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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  November 13, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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arriving tonight to help them do that after thousands defied a midnight eviction notice set by the mayor. and i'm harris falkner, thanks for watching and have a great week, huckabee starts right now. >> hello everyone, i'm mike huckabee from beautiful and hospitable branson, missouri where this week tens of thousands of veterans gathered for a special salute to the heroes who keep our country free and tonight we're in the magnificent theater where i'll be joined by my friend tony orlando for a special absolute to veterans on this edition of huckabee. please welcome my dear friend,
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tony orlando. ♪ >> do we live on the greatest country on this planet earth? i don't hear you. get those hands, red, white and blue. come on branson. ♪ ♪ far, we've been travelling far, without a home ♪ ♪ but not without a star ♪ yes, free, we only want to be free ♪ ♪ and we almost hang on to that ♪ ♪ up on plains, they're coming to america ♪ ♪ and never looking back again, they're coming to
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america ♪ ♪ oh, it's a new and shine i place ♪ ♪ and they are great, and warm ♪ ♪ it's that new wind, we make our bed and say our grace ♪ ♪ and lights burning warm and lights burning warm, come on ♪ >> red, white, blue. what's the greatest country? ♪ it's everywhere around the world, you know they're coming to america ♪ ♪ and every time that flag unfurls, they're looking to america ♪ ♪ they've got a dream they've
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come to share and you see them coming ♪ ♪ they have a dream they come to share, they are he' bringing it to america ♪ ♪ to america ♪ we're america, i want to know this, i want to know it ♪ ♪ i'm talking sweet america, my, my ♪ ♪ america, there's only one, there's only one, there's only one, one, one, one ♪ ♪ my country 'tis of thee ♪ sweet land of liberty, of thee i sing, of thee i sing ♪ ♪ of thee i sing, today ♪ one word all i want from you come on ♪ today, today, america, oh, my, my, my, my ♪
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♪ whoo, my, my, america ♪ you put your life for america ♪ ♪ you put your life on the line for america, we want to thank you ♪ ♪ let's thank them >> all of you who love this country stand for all the veterans across in nation, that's right, that's right, that's right, are you ready? come on! >> ♪ you put your life on the line for america ♪ ♪ you put your life on the line for us ♪ ♪ you put your life on the line for america ♪ ♪ we want to thank them all. come on, let's thank them all very much ♪ ♪ america, america, america ♪ america
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♪ oh, god bless, god bless, sweet, sweet, sweet, america ♪ (applaus (applause) >> how many more veterans, everybody, now while you're on your feet. will you please welcome, governor mike huckabee? (applaus (applause) >> show him that you love him! >> >> great to be with you, tony. >> it's an honor to have you here, i've done your show and asked you if you ever come to branson and you kept your word and as you can see, this is the largest gathering of veterans in the united states of america on november 11th,
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our 18th year here, once again to the great american, governor mike huckabee. >> mike: tony, thank you very much. [applause] >> thank all of you for being here. first of all, what a joy it is to be in one of the greatest communities in america, branson, missouri, a beautiful place nestled here in the ozarks and some of the most hospitable people in the world and i get to be on the stage with one of the greatest american patriots that breathes american air today. tony orlando. >> thank you, governor. i have a very special honor for you. those are the veterans who have been here for the last 18 years and come back here. and every year, he we have given a token of our appreciation, a medal of freedom. and some of the people who have received this before you, will receive this now and it's going to be a great honor to give it to you because in the line of great people, such as
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gerald ford, bob hope who was the first recipient as you remember. john mccain, and eisenhower, he did so much for our country and barry eisenhower. and ross perot and tonight it's your turn and i'd like to bring somebody out who has been great to us and would you come out here? please, bob, and mary eisenhower finally got-- she's here with you, mary eisenhower, ladies and gentlemen. [applause] >> mary, it's a pleasure to see you, mary. and bob. >> governor. >> mary received this honor for her grandfather president eisenhower. >> that's beautiful. >> so if you can show it to the camera, this is the first of its kind minted by the franklin mint and bob, something to read on that. >> yes. >> i'll do my best, tony. >> tony orlando, yellow ribbon
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medal of freedom, presented to governor mike huckabee on this veterans day november 11th, 2011, in honor of service to your country, supporting our troops and veterans and patriotism and valor and for being a national voice of reason and standing strong for the the value you set forth and the constitution of the united states of america. [applaus [applause] >> do you mind? seeing that you're the granddaughter of one of our greatest presidents would you mind putting this around america's governor, governor mike huckabee. 18 recipients of the yellow ribbon medal of freedom. congratulations. [applause] >> thank you. >> thank you for being here. >> governor, they're yours. >> well, i want to say, first of all, to mary, to bob and especially to tony, my heart
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felt thanks. i feel awkward receiving something like this in the presence of so many of you. the fact is, i stand here today as a grateful american and as a free american not because one thing i've ever done, but because of the things that you in this auditorium have done. you have gone when your country called. [applause] >> you have put on the uniform of this nation, you've traveled halfway around the world. you've gone to places whose names you could not even pronounce at the time you got there. some of you came back with one of your arms or legs left in the countries where you fought there to keep battles from being fought here. and most of us have been able to live in this country without fearing that we would step on a land mine in our
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neighborhoods, a fear that somehow there would be a bomb in the streets where our children played and the reason we can have that confidence is because people were willing to serve this country. and by nothing more than the grace of god, my birthday fell just a few months after the draft ended and so when the draft ended, a few months before my 18th birthday, my vigil of watching those numbers every year ended. and by that time, the military being drawn down, even being an rotc in college didn't mean a lot because they weren't looking for people, certainly not like me. and the fact is i've always felt that, but for a few month's difference, it could have been me. and i sometimes think, it should have been me. but i ask the question, would
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it have been me? every one of you have given the answer. when you were asked, you said yes. and today, every american owes something to you that no words can possibly put into focus. because the he reality is, that you have fought for us and what i would love to say on this veterans day is that for every one of you veterans, who have fought for us, it's time that we fight for you and make sure that country never ever turns its back on the veterans of the united states of america who gave all so that every one of us could enjoy this great, great wonderful nation. thank you very much for this
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metal, but more importantly, thank you for your service and patriotism and valor to the united states of america. god bless you. [applause] >> we will be right back, i promise. . >> on the atlantic wall riding deep into the normandy defenses carrying the hope of the whole free world. [ male announcer ] if you think tylenol is the pain reliever orthopedic doctors recommend most for arthritis pain, think again. and take aleve. it's the one doctors recommend most for arthritis pain... two pills can last all day. ♪ but think about your heart. 2% has over half the saturated fat of whole milk. want to cut back on fat and not compromisen taste? try smart balance fat free milk. it's what you'd expect from the folks at smart balance.
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...with mail. it's good for your business. ♪ and even better for your customers. ♪ for safe and secure ways to stay connected, visit (applause) >> welcome back. we are at here in branson, missouri, honoring our nation's veterans and i'm thrilled today to be joined by my special co-host for this edition of huckabee, tony orlando. >> thank you, governor. governor, you know what, one
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of the things we did before you came to town. we wondered how, how the people would want to do this show and unanimously they all wanted to do questions. so with your permission, questions. >> what if i don't have give you my permission? you're going to do it anyway. >> well, yeah, we have to. >> huh? >> i don't mind. >> i want you to-- this man here, governor, there is the microphone and ask whatever you want. >> yes, sir. >> what more do you think could be done for our-- >> first of all we need medical assistance for physical injuries is not in any way delayed or deterred. nobody should wait more than 30 minutes to see a doctor, or a medical practitioners for the needs they have. if the rest of us have to wait, he so be it, but the veterans ought to go to the front of the line for medical
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ainstance and we also should make that they do not have to go to a da facility if they live more than 50 miles from that facility they should go to the facility of their choice, nearest their home and have that done and then, we need to make sure that not only are the physical stars being taken care of, but the emotional and the mental scars that may not even surface for months or years or even for decades, but there should never be a time limit based on what a veteran is needing or his or her care and that to me before anything else ever gets paid for in this country. if we have to take every monument in d.c. and sell off the cards to pay for it. that's one obligation we as american citizens have to our veterans. got one here. >> and what is your name, sir? >> pat patterson. >> (inaudible) governor, if
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iran has a bomb, do you think they're going to use it? >> if iran has the bomb there's no other reason they have it, but to use it and i think one of the greatest points of naivete is to ever think that iran is building the bomb as a deterrent. they're building the bomb as a weapon. let's be real clear. when the united states and the soviet union were proliferating nuclear weapons we essentially were both creating as many as we could so that neither side would hopefully ever use them. the difference is iran has, but one purpose, and that's so they can use it and will use it. no other country has consistently threatened to annihilate other countries as iran has. let me distinguish, the iranian people are good and decent people, but the iranian leadership are stark raving lunatics and they cannot be allowed to have the nuclear weapon ever under any
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circumstances. [applause] >> thank you, sir. thank you. >> got one here, sir. >> and what is your name. >> kenny. >> hi, conditione. >> in your opinion-- >> i know there's decisions made by people that have great will than mine we should pull out. the only reason we should, if we believe we've accomplished the mission for which we set out to do. if we believe in walking away particularly as we plan from iraq the end of this year and afghanistan the other two years that these countries are capable of defending themselves then absolutely we should, we should not spend one more american life than is absolutely necessary, but by the same token we should not allow the job to go unfinished now a we've committed to it. we can argue all day whether we should have gone in what measure, but now we make sure what happens in the future doesn't come back worse and
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there's a great public cal story if you'll allow me to use it. it's when the demons were swept away, but nothing was put in its place and seven more came back and made it worse than it was. and we must learn the lessons that the soviets didn't learn in the 80's and we didn't learn them from afghanistan. if you leave a void and a vacuum it will be filled by islamo-fascists and the goal isn't pour pafor parity, it's annihilation, and we are at war with an enemy that would like to take the breath of every american who breathes today. when we come back there's more with tony orlando and special guests. don't go away. [applause]. ♪
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[cheers and applause] (applause) >> welcome back! >> i've got something planned. (laughter) >> and i've got something planned for you. >> do you? >> now, when you do. when you watch a governor huckabee show,'s got the little rockers, say hello to the branson rockers right he here. >> mike: yeah. >> i know the kind of music you like. this is what we're going to do with you tonight. and tracy gold, give it to governor huckabee. come on, let's get it hopping. come on, come on. ♪
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>> look at that governor go, man! >> look at him! >> and talk about the governor. ♪ ♪ well, go, go, go, governor, go ♪ ♪ come on! >> ♪ go, governor, go ♪ go, governor, go ♪ go, governor, go, the governor is real good ♪ take it away. ♪ >> how about a hand for the bass ♪ >> whoo! >> ♪ go, go, governor, go
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♪ go, governor, go, go ♪ go, governor, go, go ♪ go, governor, go ♪ governor is good >> yes, you are mike huckabee and the branson rockers! >> (applause) >> i knew you'd love that. >> mike: do i get the gig? >> you've got the gig. you've got the gig is right. one more time. ♪ go, go, go governor go ♪ go, go, governor, go, go ♪ go, go, governor, go ♪ the governor is good >> yes, he is. >> . >> mike: and i promise we will be right back. [ laughter ]
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i'm harris falkner. in oregon, we're watching what happens after hundreds of police officers evicted demonstrators from the park. and they defied the order to be out by midnight saturday. they packed up and returned and late word 50 people have been arrested and police have taken down the camp sites, saying they attract drug users and thieves. and they put up a fence line after closing the park. we're awaiting a news conference by the president. mr. obama is in hawaii for an economic summit involving
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world leaders and saying the u.s. will not be able to put the people back to work and expand growth unless economies in the asia pacific reason are successful and canada and mexico interested in what's called a trans pacific partnership. when it comes on here, we'll cover it here on fox. >> . >> mike: welcome back to branson, tony orlando is with us today. and a special guest, i'm pretty sure you don't know him in this way. for 22 years he honorably served the country in the military and went to first the marine corps and we've got a few marines out here today. and after a stint in the marine corps, he was accepted into the navel preparatory school and went on to annapolis and spent his life in a way that many people are not aware of and giving
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himself tirelessly to veterans because he is one and he loves this country, but you don't know him as that military person i've described, you know him as an emmy winning television talk show host. would you join he me in giving a big branson welcome to mr. montel williams. [applaus [applause] >> oh, oh. and yesterday, yesterday was the marine corps's birthday, hurrah. great to be here. and they were all wondering who you were. i mean, i was giving all of this stuff up. i don't think that most people know about the years that you spent serving this country in the military. when you come to a place like
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branson and you see veterans, what tell me what it does to you inside. >> it makes me understand why i'm serving today. i don't wear the uniform, but he when i look at you, you give me the reason why i need to go back and visit our soldiers at walter reed and bethesda every month and in afghanistan and the fisher house, you give me a reason to keep me going. >> what's sad is that today is veterans day and we're going to hear all across this country, this mantra that collective saying that sprouted about the last presidential election, i support the troops. rolls off people's mouths and lips very easily. today it's going to roll off a lot of people's mouths easily and tomorrow, ill he' still see people turn their back on a lost soldier in the airport. i'll see people not go down to
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the bethesda and walter reed to say hi to the guys still coming back and we got two more back this week and they lay in hospital beds in walter reed and bethesda, maybe the family sees them, anybody else comes by. when i see veterans proud of the fact that they gave for this country and it pumps me up. and-- >> let me ask you, what should we be doing to make things right by our veterans and one of the asked of me a moment ago was about, what should we do? i'm going to get your perspective, not only being a veteran, but observer of american culture and commentator on american culture. >> what we're not understanding less than 1/3 of 1% of america has been protecting our freedom. 1.9 million service members on active duty right now. >> volunteer. >> volunteer.
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500,000 of them have filed applications for disability. 500,0 500,000. these people went over and body parts all over in the world and see guys who left pieces all over the planet. when they come home number one all they want is respect. number two, they want to keep giving, but we can't find a job, and you know, today with the senate and congress and president passed a bill that's going to now incentivize couples to give about 100,000 jobs to our veterans and so far as of today only 25,000 of those jobs that the president promised have been accounted for. and what i said earlier about the fact that we can let those words roll off our lips today, i support the troops, damn it, we need action, not a lot of talk. time for talk is done.
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[applause] >> i'm going to ask you, this is an election year coming up ap we'll be in all kinds of politics, montel from your perspective, do you think there's a drawdown of the troops in iraq and getting out of iraq this year, does that help or hurt president obama's chances of getting reelected? >> well, i wish i could be concerned about him and the election. i'm concerned about getting my boys home. so-- (applause) >> but you said it earlier, governor, it's something that we have to pay close attention to. folks, right now our soldiers and sailors between the age of 19 and 24 have the toughest time on this planet getting a job. right now, their unemployment rate is as high as 29%. the national average is 9%. and we're not hiring them, you don't believe in their experience on the battle field translates into the office. but when we got to understand, this is here, get to a republican or democrat. i want somebody to tell me
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sh, giving their dignity back and translate some skills they've learned in the military and give them some sort of degree or get the businesses to stop asking questions. if person puts together a computer system in a battlefield, they can do it in their office. >> mike: of course, they can. going to get back to face one of our nation's leaders, montel, because i think if we're going to be here to talk about the veterans issues we might as well have someone who might address you, ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states. (laughter) >> i thought i heard someone call my name. >> mr. president, welcome to branson, missouri. >> you know, i'll ask you something, how do you feel we're talking about veterans issues and fair to bring up a political question.
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have you watched the debates one of these guys is going to be your opponent next year. >> you know, the family and i get a bowl full of popcorn and curl up on the couch and it's entertaining, my favorite part of the week, you know, and it's pretty good. >> mike: so you're feeling pretty good about everything, you think you might survive next year. >> i feel great. now, they're calling me a one term president, i will survive, trust me. listen-- (laughter) >> last year i was invincible, leading our country for the reft wing liberal principles. i did it behind closed doors, and now look at me, there's he no one to compete me. because i'm barack obama, a
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and-- now congress could have stopped it, but that nancy pelosi pass it later and that's transparency, i'm barack obama number 44. i'm the color that no president was before. this color is quite natural unlike john boehner's tan. let me be clear i'm in charge i'm the man. i'm barack obama and i'm on a high just like tingle running up chris matthew's thigh and i've got hope and change and no matter what you do, you will survive, you just won't thrive. hey, hey, that's right (laughter) >> do it for you. that's right. (laughter) >> we'll be right back.
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montel williams and my co-host tony orlando. and megan watson is out and has special guests who have the questions for us. >> i'm here with major george boyd from the air force with the tuskegee airmen. [applaus [applause] >> god bless you, sir. >> thank you very much. and we're honored be to be here to share this celebration to you. and mr. williams. >> yes, sir. >> how did you become interested in the military career? >> you know, back, look, i'm a vietnam era vet myself, 1973 and the reason why, because a friend of mine, a friend of my brother's, i graduated from 1974 and he graduated from 1972 he went to the gitmo as one of the last people who injured in gitmo shot in an accident down there and came back and i saw him in a uniform after he came back from the hospital and you
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know, young kid, just moved beyond belief and my friend, so as soon as i got to enlist, i enlisted and what happened because in school-- >> montel, i have to ask, it has to be a special moment, the tuskegee airmen helped pave the way for african-americans to be treated as they should have been treated all along in this country in the military. and if it had not been for you, montel, could the not and would not have been able to serve and we owe you a debt of obligation for your courage and service to this great country. [applaus [applause] >> thank you, sir. jennifer, one of our fox producers and she's here with special guest on the front row. >> hi, governor, and this is corporal eddie beasley and he has a question for you. >> yeah, eddie.
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>> yea, eddie! >> thank you, governor for coming. and be here at branson. >> mike: my honor. >> do you think that america is still the number one power? >> i do think that america is still the number one power. i'm not pessimistic, a lot of people think our greatest days are behind us. if we accept that-- but i believe our greatest days are ahead and quit whining and start working and rebuilding the country from bottom to top and do what others have done and you, sir, have been doing, making sacrifices for us to be the greatest country. >> we can't be the greatest country in america until the leaders in this country understand the principles that this man is talking about, unfortunately, what's going on. and i said to him back stage, how about this, since we're all disenchanted with
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everything running, can we recruit? (applaus (applause) >> we are he going to get some more questions here. >> it's unanimous. >> all right. let's go back to megan. >> paul jackson from little rock, arkansas has a question for tony. >> hey, tony, thanks for inviting me back to the show. been to your show many times. >> look at the good looking shirt he's wearing, go hogs. >> and tony, i have been to your show dozens of times and heard you sing, that particular song many times and tie a yellow ribbon, but i wonder, you know, sung that hundreds and thousands, when was the first time it became what it is today and really
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something that means something special to all veterans. >> well, thank you. and talking about it, the truth it started with bob hope, who else, who else would understand. i got a call the at home, a true story. and phone rings and i hear this familiar voice, hi, tony, this is bob yellow ribbon hope. >> really? this is frank, i don't believe you sinatra. >> no, i want you to come down and welcome our p.o.w.'s were vietnam, cambodia and laos. coming down the? >> yeah, i love the opening line, i'm coming home and done my time. that every single soldier's mother's prayer now you come down there and there will be 70,000 vets. >> i got there and there's 500 plus at the 50 yard line at the cot done ball and sing the song for the first time and i looked out, nervous as could be and never forget this, the p.o.w.'s started singing the chorus ♪ tie a yellow--
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>> and their eyes didn't adjust to daylight yet and-- one thing he knew, somehow he knew that that song would be a symbol of homecoming and hope for people, we just went into the recording studio about a love song and it wasn't meant for war, but turned out to be a symbol of the country i'm so proud to be a part of. thank you for asking. >> mike: a great question and a great story. final question. >> i'm carla from the marine corps. >> happy birthday. mr. williams, i'm wondering why you started talking to high school kids. >> you know, i was stationed and-- i actually read an organization before america got used to 180 day deployments and ran an office and we had the hebrew, farsi
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under my command and youngest officer in that command and our guys spent 179 deployed, came back three days and back 179 days and this is back in 1988. what was happening the family members and kids because of that harsh separation had a lot of problems and i started speaking to the family members on my base and some other people heard about it and asked me to speak at kent state and launched my career that speaking engamement and got about 5,000 requests. >> mike: i'm glad he did, because he's made america a bet her place because of it. colonel, thank you. and thank you, we'll be right back. stay with us, more from branson, missouri on this veterans day wooked. weekend. ♪
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(applause) >> welcome back to branson, missouri. montel williams, tony orlando, and celebrating with me. these wonderful veterans and montel, thank you for you and tony being a special part of this and tony for letting us invade the theater. thank you, for coming to this, and we can see you and love you, every one of you. >> well, i don't know why or if they would love me, but i'm going to make it real clear, i speak on behalf of every grateful american, we love these folks who have made it possible for us to enjoy the greatest country on the face of god's green earth, the
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united states of america. and earlier in the show, montel williams said something that i think is very very important to remember, simply letting the words, thank you for your service roll off our lips is not enough if we don't do something tangible with it. for a long time this country was rebuilt by people who were able to go to college on the g.i. bill, who were able to own homes because there was an opportunity given to veterans that was really a new reward for what they had done to this country. and today, many veterans have to stand in line and they have to ask not once, but repeatedly for the things that were promised. and i'm going to say it, i don't care whether you're a democrat or a republican, but every political leader, these veterans kept their promises to us. by the grace of god, we ought to keep our promises to them. and if we're going to be an american nation with any integrity at all.
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i am so grateful, that i'm not going to let this show end. we toss it back to tony's wonderful song, tony, you better do tie a yellow ribbon for all of us to close out the show from branson, missouri. >> do it with me. >> i'll be there with you. >> we'll get a little-- just a little. [applause] ♪ i'm coming home, i've done my time ♪ ♪ i've got to know what is and isn't mine ♪ ♪ if you received my letter telling you i'd soon be free ♪ ♪ then you'll know just what to do, big time, if you still want me ♪ >> shall we do it together? ♪ he whoa, tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree ♪ ♪ it's been three long years, do you still want me ♪ ♪ if i don't see a ribbon
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around the old oak tree ♪ ♪ i'll stay on the bus, forget about us, and put the blame on me ♪ ♪ if i don't see that yellow ribbon, round the old oak tree ♪ >> oh, yeah, come on, let's >> oh, yeah, come on, let's have some fun. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. tissues si i'm sick. you don't cough, you d't show defeat. give me your war face! raaah! [ male announcer ] halls. a pep talk in every drop. try smart balance buttery sead. 's heart-healthier than butter. with omega-3s. 64% less saturated fat. andlinically proven to help support healthy cholesterol. ♪ put a little love in your heart ♪
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