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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  April 1, 2011 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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>> martha: it's a baby snake, but it took a man-sized search to find this, the cobra that escaped from the bronx zoo is now back under lock and key, the zoo keeper found her in a little corner in the reptile house! gregg: i'm relieved! "happen position now" begins right now. onjon right now, breaking developments and brand new stories this hour, a day of meritter -- martyrs in syria, thousands storming the streets, calling for freedom, new reports of security forces opening fire on the protestors, killing about in damascus. the battle heats up in court over wisconsin's controversial law restricting collective bar -- bar gar been rights for workers. a judge could rule any minute. we're live in madison. this wasn't meant to be part of the air show. fierce winds, tossing planes like toys as spectators run for cover. we'll talk with an eyewitness and show you the incredible photos.
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it's all new, all live, it's "happening now". jon: good morning, to you, hope your friday is off to a great start, i'm jon scott. jenna: nice to see you jon scott! i'm jenna lee, everybody. we're here in the fox news room and "happening now" it's a big day in the middle east. as we know friday is a major day for prayers, a first start to the weekend, and waves of protests are sweeping the entire region. from syria, we're getting reports of security forces attacking protestors after they left a mosque. it's hard to get imams from the tightly controlled country but here we have some amateur video of worshipers leaving the mosque after friday prayers chanting the syrian people are one. in the meantime, in yemen, it appears demonstrators areeld whoing their biggest protests to date, something we're watching closely, aren't we jon? >> jon: hundreds of thousands of people packing the central square in sanaa,
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the opposition hopes 1 million people will take to the streets pressing for yemen's president to step down now after decades in power. >> in libya rebels setting conditions for a ceasefire there, saying they will accept a truce if mo -- mommar qaddafi pulls all troops from city, this as reports of his son saif sent an envoy to londonfor talks on an exit strategy. jeraldo rivera, streaming live from the strong hold of benghazi, jeraldo, what's going on? >> reporter: hi jon. behind me, a group of a couple hundred kids it looks like have just shown up here at onar square, a square named for a libyan freedom fighter who fought against the italians during the colonial period in libya but now it has great symbolism obviously for the rebels.
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this is benghazi, the rebel strong hold city, where just a week ago, the tanks of omar -- mo maqaddafi were firing rounds into apartment buildings, there were casualties, it looked as if the city was about to fall, he was going to take his country back from the rebels. now that is not the case. earlier today this square was filled with between five and 6000, maybe more, who went from friday prayer to a vehement antiqaddafi rally, jon. that's why i hear there is word of some peace negotiations, and some negotiations for a ceasefire, but i don't know how you could simply have a negotiated settlement to this conflict with qaddafi staying in power, jon. jon: yeah, i guess that is a demand the protestors saying they would consider a truce, it looks like maybe you're not able to hear me, jeraldo. what i was going to say --
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>> i got you, jon. jon: these protestors have said yeah, we'll stop the fight if qaddafi goes. >> reporter: yes, they want basically victory, if they are granted victory, they want qaddafi to remove all his forces from all of the streets that he personal occupies. they basically want him to do all of the giving, and they are still not saying that he can remain in power. i'm telling you, jon, just -- there's this big demonstration morning, arrest the dictator, sirens, qaddafi, the murderer, stop the killing of the libyan people. you know, this is a situation that i think has gone way too far for reconciliation with the qaddafi regime. but listen, jon, you lived through, as i did, the south african situation, where black and white reconciled after decades of committing acts of terror against each other. if they could get it
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together at the bottom of the african continent, maybe here in libya at the top of the african continent, that is possible, too. but i really, really believe that it is a remote, remote possibility. i mean, they are saying some vial things about a man they consider a wretched, repress ive olagark who has left this country dry, saving the billions for himself. jon: once again, watching history unfold in benghazi, libya. thank you. jenna: court hearings are underway in wisconsin, the legal battle continues over that state's controversial budget law, this as a judge looks into legislation of whether the law was properly passed. mike tobin has this next chapter of the story. so what exactly is the challenge to governor walker's budget repair bill? >> reporter: the challenge
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is that wisconsin republicans violated open meetings law by not giving 24-hour notification when they ultimately abruptly ended the standoff by cobb ling together a joint conference committee, changing language in the legislation and muscling the legislation through both committee and the senate in the same night. the catch is that both the senate rules and assembly rules or house rules do not require that 24-hour notification. the backbone of the brought brought by representative pete barca, the assembly minority leader, is that it was a joint conference committee with both the senate and assembly there, then the open meeting laws applied and 24 hours is required, jenna. jenna: so mike, as we take a look at the status of this law, the court challenges it to what? does it stop the law from moving forward? >> reporter: effectively for the moment the law has been grownt to a halt. -- ground to a halt. initially, judge sumi issued her temporary restraining order preventing the
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secretary of state from publishing the law which would have been the final step before the law goes into effect. initially the republicans did not honor that but the judge ultimately expanded the language in that temporary restraining order, to the extent that republicans begrudgingly had to honor that law even though they disagree with the fact that the law hasn't been made public yet and thereof the law is not in effect, they disagree with the merits of this case and disagree with the notion that a circuit court judge has the authority to override what the legislature has done. jenna. jenna: we'll continue to watch this developing story out of wisconsin, mike, thanks. jon: a poerful house republican, threatening to subpoena members of the obama administration. congressman darrell issa, firing off a letter to secretary of state hillary clinton, he wants her department to come clean on an allegedly botched sting operation involving trafficking illegal weapons to mexico. according to the congressman, the operation likely resulted in the murders of two american border patrol agents, brian
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perry and ice agent jaime zapata. here now, darrell issa, chairman of the committee on oversight and government reform. congressman issa, why subpoenas for the secretary of state's office? >> we haven't yet subpoenaed the secretary of state. we're hoping that secretary clinton will see the reason that we have every right to the specific, narrowly crafted documents that we've asked for. more importantly, we found it necessary to subpoena the alcohol, tobacco and firearms documents because they first told senator grassley they wouldn't give them to him because he wasn't a chairman, then they simply didn't tell us anything when the deadline came and went for delivery of, even though i am a chairman, so finally we felt we had no choice but to start getting to the bottom of what senator grassley led and now my committee is also
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following, which is -- it's not just a scandal. it's clearly a crime and clearly, there are u.s. agents that are dead and reportedly many, many, many more mexicans who are dead as a result of these weapons , jon: we have touched on this story many times before and i think our viewers know it, but the allegation is that the alcohol, tobacco and firearms department allowed these guns to be smuggled across the border into mexico, hoping to be able to track them, trace them, follow them to the drug cartels and make larger busts, but the accusation is that the weapons were then used in crimes that resulted in the deaths of americans, among others. >> well, and you know, there are some undeniable facts here. first of all the serial numbers show they did come out of u.s. gunshots and the ballistics show that one agent for sure was killed with one of these weapons. the guns shops said the alcohol, tobacco and
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firearms let us do it, at least 1atf whistleblower is confirming that. we're past allegations. what we're trying to get to is what were they thinking and what knew what, when. at the end of the di, this very much seems to be at sort of an iran contra, only worse. jon: the obama administration has promised transparency in its dealings. are you finding that to be the case? >> well, that's sadly one of the things that we discovered in the minority and it's being shown even more in the majority is the transparency from the president appears to be ordered, but transparency by the department of justice and certainly by department of homeland security is not being executed. we had a hearing yesterday in which it was very clear that they even politicized requests by the press, so this is an administration that needs to get control of the various tentacles, including justice, department of homeland security, and of course atf, to start being as
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transparent as the president has ordered them to be. jon: congressman darrell issa, republican of california, and the man who is reading this investigation along with senator charles grassley. congressman, thank you. jenna: a fox news alert, we're hearing breaking news out of mississippi, a fatal bus accident, involving some children. harris has the update. harris. >> reporter: we're going to get more pictures of this. this is in rural mississippi, outside of jackson, jenna. what they're saying is that on highway 450, and u.s. highway 61, a bus and tractor trailer have collided -- collided and it has left them flipped over. as you can see from the first picture to come into fox news here, the bolivar county core nr telling local reporters there that it appears, in addition to the ten people who are injured, we don't know the extent of their injuries yet, one child has died. the county coroner telling us it's a little girl. we're working to confirm her
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age. she's either ten or 11. we're working to confirm that. but that's a local report, according to them, the bolivar county coroner has confirmed that one child has died, ten others hurt. the shaw school district said this bus was carrying children from their district, ranging in ages from kindergarten to high school. jenna, back to you. jenna: more on that developing breaking news as we get it, harris, thank you very much. another big story today of course is what's happening in the job market overall. we had that new report on jobs. we're going to talk to the president's top economic adviser, austan goolsbee about jobs, the economy and why aren't wages going up when the price ofesting else. he has answers for us straight ahead. jon: also al-qaeda's power growing in one country, that group claiming its own territory, calling it an islamic emirate. we'll tell you where and what it means for the west in the war on terror. jenna: on a lighter note he may be a future king but prince william is like every
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other guy. what he's admitting about the upcoming royal wedding and what he is planning toivingt do that is raising somen 20 yeas eyebrows.
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jen a fox news alert, new jobs numbers out there showing the economy added jobs and a drop in the unemployment rate but yet another month where hourly wages have not gone up and this is important because higher wages can indicate more job growth to come. also we need to keep up with the high cost of living, right? prices are going up, the price of gas and food, both of those items, prices are higher and because we the consumer are drivers of economic growth, where does this leave us and our economy? earlier i asked chief economic adviser for the president, austan gals bee why wages aren't going up when the price of everything else is. >> we're coming out of the worst recession since 1929. the first thing we've got to do is get people back back to work. the president signed a payroll tax cut for 150 million -- 150 workers
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to improve the after-tax wage of people all around the country, but you know, we're in a tough spot. we're making -- that we're making progress doesn't make it any easier. we want to get wages up and we want to get people back to work. jenna: how concerned are you about the price pressure that the american family might be feeling and how that might affect future job growth? >> well, it's something that we're clearly monitoring. energy and food prices have been up, other prices remain -- inflation remains very modest, so the overall consumer price index is only up in the 1 percent to 2 percent range. on fuel costs and gas costs, i mean, the critical thing is that we address the energy policy so every year we don't get in this same circumstance. jenna: not to take anything away from the efforts at trying to change the energy policy but we do know that the tile line on that could be longer rather than
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shorter, of course, and we when we look at a major policy change like that, gas prices have gone up a quarter over the past month. when people say this could cause a double-dip recession or slow the recovery as we get into the later part of 2011, what's your take on that? >> most of the private sector analysts have not thought that. the impact of gas prices is hitting consumers, and we've got to be mindful of that, and as i say, that's why the fact that the president got more than $1000 for families of payroll tax cuts in december, we're certainly happy he did that, when we're facing situations like this. but i think it's important that we also emphasize what we need to do is have strong job creation like what we saw in the jobs report today. that's by far the most important thing for putting money in peoples' wallets so that they can deal with any
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of the shocks that are coming through. jenna: let's talk a little about policy moving forward in a different area. i was looking at findings that states like wisconsin, florida, missouri, are either moving towards or have moved towards limiting jobless benefits from let's say 26 weeks to maybe as few as 12. will the federal government step in and pick up the tab for the extra weeks that the states might not be providing for their residents? >> well, i'd have to see what the specifics are. i'm not familiar with the 12 week thing you're describing. i know that in the unemployment benefit extensions that we've had, they were done because the unemployment rate, if you looked at the peak of this recession, there were six or seven unemployed workers for every job, which is five or six times higher than what's normal in a recession. this was the worst recession since 1929. so it made sense to extend unemployment benefits.
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and when we did that, it has the feature that if you're in a state where the unemployment rate has come down and is low, of which there are some states with low unemployment, it naturally -- i think it is natural to reduce the weeks of unemployment and it is set up to do that. jenna: the proposal to have the 12 weeks of benefits is on the table in the state of florida. it hasn't passed yet, but it's interesting it's happening in that state, the state where the housing market is so beat up, there are so many things happening in the economy there. we have a great economic panel coming up next hour, we're going to talk about the effects of jobs on the retail market, on the housing market and also on public policy overall, that's coming up in the back half hour of the noon. jon: and there are states with low unemployment. people would like to know where. jenna: dakotas have very low unemployment. jon: that is true. an alarming turn in japan's nuclear crisis, more
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contamination found in groundwater, a sign that despite efforts the fukushima plant is still out of control. disturbing news out of syria, thousands packing the streets in what they're calling a day of martyrs. new reports of deadly crackdowns from the government. but will the unrest topple the regime? we'll get into it next.
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jenna: we are three weeks to the day of that devastating earthquake and tsunami in japan and there are still growing fears over leaking radiation at the crippled nuclear plant in fukushima, new evidence emergency crews cannot control radiation streaming from the damaged reactors, plant officials detecting more radioactive iodine in the groundwater near the plant and adding to concerns, another food scare
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in this region. contamination in the beef industry as well. this comes as u.s. troops help in the grim search for victims, joint u.s.-japanese teams combing the devastation from the ground and air. so far, more than 10,000 people are confirmed dead, thousands more are still missing, and some say may never be found. dominic di-natale is live in osaka, japan. >> reporter: a massive amount of back pedaling from the japanese authorities, saying the food scare for the beef, 40 miles away from the fukushima plant was erroneously reported. they're saying in subsequent tests on that meat they found no levels of radioactive activity at -- radioactivity at all in the cows, in what they believe contained radiation at the time. they said second tests proved negative. there could be a problem with the examination in the first place. on top of that, we're hearing from tekko, plant operator, saying it gave
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erroneous data when they said levels in the grondwater underneath the plant were 10,000 times above the legal level. they don't know what it was, they're going to retest over the weekend but it wasn't 10,000 times as they said it was and probably going to downgrade the figure. what this is doing is eroding confidence in tekko and what they're telling the public with regard to this scare, just how much radiation is there leaking from the plant. we really don't know. they're not telling us and they're not telling us accurately. that is just adding to the weight of concern that people are already suffering. people are trying to get their lives back together after the disaster, the tsunami and earthquake itself. we hear from the top government spokesman they haven't even come up with a road map yet on how to get out of this crisis, they are saying we want to present a road map but we are not in a position to do it in a responsible manner at this time, we just don't have the information. what they need to do contain
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-- is contain that water in the turbines underneath the four problematic reactors, they then need to pump that out, get the cooling systems online and cool them down before they can shut them down for good and there's no definitive plan on how they're going to do that. jenna: a lot of information. a remind every, this is an event that they say only happens maybe once in a hundred years, maybe once in a thousand years. dominic, thank you very much. jon: for more on what's going on in japan, ambassador robert laguchi, former state department ambassador at large. he has a great deal of experience in that part of the world. mr. ambassador, you just heard that report from dominic. there has been an awful lot of criticism directed toward the japanese government for bottling up information, for maybe failing to establish a large enough security zone around the perimeter of that plant. what do you think of the way the japanese government has handled this crisis overall?
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>> so far, it is not going well for the japanese authorities, for the government or the utility, or for the industry. so far, we are getting stories which -- of radiation levels that are quite worrisome, then we're being told that that was erroneous, your report was i thought right on the money and your analyst had it right, that people are really at a time like this, with a threat they can't see, radiation, are depending upon the government to tell them whether they are at risk and what they should do, and the government is not exactly building credibility right now. there's always a question about whether there's manipulation, but right now, i don't think we even have to go to manipulation. we just have to recognize that the government is not putting out consistent information that people have confidence in. jon: it's easy to be an arm chair critic and i'm not suggesting that you are one, but you read the arm chair critics in this country who
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say they ought to be doing this or ought to be doing that but in many ways it is an unprecedented problem an they're having to innovate the fixes on the fly here, aren't they? >> yeah, i would say from my particular arm chair that what the japanese could be doing is learning from past crises. we had one at 3-mile island, ukraine, in the then soviet union, had one at chernobyl, and we know there are situations of uncertainty and they are in that situation now, and so one of the best things they could do is be absolutely honest about what they don't know. one of the things they said was right on the money, and that is that they don't have a plan right now that they have confidence in of how to shut down this situation, so that that stops, so that the radioactivity moving into the environment ceases, coming from the reactor core or from the spent fuel ponds
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so it is too much to ask the japanese to do what they can't do, but it is not too much to ask them to be honest about their level of knowledge about their radioactivity that is in the environment now. jon: let's all hope they can get a handle on it. former ambassador gallucci, now with the mcarthur foundation -- foundation. jenna: back to africa and the middle east, the place al-qaeda says it controls. what that could mean to the entire region. a live report just ahead. plus, a big scare at an air show, fierce winds tossing planes around like toys. take a look at that image. we will talk to someone who was there, just ahead.
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jon: right now there are fears al-qaeda is making big gains in yemen, the terror group's branch in the arabian peninsula declaring one yemeni province an islamic government with sharia law. up to 1 million demonstrators are calling for yemen's president to go. national correspondent catherine herridge is live in washington, she has more for us. >> reporter: thank you jon with all this focus on libya, the conditions on the ground in yemen have continued to deteriorate. we have some of the largest demonstrations to date taking place in the capital of sanaa, hundreds of thousands of people asking
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for the president there to be ousted. this is having several effects on the government. one, it's the focus of their attention and two, it's pulled the security forces out of some of the disparite regions line the al bivment a -- albian province into the capitol. places like this have been tenuous at best and al-qaeda has seen it as one of its areas that are developing in order to cement its operations there. when we look into that southern part you have to see this in the context of a series of events that appear to lay the ground work for this declaration. right now you're seeing the aftermath of that explosion at a munitions dump at the abian province early they are week, the belief of those in the intelligence community is that al-qaeda members as well as local tribes worked together to take over that ammunitions dump and that after this event they took over a local
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radio station and it was there that they declared that this abian province was now an emirates. to sort of cut through the details there, the bottom line is that what we're seeing in yemen, at least based on the open source reporting and what i'm hearing from people who are familiar with the intelligence, is that aqap, al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula, is really taking advantage of this power vacuum -- vacuum in yemen to try to cement its foothold in the abian province where many members have been operating for some time, jon. jon: what a mess. catherine herridge. >> reporter: to say the least. jon: thanks. jenna: keeping in mind what's happening in yemen as we talk about syria, what's happening today in syria is what some are calling a day of martyrs underway, thousands of protestors storming the street, calling for freedom with new reports of security forces opening fire in a suburb of damascus, killing three people. with the uprising in this tightly -- will the uprising in the tightly controlled country lead to change?
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jonathan, how would you answer that question? >> i think that we're looking right now at a regime that for the last ten or 11 years, people have been saying there's a chance for reform. you have bashar assad who came in not as a politician but really as a son of a former dictateor. bashar is actually an opthalmologist by training and we're looking at a guy who was touted as the guy at least that could bring retch. he hasn't and i think that the frustrations has mounted in syria to the point we're seeing these protests that have been going on for the last week or two. he's promising reform but these are cosmetic reforms and i would suspect these protests will continue and probably get larger as the days pass. jenna: and then what? >> and then i think the regime is going to be forced to make a choice. in the past, when there have been uprisings in syria, the regime has cracked down with brutal force. the example that everyone
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looks at is the town of hamaa in 1982, there was a muslim brotherhood uprising and assad killed 20,000 people over the course of a week, turned the entire city into a parking lot. i think in today's day and age with the internet and with youtube and you know, with jal al jazeera on the ground, it's going to be harder to do that but the u.s. has to make a -- but they have to make a choice as to whether it's going to have ular brietality or make reforms. jenna: it's interesting you mentioned the uprising of muslim fundamentalists in this country and the question of who would fill the vacuum if the president was no longer there, president assad. in your point of view, as the united states, would we prefer to have seen the muslim brotherhood rise to power in syria or would we prefer to have this man in power? >> i think the answer is neither. you know, you have to remember that syria has been a state sponsor of terror since 1979. syria has dispatched forces
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to attack our men and women in uniform in iraq, they have headquarters for hamas in damascus, they support hezbollah. i mean, this is a very nasty jeem. of course, the idea of having the muslim brotherhood come in is equally inpalatable. gen jen especially because we're also seeing the muslim brotherhood become more active in egypt as they continue to try to focus their democracy as it grows over the next couple of months. a quick final question, jon. what should we do? i mean, what should be the u.s.' role here? is there any role for us to play? >> well, i think obviously we want to make sure that broadly speaking, there is civility across the region but i do think that when we talk about bringing down regimes in the region, i think that we probably shouldn't be looking at libya. i think we should be looking more at places like syria and iran. these are regimes that we would like to see toppled because of the role that they've played in this broader war on terror. we've got to remember who our enemies are here and i believe that we can count syria among them. jenna: a good reminder.
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jonathan, thank you very much for your insights, looking forward to talking to you again. jon: well, britain's prince william, he doesn't have cold feet. just knees that knock a little bit! the prince confessing he is nervous about his upcoming wedding to kate middleton. the big day less than a month away now. greg palkot, live in london. all right, so he may be nervous, but like a lot of grooms, he is spending time with his family these days? >> reporter: absolutely. it's a family go to work day for prince william on a day that is four weeks until the wedding, and counting. he made comment today at the royal air force base in wales, that's in the western side of britain, he is a search and rescue helicopter pilot for the raf and today he got a tour from grandma and grandpa, queen elizabeth, duke of edinboro, he explained to the grandparents about what he does as a search and rescue
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pilot, how the wemplegs work on the helicopters, how the rescue is performed and earlier, he talked about the upcoming wedding, and they asked him flatly, what makes you nervous about it all. here's how he answered? >> the whole thing. how's that? no, i was telling everybody at the rehearsals, my knees started tapping quite nervously. it's a daunting prospect but quite exciting. there's a lot of planning to be doing in the coming weeks. >> reporter: he was more tight lipped when he was pressed about his stag party which he had last week and pretty much under the media radar, 22 guests at a country estate outside of london, and in part, organized by his brother, harry, and in his words, he was happy that he outfox dollars the media, maybe no reference to our network, jon. jon: if harry organized it, you know that's why they didn't allow any cameras to be present. that's for sure. there are reports that he's not going to be wearing a wedding ring? >> yeah, this coming out
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today, too, jon, from st. james palace, a quick comment, there was a decision not to wear a wedding ring, they tried to scof any rumors about why, it was simply down to preference, he doesn't wear any jewelry at all, which is not to say that fiance kate middleton won't be wearing jewelry. the wedding ring will be made from a lump of gold from wales and that will be presented, of course, on the wedding day, april 29th, and she's already wearing that engage mentoring, a diamond and sapphire ring, once worn by prince william's mother, diana. jon: greg palkot, we're going to be looking forward to that day, that's for sure. jenna: the more jewelry, the better! you go girl kate! william has to get on board! we saw the gas on twitter, that top white house officials, one actor wants to launch a live twitter week. clever idea? or a big business risk? we're going to explore that. also we're following this spring noreaster
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hammering new england this hour, getting new snowfall counts on the first day of april. we have new video and where the storm is heading, next.
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jon: it's a fox extreme weather alert and no, it's not april fools, a spring noreaster slamtion the northeast, the storm stretching from new jersey to new england, icy roads causing spinouts, heavy snow brought down branches and power lines. before it's all over we could see up to a foot of snow in parts of new england. conditions are changing rapidly. rick reichmuth is here with the fox cast next hour. and if you want to get a peek at your weekend forecast, it's there at your fingertips, go to, enter
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your zip code, we'll get you your local forecast. jenna: speaking of forecasts, maybe a financial one, cvs is launching a tweet week, featuring the network stars, commenting live on twitter as the shows run on the air. fox business network's dennis neal is here to talk more about this. so first of all, explain how it works. >> so starting sunday, with the first show they're going to do that on, the country music awards, during the show, a host is tweeting live, during the national basketball championship on monday. they will be tweeting live. this comes from the what are you thinking department of marketing because stars get into trouble all the time when they are utterly unedit ed and say what they want on twitter. jenna: is this to be more provocative? >> it's not enough to say watch my show, it's you won't believe what a pain this next scene was.
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you've got to be provocative togate new trouble. you want to look at what got the stars in trouble? the voice of gilbert god free, the aflac duck, they fired him, chris crown -- brown, the sing e. went into a walmart, mad they didn't have his album, tweeted, it turns out they sold out. jim carrey, defending the twists of tiger woods had to apologize. jessica simpson, at the gym, then she tweets about dangling parts of an elderly man. rather not read about that. katy perry denies she's pregnant and tells us that actually she's right in the middle of her time of the month. and i like this one, bow wow, the rapper, drunk driving, in his lamborghini and says i am so messed up. not a good idea. jenna: all that, you're right, doesn't sound good, but here we're talking about it, it got them all attention. >> it did. jenna: and if cbs is looking to do that, a lot of anchores have a tweet. i have a twitter account. it's hard to do during a
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show because you have a show to do. is it worth it to create this provocative bit for people? >> the guys getting out there, they have 75 million facebook followers, tens of thousands twitter followers on each show and letting the stars tweet. they say no editors, guidelines, we trust them. the survivor guy does a lot of stuff and simon drolberg on big bang theory, he's going to be tweeting live burg big bang, he says bad jokes about race, religion, sex. watch for him. jenna: how many times have you gotten in trouble for your tweet? >> i'm not going to talk about it, i'll get in trouble for talking about how many times i got in trouble! jenna: thank you very much. jon? >> jon: a developing situation in new york, jenna two dangerous inmates escaped from jail, where u.s. marshals think they might be heading. also brand new video, devastation and destruction,
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powerful storms sweep through a celebration of an air show in florida. planes, twisted into piles of metal, coming up, an eyewitness tells us his eyewitness tells us his story of surviving a really frightening storm.
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jon: a story we first brought you yesterday on "happening now" and an update, a scene of chaos as powerful storms and even tornadoes swept through central florida, slamming people at the fun and sun air show in lakeland. when it was all over, at least seven people were hospitalized, dozens in those planes pretty much trashed as you can see. after a long night of cleaning up, the air show reopening today. on the phone, david franzen, an eyewitness, a wichita
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director. how many were in attendance there yesterday? thousands, right? >> tens of thousands, actually jon, and it was quite a scene. jon: well, i know the pilots watch weather. you must have been watching this thing coming at you. >> actually, that's the interesting part about it. just about everybody had either a pda or a cell phone or computers and we were watching and tracking the weather radar and watching this thing just bear down on the airports for about 20 or 30 minutes. you could just see that it was honed in right on lake land airport, so we watched it for quite a while. jon: a lot of these planes that were flipped over weren't tied down, though, is that correct? i mean, if you had 20 minutes notice, why wasn't everybody out there tieing down their aircraft? well, the fact is that -- >> well, the fact is most were on display and they were tied down in a sense but many of the smaller ones are rolled into place for
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the purpose of showing people that they can -- they're very portable and easy to move around, they are light sport aircraft and the ones that were damaged in many cases are ones that people want to show -- or ones that people want to show are easy to move around or could be taken in and out of tight spots easily. so part of the reason they're there is to appeal to the personal pilots. jon: we heard yesterday this might have been a tornado that hit the airport. i guess that has since been refuted. but there were tornadoes in the area, huh? >> actually, they did say there was an ef-1 tornado somewhere on the airports and straight line winds as well. so we did have a tornado in part of the airport but straight line winds that did a lot of the damage. jon joond i know there was a tent collapse and people hurt but nobody seriously hurt, i guess. i guess a broken hip, that's
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pretty serious but not as bad as it could have been. >> the latest reports are that number, seven, has been increased to about 15 people that sought some kind of medical attention, but the number of airplanes has been increased to about 40 airplanes that have been damaged pretty heavily. jon: heartbreaking. that's for sure. dave franson when the wichita arrow club, thank you. jenna: breaking news from the skies, we got a report an american airlines plane diverted, an attendant and three passengers taken to the hospital. we're getting that. we're also hearing that passengers were fainting on board the plane. the breaking details, just ahead.
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like many chefs today, i feel the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. and that's what they do with great grains cereal. see the seam on the wheat grain? same as on the flake. because great grains steams and bakes the actual whole grain. now check out the other guy's flake. hello, no seam. because it's more processed. now, which do you suppose
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has better nutrition for you? mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. what's all this? big news! we have another way to help you save. oh, really? how? by bundling. if you get your homeowners and auto insurance together, we give you even more savings. ooh! big bundle. [ chuckling ] home and auto together. it's like peanut butter and jelly. oh, or like burgers and fries. or pickles and ice cream. unicorns and glitter! no? bundling to save you more. now, that's progressive! call or click today. [children screaming] [growl] i met my husband here. i got to know my grandkids here. we've discovered so much here together. but my doctor told me that during that time my high cholesterol was contributing to plaque buildup in my arteries. that's why i'm fighting my cholesterol...
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with crestor. along with diet, crestor does more than help manage cholesterol, when diet and exercise alone aren't enough. crestor is also proven to slow plaque buildup in arteries. crestor is not right for everyone, like people with liver disease, or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. tell your doctor about other medicines you are taking, or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. ask your doctor if crestor is right for you. i love it when we're here together. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. jon: right now tracking new developments in libya and breaking stories brand-new this hour. opposition forces try to regroup in libya. a top commander moving heavier weapons toward a key oil town as the rebels offer terms for a cease-fire. we'll talk with former state
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department spokesman p.j. crowley. a new snapshot of the economy, what the latest unemployment numbers really mean when it comes to housing, shopping, or your chances of finding a job. our top notch panel takes a look behind the numbers. it's spring, it's april, but you can't tell it in much of the country where folks are coping with frigid temperatures and even heavy no. the latest from our severe weather center. it's all new, all live and it's "happening now." jenna: high noon here on the east coast. we have this headline for you a peace offer in libya as opposition forces dig in for heavy fighting. it seems a little counter intuitive. we are fighting and a peace offer. we'll see how it breaks down. i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. the front lines shift across the sands of libya. jenna: the front lines have really been tough to follow. rebels in the east going for a
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counter attack moving rockets and heavy equipment toward brega, a key oil town. the opposition offers conditions for a cease-fire. rebels say they will stop fighting if the government's military forces withdraw from the cities allowing peaceful protests against the regime. in the meantime the u.s. plans to pull out all of its planes out of that war zone by tomorrow allowing nato to handle any air strikes. conor powell is streaming to us live in tover libya now. connor. >> reporter: good afternoon, after several days of back and forth fighting one thing is very clear here is that this proposed cease-fire is the clearest indication we have now that the rebels here are interested in some type of negotiations, some type of dialogue and discussion here with the pro-qaddhafi government forces. what we aren't sure or sure about is whether qaddhafi will engage in this type of dialogue and negotiation.
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we have seen heavy fighting all the way up to qaddhafi's home down to sirte. they have gone back and forth, one to two days of rebel advancements then pushed back by pro-qaddhafi forces. it has been heavy fighting which has led to a stalemate. it's clear here that it doesn't like like either side is really going to be able to get the upper hand on the other side. so today, just a few hours ago political leaders of the rebel forces did propose this conditional cease-fire, of course as part of the conditions they want to be able to peacefully protest the regime and have qaddhafi forces pull out of the cities. what we don't know is whether qaddhafi will even engage in this. we know that the u.s. and other coalition governments around the world are putting pressure on the people around qaddhafi trying to pest you are his supporters, ministers and other people who have supported him for years and in some cases decades trying to push him out, trying to find a solution that is nonmilitary here. as of right now fighting
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continues to be very intense in much of the area in central and north central libya. jenna. jenna: conor powell streaming for us live from libya today, connor thanks stphaot push for democracy seems to be spreading across the middle east. in syria tens of thousands of people are taking to the streets there for what they are calling martyrs day. this as security forces step up a violent crackdown, they are firing shots and using teargas. reena ninan is following all the developments from amman, jordan. >> reporter: jon, they came out in full force today. the police were all over downtown amman something we haven't seen in a very longtime. all of the activity and action kicked off early this afternoon. protesters came out following friday prayers today, these demonstrations are in support of the king. protestors said they want the king to remain in power but they are also calling for some reforms. the antigovernment protestors
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say the kings should have fewer pours and they also want to be able to democratically elect their own government. [chanting] >> reporter: these are king abdullah supporters. there were a lot of tribes that actually support the king. and here in fact also not just in amman we are also watching the situation in yemen. when the president of yemen ali abdullah saleh said he's willing to sacrifice his own blood to go for the people to make sure that they are taken care of in yemen as well. in syria we are watching a situation, the outskirts of damascus there. we are seeing reports of at least four people killed in clashes with antiassad and proassad forces. we are seeing that assad has
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been able to maintain control. there are tens of thousands of people taking to the streets of damascus. the fact that there are flashes and they led to death are significant. we spoke to one leader of the muslim brotherhood. he's saying that people have got even a taste of freedom and they are willing to die for it. in amman we didn't see any deadly clashes, people here are on edge and ready and prepared to fight for their rights. they want a change in the constitution and want to elect their government democratically. jon: fascinating to see those demonstrations in a country like syria where people have been repressed for so long. thank you. jenna: for more on the uprising in the middle east and what it means for the united states we are joined by former states department spokesman p. stkwr-fplt crowley. one of the most remarkable parts of this story is the speed with which this has been happening across this region. as a former member of the state department for the united states are we on top of this. or are we struggling to keep up with all of these changes? >> the pace of change is
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remarkable, there are a lot of balls in the air. absolutely on top of it. secretary clinton back in december gave an important speech in qatar where she challenged the region, that it needs to undergo political, social and economic reform. even with that speech it's hard to have envisioned that a street surrender in tunisia would have literally lit a spark that has led to these remarkable developments. jenna: so interesting and good to be reminded of that story in tunisia, as you mentioned that was the tipping point for this region we're looking at right now. one of the questions we have is about perception versus reality when it comes to our government. sometimes the perception has been and since you worked and mentioned secretary clinton we'd love your opinion on this. the perception has been that secretary clinton is very, very aggressive with her idea of what our mideast policy should be, and the president has been a reluctant follower of that. in your opinion is that the nature of their relationship? >> not at all, not at all. go back to the secretary's speech which is about u.s.
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policy, that the president has formulated. we want to see political, economic and social reform across the region from algeria all the way to yemen. how that unfolds will vary country by country by country. but, you know, you have a situation in libya where qaddhafi had the opportunity to see what had happened in tunisia and egypt. you look at egypt, for example, and in our conversations with the egyptian government and the egyptian military they made clear from the outset that they would never turn their weapons on their own people, and that was a fundamental factor in seeing the things unfold in tahrir square. unfortunately qaddhafi has chosen a different path. i support this intervention, absence aggressive response to qaddhafi's significant use of military weapons against his own people i fear this would have stopped in its traction. jenna: we are hearing about a potential cease-fire.
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we've heard those president bush and it hasn't been the case. we are hearing that if qaddhafi let's the rebels protest freely and stops his advances, then maybe there could be some sort of reprieve of the fighting. what is your take on that, number one, and if that is the case, if this kind of quote, unquote, peace deal is on the table does that mean the united states is out and gone and no longer involved in libya? >> i don't think so. i think the meaning of the intervention not only was to protect civilians but also to protect the opposition which leaves open the potential for a political solution that ultimately leads to qaddhafi's departure. i think this is unfolding exactly as we would hope it would. if we have a military stalemate that allows for diplomacy and economic pressure to eventually erode qaddhafi's strength.
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there is a strong parallel to cocokosovo. eventually the serbs got rid of their own leader. i would hope that would happen here as well. jenna: what is next for the united states. we are looking at a lot of different reports. let's go to yemen. we are hearing declarations of a emirates. if we set precedence in libya what is next in the region. >> i'm not sure we are setting precedence in libya. while we want to see reform across the region how things unfold will be based on the unique circumstances that exist country by country. yemen is not libya. yemen is the poorest country in the region. the solution to yemen is a strong government that supports all parts of that country. and the most significant development in yemen recently has been the split between
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president ali abdullah saleh and his military leader. they come from the same tribe but have a different vision about the future. jenna: we use these determines democracy and freedom as if they apply the same way wherever we say them around the world. it's a important reminder a democracy could elect a fundamental religious leader. do you think that the united states has to be stronger with our message to the arab world about what type of democracy, what type of nations we'd like to see emerge there and be stronger with our message not only there but also to our own people here at home? >> i think our messages have been real strong. these are indigenous phofplts. we will be able to influence wapbs in tunisia, egypt, other countries we will not be able to control it. what the united states can do together with other european countries is provide technical assistance. take egypt, you're trying to
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form political parties, run free and fair electionses, first for a parliament then for a president. we can provide technical assistance that leads to political reform and give a real voice to the people of egypt and the people of other countries. ultimately it will be these countries who elect the leaders of the future. jenna: p.j. crowley nice to have you today. i look forward to talking to you again as well. as former head of the state department big things ahead for you. for coverage in libya and other uprisings go to amazing reporting from our teams. be sure to check it out jon: a manhunt is underway for two prisoners who broke out of jail. police say they should be considered armed and dangerous. and they may be heading across state lines. jenna: also the markets reacting to brand-new job numbers we are seeing the dow rally. the oil hit a 2 1/2 year high, 107 and above today.
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when we take a look at the market, jon we should remember oil prices are higher as well. it's april fool's day but the spring snowstorm is no joke. some folks getting up to a foot of heavy wet snow. here is a look outside of our newsroom. we are glad we are inside. we have your fox forecast coming up at the bottom of the hour. jon: let's go make a snow angel. jenna: sunny in california, though. ♪ look out the window at that storm. ♪ the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. family trees... circles of friends... backyards are one size fits all. and just like we mix and mingle...
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so do the delicious tastes and textures in every handful of chex mix. we're made to mix. in ever[ male announcer ]mix. this intervention brought to you by niaspan. hi, dad. we need to talk. no, it's not about boys. it's about you.
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mom and i are worried about your health. yes, you're exercising, eating right, but the doctor said it's not enough. he's concerned about the plaque clogging your arteries. the doctor said you have coronary artery disease. he even told you about adding a cholesterol medicine that may help...niaspan. and you've done what? nothing. [ male announcer ] if you have high cholesterol and coronary artery disease, and diet and exercise are not enough, niaspan, along with diet and a bile acid-binding resin, is fda-approved not only to slow down plaque buildup but to actually help clear some of it away. dad, you have always taught me to push myself. now it's time for me to push you. [ male announcer ] niaspan is not for everyone, like people with stomach ulcers, liver, or serious bleeding problems. severe liver damage can occur when switching to niaspan from immediate-release niacin. blood tests are needed to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness; this could be a sign of serious side effects. this risk can increase with statin use.
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tell your doctor about alcohol use, if you ever had gout, or are diabetic and experience increases in blood sugar. flushing, a common side effect, is warmth, redness, itching, or tingling of the skin. [ knock on door ] oops...i gotta go. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about adding niaspan. fight back. fight plaque. love you, daddy. >> reporter: a story out of rochester new york, north of manhattan here. two inmates escaped. i've just got off the phone with the monroe county sheriff's office and they tell me they have a better idea of how this happened.
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there were cell bars broken and at least one broken window because they found the shattered glass. 35-year-old eddie r. palmer and 34 joseph lee mitchell escaped last night. both of them considered dangerous, possibly armed. police not talking about that in detail. mitchell in jail for distributing narcotics, palmer in jail for possession of stolen property and violating his probation. he's been in jail since last june, so quite a while. mitchell has only been in jail for less than 90 days. here is what they are saying. they want the public to call 911. we do have another number that they can call. (585)753-4178. they are depending on the public's help now. through scanner records what they are thinking is from listening to police scanners, rather, it's suggesting that the two men may be headed south, possibly florida or georgia, that is kind of the trail that they are following right now. i haven't been able to ascertain whether they have a history in
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those states. here is a look at the two guys that they are looking for, palmer and mitchell, last seen last night, they were present this morning gone, broken cell bars and a broken window at the monroe county jail in rochester. back to jon and jen a. jon: harris, thanks. there is a shocking new study on homelessness among our veterans. 116% of the homeless in a one night survey westbound found to be veterans of the u.s. military. those who serve our country and protect our freedoms might not be getting much help from congress. why? here is anita vogel live from our los angeles bureau. >> reporter: this is being called the those authoritative analysis of homeless veterans. this is a joint study by the va and the department of housing and urban development. 16% of all homeless people in a
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one night survey were veterans. 96% are alone rather than part a family. the reasons vary from person-to-person and what kind of trauma they experienced during their time in the military. >> there is as many reasons as there are vets. you can categorize this guy he has ptsd so he can't deal with people. this guy became an alcoholic while he was a vet and he's still an alcoholic. >> reporter: now president obama has set a goal to eliminate the problem of homeless veterans by 2015. experts say about 90 to 95% of homeless vets could be moved off the streets. most agree the president's goal is especially difficult during tough budget times and massive cuts. one successful government program that might not receive additional funds in the current budget is a housing program for homeless vets that offers vouchers for long term affordable housing hat a third of their income. congress has appropriated
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$75 million a year for the vouchers. now there is set to be a huge battle in congress over whether more money is needed this year and whether enough veterans are taking advantage of the program. >> the president's request had adequate funding for this fiscal year for in total about 30,000 vouchers, 19,000 of those vouchers have been used. there are still about 11,000 available. >> reporter: now that number is debatable by a lot of different agencies. the department of veterans affairs which actually runs the program says all of the vouchers are spoken for, and unless there is more money allocated in this current budget then veterans who are on the streets who want to take advantage of this program will have to wait until the end of the year. jon, back to you. jon: we've got to get those men and women off the streets. that's for sure. thanks very much, anita vogel. jenna: what you buy, where you live, where your money is going, our jobs panel looks at today's employment numbers and how it affects all of us in different
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parts of our lives. "happening now" fighting over how to spend your tax dollars. what they are saying on capitol hill about the budget, including this just moments ago. >> this little guy is beaming from the house that it has passed the senate. this is particularly unusual, because not only has this bill not passed the senate it's actually specifically been rejected by the senate. and now a bill is going to the senate asking them to deem that they have passed something that they have actually rejected. announcer: naturals from purina cat chow. delicious, real ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. naturals from purina cat chow.
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jenna: we see positive signs for the job market. hiring is up, unemployment rate is down. the jobless rate dipping in fact to 8.8% last month, the lowest level in two years. the economy is adding jobs in
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the private sector. we are seeing overall the addition of 216,000 jobs last month, a little bit better than expected although we should mention just barely enough to keep up with population growth. we want to put that out there. it's now about two years since the end of the recession officially. we are asking you the question today what is the effect on different parts of the economy, what is the effect on the job market in all these different sectors. to talk housing danny babb is a ceo of the back group. chrisee benz. and mike santoli is an associate editor at baron. we've talked a lot about the housing market and the data not being great. if the job market is improving and we are seeing it improve then why isn't housing improving as well? >> as you point out it's barely keeping up with the population growth. that's one issue. even if we went back to the natural unemployment rate today we are still going to see a slow
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down in housing, and that's a number of factors like you pointed out. part of that is even the employed people today are worried about the longevity of jobs. mortgage rates that could potentially go up by the end of 2011 it looks like and worried about losing the home mortgage deduction. you put all these things together and people are worried about a double-dip in housing. no one wants to go into a $600,000 investment only to lose 20% in the next years. i don't think it's going to affect housing. jenna: because a koft us hold our welts in our home it affects our psychology when it comes to shopping. we talk so much about prices going up. number one is that valid are we actually seeing a rise in prices that consumers should really, truly be concerned about and where are you watching for the price increases? >> let's talk about cotton, firstly, that is really going to
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hit consumers just in time for back to school. most retailers actually locked in their cotton prices six months ago. they are going to start passing that on to you now. the average price for a pair of jeans, just to break even retailers have to add on two buck. your cotton underwear, jeans, all that stuff is going to start affecting your wallet. in addition we have corn going up, beef going up, cocoa, coff coffee, gasoline. the one-two punch keeps the consumer cautious. and that's what i worry about, consumption. jenna: consumption for the consumer drives the economy. our wages are not going up. we are not keeping up with the cost increases. austin gooles told me he hopes they start paying people, but do you think we'll see anything like that. >> i think you have too big a pool of unemployment and under
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employed folks out there. the average monthly job gain as been comparable to the post recession periods at this point in the cycle in 2004 and a little -- only a little worse than 1994. the problem is and the reason that the federal reservist not going to get aggressive in raising interest rates the way they did in those periods in my opinion is because we had such a deep hole. it was so much deeper that even that kind of standard rate of increase has not sopped up enough of the untabbed labor. wages are going to be sticking to the downside. jenna: what happens next. >> what happens next i think the continued trend of gradual improvement. if there is a good news about inflation in necessities is that it doesn't necessarily allow the consumer in aggregate to kind of fuel consumption-based inflation in the rest of the economy. interest rates are going to stay low. people will be able to refinance if they qualify at lower rates
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unless we get a really up side surprise in the jobs report very soon and that means we continue to kind of nurse ourselves back to health and not necessarily accelerate into anything like a boom-time economy. jenna: mike says we'll see the low interest rates, we'll be able to refinance it's going to be all good do you agree with that? >> heck no, absolutely not. we may see low interest rates through the end of the year, maybe even for the next several years but it's irrelevant if people can't get the darn loan to begin with. we are having consumers that need two or three appraisals before they can close a home. if their credit changes by ten points when they started the mortgage application, before closing, sorry, they don't get the loan. jenna: i have to run for breaking news. we appreciate it chris, mike and dani, look forward to talking to you again. jon: fox news alert a little more information from that american airlines flight from reagan national to chicago
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o'hare. it was diverted to an airport in ohio after passengers reported feeling dizzy, and in fact three of them were taken to the hospital -- four passengers i should say fainted, two of them taken to the hospital, a flight attendant also apparently feeling some trouble. the captain deployed the oxygen masks, you always get that in the preflight safety briefing, this time it happened. apparently it was a pressure eyization problem. the plane was up at 28,000 feet and climbing when it was not pressurizing properly. oxygen levels may have been low and that may have been what caused the people to faint. they put the plane on the ground, put it out of service and put the passengers on another boeing 737 and they are working to figure out exactly the cause of that lack of pressure eyization on that american airlines flight. jenna: scary stuff. a weird week with flight news. jon: planes with bullet holes in
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them. plains that won't pressure rise all kinds of stuff. jenna: maybe stay home and watch the news. jon: good idea. jenna: we'll keep you updated on that strange situation. jon: it keeps you out of the snow as well. jenna: we had this april fool's day storm making it look a lot more like winter in the northeast sparking real anger, discontent among no-weary residents we'll go live to the fox news extreme weather center to see if there is any relief in sight. >> too much, too much we got teased a couple of days ago, it was beautiful weather outside. i was out in short now -- >> depressed, horrible, i can't wait until it's over. it's too cold. [ male announcer ] succeeding in today's market requires more than wishful thinking. it requires determination and decisive action. go to e-trade and get unbiased analyst ratings and 24/7 help from award-winning customer support to take control of your finances and your life.
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amp, the hearing aid for people who aren't ready for a hearing aid. male announcer: call: to find an amp hearing professional near you. only $1,500 a pair.
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jon: for the northeast spring snow today might sound like an april fool's joke but in massachusetts the blanket of white has some residents seeing red. they are contending with another sloppy commute there. is this finally the end of winter weather there? we are live in the extreme weather center, and it's not an april fool's joke is it. >> reporter: it's not. i'm not going to promise it's the end of winter either. we have a few more weeks if we can get measurable snow from this storm. the biggest that we've seen so far 12 inches in hope maine. bellemont, maine 10. bits purchasing seeing about 8 inches. connecticut 2 1/2. the good news when you get snow this time of year the sun is too high in the sky the snow doesn't
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stay on the ground very long. we'll see it melted off of the roads very quickly and within a few days off of even a lot of the grassy areas, certainly any kind of area that has sun exposure. you see all this pink and white and blue all together, that is that mix, you're getting rain at sometimes, getting a little bit of sleet, a little bit of snow, none of it causing any problems. any place that we're seeing more significant snow that is sticking is across areas of maine and that is going to continue for about another 12 to 18 hours or so. we have winter storm warnings for all of maine and much of new england, and that is where the majority of the storm has been. we are getting it right now. april 1st not out of the question you're going to get certainly a significant snowstorm. we've seen much bigger storms around this time of year. this weekend we'll see snow it's going to warm up a little bit and we'll tphreut with 50s and 60s. jon: you're off skiing. >> reporter: i am winter park, come along jon.
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stpho: i'm there, i'll wax them up. thank you. jenna: on capitol hill house lawmakers are firing a shot across the bill of the senate. on the surface it's about preventing a government shut down. look behind the curtain and you'll see another political battle over the budget and spending. for "as the world turns" on capitol hill we have our correspondent carl cameron joining us. carl i should have said a shot across the bough by the way. are there any closer to a deal as of today. >> reporter: the democrats all say they are very close to a deal and the republicans say not so much and definitely not yet. we are expecting house speaker john boehner to have a news conference in about 15 minutes, at which his latest position we expect will be more clear. for the last week or so democrats in the white house have been saying that they've arrived at a number, $33 billion in total cuts to spending in this fiscal year which ends at the end of september is where they say the talks are going, but house speaker john boehner and others are saying there is
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no deal on the number and they want an agreement on the policy riders which would defund things like healthcare and the epa and npr and a host of other things, planned parenthood included which democrats are adamantly opposed to. they are fighting back and forth behind the closed doors as well as in public, no deal in sight and time rapidly running out. jenna: breaking news the president speaking on the economy in land over, maryland today. let's listen in. >> the last time that happened was during the recovery in 1984, where we saw such a significant drop in the unemployment rate. now, despite that good news everybody here knows we've got a lot more work to do. there are still millions of americans out there that are looking for a job that pays the bills. i know there is a lot going on in the world right now, and so the news has been captured by the images of the middle east and what's happening, the tragedy to our friends in japan,
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and i'm focused on those issues, but you should know that keeping the economy going and making sure jobs are available is the first thing i think about when i wake up in the morning, and it's the last thing i think about when i go to bed each night. and i will not be satisfied until every american who wants a good job can find one and every american gets a shot at the american dream. that's what we're focused on. that's what we're fighting for. [applause] >> so although we got good news today, we have to keep the momentum going. and making the transition to a clean energy economy will help us do that in two very important ways. first, it reduces the chance that our families, our businesses and our economy will be held hostage to the whims of the oil market, will be held hostage to something that happens on the other side of the world.
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second, investments in clean energy have the potential to create an untold number of new jobs and new industries right here in the united states. so for all these reasons i set a new goal for america. when i was first elected to this office america imported 11 million barrels of oil a day, 11 million barrels. a decade from now i want us to have cut that by 1/3. that is achievable, it is necessary, it's good for our future and we are going to get it done. i'm confident we can get it done. [applause] jon: the president in andover, maryland talking clean energy and a little bit about the economy at a ups facility there. if you would like to continue to watch the president's remarks we have it streaming for you live. go to talking about the economy a lot of states across the country are on the brink of bankruptcy.
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one of the main reasons why, perhaps it's too many government workers. today in america nearly twice as many people work for the government as in all of manufacturing. compare that to 1960 when it was almost the exact reverse, 15 million in manufacturing back then, 8.7 million collecting government paychecks. let's talk about it with paul gigot thed tore for the "wall street journal." we made a lot of progress in automation since the 1960s, maybe you don't need as many manufacturing jobs. >> absolutely right. there is a big gains in productivity over the last 50 years, enormous gains. and that is good because each single worker produces that much more in output. each american manufacturing worker produces almost a quarter million dollars a year in output, each individual worker. jon: great. >> that's fantastic. it does mean lower employment, however, and we have to try to find new jobs for people in services and others. jon: exactly how much output is the value of the average
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government worker? >> that's the difference. how do you measure government productivity, you know, the number of checks they send out, perhaps, the number of people taken off of welfare. government doesn't measure productivity. we've had a nearly trip link of government employees within the last 50 years without a ka men's right gain in productivity. you had big, big increases in state, federal and local spending. jon: it really affects the states. california it is pointed out in this op ed piece in the journal california has 2.4 million government workers twice as many as it has manufacturing. >> sure they just can't afford that. about half the bill of state and local governments, the total spending is in fact for employees. it's for the workers. so until we get that under control, and that's the debate you're seeing across the country. jon: that's the wisconsin debate. jenna: it's the wisconsin debate, it's the ohio debate,
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every state is having to debate. until you get that under control you won't be able to control the growth of government. jon: i love the line, president obama says we have to retool our economy to win the future. he basically just said that. the only way to do that is to grow the economy that makes things, not the sect their takes things. >> in order to have government have the money to spend on purposes we all would agree with on government, public safety, for example. jon: i like being safe. >> that's right. you've got to have some wealth created. who does that? private sector. jon: paul gigot, the editorial page editor of the "wall street journal." thank you, paul. if you'd like to hear more of paul's thoughts tune in tomorrow he will host the journal editorial report 2:00pm eastern time right here on fox news channel. and then, you know, pop a cold one and stick around. i'll have a program that follows
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his at 2:30 tomorrow. jenna: pop a cold one of what, jon. jon: whatever you like srao very well put. jon: sowed today, orange juice. jenna: it's the weekend after all, do whatever you want. our next story goes along lines of what you guys were talking about. automakers are firing up proeu deduction, they are making more cars. that means dealers need help selling them. casey staoeg elli steigel is lib for us. >> reporter: they announced a lot of new jobs coming your way. we'll tell you what is next coming up from southern california. family trees... circles of friends... backyards are one size fits all. and just like we mix and mingle... so do the delicious tastes and textures in every handful of chex mix. we're made to mix.
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megyn: i'm megyn kelly. unions threatening to boycott businesses that refuse to endorse the fight with governor walker. it's getting ugly.
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now the business owners are fighting back. plus tea party-backed republicans are now accusing harry reid and barack obama of hatching, and i quote a diabolical plan to shut down the government on this budget fight and then blame it on the tea party. we'll have the latest. and ca cannibalism? and fired at 50 for not looking good in a flapper uniform at the casino bar. is that league he will? see you at the top of the hour. that legal? see i at the top of the hour. jenna: automanufacturers are stepping up production. they are rolling out fuel efficient models as well. car dealerships are looking for more help to sell them. about 1.2 million americans work for car dealerships. car sales are up about 22% from this time last year. dealerships sell about
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500 billion in new cars annually. casey steigal is on the job hunt at galpan ford in los angeles. you can check out all the new models, huh? >> reporter: that's right, jenna, maybe i can drive away in something new. 90,000 new jobs expected to be added at new car dealerships across the area, a 10% increase from last year that is according to ibus world a think tank group here in southern california. galpan ford is no exception. the largest ford dealership in the country. andy graff with sales joins us now. tell me about your employment numbers and your hiring blitz that is going on. >> in the last six months we've hired over a hundred people. it looks like it will continue to be a strong hiring system through summer. >> reporter: you need people really to do all kind of jobs, right? >> absolutely, everything from service technicians to counts people to administrative people, orders to move the cars.
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like you said salespeople in all areas of the dealership we are hiring. >> reporter: one of the things we wanted to look at was pre recession numbers. how many folks did you have to layoff? everyone was hit hard. >> we laid off almost 200 people. before the recession we were almost at 1200. we got down to a low of about 830 people now we are back to about a thousand. >> reporter: that is certainly good. andy thanks very much. in 2007 back in the good old days about 1.1 million people worked at new car dealerships in the country. in 2009 that number dropped to 755,000, and in 2011 the projections look right around 988,000. not a full rebound, but things are looking better and we know that is good news in a tough economy jenna. jenna: good reminder there are jobs out there. thank you so much, on the job hunt for us today. fox news in general is on the job hunt. log onto for reports from across the country on who is hiring. how you can find the training you need to land a job these
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days. jon: a small church has some big hopes. it is placing its faith in one million people. we'll tell you why the church is reaching out to so many folks, that's next.
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jon: worshippers in new hampshire are going high-tech to build their own church. they are placing hopes on small donations looking to raise one million dollars one buck at a time. loren green in our new york newsroom. >> reporter: where else but in a hao*t bed of presidential politics would a hoeufp get a good idea about fundraising in new hampshire which is home of the first presidential primary. one church is saying if president obama can do it so can we. this is not a rock band setting up for a gig it's members of
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northridge church in dairy new hampshire gearing up for a service. pastor mike mills started the modern upbeat church seven years ago to bring religion to the most liberal and unkhoeufpd area, new england and it's been a success. >> we are making this impact with one hour a week. think if we had our own building and a multipurpose center that we could use 24-7. >> reporter: he used the power of the internet to raise millions online mostly from small donations [. [music playing] >> reporter: northridge has a video which they hope catches on and gets popular to raise one million dollars for construction costs. they are asking for one dollar donations praying they are as successful as the president. >> that is the power of the
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internet. >> reporter: he says he wants to make new hampshire as important a state for faith as it is for politics. >> i just can't hope but believe that there are millions of christians that will hear about north ridge church and way say i want to be a part of that. one dollar and pass it onto some friend and we can do this. >> reporter: since kicking off the campaign in january north ridge has raised $14,000. the pastor is hoping to move into a new facility by 2012. if you want to donate you have to go to build northridge church jon: thank you. you can see more of lauren today appearing online 2:00pm eastern time fox she'll be there. jenna: extreme weather in the sunshine state causing major delays in space this time. we have the latest details straight ahead. [ male announcer ] succeeding in today's market requires decisive action. go to e-trade and tap into the power of revolutionary mobile apps to trade wherever, whenever. life isn't experienced sitting idly by.
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for 80 years, we've been inspireby you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where u want to be. ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way. ♪ jon: it's the our must-see moment of the day and sure to
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make you say wow. the most expensive single-family home in america was just sold. the mega mansion in los altos, california, going for $100 million. the french chateau on 18 acres overlooking san francisco bay, indoor, outdoor pools, home theater, wine cellar, ballroom and a spa. if you wonder who the buyer is, it's a billionaire russian that runs an investment fund. sorry, jenna. jenna: looks good, right? moammar qaddafi getting support from his family, turning to his only daughter for help. this shows her at a rally in tripoli. she's 34 years old. she's a lawyer. she represented saddam hussein


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