tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News June 6, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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glish channel. by day's end the allies had a foot hold it could take nearly a year before the nazis surrendered but operation overlord got underway 60 years ago today and that is the fox report. i'm trace gallagher in for shepard smith. shep is back tomorrow. 3:00 p.m. eastern time. o'reilly starts now. >> bill: o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> at the outset i would like to make clear i have made terrible mistakes that hurt the people i care about the most and i'm deeply sorry. >> bill: anthony weiner lied did he tweet explicit pictures to abulbasher of in women. >> to be clear the picture was of me and i sent it. >> bill: weiner will not quit saying did he not do enough to give up his job. >> i am deeply regretting what i have done and i am not resigning. >> bill: so what is the big picture here? juan williams, mary katharine ham and bernie goldberg will analyze.
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>> here's how you make a drink. >> more than this. >> new book says some of the most popular sitcoms of all time contained liberal messages built in to the scripts. >> you guys really know how to pick the winners, didn't you? >> bill: caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. congressman weiner comes clean. is that true subject of this evening's talking points memo. the interest in the weiner twitter situation comes because the sitting congressman has a responsibility, of course, to the people he represents and to his country. if you embarrass those people and your country, you must be held to account. also, mr. weiner has been an outspoken attack guy, criticizing republicans and conservatives who oppose his liberal point of view.
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now, last week as you will remember. the congressman lied about his internet activities. today he was forced to confess. >> i have not been honest with myself my family, my constituents, my friends, and supporters and the media. last friday night i tweeted a photograph of myself that i intended to send as a direct message as part of a joke to a woman in seattle. once i realized i had posted it to twitter, i panicked, i took it down and said that i had been hacked. i then continued with that story to stick to that story, which was a hugely regrettable mistake. >> bill: now, congressman weiner says he will not resign even though congressman chris lee also from new york did quit for a similar escapade earlier this year. the question is the story important? well, yes and no. in the big giant scheme of things, the economy, afghanistan, stuff like that not so much.
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but, it erodes, another example of a story that erodes the confidence in the federal government. and a lot of people got hurt because weiner tried to get away with it. now, congressman weiner will have to answer to the voters. he will. but, should he be sitting there? that's what we're going to discuss tonight. and, remember, that other politicians, including president clinton have survived worse. that's the memo. now for the top story tonight, the bigger picture, joining us now from washington fox news analyst mary katharine ham and juan williams. first up, should he quit? should he resign? >> no, he shouldn't resign. that's up to the voters. i will say though that he is eroding confidence and leadership in this country. americans are upset with wall street, athletes, religious leaders. this is just another example of why people think, you know what? the people at the top are looking out for themselves. and to that extent it's an embarrassment as you said bill
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to the country and to the leadership. >> bill: if you are making my points almost word for word, why shouldn't he resign? look, chris lee took out. he said, you know, look, i did it, shouldn't have done it, i hurt a lot of people, i'm going. hurt his party because the democrat got elected in his place. he could have toughed it out. he didn't. i don't know, look. >> that was a different situation. >> bill: wait a minute. if weiner says he takes responsibility, what kind of responsibility is he taking, juan? he is not quitting? >> he just admitted to you that he lied. >> bill: he had to. >> i don't know. there is said to be additional pictures. no no. no. he knew that there was so much evidence against him. >> that's what i said there were additional pictures, right? >> bill: what responsibility is he taking? don't enjoy this mary katharine. i don't want you enjoying this. >> i'm agreeing with you. >> bill: i don't think anybody should be happy about this.
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>> just because i'm smiling doesn't mean i'm happy. i can smile when i'm uncomfortable and talking about weiner makes me uncomfortable now. >> i understand that. >> bill: juan, you say no resignation. how is he taking responsibility. >> he will have to go before the voters. he in a position where is he apologizing to the republicans and the people no ho were beating him up. >> bill: juan, you are dodging me. what responsibility is he taking if he doesn't resign? what responsibility? he was forced to admit it. >> if you watched the press conference today, you saw this man stand there and take a public whipping. he was hue mill -- humiliated. apologizing to andrew breitbart. puts his credibility into the tank this is a guy bashing republicans, conservatives for the democrats. is he not going to be able to do that anymore. that's responsibility. but ultimately it's the voters. the difference with chris lee is chris lee was a new guy in
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congress. nobody in this town knew him. people in the district didn't know him. >> bill: so what? >> this guy, when you stop and think about anthony weiner, the american people know him. he has been around. he has a record. >> bill: all right. you had massa, the guy who was tickling guys or some stupid thing. he had to leave. look, i will give you one thing, juan. weiner did stand up and take the beating. >> he did. >> bill: all right. >> it wasn't with kids. this is about pornography and powerful, famous men taking advantage of this new medium continue to dulg their sexual fantasy. >> bill: juan says no resignation. you say? >> as a matter of honor, he should resign. he lied for a week. he lied everyone to, his standoff, his wife -- his staff, his wife, the constituents. he doesn't have to. he can ride the sucker out. he can. i think mark sanford has shown that even a republican can ride it out at least to the end of his term. blago did it as well.
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we all thought he would have to resign. he doesn't have to resign and frankly i don't think the people of new york will probably fire him because democrats don't have to live up to any particular standard in this area. they just don't. >> bill: very liberal district. you are right he could get reelected. look at charles rangle. what rangle did worse than weiner? this is an interesting question. >> yeah. >> bill: you think so? rangle dodged taxes. >> i think the tax scandals for democrats are analogous for sex sandals for social conservatives. they should be as big a deal. they are not as sexy. >> bill: you think what rangle did was worse than what weiner did. >> die. i think it's more a private affair. wrong he is -- rangel writing the tax code and is he a tax cheat? >> looking at it from a political point of view. he was the head of the ways and means committee. the commission as mary katharine just said that writes the tax legislation. you can't be skipping out on your taxes. you can't be --
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>> bill: what rangel did was worse than weiner did he survived and got reelected. senator from louisiana got reelected and had the hooker deal going against him. president clinton's approval ratings now are like 60%. bill clinton. he got through it. so, you know, it's another look, here is the damage to the country. that we become very cynical about our leaders. i think sin zemarite now cynicism is all time high. people are fed up with the quality of people that are representing us. they want an improvement in that now, the final thing is andrew by the bart. he is the blogger who broke the story and then he got attacked by the left wing smear machine, juan. you are very, very familiar with the smear machine having gone through with the npr. when is enough enough on the smear machine? >> man, we have got to get away from it i thought and this is why i say it was so important that you heard anthony weiner apologize to andrew breitbart.
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>> bill: vaguely. >> i thought he did it directly. >> bill: put him through 10 days of hell, juan. come on. >> no, no. that's the point. people were willing to vilify andrew by the bart and go after him in defending anthony weiner and now that's out the door. i think the fact that he directly apologized to breitbart is a big step in that direction and give breitbart any credibility. >> bill: when you let a guy hang for 10 days. again, he says well, i'm sorry now, but he has to be sorry. i'm giving mary katharine the last word, governmental you are right. it's not anthony weiner is going hugely above and beyond. it's an important moment that he almost apologized to breitbart. many of us who use twitter said the as i remember explanation is probably the explanation. the press did not try to explain it they tried to explain it away for him. that was an aloom nalgt moment and breitbart came out on top. >> bill: next shoe to drop is the house ethics committee. next on the run down will the
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anthony weiner situation hurt the democratic party since he was a point man for many of its policies. later, bernie goldberg will weigh in on weiner's confession. the reaction to it those reports after these messages. thanks to the venture card from capital one, we get double miles on every purchase, so me and my lads earned arip to san francisco twice as fast we get double miles every time we use our card...
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>> bill: continuing with lead story. congressman anthony weiner admitting to his indiscretions. >> i'm sorry. i don't see anything that i did that violated the rules of the house. i don't see anything that i can that certainly violated my oath of office to uphold the constitution. i engaged in inappropriate online conversations with people that included, you know, photograph. and it was a mistake to do that. but i didn't -- i don't believe that i did anything that violates any law or any rule. >> bill: all right. the question will this have implications within the democratic party and is the congressman accurate in what he is saying? joining us now from washington maria cardona former communications director for the committee. the manager of the hill newspaper a political institution. mr. sue sack, do you think he should resign first up. >> well, bill, i don't think so if he is telling the truth. if there are more lies out there, we don't know the whole story. i mean, would have to basically believe what he said. but, as you guys were talking
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about earlier in the earlier segment, much has been done worse as far as other members of congress that are still serving and every two years in the house have you got to get reelected do i think the democratic leaders want him to resign? absolutely. >> bill: okay. what do you think? should he resign? >> i'm so torn on this, bill. i think i'm going to try to have it both ways on your program. i'm going to say as a woman and a mother, i do think that he should resign. i'm absolutely sick of politicians and of men behaving badly coming off of the edwards' scandal which we just got a reminder of this week, coming off the scandal with arnold schwarzenegger, you know, it happens in both parties. and it's happening way too much. and to one of your points in the last segment, it really does make americans cynical about their elected officials. our elected officials should be held to a higher standard. having said that as a democrat, i'm actually glad he is not going to resign because he didn't do anything illegal thus far. is he a great for new york.
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how is that? >> bill: you know, look. there comes a point where in this country we have to make a decision on what kind of a country we want. you know, i can't argue with the point i believe responsibility for. he had to confess, his handler said, look, the only shot you have to put this away is to do what did you, make your statement, take questions and then you can say answered the questions and you move ahead i think we all aagree. i'm a catholic and when you go to confession, your sins are forgiven because we're all sinners. but there is contrition.
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you have to do something you have to make it up. what way is he going to make it up to the country or andrew breitbart the woman in seattle, his wife and all of that, how is he going to make it up to them? this conduct is certainly unbecoming of the house. that's one of the preconditions. if you are going to serve in congress and do something embarrassing, then you can be tossed. only a few members have been tossed. i think it's going to be very difficult for him to make a political come back but this is politics. i mean, politicians from time to time they lie. this is an egregious one. and i still think there are many unanswered questions about whether he had affairs with these women. whether he convinced the woman he sent the tweet to to basically take his line and come up with press release that seemed quite polished. what kind of involvement was involvement was weiner with that women? >> bill: are you going to have your people pursue that are?
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>> absolutely. >> bill: are you? because i'm not. i'm not -- look, i hate this story. i hate the fact that i have to report this to my audience tonight and to the world this makes the united states look bad these guys. >> if he is lying, you have to call him out. >> if is he lying today. >> >> bill: if is he lying again? would that surprise anybody in the guy for 10 days hung breitbart out and the smear machine backed him up which is another big story. >> right. >> bill: in the beginning of this ms. karr don't that i said the fbi should become involved immediately to clarify the situation because what the congressman was doing was saying he got hacked which is a national security problem. the fbi sat it out. i don't think that was right i think that was wrong. i think the folks are getting hosed every way on this. every way. >> well, and i think that's exactly one of the problems here, bill. because, again, americans are growing much more cynical and are questioning their role -- the role of the federal
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government. and i think overall that argument hurts the democrats more than anything because we argue each and every single day and i believe it and i know that anthony weiner and every democrat on the hill believes it, the government has a very positive role to play in this country. and so i think that in that respect, it does hurt every time that you have a federal elected official actorring badly as i said. but, again, we really have to look at what he did and who he is accountable to. he is not accountable to me. i don't live in new york. he is accountable to his constituents. if his constituents believe that he does not deserve re-election, they are going to throw him out. that's exactly what he was saying today. >> bill: a year and a half that we have got to endure that as i said it will be interesting to esee what the house ethics committee about. and they are not going to throw him out. it's a very, very far left district. >> you never know. >> bill: i think i do. i live here.
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uber liberal george soros spending millions to attack fox news. we have some new information for you on that front. then a new book says the number of hit tv programs like mary tyler moore and family ties routinely put out liberal messages to the audience. wow. also, bernie goldberg will take a look at the weiner situation. we're coming right back.
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>> bill: factor follow up segment tent, as you may know far left billionaire george soros wants to radically change american society. in order to do that he has to defeat not only republican candidates but also non-liberal media like the fox news channel. so, soros is funding at least 30, 30 media operations, mostly on the net, all of whom are attacking fnc. joining us now from alexandria
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virginia gain nor who is investigating the situation. some of the same soros funded media operations were the ones that attacked breitbarted in the weiner deal, in the weiner gate affair. and soros is punching big money into those things. give us the headline. >> well, the headline is that george soros has spent more than $48 million influencing media, buying into all sorts of different media outl ts. it's working. he has got the influence. has he got connections to the top media outlets in the country. more than 30 major media outlettle in the country. some of the top journalists. talking about jill abrahamsome executive director of "new york times." downing editor of post. christian amman. >> bill: let's take them one by one. what the is most important media operation in your opinion that soros funds? >> i would say that's probably
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think progress. that's a part of the senator for american progress. it is center for american progress. guess more than $7 million from soros. so it's -- we need to count that among. >> bill: that's john podesta's organization? >> exactly, yeah. >> bill: is he in there and they have a web site. this is actually on "fox news sunday" yesterday that shocked me because he has been brutal toward fox news. so, they have their operation there. and then it goes tell me the names of the other media organizations and then we will get into christianian amman pour. >> on the board of directors for. centers for public interest. then there is center for investigative reporting. pro public which just won its second pulitzer prize soros given a quarter of a million dollars to them. sandler foundation money. it is committed to funding the progressive infrastructure. there is no doubt where they are going with that.
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>> bill: we been reporting this as you know for years that soros has attempted to buy influence in the media we believe it you believe it now media matters is a big one. they get soros money from a bunch of -- a round about way, correct? >> yeah. they -- media matters actually not even for round about way. now they get it directly. same with free press. this group that he funds, one of their jobs is is out there try to getted me government funding for the media free press is throughout trying to get $35 billion in government funding for the media when that happens, if that ever can miraculously happen, do you think it would go to fox news or any conservative outlet? no nprs or ultra nets of the world. you mentioned a new editor of the "new york times" ms. ms. abrahmson how is she tied on. >> she is on the board of advisors. >> it does mostly left wing
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reporting so she is on that board. then you mentioned lynn downy the former editor of "the new york post." is he on pro publica too? >> yeah. lynn downy is also one of the people who come out with major media report advocating for government funding for journalism. >> bill: absolutely. when downy was running the "the washington post" it is much more left wing than it is now. once they got downy out thereof it drifted into the center a little bit. all right. so basically the overarch on this is that one man, george soros, has spent $48 million buying his way in to mostly internet media, which does have much more influence than it used to. and it's working. you say he has accomplished what he wants to accomplish. >> well, he has certainly gone a long way toward accomplishing it. what his main goal is, ultimately he is not pro-america. is he not -- he is against most of the things that people watching this show right now.
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>> bill: absolute i. he wants a radical change and he wants to destroy the fox news channel. we have to fight these people every day. there is no doubt about it. mr. gay nor thanks very much. we appreciate it the anthony weiner situation gets even more complicated for the media to cover. bernie goldberg on that. next a new book says big time tv programs like mary tyler moore contained a number of hidden liberal messages. kind of a liberal da vinci code. we hope you stay tuned for those reports.
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>> bill: personal story segment tonight, very interesting new book out called prime time propaganda. the author ben shapiro graduated harvard law from all places. he has documents that the american tv industry often inserts liberal messages in some of the most successful programs. i talked with mr. shapiro last week. so let's take family ties first. ♪ >> i mean this is a fun one i spoke with goldberg creator of family ties. very liberal. spent his youth being a hippy so he doesn't remember years at a time. what he ends up doing is creating a show where the villan is supposed to be alex p. keaton. >> mcgovern, mccarthy. you guys knew how to pick the winners, didn't you? >> bill: conservative michael j. fox character comes across. he is a lovable villain. >> accidental. so michael j. fox is so damn
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charming. >> with alex i didn't think i was creating a sympathetic character. those were not traits that i aspired to. >> the original intent was to portray the conservative kid as a bad guy. >> yeah. in fact. he actually told me in the writer's room generally for a comedy have several acts. the last act where all right everything comes to answered. they left the card on the writer's board that said michael j. fox apologizes. just left it up there. because they knew he would be conservative at the whole show and it in the end he learned the lesson. >> i respect the fact you are standing up for your beliefs even if i don't agree with them. >> liberals mistakes. thinking this will be the villan. turns out that the american public is looking for something and they resonate to them. >> bill: that's exactly what happened to me. [ laughter ] >> bill: what's the day with happy days? ♪ sunday, monday happy days. >> i spoke with bill bicly the producer on happy days. he said that when he was a writer for the show. he was trying to subtly antiwar
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messages in happy days literary approach if you really looked for it, i will tell what you it was. i had vietnam in there. >> according to bicly, the idea was that here you have the cunninghams and everybody is getting along and everything is hunky doory. severing wonderful. in the background loom sgt. shadow of the vietnam war so. when he they're sitting around talking about how wonderful life is and our children will never have to go to war. no they will and they will be killed there the whole thing is supposed to be under the shadow of vietnam. this what is going on in their delusional brains. >> it's made our generation different, more serious. not that i don't like having fun. >> did you see that watching some episode of happy days? i didn't see it? >> there is one episode in particular where he cited that howard and marion sit around talking about isn't it wonderful that our children will never have to go to war. i specifically wrote that line for that purpose. >> you live fast, you die young, you leave a good looking corpse.
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>> move on to the best sitcom of all time mary tyler moore. >> burns the geico creator of the show was supposed to be take on feminism. really the first overt feminist move into prime time television. >> sometimes i get the feeling i'm making it on my personality instead of my ability. >> that's a problem i have never h beat you to it didn't i? >> he it took somebody proto typical -- mary tyler moore had been dick van dyke's wife. they wanted her tore divorceee. >> not only is mary single but a real career gal. >> single woman and supposed to be you are going to make it after all. meaning you don't have to get married and have kids. you can have a fulfilling life on your own that was the whole message. at that time certainly there is some value to that message. i'm all for career women there was no question it was supposed to be a liberal message and supposed to be slap in the face to conservative america at the time as well.
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>> bill: finally the 70s show was put together by marci carse and you interviewed ms. carse who freely admitted, what? >> what she said was i asked her about the pot smoking element of that 70s show. if you watch that 70s show there is a famous sequence in every show four of the characters sitting around and the camera rolls around them smoke imunited states from the table clear smoking pot. teenagers smoking pot. never any bad consequences to it? >> she said we thought that was funny and something we ought to put on tv she actually said to the apparently to the network if you don't allow us to show pot smoking on tv we will walk away with the series. >> we just won't do the show. >> bill: wanted that message to get out there above any comedic benefit. >> it doesn't so fun and realistic. this is sort of their thing. right? everything has to be realistic. what they mean by realism is what they experienced in heir own lives.
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they live in echo chamber. everything that happened in theirs lives is everything that happens in america. there is a real gap in american life. people in new york and l.a. do not live the same way as birmingham, alabama. >> bill: finally today glee would be the way that promotes the liberal message the most. >> glee is atrocious. i say that in every sense of the word. mainly because it's a show that's directly marketed to high school musical crowd. that's what they are supposed to be doing. right? it's written by the people who wrote nip tuck one of the dirtiest shows in history. >> when you stop striving for perfection you might as well be dead. >> bill: see the liberalism. i went on the set of glee with my daughter who loves the daughter. they couldn't have been nicer to me. all of them. it was amazing even jane lynch and then matthew morrison actually sat with fox news at the correspondent's dinner. really good people. so it's not the actors it's the writers.
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>> well, that's right. actually. >> bill: the creators. >> the actors don't write their own lines. the writers are also very nice people also. they are very liberal. >> bill: they want to get that across. >> absolutely. >> bill: are there any conservative programs in america? ♪ >> i would say that "american idol" is basically conservative program. >> bill: really. >> the idea is if you stink, you are not making the finals. >> scotty mccreery! [cheers] >> it doesn't matter your background. competition. the apprentice. reality tv by the way, i think the explosion of reality tv is a reaction to liberalism scripted. >> bill: good book. thanks for coming in. >> thanks for having me. >> bill: will the left-wing media apologize over coverage of anthony weiner and sarah palin covers paul revere. bernie goldberg is next. one day i'm on p of the world... the next i'm saying...
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill ol o'reilly. joining us now from asheville, north carolina, to analyze, the purveyor of bernard mr. goldberg. as we have been discussing breitbart, the guy who broke, this andrew breitbart who will be on hannity coming up next really crucified by the left wing smear machine on the net. some bleedover into msnbc and the other liberal precincts. now, what is the liberal media
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have to do because of weiner's confession? >> well, they are going to cover the story as they would cover any hard news story at this point. there is no more covering for anthony weiner after this confessional that we saw today. so, that's what they are going to do. but what i find really interesting, bill, is that liberals on the web, nbc, their main broadcast, the nightly news brian williams said that he wasn't covering the story because he had more compelling things to cover. doesn't it occur to any of these journalists and there are others who can i name by the way, doesn't it occur to any of these journalists that anthony weiner who was a important congressman. a leading voice of the progressive wing of the democratic party who spoke repeatedly on national television about very important
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national issues who may have run for mayor of the biggest city in the united states of america, new york. doesn't it occur to these liberal journalists that it is a legitimate issue to question his judgment and his honesty? that's not just an issue for the voters. those are legitimate journalistic issues. that is embarrassing for them because they tried to say this is an important. now, there are degrees of importance. you said that earlier today and i totally agree. this isn't afghanistan. this isn't iraq. this isn't the budget deficit. this isn't the national debt. >> bill: not even close to that. but the importance of it is that it erodes the confidence in the government. >> and because he is a point person, i think that was your term, on many important issues. and if he is not honest and if his judgment is as bad as it is, that's legitimate news. >> bill: okay.
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so, so we can expect tonight on all the left wing web sites giant may mea culpas and apologs from andrew breitbart not going to expect that. >> i didn't say that i said they are going to cover it because you can't not cover it at this point but, no. there will be no mea culpas out there from the left. as a matter of fact, they may even reiterate what they have said before that anthony weiner apologized, but it's really no big deal. that's what they were saying before. >> bill: sure, sure, sure. final question because i want to get to sarah palin and paul revere. who knew paul revere is back. when you have a situation where and this is just because you are an astute observer of the human condition despite, you know, you try to hide that. when you have a situation where a guy says, look, i'm taking full responsibility but i'm not really going to resign.
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i'm not really going to do anything to take a tremendous media beating which he did. does that mean anything? >> no. that's a very interesting point. the term i take full responsibility means absolutely nothing. absolutely nothing. >> bill: means i'm sorry because i got caught. i'm not saying he is sorry because he got caught. he looked like he was genuinely sorry he had to say he was sorry. >> you can go back and if you wanted you could literally go back and make a montage of politicians who have said i take full responsibility for whatever it is. >> bill: then they don't do anything. >> it means absolutely nothing. zero. >> bill: okay. now, sarah palin brought up paul revere. >> yes. >> bill: while she was in boston. we liked mr. revere. he was a patriot and good horseback rider. roll the tape. >> he who warned the british that they weren't going to be taking away our arms by ringing those bells and making sure as he rides his horse through town
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to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free. >> as she said that was -- as we said that already has people talking sarah palin touring the freedom trail in boston. of course the real life version vorns lanterns. >> >> one if by land and two by sea the old church lanterns there. so anyway, they made -- what do you think? >> well, brian williams, how just played there, brian williams said that he didn't cover the anthony weiner story because he had more compelling things to cover. this was one of the more compelling things he had to cover. >> bill: the bells and stuff. >> sarah palin mangled the paul revere story. i don't think if she says she didn't. she did. but why did nbc and the others make a bill deal out of it, because it's fun for them to bash sarah palin because it's sport. >> exactly it's sport.
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>> bill: i'm going to stick up for the governor he did tell the british you better knock it off. you better not try to seize the guns because if you do there is going to be a big problem which, of course, ensued. we will give her the benefit of the doubt as we try to do with everybody, bernie. >> i wasn't aware of that. >> bill: it's true. in a moment, forensic experts say there was death, death in casey anthony's car. as the prosecution closes in on the accused baby killer. we will have the latest. then reese witherspoon and john edwards highlight pinheads and patriots tonight after these messages. my doctor told me calcium is besabsorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. new citracal slow release...
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florida swamp. her mother casey is charged. now the evidence seems to be overwhelming but that was the case in the simpson trial as you will remember. joining us now from orlando, holly bristol a fox affiliate covering the anthony case from the beginning. what is the strongest piece of evidence that has emerged? >> you know, bill, i think so far by far the strongest evidence that has come out in this case has been these sniff tests. some cutting edge technology that has been used. can i tell you this dr. has been studying the smell of death for 20 years. these experiments that he has been doing on these rug samples that have been taken from the trunk of casey anthony's car as a spare tire cover that they believe behalf have had some decomposition on it they tested very high for levels of decomposition. not only that, this man said when he was sent these samples to test in his laboratory. he opened the can that they were sent in and he said that the smell of what he believed to be human decomposition was so strong that he actually jumped back a couple of feet.
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now, you also need to add this to a couple of other points, casey anthony's father who used to be a homicide detective told police there smelled like there had been a dead body in his daughter's trunk. cindy who is a nurse called 911 say it smells like there has been a dead body in the car. also had homicide investigators with the orange county sheriff's office who have smelled that car and said without a doubt they believe it smelled like human decomposition. those things all combined, i believe is some very compelling evidence for the case for the state in this case saying that there was a dead body in that trunk. bill? >> bill: technology in crime labs is so sophisticated as we all know from watching csi and these programs they can pinpoint exactly what chemicals were in the car. what exactly was in the car? have they made that case? >> you know, that is what they were arguing over all day today. in my opinion, i think that they had a very strong case. you know, more than 200 chemical compounds that were pulled out
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of the trunk. and then they ruled out a what could have been gasoline. what could have been groceries and some other things in the trunk. he said that the strongest elements that come across as being human decomposition that there is seven of them and all seven of them were found in the car and couldn't be cross-referenced with anything else. >> bill: that's pretty damning. >> i would have to agree with you. >> bill: you are watching the jury listen to all of, this right? that's part of your job. >> um-huh. >> bill: you have got to take the measure of the jury. when i covered the simpson trial there was always a question about the jurors and their attitudes about race and about other things that weren't germane to the murder case itself. are you picking that up here? is there anything in that jury that you see that is unusual? >> nothing too unusual with the jury. you you know, i was worried after watching two weeks of a jury being picked in this case that, you know, with six to eight weeks sitting there in a courtroom and hearing all kinds of strange science like what they are hearing today that
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maybe they would lose interest in it i will tell you, bill, these jurors were at the edges of their seats. take notes. one thing i noted them taking note on today when this scientist said when he opened that can he jumped back two feet because the smell was so overwhelming. he couldn't believe such a stench could come from such a small can. >> bill: how long is this trial in your opinion going to last. >> they have been saying from the twinning six to eight weeks. the state has said they will be done presenting their case on june 17th there have been so many side bars, i find it hard to believe that it would be six weeks. i think it will definitely be eight weeks minimum and if she is found guilty there is an entire second phase that would come in for the penalty phase of this case. >> bill: talking august at the least if what you are say something true. holly thanks very much. we appreciate it. pinheads and patriots on deck tonight. starring reese wither spoon. i have commentary on john edwards. p and p moments away.
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>> bill: pinheads and patriots starring reese witherspoon and john edwards in a moment. >> but first, i don't know of any other audience in the history of television that has given so much to charity than factor viewers. last week we donated thousands of dollars to give poor children in new mexico, scholarships to good private schools. you guys did that. and it is extraordinary. the patriot polo shirt if you
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buy one you get a new keychain. we just had them made up that's free if you buy the shirt, great deal. pinheads and patriots flying out of here. i will sign it. if you buy the book audio travel mug free. finally the seals 1, bin laden 0 t-shirt just about sold out. we've ordered thousands of more. if you want them go to right now and/or them. >> now the mail: >> bill: no problem with that. -- a dishonest defense is something else. you can't accuse people of child molestation without evidence. the judge should have stopped that.
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. >> bill: i try to do that. thanks for reading the piece on >> bill: absolutely will. she is on maternity leave she will be back later this summer. >> bill: this pen, is the inexpensive spin stops here model. everybody should get one, dad would love it too. >> bill: amazing how fast those are selling. the message is powerful. sales help military charities,
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among others. and we are happy to make you happy. >> finally pinheads and patriots. as you know we have no respect at all for john edwards. because he tried to exploit wounded vets for political gain and we buffed him on it, a few years ago. you might remember that. reports today said the feds offered edwards a deal he would serve a six month confinement to pleading guilty for misuse of campaign funds. edwards turned the deal down. now taxpayers will have to spend millions on the trial. edwards has a right to do that. but he's one of the biggest pinheads in the history of this country. >> on the patriot front, actress reese witherspoon has stepped up to the play. >> when i came up in this business, you made a sex tape you were embarrassed and hid it under your bed. naked pictures of yourself on your cell phone, you hide your face. it is totally possible for all
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the girls out there, it is possible to be a good girl, i'm going to try to make it cool. >> bill: miss witherspoon is a patriot. >> we didn't have time to give you the poll results. sarah palin versus michelle bachmann. very interesting poll. we will give them to you tomorrow. because of all the breaking news we couldn't do it. you have one more night to vote. 50,000 of you have voted. either select michelle bachmann or sarah palin, who you think would make a better president on tomorrow, i promise i will give you the results. that is it for us tonight. we would like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. name and town if you wish to opine. here's the word of the day, when writing to the factor no skulduggery. not good. we don't want
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