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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 3, 2012 2:00am-3:00am EST

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for now go to and let us know what you thought about tonight's news show. gretawire to blogn tonight. welcome mr. o for me, would you? >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> i have looked at some of the tapes of candidate obama. >> thank you so much. >> going across iowa campaigning. pretty big gap between what he promised and what he performed. >> latest polling has mitt romney slightly ahead of ron paul in iowa with the vote less than 24 hours away. ♪ >> tonight, we will have analysis from brit hume, juan williams, mary katharine ham, charles krauthammer, bernie goldberg and laura ingraham. the best iowa vote coverage in the world is teed up. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services
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>> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. very happy new year 2012. the most important election of our lifetime begins tomorrow. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. the iowa caucus is important because the republic field is not well-defined. voters are still trying to get a handle on the candidates. in fact, polls say that 41% of iowans still undecided astounding statistic with the vote 24 hours away. take a hard look at the candidates tonight. mitt romney polling better in iowa because the perception that he is the strongest candidate against president obama. that his economic experience would appeal to a wide variety of voters. the factor expects governor romney to do well tomorrow. newt gingrich fading in the poll because the beating his
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image is taking. mr. speaker knows enough to be president but his past frightens some voters. we do not, do not expect mr. gingrich to finish in the top three. rick santorum polling in the top three. he is mad at me saying i have not featured him on the broadcast. that might be true. we tend to avoid campaign segments unless there is a media controversy and until a week ago the senator was polling in the single digits. however, we have invited rick santorum to appear on wednesday. and we did do an extensive interview with him on the radio special in november. rick per continues to poll just above 10%. campaigning ferociously in iowa and could surprise. governor perry has a lot of money and vows to continue his campaign no matter what happens tomorrow. michele bachmann another story. congresswoman must do well in iowa to continue because she is out of money. all the polls say mrs. bachmann is not in good shape.
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that leaves our pal ron paul who is polling well in iowa and who could win the caucus tomorrow. but even if the congressman does do well, he will not, will not be the republic nominee because his positions on many issues are simply out landish. here is what you need to know about ron paul. he has spent 23 years in congress. and only one of his proposed bills has been signed into law. 23 years, one law. and over that time period, mr. paul has sponsored 620 pieces of legislation. again, only one was passed. the sale of the old u.s. customs house to the galveston historical foundation. not exactly a front page event. now, those who support ron paul are generally angry with the federal government. they want a total overhaul. you know what?
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i don't blame them. the federal government is a disaster. but the 15 trillion-dollar debt the feds are putting all of us in danger. but ron paul with his soft approach to iran, his gold standard madness and other extreme positions is not going to be nominated by the republic party simply because president obama would beat mr. paul by a collosal margin. hello barry goldwater. so there you have it. talking points will not making a prediction about tomorrow's vote because last time around i predicted hillary clinton would beat barack obama. a humbling experience. and that's the memo. now for the top story. the best, the best pre-vote coverage in the entire world. first up fox news senior political analyst brit hume in washington this evening. i don't want to put any pressure on you, hume, i just said this is the best in the entire world. who is going to win tomorrow night. >> surely you don't want me to
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go where talking points won't go. i don't see an outcome which would really disturb mitt romney's position in the race as the man to beat. no outcome that i can envision would really do that. if he wins he wins. that helps him. if ron paul wins that's sort of a nullity. he is not going anywhere. if rick santorum who is surging now wins, he could be with us a while but, you know, romney has the pace of the campaign quickens now. have you got a lot of states that you have to campaign at once. you need organization. you need money, you need advertising and a lot of things and it's hard to get on the strength of a single state's victory. >> bill: all right. >> right. >> bill: ron paul, do you agree with me that it's basically, look, the republic party, no matter what happens in the caucuses and what happens in the primaries they know that they would get murdered by the democratic party. >> oh, yeah. >> bill: they are not going to do it and that's that. >> he will be around for a
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while. he has money and organization. >> bill: that would give the election to barack obama. now rick santorum. it's mother matter. the senator obviously a mainstream candidate. he is conservative, but so what. he has taken newt gingrich, a lot of his votes have gone over to santorum. but you say, even if he wins iowa tomorrow, does second, really does well, he is not a factor, why? >> i won't say he is not a factor. look. what we have had is this rotating series of candidates who have occupied the non-romney lead. and rick santorum is basic lit one guy in the group who has never held that spot. and partly that's because, you know, his last election for a re-election to the senate he lost by a huge margin. and that obviously is a mark on your record when you are trying to move up in the world.
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>> bill: yeah, in pennsylvania. that was more of a barack obama, you know, phenomenon. but, look, santorum has really retailed it in iowa. he has been to all 99 counties. >> yeah. >> bill: i think iowains respect his work ethic. they respect the fact that he has been out there and he is be a honest guy. he doesn't have a lot of stuff in his background questionable. everybody knows in iowa is substantial. they seem to be supporting mr. santorum even though he is a catholic. once he gets out of iowa and has to go to new hampshire and then south korea and florida, you don't believe he has the infrastructure, the money raising capability to compete. is that what you are saying tonight? >> what i would say about it is that this has been tried before. candidates who have come out of nowhere in the past. >> bill: huckabee last time around. >> huckabee. and it always comes out looking like he ran for president of iowa or president
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of new hampshire if that's where you stake your claim and you are really nowhere else. rick santorum is a formidable person, a formidable politician. in a debate is he strong and he has gotten not as much time in the debates as he wanted and he has held well. as you say he hasn't had the collection of failings and weaknesses that some of these other conservatives have h newt gingrich, for example, has just gotten bombed out of iowa basically because of things in his past that were raised against him and have hurt him badly in the ad campaign. >> bill: let me ask you something about that why do you think the speaker didn't fight back stronger? it was basically a two-front campaign against newt gingrich. it came from the romney pacs, not romney himself but the people supporting romney and it came from ron paul himself. ron paul himself went after speaker gingrich. why do you think that newt gingrich who is a feisty guy, he is not a guy who takes this stuff lying down, why didn't he fight back harder? >> there are two reasons. a lot of what was said about him while it was harsh, and
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perhaps exaggerated was largely true. so it's hard to fight back against that. the second thing he didn't have any money. if you want to get into -- if you are campaigning on the airwaves and you don't have the money to buy ads, normally what you do is you either do an ad or series of ads that defends you against the charges that are made which leaves you on the defensive or fight back by attacking the person who is attacking you. the problem with that kind of campaigning is -- newt gingrich is known as a scorch earth politician. he needed a different image for this campaign. the image that worked for him was the image uncle newt. the appear fellow. he would have to fight back in kind he didn't and the result is what you have seen. >> bill: brit hume. thanks very much. next on the run down laura ingraham, bernie goldberg, charisma unlimited up ahead.
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lifelock service guarantee cannot be offered to residents of new york. >> bill: continuing now with our preview of the iowa caucus vote tomorrow. joining us from washington mary katharine ham and des moines, iowa, juan williams, both are fox news analysts. juan, who is going to win and don't waffle around? i let hume slide on it. i'm not letting you slide on it. who is going to win? >> i'm going to tell you romney should win this thing and the only hesitation i have, bill, is that i was up in boone, iowa today, saw a santorum event and the energy there is unparalleled. that's the high energy point right now in iowa. he is surging. i keep pointing out that there is a lot of independents. more than twice the number of independents right now who is going to attend the caucuses tomorrow night. and a lot of those independents are just people who are angry at washington. they are looking for alternative. i think they are likely to go with santorum or paul. these are not romney people. but short of that, i see
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romney's folks in every one of these caucuses tomorrow night. he is well organized. he has been on the ground. he has got a consistent message about his ability to beat barack obama to take this all the way. i think that will carry him across the finish line. >> bill: what about splitting the vote paul and santorum. because they are kind of appealing to the same constituency, mary katharine. that's what i see happening. the hillary clinton thing i'm never going to get away from it. >> part of that hillary clinton thing sometimes people underestimate the extent barack obama could have gotten out young voters. i would place my bets on romney. he does have a habit of losing when he should win. when the pieces seem to be in place but they don't quite work out. i think santorum has juice for sure. maybe enough to pull it into second place. anything on the heels. the thing that interests me about ron paul he was in texas
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this saturday not iowa. that was interesting in you are trying to turn out these democrats have to make extra step register seemed like an odd place. three polls come out of iowa they sample independents and democrats in different numbers in each poll. but in each of those polls, romney came out a little bit on top. that makes me think the end should be cracking ron paul but is he losing steam here. >> bill: we haven't talked about rick perry who remains a factor in iowa because he is spending a lot of money on television. he he is there. he is physically there. he is around, on tv doing interviews. his wife i saw her on fox news earlier today, very artic could you articulate. can perry do well in iowa? does he have any chance? even though the polls have him at 10% or lower? juan? >> it's going to be tough, bill. he is a good what they call
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retail politician. he has been here. he has been working in the vin vineyards. the problem is when you look at the numbers people say we don't think he is that smart, that knowledgeable about the facts. of course they come back to the oops moment, the poor debate performance. so here is a guy that's likeable. is he gorcht of a big state. he has the money which is what you were saying and he is really a great threat to romney along with gingrich because they have that national stature and the money to carry the campaign down south. which is a heart of the republic party. you know, ron paul, santorum, they don't have that capacity. i think that's why they're less a threat than romney. >> dark horse in the race, i think you are right. dark horse is rick perry. >> bill: ron paul seems to be able to raise money when he needs to raise money. he has a real fanatical following. santorum and, you know, it depends on where the money is going to flow into his campaign. it's not going to be easy for the senator. now, newt gingrich. >> and it's late.
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>> bill: newt gingrich, you know, this is what is really weird about the political season. just two weeks ago everybody was saying he is the guy. he is the guy, mary katharine. he has got it. he is coming on. he led every poll. >> we followed this cycle every time and what's happening for santorum right now he is hitting his surge at exactly the right time. >> bill: what happened to newt gingrich. >> because he got attacked. he got attacked with a bunch of attack ads. >> bill: isn't that too easy though. >> not too easy. actually brought up stuff that happened in people's past that matters. they were reminded in full force. santorum has a couple of things that are problematic. stuff he said about earmarks that perry has hit him on. there will be much less time to take a whack at him before new hampshire and south carolina which works in his ad vantage, of course. some of these folks who say they could change their mind before tuesday. this thing is up in the air. but i think so perry could maybe surprise a little bit.
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i don't think as much as san forum. both of them might have use and money enough to move forward. >> mary katharine ham is discounting newt gingrich this evening. is that right? >> i think he rode his wave and it fell off precipitously. >> bill: i was surprise about the fall-off juan. >> yeah. >> bill: as i said people engaged in this process know newt gingrich. he has been around. everything he has done -- i figured if you are going to get on that gingrich train, you already know who the conductor is. and but all of a sudden, in a space of a week, the whole thing blows up. that has been the single most stunning thing to me this political season. i will give you the last word, juan. >> well, i have got to tell you. you know what? bill and o'reilly and i agree. it's stunning to me. this is lamb shakespearian tragedy. the long knives have come out from his fellow republicans who worked with him in washington who said he is reckless.
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is he someone who is zany. all that kind of language. a lot of it coming from the romney people. who is what is key. the money has come out big time for romney to run these independent ads that have just trashed. >> bill: the republic establishment. >> it's terrible. no question. >> bill: i have got to run. chris christie endorsement help romney? helped a lot. >> it helped him a lot. what we are seeing is the anger is going to replay what we saw in ' 6 with perot, buchanonened a the nobility that you get somebody who will run an independent campaign and that could hurt the republicans again. >> bill: mary katharine and juan thank you. charles krauthammer on the new danger iran is posing to the world. he will also weigh none the vote. we're coming right back.
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>> bill: impact segment tonight, lots of folks running around iowa scaring the heck out of the citizenry there. one of them laura ingraham who joins us now from des moines. >> oh, thanks. scaring the people. that's not what i need to hear. >> bill: you can get pretty scary. >> i'm occupying des moines, bill. >> bill: those pinheads are running around out there. >> i saw a few knit caps unwashed they haven't been washed since the carter administration. that's the sign there were a lot of occupy folks here. we are welcoming them to iowa tonight. >> bill: i think think we should. welcome everyone to the political process. >> there is a lot of food here at fox. so they come for the free food. we have hidden the twizzlers and all of the pretzels. >> bill: are you kidding me in there is food? they are giving you food? >> twizzlers. >> bill: are you serious? i have never. >> snapple.
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give that to me. bring it over. look. >> bill: i have never. >> this was completely full. you can see it? this was completely full until those three occupy people came in here. it's just ugly. >> bill: fox news is giving you food and drink in their hospitality. >> food, drink, water. there was a water cooler that's been moved out of the facility because some of the occupiers came to drink from it. i'm hoping to get some of the knowledge from you in talking points. >> bill: i'm stunned. i can't remember the last time i munched anything bought by the news corporation. >> no, pretty bad. shep and all those guys eat it all. >> bill: who do you think is going to win tomorrow night, miss laura? >> well, look, i like talking points for saying that it's going to be -- not good to pricket this because -- predict this because talking points was right. you are my boss, i'm happy to predict. i have to say i think romney if i had a gun to my head which i don't want to have. if i had a gun to my head i
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would have to say romney is going to win. here is why. a friend of mine was on the phone bank for romney last night. she shared with me earlier today that she contacted 60 undecided voters in the span of time that she had on the phone. 60 undecided voters, not a single person she spoke with spoke of, for instance, rick perry. there was a smattering of interest for rick san forum. people like the fact that he was still in it, he fought county by county in this state. some interest in bachmann. but most of the people that she spoke with ended up being very interested in the consistency of romney. now, when people hear romney consistent they say he has changed his mind on all these positions. what i think what a lot of iowans are finding after all the ups and downs of perry and bachmann and cain, romney has kind of not lost much ground at all. in fact he has gained a little bit in recent polls, 4% or 5%. they like that about him he is a bit reassuring.
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rick santorum people see him and some of the comments she heard last night rick santorum seems to be most like us. he might be a catholic, we are evangelical. he connects with us and he seems authentic and he seems very serious. yet very approachable at the same time. this is with 40% undecided as brit said, it's imperil columbus to predict. i would have to say romney. >> bill: i wonder how many of the caucus voters are interested who could beat president obama. that becomes mitt romney's primary motivator. it isn't mitt romney the idealogue because he isn't one. is he a businessman/politician. rick santorum is an ideological guy. i'm not saying that as a pejorative. is he a conservative with conservative views. i'm wondering if this year the economic circumstance is so horrendous that the iowa caucus voters will say you know what? i'm going to support the guy ohio think most will likely to beat the president.
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of course, between rick santorum, ron paul and mitt romney, come on. it's got to be romney. >> the guy who knows how to run a crisis. i was just where all the regular people are bill in park city, utah. >> bill: yeah, yeah. >> i went up to the olympic. the taxpayers were not paying for my vacation though, knock i didn't blow 4 million on the taxpayers' money. i went to park city and visited some of the sites there. and it is pretty amazing in like the 12 years since i have been there, the whole place has boomed. and if mitt romney can do for the country what i he has done for that area through the olympics. it's a pretty good story to tell. obama's people. a friend of mine came in today from washington and was sitting next to a woman who is working for obama. he started chatting her up. he said what are you doing in des moines? he said i'm here for the obama campaign said what? yeah we're here to tell the
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counter narrative. getting ready for the romney candidacy. they are getting ready for mitt romney run. rick santorum is showing strong. he has to skip new hampshire and go right to south carolina and make the south carolina argument to the voters if he has any hope but it's a slim hope. >> bill: you are saying if rick santorum performs well in iowa and everybody says he will that he doesn't bother with new hampshire next week. >> no. >> bill: he goes. >> huckabee went to new hampshire and he got destroyed. remember he just got lacerated there. it was a total waste of time. he needs to go to south carolina, bill and say to the voters look, if you don't deliver this state for me, it's mitt romney's nomination. let's keep this debate going. it's good for the people. it's good for the conservative base. i am the conservative alternative to romney. it's taken a long time to get to me. let's keep this going. that's the only argument he can make without organization or money right now that's going to be hard to make. that's the way he is going to have to do it. skip new hampshire all together. you are not going to get any
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traction there. >> bill: thank you as always. plenty who are ahead as the factor moves along this evening. bernie goldberg has been watching how the mainstream media has been covering the caucus vote. he will be here. iran threatening the u.s.ap@?ñó
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>> bill: personal story segment tonight, over new year's weekend iran did the following things. successfully tested a long range missile. continued to threat ton close
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the straits of hormuz. that would impact worldwide oil transport. announced produced nuclear fuel rod needed for a nuclear weapon. with us with take on iran and iowa vote tomorrow is charles krauthammer. why is is iran saber rattling at this time, charles? >> well, perhaps it rewanted to remind us there is a world outside iowa. the reason it is doing it now is because of a bill that passed the house and the senate, the president signed on new year's eve that compels the president to impose really harsh sanctions on iran. that's what they are worried about. that's why they did the saber rattling. that's why they threatened to close the strait of hormuz. now, it shows you how much of a bluff it was that on the day the president signed it, a big leader in iran announced well we are not really going to shut the strait of hormuz we
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wanted to know we would defend our ips. the sanctions are we will sanction the central bank of iran. anybody who does business with iran cannot do any with the u.s. which means that it can't export any oil. the europeans will join news a boycott of iranian oil the economy would collapse the mullahs are not going to change their nuclear program but they would be in big trouble. that's what they are really afraid of. >> the bill that was signed on new year's eve by president obama basically says to the world if you do business with iran, if you buy their oil or if you buy anything from that because all the money bank controlled by the government, all of that flow. if you do that you can't do business with us. all right? we are not going to buy anything from you and you are not going to sell anything here. that's a crusher. that is reality now. that is in stone. it's been passed. that's what's going to happen
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to iran. >> except for one thing. >> bill: go. >> except for one thing. the president managed to weaken the bill at the last minute and the bill includes a kind of waiver that gives the president 180 days. that means until july 1 to study how this will effect the oil market. the administration does not want to rattle the world economy. >> bill: it's not going to impose it until july 1. he has got 180 days to think about it. >> what he can do then there is another waiver where he can say for national security reasons he is going to exempt india or south korea or somebody else. in other words, the administration has worked to put loopholes in here and now it's entirely up to the president. is he strong enough to say we're now going to execute the single most important sanction that we can do because if he doesn't, there is only a single option left. >> okay. the iranians then. >> probably by israel.
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>> for the iranians then this is a lifeline they can continue to do what they want, hoping that president obama won't do the ultimate. >> and that's what the maneuvers are all about. >> bill: right. >> they are trying to intimidate one man. not the senate, not the house. they are trying to intimidate the president. trying to warn him. >> bill: it would be to america's advantage if they did try to close the strait of hormuz. america would be justified and so would nato in taking out their entire navy and air force which we could do in a week. obliterate every plane they have and every ship they have because you can't hide them under ground like you can hide your nuclear stuff. >> that could even expand and extend to attacking other facilities, the missile facilities or even a nuclear facility. the iranians aren't stupid. they understand if they do a closure of strait of hormuz. >> bill: it's over for them. >> they have breached the most important element of
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international law. you do not impede international waterways. that's why this is a bluff. up to the president will he impose the sanctions that we have been waiting for for three years, for five years, for 10 years that could really change the regime or will he not? it's entirely up to him. >> 90 seconds, who is going to win the iowa caucus vote? >> i will tell you everybody knows romney, santorum and ron paul. and i'm not sure it will matter either way. because santorum has one in 50 chance of winning the nomination. paul has zero chance. it would mean that santorum would become the major sparring partner for romney in the later states. the real issue is newt and perry. do they finish fourth or fifth and do they finish near the top three or not because that will determine. iowa never appoints.
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it win knows. this will be a winnowing process. the top three will go on to north carolina and florida. >> bill: are you surprised newt didn't fight back harder? >> no. because i think as brit hume said the reason he could be the sung of literally hours of negative attacks is because he had hours of negative baggage in his history. unlike any other candidate policies wall-to-wall that were easy to highlight and cite. >> bill: conservative hypocrisies. >> hypocrisies, okay. i'm not sure he was being hippo critical. he deviated. he is a guy prone to going with the latest idea like global warming. >> bill: everybody knew he was a big target. i was surprised by the fall. we will see tomorrow. maybe the speaker makes a come
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back and makes us look like idiots. >> he and perry have one chance to do it and it's tomorrow night. >> bill: thank you. how the network news and liberal newspapers are covering the iowa vote tomorrow. mayor bloomberg dancing with lady gaga. what a way to start the new year. look at bloomberg. he looks happy to be there, doesn't he? coming right we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling,
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the weekdays with bernie segment tonight, there is no question the republic party is getting a lot of attention because of the iowa vote tomorrow. that will continue with the new hampshire vote next week in south carolina to follow that. so, is the mainstream media giving the g.o.p. a fair shake in the primary coverage? listen to nbc correspondent andrea mitchell last night. >> iowa republic caucus goers don't have a very good track record for picking presidents. ronald reagan didn't win the
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caucuses in 1980. future president bush finished third in 1988. and john mccain, the eventual no, ma'am ney knee came in fourth here four years ago. the wrap on iowa doesn't represent the rest of the country. too white, to evangelical, too rural. >> bill: joining us now from miami the purveyor of mr. mr. bernie goldberg. what about andrea's point. >> she was trying to make the point iowa does not represent the rest of america demographically speaking on that point she is 100% correct. it is more white, more evangelical, more rural. i would quibble with her use of the word too. when she says it's too white and too evangelical. i'm not sure what too means. i think she meant to say it's more white, and more evangelical. but here is the thing. every four years we get the same song and dance from the andrea mitchells of the
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mainstream media. that iowa is too this, it's too that. it's not representative. it's a typical of the united states. and every four years these same reporters go to iowa. their companies spend millions of dollars covering voters who they tell us are not typical of anybody else in the united states. here is some free advice. don't go. or at least don't spend so much time there. >> bill: but new hampshire is the same rap, too white and all this and that. >> i guarantee you we are not going to hear that south carolina, the next one after new hampshire is too black. but statistically, there are more blacks in south carolina than in the united states proportionally. just as there are more white people in iowa than there are proportionally. >> bill: here is the fall also a of ms. mitchell's reportage.
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>> yes. >> bill: it's not about the iowa vote per se. it's about the perception that comes out of a victory or defeat. same thing in new hampshire. you gain momentum when you win. it doesn't matter if the green bay packers beat the st. louis rams, okay? it's another win on the way to the super bowl. this is the same thing. it doesn't matter who is voting. if romney wins in iowa, romney wins big. because that perception is he is a winner. and he goes in and he goes out. that's why these races matter, particularly in an unsettled field like we have now. >> i get that. >> bill: you have to get it because barack obama's whole career turned around in iowa. his whole career turned around there. >> but you play the sound bite of andrea mitchell and i know that some of my conservative friends on the web are somehow using that as another example of media bias.
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it isn't. it isn't. >> bill: she put a perspective on it. >> everything she said is factually correct. >> bill: you can be factually correct and not give the people the importance of the situation. the situation is important. >> you want to talk about perspective, bill, all i'm getting on television these days, whether it's network or cable is who is going to finish first. who is going to finish second. who is going to finish third? listen, i'm no better than the next guy. i like cotton candy like everybody else. you know what? tomorrow night we are going to know who finished first, who finished second, who finished third. do we need this nonstop barrage of horse race coverage? we are living in very serious economic times. and if you just watch television, i don't want to sound like a school harm or marm or scold here, if you watch television you don't know anything about romney's 59 point economic plan and you know very little about newt
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gingrich's tax policy you know everything you need to know about the polls. all i'm say something i don't want to sound like mr. uptight or anything, all i'm saying is we live in tough economic times and all this coverage is cotton candy. >> bill: yeah because it's easy to do that. >> i love cotton candy. >> bill: americans do like the horse race. >> absolutely. >> bill: they are going to be tuned into fox news channel tomorrow night. we will win this coverage by -- i will predict now triple the combined coverage of msnbc and cnn tomorrow. >> do i have 10 seconds? >> bill: yeah. go. >> fox is going to be covering this with journalists. cnn is going to be covering the election night with journalists. msnbc is covering it with five commentators whose views range from far left to really really
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far left. >> bill: they don't have anybody to cover it because msnbc -- >> -- you know what? they are msnbc. bring in a couple of news people to cover election night. >> bill: they could do that? >> the business model doesn't allow it. >> bill: right, they know their only hope tomorrow night is to get the people who hate the republic party to watch them hate the republic party. >> bingo. >> bill: i'm not offended by that. there is no false advertising on msnbc. they flat out say we are the far left network. we will get our couple hundred thousand viewers an hour blank you if you don't like it? >> that's exactly right. >> bill: they have tonight down the personal attacks over there. i don't have any beef with them. they have to compete with us and they get slaughtered every single night. >> happy new year. >> bill: same to you, bernie as always. pinheads and patriots up next. mayor bloomberg getting down kind of. what a way to begin the new year. and jon huntsman attacks ron paul. we show you that video.
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it's pretty interesting. next.
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>> bill: back ever the book segment tonight, reality check where we begin with a new duo jon huntsman against ron paul. check one. in order to stay in the primary game jon huntsman must do well in new hampshire next week. is he largely sitting out iowa. the main threat to huntsman in the iowa state is ron paul. huntsman has put together this ad. ♪ [twilight zone music] >> the assumption is that this guy is like your crazy uncle but you never expected your crazy uncle to get this far. >> president bush said that the new world order was in tune and that's what they were working for.
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>> if you look at history hamas was encouraged and really started by israel. >> have you ever read about the reasons they attacked us? they attacked us because we have been over there. we have been bombing iraq for 10 years. >> are you suggesting we invited the 9/11 attacks, sir? [ ♪ >> bill: right now polling in new hampshire has paul at 15%, huntsman 9. romney leads with 41%. slipping in the polls so he is going after governor romney. >> mr. speaker, what did you mean when you were come out of mass this morning that governor romney trying to election. >> i was struck by the plited co-aanalysis shear volume of anti-gingrich ads run by romney's pac. i will let you decide how you would decide. it's -- for a state this size
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to spend that number of dollars in negative ads aimed at one candidate is prettyia maizing. >> do you feel swift voted? >> know feel romney voted. >> bill: he compared romney to new york city mayor michael bloomberg on the spending situation. >> again, i think the polls take a few days to catch up. this isn't just about polling. this is about what we are seeing in relation. i think tuesday night people are going to see a miracle. >> bill: okay. now, check four some activists are targeting republicans who do not support gay marriage. >> how are you? >> stop the hate. hate the rainbow. >> thank you so much. >> that's called glitter bombing and is not being likely to win and hearts and minds, is it? >> check a, zoo keepers at the milwaukee zoo are keeping primates up to speed on high tech.
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>> i started working with the orangutans over the mesh i would hold up the ipad. we haven't pro-depressed they're powerful animals and probably destroy it in an instant. i push it up to the mesh and they can react. they like many of the free app.s that i think children would like. they like the free apps where you can finger paint. he they like the apps where you can use the drum, you know and you pound on the drums or strum the guitar, the music app. >> one footnote and this is true that primate much better an the ipad than i am and finally check 6. some factor business for the new year. big thanks to everyone who has bought killing lincoln the book or the audio. more than 1 million copies sold in three months, my biggest sell book ever. here is a good way to get "killing lincoln" if you sign up for premium membership on bill o' you get the book free of charge. premiums get the no spin zone
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where get news i don't have time for on the factor. why we do what we do. you are going to like it. in addition, premium members get big discounts on gear, the message boards and weekly kq and a's with me. please check it out. bolder fresher tours on saturday february 2 ath close to being sold out. 8:00 p.m. show just released the final 15 seats. the matinee almost done. hope to see everybody in santa barbara miller's hometown. starring the mayor of new york city and lady gaga. p and p moments away.
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♪ ♪ pinhead and patriots starring lady gaga and mayor bloomberg in a moment. but first, the mail. big reaction to my interview with president clinton. robert, "o'reilly, even though i do not like president clinton i appreciated the conversation you engaged in. i wish our political leaders would do the same." from santa clara, california, comesays -- >> joel, that is what gives. the entire interview concerned mr. clinton's book which is largely about what the current
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administration is doing and not doing. stephanie, montreal, canada -- jim warner from mesa, arizon arizona -- >> not bad. not a bad idea, bob! from mcminville, oregon -- >> well, i agree with that torrie. harry says --
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do you think trubeck has read it? he needs to read it. >> i appreciate that, lieutenant. my best to everyone working at gitmo. mind the sun down there. and from new hampshire -- well my coauthor martin dugard is the primary researcher, dave. she among the best in the world. we are working on another history book right now. i can't tell you what is it yet. but the stuff we're coming up with, is amazing. from florida -- thank you. if you are watching us in an exotic place we would like to know about it. finally tonight, pinhead and patriots a lot of things going on in new york's times square new year's eve and one of them was rather dubious. ♪
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♪ >> was that slow motion or real-time? were they doing that in real-time or did they slow that down? no truth to the rumor they are dating. we'd like to show you more of that but the authorities have seized the tape. you can decide if pinheads or patriots are involved. that is it for us. check out the fox news factor website. we have a talk point memo that runs down the candidates and their chances in iowa tomorrow. also, we would like you to spout out about the factor. o' name and town, name and town, name and town. if you wish to opine. do not be a puzzle wit. they remeended us we had not used puzzlewit in a while. don't be a puzzlewit writing the factor. or anytime in 2012. thank you for watching our


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