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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  July 7, 2011 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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that's where he is always. from new york, goo >> welcome to red eye. i'm greg gutfeld. let's go to tv's andy levy for the pregame report. >> our stoptop story, captain america is being dropped from the title of captain america the first avenger in three countries. but is one of those countries america? >> no. in retrospect, that was a stupid tease. my bad. plus, a prisoner sued the state of michigan over his right to have porn in prison. and president obama hosts a first ever twitter town hall. what john boehner. did the president win the internet? >> thank you, andy. happy international kidnapping
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day. >> sometimes i think you are saying these things to get me to do weird stuff. >> just passing on information. >> at 4:00 a.m. at voicemail? >> excuse me for wanting to wake you up with a smile. >> it just startled my red-headed bich. >> oh, you have a bird? >> no. she's so hot she can fry an ant by staring it. anna gilligan. well, he's hilarious, gorgeous and sensitive. but enough about damon wayne. sherrod small. >> that hurt. >> he puts the louse in fabulous, it is my repulsive sidekick. she's he's so tough, nails sleep on a bed of mike baker. mike baker, former cia operative and the makers of diligence leg warmers and egg timers. when you see the name
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intellidiligence, think leg warmers and egg timers. doesn't work for you? no. anyway. he's losing prescriptions and having coniptions. be sure to read michael d. here is's full account of president obama's live up-to-the-second twitter town hall and the immediate feedback, stiemz sometime tomorrow morning when the paper is delivered on your porch, maybe seven-ish. unless have you scott as a paper boy, then you will be lucky to get it at noon. >> he's out all night. >> scott likes to burn the candle at both ends, as they say. >> literally. >> that's why they call him double agent scott. >> why did he have to go the extra step? they yank the yank. marvel comic, captain america storms into movie theaters around the world later this
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month. around most of the world, anyway. in three countries, people will be seeing the same flick with the same hero but with a different title, a shorter title, a less american title. yes, when moviegoers in rushia, ukraine and south korea check out steve rogers fighting nazis, they will see a film called the first avenger. what gives? marvel and paramount studios are not commenting. but a source tells the new york times it was made for reasons of culture and politics, in addition to brand awareness. >> in russia and ukraine, the captain america brand is not as strong as it is in other foreign countries. and surprise, surprise. anti-american sentiment in all of these countries plays a role, particularly in south korea, where many younger people resent the presence of the u.s. military. they would rather be part of north korea. i don't know. this makes me as angry as a cute, angry kitten.
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[chuckles] [growling] >> me too, angry kitten. i am just as outraged as you are over this segment that we i trying to get through. what is this about? is about hating america? >> first of all, russia, didn't we win the cold war? south korea, didn't we fight for you to be free? and ukraine has been weak since that episode on a game board. so maybe we should tell them to call it whatever they want to call it. but when they get in to see the movie, it's "sex in the city 2." >> that's almost an act of war. >> why reward them? i mean, what?!
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that's a crap movie. >> you never saw it four times. >> absolutely not. it was five. no, i didn't say that. >> hey, mike, in the green room, you punched chad lowe, on the business channel because you were so outramminged. >> i was outraged. captain america is my all-time favorite super hero. now he's my kid's all-time super hero -- because they have no choice. being a hollywood insider, like i am, and dealing with studios constantly, this is a typical thing to do. you are always looking at do you have to adjust the title for the marketing ore seas -- overseas for distribution? so i can understand. it but i am surprised that more countries didn't follow their lead, given how our brand is right now. >> you are a sympathizing freak. >> i am not. i am upset about t. but i am surprised more countries didn't go after it. >> so we should impeach obama
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because the world hates us. >> you read my mind. >> i did. here's the thing. i would have a hard time in america, going to see captain korea. you know what i mean? can i blame the koreans for not wanting to see captain america? >> no, i don't think you can. i did some research and there is a lot of poor translations for the titles of american movies. bad santa in the czech republic is called santa's a pervert. and in china, it was called his great device makes him famous. also in china, as good as it gets is called mr. cat poop. i don't think they like cattings in america. the alternative is to vulgarize captain america and talk about the size of his manhood. i don't want ton what they would do with it. >> i talk about a driving
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experience. that was excellent. >> here's what makes me laugh inside and out. it is not called captain america, but the character is called captain america throughout the movie. aren't we insulting the other countries because we are assuming they won't notice. we don't put it -- they will go, wait! his name's captain america. >> yeah. by the way, how dare you? do you not besmirch captain korea. have you seen captain korea? none of the guys are over 18. there is a lot of captain korea and guess what the uniform is? nothing! i will not tell you what their shield is, but i think if you watch, you will love it. here's my feeling. they hate us because their people love us. it's a love/hate thing. have you 3 million russians here and a million or -- from ukraine. they are also really pissed.
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there is a millian koreans, it's a brain drain. >> who is milla? >> she's the one that we made her date the guy from home alone. [laughter] >> we made her! >> no wonder! >> in your face. that was the trade. she wanted to come from the ukraine to the united states and only if you date -- we can't even remember his name. macauley culkin. >> yeah, that guy. the moment she got big, she dumped him. he must have seen that coming. >> he was the one that held her back. is itr does he really have
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funny? >> yeah! >> he's held onto it. that's my question [overlapping dialogue] >> what about after that? i want to ask the viewers at home, vilost control of this segment? >> could we refocus wack -- >> i am going to move on to a very somber topic. everybody put on their somber mask. to the greg-a-log. >> all right. so would you go through everything casey anthony did for a few million bucks? casey anthony would. according to reports, the woman found not guilt ev killing her child will cash in on that fact because that's what you do in america. it's old news, anthony had sold pictures of her to abc for $200 grand. that's not her fault or abc's. it's ours because we want to see them. we will upon to see more because she's awful and awfully interesting and rich. for today, we no longer attach
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achievement to reward, only fame. it may not be based on great works. you only need to be that girl who did that thing and got away with it. when you see a dope next to o.j. simpson that, nobody is never grim. blinded by nearby infame, you can't help but grin. with the thought: wait until my friends see this picture? what will it mean for casey? it may mean a bed of money, but not a bed of roses. america can enjoy a famous person and the humiliation of said famous person. for every dope who asked for o.j.'s autograph, there are a dozen who celebrate his life in prison. as casey makes dough with books, brews and perhaps a reality show. she will find all of this new-found wealth is based on one singular fact, without her kid being dead, she would be nobody. if you disagree with me, you are worse than hitler.
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>> i thought i hammered that point home very, very well. and i was dressed well. hey, anna, you are a woman, where do you see this woman going? where do you see this ending? >> i agree that she will probably make a lot of money. i think it's disgusting. but people will buy her book and put her on tv. i think it's really sad commentary on our culture. >> i will watch it. and i will eat popcorn. yeah. really. you are america. >> i am america. >> you are america. going to watch t. who's not going to watch it? somebody going to be pulled up -- >> i said alissa milano. she needs work. >> want only casey, her lawyer is the new johnnie cochran. and i mean, jose baez is the hottest dude in florida. after the trial, lebron called him and said, what are you doing tonight? i want to hang out with a winner. you know what i'm saying?
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>> i don't mind the lawyer getting famous because he did something. but -- now, here's the thing. she will be sued the rest of her life, right? by the nanny that -- >> the nanny doesn't exist. >> no. the other nanny. and she's got to pay for the searches, right? that were made? doesn't she have to pay for that? >> i have no idea. i have never played a lawyer on tv. but i don't think it will be like o.j., facing the civil charges and suits afterwards. it is... it is stunning that the focus now is on what's she going to do with herself? what we all were talking about the day before the verdict and now we are saying, you know, when do you think that book deal is going to come? and the jurors are all holding the line, acting self-righteous. >> one did. >> an alternate. >> but this is what gets me. he said they were all-- the
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reason they didn't talk, they were sick to their stomach over the verdict. it was your verdict! idiots. >> i think they are going to be sick to their stomach until the first one breaks rank and signs a book deal and the others are going to be so pissed. >> to add more information to your slightly ignorant prediction, someone has gotten $50 grand. >> they wouldn't have come -- they wanted -- nobody wanted to see a little girl dead and nobody going on jail. but you don't want to convict the wrong person. the way they went after this, nancy graves, first of all, you big, dummy. they have arrested me several times and it is not undeserving. >> that was a courageous testimonial. hey, bill, here's the thing -- >> too much. >> not enough! >> here's what the alternate said. they thought she was guilty but
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there wasn't enough evidence on how she died. >> you can't give a death penalty to someone if you haven't proven a murder. that's why. if they had made it life in jail, i think she would be in jail right now. >> if they had gone for manslaughter. >> yeah. >> but, wait. i was tooled by andy levy who told me that they could have. they could have found her guilty of manslaughter. >> but the focus was on -- >> here's the thing. >> the capitol punishment. >> i have this fear that you will need an actual video of the murder taking place because everybody is so i. no conviction. >> i will tell you one thick, every kid in america is going to act right. the behavior is going to be so perfect the next couple of months. you want to ground your kid and you are worried -- he ain't running nowhere. >> i want to go to you, bill. these are casey anthony's jailhouse letters, released by the prosecution last year. they may give us clues about her future dreams and aspirations,
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like having another baby. she wrote, quote: let's make a deal, let's get pregnant together, if it's really possible to plan it. she's like angelina jolie, but not as pretty and a killer. and she wanted to write a book. bill, you know, you are single. she's got a career. >> perfect. >> well, my only problem is that she is talking about making a baby with robin. i don't think she knows how the baby thing works. i can help her with that. if that's possible. >> who is going to be that first dude that date this is girl? who are you? >> no! >> there's probably a lot of them. all kinds of people are probably writing her letters. >> it's a walking reality show, a walking dollar sign.
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>> the only thing, i hope she reveals herself to be who she really is. because we know she's a liar. we know that she's -- i mean -- she's guilty of that. so when people start to do business with her, hopefully, she will end up like o.j. simpson, end up in jail for something else. >> o.j. would have made millions if it weren't for the lawsuits. >> wait. we are saying she is going to be at sports memorabilia signings? all right. it's a little odd. >> it's not far fetched. she could have things associatedded with the crime like a people cover and have her sign t. vi13 of them. >> like with o.j. i think, yes, there will be a book deal and a couple of things. then people are going to be repulsed that we are making this individual wealthy. it is a cultural problem. and then there is the self-creeking where we think, oh, my god and we get self righteous and people will turn back on her again.
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>> i love the o.j. thing brought up so much. >> marcia clark says this was worse than o.j. i. of course she did -- she lost! [laughter] >> all right. that's it. both of these people -- casey and o.j -- are innocent. >> yes, in the eyes of the law. >> so let's treat them as such when we see them on the street. >> guilty under god. >> coming up, are people clogging up our sidewalks and parks? hey, ugly people, get off the street, you are nothing but a waste of space. >> i think you used that last time. >> wait a second, are those porn sites? a story with pornography much like these... @@
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>> he's suing the state over his right to masturbate. it's the story we tried not to do until we stopped trying not to do it. the michigan inmate -- >> oh, is that what this is? >> oartion, my god, no. [laughter] >> this poor kid is suing the governor on the prison ban on porn, claiming she is being subjected to cruel and unusual punishment. in the five-page handwritten lawsuit, kyle richards wrote that the ban on smut has been used as a method of
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psychological warfare to destroy the morale of inmates and break the spirit of individuals. he added... >> i don't think he understands how reproduction works. what kind of porn does he want to watch? sensitive viewers should change the channel. >> remember that, bill? when you couldn't find a bathroom? >> it was great because it gave me something to aim for. my mom gave me the battleships
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as a kid. >> and you are contracting with video. now have you 30 of these. >> it's the most lucrative urination of my life. >> does this case have merit? >> the case does have merit, first of all. he's masturbating in the picture. where are your hands? you are smiling at me. i don't trust that kid. >> it's a handwritten letter, he's ambidexerous. maybe he's a baker. >> who knows. i believe that you can write a handwritten letter and be right handed. >> you don't want these people jumping on each other. but at the same time, videogames? no. if you want a videogape, you shouldn't have gotten locked up and send them attari 2600 or something like that. [laughter] >> no.
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i think he's losing the point -- >> a bank robber. >> he is not supposed to have pleasurable things. you can pleasure yourself, but you don't get the creature comforts. and if you have a real addiction, which some people do, they give you drugs, if you need it for anxiety -- >> what drugs do you give you for masturbating? >> use your imagination. you don't need it? >> oh, really?! >> they are acting like they have tied his hands behind his back. >> baker, is this a real medical condition? if so, don't we all have it? severe sexual discomfort? >> i wonder how many people are masturbating while they are watching this show. >> you are not that good look. >> not for me! >> that said -- [laughter] >> i like the idea that if we give the prisoners porn, it will keep them from jumping on each other. i think that's good. >> thank god we kept this out.
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>> i don't think that's true. porn breeds addiction. people get weirder and more intense about it. i don't think it is good to have. >> i think he should use this time now to get off porn. this is a good -- he doesn't have the internet. >> give it up, brother. >> all right. do you have a comment? email us. and to leave a voicemail, call... still to come, the half-time report.
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>> welcome back, let's find out if we have done anything wrong so far. >> thanks, greg. i don't believe you meant that. >> i didn't. >> captain america being dropped from the title of captain america, first avenger in russia and ukraine. these countries are not anti-america, they are anti-captain. >> ohhhh. >> they don't even play the love boat. >> have you to did do the resea.
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it's marvel, not mar-vel. >> i was thinking of ice cream. >> i thought you were thinking of the character called captain marvel, whose character name was mar-vel. >> you know what? i am not surprised you know this. >> sherrod, i believe in some countries, if you release "sex in the city 2," that's an act of war. >> that's in america. >> mike, you said captain america is your all-time favorite comic character? >> yes, absolutely. >> who created him? >> stan lee. i don't know. >> jack herbert. >> oartion, oh, oh. joe simon and jack kirby, who created most of the tv heroes.
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stan lee got all the credit because he's a jerk. >> he has bad hair plugs. >> everyone who reads comics, knows this. >> he likes to wash his car in cutoffs. >> is that right? >> no. i just made that up. >> mike, hia couple of other questions for you on history. i'm up for it. >> who turned a doctor into captain america. >> dr. fenster? >> incorrect. >> you said it with such confidence! >> yeah, i believed you. >> it was abraham irskin and his code name was joseph rhinestein. >> that's right. it was. >> mike, you said, now captain america's your kids' favorite super hero because they have no choice. >> well, yeah. >> that goes against everything captain america stands for. >> captain america had kids as well. and he also didn't give them a
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freedom of choice. >> is that right? >> it's the universe that captain america lived in in 42-44, prior to the victory over the nazis and then he turned his wrath on capitalism. >> not a single word in those sentences was true, including "andand "the." >> thank you. >> can we pull all of our troops out of south korea right now? >> yeah. >> wish them good luck with that large army to the north. and if they don't like us, that's their problem. you backing me up on this or what? >> yeah! >> go, andy! >> okay. >> the real captain america. >> i got faked out with the comic book talk. sorry. >> greg-a-log, casey anthony's probably going to get rich. no matter how much money you are offered, don't write a book called "if i did it."
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not a good idea. anna, i am with you, i won't watch anything casey's involved with unless it's from vivid video. >> i was with you until you said that. >> for research purpose, i would have to watch it. >> and no money guild to casey. >> it would go to terrorists. all of that pirated movie goes to pirates. >> no, it goes to pirates. >> mike, one of the actual not alternate jurorsv has talked to abc news. >> no an actual juror has talked. you called me out and i am wrong. you are clearly stalling for time so we don't get to talk about the masturbation story. i was going to bring it up. >> vimore facts about the juror. >> no newspaper paid her. >> greg, you don't understand how this -- this actual juror,
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how she can say that all the jure oners were sick to their stomachs of mind -- not finding her guilty. why? >> why can't i happened it? >> they can believe she was guilty but feel like there was not enough evidence presented to convict her. >> but my point is, they -- what's the word -- their standard of evidence has been artificially enhanced, thanks to modern culture tv that they expect a video showing the killing. that's my reason. >> i don't think that's true. i think what they oar. >> it's called reasonable doubt. >> i am against reasonable doubt. if it's 85%, i am happy. how sure are you of anything these days? >> well, i think the main problem -- >> well, when somebody's life is on the line, you want to be pretty sure. >> the main problem was because of the state of decomposition of caylee anthony's body, they couldn't determine the cause of death, let alone who did it, so
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it's hard to convict someone of murder. >> the circumstantial evidence was strong enough for me. >> as someone who didn't watch a minute of the trial. [laughter] >> i didn't have to because i knew in my heart. >> everybody said, i thought she was going to jail. you didn't watch an inch of it. because nancy graves said it. >> but don't you think, they should have gone to the judge and asked to consider a lesser charge. >> but they found her not guilty of -- >> they could have gone for others. >> they found her not guilty of manslaughter or child abuse. which they could have found her guilty of but they felt there wasn't enough evidence. >> she was hugging the girl, playing with the girl, playing around. >> that's probably all the jury saw
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[overlapping dialogue] >> they saw all the stuff you didn't because you were busy not watching the trial. >> the real story is casey's parents? they jump up -- don't you want to hug your daughter after -- >> the daughter -- [overlapping dialogue] >> that's your daughter. >> her defense was hathat you abused her. you think he was going to hug her after that? why wouldn't i believe her? why wouldn't i believe her? she's not guilty. [overlapping dialogue] >> come on, man. we don't know what is going on in that anthony house. they don't know. >> the prosecution probably should have gone after what they could prove, as opposed to what they were hoping to prove. >> the prosecution was arrogant, laughing at the defense attorney. so arrogant. that's why you lost and you are the loser in the o.j. trial. i was watching legal show with
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sherrod. you need to come home and get people on your side. >> i am standing here -- >> i think a legal show with sherrod would have to be called barely legal. >> that would be cool because you could have bears in robes, dancing around. >> yeah. you can come in occasionally. >> shut up, mike. stop it. >> a couple of things, sherrod, you asked who would be the first green dude to date casey anthony it will be a co-host. >> that's hilarious. >> the prisoner suing for porn thing, sherrod, it was cute the way you used the two lines. >> that's a whole thing to note. you can't special prison without porn. this guy is suing the state of michigan, though michigan state prisons allow porn. it's the macomb county jail.
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but he's not suing the county. >> isn't michigan a [bleep] state? >> mark it down on the paper there. >> it is going to be gone. don't talk about it. >> as the detroit news note this, guy filed a serious series of complaints and judges can dismiss the case because he has had other cases thrown out for being frivolous. this isn't going anywhere. >> you took the fun out of that. >> i sure did. >> and for the county. the county's problem. >> he should sue the county if he's suing anybody. i'm done. >> thank you. see you soon. go away. >> there i am. i'm adorable. coming up, do white people smell? we discuss sherrod's new book, white people do smell -- >> like money. [laughter] >> check out the brand-new fox news ipad app. get fox news alert, streamline video and watch the latest red
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eye clips for free. download t. comprehend
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>> it was boring yet adorable at the same time. but president obama's twitter town hall at the white house on wednesday. the event was billed as historic, using the social networking site to put more voters in touch with obam a. but what it really was, short and heavily filtered questions with the pres sticking to his script. there was one highlight, his old man gaff. >> we do have to make smur that there are computers in a computer age. in the classroom and they they're work and that there is internet. >> who doesn't love the internet? i think they are a fan.
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obama is being criticized by doctor dot-com for the latest salary report, which shows he violated his policy of freezes on those making over $100,000. i think we should discuss this in the lightning round. isn't he over emphasizing the importance of twitter? >> they don't use. >> i don't know. i think he is being a hip president. i think every president from now on will do. >> it but he looks square. we learnad that from huey lewis. >> doesn't he correct himself right after that? >> yeah, but we edited that. >> sherrod, you are not on twitter? hasn't that proven my point? >> i am on twitter. first of all, obama --
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>> my mother said inter-web, she says, it's messing up my tv. she don't know. >> are you living with your mom? >> no. [laughter] but i think he is trying to be too hip. i think he is trying to be way too hip and next, his policy will be in graffiti to be down with the kids. you are the president -- act like. >> it mike, isn't this no different than fielding quis from a radio audience? >> yeah, i don't think it is special. it's interesting because it's so heavily filtered and he has put himself out there as the most transparent administration. but he's been very controlling of the press conferences and this is another example of it. the twitter medium is a perfect way way to make sure you don't get caught on any question. >> trastra tegically it was
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brilliant. >> and one of the founders of twittyer? obama went to yale or whatever it is, two nerds talking. >> really quickly, they are going, oh, my gosh, what happened? >> that's what happens on twitter. are you going to vote now that your cardboard box has an address. >> i have internet. >> no, it's a net that i enter through. with all the criticism of obama utilizing twitter. >> that's one word -- observing. i think we can say one thing, there is no -- it doesn't take 140 characters, i should say to spell impeachment. >> i'm with you on that. >> great job. don't act like that.
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i just don't like that he's black. everything else, i love. people at home confused? [laughter] >> i think your tv's flooded, already. they are rewinding, right now. let me see that again. i can't get over that he's black. >> i can feel your anger right now. wow! >> i can smell your racism. self-hatred. >> on wednesday, newsweek editor in chief tina brown refer to the g.o.p. as suicide bombers on ms-nbc's morning joe in a discussion about the president being, quote, held hostage on the debt ceiling. >> i think that the president would have no credibility if he did not demand some -- >> demand it, they ain't going to get it. >> okay, so i think -- what was the answer to my question about who the hostage taker is, willie? >> sounds like -- [inaudible].
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>> i think they're the suicide bombers in all of this. >> ohhhh. >> i think we doubled the msnbc audience. she photoshopped princess diana on newsweek, distorting the image, as if she had lived instead of died and there is more. this happened. >> sees the united states as an essential component of the eventual success in that quiet. and the military is the best. the intelligence service >> when you hear that, that means a unicorn's being born. >> it wasn't that guy's fault.s, wired to a wall. he doesn't know what a blackberry is. >> if someone on the right had said this about the dems, how much outrage could we expect? >> a tremendous amount.
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i can't get worked up about. >> it exactly. at the end of the day, people say on both sides, people say incredibly inane things. she says a lot of stupid things. but this would be outrageous if you or i or sherrod said this -- >> i say that stuff all the time. it's metaphors. it seems like a bad rapper, using stuff she knows. blow up, light the world trade and don't know why that's inappropriate. >> and it's plagiarism, chris matthews said the same thing, but described the republicans as wahabis? what is this? >> it's a vilen, extremist group. >> she didn't go far from there. poor choice of words? >> poor choice of words, but it's tv and she is trying to be dramatic. all "all that & more" of your
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greg-a-logs, have you compared a few democrats to terrorists. i don't have the archives, but i bet there are a few references. >> no, i don't think i have. i honestly i. i will take that bet. >> maybe andy levy can cull it up for the postgame wrapup. noriega. i want to you find them. if you can find ann a greg-a-log me comparing committee democrats to terrorists, dicall them patriotic terrorists. >> wait a minute! >> yeah. we win! [laughter] >> thank god, we won. >> time for a break and check out the new podcast, there is a new one every day.
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>> you're on youtube. go piss outside your own house. you're on youtube. yeah! youtube phenomena! that's disgusting. your little penis is on the internet. >> wow. i wonder if he has more of that footage. >> what about that street corner? >> i know. would you put a camera outside? that's a great idea. pointing it. if that were me, i would be, all right. i will keep doing what i gotta do. >> no one would be surprised by that t. that's what you do. >> we have the postgame wrapup.
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>> coming up tomorrow, on the next red eye, co-host anthony cumia and jill dobson and tom shillue. >> hey, anna, what's the latest with your sister? >> she moved to los angeles and booked a swiver commercial. so look for her and hopefully, next time, she will have a movie or tv series that i can promote for her. >> i want to date your sister. >> she's married. >> i don't care. >> sherrod, what's going on with the lottery show? >> i'm at the comic strip on tuesday, 10:30, 82nd and second. if you are a comedian, you have
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to do some time, come to lottery show. we will put you up. and come watch new comics, it's a wonderful life with grandure. don't you want somebody that's humorous. >> you have a uterus? >> no. i don't have a uterus. and tell your sister i said hi. >> clap clap. >> finally, you get your sister a plug -- >> that's a different plug. >> and can she saz say kwanzaa? >> mike, what are you plugging this week? >> you know, in denver, they had a terrific fund-raiser for taps. larry gatlin was there. they did a fantastic job. if you get the opportunity on the internet, check out taps. it's a worthwhile cause. >> back to you, greg.


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