tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News January 4, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EST
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>> sean: more people at your rally. >> that's right. you never know. this is a revolution. that's what i am announcing. i want people to go to cain connections dot-com. sign up and become a part of this revolution. >> sean: herman, thanks. >> thanks, sean. >> sean: as you always, thanks for being with us. greta's next. >> greta: tonight, it's getting wilder. first a nail-biting all nightener iowa and already the battle has shifted 8 states east to new hampshire. if you think it was brutal in iowa, that's nothing. you better buckle up. we have the latest tonight, brit hume is here. but first, bruised but not giving up, former speaker of the house, newt gingrich is in concord. good evening, sir. >> good evening. how are you, greta? >> greta: very well. the strategy of mr. nice guy didn't work. are you change changing your strategy going into new hampshire? >> first of all, i want to thank the 15,000 people who did stay
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with me despite millions and millions of dollars of negative advertising and toward the end, i think we were gaining ground and beginning to move back into serious contention. so the most we are going to do is draw a direct and sharp contrast with governor romney, who is a massachusetts moderate and contrast my fighting against tax increases and his tax increases or contrast my very bold plan for jobs and economic growth, which is "the wall street journal" saturday said was the best and most job-producing plan, with what they characterize as a plan for, by romney, so timid that it resembles obam a. but in a sense of contrast. i am going to go to the negative baloney that some of these guys do. i think we ought to talk about the issues, policy and make clear how big the choice is between a reagan conservative, who is a -- who has achieved things in washington and a massachusetts moderate.
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>> greta: i am not wild about the negative ads, but i confess, i do watch them. i am not so pure i don't watch them. but you say you are not going to do it in new hampshire. as ugly as they are, you were leading in iowa and all of a sudden, you got all of these negative ads and you sunk. you know, you went way down as a result of the negative ads. so they do work. so if you go into new hampshire with the high road, i am not going to do this and the most i doll is call governor romney timid, you know, you are doomed. >> i don't think so. i think the difference between my record as a reagan conservative who helped to create jobs in 1980s, helped to create jobs in 1990s, helped pass the 81 tax cut, helped pass the 1995 tax cut or 1996 tax cut. look at my record. it's very consistent. as governor, he raised taxes. now, that's a pretty big gap.
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i think you can have a discussion that's much more pointed than it was in iowa. but nonetheless, it is a discussion of comparisons, it is a discussion of records. it's a discussion of facts. that's very different. remember, one of his ads, got four pinocchios in the washington post. that's fairly amazing to get four pinocchios -- >> greta: you know what? it is. it is, mr. speaker. but unfortunately, i think it's like the clash of the people, people want to look at it substantively and look at the programs. the problem is that you are getting roll over with all of these negative ads and no one's really looking at the substance, they are hearing what a horrible person you are? >> well, i think, greta, that -- look, you have a different view of people than i do. i think the american people, given a clear choice -- we didn't try to give them a clear choice in iowa. we tried to give them a positive choice about me.
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we ran very positive adears and stayed very much on the positive side. i said at the time, it was an experiment. it did well enough that i came in above both congresswoman bachmann and governor perry. and 45% of the ads in iowa were negative ads about me. so in some ways, it was a remarkable achievement. and the people of iowa deserve to be commended for looking beyond t. but i am suggesting a clear-cut choice in new hampshire, south carolina, florida between a massachusetts moderate who, raises taxes and puts tax-paid abortions in romneycare and puts planned parenthood in romneycare and puts liberal judges on the bench and compare if to a reagan conservative who is opposed to tax increases and helps pass tax cuts, who is for conservative judges and who is right to life. i think in republican primaries, that clear, direct, principled
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contrast can be very, very effective. >> greta: you raise the issue of the reagan conservative in reference to yourself, maybe you are the wrong person to explain this. but today, senator john mccain who, beat governor romney in new hampshire has endorsed governor rom niche but he ran an ad in 2008, in which he called it the two mitt romneys and it was a brutal ad, going after him in one part of the ad, quoting governor romney, we don't want to go back to the reagan years and shows him changing his mind on choice and pro-life and everything. yet today, it's like, oh, that was four years ago. now we are on the same team. i don't -- i don't get you guys in politics, how you can jab each other painfully and then you come out and it's all -- it's fine and dandy? >> well, i think almost the entire establishment is rallying around governor romney to try to stop somebody who would genuinely change washington. i think you have a whole range
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of people who are all in favor of a manage the decay relatively timid, cautious approach that doesn't shake things up. and i think that that is the mood you see in a lot of folks on talking heads on television. i represent a genuine insurgency, i am committed to changing washington and the way business is done. i am going to change the way the congress operates. i think the american people are sick of the mess that they are watching right now. i think, given the track record of helping ronald reagan change washington significantly, and then coming back as speaker, and helping change some pretty big things, something the size of welfare reform, where two out of three people went to work or went to school is a pretty big change. something the size of four balanced federal budgets in a row, the only time in your lifetime that's been done. that's a pretty big change. i think a lot of folks in washington don't necessarily want to see that size change.
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>> greta: i guess, we will go back to, what are people paying attention, to the negative ads ore the message? the message is the challenge. let me ask you, earlier today, you told laura ingram that you were -- that you could see in some way, you aline with rick santorum. smain to me what you said and if what you meant? >> no. no. i meant we are both conservatives. we are old friends. we have known each other a long time. if you compare us with iran, we are both deeply worried about an iranian nuclear weapon. ron paul doesn't think it matters. in that sense, rick and i, who both have a national security background, are much more concerned about the danger of losing an american city than is congressman paul. so we are aligned there. as compared to mitt romney, a moderate, we are more conservative n. that sense, you have seen this in things we have
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seen about each other on the debates and have you seen it in the things we both said last night... there is a natural split in this party nwhich have you people who worry about the safety of america, versus people who don't care about it. and there are people who want a conservative change in washington, versus people who want to go along to get along. -- >> greta: are you saying that -- are you saying that governor romney is not concerned about the safety of the united states or that he has a different -- >> no, no, no, no. >> greta: that's why i am asking you. >> the first reference is to ron paul. >> greta: he doesn't care -- that he doesn't care -- >> it seems very clear. look, well, he's very clear. in his world view, the united states is responsible for 9/11. the iranians can get a nuclear weapon and it doesn't matter f. israel disappears, well, bad things happen. listen to the speeches. watch him on the debates. you know, i thought that michele bachmann did a brilliant job of
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walking through the ways in which he was out of touch with reality on foreign policy. i think it's disairjs to have somebody in a senior position, running for president, who walks around saying, it is not really a problem if the iranians get a nuclear weapon. the fact is that the iranians are headed by a dictatorship, led by religious zealots. ask yourself, if somebody will put on a body bomb and walk in a bus, bloi themselves up, in order to kill you, how leadership do you think they would be to have a nuclear weapon to blow the whole city up? i think it's really dangerous. to think that we can live in a world with an iranian nuclear weapon and not run the risk of losing an american city. that's how seriously i take this. >> greta: let me turn to jobs. any new ideas on jobs? we have been involved with the cat fight between the politicians, stirring up fights between the polititions and the fundamentally, we have to get
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back to the issues, i apologize being so late to ask you, what about jobs? anything since we have last talked? >> okay. let me shock you -- all the ideas i have are old. they're the ones that work. if you said, do you have a new way to boil an egg. i would say, no, i have an old way to boil an egg, but it will boil the egg. i worked with reagan, cut taxes and cut regulations and respected the people who created jobs. we created millions of jobs. as speaker, i cut tacks, cut regulations, develop american energy and encourage people to create jobs. it worked. i have as an economic plan, we will release a budget analysis of this week, i have a terrific jobs plan that we think will create millions of newions, an enormous increase in the economy and it's the same old stuff. what's amazing is, people who come in and say, gosh, i wonder how you fix a good breakfast?
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you hand them the cookbook ask they run ruin it -- i believe in adam smith and obama believes in solluwin skeer. >> greta: i didn't mean new. i was trying to segue, fundamentally, beyond the fights that we provoke in the media with the bottom line is that the american presidency care about jobs. it was a bad segue. speaker, thank you, sir. >> thank you. the iowa shake-up ends one campaign and leaves another clinging to life. today, congresswoman michele bachmann officially suspenned her campaign. she only got 5% of the iowa vote. >> last night, the people of iowa spoke with a very clear voice. and so i have decided to stand aside. and i believe that if we are going to repeal obamacare, turn our country around, we must do so united. i believe that we must rally
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around the person that our country and our party and our people select to be that standard bearer. >> greta: tonight, lots of questions are hanging over texas governor rick perry's campaign, after a very disappointing showing, he headed home to the lone-star state to reassess. but the big surprise. he took to twitter and tweeted. and the next leg of the marathon is the palmetto state, here we come, south carolina. with ira in the rear-view mirror, all eyes are on new hampshire and south carolina. brit hume is here. good evening, brit. >> greta? >> greta: the chatter is that mitt romney has hadt locked up. i think it's real early. but what could speaker gingrich do? >> i think speaker gingrich is focused on the wrong man. he doesn't need to focus on mitt romney. he needed to be focused on the
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alternative, rick santorum. you hear him saying kind things about rick santorum and attacking romney. attacking politics doesn't necessarily help the person doing the attacking. you can do damage and he may be in this for the sake of doing damage. he seems to have calmed down after last night, when he seemed to be a victim of road rage. he looks better. last night, he looked a little disheveled. tonight, he seemed calm and he was back on the positive spin, to some extent. but he's acting like he did what rick santorum did. rick santorum is the man he needs to overtake. >> greta: you don't think he was damaged -- >> oh i do! look -- >> greta: he was so high in the polls and they rolled in on him. >> they d. they hit him hard. romney did it -- >> greta: fairly -- >> well, to a great extent, yes. but to some extent, no. but political ads and political warfare is rough and tumble. and my sense about those ads is
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that they were rougher, they may have been marge neal unfair, but they were rooted in facts about a man who has a very extensive record, not all of it helpful to him in this race,. >> greta: if he takes the so-called high road that he says i. i not saying he should take the high road. i am saying, there is a position that he needs to acquire. you heard the case he made against mitt romney he made. that's a good case. a lot of that will tol mitt romney, to some extent. but he needs to get into a position where he's the alternative candidate to mitt romney. he is not. rick santorum has overtaken him. he's the new flavor of the month. he's the new anti-romney and newt gingrich is in the background. if he is in the race to help santorum, it's making sense. but if he is in the race to say the things to help himself, i am not sure it does make sense. >> greta: everyone thinks romney is on the way to the nomination. mib -- maybe it's me.
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he's going to do well in new hampshire. that's his home state. but he did 66 votes better than last tite time with all the mon he spent and 8 votes ahead of rick santorum in the vote count. and now he faces south carolina, which is not going to be particularly friendly. >> first, he faces new hampshire. >> greta: he will do well in new hampshire. >> but there are legitimate questions about new hampshire. new hampshire has a long history of upending frontrunners and having cadgedidates looking like they are going to win and get a disappointing performance. so that's a risk. but a few weeks ago, we were talking about mitt romney not doing anything, coming in third or fourth, even that he wasn't really a presence in the state, he hadn't campaigned there. thicks began to change and gingrich began to falter and romney came up and won. that was not predicted a couple of weeks ago. >> greta: but he got what he got last time.
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>> that's correct. but it turned out to be enough. >> greta: let me ask but new hampshire. is there any chance that governor huntsman is the sleeper candidate in new hampshire? like what senator santorum did in iowa? >> i don't think you can rule that out. but we haven't seen any evidence of it yet. i don't know how much -- how much he's up on the air. i don't know, you know, whether his message seems to be resonating or at least, you know, appealing to anybody. so you can't rule anything out. things can happen very fast in the state of new hampshire. i have seen it very many times and huntsman could catch fire. i think it's more likely that rick santorum comes out strong, people are getting a fresh look at him. he's campaigned there a fair amount. my sense is that he is the man to watch right now. >> greta: we so much watch the part where they insult each other and do the negtifer ads, but you know what, when the people get in the room in the iowa calkus and they are liching to the issues, aren't they? >> they are.
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>> greta: they are looking beyond what we are stirring up. >> people listen to the campaign's message and they look at the candidate. they hear what the candidates have to say, they make their own assessment, judging the person by watching dismem they hear the ads. and if they have negative ads, they are affected. newt gingrich didn't have the funds or the wherewithal to rebut the ads. >> greta: four years ago, huckabee did well in iowa and didn't do well in new hampshire. do you think this is significant, 38% of last time voting, 2008, 38% are catholic. senator rick santorum is catholic, governor huckabee is southern baptist. make a difference? >> some difference. and rick santorum has a message that relates toions, where he is focused on manufacturing. therethere are a lot of places e that will have appeal. i think he will get a hearing on
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that. i think he will be able to campaign effectively on that. santorum's great challenge is to convert the momentum and attention from iowa and the fund-raising that will be enabled because of it into a truly national effort. the one thing we know about mitt romney, whatever anyone else may say, he has a national effort in place, he is everywhere with staff, money issue ads, and all the things you need. to be an effective alternative and give him a real run for his money, they will need those things. >> greta: senator santorum was in iowa, 41 days. he may not be visible to us, but he's been there a lot. >> i think santorum is a man to watch in new hampshire. >> greta: he was the man to watch last night. >> sure was. >> greta: thank you. >> thank you. >> greta: 18 hours after an eight-vote win in iowa, governor mitt romney has a big endorsement, one that caught us and the media by surprise. who is it?
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we will tell you. and rush limbaugh is an optimist. he sees the bright side of the demolition derby we are watching. he says it's good news for the g.o.p.? why? he will tell you himself, coming up. and the mystery murder at a place you would never dream could be a murder scene. queen elizabeth's estate and the victim is a young woman. who is she? what happened? new clues, the latest from london, coming up blamo
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>> greta: a big endorsement. senator john mccain shows up in new hampshire and endorses governor mitt romney. senator mccain, who won new hampshire on his way to winning the republican nomination four years ago, is very popular in new hampshire. how big is this endorsement? kelley ajotriot was at the rally today. >> great to be with you. >> greta: nice to have you. tell me, back in 2008, i am fixated, i realize this, but senator mccain went hard at governor romney in this ad, that i posted on gretawire, if you want to see t. now today, the big endorsement. but explain to me how you can say such horrible things, true or not, and then show up on the same stage saying, let's work together. >> well, i think it's this. you know, there is a candidate for each time. john mccain came to new hampshire. we answer him almost our adopted
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senator. we love him here. it was a great endorsement for governor romney to get. but it comes down to governor romney is the candidate for this time, where we are right now, we need to turn our economy around, he's a turnaround specialist and to have that endorsement from john mccain knows a lot, he know what is it takes to run a presidential cam pain and he also, obviously, connects with new hampshire voters. so that's what you saw today here in new hampshire. >> greta: every politician says things that are dangerous. it's like being in the courtroom. when you say a turnaround specialist, i thought in 1994, he was prochoice, but not 2008. 2002, he supported tough gun laws in massachusetts and 2007, says he supports the second amendment and is a hunter fer life and says he's not returning to reagan/bush. i think that that will be used against you. that's the whole problem here, i think, in terms of looking at a,
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especially at a governor romney candidacy is that you will be hit with that stuff? >> llisten, gret ahe is not the only candidate who has changed his mind on something. but on the core issues that really is what our country needs, you look at the private-sector experience, his experience of turning around a failed olympics to a success, as going into a democrat state, tushing around a deficit to a surplus, i mean, this is the type of experience and the core convictions he has on the economic issues that we need to turn our economy around. he's the only one in the field with the private sector experience that really knows how the economy works. when you think about where we are nationally, he is the person who can take on president obama and win this election. >> greta: tell me, in terms of going to the other candidates in the party. i know that have you endorsed governor romney. who do you think has a better -- has a stronger chance ever doing
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better -- governor huntsman or senator rick santorum, knowing the voters, the republican voters in new hampshire? >> well, certainly jon huntsman has focused all of his attention, really on new hampshire. he has been here quite a bit. i think he is the candidate to watch. but i don't think in terms of winning new hampshire, but in a second or third position. i think senator santorum will get somewhat of a bump from iowa. he was in single digits. he will probably move out of single digits. but if you look at his strategy, it's a one-state strategy. he has been in new hampshire, but he doesn't have a strong grassroots organization as mitt romney does. but certainly, looking at governor huntsman and how much he has been here, i would keep my eye on him. >> greta: people always say that the people of new hampshire have an independent mind. that's coming out of iowa, you can win iowa and go to new hampshire and get a rude awakening. governor romney did win, but in
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the past, it's been hard. if he doesn't have a strong showing, is that a huge blow to governor romney's candidacy? not fatal? but a setback? >> well, new hampshire voters do certainly have an independent streak. that's why our state motto is live free or die. but governor romney has been here -- he's very strong campaigning. i have seen the support on the ground level. great activists, conservative activists supporting him. so i think he will do very well in new hampshire. he has done those town halls and he was doing it today in manchester and peterbo rough. he is getting that enthusiastic response you want a week before the primary. >> greta: what do you think is the bigger issue -- social issues or economic issues? >> i think the biggest issue is going to be the same issue as my campaign when i ran, you know, a year ago, spending, the size of government and the state of our economy right now.
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those are the primary issues on new hampshire voters' minds and i hear it in my own town hall meetings and i think that will be the issue in this primary -- >> when you look at governor romney's experience -- >> greta: when you look at -- >> what the voters are concerned with. >> greta: when you look at every candidate in the republican party, they say he or she -- only he now -- wants to cut spending and to do that. so they all have a little bit of that message, i guess? >> well, absolutely. i mean, certainly, all the republicans in the field, unlike this president, know that we need to cut back spending. i think governor romney, having the experience of going to a state like massachusetts, having to deal with a super majority of democrats in the legislature, being able to balance the budget and go from a deficit to a surplus, that's the type of leadership we are going to need in washington, to rein in the out-of-control spending and get our fiscal house in order. >> greta: senator, thank you. of course, we will be watching
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very closely what is going on in your state. thank you. >> coming up, rush limbaugh takes issue with a popular theory about the g.o.p. race. he will tell you ball it, himself, coming up and a murder on queen elizabeth's estate. you can believe it? queen elizabeth t. sounds like an agatha christy novel. and tonight, disturbing new information. the latest from london, coming up. [ sniffs ] i have a cold. [ sniffs ] i took dayquil but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] yes, it is. where they grow america's favorite wpotoes. idaho, everyone knows idaho potatoes taste great.
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irvetion senator rick santorum declared, game on and the game is from new hampshire. they are storming the granite state ahead of the first in the nation, primary. grif? >> reporter: gret ayou know you are not in iowa when you get off the plane, grab the newspaper and the first thing you see is a picture of a moose being pull from the ice. but it doesn't stop there. when you open up the newspaper, you see that game is on. you see a full-page ad from newt's camp, attacking romney as a massachusetts moderate.
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newt continues today with sharp re-rhetoric, accusing mitt romney of failing onions, all the way to romneycare. so it's taken off in no time is wasting here. have you mitt romney, you have mitt here and you have santorum. missing here, ron paul. he's gone to texas. he won't be here until friday. here's three things to watch for. first of all, this is all about mitt romney. he is ahead by more than 25 points in the polls. the latest poll has romney at 43 points. that's followed by ron paul, at 14%, then have you gingrich at 9 and huntsman at 7. expectations were low in iowa for romney and he won, narrowly, and there are high expectations here and a loss could be very damaging. and second, rick santorum, everyone's watching. can he mount a grassroots campaign and come back? i would suggest to remember that
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image of john mccain, carrying his own luggage, he finished, of course, fourth here and came here and won last cycle. finally, the undecideds. we talked a lot about the undecideds. nearly half of the republican caucus goers were undecided. just 16% in the granite state. they pride themselves as vetting the candidates. you don't have it the evangelical christian element and you have a lot of policy wogs here and they will get right up and personal and grill the candidates. it's a much smaller population of undecideds. >> greta: grif, thank you. rush limbaugh says the unsettled race is good news for the republicans. what does he mean by that? here's rush limbaugh. >> this idea that somewhat obam -- that obama is helped by the republican race, is pure
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poppy cock. this is not good for obama. this means that the focus is going to continue to be on the republicans and their message and a greater opportunity for that message to get out. and it is going to be a conservative message. >> greta: is rush limbaugh right? will the prolonged battle help the g.o.p.'s chances to take back the white house or hurt them? rick klein is here. from a strategy point of view, is the president licking his chops while the republicans fight? or does this keep the republican message out in front. e >> in i think the white house would rather see a prolonged fight. but rush has a good point. in 2008, when romney and obama were going at it twasn't good for obama. it ended up making a difference. it allowed president obama to build a grassroots organization
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and made him a better candidate. >> greta: li mean, the ad, the vehicle he has, besides the fact he has air force one and can go to ohio to make announcement, he is not spending money. he is not spending campaign money, maybe taxpayer money. >> that's right. they can marshal the resources and go out and define the person. he can sit back and hone his message in a vacuum. that's the benefit. the other side is that, the republican candidate will almost certainly emerge stronger from this nomination process because they are going to be better -- nothing will be said about the eventual republican nominee that president obama won't say meaner about. it so if you get the message out, you get the chance to respond to it. >> greta: some people have said that they thought that senator rick santorum should bypass new hampshire because mitt romney has it locked up and go straight to south carolina. i am not so sure. the media has so ignored senator rick santorum. they haven't paid attention.
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he went to new hampshire 41 times and romney's been there 47 times and a strong second place would be a huge victory. so with a strong catholic element, i think he will do -- he will do beyond expectations. >> and the expectations are very low for him there. i agree with you. there is something about communicating the message that you can go anywhere and take on mitt romney, even if he is expected to win big. if he does win big, you still have south carolina. rick perry's calculation, skipping new hampshire except the debates. but santorum is saying, i can recreate what i did in iowa in a short periods of time. if he exceeds expectations, he has something to build from. >> greta: how big is the endorsement from senator john mccain? i am fixated, i realize on this video that i have posted on gretawire. is that a powerful endorsement for romney? >> if you are trying to communicate the inevitability, yes. but that is not the problem for
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mitt romney. he doesn't have a problem in new hampshire, where obviously, senator mccain is very strong and has been strong for a long time. he doesn't have a problem with the establishment of the republican party. a lot of hard-core conservatives have never liked john mccain. they didn't like him inuent00 or 2008 and they don't like that he is endorsing mitt romney now. the bad blood is a side bar to all of this. these two guys don't like each other, they really didn't in 200ay and it got personal. romney fell into line and mccain is repaying the favor. south carolina, we were so focused on new hampshire. but that's just around the corner. >> yeah. >> greta: tell me who is winning? what is the strategy? >> look, the conventional wisdom is that it's tough for mitt romney. but i don't think it's impossible. if the field is diffuse, he accounted -- >> greta: he has the governor. >> probably the most important. senator demint is hanging out
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there -- >> greta: but he hasn't endorsed. >> he hasn't. he did romney before. he may not endorse at all this time. but i think beyond endorsements, south carolina's an opportunity for the anti-romney candidate. if that is santorrum and he can surge, it's the last, best chance for newt gingrich to come back, for rick perry, putting all of his marshals on that stage. you have a couple of dynamics, that state has gone in a couple of directions. whether someone not john mccain -- a couple of years ago, so, there is a lot of dimamics that play there, new hampshire is sorted of back skirting the expectations. mitt romney has already won new hampshire in the minds of those who are scoring on the campaign. if he doesn't win decisively, it's a very big problem. >> greta: rick perry nsouth carolina. if he wins, he's back in the game, right? >> wow. yeah. >> greta: back in the game. but i imagine that senator rick santorum is not particularly
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happy -- nor speaker gingrich is that he is playing in south carolina. >> who is happy is mitt romney. there is the potential for the field to shrink, if bachmann and perry had gotten out, you can see a consolidation, there will be an alternate testify mitt romney. we don't know who that person is. mitt romney want its to go as long as possible. >> greta: who does he want? >> i think -- he would be happy with either of the folk who is challenged him last night -- ron paul, i don't think they think is a serious threat and rick santorum because he doesn't have the resources and he is untested. he went through unscathed. he is not someone they think is a serious threat. >> greta: more worried about newt gingrich? >> yes. that's why you saw the super pac du. monohis head and he is in a better position to mount something. he has the kindling to potentially light behind his campaign, there is an argument there. i don't think we have seen the last of him. >> greta: the negative ads work,
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don't they? they really do work. people deny t. they say, i don't pay any attention. but you can see the poll numbers dropped from newt gingrich. it's unbelievable. >> it's the professional romney operation, including the outside groups, they knew it and where to pick the fight. a lot of people rise and fall. it was newt gingrich that they chose to bring down. >> greta: thank you. >> thanks. >> greta: a murder in the strange strangest of all places, a young woman's body found on queen elizabeth's estate. forget dating web sites and the bar scene. a very unusual way to get a date. but now a police officer is in trouble with the law. it's a wild one. stay tuned. this is an rc robotic claw.
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>> greta: a royal murder mystery. but first, we have headlines. >> a german man has been charged in connection with a rash of california arsons. 24-year-old harry burkehurt, is suspected of sit setting more than 50 fires in l.a. and west hollywood. he was motivated by his hatred of americans. police say a techas eighth grader threatened them with a pellet gun that looked like the real deal before officers shot him to death, inside a brownsville school. the 15-year-old had, quote, plenty of opportunities to lower the weapon, but refused to. boeing closing its historic kansas plant, laying off thousands of workers, defense spending cuts forcing the wichita facility to close down.
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they hope to spread 1500 jobs to oklahoma, texas and washington. now back to "on the record." >> greta: well, the plot thickens, british police are desperately trying to solve a royal murder mystery on queen elizabeth's country estate. the queen and royal family members were on the estate at the time. we have a journalist from london on skype. what is the latest. >> reporter: the latest on investigation is that after the body was found at 4:00, by a dog walker in a grove of trees about 3 miles from the queen's house in norfolk, this is a massive estate, about 20,000 acres. it's in a tiny village, just outside of the estate, there is
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that -- officers saying they nude more time to carry out a post mortem. however, there are -- there is talk around that the woman called alicia demitrieva, a latvian woman, from a nearby area, missing since about september, may be the woman. however, there is also some talk that it might be vitallia -- you must forgive me here -- belitissia bisieny and a 46-year-old man has been charged with her murder, but no body has been found. police hope to be able to disclose the identity of the body in the coming days. >> greta: there is such a mess of security around the white house. i realize it is 20,000 acres, but are people able to access that area that freely? there is eye perimeter that large for the queen? >> reporter: this is a public
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foot path. yes. there is. it is not a gated-off estate. it's a large bit of countryside. now the estate itself is closed until about april 2012. but the grounds and quite a lot of land around it is still open and this is also where the queen and the rest of the royal family end their christmas holidays. they were in residence at the time when the body was found. >> greta: any statement from the royal family? >> reporter: no. no on that one. >> greta: in terms of this investigation, i mean, it was found by a dog walker, the body. was the body far off the beaten path? >> reporter: this was in the trees, in a 30-foot gap t. wasn't under ground. nobody else is really willing to be pushed any further with regards to the state that the body was found in, but they have
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estimate that the body was there between 1 to 4 months. >> greta: any doubt that this is murder instead of an accident or natural causes? >> reporter: well, at the moment, they are carrying out the post mortem investigation. there is great spshz that there might be foul play. but the police won't be drawn into anything further until they can find more fingerprints or dna or any form of investigation. >> greta: certainly, i mean, it is capturing the attention here in the you united states. i can only imagine the attention in the u.k. >> reporter: at the in a moment, there was quite a lot of attention when it hatched and it's such a shock because it's one of those places that everybody knows about. everyone see its on the television on christmas day. every time this is something major and prince phillip was in the hospital, there has been a lot of attention around that particular area, so the last thing anyone ever expected was there to be a body found.
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>> greta: thank you very much. straight ahead, a bizarre story gives a whole new meaning to speed dating. why an atlanta traffic cop is in big, big trouble. and we interrupt this program for a camel. that's right, a camel takes over the tv news. all caught on camera. [ male announcer ] say goodbye to "ho-hum," and hello to "whoa, yum." use campbell's cream of chicken soup to make easy enchiladas,
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>> you have seen our top stories, but here is the best of the rest. a chicago woman says a police officer went too far to ask her out on a date. now she's suing. the woman said that the police officer gave her a speeding ticket and then the officer used the ticket to track her down and ask her out. she found a note from the officer on her windshield. he wrote that he wanted to buy her dinner to make up for the expensive fine. she is suing him for violating her privacy. caught on camera, a feisty camel makes sure he gets his time in the spotlight. a tv journalist was trying to interview two tourists and then the camel came up and then made loud noises and chased the tourists and the interview came to an abrupt stop. no comment from the camel. big news from hollywood. superstars justin timlake and jessica biehl are engaged.
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timberlake popped the question over the holidays. they were on vacation in wyoming. they have been dating on and off for five years. last summer, they broke up, but apparently, they are back on. an ambitious art student takes matters into his own hands. he didn't want to wait decades for a museum to show his art, so he snuck in and hung his art. them museum kept the painting on display -- in its cafe. there you have it, the best of the rest. coming up, your last call. and a quick round before we turn down the lights. and new year with a new end to the debt crisis. find out why, next. [ male announcer ] at scottrade, you won't just find us online, you'll also find us in person, with dedicated support teams at over 500 branches nationwide.
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>> greta: 11:00 is almost here, flash studio lights, it's time for last call. it's good news, bad news for 0123. here is jay leno. >> 2012 supposed to be the world the year ends. yeah. so we couldn't get lucky. have you seen the fashional debt? if the world doesn't end, we are so screwed. >> greta: that is your last call. lights are blinking and we're closing down shop. thank you for joining us tonight. senator john mccain will be here to talk tomorrow night so join us at 10:00 p.m.
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