tv America Live FOX News December 30, 2011 1:00pm-3:00pm EST
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endorsed me and said my economic plan is vastly better than mitt romney's. if you what you want is an insider and somebody who won't shake things up too much, governor romney will be fine. i think she characterized him just right. if on the other hand you're fed up with beam in washington made a mess of it you can vote for a better candidate. jon: newt gingrich, thanks very much. >> fox news alert on the bare-knuckle fight for iowa. the republicans candidates in a sprint for the finish. you heard from one of them on "happening now.". their goal? real in all the undecided voters ahead of tuesday's caucuses. up to 41% of the votes out there say they could still switch candidates. they still are not entirely decided on one candidate. according to the polls it really is anyone's game. welcome to america live, everyone, i'm megyn kelly with over 72 hours to go
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before the nation's first election contest of the 2012 season what can we expect. he is the communications director for iowa governor terry brand stadd. thanks for being here. it is fun as we gear up for the next presidential contest. it has to be exciting for iowans. based on history how much stock should we put in the latest polls which as of today are putting mitt romney back in front-runner status. >> historically polls have relatively accurate leading up to the final week of the iowa caucuses. what we're seeing this year is completely different ballgame as race is completely wide open. iowans take the time to get to know the candidates. they get to know the issues and they study them thoroughly. they still haven't made up their minds. how it will turn on tuesday is anyone's guess. megyn: why, why haven't they made up their mind? why do 141% said they are
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not set on the candidate they're sporting? >> iowans look for somebody who will fix the economy and somebody who will beat president obama. all these candidates have attractive attributes led iowans to them at certain points in time. you've seen five, maybe six different leaders at think point. they are going toe take the time they need to make the right decision on tuesday night. megyn: how important are the next three days as candidates make final push to win over caucus-goers? >> i think the fact you see all six candidates here. they're boarding buses. they have ads on it. v. mailers in the mail boxes. they are taking this very seriously. there will be three tickets out of iowa. i think a case can be made for all six to get one of those three tickets but ultimately it is all about turnout, turnout, turnout right now and they're going out there telling iowans with why they should be the next president and why they
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need to turn out january 3rd. megyn: most of the people in this country haven't been to a caucus. we haven't been to iowa on caucus night and seen what goes on. you have. how much does, how much of a role does it play to have one's neighbors an friends show up, because you go in your local community, look i'm for this guy, this gal, this is the one? how many people can be flipped on caucus night? >> i think speaker gingrich is exactly right in the fact that this is so undecided at this point. there is going to make a big difference when they see their neighbor, talking about their candidate, hanging up signs, putting stickers on caucus-goers. that will make a big difference. that is where organization matters. top three in the polls right now, paul, romney, santorum have been organizing. there is reason they're in the top three get their precinct leaders out to make a passionate case as to why they are the best candidate to beat barack obama and fix the
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economy, they can be successful. organization matters, it does every time. megyn: one guy who is not making a push in iowa is jon huntsman. he says iowan's pick corn and not presidents. >> if you can't come here and answer the tough questions from iowa citizens it will be tough for you to justify as to why you should be the next president of the united states. megyn: thanks so much for being here. all the best, sir. governor is in water lieu iowa right now for a meet and greet with the voters. he is trailing in the latest polls but moving up from his position a couple of weeks ago. what does he need to do to close strong in iowa and what if he doesn't? what does he consider the margin of victory. we'll ask him live when he joins us next hour.
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pair governor romney joined by new jersey governor chris christie braved the wind and rain and criticized president obama for vacationing right now in hawaii. take a listen. >> he's in hawaii right now. we are out in the cold and rain and the wind because we care about america. he's out there, he finished his 90th round of golf. megyn: governor romney will be in new hampshire tonight, governor christie will stay in iowa to campaign on his behalf and governor romney returning back to iowa. new and disappointing poll numbers for president obama after a sudden surge in popularity earlier this week. the latest gallop tracking poll shows the president underwater again with a 41% approval rating, disapproval at 50%. on monday the president's approval rating stood at 47%. you have a six-point swing in four or five days? that boost came on the heels of
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the payroll tax cut debate, apparently did not last long. monday and tuesday "america live" will come to you live from iowa as the caucuses get underway. i will be there to bring you the brand-new developments from the field. you will not miss a thing. starting at 6:00pm eastern tuesday night we invite you to toon in for fox news channel's special coverage for the iowa caucus and all the results, bret baier on the air at 6:00 with special report. shepard smith will be on after that, and brett and i will be on the air with the results as they come in. fox news alert iran launching a new round of war games near a vital route for oil exports. the navy conducting drills that is rattling nerves across the middle east and perhaps washington. iran engage nothing a war of words threatening to shut off
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traffic through the strait of hormuz, we'll very muc have much more later. uncle sam initiates a document dump the day before christmas weekend. that is typically when they release things they don't want you to see. according to the gao the federal government made nearly $34 trillion in promises this year, 34 trillion. that means trillions of extra spending that cannot be paid for, and it works out to essentially a 4 trillion-dollar deficit just in 2011. we have an anchor from the fox business network show. they go in and do an audit of the federal government and say they thought our debt was at 15 trillion or so and our deficit was 4 trillion. where do they get their numbers in the 30 trillion mark.
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>> there's been a change in how the government does the accounting, adds up the book at the end of the year. they dump this and they usually do it before christmas day. it's called net present value. that is what we owe now plus what we have promised to spend. it's the usual suspects, it's medicare, medicaid, social security. in particular the troubling thing with how the gao came out with the numbers is that they haven't actually factored in a couple of key things. what they are saying is we will owe $33.8 trillion if we had to pay up today if the president's healthcare law stays. we don't know if that is going to happen. the supreme court will hear in it 2012, that is with the discounts there. also the doctor fix, the medicare doc fix, that is assuming it actually gets put into place. congress has not been acting on the doc fix. the gao, this was very controversial when they trying to come out with the numbers to release to the public, again, right before christmas, and basically if we don't stick to budgets, it's going to be more
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like $43 trillion. that is the top number. so it's more, megyn, again that depends on congress, it depends on the supreme court and the president. there are a lot of if's in this report and it's not a good if. megyn: let's hope they find some money in their christmas stocking that they didn't know existed, cheryl. thank you. speaking of tax-payer funded promises there is a story out of philadelphia getting a lot of attention today as a city councilwoman takes advantage of a legal loophole to hit taxpayers with a massive pension bill. mary ann tasco will be stepping down from her job tomorrow but only so she can collect her pension, over $478,000. her retirement then ends on monday and that's when she returns to start a new term and resumes picking up a paycheck after she's already cashed in that pension. trace gallagher live in our west coast newsroom to explain this one to us, trace. >> reporter: it's funny, megyn because the city of
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philadelphia's web page says that she is, quote, politically savvy and she is proving that to be very accurate. she is retiring from her 6th term as a philadelphia councilwoman and she gets a parting gift of $478,000. on monday she gets sworn in for her 7th turn and goes back onto the payroll. tasco and other county members and other city workers are enrolled in a program called deferred retirement option plan, drop for short. it was started by then mayored rendell. it allows employees to collect salary and build up a pension during the final four years of their employment. she said she planned to retire in 2011 in 2007. roughly $108,000 which gives her 400 32,000 dollars. get this. the city guarantees them 4.5% interest over that time, regardless of how the stock
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market is doing for a grand total of $478,000 for mary ann tasco. this was supposed to be a revenue neutral plan for philadelphia. a new study came out and said, guess what over the past ten years instead it has cost the city of philadelphia $258 million. the mayor of philadelphia, mile he wil michael nutter. the cit county council overrode the veto. apparently they love her, she has been elected to 57th turn. megyn 7th turn. megyn: it is a nutter disappointment for the mayor. i can't help myself. its unbelievable.
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good work if you can get it. the u.s. ending it's manned space program this year, now china says it is headed to the moon. why the situation has some u.s. astronauts very o worried about our future in space and our security back home. kelly clarkson losing some fans over her support for one of the gop candidates for president. we'll show you the tweet that caused a major backlash. fallout over a program that let's suspected illegal immigrants in the united states call a hotline to report possible violations of their rights. i wonder how much we are paying for this? >> you have reached the law enforcement support center's line for individuals subject to an ice detainer who believe they are united states citizen or victim or witness of a crime. your call is very important to ice. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements.
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♪ ♪ megyn: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. kelly clarkson may be thinking about that today after she faces a nasty backlash from fans. all this because she tweeted her support for fellow text and ron paul. the tweet that started the fuss, quote, i love ron paul, i liked him during the last republican nomination and no one gave him a chancement if he wins the nomination in 2012 he's got my quote. too bad he probably won't. they blasted the star saying she is homophobic and racist for supporting the libertarian congressman. she tweeted again, man my eyes have been opened to so much hate tonight. if you all ever disagree with something i say don't feel the
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need to attack me. being hateful is not a healthy way to get people to see or hear you end quote. she added she was raised to respect people. that is the problem with twitter. i used to go on there all the time. moving on. 72 hours from the caucuses and here are the latest iowa numbers from rasmussen reports. right now it looks like a neck-and-neck battle between mitt romney and ron paul. back in july michelle bachmann dominated the leaderboard. then it was rick perry, then it was herman cain. then it was newt gingrich. and you get the picture. scott rasmussen of rasmussen reports is the author of the new book "the people's money." he's my guest live. let's talk about the latest poll and we'll get to what you've seen over the last weeks and months. right now you're showing romney and paul neck-and-neck, it's romney 23 and paul 22. that means statistically they are tied.
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>> yeah they are even. the significant thing here is among republican voters, people who are republicans and will go to the caucus mitt romney leads ron paul by 11 points. but among people who aren't republicans, those who are coming just to vote for ron paul, those who are from outside the process ron paul has a huge lead, he's at 38% of the vote for all nonrepublican whose will participate in this. a better turn out by regular republicans helps mitt romney, a lower turn out by that group helps ron paul. the other big news here, rick santorum. a couple weeks ago he was at 4%, a week ago he was at 10%, now he is at 16. he is clearly moving on up. megyn: if we can look at your poll again with the numbers, your latest numbers in iowa it says the margin of error is plus or minus 4%. if you do that math mitt romney could be at 19%, ron paul could be at 18%, newt gingrich could be at 17%. i mean perry, they can all
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basically be about tied right now. all the way down to perry, gingrich, santorum, romney and paul. >> you could certainly say that. the last three polls have had the same two people on top, romney and pull for the last three weeks. i think they are pretty safe to finish near the top. as we talked about before, more than 40% of iowa caucus goers right now are still saying they could change their mind, and they are going to hear speeches before they cast their vote. a lot of people aren't sure which way they are going to go. if people are making a second choice the biggest beneficiaries right now are romney, perry and santorum, they are leading the pack of second choice voters. but a lot of time could go and 40% of voters haven't made up their find. megyn: they are very fickle this time around the iowa voters. they are not ready to get married to any one of these candidates. scott shall they've been fickle from the beginning. let's take a look at the iowa leaderboard for the past couple of months, this is according to the "real clear politics"
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averages of all polls. the mess tells the story itself. the tall yellow line back in june, that is bachmann. look how high she was. then you've got this tall red line back then, that was perry -- i'm sorry, romney. then it went up in blue, that is perry he went up. then it went up super high for the dark green, that is cain. then it went up super high for the light green, that is begin rich. all of them, however, scott went back down, they went up, they went down, and the reason is what? >> there is something else you've really got to lock at in that chart, every single month mitt romney was either first or second. he was slow and steady, he's not really doing much better now. his share of the vote isn't much higher than it was earlier. he has been consistent. all the other people rose as an alternative to mitt romney then they each had their own stumbles. had that 56 second debacle with
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the third agency to eliminate. newt gingrich suffered under when it erring attacks. they became frontrunners and continue stay in that spotlight. rick santorum is rising now, he has the benefit of he has not been subject to those kind of attacks and that may be one reason he is still benefitting and still very well liked by iowa caucus goers. megyn: he is peaking at a good time. there is not a lot of time for any attacks against them to stick or pick up media momentum. the very mention of mitt romney he's the red line that's been pretty steady toward the top, not usually at the top but toward the top. look there, in between 11-11 and january of 12, okay you can see he does take a significant dip shortly into november. who is benefitting from that dip, it looks like newt gingrich who is peaking at that moment. then gingrich got just barraged
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with negative ads in iowa, not by mitt romney directly necessarily but by romney-pack, other groups supporting romney. this chart would seem to suggest, scott that that really had an impact. >> it did, two weeks ago mitt romney and newt gingrich were tied in terms of who was seen as the most electable. today 37% of iowa caucus goers say romney is the mostee hrebtable republicansmost electable. only 19% gingrich. megyn: you have to be well organized and well funded to get elected in iowa. you have to have the dough to get ads on the air, gingrich didn't. he hasn't been able to fight back in terms of the ad wars. thank you as always, sir. as we discussed rick perry came
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megyn: it could be the end of the old fashioned light bulb as we know it. in the 19th century thomas edison changed american history when he lit homes using an incandescent bulb. on january 1st, 2012 the federal government will tighten its grasp on how you light your home. gerri willis is here. >> reporter: they are phasing the bulb out over several
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years. that is when the 100 watt incandescent bulbs will no longer be manufactured in this country. then a year later the 75 watt bulbs go. 2014, 60 and 40 watt incandescent bulbs will be history in this country. reality is that retailers can continue to sell them as long as they have them but it's all about if they get manufactured and when they go out of business with that. megyn. megyn: so you are not going to be able to buy these bulbs within a few years. how can you get them now before it's too late? are they still going to be on the shelves. >> reporter: you bet, that is right. that is the good news, retailers are still stocking them and telling them, all they we are hearing of shortages. they are allowed to sell them as long as they have them. that was your hoarding schedule that i gave you there. if you need 100 watt incandescent go this weekend my friend. megyn: there was much controversy over this. they love their incandescent bulbs and not the swirly ones.
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didn't congress water down the law recently. >> reporter: they watered it down. basically they put words in the legislation that they passed last week saying as a part of the law the department of energy ca cant enforce this law until january of next year. the manufacturers are already on board with this and working towards the deadlines. as a practical matter it probably will have very little effect. if you like the incandescents you better get out there now. they are are going to be going fast. megyn: they are a mess to cleanup. if one breaks you have to call in a hazmat team. who has got time? >> reporter: they have mercury in them. the last i looked that is a heavy metal that is not good for your health. you have to be careful with them. i vote for incandescent, you know why?
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women look better. megyn: if we are going to do that let's go back to candlelight. my nana who was born in 1915 she remembers when they got electricity in their house, and she was fascinated with turning the light bulb on and off, her father says, that costs money, stop that. it must have been 1920. >> reporter: thomas edison turning over in his grave i think today. megyn: bumps me out. let the hoarding begin. new controversy surrounding a hotline set up by the federal government to protect what they call the rights of illegal immigrants. a fair & balanced debate on that. plus, new threats from iran's regime warning the u.s. to back down in the battle over a vital route for oil exports. one u.s. town is throwing a bucket of cold water on the winter fun for some folks. you will not believe what winter fun they want to essentially regulate now.
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concerns over tighter global supplies dominating the energy market. foreigners seeking he french sit ship will face tougher requirement. they will be tested on french culture, history and language skills. nascar driver kasey kahne apologizing for making harsh comments on twitter about the sight of a breast feeding mother saying it was not his intention to offend anyone. a vital export route for 1/6th of the world's oil supplies, iran will fire missiles during a naval drill tomorrow. the new show of force says the islamic regime stands by its threat to cut off a significant portion of the world's energy if the u.s. imposes sanctions on certain banks. kitty logan live in london with the very latest on this. >> reporter: well, megyn, if
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these long-range missile tests go ahead it certainly will raise tensions in the area. it's part of an ongoing military exercise, a seven out of ten day military thrill that iran has been doing in the strait of store lose. hormuz. they are sending a message to say, we can do this if we want, we could close the straits of hormuz if we choose to do so. at is narrowest point it's 30 miles across. they released video of a surveillance operation on a u.s. vessel in the area these are international waters. why is iran doing this? many believe that iran is afraid sanctions could be imposed upon it soon because of its nuclear weapons program and iran is trying to show it could take action and influence
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international oil markets by closing down the waters. many say in practical terms it simply isn't possible for iran to do this. the u.s. says it will not stand any disruption to the shipping lanes. also in the area is the u.s. navy's fifth fleet. they will be keeping a very close eye on all of this. megyn. megyn: kitty logan, thank you. >> it's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. megyn: the unforgettable words of kneel armstrong becoming the first man to walk on the moon. america's supremacy in outer ace space is about to be challenged as china announces an aggressive five-year plan for the final frontier. joining me now is the last man to walk on the moon, former
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astronaut gene cernan. this is quite an announcement from the chinese. they are saying that they have a five-year plan for space exploration that will move them closer to going into outer space in a meaningful way. they've already vowed to build the space station and put an astronaut on the moon, all of this while the american program is in retreat. your reaction to the news. >> well, you know, it's really no surprise the chinese and the asians in general seem to have a consistent program as they look towards the future, and this really surprises no one. what is a big surprise and what hurts and where i think all americans better start thinking about it is we just abdicated our future leadership in space. i think that is significantly important both from a civilian point of view, military point of view and it's having to have tremendous economic impact and make us vulnerable in the
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future. megyn: to americans who are watching this. obviously it's always been the united states versus russia in terms of space exploration, it was almost a cold war in outer space. now you have the chinese in 2003 they became the third country to send a human into space. as we are retreating on our space program, certainly to go back to the moon which president bush wanted to do it and president obama says know, china says we'll fill the vacuum. does it impact our country economically and otherwise? >> i think -- i don't think it's a space race. you know, we met jfk's challenge, we got to the moon. that truly was a space race. we needed to prove something to the world, and ourselves. i think this has long, long-term
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implications. the country that controls the high ground, you think of a military war in space, i don't think so, i think it could be an economic war in space. if they control the capability to destroy satellites or interrupt communications. look what it would do to our banking system. look at our navigation system. they will put up a whole gps system of satellites which will challenge those that we've already got up there. there are long-term implications for who truly will be the super power, not only the intellectual but the technological super power in the future. as i said, we have abdicated. we won't -- megyn, we won't be able to put an american on an american piece of hardware until the end of the decade. unacceptable skwraoeu want to pu. megyn: i want to put these pictures up. this is you on the moon. this is the man we are talking to, folks, gene cernan, an
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american hero and astronaut on the moon, the last man to walk on the moon. now we've got the chinese saying, they are going to begin the work to land their own astronauts on the moon, when we've a been donned abandoned our plans, the return to the moon by 2020, that plan has now been canceled. this is you. as the man who was in that suit doing this on moon, how do you feel? >> not very good. pretty disappointed. we knocked on the door. it will be 40 years ago. people don't realize, i made those final steps 40 years ago, almost a half a century ago. we knocked on the door to the future. it was for the following generations to walk-through that door, and who knows where they'd be now and what it would mean to the future of this. not just the country but the future of the world, of mankind, and we just backed down and quit, quite frankly, and a lot of people today, i get more
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questions from young men and women in their 40s or 50s who were in diapers or knee pants and say, why did we quit, why didn't we go on? when do we go back? the whole nation hasn't fully grasped the situation that we're being put in by the president's administration. megyn: president obama wants to go explore astroids instead of the moon because we've already been there. it seems like the nasa program switches depending on who we have in the oval office. there is no consistency. >> big deal there is a rock out there, what is it going to tell us? i'm not sure we can land on an astra ride. been there done this by going to the moon doesn't sell as far as i'm concerned. we've been to six places on the moon, we discovered there is water on the room, there is helium 3 and other minerals. beside the moon is somehow a very convenient place when we decide where we go from here.
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curiosity is the essence of human existence, who are we? where do we come from? where are we going? how long are we going to be here? it gives us a platform in which to look to the future and answer those questions i think that we all want to know, and we are cheating, we are quite frankly cheating future generations, and when you look at the young kids of the day, what has really inspired them? megyn, your generation, what has inspired you to dream? it's kneel armstrong's steps on the moon. they don't exist -- the steps exist but the future from where we can go after those steps is very much in question. megyn: before i let you go, gene, i know you've been asked this a million times. it's not every day we get to talk to you, i love hearing your stories. as we kubiak u cue back up you on the moon, what was it like? >> it's nostalgic to think about it. it was 13 years out of my life.
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quite frankly, megyn sometimes i wonder if it really happened. was it a dream? my life was going on, a naval aviator, all of a sudden, bang i was pulled out of that existence in my life, i went to the moon. yeah, do i think about it? occasionally when people like you and others ask me about it, i know it happened. i know it was important. but i feel there is something missing, because what did we do? what does that 13 years of my life mean to future generations? i haven't been able to answer that yet. and the answer to that question is now more in jeopardy than it's ever been. we will go back and i tell those young kids, they are the ones that are going to take us back. if you and i and others give them the same opportunities someone gave us when we were there age it will happen. megyn: you are an inspiration, gene and the way you've led your life for many of us. thank you so much for being back on the program. >> always great, megyn thank you. have a happy new year. megyn: and to you.
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>> god bless. megyn: and to you. unbelievable. well today we are tracking a story like something of a bad horror movie. it is a sinkhole that is getting bigger and bigger and beginning to swallow a nearby graveyard. just ahead the scramble to protect those resting sites. plus new fallout over a program that lets suspected illegal immigrants in the united states call a hotline manned by federal workers to report possible violations of their rights. how much is that costing the taxpayer? fair & balanced on that is next. >> you have reached a line for individuals who are subject to an ice detainer who believe they are a witness or victim of a crime. your call is very important to ice.
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megyn: the obama administration launching a new hotline for suspected illegal immigrants. according to the u.s. immigration and customs enforcement agency the toll free hotline was created for detainees who claim they are in fact u.s. citizens, or believe they are the victims of a crime. take a listen to what people will hear when they call the toll free number. >> you have reached the law enforcement support center's line for individuals subject to an ice detainer who believe they are a united states citizen or victim or witness of a crime. your call is very important to ice. if you are calling as a result of receiving an immigration detainer, notice of action, dhs form i247 and believe you are a
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united state citizen. megyn: for people who believe they are a u.s. citizen. joining me now to discuss it alan colmes of the alan colmes show and mike gallagher a syndicated radio host and fox news contributor. you've got to love it, i think i am but they are telling me they are not. hello, barac president obama. tell me why this is a good idea. >> i love watching mike's reaction. 3600 united states citizens have been arrested by ice through what they call their secure communities program. more than a third of those happen to have spouses or kids, meaning it's affected 88,000 families. so when we go around arresting american citizens and it affects american families when peace people are falsely arrested i would think a conservative so-called family values guy like mike would really support to help this family. laugh, be smirky about it. this is a terrific thing that we
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should be doing to not falsely arrest america's innocent. megyn: go ahead, mike. >> it's bill kwrapbt. brilliant. we need to develop phone lines for shoplifters. bank robbers. >> bank robbers? megyn: hold on alan. megyn: everything that is -- this sums up perfectly the obama ideology about illegal immigrants. let's pay federal workers to man a hotline so illegals can call. >> they are not illegals. megyn: it's 24-7. to be manned by federal personnel, ice personnel. they will have interpreters available in several languages. its not just american citizens, they want to encourage illegal immigrants who believe they have been victims of a crime which is not good a thing but should we be paying federal taxpayer money for all those jobs. >> yes, those are jobs. 88,000 families have been affected. >> how many, alan? >> let me point out this
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administration has done more than any other previous administration arresting and deporting people. they've had more than a 400% increase in removing people from this country who are here illegally since 1996 primarily because of the obama administration. >> even alan's own numbers, you're saying 3600 people. we should launch a federal program. you know what an inch financ infatesinal number that is? megyn: do you believe that this is truly about helping illegal immigrants who believe they are the victims of crime, or u.s. citizens who believe they've been wrongly detained. >> no. megyn: is it a reach out in an election season to the latino voters, the hispanic voters. >> i think it solidifies the proobama immigration position.
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it helps them skirt the law, escape the law, that's what they've done all along and are here for. >> this administration has been more deportations than the previous administration. this administration has a terrific record in terms of deporting illegal immigrants. >> i agree. you're right. >> what you're saying makes no sense statistically. >> i believe in giving credit where credit is due. we don't need a hotline to give tips on how to skirt or escape the law. megyn: the reason i asked mike that question is because practically if you're an illegal immigrant and you have been arrested, even if you believe that the police officer has mistreated you, what are the odds of you picking up a phone and calling the federal government, calling ice, immigration, customs and enforcement and reporting it? you don't want contact with ice if you're an illegal immigrant. >> this is for people who are not here illegally. megyn: for both. that's what ice say it's for both. >> it's primarily going to be used by citizens falsely
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arrested. that is really the focus here. so they can fight for their constitutionally protected american rights. >> is there such a hotline for american citizens who have been incarcerated or in trouble with the law? probably not. once again we give more benefits to illegals than we give american citizens. >> people who are incarcerated have gone through the judicial and stood trial. they've already had a process. megyn: we've got to leave it at that. good debate. >> let's give them a phone number to call too. megyn: happy new year. >> happy new year. megyn: we are hearing some folks on a nanny-state alert. a favorite past time for adults and children alike targeteds a dangerous activity. have you ever done this dangerous activity of sledding? what would town is making children to before they can get on the tobogon.
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megyn: there is growing concern today about your safety on the snow. "dateline" beaver, pennsylvania. town officials with serious safety concerns now insisting children wear helmets before jumping on their little toboggans. the new attitude a far cry from earlier days. >> it's not to stay on it's to skid gracefully. watch this one. life is just one bump after another with another bump just around the corner.
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megyn: showing kids sledding when their own mission was to have fun. trace gallagher live in our west coast newsroom. how much danger if we been in without knowing it, trace. >> reporter: it's lethal, megyn. beaver is in western pennsylvania, sued a few times or sledding incidents. because of liability concerns the city has banned sledding all together in the town's most popular park. now you can only sled in the marked area of another park, but you cannot go to the top of the hill. don't you go to the top of the hill. i'm not done yet. there is no sledding after sunset. children under 12 must wear a helmet, metal and plastic discs banned, you can't sled on them. to sled in beaver you must live in beaver, no outsiders, no friends, no family no fun.
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one councilwoman says, and i'm quoting here, we are keeping taxpayer dollars in the community by asking that only taxpayers sled ride in the community. can you imagine the cop walking up to the kid, you ain't from around here, are you, kid? i mean there is some consolation here because there is no snow right now in beaver, right, there is no snow anywhere in the northeast, so that helps. megyn: are they going to impound the sleds, if they find somebody on the little metal discs, i'm sorry we have to impound them. >> big time fines, they take it away skwraoeu grew up in syracuse the first ten years of my life. we used to do it during recess of our elementary school. sure enough a big toboggan full of eight years old landed on my head and and the heads of the few girls in front and back of me. it hurt, had to go home from school. lived to tell about it. it's amazing how that worked.
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>> i grew up in san diego. the sledding was crappy in san diego. we didn't wear helmets. megyn: a lot of the folks in beaver aren't going to wear helmets either, no matter what the city council tells them, not that i'm advocating skirting the law. dangling 150 feet in the wear, an amazing rescue after a teenager slides off the side of a cliff trying to safe his dog's life. a life or death drama and you fold nothing russia. military officials say the fire may be out but crew members are still aboard in nuclear submarine. let the mud fly, four days until the iowa caucuses and attack ads are dam naturing the hawk-eye state. the latest, next. more important to do. he wasn't focused on his future but fortunately, somebody else was. at usaa we provide retirement solutions for our military,
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veterans and their families. from investments... to life insurance... to health care options. learn more with our free usaa retirement guide. call 877-242-usaa. moments you're looking forward to... what if they were stolen from you? by alzheimer's. this cruel disease costs americans more than $180 billion a year, and could cripple medicare in the near future. the alzheimer's association is taking action, and has been a part of every major advancement. but we won't rest until we have a cure. you have plans... help the alzheimer's association protect them. act now, go to
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megyn: fox news alert governor mitt romney suddenly seeing a chance to break away in his quest for the gop nomination. i'm megyn kelly on the last friday of 2011. sprinting to the finish line just four days out from the crucial iowa caucuses. now a win in iowa could be an opportunity for governor romney to take out some of his biggest rivals. campaign carl cameron live in aa merks s, iowa. if romney wins in iowa, what
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happens after that. >> reporter: all of his rivals are concerned if he pulls off the iowa victory, then he goes roaring into new hampshire which is a state where he has a vacation home an has a 20-point lead. he puts himself in strong position to go down to the south, south carolina where the governor nicky haley endorsed romney. no republican has ever won the presidency without first winning the south carolina primary. some of the latest polls show he's back in the lead even in florida. having said that, the idea that anybody is going to clinch this nomination signs mathematically impossible.
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there aren't enough delegates to the national convention available for months. that's why newt gingrich and rick santorum think it will be a long slug. the iowa state cyclones are in the bowl against the rutgers knights. megyn: what is the likelihood as these candidates are positioned for tuesday. we have the frontrunners, ron paul, newt gingrich, romney. rick santorum coming from behind. what is the likelihood after tuesday about who is realistic -- realistically still in this race? >> reporter: the idea is if
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republicans can start limiting the field, the supporters from some of the back of the back could then rico less around -- could then coalesce around the candidate. the idea is to win the field. iowa is called the state that cuts the field down to three. that's the term there is only three tickets out of iowa. new hampshire it's reduced to two. and south carolina as history bears out will let the country know who the nominee will be. it's steady now based on this. we have four more days to go. and the new year's holiday in the middle makes it possible that some iowans will have to pay more attention to cast their caucus votes tuesday night.
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megyn: fox news will be in iowa this weekend and has special coverage for our viewers. no mat wear happens in iowa, governor romney is expected to do well in new hampshire. but it's a different story for texas governor rick perry. he joins me live and we'll talk strategy with him. the republican candidates and their supporters have spent $12.5 million on ads in iowa alone. five new ones just hit the airwaves yesterday. there are so many iowans can hardly blink without seeing a campaign commercial and they do appear to be having an impact. chip is a republican and former huckabee campaign manager. let me start with you on this, chip. i was shocked by the number of ads on the air in iowa and i was shocked by how negative they were.
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at the time we went out for the debate on the 15th they were about newt gingrich. ron paul went after him so hard and they were not gentle. we see it's making a difference. nonetheless, you tell me, do the negative attack ads work and are the candidates who aren't using them suffering? >> absolutely. fox news alert. negative ads work. you can see that with newt gingrich. he was riding high. half the ads in iowa are negative attacks. that's why we have seen him go from first to fourth and maybe fifth. now his supporters have to figure out where to go. negative campaigns work and folks high in the polls and do not respond, that becomes the message of the day. megyn: take a look at the negative ads that have just come out. >> a fox gawrkd the hen house is like asking a congressman to fix
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washington. congressmen get paid $174,000 a year. we need a solution, we get the bill. >> so far newt gingrich has admitted his mistakes, teaming up with nancy pelosi, healthcare, and iraq and attacking mitt romney and more. haven't we had enough mistakes? megyn: the first one was by governor perry, the second was a pac supporting romney. newt gingrich hasn't had the money to fight back. it does seem to be hurting him. >> it is hurting him and that's good because newt gingrich should not be our nominee because he has so many negatives. there are so many hugs and kisses coming from the democrats. they are salivating over newt gingrich. we do not need him as a candidate. he has some good ideas and has done some good things in his career. we need a d.c. outsider.
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which is why rick perry's ads are good. perry is a great governor in texas and he will remain a great governor in texas. but his strategy is good. chip, do you think somebody 0 who actually managed one of these campaigns and a successful one, that it is more beneficial to the candidates to go positive because we are seeing an example of that as well. let me play what we and then i'll get to you comment. >> this election is about more than just replacing the president. it's an election to save the soul of america.
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we still believe in an america that brings out in all of us. that challenges each us to be bigger than ourselves. it's time for this pessimistic president to step aside and let this optimistic america build a great future for our children. megyn: what would you be advising? >> you have got to build your positives up. the santorum ad is different. over the last 30 days the candidates had to compete with santa claus. you had to have a different ad to break through that. you build up your positives. you build up your name i.d. you have to do that first before they believe on the negatives. those ads are traditionally good on the romney side and different on the santorum side. megyn: the negative ads seem to work. >> they do work. newt gingrich has a lot of negatives and rick santorum has
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positive. the romneyed a looks good and i think he will end up being our nominee. rick santorum has been the guy on the ground. in iowa it's a ground game, not an air game. you can't just walk into these debates and do a great job and think you are going to win. you have got to be there and go to the chicken dinners. rick santorum with the sweater vests. you can tell he's beefed up with those chicken dinners. he looks like he has been hanging with the iowans and it's working for him. megyn: he's going to single handedly bring back the sweater vest. happy new year. a manhunt is underway for a suspected arsonist lighting dozens of fires in hollywood, california. check out the video.
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firefighters racing to put out the flames. in nearly every case parked cars were set afire. and sometimes the flames spread to nearby homes and apartments. the investigators have no suspect. they are look for building security videos as well as eyewitnesses. russia changing its story about a nuclear subject ao marine -- about a nuclear submarine fire. reporter: getting accurate information on this has been a problem from the get-go. there are a number of crew members onboard that russian sub. we don't know if they are stuck or trapped or if they have been ordered to stay there. but at first they said this was just a small fire. we now know it was a big fire. it's mostly been extinguished
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but the russians say the missiles were not onboard. the sub is in die dock at times. but the orange flames were spewing into the air for hours and hours and hours. the other shell you can see, the shell of the sub. that's the mirror. 118 sailors died when the sub explode and sank to the bottom of the ocean. but this in dry dock is still burning. at least 7 crew members treated for carbon monoxide poisoning. because it's so badly damaged they may have scrap it all together. the information coming out of russian is trickling out and it's not very reliable. megyn: it's crunch time for all the candidate, and that includes
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governor rick perry. he's in iowa trying to win enough support to make a good showing. how well does he need to do to keep his campaign alive? what does he think? i'll ask him when he joins me after this break. a massive sinkhole threatening to swallow a cemetery. we'll tell you what's being done to protect the gravesite. a hiker and his dog rescued after sliding down a california cliff. >> i went down as fast as i can. there was no way out. i'm stuck here now. i thought it was going to die. that's the end of my life. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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when i'm out with my kids, my daughter's like, "mom, wait up!" and i'm thinking, "shouldn't you have more energy than me? you're, like, eight!" [ male announcer ] for every 2 pounds you lose through diet and exercise alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. simple. effective. advantage: mom. let's fight fat with alli ♪
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megyn: a 19-year-old who was hike with his far it and two dogs. his father tossed a bottle over the cliff and a dog tried to get it. >> i thought i was going to die. i thought that's the end of my life. they put the harness on me. then we worked our way down. megyn: the man loves his dog. who can't relate. the dog was rescued first. then the stranded hiker was. he was dehydrated but did not complain of any injuries. governor rick perry is in iowa
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making his final push ahead of two caucuses. a strong showing there could help him gain momentum. joining us live from waterloo is governor rick perry. so let me ask you this. what would you consider a victory in iowa? >> coming in first in the caucuses. that's our goal. that's the reason we started this 44-day bus tour and hit a lot of places in waterloo and headed to waverly. places to stop and tell your story and make your pitch about the economy and what we have common the state of texas and how to duplicate that across the country and get america back working. we are head to the fading goat in waverly. so it's a fun trip.
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as well as serious. megyn: you must feel i'm you are right at home. i want to ask you. bret baier and i will be on the air watching you tuesday night. as the results come in, if you are not number one, where will you say i'm okay. how low could you go and still feel good about your performance? >> i'm going to feel good about our performance regardless of where we come in in iowa. we expect to do well here. these folks share our values whether they are social issues orifice cal issues. they are looking for scene outsider. they know they won't fix washington, d.c. with the insiders returning this thing. they shall look for scene outsider that will roll into washington, d.c. and has a track record. our record of job creation in texas, nobody on that stage can get close to that.
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a million jobs created since i have been governor and america has lost 2 million. megyn: so many of the candidates have gown and gone down. it seems to some that your fall in the polls because you were the front runner at one pointing be attributed in part to two incidents. one the fox news debate where you said folks who oppose your willingness to give in state tuition to illegal immigrants, they didn't have a heart. and, two you stumbled at the debates. you tell me. do you think those two things have hurt you and do those viewers who do think so, how do you turn their mind around? >> i think we have done a good job of not on finishing up strong in the debates. we learned as we have gone along how to do the debates. but the other side is people are giving us a second look. they are look at the record.
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they realize there are folks talking conservative but their records don't reflect conservativism. we have congressmen running for office here. americans understand. you are not going to fix washington, d.c. by people that have been there. it's going take an outsider who will come in and make a difference. it's the reason during that last fox debate you heard the crowd talking about making congress a part-time body, and work part time like a lot of the state legislatures do, that crowd went crazy. they get that and balanced budget amendment and part time congress are two things people in iowa understand. i think it's starting to catch on. so come tuesday, i tell people, i say listen, you have my back on tuesday at caucuses. i'll have your back for four years in wade. megyn: things aren't look that
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great for you in new hampshire. i think 59% said they would not support you. new hampshire is not as conservative as iowa is. how do you like your chances there? >> there is 50 states that you have got to go compete in. there may be some states we don't do quite as well as we would in other ones. south carolina and florida i like our chances there quite well. megyn: if the debating thing is on people's minds, and lost us can debate because we are not good debaters. they do worry, some of these voters about your ability to spar with barack obama. even though they may not forgive you for being nimble, they want somebody who can go toe to toe against barack obama, and they like that in newt gingrich. how can you convince people you can do it? >> i think if they look at the last three, four debates, they see that. i have had good on-the-job
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training from the standpoint of the debates. i look forward to debating barack obama. the person who has run our economy in the ditch. the person has absolutely destroyed america's reputation and foreign policy. the individual who daily continues to want to put american's economic future in jeopardy. i look forward to sitting across the table from barack obama and bring it to them. megyn: enjoy doughy joey, sir. we'll see you next week. megyn: america's election headquarters is right here at the fox news channel. "america live" will be broadcasting live from the hawk eye state next week, monday and tuesday our show will be airing live from iowa 1:00 to 3:00 eastern time. hope you will be with us on fnc. what does president obama have
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vacation in juvenile detention. >> they would impound the bus and we would be stranded there. but there were people around me freak out because they didn't know if they should turn it in or not. they didn't turn tonight and they got caught, everyone's trip would be iewned. a large number of kids were freak out. we have to get rid of it. high school kids on a trip without their parents. things are going to happen. megyn: parents, remember that. she speaks the truth. the chief lectured the group, sent them on their way. he says it would have been a nightmare to take them in since juvenile detention facility only has 20 beds. more than 50 graves at a pennsylvania cemetery are in danger of being damaged by a nearby sinkhole. a coroner is being forced to
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figure out if these graves should be moved and if so, where should they go? >> reporter: the sinkhole keeps getting bigger and bigger. they are not sure if a water main caused the sinkhole or the sinkhole was caused by a broken water main. either way that water has been shut off. 15 homes have been evacuated near by. five of those homes have been deemed to be structurally you be safe. approaching water is threatening 54 graves. the coroner's office is trying to find out who the graves belong to and contact the family members. this is very difficult because you have to move the graves. they are individually owned. then the problem becomes where do you move them to? we expect the coroner make his decision on this stimulate
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today. but getting the families onboard with this could take more time than that. this is proffering to be a big problem. megyn: why does the coroner make that call? >> reporter: it's a good question. i think the answer is because the coroner controls the human remains. that's part of the county and the coroner controls that so he makes the call. they are working in and dumb with the families and cemetery as well. but they are allowing the coroner make the call on this specific gravesite. megyn: what a nightmare. trace, thank you. we have breaking news on a new budget battle brewing in washington. believe it or not the country is nearing its debt ceiling once again. what congress and the white house are saying about raising that debt limit. mitt romney take on president obama with it comes to the economy. comparing him to marie antoninette of france.
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for a debt limit increase. it is expected to pass the limit by close of business today. doug? >> reporter: this was a curveball we got today. we thought this would be go accord something script. president obama was expected to simply ask congress formally to raise the nation's debt ceiling by $1.2 trillion because we are getting close to that limit. this is something they pretty much agreed on. however, congress thought otherwise. now congress has asked the white house to delay this request. it's not expected to change anything ultimately because even if congress voted this thing down the president would veto and the debt ceiling increase would go through anyway. in the meantime over the next
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few weeks we'll extend beyond the current debt ceiling which means the treasury department would have to engage in accounting gimmicks to tide us over. even when there is an agreement in place it's difficult to get stuff like this done. megyn: doug, thank you. president obama -- gop presidential candidate mitt romney is getting a lot of attention for his latest example of how he says president obama is out of touch with the struggle of americans. he says when the president said sit could be worse it reminded me of marie antoninette saying "let them eat cake." governor romney refer together unfortunate queen of france who some believe made that remark about the poor before losing her head in the french revolution.
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chris plant is host of the chris plant show. as it turns out marie an boy net may not have made that comment. when she was 9 years old it had been print in various books. governor romney is suggesting the president is out of touch the same wayma marie antoninette when she heard the poor couldn't afford bread, she said let them eat cake. >> you were out of touch when you suggested rick santorum and sweater vests were out of style. i'm a proud sweater vest wearer. let's set the record straight. i don't have much in common with the man. but that we have in common. in terms of mitt romney calling barack obama out of touch is like the pot calling the kettle black.
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and i don't mean calling the black president black. mitt romney is mr. 1%. by the standards of the people running for president -- mitt romney is worth evident mafts $250 million to a billion doors. money he made not selling books but selling out businesses and shipping jobs overseas. >> attack, attack, attack. that was the kitchen sink there. of course, the president is out of touch. of course, this president has been out of touch forever. he comes from the faculty lounge. i don't care what he was worth when he ran for president. he's worth millions of dollars. he's currently staying at an $1 million mansion overlooking the ocean in hawaii. he and his wife flew out on separate airliners.
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they have a belgium water dog. i'm sure mitt romney never thought of buying a belgium water dog. i'm sure you saw the piece in "the hill" newspaper december 13. democrat congressman dennis cordoza wrote a piece about obama who is out of touch with his cabinet, with his own staff. quoting people in his own administration saying he doesn't speak to normal people, he doesn't speak to members of congress, he doesn't even sneek his own cabinet members, and his shrinking inner circle is a very small cad ray of people he's left talking to. according to his own staff in the white house and congressman dennis cardoza. >> politicians in general have a tendency of being out of touch
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becauser in the bubble that is washington and political elite circles and they spend their time with the super rich and big, big big, big business trying to raise money. my point is for mitt romney to call obama out of touch -- megyn: let me ask you about that. you think that might and strategy by mitt romney to reement an attack against him by president obama that he is out of touch because this comes not that long after the debate. he's out of touch. so now it's sort of he's turning the the tides on the president. >> it came out mitt romney was bulldozing his house in california to make it bigger. the guy is not exactly in touch. this is the guy who says i'm unemployed, too, and i'm looking for a job. if we agree politicians being
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out of touch is a larger problem we should be supporting campaign continues to get money out of politics so regular people can run for offers. megyn: how much of this alternatively as opposed to being a strategy byrum any is based on a narrative that emerged about president obama over the last few years. remember how much heat he took because he didn't eat the philadelphia cheesesteak? an got criticized for that. >> and the dog. megyn: then he gets cite sides for the expensive hawaii home and the martha's vineyard mansion. is it romney doing something smart by tapping into a narrative the president is out of touch? >> as a political strategy it probably makes sense for them to get out in front of this and
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paint president obama as he is. that's the amount of taxpayer money the obama family has spent on vacations, this year, $14 million. mitt romney is in touch with a private economy. he's in touch with business with the real world. he's not a community organizer. the fact that he's been successful is something that the obama administration as out of touch as they are are trying to get the rest of us to resent. it's a do as i say, not as i do. it's appropriate for the mitt romney campaign to point this out. but long before mitt romney said this, it was clear. even democrat congressmen were saying this president is not in touch with the regular guy. he never was. megyn: yes to the sweater vest or no. >> no to the sweater vest. >> the dog? >> on a woman it's different.
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megyn: that's happening tomorrow night. the countdown to new year's starts tomorrow. and we would love for to you celebrate with us at fox news. bill hemmer and i will be live at america's biggest party in the heart of times square. take a look. the preparations are underway. officials testing the toss of confetti in the square as part of the pair worthiness test. we'll be counting down to 2012
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with all our friends. plus the cast of the tony award nominated show "rock of ages." all the fun starts at 11:00 a.m. eastern time on fnc. if you would like to give a shoutout to someone you know or love you can. 36288. we would love to ring in the new year with you tomorrow night, 11:00 p.m. see you then. "kelly's court" is back in session. a redo in the old dominion state for two gop presidential candidates. rick perry and newt gingrich failing to collect the signatures to get on the ballot. rick perry took legal action to get around the technicality but a judge rejected his attempt to
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stop the state from printing ballots without his name on them before his court hearing. an attorney and tea party activist has filed a lawsuit against the commonwealth to get gingrich on the ballot. should the state be forced to include these two political powerhouses on the ballot? kimberly guilfoyle and jonna spilbor join me. basically everyone blew it. except romney and paul. no one will be on the virginia ballot except those two. what is the nature of the legal challenge being filed by this guy who likes gingrich and governor perry? >> were thank youing they have been disenfranchised. john fund said the only reason two people made it on is romney has all the money and ron paul
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has all the volunteers. you are seeing a lawsuit on behalf of newt gingrich but they are alleging the same kinds of constitutional arguments. this is a violation of their first amendment rights, association. they were prohibited from having a larger number of volunteers to be able to go out and gather these signatures, thereby precluding them from reaching the goal. with respect to newt gingrich's, a number of his signatures were invalidated. megyn: he says he had 11,500 but some were the product of fraud. are they at a disadvantage in collecting 10,000 signatures? >> the rules virginia is requiring everybody to work with stink. therefore they should be changed. and because the rules shouldn't
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apply to them because they are not fair. essentially they are making a first amendment argument against the rules. megyn: it seems like the judge who rejected governor perry's attempt. it seems like he is saying -- and this will be a problem for the gingrich guy. if you have a problem you should have come in before the deadline for the signatures. it looks like you couldn't do it. so you are upset about it. >> this will be tough. the coats are loathe to interfere in cases involving federal elections and primaries. nobody wants to start this bush versus gore hanging chad process. virginia has made some modifications now the people that didn't make it on there are saying what you did made it very difficult for those us who are
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new into the race versus people who have been running for five years like a ron paul and mitt romney. there are requirements of 10,000 signatures. in addition you must have 400 signatures from each county. and there are restrictions in terms of the number of people you can use to gather these signatures. it's, a 1st amendment and 14st amendment argument. megyn: the other point is, then raise it in advance. don't just wait to see whether you can do it, then rush into a courtroom wouldn't they have been in a better position if they had gone in in advance? >> true, they would have. now they are up against it in terms of timing. now they are asking for injunctive relief. they have a strict time limit. super tuesday is obviously coming up. they have to resolve it one way or the other. megyn: normally when you get
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forced off the ballot, you then can run as a write-in. that's how murkowski got reelected. but you can't do it in virginia. you are precluded. so now they are asking to see if the legislature can change the law. could that work for any of these candidates before super tuesday? >> i talked to rick perry about this earlier in the week. it's a significant setback for both of them. i don't believe they will get relief from the courts or legislative relief. they have to try. but it looks like you said they are crying over spilt milk in virginia and they don't like that. they said you should have got your acting to beforehand. and the people collecting the signature have to live within the state. you can't have volunteers from another state who are motivated to help you come in. newt said i ended up with someone who fraudulently went in
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so that's why i didn't make it. megyn: you can't be close to the line with 11,500 like he was. do you think the bottom line is when we get to the virginia primaries, only two guys will be on the ballot? >> i do think that that's the bottom line. this could turn into a hanging chad incidents. we may have a fight long after the election is over. megyn: i think whatever happens, don't blame it on the judges. blame it on the lawmakers. the judges aren't the ones who passed the laws. they are just in charge of following them. that goes for you, too, bill o'reilly. kimberly, see you tomorrow night. 11:00 p.m. eastern time. she'll be wearing that santaout fit. coming up, two times of man
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>> reporter: when we come to the beach on a glorious day like this, who does in the back of their mind wonder, are there sharks out there? in truth there are always sharks out there. the state of florida wants to insure there are even more of them. this hammer head sharkd hooked just a couple miles off the miami coastline grew to 15 feet, 300 pounds and fought to its death for two hours. >> we are one of the last people to do it. >> reporter: beginning in 2012, it's against the law to kill hammer heads and tiger sharks in florida. florida state waters extend 3 miles from shore. it will be legal to catch them, but then you are faced with removing the hook.
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>> reporter: their numbers are declining drastically. >>'s important to have them out there. keeps everything in check and you don't have any one species exploding because they don't have a predator. >> reporter: mark makes his living taking tourist out to catch what they call a monster. >> all you have to do is shut the commercial industry down and the sharks will decline forever and ever. >> reporter: the population decline up ins are these. 65% down for tigerheads, and up to 98% for certain see seefs hammerheads. that's why the scientists fear we'll lose those charges if something isn't done. megyn: what do they do in the
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ocean that is so valued? >> they keep all of the other fish populations in check which keeps the ecosystem in proper balance. megyn: phil keating, thank you, sir. can you believe the wets' experiencing there on miami beach? coming up, more than a million visitors have seen the 9/11 memorial sins it opened in september. there is suppose to be a museum to go with it.
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