting with egypt's prime minister and they have talked about ways for president mubarak to transition out o office but mubarak remains in power this morning and protesters are still on the streets again today and they are vowing not to leave or to stop until mubarak is out. >> a pipeline blast near the egyptian-israeli border was caused by a gas leak. orlandoer it was thought to have been sabotage. >> and hillary clinton calls for the mast nations to implement democratic reforms before more chaos breaks loose and we have five coverage on the unrest and peter is covering the u.s. response from washington, dc, but, we will start with leland. what is happening leland at this
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hour? >> well, good morning, we still have a lot of the protesters in tahrir square and they are sort of milling around, though, and it does not have the same fervor of the day of departure yesterday, fridays when 200,000 petroleum or more gathered. they prayed and they demonstrated. what they did not do, what they promised, to march to the palace. we are not sure why. but there was a huge amount of security around the square that is still there today and the egyptian army and according to one person who was down near a hotel on the square, there was egyptian special forces guarding the journalists and trying to keep the peace there and that is a difference from early in the week with the beatings and the molotov cocktails be, thrown by the pro mubarak demonstrators paid the bescream to -- paid by the regime to cause havoc and the defense minister showed up in a show of solidarity and force with the protesters and he is the first government official to come down to the square and be with the protesters.
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what is interesting we are hearing about the conversations between the protesters and the government about how to slowly transition president mubarak out of office. it comes at the same time the president mubarak met with some of the financial advisers and people involved to try to stay above the fray here but it seems as though the international pressure is starting to get to him and the international pressure is making the protesters more energetic and helping them in their cause here in many ways it is a street party and what is happening here in egypt on day 12, a toll taken on this country by the protesters, everything from the a.t.m.'s being out, to food shortages. guys? >> thank you, he land from -- he land, from washington, dc. and how the white house is responding to developments as we look at tahrir square. >>reporter: yesterday, president obama answered the
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first question from the press about egypt since the crisis began and he suggested that if mubarak wants to protect his place in egyptian history he needs to think of listening to his people. once the president himself announced that he was not going to run again and since the inform is -- since the term is up, the key question he should ask himself, how do i leave a legacy behind where egypt is able to get through the transformative period and my hope is he will end up making the right decision. >> so obama says he hopes mubarak makes the right decision but he did not spell out exactly what he thinks that would be. the comment itself shows that the president is now tackling this from a different angle. officially we heard the violence against protesters was pad and egyptians should have the right to protester and now obama is
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trying to make mubarak consider how he will be remembered when all of the dust settles. it is interesting to see if he takes the words to heart and at a conference in munich secretary of state hillary clinton said the middle east region as a whole will face a perfect storm of unrest unless leaders start listening to their people and moving toward democracy because if they don't, she says the huge youth population in the region is going to continue to use the internet to organize against their government and that if that happens, it will be very harmful, potentially to u.s. security. back to you in new york. >> thank you from the white house. and one thing about, well as you look at the live pictures from tahrir square and thankfully it is nice and calm, but they are certainly very interesting getting mubarak out of the palace, we have heard so much about what is going on and seen so many images and yesterday at
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the press meeting we were knocked off when wendell asked robert gibbs this question because we did not hear about an assassination attempt. >> do you know anything about an assassination attempt on vice president suleiman a couple of days ago? >> i will not get into that question. >> so i guess he did not but didn't want to tell. >> that was the dear in the headlight moments for gibbs, fox news can exclusively report that there was an assassination attempt against the newly installed vice president, suleiman, in his motorcade and it left two of the bodyguards dead. >> so, could there have been an inside job? an attack on the convoy, on his motorcade, and this is a guy, this is their hope for, perhaps, a peaceful transition. there are a lot of balls up in the air. this is moussa, the muslim
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brotherhood, and mohamed elbaradei but the guy the united states needs right now, they need the vice president, suleiman, and the transition to democracy and to those elections in september. >> "new york times" is reporting that suleiman is actually in meetings with top military leaders because what they are trying to do is limit mubarak's power and remove him physically from the palace, a symbolic move and he is navigating and negotiating all of that. >> and one of the plans is, give mubarak to go to the sea or go to germany where he goes every year for a checkup and he would have a graceful way out. i was looking at al-jazeera and they have a story there are a number of activists in the military -- remember, we love the military; we have been big
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supporters -- but some in the military and what they are talking about is some either of, looking for a soft coup and what they are doing is trying to scott date power and waiting for protest like this one, the peaceful one, to peter out so, perhaps, something could happen, where they would gain the upper hand. >>dave: what do egyptians think of this chaos? the man who was tweeting the thoughts of egyptians from the scene in the center of cairo. >>megyn: and now other headlines, pakistan officials indicated that a u.s. diplomat charged with murder could soon be released and they toll the associated press they expect raymond davis to be free in days, once the pakistani court goes over documents to prove his diplomatic immune. he works at the consulate in lahore and said he acted in self defense. concerns of the security of the nasdaq after a report that
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hackers busted into the stock exchange computers multi people times in the past few years although the trading platform was not compromised. the wall street reports that the fed is investigating the hacking which may have links to russia. though are not sure of motive but financial gain and corps -- corporation espionage is a theory. and there was a near collision in the skies over new york city. an american airlines plane headed for brazil came a mile from two air force planes headed for air force base in new jersey after they took off from j.f.k. the latest in a string of near misses in the past several years. new regulations require the controllers to notify the government of near misses. and a brawl breaks out in court in utah during the sentencing for a husband convicted of killing his wife. during the sentencing the victim's brother lunged out, screaming at the former brother if law and the from was
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handcuffed and now faces disorderly conduct charges. >> and rick, how is the saturday weather? in a word "bad." >> not as bad as last week. but there is more winter weather with winter storm warnings across new england and winter weather advisories across the ohio river valley and a problem for so many because you have no place to put the snow. is that what you are seeing in connecticut? what is what everyone is saying, piles and piles and piles and more snow files and no place to put it. northern new england, tonight into tomorrow morning, courtesy of this storm, this is one system here across illinois and indiana and a coastal storm will form later tonight and mostly rain across the coastal areas and snow across interior sessions, and we turn to the next storm across the northern plains, and the rain and snow mix, and it is not extremely
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cold and that is good news but the storm goes toward texas and tomorrow during the game we will talk about a little more weather. and temperatures in the upper 30's and lower 40's and a little bit of rain and snow mix. >>dave: i tell you about the snow, the mailman cannot get to the mailbox so they deliver to the door and the entire door. >> more stuff from wikileaks, what we have discovered now is, that wig start treaty that the president of united states has signed which would limit the atomic power of the united states and russia? well, as it turns out, as a condition of getting russia to sign, we gave the russians a lot of secrets about our, one of our closest allies the united kingdom telling they stuff they wanted to know about the number of warheads that the united
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kingdom had because it was believed 160 and other information of the missiles. >>megyn: it is incredible. you do not want to see diplomacy being done because it is dirty. this was a bargaining chip according to the wikileaks leaks, 1,400 embassy cables the u.s. embassy used this as a bargaining chip but they asked britain, do you mind if we supply data to moscow about your nuclear program? and they said "under no circumstances," but the u.s. did it anyway. >>dave: not the size of the nuclear arsenal but it was a direct violation of that but to the heart of this, the spell relationship we hear about between the u.k. and the united states and it may not be so "special," when they realize what happens because the u.k. has been uncomfortable with their end of the special
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relationship. >>megyn: i would say it is a betrayal of the special relationship. >> betrayal is a good word. betray our best friend to get the darn thinged sign. a lot of people didn't like it. >> e-mail us right now, do you think that was appropriate for to us do? "fox and friends" website. >> protesters were cut off during the height of the protesters and a student is making sure their voices are heard on twitter doing it all from los angeles. decisions, decisions.
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which beneful prepared meal tonight? roasted chicken recipe? - savory rice and lamb stew. - [ barks ] you're right. tonight is a beef stew kind of night. [ announcer ] beneful prepared meals. another healthful, flavorful beneful. just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies. more passion for the one ya love. more fun with your family and friends. it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone or low t. come on, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more.
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this is live at images from tahrir square in cairo today where as you can see things are currently peaceful. now, still, many egyptians have had an incredibly difficult time communicating with the outside world because the government has done its best to cut off contact. remember how they cut off the internet? an men graduate student has turned to twitter posting messages from egyptians in the middle of the crisis and doing audio interviews with people over there. (inaudible)
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>> he has been posting the messages on www.january25 www.january25voiceseveningunon tw iter. thereyouareinthecityofangelsand y ouhavefigureedoutawaytogetthe com thereyouareinthecityofangelsando ntotwiter. howdidyoudoit? >>guest:well it began on thursday night and i started watching twitter and realizing that the information had stopped and i realized i have contacts and i know people and maybe i can reach out to them and make some phone calls and put what i hear on twitter. >> you were in egypt a number of years ago studying over there and you are an urban planning expert, working on your doctorate and you called people up and transcribed what they said on to twitter? >>guest: i warned them i was doing so beforehand, but, yes. >> what were they telling you? >>guest: well, what the voices are talking about is a
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remarkable shift, suddenly youth are feeling strength in numbers and the possibility they can change their country toward democracy. >> that is a great thing but at the same time as we look at one of the first tweaks, people are afraid. it goes "i am shaky, i am a normal person, it is my country that is burning, we came for the good of egypt." you heard that a lot, didn't you? >>guest: they are in a difficult position, they want peaceful change but they are being thrown a lot of violence. they are needing to show they are resilient but they want to show the world they are ready for democracy. >> you are halfway around the world in los angeles right now; why care? why do this? >>guest: i don't think that anyone would hears the story of a population saying "no," in the face of terrifying violence can help but be impressed and feel in their hearts if they can they need to find a way to help and i am one of those. >> you listen to what they tell
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you and many are back now on the intent with their tweaks and what not, they are optimistic something good will come out of the chaos? >>guest: i think that is right. they are optimistic and resilient but as we know from watching the fuzz they face great risk. >> they do. jon scott from los angeles, thank you very much. what is the twitter address? >>guest: www.january25voices. thank you very much. thank you very much. stay tuned. ring ring ring ring prsso. hi. we love your weight watchers endorsed soups but my husband looks the way he did 20 years ago. well that's great. you haven't seen him... my other can is nging. progresso. hey can you tell my wife to relax and enjoy the vi? (announcer) resso.
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>>dave: a few quick headlines, a texas judge named a special counsel to investigate in toyota intentionally hid safety data, and the victim was left paralyzed settled but filed a meetings to hold the automaker in contempt. they are saying they acted appropriately. >> astronaut mark kelly is getting back to work weeks after his wife, congresswoman gabrielle giffords, was shot in the head. captain kelly set to command the "endeavour" in its last flight in april. a new study that finds that the controversial vaccine for the human virus hpv is as effective protecting men and women. so should boys get this shot? we kickoff our medical a team with that topic and our a team
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member. doctor, hpv is given to young people because it can lead to cervical cancer so they have a vaccination. is it time for boys to take this? >> absolutely. hpv is rampant. in the first five years boys and girls turn sexually active, two-thirds are positive to cervical cancer and warts and all all my girl patients say are we the only ones take the vaccine, 11 and 12-year-olds should have it and we say boys should have it. and now a big study backs that up. it is sexist only giving it to girls. >> are there side effects. >> no side effects as well tolerated 90 percent effective, a big study, we should change our recommendations and give it to boys and girls pre-teen. >>megyn: and another drug, 12 percent of pregnant women have a problem with preterm delivery so
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there is a drug to help? >> that is a big problem because when kids are born from preterm delivery there is an increased risk of learning disability, lung problems and early saids death so it is very important to cut down on that. and we have a drug that the f.d.a. just approved, with a modest effect cutting down on the risk from 55 percent to 37 percent, and if you are one of the 12 percent of women you want that and it is very safe, and given in the second trimester. >>megyn: tell us about the crazy zebra fish that has a magical power to grow heart finish use. how does it do this? >> you have to love the story. the fish has a simple heart, two chambers but it has a protein that enables it to regenerate 20 percent of the heart in one week! we have the same kind of stem cells, humans do, but they are sitting there and we are not
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using them. studies using the protein from the zebra fish show in mice and maybe in humans you can use it after a heart attack to rebuild heart that has died. this could be tremendous in patients with heart failure. >>megyn: doctor seigel, thank you. >>guest: years away from vice president cheney being able to use it but very, very exciting. >>megyn: thank you, doctor. and now the green room. >> i am in the "green" room with my green tie. a special diet reversed the effects of all her child's autism. and sarah palin says the government has been spending spending spending. >> big government declared itself the solution for a problem. >> why she says that our bloated government is drowning americans in debt. and we will go back to dallas
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where they are gearing up for the big game with the newest members of the hall of fame. where to go for a quiet get away. [ male announcer ] thanks to therbitz matrix display, you can make more knowledgeable decisions when bookg vacation packages. excuse me... shhh. but... shhhhh. too quiet. [ malennouncer ] ...youmany flight options, hotel options... [ dj ] let's take this up a notch! too loud! did someone say louder? [ male announcer ] ...and what you can expect to save wh you book themogether. everything you ed to know in onclick. perfect. [ male announcer ] when you orbitz, you know.
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>>dave: in egypt, opposition leaders have been meeting with egypt's prime minister talking about ways to ease president hosni mubarak out of power, and
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many protesters want mubarak to resign right now and they are packing streets across the country for a 12th day demanding he go. >> the international community watches egypt with a close eye. secretary of state hillary clinton is calling on countries in the middle east to implement democratic reforms now to prevent chaos like this later. >> and the headline early today, a gas line, a pipeline exploded in the sinai near egypt's border with israel and i was thought to have been sabotage but now it is being called an accident. this is live at images on the 12th day of protests in tahrir square and we should point out those are the anti-mubarak forces right there in the square and the army is surrounding the square keeping the pro mubarak people who caused the trouble a couple of days ago, keeping them out. >>megyn: peaceful at the moment. we will watch this all morning. and now the rest of the
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headlines and another fox news alert reports coming in that secretary of state hillary clinton has finalized a nuclear arms treaty with the prime minister of russia. it limits the number of atomic warheads the cold war foes are allowed to foe -- to possess. we will have more on this relating to britain later in the show and the second suspect in the brutal connecticut home invasion murder wants the trial moved. attorneys for the defendant say pretrial publicity from the trial of the first suspect has made it impossible for him to get a fair trial in new haven. they are asking for the judge to be removed for comments made about the defendant. hayes was sentenced to death for the murders of the mother and two daughters. >> former vice president cheney will deliver the key note address at the reagan 100 dinner banquet part of a multiday
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celebration that sparked would would have been president reagan's 100th birthday. and sarah palin kicked east event and, coed president reagan's message against big government. >> we must look over the horizon as reagan did. we must see where the unsound policies end, decline and defeat. reagan reminded us, america is a great nation with great purpose in the world but our greatness is not in government bureaucracy. fox bringing you like coverage of vice president cheney's speech tonight during a special fox report at 10:00 p.m. eastern time. compatible couples literally speaking each other's language, a study shows people who talk alike have the best chances at a strong relationship. how do they know? researchers from the university of texas analyzed audio
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recordings from a speed dating session and found people expressing interests in one another have similar speech patterns. >> sow are saying if the husband and wife talk alike they get along better. all they can make beautiful music together. >> know they are singing the same song. >>dave: do you buy this theory you can twitter us. if you talk alike you work if a harmonious fashion? >> i just talk to myself. >> if someone started talking opportunity, i think you would be interested. >> it is starting to drizzle in the northeast and that is good because it is astronaut -- it is not snow. cool temperatures but nothing like the deep freeze of the week, so enjoy that because the
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deep freeze is coming back next weekend for a lot of us, and move forward and look at the radar picture, this is the one storm we are watching across the east, with heavy rain across the mid-atlantic area and snow across the ohio river valley and mixing of freezing rain today across albany and toward connecticut and massachusetts and also across the northern plains the next system is moving down across north dakota, south dakota, and nebraska, and colorado is bringing rain and freezing rain and that is going to be the next weather maker across the south. move forward and look at the forecast for the day today with your temperatures, providence, 41 and not that bad with rain and 56 in houston, and cool and freeze warnings and tonight is not as cool as this morning and move offer across areas of the west, much of west is very nice, and a lot of sun and 69 in san diego and tomorrow's forecast is shaping up like this: the highs starting to see cooler air moving in across the northern plains, and dallas is at 41, and
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everyone worried about the game and we had such a rough week, more of that freezing rain and maybe snow. by kickoff, more cloudy and temperatures in the upper 30's and lower 40's and a coolown for dallas and not what they expected. back to you. >> that is why it is 72 and sunny inside the dome. >>dave: and a horrible idea to have a super bowl in new york in 2014. just saying ... come on in and have some coffee, rick. >> straight ahead, hollywood pad boy charlie sheen, partying it up before he wound up in an ambulance going to the hospital. the guy back there with the gold teeth. >> he looks like he is in a straitjacket. why his parents may soon be in control of his cash.
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>> it is always about the packers and steelers for the super bowl with the special game. and coming up on our show, in 30 minutes, this is mccoy, coming up at the top of the hour, do you like mccoy in next, anyone? the reason why jones is so far over here, he cannot be too close to quaterbacks with out tackling them and they will talk about everything from the game to the special message to how much the players are getting paid to why mccoy preferred to have haynes and marcus on his team and, of course, jones in the new found rivalry.
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[ amy ] as a dietian, all of my patients are my top priority. but one patient is my favorite... my mother. lastear mom needed addional nutrition so i recommended boost nutritional drink. and she still drinks it every day. [ male announcer ] boost has 26 vitamins & minerals and calcium to help keepones strong... and 10g of protein to helmaintain muscle. making it the perfect compliment to your daily routine. [ amy ] boost drink gives my favorite patient the complete nutrition she needs to keep doing the things she loves.
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>>alisyn: and 340,000 cancer cases in the u.s. could be prevented if more americans ate healthier, exercised more, and limited their alcohol inintake and could lead to reductions in breast, stomach and colon cancer. a new drug approved to prevent preterm birth in women would
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have had one prior early delivery. and this is designed to be injected into the hip once a week beginning at 16 weeks and no longer than 21 weeks of pregnancy. >> finally, doctors will be able to check patient's mri's on the it phone and ipad. the app called mobile men," is the first to be cleared by the f.d.a. and with more information you which oak out "for your health." and now to dallas with lots of special guests. >> the newest members of the pro football hall of fame will be announced and we have marcus and jones, and quaterback hayes and welcome to "fox and friends" this morning. are you enjoying the week? >> loving it. the weather has been a little bit of a challenge but still get a chance to reminisce with old friends.
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>> you are not calling marcus "old," are you? >> no, no, no. >> the first time you are in the hall of fame is special moment for you and this year eligible tonight, some first timers and who do you think is going in? >> i thought i would hear someone else. well, i think we are surprised that some don't go in but i don't this evening there is a shoo-in. >> i don't either. the number one slot is different, and i don't know if they will make it, i hope so. >> marcus, in the first time? >> marshall is a shoo-in. i think he is the player this is brilliant and intelligent and beautiful to watch. he has been player of the year
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in the league so i think she a shoo-in. >> you know him from staying oh where -- from san diego where you hail. the two teams come out here, the steelers and rodgers and the packers, and doesn't it smell like football? >> we talk about the teams, absolutely. both have a great tradition, long, long tradition going way back when so absolutely. all like me. >> not really. >> you never had a chance to play in a super bowl? >> i never, i missed my first two opportunities when it began in 67 and 1968 and the green bay packers nosed us out. we had a rule then, you had to win the championship the prior year to get home field advantage and when you play in california it is hard to go to grand bay --
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in grand in which in green bay in january. >> before we talk about how much money they are making, show us your hands, and look at that finger over there. >> it is beat up. i used to go upside the helmet and they don't allow that anymore so i would sacrifice my finger. that is only thing i got that is bad on my body. >> there is a ron they don't allow it. >> ears are still ringing for those guys. >> i am sorry about that. just ain't found nobody to apologize to. >> you said that you are in a special campaign for men, men pay attention to athletes no matter how old. your message today is something you have experienced directly. >> right, right, 18 years ago i had a bout with prostate cancer and i was lucky because of
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getting checked, prechecked, i caught this disease in an early stage and i had the operation and i have been sound since. and that is what we are trying to do, to convince men that it is in the being a likable man, not being able to go in there and get the compassion because it will save your life. >> marcus where do you go to find out more or any information? >> the american foundation for the nfl, the urological campaign, trying to educate everyone about the importance of having a discussion with your doctor about your prostate health. one in six men -- how old are you? >> got you. >> will be diagnosed. >> i am 46 so we will find out. i will discuss it with you guys. a great message. so i got the steelers. >> i got the steelers.
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>> how can you go against the steelers? >> steelers although i met aaro. >> lady and gentlemans, three legends right here. (applause) >> very nice. straight ahead on "fox and friends" for this saturday, a mother who claims certain foods helped cure her son of all tim. is that possible? knows how to make things that are good for you. new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit
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>>alisyn: is it possible certain foods can help a child recover from autism? in 2006 a boy was diagnosed with autism and his parents came across research from a doctor that they say changed their son's life and joining us is his mother, six-year-old son, and the doctor, autism specialist and author of "healing the new childhood epidemic." tracy, 18 months you sensed something was wrong with your son, you noticed changes particularly with his sleeping. what did you see? >> he was not sleeping more than two hours a day and not in a row. he would run around the house, just silent but running and not eating and would sleep from exhaustion for 20 minutes and wake up and run again. >>alisyn: even at night so director night was a living hell
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and you went online and found the research of the doctor, which recommended dietary changes for children with autism. so you first eliminated dairy. what did you find? >> we eliminated the dairy and the wheat and in three days he slept through the night. a miracle. he had not sleep for 20 months in a row for an entire night. and since then he never had a problem. >>alisyn: doctor, it is hard for some to understand this connection. you eliminate dairy and wheat from your diet and you do not see signs of autism. what is the connection? >>guest: there is a major gut gut-brain connection and certain things come from the diet that can actually affect the brain and without giving a behavioral medicine, you can take gluten, the protein in grain and the protein in dairy and the kids
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lose the glaze, the fog, they stop their actions and they say their first word. it can be very profound. >>alisyn: you have a five pronged program to helping children recover from all tip. the first thing you say is to decrease pesticide and exposure to chemicals. how can parents do that? >>guest: well, you can't get away but you can decrease by going organic and try to stay away from the chemicals. another thing people can do is do not microwave in plastic, so you do not get the heat releasing plastic into the food. and organic as best you can, and stay away from the pesticides and the things put into fast foods and junk. >> you recommend using or ganic cleaning products, as well, because of the chemicals in those. and this is exciting, how have you been feeling lately?
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>> good. >>alisyn: tracy sell us what he is like in school since you changed his diet and eliminated the chemicals? >> he is amazing in a regular first grade class and he has no more of the problems he had and at the top of his chat at 97 average and virtually no one knows that he was ever diagnosed because you could not, it he is not distinguishable for other children. >>alisyn: can this work for all with autism? >> we never say "all." we improve the vast majority of kids and more and more recover ing or are reversing autism which is exciting but it does not, it is in the for all, we don't use the word "cure," we talk about reversing and recovering kids best we can but it is important to recognize there is no one size fits all, don't think, this helped this kid so it will help my child but exploring the medical options, tight, supplements, this can
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really be helpful and bring a lot of improvement. >>alisyn: so many parents are so desperate. we have heard stories like yours echoed throughout the whole community and you did say when you changed, he spoke his first words. >>guest: the doctor is being very kind and i consider him my miracle worker. other doctors wrote him off and were not familiar or did not know the possibilities but the doctor never made promises but he said i think i can help and he was the first person that gave us hope that he could be as happy and wonderful as he is today. >>alisyn: it is not easy to sit still on the coach but you have done a great job, and tracy , and ethan, thank you for coming in and sharing your personal story. i will put on the black ways -- on the blog ways for parents to find out more. >> if egypt's president steps down will that open the door to
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a more dangerous situation? we will hear by islamic law could be a very real possibility for egypt. and ticketed for wearing perfume? a student was bullied in school and she fought back and was given a ticket. [ asst mgr ] what are you doing? fixing the name. it's fiber none. looks like one. well, i know. i put an "n" there. ah! fiber one honey clusters cereal!
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that's really good! it tastes good, so there can't be fiber in it! it's actually got about half a day's worth of fiber. [ asst mgr ] it says so right on the box. [ fiber seeker ] really? try it. [ mr. mehta ] honey, touch of brown sugar, crunchy clusters -- any cardboard? cardboard no, delicious yes. so where's the fiber? maybe it's in the honey clusters. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no, delicious yes. with an irresistible full key... oh, too much? now get an lg quantum™ for only $99.99. only from at&t. rethink possible.
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>> good morning everyone, it's saturday, february 5th, i'm al lynn camerota. hundreds of protesters refusing to leave egypt's streets and president mubarak refusing to live, also. more from cairo in moments. >> he was namentd egypt's vice-president, and suleiman was the target. we'll reveal details.
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>> next wikileaks could put us in hot water with england. fox and friends starts with the third hour. >> the fourth. >> for the fourth hour on a saturday. saturday. >> . >> all right. good morning, thanks for joini joining. we forgive steve doocy for not knowing we did four hours on weekends. >> right now there is he' been so much going on in cairo the last dozen days and now, the good news is this morning, as people have just been up, in the square, things are accumulate. most of the anti-mubarak people who say he's got to go
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and they say they're not going to go until he goesen they could be here for a while. >> that's the scene at four o'clock in the afternoon at cairo and leaders in egypt have met with the prime minister where they discussed ways of easing embattled president hosni mubarak out of power, but the news is not satisfying protesters who want mubarak gone immediately. they're on the streets for the 12th straight day demanding he resign and mubarak is defiant and meeting with economic team to discuss the impact of the protests on egypt's economy. and earlier today, the pipeline exploded on the peninsula near egypt's border near israel and there are conflicting reports about what caused it. reportedly, no one was hurt. >> we have team coverage for the unrest in egypt and greg burke covered the information for israel. let's start with leland vittert what's happening in cairo. >> good morning, alisyn, we continue to monitor state
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television, we heard from the prime minister an hour ago this things are returning to a more calm and safer environment and that the banks are going to open tomorrow. that's a huge deal. and he also said that they're going to try to work on the other civil services that have been disrupted throughout the time today. the curfew was less restrictive than in the past apartment players on friday was peaceful as was the demonstration and a stark difference from what's happened over the past week when we saw the violent clashes between the pro mubarak group and anti-government protesters. the other thing happening, perhaps the reason things are calmer because there's been a dialog started between the protest groups and the mubarak government about how to perhaps move mubarak out of the presidential role, bring in omar suleiman or someone else, probably suleiman, in order to take control, institute democratic reforms and run a transitional government. so, things are taking a much calmer tone here than they have in the past few days, and that certainly a good thing
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and the protesters, however, have been very, very clear, they don't care what nice things are said. they want mubarak out. back to you. we thank you for that live report. meanwhile, as dave mentioned a moment ago, there's a massive pipeline explosion, a pipeline in egypt and israel and some were suspecting it could be sabotage. greg burke is live in vers jerusalem with the details on that, greg. >> reporter: good morning, guys. you know, israel has a long border with egypt and also has diplomatic relations and a peace treaty with egypt and ever since the unrest started there's been concern how relations between the two countries are going to be affected. now, today, the first concrete example of how things could change and certainly not for the better, what looks like it may have been a terror attack on a natural gas pipeline that supplies both israel and jordan. unclear at this point if in fact it was a leak or an attack, but in any case, huge flames shooting up as pipeline
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exploded and the part of the pipeline that supplies israel was not damaged, it was shut down on the israel side as a precaution. that is not expected to pose an immediate energy problem for israel, they are he' clearing taking the incident seriously with the president benjamin netanyahu. the bigger problem, if in fact this was a terror attack and more like it begin to take place in egypt, that would pose a major problem for israel, guys. >> no doubt. all right, greg burke, thank you for the latest there on that telling voyeur. meanwhile, nor exclusive. that fox news has learned that the newly stalled vice-president, suleiman, was apparently the target of an assassination attempt that happened shortly after he was appointed on january 29th. and officials describe this as
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an organized attack and it was on a motorcade and two of his body guards were killed. >> people in egypt say, that never happened, no, no, no. wendell goler asked robert gibbs about it yesterday and he he didn't say anything about it then, but now we've picked up some stuff. watch that moment. >> do you know anything about an assassination attempt on vice-president suleiman a couple of days ago. >> i'm not going to into that question. >> and he obviously didn't want to get into it then even though he heard the stories was because this is the kind of information regarding somebody who is so important to whatever happens next over in egypt, you know, if we're suddenly talking about, well, they're trying to kill him over there, maybe he's not the guy for the job. >> right, this is not the man the protesters wan the to run the government, but it clearly is going to be a central figure into the transition into some type of democracy. was this an inside job and apoors he so, it was up on the motorcade and the body guards
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were killed. and exactly who is working against the vp suleiman, a guy who clearly wants to try to bring some calm to his country and stay tuned to that situation and meanwhile, the president addressing this entire situation on friday in a press conference. and he talked about president mubarak and where they go from here and again, siding with the 80 million egyptian citizens. >> i believe that president mubarak cares about his country. he is proud, but he's also a patriot. and what i suggested to him is that he needs to consult with those who are around him in his government. he needs to listen to what's being voiced by the egyptian people and make a judgment about a pathway forward that is orderly, but that is meaningful and serious. >> now, the patriot part some of you may take issue with.
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maybe he's filling him with kindness, hoping for cooperation. >> he's a patriot, but he's got to go. >> he's someone who loves the country and i'm not sure that mubarak would argue that he does love his country. let's tell you the other headlines and more reports coming in, secretary of state hillary clinton finalized an arms treaty with the minister of russia just minutes ago and the path limits the number of atomic warheads the former cold war foes are allowed to present. the annual security conference in munich germany. a u.s. diplomate charged with murder may be released, they expect raymond davis to be free in days, once pakistani courts go over documents to prove his diplomatic immunity. he works at the u.s. consulate, he says he acted in self-defense when he shot and killed two armed men last month. an emotional reunion for a mother forced to give up her daughter for adoption 44 years
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ago. gloria had been trying to find her daughter for years and finally realizing she'd been searching for the wrong name and she found the right one, it led to their first meeting. >> you feel so natural and that's on the phone, it's like she never left. >> and from the moment we spoke, it's as if we knew each other their whole lives and never want to let another moment go back. >> she said she wanted to see her daughter after getting diagnosed with a hair red hereditary eye disease that could leave her blind. >> and rick, it's not snow anymore, it's now ice. >> the layer of ice over that snow caused the problems. yeah, you've got it. >> june. >> any weather is great. winter storms again across parts of the ohio valley into the northeast, the northeast is tonight where we see the accumulation and likely six to
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ten inches, but that's across our northern areas. the southern areas of new england and rain maybe freezing rain at times, not warm enough to develop any real significant snow melt so i'm sorry about that. here is the rain and snow that we've got right now and the snow bank across the interior sections and we watch the new storms across the northern plains and eventually across parts of the south and everybody worried about the game tomorrow and take a look at the future-- here we go by tomorrow, one o'clock, dallas you start to see rain and a very cool rain, it's gone and tempts are going to continue to drop as well. so the cold is still here and no real end in sight. >> and again, it is winter. >> man up, right, dave? >> all right, speaking of cold, it's freezing down in dallas, where brian kilmeade is, he has a guy known very well in those parts. >> hey, brian? >> yeah, and around now, colt mccoy the starting quarterback for the cleveland browns and superstar in texas and welcome
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to "fox & friends," thanks for getting up for us. >> thank you. >> you told me before all of your years in texas this weather is. >> i've never seen anything like it, honestly, consistent weather like this, i'm not used to. >> you can't handle it, can you. >> and are you liking cleveland? >> i like it a lot, i really do, really do. >> no one expected you to start in your first year, you disappointed you weren't in the first round pick, third round pick thought you'd have years like aaron rogers and it worked out well. >> it's great. the experience that i gained this year, will definitely help as they move on and i'm proud to be a cleveland brown and excited to be up there it's a great place. >> and let me ask you something, you play the steel,twice and they beat you twice and not a fun thing to do against that defense, is it? >> no, a great football team, tons of experience on their defense and when they're playing together and playing
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well, they're really tough to beat. >> later on today, enough about your career, i'm going to talk about mine. i'm going to be in the direct tv game and you're going to be coaching one of of the teams and i played last year and mattingly didn't utilize. if you have an opportunity to pick-me-up, would you do it? >> i'll do it, i'll pick-- >> you would select me. >> we've got the stage right here and give you a route or something. >> if i go out and show you something right now, and it could be the top pick for you. >> i think you-- >> set the scene for me? a packed house. >> the stands right here, picture 32 coaches, owners gm's everybody staring at you, don't drop it. >> don't drop it. all right, tell me what kind. >> a run a post ten yards make your cut and come across and score. >> hut! >> there you go, there you go. (laughter) (applause) >> hey, nobody touched, nobody touched you, and you have to score.
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>> did i show you enough that-- >> you showed me, all hands, no body catch. >> did the good thing. >> i threw it out in front of you on purpose, use your hands, i like it. >> could be a pick and unlike manning a year ago, i might have had a chance to star. >> maybe so, maybe he so. >> where are you going against the game again. >> at victory park and starts at 2:30, free to the fans, it's inside so doesn't worry about the weather, the ice, the snow. come on down and be a lot of fun and lots of celebrities and this guy will be the number one receiver out there. and be fun. >> it's great meeting you, congratulations, you proved everybody wrong, they said you shouldn't have been the first round pick, you're starting in the nfl. colt mccoy, ladies and gentlemen. [applaus [applause] >> all right. >> thank you very much, brian. straight ahead protesters in
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cairo, they want president mubarak out, but will that hope a path for the muslim brotherhood to take over. why muslim law could be a possibility for egypt. >> aj why some illinois lawmakers think that the garden state is trying to steal their jobs. ♪ proud to stand on our own
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♪ proud to be homegrown ♪ can you hear it? ♪ fuelin' the american spirit ♪ no matter when, no matter where ♪ ♪ marathon will take you there
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>> all right. we did see the government protesters. they want their voices heard in egypt and they want mubarak to step down immediately, but would his departure open the door for the muslim brotherhood to step down. >> we'll talk to an international terror expert. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> okay, we hear that the muslim brotherhood has like 30% of the country and that's the biggest chunk of the country that's organized. and so, if things go fast, they most likely would be most able to capitalize on this instability there. >> i'm not sure that they have
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the percent of the country. a country of 85 million people, they officially say that they have only 600,000 members. >> well, they've got a lot of influence. >> they've got a lot of influence. >> yeah. >> and organizing and if they get involved in the government, first of all, there are illegally, officially. and they wisely will legitimize and if they get the government into a position of power, will feel in gaza when hamas took over and also happening in iran where the radical islamists took over there and was not initially and ayatollah came back and in less than had a month. >> and when you say it's legitimized is it somehow because el baradei aligned with them. >> absolutely. >> why has he done that.
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>> maybe he had sympathy with them before. we know that he was not forth coming with reports about iraq. >> jordan. as we look around we see the protesters, democracy would be great, but the faster things happen there, if they immediately go from this guy, hosni mubarak, to something else, a transitional government, the faster it is, perhaps the messier it is in ultimately results not so good. >> the results will not be so good and there should be some, there should be ability-- should help with that and that would be the best. >> the military is on our side, if anybody is. >> we hope so the military has been, by-- omar suleiman, the newly appointed vice-president is the life long-- from the brotherhood. he would not give an inch.
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if mubarak steps down would that be-- >> the question is when he's going to leave. he would be a figurehead and the government will be run without him. but, fine. but because what we see, i was in egypt, does not necessarily mean in cairo, does not necessarily mean that all the countries there-- >> right. >> but with many people, not everybody wants to have radical islam follow the country and live under sharreya law. so that would not be good. >> indeed. doctor, we thank you very much for stopping by on a saturday, to give us your perspective. >> thank you very much. >> meanwhile, remember that muslim cleric that called for the death of that danish cartoonist? he's now been caught, listen to this, being struggled into the u.s. deport him or put him in jail? what is the answer here? >> judge janine pirro is on the case. >> and first, ticketed for
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school in pursue fume. a student bullied, why was she the one who got in trouble. that's the story ahead on "fox & friends." as a kid, i couldn't wait to ste on that i what was i thinking? t i was stilskating on thin ice with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren't enough for me. i stopped kidding myself. i've been eating healthier, exercising more and now i'm also taking lipitor. if you've been kidding yourself about high cholesterol, stop. lipitor is a cholesterol-lowerinmedication,
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purina one with smartblend. discover what one can do.
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>> a couple of quick headlines for you on saturday. this is kind of scary. a nasdaq hooked into, but they say the trading platform wasn't compromised accord to go a report in the wall street journal. they don't know who is behind it although speculation this may be coming from russia. do you hate your boss? how you can call the government to complain. the white house is launching a hot line which connected disgruntled employees to lawyers who specialize in workplace abuse.
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critics of the program say it's a waste of taxpayer money and that could affect small business. dave over to you. >> thank you, steve, a 13-year-old student accused of disrupting class didn't get detention. she got the court gait. it started because she says she was bullied with the perfume she was wearing. and joining us, we've reached out for the school for their side of the story and did not yet hear back. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> sarah, hip belated birthday, i know you turned 13 two weeks ago, you were 12 when it happened. you were given a bottle of perfume and students started picking on you because of the scent of that perfume. what happened next? >> you know, i started shouting some things and you know, we were in an argument
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and then i argued with the teacher because she didn't get anything and i told her you're not even doing anything. >> so. >> it was wrong. >> so instead of the teacher disciplining you they turned it over to the police. why were you given a ticket? >> just because i sprayed perfume in chas. i was minding my own business and then the students were just being mean. >> katherine simpkins you have picked up this case. what piqued your interest and why did you feel that sarah was given a ticket and was this just? >> i work for a nonprofit that gives legal services for people with disability. sarah's mom contacted us and was concerned that sarah was given a ticket because of behavior related to her disability. >> and the trial is february 22nd. tell us a little about her disability. >> yes. >> where you go with that, what your goal is here?
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>> well, sarah has an illness and there is a legal procedure that people who have disabilities in school disciplined have a review to see if the behavior is a manifestation of their disability. the ticketing process allows the school it circumvent that and to end up with the child to go to adult municipal court instead of that process. >> right, they doesn't get the protections of juvenile court. sarah, how do you feel you were treated by your school? >> upset. i have to go through this mess. i'm just a kid, you know? i don't deserve this. nobody deserves this, i have a disability. i shouldn't be treated like this. >> yeah, it seems like the school is now passing the buck, instead of disciplining kids themselves they're bringing in the police to do it. real quick, katherine, what are the implications of this
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going through municipal court as opposed to the juvenile system? >> it's pretty serious, i mean, by going through the municipal court she's not getting any of the protections in the juvenile system which means this could end up on his permanent record. it's something that she would have to put on a college application when she was filling it out and it's also something that is in the same class of crimes as some of the intoxication, combat. and these are misdemeanors and for some reason putting noncombat behavior from the schools. >> we'd love to hear back from fillmore middle school if they're out there listening. thank you for being here, katherine and sarah. let me know how you feel about this story, dave briggs on twitter. and wikileaks putting the u.s. in hot water with the united kingdom.
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and charlie sheen seen partying it up before he landed in the hospital and why his parents may soon be in control of all his sh. judge janine pirro, and we'll go back to the super bowl. the super bowl where brian kilmeade is kicking in with a future football star, a very special guest, the greatest kicker of all time in my opinion. how are those flat rate boxes working out? fabuous! they gave me this great idea. yea? we mail documents all over the country, so, what if there were priority mail flat rate... envelopes? yes! you could ship to any state... for a low flat rate? yes! a really low flat rate. like $4.95? yes! and it could look like a flat rate box... only flatter? like this? geniu priori mail flat rate envelopes. just $4.95. only from the postal service.
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>> fox news alert for you now, protesters are back on egypt's streets for pa 12th day and demanding that president hosni mubarak resign and they've met with egypt's prime minister and talking about ways to get mubarak out of power and he remains defiant and mubarak met with his economic team today to talk about the effect of the protesters on egypt's economy. >> nobody's going to work and there are food supply problems and water as well. meanwhile, earlier today, as we just started, a gas pipeline exploded in the sinai peninsula near the israeli border. no reports of injuries and terry conflicting reports whether or not it was an accident or perhaps an act of terror. we'll coop posted on this. >> you've heard the u.s. and u.k.'s relationship described as is special. it may not be special anymore
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once the u.k. officials pick up the daily telegraph and read with a united states did in order to get russia to sign the star treaty. what they did was reveal some u.k. nuclear secrets and in fact the size and scope of their nuclear arsenal, against their entire policy. that was a bargaining chip in the negotiations. >> the u.s. somehow promised to give information about every trident missile that the u.s. supplied to britain. >> good. >> they will then share that data and information with moscow. now, previously the u.s. asked britain if they would mind if they would do data sharing with moscow and britain said under no circumstances. we like to keep this a secret. we don't want anyone to know the number that we have and we apparently went around that and did that anyway. >> what did we do? we stabbed our best ally in the back, technically, diplomatically and militarily and now all of the trident missiles we've given the
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russians the serial numbers and stuff like that, so they can figure out how many missiles the united kingdom actually has. the united kingdom didn't want moscow to know that, but now they're a step faurt and we ask you for your feelings about it. without a doubt overwhelmingly, but felt that this administration betrayed one of our best friends. >> and bee trying one of our friends in the world, much more dangerous than a situation than a standoff. and president obama shouldn't have gone against the wishes of great britain. if keeps on, he will have the record of making the most enemies in a short time. >> and another embarrassment thanks to our friends at wicky. >> we have an another fox news alert. moments ago iraqi president-- i'm sorry, prime minister al-maliki announcing he he would not run for a third term
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in 2014 according to iraqi state tv. many expressing anger toward the shiite leader in recent months and some say it's no coincidence that al-maliki is agreeing to give up power at a time when other middle eastern countries are revoting against their government. president obama and ors talking with spending. the president urging government to invest in new industries and another stressed the threat of growing budget deficits. >> our government has an obligation to make sure that america is the best place on earth to do business and we have the best schools, the best incentives to innovate and the best infrastructure. >> and you probably heard the president talk about countries, but what he's really after is savings to pay for more, quote, unquote, investments and yet, even more stimulus programs. >> he repeated the republican stance that the president must make more spending cuts before they will agree to increase
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the federal debt. >> weeks after launching an advertising campaign that encouraged illinois businesses to relocate out east, new jersey governor chris christy visited the windy city, down playing suggestions that a visit was political grand standing. >> i don't know how it could be. what you're doing, you're trying to come out and sell what you have to sell the great state of new jersey and i don't understand why that would be something at all if i come back with just one business, than i would have had if i didn't come to chicago. >> not everyone is on board with christy's plan. illinois house minority lead are says it makes his state more vulnerable to losing more businesses and jobs. those are your headlines. >> one of the great things about being the weather guy when it's a beautiful day, you're out in the weather and it's beautiful. one of the pad things about being a weather guy, when it's a lousy day you're still out in the weather. where we find rick reichmuth. i was under the tent and the
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camera guy said it didn't look-- >> and rain across a lot of the northeast today, a little bit of a warmer air mass moves in. here is your temp situation, cool across, 14 in oklahoma city, move on towards the satellite radar picture. you can see the storm across the east. it's going to bring more snow across parts of the ohio valley and eventually across the great lakes and upstate new york and new england. and maybe a half inch to an inch of rainfall across the coastal areas from new york city up towards boston and then parts of the plains. this is the next storm that we're going to deal with. not a major storm, but kind of reenforcement of cold air coming in behind it, so the cold air returns and all the way towards texas we'll see some snow. i want to take a look at the snow accumulation the next five days, a few storms are going to move through. the first one bringing snow to new england, but by the time we get to tuesday and wednesday, you see the next storm moving in towards oklahoma, parts of kansas,
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missouri, places like tulsa, springfield, maybe another 12 inches of snow and probably one of snowiest season there as well. the stormy pattern continues and i wish i had different news for all of us, it's not the case and we have to get through this one and endure it longer. >> make something up next time, rick. i'm board with this. >> get under the tent. >> thanks. >> under the roof in dallas, is brian kilmeade there with the man who knows the super bowl better than about any kicker in the nfl. mr. clutch. adam ven tieri. adam. thanks so much for coming down and you're not here for me, you're here because of the special girl next to me, a fifth grader, eva chiles, ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the super kick context, eva, congratulations. what prompted you to get involved? >> well, 'cause i think it's
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important for kids to get off the couch and be active at least 60 minutes a day. >> play 60 program. you signed up for it, watching this whole advertisement with your dad and you had to commit to do what. >> play 60 minutes every day. >> and you did. >> and bad news for you, adam, she wants to be the first girl to ever be a professional kicker in the nfl. >> well. >> is there room for her. >> that's great, i hope she does it by the time she gets in there p i'll be done and gone and you can slide into my spot, how is that. >> that's good. you're more of a punter, how did you find out that you won this award. >> well, one day the nfl just called my dad and he called me up and he he told me the news and i was so excited and i couldn't believe it. >> you're saying you're getting chills because robe goal the kicker comes into your room, fifth grade class and wants to see ava and you knew. >> yeah, i had no idea that he
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was going to come in, but when he came in like he gave me his jersey and he showed he me how to kick a field goal. it was so cool. >> now, you're a punter. punt a few for the kids at home and how high and well you hit it, but you try. >> yeah. >> you worked with adam a little bit and hit a few. ava chiles, ladies and gentlemen, give her another. one more, ava. the play 60 program, adam. you're all for it. >> i am. the nfl has been really, really trying to promote. promote athletic abilities and going out-- >> a great job. >> and we're trying to fight childhood obesity at this point and the nfl has done a great job. >> and adam with your off season, would you want to see adam, has he still got it at 38 and here you go. >> throw my age in there. >> 38-year-old adam vinatieri.
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hitting a 22 yarder. >> here we go! >> it's good! >> all right. and should i try one. >> i think you should try one. >> get your broadcasting abilities. >> a play by play, no, he's more of a soshg guy, see what he can do. >> and he no, we're not out of time. plenty of time. let's go. >> good job. >> oh! and that's, did that count? >> it does. hitting in the clutch. playing in the clutch and watching in guy perform here, something else you have to do in the clutch, don't you. what are you doing before the game starts? >> i'm going to hand out the game ball to the referee at the start of the super bowl. >> in front of 100,000 people on hand and 100 million around the world. >> yeah. >> just don't drop it and enjoy the game (laughter) >> okay, ava. >> the job of the year, and
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you're also a soshg player, soccer channel wants you to know that chelsea against liverpool, pre-game at eleven o'clock on super bowl sunday and you're going to be watching the game. >> i'm going to be watching that one before the big game. >> and the game actually starts at one, it's going to be fantastic for a guy that played in six super bowl and won four, what should ava know? >> the most important thing is to have fun and just be yourself. >> you've got it. >> thank you, adam. thank you, ava, back to new york. >> the pride, the pride of south dakota right there. adam vinatieri. >> charlie sheen shot partying it up before he ended up in the hospital and his parents, could they control his dough? ♪ mama said there'd be days like this ♪ ♪ "there'll be days like this," mama said ♪ ♪ mama said, mama said ♪ mama said, "there'll be days like this" ♪ [ male announcer ] the toughest job on the planet just got a little easier. with one-touch technology and even an air scrubber.
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>> all right. welcome back. remember the muslim cleric who called for the death of a danish cartoonist for sketching muhammad? he was caught struggling into the u.s. through the mexican
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border in a bmw cart truck. >> the host of the new show, justice, with judge janine here on fox. >> good so he see you. >> he was banned in france and canada and yet, he he he was found at the border of mexico into the u.s. in the trunk of a-- >> what i love about this a radical muslim cleric, getting headlines in canada, retracted legal battle to get him out of canada, he was thrown out of canada, thrown out of france and back to tunisia and what he does he flies from africa to europe, to central america, to mexico and then crosses the border and ends up in the trunk of a bmw of an unemployed homeless man. >> right. >> now, you're leaving out the part where apparently he paid 5,000 bucks to get him across. >> the unemployed whomless man and the firefighter sees that, but i'm doing this on the show tonight justice with judge janine, we've got his lawyer on and expert in terrorism who is going to put it on context
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and border parole d we didn't complete the fence. everything we're worried about is happening. we're not just worried people are coming here because they want to work. people are coming here because they have radkaical ideas that homosexuals should be stoned and a danish cartoonist should be killed and right now he's in custody and a witness against the person who brought him in the united states. >> we talk about that on the show. charlie sheen may come up. if his parents would want to a conservativeship over him and control his mother, could they pull it off? >> i don't think they can, he goes to work every day, gets the job done. his show is a good show, at the end of the day he's not totally out of control which is what we're use today with britney spears, you know, what a conservativeship-- >> that looks like a guy out of control. >> well, he's partying no question, but part of his-- by the way-- >> and cocaine suitcase.
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>> why isn't he in jail if he's got a suitcase full of cocaine. we're not going there today. it's the conservativeship. at the end of the day he's doing rehab from-- i've never heard of it. >> and yes, he shows up at work, but if his parents think he's a danger to himself and may soon be dead, is that a reason-- >> the criteria is not whether he's a danger to himself. it's whether he's incapable of taking care of his own health, of his own finances. i don't think it's going to happen, but what we've got is somewhat of a reprieve from the show and taking time off and i think that cbs said to him and warner brothers, but tonight, on the show we'll talk about the muslim cleric as well as the mother who shot her kids because they mouthed off. teenagers. >> and that's tonight. >> from "dancing with the stars" back to the football field, chad ochocinco live next alongside a fierce
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opponent from the jets. >> they look intense right now, don't they? >> how are they gearing up for this interview?
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>> all right. on the field-- >> they are fierce opponents, but i'm here with two guys that tell me they're friends. chad ocho cinco and durell revis. >> chad used to be chad johnson and cincinnati bengals and new york jets and welcome, guys. >> welcome. >> thanks for coming down, appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. >> a network executive, he runs the occ network. ocs. >> o c & n. >> powered by motorola. >> and durell you started working. >> and he took me through the ropes and now he moved me up
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and i bumped up. >> and someone wants to get anything out, be friends with chad because he'll tweet about it. how many followers do you have right now. >> about 1.7. >> 1.7. >> i figure 2 million another-- >> and you embrace the sosh network. what potential did you see in him. >> i didn't see any potential, just a way of allowing people to see who i really am. >> right. >> you played the steelers twice. >> yes. >> you played the steelers twice. tell me about-- it's a physical sport you're in, but they are the epitome of a physical team. >> not the epitome of a physical team, their style of play stuck with them and lingered around. the defense is extremely good and everything is based off a lot of glitches and that's one of the things that in fact they don't have to deal with. and the guy with the long hair, for everybody, the big hair. >> and darrelle, you didn't something people can't do, control the packer defense and office and you lost, but they
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only scored 9 points on you. what advice do you have for the is steelers? >> the advice for them, get your hands on aaron rogers and the receivers. and put your hands on thm and i think the stoolers don't do that, they're going to try to be aggressive this week. >> let me ask you, were you guys friend the whole time you were talking about this rivalry you were going to beat darrelle and take it to revis. >> yeah. >> were you selling tickets like mohammed ali and joe frazier. >> people on the outside would know that, not too many players that play against each other on opposing team that are actually friends, it doesn't happen. >> now, tonight, where are you going to be. >> the maxim. >> are you co-hosting. >> red carpet. we don't want to miss that. >> right, we don't want to miss that. >> and you tell people to put down what they're doing? >> i think they would. it's maxim, the name alone speaks for itself and will be
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there, grandma-- >> your network. >> cousins. >> our network, our-- >> and next season, next year a lot of people think the jets will be in the big game, will they? >> we'll he see, i can't make a prediction, we've just got to play it out. you never know. >> darrelle revis, chad ocho cinco, check out the powered by motorola maxim party. thanks, guys. >> thank you. >> good job. back to new york. >> back to new york. >> all right. chad ocho cinco i think to my knowledge the only player i know to have an i-pad app. impressive. too. ask him at the next break what he thinks about the lockout. >> more "fox & friends" in two minutes. where to go for a quiet get away.
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