tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News February 7, 2011 4:00am-5:00am EST
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>> . >> mike: hello, i'm mike huckabee, we are he live from tiberius in israel. it's part of the country that considers egypt, and what it will mean for the people of israel. early on saturday, president obama called several foreign leaders to discuss the situation in egypt and stressed the importance of a peaceful and immediate transition to a new government in egypt and we're going to go to cairo for the latest on the ground. governor, what's left of the
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mubarak regime makes concessions and they talked about freedom of speech and also talked about term limits. meantime, the demonstrators on the street won't give up an inch. the only concession in which they're interested is the ouster of hosni mubarak. they get treated by doctors on the street and stay there to keep up the pressure on the old guard. >> and anyone going to fix this and we're going to clean the wound. >> so he was hit with a rock. >> yes. >> and you've seen of course many, many injuries like this. >> we had the shotgun-- and like seven a.m. last thursday, government shooting randomly at people with regular uniforms, don't recognize them. and krils. >> what did you do for someone here. it's kind of dirty and it's
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not a proper medical office. what can you do to help them? >> actually we do stitches, we treat shotguns, we do pretty much everything and it's really good because we can't, go to hospital. we don't have much so we try to do our best here. >> activities on the square range from chanting to muslim prayers and the christians help christians services out at the square and a couple of christian weddings. the people on the square say the most important thing they can do is simply be there. keep the numbers up and keep the pressure on the old guard in egypt. now, the demonstrators want 0 convoy a message to the west they believe they're not paving a pathway for the muslim brotherhood to come to power. this has been a popular secular uprising and people who want to be free will not get behind the islamists. governor, back to you. >> thank you very much. live from egypt. >> well, we all know that this has been a remarkable time in
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the middle east. we're bringing special live broadcast from israel because of all the country's that are watching the event in egypt, other than egyptians, perhaps, he no one could potentially be more affected by the events transpiring across the nation of egypt than the people of israel. i've been here for the past eight days and i can tell you that the mood on the streets is sober. i'll be talking later in the program with a number of people from the perspective of why does this matter to you as an american? what difference does it make? i mean, egypt is so far from you, you probably don't think you interact with the egyptians very much, but it does matter and it matters to not only to the people of egypt, it matters very much to the people of israel, it matters very much to the people of the united states. and that's why over the course of this program, we hope to delve into who are the muslim brotherhood, these people you've been hearing about?
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what are the military options that might take place and the whole country could collapse and we'll be talking inside to some young protesters who have been a part, using social networking to make the entire effort going on in egypt, something that we know about. a remarkable program, all of which is coming to you live tonight. on friday, president obama urged egyptian president hosni mubarak to start the transition process toward a new government in egypt immediately and that is drawing criticism from many who are concerned this a new regime could cause trouble. six secretaries of state, aaron miller. it's good to have you here this evening and tell us, what is it about the mubarak government that a collapse would mean for israel and really for the rest of the world? >> well, egypt is a typical, governor, over the last 40
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years to american policies not only the largest and most powerful arab state and there cannot be a two front war as he egypt takes itself off the confrontation line. a close ally of the united states since 1979 jimmy carter broke ared the egyptians and he has been at peace with the state of israel and it's fundamentally transformed the strategic advantage to those centrist moderate states, including jordan and shares with israel as well. so instability in egypt, seen on the canal and peace treaty with israel, largest and most powerful arab state. all of those factors fundamentally reshaped the political landscape, if the situation went dramatically stopped. dramatically south, that's the real key. will the transition be relatively smooth? will the military that has a stake in the peace treaty, a stake in the relationship with the united states, continue to play tig role and will a new
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contract be negotiated between the military and the civilian leadership on the streets who allow egypt to vow for a more respected democratic society and human rights. these are the questions and numerous uncertainties about all of them. >> and aaron, you have made comments that a pro democracy type egypt could actually mean a more anti-u.s., anti-israel stance on the part of egypt. why would that be the case? >> well, the logic chain is very clear, in a society a society like ours where government is accountable. where we have a constitution that secures and guarantees rights, there is a diverse amount of opinion reflected in chosen representatives and in the policies of those we choose through elections to
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governance. in egypt, if the system is now open there's no question that you're going to get a diversity of opinion and whether it's islamic or secular nationalists, you're going to find a much higher degree toward the state of israel and toward american policy. that doesn'tmean-- abrgation of the treaty. and for american policy makers, no question about that. >> mike: aaron in short, do you think that the bringing about of a more democratic government in egypt could have immediate risk of the treaty with israel or play out over a longer period and if it does play out over a longer period of time, what are we talking about in time frame? >> i think we're not talking
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about an immediate abrogation of the treaty, it's too important to the egyptian military who has no interest in returning to the line with powerful defense forces and no interest in severing what has been an extremely valuable relationship, military to military relationship, in the united states, hundreds of egyptian officers and their families have come to study, to train, in this country, and the time, you can in fact imagine, regardless who comes to power in egypt, a government less willing to cooperate with the united states on matters ranging from counterterrorism to iran, and a government not as willing as mubarak was for a u.s. special relationship with israel. so i think there will be a hardening of attitudes. it doesn't have to be, it's
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not armageddon, governor, but it's not business as usual. >> aaron, very quickly, we've talked about what happens if there is a more pro democratic egypt. what happens if egypt is taken over by radicals, if it does become yet another nation falling into the hands of jihadists? what does that mean for the relationship of the united states and with israel? >> then i think you really do get-- the muslim brotherhood, i don't think they have it to take over the country, but they've been calling for a referendum, popular vote on the peace treaty with israel. so they will be more influential. could an islamic group extend to power much like iran and it's very unlikely, you have to take a deep breath here and not jump into the abyss on this. should that happen, you'd have a fundamentally different-- at least, because that's regime would also seek weapons
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and the israelis would be literally standing between iran's questions for a weapon and egypt. it would really be a disaster. >> aaron, thank you very much. >> my pleasure. >> journalists from all over the world including our own fox news colleagues greg palkot and photographer have been attacked by violent protesters in the streets of cairo, coming up i'll speak to veteran war correspondent steve harrigan and an israeli cameraman just in egypt. we'll talk about the dangers
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>> we're back live from tiberius in israel. obama administration officials have condemned egyptian pro government supporters for targeting foreign journalists covering the uprising of the country. dozens have been beaten, intimidated and jailed. including greg palkot and his cameraman severely beaten by pro government thugs earlier this week and greg palkot wrote of his ordeal in a piece you can read on john roberts has an excerpt. >> they hit us with their open hands, fists, sticks, bars, rocks, whatever was around and especially aiming at our heads and grabbed us and punch us
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and all the way screamed badly in our faces and greg spotted egyptian military armored personnel care why are and tried to get into it. the soldiers standing on top didn't immediately help us, as they stood by olaf and i continued to be pummelled by the crowd. his shirt was off and he was writhing and i somehow stayed upright was losing fast. with the angry mob pulling at us, we dragged ourselves up and into the cabin. we were for the moment at least, relatively safe. greg and olaf were taken to a local hospital where they were sewn up and cleaned up, but it didn't end there, they were then taken away for interrogation, and greg continues, we were jammed into the back of a small jeep, driven across town, blind folded in the ministry security and marched lock step to a location and videotaped and photographed as if in a lineup. we were later to learn that
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other journalists were treated the same way. >> greg and olaf were finally released and they're recovering from their wounds and let's talk about this week's attacks on journalists and what it means for security and democracy. he was handcuffed and he's in our egyptian bureau and correspondent steve hair garn in about a dozen war zones in his career. gill is someone that i met just the other day, doing some camera work for a shoot we were involved in in jerusalem. gill, you had been back in israel less than 24 hours after being released from egypt. how did you come to be arrested. how long were you held and what were the reasons you were held? >> well, first of all, it's nice to know there are other people experiencing the same experience i had. i mean, the, so what we heard before was more or less the
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exact thing that happened to us. we were, we arrived on monday evening and the camera crew coming to-- i think we're the only crew who came to film a peaceful story about peaceful life. beneath the burning cairo. i mean, we arrived on monday night and tuesday morning we left the square, which the hotel was just nearby and drove out about 20 kilometers from the center of cairo, we were just filming the peaceful life and families and i mean, normal life beneath, beneath the burning surface and eventually around two o'clock noon we were approached by a motorcycle with two people who snatched the camera and told us to come over to the closest
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police station, they didn't really tell us, they were screaming at us. once we got to the police station-- >> we were. >> were these police officers, gill? >> were these? >> they were police officers, but did not wear any uniform, i mean, they didn't identify themselves as police officers, but demanded us to come to the closest police station which they were actually waiting for us. and we were interrogated for quite a few hours by the poli police. eventually they said okay. you are-- first of all, they said, okay, you are free to go, but it's after three o'clock, so, it's curfew time. i mean, you should stay with us. and eventually they said that there's a car downstairs and would you take us back to the hotel. with me, and the
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correspondents and the israeli interpreter who speaks fluent arabic. what happened once we got downstairs was like a shock to us. there was a-- a group of ebeginnings intelligence waiting for us and suddenly things became much tougher. we were put in a car, blind folded and handcuffed behind the back. once that happened they took us for an hour and a half ride to god knows where and eventually we alive at the kind of an interpretation center and they were still handcuffed and blind folded and pushed into an interrogation room like separated into different interrogation room.
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by four or five o'clock in the morning we were done with the interrogation, they asked us all kinds of questions. they were-- he they weren't violent, but they were very, how with i describe it, like determined in what they were doing. >> you were helped-- held for about 30 hours, i think, was that correct? >> yeah, we were actually released the next afternoon. so, we were held for almost 30 hou hours. >> gill, thank you so much, i'm going to have to go to steve harrigan now, but i want to say thank you and wish we had more time because it's a compelling story and i want to get steve harrigan in. along the mexican border. some might think that it's also a dangerous place to be. steve, thank you for joining us. you have he' covered a the lot of these situations that burst
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into violence. you've been in war zones. first of all, a lot of the americans just want to know, what the heck are you thinking when you go into these places that are filled with danger? >> well, that's where the pictures are. it's like that bank robber said, that's where the money is. if you want to see a couple flip over and see a history made before your eyes. because a lot of people like that. i remember when the tanks fired at the russian white house in 93, unbelievable. the eye to see and i'm watching at a distance the amazing work people are doing in cairo and see and be there first manned is really a thrill for people and it's also a job that they're doing. they're putting their lives on the line to do that job and some of them are really doing it heroically. they want to give these people a voice around the world. that's what they're trying to do. >> mike: steve, walk me through a little bit of the mechanics. if a person is an english speaking american who suddenly
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is parachuted into a country that's on fire, how do you manage? i mean, do you just show up at the airport and say i'd like to get a taxi into this war torn country. a lot of people wonder how in the world does it logistically work to cover something like this, that's clearly out of control? >> certainly, governor, if your he' on your own, like a lot of the free-lancers are, the risks of tremendously high if you haven't done it before and if you don't look like anybody in that country and don't speak the language, the risks go up, a lot of times more than more agencies have retired military people who earn a thousand, 2000 a day to keep your backs safe. the risks are out there, if you're out there with a $30,000 camera on your shoulder and blind in one eye looking through the view finder and don't understand what the people are yelling, the danger goes up. in this case a the lot of the
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journalists now, organized behind some of the attacks and don't really stand much of a atta attack. >> mike: steve, you've been in dangerous situations on many occasions. just out of curiosity, why do you keep going back? it looks like one of those adventures might be enough for most of us. what is it about the journalist that-- i know you talk about the compelling story, but what is the drive? >> you know, governor, i think you get a chance to see history right before your eyes and have a front row seat, to see those u.s. jets come in in afghanistan, to see the taliban turn tail, it's just an amazing thing to be a part of. and also, i think, there's some excitement in watching people, people who for 30 years have been under a ruler like mubarak, finally come out and change the way they think and get a voice. it's he very exciting, and on a human level to hear the people come out and see the
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story. it's a tremendously exciting thing and it is risky and i know people like palkot will be back out there next time he gets the chance to be in the front line of a war zone, there's a group of people who really like to do it, who want to do it and who think it's important. >> steve harrigan, i'm glad you're one of those people who actually want to be there because most of them would rather you be there than us having to be on the front line where we are. i think at times we underestimate the extraordinary dangers that journalists are involved with. and they're not armed with even so much as a side arm, they're armed with cameras and notebooks, and yet, the pictures you see and stories you get have to be delivered by someone, they may not always be perfect stories, but without the journalists going to the front line, literally the front lines of battle we wouldn't have a clue what's going on. our thanks to gill and he steve and let me say to all
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mike ache a group of young egyptians have seen the >> a group of young egyptians and the the coverage of the events and coverage of it. they're using blogs and social media to record from the front lines right in the heart of the egyptian capital. joining me are omar, and joining us from cairo, first
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of all, let me ask you, you guys have been able to get messages out sitting there on your mac book and skyping information and using twitter and facebook, but tell me, why are you involved? what is it that's going on in egypt that tells you to put your own life at risk to tell the rest of the world what's happening there? >> governor, first i'd like to thank you for having us. as you know, last friday was the week ago shut down in egypt, so, we wanted to get out the word what was going on and me and a couple of other friends have the same beliefs and we created and in the united states and through land lines and tweets able to send their messages and now has a lot of blogs and pictures what's going on and the reason why me and others go down to the square, we believe in change. believe in democracy. and we believe others have been able to do it, why can't
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we. we want a voice and we want to have speech and we also understand the freedom of speech that comes with other responsibility. >> and i want to tell you a little about the tahrir square. a little bit divided. somebody like me satisfied what we've been able to achieve and i believe we've gonna long way and there are others in tahrir who won't budge. i'd like to reference thomas jefferson in matters of style, and matters of principle and that's what the people believe in now. they have no trust of the current government or president mubarak. they want him to be removed and then they want be to be the part of the result. >> mike: let me ask you, this is the only president that you have ever known in your life. he's been there 30 years yet, i understand that while you want him to go, you recognize there needs to be a peaceful transition. what does that mean for you?
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what time frame do you feel most people are willing to accept for this transition to take place? >> well, we believe after mubarak's speech in which he clearly sailed to restore curt of the nation and his parallel agenda and priority would be for democracy and to hand over egypt to the egyptian people and not create a political-- where an individual would sit down and take control. and we have that a lot and we believe that a lot of people do not trust mubarak, that maybe he will not be credible enough, but we know at this point that we have to give the political system and the political process time to do those reforms. and those reforms may take 60 days like i said. we believe that we need to wait and get the economy
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humming again. and if they do not abide with what they said, it won't be one million march at this time. it will be 80 million and we egyptians that are educated understand that this process needs to take its time. in other words, we want-- >> let me ask you quickly, we just have a few seconds remaining, but i want to ask you, do you have anxieties or fears that the movement that you started to bring about freedoms and reforms to egypt could in fact be co-opted radical groups like the muslim brotherhood. >> we're not going to let it go. we understand everybody has the agenda and we understand the muslim brotherhood, however, they're clearly stating they're interested in the next elections and let's hold them to their word and hope it's true. >> and we believe that the muslim brotherhood.
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>> mike: thank you very, very much. we're out of time and i want to thank you very much for joining us. one of the things that becomes very evident is that social media and the use of the technology that we have, whether it's twitter or facebook, the skype that we were just able to use in order to talk to these two young activists, they're in cairo, creates a whole new capacity for people mott only to communicate with each other, but to communicate with the rest of the world. and it is bringing about an entirely new way of bringing protests and bringing a voice to people who otherwise would have no voice at all. the traditional journalists will always have their place, but it's also the news media, that's having a dramatic impact not only in helping to create the very mood for such an uprising in egypt, but to make it possible to organize it. an amazing world in which we're living. so they're leaving-- they are leading rather, the anti-government protests in
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huckabee, for your news headlines, log on to foxnews.c >> mike: this special edition of huckabee is coming live from tiberius in israel. it's about 3:30 in the morning here in israel and i hope it's a little more reasonable hour where you are. but clearly, the world events have us all riveted to what's happening in egypt. well, the muslim brotherhood is the largest opposition group that's leading the demonstrations into egypt and several of the group's leader said peace with israel, should they take control in egypt. who are the muslim brotherhood.
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joining me, daniel, we've heard so much about the muslim brotherhood, who are they? >> well, governor, it's an organization founded in 1928, modeled in part on the example from hitly, believing that modern methods would advance the-- aiming to apply the islamic law, the first of of the islamic movements. in its first couple decades he was quite violent and then it was beaten back. and for some 55 years now, as this large group of people, at the same time has been building a building on a sociopath-- (inaudible) the first time since the military
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came to power in 1952, it looks like it's vulnerable. and the great question in front of us is will the muslim brethren be in a position to cease power or will they still be kept on the side? >> mike: daniel, one of the . >> mike: and dam, one of the things that's of great concern to all of us, we've seen them and helped nasser come to power and he didn't trust them and knew they were the not really an ally and he he suppressed them, as did hosni mubarak. the one big maybe time to relax was under anwar sadat and ended up having a role ending up assassinating him. and how dangerous are they, a latent force waiting for an opportunity such as this and how concerned should we be that despite the best intentions of young men like we saw just a moment ago on
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the previous segment that they're better organized and may in fact take this from a freedom movement to a jihadist movement? movement? >> we should probably be worried about that. yes, this is the moment that we've been waiting for. and yes, they are organized and they have by and large, avoided the violence since the 1950's. they've worked within the political group. at the same time because of the natural tension in their emergency which is jihady, muslim supremists, it's been inevitable that they would spin off. and in the al-qaeda's lottery comes out of the brotherhood and so they've been restrained, the question now, will they roux he remain restra i am inclined to think that they are going to do everything they can to try and
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seize power like khomeini did in 1979 and inclined to think they will not succeed. so big, so strong, so determined that the muslim brotherhood will not you can succeed. but it's a prediction and we will all watch and see what happens. >> mike: daniel, i hope you're right because i think that the muslim brotherhood gaining any foot hold in power in any country, and especially in egypt where they were originated would be devastating for the peace of egypt frankly the peace of the middle east. i do want to follow up with one other concern, if the muslim brotherhood we know their insidious nature from the past. why did president obama invite them to the speech in cairo in 2009? what legitimacy did they have to give them that level of credibility? >> listen, everyone agrees that osama bin laden, and
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agree that moderate muslim-- the great debate is over the difference, those who want to-- the great debate is whether those are people we work with and helpful to us or ultimately on the side of-- like asking are the communists who are not violent are they on our side. on the case that nonviolence are in fact on the same side, i would say the muslim brotherhood no matter how nonviolent, there are many, hear their voices-- accommodate them, understand them. it is a very, very important debate and i don't feel-- (inaudible) that argues that wen work with them is doing better.
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by the way, what's so interesting, is that just as in the cold war where it was conservatives who were dubious about nonviolent violence. today it is conservatives -- liberals much more open to both the nonviolent communists and now the nonviolent islamists. it comes down to where you are on the political spectrum by and large. if you are a conservative, worried about this, if you are a liberal you are not. >> mike: daniel, thank you very . >> mike: daniel, thank you very much. daniel pipes from the middle east forum. will the call for a change in egypt eventually force israel to defend herself? i'll be asking major
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your rate will never go up, and your benefit will never go down due to age-- guaranteed! these days, the average cost of a funeral is over $7300, and social security pays a death benefit of just $255. don't leave a burden for your loved ones. since 1994, over 6 million people have called about this quality insurance. there's no risk or obligation. call about the colonial penn program now. you'll be glad you did. >> mike: egypt has the tenth largest army in the world. >> egypt has the 10th largest army in the world. so if the new government in egypt poses a threat is israel going to look into military operations. joining me is major general robert deeds, one of his
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responsibilities was heading up the joint u.s.-israel missile shield operation. general, this is an area of of israel or the middle east, the world that you're familiar with. you've lived here and you've worked with the military all over the middle east. in the last segment, daniel pipes made an interesting point saying that the counter balance to radical groups like the muslim brotherhood would be the egyptian military. why is the egyptian military the key player as we go forward? >> the egyptian military has been eye lined with the united states and even the nation of israel for over 30 years and add to the results of 1973 peace accord. israel has depended upon us to secure the southern flank. and the egyptian military has trained with the u.s. military and i've trained here in israel, i've trained in egypt. i've been with egyptians in united states and been to all
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of our schools. as a result the egyptians have trust ab confidence in the united states and have trust and confidence in our-- >> the military does. >> and even in the philippines, peaceful transition from marcos to corazon aquino, steady in the harness approach and allowed the transition and we're hopeful that the egyptian military loyal to the u.s. and loyal to democratic values will be a stable anchor during this period of transition time. >> the egyptian military is known to be a very strong part of the culture of egypt and highly respected by the people on the streets. this seems to bode well, this is different than tehran back in 1979. >> that's exactly right and the egyptian military is a respected institution and prayerfully they will he' take us over to the egyptian police which have not distinguished themselves. let's talk about the threat to
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israel should this deteriorate. the muslim brotherhood, look, they're thugs and they have been thugs and the brotherhood in which saeed came force and he was the theological mentor to osama bin laden. these are not good people and i don't care what they've been doing for 30 years, they deep down want to get into a complete jihadist movement, but the question is, should they gain control, god forbid, should they do it and begin to direct energy towards israel. let's talk about israel's military capacity in a destabilized middle east. >> as you know, israel lives in a very dangerous neighborhood and there are nations around them that threaten their very existence and it's exessential threat. and israel has significant capeabilities, but the secured southern plank secured by egypt and the plank secured by jordan the past 30 years have
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been helpful strategic points. and now the challenge with instability in egypt. you have an unsecured southern flank and a whole new equation for the israelis. we spoke with the general last night and he was highlighting the risk, not only egyptian attack over time as they come under the muslim brotherhood, but more near term. we have an unsecured flank, which is right on the edge of the gaza strip, you'll recall and provides a line of communication for terrorists and support gaza and the missiles that come to israel over time that we know about and then secondly, it's an ungoverned territory and allows for sanctuary for terrorists, it allows for lines of communication, bad guys. now, what we want to do is secure that southern flank between and the egyptians, because of of this good relationship with israel, have agreed to put 800 troops on the border temporarily to stabilize that border on the southern flank of israel. >> mike: general, we're almost
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out of time, but i've got to ask the question, you've been talking about people whose names i'm not going to mention, friends of yours at the israeli military, and general mood what are the americans right now most concerned about as it relates to the events in egypt? >> the americans are concerned about a viral effect across the the middle east. not just egypt, but the context of the middle east and if egypt unravels and unrav unravelling in yemen and jordan the strategic anchor point for israel, now we have a situation, strategic risk goes way up, governor. >> general, thank you very much. interesting perspective and again,'s been talking to people all over the middle east this week. and quite an amazing situation. well, we're live in israel, i've got some closing thoughts on what it means here, what it means to all of us across the world and specifically in the united states. those thoughts coming up as we get back from this special
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>> we're live from israel. the sound you're hearing is the beautiful melodic strain of the israeli nationalen them a song of hope. and he's been with me on the trip to israel, but i wanted to close tonight with a reminder that all that we've been talking about is something that touches each of us for this reason. most of us cherish value our freedom and maybe we take it for granted.
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and yesterday, i stood atop the place where the jews fell in 1873 and for 2000 years had no homeland. and they almost were run completely out of existence because of the attendants of the nazis to eratted kate them. for jews here in israel it's not about a matter of location, it's a matter of survival. when they see the events of something going on like we see in egypt, it's not a matter to be concerned that some country may invade their borders, if once again they may be threatened with their very existence. how does at that affect you and me? well, the fact is, the threat to any person's freedom is a threat to all of our freedom. we face a true enemy in this world. it's not an enemy that falls under the flag, it's an enemy of a religious ideology
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islamic jihadism. not that we resent anyone speaking freedom, but what might come in its place. from israel i'm mike huckabee. from israel i'm mike huckabee. goodbye and god bless. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. where to go for a quiet get away. [ male announcer ] thanks to therbitz matrix display, you can make more knowledgeable decisions when bookg vacation packages. excuse me... shhh. but... shhhhh. too quiet. [ malennouncer ] ...youmany flight options, hotel options... [ dj ] let's take this up a notch! too loud! did someone say louder? [ male announcer ] ...and what you can expect to save wh you book themogether. everything you ed to know in onclick. perfect. [ male announcer ] when you orbitz, you know.
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