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tv   America Live  FOX News  April 12, 2011 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT

1:00 pm
opidactunoly gin buthe opon, tu 96% gie op, d sh k % somedy r opon. out sh% ofme op. t ofu id . buwe don't trusyo jon:e di' t bu put moy one n't us inrnetor yyo n:d't moonto bteted. innna:etrigh y than forinin bted., a: gh evybod an orjon:"aricaive"inst ts evod ri t non:"aca e" maha: exacy 30 st ars rinoag ma: acday,he rst shute s and cr lifagd f y,r a ssiot utd tw crifter spe. a day ioit's thbegiing of twe enr spof th y ssio's thgig d enwe'reawaiofng th io nounment n wh e th e' shretlesai ll trav to unntwh ththeifina shes avmiionsto einamins rereme. muums ve en agessily mpetg fothe chce t d reme a shmutle s thagr sicoll tion etmuchfoore e ch ton ho she ththisllon che is wohoing t ismome. d nothis fonews wog ert mefor no yoisfo wsa teifyi w twt inthe t r yo teyi twsear forine suecterial kill nofafrom arornew suterk al cityllno fa omliceow wderi if the
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y bew moreth tye susp t ceon wrif th the ose bein tres thse. lcomspon toe e t. om"ameca tolive i'm rthame ccalm infor ve megyi'kellm hapoli aredoinalteins on r gyll lireineir teon last fd ter instigors unrth r w seof la fr inigs boneunh on a se sen_milene retcof a s_leremo tc achfnt. thosmoe beg examed hopi fo hf. oscls beam pifindut fowhcl nd respsibity. liceow whbeli e that spbi. ce o liat mo psyctic kills y mohaveyc c dump the llman remas, tal upveto mp thpeop, n ma inudin a l chtod, a opin para inc entsinin tracgallher has ch abeen okin into rancts acllr s en intois for us tre? >> r port: usth habeco tr c. i. o>>rteroith.haco 're t kingc.bout o125 instigoiors 'th tngut5 case ofilg, b avioinigs thse il bioalexrts.
1:02 pm
anpoli alexs. anhali confmed ey'vefouninhanfd 'veuntwinseratetw eas husen temain in e area th onls huin founeaa thnl skul iteanse ve ni unboes o ul it ns the dinierenbehes. e fibot ofo fou onthk di enach.bes. th fifoouwe l onprtitus. th werh. all thrangd.we theyprtuwere therl bued l ngin eyrlaprebu thseco fouapboes were foun saon thcecor oubo un stl nodenticat n ce the bobes.. youaid, stnoone ntatofthem was thbo. a oud, toler,whh e es n ofems t tha paern. tolicer,wh ny becae thof pan.e cevery avy caderbsh oall ofe ry y rb o beacl s anis ntera'heavan sns, i'peect ar er'av dumpodie caussn ithe'ay pet ar mp ienevebeusey foun thly vereon pice gan searing theunfit placth reis p e n ar beg use he 24-f_ye_old acisshann be e lber -y_d prtitu whanant erssinin m ofst yearprtuwht
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she n fr a in mofclnt''s aruse to a e frighba 's hoe clming at sclebod'was s yinge atoh'ho killclerng sh sodmas a ngton 1 ll e sappred. r bo has1 ca ver ppbeend. bofoasd. e ofthe theoes isth r e en killfo may ofbe e eo th w ll enrcemt inome y ca city causall of th knowenemine caty usl victths owre coacteon disp ablectuntrableell onesnd cotee onca s spletrlel esmade in verycrowcad acesli demes in sq re, ryd owmadin essqre rdenliere s en if sq, th disq coultrac enthe e phonca, th ulace ontheycannotpiointa suect ey onsueillotce veo. licepintare sut warng, onsull not v. ju ce e conusio.rn otju onio >>righnow,for yoneto comeut >>ghw,anr netosay itm' ecifan peon, ecif y cupaon oi'pe, ifpei , if pa oink, , i'unfa and k,it's re i'fa suspiousand spulatn. d it's spusd uld spatbe itanody. >> rorted in06, any.ur rte
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prostutewerefounin , stngle dumd by e ostewatereun anpoli stleumlievthe'a te rong anlililiho w evertha' thos murdngs inliho atlant ci osrdin ck i20 coulve ntwellcibe i nnec20d tothesmuers ulonve lllong land ectoesov mus e onlast ree,ngour, ndmae ovstve yee,s.r, rthathismaory,lear sobody th ows yehoto hais covetheiy,aracks sowe'd'llave moth this ho ve eiace,hankksyou. 'lle mo hiif is kler caug, it e,nku. wi be kthe r thd ug arre wie a e th ng isnd sreial llerin is sl er22in yes. remberoel fkinmitt th rderye reerl in17 tt ostites back thin1993er his tis ckin93ctim re s fod atted acss lg land and im fo testatnew l ndrifk sad thatate w .suect fksaatsut in the cas isloppr du ing l the dies thcaisppin e dug e es ar." alg wi joerifk , o wa arstedhen ey und ar alwioefkwa ara edn bod hicaen std r a bo
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hi trcafic ststopyove trc jol sclmanoparyosted 19jo. sosche anaredsear for 19e susp ted so seal kler now is kingar a r spd tollsen kr w ese ngctima'amils. ll e e i'ilmoth ofmelia ba holow isspeang o thofli baloisea o abt the muers. 'll hr fr herater in e mu ans.we'll so'lk hfrerto er f mer sh an ' llw yo city poce tecte abt th fr se yoand tythpo cttheo abth th twoor me kiers d may thbeeo tth woloe m kis y be tis love tou se toack. in t veouanti, l'head to backo wak.ingt. t tiwe'rel'aitiad a ckwagtite hoe ' reiefi.ti we suld arn e mo aboho fipresent sobd a's ans n moboto est o's addrs o thbt cris. drth th cr.present willveil thhis est ll pl iltale s r $1 pltrlion intadebt $1 he wl coup fotron inbtx w incrse ogh upfoearns mang cr o re t n rnma $25000 a year
1:06 pm
t al, wepecthat 50 arwi al weenta a ctcialt secuty tawi ke, tats idefee spenngal wi be cu intath , ifeen wiane th well d chges_hat lees ll a chs_ _ t t le of gues ork ther esk_o er m_car_nd dica. bretaier mere ca eterjoin now brethi, inrtha owmart: isinxes is halletrk , ha rt thein an.s bretit ll ems thatway.he .e priden etwil y s atto y.dr prenilarp contst with dre publan planp puforwntd by th bl reesenantiveaul puan. rw thaby par it ll reenvel . haarbe raing xes weahier amican skin em or rag s eatellerg th aman in to put rellthinto cialecury. t andoindiffent ts as tofa al ur anthinfft peagon whic fais un uchein e thry peplon icd is al talng a ut sunial he seritywhicis nry pl talkal al a s abl t in setyic ne ryanlk
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planabin 're ao geing dicaons, anhower, tt the pridenany 'not ageg cas, we te get prento t spificinthist sptoch torroafteoon anspic thatinis sp troten anhe atmay endse thongog negoatio hapningn he pitohillith y e ng nd thgo go siioap ngand thes toarllh sith e d esmocrars d the publan senars, whhaveeen workthg for cr thbl na, whvewen s rk r onthe amewk webase one ewseon e pride'bipaisandebt mmison. 's ne prenthi' es ntiaisy, h.d ove'he keys to iscoberess.rk t esia herth ys tailto and ovidcoa ssbroa amewk ansignon thto ilit.d idoappen dur g ewangnalth re. rthaexacy.. sawalsoenuritth . haaccertn awso tentiturinstulus d rth'een critizedfo , ntinbrst, asusyo ll h'n ow, itedfo for br noastakiyo theleadshiprole onany , thisanr nokiheadipt le comion y outheristoanrrowin is casemi ouertoow and bein sespecic an chgingongrs wi d me in ecacti .an it' 's chterenging grat wi is ntin s toti 's reg into the rate.
1:08 pm
br: and weon't knowfor e te re. br mayged we't owr . ecifay, get we're heing ltip repts tt itill aifbi're heg 30ip00 ep t et, itl asw' en om bithis esid30t be re. , the w'wh e ho e is isinditi id thbe it .was eir e pl whhoisl dialon tht s r pl let e publans goonfirs touc the t thbld s gorsra uce th polics __ ra mecaremecaid d so al li --secu ty, whic reblicmes dire'met toidh, b op ed t doso to cuit, ic re icd d'thto bco inop tdoth whatit ey ll ath mo coasoninle an. at thqueson is at amo repuicanonare ttin.that the thes amerisan pele puane inare at e er pe so e coerneabt 4 trlion pl debt cothne abtrtions ve pl bt chged om th2005unl notid chd th ame05cansare unady nofo thmense y moref an altcoersaon fo abt wh re aeds cosato haen. rtha we'a'llwhalk out is and w s may ha. haplay'nto llk t litid goi forrd. ank u y somuch ay weo' wat wit you tianoior.get k ur alysion soalch w'atitof u ant this asi al is
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e pride'eechunlds prtomoenow'ch we'llet t covage morr uns on is 'll t ovit se rts rr 1: m. oweastn time sans 1:our fa d bancedst an ysismeill foanow ter the r faesidt's rerks baedrigh hane isl onfo r e i'e fores newsghhann h on "aricaive.fowsnn "acae. w' jus w'usttinbrking ws oeri'shute inbrng oflee ey'veraved 50icm'ion ut les,eebut 'veve50min i'timeto s,t rere ' onmethe 30th niveary re . one thvethy maen vage,asa anunci whertheyth ma ve,a anciereyll la permentl one lotionwille la ve rmtl cesse le f us loonllfromouve studs. la a ss fs omougle ud lawi re. >>repoe er: is anuncent ll ewi yearof .eculion >>po: as ance to ear wheruln ese pric ess ace toartiercts e wi ics ll e in
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a tis peanenwipaing new a rk peenste pag e. w nato stchles tochs schur ankirtn giebra nounng th huanrtgie ra un th se ai seand ace museai haen lect for d e e orseter.ha ctr or r. nev went into evace. chles ntschur toying0 yee.s ag predent kechedy s hu ose go ng yeagrentkey th moone o todanasache neyork thon dasachnerk >>repoer: citi haen >> rentlely bbyi fopo: a ece tiha spac relerdwa .yifo eachuseud a e be acwarey cheu ponyreupchun nyof upchanun f anfo the trsiti, dispy fo e d trtisp
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trsportionosts trorontstotang 8 miion. nasaourc llinfox at ta on mishutn.e sawirc ingo x keedy on spaccent, ich utis wiere the nounmentkey willace nth ld e e unnt llthisho. we ave cara the. is at holees o shwetle e ft in ed ca th le oshe of a ho. lol rerts in so the ho cies sndin by lorer s possle so od newse sa at cime scitiin ha beess infoed tt th wssa willot ti t haeefo tthshtle. llwe arnethatnclus housshn ane.seate. so nemanyatluuden th the plicusionsanat soin nyarenstanng b e icfor nse ne. ' ll l younow as aran bon as r newe ' louw get at noun ment mart: asho ton, e ve a t unoblent is e rtpunchoine n, th. laur les thanyou.nce th we'llatch hat.ur tailas hey me anu.ou 'llcht. th il afy rnoo in t meanme, ounethdeta s onafoo th ttop sty an, d the nearchtaon for thp onstand e ch r possle t rialon kills d we ss t al toldllou abou monts o. mingld up, ou'll tk to
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moa s ng , form newyo lic' t deteive a an e rmewifyoweceuld te e soonee ana eak wed th on rrifng ce. lo ofuestns k abt th a if cw loofst ab a from cr feating a mo d he so omancratg the mo heso1_ar_olane y iwearg 1_-ol iarnk enai posh. lot lk abou ai po. t day. d al, ouecomis y. alar ec isrninat yrocting gasone pes aarseous reat in ocng so p a to tse s atonom 3 nute t thomboom le pact3 o tethpricth both l mp. ct >> knothicme the g thguys. >>no arstile dring thr ysu.v. d moter arilucksand dr g evthythi. v. y' mor e th?ksd evhi y' heret'my poin ifou a compininabou the ice gar' and inyo if aare mp inly ougeing e e gad yoe geg les to t llo_s t o_yomave big milybut yo's prablyot at bma. g lyt'prly b
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y, pe. ye, it me,ig bther p puthe moteown d liyeen.ite, b er malennouer ] is ierveion ough to ypu by e aspaten li. leou ] iven gh yy youpaut bk theheesurge d stped ing ur erciou bik bas a oat ck.heesge std g ciik at . th's i
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youe do? th ii doout thdok so yotolde ur dtor'worrd dothso yo ld out aque d clr'gingrrour teri -- wh dide ca it. ronat artuey diclase.ngr ri- whidcat. nartdie. th choster medine helso nts u on- nipan?thhoeredeheo s onnin? i okedt upnlin he pet youaiti foan eraveinvition i edupin heetouti fo[ ma e annvencervi on if y havhighholeerol d conaryrterdisee, manner yavghleol coryerse andietnd ercis arnot ough aspa alo witandietet e isd a le aard-bit ing ghsin, paloitet a abi g n, fdapprod noonly slodownlaqubuilp daronoly lownqu il but actlly lp car me oit ay. t cty cpete as k s, o aalwa lood upo yote k waooupyo w, i jus yingo lo aft you [ ma annncer if u caot aord ur micat in,us ngloftou mannerf ca acalld -877 miaspat. ni pan ll not77or espryon li peoe wi sto ch uers,nin ot e on live or siousleedg pr lemslieo wi to useves, liv dame caoccu vewhen witc ng t sniasusnedprms veivamcacu en tc t fras immiateelea nian. blootestare eded che foriverrobl s.frmmteeaia oost e ed te you docthe if oru haer bl mule pn oreakns; teou ct f thishaould e a mugn p or serknus se efcts;
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is ldis ra k ca incr se er sth seftin s;e. tellour ctorbout lcoh r ca cruse, f yo ve e sr han gout llr orutoh e, yo e arehaiabeutc anexpeence creas inloodugar rebeanpece eainod ar flhinga coon se efct warh, rnessitchg, tining thekin. flngco sef ar rssch ing hen. ask ur dtor out aspa k d r t fighpabackfighplaq. nighpan.ckghaq nin. thbestart y grt me? deciougourt avy.nd s agrs. th wist fant fes grgrmey lors deouur y. sgrwianes gr lo ur c cannjoyhe licis, sisfyg tae of grmetravy very. canoy ci sfyta get vyfay ryast,he bestngreent lov y t, stret ov
1:16 pm
rthaangrnew fallt in anceftera hagrw unchll ofin ceera a ntrorsiachofn agnst a roia musl womag t arina vl overheir slom inface v erir y man cearina fa_conclingarme cane stped the n inpoli anf_ncn ng me bean std e finein lifrance. yonebeorci a newon neweci a a ve canfa woa ison ntenwe up a too veanfayeara on itic arguenp at tothar untricgu is discminang thtragnst scmuslnas. esidt saozy id, "iagt ts wen sl f idsay , om "isoci li w d deivesthem ciliofdent y." de es's a hot-e_buon iue. 'll kp aneye ofnton"t. ' d the't-s a bu i. ' kane on growthg'nua er of ecomis expssinconcn th gasowpres nu ofve ecisxpinreacncd a th "taspingint"d pr that th'acre a "tngowt"statting th ' nuiny hu stngr inhueconic recory. oncord g toaa, .79 is th
1:17 pm
avercoe pr.e, h hest ver rdin to , e 9 mont ofth ril.erpr h st'r s up 0 ce s from ntla ek.l. at''s'big mp upceinomweekla 's g no ineve ek ore sorejos me, noonom wrer e athe e wa strjot jrnaland , omwr thorat ofthe watrjald or ofe enofprperi." go tosee u. hou dog?enof pr>> griat goto toe hereho mart: doisis ike g tore rtx, isbasie lly. gasices upsiy. ople ases haveess inme spd uple th wisves in sp nouestn out it, maha. th is was ju t nostin nortt rn , rginma, .whe s ju livert inwh w' payi $39. vewas incalornithe wewe'yi fore$3the' yings ver inalnie we$4 rea gaon.e' anngr en you ink out it, ga no.peop are an ying u k mu t , as $ or 0 noope ng $thisr s toll iscaus a imp erics' payecks yoare usartia p see the i'ayks yo e effe of tie highe enere pres d fef ghgaer pr pres. wilreerbegate rougut pr th.econy. ile rebe ugpric of
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thoneverhing is singicod ofpric erngisare sing w_rt jt anunce it ng wi ic haveo e ng w_ jance wi veraisits pres. 'iswos ied out pr. e 'wod t infliona effts. rthayou n ta it flna ff gr.t ec omic hau taless itabt ho dolls wo grecthroich the ssab econhoy. ift co s $8llwotoll roe up on ifco$8to yo nk, u wi thk twe abt gog toyo e se, ide wi thtw thweekd. ab go>> ntoqueson. se e you ook thekat's neshapp.ed u k 's pp wi the conser wie ns pre inx, rgeldriv by soli pric. pr i'beeninisin eliv at li abouic i'enina 5% at to 6rateou you lo a 6te ople' pahecku and eir lowage the ve been fl.l' it'p's ckpud ing r at ige call th a enfl t' s ueezpug ill thmia le ass nsum. thez thmihave tos umpafor thore thgs le fo andveenerto and par e th lfond erthatans d at thr paheck
1:19 pm
are ats mostlitethlly shnkin pa mackha: e pled asttey shinsoun mate : om esidt pl aobam an un ergyvent nd w we wantto idam n ay f u gyntand thwentlks homehe fd fullthsod bi. its'quitintestin me >> iyoarllcosolainbig abitt' it thtepricinof is yoand arcoyoinarab thonlyicetti ofd 8 les yoar lyti8 s e gall, yoknowu may ve a bi milyllyobut owi'probly y not at w lyt i'nyob you ve? t , yo u ? kiy?yo kid id [lauter] aur] we, yodenite weyone a dete bridnean th. rthawellyou knid, a cturisth rth hall1,00u wordkn ure ok isonh e 00pridenr' facehe seem shked that on ybodwoulhave0 ildrpr e' and en hcewent n em talshd at abouthe ct odulvedrthat d hnt alneed a oue hybr vanaccoing atne a at brancog n fi outondoe' exis somedy mht wt tofiutt th
1:20 pm
on esesi't kn isthat me m wtoth ur th ghtsidkn at maha, only thts ma, lyve ree kids mart: yohave wa to !e ds rtyo ve >>eoplwatowantth nven>>nce plntth of niva anene s.u.s, so e gornme telng y wha nd o vacaanyou cau, driv go nomeela yhagrt oea.cau ca ivi nogrink .threal ory re, maha, k isy arth't wealdog moy , to ma, isard'lop wer do mo owdep ergy reurce why owen't drlingor gyoi in al ka?rece y ' yot lookt drngtura oi al? yookga ra're e sai gaarab' natal ga sa d co.ab weough at e gais co portity exweoit ghr n tura resoces. ery rtme y ext brinin a rasos.barr y of oiin a from opecth rr mooiy nobeinent omhe thec's th beg shped mosa i noinarab t anhet' beshd nezua d ir.saab an maha: eat poin thanzuyou irso much ma: t in >> aneat u soch >> wityou.t maha: japasa itat u.its ma: cleapadisaer hasareacd
1:21 pm
ths eawot sa vel posshale, puing ac thwor l sswi, puernog l. wh es atme? why wid no what nkinchge? me ?at ds y te abt evenin ch ou?safe dhereatme?te aband en ounefeist rein at?the ttle d ne t overe bu et. why e thlemayo a majoerci bu . end y thup yobend rs. jo pl, ci enw plan tobe .get ds t pl beer scol d antohot you t y be invobeed, whetr yosc wanto ber honot,u omin up. bevo, etyo ntbet,in. - nt tenjo
1:22 pm
yo favite sho witht blting- he v tume?jo thenyory wavelese hearhog ai thblng vwie? iritechlogy en wesarai theye oumostdvand wirichgy hearg ai eyousignst to animin e whising d buing ard maai gno arininin n se eier. isg bu g thma als let u stinam s nreo eundr. dire ly fthm yols tv t rad st so d to yr heing ds re fyov ad youan lten theolum yheg you nt wle oers sten ou ln heum theolumtheyant. u w os enenjolifet yo ownolum heumeyt. ll 1jo88-4fe-648yo wnum 1-4 48an ask r wiless arinaids withanris k chnowigy tssay. indsths no t.
1:23 pm
1:24 pm
rthae nefedel budg al les to hanesomedengrydg protts in wa ingt yeleerdato
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and zens mery otof opleinwagtwere yeda d nsrest incl ing c. lemar re ncengray sta crd clg ofmorema th enay 0 cr gathofed nearree thha sene ficebuding than y arat i willhaen celibut ngrt an i llthliy at thcitypendits moneth thtynds ne wewa r coressople to snd wefor wauscossle we s n't needhem imsing theiwillr n .us if'edwem imng haveeilltoget rest fo it, wewh is vethtot stworlomin fo, whs thrl in ? i thk ties are gry as beg us th esbarge ningy hip betwn thparts beusd the rgngp esid t.twth rt w' s. cizenli e id eryby elsew' c wee' notli ybse w'otbaaini chip maha: e new ovisns ll ba niban e distipct from spenmang : w itis own moy n st omen itovid aborons n mor id ors w_inco wom. the al vivi s_ol coom e vi voucr sc prram at mayo grayuc oppoprs.m
1:26 pm
h'beenyoleas ayfr jai po a hep t'or enasspecin fraicuody. a 'tes be g kied eca goldcuy. ne 'beki ofinfoatioa onuturldots d now the offoe ioonurs some w threal ars at r inlligce me fice maynevegea alance s to esti himinnd ig find ut ceayvegea ce tiim nd wh kns. whkn natial rresnden cathine rrid jos me ti esen the >>repoer: alys w. >>po: y ysat coecteto cote khal shkh mamme tek acced al shbe mg me k cc facitatofor thbeba nighlub boings ciinto r th2002itba ghs b bogsinconseredo 02iting th mostimnsrtanedfoll_up g atta th st to9/11.imanl_ a rmermemb ta to11of tha ermbsh th admistraon ss mira sthatpate
1:27 pm
may ve alti formion. atte he y surved d tithenrmergen. toeet wirv _qaedleadens. ge kns tot someing.w_ ed ad rerter knmeg.we reerhaveno iden venoth intligee ofcialare eninteogatg thhintge ofe palistas e y qutionteatm hi befo ptaquon foh'exadit to indosia. he >'hat u wi exitdois go to doa. >> t wifriely sviceand dosa ca go yoask ieques sons cefous?d sa 'cas not yok thsameess asfositt?g ' side by t de thmewithastt de divial, thdresng thr psyclogy vi>> r, orte putng tt es caseth to ycgy rteut tonde, sepratel towh inteigen offialsonave , gnal to me priselwhthat teenthe ff ls e ama mini ratial o s isate a nitirame thedre eratn d delopeme hedrll therat depeth er caure licy mart: the's lot ther th caerin thaca youe cy vert t'ch.t er ca in yoh'ou lcom vemart: anthe'.a lo of y' omlk rtanerout'e pride'lo
1:28 pm
budg addss, ich willof ha en t orrot pre' dgdd, h ll ha tthro time and itthmeport d phas taitrtas tahiker amican okesn sang, w ise ke timeaman >> thin ng esabousa, itisfor a lo ti me in ouitr a lo tianhe teleaphethatin e ste ofan leheat stofthe ion adess. rthaso seeme a n t of adthous.t ha went in ema thisof ouw willtax ntinkes is llx lve shinon's s o__contl spdinge robl s? in we'ave s o_nt spngbl wee a fa d banced fabaed bate cong up j.crew teco showa j.ewowlitt y wi pinna polh his tt toes what wiinnaole meage? and en ts.s es atmee? d t w. the arneestis tharneti surfing ter ttsbgh rfg
1:29 pm
r piras n is sb tased an ra atenith tonssean exssivpoli forc we enh repons. yodeci. exivli rc po yoci.
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maha: l rit. fows aler thwhithousbrie ng ma: abrit fo geternder thitwausie y ab eterwamont. y caey ll sp inrontmo .of t podica. s weouldt inntdetas abouwh t we'lldi. t towerrowld tathe ou
1:33 pm
wh eechwherth pres'ent ll ys o tohow owhe e ll cheral theswit o thdebtw cris ts wiuntr th bte iswhe brieng wtl tr stam wh onfoews.m. w'ie walsobrinst you g neon fos. thatweome'out thwhitu housne ates not r, thitus geing noto ecifs out so morr 's spch. heathat geg e presifent i t expe ed t r'spll . eaatfor a est tax i pe t crea, thou, onr e a x ea althou tho maonng or 50,0 a ye .thhoma oalsowe ,0expe yechges to sowe entiemenprramspethatchs n'tot inude ttinbene ts itienprmsa' ine inne i dica andmecaid s spesmasa thae pres ent cabendevesmeid that spthe ma sa hame ight tola out est beess at e own id s. it lat >>he's be speing out it n idr a lo >>me.' s be telperaphg that in e ste ofe uniolodres. eland ph ha s stofioinki esout d itki befot handn thscusons at l up ittoisye .fo nd ifthhereushad s ne r lp entoa showyewn or a ifshredownifd ne ere had neve ow oa shwnif be e a d diute ve overiscaar 2011bespa dingdie erca
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11spng he w commted toad essi w yo defits mmd antobt this yearthisspriad, ansihe yowi fi an dohat. isrthaif i arisrianrns t wiat e pr idend't.plan haincl iesa s lot inc asesprn e'anxes,clno t a nceslot of s,nobstaive cuts a t tae in ts endi d agciesand the ke, n we t th diagesd dgete , unr ntroth ininus etnow, unsliemarsroll in w,iers and la rson welce toyo th. grt toe d laon lcth tou yotoda. le ie, grt metostarwithyo wa da le, mearth yo ack way k rney'und. a renus fort__ le' e' pausone d.ment we'll bea ightnuack.r_ _hangetn'ere. wan touse gont 'lltobenasahtk.r ange. an momego, whe thuttltosa anuncents e ing made abouwhic mewhmuseths tlwi ha ance s e hor ofg de ouichavi seth wishutes.ha t' s ta a lhok.of [appviuse] th ut. 'ta l ppe]
1:35 pm
>>hanku verymu. thini ow >>nkwh it ryes mufo u n'i t ow whate wh t apausedid fofo. u. ' at it'a's seen d foa ugh day. rst,' s here at tha h keedy y. spac t,nterreere everatth shtle ssiokey an soacere ermany she io anher ace ightnyhave origatedwe'll howc e r ate ntishtve iged '[chells anwcapplse] atis heanpl] not ly wi the rkerthat sentt in spe t so mwiy e er tis ha a at ntinchansp mstl ti hae , thmillns an visttorshat me re e ry thyearllto learmoreabou ace vi rs t d to be ea artoarreoue tobepart thrt exteme of explatioll beablethto exmef pliose bele sewh whill a rityan aual flowspac vehie.l pplae] ty al owac hi la
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thcalirniascnce nter logele onla w thli ia miscs e om er lothte le nlthe old mi pltht whe e shute e d was velod an plwhwheruts s nstrtion as loanmanad, er tron will na be ll bethe w ho ofe ndevr. [appuse]hoofev ppe] e smitoni' nati al ai d spe itseumi'tiwill aige scovy, o spst tveleum orbir.llge pplae] ov o tle bi la d nerk ci's inepid sea,neai d c'inidace muse a, ai whe flht de e mercy se whfl de rcan gemi turn an mius wi rnt
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terpse, ich wi test the rodymics f rpthe , aft h foret sthefl dycse intot spac [appuse] refltoac ppe] the re ny, ma wort stitions hat thquesd an , orter d ly maur rtto it nst esan orr arou. ny othe applant stitionshat d ounot oe recee plant biteitnst willt ceiv sh tle cerdwa andanrtifts te he lling iv she wandif life heis g dynac chapr of feou ace na plorion histy foap eir ou manyisite s. ople from crosorour n stfonaon r and oundhe rld nywiit lecontue omosr to na d nd d wilen om ntthes amaztog veclesnd e le sties es th r azvees crs d sts thshutes wl inire ma cr oplewho ioare nothutju w ine inma scho leto o comee nojuthin hone megenetion ofplorion lethers d nemillns mo neono oforn ar justle s llpr d moanpa ionaar st abt ouace prram prll ve anpanaa aboue prm ch ce see spaca shtle inch peon. e wanto ac congshtulae inpeall . of nt ese nglastitionsl of e d sh
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item mnsy extingisits th t flt. r al of them mexngke itgo car tfl alofem our goarvecles the' serd thatiowell urvees d wee'erthatiollnasa ha a deep weat abidg retionip a saloveha ep afir wh them th 'ids rerd ton ave af w puintoemwordt' now t're goin putord w' inokahea to devo's fil ssio ea in spa . thanyou,l, voaga'for fiio inpa anyou, airvicr anyoppor r icthis aming anograoranisr amg raanthes azinflyi macnes d thk esl of ou inyiacs thfor urof serve. st foced. r rv stoc. lookt mikemoseokand kethse hers yo he ll d th rsyoe rend to ay fosed. haveore re o ightfoto d. dove e stayocus. htu ha dondo ayusanincriblejo haon yoshou el aninedibcr le yoouknow indoib d.stay focud.ow
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y godo aybls cuyouall. mart: weant take goyo new blrk oul. rtwet keyo w citywhe th intrids receed tythatwhthey tr wi ceivce ate entewirise ivthe urthpaceshute, whh waa otote tesean e thtestceruut wh did wat gootnto anstrubit, d to goo spac thespictes rind t,al us ac th esgrctt rd storal 30 yes us thgror ye d no of ts noincrible spe tcrle spogra it ilt e inrnatnal ra spe t atio prcipay. anintragaty l alg thwa as sp rember ioprpawithcolu anagalthwa emr thlu_ lumb andchleng. jussapictes _ mbndchng omussact the miions the credly song thhisty mins ofe ed sg e atntisstscovy ofanatis devo. onovpril29, andevo ll ma it lastvo oniltr , tovo spacma itd piste bytrece,tothes ac shtles pibyha e,work esto shild es the ace atio hawhicrks d
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be e the iobasiicofresech be shed thbyny sicounies and ofse sh by ha beenuns d anhaentraoinar acmplimentan enteriseo inepidaoar scov y ac lint teseinsmidhsonn. ovand caforn scice cter, smthisonne the that d carnci cr, is ths stl a atqutionark ing intoday, hey sta quonk g wi t to endeur. u cay,y puthem inturewi pls, te cads puemtoinee re pl tth th ace uttl. eat to ece th hist y e tld am ing t ucatn foall us.e st amg atfol s. all ght. t's backno th discsione l t. 'cknoth sconwe jusabt weusben.ab join aga beby lesl marall inga slarl d la larn. leie, wantto t ba to the li laarthght le, nt batomy e firsli tht myrs queson. tchejaca ey es.ying hethatpresent ama jahas en cainki abo unrnglinghis at esplant o a s get e bu et kider bonrng s corol anand t th bu he r d been
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co l lculing fod a whiland th nohe''s ady en ultog forelea e it.ild u no's y can't he tobut lenoti .at ul r n abben't het lot ti r bet adlis wi s scial trlionan tt the buet d noliwithe sal esidtrt on te bu noe isorceid playtch_up. >> iscers wod ayy, t h-up esidt i'leadg.wo t larsyou t ur lead shipidi'ad okay rsu adip ay not to clic, but yont t to ve mberthat wi icrk t yo and at u thin th seres atwi can ree . d hang insa sat, ey n n e age __ leftor ha risat. , love you,ut ca ag-- ftworree?ri veu, ca i'm we?llinu, leie. will gree 'm at tre is noin aderleip.. ll theepresent h bee t inki out no r era. ng thestimet hwhileeki t e coatry hameilspenothe coup coy hailli to debten he he upeds geabouthe li bt hes bugenessofaderouip.e hedn't buleadssofrougere . bu et phecessla 'ek t and i adug don' 't buex pct ssch la fromhe d eechtomoow, ankl i dersn'nd t ex it omwi be
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chthinmo, kl rson detas. wi whe expe this prinidenit ke siouscuts a ta gove mentwhpeispren at sustswi runa vent wiun$1. trilon dicitn the ne ar. 1.ha 'ilt dfereitmuchf e vae ne . al maha: h'rais rea if y go al ma: isintotith eech ygoand u ta abt raistog tas, th ich ch dersnd d is pa taabista h rs paof e eechout 50,0. the are gumes abt wh ch th doe't t ,0 thwo.remeabwh if ou thoedon't lk abouwocu if n't spenoung, iscue priden miing bioprtun y toen, a, prenal mig wi e biopunto oble andwi b, ach depeentswho are commted thleidnd? >> h the petso eside t mmd thid does e waid to lk aut cu ande is es lewaing,lars ai dn't y cund wa' t leing. le g,it's rst the cu tha't w'leg. 'ths e recublichas wa. as f as e leer bng th leadre, icnowathat fs h'aderle b wona'noath'ke er ona'dieren. lessa wedien.
1:43 pm
ssget seris abou ttinentlemt t riouprogms, inenem t 28ofdisctiony spdingogbut , e 28ofwar scon_- _spngt isat at ' heaom r m?-- is >> n w'yoe' t. >> thk hewi ny'ma >> adstmes tothhee wientiemen ograma at will admetosultintien less pendrag thou cuttg ll befitslt the'ina loofaud ssndouttese be tsogra ther ca' loofd e rathanbe cut ou mart: yoare t ou rtyoe rit out th. de comssio $4 millrin t cu. pa ryath rth deomio4 ofhat.ll cu paya at'h's e bar.oft. wi we hearhat fr 's m tor.rrow wi >> no ar t wilfrnot ar ythito owke th. i wino we ilt woul hi leie, th thesid t i cos wi ouand ys, weul le, thwe're gog id co oucut d , trilon overhe ne 10'earsrei gowill be t e il fit er y ne 10jumprsllonbemy rao fi show and aisemps acons.on >> nt rau to owsay d sehe ll acs. beme mocr . y be oh, nocrno. slieyou ow the , e nonot . ie u engh rh ctor otheth ri pele t to en rpay e orhells
1:44 pm
ripe th oba wanty to s writ ecksor. thba th nt it ks. thpridendoe've t cacitypro ent. es h'wes o ch t tto ny caty he s pele. t rthawe'reoingtoo ta a t out is i pe. thha'rengtaa comi t iys. 'll thmi . t ' thplanrom the pridenthtomoowanm e prenmo 1: ster li covage arti at 1: 1:00 er eaern. li'ovll te e thti on ght re at on t 00 ean. fox' tneth n t chanl. an ther te new cls in tx ne an an seerch w r clth tne se rk seri killth, raing ncer fo poce. neuld ere mor than ri llrag erfo po. d e oranon out ere llinwome on t rmerneyorkity detee ive inighsmen. went ernerky tee hs brinwetojuice is amal at's ken e in lis of jue al nuer o'peops . n liofnu oop
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1:47 pm
accent esn' ve tslowou dn. cct n' t owtrod ding tterar rlacent odg er r avcelablonlyrom lirty tualnsurce. youcar tot ed, givavbl ly mu th moneto bli a cy alur. our ot, iv th ne bat's cne m el-yr ner... 's m-yne.. wi 15,0 fer mis ont. th e's othwi aut5,insufencemi on oducliket. ths thutsue tterucar rkelace nt avaible ly fromiber mut l. er rce aie omerut it's betr pocy th getyou bett car 'setpo thetu tt caar... ca. vis onef oulocaoffis toy, and is'll neovidthe veraouca fi tou ne at e rit pre. d l ide ra net ripr lirty tualuto surae. reonsility li y at'sal yoo ralicy resity 'syo cy maha: inedib sty. ttsbgh p ice masing: n in ibunrust fant a rate ' sb pe nggame
1:48 pm
ruthe anfice werescoing him t' om thandsme e but ceerthin cog m calad en hitthdst a in stad m la emoyee watcitfor a yourlf ansee adat u tcr ur ane th rthayou n see h'hi hawithu thton e twic and th e taseh'hi you thn heth n ic itd thod it appeu s heto haveittlit f. efct th vebegitlttin m ef with m. tons thforeutti giinhith nsretiin ndcus. instigors hie exinin whher cu inigs exinor noth whed r propate rce the ca. new notailon tth ope e e casear r a w il tara specd seal kler in w yo. poce a woerin if ecse kr re yo an o popers a woisinsponble r thkillg ofp o rsisone th10llof victs. thr boes 10foun attectd thong bo a seral_mi strch un lo teisnd. g so hringrom e semothl- mitr of
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one lois. hngm thof e f thvicms. shthin e llers mathng ic. thshatening phe cas. lien tthiserma thenphca li tis >>justkn 's a sick indidual nd >>needtostbe kn caug as'a cksoonas dialssib .ed we't'refraibeca e h' stilugs out on therib. 'reaicahe ' >>ile ows t erpersal dails >> aboumy s rs dlsmily ou he h lis'cellone. he w ly hs'llntacwither e. th ugh w crailistand acth thh he waaistd adep wa ep utizingchnogy. mart: foer nerk potice ng tecte no.join rtus nofo ne you ve d lt wh po a loctin ofno thes u dses. w whatboutloat ts ofwomawas ess. atut tmas sayi. s'afra. th guis yi s'ra thstilgu ilt ere th tir faly's mber ll, e he' 's azy. t t th fa'wills ergo afr he , ' s t y. ' s thtreaeroull who goafhe 'eaou o willhell?
1:50 pm
farllheth?e's 10bodi. cod the be armo an one? thi'm no10di cothbesureaboumoth. e? l th'nodiesere thro on re e siou th th thesroade ro twpeopon doin sith me th thg, fadr twopboes inth here th fur boes tbore, diffent re seal killbos, tth, gh fftht meth of killg se ll th thtwo wa.thof ll theyscale, ty do o wa diffent ings eyal t fft gsat dieren mes. me was in2007 is dienis azy?s in denite07. he as tbe stopd. maha: at aut tgu y? ct dete thhe one tf th op ma: adies tth und watha nethchil a esthtoddr? thd 's noin kpingwaith e re of ile sce ddl. t'no kngh ref sc >> thathang >>atnge whe instigion. at whis ly isatre is ia ostite's ild? yoneed r sothinto i go t tith'e.s d? yo edmaybshsoind brin her th ildr or mebo els drovybsh heout inther for r is rson dr r bo lsovab he t doerhat, r it''s onrely si.ab maha: dot,lot 's re ing sion, gi
1:51 pm
ma : abouthisnd t g so , gipele ouis suspsotingpew enfospemenng offir. w' talto yofoenout fithat we ' alld y r aner onthat yowe'lle rit ba.t at yan onat 'llst: riuld baitch.g toeico real savyou % orore carnsurce?: d chtocoalavu ore arur? ho: wod foorn ghormake a rely b boonarror? foghn (smmerg): washe besthof tiwos, ifowas n e woor-kere boorr? gh(ser: as stti ii sas worswoof tes. d by worsi'm lkinsa rs bad ti sa. as byd asy aurs m giiny's rn pdin' adsas asau gis pn'at sff'lsinkou le a ston s'lnk l aengier: on thawas lile.. foghn: y getn' a thiin giere : n?has li i aed tt la parit's caed "libb ..."ghyway y.itet awas,hi say t wa..e : geo. 1i minu as co td sala aryo's15% ca mor "on cbb ."inayrancts,aywa ge 1nucosa yo% or c innc
1:52 pm
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1:54 pm
rthameri li" wi gi ha al, riform liwiginew yo city deteive ald lice rm vestw atoryo tywe're alkite e ceout e storcas ' rekithbodi of peop, t ich theyca liev thdiofa rialop ki er ch nect it eyobab alof evth.a yothinalit's ki conctkillt ?ab al >> pthsonay, ihinkit's one yoin' s theonon llreas th' p sanang inkis's e two heonash' sa is bisausethey o und se fourpele bse ey rst d d th a seseurpe of t otheth foursend e mode he ur deof kling em w dieren k
1:55 pm
ngd.n. fod wa wdilienle n.fowali diffent. t hang two peop gog t fft. and ttinha o the op go d indiese in the me aa, esjustto m esn'e't a st md up mart: e n't ad instig or up wa upsertsang thateopl are yingit inds ig waseupsa atpl e ng a w up forcent ofcer rryi outhe a rct ofr yi oue kiings. youracti? ki >>gsveryug deal know hourti to >>ry alowho call mart: he wallinllom ll onesrtnot acabwa inand ings ike mes essqre t abere it wld d diicul gstoe ick s sq upe he's art. w 'dis ulca.tok up 's t. >'ery casmarand emedated it's game>>y he les it the factarhat d he ededwod 's mecall l ite e ctt of t wocti'sist and ll tat th and ttellth i'_st_ andd he cled nightathnd ll me t_nd cof d thghmuers re ne thweendssatuay, mus nday memoal d .
1:56 pm
d alwethe dstu, bodi aywere fo d mo d on one de ale ofe roaddiwhe refo i'easyo ge rid one of e of i whn't i'syged ofkn abo thbo i w' enrcemt. why lievknboitth maha: ose en beiem caut? y ev >>yeahit th wilma: e eicatcauhi finily. mart>>: goah to ve you.thiltc hi thas ni. rtfogoo ving rthathis haju vio of haisjuwhatng. in haw enedviofwh maive at jumbhaedwh jenearma e ran mbdo jea allearn doa le tlin atf.k. clipd thwi and inatk.un ipthit wind arnd why is ppen, 3 ar y en3 minus fr now the' puta n nu frow eythe'utcal a terty sayi ey ce not l cay sis anteore. y 'll s wh yi ct haens 'is swhhas firsamenent se wh come rs enck.t esidt oba anunci thewh bimepls . idobancihe for bie naon's pl $12 trlionbt. wilannoce r na's that $1pltr on .tomo ow. il no pr idenreag maged atre pl bu et mo. cutspr enagmad an any esid t
1:57 pm
bu in tsmorn hiory.y id his n, michmol reag, jos hiy. us nutes fr chnoagwithjohow hidahandd w >>togeer hidawe ndthcuetthe mein.ease >>ge in gernm t cuspding halfe inse brght ab t gnme spnglaest lf ta redubrionst ndsweeabng chges our lat tastruure taduns sie ee e bennin ofchhe s r ntur tarue sibeinof ur
1:58 pm
1:59 pm
[ le aouncr ] turealle swe & sty n bar..[ anc] rele ey'rmade from holeeoast s nut nar d died cre y pe'rut bdeter, omlestut di rekingpeour bavinr, foa swt & lty r irsist lengr in fosw& y irst nate vaey. atva.
2:00 pm
rthatheris n vid cong i haromerhe col nsion atid ppenco at ie ofhemolont wor's ent ofor sies es airrt. fedel regator aftir. a nder ben r de ofegorft sor. haveeren yfeenhis?or ve y an masveirs?ranc supas jbo nc t. itheup j lgest c merclit paenge jet o t lst pnet c rcammi pageet o t ptnto mihe taiof aai
2:01 pm
conaegiol fli io nrlylippli ove >> nypphe pne sikdve v y>> p s videntl v anwe weold to vitlurry o of anthe wdolane >> iry of ound e likometneng indiket breang. rchirts lik an ea s. ndh a ts miikn s a cper. aceallamier h a uate on cr. ela h a uen th. repter: t th tsb ep arer: t bllinre t cocit inoice t rerderout tseoc pnes.ce we eepayinre theert t ps. a-3 wepinhelipp theonai-3rpp eegioailet. to mt lkedio le i. m cshed l dthi llane i ba it ced hit hi theail ned f thabatit henair rional jet ha it lted i off their rna boit the p lnesd a iffillee gr wi. bo pheseng ps.s a liftletff the gund ndwi p ngturn iftthe a g fdl
2:02 pm
rn i 90a fegre. th0 a80 hre win snf a h 2in s et. 2 0 wenboa . tha wirple.oa 66eoplha we boarpl the pl cona w jet ar hesteno t t nsminaion betwn aiet enontrt fige t contl a tmi tn twai pils. tr itoundigikehe nt a til itnd a-3e mht t he en bnware-3hate m hit e h regna e bret j. t eg j
2:03 pm
>> rorte i tnk y may haveitomeby. an did r hte t yayver it ve sebod eb i w t t shoan yd h somronte s.od tal wd a tutho t yom pblem air frateeas al fou a t tseets p theem r wld.ra o o tm iou t tsast heix w . mo hs a o t i tttk havmo a hther rcraav becse is so her big. th ishe raec isoig-380 histhss the reonalett80she hit rereal is hig thiit s pla hs. th ahi47 k07aireto tla th07re t a-38 it s ll 38 gr s gwarf i yoareuppo toe o the rf ceer le wn y are g ing yoouteopo theo ohe rway.ce l w yre taing g t ohef y aren r ty.
2:04 pm
ntertaineg you sulde o y goore tw it apprs wheereou sdhe ntsoo it oks pp thihehe pblemtsill s hi witthe cair peml it reionaet cr asn'off rna the se becn'sef thehe s a80as oheec cen r e a line o maha:ou wenld tnk all has oneck ne and ma: wvery tdyillll makeayhaonork thi bndugeryhingl ke th's s larhi b it desn't engn ow i hitth sart d't e somody. >>epor ir: titss allom ny.. orere te on a hanulll ofhem n e flyion in eanf wld.m andhey re yin mearingheines w mak. se ty dy caneangacilesate ese paknes sith ty bgeranile plas. e p ansa chplef bccasrnt hasn haplaned d ean ceeardas at sn apaxd d it'llrdt han o dk hen t' one of tsean bea os d fesnn e f beuse tey a so bigou havea f toetverydy o bee aohereigavo ma sur history o isreingey maurss cort intthe ggees. th are rtnt amaeng g. threachis. rthama unbievae.hi
2:05 pm
ha ankfly nody s iurednb va cou heeen a kf ny who lot ied ou rse. h nybe is i aoodhoot weup e. e id ca. w pank u so mh. th airs ca k so m a-3 th sirer jbo. we-3 a tkingbout s the j apass tgerng airutaft thehe trac isssrirhowit he you w. h b i acs wi toompa itouo h the b iegul plano wpa ft arodheul n. an w feachet crot $7 milchon. c it carry $il. 53 cryasseer o thos pnes depdingonse the o os ps can cepfigungtionndhe ca cguon is rth ange i oh ge 8 o,300 naucal00aul ils. day jap hop itouldever s. ay ape.optld erthe nlear rulats e r nsedar r at the isis a rdhe fe ushiis plts tthe hhest a i can fhie. pl th t aree h saystg it ian in par thre
2:06 pm
thay chetobylhich i hapnedn inar he yl ch86. apwhatdoeshat meaton t pele o the grod w .ave atstea be t expedo pe ohero w tsee harulbexp lels o radtion and t wt abtarears i ole oheadonnd w ab i sten garer f je.ns m star j m n. n we d'tee radtion u dot kn whee i d i ad onis c telus whe tdoknhe i th i rean cel is,he i wt y t i ow trethea i rads,tion w y t erywre. t t aladia ion iadon hmful t tyws am.nt oalfia i radtion hul t100 ammes ohatereadon gting mart: 0 s tt'sllt thing ound gng rts. ts tnghe nd japeseoverent waed u il no doap thieert wa uit's np t theoo gernmt, uto hi th pla 's o tratohe t geclanm u th la aevel oto tla th eleasumentcomerom tm. th w obvus thesu werntmem tryin to w gebvheerowereasuinmentat ge begninghaer were asuuallnt
2:07 pm
eg ng esen theyeraid the all didt wan en eydespdadheidtanic an maha: are spitti herin icthe ma: re stuo. it ttikinger way.e how dstu it tng tha comre what d oplere dnghaom the ? >>t if lee dent tre thihewhat >> is w wld iear.t t hi atit's w wr. une'sn. tw milne ts wt'sine. tw tw milil thi t way i w nse. twilhiay i n fin maha:fou le i an aa in an it'ma: tking l in a ant'ike tnghat. y g oeft. the y. g o can imane ty areothe evanuati ama tre0-mi evti rius.mi r s. is -- maha: you hrt jtoes o i --to pmaple.: ouu thkbout h liv jgs whin o thisanger e pne. j tthututsiiv of t wtnange y havisge e j got tsi tbehinkg whge yav sps ioot the grounkwh sater i what in e irt, ouheer tre. r yeatsn a yt,rsore ye c ae. y
2:08 pm
itffec the cldre the c teche crehe mo. desoys thna. mo oneshatesson'tth. rair est ielf.'t athernyle rrad 600 if.ids rn wi thyid canr gis 6 fros ting hewihyanisro mart:anyf the werd. cur. >>rt isyuredhe buterouldur >> ratr i myhildednut don held troidat myldnon h canc. trthaid gd t ncave you whah g us. t eveou wh iightl. weave . veeveang f pol i onht we e at arica are tnkinea f oloutnapan a nuccaarre tin csis. t an sayuc cs. ay - 83% s the bel -ve the di3%sterould hapn in sheel he amera. bu tt ddisn'terld seeap tonffec theier bu t d'tee flingoec 49 ei belve nucar per fng i safend i s m49eelhanuc the p i 4 fewho i s mhey belvenhe iis 4 o syel n. g sryoday
2:09 pm
nredar srone sikesayruci weons thedaar onne sescierro wes hen t pistaisro bomin p tacreangly ls bappyin abo thgs appeeanglyn the l tepyitorand boey arethtartg pe pushe bac teor thd areooki tore kkrt us ndre ofac c threkio k ants tf ref c pastan thiss a hug as iss.paan jenniser ariffugoins us liv athess ptago nnff whatns theates osiv at pgo thi >> at u.shees officlshi c im.s tks betwnic v c d tecto eontw v patta d dto hisn couerpaere paa notisn uouimatpa sesion i t ushinaton. s onpa istan offialsay the tp sin des.ned topaanffls addsshe tp a esdodd fuamenl minderandi betwn the two sfues.enmi er direpo s ha twheuggeedwohe s. poha ge kistis we ruestg st w 300c rst 0c opetiveleavthe untr immiatepeveave trndmmte resictes t
2:10 pm
edat dne sikeshere theyere at d snitaesyre careyede ota befo predentbamaaregan o expaing e pro am. fo rent maereanere pa19g dro sroikes. e errie out iro paktan s lases ieut ar. t t ireaknasas bn bee o . tnce rch bn 1ee o the e h tenons boid 1 ever aftensoi r ciaperaftve raynd dis w araay d arstedfter we was robard.ederasob th want than - it' nlear - wther t' e n carullyarimed w leaer may arly haveedeen ea notiangay ven plo nia setor hn kry and satorlo mcin s keseor tri knd surneorr on capi l hi amc s whi arindnen pi hispond tohehi a tenon. youave got onto a bchen. of oueot erates rningroun b yrf cotry,f it ereatappe rng ingun y e uted stes coy,nditepe i sebod ud s s washot deadn t sod cenr ofwaot
2:11 pm
waeaingt by e of thoseenrf opativwagty of tsere wld b a opiv h d cr her t w b t. th are hnsisng o kcrwinger to ishere andth drengis o k wngt,nd i hinkiserend dan wor tough w inkor tgh the kis ofhall ges. th ki iofeliehe pistas arlls. ie bemingore d mor ptaaronvied wel be lea ngbenge or webeea therore,inceheyill ani. rema in e ere,ceyl man egio the are coveng allheiriohereets. maveha:ll satorirccai was s. rerrinmato t:k at sor thehiteai ashousand pen gon outreowin tat hemanyte.sorce us sduld meenn t o ny ofce afgnist in sd o offg jstyn. j rtha: f more onhis sry ha u canog o to for our ws s se an oo w s xnco domic naly mis on t grod an rortsn nyon tro ahanian. an rts a ccialourt a rulnig o.
2:12 pm
cal rt ariza's migrionul law o di a iz juds grn jtawive di mexo t a ght tud jnflucee staex t govement ecistns h tetlu me?ta fai and ventalanisd he debe. ? at'saiusnd ahe. an weave bneb prosingo sho w's he yoth uestwense abo b ts nrongho yo stad fmbo jrew t nlothgompa that f feareswotheth andpa s ateas d th bhend ss wring th bink toail wngolis whado ykhink abo tolishat? ha th y's cing ink0bo mutest? th c g also i verig sto b mwinges re a soer welto b prngidenobamworkn ais spchomorw.el pr en wilam berk on owspeor wl srt ile hanen the he dt w s c sis. an en y thihe abo h cting d t cs. yfivehiederbo ageies tha cng dl t th houng or veergesha d the 12 our ageies at dlheith2 s how bout dh txp. d fere wut enci tt sre t sponbilies d fremeri's ci t s salmon. li we fre strping upseamri on th one wit h mlmhael wetrngpsmn rgan. thne
2:13 pm
itat'somin mupel nex rn. 'sinex malannocer thi..ithe etwok. livg, eathg inlligce al no r at' help g buinessi e wothi howo dousin s.v th inig t'lpbuss hi inowere,doachiins te faoriewhenhey' thity. ine,hite faieeny'hi. so st drk coanie can nage thsandof vding achi ss drco inieeal me. n ge thnd vnghi in♪l ♪. a cusmersind at ty wt...en ty wa it ♪st.♪ ausrsd t w.. twat . it'the &t nwork- aetwo of ssibitie t'e nrk awof ibie cratinand tegring lutns lpin busicrssin d grd thgworl..wo .ut insi th rl wothinpossle. inss. e yoreceing payo fr a lal stlemt
2:14 pm
ornnui ove10 eve 20 yrs?yo ceg yo fr l sem oruive callmpervel y?ructed stlemts. thllexpeers at imrialctan c svertem . yourong-rm pout thto peatlumpimum oalcash codayrt urg- pt mp oshay
2:15 pm
2:16 pm
>>ou le ano binesin e iormaon ge>> lan bu besast maj ima rrganatioof e g ernmtbutapped i theaj e of rlackan aio gnm whitpe ihe a therarehi 1 difrent ancie at derle 1ithifnt aie d eorts therareh at lst 5 difrent ets ere agciesthat al wh lousiifnt ages t w pocy. en tre is m foritsi exple.po . e nter tr i m f depittmen thi exe. er ep enargehialmo whi in fresater ge bmohihe i comrce de rtme eserandlhem b wn ey anome stdemedlm w a wat.n iear sets evenoreat compcateir nceheysrevee mptee smoyd mo smok. rtha: tt go a big
2:17 pm
ok ha lau. tgo that a was preigdent oba inhe statofau t atasrentba unin a ress at no t it' his cnceonio a sssomeing out atnot'isnd flow ce throh on i me g t he wl unv flw his p nroonor i walinlithhenv dtisrisi p inh dsi tomoow. t as itresint mo. rgan t sndin mor ts ttn asi esidt inmeri rnn sinoristo t. a his n has aid few i iasrif his owtofor s harimmgheew iis fatowr we amm joi b thehairn ofat a e rgaoi b grohe mhaelirof e r reag. 's oro y hea m thelresint lkin abou ag a hese o yeath wh iinou a fousedd fst o all s en. wh we iidn'ou f hea oll the wen'opeahe oline ts t one age ies. t bu noby sto up andsaid gelet's. elinate buob thetop depndtmen of ecatiid or c-ino t' theli te dertme ofheommee orepen eal etir c win the hhesing demefmeor eitiel wiven'he hed tha h frong t erepuieican n'eharo t puan yet >>yet atheut 8 of 15he i
2:18 pm
ohis rstermnd nody5 i i talkg abt ts ttm onapit ny i hi . lk abt yohaveo th tk abt nwhatit goi ohi yo rivet nothab whas g ng at ooi i o rinohas g o in rackbama mois ickoma back tois bil i clion wck c til enci in h firli ter but w c no inis ci snond hirer tm.ut he nonnderood sd need t erd tetee thugh e ne e tctio thas the thh yner a eio ewtth he girich balced ye audget ghtow back omagichald s thinng autgeis t bk o rlectn nin a 20. it wil com r oct le hs a majo utse20 haitilom he' le c he to a th cen r on jose t gete' cto theeleenedon t doethatill clion dle otlli d noing. rthaiuestn wheer thatno goig. too ha ove witst thehe amican eopl atoi o you lkveitboutheill aman cliplon. u butillutl cnton dli. welre tl re crm wonch was dnheael ofrom re
2:19 pm
a wasemocticeafmresint. did aometngocc tally si .expeed o idetim. tly if p sidepe oba o wer wling. to put h self p outdeba oern a lim wng witoutis hlfutwn o aim dierd lef winwi pas ois pty aieefayin 'mpa ogoin to a p difrent aind o ino ifntd o mocric pside. m gog tout a hicr stu p de we kw goto atu i knnecsary i ihis buet, at's ttartecgry is bupoin, . 's >> t tt's at nds trtbeg de. u nd to inut d n t>> amo tts n t d mon gen a no d themo on g a reduancihat duci htllud h to. the ha beeudtudio. abothhaee e runn ndiis. bod t csvailleight rn . now. t if the wan cd tosook atilht tho w. re nn d iifheanto k tat'sho herere d i t's --ook here ose t-k reddancs. the arthos e ageies. rthahyednc arettharosges. harethey?
2:20 pm
theareryin toet y? thughhe hee 201ino budt. ts tha thh de,01ets usud pd ha dor s ts p oober e rubli ns a loo oerowar the an rli aoo budt. ey a als looarng e at aud a ls ooreeltion budt.t if ty wa tohowhe el onameraneopludhey nee twaow busiss, ey nd erpl to takyeehe si, n anudge thaoak was intduce getheyha nee allas thentce eyeell budt, eryhe apopriionsill te oud e forectob aprinsl . o leant overetoob theenat of e uned anve stes. he le har rdatef bitg on un th one tost. exp in tolear r tit neric peo ethneoxp t w they ic haveo anher to w kypavhe gornmean goir ino k an lectngomeoinnct year maha: lotf the amecan peop gethis ar i ue ma: itot fee likhemenn t y opetres not i ev disitssioeeik its t wel sehenote digevisio deerts inwesenhe pauig rnee budt inlan. ieel wouaueson re sud wel win.he amecani peol eou ion s
2:21 pm
somee sael we avewi fivmeneo ag icieshat al wit h mesaeeousi.iv we'lhaveagest it one thesi fou 'ltherve ancie wnel th ou lonr 'll ave oie w ageony fure t e . howo l o o the jge fe tiv w wehe j w ing. >> weverakeshe ldn th end upg. weres l winng. ththend repplicaeedo cat u hein and. th winep tcadat uay. theyhend are iin thargin touse of. ey repsentivesre i theyrgre t t one thase can pas eep bilnt oes of he ey tne hhase and an as to e il of hnd enato to t esidt ofhe utedtate at th nd t ttart todidof ud cteting th th ne trt ageies.od rtha: c goongd t h eth you were gng t bgengs. y ha theoo t h prouiden swe g t a bressive yhen meripren aive.sse at's sted t oriet staede. tomoow a 's sd tta mo a 1:3p.m. easrn:3m. righ sma dab nice ddleas o isghmaab sho a crical ne le o ring ho narilrizo's rg
2:22 pm
immiatiolaw caung zoconcn onheth miiow he jge iau ncthisonase gethexic the j rig i to inf enceise g aricaic l.heig fasctoatinandnfce aistucaing. a l basall an iscindeatetug. asnsells by fs of i tivalte ams h elbyeave fof t thealallpk h's aragive sto.he lptheykayhisan wil a nev begi thto seye. sileve th sll@
2:23 pm
2:24 pm
2:25 pm
mart: doou he sprg pla toeadve to lrtdodo f heprlahe toroyadeddio in lheres f n rveyyahat ss thedi anre tual ple nyf h eleyt soomsth a stall avlelabland som hmsotel arevenst savrk tblirdom pces.el en s t faitaleeddi ps.s expted toraw aile adi lgerxpd tow a cro lr tn prceharlro a t pncesprrl ana's a pes d. a'ime miste d camon is
2:26 pm
e mrginte local lamderssino all catree lrs rties ttakelllace deeing the ie tke celeatioce d gshepd smh anhei wi be headg ov here leio we l be iveepsmanwite adov:00 weeastbene fm0 ondo st are goi f t he a gre crd toivedo you reoi tt who t h are cr tostoreou see lik we thoeedo rook or r ee hikel rem and getd aette rk rate hhow rboutndethis. ate cloingds te wutreatgs. ntrorsylog isatothi new robutyodayere seeg smethghi dfere. ew th is tay aromee. th drerew hatths a ughtymye yesrdayn thewt ma. ht is wan iesayhe thereate ma w iheat dictor for j.rew. di orit sws hndorer. s hlite boandhis lite boy0--o itbod ss hiitoy toeils pntedot hi nk. whoes betr pedo ask tha t . wh theretfr tittlskha t gls ertrac ttlallaer. g ac thela.otheof twoittloys
2:27 pm
and hehe gir wo guanteetl ats d irome pois uaee mt ns h theeoi toeils m holisdhe agait thr wihenheyoes wereis aithwiny re tdler >>eporr: d't tl d u sd t tert. orm noture d twant dy d sbter t to earno hote pknt d fergernl torot p k lish j. cw isot fommerningn this th areshot get ng cismeg invved. buyou is sho thethreetd. nv d.'s buuhohen eil a cald surday th e a jen. al andalki abo som sda o en dki herboom farite ohing e ctionser lky fe fate ng ded wit a con b l fhose farite olord sita fateor toail inti is wk.orun in tol ti nn.s w thot oinein wor in n buz th e oeorn uz blo litlo uit. r iniouse pcholist ni ighein singse i psolt
2:28 pm
he sg ueiss i dreittl gir uss le reniatedult and ittlir i l unwiat toltndtncouge lit ie bs plawi ao leouittlite b gir. bu lahe a autr o ltl pknd bluir utllin othe bs promluhe gls ine b ys, m qtingm g her lo ofids ay, qng anderer lo f mighasks tirarenor a sothinerthatould see togh bek ten oss genr.soinat ld ihink moseee parts sspecenlly the rivainkosf tir oarecyome he vamighthin whas the b t oe gheal.inhashe b appantlyhat' hapned yesl. agotic palyt'ap mdalluye h eaghereic ythioes. mlu yo h c'tellre har andhi rds. youai yo tha clarndn r u nionaha telesion mart: a nigna sisr can me th e thiles haonen rtagain tisan m will oth ctainhiha litein t tod ers.ll but ohen c sawinithis,t did caodh mys. tn aw atttion s, i tughtid thas kicas omydd.tton i's 1 y trshtha oki. o th whais ty do. o 1 y o. thha t d o satuay. at'sortfheromoon.
2:29 pm
tu. i e'srt p pmoture. ofne e p of moys, pre the oouldill m me. s, he shems t bldl verappyboute. vingit s t bupyut ng bu wteve he gohe mysf in w w vetoo ch tro le w hhgoys thif nwe'lleavthat w o w tre, tnk yhi ver 'lavathe. tr t yeruch, tracgallher in.a. is iurrelyh, neacfllrn the. mo i reare aicleonhehe f mo neea web sit. ale sewhatou tnk aut all f neeb thit. gooseat f tnews aom all cli oth goo aliews. o on t ther s. matrs thi s.afteoon. te ter parat plaing hi maj ten. ra ty friy cst tarlag oastaj but ra demstrars iri c tne cit st ma n atowedem tra iit prost. maho one n loc aed gov tnmenmay ttinrog. he fnestocmendntoveny n in ho. fd haboundhis? ho hou mexi, doheys?ave the rht xi infdoencey laleheecisns r maden th unid stanfs?ce l anis appls cou dgede mthniaveta st givan tmppou t ereen m lige
2:30 pm
oniv tm azona ten ctrovsialig immiatioon a lna. c ioval miio songl dis lree th t rently sgl aisptede law t i rely aedaw a izona ana [alaus [aus malennouer ] ere u ar doi youtaxeonli. liletlou you ]now some ne iarwatcng y. iouxeli li ouan iwntit thieom ste iingtc y ur psonainfoatio. iitieteg pnafoio [ ock doo][ k ♪oo ♪ ♪[ a♪rm bres ot ouratch
2:31 pm
wee leloc a bs urch we loc goo lilockom anjoinhe fht go liagaickt on of t fasanst in f gring imesn amica. aion tas grg es am a.lifeck. lentssly otecng yr idtity fe. ntly ec yidty cal 1 00) felo tod. ca1 ) lo od ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ [ le nounr ] u'vreacd t age whe yodon'backown [ om ae hallunge.] 'vactge whyon'ckn all. ths ishe a of owin howo ma this haen. this af in owmahiha. so, y wod yolet methg li ereile sfunion , woyot th liree un genin yr wa sn'tt ti youalke to ur dtor out agra ge ywa 'ttiouke o dr t ra 20 mlionen aeadyave. witheverage mmes onspon abilidy.e. sk yr door i your eartth er e hethy oughs or ydo iurrt he y ghdo st ta viaa ifou te itras fochespain taia if tas i may use ra unsfoe dres in in bod pssur iy e sidensffecdr may nclu b pheadurhe, ushi deec ay lupset toma ad, anhi abnmal sion tovoidong-rm i ury,et ma ek iediaan medbnal hl pon toid g- ir
2:32 pm
any,rectn i laiaing edre t hn fo hou. stop akinanviagct ancalllaour g ctor tightfowayou op in agif u exanerillce r or a htenyecree olos f ex i inisioa or henringreos th is e ag of kingctio inio hng ths ag vi gra. ng iolk youdoct. via. sk if ouericcts mt prcrib ed eatmt s f icis r ht f youmpribd tm rgot o ru rthe fshwaouer. malennouer ] tw ty-fr ho stu-on od otrue wa. leou ] tw -fcan ho a ptujectn but scadcompte ps han 70% pore ctugh fo cleing grednts t admp p ha0%e h foleg eds toet t jobone. scadcomp te. to tobe. yondour ldesclea admp. nd r es ea [ale nounr ] turis uique. pur.. [ e d alun del]ious ur uue ur le nare lley alelus grala bs ma witcrun y oslnae ey ra bma tun o nd pre ney turealle-- 1% naral. p y rele 1nal. 10 delious 10elus
2:33 pm
ll te the. lo tho jea. 75. tth lohoea .-chi! excuhi me? everonsir shing yourustors wt otcur ste?es er siargeshor jgns? urto wot st ...n ge jen i?cometo c insance prresse di ct ds. .n ime cnsceprssdi d i ved ndre whenwitcng. th's aot. i d reentc. the ans e skthny. a. the savis are t. thvi.. out ere th ae ter y. t e ar w, that resse. at ss >> songl dis ree th >> the scentglisdopte awhen
2:34 pm
ntpt arina. ri .[appuse] ppe] rtha ttas the ha pside mexo whe t hepokeheo p de congss in m exheefke las yr. ng i mhe ce outightg agast tas y ar ona cawutht ppose byga the govearor.a u s tt pseeot a btandg ovatven fr. arts sf thee a roond wh he atfr spotseforoo whe cgres po th govnoror azonaslastg c es a thovrth ana cstcuitg ourt disio at cit ctinu thert dio injctio agait cnuhe arinammignjtionio ai law sheri say tigon judsaw bas sh tt aycisi she telies in paruds oas t posion fm qsiteheoreiieinar o govement si nam fy, qei mico. doeshat ve meantnamexic has a mo. een ghtest toeanfluceicas desion bytate n tooverents lu re indeonyteer ametsca? ncn snner talme s?w coa s anerbenal sergun.oa ben andn ngucy, od taveou n both he.
2:35 pm
's a n, int testi thie tha th wa broht u h h ae.ntti hi th attney hanerain waro a uzona spea hng o th behttfy andra ana ean o counctn wieh govnond brew. he sd tha coctwiovoverents ewhoul not giv s uphaertsul t ivp hklereto to her estlisho ptoemptn ov thestsh stat. p >>ptut lovk ashehe our o atto ey gateral eri h>>der lasur ying w o to galri are htr gng to l ng w ariza bere g arina.o lwe a notoingo lshem izbe havetate lsri.e don aotng lm lik wevel gotefter lhe aon sue tm d cikllen a ey a beiue hldse on t c arenona an ty am. on aei hsen mexo ar a and t an tir iigraonex iues r d tcuri the ira is rihe bod. y suldbohenite stas b sd secung tteordeta b we kw tre a pro emscuith t de drug k t and hummuggsrosndh ugum llin ggjans brer ha to ptect h in nreha tizeo. p buct h our aornegenel gs aftehernste oze hebuur anene i gegal terte immiants
2:36 pm
mart: asarts i ofal ts th mits rtastsf t rcuit crtecisn,hey gavepeci weit to ui c theisy vecieito heoppotionf th govnmenof mexi. it doe see ddpoonth anyov senteould ve t xi itoeeeakeny sld into tonsirati spial ight froepposionnt om asitherti spl htroosn aerount. >> soolhse rk bds. ntit's >> t conitut snlh r b. 's t heronut ey donive i wt toer ear u a loton ofe i wo miscrceptns. u aey sot clely, fis ishat sc ptwe. savele, it jisdiiona r iew. caneviee thelowe jdina cou r'sw. decianon a seeie if theywe abudou th rci aee disetiof t ther are tbu clae,th theisio erre t lasupracyhe cuse d t mmer clae t t wprey c e oughinto t tho. er la they t w revwed tse rgumghtstoho an sai eyevdlear t tum anai arngre tiona law conictsith stataw rena uaw. laonts winh at hertate knong the ula wld in se ts drtenoothe ado w tame t ddo t e
2:37 pm
la rthayou e gngacko therior la argent. hau i gnderand yk oing eorrgt. t re.ier d t wt y autnghisdeaf t. fo ign woverent, m aicohichs a all undstanis fon theert, moountch llndan beg taed aut hhee hangnt an i luen?beta a h hawhyhoul ane giv i sencial y feree touliv sal mico' reto fling out azonaaw. m o' tha fsng wha t t ana. rulg sai ha s>>ha no, t its dsul is i wto,urts autrity i d d t ns isow w are i wutty rulg. i yo c tayis in w youre onionul yolot c dferen toungs. o on ts my outt ned dre carly a t ts. m whutd we c aly a t sayg. if y menon somhingwhe t at ay esn' m n yenhat'omng t the n' m ct'e -- tresints he mexo ce c-- at the tsinvits ionex of cresint ob aatoheome aitn tknfsi ob e coress a gues t wha the predentf thunit ates of comeriss sai weesreha e goreg afntrthit arina esf bauseriai wanto bugoafotesri wan bse ntbu thees an hpaniopulion he kno i'm oheir hnieam. i'ul wilnng to
2:38 pm
anoack'm a o govnoir d ha the psidem. fi'ilo t atkov untrcome ohahe pdehis cotry tme to ts coury trmes aoy t tdicu anoumerin lawn the a uned stes coness. cu thatnhows howri mucaw iluenhe ey hune th s thesons. c at cwseowuc ihereen t sh hthhe c c re a t a >> a obvusly the aresi nt o>> thenitestat didot sbvly ihe nts si o buy ete vates iid s arina. s he diduyt hav v iri. eidtav to. maha: hd on. o.ave breingma: new cing hn. rosse you reve bgn sewewch arts cg ssis. u br bkingews st ofch as e pt. br ngate s iofeporng e e f imer priden hosorubar has fr supreredenos hea aarackas sued durg ea qutiong of ahekorme present ur quonof egyme. fo news hatest notonfiedhisgy t wel haot liv baking nfiss a we ft.d wehaivut borein nnfortion a mitesro now f theporseoron h nimisow mubak thor ffer a heart attkub ding er qurttiong. mo on ttat d comgg rht aer
2:39 pm
quon mon om r a is. welo bac t t . pweel. 'll ntin to folacw t tt t stor as its p. l evelins.ool tben,o aad w t or wse yots hael say g?n, a wt wyo haay my mn -- i wust fishiy m m-- wt fhi m pots po we'lhallge the nsti tion 'l hellhe saihere tion isn athicaire mponts. donsn pul a oric citens and deonnds .eir onul oitapers thnde is dearmfs rer this efft. >>mfancy i g bac to mffy >>ain cy poin i her gaco y doou m ln a in psideer o do anot lr naonome a to t p de uned s otes o ame ca fotmna e theloor f t heun s hous of ome f pres tsive, trh onor ourouf stes, is pre dentessivtron o ppos t st, thatbvioly say g ios wan yo rse inps, at wanyou ioellayi an ushat uantyosnpoan du l and t u t i' tak i to the dthnd sir i' cuak i o at theresint sai weir a goincuto se wh y
2:40 pm
tsi iaie a m icoin s w yinead r ow iount and one ofur mtateosn ind that whyofeoplete are ary zoout athyplre ts. a maha: the tas a l of t upromafter:hehat a s ltemef b roer pridentt sme calron. b and the genpralen flingnalhen. couny tha d treeen w fngometnng odd a utun hingha ari tna w hav tet d de and i helf.g an whari i wts tav to to de i f. otecitsean agahast i w t nn oe atrneyener of e un ed sectes,sega but nlsogain e patsideeys oerf un ss, atherutoin pde o aer couny. un >>heres somhing o .re lotom ong-- t go aer o ot o t tsot a beuse is tnconitutnal. e te parbee pplehoul ibe th uononutl. tear ts. peul caus ther u are t strgly hel user re beefs theonstutioandtry el there i bes ometheng cled steiod su emacery ilaus etlots cf sd tes not greesuac witus ts ss ot izonandeeit i ond i impmention.
2:41 pm
if uanto kee bngin mp tntn. f onsttutioeeet's binalk out e fas t thestio'sk conitutnt fa ys - l'shealk weaer fac on thut c -stition lkeauppodaco th prott us fm citn forgn po nfluce lehe resi ntotfus f mexi comorg he and tluling le ushatsioo. xi youomantsheond tal tng a utusthe nsti tionoulet'tsal ghere a you don tnkhe pretidentont' of gnothre coury ouon c t com he re ntd ste an thpiniou abo com a h s n tter ofnibo iortae? >> tshin erfne o the ita >> tin ohe stes? mart: hopic we t snk ys? for eing rt he. h heic n t y breoring ngws cing h ouof h ept. n ereg epor csg cingou fm e sta. tvorhatheyre cg f rortita rmerresitvnttyosni rti marak sersi sfere anieart attk m ak dung s sre qstiong. e last artut whawe arett du ar bng qisioondi.on i la ahare ongog. b allememdir ihe hosgo llemos baraas fir lef raffice der eairefuresic and r relutinfolesng iwaaind
2:42 pm
rehetias incolmune i tay ncne tncomniqu tghom qu it wiffiltor t him to dure wha wfi wasappeng dur imo cose o t trehaaspe revutio urstay tun forco o the t unfdingevio ayun or hetuatn deriotingnfng hlth atcondion hni diong mubak and hh nd n parely h sferiub and hea atreck niceiddl sri ofea an at nedl terrfatio a a rrio malannocer unrerain. alno unerpec d. rein nd uike y hyid yo havevernown unec. ue hy yoaverwn ♪ ♪ intrucin thmostuel-ficit tr inluxu carthvailstle.l-ci ♪ ♪ xuaril. he rical new 4mileer glon hybd fm les. ralew 4le gn yb fle ♪ ♪ welme tthe rkeride grn. el te ere gr
2:43 pm
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2:45 pm
rtha we e jt coving eaki newhaout e jt ept. ovg ste tv skiewt epor eng. st fortvr pridenosnior marakorr pren sufnired aeart mak aackufd a durgrt his akuris inteogatn teat landwhat are y ndatre y hring >>eporr: rigow w are hng or ig heing esidt wreosni marak
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in eheg id hpitalni mak n i sha h ta elheikavin sferehis iha hear elttacikin sundare pssibl whil h arasac unddauestning pbl by il a h psecur andutisstng invo aemen in pcu a voorruenionn arun aph aharg .h afte a thorg ptest i teis a couny fohoimo p stest i dn. are a itinung afooresste confencey d t re ain ass miste nffce t heth aut the m teesidt's condion. 's ihis he ahe it. id s he h h ndn. is allgealtt. e r orts here h hellaslt fferg fm v ious rtsormsefe caer. w ters. f vus ms 's iorta tofnderand at tsca m.ns i the troad ita o ersensdof t mide t m ihe et. admubak waaiant s inns t idis e rld. ba wahisntn pas ng wld b a d. wateshedsomeninas w b thi ab spteng.ds en what goi onn ehipt aight now, hereresp. stiatoin ehtroteers w,reti in trir uarete saysg th wa thi tr renvesgati tayth contue ainst imwa ahiisesti t fa ly. nt
2:47 pm
a wilst a be a fa. ilontiinge sto. maha:tigto ma: leld, tnk y verel t yer ch. in theeante acss . th couninyhishent facdaypril5,th un teasarty fyilctivts wl b out aty iv ful w f bceut prostinon t ul f tradionaleadle troilin t xes. t atadournadl torneark inold s. atwaterichin,neou mk notn sd any terote sighi becse m theot s cityas y btenedigechemrom thehe rk w ch i ty a p bulard stm fmhe wte i aarty par s f ty ptest bert me is psteprentin a rt m i tea rt gro suirein ld a roter.ui chig's aornegene l r. tued udownor annterew abigt t asnene tu u stown. nt's t somerackg undnab t thisto howid s hisomkgdnransre? inhat way is w wshisns? in contyeday thathey wouldots bngigns on d atyld prost? b thensontrersy ban i jy whenhey ronted? theuttrsy b ip j
2:48 pm
nner eny edo a tounc aea par erey weavi anc jular 3 w theityviadul 3llowany gro sey ut upowy banrsrout the we to theup coun'tut itan u he be wuse wastoheout tt u bee as con toveral and ent a lonter er t d cyt a l r nage t sayg itas c ge unnstitionay. it wiin hrs ty agrd and untion wi h t lowethegranneo gnd up. bu theaid the we weld bne g passp.g a fbumahedhe licy w th b the didn ssa fovemr. cythat ignthheid rtricons bsllem atn gns,ll rics bners bs ony te s, brs o ar for tddene in thi arorenn tradionafedelhi fum. fil a civ adnade rhtsawsu f. chalilngin ttivesol rion.s surtha tre re alin sev tal pces tooln.his. ha ttheast ece ereouev jus ps to meioneheres.hey et e nde aus signemehatnereyroteers y e a ca ying gnt i thates pk. cacannghe do iha p tha n the peole - the is n stifd frha wha i rthdpe - he
2:49 pm
sthroh onhis t nyere iffrha r haing ybod orroonns t aebody way,hat the werhag bodakin t ady y,the law er binny t mner. an youaidheyre the ow peop mr. anou whodysualhese o thi par op fo theho ppose al>> the canhiar do hat.fohe wh you pre ase ity he paran it'o at. whou ay tradionaarpublt' fum. gn disadaysnabl are f a. cla ic for ofissrelaor sech. of d tupre cou hasade sh. t recleaouas tte bad ea pphyltic t bstriionsn spch preylc constutial. ri nsensp youegulepeec ashey arnsti doi. heri ouustulec rulatsy ar oithert pcisi. r that use a sleehamr an ban p si althsepeec w ach the c'tleamownanan the rstalec whe cn e atndme. maha: u tnkeath a me westroma: t bapstthase. st eir ghtoapnsul filiee. asheheir r t s'sulamils. f ie you ook tassirase, s is ilffict to u erst d. ouk we tl ha toeavete, the. is 'll ep aic eyeto u onst wehaovehis sry ashetoes l ayen forrd. ank u ry msh sor bri inas t
2:50 pm
it tsuror. k mhri a enti t. w aut ati thi why a gantsouo behi yappy gts e ther jpyathoorrirote a ok er on tt. jho ri 's gteng t ajoins rhts hen ton "eric g tinive. r s he "ice.
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2:53 pm
rthathe y toappissas long bn thae toubjefpi ng bhelf t ter elfje o selhelplf boo. r f t one o n bkellpay all youoo ed i tne n b te-teed hllp ofou i t e cisti tteaith hof th bik cled cgodti wanth y thik cdd anhapp" wr yten by fatr juaryhon pp wrny atmorr. j alryys gd toeen you rr al gto lcom >> woun i use toive inome om we w wldalk iseyoenatelte.e rtha wk we sulel.o haac to meore a s wk.
2:54 pm
it'sooften the crch i w part ular's theenhe choli churchh i s thrt labar oheeing all cli rc abt uiltthab and o smeng yll ab ould feelt b abo tnd b s ings you heone yr ldee bbo t b fe. you e tags a h wele de fere y ta . u ta w dre on ta tha >> got an c. d isoto bha u>>d g as c lise b sura ue pn. i l thi ra god p h ulesinhioes, od ey a for o heswns, h pine a.or o 's bausee lov us and sayshis the hne bseovsnd oer's yss mheual. righ tre ou o's and ml. i gh trou we e erdinto tha typ i of ratioehip eithtood, hayp aveof rseenioitpnh oer, eoplvene when e mi ennde o suldplneel enmi ilty sit lddssnd plntss bac to t bun who ty c b lng pssac tun hoappiss. c brthayou ok at the sepi-hel. boo hau nd t ay ar allhe diseerenel oo buthe fus i tarll o a posive dien t f me itati. o tell aoursf gdose this aut meti llrs g yourlf. hi d lo in e airro and dra
2:55 pm
ur fr. lon ithi roand endnswera re infrhi yo and i'murewe f aot ofn pple thyo has an'me w fked. f bu peou say th thaas dsn't wd. ork.bu itoesayha to d'tertak. xtents ght? o youear thitas, y are theen ceer o t? you urhi o yrehenivee. joce o iou wiin yr o hrt ve thos thin havjo se iruth towi y hem. but st oosinav s thethoelf-lp dust .oday andt oake thihe on i thef- st boo hasayndehi divce iitsehe fro godooas d so iivsll abo serood so m i and ibohose this m an ise word -- rst l whiouldt nee thounds theorif--ne ast w enldgh. ee it w ksous he wonrful but t roblen. st w theonromiul t tthe on abl thehe d'tmi e live a maha:hato yhe day to ve mameon:whot s ys tt souso nicebut on'moot selig tusou pers . ce i tve m caldar whig my rs dlyi mal r yingn it w itnspisye. d wh wou y ngitell the m to dpi whou ylhe o to dake peeathat ure taing out. >>here itose ee somhingt cald ta g turat. >>re i hapomnessng
2:56 pm
ev somalodyd whout ra faiapss c evomy wut find hapnessnd pea andai c nd apseressty. ere ea a dpernd guine haines rei. done jus dr gne bst ha seleshelp onus th bere nuralellp m hanisth g ns gial up us. t the is m sniuc g mgie.p s. en etheris s fai, ho and m le and tha e the pgram iai tho tond l la dhahe pam o i. t marto:ou la say gownn you o kn s anrt seeay g htneelsou if iknanee doe't hls wor i ioesnoe wo. t itor a itartsn god wts you woappy it aondeul tught trt eavegoou evybodpywith odayade t htank u fo tvepreang tt word ndevodtheay hop e rybok foea t ecks rdtop out ebo al ks rigs. cong u rigsut al herig nuclcor u watigdogs rsing ter clat gs sevety rngevelf t veapanel nuear isiso a 7 an it'sheameevel asnur is t 7 cher byl'seelsxploon. tt is the sle o f erlhewolo. is sasthes s o eivalts? 'll ok a why the staised the ve i eal?apan l ahyhe n. se
2:57 pm
e ian n
2:58 pm
wwúçnñx?)ñh= ;kx?ñh=wps ;kñú?ps@u÷ñúm@cxw/÷pw]éú?ñño;íç ÷ñ w÷x éz5óó[s(ñú;@ñ ñhosp÷cúoñçmwz5ó]ñ;d>?pkzó?ññhp÷?úéoopp][6wzg@qko?óñówíprúe÷vúyppoñgx][6@q@çgúçówprwgxúe>ew>qxo?poñgw??xpgó2v]ññxsx=pc>oc/úzvçún
2:59 pm
úvñpczóúz ofépñxj@ñóuo@f7 éúñwxjóuah÷@fg>pñ ñkvó9ñ xwpvx÷pw


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