tv America Live FOX News November 23, 2011 1:00pm-3:00pm EST
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jon: look forward to seeing everybody then. jenna: hope you're off to a good thanksgiving eve. jon: "happening now" starts right now. rick: are less than 24 hours to go before thanksgiving new and severe weather systems are throwing a wrench in the travel plans of millions of americans. we are tracking all the cancellations, all the delays, all the back-ups. welcome to "america live" i'm rick folbaum. >> reporter: we are filling in for megyn kelly. we hope megyn is not experiencing what is becoming a holiday nightmare. we are starting off at philadelphia national airport, a child throwing a bit of a tantrum. we've seen this. right. rick: we know all about this. >> reporter: passengers are facing delays and cancellations
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at some of our nation's busiest airports, and it's not any better if your driving. jam-packed roads and highways are making this year's trip to grandma's house a very slow one. a contributing editor of travel los travelosity joins us. 3.4million people are traveling by air. you have some survival tips that we must all know. women listen up, this applies to all of us. don't over pack, right? >> that is one of the easiest ones to do, start off by not over packing, that way you don't have to check bags. when you go to the airport and your flight is delayed or canceled you want to be able to move as quickly as you can to get on the next available flight with the next available seat. so if you haven't checked bags that is going to help you. and if your bag fits in the overhead compartment that is a big one too. remember the tsa is going to take away toiletries that are
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over four ounces, they are going to measure how big your bag is when you get on the plane and gate check it u don', you don't want to have that happen. >> men always carry on, you don't have to worry about the long lines. the point here is never put important items in your checked baggage, meaning rick you have to leave your air spray behind when you board the plane. >> that's true, if you're checking bags make sure you have your eyeglasses, our medicine, your cellphone charger. those are the kinds of things if you can't get to your bag for a while because you're delayed you'll really miss. always have those things with you. >> reporter: checking in online is brilliant. >> check in online before you leave home. you'll be able to get a seat, maybe you won't be stuck in the middle or back of the plane. you'll be able to get your boarding pass so you won't have to do that at the airline. if you check bags you might save
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a little money by checking them before you leave home. on delays and cancellations check with your airline before you leave home. if your flight is canceled there is a lot you can do for yourself at home before you ever go to the airport. you can do it from the comfort of your couch. you may be able to rebook your flight and find yourself a new seat and do that without having to go to the airport. >> reporter: thank you very much. pack your patients, especially if you have kids. rick: i always have a pocket-sized air spray canister. >> reporter: under four answers. i don't know if that is nearly enough. rick: there is a lot of different kinds of weather all over the country. some strong winds mixing with a whole lot of sand making a huge mess in oregon. these are sand thunderstorms, they arstorms. they happen every year. but some say it's pretty back.
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>> we have sand from ground level up to the back porch. this one is above and beyond. it's the first one of the season. >> a constant struggle for them, their garage doors collapse, their walls and roofs are sandblasted off. rick: wow that is something. wild salmon washed out from rivers and sent swimming in the roads. these are the streets of nathan county in washington state, a rain storm is flooding the area that weather is expected to last through the weekend. rick weymouth basketball here with thwill be here with the latest travel forecast for you. >> reporter: fox news alert the white house responded to new threats from russia over a proposed missile defense system in europe. russia's president threatening to target u.s. missile defense sites unless we share some of the inside secrets of our defense systems. chief white house correspondented henry is live at the white house to explain
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more. >> reporter: the white house is reacting. the president has a lot on the line. he has talked a lot about resetting relations with russia. all of a sudden it looks like that could be going off track. the u.s. dating back to the bush administration has been pushing to put a missile defense shield in european they've repeatedly said, both administrations over the last few years have said, this is a defensive move to protect against a missile launched by iran, this it's not an offensive move against russia. president dmitry medvedev making clear today if he does not get a favorable deal on this. not only would he point russian missiles at these u.s. defense sites in europe but also threatening to walk away from that start treaty signed with president obama to reduce nuclear stockpiles on both sides. here is president dmitry medvedev. >> taking into account the direct links between strategic offensive and defensive weapons the circumstances could arise in
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which we had grounds to pull out of the star treaty. >> reporter: interesting because a white house spokesman just a moment sent out this statement insisting quote in multiple channels we have explained to russian officials that the missile defense systems planned for deployment in europe do not and cannot threaten russia's strategic deterrent. it's implementation is going well and we see no basis for threats to withdraw from it. we will not in any way limit or change our deployment plans in europe. you can see the white house trying to stand firm on this. at the same time try to be flexible and say, look we're working with russia, we're going to work these things out. the bottom line in the context here is that dmitry medvedev will be leaving the stage in a few months stepping down as president, giving way to former president vladimir putin. this may be a lot of saber rattling and rhetoric but in the end might not amount to much.
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julie. rick: to the fast and furious fiasco. we are getting new reports on the threat of drug cartels along the u.s. border today. the washington times newspaper is citing a sealed indictment concerning the murder of border patrol agent brian terry. terry was gunned down while on patrol last december. the new report suggests that drug gangs may have been on parole themselves looking for u.s. border agents to kill. trace gallagher is in our west coast newsroom with the latest. >> reporter: we have a copy of th the indictment that has been sealed now. it says, and i'm quoting here, it was an object of the conspiracy that one or more of the coconspirators would intentionally and forcibly assault any person and any officer or employee of the united states. now whether that means they were hunting border parole agents as the washington times says is very unclear at this point, but if that is the case it would be
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a security game changer along the border. now we believe that these bandits who killed agent brian tere raoerbgs or allegedl terry, or allegedly did so were part of a rip crew, they target other smugglers that are coming across the border. when the agents came upon them, they identified themselves in both english and spanish. instead of trying to flee, which border parole agents say most of the bandits do they opened fire. the gunmen had ak-47 assault rifles at the ready, which means the butts of the guns were against their shoulders. the report says that may also be very unusual for mexican bandits. keep in mind, two of the weapons used in the killing of agent terry were from the failed fast and furious program. and one of the suspects in this case was actually convicted in a u.s. court back in 2006 of assault, he was deported, he was arrested two more times in 2010,
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also deported. and the border parole union says and i'm quoting here again, it emphasizes the failed state of security on the u.s. border. we have terrorism going on right now on the other side of the fence, and we are arming the drug cartels. the agents are also very concerned about transparency in this case. keep in mind, it's been almost a year since agent terry was killed, there is still no trial, and as you said, rick, this indictment, which we have a copy of has been sealed. even the reason the judge gave for sealing the indictment has also been sealed, so nearly a year after brian terry's death, still very, very many questions yet to be answered. rick: curious case all around. trace thank you very much. shaun moran is the vice president of the national border parole council. he is very familiar with all the circumstances surrounding the murder of brian terry and recent cartel activity along our southern border and he will be our guest live joining us in the
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next hour to answer some of the questions here. that is straight ahead. >> reporter: the yes now is did the justice department intentionally hold back on congress during the nomination of supreme court justice elena kagan. in three minutes we'll show you why house republicans are demanding some emails which they say could have a huge impact on the high court's upcoming hearing on the healthcare overhaul. rick: new fallout in last night's republican debate. new reaction about newt gingrich said about immigration and his gop rivals. >> reporter: it is a code red for thanksgiving. are you planning on doing this? the department of homeland security issuing a new warning about the threat of exploding turkeys. hide the kids, folks. [ male announcer ] tom's discovering that living healthy can be fun.
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rick: welcome back. new allegations of hazing at florida a & m university as police investigate the death of drum major robert champion. he was found dead on the band's bus over the weekend. the police are conducting interviews with other students. they have suspended all marching band performances. julie: in just a few months the supreme court is expected to take up a major legal challenge facing president obama's healthcare overhaul. now house republicans are demanding to know if the justice department stonewalled congress during elena kagan's nomination process to serve on the high court. they claim the department of justice withheld public documents revealing saying and's support for the healthcare law. tim o'brien is an attorney and has covered the u.s. supreme court for two decades and joins me now. the justice department has
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released an email in which saying and told a justice department colleague, and i'm quote w-g, it was amazing that democrats appeared to have the votes to pass healthcare reform. and there in lies the big problem here. saying and thought it was amazing. democrats were about to pass obamacare. your reaction to her opinion, which by the way she was not in a position to be giving. >> julie the fact that she thinks it's amazing does not suggest she is biased one way or the other insofar as the case is concerned. maybe it was amazing. even if she said it was a good thing doesn't necessarily mean that she could not handle this case impartially. the real question is, did she actively participate in the dense of obamacare? was she out campaigning for it? that would clearly be tkpwroudz for recusagrounds for recusal and one would assume that she would. julie: federal law requires
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recusal from a case if a judicial officer has served in governmental program and in such capacity has served as counsel, adviser, or expressed an opinion concerning the merit of the particular case or controversy. justice saying and can do whatever she wants. she's chosen not to disqualify herself. the question, though, is how much did the justice department know or possibly cover up here? >> well, certainly the justice department should be providing the congressman and anybody who asks relevant information about her participation in that case. that does not necessarily mean she has to provide witnesses. if there are emails that bear on the case those should be provided. consider that statute that you mentioned in some context. if she expresses an opinion on something. well, this is a very controversial issue and it's very important. do you really want a justice who has no opinion on it at all, who thinks it's good or bad? consider also we have justices who weigh in on issues, be it
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the death penalty or abortion and yet they are still free to participate in those cases as they come up again and again. right now there is no there, there, there is nothing that would suggest she must recuse herself. by the way you brought up a very important point. even if something does come up with the supreme court it's a little different than it is with lower federal courts. they make the call themselves, if they are wrong the only remedy would be impeachment which is not likely here. julie: it's completely up to her and at this point it's obvious she will not be recushion herself. during the time that she was solicitor general emails say her office was prepared to defend that law in court. nothing contradicts the statement that she was directly involved in the planning. is the doj being forthright in producing the requested emails? >> i really don't know the answer to that question. i can tell you they have provided some emails. have they provided all the emails i really don't know.
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julie: should hadn't the public be given the right to know? isn't that the whole point of our judicial system and the supreme court is to serve the public? and so the public should have open access tkoufplt believe t. do you believe the cameras should be allowed in the courtroom when this hearing takes place in march. >> julie i certainly do. they should be allowed for all supreme court cases, but especially this one. the supreme court will not be deciding whether obama healthcare is a good idea, or a bad idea only whether congress exceeded its authority in a number of areas, including requiring people to takeout insurance. there are no witnesses or jurors who can be intimidated. people don't understand the question, they don't understand the constitution. they don't understand the court, and one of the reasons for that is the court is so closed when it comes to these hearings. if people could watch they'd have a better understanding of all of these factors. julie: i think the american public would love to have a
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better understanding as to what is going on in washington. tim o'brien, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, jewelry, a pleasure. rick: very interesting. coming up after a quick break. to a lot of conservatives, it's the r word, regulations, and there are new ones coming from the epa that kick in about six weeks that critics say will reduce our electric supply and drive up our rates. in three minutes charles payne will show us what the impact will be. julie: a horrifying accident caught on camera take a look at this a chopper spiraling out of control smashing into the ground. what the pilot was doing set of the crash. rick: she is calling it an outrage, republican presidential hopeful michelle bachmann demanding that nbc apologize for what happened during her late night appearance with jimmy fallon. did you see this? we'll tell you. >> this is clearly a form of by as on the part of the hollywood entertainment elite but it's also a sexism as well.
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and fell back into another door barely missing the rote arblades. the best part, not only did he survive, he walked away. >> there was an enormous pop which was actually the blades exploding, and a mighty thump as the helicopter hit the ground. >> it was a pow irkind of sound. i just turned around and seen it dropped. it was halfway down. the security got straight to it and pulled him out. julie: you don't believe in miracles, let's watch this again. this is the crash. the helicopter actually splits in two as it came crashing down. amazingly no one on the ground was hurt either. rick: all right, let's switch gears now. new developments for energy in this country, and how much you will pay for your energy. new rules from the epa, the environmental protection agency, are set to take affect several weeks from now. there are serious concerns among
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some that they could have a big impact on your electric bill and reliability. charles payne is ceo of w, he's author of be smart, get rich, act fast. thank you for being here. there are two sides to every story. let's try and dig down here. i want your help, we want to get to the truth. these are regulations that took a look at mercury and air topicses and the energy industry says that these new rules could mean that a lot of folks around the country are going to have a hard time flicking their light switch. >> you're absolutely right. there are two sets of rules. those rules which the industry is saying, and it's not just the industry, you have politicians on both sides of the aisle, mansion, ben nelson, democrats recently even said it could cost america about 1.4 million jobs once they implement it between next year and 2020. and those go cover mercury tox 0-inches but there also one called the cross states
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raourblgs which sort of the pollution that comes out of it is carried by eastern winds over other states. they want any of these coal-fire plants have to be retrofitted and that is going to cost about $180 billion. that has to be passed onto consumers. rick: okay. the environmental folks out there say that this is just a bunch of nonsense, that these are scare tactics that are being fed out by the energy industry, so that coal plants don't have to be shut down. >> you know what i find really interesting, i did a lot of research on this, even advocates of this. when trying to mitigate the financial damage that this would have to the country, to these coal plants and also of course ultimately to consumers they said that coal plants were doing this any way. the industry had been moving to get rid of some of these older dinosaur coal plants any way. they do use economics. the administration, epa says in 2014 it's going to save
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$290 billion. saving 30 million lives, asthma attacks, things like that. that's a little disingenuous as well. rick: amongst conservatives there is the idea of over regulation, especially on the part of the epa which has become sort of a favorite target for a lot of republicans and conservatives around the country. you know, they say that this is really doing a major disservice to the people of the united states, and to the economic well-being of our country. where, though is there a balance? because at the same time there are a lot of folks out there who would like there to be some kind of an agency that makes sure that the air that we breathe is clean, and the water we drink is clean. >> i know, but i think most people feel like it is. if you say clean air that's common-sense. if you say listen we are going to have these court of draconian, these hand-fisted attacks on american business, and every since the supreme court sort of said that the clean air act was almost an unlimited power to the epa
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they've been welding it like thor's hammer. they have been going nuts with this. it has been used in places where the administration doesn't like it. president obama in 2008 said electricity would have to be more expensive to go through with the sort of plans he would love to go through. and that is phasing out coal. rick: let me mention the name of your book again. >> your electric bill will go up next year. rick: thank you, good to see you. julie: a mix of heavy snow and freezing rain falling across parts of new england right now. that's right the weather system says that this is a high impact storm, and it's already sparking how power outages, more power outages and delaying some flights for thanksgiving. we'll go live to the weather center in three minutes, so stay there. rick: she mysteriously vanished
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after appearing on a television show. new developments in the search for this missing mother of three. julie: republican newt gingrich makes a bold play at the stage in this game at last night's foreign policy debate the former house speaker said american immigration policy should not separate families who have lived in the u.s. for years. we're going to debate what this means for his campaign right after the break. >> the party who says it's the party of the family is going to adopt a family that has been here a quarter of a century?
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julie: this is a fox news weather alert. the biggest travel dave the year is almost here and so is the wet snow, freezing rain, wet roads, high winds across wide sections of the country. that is not a good thing. even if the weather is good where you are these storms are slowing things down in some of america's busiest airports. chief meteorologist rick weymouth is live in the extreme weather center with the round up. >> reporter: we are starting to look late bit better julie. this morning was really rough, and last night heavy rainfall across most parts of the east. the biggest delays we are seeing is 35 minutes in laguardia. philadelphia you're down to 20. the central part of the country looking great, it's the coast corners of the country that has some problems. you can see the majority of the rainfall now off-shore. still some snow across new england, that means tomorrow if
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you're driving around vermont, new hampshire, upstate new york, main, you'll have rough going on some of the roads. rain showers exiting parts of the new york area and parts of washington d.c. maybe delays for a couple of hours and things will clear up nicely. the next storm is pulling into the northwest. we'll see rain across coastal areas of the west. tomorrow the storm out across the west dives farther to the south. coastal areas of southern california looking a little bit shower re, interior sections not that bad. and a huge warm up across the plains. temperatures 25 degrees above where you typically are for thanksgiving. tons of sunshine. east coast is looking good as well, wind moving around the great lakes. cloud cover and a few showers. julie, we are improving as the afternoon goes on and that's very good news for a lot of people. julie: yeah it is very much so. all right, rick weymouth thank you so much. >> reporter: you bet.
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rick: onto politics now and new reaction today after last night's republican debate. and newt gingrich's comments on immigration. take a listen to what he had to say about the hot button issue. >> i do not believe that the people of the united states are going to take people who have been here a quarter century, who have children and grandchildren, who are members of the community, who may have done something 25 years ago, separate them from their families, anne and expel them. i do believe if you are here recently and you have no ties to the u.s. we should deport you. i believe we should guard the border. i want you all to look at the foundation plan. the party that says it's the party of the family is going to adopt an immigration policy that destroys families who have been here for a quarter of a
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century? i'm going to say let's find a way to give them legality so they are not separated from their family. rick: monica crowley joins us, tara dowdell also joins us. it's nice to see you both. thank you very much for being here. newt says he's prepared to take the heat. but this kind of talk is what knocked rick perry from the leaderboard. what is it going to do to the former speaker. >> absolutely, rick. rick perry used the word heartless, that you would be heartless if you opposed what he was proposing on this issue, which is taking people who have been here illegally and deporting them. so, look, this is a risky game for newt gingrich. when i heard him say that, i thought he's already running a general election campaign, which, again is a risky move because you need the votes from conservatives, independents in primaries to get the nomination
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in order to run a general election campaign. newt gingrich for all of his smarts he has a bit of a reputation among conservatives from shooting from the lips, being undisciplined especially on his messaging. last night didn't look like that to me it looked like it was a calculated move to appeal to latino voters and also voters who are going to vote in the general election. again, i'm not sure if is going to work for him. it actually might work to the benefit of mitt romney, who actually looked stronger and illegal immigration last night than newt did. rick: well he's certainly more in line with what a lot of conservatives feel when it comes to immigration. tara let me ask you on that same point. it didn't seem to me either like this was newt shooting from the lip. it seemed like this was something he had thougt out aheathought out ahead of time and he went out there wanting to express this point of view. do you think like monica that he was taking a practical approach and trying to appeal to a certain voter out there?
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>> rick, you are absolutely correct. i think this was calculated, strategic. i think his response was very articulate and compassionate. it came across that way by focuses on the family aspect of it. i think the problem for rick perry, i will part company with monica on this. the problem with rick perry was he was very inartful in his delivery to his response to basically the same issue. rick perry had fumbled throughout the whole debate process, and he really shot himself in the foot with being unable to answer what three departments he himself would eliminate. i think that was the bigger issue. i think newt gingrich came across very well, and i'm not sure that this will hurt him. i think what may happen is at some point he may have to walk it back a little bit, or emphasize his views as to border patrol and border security. i think what will hurt him is his baggage, and he has more baggage than kim kardashian.
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rick: good line on a day before thanksgiving when a lot of people are packing up. monica let me ask you can newt tick off conservatives and still win the nomination. >> i think he can. yee are a year away from the presidential election. a lot of voters are trying to visualize what the debates will look like. even if you owe pose president obama on every policy that he's put forward the last three years as i have, you do respect his ability to debate, he's a very intelligent man, he knows his stuff after being president for all this time. so we want to put up somebody for the republican nomination who is going to be able to macho bama witt for witt, policy for policy and be able to nominate the discussion as to why obama's policies have been a failure, and have conservative principles are the way to get america back on track, and people might be willing to overlook some of newt's past, probably the worst
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of the 1990, relatively speaker that are so minor compared to the kind of destruction obama has put this country through in the last three years. newt's baggage is so minor compared to that, that's what the conversation has to be about. if newt can grab that bull by the horn and make that the point of discussion, the point of debate i don't care how many things he does to tick off conserve teufrbgs he will not only win the debate he'll win the general. >> i think the white house would love to run against newt gingrich. he does have a lot of baggage. the spin will be to downplay that baggage. the reality is he lobbied, even though he doesn't use the term lobbying, he advised freddie mac on how to escape regulations and we see how destructive that was. and he got $1.6 million to do so. he's also been all over the map in terms of his positions.
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but i do think on the other hand, though, he still is -- despite that he's viewed as many conservatives as a pretty staunch conservative. that's why i don't think he will be hurt too much by taking some positions and sticking to those positions. overall he has a lot of issues. his bigger issue is not going to be barack obama, it's going to be mitt romney whose campaign manager is really good at opposition research. rick: thank you so much. tara dowdell. monica crowley. happy thanksgiving. julie: new details in the disappearance of a young mother. after she was on a tv show in a dispute with her ex-boyfriend over a $5,000 engagement ring. what investigators are suggesting about this case. rick: have you ever had a deep-fried turkey. julie: i have not.
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julie: right now hundreds of volunteers fanning out across orange county, florida, searching for michelle parker. she is a 33-year-old mother of three who disappeared almost a week ago. it's been over six days now. after appearing on a taped episode of the people's court with an ex-boyfriend who also is the father of two of her children who are twins. police say he is not considered a suspect in her disappearance, so who is and where is she?
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joining us now is former d.c. homicide detective and fox news contributor rod wheeler. rod, thank you so much for talking to us. this really has garnered national attention. everyone wants to know where michelle is. her mother appeared on national tv this week to discuss her theory, that she believes that her daughter is being held captive somewhere because she appeared to have money. she was carjacked, her mother believes after someone saw her driving a hummer suv. what do you think of that theory? >> i can understand. julie i can appreciate the mother's theory. let me tell you from many years of investigating homicides and missing persons and carjackers, this is not the mo, if you will of a carjacker, julie. i do not believe for a second that michelle parker was carjacked. let me quickly tell you why. first of all carjackers really typically do not kidnap their victims. the reason they don't is because there is not a need for them to kidnap the victims. if a carjacker harms a person it's usually during the commission of trying to take the vehicle. so, one, i do not believe this
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woman was carjacked. number two, i honestly believe dale smith, which is the exfiance should be investigated a lot more. i think this guy should be made to sweat a lot more, because i think this guy definitely julie has something to do with the fact that michelle is missing. julie: let's talk about this guy, dale smith. he has a violent past. he was seen on people's court. he's the last person that saw michelle alive. why in the world haven't police given him a polygraph test? >> excellent question, julie. that is the question that i have. i'll tell you right now, just like i told the producers, this guy needs to be given a polygraph right away. the polygraph examine is only one tool that we use in investigations, but in addition to that i suspect that once they do give this guy the polygraph he's going to lawyer up. i know the police have not called dale smith a peurp person of interest, but i am calling dale smith a person of
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interest. it's not just a see west dense last thursday on a show, and then she goes missing. this guy has got to be able to give an account, a precise account, exactly where he was during the time in which the woman dropped the kids off at his house. julie: a 24 to 48 hour period. its not that difficult to come up with an alibi for that. >> exactly he needs to give an account for every minute of time between that time period. if he can't, he's a suspect. julie: regarding the mother's theory if she was being held captive because someone saw her car, thought she had money, thought they could extort money out of the family someone would be making a ransom note or demanding cash, that has not happened. there is no sign of her except for her still missing iphone sending out a message in thursday that she was a particular area outside orlando. that her car was found on friday. >> there's been no calls for ransom, no signs of struggle. this vehicle, her vehicle as you
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know was found in an area where the police say they type typically find these vehicles. you know, what, julie i believe the vehicle was placed there intentionally julie to throw the police off. i think the vehicle was placed there by dale smith. obviously there is a lot more investigation. i'm not saying that this guy is guilty ofnything. i'm clearly saying, julie he is a person of interest. julie: they had to have dusted the car for fingerprints at this point. i'm sure he's ridden in her car before, does that make him a potential person of interest if they find those prints, and have they done that? >> yes, i believe they have. julie, look at it from a different perspective. they are going to dust that vehicle for fingerprints or dna. we expect to find dale smith's dna and fingerprints in the vehicle, but here is the thing. what dna or what fingerprints do we find, if any, in the vehicle that doesn't belong to him? you use a process of elimination. let me tell you if you don't find any, then guess what, this
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guy dale smith is your guy. julie: and this woman, her poor three children there is no way she would have walked away from her three kids. >> that's right. julie: it's suspicious and you think the exboy trend would be man number one to talk to. >> absolutely. julie: we fres appreciate you coming on. rick: some people called it a joke but nobody is laughing today, as the jimmy fallon show is being called sexist and worst for how michelle bachmann was treated during an appearance on the show monday night. we'll show you what fallon, the candidate and womens groups are saying all over day. today i that is just ahead. julie: the department of homeland security, they've got a new warning for you tonight about deep-fried turkeys. we are going to light the fire and see what happens in three minutes. >> another one of our safety concerns with deep fat turkey fires is their lack of stability. watch how easy it is to tip it over? in our laboratory we use water.
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can you imagine if this was hot oil? i had a het problem. i was told to begin my aspirin regimen. i just didn't listen until i almost lost my life. my doctor's again ordered me to take aspirin. and i do. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ mike ] listen to the doctor. take it seriously.
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rick: we are going for a new record here today i how many times can we show you the video of the burning turkey? the department of homeland security is looking out for you this holiday season. i think this is number seven right here. homeland security director janet napolitano is warning the nation about the dangers of frying your turkey. trace gallagher is cutting through the fat on this story from our west coast newsroom. hi, trace. >> reporter: i love the pictures, show them again and again and again. who knew that fried turkeys could get the department of homeland security all riled up saying this is a threat to house and home, not to mention your skin. if you absolutely, positively have to have a fried turkey, don't do this.
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a little bit of natural sound in there of the fire burning away. that does look dangerous. here is the problem, the oil is heated to some 350 degrees, right. and when you drop in the turkey or set in the turkey it could boil over and all that oil is highly combustible. highly combustible means it could do this. watch. is this it? all right. there is the next turkey going in. we don't by the way just have great turkey pictures to show you. we have the numbers to back it up. each year there are 900 homes across the country that burn because of turkey fryers. there are 30 people who are injured every year because of turkey fryers. and $12 million in damage, the national fire protection agency says instead of frying maybe you can get a restaurant to do it, maybe one of your local markets to do it, otherwise this might happen.
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>> this is your frozen holiday turkey in the boiling oil. >> reporter: that, by the way was a chicken, rick, in case you were looking. they didn't have a turkey they could find when they shot that. you're watching football, you decide to fry the turkey. rick: the next thing you're calling the fire department. >> reporter: that's exactly right, happy thanksgiving. rick: happy thanksgiving to you, my friend. julie: after the debt committee fell apart there are two big questions for millions of americans. in three minutes what lawmakers are doing about two big issues that will affect american workers whether they have a job or not. rick: that's right. also coming up could new developments in the penn state scandal land exfootball coach jerry sandusky back in jail, this time for much longer? our legal expert on why that might just be the case. julie: and the weather outside is frightful, it could also delay millions of people from
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rick: fox news alert now and new concerns about the next economic quagmire in the wake of the supercommittee's failure. we have a brand new hour of "america live, i'm rick folbaum. >> and i'm julie banderas, the long term employment benefits stoet expire on new year's day but now a bipartisan panel on reducing the decifit did nothing, it's not clear if or how the government will be able to pay for them emanuel joins us live from washington. >> reporter: julia, if congress doesn't act, any extension of long term unemployment benefits will end at the end of the year, the price tag estimated at $200 billion. the senate may vote as early as next week on extending
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the payroll tax cut. president obama continues pushing congress to get it done while the economy is weak and many american families are struggling. >> in the spirit of thanksgiving, we are going to give them another chance. absolutely. [applause] next week, they're going to get to take a simple vote. if they vote no again, the typical family's taxes will go up $1000 next year. >> reporter: speaker john boehner responded saying, quote, we told the president in september that we stand ready to have an honest and fruitful discussion with him regarding the payroll tax extension, and that invitation stands. the speaker went ton say, meanwhile, the american people continue to await action on the more than 20 bipartisan jobs bills passed by the house that are currently stuck in the democratic-controlled senate
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with unemployment still at 9 percent nationally, democrats say it is important to extend those unemployment benefits. republicans recognize unemployment is still a huge issue, and without an extension, an estimated 2.2 million americans will lose their benefits. in the end, experts i've talked to say congress will likely find a way to extend both the payroll tax cut and long term unemployment benefits. republicans will argue they must be paid for, considering the nation's debt is $15 trillion counting. but making the tough choices on how to pay for them is less likely, especially if democrats insist on taxing millionaires more is the way to do it. julie. julie: thank you very much. >> sure. julie: as you're about to see, hundreds of thousands of americans still rely on those benefits. new applications for unemployment increasing by 2000 last week, that means 393,000 people filed for jobless benefits. but the 4-week average fell to its lowest level since april, indicating companies are laying off fewer workers
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over the past few months. rick: there are also new questions today about whether republicans may have inadvertently agreed to a decifit reduction deal that's a bigger victory for democrats than the gop ever dreamed of. $3 in tax increases for every $1 in spending cuts. and a lot of those cuts assigned to the pentagon without taking a dime from social security, medicaid, or medicare, coupled with the end of most of the bush-era tax cuts. that's how the automatic trigger works now that the supercommittee failed. michael reagan of the reagan group joins us live. thank you very much for being here. this was an analysis i saw in the "washington post" this morning and i'm wondering your take on it, whether you think as the post says that this is a big victory for democrats and there's nothing republicans can do about it. >> yeah, but it's a victory that democrats absolutely want. and there isn't anything that the republicans can do about it. why? they don't have enough votes in the senate of the united states to do anything about
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it. and the democrats don't want them to do anything about it. they want to be able to use everything they can for the election next november of 2012. that's what they're aiming for, therefore, nothing ultimately gets done. rick: is this a winning issue for the democrats or for the republicans michael? >> i certainly hope not. i think the republicans really need to stand up and start talking about what is really going on, like the president of the united states talking about extending the payroll tax cut. what he doesn't tell anybody is the fact that by extending the payroll tax cut, you are actually taking money out of the social security system, you're making it even more efficient, less money going in, than having to rob peter, the general fund, to shore up social security because the money isn't going in there, and that's why john boehner wants to have this debate with the united states of america, instead, the president is using politics which he uses on a regular basis, there in new hampshire, where he's down ten percentage points, and he wants to pretend he really cares about them but
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he doesn't tell them if i take the money from here, your social security benefits will not exist when you are set to retire. rick: certainly no shortage of politics to go around on all sides of this issue, and we've heard democrats working so hard the last couple of weeks to demonize republicans and to demonize the tax lobbyist grover norquist, saying those members of congress who signed that no new taxes pledge of nowhere quist care more about -- norquist care more about that than the country. is that the message resonate something. >> i hope people remembered what happened with george h. w. bush when he raised taxes in the 1990s and they hung it around his neck in the 1992 election, the no new taxes pledge. they might also remember this, that my father under tetra promised to give $1 in new taxes for every $3 in spending cuts and he was going to get from the democrats, my father died, june of 2004, it's now 2011,
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he still is waiting for the, in fact, spending cuts that were promised him back in the 1980s. grover norquist has that memory and the republicans have that memory, being lied to on a regular basis by the democrats, always promising spending cuts for new taxes, but never delivers on the spending cuts. you want new tax, give us the spending cuts first, them come back to me and say can i raise your taxes. rick: your dad also, though, increased revenue about a dozen times or so to deal with surging decifits, and the treasury department is estimated that if you were to take those numbers and put them into 2011 figures, that that would be the equivalent of about $300 billion annually today. would your father have signed the norquist pledge? >> my father never signed pledges. he didn't believe in signing pledges, he believed in leading from the oval office, not leading from signing pledges. i don't think it's a smart idea to, in fact, sign pledges but those out there who want to do that, that's how they curry favor, if you
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will, with the conservative movement in this country. ronald rag ain whoop have never signed a pledge, don't believe he did. >> the republican presidential candidates like to mention your father and put themselves up there as sort of carrier of the reagan flame. who do you think your father would be root fog in these upcoming primaries and caucuses? >> abo, anybody but obama at this time. he would have supported the nominee. never got involved in the primary, believed the party should choose their person but he would have said this about last night's debate, which he would have thought was very good, he would have supported probably newt gingrich's position on immigration. my father never would have broken up a family to make in fact a point on immigration, and so he would have applauded newt gingrich on that, but there was a lot of applause to go around from ronald reagan or myself, watching last night's debate but you might remember, ronald reagan was the last republican to carry
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the hispanic vote and he would say to the republican party, you'd better find a way to reach out to the hispanic population you may find yourself on the ad sheet of history. rick: michael reagan of the reagan group, always good to talk to you, enjoy your thanksgiving holiday. >> you too, happy thanksgiving. julie: stream weather alert on getaway day, one of the busiest travel days of the year, in fact, and fast moving storm bringing a mix of rain and snow to the eastern seaboard, the pacific northwest, also getting pounded by a completely different storm, and all of this, creating some travel headaches for folks on the move right before the thanksgiving holiday. steve brown is live at the center of it all. one of the biggest airports in the nation, chicago's o'hare international airport. hey steve, how does it look there? >> actually, it looks good here, and i'm sad to report that you're probably sitting in the center of the worst of the travel dilemmas that people will have this holiday season.
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teterboro, jfk, la guardia and philadelphia, all have delays because of that storm. everywhere else, it's been pretty good. 42 1/2 million people expected to take to the roads in some tpaurbgs and what we've discovered is that these are dedicated thanksgiving travelers. >> thanksgiving tends to defy the economics a little bit in that it's such an important holiday for people to be with family an friends that they're going to travel almost no matter what. >> reporter: but what's going to happen for folks traveling is they're going to have to dig into their pocket deeper and here's why for the folks at amtrak, they say their trains are full and have added cars to accommodate extra ticket the being sold, they've seen an increase of 2 percent to 5 percent on one-way tickets. if you travel by automobile and that's most everybody traveling this holiday season, gas is 46 cents on average higher per gallon, so you have to factor that into your thanksgiving budget, if you will.
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a lot of folks will be digging deeper for gasoline. as far as air travel is concerned, there are fewer seats, air transportation association says reduction in the number of seats, in essentially flights, has essentially lowered the number of seats available this thanksgiving. but the prices for those went up to as much as 20 percent higher. so yes, americans, especially those 42 1/2 million out on the road this holiday season, they are dedicated to traveling this thanksgiving. it will just cost them more. julie. julie: steve brown in chicago, thank you very much. and just in time for the holiday travel season, the senate, set to take up a bill blocking baggage fees. wouldn't you like that. the legislation would allow passengers to bring one checked and one carry-on bag, free of charge. that's how it used to be work in theo back in the old days, remember? a spokesperson for the airline industry said banning baggage fee would be less fair to customers because it may result in
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higher ticket prices and he says all passengers would bear the brunt of that as opposed to the ones checking bags, and if you're traveling today, you can get the latest weather updates and travel info, go to your computer, log on to, enter your zip code and you'll get the most up to date, up to the minute weather forecast, specifics to your home town and of course, your travel, as you embark on a busy holiday travel season. rick: that's a cool feature. right at fox, you can do that? >> julie: you sure can. i'm not going anywhere but i'm going to check it out, anyway. rick: when we come back, she's running for president and just made an appearance on the late night show withy fallon but the song the band played when she walked out to her introduction prompted fiery calls for an apology from the network. that, straight ahead. julie: former penn state coach jerry sandusky out of jail on bonds right now but he could be heading to the slammer real soon. we're going to show you why,
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after the break. and it is never too early to line up for black friday bargains. that's what i always say. just ahead, the deals that have had shoppers camping out since last friday. >> we set up friday, about 6:00 p.m. >> i got here 2:00 saturday. >> it's an experience that we do every year. >> what's the worst part about all of this? >> usually the weather. but we deal.
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rick: we were joking about the occupy best buy movement! he's are bargain hunters already beginning to line up for black friday, shoppers in cleveland, ohio, camping out way ahead of time, some of them stationed outside of this store literally since last friday, if you can believe that, maybe lured by the offer of a 42-inch lcd for more than 200 bucks. i don't know. people are plotting the strategy to score the best deal. >> you always strat guys. some people go into the tv, some people go into the
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computers, everything else. >> i'm going to buy four of these, two of these. >> we just bought a new tent for next year, actually. we'll probably be first in line again. julie: my! rick: they'll have to keep this going. they need new tents. retailers are expected to open their doors at midnight tonight, some are starting earlier like toys "r" us which opens at 9:00 p.m. on thanksgiving night. happy shopping, everybody! julie: the man accused in the penn state child sex abuse case could soon head to jail, jerry sandusky's attorney saying the client could go behind bars before a hearing next month because two new accusations have come to light, the alleged victims are still children and now a lot of people are questioning why it took three years to bring charges against the former assistant coach in the first place. joey jackson is defense attorney and former prosecutor who joins me now. joey, pennsylvania governor
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tom corbett had the power to arrest sandusky, he chose not to, instead, he chose the grand jury process which took three years, allowed sandusky to remain free until possibly now. is sandusky headed to jail? >> first of all, julie, i think he is, right? there's a couple of ways this can go. the grand jury process is a long winded process and the governor, then attorney general, is taking criticism but the wheels of justice move but they move ever so slowly, so one thing, and then the other thing. the first thing is we can rest assured he's going back to jail and here's why. in order to go back to jail, what would end up happening is that you need a change in circumstances. we know, julie, that the original judge that set the bail, number one, we know she had ties to this charity, the second mile, and number two, apparently had loose association with him we don't know. it's challengeable on that ground, bail is, but even beyond that, now we get to the changed circumstances, that you just mentioned, that is the other children who are alleged to have been
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abused, and it's not only those other children which represent a change in bail conditions for him but we also know there could be at least ten other victims that could come forward, in addition to the eight in the 23 count indictment, and so with all of that said, you go back in front of a judge, and he also know, julie, that the judges who are going to be sitting are not from the penn state community. those judges have recused themselves and there will be new judges brought in from out of that particular jurisdiction who will sit in judgment objectively as to him. so the first thing we need to know is that that will happen and by all accounts there is a changed circumstance here, and the bail conditions will most certainly be substantially changed. is that $100,000 now unsecured, i would not be surprised if bail wasn't revoked and what's called remanded. >> $100,000 unsecured bond. it could have been challenged actually but after all the latest allegations, the two children that are still children, and some ten other alleged victims that are waiting in the wings to come forward, will a judge deem
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these allegations to be too serious not to revoke or modify bail? >> interestingly enough, julie, what happens is even in the constitution itself in pennsylvania, amended in 1998, there's a provision that says if you are indeed a danger to the community such that you're not bailable, meaning in normal circumstance, in every case generally speaking, bail is afforded, and unless of course it's a murder case in which the risk is too great, but in other circumstances, and the seriousness of this is such that this person not only is alleged to have done all these horrific things but now these two new allegations and who knows what else he's done, you mentioned before, and i did, the ten additional victims, i think the judge is inclined and would be inclined to say you know what, too dangerous, too much of a risk, too many things can happen, you're staying in pending the determination and the outcome of these charges. julie: let's remind everybody, now we've got the ten people allegedly waiting in the wings to come tporbgsd two children, all right, that's 12, let's do the mart here, sandusky already faces 40 counts
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stemming from the alleged abuse of eight young boys over more than a decade. sandusky's lawyer argues as you just mentioned that his client poses no danger to society or risk of flight. three years have gone by and he hasn't fled. that is true. but with all this new information, i mean, would a judge even buy that at this point? >> you know what happens, and that's what we argue, of course we argue look, it's been three years, he hasn't done anything, but look, he has indeed done something or he's alleged to have done something, because these new allegations are and relate to two children under 18. otherwise, the children, in youth services of pennsylvania, would not even be investigating them. so i think it's an uphill battle to make, just to say to the judge you know what, he's gainfully -- you know, he's a pillar of the community, he's not been in any trouble before, he hasn't risked flight, he hasn't left the jurisdiction, we know he's going to come back. i think it's a hard argument to make, julie. ultimate let i think the judge says we're not going to take any chances, the nature of this is such that we need to ensure he'll be
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there to meet these allegations and we could say that he'll be in jail. julie: we'll see. joey jackson, thank you very much. >> pleasure, julie. rick: there are new reports about the murder of border patrol agent brian terry, reports out today. sean moran is vice president of the national border patrol council who is very familiar with the circumstances surrounding the murder of agent terry and recent cartel activity along the border, and he will join us live in about 15 minutes to answer some of the questions that have been raised in this case. julie: plus, 48 years after the arrest of a man who killed president kennedy, the person who helped catch lee harvey oswald is honored. really, head & shoulders is for more than dandruff?
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rick: back to politics now and fox news exclusive, fresh off last night's debate, mitt romney picking up another high profile endorsement as he makes a rare campaign stop in iowa and giving the exclusive interview to fox news at the same time, cheese political correspondent carl cameron is live in demoines. hi carl. >> reporter: rick, mitt romney's appearances in iowa have been less frequent. he's coming here more. he hasn't yet gone all in to win the caucus less than six weeks from now but his presence in iowa on the eve of thanksgiving to announce the endorse of john thune from next door's south dakota suggest he is making a play in the way of last night's debate. romney trails the polls here, the latest polls suggest beginning arrive has a lead over mitt romney and today when we spoke to the ex-governor of massachusetts, he didn't rule out going all in in iowa. he even suggested that he might win. but he hasn't put his money on the table yet. listen to this: >> i think i have to look at race in iowa as being an
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uphill battle. i recognize that i'm not the frontrunner here, probably won't be the frontrunner until the very last moment. i have a good shot of winning. >> reporter: a good shot of winning indeed. romney is already on the air with a tv advertisement in new hams but not so in iowa. here, there are a lot of evangelical christian conservatives who express misgivings about supporting romney because in the past he's flipflopped on a whole host of social issues. in his endorsement from john thune today, a socially conservative number four leader in the republican u.s. senate in washington, he has a staunch social conservative who is ardently supporting him on those issues, john thune. >> i've looked at governor romney, his record, his statements. i'm comfortable with his positions on life, on marriage, on the second amendment, on those key issues that i think social conservatives care deeply about. >> reporter: romney is polled at or near the top of the polls in iowa, basically for a year, but with less
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than six weeks as the republicans here are beginning to make up their minds there's a distinct possibility he will not stay there, because of so much of the doubt that social conservatives have about him. today romney is going after newt gingrich at the top of the polls, after gingrich's statement that he would support a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants across the country, today, thune and romney saying it's amnesty for illegal alien, both saying the nation should adhere to its laws and shouldn't give a pass to people currently breaking it. they believe that mr. gingrich is quite vulnerable on this. look for romney to hit it hard after the holidays, rick. rick: carl cameron, in iowa, thank you very much. julie: they say it was a joke, but congresswoman michele bachmann, not laughing, after an appearance on a late night tv show. the not so warm welcome they received and what people are saying about it now. rick: it's one of the busiest travel days of the entire year and whether you're flying or driving, it
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you noticed! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. and last chance at medicare open enrollment, too. what do yean? it ends december 7th. if you haven't reviewed your medicare plan oices yet, well, it's getting late. medicare gives you free cancer screenings and wellness visits, and 50% o brand name prescription drugs when you're in e donut hole... it's all part of the health care law. december 7th? i better get goin'! [ male announcer ] medicare open enrollment ends soon. cal1-800-medice or visit to learn re. julie: a fox news alert for you. new information coming in right now on the investigation into form penn state assistant coach jerry sandusky. now, there are two new cases of alleged abuse that we
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have been reporting and they are now under investigation against sandusky, these two allegations com from two people who are still children. and a local newspaper in pennsylvania is now reporting that one of these allegations was, in fact, made by a sandusky family member. sandusky attorney general joe emendola say the allegations stem from differents within the child was immediate family and said the assault is alleged to have occurred prior to sandusky's arrest this month but was not brought to the authority's attention after the penn state coach was charged. as we learn more, we'll bring it to you. rick: the stream weather alert on one of the busiest travel days of the year, storms from coast to coast, causing delays at airports as folks all across the country are racing to get to wherever they're going for thanksgiving. melissa cluman is a contributing editor at travelocity and joins us once again. these delays, what kind of
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advice would you have for people, melissa, who might be heading to the airport today, tonight or early tomorrow morning? >> first thing they want to do is go online, check with their airline and with the airport. you can do that at travelocity, actually. we have a turkey task force at the log with real time updates, so don't go to the airport if your flight is delayed or canceled, do everything you you can to the home first to rebook your flight or find out what our alternatives are. also we're seeing delays in san francisco with about an hour, boston of about an hour, la guardia, philly as well. so those delays might start to ripple across the country. so even if it looks fine where you are, the sun is shining in l.a., you want to make sure that you check with your carrier before you leave home to make sure that those delays aren't starting to affect you where you are. rick: i was going to say those delays you mentioned, they're not terrible at this point. i mean, nobody likes to go and find out their flight is an hour delayed but you
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could certainly put up with that. what happens if these delays start to get to maybe two hours or three hours or more? what kind of rights do passengers have these days? >> those delays probably will start to build, and unfortunately, the rights aren't as clear as you think they will. if the flights is canceled because of weather, let's say, the airline doesn't have to do anything for you except get you on the next available flight and the next available seat might not be for another day, so that's kwru want to try and book from home and see if the next available seat is maybe you're coming into new york, into new jersey instead of new york. do everything you can to help yourself, because the airlines are going to be very busy, the airlines are extremely busy right now. so you might not get the help you need at the airport but you can do everything from home or by calling the 800 number for the airline is another great idea to get help if you need it. rick: last question for you, if you're traveling tomorrow on thanksgiving day and you're driving to your destination, when is the
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best time to get on the road? >> as early as you can! first thing in the morning. delays are going to start to build as the day goes on. and literally, millions of people will be on the road so help yourself, go early. rick: thank you, happy thanksgiving. nice to talk to you. >> thanks. julie: well, new reaction today from congresswoman michele bachmann following a recent television appearance, late night television appearance, the presidential candidate appearing on late night with jimmy fallon, fallon's house band, welcoming her with a controversial song choice. the song title is "you lyin and third word rhymes with witch and let me give you a hint, women do not like to be called it. fallon has apologized but bachmann said on "america's newsroom", there's clearly a bias here. listen: >> the point is, if that had
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been michelle obama who would come out on the stage, and if that song had been played for michelle obama, i have no doubt that nbc would have apologized to her and likely they could have fired the drummer, or at least suspended him. none of that happened from nbc, and this is clearly a form of bias on the part of the hollywood entertainment elite but it's also i think a sexism -- sexism as well. this wouldn't be tolerated if this was michelle obama. it shouldn't be tolerated if it's a conservative woman, either. julie: is that right? or is there a bias or not? christopher han is fox news contributor and former aide to charms schumer and chris plant, a radio host for the chris plant show. christopher, whether you agree with ms. bachmann's politics, no female politician and no woman should be suggested to sexist and offensive innuendo. should heads roll over this? >> well, listen, i don't think is fireing -- he
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should have been making the statement on his own. but the thing that republicans should be concerned of and michele bachmann's team should be concerned of, there's a couple of things. one, she's not running for first lady of the united states, she's running for president of the united states, so i don't understand why she's comparing herself to the first lady. second, i don't know who does -- who preps for the hits for her but they should have known what song was going to be played before she walked out. that's a failure on the part of her campaign. she's not ready for prime time. >> wow. unbelievable. what an unbelievable response. i'm actually shocked. this is appalling. it's a disgraceful response. to attack her, to blame her is just more of the same stuff. i got to tell you -- >> i'm not blaming her! i'm not blaming her. i think it was wrong. he shouldn't have done it. >> am i speaking now? if not for double standards liberals would have no standards at all. we don't have the equivalent of an al sharpton on the right because we're not
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charlatan enough to march around in circles. nbc fired don imus and the band should be let go to prove their not hypocrites at nbc. you guys, let me tell you something, chris, i'm busy preparing music for my show, special music, when i talk about hillary clinton, to talk about nancy pelosi. to suggest she's not running for fix lady is more sexism and you're dismissing this behavior. >> julie: there is a point here. whether it's michelle obama or not is the point, she's a woman, deserves to be respected and, and let me tell you, it was intentional the band member, quest love has issued a statement saying the performance of a tufb in cheap and spur of the moment decision, i want to emphasize, spur of the moment, meaning last minute decision and that the band was not aware of it and they feel bad if her feelings were hurt, it wasn't their intention, but that last minute is the debatable one, because of course, since before the show aired he actually tweeted all right, that's what he said, all
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right, that means all right, late night walk on song devotees you love it when we stphafrb. this next one takes the cake, ask around because i ain't sweeting the title. come on, it was premedicated. >> if chris is firing people, let's fire rush limbaugh for calling michelle obama uppity. >> that's opinion radio show. he has every right to say whatever the heck he wants. he doesn't work for nbc. nbc is supposed to be a reputable and responsible network, and so, therefore, whatever staff -- if we did that on fox, our heads would roll! >> but they don't control the editorial content of the band. they just -- >> oh really? wait, wait, freelance? >> i think americans -- >> chris, didn't we just go through a controversy in five days of news stories and demands for apologies when herman cain referred to nancy pelosi as princess nancy? i mean, is she a wilting
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lilly, incapable of being called princess nancy? the hypocrisy of the left is so extraordinary tphaerbgs people like don imus get fired for those comments and you get lucite blocks and golden statueets for doing this kind of thing. look, saia palin's church was fire bombed with women and children and it was a nonstory in the news media. this is outlandish. >> you keep talk about don imus being fired. i want to go back to rush limbaugh. >> i know you do. by the same company. >> nothing conservative -- there's nothing conservative politicians love more than being able to have righteous indig nation so now she can go around saying how bad the media and nbc is and she's happy about it. she'll get an uptick in the polls. >> expect returned fire, okay? this is the gutter politics that democrats wage every single day, and if this is where you want it, this is where you should get it. we're going to come up with
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theme music for female politicians on the democratic side and it's not going to be flattering and get back to me when they start ranting and by the way -- >> they said that about hillary clinton, the things they said about hillary clinton when she ran for senate -- >> who are they? >> rush limbaugh. >> rush limbaugh. all you have is rush limbaugh. >> which was a racist statement. >> of course it was. it's always racism. >> stations should drop him and advertisers should boycott him. >> you guys try that all the time. you try that constantly. but he happens to be the most popular like host in the country, and in the history of radio. >> chris -- >> chris, i'm hoping he goes down and i'm hoping you take his spot! julie: all right. we'll wait and see if that actually happens. all right, christopher han, chris plant, chris and chris, thank you very much. >> sure. rick: i wish that somebody felt strongly about this. julie: we need more opinions on this show. rick: new reports today, coming up in a moment, about the actions of the cartels
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before the murder of border agent brian terry. sean moran is vice president of the national border patrol council, very, very familiar with all the circumstances surrounding the murder of agent terry, and recent activity along the border involving the drug cartels. he will join us live in three minutes with the answers to a lot of the questions in this case. don't go away.
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rick: new details about the murder of border patrol agent brian terry, he, of course, we now know, the agent who was gunned down in arizona nearly a year ago, while patrolling along the border of mexico, and now a new report saying that the mexicans accused in the shooting were stalking terry before he was killed, and were possibly on the hunt, looking specifically to target u.s. border agents. sean moran is vice president of the national border patrol council. we're so glad to talk to you today, sir, thank you very much for being here. do you believe these charges
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to be true, first of all? >> yes i do. this is something we've feared for a long time, that mexican criminals, cartel members would be on u.s. territory, going after our agents because we are the ones on the front line and the ones that would first see violence. rick: can you tell us about this grand jury indictment and why it was sealed in the first place? what have you heard about that? >> yeah, i don't know why it's been sealed, unless they're going after other suspects. i can only speculate as to why the judge sealed it. but it was probably to protect methods and techniques. rick: this is again a report from the washington times today, and of course, as we all know by now, two of the weapons that were recovered at the scene were a part of the disastrous fast & furious program. is it your belief, and what kind of evidence can you give us, that the drug cartels out there are purposely targeting and on the hunt for federal agents?
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>> i can give you three names. the first one would be louie aguilar, second, robert rosis and last one is brian terry, three border patrol agents that have been killed in the line of duty in the last several years. the violence is coming over from mexico, the cartels are looking to move their product and they're willing to do whatever is necessary to get that product here. louie aguilar was run down, robert rosas was shot and brian terry was murdered in the desert of arizona on so that these cartels could perpetrate their criminal activities. and it's inexcuseable that we haven't responded in a stronger manner from the u.s. government. rick: and there are also reports in this article in which you are quoted heavily, that there are bouts on the heads of u.s. law enforcement, local police there on the ground, and also, federal agents on the ground. these are bouts taken out by the drug cartels. what would be the appropriate response in your
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view? >> the appropriate response would be to actually take the threat seriously. i've heard for years that there are bouts on border patrol agents and law enforcement along the border, and we need to take those threats seriously, and most border patrol agents don't feel that the threat is being taken seriously. we thought when brian terry was murdered there would be a swift and prompt response and that just hasn't happened. rick: i've heard you speak just the other day so passionately and movingly at a memorial service for agent terry. i'm just wondering, you know, if you look at the -- sort of the government of mexico and their inability to control the drug cartel situation there, what kind of a partnership do you think we have with mexican officials, and do we maybe need to, perhaps, cross the border on our own and go in and get this job done? >> i don't know if we need to cross the border, but there are beheadings that
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are going on 20 minutes south of major u.s. cities. they are a definite threat to the national security of the united states. and unfortunately, our agent s because of the strategy that's being used by the u.s. border patrol in pushing all of our agents right up against the border fence, we're going to be the first ones to feel that response. rick: well, we certainly wish you and all of our border patrol agents a safe and happy thanksgiving. thank you all for your work. and thank you for joining us today, shawn moran, vice president of the border patrol council. all the best to you sir. >> thank you sir. julie: holiday travelers, finding long lines at the airports. no surprise there. some 42 million people, in fact, are expected to drive, fly or ride trains to their thanksgiving destinations. we've got the latest on the travel delays coming up. rick: and julie's favorite story of the day. big foot is on his way to court and he has some demands. we'll tell you why the highest court in the state
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of new hampshire is considering his rights under the first amendment. don't go away. i habe a cohd. yeah, i toog nyguil bud i'm stild stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth! most powerful trading app ? total access - to everything. from idea to research to trade. including financials, indicators and real-time streaming quotes. whether you check your investments every day or every minute, our app can take them from thought to trade. at scottrade, seven-dollar trades are just the start.
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julie: hr-frplt a very sticky situation on the pennsylvania turnpike to tell you about, where a flood of goody muck disabled 150 cars, this car among them, its wheels covered. it all started when a leaking valve on a tanker spread driveway salant all over the eastbound lanes last night. traffic finally moving normally, but this sticky mess caused a headache for motorists traveling for the thanksgiving day holiday. rick: that will slow you down. >> all right, big foot is fighting for his rights. okay. not really big foot. actually, an amateur
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filmmaker, and he's in a fight over the first amendment. it's the latest in our taking liberty series. douglas kennedy has more on this. >> reporter: big foot spotted in new hampshire, and the man told he needed a film permit. now the men in -- the man in the suit is suing the state claiming it violated his right to free speech. it was december 2009 on the top of mount lananda, one of new hampshire's premiere tourist attraction, a group of hikers spots an animal-like figure on the ridge. >> was it big foot coming from a cave? or saswatch on a ledge in it was just jonathan doyle in his yeddy suit. so this is sort of perform ants art, which you then post on youtube.
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>> yes, i post it on youtube >> it was this youtube post thank got him kicked off the mountain, park rangers caught the video on the internet and when doyle returned to shoot a sequel a year later, they told him no. they said you are a film crew, and needed a film permit. what's up with that? >> well, you've got to come up with something, you know? when basically it's just a bunch of friends out with a camera. >> doyle is now hooked up with the american civil liberties union and is suing the rangers for violating his right to free speech. >> the rangers say they have a right to make anyone making a film apply for a film permit, and this lawyer agrees. >> the youtube videos can be considered analogous to a filming because it's widely disseminated to millions of people. >> the legal argument is that youtube has become so big that you are now like a hollywood production. what do you say to that? >> well, i think it's absurd, because the way this all started, i was just
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going out with my friends to shoot a video, you know. i'm no hollywood production. >> whether he is or not will soon be decided by new hampshire's supreme court which is expected to rule on the case in the next couple of weeks. that's it from here, rick, back to you. >> all right douglas, thank you very much. good to see you. >> julie: no comment! >> and russia, getting ready to flex its muscle, the warning moscow just issued to the u.s. and the reaction from the white house, next. ,
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