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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  November 19, 2011 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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sinking fast. check out igs. corporate bonds go down and it is quality concerns and it will fly as well >> great show everybody. and thanks for being here. that's it for the cost of freedom blog. have a great weekend. thanks for joining us. >> almost one month after moammar qaddafi's death. there are respects that seif al-islam was captured. libyan fighters caught him as two aids tried to smuggle him in to niger. we start with the latest with rit a. >> he was the only one of qaddafi's eight children on the run and today libyan officials announced that saif l-islam captured him in the
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desert. in the final days he was hoping to avoid the gruesome death his father faced. the 39 year old was captured by the forces and he thinks had many close moments. he managed to a air trike the day before his father died. officials in the international criminal court will decide where saif al-islam will be tried. >> tear gas in the square in egypt where they are collapsing with the egyptian protestors to rule over tack -- taquir square. tens was thousands of activist showed up in taquir square to protest against the military council. they are coming over egypt's
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first parlimentary elections to take place. these are the first since the oust are of mubarak. >> thank you for bringing us up to date. the alabama administration is preparing to slap iran with a new round of sanctions on monday. it would be aimed at barring foreign firms from investing in the iranian industry. this could come after the evidence that iran is trying to build a nuclear bomb. and surprise meeting between president obama and chinese premier. the unscheduled meeting took place in indonesia. the white house is saying they discussed the value of chinese currency which the u.s. believes that is kept artificially low. that is chief exports and affects the trade deficit.
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they talked about territorial disputes in the south china sea. >> the hour is late. the work on the committee must be completed this coming week. i urge my democratic colleagues to join us on the effort. >> to have something on the table that does not ask the wealthiest people to share in it is unconscoinable. this is the divide. i hope we can get there but i don't know. >> time is running out for the congressional super committee. they have until tomorrow night to produce legislation for the congressional budget office to evaluate. some are working through the weekend. the latest reports make that deadline seem difficult if not impossible. molly is joining us in dc with more on what is taking place right now. >> republicans on the super committee have been on a conference call trying to figure out their next step and
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wednesday's deadline for a deficit deal gets close yer closer and president obama on the way back from asia talked with them on wednesday but not since. >> he's not made any other call to leaders of congress but he is in regular contact with his staff in washington including those who are monitoring the super committee's progress and engaging with congress on the issue. >> they are trying to come up with savings and tax increases. republicans have proposed changing the tax code to make it simpler and fairer and offered ideas to cut spending. >> we've identified several trillion in sensible spending reductions that would resolve our fiscal crisis. but in the face of intense
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democratic opposition we scaled back our proposal to 750 billion. less than two percent of what our government is projected to spend over the next 10 years. >> senator john kerry said the divide is over tax hikes. he said the gop plan doesn't ask the wealthiest americans to pay enough in taxes. senator kerry hopes they meet the deadline but said i don't know at this point in time. >> down to the wire. thank you, uma. >> if they fail to agree on a deal. joining us with thoughts on all of this, republican strat yist, and democrat strategist. thank you for joining us. down to the wire. minutes ticking by. >> it is always down to the wire. >> why is it that congress seems to work best in the deadline. they know what has to be done and yet here we are in a
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stalemate. how do you think it will play out. >> i think it is likely what happens all of the time in dc happens once again. they will come upon some agreement probably in the we hours of the night right before the deadline. and i think the outcome is irrelevant because it is congress and congress can change and make the rules. and i don't expect anything productive to come out of this super committee anymore than we received anything productive to come out of the last increase of the debt ceiling debate. >> it undercores why the public lost so much faith with congress. which political party do you think is going to suffer the most consequence from thisuation if they don't reach a deal? >> fascinating question. it is important to note that congress has a 9 percent
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approval rating. it is not like anybody loves either party in congress. republicans stand to take a bigger message hit because they are partially in charge and taking a strong stance on not raising taxs and no matter . what it is easy for public to understand and easy for public to see as standing in the way. we are not going to compromise because of this. i think the republicans will take a slight more message hit. >> republicans will say they have put taxes on the table and put out proposals and where they are willing to go along with some hikings. >> right, last sunday on "fox news sunay", it was a nixon goes to china moment. senator pat toome said we are regular well to put tax revenue increases not in the marginal and close tax loop holes and get rid of
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subsidies. republican in name only. club for growth that goes around primary republican candidate fist they think they are not faithful enough on the tax issues. and for pat toome saying taxes are on the table. it was the biggest concession you have seen from republicans since the president has been in office. >> if there is no deal, autocuts will go into affect and yet there is talk right now of finding wiggle room with that proposal . what do you make of that? >> like she said. congress makes the rules and can change the rules and that's what people don't like about congress. they make a rule and they will just change it. it really isn't going to be good. truth of the matter. i almost hope that the super committee falls apart and we go to what they said before. we look at massive cuts across the board over the next two years. i think it would be a wake-up call for congress and
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washington and country. is it the right thing or best thing. no, they need to sit down and compromise and doing the right thing for america. we are polarized in washington. . >> what is your prediction of a dole? >> i think they wind up coming up with a deal f. they don't, defense budget is scheduled to increase 1.7 trillion in 2013 and 2023. and with the cuts it will increase 1.6 trillion. defense is not going to be gutted. >> i continuing is an election year and each party will try it win the message in the media. >> thank you for your insight. we'll see what lies ahead. >> tune in tomorrow with "fox news sunday" with the congressman of the joint committee of the debt reduction. check your local listings for the time and channel.
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>> the super committee is not the only ones struggling. the house rejected an amendment to force congress to balance the budget every year. lawmakers voted in favor of the issue. but that was 23 votes of the two-thirds majority needed. democrats overwhelmingly opposed the proposal. governor mitt romney will be absent in iowa today in the family leader forum. it helped caucus goers know where they stand on family values and faith issues. six candidates will be attending, newt gingrich and rick perry and michele bachmann and ron paul and herman cain and san torum.
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gingrich is picking up speed in ohio and new hampshire. and they have herman cain leading the pack in iowa with 20 percent. but he's losing some steam. gingrich pulled close to mitt romney, each with 17 percent. and first time in this election . mitt romney finds himself in a dead heat with someone in new hampshire. according to a poll, mitt romney is leading with 29 percent two percentage points of newt gingrich. and herman cain made a special late night appearance on the david letterman. cain is standing by the claim that women who accused him of making unwanted sexual advances are all lying. >> let's be clear about the accusations that are already made. and the reason i went front and center is that i knew there was nothing to it.
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there is no documentation and nothing else has come up. >> these statements are all false. they are all lying. >> did not happen. >> they are all lying. >> yes, they are. >> letterman and cain talked about the 9-9-9 plan and creating jobs. >> and lmore twists and turn in the penn state child abuse scandal. hours after the announcement of the university's handling of the scandal word comes that joe paterno has lung cancer. here's the latest on the developments there. david? >> uma, penn staters are coming to the terpthat is former head coach joe paterno was diagnosed with lung cancer. he was hospitalized for a bronchial illness. thacious nouncement was made by son scott. the new president of penn state said it is unfortunate
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news and another sad note for our penn state community. jay who is on the coaching staff described his father's reaction after getting the diagon nosis. >> he waved me off. don't worry. you worry about the game next week and don't worry about me. every day i have gone by to bug him and he said the same thing. he has a tendency to minimize things. but he will be fine. the ncaa will investigate penn state and exercise institutional control over the heat litic programs including banning the school from bowl games and docking scholarships and the school has until september 16th to worry the questions that ncaa has put forth and the school said it is going to cooperate. >> thank you so much for bringing us up to date and the
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in-depth look at child sex abuse scandal rocking happy valley, tune in tonight. the crisis at penn state anchored by john roberts. >> syracuse university also facing a possible sexual abuse scandal. long time assistant basketball coach said allegations that fine molested two ball boys are false. the school placed fine on administrative leave pending investigation. charges are not filed and police say it is early in the investigation . fox news alert to bring you at this hour. a deadly accident in the yale-harvard game played in new haven, connecticut. a uhaul truck entered parking lot and accelerated and killing one woman and
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injurying other two. police are investigating the doctor at this hour. >> and in uc davis. tuition locked arms protesting tuition tikes refusing to leave the tents. they were pepper prayed and the situation got angry. >> and six months after a tornado blew the town away. residents are thanking each and every volunteer who came to their rescue. we'll tell you how they are doing it. and executives at fannie mae and freddie mac got millions of dollars in bonus made the bailout mortgage giant a legislative target. our next guest said it is about time. stay with us. more coming up ahead. fiber makes me sad.
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oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. are on our wish lists? 'cause this season, the timing couldn't be better. right now, we can get those black friday prices without fighting through all those black friday crowds, which means we can do more this year without waiting around for the season to start. ♪ more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. why wait for black friday? choose either this top load or front load washer for just 499 bucks.
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>> welcome back. despite the fall out from the solyndra controversy. the energy secretary said companies are lining up to provide the global solar market and chu said it is
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important for the u.s. to stay in the game. he made the remarks after touring the plant and a day after hostile questioning in the hill. republicans are outraged ov the loan to solyndra. >> how much money do you think that the federal government will be able to recover. >> that remains to be seen. not very much but we would not have had we said no stopped disbursement of funds or stopped the comcom. factory. we were felt that we were not going to recover much of anything at all at that point as well >> chu said unexpected market changes collapses led to solyndra's failure. >> 35 million. that's how much 12 executives in fannie mae and freddie mac
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received in bonuses. the house passed a measure to stop the grave train and in a show of bipartisan. castle and mccain are working to block it as well tom you and yours say it is about time . it is 170 billion. it is weaning them off. and doing something to solve the program. this is massive operations.
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they are receiving million dollar bonuses. i agree with the people who say occupiers are in the wrong place. this the taxpayers money and people should object to how washington and spending the money. >> what do you mean by the fact of a bipartisan effort to stop this and get it back on track in a way that makes sense. >> everyone is outraged and even barney frank said and loves fan yefreddie. he thought they could take care of this themselves and he went along with the proposal and the senate is looking at it as well it should be stopped and that might send a message they are getting a
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little done . in the same week, they incrosed the amount of money that the federal housing administration could insure. and so they are cutting bonuss and exposing the taxpayer to a loss in another agency on top of fan competent freddie. >> just moving it around. >> they are moving in a wrong way. no one is really held fan competent freddie to account for their roll in the housing crisis. >> those who defend these bonuses said you can't attract top talent without ging them incentive and being a part of the team to help the agency along and moving forward with the forms that are needed. >> it is a terrible excuse and makes no sense in these circumstances. if they have a job they are lucky to keep their salary and very few are getting bonus regardless of performance and no one knows why they got the
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bonus. if they were moving toward privizing i would be happy to give them money but that is not what is going on. >> no, it is not. and people can't believe it is still going on at a time when people are hurting. >> that's the point. we have giants, government poncored enterprise interests with fan yefridayy. white house hasn't done anything and congress hasn't done anything. our organization is talking about the systemic risk. and here we are million in hole and then bonuses. >> appreciate your insight. >> setting the roar straight. newt gingrich is not afraid of personal attackings. what he's doing to fight them coming up next. and where does faith fit in the election? there is an important forum going on.
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faith and mitt romney will not be there. does that matter we'll ask tony perkins, stay with us. i got mine in iraq, 2003. u.s.a.a. autonsurance is often handed down from generation to generation, because it offers a superior level of protection and because u.s.a.a.'s commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. ben your lega. get an auto insurance quote. u.s.a.a. we know what it means to serve.
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andlinically proven to help support healthy cholesterol. ♪ put a little love in your heart ♪ >> celebrations urpedway in libya over the reported capture of moammar qaddafi's son. peter has the story. >>reporter: libya acting justice minister confirmed that saif al-islam was captured in the southern part of the country. he was carrying a fow thousand dollars and traveling with a convoy. >> there was a desperate blow to cancer patients. it ruled that avastin should not be used to treat breast cancer. it doesn't have enough benefit
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to outweight the side affects. >> a group said no final decision was made and he's exploring the options of transferring it to other nonprofit. obama administration wants to prevent foreign firms from investing with iran's oil and gas. that is not confirmed by the white house or state department. but comes on the heels of international atomic energy report that states that the iranians are trying to build a nuclear weapon. >> the iaea's information shows that iran has carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear device and that some of those activities may still be ongoing. >> but iran is firing back saying that their nuclear
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program is peaceful. these allegations are all fabricated to have a pretext of putting pressure on iran and more on that. change the iaea to a united nations watch dog so they can tell from wash issue what to do in vienna. and the iranian plost to acsassinate the saudi arabia ambassador. they voted to abhor that. no arab or muslim countries voted with iran there. national security advisor said that is a clear sign that iran's nuclear program is isolating them from the rest of the world and region as well >> it indicates that the isolation that iran is with respect to the choice of the nuclear program and degree of isolation is unprecedented.
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>> we don't know if the obama administration will pursue new sanctions against iran. but the republican senator from illinois introduced a bill to sanction the iranian central bank. >> thank you. and republican senator newt gingrich taking a head on approach to the conroversey from his past. he came under criticism from extra marital affairs to money he earned from insurance giant fannie mae. geng rich told reporters he is ready for the close scutiny. >> you have been in the public eye so long. >> who knows. i would never found that interesting. and in an unusual move. gingrich launching a page on his website that tackles and addresses those allegations . it reads . see the attack that is not
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answered let us know here. and moving along to faith-based family and leader forupum. not all presidential candidates are continuing. both mitt romney and huntsman are not going. tony perkins will be joining us. welcome to have you here. >> good afternoon, uma, how are you. >> i am great. tell me about your thoughts was mitt romney and jon huntsman are choosing not to attend the forum. >> in all fairness, in these election cycle they are mument plying like rabbits there is a lots of them and so if is not unusual they will miss that though. it is problematic for mitt romney. iowa is an important state but what is represents and the family leader here represents a vote disporportionately in
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primaris and caucuss and nearly 40 percent of the primary voters are social conservatives and he has trouble, real political trouble with social conservatives and it doesn't add up that he would skip this event. >> he has trouble with that target audience and the fact that he is missing it, speaks to the fact that he is hoping to move on and capture more of the independent vote and set aside those who are social conservatives in the race. >> he may be trying to take the mccain path to the nomination which work would for john mccain because he was a moderate in the race and able to secure the nomination because the others divided up that core-based vote. but he did not win the presidency. and i think mitt romney has the same problem. what we are seeing here, it is like a political version of musical chairs when it comes to the front runner.
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michele bachmann then rick perry and then cain and now newt gingrich. the early voters are not comfortable with mitt romney. and it primarily goes back to the record as governor which is inconsistent with the conservative issues that he embraced. of all candidates, he needs to be speaking to the conency and try to convince them he is conservative. >> you think the impact will be profound in the upcoming election? >> i think it is in the primaries. they vote to their numbers. iowa is a good example of that. i think it is going to be interesting to see what happen in the caucus in iowa in the first of january. rick san torum is working that state hard and quietly and it is it a state that repond toz conservative candidates and fiscally and socially conservative that work the
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state and spend time in the state . by skipping over the state and pinning his hopes on new hampshire and he's having to fight with gingrich making gains. i don't know there are is a clear path for mitt romney to secure the nomination. >> stakes are remaining high . we'll watch on how it unfolds with the foryum later on thank you for joining us today. >> good to be with you. and authorities in reno, nevada. the worst of the wildfires are over. but they are not out of the woods just yet. >> wind high as 60 miles per hour are fueling the fires that forced 10,000 people from their homes and claiming one life and sending 15 people to the hospital. the national guard is on site to protect the vacant homes from looters and vandalings. >> a town level would by a devastating tornado six months ago, picks up the pieces. we'll tell you the heart
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warming story of survivors saying thank you. stay with us. announcer ] each of these photos was taken by someone on the first morning of their retirement. it's the first of more than 6,000 sunrises the average retiree wl see. ♪ as we're living longer than ever before, prudential's challenge is to help everyone have the retirement income they'll ed to enjoy every one of their days. ♪ prudential. bring yr challenges.
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>> welcome back look being at capitol hill where the congressional super committee is working hard. republican memberings holding a conference call this morn senator john kyle telling fox news that no meetings are planned today. they have until furthermore night to get the legislation. our next story looks back at devastating tornados . it it was a killer storm that moved through missouri. the images of that horrific
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day in may are sobering. 8000 homes and businesses were destroyed including the main hospital and several schools and major retail center. the debris was spread for miles and yet despite the tragedy. joplin's residents found strength and refused to be beaten down. 400 businesses have reopened and the community and survivors are inspired by the faith in god and belief that joplin will come back strong yer better. joining us is michele whose son died on the fateful day and rob, with the jop lin chamber of commerce. thank you for joining us today . thank you for having us. >> and i know it is hard when you cope with the loss of lance that died in the storm.
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where your son on that day? >> he actually was in my vehicle. they just happened to be on wisconsin street here which was the heart . they drove in the heart of the tornado unaware of what happened. it happened so quickly. despite your pain you helped others to heal by setting up a fownation in his memory. tell us about that . we decoided his life obviously inspired me to create a nonprofit organization in his name. we have a wonderful facility in joplin and it was a huge part of the life. and it helped him to get through bad times . with his involvement there and hard work and he was a bmx bike rider. they have three facilities there. he was not only able to go and find a place to be home and
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learn about his fate and accept jesus in his life and it changed everything. it gives us peace of mind knowing that lance is taken for a better purpose. >> i understand. rob, i know there is a billion or more in damage from the storm. how are they finding strength it is the nature of this community that is helped by so many people, not just our neighboring communities initially and have come here instead of side by side on the rebuilding. [inaudible] and to send clothing and food and dollars to help thingings .
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like the foundation that michele talked about. there is a great support from around the country. and it was within minutes after the storm to roll up our sleeves and begin rebuilding. >> it is very special in that your community wants people to know that they are grateful. they are still there, and as thanksgiving approaches. there is it a campaign under way. and it is going well. and it is going well. city of joplin and joplin schools are leading the initiative to rebuild joplin which is coordinating the effort. and we have some 100,000 cards that were printed and volunteers all over the
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community who are signing cards and about 60 or 70 percent of those are done right now. they will go out before thanksgiving. and continue the effort all the way through christmas. it is a wonderful effort indeed and your community is special and moving forward in ways that are inspiring with more businesses reopening and the fact that you are making sure more businesses try to set up routes right in your community. we'll be following your story and check back after the anniversary and beyond. thank you so much for joining us today. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> first jenna bush and now chelsea clinton. so obsessed with fame that we take celebrity over experience? we'll tell you about chelsea's new gig after the break. sweetie i think you need a little extra fiber in your diet.
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carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8.
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>> welcome back, everybody. natalee woods' sister said does not believe that the movie star's death 30 years ago was an accident. there is an investigation reopened on the drowning. woods was boating with actor robert wagner and christopher walkins. she does not believe her
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sister fell off of the boat and hopes that a new investigation uncovers the truth. and texas governor rick perry is turning heads for using the f-word socialism and a tv attack ad. >> obama's socialist policiless are bankrupting america and we must stop him now. >> anita perry said her own work experience leads her to the conclusion . >> socialism scares a lot of people. do you think that the president is socialist and his policies are socialist. how would you characterize him. >> i truly do. when we take the dollar from the federal government they will tell us how to start practicing medicine. i have seen it as a nurse if a hospital and in administration how we practice medicine by a book and how the diagnosis are
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relate you are paid by that. and i don't think that is right. truly, we need to pay for the very best we can get. >> shannon green sat down with the first lady of texas and you can catch that interview tomorrow on america's news headquarters. >>y clinton always shied away from the cameras but why is she so anxious to get in front now. she landed the job any broadcast journalist would covet. what do you think, liz? >> why does everybody want to be on tv? even the children are privileged and debitants come lately and powerful sports stars. everybody wants to be on television. it used to be the television news was a special thing. it was awould you had experience for the job. let me just give you one issue
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right off of the bat that was raised by jack schafer, the television critic for rueters. takey clinton. if so much what passes for network news is about celebrity wrangling would any world leader or corporate chief dare turn down an invitation from her to appear on nbc lest they offend her parents. >> good issue. she's only one of several people that are taken up by television news department. jenna bush, daughter of george w. bush. and megan mccain in msnbc contributor who is the daughter of the arizona senator. we had for years maria shriver over in nbc niece of a u.s. president . we had codey gifford, son of kathy lee .
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we had loop ruster and his father was a politicalal commentor. >> nbc is a network of nepotism as one person called it. it is funny. an drea pizer critic for television in the new york post said hillary clinton has experience in interviewing and show's interviewed two people. her mother and her father. and in fact, she has just done that recently. we can't say she hasn't had experience at all . raises the question of merit. the hold horr atiethic that most of us were raised on. if you do well and you do hard, and you really work for what youment, you will be rewarded. but now, i guess the message we are sending now. hey, let's really talk. it is who you know. don't bother to worry about if
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you covered a story. the statement from steve kapas, at nbc new system hilarous. he said. given her vast experience, it is as chelsea has been preparing for this opportunity for her entire adult life. enough said. >> thank you, liz. appreciate it. after the break. the feel good story of the day. school teacher in cleveland get a big holiday pay day. ♪ . stay with us. dinner i'd race down that hill without a helmet.
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♪ >> you're going to love the next story. elementary schoolteachers in cleveland, ohio are starting their celebrations a bit early. the group winning $250,000 in the mega millions lottery. >> we played $10 a month. each person. there's 14 of us in the pool. >> after taxes, each person will be getting $12,321, and this is hardly enough to retire on, but the teachers are grateful for the money. of course, it's a nice finish to what's been a tough economic year. good for them. hey, you never know. you got to play once in a while. well, that will do it for me here in washington, d.c. kelly wright and jamie


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