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tv   Geraldo at Large  FOX News  May 1, 2011 1:00am-2:00am EDT

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♪ good evening and welcome. i'm greta van susteren. the most talked about wedding of the year is over. prince william finally married his long time girlfriend catherine middleton. chances are you weren't invited to the wedding but you will feel like you were after watching this. ♪
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>> more than a billion tuned in from across the globe to watch a historic display of spender. as you know, our fox news team has been there all week to bring you hour-by-hour coverage of the pomp and pageantry. >> well, the hour is upon us. it is exactly 11:00 a.m. in london england and time for the royal wedding.
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>> dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of god and in the face of this congregation to join together this man and this womann hol to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimonyd which is an honorable estate instituted of god himself signifying on to us the mystical union between christ i and his church. i require and charge you both that you will answer at the the dreadful day of judgment whenne the secret of all hearts be disclosed that if either know of any impediments why you should not be lawfully joined together in matrimony you shall
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disclose it. william, arthur phillip louie,t will thou have this woman for thy wedded wife to lived together in the holiest state of mattry money, love her, honor here, love her and keeper in in sickness and in health, so long as you both shall live? >> i will. >> katrerine, will thou have this man for thy wedded husband to live together in the holiest state of matrimony and forsaking aller whos only untoo him so long as you both shall live? >> i will. >> who giveth this woman to be married to this man?
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>> i william arthur phillip forwie take thee catherine elizabeth to my wedded wife to have and to hold for this dayre forward for richer for poorer in sickness and in health, tove love on to cherish 'til deathr. us do part according to god's holy law and thereto i give thee my troth. >> i catherine elizabeth. >> i catherine elizabeth take thee, william arthur phillip lieu we for my wedded husbandva to have and to hold from this
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day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health to love and to cherish 'til deatho us do part. anccording to god's holy law and thereto i give thee my troth. >> let the lord this ring and grant that he who gives it and she who shall wear it willain remain faithful to each othereh and live together in love until their life end. jesus christ our lord, amen. >> amen.
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with this ring i thee wed with this ring i thee wed.this ringi >> with my body i thee honor. >> with my body i thee honor. >> and all my worldly goodsoods with thee i share. >> and auld my worldly goods with she i share. >> in the namend of the father and of the son and of the holy. ghost, amen. >> amen. >> let us pray. outages ooh ternal god creator and preserver of all man kind,t the author of everlasting life send thy blessing been thesepot thy servants this man and this woman whom we bless in thy name that they shall keep the vow
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betwixed them made and forever remain in perfect love andant peace together and live according to thy lord through jesus christ our lord. >> amen. god has joined together let no. man put us under.r as much as william and catherine have consented together in holy wed lock andts witnessed the same before godea and his company and there to have given the pledge betothed either to other and declared the same by giving andg of rin receiving of a ring and byjoinf joining of hands i pronouncethy that they be man and wife together in the name of the t father and of the son and of the holy ghost, amen.god god the father.
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god the son.on god the holy ghost. please, preserve and keep you. the lord mercifully with itsrea favor look upon you and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace that hein may so live together in thisdou life that in the world to comea he may have life everlasting. amen.e >> amen. >> greta: more from inside london's thousand-year-old church, just ahead. if i ask sheila out? of course not. we broke up 6 mths ago. but i don't think she'd go for a guy like -- [ ping! ] she says she'd love to. [ ping! ] she can't wait to see me. [ ping! ] she's wanted me to ask her out for over a year now! [ ping! ] she just sent me a video. [ girl's voice ] hi stephen, can't wait for our date! oh, can i see that? aah! [ male announcer ] in the network, sparks fly faster. at&t isetting faster with 4g. rethink possible.
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from america's news headquarters i'm marianne rafferty. nato is denying that it is targeting muammar qaddafi's family. this following word that the leader's youngest son killed in a nato missile attack. the target of the residence of the 29-year-old. three of qaddafi's grandchildren also reportedly killed in the assault. the dictator and his wife were reportedly in the house at the time but a libyan spokesperson says both escaped the blast unharmed. nato can't confirm qaddafis if son was killed. the death toll climbing after a rash of tornadoes ravages the south. a massive relief and cleanup effort is underway. the american red cross and the
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salvation army just two of the many volunteer service organizations down in the storm zone trying to provide whatever they can to help. >> people see the shield, see the canteen, and they receive hope and that is what they need at the moment. >> of the 7 southern states hit, alabama took the hardest blow. wednesday's storms killing at least 249 there. and the death toll rising to 35 in mississippi where a monster twister hit smithville. part of operations include the use of cadaver dogs to search through seemingly endless rubble. tornadoes aren't the only natural disaster folks in the midwest are coping with this weekend. a federal appeals court is refusing to block the army corps of engineers plan to blow a hole in a levy and purposely flood farmland in an effort to prevent flooding in a small illinois town. across the river in missouri they don't like the plan. the corps hasn't yet decided whether or not to go through with it. if youngsters you would like to help those -- if you would like to help the tornado
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victims in the south go to and you will find a how to help link. i'm marianne rafferty. now, back to the royal wedding recap. for your latest headlines, go to fox news .com. fox ♪ i appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the mercy i appeal to you brothers and sisters by the mercy of god to present your body as a livingyd sacrificial, holy and acceptable to god, which is your are spiritual worship. let love be genuine.en hate what is evil. hold fast to what is good.
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love one another with mutual affection. out do one another in showing honor. honor. it is possible so far as it depends on you. live peaceably with all. ♪
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>> greta: the newlyweds leave westminster abbey for buckingham pal
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♪ >> greta: there is the happy couple about to set foot into the carriage. the 1902 landow. a sunny day now we can say for
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the moment in great britain as they step into the carriage. absolutely stunning ceremony. >> spectacular. it moved me actually to tears. i'm a big 'ole softy. it was spectacular. and doesn't she look sensational. you said to me earlier grace kelly. absolutely grace kelly. classic. elegant. officialty kateed and we haven't seen that tiara for a long time. that was given to the queen for her 18th birthday by the king. the queen gave her a generous gift on the eve of her wedding to be a royal princess and wear that tiara. >> and one of the most lovely things about all of this is the way they have been just sort of looking at each other and enjoying the moment and taking it in and just the warmth between them that is so evident as they he have gone through this beautiful ceremony and
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wonderful words from the bishop of london as well. let's take this in for a moment because this is quite something. these are pictures we will be looking at for some time to come, paul. >> and i have ridden in that carriage on o many occasions. i sat on the back of the carriage like those two guys in the golden scarlets and i did that many, many times with the queen in the carriage. this carriage is used for allstate's occasions and you will see maybe when president obama comes to england you will see him riding in this carriage with the queen. it is not easy to ride in the carriage because you interest to jump off before it stops. >> we have only heard her speak a couple of days but i'm struck with how easy her smile is and how comfortable she seems and what a striking contrast with diana. at the same time, of course diana was much younger but kate seems very much as ease.
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>> it seems to be very easy for her, doesn't it? >> and the coon now. what did you call it earlier, lemmon. >> and she is happy because she is seeing that the future of the monarchy is secure in those two young people.
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>> greta: here comes the queen and prince phillip who looks amazingly well. he was seeming to enjoy the entire ceremony. >> and there in the glass carriage. and there they go. >> enjoying the ceremony while we were watching inside, the sun came out in london. it warmed up. in fact, the first ray of sunshine happened over buckingham palace as the very instant she walked into the room. it sounds almost impossible but that is exactly what happen. >> she has that amazing smile that just takes over her whole face. she puts everyone else at ease around here and literally the moment that she stepped out of her car the sun shone on her and it has really since that
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moment. this is a happy young couple. look at this scene. i mean you couldn't write the script or cast these two people more perfectly than today. >> incredible day. >> let's go over gretchen. >> what an amazing experience. one word that comes to mind is magical. we don't have royalty in the united states of america. this is as close as we get to it, we get to enjoy it out of the uk. being this up close and personal a moment i will never forget. now, the duke and duchess of cambridge followed by kate's sister pippa and the rest of the wedding party followed by the queen and then prince charles and camilla. one of the biggest headlines of
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the day is no rain. it looked like there was going to be rain in the forecast today. i have to tell you right before the couple came out the sun actually came out as many people had predicted would happen. a magical moment, a royal wedding, 2011, many people will never forget. >> greta: stay here on the fox ♪
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[ male announcer ] life happens prty fast, and the best way to keep up is to be just as fast.
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and now you caget the speed you need with the cut you wa. the all-new jn deere eztrak z600 series -- nine miles pehour, a four-year limited warranty and an expert cut in expert time. what will you create? learn more about getting an expert cut in expert time atohn from america's news headquarters i'm he marianne rafferty. thousands of catholics descending on rome ahead of pope john paul ii beatification. jennifer davis is live in rome with the latest. what can we expect to see as the morning wears on? >> hi there. well, the day has dawned here in rome and thousands and thousands of the faithful are flocking into st. peter's square as we speak. this is beatification day and that means that pope john paul
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ii is getten one step closer to being declared a saint. it has taken a short time as far as catholics are concerned to to get to this point. they say a miracle happened when a french nun was cured of parkinson's disease. that, of course, is the same condition that the former pope suffered from. the thing is that nun did address the crowd here at a vigil last night. the big thing today to look for at ceremony and mass in three hours is that pope benedict xvi will declare the former pontiff blessed. that will be the term used in front of his name going forward. that will be the last step before cannonnization. analysts expect t could happen in as little as two to five years. this is a fast track beatification so to speak. pope benedict waived the normal
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waiting period in order to make this happen because the faithful had been calling for it. thank you for that. don't forget you at home can catch our fox news live coverage of the beatification at 4:00 a.m. eastern time. we will have everything for you. i'm marianne rafferty. now, back to the royal wedding recap. and don't forget, for your latest headlines, go to fox >> shepard: the duke and duchess of cambridge. >> the duchess of cambridge soaking it all in. she was inside with her family and friends moments ago. now, for the first time out in the public and being greeted as a future queen in a way that must feel overwhelming to her. she looks like she was born to sit in that carriage. >> and our jonathan hunt must feel so slighted at the moment, don't you, jonathan?
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>> well, because i'm the real queen of england, is that what you are suggesting why i'm slighted? it was a beautiful ceremony. it is wonderful to see them coming down here now. they are about to turn on to the mile in which case these people outside buckingham palace will get their first glimpse of them a half a mile down to my right here. the cheers will go up and it is wonderful to see kate already developing. when she got in the car at the hotel did you notice how frantic the wave was, not very royal at all. slowed it down a little. becoming more royalle by the minute now. william saluting and kate waving. it has been a wonderful day. now, everybody behind us here is going to wait for once they go into as they make the turn there on to the mile and the crowds outside buckingham palace get their first game
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glimpse of them. what everybody will be waiting for is for them to come out on the balcony behind me here and then we will see the first kiss between prince william and his pride. that will be a stunning moment for everybody. they will cheer kiss her, kiss her again and again. we have been told today that kate middleton will be the first commoner to stand on the balcony of buckingham palace with the royal family since winston churchill did it at the end of world war ii. one more honor for kate middleton today, martha and shep. >> they are making their way down the mile as jonathan calls it. jonathan popular on local -- talking here on local television about how when diana died there was questions about whether the monarchy was going to be able to survive. many said had the prime minister at the time given it even just a nudge it might not
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have. now, with some 80% approval rating and britain is righted again. it is something very nice to see.
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lelelelelelelelelelelelelelelel elelelelelelele manillelelele. >> greta: more of the royal wedding just ahead on the fox
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news channel.
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♪ william and katherine, the
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duke and duchess of cambridge. and it has happened. grandma, we're home. he has never been one to love cameras. we don't know much about her yet. i know the lime light is something he never enjoyed. he hated it around his mother but the two of them have held up today in ways that are just really unimaginable. what a show. >> and there is queen elizabeth. at a time when there is so much strife in the world and this family has been through some unfortunate times this is perhaps the beginning of something new, a new chapter in the life of the monarchy as william's duty to marry and produce an heir and to see him do it in a way that embraced so much love and compassion. and there is the proud father
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today, prince charles and camilla and there prince phillip and queen elizabeth, reiging nearly 60 years now. my goodness, what she is reigening over today as we watches the monarchy begin a whole new era. >> what i a sight. this city is just sparkling. jonathan hadn't must be proud of the morelan motherland toda. >> today the entire nation clearly coming together, basking this in glorious moment. and another thing, having watched the royal family for seven rad decades, i don't think i can ever say i have seen the queen look so happy. the smile across her face as we saw her come back to buckingham palace. now, we just wait for the great moment.
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the crowds are all gathering here now and flooding to the front of buckingham palace right now as i speak, guided down here, totally joyful and they will wait for the moment when kate and william step on to the balcony of buckingham palace and we see them kiss for the first time. that will be the culmination of everything everybody has waited for, for some hours and in some cases so many days out here outside buckingham palace. >> you see the line of police officers in the front. >> yes. >> and nobody is getting in front of them and they know he they are not armed and they can't do anything to them. just well behaved subjects. >> they are obeying. >> they are obeying. >> they did promise that. >> imagine what the clubs will be like in 30 minutes. >> a lot of fun. >> drinky, drinky getting on this afternoon across london town. >> the royal family are in there right now having a drink right now. >> i'm talking about all of the rest of the people.
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they can drink whatever they want. >> the buckingham palace pub right now. >> we got to get out of here. we will be back in a couple of minutes because we don't want to miss this kiss. >> did they or are didn't they? was there a kiss on the iconic buckingham palace
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♪ and we are back with our
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coverage. allowed people to push all the way to the gates of buckingham palace. tell us what they are doing inside because you have been in there for niec these events ate wedding of diana and charles. >> the queen now is corralling them as the royal family in the room. a square room, just a chandelier and there is a bar, shep, so people are having a drink. harry will be probably having a glass of beer and they will be ready to get on to the balcony. >> the telegraph newspaper hired a lip reader and one of the things that he reportedly caught now fox news cannot independently confirmed but is said that william said to her as they joined each other you look stunning babe.
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>> here we go. >> the doors are open. >> here she comes. oh, my. >> how about that. >> where did all these people come from. i didn't know we had this many subjects. >> the queen is going to stand back now and let them soak up the
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atmosphere. >> and there they are waving. almost like you can feel them saying just keep waving everybody because they are are giving the people what they want. they wanted to have a moment to watch the young couple and soak it all in. hours of waiting and watching and they are truly enjoying this moment. >> a very relaxed part of the day. this is when they can start to wind down. the ceremony and pageantry is over and now they can enjoy their day.
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>> soon we will find out from the independent newspaper or whichever newspaper it was exactly what it is that they are saying up there. the lip readers. >> easy to read her lips when she walked out, she said oh, my. they are holding up the children to get a good view. what a memory. >> there we go. >> another one. >> boy, what is moment this must have been for them, paul. >> what a spectacular day. what a magic day this has been. >> greta: and now the newlyweds begin their life as a married couple. they will face challenges but as royals they will have the endless public fashionista nation and scrutiny. how will theld


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