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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  January 27, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EST

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>> kimberly: iell you. the ladies liked him. that's it for us on "the five." thanks for watching. we'll see you here tomorrow. welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld, or as i am known in japan, super hot fungi explode. tv's andy levy is off tonight. filling in is former cia operative mike baker who is now president of diligence. diligence, the maker of diligence chess boards and pulleys. for all of your chest board and pulley needs, think diligence. diligence, once you find out what we do, you are already dead. so, mike, what is coming up on tonight's show? >> that's very true, actually. thanks, greg. tonight's show is absolutely chalk full of fun. and still maintaining elite intellectualism. that is not an easy balancing
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act. coming up, if elected he will pull it out and send us all to the moon. meanwhile, the administration is outlining the budget cuts for the defense department. we will ask the panel if america can properly defend itself with a military that consists of nothing but drones and a guy named mitch. if you are a lying, cheating, two-timing, no good [bleep] we have you covered. >> from ed? >> no, it is a favorite of the 1%, greg. it is woven from the fine hairs on the back of the american worker. >> nothing but the best. >> thank you very much. >> let's welcome our guests. boy, is he annoying. >> he turns every tub into a hot tub. i am here with fox business network anchor, lori rothman. and fox knew contributor steven crouder.
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and bill schulz. and if he was a rug i would bang him with a broom, shaw -- sharod small. >> black history month is coming. >> and you are getting a start. >> good to see you, pinch. >> in the sign section, teens describe how viruses evolve and affect cells in little more than two weeks. speaking of viruses, sherod small can no longer take me into the men's room with him. i am now a petri dish of disease. black and white history month right now. >> will voters swoon over his plan for the moon? on wednesday, an actual day of the week, newt gingrich told a crowd in florida that he wants to colonize the second banana as it is known among the nasa insiders. and it makes me wonder if by the end of newt's second term will we have the first permanent base on the moon.
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>> by the end of my second term, we will have the first permanent base on the moon. i will as president put a marker down. we want to think boldly about the future. >> i am excited. were his remarks over the top or somewhere in the middle of the top or is newt being attacked for being grandiose? >> i was attacked the other night for being grandiose. i just want you to know. the wright brothers going down to kitty hawk was grandiose. john f kennedy saying he would get to the moon in eight years is grandiose. i accept the fact that i am an american. i am grandiose. >> ahead of the primary
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showing gingrich and romney neck and neck. but that was before move on .org and justin long dropped this bomb on the gop race. the scathing attack on the midster. the mitt-ster. >> they are a private equity official. the way it works is we buy up struggling companies we stream line them. we make them better, smarter, more efficient. mostly by firing people. >> hi there, friends. >> tom, how are you doing? >> great. >> i want to congratulate you on all of the terrific work you have been doing for us here. >> thanks. i have really been trying this quarter. >> that's great. you're fired. >> excellent use of your time, justin. still must be getting over drew barry more. >> you went there. >> i did. sharod, have you been in politics for most of your life, a lot of campaigns. your man is definitely newt.
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>> i love newt. he is funny and hilarious and interesting. i happen to know that justin long is a ron paul guy. if you go on-line right now and google on tmz .com ron paul and justin long you will see me and john mayor in a clip with him and we are discussing ron paul. that was four years ago. >> thank you for the name dropping. >> and one more thing, sammy davis, junior. >> thank you. >> mr. crouder, good to see you. obama canceled the program. should he be impeached? >> when it comes to the moon, i don't care. you do it once and you cross it off your list. you are running against the wealthiest presidential candidate ever. we are going back to the moon angle? >> it is 60s. they will be distracked it. we don't know if they will follow-up on this idea. >> he has a lot of grandiose
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ideas. the great thing about the grandiose ideases is no one remembers them. you say them and you move on. >> the best thing he said was the end of the second term. >> i stopped right there in the beginning of the statement. he is a little presumptuous. he has a long way to go -- >> grandiose, not presumptuous. >> he didn't make it four years before resigning in disgrace. he is very optimistic. >> and americans don't care about a permanent base on a moon. we only care if it will have an applebys. >> i am more of a chili's kind of a guy. the moon is a baron and lonely lonely -- a barren and lonely place. so you would be behind newt. >> how dare you for suggesting such a thing? the only thing grandiose he and jfk share is a sex drive. i would also add that this is like a republican thing.
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remember when bush was talking in that speech about how we were going to mars. everyone was like what the f? they clapped and did that for him. republicans are as obsessed with the space race as the democrats are with high speed rail. and both are equally weird. >> we are coming up on the florida primary. the space coast, the economic hit with the whole lunar landing thing. >> it kind of makes sense with the political strategy to campaign and to -- >> maybe it was the big bang theory. >> it was about leonard shell done. >> that was an interesting angle. >> steven, i want to ask you, this morning you saw all of these attacks on newt. we were watching a little of the day bait. unfortunately we taped during the debate. we saw mitt coming on strong against newt. and yet bob dole was trashing newt. is the tide turning against --
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he had a very strong comment about newt today. is this going to help him with the american people when he sees traditional republicans coming out against him. >> you mean going to the moon? that's what he needs to clinch the deal. >> the fact that everybody is turning on newt. >> i do think so. everybody says why is santorum still in? newt is one grandiose away from making him not the -- if newt screws up, and he likely will, it is santo ru m. >> do we know what nancy pelosi had on newt? >> no, they backed off. i think they had a thing back in the day. you and i lived together for four years. >> tmi, fell laws. >> let's go to this justin long skit. do skits like that help or hurt any cause? >> i don't think it is going to hurt anyone. even though it wasn't funny it was lame. never really liked mitt romney.
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>> he looked like a skinny ronald reagan. >> every now and then i go through a phase and get concerned wondering what we would do without the political advice. >> this is a guy who is also a spokesman from apple, the most successful company in the world. >> because of venture capital and private equity. >> and because steve jobs fired people. >> a lot of people. he got rid of so many jobs it is ridiculous. steve jobs -- oh, i see. remember when we had magazines and newspapers? thanks, steve jobs forgetting rid of jobs. >> how do you fire justin long? >> i don't care. i didn't even know who he was until today. just kidding. love you, justin. from deep space to deep cuts, he talked them up and then scaled them down. in his state of the union address they announced cut backs to reduce the debt. here is what he said on tuesday. >> achievements are a test meant to the courage,
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self-lessness and teamwork of america's armed forces. at a time when too many of our institutions have let us down, they exceed all expectations. >> yet on thursday the defense secretary leon paw net tau laid out plans to shrink the armed forces services. and the marine's 20,000. that's like five million. perhaps drones will replace the booths. it calls for a 30% increase in the unmanned aircraft. the defense cuts are designed to save about $260 billion over the next five years. which amounts to plucking one hair out of alec baldwin's naked, hairy back. and republican law i can makers replied with kudos with the chairman saying, quote, i hope this is short. these cuds -- cuts reflect president obama's reaction that has been weakened. i don't understand what kudos means.
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you are probably wondering how is kitten agility training coming along? >> it is amazing. don't cut that program. in 20 years that cut is going to be a hard core killer. cutting $250 billion -- >> it is a drop in the bucket. the hair on alec baldwin's back. i don't know anything about how the defense department works in terms of how many drones you need and how many troops you need on the ground to keep our national security secure. >> the only reason we had you on. >> well, i can talk about the debt and deficit. again, it is a drop in the bucket. if you want to make a difference you have to hit medicare and that's what it is going to take. >> the scary thing is, it is like the only thing in the government that works.
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it is the best part of government. i will say i am kind of a hipocrite. but i don't care how big the military is. they achieve. >> we don't fear ourilitary, so we don't care how big it is. but who knows when we might. i am scared of a small military. i want as many soldiers as possible. >> i want soldiers not working. that's scary. >> spraying people with guns. >> or maybe it is soldiers not dying. we are talking about a smarter military. >> we can't get the veterans who have already served jobs, and so to decrease the troop size even further i think would be more detrimental. >> i agree, but i disagree. i don't think you need the military to keep people employed. >> every war has been so great for this country in terms of -- >> you don't want to have a war -- >> the defense spending. these are the biggest stocks on wall street. >> i know what you mean, but i
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don't think that would justify a war. you shouldn't go to war -- >> i am not justifying a war. i am justifying a law. >> if you have a missal you want to shoot it, don't you? >> we are talking about war. yes, steven? >> we don't need to worry about it because we have canada to protect us. i don't think it is hipocritical. you have to look at the role of government. let's be honest. if wooy are efficient and it doesn't affect our defendants, i am fine with it. but when you are talking about an administration who doesn't want to cutoff the huge i will legitimate frivolous government like the department of education or the welfare we are supporting. you can take a scalpel to the one role that fits under the per view of the federal government. that's what starts to be absurd. >> breathe, son. breathe. you have to breathe a little. you are going to kill yourself. >> we have like one guy in a tug boat with a shotgun in canada. >> don't rag on canada. >> it is okay. i am one of them. >> billy, we are seeing more drones and less boots. are you a drone with no shoes
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so this doesn't make sense to you. >> nothing makes sense. i own ho shoes. i own no shoes. what we are talking about is stream lining. i know it is a drop in the bucket, but we have to start somewhere. >> it is very political. the republicans have to do this to apiece the democrats. the whole we ran up the debt ceiling against the summer and we almost have a government shutdown a little later in the summertime, it is paw politicizing and nobody can get anything done. >> why not start with the military? >> that's because you are dealing with the liberal democrats. >> give every poor person a drone. >> i would like to know where they are, sherod. >> but if you give a poor person -- they are just going to sell it. >> but that's capitalism. >> how big is a drone? can i put it in my garage? >> they are actually not that large. i always think of them like that plane in the navy that fly around. i guess the thing that bugs me
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the most about it is he was so infew sigh of his praise of the troops and then you cut like -- >> we knew it was coming. >> who is we? >> inside the belt way? >> no, this is all part of the whole big deficit and negotiation issue to get the debt ceiling and then to keep the government funded, the whole nightmare. it makes me nauseous. >> i am against whatever we just talked about. from artillery to infidelity. she added him on a blog after he acted like a dog. former court tv analyst is an accomplished dude on paper, but if you google him, what comes up is his profile and a site on men who cheat on women. that's because they trashed him on-line with one writing, quote, matthew lead me to believe we were going to get married. i was shocked when he called on the telephone. it was on the telephone on
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october 3rd, 2010 to talk about our relationship. and i was more shocked to learn that in 12 days he married another woman. now the cat in question is suing bots of them. arguing that the posts have ruined his life and preventing him from buying his dream home. the women have an ace in the hole or something like that. >> those women have hired the bodyguard of the broken hearted celebrity attorney gloria allred, all seen at a press conference shot by tmz. >> it seems ironic that men can lie and cheat and then look to the courts for legal protection. >> she is everywhere like the flu. for analysis we go to cupid. what do you have for us, god of love?
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what is he hitting? >> he is efficient. that whole video takes on a different meaning if there is something over there that we don't know. >> it would be more impressive if it has a bull's eye. >> crouder what would be the first thing we would get if we google you? >> first thing you do is google steven crouder gay felony and i thought i would put some distance. it is not like this guy didn't want to commit. he didn't want to marry you. i didn't see anything in the article that said he was cheating, just that he married somebody else. i am not a lawyer, but as far as i'm concerned if it is not untrue, then he is in the clear. >> get over it, chicks. he changed his mind and married somebody different. it is in a hundred r&b songs. get used to it. >> that is true. >> google that stuff. >> here is a problem though, lori, if they are not getting
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over it, is there a lawsuit -- >> i hate these questions. technically it is first amendment, free speech, you can say and do -- are they reporting lies about this guy? and to your . he decided to marry somebody else. what is the timing? i don't know. >> basically the internet for you has been nothing but complaints. it is by people who know you. and you learned to live with it. is that what you would tell this young man? >> we don't know what his age is. please don't assume when we do these stories. and secondly, if this is actually about whether or not what we can and cannot put on the internet the person is going to be paying close attention is rick san for rum. they want to know what it is going to be. >> that's a good . santorum couldn't do anything about that, and they literally turned his last name into something obscene. he has to deal with it. >> by the way, in the process, smashing all negative tbai
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stair row types. so -- meeting tiff gay stair row types. so mission accomplished. >> and google is opening it up. they are combining you all of the properties so everything you search for and watch on you tube they will profile and you sell it to advertisers. >> and do you get money for it? if they sell our stats? >> they are looking to money ties it. google is struggling under the competitive pressure of apple and face book right now. so what they are doing creating a profile for you so they can give advertisers a better idea of what your interests are and who you are. >> have i a lot of porn stuff coming my way. >> they don't make what -- >> hash tag, wrap it up. coming up, can all races get along? sherod small says no. stop stairing at me. is this outfit too skimpy? we will pick up the story where nobody else left off.
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great movie. they won't let her in for showing too much skin. yep, a british woman, is there any other kind, has been banned from all three clubs in her hometown which i cannot pronounce because of scandalous outfits like this one seen here. on new year's eve they left the dance hall in tears. they soon learned they were outlawed in the other two discos in england. i'm not sure if this is real. thanks to the bouncer's reaction to their, well, bounciness. explains the 28-year-old mother of four -- >> she looks great. for four? >> and she's single. quote, when asking the bouncers why me and my sisters were not let in they said you are too old to wear that get up. i couldn't believe it. i split from my partner and got a boob job and went to the
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gym and i want to flaunt what i've got. i feel the same way, sister. the owner says it is a private premises and we reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone. let's go live to another customer who claims he was denied entry because of his weight problem. >> compelling points there. hash tag, adorable. >> i think he has a thyroid condition. >> why . that out, steven? what kind of person are you? >> you dress sexy and you are almost 50. is there an age you shouldn't dress like a tart anymore? and i am referring to you. >> it never ceases to amaze me the terrible decisions that women make, and then they wonder why their life sucks. i am guessing there is no husband. four kids at home and she is out clubbing -- or at least a husband who doesn't respect himself if he lets her go to
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the fishing spot. the sperm donor who fathered this child is not in the picture because she likely met him at one of these clubs where she revealed her cleavage and she wonders why she is living a clapy life. at some . you have to say they don't want to see somebody with cleavage resting on their hip. >> i think she looks like she is having a great time. >> i think she is fine. i think she was visiting the fox wardrobe department. >> she looks tacky. >> isn't it taste? >> what year is it over there that you have that outfit on? >> it is the future. >> she is dressed like one of gem and the holograms. >> she looks like space 1999. >> yeah, a space case. >> the thing is, bill, this is how all british women and girls dress when they go out clubbing. fake boobs, tan and eyelashes. it is a weird era to be a woman. >> it is. and maybe i am getting sensitive, but i felt bad for this chick. it was new year's eve. you are allowed to go out on new year's eve. she has four kids, no
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husband. she is just looking to blow a little steam, and this guy was a jerk. >> they were a jerk to her. >> they had to go back and forth until she was crying? here is the worst part, the name of the place that banned her was named tramps. she was too provocatively dressed for a place called tramps. >> we are tramps, but we don't like [bleep]. >> she is 28. >> that is 20 great. >> what is age? >> they are saying she is too old at 28 to wear that? isn't 28 young? maybe i'm just really old. >> no, it is the context in england, girls dress like that when they are 15. that's why they are saying it. >> she looked like she was older than 28. she looked older. >> don't rag on england. >> a 28-year-old english woman is going to be haggard with
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the awful feet. >> they just like to smoke. >> haggard. we have to take a break. i love england. i love the people. i love the food. do you have a comment on the show? e mail us. i like the water there too. to leave a voice mail, call 212-462, 5050. and there is a red phone booth like this big. still to come, the half time reason from mike baker. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by tourists, those people who travel for pleasure usually site seeing and staying in hotels. thanks, tourists.
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welcome back. let's find out if we have got anything wrong so far. for that we go to mike baker pre pre -- pretending to read the paper. there is a new one. >>- q. i that never gets old. >> you couldn't care less to watch the show. very clever. >> people out there, it is hee-haw jie. they eat it up. >>- q. i they do. happy black history month almost. i was glad sherrod pointed that out. let's go straight to the half time report card. i know that's what people are standing by for. sherrod is in the lead. at half time he has an a minus. actually everybody is doing well. even bill is shooting above his average. he has a c here. if you go to the median, i couldn't actually figure out how to calculate the median.
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we go to the gpa for the season and we have sherrod in the lead. congratulations to you. >> given sherrod's grade and employing the logics of the grade, how do you think he will do tomorrow? >> the bell curve will be skewed by his performance tomorrow. >> so it will do terribly? >> no, you seem to be misunderstanding how the mean is calculated. >> the mean generally means you return to your normal performance. >> well, no, the mean you split the difference between the cosine and the algorithm and you end up with a mean give or take a margin of error. >> boom! >> as far as the values, you can see the wanker number is showing significant progress which is important. and then you go through the rest of it and the gap values are looking good. we have had a lot of questions
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as the new year started, particularly from the execs. i think we can report that the first quarter will be stellar. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. the important thing, let me just highlight this for you. what you want to do because you want to pay attention to the wanker spread. that's the shaded area in here. that really indicates the difference between the understanding of the panel and the stated understanding of the audience. our gap seems to be growing. when you look at actually the voters who understand private equity, the markets or the taxes, we realize that nobody really understands any of those things. so criticizing somebody in today's economy is pretty -- >> and then finally, this was interesting. we got the red eye tax rate. so if we look at news corporation, they paid a 35% corporate tax and then 15% on
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top of that giving them quite a spread. and then he paid a weighted average of 17% and paid 29% which is in line with what you expect from his income. and bill apparently showing no actual earned income other than drug sales, and so he had minimal taxes. let's go to our stories, shall we? thank you very much. you came back. story number one as we call it, the space race. newt gingrich has been talking about what he will do should he become president. the first space race was between america and whom, sherrod? >> russia. the only other country who has a space program before 1970? >> that's right. and the only other country besides russia and america to send somebody into space? >> canada. that's a good one. no, it is china. and lori for 5 points, do you
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know what the northwest ordinance that newt referred to? >> nope. >> oddly enough there is a regulation written into our nasa rules, and it says that there will be an appleby in the next space -- sherrod, well done. steven, you said when it comes to the moon, you don't care. is that because you are canadian? >> i'm pretty sure this it was canada that went to the moon. not china. >> i am having the team do some research. i believe it was the third country that was sent into space. >> canada, the authority pole is the moon for caw they'd yens. >> that was well said. >> it was funny on the way out. >> bill? >> yes. >> you said the republicans are obsessed with the space race? >> more science fiction than the actual space race, baker. >> what else are the republicans obsessed with in your mind? >> two dudes having sex.
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>> which two? >> it will ruin the neighborhood. >> and steven, finally, what do you think that nancy does know about newt? >> he probably won't be president. >> she has -- she has the scoop. finally, sherrod, would you like to -- and when i say finally i mean before i move to something else. sherrod, do you want to rework that whole steve jobs jobs bit you -- >> well, steve jobs, a man with the last name jobs caused more people their jobs than anything. he eliminated the newspapers and you can get everything on your phone now. that's how he took away jobs. >> oh, i get it. i would keep that in the act then. >> not my crowd. >> moving on to the defense story greg, kudos actually means positive praise. >> well, i should have looked that up beforehand.
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>> you don't have much time. >> remember the record stores? where is that? steve jobs took those jobs. you can only get your music on one thing now. he took jobs. >> you are no not letting this go. >> remember sam gody? goody? sam has to eat. >> i think in the minute and a half we have left you can turn this into a winner. >> the interesting thing is we would have had more than a minute and a half if we didn't listen to five minutes of charts. >> you asked the viewers what they want. i ask and that's what they say. >> which viewers? >> my mom. sherrod, you said if you have a missal you want to shoot it. >> only one reason to buy a missal and gun and it is to shoot it. if they say it is for protection that is hype. you buy the gun to shoot it. that's the only reason. >> are you speaking to a lot of guys and they are nodding
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their heads. >> i guess the whole destruction thing was a myth? >> pretty much, yes it was. lori, every war has been so great for our country. >> i didn't mean for it to come out like this. world war i, world war ii and -- now i am probably making more mistakes, but all of the spending that went into the economy to support the war effort. obviously afghanistan and iraq were debatable and didn't have as much of an impact on gdp. >> i think both of those are going well. >> finally on the same line, you said how big is a drone, and greg you answered immediately by saying well, they are actually not that large. i was wondering if you would care to elaborate? >> me? >> yes, you jumped right in there. >> they are surprisingly
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small. >> they can be. the size of the drone has no impact whatsoever on their capabilities. some are armed and some are not. some are the size of pizza pans and some are the size of a football field. >> some of the drones do half time reports. >> that's not fair. >> listen, i'm done. i think we covered everything except most of the stories. >> pretty impressive. that's a new record. you covered one and a half stories out of four. >> i know. >> what is that as a batting average, .270? >> i am here to make andy look good. see you on the back end. coming up, robert hedges is dead -- seriously epstein from "welcome back carter" passed away. rest in peace, epstein. should you eat mcnuggets every day?
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that's a story we will be covering in the next segment. if there is ever a reason not to go to bed, that would be it.
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can you eat nothing but breaded chicken and not be stricken? sadly no. boy, this is a british show. this british teen was rushed to hospital and it may have something to do with eating only chicken mcnuggets for 15 years. what a dumb -- >> stacy was hooked since her mom took her since age two. they found swollen veins in her tongue, but despite warnings she can't resist the fast-food. says her mother, quote, it breaks my heart to see her eating those damn nuggets. you are her mom. wonder if it is the mom from the other story. we must discuss this in the -- >> lightning rooooouuuuunnd.
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lightning round. >> lori, how much do you blame the mom for this, or is this the kids' fault. >> my kids are addicted to nuggets too, but they are little so i have time to prevent that disaster. you blame the parents at first, but now she is an adults. everything in moderation. everybody has their vices. >> but why do kids like nuggets? tell me. >> they are easy to eat. they are bite sized. you can dip them in things. >> clearly this is not your area of expertise. >> they like them because they are dumb. >> they can't read what is in them. they don't realize if you eat a lot you will die. >> it is the texture too. >> it is mostly because they are dumb and stew i -- stupid. >> i am assuming the story is real, but i don't think it is real. they are usually made up.
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let's assume this is real. the real side to this story is that she has never had a fruit and vegetable and in a weird way that is an achievement? >> it is caw mendable to go your whole life and not eat one plum. how do you go from -- how do you go from two creers old? that whole age up to 18 your parents are like, no you are not eating nuggets, you are eating the ham sandwich. i don't know what is healthy. >> you couldn't even have stretched over to like a -- >> spaghetti. >> it could not come out of your mouth. >> it wasn't in that immediate part of the brain. >> salads. there you go. >> five and three, getting them to eat anything healthy, forget it. >> but it is a time you can win. >> force feed them while they are shaking on the floor. >> isn't this story a good ad for manage donalds or
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nuggets. >> and this girl just wants to be american so badly. after "super size me" there is 100% conclusive evidence that if you eat nothing but mcdonalds you will be fine. >> it doesn't scare you that she has a way better diet? >> but i mix it up. i have different bags of chips. i would say this is an undisclosed eating disorder. billy bob thorton was so into carrots, his skin turned orange. there is a weird disease we have yet to label. >> like anorexia? >> yes. >> billy bob thorton is afraid of antiques. >> yes, he has issues. i would like to add, oddly attractive. >> i was at a magazine where a guy ate bear tau corotin expe he turned orange. i eat salt and pepper pork chops four times a week.
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is that weird? my favorite meal. >> you must have pleasant [bleep]. is there any other reason to eat them? >> and i eat salt and pepper pork chops and ribs four times a week from the same chinese place. they know me so well. >> you need to mix it up. when they hear my voice they don't go -- yes. i go hi and they say 20 minutes. >> as does your plumber. >> i happen to be very, very, very healthy. aside from the smoking and the occasional bottle of wine in my closet i am healthy i think. >> how did you lose all of that weight, greg? >> cleansing. an over active tapeworm. time to take a break. more stuff coming up.
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welcome back to "red eye." in a recent interview, the wheel of fortune host, pat say jack revealed that he and van gnaw white often got drunk while taping old episodes. we were going to start this
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whole show with this. he said during a break they went to a mexican restaurant for margaritas and had two or three or six and then go home. and he would have trouble recognizing the alphabet. "have i no idea if the show were any good." the funny thing is, neither did we. sherrod, doesn't this prove that jobs -- what am i saying? it is awesome to be a game show host because you can do it drunk. >> "the price is right" did it all the time. pat sajack did it when they didn't give away cash prizes. they gave the trinkets. it is like, you have to get drunk doing that. they had two-hour breaks between shows. >> what do you do? there is nothing to study up for on wheel of fortune. >> it is not brain surgery. >> you already know th alphabet. it is like local news, you do
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the 6 :00 and the 11 :00. >> steven, are you wasted right now and you hold it together okay. is that proof you can do any show. >> the thing about cutting military spending is that it is not functioning as a unit. i don't get my juice and i am not used to the combination. >> bill, you were not impressed by this because he is describing a typical day in your life. >> m why surprised -- i disagree. he did this in 1983. that's when things are great and you are the host of a game show and you have vannah white. you do it now because you are the host of the sand game show. what the hell happened to micah rear. that's when you get drunk. >> i think the show is still on. >> don't pretend you don't watch, lori. >> busted.
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>> do you blame him? >> i think it is fantastic. what a practical use of time. he actually has a sensor humor about the -- >> he is an american hero. >> the problem is they won't let him into the club. you want to get her liquor up, right? >> did they ever have a little thing? >> everybody had one. we will close things out with a post game wrap up from mike baker. and to see clips from recent shows go to fox newt .com/red eye. whrap
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well, i will see you back here at 5 :00 p.m. eastern time on "the five" and i am also going to be on" the
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o'reilly factor" at 8 :00 p.m. coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye" return appearances appearances from" vice" magazine money gnaw han and lauren -- >> simoneti. she is awesome. >> i know. and pete dominic. >> time to go back to mike baker for the post game wrap up. >> hash tag, thank you. sherrod, tell us about your new show on the fuse network. >> excellent question, mike fnlt i have a new show on the fuse network. it is coming on in march and called video by trial. ing it -- it is a good show. >> what is it about? >> i criticize them. i am hard on nicky monage and lady gaga. >> when does it start? >> march. >> where can viewers find you. >> 1 :00 p.m. eastern, but closing the bell tomorrow. hope you will check it out.
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what time is the closing bell 4 :00 eastern. >> steven, what did you do? dash. >> i grew up with a pair of friends setting out on our own path. we bought a pair of pants and traveled the world and realized the pants kept us together. >> did it have a happy ending? >> did. it did. it was centered around the pants. >> did you end up with the pabts or somebody else? >> bill has the pants right now. >> bill, where can we see you? i would like to see 525lex which is on lexington. i won and got free trings during happy hour. >> check it out, america. i never won that before. >> are you finished, bill 1234* that wraps it up. >> a great prize for bill, free drinks. >> it


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