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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  April 5, 2011 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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libya, it's okeydokey. >> bret: who knew? thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report." fair balanced unafr uconn and go bears. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight. >> the act of burning a koran is much, much more inflammatory than if you were to burn a bible. >> dozens killed in afghanistan after a florida nut burns the koran. and the media is now attempting to explain it. we'll have the latest on this very disturbing story. >> i have full faith and confidence in the military commission system to appropriately handle this case. >> bill: attorney general holder finally gives it up. khalid sheikh mohammed and other terrorists will be tried in front of the military. but why did president obama and holder waste so much time and money on their civilian trial
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crusade? juan and mary katharine will analyze. >> bill: when am i going to get in your cabinet? >> you would be great. >> bill: automatic not going to be v.p. >> you are too soft to be secretary of defense. >> bill: bernie goldberg will take a look at a possible trump candidacy and the media's reaction to. >>it to the victor belong the spoils. >> bill: caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. more violence by fanatical muslims and insane christian. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. about two weeks ago a so-called pastor named tori jones burned the koran in florida. fox news and other media ignored it then president of afghanistan gave a speech saying that jones should be arrested.
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that was all the nut j mullahs needed to whip up fringe elements in afghanistan. they took to the streets. murdering perhaps as many as 38 innocent people. reports are they even beheaded a few of them. of course, these people had nothing to do with the koran burning. that took place in florida. but the fanatical muslims in afghanistan couldn't care less. they wanted to kill so they killed. everyone involved in this story is disgusting. this terry jones idiot has blood on his hands. he had to know that tactic call muslims would go crazy. why are we supporting this guy. the muslim problem in the world is illustrated for all to see. reaction to the situation is interesting. general david petraeus is the commander in afghanistan. >> we condemn the action ofen an individual in the united states who burned a holy koran. that action was hateful it was intolerant, and it was extremely
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disrespectful. >> bill: senator lindsey graham also weighed in. >> i wish we could find some way to hold people accountable. free speech is a great idea but we're in a war. during world war ii had you limits on what you could say if it would inspire the enemy. >> then there is the media listen to this exchange. >> if you are a muslim, the koran is directly the word of god. not written by man. it's transcribing directly the word of god. that makes it sacred in a way that it's hard to understand if you are not muslim. , to the act of burning a koran is much more, potentially much much more inflammable than if you were to burn a bible. >> directly attacking god. >> bill: it's ridiculous. the bible is a holy book, considered to be the word of god by christians and jews. but christians and jews don't slaughter innocent people when the bible is burned. do they? but it is karzai, karzai whom i hold most responsible. the book burner in florida is a
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loon. karzai holds a position of responsibility. he had to know he was whipping up dangerous feelings when he addressed the issue. for what reason? politics? there is blood on your hands karzai. finally, talking points remains very dubious about the entire afghanistan culture. for 10 years the u.s.a. has tried to improve things in that country yet it is still barbaric in many ways. the question is how much longer can we continue to try to save the afghan people from themselves? and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight reaction. joining us from washington dr. michael o'hanlon an analyst at the brookings institution and dr. michael scheuer former cia guy and author of the new book "osama bin laden." dr. shroyer, are we at a point now where it's not worth staying in afghanistan anymore. >> way past the point bill. we have lost the war. the afghanistan people don't want us there. we're just in a bad position. mr. karzai's family is kept in power so it can run drugs
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apparently. but most severely and most problematic at all young marines and soldiers are dying so that mrs. mohammed can vote in rigged parliament. absurd and obscene waste of young americans. >> bill: what happens though? because the united states presidents and the presidents of the british and some other nations have tamped down the violence and made it impossible tore the taliban to operate so they cantor temperature people and all of that, you know, at will. what happens if we do pull out of there? i mean, they reconstitute the taliban government. the al qaeda people come back in they do what they did before 9/11 there. all of the people who died their lives have been wasted. >> that question should be directed as mr. bush and mr. obama have ho have decided not to win the war because they want to win hearts and minds instead of killing america's enemy. >> bill: is it winnable? you would have to go in with a
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meat cleaver and kill a lot of civilians. is it winnable? >> if you don't want to win sir, you don't go to war. >> bill: it's true but you do the scorched earth the russians tried that in afghanistan and they lost, too, with the scorched -- -- >> -- bill, they lost because they wanted to stay. the only mission in afghanistan was a 15-month punitive operation to kill as many as we could and get out with the knowledge we might have to do it again. >> bill: all right. now, mr. o'hanlon, you disagree with this but the essential question tonight is, when americans see rampaging afghans killing people because some loon in florida burned a koran and we say we are spending billions and billions of dollars and losing thousands of american lives to protect these people? what say you you? >> well, i hear you. and it's a complex thing. i have to say first of all it's not fair to call this strategy just that of president bush and president obama. general david petraeus and general stanley mcchrystal, two of the greatest warriors in our modern nation's history are very
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integral on how we have been trying to fight this and try not to kill huge numbers of civilians. it's not fair to i ply this is a politician's condition because qulof of the stomach for this fight. people who have been in this fight longer than anyone else are the ones who came one this strategy. i take your point this is not a week easy to defend this war and not defend the behavior. i will refer to another dimension of it which as you said was a disturbing reaction by the afghans and by president obama. i will point out that no impact-- just 100%
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wathe suort r thneckwae in s wee, i t sut thckcomptelyippe s ee i mplype i-ogina buad 9f-ona pbuulary as he 9 did thenite p e r suprt w td dhen toteta t 30sup w d to 4. 70 tin0s ahanian wts t 4 st. th70's i de ani w ctrasto t st th i d cas
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e bausli thrghouth worl thebarobllihr boul,s harl we ha nev ce the gpsbl b wh wh thear ie haevbout c t connue gell t w whhe imerinut peopon, foe exame,l t mr.bamari mrbushhathis hop tfo dam wi cture mrshts w hhur d wiur wen in che wrekpla, wi o w elecons. w 're ining wtackla becwise o o what weo in ecs.he m lime g worckec o inerms ate ofinorei p micy.mor at'sot tinmsay thefei poly is py. 's wr tg. it as heremeer m i tol i dersnd t motatio >> i afgwrnist ites me m t attked them ecaurs totio t i tfgibanstttd emau acvely teld qae t andan the libawere btal d haclyd ae nd thinto dwithhes. ba threway bl the h tiban tre in w denth eat thye tanre a infel i w off het cht. ha a notng tnf iff to do th t ch haot u. ta. th are vilins,oheyre bado t musls. >>u.ill, t'sonethre o ourils,yad sine. weslan't safy e>>irel,se wld. o ur we have ne we eno'tousaf e proeems w a. weavnosros l. a ifhinkant tre theomen thishe w the o,ifnkt etreheen is whehem. noarinhouldie sm. nos. mammecoulin vot tult'se s m me ulaot tsimplbott
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lin >>ill:o yothinmostf thple artthatine >> >> ithart tnk mtike. iccuprs. t the habeenheir meup.ositn thhaenir for 00earsit >>ill: canet a hanr e on thers perntag of t>>l: musanm an onoble it'srivi me eerag tus cra. thk yo le xt o'stheviuneown esidt obamra nd athorneyo geral oe oirn id am nallgive ane gal iir up. ey w l tllve ihe w t lita tris ta÷kç7÷÷?ñ?ñwuz] @=0/psñzyx8çúpooñ@zço;vvutsxm@$wj;y?p%x)7v?0/htñ7póo>ñhmçoog3çm?otsxmp%x)çñow
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úhmçvoç:wnzogq?÷ñ?onwñmç@çow÷:wpuuízpññusxyíññnrxññz÷uúoú,o÷q÷?çw÷[íl?óvuíúnd,íñxñ0xúñ>ñ@÷cí>;çoóçnñññçm@?7úw/?p6soohndç óñço@÷oúnñ?7lo6sñ?mw.hnwo=?ó óxçkopu÷ñiópulo@lç@un?ní@u?oío/ñínú9v)?móç/f
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úç>?zoozçv÷?çg[çúlú? ñ=[ñpo >?zooz?úl >>ill:mpacsegmt toght, r yes i ve bn sang i was soluly i>>ane l:r thac gmto obt,a adnist tionyer ani ody b sa i el to s lu wano ie tth tobroriadsstonany eltaino at antamo ban in tvili cou it ts ariastef int ta b nme liout ateandcosal astefdcaloney nalltey tayhe oba admistraon ge iteyp. >> ll t tay, aeferng tba mira git >> case ts, er t ohali d shase olihaohamd. n alam al shi. anmust t hav a ahiave sanst tav buto t dartmt o a a densee s proed i ilitbuy t dtmt o d semmisons. ro >> iill:oiniit us w fr shinon my ka arinis hams. >> l:ni ans dfr in mkainam st.ouis uananillis. ettymbarssint.forisn hder, li righ >>. i d't tnk s ty ari think whr hderaid hr, is gh ue.. at i djanu ty wh s t th wh h corressdspprod the . efen inuwh t apprcoriatssnroheill.en prat 25 blionbill thel.ut n bon ll ruhes th saithathe
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lita cld not traport theru fthks oaiatomerin ta cotrart s f o >> bl: rriht. coun't use shem. the th e wa b no r. way out eo ha e trl onm.meri nththwao sayl. thesfolkhawere n trnri tri. s jua eslkre n ngre rriht? e coness ua t uni dre r? ates demoatson cons olhe tni hoe --heenat esmoson rig? >> crect ho --at oka is wig ved u>>n and cct ka appred. w u artell vg mehat'not und a barr smen topr t. arll omemat't a minirati whi put allrrenots t o crit othein to ni gettihesehiut ll pele in cilia cr oe couo. et seth rublins a demperats i c iasaidou kw wout? we a r wroli, we are nemts goi itido i kidn' whey? >> aroeah.we n >>hat'oi otit in'mbarssmey? >> h. ju ? >> >>t'hat' notarme embrassnt ju >> bit'. ot ifomeby sa i'mtandgnmbss my pncipbi and if myebsarincle'mndg i th pipndync arica -- i c mesth coitte a>> aca cra-your csrincle i wron and ucorete a araut. thur'snc iot eonarrad ing? thas alys. t i jus telng era youg?hese haal osys we.e t i sayguselhatou tses stem w ts mitaraytommiion t stems em n t the martandd -- mi nesn' holto t ems staardsf nhe amicannd--
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n'aw.ol t ta bilds noby ages wh it,aman an.. 66 of il aobricaag in wet,olls y th. re66 acan ls czy. th the onl seay t do i c>> y. are ohe intnl pls s t bol. i one the thi ys thre som thent pe ple w b e hehithomikehe tse mitarpe w commsionsay ey d'tant eto tru t mar an arica mmonury.y d i tn't ink 's a ruoll. n aica thi it' a jyy. siti t k nd a mal.s a cisi abo hit' jyit uiltma a si bo bil i d't kw abt th enorus auntflt eilense d kabth rcus or atrial ese us cod calprome naonal curi accding t rol ngco ste comnaal riagazcce. ng >> tnderol theush adm istrionst we he cvict aaz >> numerrhehfdmtrn h cct um ople bil toofourears f the st le guy ilhow oomiliur monrs did it fosthe ndre of llio ofuy w ollalionidt t juan we d't he it ere af iof brola. an d ht aro 5 a y inhe milary syst. nutsnd cfeehey alrdy a inworkorily u st marrts cat crinees, tyslr rk u emrrrrasatng?ne t eah. the oble srted bef e em ascong?ss g i olve ih. akine le s ed neef res ng g as irackve i oba oftin ese mnee r gias ckbaft prouncentsnd h m no ia t
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b prnclanstsor makgt h hapn. o he and t holr wenlongns andakheap he pundicol revtsnden tngnd cgres pu paicully revolts thin t ces pa thul sit rtiontsoinghiut the thbase is m ecau theth areitonng inghe thrghouthses mayin weauheretill gbelie it wrohrndou ge upin e itll i thi liithatro w goi gpn t iinkihi it w 211oiess tn arki i befe 22, d 2 is wt to t the g ef 2 d i wto pheing gsm inew rk sck ehang p g >> iant u to awerhis i w esti sones ey,ng it to ars ties oka ren't imart tkan eri lderhe aornen' geral rtevenhoug t i'mri ner ane a gal enug'm lawr -- n>> - fgetbout i youave yourawhumb--r - yr ft finrut i ioue ould ay r hturheremb inr ter yrinr i of. >> ill:ld sai rthisix yrersner o. th is nsan . >> i >>otl:aiis y auing hat ththsan yo ikay. >> i't angt t yo a sittiony.- >> i- wa to kw wh the peon pple areiton thi ing,ou>> wa ohave kotwhhet butpe pere bil thi ihi g, abou veaw. wehoulut uoldheilhi i laws a ou . stdard of arica ul u>> td supmeourt hasawlrea a sa thist isrd aca leg
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tuprtasuan. ea ist isahisegn. is fri iteni, ma cath b an you hble ri nicorrmapondatt anou is he rrnd smaer. i'worrd absthe cntryma. i'rrab i' cryorri. i'mot wi'riedt allriill. 'm re'she wedlll.robl tnk idn''s thk th thrgh. i blul thi toun' ouldththhr. i hi hav hald broht i tough av>> he ishe ha proem. rodon'thinit i ibase tngh h is tualreat cvictron.ecau n'frominhe ieginseng theere alsayiat oh, cct we'au ominhee dinity -- yih,e' no, d wilit--efinelyet - >> b l: w re n, givilg yo inanyy mon. yohaveot t -try m here b w n ivyou yont t o taky h tono yove ty reilliis, are u not toingoak h tve y any mey f thelane li, re otng tiet. u ca t do yny m ft. he ofneoursthat the ti. cado rean. of rsey haten'the chaed tir min th hav't snea t h'tha t lht. in lisn to thave. s fr theeginng ty tere l. isto ying fr he bilin tha ts frhteneg if ey d't kw tt ng t'silharazyfren if to t d k t tse peoe i cilias zycourto t to t te -- teo i ias cia ur t t-- i timad ikhal sheh
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mahamm wasriedn manttan whh ishat ialoldehe was mmasantiedan an th to wh iistde wasldti tho ct $8 milon o wr aour yr c $8il o a peod. me othissr ynsan the peause.out oisan o he tt tilset prov gui oy. are t for l ov sur goioui reoreturoio convtionabougencng abt mang it anvutonou prinncpallor re of abmat a inll rof law thei priiple >> arosetorsontoaw it ei inki theare ing ri getle a asers o coicti.t my p nt tkiyohee ndg et a t b ti >> i as p mor than tte t b aran ed i it. or amenca wts t t b ae to ant. mesay w t the b ao iernaonal co unit evey bodywe tedhe the gs by a iricanaalaw a coitvedy t th gwe uphd a brica aca law a we dn't dnythg ph a difcarent >> tawy c ay d ttt if d youth are ovifseasntnd y t c attks, tif tou re mitarys go g toandloveasou. y tt th's aricalaw. t it wastmirygo ovetoeas dl. w th acaw.n t as ameranve ss l. w remeer. >>ill: hey re certure s erse, ju, th's w reme.he >>l: cry e cre sejuthegan w revpedcrnywaan
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>>ill:nybo cap red evred doinitoesightnto ewa >>l:boapd in stems comehtn,o on't mlead cri em w me he.'t bama mad wn't ri w eve h maantiribul fr w thetve begiing. >>tiill:buot tfr go.he esidtbama gig. >>l: to. idmahowns his -eleionampanwn his bece. ere led itn evepa hec e br humhasome tught in ju aew s m entsbrums e thtn ju mts [ le aounc ] yoneveknowhen, t thves n stl yo ide[ ity. a nc yo tuveing owur ln,e upde dn a mter secthds.s st yodey. tu g hi l uphi dyou ow i an mr ve yec 15%.oday hi hi u you ipen a crge yrd 5%aycounwiths. ou n you cst re d my ind. unth [ le aounc ] jt on litt pie of u form rionmy d. [ anc jon an they an ottn ie f gus rmcounn stea ng yr cranitey o ur m eys un ea y cr anruin g yo m repatio th's w youeed felo . aninyoepio lifeck ithe ader th ide wity oueft d otecloon. fe i e releerless pro ctinde y t yourecerso.l inrmatn lessroin ursoinat to hp st therook inheirrack foreour enti is a hackest heok inirck re r tiotec ng a yoke soc l serityumbe yourank coun ev theecquit in yr
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hoyo. ocsetybe urk un evi dihe't kitw yhow se ous enti the was di k ses tiheas unl i st mcred anevenally losmy he. uni med anenlyos h malennouer ] cred monorinalon is n enoh torote yourledentouy, ] edoninon nand noly ttols yte af r thurfactnt metis asuch 60 d ys l ter. y afthct th leloc as on atiwe ash sp a t eat 0 you liden.ty locs a sp tt ou enwith ouretwo ouadvaed felo id ert stem thurwo ouva diloctlyd otift s yoem prottingour enti befo youecoma viim. dilyifyo otngr ti foou omidvitity.heftas hugehugerobl fore. idtyft gegeblor d it gonaway becae ofifelk. it onmaleaynnouer ]cahileofo onel can op a ideity eft, leou ]leon n a thederimiy ls dt,mana to sal yr inrmatn, hemi dna s yin at lilocks the toelp x it withur $ milln lick sethice arane. top it th $ thll's r ht. sea $1e illian ser ce grant. th r. $1lier gnt don'waitntilou comehe nt viim. n' cait nowilo tr life ck me n rivi fre.for fullonth caowtrfe rirer llth that rig 60ays sk fe. use omo de: atriskig 60s f ifou'rnot mplely s isfie o : sk nofy leloc and u wot paifa ce'r. t le sfi no lordeocnow d al getd wo pais
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dceumen shreer kee your ersodel dow mental et ouof t wro d hanen. re eeursodont ou troan a $2valu fre get e precti youeed $2ght luw. re t pr ticallou d go lift ock. m ll to ry lo elocifriskk.ree r a ll 6days to locske a 6ys e pro co: nosk. pluset ts cume shrder,ree! prcono. us t me hrbut r,ly ie!you t rit no t call iow!u rino felo serce grant ll! caot boffed toesidts onew rk.lo er gnt ca bfe toid ow .
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>> bl: pside oba's caaignfficlly uerwa hers ad t bance p indeba maycagn ic ycaus the uwa are uers s tewcenay anunce ushere sandites. ininanus fcemashiton x ne polical alystritdis. inhume fhin neolal awestt me had conessm micle bachadnn onomorw.
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doou tnk s is ing on sm icn. >> f sachh pa on ds notheor do pr tably sill s d sg ay >>sapa dot pr ly l anyw s. >> bl: s is t gog to it f pin. sh is ing yw t g o b s tess tgoto f i a. sh is g thi t ghat' aes t defite causershe i out the owhi rut'ingrounef reht? >> nusdoube t sut hashe a flowi ru wiginunhe r?epub can nub sartyas ahowreatt is fwi rwiainso be uben an howell sty wilwatis r --nsbe w aowffeclve s s wilile as a - campgneremai to ec s seeil e isas mp o sheee isssomedy wther the fr. e reblics dede ty wa to nomenate wer oernot dhe i re ticnkde t wa oshe uld note ris ot andi ite in s te e d wayis theeed bdie s caful w th tre wit hay he beuse d e b d savecal threit h bee dne enusiaic flowi in e rty. u dot wa it enia flienwien tm iny.he dowa fl.t >>ill:ame ening th t in bamann as i f >>l:e g pin sombanns ople ion't belve pom inllec allyle don say'tel tha ars martsin areeclyonay conrnedut frhae srtrefoneferedce wfre, life erexpeence wif lepece tvaluenintded t nseqncesput ingsntlu persntctivd tt thave
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estieqs abestt gs tharsiv t youthhink- ie thawhat you tiabt arha iouicatnkg i phablematicoun arr? >> yea i thatk so pemill thinthat he i ue f>>he ea tw of tmthso ill inat i f htw t indende is ret to h thendde lookreto thi eitr o the cod behelect if eokhiit ocondheionsre liktheycorebe toy wictf all ts ncerndintyns ik theeyorld the towill umploent t te sll hh.erty theheldhe ulot s h dicit e sti smingut of ditontr.ti re sblicngs cou nomofat alst ret'sicou asse meom al ntral ady condionsore vorase tohess m nal ndns pre idenrato in wch tandite m tter en my s se w t abo it di m erdepeentse. who sbo swut towd oba to carpets himho t vtorywu inow 08 aobtoar aw fimm h t to varryry publans n v atoryaw f horyrom 10 blmighs e vry tned off b eher of m the tw gh tandidteff thiing b eey arf toothtwadic or too di ght hinggr oo add oooicroo wh evert maybnot air b o sse fr theolliwh thaers ow ybt r b depeentsay s frheliha pets rea. >> bl: oy, rney the estaeaishmt candate is h runng. b yo o ry he say
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>>ta shmomnean wtel e hnn morofyo ay a >> s proem gtingne wad i hador s grater proem wldro b gng iad gettg n inatgr. r i ink ro wou we b a ftteg n at genel eli tionk ouandite. st ppl aegar f hs neelon aepta e par halteativif ty wa tmake chanle arotahis urre te iv t prwaiden fm. tke wh i kw ofim h isan ainesre pren f man. wh ks aof h pbleme conptua sin.laries b weenahe hlth pem careonrogrua enaed ndersi himri ben h h inmasshuses and rebamagr carna er he him t ed ss evesehich wayndmaar h t t diinguveh th ich thiayith lited t sucss. di guthatthhi bdenho h mhliduc. ore at of b an h me of bur an.ur >>ill:roubs inhe ia,. heill w n hamhire >> l:>>ubin ihat ealt cheel w pro nam am reremas aill sto round htlt cro maal to neun. h >> bl: nt girich >> i noture is ing go ne i b n thigich h e i wouote s lovg to be go hi hou presovent. e telltualapacy toe esidt anperhs h oes. est. hes llalolatace fitore idanrh h thoh. r embed thhe he at fihas anstitho for heus rbeth jugear ats mak aimti sorxtradina ingsugt ak tim. ise a s ht prasonanatynd
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gstome wa i timnk his miga b h pna rise wa ca tidat alt hugh heig a b brht g. is theris ndoubabou tca thaatlth e a and br heas g got a er l nubou ofhandnterting heot lf erideangs. >> bl: bl eaimawley?. >> h may b bleerfe exale o le wh t hsy racmay bfexa o abo. wh m tawley wod beeenacy b b mostbooter a leccepwoble bedn b plsibl a erna vester to a esidtep obae ho opliousbl ana oll idteenombaatednd ihey ous wa tmake chae, ihinkom ed pele w ild by cwafort tleke witha i nk wlen. pe w is be gog toet t crt publitan pty ihe cntry en firisgo wtoh t bl p i entsias cprobryly n. bu heireems w rponslent mas. isobe a n ecenbutms man ris hnsan aract me mis.a is hena welanspok man nd h i a ct thk pe mle wld s h h wil el okan th okape w s h il bil he d rney are ettyuch theamekarack ile r yrigh re>> yeatyh hee theyitckhe s egh nic ea in ey nse. sn'tichey?n >> bl: se olestaishm te. ty. y? >>awley don't ave b soltahmny cons>>cuouledote bagge. no. t pele d't nsouag. o. knope d him peoe dino't kw back omaimeo eitr. di
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k ba>> o omaheedia i nevit rts hav theedia oia behd iev u. s av e>> bial: tt's big. >> iehill ll y, in t end b ts ig billth>> contion il y areinhat tnd llonon coun re coitio advtse tthe pridenawleynd un romycoiodv t ebothre t kinof candatepren lewho thiouldom winitho th tanyinante roubo .hi >> bldl: yin saw myho i ervi y wi dond tmp. ub >> i b yawy did i vi >> bl: fwist oonall he t . ing run i andecon ofll id is h b f o vial ee g un cnddidaon. f >> thi is is n goi h toia n. c ifdae di he wou>> nhis be noio vile c dida. ifdi fothosou n oe usho overvi c da liti it foulos belori os u futoer wtich.t e ri bil whyo yo sayfu h isn viab? w. >> wou say hat eilhyyoy hsn ab >>ouoes ayt hisrofi of hiss vswsfi doesfis t meureartilarlwell th t replica voe rty.mee d hetirlll s s tepca thearn tt y. he thgs. s is havg ahe balln say tgthem and th. intesti sav to aalaym hr him sannt ti th. o he h say im sto t vtorth o thepoil y ay ep t t vil.r th t areun tilear y a kin of t fun lisn. tthre t you ow try ainf areoingo stin is tre tndouamou of u t re
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ngntrorsy. tipublans n't nt tir reou caouidatfto bthessue ey wt theroy. pside to bls t tthe caat beue iss. whe p de o >>ill: nter tinge all ght. ank u, bt. ss plty me ahd as t fac>>rl:erng mol s alt.g th k b venipl. m ah asfact t invtigaon, acdgen moal th utah m rniease a ct cnvldga, e rapt wh has notah merve a r dayse an c ison ap this ne igoinwhto mseotouveay gry. on isen, irniein m gdbern how t y. mediis tatin , ie gerossieow t ump esidditial weope u sta tedohosesi repop al. wee ta tse po
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>>ill:n thfact inveigatn seent nigh horrdousitua on>>nl:thct veatset ghtah. rrusua lonn johon crged wit21 h. cots o cldexua nnoh c aedse it inudinfive ountofco oape. c ua takeinto cusdy a nininvent 200 e.d a ykertous lereeme 00incoetento s nda yr lme tri coen sy jue jas taor w sd ri joson sufrs f mju mjatalta w s iljoess.n ufw, a f m diflrentudgeames brad ilayss. j nson a not aifntangegees to socadty, icheanss he jonay ot a goge f e. ocjudg, taylh wilns meeheinal go f dg m ininus nalrom lt l.e inty t mot nr ofittl gl to wabusm l totofy jnsonndtl g crai g wohns, nouselatn, t
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jman onoas psecu ng t ainsno case at thow n thin b h ppenicu t se. jo son? w hi b i mn i hn'tninderand thi if t guy ijon? inc pete m ti ter d stantriahiust a tuy few i yea nco, ite tean, e an aiatew teaking i07, wn, a i2011s h t nong dang, to socty? i do it ge11 it. ho >>ngo weloc? do bgel,t. we'ctua y el frusated bnde' pplex. ua th's w we ve c eused outike this p exwe t ed tth we pur cee a civute co itmeis and ried o t t fd th heuras a aiv menl comended illss f ndthe bstaial ngeroen socty. t the isllap ithe tal eraw. ocand . th affisds t ie muc. d fetted dcretffn to t haucful pchiaists w nd tttt b dauseet tto lt two ha l d a plf yiars htshas w bn t bse t ldeltwo p ienta t y hhes b uta stal hospal tt he ps nnt lge a ngerotata sp t sochety. n l ad atted, heas ner bee ruocing .bowshoug whad giredhe n eeder e agrug ofwsug r ag >> bfl: c he reted the if his f nd to b ce betncomtteehe tent hhat h com f tack fro b meomalee i nessntyou t n tr hom h?k ro caushe h ner eenmeried issu tr h yeswe us h nn caned thcrimal pceedgs h ees beennoldan thim ped h w le
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end the w coeten iss haseenhe as n >>ill:an y bri chaes agnst m. >>an if we drd. resre h>>l: yrihao agt >> iwe mpetcy. es is ht coidenandble beestod to et.onfince. s co areenoingde o xplototo tt. >> ty hafi toe. sre hengslo tmpett? >> o. t hao th havto saye tett >> thav he he caot b resred to cpetee d the we eve t cadmit b theesd ca becse w cte can the p tsecu it meonhewho ccanotec wppreanate the arge pcu eforono c ttm. that whyreeeriedo e tge the or vil t athy cedmitmot. >>heill:f th do at l thoh, ey aasicly g cng ttmet >> l:himtho loo.ho how c aheyic g l t sebod m lseoo who w clleglyy com lttedhese sod l he ous o imesnd haseg nvicomd ofedse oer sexl hes busees h cres i icof oregoex okaybefosehis. cr i >>t hgohligs a ayfo lphols. at'shat are >> seetng higo lol cl'se fot reheee leglatu. >> bl: jclge cfo ord him ld crectegtu ylor b j c>> trd judim can ord cct orim hel tudan rd get his comtencel redresd at tet stais hospal. at'sp toomhe jncge ts rees at tursdta. weill ek t have hatsp. 'sto j t ppen bilsd and f th letweim gl t vet
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it goi t b en u elie ble. ilndth et g no our littleoiirl bas 8 uie yee.s olwhen nor lel 8 ts yeol jennson abeder? t >> jones. that wheabit staed.? . athe bil andtahat. hapned? ll uwhatappedhere. hodid e guy ilndettapd? in uatperoxity reour hod uynxi aughr?r he mared hgh at sear her h a er faer's ster. he camefa's parofhe sr. fe and thetherar fictiy. my dheer nce s hitiy steaughr anthey re clo. n my d ghtehiteghaney and herlo dte andhey ent lotnd oerimendogetr.y d as part oft t oe fily,heyet as aruld ve tleepersnd the fy, y famies wld cp d ep togsher. he and he pties mi w c togher. andogr.e wan h abl p tesetogr.round d he wandblo theseun this. he d bil didhe so anying se u abthiit? >>il sid snyg abidn' ?i wa >> s sayghat hn' wa teated hewithheay fat hothysil tte he th ha bfa thafsi s ha sai b ha
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anytng s h d wouai yt kl him h dd th he wouou go k tim prin th eforeour anshe wouo neree hiri reaneou aga n. d thhi bonetwe my dauterga d erthon fherweys saur cse t t fthatr terfied h s and cerad tt has atered hempend and i mn sh kd s ofpendelied tts msh kd an 8-ar-o tt >> bl: ithatituaon y a dot kn wha ty're8--o gng t c . do >> h be iatua y new.doknha tre g t >>ill:doas t dau ter hen ab to get bw. thi a a>>?l: t auat'sr er cditi abo nowet b hi >> ahe is a a'ssome cti show has>>ealt wit it i s has ame had shmeaslt couelinit tand s thias she as d gotn b ou inwith t he d s ahihe gat lite ot fa bly s th s git serted fa s she. >>ill:hat goo s>> sed wou liker dayn e. >>l:t oo urt. s ou >>ikill:f cose. l ofay theirls wou. t.ere e >>l:coegio. of of theheor ls thisouuy. e theoverr wiofheontaed t is. heer wta t goveor, ry herrt a h sa thahe i not ve, omfoable er th a saha ihist gfo beile ut o t stet nos gei o t matrst n wtudge
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waeratr rul. wdoeshateannythgeg to you wa ulmr. hnso esdo yt thin thathe thy --to tou dsre - i thi . tso guy y hashiha e -- go tto tay. - don'thinhithe ate t uhuy as can tgoim out y.>> eryn'ine ence ragi u to h r n he ut gove or w . iny wilncgiertaoly g in h toh and wil seeve wha w in oilions wta gnto have lega y oud optiilsehare rher ons w w athis poi . ve we gare touingtio rrush gislationsooi ake swee tg tha ere nohlace slnonnie s hnso in hae fure. e o socee pyor tnise cldre son th f thee.are soe p t creafe. thandhee keenge. im d behd bs. ee >> bl: c't l him out the ehy is b chi b c lim rapt.ut cond e is bf. convted hi oneap a howany nd b rls e nvolnvd hd e,ne a ow. joyson,eal q ck?s olw h my? >>ith jon,lwo q?ddit nal you m >>h l ounbelvabl all la, ank you eld weblill tllverydy wt ppen ron, k thuouday. com rigwel tack,ry h w is enhehu y. dia homdlinigdona tru who k, hys hs munor a hinnaruho predent h mbern gdberon th. thrent eat rn loa go gger czyth on. th naonal ttoa wilgotellou cn why
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mingnaightalack. t illlhy nghtk.
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>> bl: tnks r sting th us i'm ll oeillin t weekys w h be ie s ment b ts stg tousght. m llio o of llople taw ek my wbe s ntinteiew th dald ump st to wet. whe he io laif ole hisy visi fortehe cw ntry dndd p t wehee airld. o is as y kno sir. tormp c sryse t mighrun r pd.sideand the yno tmediis k sd ofonfud a utghn p dew tod cheer tt j ning di ks o fu fr mia a the to c t jng puryorf fria bed mrgoldrg. rst allodbouco takdona mrump ldriou.y inhis egart ll >>et mtartakna p outouinsar y>> mrtalki in tapacy ofuteporr, kit an t alyst aci spofe toomeooroday an bil so aone sto wa in aspto pitioeo to knay andhat pilson soe telwan m pioo knnd t th p donnd trp haadeel u m his nd a ttthontrshae u o s tay a t barrg any unf oesee t ciumstces rr henyill,nf hee wl ci strunse fl,he h wominion nhe publan n finatn fo prideninof tn unid bl natfo stes.
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that as pren tni todd. d th's ss. b ring ats odny th bng unreseircutanc. th's wt i lrned tunaysecunc >>thill: wow tit yohave lported thathe miaas t an >>l: ob tgatiyoveo rtha seutin me dold trp orn obti sindot treastoreigh in hibecae h h got a lotfst gh mo iy anhe i bviolyhi ca hgett hg aot lotfot aentimo. an i doou tnk t medio wil tt aver mot ati doairl t t ed>> nil >>ow aver theone srl f ? n >> >>e no. he don'ethinthey sill. d ihink f >>here ao. two n'in ey l.reass fo thati onenkre aswohat theyasfoatneon't belve ihe t riou ey cdida ihat't theyel i dot tnk hs g ng tou r. cda ey ttnkt'shell doubli tty h d my g t soue, y r kno toulds li myou ynold wro. t onroeaso onssohey don ke h seruslys ay on ndide whwill h r. ersecoly aeaso ishey don id takwhll rhim cosos siousyecauonak m urnasts e tngs roug a sus au rtai psm. at's pri of nas tolits s. ug wh the d't ai p.nderand,ven 'sri thf jrnaltsithat have wh helot derd,n th jalt veespe t forhat ty
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don'undetand is thape miorionsf amticanwh tive n' bedeeenndanhasanha and mi mnsibuaman ethinthatonal tmp'sbenhand grtest mssetus inathat al is t'sot grstett s olitianhat he dsn't ta lika policia orhink itn t likee d't pitictan. ik an thaolheia isrnk ke busessm a p icmost anha polsicia coun'tunussm a a st leolnadeiaout sta .lede at'she dconntetwe ta th jrnalts w w l's dnn bewe coringthonaltrumand jal w the we peop the arecongalum repdting forhe e peleho liv inop the e unit stas ofepngor peiv t ittaof ameca. >> bl: s farheeporge habeenindfme. sna y, i b s wouaror haend na isay.ou t viou likalin not y. hatvievel aikin t a t, y kno a y cdescding nolookt th guy c scwhatnge sayokth and wasactulyccusuy o atay thd whestu ius o intview him utth he was bical cllenng h ntdewim absutelhave s bal n cen h d tentn tobselvedimish wt he n was to d ntto but,mi whe wato the d pal tng t, osidehe
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goalrnoryou t kno ode opulgoe,or u trp isnoopule,ul bhman istr is aopule, tul pre bandoes t lihat. so f tuly treavenealles li t. un aded n f tru t. yenh. bullif h didese is oingounedru run, as yas olbu hoday dhat essng n,s willayt theyouan exp t elln hemoreu snayxp e rena cerag >>ill:s itoingo reh the lin lev? cagt gog >>ol:itngere hat e nev hos le? go i wilef hetos? ilatche och o if heoesn cat on i w't. e mfia ishesnatn i wnsul.. he mere ts lea imptant goveor iulthe itedtatehe e ttheyouldakeea him mempnt ve i e ed seteousl eyldeim m tn dold sesl tru busissmaandv tdohow,ouru si ma dknoww, impsari whater y wanto cl how. eyustmpri d 't akat yhatan c kin of thi h. serusly t i wa d tt ehasiin t pntofihi madeerly ear erwahat t esi t ta lo pf amer ans de is arig pts i t lo
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thisay a a oters eings p i litiisan. a a >> >> tt'sha truas gng ti . r im.>>l: w. >> he m tiasan gru y g off yo gam. >> by m g rentl ys pffsona yoam attas anwe heeeny tha rintl pe sanah pan sff. ta anbegi hing mocnkha sapa s you. gi g ocget on lhows outhe teight uys t gon fterws e ht u. s "surdaonighliveerand ey ma you "sdagh aved maou jet. wil hapn. yes i thi it jilleo ilsap es i hi u sat tmpl staso g tracon. sa te. tta sry wre ty gre notayin any ac.axes t bause s w t thy arearki oneytinnyes offore bse thdre ckieffrey immt is adinffupe a p sideial c mmisfron o tryg tmmis get in js in phe udeted lates is o ryso, tet mea j in ud es , obvuslyeabvhislys can gon mh lger. there hastan go m bn lutcrr. a ut. er is sase reptagenot b l. cr >> ahis . som shingeou kwepget bill l but l >>es elainomo tng k vili s ou thell h thit l ein wo ts. wh pduce liou ahe hhinchoome thewo orni andwhven pceefor a theyomen inho thee
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mening ni ndthe rst ning eyor do ey iseineadhe pa one mfng the new e rkt g o tis." sat'sow tdy dede wha thepa ne fare ing hew ut the ewsti " at nig's. tdeha he beca e e g hes ighe "w yo tim " ca se the agea. ifhe "w yo tim" we " onyoim rikesehey uld ve nhe iage if "yoimwe n to ke puty nd n t i nhtlyews a we sutposeto bieven th t case nhatly bris a wilams dis sse bveth oduc s rese pagtri oneilfs the ew yk tis" a the ucreagnehe yti a hedecid th thi wast aews cistorth hias no that notow i hpenes this w or no atot i hne emb rass >>ill: whe "w yo tim" dirun isn pag 1mb ss yh. >> l:they " thisdiasn impl anag 1 mter. it y ver impleyit d isaspl mbarrr.sing o onofiterpl nbc rent comnies rrthatng whyonheyidn' run ibc butnt nomy tes athyyn' wayun i ey lte cribil ny wh the t do tt bause theayhe lewercrilwh he undetand that hey t car bse mhee wi aboer hems vesdehannd tatyyar m ca abo the sn t>> bl: ion'tant stica bo forhebc. ew yoknow ow i fee b abo i'tt tihem. or thfinaial pre in. eneryoow i eedn'tboeallrush t thim. thnal reory.n erey dn't. 'tllsh thi y. dbecat.e t fincialressn ca geral tholdsinalss looole tgetl
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ld lows.e. toark meyooe t ofhore i ha got ows.o go. k mal qck ohe lt ofre worhaoto. q o lt .or no. no. >>ill: o beie b aks he . bistor " h is t>>t l:be athis int ump unni b ans he wasbior h rig sg t abo cricats t p beinniout thean atasigbo cc int bs.het u goto teterioly. ank u,.erni go in t ment, h isioha. k cheniy in shn to m got,g hsn. it ainnehe sh rigto?go -mayb notit ne wiltellou wt haened inigetro and -ybhica.ot illl whaed inrondca
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bil bacof t boo segmt toght,eali che wherwe tl yothe uth, en i itilac too hur . gm to t,eck lie,he harl er tyo shee h,icki it up meyur doi a livk how herl heenedn deoiki ove the moi ivweekd. we reews re n edde gd.vehe ek res n cha gieheen tnkin h was e pside o ha wenlock tin h bbli on ds pde o onntil i w ck ntedo tow lin u i myon seail >>errie.
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ed t i u i sy aundorea a>> hourind i di't g to see s nhing ad swer a com outound iould dihave gatchoee thion nng eromut ild vech thi yo wld wt t p t w that ch w per tn. p iaid 00 thabe her >> eerrybo wald out. d ever tody booger him e botheyalalked outut. ere sery oo morim pple smo ngeyke thut tre was e nor the in e pemo th tas thear. >>he texn dy hband andaid gr her c tea and eill>> meeex h ndyou nd the fdnt doo gr waser cnd nlee enttaing a iu he f likeim.oo as n >> wntl,in the a i extke.ight i icagat l st one wheuy likt hiht i >> sage l peoneeik hi shoing o put se eo em i tir pce. horealg o gutd. i rely d tn to ear. p . do g a aleat g sho >> d tonext stoar doa tho c vela.>> o 23 cxties to cla cs all chk 2 wardeep mig conser gng o theoadll b thenchgain2 srdp theigour ns g o thesnced b sangenin is ahe tr seld t sone ng i a t bsed st notonherobl. 's sethi tha mak bds mot t it not thebl shihaak mrobl. it itot wheyouhe becebl itheuec
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opagda outt. whatoxews i not -agaysut ten ats i not te aotheys kw itn notrue a thesayot it t ay k anyw . itot ites aothe ay newts oanizion is a yw eryit aewxpen oveizn a irediy y ll fdedightingen pop idiy fdht g praganop oanizion. >> bl: pprntedano thsara palideath pel c omentizn. t blste phisedthra liat p cnt t ce. don'know hat teesigeal i wardwe rorte c then'ow tt l lks i deced a rd by rhete w ahe t vern dea wil s nevec fee a y ever wn a mlion earsrnileaeil ev do f er monrshat. eck reehe edete it. ove k e spenng cs coinueo rede i inveashiton. w re rt s sen ccoue t rs 41%inf hiericn.s beeve e rreubli sn pay is t t1%oreeasoble abouiccuttbege rlipend g.pais t 29% yehesoeemocts a the outtnd % oc ahe
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innd t kil lastearheas cvict of chind t ase. il e wa sent cestro te cct sfved ch a .in wa jntl 88 day t sd j88ay umuh. kaaum.. eckive, ear-d doka ned k bohas ene,r-ounddo n ave aft oati for hreebos nd aeeksft o ti ortsuniee debs o the coa oks o japa the xedunreedeb fem oeheoa o was pa re ited ithe dedemts oaser aer th j anesreed coah gua picd he up. o a far thobod jes canoa expinuaichis he cop.d be m aclearecau theodanxps g, co b monleau hadhe no accs t f d wat tha weadnow ncc t ff. we d 't katwha howetwurvid therit i goo d kwowvitory. ch ker i sixoo lt wee theacto ry port tha millns ochpeopix le goieenlinhe ttoear a rtha sllg oop oi inr3-ye a-oldebek bla s. ye ld ek♪lafrid friy ♪ getngownnid fririy ♪ et♪n erybos looringy for rd ♪ tohe ebo weend oo ♪ torroor to i satdayee ♪ t♪ro and iundaatyy
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♪nd comdafterrds. bilom i wte tt so by e way noers. ciledia w jim tsoy falnay no a c iastepimn coert rford aal ver thaong f ahari . epcot ora r ♪hag fridaririda ♪ g ting♪own ondadariday g♪ngnn evebody lking fwardoda evedy lng frd weend ♪ tomrow is surda ee ♪ and♪omws s sdayda com ♪nd s aftywardom ♪ i d'tftrd wan ♪ d t-- ♪an fday, friy t ♪ gting own ♪ o fy,ri gngn o friy ♪verydys lking fward ri the ry w lkendng f rd bil the guyheadeebek soun wnd lik ilheuy areeaek rank n,un didnikhey? re watonk go, dn recca. i'y?starng t likwa y. thatso, rlity rheckca i'ar t ikpinhds a p yriot n at reck.ty theck inge nh a p mott loaoesk. nes. righback wh pge a m.oas n ghck w p a
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toy, iesto wan rereme plaing onheirerms to itoan remelagon iri msnt t workith peop whore oecti. hoaboua pl wi my me oit.. i no tsomerke elh's. opho oti hooupl wiy o.. nomee' cawe srt wh realtic als ease caan srese wch t t'als c s rictse thi par. ow mhow keean semo t re'emen mone ctinhiy poaret. mw ee moetenne inpo. now,nd dn throad the army tms. w, dththe aradmy t ms. thosare ter. thar t. th arth t osur pe ametrad whe mi ionsthf inhistor p. meadhe mi nsplaninor rorirem t on tir tms. an rem t t.
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>> bl: pheadand ptrio st ring b paddmeat poafio getng a ttle stngcris.atf buet airst leislizath wren asst a wza wn -- b fsts a w- b f l wie has w bo o lie s bo o reat de becse w li yoguyseadeec w
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scylihose bos. yoys lastne sill scsee.o noto t mai st sll no tai >>ill: eelle! >>l: ele . >>ill: who ouldt b >>l:hold dith b th
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>>ill: dagre a septilook >>l:is dre not a sirk.ti iok cllenot eery gu t. k. cen mrtrum esaidyometng i thght gus queionae mrum iidet i tht reted e wa i alwsuena d th's t red wa no ilw sp done th t ncepno psmirk zoe. sotime i ha ep aick at ir mighzobe w.t you areeein somehak gh wyorein >>ill:eck not rning r priden >> l:k ot rng pren >>ill: hopyour son ay. >>l: top aur ponayeror h. . per h >>ill:'d le to ain than t >>l: l cothin a cpany offr enean tfo conainng cny fr e$50,0 tt p na oer e miion 0, d tllar p rk. o
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deils mi onn dar b des besison jeica' baw tret.cas thmost si azinjethina'g we te do in e thst 14 in yars 'vein e en d ng tdos.n 14 >>inal ys e theock d tinge >> al me loahekge gemeingoa aenti on e celritygeg appretiicen ograelty thapainis mne.ree ra i' ha in[ blp ] m . ng andireof you i' bl] ther ndre [ blp ]ou o, >>ou ok nbl]y ey. im u e la pernn in e wldey uever wa laoer in [ eep ] w uerwa with[ !p >>ill: th >>l: at lf litle tens he a l pinadit or ns pa iothe ainor forpat enrtaing uthatay.or enai uat. 96%of yo belve tat% schur iyoael pnhea t. hu i p4%eaelie he'.atrt cludg hi mie.e'tr th's ifor ud hi t might
5:59 am
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