tv Red Eye FOX News June 8, 2011 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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>> glenn: i want you to stay in touch with me this summer. much is coming, much is happening. stay in touch. go to to find out how to do that. rom new york, i'm greg gutfeld, proudly serving wiener on a nightly basis. what is coming up on tonight's show? >> tha nks, greg and welcome back again, america. our top story, the latest from wiener world as new details from anthony wiener's chatsy american. the creepy story begging to be re-enacted by robots. and chocolate maker cadbury talks as naomi campbell accuses the company of racism. the ridiculous story that is totally ridiculous. and he says if sarah palin is president he will hang out on the grassy knoll loaded and ready.
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new -- if you think this will hurt his career, i am saying no. >> one summer chad nearly killed me. >> we a re done here. >> so were we. let's welcome our guests. when i hear the name barrett swabteck i think of her. boy scouts rub her to start fires. and it is dana fishon. and our repulsive sidekick bill shultz. wow. when it came to wiener you knew he would end up on top. andrew -- and his latest book is called righteous indig nation. it is fan it is. and he he is a dope beyond hope and good to see you, pinch. >> ♪ when it comes to exclusives, we are in like flint ♪ ♪ we are all the news that's it to print ♪ ♪ yeah >> that's it?
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>> that's it. >> can i say something weird about this -- >> don't touch me! go on. >> i was at npr today to do an interview and i did the sign in with the guest book and the only two other names other than andrew breitbart were bill keller and jill abrams. they were in the building at the same time. >>- q. i that's -- >> that's funny because they work for me. who is this person? >> i don't know, bill. >> i am not bill. >> to the greg-alogue. it is starting and going downhill. it is going downhill fast. it is a greg-alogue, a bear chest of brilliance on a congressman of confusion. >> so the perfect narrative for any movie is david and goliath, the tough reporter versus the corrupt politician and the half naked talk show host versus a team of
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rambunctious house boys. when these roles are reversed it confuses the crap out of the mainstream media. andrew breitbart was accused of trying to destroy a congressman and hacking social networks. these accusations were pushed by the left and a congressman. so when breitbart took the stage at anthony wiener's prerser. it may have been the most truthful moments. wiener imploded. as i tweeted earlier, if breitbart was a leftist, sean penn would die to play him. since he is not, it would be philip see more -- seymore hoffman. >> breitbart was gracious in victory. >> it is news, my friend. it is news. i am here for some vindication. >> you got. it andy. -- you got it, andy. not only is this a available member of the press, i would
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go so far as to satisfy this is the edward rmurrow of congressional wang photos. >> i'm sure if andrew brio bart was michael bar and wiener was he would have felt the same way. and sometimes we forget these people are human. remember him saying the same thing about palin and cheney and bush? no? we are missing the big picture. wiener was a hairless sculpted cat. he spent a lot of time on himself. he has no legislation to his name and no fondness for filling pot holes. when he is not waxing his scrotum he waxed on facebook as this reveals. >> off to the shower. this thing is boping up and down. >> wish i was in the shower with you to help. >> you give good [bleep]. >> i have been told really good and i love doing it. >> wow. a jewish girl who sucks
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[bleep]. this thing is ready to do damage. >> and every drop. how [bleep]. >> thinking. >> the anticipation is driving me crazy. you must be in the shower. i am getting a very nice visual for bed. i will probably have some dreams about you. again. >> i'm impeccable acting. wiener was a fali sc t uh 2567ed -- falist attached to a politician. driven to pump iron and chase women. maybe that is not so bad. if you disagree with me, i would hack. >> as for the rest of wiener world, where to begin? tmz learned that the pervy sex pest and ginger le was told to
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lie and offered assistance from his own team that would be a big legal no, no. he wrote, quote, do you need to talk to a professional type to give you advice? i can have someone on my team call. here is my favorite part. my team is doing great, ug. i bet his team was glad to hear that. and then there was vat gee for the adult actress. the key is to have a short thought out statement that tackles the top line questions and then refer people back. have a couple of reiterations like this is silly. like so many others i follow rep wiener on twitter. i don't know him. he briefly followed me and sent me a dm saying thank you. that's it. and maybe insert some y'alls in there. y'alls always make scandals adorable. and radar on-line published the entire six-month sext-athon between weaner and a 40-year-old blackjack dealer
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, and it is cheese yes, sir -- cheesier than mice bop. he said you are the coolest, keep fighting for the people in the country. >> and the only principal quote from the x-rated banter, he says, i hear liberal girls are very accommodating of others. white says, of course, it is all about taking care of the little guy. wiener said, little, ouch. you would be surprised how big. it is like a porno version of the west wing. >> is this like the strangest two days of your life? >> why are you asking andrew questions? >> are you the expert? >> does he know stuff? on. >> are you right. i didn't think of that. >> don't go away, wiener gate. yes, it has been. i haven't eaten all day. all i have is adrenalin coursing through my veins. it is the most cur veil --
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surreal experience. have you no perspective when something like this happens. i haven't looked at the internet to see the comment section. i haven't retweeted any vial hate against me in 48 hours. i'm jonesing for some hate. >> the interesting thing, it is hard to play ping-pong when you don't have any opposition. normally the people that tweet you hate are not tweeting because they have been humiliated. >> why did you change the subject to the sport of ping-pong? >> i don't know. >> you are weird that way. >> i want to talk about the extra picture. >> people are saying you are black mailing him. are you the picture and say you will not released it. >> black mailing somebody is when you secretly call somebody up and say i have something. if you don't do. it i'm gonna do it. i have every right to released this photo if i want to. it is in my possession. i don't want to add further
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damage to his family. i think the . has been made. -- the point has been made. i have seen team clinton operate. i saw how they treated the women during the clinton thing. they went after monica lewinski. there will be an investigation into this guy, and he doesn't want anymore than the six that he has announced to come out. somebody has on to send a message. if he sends a message to these girls by showing some of the photographs they have given. if he starts playing hard ball, clinton-style lewinski hard ball like he did with paula jones and calling her trailer trash and all of that crap, yeah, i have fingers that go like that. >> my theory is if there is six there is probably 60. >> absolutely. >> there has to be. nobody exaggerates the amount of crap they have done? they underplay it. >> for a knar saw cyst, the time investment is so minimal. it is not like a bow gnaw fight thing that a french
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person might have. >> but he is trying to convey that these six are special. like he is not a flousy. every time he logged on there were hundreds. i guess i wasn't being honorable to those six. >> i have to ask you a question because the young one from texas has a blog on big journalism or big government, i can't remember. and she says this in the blog. she says, she is getting actually irritated by him because she wasn't interested in him and he kept trying to talk about himself. at one . she says she got tired of him bragging about the sex he was having with famous people. >> oh my gosh. >> and as i understood he bragged about a famous person that rejected him. >> really? he claims he slept with -- we can't say her name, but a colorful pop star? >> oh, listen to that.
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>> i will have to go to richard johnson page six blind item for your interpret pro tiff dance mode. >> have i no -- i have no idea. >> raise your glass. >> she is a rock star and she has her rock moves. >> it rhymes with wink. >> it is so sad i don't understand any of this. >> we can keep going for hours. >> linda ron stat. >> we will have to fix that in edit. >> you have made jerry brown so jealous right now. >> carly simon, you are so vein. >> i love the color of my shirt. >> vein. she said vein. >> is this guy going to stay or go? >> totally, totally, totally gone. and it is not his decision. it is nancy pelosi's decision, and he is on a purely
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utilitarian basis. he is absolutey of no use to the democratic party and there is no redemption between now and november of next year. the next embarassing thing that drops today with all of the text messages that came out, that's embarassing. the next embarassing thing that comes out, they are going to say, we can't even get past -- >> is it a picture? >> i don't have anything other than i have stated i have right now. there are going to be investigations into some of these girls he be end fromed on-line, who he actually tweet followed who are -- he couldn't say with certainty what their -- that they weren't -- that these people were of age or not. there is a problem there. if anybody has seen those tweets they convey that they had communications with him. i don't think he was advising them whether to choose between wellsly and smith.
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>> that would be great if that was the case and those were lubricants. >> dana, glad to have you here. i am dying to hear your take on this. >> i think -- i don't care who politicians sleep with. i think in this country we care too much about that. what i find offensive here is the contempt. that you would call a pre deuce area jackass for -- a producer a jackass for tip toeing to this thing you have done. and this is not an honorable affair. it is sad. i think you see this across society. you saw it on wall street after the crash, and now you are seeing it in dc. elites don't understand it which explains some of the reactions you talked about earlier in the greg-alogue. >> it explains why he can take responsibility without the consequences. what was your favorite part of the transcript? it was like 150 tweets. i love the use of y'all. >> well, being a southerner
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myself i love the use of y'all as well. he should know -- any southerner should know there are three things in the south you envoke the word y'all,hoo y'all i'm drunk. sit tight y'all, i'm gonna get my gone. -- my gun. and roll tight y'all. that's not offensive de end ping on if you are an auburn fan. >> the contempt it shows for the average american. if you sprinkle a y'all in there we will get through this. and you were taunting him yesterday morning with those pictures. so he goes from brazen contempt to being like the runt of the litter with his legs displayed the moment a skunk comes by. there is nothing honorable about this. >> you stole my talking point. i was going to say that. >> but the media keeps calling it inappropriate behavior. it is immoral behavior. he is a married man. it is immoral behavior. it is not inappropriate.
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>> he should have played the i'm lonely thing. i love my wife so much and she is not here and i'm lonely. people would -- that's what barbara walters said was the case. he just didn't do it. i want to go to you bill, but not just because you are bleeding -- your hand. i had to . it out because it was driving me crazy. don't you think wiener's staff should be the most angry about this? the fact he dised them to a porn star? >> the real story is i am a cuter, and i thought we were going to talk about that. i just broke a scab. what was the question again? >> the question is should the staff be upset with wiener? >> yes, of course they should. not only does he use tis staff to hide his wien, but wasst chastises them for not doing a good job. >> and texts like he it is a 14-year-old boy. like they are doing a really good job.
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>> i just tried to be as honest as anthony wiener the entire time. everything i said was the truth. congressman wiener, your staffers are shopping their resumes right now. >> the other thing is, i don't like anybody when they text they text things like, uh. >> there is some wish on his part to be like a 13-year-old girl. it is like the hairless body. the pre pew bes sent aspect. there is a real protractive add less adolescence here. it is like "jersey shore" meets" blue boy" magazine. >> i wish i knew what blue boy magazine was. >> well, the other thing is the -- and all of the photos where he is naked, he has the rock em, sock em -- he has almost a transformer-like
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look, serious look on his face. this guy is in full on raging -- >> i can show -- that is the high. >> i am not breitbart but i i know he took steps to term the praise rock hard. he is trying to look down and get the right angle. megan brusard said when he sent pictures it was the face that creeped out. she was be looking at the body, but it was the intensity on his face. he almost turned himself into a gianty reapings. >> that's the problem with the disorder. everyone might not be talking about him positively, but everybody is talking about him. in that sense there is part of the lex sis. -- lex sis. >> he is a method masterbater. he takes on the persona -- he
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gets into character. >> what is coming out of our bodies today? >> i am the only girl. >> he can make a stick of margarine using only hyphens and parenthesises. >> there you go. >> the other thing i loved was -- before we go, the actual text that the 150-line text sounded like. it was like a liberal porn movie. every time they would drop in. i love it how you gave it to lieberman. it was like they were dropping. >> will screw while watching colbare. >> first we watch back to back episodes of "the daily show" and then we deface all of my neighbors' yard signs. he says, why choose with me behind you? can't we both watch "the daily show." we have to take a break. coming up on weekends he hunts
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we are going to talk more about andrew wiener -- is that his name? >> anthony. >> i have already forgotten his name. i want to show my favorite part of breitbart invading the press conference from yesterday. roll it. >> everything that i have said so far has come to be true. i would like to hear one -- the media says breitbart lies, breitbart lies, breitbart lies. give me one example of a provable lie. one! journalists, one.
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put your reputation on the line here. one provable lie. >> you know what that reminded me of? this. >> this is getting sad. look at that, who is that in the background? >> it is nice to show videos of my little brother. >> that's exactly what it was like. >> what do you make of the people like the tubins of the world? >> not much. i have for a long, longtime, and that was the culmination of life's work. how did these smarmy bass -- bastards come along not
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telling the truth. they have been shaping the narrative to their liking. the thing that gets me the angriest is how they treat people like sarah palin. regardless of what you think of her politics, and there is a movie coming out called "the undefeated" which the middle of the movie shows how unbelieve -- unbelievably competent she is with 88% approval rating. it is an amazing film and the press just destroyed her because they could and because she wasn't part of their ilk. these people protect their own and that's what jeffrey tubin was doing and that's what salon was doing and the huffington post, that's what all of them were doing. it is dispiblable. >> -- despicable. >> john stewart, what is your take on that? >> he says i am just a comedy show and it is the two masks of greek drama. if they are not altogether honest, but it is interesting
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-- who tried harder than anyone to matter as an anchor? katie couric. she is a joke. who makes jokes and matters as an anchor? john stewart. trying to be a comedy show is the way the news program wound up. david foster wall lis says irony is the sound of a burden that has come to love its cage. >> mmm, don't know what that means. >> will somebody raise their hand who knows what that means. >> or raise your glass. >> when it is tucker carlson whose life is getting ruined because he wears a bow tie, but when it is my buddy, it is time for somber sadness. i love "the daily show." i think stewart is gifted and he should have handled it better. >> where do you see this going? >> i think he will be eventually forced to give up his seat and it will probably be filled by ashton kutcher. >> i hope so. he is fantastic.
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>> you were known forgiving up your seat. what do you think will happen? >> i don't think he was going to resign. i i changed my mind. i feel we are scratching the surface. >> you were talking about the skin color. >> exactly. >> i think this is the beginning. i think he saw how other politicians were able to survive something like this but he came about it in such an awful way that the chickens are coming out jie. it shows how power corrupts. that he as a rational person thought he was going to wait this out. >> he thought he could lie and strike that tau. >> his way out of it. and if he hid for awhile -- now he thinks being contrite will get him through. you can't take responsibility without consequences. if you can, we are screwed.
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>> if you can -- >> malcolm used to talk about the christ on the mountain with the devil. he should have taken the devil up on his offer. power is just evil. it is corrupting purely and which is why you need people to throw rocks at power and keep people in power afraid. you pissed off a lot of people. >> this is the smartest guest you have ever had. what you have done is sub per cive. >> you want to hear it? >> e-mail us at red eye at fox news .com. 212-462-5050. never done that before. still to come, the half time report from andy levy. he's kind of change. sweerd guy. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by lightning the atmospheric discharnl accompanied by thunder during a thunderstorm and sometimes during volcanic eruptions. guests will receive a guided tour of central park with the
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welcome back. we now go to tv's andy levy. >> thanks, greg. let's get to it, shall we? >> okay. >> you started off your greg-alogue by saying, quote, the perfect narrative for any movie is david versus goliath. the half naked talk show host versus a team of rambunctious house boys. who is the little guy in the last one? >> that's a good question. usually the lights are out. >> so youssay size doesn't matter? >> your cat. >> maybe you came back a little too soon. >> you know why you were banned last time? it was the cat jokes. >> speaking of which, you refer to wiener as a hairless scult -- sculpted cat.
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>> yes jie. he is more like a dog. >> i was referring to the 60s. >> you threw me and that's something you do on a regular basis. >> i know. >> you said wiener is ultimately going to resign and i agree. they say wiener is in a deep, dark, place. he wish he's could defend wiener and can't. if wiener called him for advice he would tell him to call someone else. and most importantly, matt damon was scheduled to host a fundraiser on june 20th, but he now tells new york magazine it will be postponed. if you lost matt damon it is over, right? >> it is, it is, it is. he is my favorite of all of them. >> the damon brothers? do you accept the apology from everybody? >> have they? >> no. >> okay. i have been out of it. it is amazing. isn't it weird they criticize me all the time about
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accountability and truthfulness and they are caught with their pants down and there is no accountability. where is there somebody to go to them and say what are you ging to do about it? you were caught with your pants down. it is not a small thing to accuse me of having hacked the congressman. >> i don't know if we talked about it on the show, but being a liberal generally means you never have to say you are sorry. you never have to admit that the rosenbergs are guilty. >> i think we agree on this principal. >> how did you become a one-man vast right wing conspiracy? >> it was on this show. during acorn we jokingly said what next? i said we are going to take down the institutional left. marcos took it seriously and created a hash tag and he said, okay, buddy, if you are going to take jokes on "red eye" and turn them to serious content and prevent that i --
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pretend that i meant that you inspired me to take down the institutional left. >> i am trying to remember, is that the same episode where you tweaked your nipple? >> no, this is where i poured water to my genitals because you were talking about some homo-y rot tau civil. >> really? >> oh that show. >> it is in the greatest its -- greatest hits. >> it is, actually. >> by the way, donald trump called wiener a bad guy and a psycho. >> dana you said what you found offensive was the contempt. i agree with that. don't you think ultimately this is the story of a guy who probably wasn't that popular with the ladies in high school and he gets a little of the power and now he sort of goes
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nuts? >> yeah, right. there is an infantile aspect to it. i agree with that. >> i think we talked about that with julian assange. if some kind may den disrobed, none of this would have happened. >> it builds up, and then suddenly in your 30s or 40s you are a congressman and you say now i am sleeping with every girl that turned me down. >> i think one of the reasons i don't have the compulsions is the first night i delivered pizza when i was 16 years old i saw two naked women. >> and maybe because you are married and you actually have a moral compass, maybe. >> andrew, that was a movie you were watching. >> lover boy. >> by the way, to be fair to asae, he was frustrated because all he wanted to do was dance. bless your heart for explaining the proper use of
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y'all. >> you are welcomement bless your heart. >> all y'all can learn from her. >> i love how the long island jew is telling us how to use y'all. >> all y'all is the pleur form of y'all. >> i learned the proper usage when i was in the army. >> what else did you learn? >> the only time you use y'all is when you talk about these nascar races. >> no, you are thinking of se cup c. by the way, y'all were talking about megan brusard, the sick -- the single mom from texas. it turns out her brother is a former major league baseball player that is tied for the most pinch hit grand slams. did you know this when you started the hoax? >> i actually did find this out in the process. i was pretty excited that if congressman wiener decided to go after her or attack her that the new york yankees would probably not like that one iota.
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>> to cut them a little slack, it happened a couple hours before they taped. maybe they did a better job earlier tonight. or maybe not. >> somebody has a resume out. >> after last week. and stewart said last week if it happened he had to go. >> here is my theory, howard gets things wrong, but then after the account fas are in he will write a column telling you why everything was so obvious. >> he talked about how jeff jarvis missed the big story. >> he started the whole thing by saying he started it as a hoax. >> he is a retro cog. he works for dc's crime
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division. after everything is solved he comes in and explains it. >> he was one of the guys who allowed for -- they carried the campaign that attacked me. am i not the source in why am i not on to talk about the show. it is a misnomer. >> more like unreliable sources. >> have i criticism. >> what? >> i was not in this block at all. face time. >> you told me before the show don't come up to me at half time. >> i didn't want to -- you to bleed all over-the-counter. >> don't worry, i sucked it off of his hand. >> and then he did a tau kilo shot. >> there was no chance. all right, andy, are you done? >> i sure am. coming up, how does one fire a servant who is not working out?
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he put the ass in assassin. on monday he appeared on the great adam corolla show. she defended her interpretation of paul revere's ride. in the cliff, he says what he would do if palin were elected president. >> you know what, if she is elected president i will hang out on the grassy knoll all the time, just loaded and ready. >> i think it will be crowded. >> it is for my country. it is for my country. >> i love corolla, but i hate titus. let's discuss this in the
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always fun -- >> lightning round. >> i haven't thought of christopher titus in like 10 years. >> i haven't either. and he was not funny. >> it worked because now i am thinking of christopher titus. so it was genius. >> he brought himself back. but he won't be playing for anymore people than what the irvine comedy club? he may be playing for a few more people on the grassy knoll. >> the lightning round. >> now that you are talking, the new tone never took, did it? >> no. i want you to know this christopher tie tis, i am going to take down christopher titus. >> he is your next project? >> yes. dana, what i love most about this, when he says literally. like he actually says literally in the eek jo.
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he is literally going to do it. >> with my humor, i tried to work in reference to the caning factory. >> a man that has the word "tit" in his name can make no comments about anything. >> bill, peter fonda said the same thing about obama and it was all over the place, wasn't it? >> yeah because it was peter fonda. i don't understand the actual premise. does titus think every hour on the hour a president randomly goes by in the grassy enol. -- knoll. i will probably steer clear of the grassy knoll. i didn't get the joke. >> that's because there wasn't one. a guy cop is filing suit against his department which he says denied his request to march in uniform in sunday's west hollywood gay and lesbian
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pride parade. apparently the department said it would bring discredit to his employer. he hired gloria allred. good move? >> she is world respected and worldwide. i can't think of anything that challenges to the authenticity to bear the cases that she represents. >> that's a very good'. -- very good answer. don't we need pride parades 1234*. >> it is good to take advantage of the moment and have widespread go go dancing. most of my moves i learn. >> yeah. and i realize i have some new exercise tips. you know what is great is seeing the older gay men look at the younger gay men and say i can't do that anymore. >> when they ban sparklers,
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pride will come. >> here is my theory. if you are off duty and wearing a uniform, what happens if somebody needs help because they think you are a cop and you say i'm sorry i'm at a parade. >> the whole idea is he wasn't really a p could. it was the village people. they haven't got a statement. the buyinger is going to make a statement. >> bill, isn't marching as a cop over rated. >> it is hard to get the boots off. >> i was relieved of my nightstick. they took issue with that. i relieved myself. the fact of the matter is i started with it. i don't know what happened in the middle. >> a new washington pt abc news poll has obama leading among the presidential candidates. but obama trails mitt romney 49-46. do you think romney can pull off a victory next year?
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try to stay awake. >> i don't. once the american people start realizing that he created the testimony -- template, it was boring and tedious to watch obama bring it up every time. it is going to demoralize the base. the base will not get behind romney. >> who do you think will get the gop nomination? >> i think it will be the same. i think romney is the one person who could probably succeed in debates against obama. obama is a constitution allah specialist. romney is a turn around specialist. >> barrett, sbt the real reason he would sin is because he is on a dollar bill. he is so statue eek and clean cut. but he doesn't have wiener's
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chest. i don't know. >> bill i will ask you what you think, but don't make a joke about magic underpants. >> i guess i have to talk about it. i think he is the g-rated version of wiener. wiener will say and do anything he can to stay in office. romney will say or do anything to get into office. >> you were applying direct pressure. >> this is a tv first. >> this might be the only show that has a bleeding co-host. how does this happen? >> we have to take a break. and remember to check out the new red eye pod cast. go to fax news rid yo .com and click on red eye. tell your friends and family because it is good for us. what are we talking about tonight? >> tonight we talked about -- never mind. we talked about my mom. come back.
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>> ♪ i woke up one morning ♪ i thought i was young ♪ i don't want to be ♪ a crappy housewife ♪ to the disco i go ♪ i don't want to be a crappy housewife ♪ ♪ i don't want to be a crappy housewife ♪ ♪ you just want to live a glamorous life ♪ no way you gonna be a crappy housewife ♪ ♪ i don't wanna be a crappy housewife ♪ >> wow. that was a norwegian recording artist. they do have them.
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back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> thanks, greg. i hear you are going down to virginia -- >> virginia this weeken. >> yeah, i will be in a small coal mining town. >> what kind of snakes? >> rattlers, of course. >> barrett, what is happening on june 26th? >> i can't top that. june 26th central park. five mile race. over 40 wounded vets from the walter reed medical center. you can run with them. it is an incredible cause. please come out and register
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at achilles international .org. >> i wish you would feel worse about your little bit now. >> i didn't mean that. >> yeah, nice, guy. >> his fault, not mine. >> who is next? >> well, i haven't been invited to any shows for tomorrow, so i will take the victory lap part to the streets of new york and go one by one telling my tale. >> you are going to deliver your -- it is the oral legend, the way it should be done. >> you should carry sparklers and do it on roller blades. >> i have been banned from using sparklers. >> can you dress like the trubadores of older? >> like -- like men without hats in the the safety dance. >> you look like you are going to collapse, andrew. >> i haven'tat
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