tv Hannity FOX News June 6, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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when writing. all right that is it for us tonight. i am bill o'reilly. please always remember, that the spin, i love this pen, stops right here. because we are definitely because we are definitely looking out for you. closed captioning by closed captioning services, inc. >> sean: weinergate took a dramatic turn. congressman weiner came forward to say he lied about being victim of a twitter hacking. he admitted to engaging in several inappropriate online relationships with women around the country we spoke to one moments ago. the full interview will air here on hannity, tomorrow night. >> what do you think of the pattern knowing as one of the people that is sort of a victim of it in a way? >> i wouldn't say victim. i would say, i don't know, he obviously has some issues of impulse control. >> i treated a photograph of
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myself think that intended to send as a direct message as part of a joke to a woman in seattle. once once i realized i posted to twitter i panicked, took it down and said i had been hacked. i continued to stick to that story which was a hugely regrettable mistake. the picture was of me and i sent it. i'm deeply spore for the pain this has caused my wife huma and our family. and my constituents, my friends, supporters and staff. >> sean: the congressman confirmed that his lewd tweet was not an isolated incident. >> for the past few years i have engaged in several inappropriate conversations conned over twitter, facebook, e-mail and occasionally on the phone with women wife met online. i've exchanged messages and photos of an explicit nature with six women over last three years. these communications took place before my marriage, some have sadly took place after.
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to be clear, i have never met any of these women or had physical relationships at any time. >> sean: congressman weiner says he will not resign what prompted his sudden honestly testimony. any next guest posted pictures that the congressman reportedly sent to young women from his personal e-mail address. the congressman only mentioned andrew breitbart in passing today. >> i apologize to andrew breitbart. apologize to the many other members of the pedia i misled. >> sean: joining me with reaction author of the best new -- sorry, excuse me while i save the world. andrew breitbart is here. not often that a journalist gets -- we have to start at the beginning. i'm watching fox news today. we got all the cameras waiting for the congressman to come
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out. and all of a sudden you are holding a press conference at his podium. how did that happen? gentleman is first of all, i had no idea i was live on television. i arrived in new york at a hotel, five blocks away. a reporter said i can't interview in our set interview. because of this press conference. weiner's press conference? i just walked five blocks, walked into the ballroom. a gaggle of reporters ed me, 40, 50 of them started asking me questions. and said they couldn't hear me. >> sean: including marsha kramer who was involved in the story. >> she said get on the stage i thought they meant get on the stage because the microphone would make my voice louder, because i've had a cold. i up there, i had no idea that i would be talking to a live audience. i only found out afterwards. >> sean: we have a small moment -- here's the scenario.
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anthony weiner is supposed to be at the podium at 2:00. then the media sees breitbart whose website releases the photos, which we'll talk about. and he takes to the stage. >> well, no this is an ongoing story this is a compelling story. i certainly did not like that he double-downed on this is about bright problem. if he's going to come up here and take some form of culpability here he was party to a campaign for 72 hours that weekend to allow for the left wing blog sphere to accuse me of being the hacker. >> sean: it was blip the messenger. people were attack -- it was blame the messenger. people were attack you. >> i need to apologize to my family now. i took away their memorial day weekend, last weekend, in a weekend where it has been me traveling around doing the book. i said trust me, i'll be with you this weekend. i was down in the desert,
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getting calls saying they are accusing you of being the hacker. when these ideas get out there, in the media, you have to fight back or they become the truth. even if they are not. to me, this mattered. i was out there trying to get to the truth of the story. to vindicate myself. because so many people in the media were trying to use this again, to try and bury me. >> sean: let me ask this question. you and i spoke last night. >> there was nothing untoward and we did not exchange photos. >> sean: no, we did not. you told me this big story was going to break. had you four of the five photos, this woman who we are going to be interviewing, we are going to air it tomorrow night. you sent me three. because i didn't want the fourth one. >> why? you are the first person in the world that didn't want to see the other -- by the way i have not shown that to many people. >> sean: okay.
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you had the pictures. you had been in contact. you had confirmed them. you had done your research. abc was investigating this. they corroborated the story. >> there was a lot of vetting going on. even when you get a story airtight they still attack you. >> sean: one was the old one of the underwear that had been out there. the second one said "me." you could see the wedding ring. the next picture uses -- >> the kitty cats at home. >> sean: with a vernacular term for cats. >> yes. >> sean: shirt is off in the next one. i saw those four. the other one was a naked -- you say it. >> it is -- he admitted it today. >> sean: it was x-rated. >> you got to trust me on this congressman weiner, i'm not enjoying the salacious as pacific of this. i was at that press conference. he's not going to belief me, but i felt like crap for this
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man. >> sean: i felt sorry. >> i absolutely do. and i'm torn between, you know my desire to forgive the man for whatever private sins he had. had i not shown these photos today, he would have continued down a campaign of smearing me. it was about vindication. when i sat there watching it, it was pathetic to watch. this is what this man -- >> sean: this is an explicit x-rated photo. is that a good way to put it? >> it is beyond the beyond. >> sean: you are saying you will not release it? >> no. >> sean: i felt the same thing. when you see a broken person, and you know the impact it is having on his family, et cetera. but he still should have resigned. >> let me just say something. i know how politics works. i know how the detectives work. don't go after me megan the
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other girl, that's all i can say. >> sean: i agree they don't deserve it. >> that's what they do. the reason why there's an incentive out there to go after them right now, is because the fear that others will come forward. so don't go after -- >> sean: she admit that the pictures -- her story was going to be spun by a private eye. >> we will know. when you start seeing the leaks, we will know. don't go there. >> sean: you stay here. when we come back we are going to be joined by bob beckel. i want to talk about the political aspect. whether he should have resigned? why there is a double standard? >> in an exclusive ann coulter, new book, her first interview, its contents, as always, controversial. she is here to talk about that. she will also give us her thoughts on the weiner scandal. tomorrow night one of the women who received congressman weiner's lewd photographs going to tell her story.
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or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. tell your doctor about other medicines you are taking or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. ask your doctor about plaque build up. and if crestor is right for you. [ woman ] i love what we've created here together. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astra-zeneca may be able to help. . >> sean: welcome back. we continue to follow all of the fall-out from wean aregate. i continue to be joined by andrew breitbart. also here with his take on the weiner scandal, bob beckel.
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on the one hand bob, i felt what andrew felt. i'm watching this man. his world is crashing down. falling apart. anybody i would think be embarrassed. on the other hand, he's a united states congressman. his behavior is repeated. reckless. compulsive. it shows horrific judgment. and he is sending this to young women that could be his daughter. and why not resign and try and get his life together? >> i've been an an -- in politics for 30 years. it never ceases to amaze me when it comes to sex they have some kind of license to do this stuff. i have sympathy for weiner's family, not for him. he should have resigned today. he's put a lot of people in a bad position. we can't afford that as a party. i'm speaking as a liberal democrat. i think the guy needs help, obviously.
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let him get help. he put himself through it. he could have resigned. and he didn't do it. my sympathies are not with him. with his family only. >> sean: as more and more details are going to become available, including what andrew has in his position, a congressman of the united states sending to a 20 some odd-year-old young girl, a picture of him naked. it is worse than that, you are saying? >> he's very excited about life in the picture. [ laughing ] >> isn't it amazing -- >> sean: he's a words smith. >> >> isn't it amazing how he gets this stuff sent to him. >> sean: this shows how media has changed. >> there is no longer a double standard. if mark foley and craig and ensign and republicans are an open field day, i remember nancy pelosi coming into her
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leadership position, based upon turning the foley thing into a culture of corruption. i will say this, i never bought the it's just about sex line with clinton. of course it wasn't about sex. it was about perjury and all that stuff. when people are in a position of power who don't want to lose that power send photos like this to people they they put themselves in a position to be blackmailed. if one of those alleged six girls went and said i'm going to take this to the press. what would he do? that's why i don't like in business. >> sean: i think this is the greatest point. i made in often during the clinton case. we'll talk to lanny davis. i'm worried about the compromised aspect. especially with the president of the united states. we've got governors, mcgreevy, spitzer. republicans and democrats, it is in the exclusive to one party do. you think most democrats in did -- in did want him out sooner than later?
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>> yes. the fact of the matter if you ask democrats they want one thing to happen, clinton to pick up the phone mo has a good relationship with this guy and -- and tell him to get out now. the state of new york has to get rid of one district. one upstate and one in the city this is almost a gift from heaven. get rid of his district and end this thing. it is not acceptable to me -- look i'm the last one to talk about personal stuff. but i'm not an elected him of congress. and i don't put myself in a position where i can be blackmailed, you are right. >> sean: this is so reckless. these are young girls. i understand social media for young people. 46-year-old married guy that seemed to come pulls civil act out this way with strangers to the -- compulsively act out this way with strangers. is beyond poor judgment this is something deep. well out of my pay grade to
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figure out. when your e-mail came in that you investigated, other people copied on it, huffington was one. >> it was the retweet on may 27th. the person who saw the initial tweet who had been observing online behavior by the congressman, he was trying to get the media to pay attention. when he was able to capture that tweet, late night east coast time, he retweeted it to me, to a series of people, arianna was one of the people that he tweeted. i just happened to be there. i'm telling you, when i looked at my ipad and clicked, i'm like ha, what's this? it was one of hose hallow grams at cone any -- those halograms at coney island. >> sean: does weiner survive the week -- it seems republicans resign in six seconds. scandal, they get calls from leadership, you're gone. will he survive the week?
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>> he may in his own mind or longer. i think he's gone before the month is out. maybe not the week, but the month and he should be. and he should let his party off the hook. he needs to get help. and let his family often hook. >> this is pelosi and hoyer's deal. he was of value to them because he would go on msnbc and fight the fight. he could be charming when he wanted to be. his behavior is no longer looked upon as charming. he's not taken seriously. he's no longer of value. i believe they will tell him to leave for a utilitarian purpose. how did it feel to get that apology today? >> okay. the vindication within the press matters more to me that i was pursuing the truth. >> sean: you laid into him pretty hard at one point today. bob thanks for being with us. heard calls for congressman
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weaner to resign are growing. up next, republican congressman connie mack and lanny davis in studio with reaction to this growing contraversy. >> tomorrow night you will hear from one of the women who received those lewd photos and messages from the congressman. her side of the story, revealed right here on hannity, tomorrow night. e you 15% or more on car insurance? host: do people use smartphones to do dumb things? man 1: send, that is the weekend. app grapgic: yeah dawg! man 2: allow me to crack...the bubbly! man 1: don't mind if i doozy. man 3: is a gentleman with a brostache invited over to this party? man 1: only if he's ready to rock! ♪ sfx: guitar and trumpet jam vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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>> sean: republicans caught in sex scandals, lee, souter, foley, they all resigned from office following the fall-out. why does weiner think that he should get away with it? where is the public out praeupblg from democratic leadership? nancy pelosi -- came out shortly after weiner's admission and called for an official ethics committee investigation. but did not publicly condemn his acts. instead the former san francisco speaker who played a leading role in bringing about congressman foley's resignation stated she was deeply disappointed and saddened about the situation. here with reaction, florida congressman connie mack and, i hope he's my congressman one day. professional crisis manager from the firm lanny j davis and associates, the one andlo
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we got to know each other -- by the way, i really mean it. you live from paradise. the best congressional district in the country, except maybe for hawaii. >> i agree. >> sean: you and i had big fights during the clinton years. >> when i first met you. you were a lot younger, more liberal. >> sean: i was never more liberal. we had some brawls about clinton and impeachment, heated, fiery debate. you wrote a book after that process. tell the truth -- truth to tell. tell it all, tell it early, tell it yourself. i often quote it. i read the whole book. compare that to how congressman weiner handled this? >> he broke all of the rules about getting the bad news out yourself. and telling the as quickly as possible and ending the story. and he's paying a terrible consequence, personally and politically, because he broke those rules. >> sean: who can trust him?
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i did feel sorry for him today. on the other hand, i look at his family. i look at the young girls. these girls are young stuff to be his daughter. he's sending naked pictures of himself. the story gets worse lanny. i'm not sure if six is the only number. i'm thinking does he have the judgment to be a congressman? the answer is no. >> first of all, i know his wife very well, for a long period of time. i feel very, very badly for her. and i feel badly for him. he obviously has serious issues. i'm not judging other people. i'm certainly not a person to judge others. i know that he's in a lot of pain. and he's got to make his own decisions about his future. >> sean: this seems to be compulsive congressman. if you are -- he's sending pictures to people he doesn't and know. like strangers he's picking up on the unter net. take a picture of my crotch and send at this time to you.
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so poor judgment and it seems to be so compulsive. >> this is why so many americans question the political system. they are seeing this go on. we should be having a debate tonight about the debt ceiling and the budget. instead, we are having a discussion about what a member of congress is sending on twitter. it is unfortunate. this ultimately is going to come down to himself, his family, his constituents and his conscience. i think there's a lot of questions he needs to answer to himself, to his family and constituents. >> sean: do you think the democrats will pressure him now to get out? as long as he's there, in the news, this now becomes a distraction. fulltime job they want to scare old people so it takes them off their scaring old people message. >> i think you have seen a lot of democrats come out and condemn what he's done. you see a lot of democrats, like our friend lanny --
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>> sean: not in the way they did mark foley. think back in those days. or larry craig did he tap the guy's foot, not tap the guy's foot. republicans resign in six seconds, democrats always fight it out. why the double standard? >> i guess it is a style of leadership. those are questions ultimately, the street -- the voters are going to decide. it is good there's been a call for an investigation. this is -- >> sean: does this violate ethics? >> there's a good chance that it has. he will have to answer to those questions. >> sean: lanny, why the double standard? how does bill clinton survive? one of my big arguments, he can be blackmailed. >> i an we with everything that connie said -- i agree with everything that connie said about consequences. his priority now is fixing his situation with a very hurt wife.
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and friends -- >> sean: deal with my blackmail question and the double standard. nancy pelosi attacked republicans had to drain the swamp and culture of corruption about mark foley many she has a double standard here with congressman weiner. >> when nancy pelosi, i've known many years, used that expression, culture of corruption even when it was cunningham as one example, then foley. i disagreed with that for the same reason that we should not extrapolate when there's an aberration in one party. >> sean: christians don't believe they are perfect, they believe they are forgiven. republicans want higher standards, because they have standards, it is like they are punished if one falls short of those standards. it is the stem democratic party saying we don't have those standards therefore we will never be hypocritical? >> i'll say this, democrats
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want anthony weiner to leave. they want him to resign. >> sean: why don't they say it? >> i hope they will. i think you will have more democrats who will come forward and say that this is what destroys the institution of government. again, i would love to be talking about the budget -- >> sean: we spent a lot of time on the budget. >> i know you have. >> sean: i feel sorry for the young girls. new media, social networking is part of their lives. when a 46-year-old married guy is sending pictures like this to a young girl and to many, to people he barely knows -- i want you to answer this directly and don't give me the lanny dodge. do you think that person shows poor enough judgment that they shouldn't be a congressman? really lanny. >> i'm going to give you a -- i'm not here to judge -- >> sean: i'm not asking you to
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judge. he's in a position of power. >> he has to be held accountable. >> sean: i'm not asking you that. he sends naked pictures, what does that tell you about his judgment? >> he has terrible judgment. >> sean: he doesn't have the judgment to be a congressman and leader! >> i don't judge other people. >> sean: he could be blackmailed. >> he needs to work on himself and the situation with his wife, first and foremost before anything about politics. >> i think he has lost the public trust. >> sean: i agree. >> that's the bottom line. >> sean: i want to go fishing with you in naples and fort meyers. >> can i please say something nice? >> sean: no, because you ducked and dodged and went your own book. >> scepter his -- except for his wife who is the better republican. >> sean: you are ruining the show. ann coulter today, her brand new book is out. we have the first television interview. it is called "demonic."
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you will only see it here on hannity. >> stay tuned for more of this later in the hour we will play you a clip from the sit-down interview with one of the women that congressman weiner sent pictures to. [ male announcer ] look at this, bridgestone is using natural rubber, researching ways to enhance its quality and performance, and making their factories more environmentally friendly. producing products that save on fuel and emissions,
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scandal. joining me with more on that, plus an exclusive first look the explosive controversial new book, "demonic." it hits stores tomorrow morning many ann coulter is here. first, the book is phenomenal. every time i read your books, wayne to know where the liberals are going to attack you. let's star with the title. a lot of what you say fits into weiner -- >> yes. certainly the liberal reaction to it. part of -- what the book is about and the reason it is called "demonic" i noticed that liberals behave in a mob-like way. so i read every book i could find that mentions mobs, crowds, group-think and read "the crowd." the father of group think, and you read his book and page after page that's liberal.
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for example, creating me sayias. a crowd quickly goes to extremes, simple-minded that will create messiahs i have a hilarious chapter because i quote liberals on what they say about fdc, jfk, obama, fainting at his speeches. pledging loyalty to him. same with clinton. ronald reagan wasn't even the most popular conservative his first year in office. my newspaper human events which was ronald reagan's favorite newspaper was attacking him so much the "washington post" quoteed saying i'm still reading you guys but i'm liking you a lot less. we don't worship our leaders. we don't turn them into idols, because we have a real saviour. we don't demonize the opponents we may ridicule them, make jokes about them. the way they turned george bush into the enemy. a nazi.
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soros and al gore have all compared him to hitler. he was compared to osama bin laden by a "new york times" op-ed writer. columnist called him the deficient sill. these aren't intended to be jokes, they are not taken as jokes. then you get violence from the left. you still get it now. big part in the middle comparing 9 french revolution to the american revolution, something liberals lie about. i was surprised how many of my friends new very little about the french revolution. chris matthews show last week -- [ unintelligible ] the "new york times" talks about bastille day being equivalent to the 4th of july. it would be as if this country celebrated the l.a. riots. it was attack on a nearly empty prison. eyesore based on rumors. result of a mob. extremely anti-religious
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revolution. they desecrated notre dame. vandalism had to be created because of the french revolution. they destroyed ancient valuable monasteries, ripped them to the ground, hacked priests to death, gave mock sermons, wiping their behinds with the host, talking about the whore the virgin mary. it was followed in russia, cuba, china, cambodia. by the way liberals in this country and "the new york times" cheered on all those revolutions that followed the french revolution. the successful revolution, our revolution fought by christians, englishmen, thinkers, debaters that has not been followed around the world. the tea party the original boston tea parties with not warmly embraced by our founding fathers. they were worried because they thought it was the action of a mob. >> sean: let me just go. right out of the box.
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you talk about the psychology of the liberal and the democratic party is the party of a mob. irrespective of what the mob represents. they activate mobs, tkld on mobs, coddle mobs. tomorrow the -- they tomorrow are you saying all liberals are mobsters ann coulter? throughout the book you are laying out a case s in a conclusion. -- out a case that ends in a conclusion. i want you to follow through from that starting point. you lead us through the french revolution to come up with this title "demonic" which they will freak out about, why? >> i began the book with the scene in the bible when jesus approaches the possessed man. screaming out of his mind. don't torture me. jesus, little exchange, jesus
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says what is your name? he answers my name is legion. the demons run out of him. the demon's name is legion. the demon is always a mob. you see this over and over again. in exorcisms they talk to the possessed. it is always they. satan saying they all to me this is -- it is part of why liberals are a mob. and so obsessed with status and power. conservatives, as i said, have a real saviour. it is more up and down. we don't care as much -- >> sean: you are saying that all liberals are demonic, you are not saying that. there's a point that you are making about -- >> mobs are always demonic we have always understood that mobs were dangerous. rebellion created the constitution. it was a mob uprising. articles of confederation weren't enough to keep the people safe. boston tea party very concerned that it looked like
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the action of a mob. paul revere and sam adams defended the boston tea party saying there was no property destruction, other than the tea. ben franklin insisted they take up a collection to repay the india tea company. paul revere made sure the lock had to be cut for the boston tea party was replaced. [ unintelligible ] it was not the act of a mob. even that much upset them. >> sean: we are going to come back. as with all of your books, we try predict where the attacks are going to come from. >> you can't. let satisfies have an office pool here at fox. >> sean: we'll tell new the break. much more with ann coulter straeurbgt head. we'll have a sneak peek at our sit-down interview with one of the women who received congressman weiner's photos. you will hear her said of the
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we cancelled your appearance tuesday from what i've been reading you felt you were banned for from the show. were you behind that report? >> no, i didn't say that. that was from a reliable news report. the point is, i was cancelled twice. it wasn't until the drudge report ran a headline on its own reporting and the drudge report has never had to
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retract a report. >> the book is called "guilty" ann coulter. glad you are back. >> so am i, nice to see you again. >> by the way, you are not banned for life, obviously. >> thank you, i'm delighted to hear that. >> sean: wow, you've been invited back? >> no apparently the drudge report is a better reporter of matt lauer even about what matt lauer going to do in the future. drudge, right again. always believe drudge. >> sean: "good morning america," on the view later this week. when you get under fire we'll have you back. >> thursday night. >> sean: you and i had an hour debate, discussion on radio today. i thought it was fascinating. i don't want to get into that, once we go down that road -- >> there's so much more in this book. >> sean: there is. the one thing we did not get to, that i think is important,
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tied into what is a powerful conclusion. i think you are leading up to something. and i want you to explain to people what it is. >> i think americans -- i was starting to say before the break. americans have always understood the danger of mobs. they are all dangerous. they are always demon niche, thus the shays rebellion creating our constitution, boston tea party not feeling so warmly about that. >> sean: i liked the boston tea party. >> it was peaceful. the only thing more peaceful are today's tea parties. where they leave the mall cleaner than when they got there. during the civil war you had democrats in new york, engaging in mastiff horrible mobbings against blacks in new york, lynchings, drags biogen talls. abraham lincoln sends the military detour up to new york, crushes the mob goes back, wins the war and lincoln
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carries new york in the next election. we've had mob uprisings before. we've always known, you can reason with a mob. i think conservatives, a lot of peaceful americans have forgotten that we did have something as close as this country got to the french revolution with the inn the 60s. >> sean: -- you have interesting stuff in here about our buddy bill ayers. i want people to buy it. >> a small item. the point is, nixon came in shut it down there was a shooting at penn state and know liberals don't like it. the whole country was embarrassed. i'm not embarrassed. that's what do with a mob. it was being led by bill ayers. >> sean:>ohr when you are dealg with mob rule. when you are dealing with -- [ talking over each other ] >> sean: when you are dealing with a lie too. remember the road less traveled author, scott peck wrote a second book.
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when what he talked about, when there's a lie there is also evil. there is a sinister predictable technique and tactic to attack and slander and besmirch people. the latest one is on medicare. what are you dealing with -- [ talking over each other ] >> that is all part of the crowd psychology. they don't -- it is from rousseau the paranoid hypochondriac that inspired the french revolution, use images speak to the heart not the head. that's what they are doing with medicare. they will show a picture of congressman ryan pushing a woman in her wheelchair. they use images that's how you gin up a mob. you don't do it through careful arguement. >> sean: we are going to see you later this week. in bookstores everywhere. well researched book.
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ann coulter, thanks for being with us. i can wait until you trouble. >> we have a clip with one of the women who received those lewd photos from congressman weiner. that is next. that interview in full tomorrow night. straight ahead. ever wish vegs didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. we're going to head on into the interview. what really moves you about this car? i mean, it's definitely the styling, from an aesthetics point of view, um, so that was something that just kind of instantly appealed to me. lauren, tell us how you use your sync? i'm using it for business.
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>> sean: when that photo of his private areas came in, you know you are a 26-year-old girl, he's a 46-year-old congressman, recently married. what did you think? >> i just thought at the time there's gotta be something. there's way more girls out there. this is not just me. so special about me. there's a lot more girls. but i thought at the time this is something that is regular. he's done all the time. he's comfortable. >> sean: that was part of my interview with megan broussard one of the women who received these lewd photos from congressman weiner. see the full interview tomorrow night right here. joining me with reaction to the confession today are the editor ceo of and kimberly guilfoyle. one of the issues that came out, there are five pictures, the one i was asking her about
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is, this is a full naked, excited picture of a congressman. >> it is totally inappropriate. he knew he sent it to begin with. >> sean: 26-year-old girl. >> acting like he hasn't done anything inappropriate or unethical. the fact of the matter is he did. not just once multiple times. people are coming forward. and his party is starting to realize there's a problem and calling for an investigation. >> every married american male is thinking i'm glad i'm not anthony weiner. >> sean: good point. >> there's a serious side. this came up in the press conference. she 26-years-old. she served her country in the navy. she is going on to become a nurse. developing a nice life. fulltime mother. she didn't send him any -- as she pointed out in the interview, she didn't send any similar pictures. he didn't even know her. what does that say about his
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judgment and his ability to -- >> he has no judgment. we've seen this so many times. >> sean: should they resign? >> of course he should resign. we need to have standards in office. of course the house of representatives, -- weiner asked an interesting question in his press conference when he ran out of apologies. did i violate the constitution, by lying about in? and the answer is in article i, section 5. house of representatives sets its own rules about con. we are going to see once again, how nancy pelosi handles this. and how -- >> sean: great point. >> they are going to be under a lot of pressure to not be hypocritical this guy needs to step down and do the right thing. i think it is inappropriate what he did it shows no judgment whatsoever. obviously, he has a bit of a problem. that he's sending these pictures, unsoy listed,
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inappropriate -- unsolicited, inappropriate to young coeds. >> sean: i don't everyone out there taking this the wrong way. if hg0[rhad known her, old friend, dated in college. this is somebody he just met april 20th or 27th is the first e-mail exchange. >> bill clinton, barn they -- barney frank, we can go down the list. >> sean: elliot spitzer. he plays his cards right he may be a host on cnn any day. >> there should be a standard set here and have some kind of ethics with respect to people who hold public office. >> the standard is no punishment for democrats. republicans resign. >> lee resigned. i think is a far worst situation. he should do the right thing. it is insulting. >> sean: what are the democrats gonna do?
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chuck shrummer is -- >> they will censure. and redistrict him out of a seat at some point. they are not going to force him out. look at who is still in the house? charles rangel is still in the house. barney frank is still in the house. bill clinton is getting awards. jerry stutts had sex with a congressional page. >> sean: when republican scandals come up they bail out. i can't think of one who stayed, can you? >> rightfully so. we just had one in new york, no shirt on. >> sean: there's of those photos too. >> did he use congressional phonelines? there's evidence to suggest that he did. appropriate action should be tan. when you see nancy pelosi starting to speak out, you know he's in trouble. >> sean: there was a moment there, he's breaking up, he
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seems sincere. he has to be humiliated and embarrassed. i feel sorry for his family. >> then don't be a sexual predator. i don't feel sorry for him. >> sean: then i think of his family and the victims. and they are not victims, one woman is 40, some in their 20s. they are not victims. >> it doesn't matter regardless of the age. if it is not consensual, it wasn't something they solicited. how dare he sit there and send these photos. good use of our taxpayer dollars? [ talking over each other ] >> sean: while have the interview tomorrow night. she didn't solicit this. >> that's my point. >> sean: now she has to defend herself from his private investigators. last word joe? >> anthony weiner has always struck me as a guy who likes publicity. >> sean: oh he's
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