tv Red Eye FOX News August 4, 2011 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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i recognize that. and the pinata. >> greg: that is it for "the five." he will keep talking. thank you for watching. see y that guy is simply fantastic. and talk about a great taste in clothes. welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld. undisputed world champ yin of -- champion of mixed martial arts. if you can't stand the pain, don't get into the ring. let's go to andy levy for our pre game report. what's coming up? >> let's play too, america. our top story -- that means happy birthday in swahili, his home in kenya. and vancouver is getting ready to hand out free crack pipes. the shocking story that doesn't affect you at all. and are more and more ce-ed turn -- co-ed turning to sugar daddys? the latest on this totally fake trend straight
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ahead. >> thank you, andy. >> you are welcome. >> aren't you going to wish me a happy something day? >> not today. >> what will we talk about? >> i guess nothing. you will just have to start the show. >> the show is timed out to allow us to talk about something now. >> this will throw off the show show, andy. >> i'm sure it will be fine. >> i don't think so. i think everybody will be screwed up. >> really? you don't think if i spend a couple minutes chatting the whole show will be ruined? >> i guess i have a little more faith greg in you and in our guests and in america. >> well, we will see about that. >> yes, we will. >> let's welcome our guests. >> she is so smart that cross-word puzzles try to do her. >> and i don't mean that in a sexual way. i am here with the political columnist and author. it is called demonic, the untold story of nancy grace. and she is so bright that her face appears above a light bulb when it has a great idea. it is ryan reiss, actor, comedian and he is three
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things. bill shultz is on assignment, or rather reassign meant. he is finally getting the surgery he has been saving up for. and it is the pink owe he doesn't stinko. and sitting next to me is fox news contributor, columnist and author. yes, she has won prizes. to the first story. should he celebrate 5-0 and turn his birthday into a pay day? well on wednesday night the president held a blowout in chicago. it was actually more of a fundraiser with tickets selling up to $40 million. no, it is more like $36,000. not surprisingly some were bashing like the illinois gop chairman who noted, quote, we have lost125,000 jobs in illinois since he took office. and then there is mitt romney who tweeted, barack obama celebrates his 50th b-day
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and collects $35,800 checks, but is struggling due to his failed policy. what does ill stand for? indonesian labor? obama has a plan and it involves a van. actually it is something bigger. later this month barack is going on a midwest bus tour that will focus on jobs. yeah, those things. remember them? now to a more important . can the p re z still not quit the nick? look at this pick. it shows obama yakking about whatever. as he noted that is nick cor ret on his desk. for more we go to the white house correspondent who is traveling with the prez.
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>> it was neither the time nor the place to put 800 straws in your mouth, but it is an unusual talent and i would like to contact you after the show just for work around the house. and is that incredible advertising for nicorete or what? >> yes, it is. i used to be addicted to nicorete. the doctor told me it could help with smoking. >> you finally have something in common with president obama. isn't that great? >> yes, and we both want to tax the rich. i want to tax people at his birthday party. >> way to bring it back to politics. >> doesn't he have a right to a big bash, or is his bash too big? >> absolutely. he has a right to celebrate and i think that actually the nicorete was a fundraiser because if you are charged
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$36,000 a seat and you are not even getting popcorn, at least they are going to look -- and they will hand out nico re te. >> what do you think of the bus tour? he is going on the thing, shouldn't he have been thinking about the jobs at the start of the presidency instead of overhauling healthcare 1234* now he is thinking about it? >> he has had jobs all of the time. he told us again, and again and again, jobs, jobs, jobs. but he can no longer afford fuel for air force 1. >> enough said. >> they are putting the buses on air force 1. >> i'm sure he will be staying at the ramada inn. >> at this party that he is throwing, i turned it down. i don't have time to go. actually if you have the money though -- >> it actually already happened theoretically. ticket costs are up to $36,000. that's like an average yearly salary. what do you think you will get for that? >> have i no idea what the meal will be. i am trying to figure out why
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he is having the party. it is like a super sweet 50th celebration that mtv is sponsoring. can't he do what every other 50-year-old does? celebrate and get your prostate checked. >> i didn't even wait until 50 to get that done. i headed to bryant park. there are a couple of guys that do it for free. i always come away with a clean bill of health. >> what do you make of the bus tour? it is very par trig family. >> i am all for it. this is the beginning of his 2012 campaign. the debt ceiling is now officially over because barack obama -- it is over. it is party time. it is money time. he is going to start raising money as of now, and all of the republican contenders -- >> everybody talks about barack obama being a great campaigner, but how great do you have to be, really? he is a historic president. every liberal will give money to him, right? he can walk in and they will
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literally throw rolls of hundreds at him. >> he is a money machine and i would argue that's the biggest challenge that republicans have to face. he is raising the same amount of money as he will crank out. >> we have a lot of hollywood liberals. >> and wall street. >> doesn't he have a huge -- >> where does that money go? do you have to give it back? >> no, they don't give it back. >> i would totally give an in ground pool with that leftover money. >> expense it on the buses. >> i have to say, i can't imagine -- you think about his birthday. he is president. you can't get drunk even on your birthday because you are the president. everybody will be looking at you. that made me think that you can't get drunk ever when you are president, right? what if something happens? what if there is a war breaking out scpru like wasted -- and you are like wasted. >> nixon was drinking all of the time and we didn't -- it was a golden age for america. >> that worked out really well
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for him. >> lyndon johnson, crazy drunk. >> you get an odouls. >> you get a weird party favor. >> he gets jennifer hudson jumping out of a cake. >> interesting. i would have liked to have seen joe biden jump out of the cake and do a stripper graham addressing osama bin laden. >> they are not doing that. it is pin the hair plug on. >> joe biden can drink. he can get smashed, absolutely. >> i don't know. i have never seen it. on my 50th, topless iewn corns -- uni corns and a case of now and laters. >> from the big 5-o to a car that won't go. is america in revolt overall things bolt? gm's $40,000 battery operated thing-a-ma-bob sold all of 125 units last month. that's like girl scouts sell
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more boxes of cookies on a slow month. by comparison, they own electric offering that are named leaf and got rid of a whooping 930 vehicles in july. all bought by leo dicaprio. there is a tiny difference, can't pronounce that word. quote, they expect it will maintain the lead of sales in north america, at least through 2012. congratulations. by comparison, chevrolet sold 25,000 gas powered saban dans and -- sedans and 3,000 plug ins purchased. not to be swayed by a lack of interest, chevy expects to deliver 60,000 more volts by december 31st. meaning they will have to sell more than 2500 a month up until said date. in my mind puppies have an easier time defend potatoes from ducks.
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>> nice work. i wasn't lying about that. sometimes i make up stuff, but that was really a puppy defending a potato. and you have four volts back at your farm in vermont. how do they handle? >> not very well. and i think they need to overcome the name which it is drab. >> the leave is a good name. >> the volt just sounds too much like revolting. i want to give uh chance to defend these lady cars and the clean air that will crap out on the world. >> i will defend the future. i will defend innovation and america's pension for innovation. these are the cars of the future, but they are not selling right now. >> nobody in the present wants them. >> are you getting kickbacks?
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>> they should invent a time traveling machine so they can take the volts to the future. >> back to the future. >> to the middle ages. >> they would like them. >> and this isn't american innovation. >> good point. >> but why is the leaf selling? >> it is not really selling. it is more like a fig leaf if you know what i am saying. gm says their excuse the volt isn't selling because they can't keep enough cars on the lot. is that because they will float away? are they getting eight grand in rebaits? >> my motto is never trust a car you can't hear. and you can't hear the volt. and it is ugly. it is ugly. i can understand why americans may not want it even if it is cheap which it is not. >> it is only cheap when you
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get the rebate, and it is still not cheap. i think i said that a number of times. in case you don't get it, it is not cheap. >> i don't know what is going on. >> i want to get on my leaf and just leave. >> 125 cars? how are they selling these things desm if you thought -- how are they selling these things? >> it is amazing how you sell that to somebody. but the thing is, this is how all cars would look if the government were involved, right? >> right. >> he does the same thing with this. just make it mandatory. >> you have to buy it. that's what they would do. >> these are soviet cars. >> you know what putin would do? it would be all muscle cars, and they would run on rocks. they would run on baby seals.
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from an electric car to nascar. are things looking dire for oscar meyer? is the future dank for your favorite frank? visitors to a nascar race at the indianapolis 500 motor speedway were greeted with a huge billboard near the track displaying a pack of smokes containing hot dogs. warning, hot dogs can wreck your health. the physicians committee for responsible medicine or poop faces to their friends sponsored this sign due to the fact that in 20101.1 million franks were sold. that's a whooping 5,000 per person. now our fox affiliate in dallas spoke with our owner and operator of hot dog joint wild about harry's to gauge his reaction. >> i don't think the united states government, they can't settle their own problem. >> he barely batted an eye behind this billboard.
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>> they are stating that 50 grams of processed meat each day increases colorectal and increased risk of diabetes and looking cool. meanwhile, let's see what is happening at the speedway's motorcycle pavilion. i didn't see that one coming. that was a complete surprise on my part. will ads like this stop you from your insatiable craving for wiener? >> no, i'm just wondering if people pass the billboard and say why is there a pack of penises up there? more importantly they are trying to reach people -- >> it is homophobic is what you are saying. >> trying to reach people at indianapolis 500 events. >> are they using billboards?
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these people don't read. >> you will get so much hate mail. >> i love nascar. >> are there people actually watching the races? if looks like 1.1 million hot dogs. does anybody have time or is it just a perpetual hot dog line stand? >> isn't it interesting that when you are at an event a hot dog is the the greatest thing in the world. it is a american thing, but it is a psychological thing. >> when ever you eat a hot dog you know it is bad. it is mystery meat. >> i know what is in there, heaven. heaven is in there. this is really an attack on america and these physicians should be imprisoned in gitmo. >> that is a fine idea. i need to agree with you on everything. first of all, they will have to get hot dog-flavored gum.
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>> you are right. they are good at baseball games and nascar races. i think, screw it, i am getting butt cancer, but at least i will have my dignity. >> i want to say that i think the science -- when they do these studies with food are exaggerated because if you eat hot dogs there is a chance you are sedentary. that might play a role or you smoke. they are focusing on food as if it is bad. it is not the right way. it is a correlation that is a part of a greater lifestyle. >> modern society causes cancer. >> cancer causes cancer. >> our entire society to one degree or another causes cancer. >> go ahead. condemn america, john. >> embrace it. when you are on your death bed you will regret not having that hot dog. >> the other thing about the hot dog, it is not the meat, it is the bread.
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it is the bread that makes it fat. it is the cor bow hydrate. the meat is a protein. >> you sound like a girl since have you gone on a diet. >> it is true. i am a pathetic human being. what is it like to be totally awesome and super cool simultaneously? we discuss my new book. and why is vancouver handing out free crack pipes? and bill shultz is in vancouver right now.
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they have your back if are you on the crack. it is a small town near cancun and they will be giving out free crack pipes to drug users. the city has a free needle distribution program and a so-called safe injection site for heroin addicts. until now it hasn't done much for crack heads and that's wrong. that all changed this fall
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with the launch of a pilot program to distribute clean, unused pipes. city health officials say it is all aimed at, quote, harm reduction. in other words, reducing the risk of disease that comes with sharing pipes. i guess the risk of actually dying from smoking crack is okay though. they want to urge the city to set up safe inhalation siteser where they can light up in the presence of healthcare workerswho could respond to overdose situations. like baby-sitters for crack heads. for more we go to baby el -- baby elephant who can't figure out a kiddie pool.
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>> they tried to get her something for her birthday she would enjoy, and she would rather play with the box. the box is more fun. and you said in the green room this was one government program you could get behind. that was surprising. >> as if i needed another reason to go to vancouver. i have an idea to make this even better, and i seriously think we should adopt it what with the debt problem. in addition to the inhalation center they should set up a spectator area around it where you would pay to watch dirty, degenerate homeless people smoke crack while government officials watch them. >> that's a great idea. >> i think it is called a tv show intervention. >> i would pay to see that. >> it used to be called times square. but there wasn't any crack back then. my how things have changed. shouldn't they help people feed their dangerous addictions? >> if you believe in nanny
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states, absolutely. that is the ultimate nanny state and they are british. >> the queen is the head of state. >> have i no idea where vancouver is. >> up until now i thought vancouver was like a 50s matinee idol. >> yes, vancouver will be staring in the new film. it was van heflin or maybe van johnson. there are a lot of vans in my brain. would you like to live near a safe inhalation site? >> i like the idea that they will be talking to them while they are smoking crack. >> isn't that great? >> i will get you more crack. stay here. >> think about what i said. >> you will talk if i give you more? okay. i will give you some more. keep talking about quitting. >> did you see what they said? some will get off drugs and some aren't and some are going to die. so basically everything is an
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option. there is no results. >> i like this. john, you are actually a crack head. will you be moving? first of all, i think addict maintenance is preferable to incarceration. >> i support it as bleak as it is, and it is pretty bleak letting the addicts smoke themselves to death. and he is giving options to other ones. >> here is an interesting thing. ryan and i were talking about this before and he corrected me. i think the reason the crack ep depp mick went away is because everybody who smoked crack died. you were watching staw sill's show -- stausel and they said it was a myth. but anyway, that means you may not die if you are on crack. and that means it is encouraging people to die. >> i am not trying to say john stausel is smarter than you, greg -- >> that's exactly what he is
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saying. >> not everyone who smokes crack dies. some of them warm to politics. >> that's true. >> there is research to show if you smoke crack you can become mayor of just about any city. the research you can find up at totally made up .org. >> do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us at red eye at fox news .com. and to leave a voicemail on my direct line 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from tv's andy levy. sad, lonely man. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by peacock. he is distinguished by a crest of upright feathers often spread in a shimmering fan usually as a court ship display. thanks, peacock.
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we go to tv's andy levy for the half time report. >> how are you? >> doing great. glad you asked. >> had a rough day, but won't get into it here. >> we will talk about it after the show. >> some certainly problems. >> understood. understood. >> not good ones. i thought we agreed we wouldn't talk about it here. >> we are not going to talk about it here. maybe we won't be around. >> anything else? >> nope. >> president obama's 50th
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birthday, you said of the president's birthday, fundraiser not surprisingly conservatives were bashing the bash. which is true. it is not surprising, but it is pretty lame. >> i put it in the manufactured outrage group. >> oh my god, a politician is fundraising? and h mitt romney said barack obama celebrates and collects $3500 checks. and the illinois -- > illinois. >> he raised money over the course of three months. we were in the middle of a debt crisis. >> that's true. >> your complaint makes no sense. >> it makes perfect sense. politicians raise money. >> he is not president. >> he gets to raise money the
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same way people running for president do. >> it is tacky in any event to have a fundraiser to celebrate oh my birthday. >> the nerve of him to have his birthday right at the end of a debt ceiling crisis. >> oh things are tense in here. >> i like patti ann browne better. >> so do i. >> we will be right back. >> now we will get tweets saying, why do you hate anne? >> why do you hate me? >> i don't hate you. >> she said absolutely the president has a right to celebrate his birthday. are you a rhino? >> i am an independent. i believe in birthdays, especially 50th birthdays which none of us in this room will ever have. >> why, is something tragic going to happen to me? >> we will be 39 forever and
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the president is getting a little gray hair. >> anne, you used to be uh districted to nicorette. did something change? >> i told you my doctor recommended i take up smoking. >> is that right? >> he got rid of the nicorette. >> smoking, who knows? it could be good for you. >> that's obama's. >> john, you said president obama will start raising money as of now? he and the d and c raised $86 million from now until june. >> i think this is the beginning -- the prelude to the campaign proper. his bus tour, all of that. >> also you said joe biden can drink. >> he just looks like an uncle. >> he doesn't drink at all.
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>> he looks like he could. >> several members of his mother's family was alcoholics as was his younger brother, franky. >> what does he drink? >> odouls, i think. >> judith, you agree that the rebate for these electric cars is $13,500. i believe the federal tax credit is $7500. >> is that before or after the debt ceiling deal? >> it doesn't say. >> have you been stumped. >> you made a joke about the government making people buy electric cars the same way they are doing with healthcare. i actually believe that's not beyond the realm of possibility. >> you don't think it is in the government's constitutional theory to buy stuff? >> it is in the interstate commerce clause clearly. >> hot dogs increase risk of
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cancer. visitors to a nascar race at the ind indianapolis 500 motor speedway. also you said in 2010, 1.1 million franks were sold at indy500 races. there is only one indy500 race each year. that one was not totally your fault because the press release says last year at the indianapolis 500 races. >> so my greatest was taken from the press release. >> jewish, you asked, is -- jewish, you -- judith, you asked if anybody was eating them. it is not really that much. >> that's more than two hot dogs a person. >> no, that's less than three hot dogs a person. >> but you know you have it
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with sour crawt it cuts your risk of cancer. >> is that right? >> no. >> i will cross that out. >> you said auto racing fans can't read. >> i did. and no one backed me up on that. >> as a huge nascar fan, ryan, i have a question for you. do you want to take that back or get an ass whipping after the show? >> sorry. i apologize. >> seriously wasn't cool. >> vancouver to give out free crack pipes. john, i agree that addict maintenance, though i never heard it called that is better than incarceration, but i don't think they have to pay for crack pipes. >> if that's part of the program, that money goes to keeping crack heads off your block. and it goes to possibly helping them. >> that's called prison. >> if i am paying for it -- >> incarceration is a lot more
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expensive. >> they don't buy my drugs. >> it is not yet an entitlement. >> if i had a drug problem, i wouldn't buy my drugs. >> once you admit you have a drug problem then maybe the government will buy your drugs. >> i don't need the government. my drug of choice is window cleaner. it is like three around here at fox. >> greg's windows always need cleaning. >> greg is in the supply closet. my favorite part of the story is there is a quote from a guy from the canadian hornet work saying "there is a huge stigma against people who smoke crack." >> you know what, where is it? we were talking about this in the green room. when ever anybody adds something on crack to something, it is like a complement. like, that new band, they are like the beatles on crack.
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it is actually a compliment to be a crack head. >> i hear more about nascar fans like crack. >> no, moonshine. >> and meth. >> who said that? who said that? >> i am not saying it is a bad thing. meth can be a lot of fun. >> go play squash and shut up. >> you said people should pay to go to the ventilation site and watch the health workers watch the crack heads. you would have loved the coliseum in ancient rome. >> if i am paying for it. i also think in keeping with vancouver's plan that at nascar they should be passing out free hot dog buns and muss tared. -- mustard. >> if we are going to start making birth control free, then that means i should be allowed to watch people have
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sex. >> also to prevent the spread of herpes you would have to have government officials watching. >> exactly. i want to make sure they are not doing anything unsafe. i would volunteer to watch people have sex. >> you said that twice. >> sometimes that happens to me. >> you do a lot of charity work, greg, and this would add to it. >> i'm a charitable observer. police disagree with me and often escort me off the grounds. >> your business card says charitable observer which i think is enough. >> the names they call me, oh the families, the things they yell at me are completely different. >> and uncalled for. >> and hurtful. >> my name is not even tom. >> i am done. coming up, matt damon is dead -- set against the rich not paying their fair share.
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are guys likely to stray on somebody else's wedding day? the answer ain't nay. yes, men are most likely to cheat at weddings. according to a new survey from elicit encounters .com. in other words it is a fact. elicit encounters .com is where i get all of my news. any anyway, the most common scenario a drunken hookup with a brides maid. it found one-third of men admitted to cheating when the partner was not in attendance and they looked into other places these men cheat. 27% admited to straying at a bachelor party. 21% said at the office christmas party and 9% at a school reunion. meanwhile 100% thought this
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was an awesome idea. >> let's discuss this in the lightning round. >> judish do you buy these statistics? >> they said they didn't cheat. who were the men cheating with? >> it is one woman, a very active woman. >> on crack. >> a call back there. >> women don't cheat. and women don't lie either. >> first it was nascar and now it is the whole -- >> let's just put it on the table. >> is this the only reason women go to weddings?
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>> the fact of the matter is men will cheat anywhere they can. it doesn't matter if it is a supermarket. anywhere they can get it, they will. the women are more vulnerable and likely to have sex. the men are the it was and the women are the brakes. but they are more inclined to -- >> that is so, so true. >> you spend a lot of time thinking about this. >> who goes to a school reunion? >> i don't know. i also don't know who goes to school reunions. >> there are places you can't use your words. you are meditating on their myriad life failures. >> i want to point out all of these scenarios remind me of the tack key "playboy" cartoons. every car cartoon is office party, wedding or bachelor party. >> you know it is christmas when santa is there and there
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is a hot elf on his lap. oh that's a santa cartoon. anne, what do you make of this stuff? >> that always reminds me of christmas too. >> oh, the porno cartoon, it must be christmas. you better climb out of the basement and put on the pants. >> so the most common things, weddings, college reunions or whatever. bachelor parties and wherever bill clinton is on the plan. >> that would be gut see. >> next topic. they are calling it cos mow for guys. it being my face. the publisher of cosmopolitan launched an app intended for men. it will feature gift-giving ideas, fashion advice and of course the sex tips that are
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horrible. a year subscription will cost about $20 and both of your tess tau cals. don't they already have a cos mow for men and it is called "men's health"? >> i was going to call it "playboy." that's generally the magazine men want to reach for. >> and then reach for other things if you catch my drift. >> what they want to say is cosmo for guy and what they are trying to say is cosmo for gay guys. >> would you respect a man who read cosmo for guys? >> if he is a metro sexual. >> i thought a metro sexual was somebody who had sex -- >> with a met metro? >> i was walking toward it and thought, it is not that good. i let you finish it and now i don't fell so bad. >> why do they -- why don't they call it cos-bro-politan. >> i have two apps. i need to know where the g-spot is.
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>> g stands for greg. and would you recommend this app for your friends? >> that was really awful. >> i apologize. i am running on steam right now. >> i was reading my regular cos mow and it was the top 10 signs your guy might be gay. and number one was he reads cosmo. we both -- i wrote for cos mow. the biggest thing in the world i don't understand is why people read sex tips from editors. all of my life none of the editors. >> they are trolls. >> so everybody thinks in men's health they would always have the 21 sex tips and they would have the girl's name like deborah worthington. it is a 36-year-old virgin guy in an iowa attic who is
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burning out these things and smelling of nivea. >> it is like obama's budget speech. >> we always did where you do the 10 sex tips you must know. the next month they would reverse them and say the 10 worst things you could do in bed. they would always reverse the actual tip. >> one is kiss your toes. the other is don't kiss your toes. >> they alternate between how to get a guy and why you don't need a guy. >> if you don't read these sex tips he will cheat on you because he is unhappy. >> at a wedding. >> especially at a wedding. >> remember to check out the red eye pod cast. there is a new one every day. go to fox news radio .com and click on "red eye." tonight we talked about my super amil who passed away.
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sticking to it .com allow females mostly to post profiles and hookup with rich dudes for, quote, mutually beneficial riches. isn't this prostitution? >> i think that's what you would call it. i think that's what you would call it if the story is true. it is in the huffington post so i have my reasons to doubt it. it was on "the today show" so it means it was not true. is this better than waiting tables? >> i am trying to figure out a way of talking about this. it is not an easy one. obviously is this true? i don't know. did people meet hookers on the internet? they do. i am inclined to believe that something like this exists. is it as blatant as this? no there are sites that have this type of relationship between women and rich dudes,
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but they don't call it like sugar daddies and stuff like that. >> they would be a bit more subtle. doesn't it show you too many people are going to college? >> well, yes. i don't think it does have the ring of truth. i think those selling their body are not using it to pay college tuition. >> strippers are though. they told me that. they always say they are paying their way through college. they always have a heart of gold. >> when ever i get a lap dance it is like, i am not paying you to help me. i am paying you to put me through macro economics. >> why is it so hard to believe? women date guys all the time. >> you are an angry man. >> that is the difference of opening a door up for a woman.
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>> you make me sick. >> i forgot what you need. >> you know there are women who specifically go out with rich dudes who will pay for everything. >> i don't think i have met them. >> i met a few and i consider them prostitutes. >> the stripper thing is wrong. the stripper tells you she is going to school to make you think you are not paying for a stripper. >> and then you think she is wholesome and you meet her real boyfriend and he takes your wallet and starts showing up at your place and beating you up for no reason. >> and then you like it. >> and then you really, really, really like it. >> we are going to close things out. to see clips of recent shows go to fox fox news .com/red eye.
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dog. everybody in washington needs at least two loyal, faithful friends. >> biden doesn't count. >> ryan, do we get updates on what are you up to these days and the future days? >> it has been suggested that i may get some hate mail. if you want to know where to send it it is ryan reiss .com. >> and i would encourage people to send you hate mail because you deserve it. >> and what are you doing on friday? >> i am getting a carton of marl burrows. -- marboros. >> from you a right wing neither washington -- right winger in washington, d.c. >> it is young americans for flombay. >> i don't have time to
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