tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News January 13, 2012 1:00am-2:00am EST
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>> sean: they are relying on beckel. [ laughter ] >> few moderates in the senate. we need more. >> sean: we got to run. great panel. thanks for being with us. grate that is next. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. >> greta: tonight, rush limbaugh is riled up. >> you sound just like him. we have to defend the american way of life here and we have to defend romney and that ticks us off. that is what is bugging people. >> greta: so who is making rush limbaugh so angry. you'll be surprised. you'll hear much more. and one is accusing president obama of shredding the constitution. you'll hear from that u.s. senator and turning on tivo. >> you know tim tebow won again. >> the national nightmare
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continues. >> greta: what is up with that? basketball star charles barkley slamming tim tebow. a former n.f.l. star joe sizeman is here to talk about that. but it's happening again. another showdown between president obama and house republicans. president obama asked congress to raise the debt ceiling again. how much this time? $1.2 trillion. the house announced it will put forth a resolution of disapproval. vote is set for next week and the debt crisis is not ending anytime soon. who wins the presidential election will have to deal with it. what would governor rick perry do if he were president. good evening governor. there is your question, what would you do as president because we got a huge debt and it's not getting any better. >> good to be with you.
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we'll do what we did in texas texas, we cut $15 billion which is 8% of our total budget. this is not rocket science. we need to have men and women in the united states congress and senate that understand you have to reduce spending. reduce spending and do it in proper way. you prioritize what is important. you sure don't cut trillion dollars out of the department of defense budget without thinking about how that is going to impact america. getting this country back to work. cutting the tax burden, regulatory climate. small business men and women understand tha they can risk their capital and have a return on their investment. this administration is the most job killing administration certainly in my lifetime. they are doing it with the regulator climate as much as the tax and spending. >> greta: tell me how you would prioritize it.
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what would be the biggest cut and who is going to suffer the most? >> i don't think you have to talk about suffering. i'll tell you who is going to suffer if we don't make reductions. >> greta: let me reword it. where are you going to impose those cuts. $15 billion if cuts, somebody is going to have some program or something has to be cut. i'm curious what would you cut? >> there are agencies that we talked about that we can cut. real key is grow your way out of this. open up our federal lands and water for exploration of energy and let those dollars goes to paying down the debt. there are trillions of dollars worth of energy that is sitting in america not being used, proven reserves but you have a president driven by left leaning environmental friends that won't create the jobs and wealth. only 9% of the proven reserves
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on our federal lands and waters are being produced at this particular point in time. get the federal government out of the energy business is really important. quick subsidizing oil and gas, quit subsidizing solar and wind and allow the market to decide which one of these energy sectors we're going to use. >> greta: and it assumes the luxury of time. if you think about going back to august, whether to raise the debt ceiling or not there was a deal that the congress came up with that the president could have three installments, we're at the third and last. a super committee was created with the expectation that would do the cost cutting. that didn't happen. in fact now we have automatic cuts that are going to happen january after they have gone through the election cycle because they are running away from the voters.
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i'm not so sure luxury in terms of time to grow to get rid of regulation or lowering the taxes. what are you going to do in the short run? i think that is going to by the us back very soon again? >> you sit down and making across the board cuts. i would suggest, if the issue is what are we going to do, not raising the debt ceiling is not an answer. i will tell you that the republicans in the house and republicans in the senate shouldn't even be thinking about raising the debt ceiling. if the issue we have to make cuts, across the board cuts to prioritize the military side of it. the fact is there are places in military. how many civilian individuals do we have on the d.o.d. employment roster we could do without. so prioritizing and making those
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cuts is one way you can do with it. we have to gree grow our way out of this in the long run. >> greta: in terms of the battle down in south carolina, i heard today the audiotape where laura ingraham was grilling you for giving romney a little bit of hell for bain capital. you have had private equity firms contribute to your campaign as governor of texas. i'm curious, how you reconcile the criticism of governor romney for his bain capital private equity and then you accepting the funds of the largest of private equity people? >> i think it's overblown. what i was talking about governor romney, two companies right here in south carolina where they came in and they made that decision to throw a lot of debt at these companies and then
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strip out the assets and sell the companies and those people lost their jobs. i don't think it's the theory and best way for republicans presidential candidates to be talking about here is the way we're going to operate in the future. i'm a candidate that is actually created jobs working with our legislature and over a million jobs that is an indisputable fact. we have created million jobs while i've been governor where people can risk their capital. the idea that america has been leveraged by this current president that we have. you ask yourself what do you want? do you want someone who is going to throw more debt at it as governor romney did with two businesses in south carolina, photo album business and steel mill in georgetown. do you want someone with a proven track record that has
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created an environment, cut taxes and regulations and put a legal system in place for oversuing and get out of the way and let the private sector grow? i think the latter. my record in texas is what americans are looking for rather than the private equity background that mitt romney has. >> greta: governor, the people running, it's clear that ron paul is a little bit different than the rest of the field. i'm curious. if you were the nominee in recognition of the fact that he has strong passion, lots of followers, but he could create a ross perot situation for the republican party, what would you do to bring him inside the tent so he wouldn't torpedo the republican candidate? >> i think paul has got some good ideas when it comes to the economy, with the federal reserve. most people kind of go off the track where congressman paul and
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foreign policy and some of his statements about the military and iran in particular, whether or not he would defend israel, that is where we have a real problem. economically there are things that congressman paul are talking about that are right on. obviously, i don't think he wants to be outside the tent. he wants to be inside trying to get rid of barack obama. he knows the real target here is getting rid of obama. the man who has put $15 trillion of debt on future generations. let me ask yourself, america, are you better off today? the answer is no. the least bit honest can say the $4 trillion experiment that obama and his administration has put america through is good for this country. ron paul knows that. i think he cares more about this country. he cares more about getting america back on track economically. that is the reason that not only will he stay hitched from the
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standpoint from the republican standpoint but we need him to be in there swinging away and helping us to beat obama in 2012. >> greta: thank you, sir. thank you. >> you're welcome, greta. so long. >> greta: new solyndra news and news may drive you right around the bend. remember the bankrupt solar company got half a billion dollars of tax money and guaranteed loans. tonight, there is more. chief correspondent byron york and i didn't tell the viewers so they would be mad at you. >> this drives people completely nuts. they got $535 million in federal loan guarantees. taxpayer is going to lose a lot of money. now, solyndra, in bankruptcy proceedings, they have asked to pay some of their employees
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bonuses. in that sort of world, between $10,000 and $50,000 each, about half a million dollars in bonuses. solyndra has 84 employees left. they used to have 1100 but taking the company apart, selling it for parts and want to add bonuses so they can retain employees. >> greta: is there any chance the business is least bit viable. you look at the fact that the product was grossly more expensive than you could buy someplace else, why are they trying to salvage the business? >> it's not viable and not working. they go from extraordinarily expensive manufacturing facility. they a lot of things to sell. in a bankruptcy like this, they are basically selling everything to see if they can investors can recover a little of their money.
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>> greta: so if this business is doomed, it's not a restructuring and it's not going to be roaring success, the idea of paying bonuses to the remaining 84 employees, it sounds like a fire sale, put it up on ebay? >> it is kind of a fire sale. they are saying, there has to be somebody around to do the fire sale. if you are a good employee and you are working for solyndra. you have no future for the company so they are worried they will leave. >> greta: where are they going to go? they would be better off staying there. >> they are if they are going to get $50,000 bonus. >> greta: and some of them will leave? >> come on, if you were working for solyndra you would be looking for a job. >> greta: but i don't think a bonus is going to keep me there. >> right. this has been done in other
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backdrops before -- bankruptcies before. but the problem is they got the half billion in federal loan guarantees. taxpayers that are upset about half a billion dollars going down the drain from this green energy company are going to be angry another half million dollars. >> greta: and we could hire ten more people to sell it faster if this is fire sale. maybe the pain would be less over a shorter period of time. whether or not they get the bonuses, bankruptcy court there will be a hearing. this is time for occupy movement to go to delaware to talk about the use of the money. >> it's an interesting thing, occupy movement has not been too concerned about the big finance and large amounts of money. obama administration has but the billions of dollars in loan guarantees for green energy
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companies, some of them struggling and some like solyndra are already dead. if they were more concerned about that perhaps would it be there. >> greta: the lawyers that prepared the documents asking for the bonuses, if i was the lawyer and signing the pleading asking for the bonuses, to have that much of a tin ear, not to pay attention and huge outrage? >> it's up to a judge. they are overseeing the bankruptcy and the judge will tell us whether he will permit them or not. >> greta: you are are thinking the idea is spend another half million to save three or four people to stay, might make more sense to bring more people into disassemble it. >> perhaps do it all on ebay. >> greta: rush is getting fired up. rudy guliani both talking about
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the gop attacks on mitt romney's business record. a stern warning from mayor guliani. >> what the hell are you doing, newt? i expect this saul, this is what he taught barack obama. this is one of the reasons we're in trouble right now. this total, ignorant populist view of the economy that was proven to be incorrect with the soviet union, with chinese communism. i'm going el you my emotional inclination is to support a gingrich or perry or a santorum. i like their version of more consistent long term conservatism but what they are doing to mitt right now is unfair and bad for the
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republican party. >> greta: and then rush limbaugh >> what rudy is really ticked. he doesn't like newt just like the guys in 2008 like newt. how come? mccain didn't like newt. guliani didn't like newt. he has to defend romney, they didn't like romney in 2008. none of them liked romney. what newt and perry are doing, guliani has to defend romney. what are you doing newt? i would rather be supporting you or perry or somebody, santorum, but my god, we have to save capitalism. we have a marxist in the white house and you sound just like him. we have to defend the american way of life here and that means we have to defend romney and that ticks us off.
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that is what bugging people. >> greta: so will governor romney continue to face similar attacks? stay tuned. and tonight, president obama some regd the constitution, senator david vitter why he is so outraged of president obama. new news in the case of natalee holloway. a major development. the latest on natalee holloway coming up plus targeting star tim tebow, he makes nasty statements about tebow. plus, former n.f.l.
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>> greta: accusations, david vitd ter is accusing president obama of shredding the constitution. dan burton is accusing the president acting like a king or dictator. why are the republican lawmakers are so angry. republicans say that january appointments of consumer watchdog and/or officials violate the separation of powers but today the justice department
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says the appointments are legal. what will gop lawmakers do next. senator david vitter joins us next. >> good evening. >> greta: shredding the constitution, that is not beating around the bush. tell me why you are so passionate about this? >> because, recess appointments are supposed to happen during a recess. no other president has done what president obama did last week that fundamentally ignore the rule that has been lived by both democrats and republicans previous to this. in fact 2010 the obama solicitor general argued my point, my thought of this argument before the supreme court earlier the clinton justice department took the same position, harry reid hats taken the same position as me. but yet because of pure political expediency, because
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the constitutional rules weren't in his favor, president obama shredded it and did unconstitutional recess appointments. >> greta: wasn't the whole point of not going to a real recess to make sure he couldn't do make the recess appointments and it's been routine going back to presidents, president reagan did them and president bush did them. so it was like it depends on who turn it is to play around with this little rule? >> that is why we didn't go into a recess. but congress has the clear and sole authority to make its rules and to determine what is a recess. that is directly in the constitution. again this has been acknowledged and agreed upon by everyone before last week including even the obama administration's own assistant solicitor general of 2010. >> greta: so stick around and do the job and vote on his watchdog appointment or not?
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>> the senate and house have been coming in every three days. the other important point.... >> greta: wait. why not just act on it. the game is played, i use the game and i don't mean to be disrespectful. >> we did act on it. in the case of richard cordray, it's not that the senate has been obstruction i-. we have a full debate. president obama said he didn't get the votes to move forward. we had a vote. in the case of other appointments to the national labor relations board, president obama only made those nominations right before christmas and the democratic chairman of the relevant committee hasn't scheduled a hearing for it. so the senate hasn't been dragging its feet. >> greta: so if cordray you did your job and the president
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didn't get enough votes so you waited until you got out of town so he made an appointment and you were trying to make sure he didn't do that so you didn't go into a full recess but a pro forma session. is that how it works out? >> that is exactly correct. the senate and the house alone under the constitution had the prerogatives to make the rules under which they live including when and how we go into recess. >> greta: so what is going to happen from here? where does this go? >> i've been e-mailing with colleagues. i'm going to be talking to them tomorrow. i think there are two big categories we need to consider. one, a legal challenge going to the courts ultimately the u.s. supreme court. i think it's a right case. we've done everything we can legislatively and i think we have excellent case. second thing, i, personally
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things there has to be some consequences in terms of dealing with other nominations. >> greta: i'm curious what the majority leader harry reid has to say about this. has he had any response to this? >> after before this incident, particularly under president bush, after defending the same practices and saying recess appointments could only be made in a real recess, significant recess more than three days, he consistently took that position when he was trying to block president bush's appointments. he completely flipped when barack obama made it. >> greta: so he has changed his mind? >> right. >> greta: senator, nice to see you. thanks for joining us. coming up a former n.b.a. star calls tim tebow a national nightmare. why is the attack on the denver's quarterback. you will hear the stunning statement.
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and joe theisman is here to talk about. laura bush names her pick for president, it's one problem and a big problem. we have that story coming up. [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition? ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye-care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients.
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[ male announcer ] ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. now, that's a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. help protect your eye health. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. when bp made a commitment to the gulf, we knew it would take time, but we were determined to see it through. today, while our work continues, i want to update you on the progress: bp has set aside 20 billion dollars to fund economic and environmental recovery. we're paying for all spill- related clean-up costs. and we've established a 500 million dollar fund so independent scientists can study the gulf's wildlife and environment for ten years. thousands of environmental samples from across the gulf have been analyzed by independent labs under the direction of the us coast guard. i'm glad to report all beaches and waters are open for everyone to enjoy. and the economy is showing progress with many areas on the gulf coast having their best tourism seasons in years.
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quarterback kneeling in prayer after each touchdown. fans have been cheering him like crazy but wait will is the tide turning against him. listen to what charles barkley said on the radio. >> tim tebow won again. >> national nightmare continues. [ laughter ] >> the national nightmare continues. hey, listen, i like tim tebow. he had a great game. >> he is supposed to have a great game. >> they want to see like the world is aligned. you are suppose today play well. >> so you have had enough tebowo? >> i think the world has. this lot of tebow fans out there. but the people we got today because i'm not a big tebow guy
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and they are killing me, charles. >> first, listen, i don't know anything you said about tebow, let's say the jury is still out on tebow. >> totally. >> he seems like a nice kid but these ups and downs are so like different. like the jury is still out on tebow. because he had a great game and four or five great throws, that doesn't mean he will be a great starting quarterback in the n.f.l.. >> greta: is he right or is he petty. joe theisman joins us. you heard. he says it's a national nightmare? >> i don't think it's a nightmare. it's an opportunity to enjoy an experience. the things that tim has done is unconventional manner. he doesn't look like drew brees or aaron rodgers but he throws
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it in such dramatic ways, i guarantee you the biggest game will be new england and denver. giants and probably be the one that people will look at the most. charles loves to say things and charles loves to come up with stuff. i think he is funny and think all those things about him. i don't think he is a nightmare. it's refreshing in professional football to see somebody that is doing things the right way to things that have gone on before, drug accusations and some of the things that have been black eyes. why not enjoy it? let them have the moment. i would say, let's enjoy it. >> greta: i have to think, he is playing football. he is entertaining. we love it. we love to watch him to do well. he a phenomenal game last week.
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cameras are on him all times. fans have created this thing about him. >> we have and the media, especially today. we know what the media is like today. everybody is socializing through the media. i think the thing with him, it's the dramatic fashion with which he has won the football games. each week we don't know what is going to happen. mike mccoy, offensive coordinator creates ways to get him involved. when you are zod take the last shot and you keep making it and making it and making it, you become bigger than life. that is what tim does. >> greta: he has done enormous amounts for that franchise. he has lot people watching? >> he has the world watching. as far as kneeling done, there are many people that have given thanks. guys have knelt down a long
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time. but he has done things in a way that we have never seen in football. by nature we don't know. we want the old time football but you are not getting that. >> greta: and from baltimore, baltimore colts johnny unitas, 49 straight games with touchdown it probably will be tied by drew brees of new orleans saints. he is a great player. very nice guy. to the baltimore colts fans, it's a different game. we can't take away from johnny unitas? >> you can't rewrite the record books, 16 games versus 12 or 14. to me. >> greta: they had more time to throw. >> you can't hit the quarterback as much you throw the ball more. you are in the shotgun all the time. there are so many different
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things. but those records are still in the books, it's like the constitution of the united states. there are things in the constitution, they didn't anticipate the internet when they wrote that. some of the rules that are out there. that is way you have to look at football. >> greta: is it fair to say, johnny unitas? >> and there have a lot more before that. just having a chance to play the football league was dream come true. i get a kick watching what tim tebow is doing. its let's applaud it. when michael jordan was winning dhiarns, we wanted to see somebody else win it. i don't know how long it's going to last. i don't know how long the ride is going to last. >> greta: i think it's fun to watch, two years in the league. >> sometimes it's like an ugly duckling. he'll throw a pass you don't know whether it's going to row three or row one or another zip
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code. and then another great pass. >> greta: the pass last week was a stunner. >> all three of them. it's the dramatic fashion with which he is doing it. every time the stage is set, everybody is out there, he is not going to get that. i don't think they will beat the new england patriots. i don't think broncos will beat them but i guarantee it's going to be probably a lot closer than people think. >> packers are giants, who do you think is going to win? >> i know your affiliation, i pick the green bay packers and ravens to be in the superbowl. >> greta: that may harm my marriage. >> that is my story and i am sticking to it. >> greta: coming up. calling president obama campaign they are chief and they are
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asking is he fund-raising or governing. big development in the disappearance of natalee holloway. latest on the case coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ one too many... [ male nouncer ] it time to reclaim your garage. the all-new passat. the 2012 motor trend car of the year. ♪ seek your way and go ♪ what started as a whisper every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing.
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or shrimp and scaops alfredo. all four courses, just $15. [ jody ] it's really good value. all my guests love it. i'm jody gonzalez, red lobster general manager. and i sea food differently. i'm maryanne rafferty. they are reporting the north korea has tested missiles in the eastern waters yesterday. this comes as at nation tries to consolidated kim jong un's consolidation of power. >> they are recommending a general court-martial. bradley manning is facing 22 counts for allegedly giving secret documents to wikileaks. officer's recommendation goes up the chain of command for a final decision. >> and a dramatic rescue thursday night in the east river. they saved a young man from the
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frigid water after home made incarcerate deflated. he is being treated for hypothermia. now back to "on the record." >> greta: how much money do you think the democratic party raised during the last quarter of 2011? if you guessed $40 million. try $68 million. yet the white house insists the president is really not campaigning, at least not yet. so exactly how did he raise that money? by the way, republicans are blasting president obama to spend more time campaigning than governing. good evening, sir. i don't have any doubts he is spending too much time campaigning. you called him the comparison in chief. did campaigner in chief. why shouldn't he be campaigning? >> i think it's obvious, people expect presidents to campaign but he spends almost all of his
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time campaigning. he has hit 74 fund-raisers so far since the beginning of the year. that was unprecedented amount of fund-raising is taking place here with this president. >> greta: it's funny. the republicans so want him out of office, they would be glad he is out campaigning and not here in washington doing something they might not find appealing in terms of some sort of policy. >> he is doing a lot of campaigning, so are the democrats. i'm sorry about this earpiece keeps coming out. i'll tell you one the of the things we're proud of republican national committee, we have out-raised the democratic committee during the last quarter of 2011 cycle. we're doing pretty well ourselves. it tells us we are doing well on registrations, doing well in turnout in primaries but een though we have a president that spends all of his time, himself,
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first lady and joe biden raising money. that is what they do best. that is the one nung he can do. he certainly isn't good in following through on promises. >> greta: it seems that money isn't that far off in 2011, candidates raised $194 million and out stand by obama and his reelection campaign by about $30 million. they raised $224 million. i'm curious, how much do you think this race is going to cost both parties? when you start counting up the money, how much will we spend? >> my guess national parties will be in for 400 to $500 million and then the candidates themselves will be equal amount of money. you are probably talking about billion on one side and $800 million on the other. it's hard to tell how it's to shake out. we have more cash on hand that
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the republican national committee, more cash in the bank than the democratic national committee. that is saying a lot. so i think we've got a lot to be proud of but we have a lot to work for. obviously this is not an election that our number one concern is the future of the republican party. our concern is the future of this country and how this president is squandering the very idea of america. >> greta: with super packs, we saw the super packs which are independent of the candidates but they have an influence. what is your thought about this in general. >> my thought mccain feingold and those laws that limit free speech don't accomplish the goal. they haven't accomplished anything. the only thing they accomplished allowing other groups to raise money outside of the party committees and outside the candidates. there is not fewer dollars in politics. there is more money in politics even though legislators seem to
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think the way to reform our political activity around the country is to pass the laws to limit contributions. we know that doesn't work. at the end of the day, money is going to be involved in politics. people have a right under the first amendment to be involved in politics. i think they should. my overall view is that super packs, 527s, party committee candidates, it's fair game, but i think it's illustrative of the fact that you can't try to limit the first amendment by passing these laws because it's not going stop money from getting into politics. >> greta: trick question, we've got five seconds. packers or giants? >> of course, green bay packers, no problem. >> greta: sha because you are from wisconsin. i knew that already. >> now more on natalee holloway. more than six years after she
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vanished an aruba judge declared her legally dead. teen's parents attending hearing. they asked for the declaration back in september. it frees the parents to give her college fund to her brother. dave holloway is able to stop payments on the health insurance. dave holloway's lawyer says there is no evidence that natalie is alive. as you recall, her she was last seen in may, leaving anaruban bar with joran van der sloot. he pleaded guilty to murdering another woman in peru. >> laura bush wants to add a name to the gop ballot. find out who she wants in the white house. and the world's famous mother gets a new gig.
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first pick for president is not running. she said in florida that she wanted her brother-in-law jeb bush to run. but mrs. bush isn't the only one that wanted jeb bush to run. george bush 43 wanted his kid brother to run this year. mrs. bush said his work would make him good president. is he going to run? jeb bush said he will not run but not ruled out 2016. >> turning into cupcake gate. an after cupcake was confiscated but the tsa is particular sticking by the story. the woman was carrying cupcake in the jar. icing was considered a jell. to foe soe they took it away. woman said the icing was not that thick and it turned out to be harmless. so t did the tsa go too far.
1:54 am
go to greta and tell us, whose side are you on this on. tsa or the cupcake. >> and kate gosselin landed a new role. she will be hitting the high seas. she will host a royal caribbean cruise. you can join us and tickets range in cost from $2-5,000 through sale in august. >> and grandmother is football champion. 87-year-old woman won her fantasy football league. she has been known as a big sports fan and he has a big trophy. she out played all other opponents, so granny really knows her stuff. there you have it. >> coming up. a presidential candidate gets advice from an unlikely source but he may have to transfer it first. you'll see what we mean. do not ♪ [ driver ] what do i want?
1:55 am
♪ i want horsepower. cleaner horsepower. i want power that dominates the road. and fuel efficiency that respects the earth. gimme 43 miles per gallon. and the rush of 200 horsepower. what i want is the best of both worlds. [ male announcer ] introducing the reinvented 2012 camry hybrid. from toyota. ♪
1:57 am
now there's no need to hold back. ♪ new revolutionary scope with dualblast technology obliterates strong food odors and kills bad breath germs leaving your breath minty fresh. hey. sorry i'm late, baby. i bet you're starving. [ male announcer ] so there's no trace of evidence... hey, i thought i did the dishes. [ male announcer ] blast away strong food odors and bad breath germs with new scope dualblast. also, try crest complete extra white with scope dualblast.
1:59 am
>> greta: 11:00 is almost here, flash studio lights it's time for last call. governor jon hubtsman didn't win new hampshire but he is not giving up. now, jon stewart is giving him some advice. >> you're a smart man. couldn't believe people didn't like. but they don't. you have a great life. beautiful family. but it's time to put the confetti into storage. do you know what? let me put this in terms you can understand. [ speaking chinese ]. >> ouch. this is rough. and lights are blinking and we're closing down shop. thank yo
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