tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News June 7, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
11:00 pm tonight. let's examine command the field and have fun talking issues, including congressman weiner. we'll see you tomorrow make sure you tune in right here, fox news channel. bill o'reilly is next. good night from washington. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> i am deeply regretting what i have done and i am not resigning. >> bill: how much damage is congressman anthony weiner doing to the democratic party? is it substantial? karl rove has some thoughts. also, should republicans back away from the weiner scandal? charles krauthammer will weigh in on that. >> we have set a path that will lead us to long-term economic growth. but we have still got some enormous growth to do. >> bill: president obama meeting with german chancellor merkel today. there is very bad news for the president in a new abc poll. we have the numbers and some of them are shocking.
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>> the media says breitbart lies. breitbart lies. breitbart lies. give me one example of a provable lie, one? >> bill: the guy who broke the weiner story andrew breitbart has been savagely attacked for doing. so mr. breitbart will be here. caution, you where to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. do you want the federal government to give you stuff? i will deal with that question in the talking points memo which tonight will be in our third segment because we are packed this evening. all right? first up, we have brand new political poll and it's very interesting. according to an abc "the washington post" survey. presidentpresident obama's bouns gone. spiked to 56% after bin laden was killed but now it's back
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down to 47%. 49% disprove of the president's job performance. perhaps the most important data in the polls, whether the country is heading in the right direction a whopping 69% of americans say they are dissatisfied the way washington is working. just 30% say they are happy with the federal government. who are those people? now, that's very bad news for president obama. here is even worse news. ready? 47% of registered voters now say they will definitely not vote for mr. obama mat next time around. 47%. as far as republican challengers go. here is how they stack up. mitt romney does best among registered voters. defeats the president 49%, to 46%. all the rest of the republicans lose. john huntsman loses to mr. obama 50%, 40. newt gingrich loses
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>> bill: in our bill o' nonscientific poll we ask to you consider either michelle back marijuana or sarah palin. more than 60,000 of you voted. michelemichelle balk defeats sah palin 60% to 40%. karl rove is in boston this evening. we also some anthony weiner questions for mr. rove. first, let's go to the poll. anything surprise you there? >> yeah. that president obama is at this point behind a republican candidate for president among registered voters and then among people who are not anywhere near as well known as the president. the basic 50% against all the likely republican first tier candidates. that's not a good place for the president to be. who knows who tim pawlenty is? not that many people. who knows who john huntsman jr.
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is not testimony that people. for the president to be stuck highly visible, three years into the term in office president of the united states stuck at 50% is not a good sign. >> bill: i thought that was a big headline 47% say there is no way they would vote for him again. >> this is third public poll. earlier this spring we had two polls that had the president only at 45% who said at 45% who said they would definitely vote -- not vote to reelect him. we're close to 50% of the american people among registered voters. i suspect among likely voters that number may be closer to 50%. >> bill: make it almost impossible for the president to win. people do change their minds and history can overtake these polls fairly easily as we saw in the bin laden incident. but, as -- i think you predicted this on the factor that the bin laden bounce wasn't going to last. >> right. >> bill: it was only maybe a week or two and it was gone.
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>> abc "the washington post" poll is the last of the major polls to be run here. yes, you are right. the bounce came and went. looked like it was 6 points or 7 points lasted literally a couple of days. the president took too much on to himself. the president gets more by giving await a minute being gracious. complimenting the military and allies. instead this was all we and i used entertainingably. i think that all contributed. >> bill: i think it was bad economic numbers and gas prices. summer is here. people have a got to fill up their tanks. 70, $80 to fill up the tanks. a year ago it was ha third of that. so i the economy now is really taking on a life of its own. and it's just. >> the last couple of weeks, yeah, with these job numbers. >> bill: they are awful. >> people are paying more for everything from the groceries. >> bill: stock market the last week or so has been wiping out equity like crazy everybody is
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going enough is enough here. they are not hearing anything from the president. they are hearing we have got a lot of work to do. that's not enough. you you know? >> look, the president's approval rating on the economy, most polls is in the mid 30's. not a good place for incumbent president to be. >> bill: now, the democratic party is now backing on its heels. lost momentum on the medicare thing because of anthony weiner. one guy, one congressman wipes all the political stuff off the front page. when asked about weiner senator harry reid said this, go. i know congressman weiner. i wish there was some way i could defend him with but i can. >> [inaudible] should resign. >> i'm not here to defend weiner. that's all i'm going to say. >> what advice would you give him if he asked you? >> call somebody else. >> bill: whoa. so, how much damage has the democratic party sustaining from
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the weiner situation? >> well, not helping them. in fact, it miss phis me. they had this guy massa from new york. i thought it was instructive had the tickle sessions with staff members. eventually he resigned. it took weeks for it to happen. chris lee, the republican congressman from western new york who is seen with a picture sent through the internet without a shirt on and is he gone within a matter of hours. i don't understand why nancy pelosi didn't say to congressman weiner time for you to go. >> bill: maybe she did. >> this is going to linger on. she should have said it publicly. then it would be impossible for him to say. instead, she has referred this to the ethics committee which is going to take months to look into it which gives a year to cover. >> bill: how could she do that when she didn't do it to charles rangle? >> exactly. she didn't could it to massa. at some point they have got to start. what they guarantee is that this issue is going to linger and
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it's going to be no difference. when you have a "new york times" editorial calling this squallid. american people reacting to it 10 days worth of lies from this guy, it's not going to help democrats. republicans shouldn't jump in and demand it's not up to boehner to demand his resignation. if the democrats want to create problems for themselves, they will. in the best interest of the country and best interest of democrats, their leadership would be smart to ask him to go. >> bill: thanks as always, we appreciate it next on the run down, charles krauthammer on whether republicans and conservatives should back off the weiner scandal. later, did the congressman use his office on capitol hill to pursue his internet activities? is it legal is investigating. is it legal is investigating. those re [ male announcer ] bridgestone is using natural rubber, producing products that save on fuel and emissions
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>> in the impact segment tonight. charles krauthammer has a different take on the news of the day. which is why we like him. yesterday he issued a warning to the republican party to back off the weiner situation but, why? charles joins from us washington. why should the g.o.p. back away. >> i wouldn't presume a warning. it was a piece of gratuitous advice. reason is the oldest fliewl politics. when the other guys are
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committing suicide. get out of room. don't get in the way. lesson here is from the clinton years. clinton had something like the weiner trajectory except it was pro longed one. he lied about it at first a few months later he then made a confession then what happened the republicans decided to seize on this and overreach with impeachment and then also with the star report. they thought they really had the divoodz on this guy and it turned out that public was profoundly angered with clinton at the beginning, especially the lie. then when it looked as if the republicans were exploiting it it cynically public perception changed on that. the lesson is simple. these scandals speak for themselves. there is no reason to interject yourself if you are the opposition. there is a paradox here. the republicans may cause for resignation but actually, in terms of their pure partisan interest, the longer the person in the scandal stays in offices
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specially if is he a democrat in this case, the better it is if you are a republican. karl indicated in the earlier segment, it's the democrats who are getting squeezed here who are getting deflected from the successful counter attack on the republicans with the mediscare scandal. this is ruining their messaging. the longer it happens, the longer they are on the defensive. >> bill: republicans can't really advance the story you say. what about the people who want this is a significant part of the population, i think, who want to see weiner battered people who don't like him. think is he arrogant. resent the fact that he lied. that he has a very high position in this country brought embarrassment to the nation. people say, you know what? we want somebody who come in and kick him and kick him again
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graciousness if not empathy. the guy was a wreck yesterday. his life is a wreck. it began as a comedy. now it's kind of a tragedy. i think we shouldn't indulge in those impulses. if you are thinking of it purely in political terms, it will not work for you because there will be significant portion of the population who will say the guy is down. why are you kicking him in the head? he really is not going to -- i think it's very unlikely he will make it and hang on to his seat imagination the pain and ruination in his life bad human instinct. >> bill: do you think americans are of your thinking. do you think say okay. didn't like him to start with. or maybe did got what he
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deserves. now if you keep piling on him i don't like you. i think you are right. i think that that inticket is at the heart of why bill clinton made that come back of why he now his approval ratings are more than 50% in all polls because they said, all right, he got it enough is enough. >> i think that is the best historical exam closest al. you know, for the democrats is he a national hero generally speaking. is he considered a statesman. he tough it out there. was that instinct. you no he, when the star report came out with all the details of his encounters with lewenski. maybe some people managed it would make people angry with clinton. i think what happened was quite remarkable at the time. i was surprised. general reaction was anger would star for having put that in a report didn't really have to do it it was argued. it embarrassed the united states as well as the president. and it was a reaction to star which then i must say the clinton administration, which had great pure political
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instincts exploited that kind of sentiment. and turned public opinion against the republicans who got whacked in the 1998 election thes, when you would have thought it would be have been a give me for the republicans. >> bill: you said though in the face of bill clinton making a couple back that weiner can't, why? >> clinton was in a different league. he was president. he had resources. he had generally speaking mainstream media prefer to have a democrat in the presidency than they do republican. gingrich was the foil. he anded on the cover of the news magazine, the gring grinch who stole christmas. wasn't the guy exactly in shining armor that the mainstream media would have preferred. president has a lot of resources and party clinton or we are going to sink. they stayed with him. that's not the same single congressman.
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>> no, they are bailing on him. that's for sure as we just heard with reid. charles very interesting as always. directly ahead. do you want the government to give you stuff? according to a new poll, millions of americans do. crowley and colmes will analyze. then, why did the obama administration double the amount of government limousines when the country is broke? john stossel report on that upcoming.
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you were talking in a different way when president bush. energy prices, gas is only $3 a gallon then. and you you said this morning this is january 4th, 2008. this morning's job report confirms what most americans already knew. president bush's economic policies have failed aren't republicans entitled stod say you know if gas was $3 and unemployment was 5%. and the president has failed the american people, don't they have a right to say that this president has failed the american people? >> if you want to go into the past, we can talk about the past all you want. the public wants to know about the future. >> with all due respect former speaker. no one knows about the former. that was a very good sequence by schieffer. i have to say give him credit. talking points believes the american people themselves can turn the economy around if the
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government gets out of think way. there is a lot of cash on the sidelines. once the private sector becomes more confident. the economy will improve. what's holding things back is huge government spending and uncertainty about things like obama care. also many democrats believe the federal government should redistribute wealth in america. doesn't like that so it's become a problem. new gallup poll asked do you think our government should or should not redistribute wealth by heavy taxes on the rich? 49% of americans say. no but 47% want the feds to play robin hood to take from the affluent and give to those who don't have much. 47% is a big number. that number also includes 71% of democrats while just 43% of independents and 48% of republicans support forced sharing. in a gender area 52% of women want income distribution just 42% of men do. on the race front just 41% of whites believed in force sharing. 64% of nonwhites do. that's a huge gap.
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so you can see where this is going. barack obama is heavily dependent on minorities and women for votes. thus the private sector doesn't believe the president will pull back on nanny state economic philosophy. that is stunting economic growth. the sitting on the money instead of investing it. the essential question is, what kind of country do americans want? a vibrant capitalistic state or a western european style nanny state. the call will be made next year. that's the memo. with us now react monica crowley and alan colmes. here is what struck me about that gallup poll. almost half the country 47% want the income redistribution. they want stuff from. >> depends income redistribution. that's often a right wing buzz phrase that means we're going to give more money. >> bill: this so gallup poll. >> talk about the way we tax people. progressive tax people in this country. that means we tax the rich more. that's the way it's always been. >> bill: i pay more than do you because i make much more money. >> as well you should.
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>> that is income redistribution, is it not? >> no, it's not really. the country has to have certain amount of money to operate. military, infrastructure, roads. all of that i don't mind paying more. >> you may more than me should make far more than me. >> that's me who has prospered in the capitalistic giving the government more of my money so it can protect me and freezing rain structure not redistributing my money to people who doesn't have. >> for the most part it doesn't. small percentage pay in taxes as well it should. we live in a society where we put into a common pot. often we pay for our own medicare, medicaid, whatever it comes out of our salaries when we need some help. >> bill: again, that's not the problem. the problem is the mentality of people saying, monica, the government owes me. how bad a problem do you think that is? >> yeah, well, look,
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entitlements are narcotics. this is why the left loves to expand the entitlement programs in america. this is why barack obama and the left instituted a massive new entitlement program called obama care, which is essentially socialized medicine. because once people get addicted to the narcotic of the entitlement, whether it's social security, medicare, medicaid, you name it, we have got a whole array of entitlements out there. you get addicted to it, it's very, very difficult to take it away. >> bill: what is the government's responsibility in bad economic times to feed people through food stamps? food stamps have exploded. >> yes. we have got 47 million americans now on food stamps which is a record breaking number. that is heart breaking. look, the government. >> bill: is that a narcotic or is that something that's necessary? >> bill, we have so many social safety nets in this country, including the food stamps program, including all of these. >> bill: is that a narcotic. >> benefit for the poor. i will tell you why it's a narcotic. it creates a culture and pattern of victimization. >> bill: you would take it away? >> where the government is saying we feel sorry for you.
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you are in bad economic straits. >> bill: we want you to eat. >> let me finish my point. rather than have it be a temporary program until somebody who is desperately in need can get back on their feet. >> bill: it is a temporary program. >> it becomes a permanent program. >> bill: to some people. >> so so many of these entitlements. >> bill: where you can't get it. >> some of these programs become permanent programs busting the national budget. >> most people do want to work. most people don't want a handout. most people want to compete. they don't want to sit back and have the government give them stuff. small percentage of our budget give themselves. more goes to military and things wasteful spending. >> bill: here is the problem with that with your analysis. the private sector is sitting on tremendous amount of money, a trillion dollars, easy. the banks aren't lending it they are not giving it out. go to the bank, very hard to get a mortgage and start up a business. the reason is they don't have any confidence in barack obama. because is he breaking the bank with the entitlement spending
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that includes medicare and includes medicaid and all of that the banks are going you know what? we don't have confidence in this guy. we think it's a nanny state coming and if he gets reelected it's going to be worse. >> how do you know about obama vs. the economy. why is this specific to obama if the economy is not that wealthy? >> is he driving the policy. >> thank god we had the stimulus we had and helped save the auto industry. >> bill: you are missing the point. if a republican says i'm going to cut taxes instead of obama saying i'm going to raise. they the economy, the private sector is going to cheer that. >> it didn't work for bush. where are the jobs? >> bill: you just heard schieffer say 5% vs.%. >> it's where we are coming from. we are coming off a terrible recession. so right now 8% looks really good. >> bill: they made it worse. >> they would have made it better if we had a bigger stimulus. and imagine what the republicans were saying if the auto industry were not saved and hundreds of thousands of jobs. >> bill: i was okay with the auto industry. for you to sit there and say the obama administration has not made it worse. >> they made it better.
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>> bill: is for you to just ignore the statistics. >> made better with a bigger stimulus. >> fall of 2008, had you a financial crisis. that crisis then spread like a contagion to other outspokes of the economy. barack obama took a bad situation and made it a thousand times worse with a massive expansion of government, with unprecedented spending, as you point out. record breaking deficits and debt which hangs like a suffocating overhang over this economy. and then regulations, new requirements like obama care were businesses, small, medium and large have no idea what it's going to cost them to hire and employee tomorrow. >> bill: that's right. she is right. >> thank you o'reilly. >> the actual office of budget management shows that we save money. >> >> bill: that's what you think. >> because business might be wrong. >> bill: it doesn't matter. they have to spend the money. >> that's why you need an instrument that's not profit-driven to give health care to the american people because when you are profit-driven you are not going to get the best health cair if
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people more concerned about making money. >> bill: this is a capitalistic society and the capitalists aren't spending. >> capitalist model like health care. >> bill: because they have no confidence in the administration. >> they have no confidence in the economy through no fault of obama. >> bill: alan colmes and monica crowley. the guy who broke the weiner story andrew breitbart getting hammered by the media will be here is it that congressman weiner used his office on capitol hill ♪ [ male announcer ] when you come to new york from a place like detroit, no one expects you to influence the world of fashion. but en you gw up surrounded by rock 'n' roll and heavy industry, you just might make a name for yorself. ♪ that's what a blue-collar attitude can do in a white-collar world.
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>> bill: interest is no plan underway to bring it down at least not right now. add to that the incredible waste on the federal level. did you know that during president obama's years in office the number of federal limousines has increased 73%? here is john stossel to analyze. so why? we don't have any money. why -- the bush guys were considered fat cats. and now obama gets in and is he supposed to be the lean and mean kind of power to the people. >> he is? >> bill: limo fleet increases 73%. >> at $60,000 each. government always grows. i mean, you look at the office staff, president obama has 1800 people on his staff. george washington had 1. his nephew and he paid him himself. >> bill: he wasn't very swift that guy.
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but the limo thing. you would think that president obama, that would be the first thing to go in austerity. >> but the government is so big. i don't know that he even knows about this. >> bill: he knows about it now. its embarrassing. >> they should cut back. most from the state department. they say we need this for security. >> bill: i see. they didn't need it in the bard when we are more involved with the war on terror? >> you have to ask them. >> bill: i'm asking you, stossel. it looks to me like a boondoggle. >> just one of many. >> bill: that doesn't justify it. >> no. >> bill: this famous shrimp thing, this dopey shrimp on the treadmill. can you explain this to me? >> can i try. look, this one is more reasonable than others o. they are studying the immune system of sick shrimp maybe that will help you some day if you have a weakened immune system. >> bill: why do i want to know about the immune system of sick shrimp. >> i don't pretend to be the scientist. >> bill: how much is this
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costing us? >> the immune system of the shrimp i have to look it up in my list here was, i think, a million and a half dollars. >> bill: we don't know why they want to know that. >> well, they won't call us back. >> bill: they won't call us back. >> let's remember, you know, all this stuff, the entitlements are 13,000 times bigger than all of this waste that senator coburn wonderfully is pointing out. >> bill: i understand that we want to cut back in all areas. we have a laundry folding robot is that what we have. >> that, we do. we have pictures of that this is going to help us in the future if you are disabled they say. >> bill: how muchs did this cost us? >> 1. a million dollars. >> bill: to just build one robot? >> to develop it, improve it. >> bill: to buy the laundry? >> i'm sure it has to be included. yes. >> bill: i'm bored with that already. already went over the cowboy poetry festival in nevada. they are knocking that out o. >> harry reid is wonderful. >> bill: chinese prostitutes? >> they gave scientists money to
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study how aids spread among chinese prostitutes in china. >> bill: in china? not in the united states. >> again why in china? why not study it here? why do this at all? they haven't called us back. >> bill: they don't know. how much is that costing us? >> we don't know. that one cost 2.6 million. >> bill: chinese prostitutes in china? >> right. >> bill: you see why people? finally in your neighborhood they are giving away free bike helmets. >> stainless. alec baldwin. all kinds of rich people. they are giving -- >> bill: they are pinheads. pointy heads. >> helmet won't fit. i confronted the politicians i said but it's to make people safer. >> bill: but they are giving them away. you ride your dopey bike all over town, don't you? do you have a free helmet or do you buy it? >> i would have gotten in line but the line went around the block. what about the legitimate bike stores they are losing business to these people. >> bill: why are they giving them away for what reason?
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>> to encourage safety. the job of government. let's remember, medical dwarfs all this stuff. >> bill: we all know that got to get everything under control. >> medicare is what is going to kill them. >> bill: all right, stossel. when we come right back is, it legal whether congressman weiner used his office. whether jennifer lopez is block an embarrassing tape from becoming public. legal is next.
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>> bill: is it legal segment tonight. busy day for the ladies. four controversial stories bin beginning with anthony weiner allegedly using his office to pursue internet activities. with us are kimberly guilfoyle and lis wiehl who is also the author of the new thriller "heart of ice." this is a very important deal here because the congressman says is he not going to resign because he didn't break any laws. >> right? >> and you say. >> i say he did. >> really? you say he broke the law? >> he said yesterday that he didn't believe that he used any congressional resources to section or text or titles. when you look at 3102, it bars congress, anybody from in congress or the senate from using congressional resources and or people, staffers, a lot of the people have come out today, several of them have come out today saying we were texting
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back and for the. he was in the office. i called him on the phone. he used congressional phone when i called back it was clearly congressional line. i was told i may be able to use a staff for my p.r. purposes. that's a resource of the staff so. technically he would be. >> bill: if those allegations and they are only allegations. >> that's right. >> bill: are proven true, then the congressman can have some criminal problems on his hand. >> it's a possible felony charge. >> bill: as a prosecutor when you hear all of this stuff, keeping in mind that some of these ladies are being paid by the media to say these things, all right? do you start an active investigation? >> i would start an active investigation. there is at least enough, sufficient indicia that he might have broken the law, that an investigation is warranted at this point. i would like to hear all the evidence, find out if anybody has received any financial compensation to come forward to make these statements. you can verify some of these things. can you check the congressional phone records. can you determine whether or not he used a government-issued blackberry, et cetera, during the course of his employment to
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engage in a sexting act and allegations with six women. >> bill: he could have been talking about fishing, right? >> that's the problem. because, of course, everybody technically violates -- not everybody but most members of congress violate this law every day. >> bill: depends on how extensive. >> that's exactly right. >> bill: if you are running a -- you know a fantasy football operation. >> and spending all your time on that. >> bill: spending all the taxpayer's time. >> that's government property. >> that would be a problem as well. this would be akin to that. >> bill: if you are government worker, whether it be a congress person or a mayor or a police officer. >> correct. bill buy or a firefighter and you are on the clockworking for the people, earning a living, and you are using your time and the facilities that you are given hobbies,. >> hobbies. >> that's illegal. >> that's illegal. that's a felony. >> we're not passing judgment on what is he actually doing. >> i think the folks should know that. >> yeah. >> in indiana, guilfoyle,.
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>> yes. >> bill: the legislature and governor signed it no more money for planned parpted hood. they don't wants money going to fund abortions. it's being challenged by whom? >> well, the plan the parenthood organization and aclu specifically think -- they are back again saying medicaid funding not specifically going to fund abortion services. >> >> bill: legislature of indiana didn't have the right to do this. >> judge right now has denied the restraining order. the injunction that has been requested by the aclu. >> bill: illegal to give any money to planned parenthood in indiana. you concur. >> it's not illegal. but the indiana law, i do believe is illegal. it's unconstitutional violation of the federal constitution which says. >> bill: the judge as guilfoyle just pointed out wouldn't stay the law. >> has denied it and is going to
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hear additional evidence. >> it's not over yet. >> bill: you are saying that the legislature is going to be overturned? >> yeah. >> texas well. this is a rights issue. states rights. kind of like the npr funding. >> bill: we have two topics. that means we have to get to. jennifer lopez wants to block a video that was taken by her first husband or second husband. >> first husband. noah. >> the video is about what? >> it's about we don't know because we haven't seen it home video taken very explicit photos. >> nude. >> bill: this is a private video, husband at the time. this guy. >> right. he wants to make money and sell it? >> he did actually sell it to his girlfriend for a dollar who is now trying to make a movie out of that. >> bill: court going to block this sleazy thing. >> block it continue to block it. it should be over. >> reality series. all been denied. jlo wins again. no photos of her.
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not a sex tape to be clear. nude images, 27 minutes. >> this was her husband at the time. >> bill: unbelievable betrayal. good for her. we hope the courts did the right thing. >> correct. >> bill: finally guilfoyle, octomom, the doctor who implanted the embryos into her has now lost his license. >> yes. he is going to have his medical license revokedst next month as he should. his behavior is egregious. >> bill: we called for that you guys might remember. >> specifically on this show and now it's finally going to happen. too bad it's taken so long and keep in mind that there are other cases that were heard by the medical board in addition to naudia suleiman's case that shows he was acting in a behavior inappropriately. >> upset by the multimedia attention he was given on this case he doesn't bother to tell a woman -- >> bill: can't practice medicine in america. >> revoked. >> okay to mom washing cars. >> never a dull moment.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, as you know, conservative blogger andrew breitbart broke the weiner story and the media has viciously attacked him for doing so. mr. breitbart is the author of the book "righteous indignation." he joins us now. who are the worst offenders here. >> i would say it starts off with media matters. i can't think of any more grotesque organization in the history of the media. >> bill: we have chronicled that over the years that they're in business and well-funded by george soros and others to basically smear anyone with whom they disagree. >> the art of misdirection. they have a unique way to try to
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confuse people to try and confuse the situation. but in this particular instance, i had -- i have incredibly good sources about what happened when this story broke. late friday night. first of all, i got word and i haven't told this to anybody, that around 10:30 at night his people were called at a pub and were told to go to. >> bill: weiner's people? >> go to capitol hill and to meet and discuss things. the next morning i got word from sources that their strategy throughout the weekend to stop this from hitting on tuesday was to make sure to blame breitbart to. make the story about breitbart. then it started to happen. first it was the daily kos attacked and said that breitbart was the hacker. and that lasted for three full days. it still was. >> bill: let me just -- so you break the story on your web site, conservative web site. all right? media matters monitors your web
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site. i'm sure they do every day. they see what you are up to. they see what you have. then weiner, he sees what you have. somebody tips him off. then they have a meeting. all right? let's kill breitbart. let's discredit breitbart, right? >> yes. >> bill: it's a fairly well organized deal. >> it absolutely does. i mean, this is -- look, when journalo list was exposed which showed there were a lot of left wing organized journalists coordinating stories during the 2008 election cycle, they were caught with their hand in the cookie jar, the media down played the severity of this story. journalists exist in spirit. and msnbc has a level of coordination with the white house and with. >> bill: they have a nexus of all of this stuff? >> 100% they coordinate and put talking points from media matters into the mouths of free
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zachariah, lawrence o'donnell, rachel maddow. the coordination is stellar. it's impeccable. if people were to analyze what's going on at the white house in terms of their talking points, and what goes on at msnbc. >> bill: the democratic machine gets their message to msnbc. now, of course, it's been -- fox news in articles, even last week have been accused of the republican, we're the republican machine. i have never -- i have been doing this 15 years. never heard from a republican. never gotten anything from them. but that is the accusation against this network which i think is patently false. but, i'm very interested. the "new york times" used to be, used to be where all this stuff emanated from. that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. >> no. they have so many, you know, organs that are working for the same purpose. the huffington post was created to become the drudge report of the right. >> bill: that succeeded in doing that. >> that's exactly what they wanted to do and what they want to do is try to make sure that
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stories don't make their way on to the alternative media. outside of the mainstream media so they fight stories from building up. this was a case study over the last two weeks of them trying to make sure that the story didn't reach this point. >> bill: obviously the story was so explosive and you had the primary source material which put it over the top, correct? >> absolutely. >> bill: do you fear for your life? do you have security? do you think they are coming after you? >> i don't want to talk about what precautions i take but i certainly get threats left and right. mostly from the left. >> bill: i get them too. i know how debilitating that can be. it's problematic. i think that the bigger your name is and the more, you know, open you are, you know, the more protection you have. >> bill: just be careful. be very careful. all right, andrew. thanks very much. we appreciate you coming in here. >> thank you. >> bill: pinheads and patriots on deck. on deck. starring james i will send this to shelley. yeah.
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>> bill: that's a different world view in europe. americans expect their politicians to be honest. some want these people to be role models. once dishonesty is revealed at that level it becomes a problem for the politician. >> bill: indeed i have scolded combs for doing that. i did no such thing. i posted a question, which behavior was worse weiner's or rangel's?
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>> bill: which i absolutely did, mike. >> bill: but everybody knows that mike. we were going for the subtle deals. not everybody knows about mary tyler moore, things like that. >> bill: if you buy pinheads and patriots for your dad you get a free keychain, seals 1, bin laden 0. i love the keychain, i love the bumper sticker. >> bill: i appreciate that
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father. to round out your collection, i'm sending you the patriot polo shirt so you can keep cool during those hot arizona summer days that is a nice shirt. i have two, really nice. >> bill: none. i have to draw the line somewhere. >> finally pinheads and patriots actor james arness died last friday he was 88-years-old. we had the last interview with him. you are on tvland and you still gemayel, right? >> we get e-mail that you wouldn't believe. it keeps increasing. we get maybe 100 e-mails a week. >> bill: do you know why? because people need heroes these days mr. arness. and you're a hero. as an actor on the screen and as a real guy, fighting for your country. mr. arness was a patriot. full interview with the actor
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now posted on >> you make the call, late night guys going wild over weiner. >> i don't think congressman weiner learned his lesson. did you see him leaving the press conference. look at car he drives, see right there. >> huge political scandal today schwarzenegger called weaner to say, thank you! >> i thought wait a minute what is the big deal don't men and women in congress don't they get to mail their packages for free? >> bill: is the piling on pinheaded or patriotic? please vote on we'll give you the results tomorrow. too much or weiner deserves it? that is it for us. please check out the fox factor news website. spout off from anywhere in the world. word of the day do not
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