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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 6, 2011 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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>> you're watching "fox & friends"! that's a great way to begin your day. >> i don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that i was at a luncheon yesterday so i missed the showdown, i guess you could call it, about what happened with casey anthony yesterday. i got home and people were like can you believe it? i was like about what? she's not guilty, folks. >> they quick turned around a verdict. everyone came back and thought, ok, they quickly decided she is guilty and the first two counts, not guilty and the rest are to the point, though, when you look at time served, casey anthony could be out this morning. all she has to do is put in a petition. there might be a small bail but there might be on your own recognizance. she could walk out of jail after virtually three years under arrest. >> that's right. so the sentencing will happen tomorrow morning, 9:00 a.m. and you're exactly right, brian, because she was only found guilty of four lying to the cops charges and each one of those a misdemeanor.
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each one could be a year in jail. she's already served three years so she could skate. she could leave that jail that she's been sitting in as early as tomorrow. >> the question is where would she go? she was living with her parents with her daughter caylee before her daughter died. her parents' reaction yesterday after this verdict, they said nothing. and i guess you can have a body language expert determine that they didn't really laugh or smile. they just left the courtroom right away. you got to wonder, is she going home to her parents? >> you got to wonder in a way the jury listened to the case, they, of course, we heard everything. they did not hear everything. they've been sequestered away from the media, called in out of the room. but when it was all said and done, why is it that the prosecutors who were cheered when they walked in the courtroom left aghast and surprised and the jurors seemed to, although they're not talking yet. one alternative juror is. they seemed to have a totally different conclusion of casey's guilt or innocence.
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>> indeed. one of the alternates, a fella by the name of russell phoned into the channel to explain why she was exonerated. listen to this. >> the big question was the prosecution did not answer is how caylee died and that was a big factor and i think in a lot of our decisions and it also showed that something with george anthony, casey's father, he was definitely hiding something for all the different times that he was, you know, on the stand. something that happened, he knew about it. and so we did really think she possibly -- we didn't know how she died. but it just comes down to it was probably an accident but the family did not know how to cope with it so instead tried to hide it. >> that was the thing, you know, the prosecution could not say how that baby died. and you got to wonder if moving forward in these kind of high
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profile cases, you have to have every stinking piece of evidence ever imaginable. do you -- what did we do before we had d.n.a.? did they ever prove any murder convictions? i don't know. >> process cushion said she was suffocated, 300 pieces of evidence but we have no conviction. joining us right now, andrea lyon, former co-leading defense attorney for casey anthony and arthur, good morning to you. arthur, surprised of the verdict? your take of what she's going to be experiencing today which could be freedom. >> well, first of all, i'm not surprised. i'm pleased by the verdict. i'm pleased that the jury actually looked at the actual evidence and made a decision based on the evidence, not on the mob mentality that is everywhere in orlando and that made it so difficult to work on this case for everybody. and i think it is -- it is a really great statement that the jury made a decision based on the evidence. the fact that people have suspicions or feelings or emotions or don't like casey
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anthony is not evidence. and that's what the jury said. >> and andrea, so many people across this country, though, were watching, you know, what -- as it unfolded on television, and to them, they saw enough evidence, circumstantial evidence if she was guilty. and there are a lot of people this morning waking up thinking she got away with murder. >> there's no proof. i know some people feel that way and everyone is, of course, entitled to their opinion and to their feelings. however, the prosecution had every advantage in the world in this case. they got almost everything they asked for from the judge. i think the judge overruled them once. they got in evidence of this smelling machine that's never been tested anywhere. they got every instruction they wanted. they got to shut down some of the closing argument they wanted. they had a death qualified jury so they had a pro prosecution, pro death jury and they lost because they didn't have evidence. >> so who killed caylee anthony? >> who knows that she was even
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murdered? how about that? there is no evidence, there is no evidence that she was murdered. there's no physical evidence that she was murdered. the body was disturbed. there's plenty of evidence by that and the prosecution made a huge error in my view by not calling mr. kronk himself and dealing with the problem himself. >> can prosecutors win cases now, capital murder cases where they have circumstantial evidence? >> they win them all the time. they win them all the time but generally speaking it's because they have proof there was in fact a homicide. you can have a circumstantial evidence case where people see different things that happen and you have a person that was shot or poisoned or otherwise definitely killed by the agency of a human being. you didn't have that in in this case. so all this talk about oh, this is a csi effect is nonsense. the prosecution got everything they wanted and still wasn't enough because they had no proof of cause of death. >> you know more facts than we would. i think we represent america pretty well because we're on the outside, not in orlando.
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do you agree she's dead? she died of natural causes? >> she could have died as a result of an accident. she could have died as a result of natural causes. she could have died -- all of those things are possible. and there's a lot of problems with the physical evidence that they did introduce. and they did not deal with some of the problems in their case. they overcharged the case, responding to the public outcry in the media and, you know, the -- >> not really. they had the choice to convict her of manslaughter. not really. >> no. they overcharged with a homicide at all. they had no evidence this was a homicide. their own medical examiner could not rule out accident. >> she did say it was a homicide. >> they said she died of suffocation. i want you to hear bernie goldberg. he defends the media and says the jury lacks common sense. let's listen together. >> the problem is with the jury. not so much with the talking heads. the problem is that the jury, as i say, didn't have a modicum of
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common sense. here was a woman whose daughter goes missing, who for 30 days doesn't report it to the police. who then tells the police that the housekeeper took the baby but that's a bull story because tl there is no housekeeper. then she talks about her rich boyfriend and there is no boyfriend. she goes out dancing and gets a tattoo that says "the beautiful life" and they can't -- and they find this woman not guilty. circumstantial evidence is evidence. >> it is evidence. your reaction to -- >> sure. >> your reaction to what he just said? >> mr. goldberg is entitled to his opinion but he happens to be wrong. the jury made a decision based on the evidence that was before them. not how they felt about casey anthony or, you know, if they had charged casey anthony with child endangerment, with obstruction of justice that they had the evidence for, the jury would have convicted. the jury convicted her of lying
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to the police. they didn't have a problem convicting her of that. they had problem convicting her with a homicide there was no evidence it ever occurred. >> since you were on the defense team at one point, how did casey anthony tell you that caylee anthony died? >> you know i cannot answer a question like that. that's an improper question. >> the defense said it was an accident. >> that's an improper question. >> that is the -- that is the defense and that is -- that is the truth. but i cannot ever, ever tell you anything that was confidentially told to me by my client and you know that's an improper question. >> let me ask you this, do you believe that george anthony, the father as the defense has suggested was somehow involved, discovered the baby dead of an accident and then tried to cover it up. >> yes. >> you do believe he was complicit. >>ou asked the question an answers yes. >> do you think he should be charged? >> no, i think that the public should pay attention to our
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troops and their problems. it should pay attention to our economy and that problem. >> andrea, there's a little girl that's dead and somebody should be held responsible. >> unfortunately, there are a lot of little girls who go missing and who die all the time. and commentators about is we would not be having this conversation if casy and caylee anthony were not white, attractive and middle class and, you know, these things happen all the time and we became fascinated with this case because of how everybody plays out in our view of how women are supposed to behave. because she didn't behave properly, we're going to convict her in the court of public opinion because we don't like her. but you're welcome not to like her. you're welcome to say that. but the point is there was no evidence that this was a murder at all. >> i imagine most of our
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audience, the jury believe it or not agrees with you. >> the jury was right. >> that's what we're hearing from other so-called experts. thanks so much for joining us and giving us your unique perspective on the case. >> you're welcome. bye-bye. >> good enough. >> all right. meanwhile, in addition to, of course, cable news exploding with the news as it was read live down there in orlando, as soon as people saw it, they picked up their gizmos and started tweeting and putting it on facebook. a lot of people were outraged. and in the twitter verse, interestingly enough, kim kardashian whose father robert kardashian was part of o.j. simpson's dream team twooeted this. >> what? casey anthony found not guilty? i am speechless! a lot of people might say that's a little disingenuous or maybe not, i don't know. kim kardashian, how old was she when o.j. simpson was not convicted of murder? but do you remember, brian, you said you remembered robert kardashian's face. he was o.j. simpson's best friend.
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he was also a lawyer. he was -- many people believe that he knew more than he let on to. >> i remember his jaw was dropped to the floor. he couldn't believe his buddy got off. we know what he knew. here's what some other twitter members have said about this. for example, a tweet from katie lombardi says this. >> lmao, laughing my arse off. >> kim kardashian saying she's disgusted at the casey anthony trial when her dad did the same thing with o.j. simpson. >> here's another tweet from a fella named richard. kim ckardashian was found not guilty. so was nicole brown simpson's family when her dad got o.j. off. >> let's see if she ends up in trouble. >> what about your reaction to the verdict down there? we'll try to share some of that and you can twitter us at and friends. >> other stories making headlines. notorious gangster james whitey bulger will be arraigned in a
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boston courtroom today for his alleged role in 19 murders. the 81-year-old former boss of boston's winter hill gang being represented by a court appointed attorney. he says he's too broke to afford a lawyer even though he was busted with $800,000 cash. in his apartment. lawyers for dominique strauss-khan will reportedly meet with prosecutors today. he's accused of sexually assaulting a hotel maid but her credibility has come into serious question now and another legal fight is brewing back in france. strauss-khan is set to countersue a french author. she accused the former imf chief of trying to rape her eight years ago in his apartment. incredible video of a dust storm blanketing phoenix, arizona, the storm delaying flights, knocking out power to thousands of people. wow, amazing pictures here. that's the dust wall. at one point, it reached 10,000 feet high. wow. look at that, it looks beautiful if it weren't not so beautiful. it moved quickly across the desert and downtown area at 60 miles per hour. and those are your headlines.
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>> all right. straight ahead, it's a nice gig if you can get it, a prison worker earning more than $800,000 a year? in california, how do they afford that? that's not the biggest scandal. next, stuart varney uncovers something that will make your blood boil! right, stuart? >> yes. ok, you weren't supposed to talk. they're subsidized by your tax dollars to attack fox news. is media matters breaking the law or can they get away with this? even though i'm a great driver, and he's... not so much. well, for a driver like you, i would recommend our new snapshot discount. this little baby keeps track of your great driving habits, so you can save money. [sighs] amazing.
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>> over the past couple of months, we've talked about california going broke. well, maybe we know why now. shop prison shrink in the sunshine state made a whopping $800,000 in total compensation last year. >> it's where the money is coming from. stuart varney joins us right now. you've been bringing out more and more stories about california and where the wasted money is going. now to a prison psychiatrist? >> try this, a prison dentist got $553,000 just for unused vacation pay. another psychiatrist got $594,000 just for unused vacation pay. there are 790 prison doctors, psychiatrists and nurses in california who made more than $200,000 in the year 2010. what you're talking about here is massive salaries and the scandal is that much of that
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salary, not really salary at all, it's in bonuses and pay for unused sick days. now, where in the private sector does a private sector worker able to cash in their sick days? virtually has disappeared. >> you literally have a year to use it. if you work for a private firm, you have a certain amount of vacation time during the year and you usually use that within that time but you don't get to go later on and say hey, that day was worth $100 that i didn't use. >> not anymore. >> that's written into government worker union contracts all across the country and it's coming home to roost in california with these extraordinary salaries or numbers. >> look at this. for example, in the psychiatrist's case, the base salary is about $300,000. when they cash in, they leave with $838,000. they'll turn to stuart varney and say that's the deal that i signed up for. i didn't vacation for years because of it. what do you say to that? >> that's a valid properly
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negotiated union contract. that's in the terms of that contract and the state is obligated to pay. got it. understand it. but there is a price to be paid for paying that lavish salary and the price paid is massive layoffs in education and home health care for the elderly. because the state is broke! where's the money going to come from? they got to pay it. we understand that. you can't cut it back, got it. you have to cut back elsewhere on real human services to pay those extraordinary -- >> good politician paints that picture that you just did and lets the people decide. >> yeah, what are the people going to decide? have they got any choice? >> we want to ask our viewers how they feel about it. e-mail us or tweet us right now. in the meantime, what's coming up on your show today? >> we got a lot more on this story. we're running hard with this story because this is just prime -- prime example of what's going on at state finances. >> thanks a lot, stuart varney coming up at 9:20 on the fox business network. coming up straight ahead, is the
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political version of the jersey shore got a foul mouthed democrat, he wants to punch governor christie in the head. that's just the beginning. >> we've been telling you about media matters, up next, we'll detail the outrageous number of times they've gone after us while ignoring other networks.
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funny thing about vegetables... they fill you up without filling you out. yes! v8 juice gives you three of your five daily servings of vegetables. that's what i'm talking about! v8. what's your number? there's another way litter box dust:e purina tidy cats. our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home.
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>> glad you're up. headlines coming your way. get a pen and pencil ready. meanwhile, you can have a conversation with president obama today on twitter. he's hosting a twitter forum for the white house.
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he'll mainly answer questions on the economy and jobs but won't tweet his responses. he'll respond on camera. and facebook expected to announce what it calls an awesome new feature today. the site not saying more than that. the techies guess it's a video chat feature like what google launched last week. >> that way i can talk to you even when i'm at home. >> meanwhile we've been telling you about david brock and media matters using your tax dollars to launch an all out war against fox news and if you don't believe us, just look at the numbers. media matters doing over 2600 stories about fox news since january! 2600. compare that to only a handful of stories on the other networks. so is david brock and media matters breaking the law? mark tapscot is the editorial page editor at "the washington examiner." what do you think? >> i think it's pretty clear they are at the very least pushing the law far beyond what any reasonable person would read
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it to me. irs regulation says a nonprofit tax exempt group like media matters cannot in anyway comment or be involved in a partisan campaign. and by their own description, they've involved themselves in a partisan campaign and made it the major focus of their reason for being. >> sure. they're absolutely, you know, the opportunity to criticize us is open to anybody. freedom of speech. they shouldn't get a tax break for it. >> they shouldn't get a tax break for declaring that fox news or anybody else in the journalism business is merely -- they're not journalists, they're merely a partisan tool of one of the other parties. because when you do that and you say that you're the person who is going to -- or the organization that's going to correct that, you're involving yourself in a partisan way and that's making my judgment is clearly a violation of the regulations. >> what you're talking about is david brock in a planning memo said this, fox news is not a
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news organization. it is the de facto leader of the g.o.p. from where you sit, from there in the editorial page and you see what media matters is doing, do they look like a de facto wing of the democratic party? >> well, it's pretty clear that david brock considers himself, i think their lead story this morning on their web page is bashing conservative media like the washington examiner and fox for not playing up the decision of, i think, the sixth circuit court judge who upheld the obamacare law. that judge happens to have done, i believe, a reagan appointee, that's the kind of "criticism" they throw out as substantive when, in fact, it's nit-picking. >> uh-huh. >> but i think it's typical of what they present as so-called journalistic criticism. >> i think you're exactly right. what's interesting is, you know, and we've gotten a lot of
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e-mails from people who say that they have filed a complaint with the irs to have their tax exempt status revoked. but what's interesting is just -- if you look at what the irs has done in the past, they actually have denied conservative group tax exempt status because they said you know what? this is political so could they now, the irs go back and say, ok, maybe you started over here, media matters but now you're just -- you're a political outfit with a war at fox. you can't have it anymore. >> absolutely. and i think fox news, frankly is doing a public service by encouraging hopefully thousands and thousands of -- of people to file that complaint with the irs because the irs has a long record of frankly either lacksly enforcing the regulations in this regard or doing it in an unbalanced or unfair way. if you google tax group or nonprofit group loses exemption,
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you'll see in the very first 10 or 15 results that come up, it seems like it's always either an evangelical christian group or a pro life group that has a problem with the irs so they need to have public pressure on them to enforce their regulations fairly and evenly. >> right. >> fair and balanced, we might say. >> i like that. we should put it on a sign somewhere. mark tapscott from "the washington examiner" the editorial page editor, thank you, sir for joining us live. >> he just mentioned the people who have filed complaints with the irs. if you'd like to, go to and it will link you to another page where someone out there in tv land put together a page, prefilled out some stuff so you can do just that. meanwhile, juror number 11, a guy who admitted it would be very difficult to hand out the death penalty. oh, yeah, did we mention he was also the foreman? our next guest says that's a really big problem.
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and they're supposed to teach our kids right from wrong but a shocking number of teachers accused of helping kids cheat to put money in their pockets. but first, happy birthday to george w. bush. the former president of the u.s. of a is 65. ♪ [ female announcer ] erybody loves that cushiony feeling. uh oh. i gotta go. [ female announcer ] and with charmin ultra soft, you can get that same cushiony feeling you love while still using less. charmin ultra ft has extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ah.
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what's in your wallet? a vacation on a budget with expedia. make it work. booking a flight by itself is an uh-oh. see if we can "stitch" together a better deal. that's a hint, antoine. ooh! see what anandra did? booking your flight and hotel at the same time gets you prices hotels and airlines won't let expedia show separately. book it. major wow factor! where you book matters. expedia. >> welcome back, everyone. juror number 11, the foreman chosen to lead his peers to a verdict in the casey anthony
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trial. >> and now we're learning that juror number 11 told
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>> i believe they could have come back with a lower conviction. >> manslaughter? >> yes, i was thinking aggravated manslaughter. that's what i thought they were going to come back with. i believe that they were going to come through on that one. the problem being here is that you have when you look at the jury pool in a whole, you've got low authoritarian on the scale. so it didn't take but two to kind of tip this scale back over to the defense. once we're behind deliberations and, you know, there was so much
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complexity with the evidence and they had to sift through all that. they were tired. they wanted to go home. but i'll tell you what, baez where he nailed it was in his visual presentation, kind of mapped it into their minds and that was what was a little stronger than the state and i think that -- >> go ahead. >> i was struck by the alternate juror that we have quoted and spoke with greta last night when he said she's a good mother. she's a good mother. here's a description of what the foreman is like, so you have some background. single white male if you're not in the court you don't know this, early 30's. phys ed teacher, no kids, two siblings that have daughters. never even babysat, two dogs from pittsburgh but moved to florida for the weather. how does he become foreman? >> well, how he became foreman is because he's actually a coach. think about it. he's always leaning forward and going to rally up the team but what i saw here is the very beginning, i said the best jurors for the defense are men close to her age, single, that
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can, you know, find casey anthony attractive. >> you really think that's what -- >> here's the startling thing to me is, people who were following this case closely, i think they had, you know, a really emotional reaction to this verdict. are you telling me that one person because he's a coach in his life could just sway 11 other people or do you think that they were just all with him from the beginning? i've never heard of a capital murder case in my life where they don't call to look at least one piece of evidence again! >> well, the complexity of the evidence was overwhelming. when you look at this entire jury pool. >> well, i don't think they blew it up. i think it was overwhelming. think about it. we had 80 some witnesses here. they had at some point to put down that pen. they stopped taking notes. it was overwhelming. so they had to go back. what really makes sense? what can we pull out that we can really sink our teeth into? at this point in time, they couldn't come forward with the
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death penalty because this was not a high authoritarian jury pool to begin with. when you look at the two, i scored them. we're looking at between a 52.3 and 58% that's just 2% to 8% above neutral. >> explain what you mean about those percentages. >> ok, what i mean by those percentages is that through social science survey data, that we are able to pull information based on demographic factors, their age, their education, their occupation, and there's seven different demographic factors based on that jury verdict research that we have found who are authoritarian and who are egalitarian but the authoritarians were just tipping above 50%. >> the science behind this is incredible. i want you to hear from alternate juror number 14, here's what he said to greta last night. >> big question was the prosecution could not answer is
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how caylee died. that was a big factor i think in a lot of our decisions and it also showed that something with george anthony, casey's father, he was definitely hiding something. one thing the prosecution failed to do was they did not, you know, show motive. what would have driven a reasonably good mother to do such an action? and they could not -- i don't think they overcame that. >> so there you've got the alternate juror talking about one of the things about george anthony. that's something that the defense was very effective at. they threw so much stuff out there, that really created a reasonable doubt in many people's estimation. >> you are absolutely correct. and they didn't know who to believe. they didn't know to believe george because we feel like he may have stretched the story out of a possible affair. we had cindy up there. she was found perjuring herself basically when it came to -- >> chloroform.
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>> exactly. so you have this whole family, they're going who am i going to believe here? at this point in time, juror number 14 was the buddy of juror 11. they were always kind of whispering back and forth in the juror room -- when they were in the courtroom. >> you've been keeping an eye on the jury for us. thank you very much for joining us in orlando. >> unbelievable that the parents never went over to their daughter. they leave right away. >> all right. now the rest of the headlines, republicans are blasting the obama administration at this hour for bringing the somali terror suspect to the united states to face a trial in civilian court. the suspect is accused of being part of the al-qaida linked group and he's pleaded not guilty in a
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>> she said the probe's results would be alarming. she was right. >> the democratic head of new jersey's state senate refusing to apologize now for unleashing a raunchy rant against governor chris christie. going off on him for slashing $900 million from the budget. sweeney telling "the jersey star ledger", "this is all about him being a bully and a punk.
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i wanted to punch him in his head." you know who he reminds me of, mr. potter from "it's a wonderful life." the mean old blank who screws everybody. yikes! a spokesman for the governor fired back saying sweeney's words are inappropriate and disrespectful to the governor's office and on that note, let's go to brian kilmeade. i don't know what you're going to talk about in sports but nothing criminal, would you? >> true, i won't. after hearing governor christie's story, i was at the mets-yankees game and i was hoping he'd make eye contact with me. for some reason, he doesn't look into the stands when you're in those luxury boxes. meanwhile, 30 years in prison is what could -- that's all i have. at least it's governor christie and relates somewhat to what was going on. i have to tell you roger clemens, he's on trial and if convicted of perjury and obstruction of congress, he could face 30 years in prison. jury selection begins today at the federal court in washington, d.c. clemens, as you know, is accused of lying to congress about using steroids and human growth hormones. his former trainer brian mcamee
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is the government's key witness. he claims to have injected the cy young award winner with both those substances and one of the key witnesses will be andy petitte, his one time best friend. great day for a bunch of children of military families who helped throw out the first pitch at the nationals game at nationals park. michelle obama who does so much for the military was there to help support the nine kids who have parents serving overseas. it was part of the joining forces initiative which the first lady formed to support the military members and their families. and that's always cool. coming up on kilmeade & friend, i'll drag gretchen up as part of that three hours. catherine herridge has a brand new book out. mark and bill seems to be talking to each other again and senator jim demint will be there in person. >> it's a beautiful plant with umbrella like flowers. but be careful, it could make you blind? and this dangerous weed is popping up all over the place. we'll tell you about it.
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>> then kevin james thought he was talking about his movie. but brian gave him one heck of a surprise. he never saw coming. i'm scared to find out what it was. inside all of us is a compass and it always points true north. toward mountains of sand. townew sights and sensations. toward the true bounty of nure
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so let's set our compass for traverse city and find ourselves. in the magic, and the moments of pure michigan. your trip begins at
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what's vanishing deducti all about ? guys, it's demonstration time. let's blow carl's mind. okay, let's say i'm your insurance deductible. every year you don't have an accident, $100 vanishes. the next year, another $100. where am i going, carl ? thnext year... th was weird. but awesome ! ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪
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>> all right. some quick headlines for you. it's getting harder and harder to bring home the bacon literally. a new report shows bacon prices are expected to reach a record high of $6 a pound in the next couple of months. hog farmers blame the rising cost of corn. and a giant hog weed is spreading across the northern u.s. and that's not a good thing. it sapped the sap from that particular weed creates third degree burns on the skin and will blind you if you get it in your eyes so beware. over to you. >> steve, he went from standup comedy to "king of queens" to silver screen. kevin james' latest film is called "zookeeper." i had the chance to sit down with him and took a trip down memory lane. >> griffin, we need to talk!
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>> so kevin, you've scored big at the box office. why did you think your next big store should be with so many animals? >> you know, it was just a different way to go. i got tired of working with humans and, you know, how they can be. very annoying. >> yeah. >> right. i've -- it was just time. it was time to be with something furry and fun. >> let's do it! >> ♪ boots with the fur fur ♪ >> and you are the centerpiece of this movie. do you think the message is we can learn from animals? >> more so, yes. i think we can learn some stuff from animals but also, we need to shower more than animals do and hose down. but also to be yourself and not to pretend be somebody you're not. >> not uncomfortable. so comfortable. >> the movie, the kids are going to love it. i think the family is going to actually go to it and it's important, as we watched the movie, one thing i can count on and hope for, i like to see some
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type of kevin james dancing. >> i'd like to see him get hit. i'd like to see him fall. i got those things. >> it happens. it happens. those are the three things i have to sign on the dotted line when i join a film. you know you're getting that. you know that and i bring it in spades in this one. >> did you dream when you were at east side comedy club and working with future stars like ray romano, did you say movies are a matter of time. that's the goal. >> i don't think i was too naive to go that far ahead. i knew i loved standup comedy at that point. >> you would think everybody from your hometown is happy for you, right? for your success? >> who's not? i need a name and an address. >> it was kind of unusual. word got out that i'm interviewing you and i came across this guy who said he used to wrestle with you.
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if you wouldn't mind hitting play there, kevin. >> hey, kevin. kevin, remember me? it's mick boley, childhood friend and member of the wrestling team. and got a little problem with you. got my kids here. come on over here, you want to say hello to kevin james? you want to say hello to kevin james? >> hi. >> you know what kevin james is best known for, what movie? >> "zookeeper." >> yeah. to me, he's not best known as the star of "zookeeper." to me, he's the guy preventing your dad from being the best known and most loved person and celebrity in your hometown. as long as kevin james is around, nobody cares about dad, right? do you care about dad? >> not really. >> "zookeeper." >> right. here's where i expose you, ok? big sensitive guy, here, that's kevin james in high school. he's ripped. look at the triceps. that's me next to me.
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congratulations. i know the zookeeper is going to be doing very well. you know who's not going? these guys, i'm not adding any more to your fortune. >> that's good. >> so not everyone is happy. >> no, i know. >> are you still that guy from long island? >> he's the greatest guy in the world, mick. i honestly dig him so much. yes, i'm the same guy. we're the same guy. >> kevin, great to speak to you in person. congratulations. >> i love that. he's the best. >> i hope to see you again. absolutely. absolutely. >> wow, you brought something so entertaining to the interview. nobody else can do that. >> i've never gotten my ipad back. rosairo dawson, we did an interview with her. special thanks to mick for doing that. have you watched the channel lately? geraldo says casey anthony is a good mom. >> the record is conclusive. this was a good mother. you see the video? you see the still shots. you see her -- >> oh, bull!
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>> up next, judge alex ferer calling bull on geraldo. looking good! you lost some weight. you noticed! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. not only kills fleas and tick it repels most ticks before they can attach and snk on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. any tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. justice down upon it. oh. please sign that card for carl. ♪call 1-800-steemer.
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>> the after the jury found casey anthony not guilty of murder, our own geraldo made this statement. >> the record is conclusive, this was a good mother. you see the video. >> oh, bull! >> no d.n.a. no fingerprints. never anything. >> was there chloroform in her car or not? >> there are inconsistent experts, dueling experts on that very point. >> i don't think there is -- not from what i saw. >> were there 84 computer searches for chloroform or was there only one that lasted -- >> doesn't matter. >> i submit there was only one.
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>> joining me from orlando with your reaction, judge alex. you were paying close attention to this case throughout. you thought the prosecution put on a good case. >> yeah, i wouldn't say stunned. i'm surprised. but i'm not shocked as most people because judges all across america are going well, we've seen it before. i've seen plenty of times where defendants were actually proven more guilty than casey anthony were walked by juries. it does happen. it's a human system, gretchen, it's going to have its mistakes. i think this was a mistake but the only thing that matters is what the jury thought. that's who they have to prove their case to. >> what about geraldo saying there was a conclusive amount of evidence that casey anthony was a good mother. i don't remember seeing any of that evidence being introduced as far as did other friends come to testify and say she was fantastic? >> i know what you're doing, gretchen, you're pinning the cuban against the puerto rican to get a little cultural warfare going here. i disagree with geraldo. evidence of a good mother, if you will think back, susan smith, people came out of the
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woodwork and said oh, my god. she's such a good mother. she was a good mother until she strapped her kids in a car seat and shoved it in the lake. her friends coming forward at the trial which they did, she was so good with caylee and the little video of her playing. the problem is that we're trying to put the way we behave into the mine of somebody who i think is a sociopath. they don't think that way. they'll be charming and love you and everything until you become inconvenient. the minute you become inconvenient, they'll toss you like an old t-shirt. >> i found it interesting on a capital murder case, they never called, this jury never called to look at one more piece of evidence. is that unusual? >> no, not really. i mean, a lot of times if jurors have a question about testimony or evidence, they'll ask to hear the testimony back. the evidence is generally in the room with them. they can look at all the evidence they want. so it's really not that unusual at all. >> and as far as motive, one of the alternate jurors said in an interview, well, the prosecution never talked about any motive or
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proved motive but the prosecution doesn't have to do that, do they? >> absolutely not. in fact, it's sometimes impossible for the prosecution to prove motive. in order to do that, you have to get into the person's head or have a confession on why they did it. the prosecution can't call her as a witness and grill her about why she did this. so motive is not an element of the crime. and i think that's where the jury fell short. the jury here wanted to be convinced beyond all doubt. the only way you can do that is if you actually witness the crime and then, of course, you couldn't be a juror because you're a witness. you'll always have questions and the jury here was speculating. i think that's what the problem was. >> judge, always good to speak with you. thank you so much. >> pleasure's mine. >> we will continue to analyze the casey anthony case at the top of the hour. can her dad now be charged with a crime? judge jeanine pirro live from florida. and are you one of the millions out there putting off retirement? guess what? you don't have to. dave ramsey here next hour with specific advice to make your golden years glitter.
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>> top of the morning to you. it's wednesday, july 6th. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks so much for sharing your time with us today. stunning, that's the verdict from the nation as they react to the jury's decision in the casey anthony trial. even more stunning, casey could go free today and could her father now be charged?
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we're live from the courthouse. >> then, president -- the then president looking for a deal on the debt limit that spreads the wealth? >> they just want us to get something done that's sensible, that spreads the sacrifice and spreads the prosperity. >> the they talking about is you the taxpayer. are you ready to share what you worked so hard to earn? >> it looked like a scene out of a movie. major u.s. city consumed by a wall of dust. look as it rolls in. the clouds so strong, power knocked out. and flights grounded. wow! "fox & friends" hour two for wednesday starts right now. >> howdy, folks. welcome to the second hour of "fox & friends" for this wednesday. jaw dropping. when the jury verdict was read yesterday, a lot of people
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across the country said what? take a look. >> sensational headline from "the time" florida mother found not guilty of murder. whoa! >> listen, for "the new york times" to put this picture which they consider tabloid on the front page, that says something. there's casey anthony holding the hands of her defense team. on the cover "the daily news" in new york city, no justice. mom skates in death of little caylee. and here on the cover of "the new york post," not guilty of sin. one juror, why casey was acquitted. because she was a good mom. and andrea pizer writes o.j. now lives in orlando. >> you must tip that paperboy big on the holidays. he comes right to the office with all those papers. gretchen, tell us what else is happening and we'll talk with judge pirro around the bend. >> i'd love to. here are the headlines for a wednesday. notorious gangster james "whitey" bulger will be arraigned in a boston courtroom for his alleged role in 19 murders. 81-year-old former head of boston's winter hill gang is being represented by a
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court-appointed attorney. why? that guy says he's too broke to afford a lawyer even though he was busted with $800,000 cash in his apartment. lawyers for dominique strauss-khan will be meeting with prosecutors today. another legal fight is brewing in france. he is set to countersue a french author who has accused the former imf chief of trying to rape her eight years ago in her apartment. a search continues for seven americans still missing after the boat they were on sunk. family members left with nothing to do but wait and worry. >> just thinking about not being with him, it's horrible. so i have to hold on to this. i have to hold on that there's hope. >> she says her husband organized the fishing trip in the gulf of california. something he did every fourth of july.
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also missing, the 62-year-old that was supposed to get married next month. one man was found dead. incredible video of a dust storm blanketing phoenix, arizona. these are amazing pictures. delaying flights and knocking out power to thousands of people. these pictures of what's called a dust wall. at one point, it reached 10,000 feet high moving quickly across the desert and downtown area at 60 miles an hour. talk about happy campers. two boys from minnesota lucky to be alive. they were inside a camper when a tornado ripped through the campground sending a tree crashing down on top of them. it sliced their family's camper in half but the boys were trapped inside but use aid fire extinguisher to bash their way out. >> i tried hitting the door with it to get it to open. >> chair didn't work very well. >> yeah. >> then he bashed the handle with the door and just he's gone and i'm trying to get the dog out. >> the boys knew how to use a fire extinguisher to put out a fire but never thought they'd
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use one in an emergency like this. quick thinking. good thinking. lucky to be alive, guys. >> indeed. >> all right. let's talk a little bit about the very latest if you're waking up and you weren't watching yesterday, casey anthony has been acquitted of the murder and death of her little child, caylee anthony. the sentencing is going to be tomorrow morning at 9:00. she was found guilty of four charges of lying to the cops. each of those charges is a misdemeanor. she could face up to a year on each count and she's already served three years. there's a real good possibility she could be let out on bail before sentencing. or she might actually walk tomorrow on time served. >> right. actually, if the lawyers put in an application which i believe they will, she could be out today on her own recognizance or with a small bail. that's before sentencing tomorrow at 9:00. the question is, too, the judge who seemed very pro prosecution to the so-called legal experts, could he be so ticked off about
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the result he might say, no, you're going to stay in jail a little while longer. others say three years, virtually three years locked up during this process is enough. >> it's interesting. a lot of legal experts said the judge was fantastic in this case because he didn't turn it into another ito situation where the judge became part of the story. so another question is whether or not any other family members in the anthony family will now be charged because the defense really hammered home on the fact that george anthony, the grandfather in this case had something to do with it. that he helped in the cover-up or something like that. could the mother now, the grandmother be charged with perjury? because remember, she came to the stand and she said no, it was me who did those computer searches for chlorophyll, chloroform, whatever. the prosecution, you thought, discredited her by bringing her work people in to say no, she was actually at work during that time. so now could the state go after the grandmother? >> two things stand out for me. number one, the way the grandparents got up and left afterwards. they didn't go over to their
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daughter. they were just exonerated and let out of prison instead of getting a life sentence or the death penalty with the lethal injection, she's now free but the parents leave. number two is the way the defense immediately went after the media far and wide. you blew it and you lawyers that hopped on tv and the conclusions you made and the way you swayed the public was essentially irresponsible. >> right. judge jeanine pirro is down in orlando right now and joins us live. judge, did casey anthony get away with murder? >> well, i think that what happened with this jury is that we are now left with the question -- what happened to little caylee marie? what happened to the little girl who was thrown away in a garbage bag in a swamp and left to rot? we've seen the criminal justice system now focusing on d.n.a. and csi and not circumstantial evidence. everybody wants the d.n.a. they want a fingerprint. they want a videotape of a crime and they didn't have it here.
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and for centuries, we've used circumstantial evidence and now they're saying, you know, we shouldn't in this case because she seems like a good mother. >> judge, that was my exact question that's been bugging me for the last 12 hours since this verdict came down was how the heck did prosecutors ever get convictions before we requested and wanted d.n.a.? i don't get it! >> gretchen, because there are two things. there's direct evidence and there's circumstantial evidence. circumstantial evidence is a bedrock of our criminal justice system. and as a judge, i would instruct the jury that circumstantial evidence is just as good as direct. what this jury has said and what the message is, is that if you get rid of the body. if it decomposes, if it's nothing more than dried bones, if as a body decomposes so does the d.n.a. and the fingerprints, you get away with it because what we want in this age of technology, we want a confession. we want an eyewitness or we want forensic evidence. otherwise, it didn't happen.
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and i am sitting here having sat through this trial for the last six weeks saying where is the justice for a little girl who did not commit suicide, who did not die of a terminal illness, and you know, we are left with no answers whatsoever. >> the smell of death in the trunk. they said the suffocation and they put together a theory and the prosecution looks so smooth and complete in delivering it. so many experts graded them high. in fact, when they walked into the jury -- when they walked into the courtroom, they got an ovation. why is it that the jury saw it different than the people in the courtroom and the people at home? for the most part. >> you know what, that is the $64,000 question. everyone assumed when that verdict came back and that knock on the door came out, they said this is a guilty. but this jury found her guilty of nothing in relation to this body and this child. nothing. the top count and bottom count. the evidence was there.
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the jury chose not to accept it and chose not to believe that they got to the level of beyond a reasonable doubted and that is their right. that is our system. but i am left here saying where is the justice for this little girl? >> you're exactly right. because the defense simply had to inject some stuff to make the jury doubt and they had so many stories in there, it was hard to keep them straight. they didn't prove them. they just said what about this? what about this? what about this, jeanine? what about whether or not george anthony who his own daughter, her team has suggested that he was involved in it. what about her mother where she, you know, sure looked like she lied on the stand repeatedly, what about going after them now? >> well, first of all, as it relates to george, go after him for what? that's the problem here. they were not -- they didn't put in any proof of a drowning. none whatsoever. did you hear anybody say the child drowned? >> no. >> other than a suggestion and
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innuendo. did you hear anyone say that casey anthony was abused by her father? nothing. so we're not, you know, what do we charge this guy with? he's been through hell. i believe he's nothing more than a loving grandfather who provided support for his daughter and his deceased granddaughter. everything from a play house to anything else. and now -->> the alternative juror said they believed that anthony, he believed that anthony was involved in this. the dad. the grandfather was involved. >> based on what? based on what? >> based on what he heard. >> yeah. what he heard where? i was in the courtroom, there was no evidence. other than, you know what? brian, if i say you are a terrible person and don't back it up with anything, everyone should say he's a terrible person. >> maybe it's indicative of our society today, you know, bloggers can go on and say whatever they want about anybody, and people take it as fact. maybe it's indicative of the way we live. >> we want to find excuses for
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evil. we quilt together excuses on why a person who looks so sweet cannot possibly be guilty. >> all right. judge jeanine pirro joining us with analysis from orlando. thank you very much. she has a show saturday nights at 9 clo:00. >> want to know what your kids are learning in school? is this a good idea? we'll report, you can decide. >> and the chairman of the rnc has a message for america. it's time to change direction. he's here with his new campaign challenging president obama. verizon claims i 4g lte is twi as fast as &t.
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we're putting them to the test against the speed of a rescue unit. go ! they're downloading a music album. the first network to finish gets rescued. does your phone know that we're racing ? done ! verizon's done ! i've got seven left ! the fastest networin america. verizon. built so you can rule the air. now powering the lg revolution.
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>> well, still no deal on the debt limit but yesterday, the president and his spokesperson urged a deal by spreading the sacrifice. >> americans are not like i demand this, you know, i draw the red line here and i draw this in the sand. they just want us to get something done that's sensible. that spreads the sacrifice and spreads the prosperity. >> but with unemployment at
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9.1%, what is that the way to fix the economy? that's what i meant, is that a way to fix the economy? we're joined by rnc chair reince priebus who is launching a new media campaign about it today. what was the messaging in the spokesperson, the president's spokesperson saying we need to share the sacrifice? >> right. well, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. i mean, they want to raise taxes and, you know, at the end of the day, they don't want to make the hard choices which are finding a way to shrink government, cut spending do the things that the american families across the country are doing. this is a president who delivered the biggest and largest structural deficit in the history of our country when he delivered a budget which, by the way, not a single even democrat voted for back in march or april. this is a president that just doesn't get it. and so, you know, what we're trying to do today is launch a new television ad campaign and
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you can see it at highlighting that we're going to go over a fiscal cliff in this country. we have a train that's off the rails and financially, america is heading for some really tough times and this president needs to engage his counterparts in the congress and speaker boehner and mitch mcconnell and start figuring out a way to get our spending under control and that's what this is about. >> sure. speaking of debt, we've got another graphic that shows debt through history and it is jaw dropping the projected debt, as you take a look. even with the debt from world war ii that, you know, that mt. everest right there in the middle, it is gigantic. it's interesting, reince, i heard mitt romney yesterday out on the stump and something he said was, yeah, president obama did have tough set of circumstances when he came into office. but he made it worse. the choices he made as president
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of the united states trying to fix things, he made it worse. >> well, he made it worse all right. and, you know, if you look at what this president has accomplished in three years, it's pretty staggering when it comes to debt. he has launched our country on a trajectory that under his policies will eventually accumulate more debt than every single president before him combined. i mean, this is what we're talking about. we're talking about taking our economy, the path that we were on and putting it on steroids under his policies and it's -- you know, it's not -- it's not the state of the economy that he inherited which is the problem. the problem is the policies that he put in place aren't working. >> well, reince, let me ask you this. apparently the president now will in fact meet with mitch mcconnell. you remember last week, mcconnell invited him to capitol hill and the invitation was basically a no. now, it looks like they're going to have some kind of meeting this week. the president is on record
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saying a short-term deal is not the answer because it just kicks everything down the road. so does he get any props for that, that he might actually be working towards the long-term deal? >> well, i think what the president is angling for is higher taxes and he's going to do whatever -- he's going to try to do whatever he can to increase taxes. you know, they keep talking about loopholes and revenue. the fact is that we have over $3 1/2 trillion in revenue coming into washington, d.c. every year. we've got more than enough money. our problem is everybody understands this and it's sort of an overused phrase but it's the truth. it's not a -- it's not a revenue problem that we have. it's a spending problem that we have in this country and that's what we're trying to highlight on today. >> thank you very much for joining us today from your headquarters in the washington area. we should note that we did invite his counterpart, the dnc chairwoman, debbie
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wasserman-schultz to be on the program but they did not respond. >> peter johnson jr. blaming somebody else and he's been out in front of this for months. >> and they're supposed to be the golden years. but instead, they're becoming the workhorse years. if you're one of millions putting off retirement, dave ramsey is next with how to make your money work the rest of your life. [ female announcer ] ever wish vegetables
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didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. the possibilities are endless. interesting... save up to 50% this tuesday and wednesday only. be smart. book smart. took some crazy risks as a kid. but i was still over the edge with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren't enough for me. i stopped kidding myself. i've been eating healthier, exercising more,
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and now i'm also taking lipitor. if you've been kidding yourself about high cholesterol...stop. 80% of people who have had heart attacks have high cholesterol. lipitor is a cholesterol lowering medication, fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. [ female announcer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. great ride down. if you have high cholesterol, you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk and about lipitor.
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>> how about some news by the numbers? first, 10,000.
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that's how many american troops president obama is offering to keep in iraq next year. next, 25 seconds. that's how long the senate met on friday but in congress, that counts as a full working day. oh, man, talk about working hard and 100. that's how many cities men's health magazine rated as the fittest. lexington, kentucky, is considered the least active. seattle, washington, the most. >> brian? >> more and more americans are putting off their retirement. you have a new survey that says 22% of middle income earners between the ages of 25 and 70 plan to work well into their 70's. that's 14% up from -- up 14% from just a year ago. so many of our viewers want to know what can we do? let's ask personal finance guy dave ramsey, the best in the business. what we can do. that's certainly a concern for people that don't want to too it. for others that do want to do it, they say work is great. can i give you some e-mails, dave, to get you started. >> absolutely. >> let's go from peter who is
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in california. he says i'm 70. my wife is 56. we received a combined $9,500 in pensions. we have no debt except a mortgage of $82,000. we have $540,000 in investments. should we use one of the ira's to pay off the mortgage? >> don't you love this guy? this is a guy who has saved money, put himself in a position to where his golden years are golden. he has a half million bucks in the bank and $120,000 a year coming in. he's set. yes, pay off your little $85,000 mortgage and you're completely free. you're set for life. you did a great job of taking care of yourself! that was great! >> don't you want to know his rate first? >> his -- no, i don't. he's only got an $85,000 mortgage and he's 70 years old and has $540,000 in his mutual fund. pay it off. >> you weren't ready for the follow-up question. you did come prepared. my husband and i retired several years ago and we live on social
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security and our investments. as prices for everything go up, our investments are going down. we are becoming fearful of the future. whoever said these are the golden years were absolutely nuts. what can we do? marsha is worried. >> well, marsha, peter thinks these are the golden years because he did a different level of preparation than you guys did. i don't know how much you have in investments but it sounds to me like you're trying to live off social insecurity which mathematically is one of the biggest jokes ever to come along the retirement pike and so listen, if you're looking at social insecurity as your way of retiring and you're watching us this morning, you need to get to work saving money so you end up being peter and not marsha. >> all right. let's look at aaron from tennessee. he says my wife and i are in our mid 20's and are fortunate enough to be debt free. our goal is to be able to buy a house with cash in three to four years. we're not criontributing to retirement just yet and have substantial savings in the bank. do you think it's ok to save up and buy home with cash and then start contributing in about five
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years? >> if you're going to do it this fast. if you're going to take longer than that, i would start my retirement program. but as quickly as you're talking about three to four maximum of five years, yeah, in your 20's, shut everything down and pay cash for a house. sets you up for serious wealth building and you can make up time on whatever you've lost on your retirement. i'm not suggesting doing that for 15 years. you need to get started with retirement as early as you can. the numbers are amazing if you start in your 20's how wealthy you can become. >> listen to them with neil and listen to him with the dave ramsey show and when he's on with us. thanks so much. >> thank you. thanks for having me. >> no problem. 26 minutes after the hour. let's change gears. casey anthony's team blamed the media for attack her character. peter johnson jr. was is blaming somebody else. he was one of the first to say it. what to know what your kids are learning in school. a new lesson plan that requires learning about gay americans. is this a good idea? we report, you decide. plus remember the shocking
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video? when a burger king employee bathed in a bathroom video? well, the trend has caught on with celebrities. sweetie i think you need a little extra fiber in your diet. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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>> stunning decision in the casey anthony murder trial. florida mom acquitted on the charges of killing her 2-year-old daughter caylee. yesterday, casey's attorney, cheney mason blasted the media for criticizing his client. >> well, i hope that this is a lesson to those of you who had indulged in media assassination for three years. bias and prejudice. and incompetent talking heads
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saying what would be and how to be. i'm disgusted by some of the lawyers that have done this. and i can tell you that my colleagues from coast to coast and border to border have condemned this whole process of lawyers getting on television and talking about cases that they don't know a damn thing about. >> media assassination? so are his complaints justified? fox news legal analyst peter johnson jr. who is on the hannity show about 15 minutes ago joins us live. >> happy to be here. >> peter, media assassination, incompetent people on tv. is he talking about nancy grace? >> yeah, i think he's talking about the revenge host. >> the revenge host. >> the revenge host, the vigilante host. i guess she's known by miss grace and referred to the defendants but i know her best as revenge host and i don't think it has a place in our society. people should not make millions of dollars out of trying to convict people whether they're innocent or whether they're not innocent. that's inappropriate.
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but it was a sequestered jury and the jury decided on their own aside from any media pressure that there may have been. they looked at the evidence. they came to a determination. and it's my view that it's not up to a legal pundit like me or anybody else on any network to decide this verdict. this verdict was decided by 12 people in that state. and as americans, we live by the rule of law. we don't live by opinion trial, opinion polls in criminal trials. we don't live by emotion. we don't live on what we believe on watching an hour and a half of it on the fox newschannel. we live by what the jury determination is. and if we erode that, as much as we hate a verdict, then we erode what we talk about every day and people get up on this station and others and talk about the constitution and how important it is. this is the living constitution. sometimes the constitution hurts. maybe it hurts today.
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but this is the best system in the world. >> you don't see this as a growing trend that juries need to see this csi kind of evidence, where they need to have every single detail and every i dotted and every t crossed. >> i think they've tried to provide that to this jury. they tried to provide the most up-to-date science in the world. the problem with the up-to-date science in the world is that it isn't junk science. that it is not peer reviewed. that it is not accepted in the field in which it was being offered and so i think they're so sophisticated that they say, i believe in d.n.a. i believe in accepted science. i don't believe in unaccepted science. >> you thought this jury was so sophisticated. >> oh, i find it offensesive to say i as a pundit or that some other fellow on a television show or that the elites in the society say i'm smarter than that jury. if we start saying i'm smarter
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than that jury, then where does our america go? we can't be smarter than the jury. >> we can have opinions. >> we can have opinions. absolutely. but at the same time, i agree with mr. mason that we can't have vigilante justice. once we have a verdict, we can talk about it as you have this morning in a very reasonable, thoughtful way that evokes people's emotions, that reflects on it. but at the same time, let's not allow a situation where there's a mob. and where we say let's turn it upside down. >> i have to ask the question. what people really have been talking about in the last couple of hours is with all these tv shows like "csi" and talking about d.n.a., is that what jurors expect when they go in? >> we would expect that a prosecution says the person was killed on this day by this means in this place, they don't expect and i give all due honor to the prosecution, they're people that serve our country well and ably
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and honorably and i honor them today even though they lost. because it's a search for justice. and it's a search for truth. but people want to know the who, what, when, where, why and how. that was missing. not this stuff about "csi" that some people have talked about. >> it's fascinating to see why the jurors didn't speak yesterday when they had a chance to. we heard from the juror number 14, he joined our network yesterday. here's a little bit about what he was thinking. >> big question was the prosecution could not answer is how caylee died and that was a big factor i think in our decisions. it also showed that something with george anthony, casey's father, he was definitely hiding something. one thing that the prosecution failed to do was they did not show motive. what would have driven a -- you know, a reasonably good mother
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to do such an action? and they could not -- i don't think they overcame that. >> that's what he feels and that's what he knows. and he saw and studied and stayed with all these people but listen, the prosecution say she was observers didn't
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anticipate this particular verdict. they said the defense blew it and i said it at one point. he set the expectations too high and he didn't prove what he had set out to prove. again, he didn't have to prove anything. what i think you'll hear from this jury is two things that you just heard here, we didn't understand how caylee really died, that it was in fact an intentional act and the second issue, the credibility of the witnesses that were put up by the prosecution created more questions than they answered so we can be upset in some ways with the notion of probable cause. we can be upset with the notion of beyond a reasonable doubt. but that's our system of justice, beyond a reasonable doubt. that's the only standard and if there are reasonable doubts, then you must acquit. >> there you go. >> peter johnson jr., thank you very much. >> ok. >> i got to tell you, there's one thing about this trial that's different, even for someone as experienced as peter and it's what "time" magazine is calling the social media trial of the century. social media played a huge role
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in growing the fascination in this case. people talked to each other and didn't even know, whether it's through twitter, facebook or possibly through some apps system or was it through the miami herald, radar on-line, the daily beast, fox carrying it live. >> and many well known people decided to tweet yesterday after the verdict so this tweet was from sharon osborne. casey anthony, not guilty? it's a disgrace. she'll probably get her own reality show now. >> wait a minute, don't the osbornes have a reality show? >> that went well. >> listen to this one, this is from kim kardashian, she has some of the most followers -- >> she losing her balance there? >> she kind of is. let me read this and then you can tell me whether or not she's lost her balance. what? casey anthony found not guilty? i am speechless! now, the irony here is because kim kardashian is the daughter of robert kardashian who was part of o.j. simpson's dream team who millions of people across this land feel like o.j. simpson got away with murder
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just as millions across the land this morning may feel -- >> that's the top of his head there. >> got away with murder. >> many people thought that robert kardashian maybe knew more than he ever exposed because he was so closes to o.j. simpson. but as brian brought this morning, the jaw drop that he had when the verdict was read. it was in shock. ok, so this tweet from katie lombardi. lmao, i forget what that means again. laughing my arse off. >> at kim kardashian saying she's disgusted in the casey anthony trial when her dad did the same thing with o.j. simpson. >> that particular person, somebody reacting. not a celebrity and here's richard, not a celebrity but somebody we're featuring right now. he says kim kardashian is speechless? casey anthony was found not guilty. so was nicole brown simpson's family when her dad got o.j. off. ok, keep those e-mails coming in. tell you what, i've looked at the e-mail machine. a lot of you are furious. feel that justice was not served
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yesterday in that courtroom. >> and i think more moms are upset. just my unscientific opinion. every mom is saying wait a second, how could this be? >> lot of unanswered questions and we may never know the answer, folks, and it's one of those things. >> by the way, a lot of people say leave kim kardashian alone. what her dad did or didn't do has nothing to do with her opinions. >> let's go to some of the headlines at this hour. nine crew members are feared dead after a cargo plane chartered by the u.s. military crashes into a mountain in eastern afghanistan. no americans were on board the russian-made plane and the crew was originally from azerbajahn. >> republicans are blasting the obama administration for bringing a somali terror suspect to the united states to face trial in a civilian court. the suspect is accused of being part of the al-qaida linked group. he pled not guilty in a new york city courtroom. he was interrogated for two
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months on a u.s. navy ship off the coast of africa before he was flown here to get his day in court. >> you have a bill mandating teaching gay history in state schools now on the desk of the governor of california. no word yet of whether jerry brown will sign this. supporters argue it will help prevent bullying and present a more balanced social picture. opponents argue it forces homosexual agenda on students. the bill passed on a party line vote. >> remember the bizarre video of a burger king worker taking a bath in the restaurant's kitchen sink? i can never get enough of that. sorry. the worker got in big trouble for violating health laws with this stunt. now, check out the new video tmz posted of bruce springsteen's drummer max weinberg shirtless and watching himself in the kitchen sink. are you kidding? >> this is inside a jazz club in minneapolis, of course.
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he said i'm not that good but i'm very clean. >> did he have to like sleep over at the jazz club? >> he needed a little bird bath. >> i wonder if he was wearing an apron down below. he wasn't naked in there, was he? >> i'll try to find out and put my best person on it. >> meanwhile, you just heard peter johnson jr. defend the jury. mark furman blames the jury. that top cop says these people are so dumb, they shouldn't have driver's licenses. mr. furman explains straight ahead live. >> first, he's the electric party tree shredding, a lot of g.o.p. hopefuls get to know him. he's next. >> on this day in 1961, he is the first australian oscar winner and one of 25 people to win the triple crown. oscar, emmy and tony. who is he? yotake any surce, and place it between the earth's
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justice down upon it. oh. please sign that card for carl. ♪call 1-800-steemer.
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♪ [ male announcer ] what is the future of fuel? the debate is over. ♪ lexus hybrid drive technogy is designed to optimize any fuel source on the planet. even those we don't use yet. because when you pursue perfection, you don't just engineer a future-proof hybrid system. you engineer amazing. ♪ 6>> today, i am announcing the candidacy for the nomination of my republican party to serve as your president of the united states. >> in case you missed it, the fireworks weren't just going off in the air over the weekend. another contender announced his bid for the presidency. can the michigan congressman
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distinguish himself amongst an already crowded g.o.p. field. let's find out. he's my guest right now. good morning to you, congressman. >> good morning, thanks for having me on. >> i thought you were going to show up with your guitar. >> it's a little early. the guys in the crew here would go deaf. >> i want to get to that in a minute. that's really an interesting quality about you that does make you stand out in the g.o.p. field. but how do your policies make you stand out? what are you going to bring to the table that's different than what we've heard already? >> knowing >> i think a comprehensive view that will be generational including the restructuring of the banks to get the economy moving. more of an emphasis of how we're going to deal with the iranian regime trying to implode it beneath the people's aspirations for freedom and how to stop the federal judiciary to enforce its views on families and communities that are trying to continue to impart their own moral teachings to their
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children and amongst themselves. >> you have a new book out called "seize freedom" so people can check that out to learn more about you as well. we've been doing this lightning round sort of thing with some of the candidates who have announced they want to become president. if you would oblige me to ask you some of the similar questions we've asked others. i want to start with the debt ceiling and the debt limit. of course, that's top of mind this week as the president will meet now again with members of congress. in your mind, should we raise the debt limit cleanly or should there be strings attached? >> cut cap and balance. >> so you would -- do you agree with most of the g.o.p. candidates, then? >> yes. >> yes. ok. we'll be really lightning on this. all right. >> you said lightning. >> here i go. a big bailout or not? >> no. >> no. auto bailout or not? >> yes. >> now, i know you disagree with governor romney on that. you're both from the state of michigan where the car business is huge. why do you think the bailout was a good idea? >> well, i disagree with the wall street bailout not only
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because it failed but it was unjust redistribution of wealth up. when you have that situation, you cannot allow america's manufacturing base to decline and go down many we have to be a nation that produces, that farms, that manufactures. if not, then we're going to simply be another mall in the age of globalization. >> another huge issue on the minds of voters is health care. so do you like obamacare or massachusetts care? federal vs. state? >> i don't like either one because both mass care and obamacare were based on the concept of comparative effectiveness research which is very inhumane and allows the government bureaucrat to determine whether you get treatment or not. as to its badng for the buck an your quality of life. it should be patient center wellness and supply side reforms put in place. >> let's say you get the nomination and you only have two choices to pick for vice president. they happened to be michelle bachmann, the congresswoman from minnesota or the former governor of alaska, sarah palin. who would be your choice? >> well, i'm not going to presume the nomination and i
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also am smart enough not to jump in the middle of that. >> ok. so you like them both, i guess. and finally, who is your favorite guitarist? this is a special question just for you because i don't think we asked huntsman this question. since you play the guitar, who is your favorite? >> well, huntsman is a keyboard player so he needs to use one hand, you know. hendrix is the best guitar player ever. i like to listen to keith, like george harrison. >> all right. that part of it humanizes you so much when you get up on stage and whip out the guitar so glad to showcase you for our viewers today. congressman from michigan, thadeus mccotter. great to see you. >> thanks. >> coming up, our next guests have harsh words for the casey anthony jurors. people with this kind of judgment shouldn't have a driver's license? mark fuhrman, the top cop in the o.j. case here with that headline next. but first on this date in history in 1970, the jackson five had the number one hit, "the love you say." [ female announcer ] ever wish vegetables
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didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. [ announcer ] who could resist the call... of america's number-one puppy food brand? with dha and essential nutrients alsoound in mother milk. purina puppy chow.
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>> answer is geoffry rush and the winner is susan from illinois. congratulations. >> not guilty of the crime of murder. >> as to the charge of first degree murder, verdict as to count 1, we the jury find the defendant not guilty. >> that was the verdict yesterday many people were reminded of when casey anthony was acquitted yesterday. both high profile murder cases with a slew of evidence. but a jury couldn't be convinced in either case. o.j. or casey anthony.
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so are juries still reliable? is that the best we can do? mark fuhrman, the head detective in the o.j. simpson case joins us live right now from idaho. mark, what do you think of this jury? >> well, i don't think -- i don't know the jurors but i can tell you their decision was not based on actually looking at the evidence and being reasonable in their expectations of just exactly what they should see and what they can see. they wanted more and they thought that was reasonable doubt. the cause of death, because the suspect successfully disposed of the body in a manner that there was no ability for the medical examiner to determine cause of death, i don't think the defendant should be rewarded. in this case, she was. >> sure. well, you know, the thing is just like with the o.j. simpson case and there are a lot of parallels here in the o.j. simpson case, as you know, there was d.n.a. evidence, there was blood from his victims in o.j.
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simpson's truck and they turned the other way and they said he's not guilty just like yesterday, there's a mountain of evidence, a lot of it circumstantial pointing toward her guilt and yet, they said nope, can't do it. >> well, they didn't do it. it's not that they can't do it. you know, i look at this and we can compare o.j. simpson and this trial but o.j. simpson had baggage. people are going to say that i brought baggage. people are going to say that conduct of the forensic investigators at the scene were going to bring baggage. well, this case didn't have any of that. this case didn't have racial overtones. this case really in -- and it was almost in a vacuum of your average case when the victim is missing and a close family member where forensics and d.n.a. in the home environment really means very little. so it's all the crime scene. so the crime scene's deteriorated and this jury had an unreasonable expectation of
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just exactly what forensics and i hear a lot of people talking about the impact of all these crime shows. i agree. well, here's another impact. when you take that tv into a courtroom and you start making people look at these trials in a way that there's a higher level of scrutiny and interest, i think there's a bar that becomes raised for the jury to find guilt. >> excellent point. >> it's really unfortunate. i just -- i cannot believe, i cannot believe that they looked at the same case as the rest -- this isn't -- this isn't the media's fault. this is the jury's fault. they did not look at it. >> all right. mark fuhrman who knows something about juries joining us from idaho. thank you very much. there you go. all right, meanwhile, straight ahead on "fox & friends" for this wednesday, the stimulus was supposed to create jobs but it ended up costing you the taxpayer a lot of money.
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our panel will break it down straight ahead plus the very latest from florida in the casey anthony verdict. the stronger the rapids, the more we loved it. took some wild risks when i was young. but i was still taking a risk with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren't enough for me. i stopped kidding myself. i've been eating healthier, exercising more, and now i'm also taking lipitor. if you've been kidding yourself about high cholesterol, stop. along with diet, lipitor has been shown to lower bad cholesterol to 60 percent.
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lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patits who have heart diase or risk factors for heart disease. [ female annncer ] lipitor is not for evyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if y are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. lets go... haha. if you have high cholesterol, you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk a about lipitor.
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inside all of us is a compass and it always points true north. toward mountains of sand. townew sights and sensations. toward the true bounty of nure so let's set our compass for traverse city and find ourselves. in the magic, and the moments of pure michigan. your trip begins at >> gretchen: good morning, everyone. hope we're going to have a great wednesday. it's july 6. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for choosing "fox & friends." a shocking not guilty verdict and wait until you hear what the immediate future could hold for casey anthony. could she be a free woman by the end of the day? >> steve: that's not the only jaw dropper. geraldo said casey anthony is a
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good mom. >> the record is conclusive. this was a good mother. you see the video. >> bull! >> steve: okay. bill o'reilly doesn't agree with him. geraldo joins us live to explain his thinking, straight ahead. >> brian: seriously? and a wall of dust thousands of feet high rolling through a major u.s. city. the cloud so strong, knocked out power, grounded flights. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> gretchen: welcome. hope you're going to have a great wednesday. a lot of people stunned by the not guilty verdict in the casey anthony trial. we'll be talking about that with geraldo rivera who has been making headlines of his own. >> steve: let's take a look, the "new york times" has a picture of casey anthony right there on the cover holding the hands of her defense team on the cover of the new york post.
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why casey was acquitted, says -- that she was a good mom. plus, andrea peyser says o. j. simpson lives in orlando. and here on the cover of the daily news, no justice. mom skates in death of little caylee. >> brian: i cannot wait to hear from the jurors because little by little, i'm sure we'll get their perspective. we'll hear from an alternate. but how they felt as though they case was not proven and there were too many questions. >> gretchen: we'll probably here from the jurors when there is money. >> brian: possibly. they gave two months of their lives. >> gretchen: now the other stories making headlines. james whitey bulger will be arraigned in a boston courtroom for his alleged role in 19 murders. the 81-year-old former bostonner will be represented by a court-appointed attorney. bulger says he's too broke to have a lawyer even though he was busted with $800,000 in his
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apartment. dominique strauss-kahn will meet with investigators today.: he's set to countersue a french author who accused him of trying to rape her eight years ago in his apartment. seven americans still missing after the boat they were on sunk. the family members left with nothing to do but wait and worry. >> just thinking about not being with him, it's horrible. i have to hold on to that. i have to hold on that there is hope. >> gretchen: she says her husband organized the trip in the gulf of california, something he did every fourth of july. also missing, mark, the 62-year-old was supposed to get married next month. one man was found already dead. new video of an airplane trying to land now in the middle
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of a massive dust storm. it all happened yesterday with this cloud of dust blanketing phoenix, arizona. the storm delaying flights, knocking out power to thousands of people. take a look at some pictures of a dust wall. at one point it reached 10,000 feet. it moved at 60 miles per hour. amazing photo. unfortunately, it looks really pretty, but it's not. >> brian: it's scary. >> gretchen: that was a cloud. orlando jury handing down a stunning verdict in the casey anthony trial, handing down a not guilty verdict. >> brian: joining us with the latest is the anchor of geraldo at large, geraldo rivera. welcome. your reaction when word came down that this verdict -- there would not be a conviction of the murder charges? >> brian, i said in three words. this is jesse, this is the man
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who was the defactofferer of caylee marie. jesse has kindly and at the last moment consented to go on. i said oh, my god, brian, because i believed she would be convicted of something. i always thought the state had hugely overreached. i was extremely critical of the d.a. for trying to kill this woman for killing her child. i thought it was way overdone. murder 2 i thought was way excessive. i thought we would get a manslaughter conviction which would be reversed on appeal. if i may bring in jesse here, and jesse, if you would tell our audience, they met you and your dad, richard, who kindly consented to go on my program over the long months and years of this. your reaction to seeing your former fiance, casey anthony, basically walking free from the charge that she murdered the
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little girl you loved so dearly. >> first, thanks for having me on. this has come full circle for me. you're the first i did an interview. i still feel like i got kicked in the stomach yesterday. i'm shocked and angry about what happened because it doesn't feel like there was justice done in the courtroom. >> at whom are you angry? >> angry at everyone who is responsible for her walking out of that courtroom. there are multiple parties who are responsible for her walking out of that courtroom. i'm angry at all of them. i'm angry at the prosecution for putting on a case that i believe they took a wrong step at the very beginning, that's just my personal opinion. >> in what sense? relying on the scenes? >> no. they're opening statement was about the loving, wonderful home that caylee was growing up in and that casey wanted to pull her out of. >> you saw a different version of that home? >> absolutely. and i think the american public saw a different version. a carnival of dysfunctionallity that occurred. there was no loving home there. i'm not questioning whether or
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not everyone loved caylee. i know they did. but you have a lot of dysfunctional individuals. it was almost like she never stood a chance. >> given the fact, and i think that our audience has to hear this -- given the fact that you were an eyewitness to the dysfunction of the malignant dysfunction in that family, don't you think it's possible that your fiance was totally screwed up by her environment and that her lying and her partying and her inappropriate behavior and the hideously sickening way she responded after the child went missing could be attributed in part to that environment that you saw up close and personally? >> i believe that her nature was nurtured from that household. it was very rough for her being around everyone there. so i totally agree. what i really hope is that if mr. baez talked about the fact that casey has issues and needs help, that when she gets out, if it's thursday, that's the first thing they do is get her some help. >> now, i am of the opinion that there is no way, shape, or form
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that this woman could ever go back to that house. i think that people who suggest that she can live with her mother totally have no idea of exactly what a hell hole that was for her emotionally and psychologically. i think that she has to get out of here. she has to go someplace. she has to start anew. maybe find redemption in some spiritual avenue. >> i think she needs a lot more than just redemption. and i agree with you wholeheartedly, i just got done saying to someone else that she's not going back to that hell hole. she can't. that adversarial relationship between her and cindy has grown to such a peak, there is no way they can live under the same house. >> go ahead. >> brian: i would like to ask jesse, number one, does he feel that she got away with murder and does she feel that there is somebody in that house that knows the story as well as she knows the story?
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>> two quick questions. i'll ask them at the same time. if casey anthony didn't kill caylee marie, who did and who is that baby's father, jesse? >> the second question, i don't really have an answer to. >> isn't that amazing that no one has an answer and no one has probed who this baby's daddy is. >> sadly, i'm the only one that can ever call myself father to caylee. >> i agree with that. the second question, if she didn't do it, who did? >> i think it's obvious that the last person to see caylee alive was casey and -- >> why is that obvious to you? >> all the evidence points to that. there is no other person that saw her anywhere else other than leaving the house, having caylee and suddenly not having her. >> what was her motive? why would she kill this child -- first of all, was she a good mother? >> yes, absolutely. >> wait. i want to make that point because i have been pillaried by various media who have been jabbing at me because i say there is not piece of evidence
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that says she was an abusive mother, that child was well cared for, nurtured. did caylee marie love casey anthony? >> absolutely. as any child loves her mother especially at that age. there was no neglect -- from what anyone saw, abuse. maybe she was not financially supporting her. cindy was doing all the financial supporting. but that was enabling casey to do what she was doing, which is sit around the house and do nothing. obviously not have is a job. in regards to who killed caylee, i still believe casey was the last one to see her alive and that beautiful, precious little girl is all of a sudden in a garbage bag dumped in a swamp. so how did we get from point a to point b? >> you and think that casey anthony acted alone and for what reason? to go party on orange avenue? >> i disagree with everyone who thinks that she benefited from not having caylee in her life because the fact is, caylee gave her worth. caylee made her behavior acceptable to those around her. she was partying as it was.
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she was going out all the time. how was caylee stopping that? >> i agree. thank you. >> steve: jesse just exonerated you. we've got a snippet from last night's o'reilley factor where bernie goldberg takes a shot at you and we wanted your reaction before you left today. we're going to play it. >> i wonder if geraldo and others who think like geraldo would be so open minded if let's say a militia man in arizona was accused of killing a hispanic immigrant and the evidence was similar to this case, a mountain of circumstantial evidence. do you think geraldo rivera would go on the air and talk to you the way he did? >> steve: let's ask geraldo rivera. >> i think what bernie goldberg just did was an attack that has no basis in the relevant facts
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and circumstances of this case. he's clearly not a lawyer. he's an ideological person and i really am extremely annoyed at it. he has his right to say anything he wants to. but i am a lawyer. that's what makes me different than a bernie goldberg. he's an opinion middle easter who spins -- meister who spins things whether it's right or left. i'm telling you that evidence showed this mother was a good evidence. the forensics stunk. they were amateur and in many ways to quote jose baez, another maligned person in this. they were fantasy forensics, and my god, their standard of proof here is beyond and to the exclusion of all reasonable doubt. if the militia man committed a crime and the evidence was as sketchy as this and he was acquitted, then i could opine on it. i could say oh, my god, i am disappointed by it it, but to make that attack on the lawyer is blaming the messenger for the
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bad behavior. >> gretchen: will the judge sentence her to any more prison time at all, geraldo? >> i think if it were any other woman, gretchen, if any other defendant in the same circumstance she would walk free at the end of this week for time served. she's been in jail for three years in isolation, 23 hours a day. she would walk free. i don't think that will happen here and i also don't think she should be on the streets because the safest place for her right now, because of the attitude of people like bernie goldberg, is so dangerous that she has to stay in an environment where she's protected and then when she has someplace to go, i think jose and his wife will help provide her with counseling she needs and steer her in the right direction. >> steve: geraldo rivera with an exclusive interview with casey anthony ace ex-fiance. >> gretchen: coming up, political version of the "jersey shore." democrats say he wants to punch governor kristy in the head.
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>> brian: is that a good use of our money , considering jobs were temporary? our panel already arguing over it now. some aren't even speaking.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ look at that car, well, it goes fast ♪ ♪ givin' my dad a heart attack ♪ [ friend ] that is so awesome. ♪ i love my car [ engine revving ] [ male announcer ] that first chevy, yea, it gets under your skin. ♪
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>> gretchen: welcome back. we told you about a new report by white house economists that show president obama's stimulus program actually cost $278,000 per job. this morning the white house disputing its own numbers, saying it's based on only partial information. so joining me on our political panel is the author of the novel and advisor, and editor for commentary magazine. good to see all three of you. >> hi. >> gretchen: kelly, because $278,000 per job, some taxpayers would raise their hand and say, i want my money back. >> absolutely. myself included. i've often said the reason we can't get a balanced budget is because people can't do math. the same is true for journalism. and i'm speaking for myself because i went back and looked at my numbers and the weekly standard took the lower numbers
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as opposed to the higher one. so that threw off this analysis a little bit. i think that could be part of the problem that's going on and the white house seems to agree. >> i think you can never treat these this science because we don't know what happened. the goal wasn't actually how much it cost to preserve each job. it's to keep the demand up in the economy. the bottom line for me would be that we needed some packages of stimulus. we had a number of them. none were perfect by any means. you end up wrapping up political policies that you want and call them stimulus and stick them in there. but in the end, we needed to do something. we were facing a very dangerous economic situation. it was better that we had stimulus than not. >> gretchen: i'm interested in what you think about the gop's plan. >> the gop's plan right now has several components, some are just basically poll tested nonsense and some are sort of serious growth efforts. but the truth is that the condition of the economy requires a very serious
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commitment to long-term economic growth. the only way that jobs will be created seriously, not through government fiat and direct government spending, which is what the stimulus was, is for there to be general economic growth. and what you don't see from either party is a sustained effort to create economic growth. not in the public sector, which is unproductive. >> gretchen: are you all agreeing then that if there had been no stimulus, even if it cost $278,000 a job, that the economy would have been worse? >> i don't think that there is any way to know what would have happened. >> gretchen: you wouldn't advocate more stimulus now? >> this is an astonishingly ineffective use of government funds, even if the number of $278,000 is overstated, let's say $190,000 per job, that's preposterous, and remember, that money only is spent and only works as long as the stimulus
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exists. if these jobs are not continually funded, they go away again. >> gretchen: or the state ends up having to try and fund them. >> each individual state. >> gretchen: final thought? >> the white house also pointed out that a lot of this went toward infrastructure. if you're building a factory, that creates long-term jobs as opposed to one job. i think that got lost in the analysis. >> if you build a bridge, the bridge is completed, you don't build a second bridge on top of it. >> gretchen: bottom line is we have a whole new set of challenges. >> the biggest one being araphic situation in our country. >> gretchen: on the table this week with the president and congress. kelly, maya, john, thanks for your analysis. coming up on the show, the teachers union asking teachers to shell out ten bucks to support democratic candidates. that $10 from you, the taxpayer. a teacher who says enough is enough. shows like csi to blame for casey anthony being let off the hook? we will ask a prosecutor who
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tried close to 50 murder cases, every one of them she got a conviction. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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introducing purina one beyond a new food for your cat or dog.
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>> brian: she is in a class of the few and the proud. this past month, laurie reynolds became the first female commander of the marine corps' recruiting depot in paris island, south carolina. and now she's also one of three active duty female generals in the marines. joining us, brig dear general laurie reynolds. congratulations, general, for what you've achieved in your career. what does it mean to you to be in charge of paris island? >> it's quite an honor, brian. it has a legendary stature in the marine corps. it's a blessing. >> brian: you have 1600 marines basically under your command.
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correct? >> there is more than that. so i wear a hat as both commanding general at paris island, but all the recruiters of the united states. >> brian: that's when people who sign up to be a marine become marines. what could you tell us about the training and the focus of young men and women who come to paris island, how they come and how they leave? >> well, we do our best to recruit the finest young men and women that we can find throughout the united states and then when we get them to paris island, we work them day by day to transform them every day into good citizens. at the end of the day, it's culminated in 54-hour crucible event where they are transformed into united states marines. it's an amazing thing to see. >> brian: so is your career amazing because your not from a military family. what made you join the marines back in 1986? >> i was at the naval academy and i looked around at what i
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saw at the academy and i was just struck by the marine officers. i just wanted to do the hardest thing that i could do and i looked around and i said, i want to be a marine. >> brian: what about being first, the first female this, the first female that, now the first female general brig dear what, does that mean? >> it's an honor. i mean, i certainly didn't set out in my career to be the first of anything. i just wanted to be as good as the marines i saw around me because that's what our marines deserve. >> brian: you know about history, that's what you taught at the academy and that's what you teach men and women to find out where they're from and what they've achieved. how proud are you of this generation of marines and what they've accomplished in iraq and afghanistan? >> they are extraordinary, both them and their families for what we've asked them to do and what they willingly do for us every day. they are absolutely extraordinary. >> brian: as soon as fallujah started to calm down, they said, get me out of here, get me in
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afghanistan. what is it about the mentality of the people that you train that want to be in the action like that? >> marines are always going to want to go. they're always going to move to the sound of the guns. that's where we are best, that's where the nation needs us. >> brian: how concerned are you that these politics play ago role in budget cuts that could affect the people that serve each and every day and put their lives on the line for this country? >> well, we're going to make wise decisions in the marine corps. we're always going to take care of what our nation needs to do and we'll work through that and we're going to end up just as strong as we've always been in the united states marine corps. >> brian: recruiting still strong, correct? >> absolutely. >> brian: all volunteer force, congratulations. i know your family and everybody else must be so proud of you. >> thanks very much. >> brian: now you got to go yell at some young kids. thanks so much. coming up straight ahead, are shows like csi to blame for casey anthony being let off? we'll ask a prosecutor who tried close to 50 murder cases, every
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one of them ended in convictions and it's a nice day if you can get it. a prison worker earning more than $800,000 a year in this broke state of california. that's not the biggest scandal. plus, don't mess with this woman. you'll get a shoe in the face. what sparked the brawl straight ahead. [ female announcer ] ever wish vegetables didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. fiber one. h, forgot jack cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um...
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the possibilities are endless. interesting... save up to 50% this tuesday and wednesday only. be smart. book smart. >> steve: the jury in the casey anthony trial found the florida mom not guilty in the murder of her two-year-old daughter, caylee. some believe that the prosecution never stood a chance given the expectations set by some of hollywood's crime shows like "csi."
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>> i analyze the black selections you pulled from the dead guy's head, the material came from a sponge, synthetic, like this one. >> that explains it. >> gretchen: how do prosecutors cope with what's being deemed the csi effect, especially with a case like casey anthony? let's ask homicide prosecutor anna. she's tried close to 50 murder cases, all of which resulted in convictions. you got a good track record. >> i have been fortunate. >> brian: csi to blame? >> i don't know if it's fair to say that, but it definitely changed the playing field of trials. crimes have been committed as long as we've been walking around the earth, but i think now when you watch tv and you see cases being proven by laser beams, can prove which way the bullet came in, you look at the type face that someone is typing, this is what jurors are used to seeing and i think they sometimes unreasonably expect that in the courtroom because these aren't made for tv movies. >> steve: on television, it's over in an hour.
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here they sit through 33 days of testimony and a couple of days of summation and it's like, man, this is going a long time and it's dull. >> yeah. they're like, where is what i saw on tv? i don't have the blockbuster piece of dna that proves it all. i think unfairly, that's what people are expecting. >> steve: then we're in trouble. >> we're in trouble, but it's a double-edged sword. we're in trouble, but i still believe in the jury system. as much as i was surprised and disappointed in this verdict as anyone, i respect the jury system and those were the 12 people that were chosen to make this decision. they had to work with what they were given and how they interacted with one another, those 12 people. the break i asked you if you would have done anything differently as a prosecutor because you had this string of convictions and you said not really. but one thing that hasn't been discussed a lot is the jury selection. sometimes analysts will say, hey, this case is over based on who is just on the jury and you
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said to that? >> it really is an art, jury selection. it really is because -- and you have a certain amount of time and it's never enough time that you have to sit there and talk to people and you ask them a number of questions or read what they wrote on a questionnaire and decide, this is a person who is going to be able to be open minded, use their common sense and be able to parcel out what is nonsense and what they should be looking at. a lot of times that is true. that is the art of the game, if you will. it's who you get on that jury and hopefully someone that doesn't come into this already swayed one side or the other, expecting something that isn't realistic, which ever the way they ultimately go. >> brian: you said i'm disappointed like many people. is it because you're a prosecutor and naturally go for the prosecution or you looked at this case as a professional and said, my goodness, this girl is guilty? >> i hope it's not just because i'm a prosecutor. as a prosecutor isn't my job to get convictions, it's hopefully to get the right result, the truth. i watched most of this trial and
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i think both as a citizen and i'm sure my experience as a prosecutor goes -- i saw how they laid it out. this is a circumstantial case. there isn't going to be dna in this case when a little girl's body was decomposing for months. you aren't going to get fingerprints. this wasn't a case that was in front of people. casey anthony never told people, at least that we know of, that she committed it. so it's not maybe the type of case that people see on tv. the jury had to do some more work. they had to put the pieces of the puzzle together. >> steve: although this particular case did get a lot of coverage on cable tv and for that reason, that's one of the reasons the judge sequestered the jury. so you got these people holed up in a hotel, they worked through the weekends, god bless them, they worked on the fourth of july. at the end of the day, don't you find in cases like that, the jury is going, okay. we've seen everything. let's just get this over with, and that would explain why it took them ten hours?
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>> i hope they certainly didn't do a rush to judgment. >> they didn't want any testimony, which again, like you said, this is almost six weeks of testimony. i feel that it was gone over and over, so hopefully they just had such a grasp and they lived it and breathed it every day and night and they just got it. >> gretchen: i just find it fascinating because if anybody -- maybe i'm not exactly correct, but it seems like the majority of the public thought that she had some guilt in this. the idea that 12 people and maybe the four alternates as well could all come to -- that not one person said, wait a minute. i actually think she is guilty, wouldn't have been a mistrial if one person said that? >> although i think the prosecution i sought murder 1 as proof beyond a reasonable doubt. they had other choices. they had manslaughter or criminally negligent and you didn't even end up with at least one person saying, wait a
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minute. i'm going to hold out and at least let the state try it again. >> brian: what do the prosecutors do? we know the lead prosecutor retired. so he's going to be -- what is the state going to do? >> i don't think they're going to do much. they believed in their case. it's not like you get a not guilty verdict and you go to the next person. they believed in this. they believed in her guilt and a lot of people talked about well, what about the anthonys, cindy, do you charge her with perjury and i say no. >> steve: why not? >> she's guilty of it. i think but here you have to show some compassion. >> steve: you say she's guilty of it. >> she is. >> steve: isn't our system you got to be able to trust, when a person sits down in the chair -- >> brian: roger clemens. >> steve: and he's in trouble this week. but if you sit down and swear on a bible, you got to tell the truth. otherwise where are we? >> your position is fair and overall, i agree with you. i think there are some times as a prosecutor that we have to use our discretion and i think that we ask people to come in here and she gave incredibly
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devastating evidence against her daughter. i think some of the most powerful -- >> gretchen: so just real quickly before you go, the reaction that the parents had to casey anthony when the verdict was read, how did you read that? >> i think it speaks volumes that they got up and walked out. these are people in their heart of hearts, they know their daughter committed this crime and although the mother got on the stand and tried to save her daughter's life, they still at the end of the day know their granddaughter is dead. i believe they think at the hands of their daughter. >> brian: we label this unsolved, close the folder and move on, i guess. >> apparently so. >> steve: there you go. thank you very much. >> gretchen: the rest of your headlines. republicans are blasting the obama administration for bringing a somali terror suspect to face trial in a civilian court. the suspect is accused of being part of the al-qaeda linked group al shabob. he was interrogated for two months on a u.s. navy ship before he was flown here.
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>> brian: go georgia investigators say many students cheated on tests to make themselves more eligible for state money. 82 have confessed. superintendent beverly hall resigned last month. she said the probed result would be alarming. >> gretchen: steven sweeney going off on governor kristy. he said, quote, this is all about him being a bully and a punk. i wanted to punch him in his head. you know who he reminds me of? mr. potter from it's it's a wonderful life ," the mean old blank who screws everybody. >> brian: i remember that movie. >> gretchen: a spokesman for the governor fired back saying the words are inappropriate and disof theful to the governor's office. >> brian: by the way, they had worked together before and got along. if you think tempers are
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flairing in congress over the debt limit, look how two female members of afghanistan's parliament settle their differences. right. they both threw lefty shoes. no translation necessary. we're pretty sure they're saying something like you throw a shoe at me, i'll throw a water bottle at you. they want to kick karzai out of office because he set up a special court to investigate allegations of fraud in the parliamentary elections. welcome to democracy. it's messy and could hurt a lot. a lot of swell not guilty parliament. >> steve: good job with the simultaneous translation. >> brian: thanks, it's a gift. i try to keep all my talents to myself and i've done a very good job. no one can see any of them. >> gretchen: maybe you're talented at math because you have to be very talented to figure out how the heck california will come out of their state budget crisis.
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so here is something else that might get you steamed about the amount of money that the california's chief prison psychiatrist has made. 838,706 in 2010. >> steve: that's crazy! even for a psychiatrist? >> brian: his salary is about $300,000. but he cashed his sick days and comp days and ends up with $836,000 salary. that is absolutely outrageous, especially to bart in california. you're good at translating bart's words to english. >> steve: bart says that is outrageous. i live in california, i'm disabled, but was denied benefits. my oldest son is autistic and we have to fight every month for him to keep his benefits. now these doctors are cashing in on vacation time. give me a break! please. >> gretchen: joe in michigan says if you don't use your vacation, that's a choice, you
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shouldn't get to cash in your unused vacation for a payday. if i don't lose mine, i lose it. that's usually how it is for a private company. but most state jobs work the opposite way where you get paid for unused time. >> brian: everyone has pension deals and cutting new deals with their unions, from ohio, to florida, to wisconsin, it's time for california to get used to the same deal. coming up straight ahead, there was a collective gasp outside the courtroom when casey was let off the hook. but our next guest wasn't shocked at all. she was happy. you will hear from her. >> steve: and the teachers union charging teachers $10 each for a crisis fund to support messaging before the election. up next, a teacher who says she'll be all right without no stinking union. got to hear from them. yotake any surce, and place it between the earth's
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justice down upon it. oh. please sign that card for carl. ♪call 1-800-steemer.
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you've done racy go dad commercials before. yeah, but this is over-the-top. thank you. wee here to promote godaddy. not a part of some crazy stunt. well, we're contractually obligated. [ both sigh ♪ go daddy girls coming to set!
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...aaand everybody's staring. ♪ go daddy [ male announcer ] see more now -- at inside all of us is a compass and it always points true north. toward mountains of sand. townew sights and sensations. toward the true bounty of nure so let's set our compass for traverse city and find ourselves. in the magic, and the moments of pure michigan. your trip begins at >> gretchen: fox news alert. new video of roger clemens arriving at federal court in washington, d.c he's charged with perjury and making false statements to congress. he's accused of lying about taking steroids and human growth hormones during his major league pitching career.
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he could get 30 years in prison if convicted. it's got beautiful flowers, but this giant monster is downright dangerous. the giant hog weed spreading in the northern united states. its sap can leave with you third degree burns on your skin and you can go blind if you get your eyes in that stuff. watch out. steve? >> steve: thanks. in 2008, president obama received unwavering support from labor unions and 2012 appears to be no different. this past weekend, the national education association endorsed president obama really early. then they increased their members' dues by $10 a person to help for their crisis fund, which would help with messaging before the election. lizzie is a high school teacher and former president of her local nea and joins us live right now from lexington, kentucky. good morning to you, lesley. >> good morning. >> steve: okay. so you were the local nea president for a number of years,
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but you cut your strings to that organization because why? >> for exactly what we just heard this week. the support, the continual support of candidates constantly on the left side, on the liberal side and very little support, if ever, any on the republican or even a moderate candidate. >> steve: sure. in fact, some have suggested that the nea really is a wing, political wing of the democratic party. lesley, do you ever remember, and you've been a teacher for a very long time -- you ever remember the nea supporting a republican? >> in my recollection, i can only -- i believe one time. i would consider that republican a moderate. not a conservative by any means. >> steve: sure. >> that was at the local level. >> steve: absolutely. at the national level, they have
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now endorsed the president of the united states for his reelection and they're going to dock all the teachers ten bucks. they're going to put that into a crisis fund so they can use that for messaging before the election. there have got to be, lesley, a lot of teachers out there who don't like the idea of their money going to support a candidate they don't support. >> certainly. a lot of the reason why teachers will join nea in the first place really is not about political -- there is not political reasoning. it's generally they offer liability insurance in this day and age, $1 million worth, which is really important to teachers, and then also teachers do want a voice. they do want a voice about their benefits, about salary. but really for the most part from what i've seen and my experience, they're not in it to actually get out there and
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endorse these candidates. >> steve: yeah. so are you saying the teachers union should be in the business of representing teachers regarding teachers' things and get out of the politics business? >> yes. i do understand that there has to be some involvement on a political level just like as individuals we need to have some involvement. but this is way overboard. it's too much. a third of the money that nea takes in in dues goes back to the states to serve directors and to go channel straight into politics. >> steve: yeah. that is a lot of money. lesley moyer joining us from lexington, kentucky. thank you very much for sharing your point of view. >> thank you. >> steve: by the way, we did reach out to the nea for comment. they didn't get back to us. what do you think? e-mail us. meanwhile, 12 minutes before the
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top of the hour. there was shock and anger outside the courtroom when casey anthony was let off the hook of murder. our next guest wasn't shocked at all. she was happy. we'll hear from her coming up. first, let's check in with bill hemmer for a preview of what happens on this channel in 11 minutes. >> good morning. great show today. big meeting that will determine america's fiscal future. more on that with dana perino. are the big jets in america the big problem, america? a great line - up on the casey anthony fallout today. pirro and geraldo and the judge, we'll see you in ten minutes on "america's newsroom." [ grunts ]
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[ male announcer ] built like a volkswagen. the 2011 tigua [ grunts ]
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>> brian: shock and outrage as people outside the orlando courtroom, 500 strong, learn the jury sided with the defense,
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learning casey anthony did not murder her daughter. this morning alternate juror is speaking out about why. >> big question was the prosecution did not answer why, how did caylee die? and that was a big factor and i think a lot of our decisions. it also showed that something with george anthony, casey's father, he was definitely hiding something. one thing that the prosecution failed to do was they did not show motive. what would have driven a reasonably good mother to do such an action? they could -- i don't think they overcame that. >> steve: joining us live is jennifer, a consultant for the casey anthony defense team. you're sure the jury made the right call, but you've got to be surprised. right? why the right call? >> i'll tell you why, because this was a jury who applied the law very properly and basically
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just passionately looked at the evidence without their emotions involved. if you do that, what happens is -- i think you heard it from the alternate what, will happen is they're trying to find probable cause for a murder. so without saying who did it, if you can't prove murder, then you can't start to look for a murderer. all the stuff we were talking about, the tape, the chloroform, they probably didn't even get to talking about that because they just said, stop before we get into the evidence about who did it, did anything happen? did they prove it was a murder and not an accident? i think that's probably where they got hung up. >> brian: you, along with somebody else who was involved with the defense, said the same thing, we know something happened and we know she was the last one -- we know the way she acted after. and being that there is no video, there is no hard core proof or dna, shouldn't a juror be instructed to put two and two together? >> they are, and a lot of times circumstantial cases win. often. this is not as common as people
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are saying it is. it's very rare that you get a jury this impartial, especially with this amount of emotion in this case. it was tragic. so when you have the death of a child, to have a jury who will look at it just and apply the law without thinking about all the ramifications and what happened, it's rare. i'm proud of them. i'm a little shocked. i was worried when they came in so quickly. >> brian: because? >> steve: you're not the only one shocked. >> i thought for this case, normally it's good when a death penalty case comes in early for the defense because they usually take a little bit longer when the stakes are that high, but in this case, given the media attention, i thought coming in early was bad for us. >> steve: do you feel that casey anthony is innocent regarding the death of her daughter? >> you know, i'll just say this, i think the jury coming in with a not guilty verdict does not in any way meaning they thought she was innocent of anything. it means the state couldn't prove their case.
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>> steve: do you think like the alternate said, something about the dad, there is just something going on in that family. do you think something went on there? >> i think everybody knows that she was involved in some way, probably was an accident. that was our contention, that it was an accident. but yeah. she had to be involved because she didn't tell the truth for a matter of days after the death apparently. so yes, she's involved in some way. had they not overcharged the case, they might have gotten a guilty verdict. >> brian: you're a consultant to the casey anthony defense team. did she ever tell you what happened? >> i can't tell you that. >> steve: but do you know? >> no, i don't ask those questions of my client. >> brian: we would. >> i know you would. >> brian: jennifer, thanks so much for your insight. i appreciate it. >> steve: we're going to wrap things up in two minutes. stick around. more "fox & friends." not only kills fleas and tick
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[ female announcer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. great ride down. if you have high cholesterol, you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk and about lipitor. >> gretchen: been a busy day today with the casey anthony verdict. but tomorrow on "fox & friends," presidential candidate tim pawlenty will be here. congressman paul ryan, and michelle malkin will join us. >> brian: that will be great. i'll be off for two days but i want you two to come to work. >> steve: will you call us? >> brian: yes, from the yacht club, an exotic location. >> gretchen: don't give away all your secrets. >> steve: whdon't we set up a skype thing so we can talk to you. >> brian: i don't trust those computers. >> steve: have a safe couple of


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