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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  July 3, 2011 2:00am-3:00am EDT

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lunch bag [pop] scott, there is a granola bar under the tire. now to andy levy for a pre game report. what's coming up on tonight's show? >> fix yourself a drink, america. coming up, pop singer adele feendz out she is not a fan of england's high tax rate. should president obama be impeached? and why does the artist formerly known as prince think people are happy without choices? maybe it is because his albums suck. and are the producers of "two and a half men" set to kill off charlie sheen's character? that's what reports say, and reports are never day. >> thank you, andy. >> happy waffle iron day.
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>> they brought it until the 1860s. >> but in 1869 they patented the the first u.s. waffle iron. >> everything has to be about cornelius. cornelius did this. cornelius did that. get over him. >> and once again your jealousy of cornelius comes between us. so sad. >> please, andy. he is dead. i am not jealous of a dead man who invented a waffle iron. >> really? are you not jealous of this? >> he does make a mean muss stash. >> you are sad. >> you are sad. let's welcome our guests. she is styling and smiling and a stain on long island. i am here tonight #w* new york reporter lauren saw haveauren sivan. and she is so sweet that candy trick or treats for her. it is remy spencer, criminal defense attorney. very popular among murderers.
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and my repulsive sidekick bill shultz. and siting in the lip chair, paul mccurio. his latest cd is called "image makeover" andly -- and good to see you, pinch. >> reviewer al scott writes the transformer side of the moon, the sci-fi tour de force examines a dysfunction between political rhetoric and the realities of the agriculture resistance. the simple life is in the modern world an endlessly complicated matter. bravo, sir, im rav -- bravo. just kidding. he hated it. >> thank you for burning a minute off this show, pinch. >> should you think twice before doing something nice? does opening a door make you a sexist bore? that seems to be the message of a new study that claims to be -- to mean men treating women nicely can be a form of sexism. the study called "seeing the
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unseep" set out to see if people recognized sexism in their daily lives by having them write down sexist comments or behavior they came across. in addition to stuff like unwanted sexual tension or gross comments, the researchers asked pooh em to record so-called benevolent sexism. stuff like men complementing women on feminine behavior and sheltering them. they found that men simply refused to see things like holding open doors for women or helping them carry groceries. and as the study's author puts it, many men not only lack attention to such incidents, but less likely 20 perceive incidences to being discriminatory for women. bet ought authorize was a chick, right? >> for more we go live to a typical dude. >> are you ready?
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>> wow! >> wow! nice. >> could a chick do that? i don't think so. that's why we are awesome. guys rule. why can't feminists admit it is not bad when a guy does stuff for you? really? >> i never thought i considered myself an active feminist, but no, it is not -- we want guys to do things for us. we want you to change tires and install shelfing units. >> right so you can tell we are doing it wrong while we are doing it? >> thank you, paul. absolutely. what is the difference if a guy knows we are so much better at folding socks than they are, that it is bad if they complimented us? we don't like to be complimented on things. >> i think the whole article came from like a bitter, bitter heart. it was somebody that just gave up getting complements. >> she tried and tried and tried. then it all fell apart and she is going to turn on everybody. i am upset because i don't know where the line is.
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my wife spent the last 10 years trying to get me to stop being treated like a short order cook or sex object. it would be like, that's great. if there was a fire in the studio, and the door is blocked, am i supposed to ask remy if i am supposed to move the interest >>- q. thing first and then i die of bo nefent l smoke inhalation? >> it is true. the fact is all of the benevolent sexism comes from the biological differences. the fact that a man from an evolutionary standpoint, you have to protect the woman because she is more available because men produce more sperm than women produce children over a life -- lifetime. that's why the woman has to be protected. you know what it is? it is like feminists are anti-sigh science. -- anti-science. >> i am not sure i would go that far. >> they are like creationists. >> maybe, maybe not. >> the point is men and women are different. and of course we all believe
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in equality and equal rights for men and women. >> except for this one. the point is it is always going to be different. if we listen to what the people are trying to say maybe rather than the words they are using and not take offense, and men will treat women differently than the way they treat other men, and they should as long as it is respectful. >> what a safe answer. bill, do you mind when guys do things for you? >> no, i enjoy it. i relish it. it is sad to know that, a, there is so much sexism, and most guys seem to be unoblivious by the fact they are doing it. and by the way, amazing rack tonight. and you with those legs, they look great tonight. they would look better on me. >> i would like to point out that bill did a fantastic job unloading my dishwasher. >> i am very good in the itch cken. >> before we move on, i have
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always found that if a woman who is a feminist finds the guy that matches these principals, she can't stand him. >> right. >> after awhile you just need to have those kind of ingrained masculine principals. >> he would be arrogant, ignorant, and a self-absorbed jerk. >> stop talking about me. >> the thing too, there are these women that believe in this study and this point of view. you have to say then women shouldn't go around with breast implants and shouldn't be showing off because then you can't even do a compliment to a woman without coming off as sexist. >> we do that ourselves, paul. >> there is a fight for the right of a woman to have a d cup. >> benevolent sexism is a term to basically spread the idea of sexism so thin it renders it meaning less. once everything is sexist, there is no such thing. >> you are either sexist or not sexist. it wasn't like you were a little racist.
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when you sprayed people with water you did it lovingly. you lit a cross on fire and it is out of cuteness. you are not a little pregnant in life. you are either sexist or not. >> my mom was a little pregnant for me. i was never fully there. from sexism to taxism. her name is adele and she is catching hell. the pop sensation i have never heard of is not a fan of british taxes where folks making more than $200,000 a year, or 200,000 pounds must give a whooping 40% back to their jolly old government. during a 2009 recession, a new 50% tax rate was introduced and it remained there ever since. says the pop star in a magazine, quote -- >> most state schools are, bleep, and i have to give you like 4 million. are you having the laugh? when i got my tax bill i was ready to go on buy a gun and randomly open fire. >> i can see she does have a
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lovely voice. >> shockingly big government lefties were not amused. >> adele is at greasy as the most moat friendly fore grande. that's creative. i guess she is evil because she likes to keep some of her own money. for more on that, let's go to the diva dance rehearsal. what say you of this criticism, adele? too focused to answer. lauren, you are rich and a drunk. do you sympathize with adele? >> i do. we all have to stick together. >> i get what she is saying and it is frustrating when you are getting a huge portion like that to the government. at the rate she is going she is apparently a big fan of the
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cry der and smoke -- cider and smokes a lot. she wants to have kids, and she may be on the government dole at one point for healthcare. >> but here is the thing. i will go to you, remy because you are kind of smart. >> thanks for that. anyway, she brings up this point she has all of these nieces she takes care of. the point she makes is a good one. she knows how to spend mother money better than the government. she says nothing from the government works. yet she makes all this money and helps take care of all of her pregnant nieces. so in a way she is making sense. she is doing good. >> everybody that pays taxes, who actually pays attention to what they are paying feels they could do a better job than the government. the difference between an average employee who gets the taxes taken out of every paycheck doesn't see the money going. even oprah in this same article is saying she finds paying her taxes painful
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because her accountant gives her her tax bill and tequilla. >> i think paul wants you to attack the rich. go ahead. >> how can you defend these people? this is a system she grew up poor. and now the system that benefited her, that was the same system in place now, and she is like, this isn't for me. and she does it in a place where poor people can see it, newspapers which they are using to sleep on in the blanket. >> i think it is a fair point she benefited. but at the same time, you are watching a lot of -- it is not just in england, but happening in ire -- ireland and california. the higher the tax rate, the people make money and leave. and they go to the netherlands to put their money. they just leave. at the end of the day it is because the state is too greedy. the state becomes greedy and then they are de pen department on that greed. >> she is going to contribute money to causes anyway. >> some of the causes work,
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but the government doesn't. >> you you can't say that. >> have you ever been to england? >> yes. >> it doesn't work. change your talking points, asap. i have no idea what that means. have you ever even paid taxes? >> not to the best of my knowledge. i empathize with the very, very, very poor. this girl -- if this girl doesn't like it, she should leave. she should come here because we are the least taxed civilization in the world. >> actually we are still heavily taxed. you aren't because you don't pay taxes. >> what happened to the pop and rock stars on the edge of -- >> wait a minute. wasn't mick jagger, didn't he get a ph.d. in economics. >> she is 22 though. >> amy winehouse took your advice. >> and it worked out great for her. i am getting her pregnant later. >> talk about being only kind
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of pregnant. an anti-tax ding to a man with one name. the prince let his hair down on women who can't. when asked if burka bans are becoming more popular. the pixie responds saying, it is fun being in islamic countries to know there is one religion. there is a burka and there is no choice. when the reporter said women are not happy with that, the tiny dancer addett, quote, there are people who are unhappy to everything. there is a dark side to everything. as for princess project. let's look for the long awaited fall up. it is called turtle train. you know, he keeps getting younger, that prince. >> paul, you are defending
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just about anything right now. defend your hero prince. you were saying in the green room you think he is absolutely right. you said once america adopts a burka it is a better place. i heard you say that. >> i hate you so much. i am going to wipe my i can ma up on your tan jacket. -- my make up on your tan jacket. >> please do. what do you think? are you a prince fan, right? >> i like him because he is a tiny man. he was president talking about muslims. they were women in his audience who were ashamed to be seen in 2011. that's why they have the burr -- burkas on. >> hugh hefner takes them to the wedding week even and then dumps them. >> i was thinking about what i would ask remy. yes, you caught me on that. but you did make a good point. >> i did? >> prince had his time with a
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lot of women. and then he stopped. it is almost like he decides no one else can have fun because he had his fun, right? >> has he stopped having fun? well i i did not know that. >> you should read up on this before coming to the show. >> well, he is a jehovah's witness. part of the religion is nobody should be celebrating anything. so it doesn't surprise me. his comments were strong, and then he backtracks and he starts talking about how tradition and tradition and there will always be naysayers and people are unhappy with everything. what was interesting in the story is he is angry with the way he is not making money with music and he has a meeting with the president coming up to discuss financial incentives for musicians? >> that's prince though.
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lauren, have i to get to you before i move on. isn't what he is saying coming from a lot of people? it is better if nobody has a choice because choice is so complicated. >> who is saying that, greg? >> some guy i made up. >> you and your imaginary friend. he has an excellent point. if you are prince you have to understand where he is coming from. when you wake up in the morning you have to stair at your closet and figure out which ruffle uni -- unitard to wear. it makes it an easy decision. everyone is in burkas and apparently everyone has fun in burkas. i didn't realize how much fun it was. >> he has had all of this choice and it is so simple if neb had any choice. >> if you had a burka you wouldn't want to shave. >> i wouldn't be in hair and make up for an hour and a half. >> itself wax. >> are you guys done? >> this is like a lip off. >> are ugly people treated
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unfairly 1234* lauren sivan explains the truth in her new book "get away from me you idiot looking creep." it may have been the most perverted crime ever. he hid in a porta potty at a yoga festival. why yoga?
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it always amazes me how the creepest people can sound so normal. i speak of the drifter arrested for hiding in a porta potty during a yoga festival. he placed himslef under the potty to watch women do, you know, before he was caught. luke kris scow is facing
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charges of unlawful sexual contact and invasion of privacy. the weirdest thing about this sick owe, he didn't sound sickie. here he is describing what he did. >> i had a tent cover with me. i just had no shoes on and no shirt really. i had a small shirt i stashed in there somewhere. then i just put the tent cover around my knees. i pushed my legs forward and then i just -- the porta potty was closed and i was in there and opened the latch and ducked in there. i was actually inside it. there was a little room to move around i guess the first time nobody came for awhile. i was in one of the wrong once. -- ones. then i switched to a busy one. and then, i don't know. some chicks came in. supposedly she saw me or whatever.
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[laughing]. >> here he is describing why he did it as well as the business he so dearly wants to start. >> i believe women are beautiful and i just -- i don't know, there is something very primal about it. i wanted to create a website that was called spiritual porn site .com, but i never got the footage for it. but i wanted to have some girls have like drawings on their body with henna art and lift them up as goddesses, like leaders in the animal kingdom. i kind of look at the female body as perfection of the human form. if people saw that in a spiritual mind set, it is something worthy of praise and honor and respect. then they could use their lust to actually connect with divinity instead of a secular, random way that people use it
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to destress. i think there is something more to it all, i guess that was -- that would be my only message to the world. >> what a message. finally, here he is articulating why this crime was wrong. >> i feel like i did something that was inappropriate by being there in that situation where very easily something inappropriate could have happened. there is really not a lot of space between me and them at that point. i think right there at the same time as i was thankful for having been blessed by whatever energy they carried, i also at the same time felt like i shouldn't have done that. >> blessed by the energy they carried. now, is it me or does this guy sound no different than a
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mountain climber describing his latest climb? or a grad student discussing the under currents in "the hobbit." it doesn't take brains to tell uh guy who likes to hide in porta potties has issues, if not tissues, but it takes smarts to explain it all away as if it were a new age tribute to the spirited beauty to the form. like many creepy many who have come of age in this creepy, creepy time. -- time, luke mastered the lange welling of the male, a harmless postgraduate sheen that disguises something else entirely. something yucky. that is the beauty of the new age hip tee. it is a cloak for deeper stuff. i speak of yoga. if you disagree with me, you are a racist homophobe. >> this is a disgusting topic. let's keep it as clean as we can. >> how do you pick a story like that and then tell us not to talk about it. >> here is the thing.
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on monday -- i don't know what day it was. last week the story came out and i thought, we have to do this story. i can't figure out who i can do this story with. i chose to wait until you guys are on. you are the most responsible people. i have two lawyers and you know when to say not poopy jokes and lauren is here and when sober she does a good job. >> i love you. lauren, he says it is all about the beauty of women. does that work? >> greg rks -- i am never going to take a [bleep] the same way again. i know you are regretting having me on right now. this just blew my mind. >> amazing. remy, you defended a lot of weird people in your defender world. would you defend this guy? >> i have defended people that have done far worse than this. i'm not sure weirder, but i
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would represent him because everyone is entitled to a defense. but the problem i have with this guy as a potential client is he gave an interview. he confessed. >> and he smells like poop. >> aside from the fact that he did bad things, he is ridiculously stupid to tell the world to fox news what he did while charges are pending. >> that was a local affiliate. paul, the amazing thing is sounded really calm, and that's what creeped me out. >> it is almost as if you formed a political party and joined. i am looking at it, creepy. and then you see the footage and then you go -- hmm. >> it tells how evil it be c. this guy did something so horrible, but the image is like something else. >> do you think he learned his lesson? >> i don't think he knew that
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was an interview for a station. for all we knew he mistook that guy for his roommate and he was bragging. you are not blessed by their energy. >> this guy swam in poop and he got more camera time than i get in a year. >> i know. because he is working with better material. >> come with me, remy. you sex objects, come with me. >> you have learned nothing. >> what has happened to this show? >> this is what happens when you try to dwo a -- when you try to do a tasteful subject. it falls apart. seriously. we should be able to do this story without a degrading or declining or anything else that starts with a d. >> you mean going into the toilet? >> do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. or leave a voice male --
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voicemail. still to come, the half time report with andy levy. >> the laugh time report is sponsored by the four legged chicken. some say he could become a worldwide phenomenon. thanks four legged chicken. also get a free flight. you know that comes with a private island. really? no. it comes with a hat. you see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,00miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for ,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital one venture card. you can book any airline anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow. [ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet?
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uh, it's okay. i've played a pilot before.
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let's find out if we got anything wrong so far.
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let's go to andy levy. >> hi, greg, mow arehow are you? >> i'm good. >> lauren, you said you want guys to do stuff for you like change tires. and you like when guys compliment you on things you are good at. lauren, what you are doing is helping to create a culture of woman who are seen as a vulnerable sex who need a man's help. so shame on you. and shame again. >> andy, please. you don't know how to change a tire. >> i actually do. it is greg who doesn't know how to change a tire. we talked about this on the show. >> she only watches the ones she's on. >> paul, you said if there was a fire are you supposed to wait and see if remy can move it so you conte hurt your feelings? don't no why your first instinct during a fire is to move a heavy deskment. >> look, there is smoke. half that heavy desk. there may be a fire. block us in. >> it is the best time to get
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post-its. >> you would have been better off if i hadn't let you answer. >> i can change a tire. >> rey, you pooh pooh the notion of sexism. the study says, quote, women endure sexist beliefs because they do not agree to exsexism in their personal lives. >> the study is wrong. >> you have to understand if you disagree with the study you are proving its point which is making the study sco great. >> i am a woman and i don't want to be treated like a man. if it means somebody will talk to me differently, that's fine. as long as it is not disrespectful. >> go ahead, slam the italian. >> are you italian? >> no, but i will hit you. >> please do.
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>> adele does president like paying taxes -- doesn't like paying taxes. you said they trashed adele. she said she might be the, quote, bravest, craziest, most downright wonderful star in the history of pop. >> that old poll. >> lauren, you said at the rate adele is going she may have to go on the government dole for healthcare. but then again she may die and not need as much help as others do. >> what a terrible thing to say, andy. she is a true talent. >> i agree. but her life span might be shorter because of her habits. >> you can say that about all smokers then. >> good point. exactly. >> sorry i jumped on you. >>- q. sorry it wasn't metaphor cal. >> two guys need a woman.
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>> paul, are you an idiot and here is y. well, you know what? you are just an idiot. the reason why adele just realized now why the system sucks is when she was growing up, she wasn't paying taxes and she probably thought, oh this stuff is free because that's what lefty loons like you portray it in the media. when you grow up and realize you have to pay for it you realize, wait a minute. i don't want to do this. >> i am the one who -- >> i didn't pay the cheese and idiot. >> you are an idiot if you are 15, 16 years old and everything is not free. >> it is not called free healthcare? that's what this is all about. it is free healthcare. >> someone is paying for it. >> and why is it called free healthcare? >> because of idiots like you. that's my point. >> do you not see the difference between voluntarily contributing to causes and having the government take half of your paycheck 1234 is
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that the same thing 1234* again you are an idiot. -- again are you an idiot. and you asked what happened to our on the edge pop stars. that's what adele is. satisfying what she said is about uh rebellious as it gets. for the third time, you are an idiot. that's three times in one story. not even one show, but it is one story. it might be a record. >> why because i wouldn't help you move to your new apartment? you call me because i am italian? >> you keep putting the heavy desk in front of the door. i am trying to move and you are putting heavy desks in front of the door. that doesn't make sense. >> you never know if somebody will break in like adele and complain about healthcare. >> in case there is a fire while you are moving, let me put this desk in front of the door. >> they weren't focused on their taxes at the height of their power. >> you know they had somebody
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focusing on their taxes. >> they weren't. >> and being british they didn't know what a 1040 was. again, idiot. >> why are you attacking me like this? >> because it is finance.-- because it is fun. >> the prince has stopped having fun and now he is a jehovah witness. they don't celebrate because it is not in the bible. >> they don't celebrate anything in their lives. >> i don't like birthdays either. >> he doesn't celebrate birthdays because he is, quote, over 50. >> his response is time is a mind construct. it is not real. >> i am converting.
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>> is he over 50? under 50? we don't know. also he is talking about his copyright protection. >> how do you get a meeting with president obama? >> that is hieing big beef with the internet the problem with music downloading it for free and stuff. >> he is take time from our president who should be solving our problems and not prince's. >> or golfing. >> aren't prince's problems all of our problems? >> i agree. >> not the guy in the porta potty. >> lastly on that guy in the port-a-potty, luke cr si to, police say he spied on women in three bathrooms on campus. they found the cameras and. and boulder police is placing charges at places where he is
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expected of spying. >> he is entrepreneurial. >> is he single? >> he can be your pen pal for awhile, lauren. he is probably -- >> he is probably a fan of this show. >> i'm done. >> thank you, andy. coming up, are murderers misunderstood souls in need of a hug? we discuss remy sensor's new book, i heart killers. and check out the new fax news -- fox news ipad app. it has lots of features to keep you connected. stream a live video on your ipad for free. download it at fox news .com slash ipad. @@
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you know, it has been awhile since we talked about charlie sheen, you know 1234 i miss him. not really. let's get this over with.
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people forgot about this little country. tmz reports that "two and a half men" producer thatas come up with a plan that will ensure that charlie will never come back on the show. he plans to kill off sheen's character by having him drive off a cliff. it is being done to make room for the always dopey ashton kutcher who is slated to take sheen's place on the show. kutcher's character buying charlie's house after he is gone. meanwhile critics say despite the upcoming changes, the show will be utterly unwatchable. said me 10 hours ago, quote, the show will be utterly unwatchable. funny, i don't remember saying that, but if it is in the prompter, it must be true. lauren, is this changing your world in is a big way or what? they are killing him. number one, how else do
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you get rid of a character? he is studying abroad for awhile? well it is a sitcom. it is a dark story line. >> didn't a couple of his cars go off? >> yeah, i think two of his cars were driven off a cliff and there were questions about how that happened. what is great is chuck is getting to live out his fantasy on his tv show. you know he would love to see charlie sheen go off a cliff. but they also said they would kill him off so there was no way he could ever come back on because nobody has ever died on a tv show and come back. >> that's right. was that "dallas"? >> it was all a dream. that's right. he could come back as a ghost. >> but there will be the floating crack pipe you can see all the time. and you can't experience death after death. he is already dead. and thirdly, kill him at the beginning of every episode and ashton kutcher at the end. and have a festival where
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everybody dies off in the cast. >> bill, you have every episode on tape on vhs. will you keep up with your fetish when the show is gone? >> the show is my "mash." if they want to save some money, put a spy cam in his room and wait a week. that's how you do it. >> i don't know. do you think ashton can fill charlie's meth-riddled shoes? >> wow. >> he really is a hell of an actor. >> it is going to be really challenging jng. -- i think. i see emmy. >> that was an amazing nonanswer. you know what is incredible about this story? do you remember how long ago this whole story was and what has happened since sheen? remember sheen was on constantly? since then we had libya, japan, dsk, schwarzenegger,
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bin laden and wiener. we had all of these amazing stories. >> and don't forget porta potty. >> and now we are back to sheen. it is like he never went away. >> the victim in this is always chuck lori, the billionaire producer whose insult would be again, poor chuck lori. >> you really hate the jews. >> the way he behaved, yes. i was on the fence about them. i like using them for tax advice. >> you are a terrible, terrible man. >> no, apparently i'm an idiot. >> last name being gutfeld, half of me hates you. >> time for another break. and remember, you can always check out the new red eye pod cast. there is a new one every day. to catch them go to fox news radio .com. click on "red eye." it is simple. tonight we talked about quite
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possibly one of the most boring things. that was andy having a problem with his come piewter and andy talking about how hard it is to make his bed. >> but then in the end we learned it was the computer that had the problem with andy.
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are you guys having fun? we are doing a show right now. first she was the white house party crasher and then part of the real housewives of the dc, train wreck. but now saw -- salahi may have a new career. not really. here she is on some miami show. >> ♪ speakers on blast ♪ but the tech know rocks ♪ everybody in the club. ♪ shoat. ♪ make your way to the front >> wow. that was -- >> amazing. >> that is the best thing you could ever show a girl who is thinking about running to become anorexic. >> i thought you were going to say become a singer because that was some of the greatest singing ever. >> that was awesome. >> it explains why she is sneaking into places. she has no talent nor anything else. >> it is sad because we created a whole generation of people who don't want to work anymore. they just want to to be a
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reality star. i think it is good when you are young, but when you are older it is weird. >> and we created a new generation of people. they don't look like other human beings. their faces look like masks of themselves. everything from here down looks like silly puddy. >> what happens when you are on one of the housewives shows? you have to cut a single. >> you are forced to do that because it is grotesque entertainment. >> but the system is rewarding her. you can blame her or maybe not blame her and blame the system for offering. >> i blame society. >> you want do this in saudi arabia. >> i blame you. let me redeem myself. last night i told you how much i loved blind hatred, and i do. i also love charity. let's get to the latest piece of art. i call this the world's hipest unicorn because it has a goatee. rumor that is he dated both the olson twins, but it didn't work out once he realized they
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were monstering. we got 1,000. i love that name. to beat this bid you have to e-mail it to be considered. all of the money goes to taps, a nonprofit groups -- group that provides money to families of fallen soldiers. let's not forget the real message. it is not about charity. it is about me. i am awesome. this charity is about something awesome that people do on the side. i do other things too. really cool stuff. by the way, your jacket, we got a winning bid. i think it was $400. the guy never sent the money in, and i don't know where your jacket is. >> you are wearing it, moron. >> the guy who bid, send the money in. don't be a cheapskate. we will find the jacket, sign it and send it to you. everybody is signing it except
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andy who is a jerk. >> we will close things out with a post game wrap up. to see clips of recent shows go to fox newscom/redeye.
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- hi, i'm halle berry, and as a new mom, i can tell you that childhood is a magical time. but for children with diabetes, life is not quite so carefree. the barbara davis center for childhood diabetes
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is fighting hard to find a cure. know the signs: irritability, excessive urination, weight loss. if you have any of these signs, please call your doctor. early detection can save your life. give to save lives and reach for the cure. call now or log on to part of the great american panel on hannity. it is just a few hours from now. coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye" a return from matt mccall. there will be courtney friel and robert kelly. >> time to go back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> lauren, i understand bill had bird issues over the weekend? >> i did not know this, but birds do not like bill.
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he was caught multiple times on long island. they went straight for his head. we all awoke to the sounds of bill screaming like a little girl and couldn't believe it was a group of farrows. >> i tried to be so quiet when i left our bed that morning. i apologize. >> maybe the birds are jealous. >> she is a very light sleeper, andy. >> you know who is not a light sleeper, bill? >> i know where this is going. >> her boyfriend. >> hopefully fox red eye is -- >> did they mistake your hair for a nest? >> i think i startled it. much like the rafters -- raptors in "jurassic park" they remember. they knew it was me every time i came out. this guy would go -- he would clip me. the winds would hit me. and she didn't help me at all. she didn't take a hose to the net.
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she didn't call pest control. she is a terrible hostess. >> she is a woman. >> by the way, she has like eight nests around her house. >> what would your mom say if there were all of those nests you apparently don't care about. >> bill would tell the story to my mom. that's crazy. birds uh tanging you? -- attacking you? nonsense. >> we did get another one of those, see, i told you i didn't talk like that. >> any upcoming shows? >> yes, bridge street theater august 6th in connecticut. and i hate you. >> okay. remy, any big forel weekend plans? >> friends, family, barbecues and maybe seeing you circus anals this weekend. good times. >> excellent. >> back to you, gregy. >> thank you, andy-y.


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