tv The Five FOX News December 13, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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that corzine knew for sure this was going on. that is what we call a big uh-oh. good night. captioned by closed captioning services, inc >> kimberly: hello, everyone. i'm kimberly guilfoyle, along with bob beckel, eric bolling, dana perino, greg gutfeld. it's 12 days before christmas. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." we have a lot to cover. obama is down in key swing states between gingrich and romney. which candidate will have a better chance of taking on the president? plus, the donald bails on hosting the big republican presidential debate. some people hmm saw this coming. and greg gutfeld has thoughts on harry reid. the millionaire and unicorns. get ready for the gutfeld
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people. "the five" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> kimberly: and our top story tonight, president obama in 2012. a new gallop poll appears to undermine obama's entire vision for america. maybe his re-election campaign. when asked what the biggest threat to the future, 64% said big government. 26% said big business. big labor, coming in at 8%. is this a problem for the president? eric? >> eric: i think so. the number you put up there 64%. at the highest, since gallup has been in business. so it's on an increasing scale. big government is continuously a big problem. people see it as a problem going forward. i can only point out, now bob, i know you will jump down my throat any second here. but the tea party has been calling for the smaller government. saying that will save us from ourselves. the other one is big business.
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how important is that? is it going to be a problem going forward? it comes in at 26%. it's been flat since history of gallup. people aren't saying it's big business or big labor. foreseeable problem is big government. obama is the big government. he is the guy. >> bob: i'm not going to jump down your throat. your numbers, that you recite here are accurate. what i would say is since gallup has begun this poll, big government has always been at the top. this is not the highest. it was 65 at one point. secondly, the businesses come in second. the most important number here, your great and dislike for big labor and they are 8%. don't worry about it. you and greg have to stop worrying about big labor. not a big threat in america. >> dana: big decline for labor. >> bob: in every way. >> greg: no one thinks about them because they don't matter. >> bob: why do you talk about them then? >> greg: occupy wall streeters.
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the reason why americans have identified more with big business is big business reflects a truly american trait. which is to take risks. the other two which you look at government and labor work on eliminating risk from your life. they create safety nets, big business creates risk. that is why you are seeing the death of competition. >> bob: if that is your argument, three times from labor to big business. >> greg: you are right about some things, believe it or not. americans despising big government is obese person hating on ice cream. if you hate it, you got to stop eating it. >> kimberly: wait. >> greg: people depend on -- >> kimberly: we have a fox news alert. prop modification on set. as we speak, eric bolling has -- >> eric: pardon me if, i don't want to to cover you up. here is what we are talking about. tea party pointing out that big government is a problem. it's gone up the whole time that gallup has been in business. >> ericoccupy wall street
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is calling out big business. saying corporatism and big business is bad thing. americans are saying fewer americans think big business -- >> bob: occupy wall street called out big government, too. the 26%, it was 17% for big business. now 26%. labor is the only one consistently low, not a threat. >> kimberly: dana? >> dana: a greater force is at work and reality is setting in across america over time. if you go back to the fall of 2008, when the financial crisis happened, president bush was in office. major election coming up. you have president obama taking the reins with democrats in both the house and senate. a lot of stuff gets done. everything you wanted. in 2010, he suffered historic defeat in house and senate for his party. he did. >> bob: it wasn't historic. >> dana: yeah, it was.
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the poll on the front of "usa today," republicans are continuing to increase. republicans increasing so the question is will it be harder for obama? >> kimberly: i want to stay with you on this. "usa today," gallup swing state poll finds number of voters identify themselves as democrat or democratting leaning, key state is down by 4%. you said republicans are up by 5%. there is another poll as well that shows losing in the swing states and 12 swing senates. he trails romney by five points. newt by three. nationwide, obama leads newt 50% to 44%, it edges romney 47%. >> bob: even though i write for this wonderful newspaper. can i make a couple of points here? romney is behind in every state up -- the most unreliable poll are the state polls a year out in presidential race. sample sizes are so small. i think there is something to be said. i think we need to call out the american people.
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tired of them whining about. this >> greg: that's what i just said. >> bob: i agree. the american people are all, 75% of them are grabbing piece of big government themselves. they're happy to see big government get small if they don't take their piece of it. it have no sympathy for the american people. stop whining and start par tis pating. >> dana: i'm saying that reality is setting in. they watched the news across the pond in europe. they recognize we are headed that way. if we don't make big changes. this election will be a referendum on president obama's policy and the vision he laid out for america. what he said in kansas versus whatever the republican nominee will be. i think another bigger question is coattail effect. will democrats not want to for tais pate and be on obama's coattails, or will the republican be able to encourage and inspire people to get behind them? >> dana: referendum on taking away people mortgage
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deduction? how about that? see how much gut they have on that vote. >> eric: heat it up here -- >> bob: i'm angry with people jump on the big government and take advantage of it. >> under obama you will add $6 trillion on national debt. under one term of obama. go back multiple presidents to add money to national debt. >> if john mccain had been president, it would have been added in because of the automatic cost increases. we have to deal with entitlements. my party has to recognize if we keep playing a game of defending entitlement we will never get out of the hole. >> greg: the psychological aspect of this, people don't want to be told what to do in every aspect of their lives.
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that is the perception you see with this administration. as we're part of constitutional law class. he's disappointed with how rowdy we have become. >> kimberly: listen to this. a question to kick around the table, newt and romney have been taking shots at one another. we've got tape for you to evaluate. get the five takes after this. >> do you believe he should give that money back? >> i do. he was on a debate saying that politicians that took money from freddie and fannie should go to jail. governor romney would like to give back money he earned from bankrupting companies and laying off employees over his years at b abin, i would be -- years at bain. i'd be glad to listen to him. i bet he won't take the offer. >> kimberly: help or hurt? >> there is a reason that this is taking place.
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newt pulled ahead on one thing that romney had going for him in iowa. electability. he can't let newt have that or he is in really in trouble. >> i have never seen larger array of institution and others ganging up against one guy. you are losing ground in iowa. the problem is neither are good negative campaigners. if newt is a negative campaigner, he reminds me of the mean newt. romney is a lousy campaigner. negative campaign, that requires a subtlety and skill and politics. >> i believe it might have been verbose, but intelligent nonetheless. >> in my neck of the woods, business area there, newt hurt himself with the commentary. >> look what romney has done bankrupting businesses. romney didn't bankrupt businesses. he took those and consolidated
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them and turned them to businesses to hire people. newt is showing himself that he was willing to stay anything. look, a pro-capitalist president should not have a problem with anything. >> a republican primary. contest. it's natural you are going to have drawing contrast. i don't think it's the best one for either one of them. i get on to what they have planned for america. >> do you expect them to play seven minutes of "heaven" in a closet? this is a primary. this hurts the candidates because it's a try run for the general election. obama could learn from that. if you thoroughly air problems out, then they might not be a problem later on. because america looks at an election like a tv show. they hate reruns. >> obama is miling through this. >> kimberly: i say don't worry. be happy. go after obama. don't forget the presidential hopefuls will square off in a fox debate.
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this thursday night at 9:00 p.m. eastern. be fantastic so tune in. guess what? oh, yes, well donald made a surprise call to one person at this table this afternoon. we'll tell you which ones and what mr. trump had to say. stay tuned after the break. don't forget to send us e-mail at "the five" at ♪ ♪ welcome idaho, where they grow america's favorite potoes. everyone knows idaho potatoes taste great. but did you know they'reood for you too? they're high in vitamins and potassium. and idaho potatoes are now certified to carry the heart checkmark from the american heart assoction for foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> bob: i'm up here in section "b," number two. donald trump is bailing on the presidential debate. here is the donald in his own words. >> because of the fact that the republicans are upset and because of the fact that i refuse to give up the possibility of running as an independent candidate, i decided to cancel the debate. i don't want to waste a lot of newt's time, or rick santorum's time, or donald trump's time. >> bob: yeah. anybody surprised by this? >> kimberly: didn't you predict it? >> bob: i did. >> kimberly: fortune teller outfit and a weird hat. >> eric: the donald did call, not his dear close friend, eric bolling but somebody else on the panel.
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that would be greg gutfeld. >> greg: yeah. >> bob: what did he say to you? >> greg: it's awkward. we had dinner a couple nights ago and i left my shortie robe at the penthouse. we go hot tubbing. no, he calls and i'm a big fan of the show. he said keep up the good work and everything. nothing too political came up. >> dana: when he first called did you think it was a prank cal? >> greg: i did. i got nauseous. >> dana: think he'd be mad. >> greg: for a joke i made last night. >> eric: the phone just rang and you picked it up? >> greg: it was somebody from the trump organization. >> eric: you have no idea how heart-broken i am right now. [ laughter ] >> kimberly: that is sad. >> bob: three weeks ago i offered to comoderate with don. don, if you had taken me up to the offer, you probably would haven't lost the debate. >> greg: i don't think it's trump's fault. i'm not saying this.
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i wrote out my note before he called. >> kimberly: oh! >> eric: okay. >> greg: no, no, no. i want to make a very important point here. you know when you have a dream, where somebody does something mean to you in a dream and the next day you show up at work and you're mad at that person, even though the person didn't do anything wrong because they were in your dream and ticked you off? that is how people are about donald trump. we have asked him to be in the dream. we have constantly have him on these shows. to get mad at him for overexposure is hypocrisy. >> dana: i didn't understand in the debate thing why they didn't grease the skid before they announced the debate. they announce the debate and then people had to announce if they would participate. strange way to run a railroad. >> kimberly: are you going to do it? yes. get commitments before you -- >> eric: quickly. see how -- this is the through donald right there.
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he figured out a way, so smart, figured out a way, it's not his fault. >> bob: he also said did you notice when newt gingrich accepted my debate, he went up and romney denied it, he turned it down. you have power. but last night, donald trump showed up again on bill o'reilly. bill gave the donald jazz. >> you asked me to be on the show. >> you are always welcome on the show. c'mon. lighten up, man. you got to get a sense of humor. >> now bill, c'mon. >> i say that because you're my friend. >> are you the most sensitive guy in the world? you want to kick somebody's butt and if someone makes fun of you, you are all over the place. if you dish it out, you have to take it. >> i don't think i'm that sensitive. >> you are sensitive. c'mon. >> bob: donald, i think there is probably a consensus you might be sensitive? do you think he is being sensitive? >> kimberly: i don't think so. he puts hymn out and takes hit all day long from everybody in
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the world. he's probably the least sensitive and he is pragmatic for pulling out of the debate. >> bob: when did he call you? >> kimberly: he hasn't. >> greg: donald will continue to have his feelings. >> eric: you don't become donald trump and you don't hire that many people and have that many billions of dollars being sensitive. or thin skinned. >> dana: there is a difference between thin skinned and being sensitive. when i was the white house i had to grow a thick skin. but i am still pretty sensitive. >> kimberly: ahhh. >> eric: got that eye, too. >> bob: you didn't take it personally with the hack reporters yelling at you, did you? >> dana: no. i always knew more than they did. >> bob: there you go. >> kimberly: that prepares her when bob is cranky in the "a" block. >> bob: the other thing that
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donald trump said is i may run as an independent candidate. again. how many times have we heard this? his wife said it. >> eric: that may be the way he got out of a debate nobody wanted. >> bob: nobody bought that. >> eric: a good excuse. >> kimberly: getting crowded. ron paul, donald trump. greg, do you want to run? >> eric: a good way out of the debate. >> bob: donald trump, please call eric. he feels left out and he is your friend. >> dana: eric needs to buy a shortie robe to get invited. >> kimberly: did that come from dana perino? >> dana: she a bad
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influence. >> bob: what is a shortie robe. >> eric: tell you later. >> kimberly: you don't wear one. >> bob: why would anyone wear a robe to a hot tub. should american students say the pledge of allegiance in spanish? it's happening in one school. we tell you about it next. ♪ ♪ i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer.
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good thing. here is why. >> i think you offer a great way for children to feel included. pledge of allegiance. no greater honor than to say it with the second language. >> eric: bob? >> bob: i want to say how good is it to agree with you on something. at least this way they get point and they get it. i have a sume by the time they're in high school, they say it in english. your spanish is wonderful. >> kimberly: i'm puerto rican. >> bob: that's right. >> greg: don't say anything. >> bob: i didn't say anything. >> greg: this story is like created in outrage lab. i did a search on it. this is created or sparked controversy. some teachers and parenters are upset. i did searches and i only found one teacher, one teach they're said anything. i don't -- >> kimberly: just one angry teacher on the web?
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>> greg: i think the teacher had a beef about the school in general. >> eric: trying to get booked bay fox news show. >> greg: i agree. they are doing it in both in english and they're doing it in spanish. i am concerned with students in general speaking period. i don't know what they're saying. >> eric: some school districts want to pull the pledge of allegiance out of school because it says, "under god." >> kimberly: that is a travesty? this is the principle the country was created on. we should have the pride and unity. regardless of the political party. >> dana: i used to love the pledge of allegiance in the morning. >> greg: you would. >> dana: i loved saying the pledge of allegiance in the morning. two years ago i got invited to the westin county wyoming chamber of commerce meeting.
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i went and visited the middle school. >> greg: you, too! >> dana: it's a popular boo booking. after i talked to the middle school q&a and all of that, they said do you mind if he do a thing for you. sure, i sat down. the entire middle school and in unison from memory recited the entire constitution. what they do every day is they recite the constitution. and all the amendments. they take it piece and piece and learn so it by the time they are going to be adults they will be amazing tea party members. >> bob: i could do that. i went to mexico for six months for language to learn spanish and i flunked so badly all i can say is a few words. you want to hear them? >> kimberly: no, not the one from before. >> greg: you acted in movies. >> bob: good ones down there. listen, i think -- >> eric: move on. talk a little bit about the supreme court is going to hear the arizona immigration case. kimberly, your area of
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experrize, some it up for us. >> kimberly: this is significant. because the law should be heard. court of appeal cited with the obama administration against arizona, appealed. now the supreme court says we will take it up. four specific provisions they have taken an issue with. i don't expect they will be unanimous on all four aspects of arizona law. compared to healthcare, you can have it piece mill and take one at a time. they will probably uphold three of them. another caveat is the recusal, of elena kagan. so it could amount to a tie, which would ultimately result if it was 4-4 in a win for the obama administration. >> bob: kagan recused herself because she was solicitor general on the appeal. >> kimberly: i love when you go intellectual on me. >> dana: they are not required to say why they recuse themselves. but there is curiosity why she would as solicitor general and now a supreme court justice
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recuse herself on immigration and not on healthcare. >> bob: this is important day. last year was the first year in 25 years not an increase in illegal citizen in the country. congratulate the obama administration for that. >> dana: i thought you were going to save that for another day. >> bob: i decided to get it in when i could. >> eric: can we discuss these statistics? we don't fight over numbers. we fight over the interpretation of them. >> greg: why enforce the border? just have the mexican drug lords do it. they have our guns. >> eric: back to your number. there are more illegal immigrants in the country. more every year. the problem is the abrehens at the borders have gone down. not the deportation. >> kimberly: true. >> eric: apprehensions plummeted. >> kimberly: down 24 p.c. december 30. >> bob: this is a statistic, interpretation you're right. let us put this off until another day and prove that there are --
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>> eric: you brought it up, bob? >> bob: it requires a longer conversation. we don't have a disagree over numbers. here is the question. are there today more or less illegal immigrants in the country than were a year ago? >> eric: i'm glad you use the term i did. illegal immigrants. >> bob: i think they are undocumented workers. >> kimberly: nice recovery. >> dana: the kagan recusal, if she recusals on immigration she owes an plex nation on why not healthcare? right now, the left and right set up both decisions to be illegitimate whichever way they go. if obama is upheld, it will be her felt. if it's not, it will be thomas' fault. set it up for the great institution of the supreme court to be politicized. >> bob: clarence thomas gets money from the anti--- >> kimberly: he does not. >> dana: we had this discussion. i'm not here as a spokesman for clarence thomas.
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>> bob: wouldn't you like to hear him say? >> dana: i don't think he needs to. he was not the solicitor general. she was. >> bob: his wife was getting money from -- >> dana: former justice steve centanni said he would -- former juice tis stevens said he would never be influenced by. that i go with his word. >> greg: the recusal thing is an excuse to go shopping. everybody at work, you have to recuse. recuse yourself, go get your hair done. >> eric: coming up, gu gutfeld, millionaires, harry reid, unicorns. it will make sense in a few minutes. >> kimberly: that sounds groovy, baby. ♪ ♪
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i'm bret baier. in sioux city, iowa, cite of thursday presidential candidate debate on fox. we'll anchor "special report" tonight from here. we'll have the latest on the republican race, including the result of head-to-head polling matchup with president obama. carl cameron is on top of that. steve brown takes a look at how the field of voter voters fm the caucuses is changing. evangelicals made up the majority of participants in 2008. this time, there are new voters out here. the house is getting ready to vote on a republican version of a bill extending the payroll tax cut and long-term unemployment benefits and it includes authorization for construction of the keystone xl pipeline. mike emanuel has a live report from capitol hill with another government shutdown looming friday night. we have learned more today about president obama re-election strategy. ed henry has that. "special report" live from sioux city, iowa, starts at 6:00 eastern. now we send it back to new york where it's not raining and "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> greg: that is the great actor robert davie singing mistletoe and holly. if you download the song on itune and amazon, the proceeds go to salvation army. my favorite army by the way. >> kimberly: thank you. >> bob: they don't have nukes either. >> greg: i'm going to do my monologue. senator harry reid made a claim, so mean, inflammatory and hateful it sickens my ears and my ears don't even have stink. if there are young ones present, leave room or put soundproof bucket over their head because this is disgusting. roll tape, roll-tapers. >> national public radio went looking for one of these fictitious millionaire job
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creators. ditches ticked by with no luck. job creators are like unicorns and possible fine and don't exist. >> kimberly: wow! >> greg: do you need any more evidence that the democratic party is the party of intolerance, to deny the existence of unicorns goes beyond simple intolerance but traffics in pure hate speech. anyway, i could point out also that reid said there is no jobs created by millionaire is flat doodle. yes, i said it. given that reid based it on npr research. without the government, national public radio host would be all working at thrift stores, boring you with stories about their cats that don't even like them. look to npr for facts on capitalism, looking to protesters for advice on hygiene. remember that reid sides with the president who stated that unemployment benefit create more jobs than building a pipeline. think about that.
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entitlement shown to extend joblessness has more job than a project that requires workers. who the hell believes in unicorns? poor harry, frozen in 1956 and thawed out to discover that america won the cold war. evil capitalists everywhere. sorry about that. p.s., you lost east germany, too. >> bob: yeah. i'm city trying to figure out what the -- i'll still trying to figure out what a unicorn is. >> bob: look at the picture up there. see, a unicorn. >> greg: some say it's -- >> bob: symbol for the sea seals? >> greg: unicorn is considered a mythical creature but it's a real creature. people saying it's mythical are part of a big coverup. >> bob: have you seen them before? >> greg: yes, i have. >> bob: do you talk to them? >> greg: they talk to me at night. >> eric: you have experience. did harry reid looked like he needed rehab? >> bob: he look tired.
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>> dana: harry is like i can't believe my staff wrote this for me andvy to read it on the floor of the united states. >> bob: put out a challenge at the table to come up with a millionaire that created a job. >> greg: what are you talk about? corporation. i could ask you. what foreperson hired anybody? >> bob: a lot. >> kimberly: that doesn't make any sense. >> bob: guy running a shoe shine stand down here has an assistant. i get my shoe shines down there. >> kimberly: this is where you say this is a nation feasting on envy instead of people wanting to be entrepreneurs. what can you give me? what am i entitled to? now i'm mad at the other guy for having it. >> bob: harry is trying to make a point, a statistic we have to argue about. most jobs are created by people who make $500 to $750,000 a year. >> kimberly: whoa, whoa, whoa. bobby. >> greg: that is what it's about? >> dana: it's not about good policy. but making points.
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they decided that millionaires is what they target. they will run this d. >> bob: what is so bad about a millionaire? >> dana: if you make $999 $999,999.99, good to go. happy to have you here. if you are making one more than that, you an evil capitalist. >> bob: i don't think they are evil. a lot of them are good people. >> greg: what reid said was wrong. >> eric: wrong. more than two-third of all jobs created are created by small businesses. small businesses likely are what is it, half to 60% of all business owners file as personal income. if they come in at $250,000, $5 million, you count them. >> bob: of those small businessman, how many have taxable income when they file? >> eric: i'll give you the
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number tomorrow. >> bob: you don't like numbers. >> dana: believe me, i don't like numbers. i would like a flat tax. close all the loopholes. a fairer way to do taxation, rather than picking the winner and losers. demonizing people. if you make $800,000 a year. if you want to make a million dollars, why not let them do it? >> bob: i have been a flat tax for years. >> kimberly: why keep people down. >> bob: i'm trying to not let you get away giving millionaires all the credit for all of this stuff. >> greg: idiocy from harry reid. i want to go to debbie waserman schultz on "fox and friends" this morning and what she said about the job loss in obama's reign. >> unemployment gone up precipitously since he took office. >> that is not true. unemployment dropped below 9%.
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it's continuing to drop. >> it's higher than when they promised the stimulus would lower it to 8%. >> that narrative doesn't work for you anymore. >> it's higher than when he took office. >> unemployment is nearing where it was when president obama took office. it's dropping. you said it's been increasing, that is not true. >> bob: she happens to be right. in this sense. she was wrong to say from the beginning of the obama administration but in the last year of the bush administration, 4.5 million jobs were lost. from the time of may go to may when stimulus kicked in until now, we have gained jobs. >> greg: wait. obama took office 7.8. it's 8.6. >> eric: i will give you another -- >> kimberly: that means it's going up. >> eric: play around with the numbers. you point out when people leave the workforce, forget all of that. when obama took office. there were 12 million people out of work. january of 2009. 12 million americans out of work.
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last month, 13.7 americans out of work. >> bob: january, that was bush's -- >> eric: you want february? i'll give you february. >> dana: fewer people are work -- >> bob: we went through this. from may 31, obama's first year, until today, had there been a net increase in jobs? >> dana: you guys are boring me. i would have love to talk about the 52 consecutive month of job growth. >> greg: i am turning off the set. nobody will be able to watch this. >> bob: offer a great -- [ overtalk ] >> eric: bob, you're right. >> bob: thank you. >> greg: did you hear about the one about the post office banning christmas carolers? you will hear about it next, unless you wonder in to a different room, then you won't. and your life will never be the same. that's how it works. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> dana: welcome back to "the five." a group of christmas carolers wanted to spread christmas cheer at the silver spring post office but they got tossed out inside. because the man at the post office came out and said you are not allowed to sing christmas songs on government property, which is an absurd notion. but why do you think, greg, that -- how have changed gotten this point? >> greg: as much as we make fun of the post office, i love them for this. i think v never been caroled before in my life. i have only seen caroling in movies. if i ever saw a group of people in sweaters at my door, i'd let loose the dog. i don't want -- what right do you have -- i don't like occupy wall streeters going the target and harassing people. this is a form of harassment. it's just in fuzzy sweaters. god bless the post office.
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>> dana: save me. >> kimberly: i can't believe you. you should change your name to bah humbug. you are so scrooge. >> greg: where do you carolers? >> bob: i caroled, actually. in my neighborhood. yeah. >> kimberly: it's totally fun. you have hot chocolate and cookies. >> bob: i did last weekend. >> greg: you didn't. >> bob: i swear i did. the hallucination could happen all the time. next week thaw will print newspaper at my house. all my lights. i'll bring it to you next week. >> dana: i have question about the post office. >> bob: i sang, offkey but i sang. i think it's a nice thing that people sing. i know there are regulations but c'mon. >> dana: there is not a prohibition about singing christmas song on government property. >> bob: there isn't? i thought there was. >> dana: if that were true, you wouldn't have christmas parties at the white house.
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babes it doesn't mattehouse -- >> bob: it doesn't matter. greg has gone postal on. this >> greg: why make postal work esmore upset. they are already upset. >> dana: they are in a precarious financial situation and a lot of them are worried about their job. they wok hard. it's not their fault that technology advanced. >> bob: why wouldn't they like christmas carols. >> dana: postal workers. >> eric: i take exception. it's a union. >> kimberly: you can buy stamps at the atm. >> greg: why carol at a post office? what are you thinking? >> kimberly: they're unhappy there. >> bob: go ahead and dump on the unions again. the fact is you can't close down the post offices around the country because the republicans and the democrats
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together to make sure you don't close them down. >> dana: democrats today, i have -- so, the post office, postmaster general want to close down post offices because they are not necessary anymore. and guess what today? senator bernie sanders and dick durbin and john tester and claire mccaskill banded together to put a halt to knifings closures for another five months. but it's kicking the can down the road. sweetheart deal -- >> bob: i can tell you being up on the hill at the white house, they want to keep -- >> eric: do you know how many letter carriers there are? 600,000. >> greg: you have to tip them. with this holiday, get the card. >> eric: you're back tracking. >> greg: no. no, no. every december i give a christmas card. can i point out in this
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article, somebody was quoted from the family research council who happened to be in the post office when this happened. coincidence? is it a coincidence? >> dana: i'm going to go to talk about the last topic. coming up, the fed want to ban your cell phone why you drive. at all times. we'll tell you what that is about. first, bob, the producer added music they thought might cheer you up. ♪ ♪ >> bob: very good. excellent! that's what i was trying to sing. it's not a christmas carol, is it? ♪ ♪ >> bob: all these years i thought that was a christmas carol. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> kimberly: no bah humbug here. oh, no. but do you use your cell phone when you're driving? you might not be able to for much longer. the national transportation safety board wants to ban all nonemergency phone calls. and texting while driving. is that too much government intrusion? what do you think? >> greg: i don't know. the real danger driving is checking out attractive people. there is no statistics that show how many guys die getting hit by a buses when checking
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out a hot chick. >> eric: four out of five. >> greg: that is why people get hit by cars. >> dana: now that i live up here and i don't ever get in a car, pretty soon they are going to ban me from e-mailing and walking at the same time. >> kimberly: good point. you see it all the time on the street. people walking to stuff and get injured and fall down. >> eric: it's dangerous if not more dangerous than drinking and driving. look to have a way to turn off the cell phone all mattic when the car is in drive. great idea. >> bob: i couldn't agree. a wonderful season. you and i agree. it's dangerous and it get is getting more dangerous. now you text. when you text and drive, that is worse. ban people walking down the street and talking. they all look like they are half crazy with the bluetooth thing in their ear. you don't know if they're crazy. two things scare me, dirty ear pieces and crazy old ladies. cru don't now how many are
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