tv Happening Now FOX News November 10, 2011 11:00am-1:00pm EST
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bill: she has time to make up in that relationship apparently. martha: what? >>. bill: she flew to minnesota to apologize to the family. might be a redo. martha: sounds like an episode. bill: they will probably make 15 million off that too. bye. martha: thanks for being here. "happening now" starts right now. we'll see you back here tomorrow. jenna: thanks, bill and martha. we start off with a fox news alert on more fallout from the penn state child sex abuse scandal. we're awaiting a news conference from the new interim football coach and any breaking news that comes out of that. we're glad you're with us. i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm john fox. thousands students protest the firing of long time coach joe paterno. the board of trustees refused to let the winning evident coach in football history finish out the season of the also fired, president graham spanier
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over growing child abuse case from a former football keep. david lee miller is in live in pennsylvania right now. >> reporter: jon, many people waiting to hear what tom braidly has to say, the interrim coach. his news conference is scheduled to begin at any moment. this campus is still tense although considerably quieter than last night. as you mentioned thousands of students took to the streets last evening after the board of trustees announced they would immediately terminate the school's president as well as joe paterno. angry students at one point rolled over a television news van. there was no one in that vehicle. there were no injuries. there was some property destroyed yesterday. there were no arrests. police equipped with riot gear used tear gas to disperse the crowd but there is still a great deal of frustration and anger on this campus because of the announcement last night. many question the board's decision to terminate the president and most especially paterno because the board says it is going to form a special committee
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to investigate what took place here regarding the alleged cover-up. many believe the board's decision was premature. and i put that question to the board's spokesman last night. listen. those who argue this is rush to judgement. there has not been a full investigation so how can you reach this conclusion at this time? >> as i said, these are judgements and decisions and balances that boards have to make with thoughtful deliberation. in our view things had reached a point where a change was necessary and we thought in the best long-term interest of the university. >> reporter: meanwhile joe paterno, now the former head coach, says he was disappointed with the board's decision. he said that in a written statement last evening. he briefly left his home to thank supporters. and he also told many of the students who were outside that it was time to go home. jon: david lee miller, reporting live from state college, pennsylvania. again we are waiting for that news conference from the university's new
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football coach. when that begins, we'll have it for you live. jenna: in the meantime, to some politics now. new reaction to has light's gop debate in michigan. texas governor rick perry saying he is not quitting despite what some are calling, some, a big gaffe. chief political correspondent carl cameron is live from michigan. i don't know what you would call it, carl? does big gaffe sum it up? >> reporter: you're not going to get a tv reporter to be too critical of somebody forget as word in mid-sentence in front of a camera or big office. it was very awkward moment. 45 seconds of stammering texas governor rick perry unable to recall the third government agency he said he would like to eliminate in order to shrink government. he acknowledged that he is not the greatest debater. he admitted he stepped in it. he will not back away. here is how it went down last night. >> the third agency of government i would do away with the education, the --
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>> commerce. >> commerce, and let's see. i can't, the third one i can't. sorry. oops. jon: fox news alert. this is the news conference as we mentioned. penn state's new interim football coach. the new head coach having his first news conference. let's listen in. >> coach paterno will not be coaching saturday's game. the circumstances and allegations surrounding this case were horrific. our thoughts and prayers are with all the victims and their families who have suffered. after the board meeting last evening rod ericson and i selected tom bradley to serve as our penn state interim head football coach. tom has dedicated his career to serving hills alma mater and helping student athletes act sell on and off the field.
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we thank him for that unwaivering service and we look forward to him continuing leadership. as acting athletic director i will insure our department will provide the resources necessary to support him throughout his transition and that our department and student athletes move forward in a new direction. our football team and staff have worked tremendously hard this season and we'll push through this adversity. we are particularly proud of the accomplishments of this team, and especially want to honor those seniors for finishing their home collegiate careers. i hope our student athletes and fans will continue to support them and show penn state pride. families who entrust us with their children demand us to be stewards, role models, leaders and solid decision-makers. we will take that
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responsibility to heart. and tom will certainly take that responsibility to heart. ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming our interim head football coach, mr. tom bradley. >> please raise your hand and we'll bring a microphone to you. >> in light of the circumstances, you talk about -- with coach paterno do you have any reservations or what kind of reservations do you have taking the job. >> is the question is surrounding this program. >> i take the job with very mixed emotions due to the situation.
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i've been asked by the university, by the board of trustees, by rod ericson, to handle this and i told him i would do it last night and i will proceed in the manner that penn state expects as i met with the players last night and today, i told them the expectations are the expectations. we're not going to waiver from that. and that's where we are right now. we, the players came over last evening to the lash building. we talked about certain things. we went over certain ways. we proceeded this morning to have a staff meeting, and then a team meeting at 8:00. >> [inaudible]. >> i have no reservations about taking this job. >> tom, when and how did you learn that you would become the interrim head coach? >> i was actually down in my office watching film last night like i do every wednesday night and the phone rang and it was rod ericson calling on the phone about, about 20, quarter to
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10:00 and he asked me if i would take the job as interim football coach and i accepted. then i proceeded to make sure i got ahold of the team captains and other people so that we could get started immediately on the process. >> ron, your brother told me earlier today that, you face a huge challenge. he said you were really sad about the whole way this unfolded and now you face toughest three-game stretch much season almost unparalleled. >> first off, i did talk to my brother later last night. first off i grief for the victims. i grief for the families. deeply saddened by that. it is with great emotion that i say that and, you know, the football part, we will get working on that right away. right now i think you should know where our team is toward this whole issue and it is toward those children. it is toward their families and, our thoughts and our
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prayers are with them. >> jeff? >> [inaudible]. >> i called coach paterno last night aren't 11:00. >> [inaudibleñ. i think that's personal in nature. >> cory? >> tom, will mike mqueary be coaching in saturday's game? and if so will he be on the sideline and the press box? >> yes, right now mike mqueary will be coaching on saturday. that will be a game-time decision where he is. >> given how long you're been here do you think it was appropriate that joe was informed of his termination via phone call? >> i'm not familiar how coach was informed of that. but i think it was phone
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call. >> do you think that is appropriate. >> that is not for me to say. the board of trustees made a decision. that is their decision. >> here on the right. >> coach bradly, i florida that you had testified before the grand jury that was investigating the sandusky affair and i was wondering if you could explain what you came to know about that 2002 incident, or any of the other incidents regarding coach sandusky? >> due to the ongoing investigation i'm not going to say anything about that matter. >> neil? >> tom, you've been a defensive coach, in charge of the defense. how involved will you be with the offense and what will be the process in determining a starting quarterback and how you use a quarterback? >> first off, when i talked to the team today i think they know me pretty well. i am who i am and i'm not going to change. i'm not going to pretend i'm somebody else. when the time comes and we sit down as a staff which we
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will, we'll make that decision who the starting quarterback will be. right now, i have made some decisions based with our staff. not quite sure exactly. so i want to make sure i clarify this. but right now, larry johnson and ron will be cocoordinators on defense. i'm not sure if we'll be able to get that in full swing for saturday's game because obviously we have not practiced that way. in regarding signals and calls and how all that works out but we're going to head in that direction. elijah robinson, he is our defensive ga, he will be a full-time coach starting today. >> in the back. >> some people have speculated that the whole current staff should go, you being part of the current staff. obviously you're just interim right now. how would you feel if that would be case to replace a permanent staff? >> that is up to the board of trustees and penn state. it is not been my decision. i've been asked to do a job
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and i will do the job. >> if that would happen what are your thoughts on that? how would you feel you were let go because you are a member of current staff? >> that's again their decision, not mine. >> joe? >> tom, you worked with jerry sandusky a long time. could you characterize your relationship and how shocked were you to hear about the allegations? >> once again due to the allegations, i will not comment on that. jerry was a defensive coordinator when i came here and i worked underneath him. >> tom. >> for a public watching nationally, four or five coaches with more than 20 years experience on this staff and mike mcqueary and joe paterno were only ones aware of jerry sandusky's alleged perversions? >> once again i answered that question. due to the ongoing investigation i'm not going to talk about it. >> in the back? >> coach, as far as a reputation standpoint, what does this team do to rebuild that trust in the community off the football field? in our mind? >> first of all i think
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we've got to understand that this team has put a lot of hard work in. this is senior day for them. okay? they deserve to have this day. okay, that is what they worked for this whole year and, my job is to facilitate that that happens. you know, i think the reputation that penn state will go about it, in the proper manner and restore the foundation and principles of the pennsylvania state university. >> andrew? >> tom, right here, tom. in light of the, first of all your thoughts about the rye ots last night and in the wake of the decision about joe paterno? do you worry about the safety and atmosphere for players and fans in the stadium on saturday given everything taken place? >> i understand there was some activity last night. no, i do not worry about the safety of our players on saturday. >> meeting with the players last night, how are they handling such a monumental change at this point in the season? >> obviously a lot of them are in shock. they have mixed emotions. when i called up an spoke to
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the captains, a whole bunch of guys come over to the lash building last night and piled into my office and we discussed team matters. >> mark? >> tom, have you given any indication the team will be playing after saturday? >> what do you mean playing after saturday? >> will there be football games after saturday? >> hopefully so. that is up to the administration. >> john? >> coach, you guys have a lot left to play for. can you talk about getting this team back together considering what they have been through in trying to march forward with what could potentially still be in front of you. >> we have great leadership on this football team. okay, once again, when he spoke to them this morning it is their team, okay? they're not here for me. i'm here to help them be as good as they possibly can be. that's the direction we're going. i don't think there is any problem. they will be focused. my job is to make sure they stay focused. obviously they have had a tremendous amount of distractions over the past
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week. it is -- group. they will come to play on saturday. >> tom, given the intense national scrutiny for mike mcqueary, why do you think it is appropriate for him to coach in this game and continue to be a face for this university? >> that is a decision that is up to mark cher bert, our acting athletic director. >> in the back. >> was there any consideration to dismissing mike mcqueary? were you a part of any conversations whatsoever about a potentially relieving him of his duties with the football team? >> absolutely not. >> ron? >> tom, i know you've waited a long time to be a head coach. you couldn't imagine under these circumstances. can you sum up your feelings?. >> we're obviously in a very unprecedented situation that we find ourselves in and, you know, i'm going to find a way to restore the confidence and to start a healing process with everybody and i'm going to
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try to go about it. as i said earlier it is with very mixed emotion and heavy heart that this has occurred that i'm going through this. >> matt? >> tom, you said that you hoped that this team can finish the rest of the season but it's up to the administration. are you saying there's a chance that the administration could sans kel games? >> really that has never come up yet. that's why i'm not sure on that question. >> here on the right. >> coach bradley, i understand your reluctance to maybe go in this direction but i would just like to ask you in the interest of transparency and getting everything as off to fresh and clean a start as possible could you comment on what you did know about the sandusky allegations and what steps you may have taken to report them and why or why not you did report
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them? >> i answered this question before. due to the ongoing investigation i'm not going to comment on that matter. >> ron? >> tom, what do you think the state of your team will be with all this craziness this week? how do you think they will play saturday? >> i think they will be ready to play saturday. they had a lengthy team meeting after i got done today and they talked it out. there's a, this afternoon there's a letter arriving from the former penn state football letter men that wrote a letter to these guys explaining to them the importance of what penn state means. i think they will be ready to play. >> in the back. >> in light, coach, in light of what happened with student conduct last night, what methods would you have for students anticipating before, during and after the game saturday? >> well, i think the message is clear. let's show them what penn state's really all b okay, it is not about some of
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those activities. let's show class. let's show dignity and let's show what we're really all about. >> mark? >> tom, how is --. jon: if you would like to continue to watch this news conference, we have it streaming live for you on that's tom bradly, the new interim head coach of the penn state football program and what a bombshell really has rocked this university in the last four days since it was disclosed that a former defensive coordinator, a man under whom this man, tom bradley, once worked, that former defensive coordinator, jerry sandusky has been charged with sexual abuse of children. some of it apparently took place, allegedly took place in the penn state locker room. it is an absolutely appalling story. the long-time coach, joe paterno, now out. so is the university president. our dade lee miller is at penn state university. and david, there was this
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riot last night involving 2,000 students protesting the fire ofing joe paterno. have things quieted down this morning? >> reporter: things are much quieter this hour. looks like nag happened here. the mood on the campus, jon, is very tense. i think one of the key things we heard tom bradley say in this news conference is that one of the things that has to happen now is to begin the healing process and that is going to be a extremely difficult thing to do especially going into this game. so many people here were hoping that coach paterno was going to be able to coach the team, this his last home game against nebraska. now that is not going to happen and there is going to be a great deal of frustration and some anger that could rear its ugly head on saturday. the coach has asked for the students to uphold the values of penn state. as the coach, i mean joe paterno and, perhaps they will listen to him but by and large the student body
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here not happy with the outcome of the board of trustees meeting yesterday. very quickly, jon, let me say we heard a lot of discussion in that news conference about a coach by the name of mike mcqueary. for those who haven't followed this case closely, he is believed to be the graduate student back in 2002 who entered the shower room and saw the alleged sexual abuse taking place and it was mcqueary who in 2002 who went and reported it to paterno. many people are now questioning is it appropriate for mike mcqueary to be a part of this team? yes, he reported what he saw to coach paterno but, should he also have gone farther and said something to the authorities? one of the many questions being asked. jon? jon: lots of other shoes yet to drop in this investigation in this case it seems. david lee miller at the penn state university. thanks. jenna: continuing coverage of course out of pennsylvania. meantime a rough road ahead for nascar's kyle busch.
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from his suspension and fine to word now of even more trouble, all before sunday's race. we're live at the breaking news desk with more on that. the hunt for a missing toddler take as strange twist. police are questioning the mother's story. there are eerie similarities to a just aired episode of a very popular tv crime show. what is that all about? we'll go in depth with geraldo just ahead
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kyle busch story. rick? report report that's right. this is more trouble for kyle busch, jenna, one of the most successful and controversial drivers on the nascar circuit. the apreporting today, the one of bush's sponsors is asking busch to be yanked from the season's last race and be replaced with another driver, denny hamlin. he was fined last weekend for intentionally ramming the car of another driver while the caution flag was out. the season started off pretty well for busch who two months ago was the favorite to win his first sprint cup championship. now he is out of that. kyle promised to show more more turt. he got in trouble on and off the track. his north carolina driver's license was suspended driving 128 mile-per-hour in a 45 mile-per-hour zone. hendrik tore sports let him
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go at the end of the 2007 season. we'll see what happens to kyle busch, jenna. jenna: we will, rick, thank you. jon? jon: there is stunning new information for the search for a missing toddler in washington state. police are saying the mother's story just doesn't add up. julia biryukova said her son vanished sunday after she let him sleeping alone in her unlocked car after the car ran out of gas. investigators are saying there was plenty of gas left in the tank. geraldo rivera joins us now with more on the case. this one just doesn't pass the smell test. >> it really doesn't. it is almost impossible to believe that the mother is not involved criminally in the disan appearance in the 2-year-old. she and her husband are engaged in awful acrimonious year long dispute over child custody. they had a 12-hour mediation session where the mom was forced to yield custody, not custody but visitation of the 2-year-old son to the
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estranged father who had not seen the child in fuel year. comes on the heels of mediation with the mower concocting bogus story with the car running out of gas rushing 2-year-old to area hospital. the route is wrong for a hospital. she was in the wrong community. the car was not out of gas. really seems to me, jon, pretty clear this is one of those hideous case in which the parents who has to yield custody or at least visitation to the hated ex-spouse or estranged spouse did something terrible to this child. to deny the husband the access to his own child. jon: and in court documents her husband complains that she had discussed killing the children. that is pretty chilling. that is on top of that. there is apparently this parallels a "law & order" episode that just ran. i didn't see it. maybe some of our viewers did. >> the "law & order" suv episode we looked up. i didn't see it either either in that case, the missing child is the obvious cause for the mother to be under suspicion.
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it is same thing. the chide left in a car. mom says, i don't know what happened to the child but in the suv episode the mother was in the the child died of natural causes. the mother covered up the dead baby. maybe the mother saw this, and thought, ah haw like the mother in suv i will be acquitted of my crime because they won't suspect me. it is really telling that the mother has not taken a polygraph test. the father has inconclusive. the took a second one tuesday. i'm into the sure what the results are. if you want to know what happened to that child get to the mother or the 4-year-old allegedly in the car. i don't think the baby was in the car from the get-go. i don't think that child took a ride to any hospital, ran out of gas. i don't think that happened. jon: when i read the first bulletin about this case. mom runs out of gas. has four-year-old and 2-year-old with her. leaves the 2-year-old in a car. >> come on.
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if you were in the sahara desert. you would not do that. it defies human emotion and reason. the story is bogus. let the mother take the polygraph test if she cares about hess credibility. i think authorities will circle this mother and find the nexus what happened to that child right there at home. jon: let's hope they find the child at some point. >> don't hold your breath. jon: all right, geraldo. jenna: news on the economy coming up. a big sur prides from bank of america are dropping its plans to charge some customers heavy fees. what is the state of our banking system right now? liz macdonald from fox business is on that. we talked a lot about it and we will continue to do so because it is such a big story. chaos at penn state university. police clashing with students just hours after the firing of legendary football coach joe paterno. we'll talk to the reporter who broke this story back in march next.
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jenna: right now dramatic fallout from the child sex abuse scandal rocking penn state and really rocking the country right now. thousands of angry students flooded the streets after the board of trustees fired head coach joe paterno and the university president last night. as you can see from some of the footage things quickly got out of control. some throwing rocks and bottles. even tipping over a news van. this is in support for what some described obviously has been a ledge endairy coach in coach in college
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football. the question now, what is his legacy? is it attached to this? is most certainly seems to be. we're joined by a reporter, sara gannon with the patriot news of harrisburg. she broke the story in march. she is headed back to the campus. we know this is busy time for you. we appreciate you joining us. what more questions do you have about this story? what do you feel needs to be answered? >> i think this is something that will be ongoing for a couple of days, if not weeks and months. our questions are what is next as far as the university? is there more fallout here? think about all the handlers and, the people that work on staff. for those two figureheads at penn state university, are they gone too? you to the to remember, these are people that have been coach paterno and president spanier have been at penn state for many, many years. obviously paterno has been there for decades. some of his staff has been
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with him throughout most of that time. are these people moving on as well? there is also now a federal investigation into the sex scandal. so we're going to have to see if there is anymore fallout and of course if anymore charges come from the state ag's office. jenna: interesting to see that, arne duncan, secretary of education getting involved and speaking about this. tom bradly, interim coach obviously made for paterno. played for sandusky i believe as well as coached with them. any reaction to him becoming the interim coach in the local area? >> you know, so far, i think people are still reeling from last night trying to get their heads around what happened. we haven't heard much reaction. i think that will change because, as we speak, he is giving his very first press conference as a head coach. once that is over i think we'll hear reaction to what he said, to what students are thinking. especially as we get closer to saturday with this game against nebraska, which is the first big 10 game
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against nebraska for penn state because nebraska joined the conference last year. as we get closer to the game we'll hear more about bradley. jenna: understandable with of course with all the news. i always feeling silly asking about coaches and the games when we can't forget the victims in all of this. i'm curious when you are reporting this story and have been for last several months, we're coming to this week, did you encounter a cover-up at the university? did you feel pressure from the university because of your coverage? what was your experience? >> you know, penn state has always been a little bit closed off when it comes to media inquiries. they have really been, i will just say, they have always been kind of closed off. no, i obviously we didn't respond to any kind of pressure from anyone. not to say we got any from penn state but, you know,
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i'm a news reporter, not a sports reporter. we always approached this -- as [inaudible] from the point of view up the firing yesterday this was more of a crime story than a football story. with the scandal that really takes it to a new level. i think that's why you're seeing what you're seeing. jenna: sara, we appreciate the insights and of course your coverage. as you mentioned good reminder, a crime story, rather than a sports story and one for us to remember well. sara, we'll talk again soon. thank you very much. >> thank you. jon: and now this fox news business alert. bank of america scrapping another big fee for its customers. the bank is now abandoning plans for overdraft charges, saving you from fines for making debit card purchases with insufficient fund in your account. fox business network's liz macdonald is with us now. is this a sign that other banks are going to be backing off these controversial fees? >> reporter: banks have been backing off controversial
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fees and this one is really interesting, jon, because what this involved was financial reformulas year that took place last year, basically said if a customer is facing an overdraft, then the bank would have to notify that bank customer that they may face a fee of, maybe $35 per transaction. you just have to notify them. all bank of america wanted to do here was essentially send a text message to a customer saying look, you may be in overdraft mode. if you want to go into overdraft you will have to pay this $35 fee. with the protests against the banking system. bank transfer day, where bank transfer day involved activists saying get rid of your bank accounts, move to credit unions, essentially bank of america is even backing off just texting a notification that you may be in overdraft. bank of america already ditched its overdraft fee as has citigroup and hsbc. so this seems to be more
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sensitivity on the part of banks to what is going on with the activist movement against the banking system. jon: but the money has got to come from somewhere. what they don't in fees they will find another way to make up, right? >> reporter: that's right, jon. in fact top executives of bank america was on a wall street conference call and they said, you know what? the existence of the debit card fee was hurting the franchise and hurting the image. industry estimates the loss of charging that fee would lose about $6 billion a year for the banking system. they could, you know, possibly make it up, likely make it up elsewhere. back to you, jon. jon: liz macdonald, fox business network, thanks. >> reporter: delighted. >> multiple reports today hope is fading for a deal on the federal deficit. in less than two weeks drastic automatic cuts for the budget are supposed to kick in if the super-committee can't come up with a agreement. we have reports he said/she said. we have democrats reportedly
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reegg ing the latest gop plan. there is reportedly no compromise in sight. we're trying to figure out what is going on. two weeks away. senator bob casey the chairman of the joint economic committee. senator, nice to have you back with us. >> thanks, jenna. jenna: wow, we're two weeks away from thanksgiving to the day. i wonder if we go into thanksgiving day with a deadlock with the super-committee? what chance do you think we have of that happening? >> well, we're not sure yet. obviously members of the committee have been working hard and they have been, i think very prudent and discrete about what they talk about publicly. so there's a limit i think to what we know for sure. but the most important thing is that we keep focus on a bipartisan agreement that will provide kind of the debt and deficit reduction and spending cuts that will give taxpayers and markets and investors confidence that we can move forward with a, not only a job creation strategy that we're working on in the senate and the house right now, but
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also a way to cut spending, reduce deficit and debt. i still think there's plenty of time for a bipartisan agreement. jenna: one of our colleagues, dick durbin said no deal, is better than a bad deal. would you agree with that? >> well we'll see. i don't want to characterize what might happen. i think we're all better off if we can end this year on two fronts. number one, end the year with a series of bipartisan votes on job creation strategies. we're getting to that. we've got good work this week on veterans job creation bill. secondly that we end the calendar year of 2011 with an agreement on deficit and debt. i realize it is hard to do. i realize a lot of people are saying it won't happen but i'm still hopeful it can happen by the deadline so we can finish the year and point the economy in the right direction for 2012. jenna: there is some chatter right now about maybe trying to figure out a way to extend the deadline, or once the deadline happens and
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sequestration happens with automatic cuts there might be away to avoid them. has there been talk about that? have you been in circles with colleagues discussing this? >> well, i think there's plenty of discussions about that but i think right now we've got a process in place which is very important. i think the american people expect us to do two things. they expect us to take steps that will lead to more job creation, kick-start the engine so to speak. work on spending cuts and deficit and debt reduction. by doing both of those they expect us to try to work together to stop the bickering and the fighting and fingerpointing, work together, come up with a bipartisan agreement. i still think there is time for that. we have to focus on job creation and on an agreement for debt reduction. jenna: we'll keep the hope as well. again, sorting through some of these reports can be tough and we're just trying to learn what we can. senator casey, it was nice to have you sir. thank you. jon: another strong earthquake hits turkey,
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devastating a country still reeling from an earlier deadly quake. why riot police had to be called in. that's next. and he called it the most devastating moment of any modern primary debate. that tweet from political analyst larry sabato describing rick perry's fumble last night. professor sabato joins us live next to explain why he tweeted that and what it means for perry's campaign. [ coughs ] what is thishorty? uh, tissues si i'm sick. you don't cough, you d't show defeat. give me your war face! raaah! [ male announcer ] halls. a pep talk in every drop.
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jon: republican presidential candidate rick perry in full damage control mode today after a debate performance last night that he probably would prefer to forget. except that forget something precisely his problem. perry stumbled when he couldn't remember the third of three federal agencies he says he would eliminate as president. our next guest sent this tweet after the gaffe. quote, to my memory, perry's
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forgetfulness is the most devastating moment of any modern primary debate. larry sabato is the man who sent out that tweet. he is director of the center for politics at the university of virginia and he joins us live. the irony here, larry, perry acknowledges that debates are not his strong suit was doing pretty well in this one up until that moment. >> yes. absolutely. of course, you know, a student takes an exam and gets everyone right up to 60% of the exam and then gets the 40% wrong he fails. look, jon, it was a disaster. there is just no way to put any fine point on it. i think governor perry obviously recognizes that. he made every morning show this morning to say that he goofed up and he stepped in it as he put it but it's too late. it is on the permanent real, not just of debate gaffs but the millions of republicans who watched that debate will remember it forever. this wasn't just a moment,
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jon. it was a series of events that has taken place since perry has entered the contest. he has done poorly in almost every single debate. so it is tough to overcome this subtext for his candidacy. jon: more than 50 seconds of silence as he tried to come up with the answer there. it was something to behold that's for sure. but i don't know, maybe going on tv and trying to talk your way around it is the way to go? he will be joining megyn kelly this afternoon live on "america live". we understand he will appear on "late night with david letterman" tonight. >> that was, that was inevitable. and i'm just going to predict outright he will forget to read several of the 10 things on the list, something like that. look it's funny. let's be honest, it is an apology tour. if you're on an apology tour you did something you're worried about or ashamed of that affects you adversely. jon: you think --
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>> can he over come it? people overcome anything in politics today. it's possible but governor perry's real problem is i don't think he can turn into cicero by saturday's debate. and the debates after that. he has got a real problem there. republicans want to put somebody out there who can stand toe-to-toe with president obama and they're worried that governor perry can't do that. jon: we didn't even get to the topic of your latest crystal ball release which says, quote, why barack obama has a good chance of winning a second term. >> that is one half of it. the other half, the other article suggests the other side of the equation. jon: well, but there is some pretty good evidence that the president could prevail next time around. at any rate we'll have you on to talk about that again. larry sabato from the university of virginia. >> thank you, jon. jon: thank you. do not miss rick perry live right here on fox news today. megyn kelly will be interviewing the texas governor on "america live"
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about 2:15 eastern time. you will want to stick around for that, that's for sure. jenna: for the first time the public will hear president nixon's long secret testimony in the scandal that rocked the nation and ended his presidency. we have that straight ahead. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projectsn the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to thplanet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪
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jenna: right now some new information on some stories we're watching across the country and around the world. let's go to turkey first. riot police there had to use tear gas on protesters angry at the handling of relief efforts. this after the second earthquake in just three weeks. the number keeps climbing but more than 600 people have died because of those earthquakes. american cyclist floyd land disconvicted by a french court for his role hacking into the computers after french doping lab that found abnormal levels of
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testosterone in his system. fine a little good news for taylor swift named entertainer of year in nashville last night at the 45th cma awards. jon: kanye west wasn't there to share the stage with her. secrets from watergate revealed. for the first time the public will hear president richard nixon's grand jury testimony about the scandal that wound upending his presidency. chief washington correspondent and fox news resident watergate historian james rosen live for us in washington of the james? >> reporter: jon, good morning. it marked the first time a president of the united states had given grand jury testimony and in this case it was the man who repains to this day 17 years after his death america's only ex-president. it was june 1975. ten months after rehe signed from office richard nixon spent left hours over two days answering questions under oath from lawyers for the watergate special prosecution force and two members after washington
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based grand jury t was held at a coast guard facility adjacent to nixon's home in san clemente, california. he was already pardoned done for all crimes he may have committed as president. the hr haldeman, john eric man trials already ended in their convictions. the special prosecutors wanted his testimony. he gave it voluntarily on a few remaining areas of interest of the among them, nixon's long entangled relationship with reclusive billionaire howard hughes. some historians argued the motive for the watergate break in that ultimately triggered nixon's downfall was the president's desire to learn what party officials might have known about a $100,000 contribution hughes secretly remade to the president's re-election. he was question about the infamous 18 1/2 minute gap discovered on the tape with the conversation with hr haldeman just dies days after the break in. rosemary woods demonstrated
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for the photographer how she might have caused erase sure while tran describing tapes for the grand jury. i is not sure it shed light who ordered break in. no evidence surfaces that nixon knew about the breakth beforehand. being released among other things, nearly hour's worth of recordings nixon made on his private dicta belt machine. it is most fascinating of modern era in my biased view. jon? jon: interesting stuff, james rose is keep an eye on for it us thanks. >> reporter: thank you. jenna: we have fox news alert. we're awaiting important news on the solyndra scandal. in about three minutes we'll know whether the white house has turned over or will turn over very key documented related to this. we'll have the latest at top of the hour. new fallout from the penn state sex abuse scandal as thousands of students protest joe paterno's rest of termination. we'll talk about that next hour.
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jenna: can you believe it? less than one year to election day. jon: november next year. jenna: november next year. a new poll is showing something very interesting at this time, a dead heat in three key swing states between who, i guess, is the question here. hi, everybody, i'm jenna lee. jon: and those three states are pivotal, i'm jon scott. we're talking about florida, ohio and pennsylvania. the matchup, president obama against republican mitt romney. welcome to america's election headquarters. according to the first swing state polls for 2012 conducted by quinnipiac university, president obama and mitt romney are running neck and neck in those three key states, and in each state half is voters say the president does not deserve a second term. michael barone is senior political analyst for the washington examiner and a fox news contributor. michael, it's a long way until next november, but these are not good numbers for the president.
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>> well, they aren't good numbers for the president, jon. those are states what lot of electoral votes, florida with 29, pennsylvania with 20, ohio with 18. and the president carried them all last time, 55% in pennsylvania, 52 in florida and ohio. he's not getting those votes now. he's running about ten points behind where he ran in 2008. and, you know, 100% of the voters know him, and only 42-45% are voting for him. that's a negative verdict. it's not politically fatal, but it's, he's in a difficult position. jon: interesting, too, that mitt romney still has a lot of republican challengers, and if he does win the nomination and his becomes the name that's out there, one presumes he would pick up some support in a poll like this. >> well, i think, you know, voters don't know nearly as much about mitt romney as they will if he becomes the republican nominee. they'll have a lot more information and a lot of things will have happened between now
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and fall of 2012 that will effect people's opinions of mitt romney pro or con. so romney's numbers can't be counted as definitive on what his ultimate appeal might prove to be. but what we do know from that is that know what voters know now he's competitive with president obama in all three of these key states. jon: well, he has said this election will be about jobs and the economy, and mitt romney said so again last night in the debate. let's play a clip and get your reaction. >> what we have in washington today is a president and an administration that doesn't like business. that somehow thinks they want jobs, but they don't like businesses. look, i want to see our businesses thrive and grow and expand and be profitable. jon: making the point that he believes there's too much regulation out of this administration. >> well, he believes there's too
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much regulation, too much big government. he's against the tax increases that president obama supports. one of the things that's interesting to me, jon, is that he, you know, in looking at states like ohio and pennsylvania, those are states where when mitt romney was growing up, labor unions were very powerful, and people believed very strongly that business was somehow an adversary. many voters were against management. but in this case i think that romney is betting that people will like the idea that you want businesses to do well, and the polling number bees tend to back him up -- numbers tend to back him up. right now the big government solutions of the obama democrats evidently don't seem to be work anything the opinion of a majority of ohio, florida and pennsylvania voters. jon: let me play a clip for you of herman cain last night, and i want to touch on the scandal that's enveloped his campaign on the other side of this. take a listen. >> my character and my integrity
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more than anything else, and for every one person that comes forward with a false accusation, there are probably, there are thousands who would say none of that sort of activity ever came from herman cain. jon: is that scandal behind him, do you think? >> well, it's -- the charges are out this. we may see more of the accusers. some people have been arguing that there's a connection here with obama operatives. i don't regard that as proven, but the fact is that we saw herman cain handle these charges over a period of a week in a way that was inconsistent and seemed to change by the day or, indeed, by the hour as fox viewers know. and i don't think that increased anybody's sense that he was ready to be president. so when voters vote for real and not just to express views in polls, i think one question they
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may confront more fully is, is this person really prepared to be president. and i'm not sure that the answers are going to be positive for herman cain, and i think probably less so as a result of how he handled the charges. jon: michael barone, good to have you on. thanks very much. >> thank you. jenna: well, now this fox news alert, a deadline passing moments ago for the white house to reply to a subpoena for more documents related to solyndra. solyndra, of course, being the solar energy company that went bankrupt leaving taxpayers on the hook for a half billion dollars in loan guarantees. foreign affairs correspondent wendell goler is live at the white house with more on this. do we know anything more at this time? >> reporter: white house counsel katherine rum bler has indicated republicans are going to have to be more specific about what they're looking for before she will comply with a subpoena demanding more e-mails regarding solyndra. she says general curiosity isn't enough to encroach on what she
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calls white house or executive branch confidentiality interests. congressman fred upton says e-mails he and other law makes -- lawmakers have already obtained clearly establish george kaiser or his operators discussed solyndra with white house members. one of those e-mails says, quote: >> reporter: now, solyndra, as you point out, went bankrupt earlier this year after receiving a half billion in government loan guarantees and importantly, a revision of the deal that put the government behind private investors in the event of bankruptcy. the white house says there's no evidence anywhere of improper pressure from here. the president himself says it's the nature of high-risk, cutting-edge technology that some start-ups go bust. another e-mail from kaiser himself warned he was, quote, concerned that the department of energy or secretary chu would
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resent the white house intervention and your problem could get more difficult. mitchell says he did discuss chinese subsidies that made chinese solar panels much cheaper than solyndra's, but he never mentioned solyndra itself to the president. texas congressman joe barton isn't buying. >> we're learning that the white house doesn't really want to cooperate with our investigation. they appear to think as long as they say everything's okay, it's okay, and what we say is give us the documents, give us the facts and let us determine what's wrong and what's right. >> reporter: i should have said kaiser said he discussed the chinese subsidies with the president but not solyndra. the white house says republicans have gone through 85,000 pages of documents on solyndra without finding anything that suggests the loan was made as a result of improper political pressure. jenna: wendall, thank you very much. jon: and right now in washington, a serious debate underway. senators looking into a plan that would, among other things, grant the national guard a
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permanent seat on the chiefs of staff. it's something president obama promised to do during his campaign. but the idea has lawmakers and even the military divided. steve centanni is live at the pentagon with a look at why. steve? >> reporter: hi, jon. yeah, a lively debate underway on capitol hill on the idea of this major change to the joint chiefs of staff, the idea to give the head of the national guard equal seat on that panel. now, the question arises because the national guard coming from the various states does a lot of the work in our combat zones in iraq and afghanistan. they've suffered about 10% of the fatalities over there. but they don't have an equal position on the joint chiefs of staff. but top commanders here at the pentagon say that's unnecessary, they don't need it. they claim it would confuse the chain of command, it would be redundant and the army chief of staff already represents the active duty guard. >> in the end, i'm not sure what is broken and that we are
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fixing. >> i am bound to communicate my explicit opposition to this post as a member of the joint chiefses of staff. >> creates an unavoidable conflict of interest inconsistent with voting mick. >> reporter: but the man who now heads the national guard says the move is necessary because the national guard wears two hats. when they're at home, they work for the state. when they're deployed overseas, they work for the government. general mckinley wants to be a mouthpiece for the states on the joint chiefs of staff. >> our nation's military planning and resourcing would be vastly improved, in my opinion. >> reporter: supporters of the move also say that having an equal voice on the joint chiefs would prevent the chronic problem of undertraining and undersupplying of the national guard that existed before 9/11 mostly. there'll be a news conference today with secretary of defense leon panetta, and we'll get his take on all this. back to you, jon. jon: steve centanni at the pentagon for us, thank you,
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steve. jenna: extreme weather right now in alaska, a fierce storm battering folks along the western coast. blizzard conditions featuring heavy rain and snow and hurricane-force winds. some are calling it a blizzicane, janice. [laughter] >> reporter: maybe a snowcane. it's not meteorologically correct, but hurricane-force winds, and excessive hurricane-force winds. look at some of these wind gusts. 89 miles per hour, 85 miles per hour. the worst storm they have seen there in four decades, 40 years. so this storm has moved inland, but we have another one underway just off the coast, so an upper level low beginning to make its way to the northeast, and this could bring significant wind and snow to the region. so here's our system that we were talking about, the blizzardcane, the bering sea storm. lowest pressure storm in
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decades, four decades for the alaska region. storm surge up to eight feet, and it's still possible in some of these regions like nome, alaska, and gusts in excess of 60 miles per hour. with this next storm system, we could see wind gusts in excess of 50 miles per hour, so yet another storm to impact the region over the next 24-48 hours. you can see it right there, jenna lee, moving inland. and i just want to quickly point out we still have the tropics. this is tropical storm sean, my husband's name. not going to impact the u.s., fortunately, and i'm hoping that my husband doesn't decide to surf this thing either off the coast because it's dangerous right now with those rip currents. [laughter] jenna: he's such a good guy. he wouldn't bother anybody. we could have a storm named after him. >> reporter: he's a very handsome storm. jenna: j.d., send it to the hubby. thank you very much. [laughter] jon: a night of violence at berkeley university. police in riot gear breaking up
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another anti-wall street crowd as they try to occupy the campus. we'll take you there. plus, washington state police questioning the story told by a missing boy's mother, and they are taking new steps to rule out possible suspects in the toddler's disappearance. >> in addition to eliminating suspects or foul play from the group closest to julian skye, polygraphs, we're also going to be using dna elimination swabs, that's something on our priority list. my sinus symptoms come with a cough that stays even after i treat... [ male announcer ] truth is, most sinus formulas don't treat a cough. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus sinus liquid gels fights sinus symptoms plus cough. you're good. [ male announcer ] thanks. that's the cold truth!
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jon: things get physical between protesters and plus on the uc -- police on the uc berkeley campus as the anti-wall street protests enter their second month. >> reporter: jon, the problems at this particular protest came when anti-wall street protesters apparently tried to build an encampment on the campus, police determined to keep the crowd from putting any kind of tent or shelter on the campus, using physical force to keep that from
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happening. in response, the crowd began chanting, "we are the 99%," and "stop beating students." the university says it told protesters they could stay where they were around the clock for a week, but they were not allowed to bring in things like tents or 120e6s which would -- stoves which would suggest they were trying to set up some permanent residence here. the occupy wall street protests still going on in dozens of cities around the world. back to you. jon: rick folbaum, thanks. jenna: well, the mother of a missing child sparking plenty of suspicion now. washington state detectives are looking into the mysterious disappearance of her 2-year-old son. this little boy disappeared back on sunday. investigators are saying, listen, the mom's story just doesn't add up. dan springer is streaming live in bellevue, washington, with more. dan? >> reporter: yeah, jenna. bellevue police are all but saying that the mother lied to them about what really happened to her son, skye.
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remember, the story was that she ran out of gas on her way to the hospital sunday morning. she left the little boy in the car sleeping while she and the 4-year-old daughter walked a mile to the gas station. when they came back about an hour later, skye was gone. police say there was enough gas in the tank to make it to the hospital, and when the cops got to the car on sunday, it started right up. >> the mother's story is falling apart day-to-day, and her lack of cooperation so far in regard to providing more information proactively and submitting to a polygraph doesn't help. >> reporter: julia is clearly the focus of the police investigation. she is refusing to speak directly with the police. she had just gone through an ugly custody battle with her ex-husband who was not, has not seen his kids since december because of a restraining order. just two days before skye went
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missing, a judge granted the dad visitation rights. police, meantime, say they have run out of places to search for skye. they have interviewed most of the residents in the mom's apartment complex, and no one has seen skye the last two weeks. cops are looking into her mental stability, she was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder and has been committed three times. the father, solomon, took a lie detector test. that first one was inconclusive, we understand he took a second one yesterday, we should know more later on today when we have a news conference. again, the focus of this investigation seems to be the mother, julia. jenna: sad story, dan. we'll continue to watch it. dan springer live in washington state. jon: the college town long known as happy valley is now filled with outrage, anger and sadness. more horrifying details of alleged child abuse involving a former penn state assistant football coach. the scandal now costing head coach joe paterno his job. that sends his angry supporters
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into the streets. so is paterno's firing justified? we report, you decide. a search underway for a missing major league baseball player. police believe he's been kidnapped. straight ahead, the evidence they have just found. [ male announcer ] our nation's veterans are real-life heroes. but when they come home, they don't want a parade; they want a job. the postal service employs more veterans than any other civilian employer. but congress is debating a bill that would force the postal service to fire tens of thousands of vets,
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jenna: the family of missing baby lisa prepares for her very first birthday tomorrow, we have a new twist in the mystery. rick, what do we know? >> reporter: a rough day for the family, no doubt, as police are still baffled as to what happened to this child. reported miss anything the early morning hours of october 4th, her parents say the father got home from an overnight shift from work around 4 a.m., realized lisa not in her crib, and a lot of the suspicion has focused on the mom, deborah bradley, but no one has been
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charged. another woman now suddenly connected to the case, megyn wright has become part of the story because she got a call on her cell phone the night baby lisa disappeared, and that call was from one of the cell phones that lisa's parents told police were missing from their house the morning they discovered lisa was gone. megyn wright has spoken to the police and the fbi, she's actually also started her own facebook page to defend herself from any accusations that she's somehow involved in this. and this morning she posted a message that she's moving away from kansas city because of the scrutiny. investigators have followed hundreds of tips, but they still have no solid leads about what happened to her. back the you. jenna: a mystery it remains, at least for now, rick. thank you. jon: emotions running high across the country with word the winningest coach in college football history was fired. penn state making the announcement last night.
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angry students then poured into the streets to show their support for joe paterno. many others say paterno's firing is justified. arguing he should have done more after learning his longtime assistant coach and defensive coordinator was accused of molesting a young boy. geraldo rivera is anchor of "geraldo at large." you know, i wondered when the report came to him about some of this awful business that apparently had been going on right there in the penn state locker room whether, you know, how that was couched. but the grand jury report makes it pretty clear that paterno got a pretty direct description of what this former assistant coach, well, then a graduate assistant, now an assistant coach, had actually seen. >> mike mccrery told joe paterno the morning after it happened, jon, that he saw jerry sandusky rape ago 10-year-old in the shower -- raping a 10-year-old in the shower, performing anal shower. that was 9:30 the next morning.
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jon: joe paterno, according to the grand jury report -- >> the penn state athletic director curly, gary schultz, both of them have also been fired, those two guys are already indicted. joe paterno is also lucky that he is not under indictment right now, jon, for perjury. and let me just say about those students rioting last night, this is an example of the disto torted values system in one of these big football universities, a university that made over $50 million profit last year alone from its football program. they care more about the coach, they care more about the football team than they do about this coach apparently covering up the rape of a 10-year-old by a serial molester, jerry sandusky, who was allowed to use the penn state facilities to bring these young foster children in, for god sakes, children from this charity he found, and i suspect he founded this charity so he could have this pool of available victims,
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and god knows how many victims he has, jon. jon: you spend a lot of time on the penn state campus. we got an e-mail today from a man, he says joe and mike mccrery -- that former graduate assistant -- guilty of trusting the authority they noticed about the incident would notify the proper authorities. >> bogus. a man who at 84-year-old has guided the sensationally successful program, he tells these two people he saw something, quote-unquote, of a sexual nature. that's not what mccrery told him, and the grand jury finds mccrery's testimony credible. paterno calls in the athletic directer and the vice president and tells them what h happened. here's the key line, the graduate assistant was never yet bid university police. can you imagine? he says to the coach, i saw this other guy, this trusted emeritus
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professor, former coach raping a 10-year-old in the shower, they tell everybody, and they never even informed the university police? this is sickening, jon. this is absolutely appalling. this is football and money ahead of the well being of children. jon: and interesting now that the football program has been placed in the hands of tom bradley who's been on the coaching staff there for 33 years, apparently was coached by jerry sandusky, worked under him l and worked alongside him for years. >> i cannot imagine as off happens, you know how rumors spread and people know everybody's business, particularly in a close organization, there these guys are living together, they're showering, they're playing football together, nobody could not know that jerry sandusky had this proclivity, particularly after in 2002 they caught him in the act. they should suspend the football season, that's what penn state should do. jon: geraldo rivera, thank you. tune in to "geraldo at large" sunday night, 10 eastern on fox news channel.
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jenna: we have some breaking news in the kidnapping of a major league baseball player. we'll tell you about that just ahead. also life after the battlefield. the army's latest approach to help soldiers settle in back home just on the eve of veterans day. we'll be right back.n he [gunfire] and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole gin oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios.
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the reason we have a helicopter out there by way of our affiliate, the bomb squad is on the scene. the los angeles police department telling us here at fox news they're investigating two suspicious items found during a search warrant. that search warrant happened this morning, 7:00 local time there. it has been about two hours. the bomb squad was called out to again investigate two suspicious items. not evacuations so far and this is on the 6700 block of royer avenue in west hills. we'll keep you posted if we hear anything more. jon: they are running out of time. less than two weeks before the super-committee deadline for reaching some kind of deal on cutting the deficit. if republicans and democrats can not agree on a plan the nation could face automatic and painful spending cuts. and still the 12 members appear to be stuck at an impasse. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel live on capitol hill for us now. any signs of anybody giving up hope at this point, mike?
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>> reporter: jon, i'm hearing a lot of voices frustration on people close to the super-committee at this point. i can tell you at 11:00, hour and a half ago, the two cochairs of committee, jeb hensarling, republican and democrat patty murray met privately. we understand six republican members of the super-committee are meeting in senator jon kyl's office. it is not clear this is a development or they're just doing a status check. we got an update from congressman hensarling earlier this morning. take a listen. >> i'm not giving up hope. i hope my democrat colleagues are not giving up hope until midnight on the 23rd. we have a very practical challenge in getting something to the congressional budget office. i acknowledge that. but the stakes are too high for our economy to throw up our hand and give up. and so, we're not. >> reporter: hensarling told reporters he felt like republicans made a major concession including revenue in the latest offer to
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democrats but the democrats rejected that offer. jon? jon: hensarling obviously republican and noted fiscal hawk. what are some of the top democrats saying? >> reporter: well they're saying, yes, republicans did offer revenue in their offer to the democrats but it was not enough. co-chair patty murray told reporters, quote, i believe that they understand the dynamics where we are. that the american public expect as fair and balanced approach and that is what we are waiting for. senator john kerry, democrat of massachusetts says, all we're doing is waiting for them to come back with a realistic, fair, balanced proposal with adequate revenue. we've been very clear to them. fair and balanced. how about that, jon? jon: think they stole that slogan from us. mike emanuel there on capitol hill. mike, thank you. >> reporter: thanks. jenna: a new development what is being reported as a brazen kidnapping of wilson ramos, a catcher for the washington nationals. ramos just finished his
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rookie season. reportedly he was grabbed at his home in venezuela. police found a getaway car abandoned by the kidnappers. phil keating is watching this live in miami. what do they know about this? >> reporter: jenna, they found that green suv sometime this morning not too far away where the kidnapping happened, wilson ramos's house. right now police are combing the suv for fingerprints, forensics any sort of evidence that will lead them to the kidnappers and most urgently and importantly to wilson rahm mess. the minister of the interior and justice in venezuela says the country's best team of specialists, anti-kidnapping specialists are on the careful case. the washington national's catcher is well-known in venezuela especially northern venezuela where he grew up and was spending winter with his family that is 100 miles west of caracas. according to multiple reports, several armed men
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burst into his parents home, grabbed ramos, sped away in his green suv leaving his dad and brothers behind. he was playing winter ball down there and was supposed to play in his first of 10 games. a spokesman for the team released a statement, quote, venezuela and the entire baseball family are saddened by the kidnapping of wilson ramos. the venezuelan professional baseball league is condemns and is saddened by the kidnapping of wilson ramos. he is not a u.s. citizen. the fbi says they will assist in the case if asked but so far there is no such request from the venezuelan government. right now the government is dealing with a surge of kidnapping for ransom money. the state department calls kidnapping in venezuela, a quote, growing industry. in the past relatives of venezuelan baseball players made it to the big lease, made it to the united states to play in the majors they have been kidnapped for ranssome. we believe this is first
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time an active player has been kidnapped in venezuela. ramos was becoming a name in the d.c. area as well as in major league baseball. he became a starter last year in his second season. he hit .267 and knocked in 15 home runs. at this point, officially they're saying the kidnappers have yet to make any contact with the family. back to you. >> we'll continue to watch this story, phil, thank you. jon: for many of our troops returning home for with zones overseas the transition to civilian life can present a whole new set of challenges. well now the army is working to try to help make that process easier. mike tobin live at fort campbell, kentucky for us. mike? >> reporter: jon, we saw the other night the first round of troops come back here to fort campbell knowing they won't be going back to iraq but as happy as the army is to get them back on u.s. soil they don't just turn them out into the street and that is because sadly we've learned over time that sometimes soldiers come back from combat and they still have battles to fight.
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a jet taxis on the flight line. loved ones cheer and 167 combat engineers arrive home from iraq. [cheers and applause] >> welcome home, job well-done. >> thank god. that's all i can say. >> my thoughts are it's great to be home. i spent four years over there. so it is really good to see that come to a conclusion. >> reporter: for all the joy of soldiers in the embrace of loved one, the time together is only one night because there are still dangers for a warrior at home. >> the suicide rate in the army is the highest it's ever been since we've been measuring it. >> reporter: the modern army brings them back to base for self days. they brace for hazards that follow combat soldiers, depression, post-traumatic stress, car wrecks and
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alcoholic abuse. >> you can not go back tonight or tomorrow to your predeployment drinking habits. >> reporter: the army tests for physical as well as emotional wound the soldier may carry home. >> we have a lot of emphasis on the behavioral health. soldiers when they first come back they have a big adjustment period. >> reporter: it is wrong to create the impression that all soldiers come home from combat with emotional problems or otherwise. what's changed is that the army is not ignoring even the small problems. the observation doesn't stop after, it doesn't stop with the seven-day reintegration period. the army brings them back after 90 days to see if any problems boil up, jon. jon: mike tobin, fort campbell, kentucky. thanks, mike. jenna: a multimillion-dollar pay package or packages or executives at freddie mac and fannie mae under fire on capitol hill and otherwise. now the federal regulator in charge of handing them out is defending the big payouts. we'll talk to a lawmaker who wants to change that.
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jon: a check on some economic stories we're watching. in libya, oil production is resuming faster than expected. the international energy agency reports that production could reach almost half the prewar levels by the end of this year. an encouraging sign for job-seekers. new jobless claims last week dropping by 10,000 to 390,000, the lowest level since april, suggesting employers could be ready to step up hiring. that has investors pushing the dow higher. you can see it there, up 85 points right now. along with signs of progress in europe's debt crisis. today's gains came after the dow dropped nearly 400 points. jenna: give that context. don't give that context you will know know what the news is today. thank you very much for that. lawmakers in the house are looking to put the brakes on
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hefty compensation packages going to the heads of fannie mae and freddie mac. fannie and freddie received more than $170 billion in taxpayer money since 2008. their aim to receive even more than that going into next year. since 2008, six top executives have raked in $35 million in pay. a bill is going before the house financial services committee looking to rein this in. congressman spencer bachus of alabama is chair of the financial services committee. it is good to remind our viewers, congressman, fannie and freddie are government sponsored enterprises. it gist them, well, i it is just something different than a private corporation. these are essentially government owned and operated. what is going on with the bill that you have and what do you aim to achieve? >> well, you're right, jenna, this is taxpayer money. this is money that american citizens pay. so it's not a private enterprise. it has been bailed out by the government.
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they're not only have we put 170 billion in as you say, but they're now asking for $15 billion more to cover losses just in the last quarter. i actually introduced this bill on christmas, during the christmas break when the white house announced that an unlimited bailout of fannie and freddie back in 2009 and introduced it again in march and with this latest announcement of not only that they pay that $35 million to the top six executives that you mentioned but they also want to give them $13 million in bonuses. which is just obscene. jenna: if i could, congressman, this argument has been made for fannie and freddie going back years and years, not just right now, if you don't highly compensate the individuals that are running these enterprises then they will not be competitive. then the taxpayers will miss out because they're not going to be managed appropriately. what is your response to that?
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>> oh, the government has never had problems hiring. secretary of hud is paid $200,000. the secretary of the treasury, 200,000. ginnie mae, that is the other gse, there are three. there is ginnie mae and freddie and fannie. their top executive is only paid $155,000 a year, not five million. or over five million as both of these executives are. this is a very rich package. i don't think that anyone in america believes that you can't hire qualified people for less than $5 million plus a big known -- bonus of a million dollars. jenna: last time i checked i don't think you congressman get bonuses like that or last time i checked anybody that works for the government. congressman, why hasn't the bill gained more traction? if what you say is true and sounds like an accurate description what is going on
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there, why has it taken out so long to figure out a way to look at these compensation packages? >> in 2009 the obama administration put the brakes on them. in fact president obama who spoke out against aig bonuses and bank of america and really private sector bonuses. think of this, for a minute. these are actually corporate money. they are shareholder money. they are not even taxpayer money. he has been strangely silent. we haven't heard a word out of the white house and they really not, the senate until just recently has not offered to take the bills up but we're going to mark it up tuesday and we're going to pass it. i know 60 something senators have indicated to us they're ready to support the legislation. jenna: it will be interesting. we'll watch for the progress and reach out to the white house to see if they have any response on this. congressman, good to update us on it. thank you very much, sir. >> thank you, jenna much. jon: a display of biblical proportions literally. we'll take you inside one of the largest exhibitions of
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early jewish and christian artifacts. some amazing items on display right here in the usa. and they were supposed to be helping a special needs student but what they're accused of doing is anything but helpful or kind. wanna know the difference between a trader and an elite trader? it's this... the etrade pro platform. fast. beautiful. totally customizable.
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jon: just in, justice in one of the most horrific crimes new york has seen recently. david laugher, the man convicted of killing four people inside a new york pharmacy, has been sentenced. he will spend the rest of his life in prison, four consecutive sentences of life with the no possibility of parole. he walked into a pharmacy on a sunday morning back in june and blew away four people, two story employees,
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two customers. his wife, who was supposedly the subject of his crime spree because he wanted to steal drugs to feed her habit, she also was sentenced to 25 years in prison. she, authorities say, drove the getaway car. jenna: listen to this story. the parents after 14-year-old girl with special needs suspect her their child is being bullied at school. to find out for sure they put a hidden recording device on her and what they discover is truly shocking. rick, what happens here? >> this is any parents nightmare. the thought your child could be picked on and bullied at school. what makes this case out of ohio terrible is the alleged bullies. the voices of the young girl's teacher, christie wilt and her aid are aide on the tape saying things like quote, are you kidding me? are you that dumb? are you that dumb. oh, my god you're such a liar.
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no wonder you don't have friends. no wonder nobody likes you. since the parents went to the school and presented them with the recordings, officials demanded that the aide resign. she did. but christie wilt the teacher is still teaching. the school tupt says her involvement is not as bad. she is on probation now and set to attend an eight-hour course how to recognize child abuse and stop bullying. the girls parents settled the case with the school district for $300,000. jenna: an eight-hour course huh? rick, thank you. jon: a glimpse into the early days of judaism and christianity right in our own backyard. portions of the priceless dead sea scrolls and other artifacts on display right now not in the middle east but in new york city. lauren green is live just across the newsroom. lauren? >> reporter: jon, the dead sea scrolls are priceless ancient manuscripts. earliest known existing copies of the bible. now the public has the
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opportunity to look on them at the crossroads of world. a little background. they were discovered in 1947 in caves near the dead sea which is 20 miles from jerusalem. the scrolls have given scholars hard copy prove of accuracy of many parts of the old testament. the five-month exhibit is the first-of-its-kind in new york's famed times square. just 20 of the thousands of fragments of the ancient scrolls are on display, kept under thick, dark glass. there is one from the book of isaiah which predicts the coming of a messiah. another from verse psalm 21 which bible readers recognize i will lift up my ice from the hills from hence cometh my help. >> this is true whether they're a religious believer or not is that what we see here is the background of the whole religious system that underlies western civilization. that is true for all of us, whatever we are, whatever we believe. >> reporter: included in the
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exhibit are some 700 century's old artifacts giving viewers a look inside the ancient biblical world of faith. >> we've got here a house that you could look into. get a sense what was there. how they lived. how people bathed. how they cooked. we have some weapons. we have all kinds of stuff from real life that you read about, especially in books like samuel and kings. >> reporter: the exhibit also includes a three-ton stone of the western wall from the actual western wall. people can place a prayer on it. they will actually be taken to jerusalem. jon? jon: fascinating. lauren green. thank you. >> reporter: sure. jenna: texas governor rick perry here live in our studio. he will be talking with megyn kelly about last night's debate, his latest campaign ad and what's next for him right here, coming up on "america live". and investing in communities across the country, from helping to revitalize a neighborhood in brooklyn
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night courtesy of hank williams jr. take a look. he surprised hosts carrie underwood and brad paisley after they mocked his dust up with espn. ♪ stop carrying on -- >> but you can't compare the to hitler. [laughter] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] jon: country music fans are forgiving. they like their hank jr. [laughter] a lot of applause when he walked ott -- out on stage. jenna: thanks for joining us, everybody. jon: "america live" starts right now. megyn: fox news alert, new questions about possible new criminal charges as
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