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tv   Glenn Beck  FOX News  April 1, 2011 2:00am-3:00am EDT

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wire and blog endlessly. keep it here on fox news channel. the o'reilly factor is next. good night from washington and i'll see you on gretawire shortly. it. >> demand it. >> uh-huh! >> glenn: welcome to the "glenn beck program." i've been asking the question: who is looking out for sunrise who is standing up for freedom here and all over the world? we know that it's not iran. it wants to take us down, take israel down and clear the path for the 12th imam. i want to introduce you to a guest. we put him up on camera. there he is. we can't show his identity. we have to disguise his voice. he will be with us live in a half an hour. he actually infiltrated the highest level of the iranian government. he knows first-hand the plan for destruction of israel and then the spread to america. that is coming up. but it all ties in to the 12th imam, christian
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anti-christ. and it also ties in to what else is going on in the middle east. it's a little strange. let's start here at home first, with your wallet. the man who runs the largest bond fund in the entire world, so he probably knows a thing or two, says the u.s. treasurys, the things, you know, our debt have "little value" because of our ever-increasing debt burden. warren buffett suggested avoiding betting on the u.s. dollar because he believes it's about to tank. wall street is increasing their interest in what they call tail risk. what that is, is funds that are being set up by pimco, deutsche bank now and other wall street firms. we have been called crazy and we told you prepare. prepare. for massive stock market dives. the funds lose 15% per year in normal conditions but they are structured they're structured to cash in big-time in a time of crisis. nobody has done these before.
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people are now saying, i don't think this is good. something is going on. what else can i do with my money? now people are lining up to lose 15%. because they think massive trouble is ahead. wal-mart, the world's largest retailer working with suppliers now to minimize the impact of increasing cost to you. ceo bill simon of wal-mart says the cost increase are coming at a rapid rate. and that inflation is going to be serious here in america. the president just called to reduce oil consumption, and increase ethanol. the problem with that is corn and oil are the two building blocks in this country. if you don't have corn, you don't have beef, you don't have food. you don't have oil. you don't have cars. unfortunately, the president is stopping us from drilling oil in our own land. a guy who has been an expert in commodity since the 1970s, a couple of them i have read. this guy summed it up the best. we'll have inaccurate acreage
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without spectacularly favorable weather and it will usher in a significant food shortage. not just here, but all around the world. gee, will that help or hurt a revolutionary fever that seems to be sweeping the world? we have reached this point because we lived beyond our means. it's happened all over the globe. and now the world is turning to people to fix the problem. the people who are fixing the problem are the people who created the problem. they aren't honest brokers. many of them honestly are enemies of man's freedom. they are divvying up the world right now. throwing matches on gasoline. news flash. this change of power is not a good one for america. for israel, for australia, england, anybody who loves freedom. soros has said himself that america is the biggest roadblock to an open society. as he likes to call it, a borderless one world government. he also as we showed you, his organization says that israel and the middle east, they are
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not going to do the right thing. they won't understand it. well, i hope you understand what is happening in the middle east. we're going to show you a timeline here in a few minutes. it will show you that many of our, many of our politicians in washington, i believe, are in bed with the enemy. c'mon. ♪ ♪ >> glenn: a lot to do tonight. try to move as fast as i can. this is a show that you really want to dvr tonight, because we're going to jam through a lot of information. have i even said hello, america? hi. an outspoken prominent uber-liberal war critic has come out and slammed obama's military assault on libya. they said even if the country has a tyrant, even if that tyrant is butchering his own
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people, if the country poses no imminent threat to the united states or to his neighbors, then getting involved amounts to a dumb war." actually wasn't talking about this president's war. he was talking about george bush's war. that was said in 2002 by the then state senator barack obama about the iraq war. now as president obama is doing things he doesn't have that same opinion. he's launched a murky military action in libya that fits his own dumb war description to a "t." something is wrong here. because this is only one of the extremely contradictory past quotes from obama that the majority of the press continue to ignore. there are bread crumbs all over that are leading you to very dark places, but nobody will pick them up. you'd think someone would want to dig a little deeper and find out what is happening, and why the prescription of peace, loveie doveie president is suddenly interested in joining the hawks. his poll numbers are going
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down, which tells me, that you know something is wrong. has there ever been a president in your recollection whose poll number went down who went out on a military -- that's what they said about clinton and bush. he's only doing it to get the poll numbers up. obama's going down. i think the american people know something is not right. tonight i want to take you through a timeline of key events and statement and action taken by this administration and groups associated with the administration. and others, spooky dude, and show you also another entirely new piece to the puzzle i think explains a ton. and shockingly, the journalists refuse to investigate. remember, the story line being sold to you right now is that after 40 years of dictatorial power, freedom fever, just burst out in the scene in egypt. everywhere else in the region. like libya. but let's go back and rewind the clock a little bit and see if we can put puzzle pieces
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together. we start in 2003. this young lady here. a little known journalist with u.s. news and world report, samantha power she writes a book. and many people called this anti-israel. she immediately wins a pulitzer prize. why is it called anti-israel? well, because she made statements that kind of sound that way. listen. >> investing in the new state of palestine, investing billions of dollars that would probably take also to support i think what will have to be a mammoth protection force. >> glenn: mammoth protection force, for the people in gaza and the palestinians against israel. but she wins her pulitzer and her career takes off and she
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lands a job at harvard. 2005. power quits her job at harvard, because she gets a phone call from senator barack obama, who says i think you need to be a top foreign policy advisor. 2005, same thing. 2005 now. here she is releasing her book, 2005. the u.n. holds a world summit. and adopts her ideas, doctrine, responsibility to protect. protect the population from genocide. ethnic cleansing. war crimes. crimes against humanity. and they take it from principle to practice. so her idea, barack obama loves, builds right into the u.n. 2006, group called monitor. cambridge based consulting firm founded by harvard professors that received $250,000 a month from the libyan government from 2006 to 2008. what are they doing? well, they have a wide range of services, but one of them
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is enhance the international appreciation for libya. they try to generate positive news coverage for the country. and to resuscitate muammar gaddafi's image. now, who do they call on? cass sunstein who is married to her. and george soros. which will have a connection to her and him in a minute. george soros reaches out and helps. a if few weeks ago, soros has to issue an apology after supporting a donation to the london school of economics from gaddafi's son, because he said i'm going to help. i'm going to help. i'm going to help the u.s. firm to improve libya's image and get his son into the london school of economics. but then, gaddafi's son plaggerrizes his work and so now, george soros is
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humiliated. 2008, george soros is so intrigued by the powers' doctrine, that he helped fund and create an entire global center for the responsibility to protect. which is designed to be a catalyst for action using the responsibility to perfect as justification. got it? he thinks this is great. but it's not really making progress in the u.n. i spooky dude will get involved and he puts it together in a global organization. 2008, powers, cass sunstein's wife, works on the obama campaign. you know her if you remember someone getting booted off of obama's campaign because he called hillary clinton, because she called hillary clinton a monster. she was later retired by obama and top foreign policy advisor and playing a role today. 2008, candidate obama visits
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israel. it doesn't take long after he leaves israel before winning the election. then the attack on the israeli settlement and israel begin and they are unrelenting. one after another after another. i don't think i need to list all of them to you but there is one i want to play for you. i want to play the one state. beyond president obama telling the u.n. he doesn't accept the legitimacy of the settlement. it's the statement that comes one after another from members of his own administration. they openly deliver blatantly insensitive and highly out of line antisemitic comments. like this one. here you are going to see somebody using the arabic term for jerusalem, which kind of means to the arab world that jerusalem doesn't exist. here he is. >> in all my travels the city
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i have come to love most. jerusalem. >> alcuds. that is a slam to anybody who is jewish and lives in israel. they did several antisemitic jokes. a lot of them over and over again that seems out of place, and no one reports on it in 2009, richard falk, a top official to the u.n. he tries to use the responsibility to protect act. as a doctrine against israel. for war crimes. now the responsibility to protect doctrine was respectfully used for libya. falk once again called for it to be used against israel. we have it now in the u.n. we have george soros. now the united states endorsed it. that's what we went to use with libya. who is richard falk? here is a guy who supported the itoe will komen -- ayatollah khomeini in iran. professor at prisston until
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www .2001 in 2003, took part in socialist scholar conference. 2008, appointed to the human rights council by the united nations. he proposed creation of a global people assembly. his answer for the rise of american fascism. now, we go back to 2009. here we are. 2009. here is falk. obama is inaugurated. and then he meets with the muslim brotherhood. during which the brotherhood promises to support democracy and the war on terror. november, 2010, while everybody was watching the mid-term elections, just last fall, the obama administration was focused on something else. they conducted an in-depth review of its policy on democracy and the middle east. the egyptian democracy issue in particular. now no one attending the meeting would discuss any of the details. by the bipartisan group attending the meeting are
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these groups they're almost all soros groups. entirely george soros funded groups. back to samantha power. she was in attendance with the george soros groups where they are meeting about democracy, last november in egypt. samantha is described now as the foremost voice on human rights. she has the president's ear and his trust. the fact that obama went in to libya, using the responsibility to protect montra despite his obvious past statements, calling that dumb, powers calls this a perm triumph. she is the advisor. now, this is odd. she's declaring victory. this ke nettic military action just started. it could be a total failure, quagmire. why would someone say it's a personal triumph? is it that she cares about libya? or is there something else she is more excited about? is it the same thing that
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richard falk is excited about? up until this point, november 2010, just last fall, egypt was still relatively normal. no one was protesting in the streets. yet the white house, during this meeting talked about it. the white house knew that something was coming. now, after the uprising started, riots in tunisia, and the egyptian protests begin, after this happens, the president behaves as though the uprising surprised him. the administration portrayed surprise as his response for the slow public response. he was surprised. this took him off-guard. the white house. i have remember thinking really? leon panetta. we so far to say he was getting his update the situation the very same way everyone else was. well, most people are getting it from fox, but a couple of people, i bet it was leon panetta was getting it from
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cnn. >> we got the same information you did, that there is a strong likelihood that mubarak may step down this evening, which would be significant. >> glenn: all right. so they were getting the update. move something fast they didn't noah was going on and they were caught off-guard. that's not possible. the president's own staff were publicly stating the instability in this -- the stability, this time period that the stability in egypt was an illusion. "the stability in egypt is an illusion and we have to get on the right side of this thing." how did all the george soros' people know that stability in november was an illusion? here is the missing piece of the puzzle. this. you probably haven't, you probably haven't heard about this. gas. butane in egypt, butane is used for everything. cooking, heating. without it, you're amish. you have to have it.
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let's go way back to december of 2009. we find a cable from wikileaks from the embassy in cairo. stating in january of 2011, government will give out butane ration cards. show you a piece of the cable here. the current proposal still in discussion phase would be to convert the subsidy to a paper voucher system and they describe them as smart cards. they knew the risks. could they take on such an entrenched subsidy in a political season and not anger the people? if they didn't, the subsidy would become so unsustainable, drastic action would be forced to happen they'd anger the people. lose-lose. it was reported on in august 2010, in egyptian papers. the egypt minister of social solidarity said the butane gas
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canisters will be sold to the public via coupon in january, according to the minister. the coupon system would be facilitated by ration card to ensure that the subsidized commodities would not be hoarded for the resale on black market. this really wasn't a popular idea. we have found that people are not enthusiastic about the idea of switching from enkind to cash, subsidiaries, because there is a long culture of mistrust between the citizens and the government, one that goes both ways says the director of the social contract center. so when they said it was an illusion, the soros people knew something you didn't know. soaring food prices. low wages led to the egypt riots in 2008. the egyptian government was forced to extent a ration card system to provide more than 70% of egypt polllation with subsidized food. now because of promises to
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lower energy use, they had to do it here. why did they promise to lower energy use? the kyoto protocol. egypt was going to try this system that caused riots in 2008. now with energy. because of the kyoto protocol. so now we have the left helping egypt with subsidies if they just stop using so much of this. it causes tension. in october of 2010, egypt finance minister said that come the new year, canisters of butane cooking gas will be issued based on a coupon system. late december, egypt said they would push the ration card system for butane to february. but people knew it was coming they had riots over the food rationing cards. everything had been ratcheted up. now, with all of this information, knowing about all of this, is it conceivable that the uprising in egypt were a surprise to the obama
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administration? is it conceivable at all? you're going to have to decide. back in a minute.
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>> glenn: the so-called revolution in the middle east, is it set up? if so, who is involved? and what is really going on? this is becoming too big of a problem in the world and nobody seems to be looking at the bigger picture. let me take you and shift for a second. i want to take you to jordan. because there is something that has been found from very early christian period that is amazing. something that says walk uprightly. walk uprightly. boy, that seems like what we've been saying here. the solution, the e-4 project. it's basically walk uprightly. it's sending a message, i think this little book on ways that could be the only way to
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survive what is coming. inflation, revolution, call caliphate. it's a little book, lead pages bound with wire that could unlock secret of earliest day of christianity. it's been found in a cave in jordan, where refugees were known to have fled after the fall of jerusalem. on the pages not much bigger than the credit card are images, symbols and word that appear to refer to the messiah and possibly the crucifixion and resurrection. adding to the intrigue, many of the books are sealed. prompting them to speculate it's the lost section of the codus in the book of revelation. margaret barker, president of the society said, "the book of revelation sells us of a sealed book opened only by the messiah. other texts of the period tell of sealed books of wisdom and secret tradition passed on by
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jesus to his closest disciples." that is the context for this discovery. i think this is amazingly cool no matter what it turns out to be. could the discovery lend credibility to the book of revelation and the prophecy? of course not. the other network telling you bible is nonsense, work of fiction, not a lick of truth to it and we shouldn't pay attention to it. or we could search our feelings and know what is true and then look at the eerie similarities between what you read in the book of revelation about antichrist and then the 12th imam. that the iranians now say is here. let me give you an update and introduce you to someone who has gone under cover, he's in another room because he is under protection now. he saw the inner workings of iranians. and they are preparing for the return of the 12th imam,
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which is not good thing. here is the 12th imam. if you read the book of revelation, here is the description of the antichrist. antichrist, kills the jews and christians. 12th imam kills jews and christians. antichrist rules for seven years. the 12th imam rules for seven years. peace with israel, breaks peace. kills and beheads nonbelievers. mark of the beast, jesus returns in both stories. if you took the book of revelation and turned it upside down and made the good guys the bad guys and the bad guys the good guys you would have the 12th imam. nothing to see here. no. nothing to see here. no one knows the time. except all the experts who never owned a clock ever. the rest of us are humble enough to know we have no idea when the time is here.
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we just don't disregard things there are signs. people have been paying attention to them for 2,000 years. you can ignore them and that's fine. you know what? people have been saying -- i got to believe. i've been thinking this lately. i have to believe when hitler was around, i have to believe people thought this has to be the end of the world. jesus has got to be coming. they have been thinking this for 2000 years. you don't want to be caught off-guard. things have seemed chaotic before. many times before. but this time there seems to be convergence of event and scenario that may warrant extra attention from us. the good guys and bad guys. this could help explain their action or predict their actions. you have don't have to believe it. if you know they believe it, and you understand what they
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believe, then you will be prepared. i'll introduce you next to the guest that does have to be in disguise. he says they are preparing for the 12th imam and he says to do so, they must wash the world in blood. he's next.
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now back to glenn beck. ♪ ♪ >> glenn: while the media was celebrating the wonderful democratic revolution by the youth of egypt, i said wait. can we just be careful here? we don't know who the people are. it never ends with the people it starts in revolution. depending on who is in charge, this could be start of a new
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islamic empire. a caliphate if you will or a shiria law over the entire re john. that was the dumbest thing anybody ever uttered on television, i was told. oh, my gosh, that was crazy talk. unfortunately, a wikileaks cable now confirms that members of the ruling party in turkey envision a resurrection of the ottoman like state in the future. having a more broad and regional influence the muslim brotherhood in egypt say they want islamic regime across the middle east. turkey said earlier in week, now they want to have peace with iran. this strikes me as dangerous, because if you want to have peace in the islamic world, you're ushering in the mahdi or the 12th imam and peace comes at high price. egypt says they want to turn over a new lease also with iran. iran seems to be cobbling
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together the power in the middle east. ahmadinejad knows the 12th imam. what he has to do is destroy israel and then america. i want to introduce you to a gentleman that is brave. he's reza chalil, a pseudonym, who worked under cover as a cia agent and author of a book "time to betray." he shared a video with cbn news and we had to hide his face and his voice for his own safety. we also have with us eric stackalbeck, from cbn. and he's the most -- stackalbeck on terror on cbn news. he broke the story about the 12th imam video and we'll go to him in a second. first, from undisclosed location, i want to go to re.ea. -- reza, tell me when you
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went undercover and you started hearing about the 12th imam and everything else, you actually heard plans for the destruction of israel and the west. and the return of the 12th imam. >> yes. first, thank you so much for having me. it's a pleasure to be on your program. i started to dispel the antigovernment activities with expansion of collaboration with the terrorist groups around the world. and their intention to ultimately destroy israel, because that's a key element. it's a mandate of century-old to take place so -- [ inaudible ] would return. the states here they promote this ideology, and just because they cannot understand it, doesn't mean it's shiria,
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these are people -- [ inaudible ] i assure you that the intent to attack israel, destroy israel, and looking for the glorification. this is the blueprint of the ideology. they have no intention for this to go public. i was alerted by my contact in the revolution months ago that the president amend amend, apt khomeini to be distributed to release and incite uprising with the governments, calling for unification of arabs, and that the destruction of israel is imminent. so therefore, this is all because we have administration that is inept, and confused.
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they can sense this. they become excited by the event in the middle east. >> glenn: all right. let me go to eric. because what he brought out was this videotape. explain what this videotape is. >> glenn, basically what the video does is it gives us a window into the mind of the iranian regime. the twisted mind of the iranian regime. it was made in conjunction with the office of mahmoud ahmadinejad, himself. this tape has the stamp of the iranian regime. what it does is takes us through the uprisings in the middle east. egypt, yesmen, saudi arabia. all of these are seen as divine signals from allah by the iranian regime that the end is near. iranian regime identifies itself in this video as "the great power from the east." as foretold in islamic scriptures that will usher in the return of the mahdi. an important point here, this video identifies mahmoud
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ahmadinejad, as "the commander in chief who lead the army of islam to victory and conquer jerusalem before the mahdi returns." jerusalem must be conquered in islamic hands before the mahdi emerges. >> glenn: america, the reason why i'm taking you through this, i think, i mean for instance, george soros is an atheists. that's fine. i have friends who atheists, that's totally fine. but if you are atheists you don't understand the mind of someone who is deeply religious. many of the left who are atheists consider christians as dangerous as those who are killing home sexuals and anybody who breaks shiria law. they put them in the same category. for some reason they seem to dismiss mahmoud ahmadinejad. that's crazy. he would never believe that. well, he does. he does. the reason i show you this, i think that there is a
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possibility that those on the left here in america are using people they think are just ridiculous. to create the instability to change the world. but they are playing with people who they don't understand at all. eric, do you agree with this or not? >> absolutely. look, glenn, at the end of the day, left and radical islam are strange bedfellows on the surface but they share a common goal. that is the overthrow and destruction of the western judeo christian. they will get in bed with the jihaddist who stone homosexuals because they are not western, or judeo christian. >> glenn: when we come back, i want to pick it up with this.
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people on the left say we can control the people later they work with us. i want you to address mindset of people like ahmadinejad and those who really believe in around osama bin laden, around mahmoud ahmadinejad, those in the muslim brotherhood who truly believe this, what the mind set is that the left should expect once they get their wish. revolution is global. back in a second. #@@
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>> glenn: back with two guest, eric tech isalbeck, host of tech isalbeck on terror on cbn news. and reza, a former revolutionary guard member who worked as undercover cia agent
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in iran. reza, not your real name, i want to ask you where we left off. the workers of the world people have been planning and plotting this. even the open society people, george soros, he has been planning these things for a long time. i think they are actually thinking in their arrogance, you know what? we'll work with these people. you know, we'll help them they'll help us. yada, yada, yada. but workers of the world uniting over jobs does not beat believers of world uniting for god. with a machete, do they? >> they don't understand the ideology. first of all, they have to differentiate between the iranian people and the radical islamists ruling them. >> right, right. >> the iranian people have
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been aspiring for democracy and freedom. even the 2009 uprising, it was close to overthrowing the government. but they chose to negotiate with them. the government proposed radicals ruling iran are committed to islam, committed to allah and they take it literally from the quran. which demands kill infidels until is up time there are no more. >> glenn: do you know of a time before in iran that the ruler was telling everybody i have been appointed by the 12th imam to usher in his return? >> you see, i have described it clearly in my book. these people ayatollah
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khomeini, even the founder of the islamic revolution, before the revolution, they had three rules for imam. was one to overthrow the shaw. the other was to establish islamic estate. and third was to pass the last messiah. it has been the intention. they acted upon it. we failed to understand this. >> glenn: okay. when we come back, just some of the parallels and what it means, why people need to pay attention to this. even if you are not a believer or even if you are an atheist. why you need to understand what is happening in the middle east. back in a minute. i was having so much trouble getting around i thought, end of the line, i was headed to a nursing home. well, i'm staying in my own home now, because we chose hoveround! hoveround's compact round design makes it easier for you to maneuver through the tight spaces in your home.
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>> glenn: um, we're back with eric tech isalbeck and rezi, we're talking about something that sounds insane. it's what the people in the leadership, not the people, but the leadership of iran believe in. the 12th imam. i showed you at the beginning of the program. can you show the blackboards again? the similarity between the christian anti-christ and the 12th imam, they are the same they are the same. the 12th imam is according to hadif.
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the leaders of iran for the first time have said he's coming. this is not something that just is about israel. or anything else. what is this? >> well, glenn, first they came for the jews. israel is the canary in the coal mine. israel is on the front lines of this war. israel is only the little state. america is the great satan. america is the ultimate prize for the iranian regime. and the ultimate target. >> glenn: that means great satan -- i heard that my whole life. i really came in clarity when i started doing my homework on the 12th imam. that is what we use as the antichrist. we think of it as a person. many who believe the 12th imam believe the great satan. is the anti-christ, it's a country, an entity, right? >> america is the anti-christ in the iranian regime eyes. i have to tell you, glenn, this isn't just an israeli problem. this is an american problem. i'll tell you why. >> global problem.
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>> global problem. by the year 2015, our own defense department says by the year 2015, iran very well could have missiles that can reach america. the east coast of america and if they keep going the way they're going, the missiles would be nuclear tipped. >> glenn: well, you have -- let me go back to reza, an underkiev c.i.a. agent who was -- undercover c.i.a. agent in the revolutionary guard and saw things they were preparing to cause bloodshed and the destruction of israel, right? reza? >> oh, yes, yes. >> glenn: you say that this time right now is important because of 72 months. can you explain this? >> yes. hadif says that 72 months prior to the reaperience of imam, this mythical figure takes power. and they say the need to figure is ahmadinejad. so, ahmadinejad is been in office for over five years.
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that gives us a timeline. clearly telling us that within a year they going to create circumstances needed for the imam to come. and you better understand these. over 1,000 bah situationic missiles right now. >> glenn: this is what you have to understand, america. these people are serious, even if you don't believe it. they do. they do. back in just a second.
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