tv Geraldo at Large FOX News April 30, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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♪ good evening and welcome. i'm greta van susteren. the most talked about wedding of the year is over. inrince wli prince william finally married his long time girlfriendim catherine middleton. chances are you weren't invited to the wedding but you will feel like you were after watching this. blams we are just a few moments away from going live to the annual
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white house correspondent's dinner in washington. they have just announced the president is ready to take the stage. president obama set to take the podium first followed by a roast by saturday night live funnyman seth meyers. this event an opportunity for the president to get light with the media. there are thousands o thousandf journalists in the room along with politicians. the white house correspondent association dinner. it has been around since 1914. tonight, the big dinner, the culmination of their event during the year, their big event and now, the president. >> all right, everybody, please have a seat. [ cheers and applause ]
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my fellow americans. muhalo. [ laughter ] it is wonderful to be here at the white house correspondent's dinner. what a week. as some of you heard, the state of hawaii released my official long form birth certificate. [ applause ] hopefully this puts all doubts to rest. but just in case there are any lingering questions, tonight i'm prepared to go a step further. tonight for the first time i am
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[ applause ] oh, well. back to square one. i want to make clear to the fox news table that was a joke. that was not my real birth video. that was a children's cartoon. call disney about f. yo if yout believe me, they have the original long form version. anyway, it's good to be back with so many esteemed guests, celebrities, senators,
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journalists, essential government employees, noneception government employees, you know who you are. i'm very much looking forward to hearing seth meyer tonight. [ applause ] >> he can do no wrong in the eyes of his fans. seth, enjoy it while it lasts. yes, i think it is fair to say that when it comes to my presidency the honeymoon is over. some people now suggest that i'm too professorial and i would like to address that head on b by assigning some of you reading that will help you draw your own conclusions.
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others say that i'm arrogant but i found a really great self-help tool for this -- my poll numbers. [ laughter ] i even wrote down my key core constituency movie stars. just the other day, matt damon, i love matt damon, love the guy. matt damon said he was disappointed in my performance. well, matt, i just saw "the adjustment bureau" so right back at you, buddy. [ laughter ] of course, there is someone who i can always count on for
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support, my wonderful wife michelle. we made a terrific team at the easter egg roll this week. i would give out bags of canny to the kids and she would -- of candy to the kids and she would snatch them right back out of their little hands. [ laughter ] snatched them. and where is the national public radio table? [ cheers and applause ] >> you guys are still here? that's good. i couldn't remember where we landed on that. and i know you were a little tense when the gop tried to cut your funding but personally i was looking forward to new programming like no things
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considered. or wait, wait, don't fund me. of course, the deficit is a serious issue. that is why paul ryan couldn't be here tonight. his budget has no room for laughter. michele bachmann is here, though, i understand. and she is thinking about running for president, which is weird because i hear she was born in canada. yes, michelle, this is how it starts. tim pawlenty, he seems all
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american. but if you heard his real middle name, him hosenei pawlenty. what a shame. my buddy our outstanding ambassador john huntsman is with us. now, there is something you might not know about john. he didn't learn to speak chinese to go there. oh, no. he learned english to come here. and then there is a vicious rumor floating around that i think could really hurt mitt romney. i heard he passed universal
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healthcare when he was governor of massachusetts. someone should get to the bottom of that. and i know just the guy to do it, donald trump. let's hear it tonight -- [ applause ] >> now, i know that he has taken some flak lately but no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the donald. and that is because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter like did we fake the moon landing. what really happened in roswell? and where are biggy and tupac? [ applause ] all kidding aside, obviously we
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all know about your credentials and breadth of experience. for example, seriously, just recently in an episode of "celebrity apprentice" at the steakhouse the men's cooking team did not impress the judges from omaha steaks and there was a lot of blame to go around but you, mr. trump, recognized that the real problem was a lack of leadership and so ultimately you didn't blame little john or meat loaf, you fired gary busse and these are the kind of decisions that will keep me up at night. well, handled, sir.
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well, handled. say what you will about mr. trump. he certainly would bring some change to the white house. see what we got up there. so, yes, this has been quite a year in politics. but also in the movies. many people for instance were inspired by the king's speech. wonderful film. well, some of you may not know this but there is now a sequel in the works that touches close to home and because this is a hollywood crowd, tonight i can offer a sneak peek. so can we show the trailer,
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please? >> the following preview was begrudgingly approved by all audiences by the president of the united states. the film advertises and rated view unwatchable. the year is 2011 and opposition rises. >> congressional republicans could force the federal government to shut down. >> and the president must face. >> republicans are serious will an amendment that would eliminate funding for the president's teleprompter. >> his greatest challenge. >> from the people who brought you universal healthcare and the huge backlash to universal healthcare comes the incredibly true story. >> has our economy added another 20 -- you say that -- they say that -- during that -- let's start over.
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>> the president has lost his prompter. has he lost the magic? >> he has gone from yes, we can to no, i can't. >> i can't get that. i will also -- i will also visit -- i will also visit chile. i will also visit chile. okay. let's try that again. >> in his darkest hour. >> mr. president, what are you going to do? >> the president turned to a man who never let prepared remarks stand in his way. >> axelrod rapte wanted to usee teleprompter. >> who broke all the rules. >> his mama lived in long island for ten years or so, god bless her soul. she is still -- your mom is still alive, god bless her soul. >> and spoke from the heart. >> i have never seen so many damn insurance commissioners.
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>> my lord, i'm not that old. actually, i am. >> it is the story of friendship and the power of the human spirit. >> okay. you are making me feel better. >> but mostly, it is this, for two hours. >> and someone we appreciate even more, natalie por portman. >> shooting video is no this is not on the teleprompter but she is a heck of a lot better looking than rahm emanuel. >> now, veggable enthusiast, michelle obama. >> and amtrak's passenger of the year, three decades running, joe biden. >> there goes biden. >> as the president loses his
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teleprompter. >> joe bide then year. joe biden this year. >> coming to a theater near you. let me close on a seerous note. weeing having a good sign but as has been true for the last several years we have incredible men and women serving in uniform overseas in the most extraordinary of circumstances and we -- [ applause ] >> we admire their courage and their valor. we also need to remember our neighbors in alabama and across the south that have been devastated by terrible storms
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from last week. michelle and i were down there yesterday and we spent a lot of time with some of the folks who have been affected. the devastation is unimaginable. and it is heartbreaking. and it is going to be a long road back. and so we need to keep those americans in our thoughts and in our prayers. but we also need to stand with them in the hard months and perhaps years to come. i intend to make sure that the federal government does that and i have got faith that the journalists in this room will do their part for the peep people that have been affected by the disaster by reporting on their progress and letting the rest of america know when they will need more help. those are stories that need telling and that is what all of you do best. whether it is rushing to the site of the devastating storm in alabama or braving danger to cover revolution in the middle
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east. in the last months we have seen journalists threatened, arrested, beaten, attacked, and in some cases even killed simply for doing their best to bring us the story, give people a voice and to hold leaders accountable. and through it all we have seen daring men and women risk their lives for the simple idea that no one should be silenced and everyone deserves to know the truth. that is what you do. that is your best, that is what journalism is. that is the principle that you uphold. it is always important but it is especially important in times of challenge like the moment that america and the world is facing now. so i thank you for your service and the contributions that you
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make and i want to close by recognizing not only your service but also to remember those that have been lost as a consequence of extraordinary o reporting that they have done over recent weeks. they helped, too, to defend our freedoms and allow democracy to flourish. god bless you and may god bless the united states of america. [ applause ] >> ladies and gentlemen, we are very pleased to have with us tonight the head quiter of saturday night live, the anchor of weekend update and a fellow northwestern grad, mr. seth
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myers. [ applause ] hello, i'm seth myers and i cannot thank you enough for having me tonight. let me just say i'm going be making a lot of jokes about many of the people this this room but don't worry i assure you no matter how harsh the jokes they have all been vetted by the man at the top, chinese president. truthfully i'm humbled to be sitting at a table with president obama a man i greatly admire. it is such and honor to perform for the leader of the world's most powerful slash poorest country. before i start, these are my birth certificate jokes so thank you for the timing on that, mr. president, now unusable.
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one of my guys said are you worried we are a little heavy on birth certificate jokes what if i releases it before the dinner? and i was like why would he do that, he is not going wait three years and then release it before the dinner. who told you about the birth certificate jokes? it was assange, wasn't it? is biden still vice president because if not i'm down to like thank you and god bless america. now, i can begin, i'm also oner inned to be performing for those of you here tonight as well as a handful of people watching at home on c-span. -span is, of course, the official network for wide shots of empty chairs. every time i tune in to c-span it looks like they just had a fire drill. it is ununpaid electric bill
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away from being a radio station. people think bin laden is hiding in the hindu kush but every day from 4:00 to 5:00 he hosts a show on c-span. i'm not complaining about c-span mind you, i usually work on nbc so tonight i'm thrilled to be on a network that people actually watch. in fact, the fact that i'm projected on four screens right now makes she th me the third t rated show on nbc. comcast, of course, bought nbc this year, i'm assuming by accident or when goldman, sachs cut up the network and bundled it in the low tranch of the
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ceo. it only kind of worked. it won't be joining me on the road. it is so amazing to be in washington, d.c. and all this history and all of these amazing buildings and yet here we are at the hilton. the red carpet was outside was amazing. who are are you wearing? what does it matter, i'm going into a hilton. don't get me wrong, i'm very happy that we are at the hilton because no matter how i do tonight i'm earning hilton honors points. you may not like these jokes but i willle be laughing all the way to a free breakfast. for those of how who don't know, the white house correspondents association is an organization of journalists who cover both the white house and the president. though earlier senator jon kyl told me 90% of what they do is abortions.
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but tonight is not about our political differences. tonight is really about the afterparty. i keep hearing how everyone is excited to go to the bloomberg party. you know how i know i'm not in new york? in new york no one is excited to go to a bloomberg party. in new york, a bloomberg party is five people smoking outside a bar complaining about bloomberg. i, of course, am contractually obligated to attend the msnbc party tonight. everybody knows how that works. president obama makes the kool-aid and everyone there drinks it. too close to my home? this are actually unscheduled parties happening tonight.
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fox news is having a party so make sure you bring your driver's license and long form driver's license. but if you are blonde, don't worry about it, just bring that dine thadynamite smile. the new york times party used to o be free but tonight apparently there is a cover. so like everyone else i will probably just go to the huffington post party. and the huffington post party is asking people to go to other parties first and just steal food and drinks and bring it from there. don't get me wrong, i love arianna huffington. especially her voice. she sounds like a woman who would be sitting up in bed with a sheet wrapped around her as james bond is walking out the door. will i see you again, james? and the afterparty is going to be crazy.
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i mean it won't be good, andrew brightbart's heart but it will be crazy. i met james o'keefe last night. i think it was james o'keefe. it might just be a regular -- how wild can a party get when it is held in accordance with sheridaia law? it's what i was told. this is the year of sweeping changes happening, tv news. katie couric announced she is leaving cbs. she was known best for asking those tough questions like name and newspaper. years of questions and she will be remembered for the one that could have doubled as a category on the family feud. follow-up questions, name something you keep in your attic.
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katie is one of the many depart yours we have seen this year. npr fired juan williams after he said muslims made him nervous. so he a black and afraid of muslims, making him the least likely man to get a cab in new york city. msnbc's keith oh berman was suspended from the show for violating company policy by donating money to three democratic campaigns. the punishment seemed harsh compare to the the slash on the wrist larry king got after giving a buffalo nickel to the campaign of cheter arthur. cnn replaced larry king with pierce morgan this year. just like the old expression, old with the old, in with the who? >> rick sanchez, you are donned but you are foregotten. not everyone is leaving.
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my friend anderson cooper is still over at cnn and i especially love watching him report from the field. you can always tell how much danger he is in by how tight his clothing is. if he it in the bulky yellow slicker it is a hurricane still offshore. the khaki vest, the green zone in baghdad. the child heiss white t shirt bull lets are flying and he is pulling people out of the rubble. if you ever see anderson cooper with his shirt off, turn all your television and run. msnbc has a new slogan this year. lean forward. as if the problem has been we can't hear them. chris matthews yells like an auctioner inside a wind tunnel. i never watched hardball and thought i need to get a little closer to this. now, more than ever the media is changing.
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news outlets adapting to an online world. even bloomberg news is on twitter with an oppressive 220,000 followers. only 20,000 less than a cobra that escaped from the bronx zoo. my friend and colleague from nbc brian kilmeadee brie willie tonight. he says it has the elements he most respects from the evening, cameras. when went to egypt, it was because he heard this was their pilot season. all joking aside, i have nothing but respect for my good friend brian. he landed in london to cover the royal wedding only to return back around and return to america to cover the tornadoes in america and be incredibly brave and courageous. and that is a direct quote from brian william. many hollywood celebrities here
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tonight. john hamm is here. john hamm looks the way every republican thinks they look. zach is also here. looks the way republicans think every democrat looks. since we are talking about celebrities and reality stars we might as well talk about the 2012 republican candidates. just look at the options the republicans are kicking around. palin, huckabee, gingrich, trump. doesn't sound like a field of candidates. that sounds like season 13 of "dancing with the stars." and not the stars, the dancers. let's start with mitt romney. he wrote a book titled no apologies. no apologies? when you have to proclaim no apologies isn't that an admission you made mistakes, if
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i come home from a trip to vegas and the first thing i say to my girlfriend is no apologies, we are going to have a follow-up conversation. both rand paul and ron paul are talking about a run in 2012. they have something in common with my father and i which is we are also not going to get elected president. i would love more than to see a debate between a father and son. rebought it will? dad, you ruin -- rebuttal? dad, you ruin everything! >> tim pawlenty is considering a run. if you look up boring in the dictionary that is more exciting than listening to tim pawlenty. tim pawlenty makes al gore look like rue paul. mike huckabee is considering a run. mike huckabee said the president was raised in kenya, went to a muslim school and he hates america but despite that he still seems like a sweet person.
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so he sounds less like a presidential candidate and more like my aunt. and then, of course, there is donald trump. donald trump has been saying that he will run for president as a republican which is surprising since i just assumed he was running as a joke. donald trump often appears on fox which is ironic because a fox often appears on donald trump's head. if you are at the washington post hanging with trump and you can't finish your entree, don't worry, the fox will eat it. and if i can for a moment talk about the birther issue. when did we get so suspicious about where people were born. 38% of americans think the president was born in the u.s. in the very same poll, only 5%
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more said donald trump was definitely born in the u.s. has it reached the point where americans only think someone was born here if they saw it? i know i was born here. and i know my younger brother was born here but when it comes to my older brother i can only take him at his word. gary bussey said donald trump would make a great president. of course, he said the same thing about an old rusty birdcage he found. donald trump owns the miss usa pageant which is great for republicans because it will streamline their search for a vice president. donald trump said recently he has a great relationship with the blacks, unless the blacks are a family of white people i bet he is mistaken.
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trump is filthy rich but no someone told him that. his whole life is marble and gold leafs and marble columns. he would not be a good choice for president but would make a great press secretary. king jong il is a loser. i feel bad for ahmadinejad. he wear foss wind breaker. he has no class. i on the other hand sell my own line of ties. you can find them at macy's in the flammable section. not a strong field and who knows if they can beat you in 2012. but i tell you who could definitely beat you, mr. president. 2008 barack obama. you would have loved him. so charismatic and so charming.
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a little too idealistic? maybe. but you would have loved him. i still think we all remember that inauguration day. the first lady there was and may i say for as beautiful as you looked that day, you look even more beautiful tonight. now, you on the other hand, mr. president, have aged a little. what happened to you? when you were sworn in you looked like the guy from the old spice commercials. now, you look like lewis gossett senior. i never said this to any one before but maybe you should start smoking again. it this the change you were talking about? mr. president, look at your hair. if your hair gets any whiter the tea party is going to endorse it. i'm going to get an angry voice
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now from ginny thomas. but i believe the president would agree with me that the mood has changed a bit since the beginning of his term. at the beginning of this term, mr. president, house wifes were trying to sneak into the white house. now, everyone is leaving. axlrod, gibbs, rahm emanuel. by this time next year it will be just you and joe biden trying to find toner for the copier machine. i bet it is hard getting back in campaign mode again. do you know who is dreading it it? will i am. he is writing down words that rhyme with debt ceiling. the heritage foundation projectd that joke would get a standing ovation. i probably shouldn't trust those guys. mr. president, i have confidence for you. for one, you still have the first lady and, of course, you
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still have joe biden. what can i say about joe biden that hasn't already been said incorrectly about joe biden. i imagine having joe biden as vice president is kind of like taking your blue collar dad to a fancy restaurant. he is more comfortable at the olive garden. talks a little too loud and mispronounces and you are always tempted to lean over and say i'm sorry about him, he is from scranton. when the vice president found out they were not invited to the royal wed, he leaned over to the president and said you, me, wedding crashers two. i will book us two amtrak tickets to london. >> i assume it was hard to tell joe biden the new budget cut
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from rail. joe, come on in. take off your engineers cap. i have some bad news about the choo-choos. as he broke the news one of the straps on joe's overalls sadly dropped off his shoulder. i would be remiss not to mention paul ryan. he introduced a budget plan that would overhaul medicare and make deep cuts to other medicare and social care programs because he believes the american people have said loud and clear stop using my tax dollars to take care of me. i notice that his approach to the budget led many to praise paul ryan as a serious adult. nothing is more depressing about politics than the fact that adult is now a compliment. it is only a compliment to a child. i'm proud of you. you acted like an adult
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tonight. you even cut your own meat like a big boy. there are a lot of things you want us to be impressed by congress, that we are not impressed by. we are not impressed that you sat next to each other at the state of the union. you know what the rest of americans call an evening spent sitting next to a person with wildly different political views? thanksgiving. we are not impressed when you complained about how bills are too long to read. the healthcare bill is almost 2,000-pages. good. a bill that ensures every person in america should be longer than the girl with the dragon tatoo. also, while we're at it, i don't think you read bills anyway. i think you vote on bills in the same way the rest of us agree to updated terms and conditions on i ten tunes. itunes. i should wrap it up. i'm getting the red light. not the red light that signals i'm out of time but the red
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light that signals the c span handy cam is running low on batteries. i want to thank all of the journalists here tonight. i couldn't do my job if you didn't do yours and it is fitting this event happened on the same weekend as the royal wedding. i couldn't help thinking how wonderful it is to live in a country where people don't wear hats like that. tonight has truly been an incredible honor for me. america is the greatest country on earthquake an earth and at y speech started was still a nation rated triple-a by standard & poor's. thank you and good night. >> you are watching president obama along with seth meyers, the head writer at saturday night live. it was his job to roast the president and that he did. moments ago saying to the president he knows exactly who
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can beat president obama in 2012. he waited a beat and then said that would be barack obama of 2008. what happened to him. lots of jokes obviously from the funnyman seth meyers and from the president tonight. we have been watching the white house correspondent association dinner. president talking a whole lot tonight about himself, that is what he does, he kind of roasted himself and then he got a little bit into politics and picked on donald trump for a good, i don't know, three or four or five minutes from his speech. i want to bring in some guests via satellite to talk about the president tonight and what really traditionally is a forum of humor. we have former white house director of events laura schwartz. role call staff writer david drucker and republican strategist noelle nickfor.
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>> i thought the entertainment was actually entertaining and that is not always the case because not all come dayians are funnily. the president did a little better job be in that he actually made fun of himself this year more than he did last year. last year he was busy picking on everybody else. usually what the president is supposed to do at this dinner is pick on himself. and look, i was at some of the predinner festivities earlier this evening and it is, you know, it is kind of hollywood on the potomac. i could swear there are almost now as many people in from los angeles, hollywood and new york as there are from washington and it has just become that kind of an event. i would say it kind of went off as planned. >> laura schwartz, i want to ask you about kind of the point of this whole event. and is it a good venue for the president to kind lampoon himself?
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is that how it was supposed to go. >> and it is great to see the zingers of the night. the members of the white house correspondent's association travel with the president around the world every event. the motorcades. they st. louis are have this rd you may really not agree with each other during the day but at the end of the day like a night like tonight it really is about what journalists bring to the table. >> i want to get. >> an ever changing table including bloggers as well. >> i want to get into the politics. the president and seth meyer spending a lot of time on donald trump. do the democrats fear him? they spent a big bulk, both of them and we know that seth meyer is an obama supporter. he says so. >> you are talking to me here? >> yes. >> okay, yeah, yeah. i think it was really funny.
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it was like a big weekend update gone wild. i think it was funny the way that seth meyers brought the attention to trump and i thought it was funny that they got it out there and addressed it immediately especially when barack obama started he addressed it immediately and it was really funny when did the lion king video to say here is my actual birth. i thought it was absolutely funny. >> do you think it is any indication of how democrats think about donald trump as a potential gop candidate or could possibly get the nomination? >> they think he is a joke. >> you guys, it was fun to watch tonight. i'm glad that you were able to join in and watch for a little bit. there are some 3,000 plus people at dinner. they hold it each year. the president tonight, you heard noelle talking about the video that the president ran poking fun at himself over the birth certificate issue. the white house correspondent association dinner wrapping up now. we wanted to bring it to you live. a lot of humor there.
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a little touch of washington for the rest of the nation to see. i'm harris faulkner.sie,y don' right back now to regularly scheduled programming. this is the neighborhood. you get elm street and you get main street. thank you. and that just the first quarter. so you want a slide in your office ? or monkey bars, either one. more small businesses choose verizon wireless than any other wireless carrier. where's susie ? is she expecting you ? because they know the small business with the best technology rules. i know what works diffently than many other allergy medications. omnaris. omnaris, to thnose! did you know nasal symptoms like congestion can be caused by allergic inflammation? omnaris relieves your symptoms by fighting inflammation. side effects may include headache, noseble, and sore throat. i tossed tse allergy symptoms out of my party. [ man ] omnaris. ask your doctor. battling nasal allergy symptoms? omnaris combats the cause.
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duke and duchess of cambridge. and it has happened. grandma, we're home. he has never been one to love cameras. we don't know much about her yet. i know the lime light is something he never enjoyed. he hated it around his mother but the two of them have held up today in ways that are just really unimaginable. what a show. >> and there is queen elizabeth. at a time when there is so much strife in the world and this family has been through some unfortunate times this is perhaps the beginning of something new, a new chapter in the life of the monarchy as william's duty to marry and produce an heir and to see him do it in a way that embraced so much love and compassion. and there is the proud father
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today, prince charles and camilla and there prince phillip and queen elizabeth, reiging nearly 60 years now. my goodness, what she is reigening over today as we watches the monarchy begin a whole new era. >> what i a sight. this city is just sparkling. jonathan hadn't must be proud of the morelan motherland toda. >> today the entire nation clearly coming together, basking this in glorious moment. and another thing, having watched the royal family for seven rad decades, i don't think i can ever say i have seen the queen look so happy. the smile across her face as we saw her come back to buckingham palace. now, we just wait for the great moment.
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the crowds are all gathering here now and flooding to the front of buckingham palace right now as i speak, guided down here, totally joyful and they will wait for the moment when kate and william step on to the balcony of buckingham palace and we see them kiss for the first time. that will be the culmination of everything everybody has waited for, for some hours and in some cases so many days out here outside buckingham palace. >> you see the line of police officers in the front. >> yes. >> and nobody is getting in front of them and they know he they are not armed and they can't do anything to them. just well behaved subjects. >> they are obeying. >> they are obeying. >> they did promise that. >> imagine what the clubs will be like in 30 minutes. >> a lot of fun. >> drinky, drinky getting on this afternoon across london town. >> the royal family are in there right now having a drink right now. >> i'm talking about all of the rest of the people.
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they can drink whatever they want. >> the buckingham palace pub right now. >> we got to get out of here. we will be back in a couple of minutes because we don't want to miss this kiss. >> did they or are didn't they? was there a kiss on the iconic buckingham palace [ banker ] mike and brenda found a hoe th they really wanted. was in my sister's neighborhood. i told you it was perfect for you guys. literally across the street from her sister. [ banker ] but someone else bought it before they could get their offer together. we really missed great opportunity -- dodged bullet there. [ banker ] so we talked to them about the wells fargo priority buyer preapproval. it lets people know that you are a serious buyer because you've been credit-approved. we got everhing in order so th we can move on the next place we found. which was clear on the other side of town. [ale announcer wells fargo. with you when you're ready to move. of course not. we broke up 6 mths ago. but i don't think she'd go for a guy like -- [ ping! ] she says she'd love to.
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[ ping! ] she can't wait to see me. [ ping! ] she's wanted me to ask her out for over a year now! [ ping! ] she just sent me a video. [ girl's voice ] hi stephen, can't wait for our date! oh, can i see that? aah! [ male announcer ] in the network, sparks fly faster. at&t isetting faster with 4g. rethink possible.
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and we are back with our coverage. allowed people to push all the way to the gates of buckingham palace. tell us what they are doing inside because you have been in there for niec these events ate wedding of diana and charles. >> the queen now is corralling them as the royal family in the room. a square room, just a chandelier and there is a bar, shep, so people are having a drink. harry will be probably having a glass of beer and they will be ready to get on to the balcony. >> the telegraph newspaper hired a lip reader and one of the things that he reportedly caught now fox news cannot independently confirmed but is said that william said to her as they joined each other you look stunning babe.
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atmosphere. >> and there they are waving. almost like you can feel them saying just keep waving everybody because they are are giving the people what they want. they wanted to have a moment to watch the young couple and soak it all in. hours of waiting and watching and they are truly enjoying this moment. >> a very relaxed part of the day. this is when they can start to wind down. the ceremony and pageantry is over and now they can enjoy their day.
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>> soon we will find out from the independent newspaper or whichever newspaper it was exactly what it is that they are saying up there. the lip readers. >> easy to read her lips when she walked out, she said oh, my. they are holding up the children to get a good view. what a memory. >> there we go. >> another one. >> boy, what is moment this must have been for them, paul. >> what a spectacular day. what a magic day this has been. >> greta: and now the newlyweds begin their life as a married couple. they will face challenges but as royals they will have the endless public fashionista nation and scrutiny.
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