tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News March 2, 2011 5:00am-6:00am EST
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cold. you don't want to get cold. tonight, it is neither chilly or chili, but it is the speech. >> that was real. thank you for inviting us into your home tonight. that is it for the special report. fair. balanced. not chilly. speaking of legends, mr. bill, to you. >> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. >> i don't think it does anybody any good when employees are vilified or their rights are infringed upon. >> president obama continues to sympathize with public union workers but governor walker of wisconsin says the president is being hypocritical because several union workers have negotiating program.
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we'll analyze. u.s. warships are going to the libyan coast and liberal wants troops to go into that country, wow! >> you borrow my brain for five seconds, can't handle it. >> bill: is it wrong for the media to exploit charlie sheen. does he have a strong legal case against cbs. >> wow, did what does that mean. by winning? >> bill: caution you are about to enter the no-spin zone. factor begins right now. >> bill: thanks for watching us tonight. the drama in wisconsin is still no winner, that is the subject of the talking points memo.
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americans are caught up in important conflict, cost cutting versus union benefits. 37% of americans favor cutting pay for public union employees but 56% oppose that. the "new york times" headlines reads majority in poll back employees in public sector. but the poll is misleading because 20% of the responds say they are from union households. if you subtract them, those that favor cutting benefits win the poll. wow, "new york times" -- however according to new poll, 42% want them to of collective bargaining while 31% side with governor walker who wants to curtail them. the issue remains confusing in american public seems to be split. we reported yesterday that president obama siding with workers even though federal employees don't have strong negotiating rights. governor walker said this, i'm
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sure the president knows that most federal employees don't have collective bargaining while our plan allows it for base play and the average federal worker pays twice as much for health insurance as what we are asking for in wisconsin. also u.s.a., public workers in wisconsin make $1800 more a year than their private sector peers. but the essential question remains if they can't control union costs how will they ever balance their budgets? many americans don't see it as a problem but those things inhibit job creation that, walker and daniels in indiana want to cut taxes and at the same time cut union benefits. they believe job creation is the key to fiscal responsibility. >> talking points believes that most americans are sympathetic to working men and women but the cold truth, the u.s.a. is going bankrupt and power and public
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sectors must, must be somewhat diminished for the good of everyone. that is memo. >> top story, reaction, joining us alan colmes, monica crowley. the new poll most americans favor collective bargaining? >> both the poll and "new york times" poll heavily over democrats and union households, they polled them. >> glenn: i didn't know the pew poll did that? >> cbs poll at least by 10%. these results are somewhat skewed but that doesn't mean they are off the mark. what you may be seeing is there is a strong union tradition in america but the problem the context that is changed. most americans recognize. that union membership has fallen to 70-year low. i think the american people also understand that these states are broke. there is no money.
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>> bill: why the close -- i think it's 50/50 and stossel is coming up behind you. i think it's divided on this. >> 20% move to the column automatically. that is saying, if you are already democrat go for obama in a straw bole it doesn't count. every poll shows overwhelmingly side weight workers. a new poll shows out in fact walker would lose if the election were held today. >> bill: rasmussen. >> that is republican poll. >> bill: calm down a moment. take a deep breath. you have a situation where you have 20% of the people polled being union families and you are telling me you can't throw that out? >> i'm saying you are inflating numbers, 8% are union members, 20% say they are in union families. you don't take 20% and move into it other column.
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>> glenn: i'm not moving it anywhere. >> you don't take it out of the mix. >> bill: not necessarily. >> not everybody in the family agrees with everybody else. >> bill: i'm in a union family and i don't want healthcare. does that make sense to you? >> it doesn't make sense. >> bill: i generally believe where most americans are conflicted. just like me. are you union? >> yes. screen actors gild and.... >> bill: are you in a union? >> i was an actor for a short time. >> bill: here at the fox channel this is not a union shop. if i went over to cbs i would have to be in union. but i want to hold my help because king world tried to lure it's in -- not pro union, wait a
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minute colmes. unions are abusing their power in many circumstances. i'm a union guy, i could have resigned when i started work here. i still pay the dues. i want colmes to understand this. the union has abused the power it takes dues and supports candidates that it likes. i don't have any say in that tha. nra, all kinds of groups you support. >> bill: nra is voluntary. >> some benefit. >> some benefit anyway. if you take away collective bargaining rights when you are going against a government entity. jimmy carter and the democrats did exactly that. >> exactly. whether you identified, whether you want to go work with cbs or public sector or government
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unions. >> bill: there is not enough money. colmes will say to you, raise the taxes on the affluent. >> american people are taxed out. remember the tea was taxed enough already. you can't keep going back over and over again to support this. >> bill: never going to resolve this. you are blaming the worker the average american worker. >> average public worker, for budgetary problems that is not their fault. that is an outrage. >> bill: let me challenge this. jon corzine was a democrat you liked him, right? >> yes. >> bill: he bankrupted the state by giving the teachers in new jersey lavish benefits. bankrupted his state. so you are telling me the middle-class in new jersey should pay more taxes so they
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can have lavish -- >> no. >> bill: i'm giving you an example. >> we're talking about a democratic governor selling out in wisconsin. >> the teachers have agreed to give back. >> that is true are they are not addressing the new jersey situation. we're not here and you are dictating what we talk about now. >> what is happening in wisconsin. >> no. >> it's happening all overamerica, that is what it's about. >> and union members are being blamed for problems they didn't create. >> not union members fault, but it's the union's leadership fault and there are sellout guys like corzine, who sold out to them. >> but now you want to take it. >> no, i want to modify. >> and you want to take a basics rights, basic tenets of negotiating. >> i want to modify the power to buy politicians. that is what i want to do.
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no one is buying it. they got corzine. >> you are wrong side of the history and republicans will suffer because of the positions they are taking. >> last word. this is so much mr. that what you are talking about, this is the debate over the proper size and role of government and also the conflict between the gimme culture. >> bill: next on the rundown, stossel on whether americans understand what the unions are doing, obviously colmes doesn't. sit morally wrong for the media to exploit a troubled man like
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>> bill: john is closely following the union controversy and last night he took on the streets. >> what is wrong with wisconsin? what the protest about? >> i have no idea. >> i don't anything. i don't know specifically about it. i heard there was a sit-in and protest based on something, yeah the workers, of union jobs. >> what is going on in wisconsin? >> i don't know. >> wisconsin, what is the protest about? >> i don't follow wisconsin at all. >> they won the superbowl, right
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>> bill: and john stossel. is that fair, you can find people walking around. we found smart people. but i would say hatch the people. >> bill: you know it's compel complicated issue. there are a lot of layers to it? >> you watch a few news show and read a bit. >> bill: beam don't understand what collective bargaining is and why it's necessary and why it's bankrupting the states. >> the polls have been citing, you use it right. the federal workers don't have it. let's call it collective bargaining power. >> bill: they have a right to collective bargaining when the legislature votes it in. that is what it means, not constitutional right but. >> you on poll, you say you take the right away, you say that is
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terrible. >> bill: but i think there is sympathy and mail reflects it working men and women. there is a lot of suspicion that government is corrupt, wall street people are corrupt, but the workers go to work everyday, they just want to have enough to feed their family. there is a lot of truth the to that. the confusion come in when people think organized labor represents those workers. they have signs seeing, we represent the workers, middle-class. they represent 12%, plus you got 80% of the workers, some of who are being hurt by the unions because they have to pay more for all these benefits. >> bill: i'll tell you, we have lost a lot of jobs overseas because people in central america, mexico and china and india work for far less than union labor here, all those jobs
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disappeared. >> but our manufacturing out put is up. >> bill: but we're making it overseas so the people in wisconsin and michigan can't have those jobs. unless they want to move down to guatemala. >> they get new jobs, that comes back for new jobs, for new jobs to be created. >> bill: somewhat. >> in the recession it has been a job creating machine. >> bill: they were in the public service and tech sector, manufacturing is shot. you can make a good claim union labor killed manufacturing in the u.s.a., could you not? >> yes you could but not just the cost but the work rules. wisconsin, if you want to put up a bulletin board in the collective bargaining agreement, they have like a 70 page rule how big it has to be and where it has to be, the union rules are stringent. >> bill: let's get back to the folks. are you saying you believe most americans are clueless about
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what this is all about? >> no, i think most americans have a sense of it. there is a saying that once things people make it happen, 9 am of the people watch and 90% say, what happened? >> bill: do you believe that in this case? >> people have lied. >> bill: it's complicated issue. we got to get al-qaeda issue. there is a lot of ins and outs here. the bottom line is, the states can't pay for the public union benefits. >> i mean walker were more consistent, you can't have collective bargaining, but you can have it for pay, cops and firemen can have it. i think, collective bargaining is problem because you are negotiating with the people who you got elected, then say elect the federal workers are not going to have it at all. >> bill: john stossel. directly ahead, u.s. troops are
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>> bill: impact segment, khadafy continues to hold on to libya. one liberal commentator says american troops should go. in leslie joins us from l.a. this is shocking. you are a pacifist? >> yes, i am. >> bill: that means, if somebody with a shotgun shooting your windows, you would say -- what would you do? >> i don't have any guns, bill. so some people would say s.o. l.because i'm in favor of gun
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control. but my house is in libya fortunately right now. >> bill: why do you want u.s. troops in there? >> because the no-fly zone can do so much in protecting the people of libya but it doesn't take care of the problem on the ground. >> bill: you want troops to protect the folks from khadafy? >> i'm not talking about taking over oil fields negotiate do, i don't. >> bill: go ahead. >> i want the military to be used to intercept communications and assist with the refugees who are at the border right now. we have nearly a humanitarian crisis and people.... >> bill: you want them to help the civilians to try to get away from khadafy but not the u.s. forces to attack them? >> not necessarily at this moment. >> bill: now, if we go into an arab country as iraq and
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afghanistan, there is going to be resentment. khadafy is going to use that. you understand all that? >> yes, khadafy is a situation and so is club and iraq and afghanistan. they are different. we are not going to try to find bin laden or take over the oil fields or become oppressors. we are going in to free people. >> bill: to say we were oppressors in afghanistan when you threw out the taliban who brutalized everybody is insane. you don't want u.s. troops in afghanistan you wanted them out? >> i feel it's time to leave afghanistan. >> bill: this is inconsistent to me. you want u.s. troops to go and protect some of the population of libya, but you don't want them to protect the population of afghanistan because as soon as we pull out, the taliban will come back and brutalize the
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nation, particularly women. i'm not getting the consistency, leslie? >> bill, i feel, we have the best military in the world. don't understand our military failed at all. there are areas of afghanistan where we fought the taliban and won and now the taliban are in control and in charge again. how long does this go on. >> bill: i don't know how long it goes on. i'm saying that your philosophy is inconsistent. if we pull the u.s. troops out of afghanistan, the taliban comes back and brutalizes it's people. that happens. you are willing to go into libya to protect libya so you don't want to protect afghans but you do want to protect libya? >> that is not what i am saying. there are afghans that are brutally assaulted in certain areas of afghanistan as we speak. yes, we gained ground and we won, but then we left certain areas in afghanistan....
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>> bill: i'm not arguing that the afghan war about anything. if you are going to say, u.s. troops should be used to protect one people, libyans and then you say i don't want to protect the afghans anymore, let's pull them out there -- i'll give you last word? >> i'm saying when you shooting people from ambulances and hiding the number of the death toll, you are looking at genocide. and we have reacted too slowly to genocide, holocaust or bosnia that wasn't the situation in iraq or afghanistan. i know there is oil in libya. >> bill: the brutality of the taliban and saddam hussein is on the par with the brutality of khadafy. interesting debate. factor moves on this evening, media going wild over charlie sheen's melt down.
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>> bill: exploiting charlie sheen. many in the media are doing that and i'm sure i'll get letters that i am one of the offenders. sheen is troubled. >> some are saying you are bipolar? >> what does that mean? >> you are two ends of the spectrum? >> then what is the cure, medicine, make me like them. not going to happen. i'm bi-winning, i win here and there. if i'm bipolar, am i shut up! shut up. stop move forward. >> glenn: so the question is, should the media leave the guy alone. joining us psychologist karen ruskin and psychiatrist keith
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ablow the co-author of the book, seven wonders that will change your life. i don't believe charlie sheen has read your book. not getting any better, getting worse. let's talk about the media's responsibility here. obviously you have been doing segment, i could be exploiting mr. sheen's troubles. what say you? >> i would say you aren't exploit pliot go his troubles. he is in the business of making news. when a person galvanizes public attention and makes news that is a story that you cover. you don't establish whether the person is competent. that is job for the courts. if mr. sheen's family he is incompetent to speak on his own, they can go to court, file a motion and be heard on that topic and render him a child. that is not our job. our job is to give insight into
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unfolding events. this is an event that galvanized the public attention. i disagree. i feel we are taking advantage of charlie sheen's emotional problem. you can see within ten seconds on any of his interviews that he truly is declining and he does need help. >> wait, wait. >> so, doctor, you can see, everybody sees it, but he is a newsmaker. he is making millions of dollars. he is making hundreds of millions of dollars it's a business story and social story, he as a sitcom. he is saying outrageous things. you say the media should ignore it? >> it's not about ignoring it but how we are choosing to use your interviews. right now we are treating
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charlie sheen like a monkey in a zoo where he is ranting on every station. we are allowing this to happen to defend his position. his position is very weak position. >> glenn: because he speaks out, they are not chasing him, he seeks it out as an american. doesn't he have a right to defend himself? >> he has a right to defend himself, yes, the greatest gift we can give him and his loved ones is to have opportunity to confront himself. >> bill: now, when you have a guy like sheen, he is obviously unstable. i was thinking about this today, if he walked in i would interview him. i give him a much harder time than other interviewers. i would say look, notices about you, bits kids and other people, come on. you can modify your behavior and bring a lot of positive things
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to people and you're not. i would feel uneasy because i know the guy isn't thinking clearly. i'm interviewing a guy that is like got one hand tied behind his back. >> look, i think the kind of interview you do has educational value. number one, if he is unable to reflect on any time that he felt powerless and when he was in pain that might show people about what afflicts him, whether it's bipolar disorder or high on something. i don't want to live in this world that dr. ruskin is describing. maybe there is a job in the obama administration like the chieftain that what goes on tv and what doesn't go on. who makes sense and who does not. the guy could show up on time in a suit. he has some competency to him.
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>> bill: its theoretical argument because the tv is going to where the money is and sheen has high ratings. you've got a system whereby the people are dictating, nobody didn't want to see sheen, there be psychos on have in boston i am not putting them on factor, but sheen want to watch. don't the people have some responsibility for that? >> every single day in my private classes i see the charlie sheens of the world. its carbon copy of all these other people with problems just like him. the difference the money and being famous but the actual rant is more of the same. we as a people put him and other actors on a pedestal. because we do this, this allows them to view themselves because
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we view them as higher than thou. but as a society we are em if a thet i can and we help them to help themselves rather than display them the way we do. like a program you are doing right now where we are actually having a debate. >> i think the debate worthy. look i said last night -- sheen's threatened lawsuit against cbs, is it legal, on the against cbs, is it legal, on the case, next.
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payment is not made. with now is liz and kimberly? >> this is not going anywhere. charlie sheen cbs and warner brothers they better settle. he doesn't want to see it going to the court, he wants the money. even if jury in l.a. would laugh him out of court. >> bill: he says, look, i could still work. it's my private life that i am conducting. there was no reason to suspend, no reason to suspend the sitcom. i can still work. i wanted to show up? >> and meanwhile, he is saying, i can't use some of the other words, about the creator of the show the person he is going to be dealing with on day-to-day basis. >> bill: is eight protection issue? >> absolutely. he has a morals cause. >> bill: it's very tough?
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>> it's all over the place. the protection of the employees, it's an interesting. >> it is but then i would dismiss that. i think cbs is in trouble. you have the precedent they paid for four of the aide episodes for the crew. when cbs signed up with charlie sheen this isn't someone we were unfamiliar with. we knew his behavior he had a propensity substance abuse and he was ready and willing to perform and execute. >> bill: so you disagradually with wiehl? >> i do. you can't say that because of the personal attack against his employer, that is not good enough. >> which they have given a break of four shows and crew members have been paid and the going into his house and saying, being sober is boring.
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how are you going to bring someone like that back? >> bill: i think wiehl is right because he is carpeting bombing his own company and destroying the reputation of the guy that runs the program. it means that employer have some control over the employees. let me put myself on the jury -- maybe they give him some chances if i'm on jury, you know, if i work for somebody the employer has to have some control. >> right. >> and this guy is out of control. so they had a right to suspend him. >> the issue will be whether or not he will be able to fully execute his job duties. >> bill: but his may have is affecting everybody else in the company. i think he escalated in the past few months. all right. we have a trouble situation in florida. eight-year-old boy, been arrested four or five times in
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school. he is threatening people and other thing. his name isn't charlie. he is eight and they don't release that information. you say, what should be done with the boy who just simply will not behave in school? what should be done? >> i think, juvenile justice prosecutor and special needs teacher, what you do, you evaluation of the home. a team does battery of tests on him. >> bill: let's assume the battery of tests have absolutely no impulse control and his mother, because there isn't a father can't control him at all. arrested five times? >> there san issue in the home.... >> bill: let's say there is. the kid is out of control. what do you do with him? >> they can, if they have sufficient evidence, if the mother is unable to help the child and control behavior, remove him temporarily from the
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home. >> bill: and put him away. >> put in a foster home and ordered to do counseling and management issues. >> bill: they've been doing all along. >> that is problem, because the judge is saying, you are not doing enough. you are not getting counseling for the kid. you are not being responsible. so if i were the judge, i would have ratcheted up, you do this, i'm bringing the mother in for child abuse. >> you can't make allegations. it's unfounded there is any abuse in the home. >> bill: the only thing to do, if you chose to, remove him and put him in a foster home. that is the last resort. >> how many times is kid going to be arrested? >> he has to be a special home at school. >> bill: they have those in florida. okay. all right. >> you get a metal pipe and everything. >> bill: the kid is dangerous.
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he is not the only kid in the circumstance. >> in san francisco, there was terrible murder, an illegal alien did it. san francisco doesn't report illegal aliens to the feds, so the family sued the city judge threw it out. >> three judges threw it out. >> this is federal court, that happened last year. then the family sued the city and state. that was one judge who dismissed it and went to a three-judge panel. that was dismissed. >> bill: they say they can't hold the city accountable. there are immunity issues. and not so much as a sanctuary city, for there to be a liability on police officer or the whole office itself, there has to be a special -- i know the person i am releasing. >> bill: the city knew he was a
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violent guy because he had offenses before. is this the right ruling? >> it is the correct legal ruling but do i believe there is a problem in terms of moral responsibility. >> bill: sanctuary city. absolutely, but you can't sue cities unless they do something way over the top. all right. ladies, thanks very much. in a moment, president obama caught in a tough spot because federal employees have little union bargaining power.
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federal union workers have little bargaining power because of the act signed by jimmy carter. you have a major problem for president obama going forward. charles krauthammer joins us from washington. so you were around back then, what did carter and diminish the power of the unions? >> because like governor scott walker and a lot of governors in the state, they wanted to have control of their expenditures. and there is no reason why they shouldn't determined the level of tax iag and determine the level of compensation. particularly with the federal government where the civil service protection are so strong. the federal government would have no trouble competing for labor. without unions having power, the civil service protections are there, you know if you go to work with federal government you
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have lifetime protection and good benefits over time. so that is the deal. you don't get union negotiating powers as you would if you were a steel worker. >> bill: i said that all this week that governor walker should compromise on this issue to get it done by saying to the union workers, listen, we'll protect through state law, but we can't allow your union to run rough shot over our fiscal situation there. that is a compromise. if you are a federal worker you are protected through the law but not through the union. so certainly they could do that in wisconsin, right? >> i don't know why it would be compromise, because wisconsin historical has had very strong civil service protections, in fact that is part of the deal. you go to work for the government you have the kinds of protections a private sector worker doesn't and compromise is you might get less in wages but
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you are protected. >> bill: okay. if you give them one more and say, look we'll make this part of our state law and then you don't have any beef or whatever. i think they are going to have -- how do you think it's going to play out? it's a civil war. public seems to be divide order it, polls are all over the place. how do you see it coming out? >> i do know one thing, if the governor of wisconsin and the republicans cave in on this, it will be historic cave. walker's career is done, his power in governor as done. he may not have thought this was going to be the great issue of his term. he may not have foreseen it was going to be national or become epic but it is. he is in the moment. think he is right. i think what he is doing saying, look, i can get a giveback but
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that is not the problem. the problem is a generation of cozy and corrupt arrangement where the unions are supporting helping elect the politicians that negotiate the cozy sweet contracts, that can't continue. the state is going bankrupt. in the end it robs the state, the county and city of the services it needs because if you pay exorbitantly high wages and benefits you are going to end up having to slash the services that the citizens need. >> bill: unions are going to say they make 18 humped more than their peers in the private sector. >> but they get it all in benefits. they were paying almost nothing on pensions and paying a quarter of what the private sector worker in wisconsin is paying. >> bill: in new jersey and other states the corruption is right there for everybody to see. >> bill: democrats are supposed
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to be the ones that favor of progressive taxation of the rich helping the poor. here we have a case where the average worker in the state who pays hire pension and hire health benefits is subsidizing somebody that pays less. that is regressive and that is not what democrats are supposed to stand for. >> bill: entertainers getting paid millions by khadafy. [ robin ] my name is robin. and i was a pack-a-day smoker for 25 years. i do remember sitting down with my boys, and i'm like, "oh, promise mommy you'll never ever pick up a cigarette." i had to quit. ♪ my doctor gave me a prescription for chantix, a medication i could take and still smoke, while it built up in my system. [ male announcer ] chantix is a non-nicotine pl proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke.
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and see terms and conditions at . >> bill: pinheads and patriots starring qadhafi and big named american entertainers in a moment. >> first, if you become a premium member we will send you a mug as well as an american patriot pen, you get them both, free with an annual membership. as they said operate mickey mouse club, why? because we like you! so please check it out on it is crazy, we are just giving stuff away. now the mail:
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please e-mail me with your back-up. >> bill: don't be sad john. i'm analyzing the story in a fair way, i believe. we broke the federal union status for crying out loud. we broke it. >> bill: you and your family are patriots, thank you. check out our fisher house promotion on more than $700,000 raised so. >> finally, pinheads and patriots mariah carey and
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nellie if you are that toe received a million dollars or more from qadhafi to entertain he and his family this puts pressure on miss beyonce and miss carrie. is miss furtado a pinhead or patriot? >> last night we showed you jamie foxx making fun of president obama's dancing prowess. >> come on i saw you on "ellen" that definitely was not the black side of you right there. [ laughing ] >> bill: 68% think mr. fox is a pinhead. 32% think he's a patriot. check out the fox news factor website. that is a different website than spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world,
5:59 am name a town if you wish to opine. the word of the day, no mordancy. visigoth, don't be, bad guy no man . i am bill o'reilly, remember the spin >> good morning, everyone. it's wednesday, march 2nd. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks so much for sharing your time today. a government shutdown has been averted for now. hold the horses! the house votes for a two week extension. now it's toup to the senate and the president whether they play politics or get the job done. >> get er done. wisconsin governor scott walker means business. if democrats stay away, layoffs are on the way. >> this is why it's so
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