tv Hannity FOX News December 26, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm EST
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looking out for you. just one week and one day, to remain to the much anticipated iowa caucuses. the gop hopefuls are hitting the campaign trail hard in the hawkeye state. dick morris joins me now and is predicting terrifying things could happen if ron paul comes away with the win. newt gingrich and perry will not appear on virginia's ballot in march. both campaigns failed to submit the required 10,000 signatures
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necessary to appear. this past weekend the former speaker's campaign put out a statement. on on knowledge a failed system excludes four out of six candidates. they should have the right to vote for any top contender. >> in new hampshire, according to a new boston globe ball, mitt romney leads the pack with a wide margin, 79%. jon huntsman is in fourth place with 11%. and whoever is whom nate goes against president obama has their work cut out for them. for the first time since the summer more americans approve of president obama's job performance than disapprove. joining me is reaction is the author of the children's book, dubs goes to washington, a former clinton advisor, dick
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morris, and dick, just explain that point you made about the terrifying nature of a ron paul win in the iowa caucuses? >> the first thing obviously, mark, ron paul cannot defeat barack obama. i think the latest poll has him 15 points behind and everybody else neck and neck with obama. if he is nominated it's virtually assuring obama a second term. the other thing that scares he by paul he is really by far the most liberal candidate of the bunch. nobody other than ron paul wants to dismantle our military. nobody other than ron paul wants to legalize heroin. nobody other than ron paul wants to repeal the patriot acted to leave us essentially without defenses against terrorism. nobody other than ron paul is willing to acquiesce in a nuclear iran.
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nobody other than ron paul says we are responsible for 9/11. of course, he scares me. >> every time i say that stuff about ron paul i get a ton of e-mail saying go back to canada. i think the ron paul guys put up with you. >> the other thing i was going say about paul is that if you have a situation where romney narrowly wins iowa and paul is second and gingrich a distant third, which polls are now reflecting or gingrich a distant third, you are going to have a situation very much like 1988 and 1992 in democratic primary. where the main candidate destroyed his main opponent and ran against somebody who couldn't win. mike dukakis win.
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bill clinton beat his opponent and coasted against jerry brown. john kerry beat john edwards and coasted against howard dean. you create a situation where they really won't be a incident grim-romney primary which is what you need to have at this point. ron paul will get in the middle of it. >> in virginia there is only going to be romney and ron paul on the ballot. everybody is off there. iowa is all about organization. that is why ron paul looks like he could win this thing, they are certainly organized. newt got this far on debate performance alone. at this point that won't be enough to carry him further? >> i think that is true. don't forget, mark, he is not on the ballot in missouri. it's a beauty contest, they have delegates. it's the only primary between
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january 31 and some of the other primaries at the end of march. missouri comes on march 6th. it really would be an opportunity for whoever loses florida to regain momentum, but gingrich won't on this ballot so it may not be possible to do that. i think what it really reflects is during this period, he didn't raise money and didn't build an organization. those are real serious flaws. throughout history we've had famous leaders, napoleon comes to mind that knew more about the balt battle than anyone else did but neglected the basics like winter uniforms and transfer of horses. i feel that way about newt. he fired his consultants but he forgot to raise money. >> he'll love your comparison. he has been comparing himself
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reagan and fdr but you are keeping it in the big leagues with napoleon. >> have you had the experience in iowa in winter? >> that is good. one guy who has experienced a iowa winter, rick santorum he is sleeping there every nights. is that going to pay off for him. it's divided between michele bachmann, rick santorum -- at some point it has to move in one direction. is there a little bit of santorum surge going on? >> yes, i think there is. i have a video on my website, santorum surges. it's interesting. in the national tea party patriots primary where they had
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23,000 exporters vote. san -- supporters vote, ran sore item got 16%. in iowa he has moved to 4%, 6% to 10% moving ahead of michele bachmann. he has had negatives dumped on his head. everybody else has come for a round of shellacking. i personally think he has a rodney dangerfield respect happening to him. he certainly is articulate and capable. he could be an interesting entry. >> let's suppose ron paul pulls out a win in iowa. there a constituency in new hampshire. he is in second place in some of these polls. could he destabilize the entire nominating process and wind up
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denying a plausible candidate a victory in the primary season? >> no, because everybody will close on him if he wins in iowa. people treat him as a nut and not really focused on him. if he wins in iowa everybody and his uncle will be all over him with past quotes, negatives, sleogt record. it's kind of hard to go out and say that we shouldn't wiretap terrorists or to say we shouldn't be able to search their home without telling them about it. this is a provision of patriot acted he wants to repeal. >> you are going to be -- e-mails will be coming your way. good luck. you'll be fleeing to canada in the next 48 hours, folks. >> coming up donald trump drops the republican party and lists his voter registration as unaffiliated. is he running as an independent.
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later terrorist attacks in nigeria. why christians are being targeted. charles krauthammer reacts. that is coming up on hannity. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. lord of the carry-on. sovereign of the security line. you never take an upgrade for granted. and you rent from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can en take a full-size or above. and still pay th mid-size price. i deserve this. [ male announcer ] you do, business pro. you do. go national. go like a pro.
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according to special counsel, michael kohen, he is leaving a possibility of making run against president obama. statement reads in part. mr. trump has done that in order to preserve his right to run as an independent after the finale of his show of apprentice tis at the end of may. co-host of five anne and chris. this is a bizarre kind of events because the guy who wants to run as an independent was only a month ago wanting to moderate the remember debate? >> exactly. i think a lot of people are skeptical of whether this is just another media stunt. trump did run for president in 2000 on a reform party line, but if there is any time for a reform candidate or third party candidate to run as an independent, this would be the
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year. they are disgusted in washington. someone like trump would take votes from republicans and secure an obama win. he has missed a lot of primary deadlines. a lot of people say he could pair up with a group called americans elect, but i just don't their he is going to do it. just a couple weeks ago he said i don't want to leave the private sector. >> i wouldn't claim to be an exhaustive student of democratic politics but i can't recall anybody ever saying preservation their rights to run as a presidential candidate until after the apprentice. >> i think he wants to have a big rating of the apprentice where he is going to make the announcement that he not running and go on a book tour. that will put him on the map. this is enough is enough with
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playing the american system. there ought to be law with playing the american election for a book promoting. we saw it with herman cain, promoting a book. we are seeing some of these candidates that newt gingrich was doing well in the polls but doesn't have an organization in place. a lot of people are suspicious that he was on book tour, as well. >> wait a minute. newt and i have the same publisher. why am i not running for president. let's look at what people like about donald trump. in the 20 minutes he was running for president, there was a total quality of the people. when he said i'm going to shut the chinese politburo down. listen, this is how it's going to be. the chinese would be laughing their heads off at him. it struck a chord.
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>> when he first started talking about iran, let the man speak he has the biggest megaphone and he wants to take shots, let him. it's not very scripted. he hasn't been polished by the d.c. machine. he was doing the chris christie before he was doing it. >> let's talk about the shots he was taking. the totally debunk, obama was not an american, which makes him a laughing stock even amongst conservatives. >> chris, just to explore that point. i think what people liked about him, he was in a sense he was not house trained. i had people come up to me, i'm not a whacker until donald trump. it was the same about libya. we'll provide air support. you give us 50% of oil in
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perpetuity. you can argue about that, but that was kind of freelance free wheeling. he did bash it way better than herman cain. >> we watch his programs and buy his books but it is what it is. he is not a defy that should be running for president. >> he did do that better than herman cain. >> absolutely did. he cut through the nonsense. he ditched the talking points. and very good thing about payroll extension. he bashes republicans for handing obama a victory. he is absolutely right. he is not afraid of the establishment. the problem if romney gets the nomination and trump runs, you have two businessmen, both that are flexible. >> romney is morally flexible on
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his position. >> on social issues and donald has done the same. i think what the gop party needs is more legitimate candidate. >> and you guys doing tonga dances around the headquarters. >> i don't think people are paying attention to the final field. we can wish to whoever we get at the end of the day there will be two people going after it. the president matches up pretty well to take on a bunch of looney tunes. newt is wild. he is going telling everybody he is a genius but every time we hear him he falls off another cliff. >> he is a genius and your candidate has run the economy in the ground. [ talking over each other ] >> couldn't figure oot way to get out virginia's ballot. >> if trump does run, 19%, he could get in the polls.
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i'm skeptical. my mind is still trying to picture chris doing the dance. >> at the end of the day, it be an interesting election year. i'm very excited to see the president is holding up very good. his numbers are improving every day. >> donald trump would say to that, chris, you're fired! great american battle but first terror strikes in nigeria as multiple bomb attacks devastate christmas service. charles krauthammer joins me. and first congressman j.c. watts will discuss his endorsement for newt gingrich for president. much more coming up on hannity.
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terror struck nigeria on christmas day when bombs and gunfire erupted across the west african nation. coordinated attacks were against the christian population. radical muslim militant sect claimed responsibility for the attacks. it comes after a year after similar bombings last christmas eve. since they rose to prominence boka harem has tried to implement strict sharia law across the nation. what will it mean for them? joining me now is charles krauthammer. dozens of christians dead,
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mostly killed on the steps of the church after celebrating christmas. christmas was the explicit target? >> absolutely, this is not just restricted to nigeria. we're seeing a worldwide campaign against christians in lands that are mostly, actually nigeria is almost 50/50. looks what is happening to the kops, meaning the christians, they have been attacked. we have had the squeezing of christians out of iraq. lebanese christians at the end of the second world war, the largest group in the country but under relentless pressure from militant she'ites and sunnis. untold story is the story of the palestinian territories. bethlehem, for example, has been almost emptied of its christians and rally in the west is
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attributed this somehow to israel but it's the fact of rise of militant islam and other sects within the palestinian territories that led to a large emigration from the palestinian trts, as well. as you say this a regional de-christianizing in many places where christians and muslims live together fairly amicably. 50 years nigeria lived under common law now it lives under sharia. if you lived in the surviving christian area, would you take a bet tha you would be getting sharia in time? >> i would be getting my visa papers ready. look at the other countries like sudan.
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where it was arab and muslim and south was christian. for a generation the arab north conducted a sav aj war against the christians in the south which has resulted in the end in the division of the country into two. it's what samuel huntington, great political theorist wrote 20 years ago, meaning with the rise of radical islam in places for centuries christians and muslims and others have lived together. with the rise of radical islam, this idea of just attacking the christians not only as a strategic and political act to seize their territory, but simply as an act like that, you see it in philippines and indonesia, you see it all around essentially the borders of islam
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wherever radical muslim populations are up against the other. that is what we see happening all over the world. >> just to pick up that phrase about ace lamb's bloody borders the samuel huntington phrase, how big a part is this story is the silence of the west? by most accounts the christian population of iraq fell by two-thirds between 2003 and 2011. in other words, the christian population of iraq collapsed and was forced to flee on america's watch. in a sense, that is not just a problem with radical islam. that says something about our will and our determination to stand up to this, too, doesn't it? >> i think that is right. look how the catholic church has been in a quandary over the pressure of the christian
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maronittes in lebanon. they don't want to anger the local regime which has the power. so they try to find some accommodation, but rather than speak very loud, loudly and clearly about the oppression of the christians, they trier to do quiet diplomacy behind the scenes and it doesn't work. the most important thing is this -- we tend to blame, particularly some on the right like the ron pauls and some on the left radical islamic terrorism on western actions or western provocation, imperialism and the west. there is no western provocation in nigeria. there is no western provocation in sudan. this is an expression of an exclusive militant wing of a religion that will not tolerate anything other. what we don't remember, a few months before 9/11 the radical
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regime in afghanistan went out into the desert and what did it do? it destroyed and blew up two 1500-year-old buddha structures. buddhists or not capitalists and not oppressors. it was rejection of the other and in a sense they have to cleanse the world of infidels of any reflection of that culture. that is what we see in radical islam and we see it in the borders the most horrific way. >> when the kingdom of egypt was set up in 1922, the first or secretary finish minister was a jew. there are no jews, never mind in the egyptian cab bet but we accept that as perfectly. there are no jews in egypt. will we soon a generation hence accept the fact there are no
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longer christians in egypt. there are no longer christians in iraq and that fact of life, too? >> i think the west will acquiesce. people talk about the tragedy of the arabs and palestinians in the 48-year war where israel established its independence. what people don't remember, jews who lived in egypt who lived there longer than islam existed was expelled and hanged in iraq in the squares of baghdad, expelled from syria, lebanon where they had lived for over 2,000 years. as i say, you start with the jews. you, of course, have a vulnerable others and now it's the christians. this is more extreme elements. islamic radicalism is intolerant
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of other religions. we saw this terrible weekend at it's most extreme manifestation in nigeria. >> thanks a lot. our great american panel is in the studio. first with primary season right around the corner, newt gingrich picks up an endorsement from j.c. watts. he'll explain why he is the best man to take on president obama in 2012. that is straight ahead. car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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welcome back to hannity. it made all the campaign something different. newt gingrich picked up an endorsement from j.c. watts and none other than the man himself, j.c. watts. what does newt got that the other guys don't have as far as you are concerned? >> mark thanks for having me on this evening. let me say that i appreciate your work. >> thank you, congressman. >> i am long past looking for my president and presidential nominee to be my savior and be my pastor. i'm looking for someone that is prepared to do the heavy lifting to get us where we all want to be. you consider in washington,
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around the country we are talking about balanced budgets, getting the economy going, defending ourselves, october visit judges. newt gingrich did all those things when he was speaker. we got balanced budgets, tax relief, job creation. we paid down our national debt. if you think about it, we haven't done that since he left. i think he's done that. i think he is lot more seasoned today than he was 15 years ago. i know him well. he the is a personal friend. he asked me for an endorsement. i chose to give it to him. >> you were part of the 1994 gingrich revolution generation. a lot of the people who were with him back then don't feel that way about the speaker and have come out on tv. there has been a general line out of washington that those who know the speaker the best are the ones who are most vehemently
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opposed to his resurgence. why do you feel differently from so many of your former colleagues? >> mark, we live in a country that we can throw our support to whomever we want to throw our support to. i would caution all of us that any candidate that we support, they are going to be flawed. when you look at romney, i could show you deep flaws there. when you look at perry, i can show you deep flaws. when you look at the gentleman congressman paul, i could show you deep flaws. when you talk about the track record, been there, done that, when you talk about tax relief, tearing down our national debt, newt has done those things. mark, when you speak of the house, you do make enemies. when you are in politics, you make enemies.
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i would much rather tick off washington politicians than to disappoint the american people. when you look at the results that newt gingrich got when he was speaker he got results for the american people. >> let's go back to more recent years. since you left congress, you know freddie mac pretty well. you were up to your neck in dealings with freddie mac because you thought there should be more government oversight in recent years. and the controversy over newt gingrich's freddie mac connections from a slightly different perspective. what what is your perspective on that? >> i tried five or six years for fannie mae and freddie mac. i was chairman of an organization called fm policy focus. what we were saying was, there was blip in the housing market, fannie and freddie would
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destabilize the greatest economy in the world. we had a meltdown of tremendous proportions. we're still recovering from it today. in the five, six years i was involved with that effort, i never heard newt gingrich's name. if he was lobbying for fannie and freddie, he was pretty pathetic lobbyist in my opinion. i only heard his name associated with freddy about a week ago. i do think that was a cheap shot. if you have candidates saying he was selling -- it was legal bribery. mark, wouldn't you think if consulting for some corporation after you leave congress if that is legal bribery, why wouldn't giving someone a $5,000 campaign contribution. that is a possible bribery. as the campaign contribution. i do believe that is free speech. i think it's protected under the
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first amendment but again, these types of things happen in campaigns and you get these type of things. newt gingrich was not problem in trying to get reforms with fannie and freddie. it was neglect but republicans and democrats both and they were decision-making positions over those organizations. they chose to turn away. >> just quickly, dick more raise few minutes ago compared newt to napoleon and said napoleon was brilliant for the big picture guy, but forgot to have ordered up long under way for the most could you winter. [ laughter ] >> he says organization wise in new hampshire, newt is in his retreat from moscow. organization he has problems.
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i do think he has problems to do obviously. governor romney has got most of the establishment behind him. he has run two well organized funded campaigns over the last four years, but with his organization he hadn't gotten beyond 25-26% of the vote. what does it say about someone that has the organization. i think it speaks just as well for speaker gingrich to be where he is in the process with what they claim as no organization as candidate that raised $15-20 million. he has been in the arena twice in the last four years, but they are not getting more than 25% of the vote in most campaigns. as you know, mark, this is a state by state race. iowa kicks it off.
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they go to new hampshire and go to south carolina. i think the speaker has to feel good where he is in iowa considering he has $10-12 million worth of advertising. he has done pretty well considering. >> okay, thank you for your endorsement and i'm sure the speaker appreciates it. j.c. watts. don't go anywhere, great american panel is up next on hannity. single miles credit ca. hey, aren't you... shhh. i'm researchg a role. today's special... the capital one venture card. you earn double miles on every purchase. impressive. chalk is a lost medium. if you're not earning double miles... you're settling for half. was that really necessary? [ male announcer ] get the venture card at and earn double miles on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? cover for me. i have an audition.
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tonight on our great american panel. three great americans and one not american moderator. >> bill bradley's deputy campaign, jack degraffe and chairwoman of the young republican national federation, republican strategist, d.d. benke. i'm shocked to discover that young republicans have a chairwoman. is that your formal name chairwoman. mao was a chairman. that is good. let's talk about the south carolina voter i.d. law that the department of justice has come out against. i don't get this. i'm an immigrant. under u.s. law i have to have my
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green card if i go for a walk in the woods out back of high house in new hampshire. i am obligated to have it under me all the time. why it unreasonable for the defining act of citizenship, why shouldn't you be expected to have a photo i.d. for that. >> they are not asking for passport stamped by 16 countries. photo i.d. which the bill stipulate ui late if you don't have a license or a passport, that the state will provide you a free i.d. so there are some stipulation there has. the letter from the obama justice department says that this might adversely affect minority voters because 20% of them, more of them are unlikely to have a photo i.d. just an interesting point, rhode island passed a similar bill and they have a democratic upper chamber and democratic
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government. >> i think it's condescending to minority voters. immigrants are expected to acquire paperwork and photo i.d. on day one setting foot in the united states. >> you have to tell the whole story. the state of south carolina, districts are protected by the law because of the history, rampant history of discrimination that prevented people from voting. the same places had tests at polling sites that people found discriminating. in light of that historic reason, there a different standard for those places. there is enough vestiges of that left, justice department believes, to uphold these requirements. >> you can't do anything without
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an i.d. this is about the democrats trying to be able to manipulate elections, have voter fraud. you know what, there is no reason to have a voter i.d. how in the world can you function. i'm from indiana, we have voter i.d. law. it works very well. f it's all about the vote. >> there are a lot of places that don't have ids. >> there are millions of people, i'm one of them. under the law most states i could walk into a polling booth and say i'm here to vote even though i don't live into the states and i sound like a sinister foreigner. how can that be right. >> you would be challenged. >> that is your opinion. but the facts are that states today have i.d. voting requirements. things are working perfectly fine. >> no, they are not. there are so much voter fraud. >> is this beyond the pale.
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>> to go and do anything you have to have an i.d. to do it. it's worse than that. >> you need a photo i.d. to check into a new york hotel. >> of course. >> i mean you need an i.d. to prove you are 21 to drink. you need an i.d. to go the airport to get on plane. you need an i.d. for all sorts of things. it doesn't seem onerous to acquire an i.d. but right with history trying to exclude minority voters. >> during the time of the discrimination when people when certain people were required to name a part of constitution, the test was applied unevenly. it's reasonable that you ought to have in the age of terrorism some i.d., but the laws have been held -- that is what racial profiling about.
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some laws are applied unevenly. you are likely to be allowed to vote than i would. >> that is crazy. >> it is wrong. >> that is why the justice department -- >> it's standardizing it. >> every state in every pre-. >> i think everyone should have a decent living wage. i take your point about the hifl track record but right now on the united states have some of the most flawed and corrupt elections in the developed world it ought to be embarrassing to americans? >> yes, it is embarrassing and we have voter fraud rampant running through the country. democrats are trying to manipulate the election. acorn did this. proven cases where they tried to him elections. >> voter fraud happened way before acorn.
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>> we'll continue more with our great american panel. you were bill bradley's campaign manager. i know what you can do. we'll be back with more. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] if you're giving an amazing gift, shouldn't it be given in an amazing way? ♪ the lexus december to remember sales event is here, but only for a limited time. see your lexus dealer. try bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles so it enters the bloodstream fast and rushes relief to the site of your tough pain. it's proven to relieve pain twice as fast as before. bayer advanced aspirin.
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and we continue now with our great american panel. this is incredible. the season of peace on earth, goodwill to all men and across the nation, people are rioting over a retro form of footwear. this is air jordan shoes that go all the way back to 1990s. limited edition and they are available again and people are
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rioting. people are rioting over it. this is indiana. scenes of rioting in indianapolis to get these historic limited edition retro sneakers that go all the way back to the dawn of time in the early 1990s. they are increasing value phenomenally through the 21st century. i can't wait until they introduce powdered wig and we see riots over that. >> i think that is the circle city mall actually. >> lafayette square, apparently. >> you have never been trampled in that one? >> no, not yet. >> this doesn't make sense.
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these were retro air jordans. actually i remember having the original pair in the 1990s. but it shows the power of michael jordan. he has been retired for how many years? >> you have originals? >> yeah. >> any of you guys goes out to his place and break in his place while he on the air. bill bradley, what went with him. >> part of it speaks to our values, that we would stay up past midnight and charge in for a $180 pair of sneakers. i guarantee you that statistics follow form. that same crowd is not waiting in line on voting day. that is a shame our values are so lost. in other places in the world people stand in line for hours
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to vote. now, we stand in line, sneakers. you can dress them up, but look at this. there is something wrong with that picture. not just the violence and energy, but the misplaced priority. >> you make an interesting cultural point there. we mock iraqis and other parts of the arab world and they protest by hurling footwear. somebody threw a sneaker at george w. bush but it's nutty to riot over a pair of shoes. >> great high-heeled shoes. i don't know about sneakers. >> you don't want to get mixed up in a riot with high heels. >> the president has been returning contributions on he
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received from jon corzine and mrs. corzine, i believe up to $70,000. it doesn't take into account half a million that he conveniently bundled for him. >> this is something that had to be done. president obama was closely associated with jon corzine design who was governor of new hampshire. president has to try to distance himself from a major scandal losing untold amounts of money. so i think he has to distance himself from corzine, but i don't think it will be lasting for him like solyndra might be. >> what do you think. it's like preemptive. he hasn't been indicted for anything? >> it's the political protocol. when somebody does something em basing you give back the money. but the other thing is the obscenity of a person standing before congress and saying $1.2
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billion that was entrusted in my care, i have no idea where it is. hundreds hit the pavement with no unemployment payments and he walked out of the hearing room, no grand jury meeting to find the money. somebody has to answer that. that is what occupy wall street is all about. >> he was being questioned by senator and he a former senators. and he said back to him, can you tell me where $1.2 billion in stimulus bill and $12.8 billion went? he has no idea $1.2 billion in his private career went but whether he $1.2 billion down the sucking hole of the federal treasury went. >> this is why people are outraged, the question of d.c.
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and i think obama, this is what he wants to run against. 1% of big contributors to him. it's very hypocritical. he has got a ton of money from wall street. this guy has a big name, he is saying, i don't know where the money is. >> jamie says this isn't going to have any consequence, but there is hilarious video of joe biden saying, my buddy john, always the smartest person in the room. >> like something from solyndra, there is embarrassment here. core sign was considered for treasury-secretary so it. >> it could be worse he wouldn't have any idea where the $15.2 trillion went. >> it's not good for eab when he running against wall street.
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>> these are huge sums. >> that was a trillion dollars. >> this is a huge sum of money. >> wait a minute, when osama bin laden did the terrible incident on 9/11. we finally found him. when the surplus, we're going set the record right. >> valid part of that, jack, $1.2 trillion billion is under federal budget -- $1.2 billion. there is different scale, i think. great panel this evening. thank you for being with us. i'll be back tomorrow night for another edition of hannity. we toss to it shannon bream who standing by live to go on the recor thank you, mark. tonig
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