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tv   America Live  FOX News  January 27, 2012 1:00pm-3:00pm EST

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the ice, he says i'm going to make it. good results. jon: we'll get you some treatment. thank you for joining us today. jenna: "america live" starts right now. megyn: fox news alert on the president's new labor relations chief and his plans to give unions some big new power. welcome to "america live," everyone on a friday. i'm megyn kelly. big new developments with organized labor today sure to throw more gas on the controversy over the president's latest political nomination. brand-new national labor relations board chair park peers plans to push for new rules that would give unions significantly more power to organize. one plan in particular getting noticed by business groups is a requirement for companies to give union leaders lists of employees home phone numbers and their private emails. steve moore is a senior economics writer for the "wall
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street journal." steve, this will not be without controversy, as everything that the nlrb does these days is, the president stacked this board with some recess appointments that the republicans were very unhappy about. now that he's got a quorum on there, meaning all the seats are filled and he's got enough to change the rules it looks like they are good to in a way that is very union friendly. businesses will not be happy. >> no they won't, megyn. let's put this the context of what's happened in the last few months. the unions have lost a lot of political battles in key states like wisconsin and ohio where a lot of the pension benefits have been cutback, and then of course, megyn, this week as you know indiana was the first state, an in i think ten or 15 years to pass a write to work law which is like putting a cross in front of a vampire. the unions hate that idea. now the unions are trying to fight back using the national labor relations board as their vehicle to get through a lot of these changes in labor law that could not make it through the
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congress. this idea, by the way, that somehow the companies are going to have to hand over to the union organizers names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, to me that is an invasion of the workers' privacy rights. megyn: did the workers have any say over it? what if they don't want to be contacted by thenions at their homes or private email or other email addresses? >> well this is all being negotiated right now. we just heard about these new rules being floated today, so we don't know all the specifics, but what the unions have basically said is hand over the files. let us know how we can contact these workers. as i said, it includes phone numbers, as you said it includes their emails. and that would be turned over it appears at this point without the full knowledge, and without the acquiescence of the workers themselves. so i view it as a kind of violation of workers as rights.
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megyn: they have said the nlrb has lost all pretext of objectivity in my judgment now. some republicans are saying they are going to engage in aggressive oversight of the nlrb, which basically handles disputes between companies and big labor. so what does that mean, steve? can the republicans in congress do anything to the nlrb? >> there is a very good reason that the president put these people on the board without senate approval using the recess appointment powers and that's because they were very much in favor of unions. they were not impartial arbiters here, they are people very in favor of the unions. the republicans in congress are going to have to use their oversight power to say, wait a minute you're supposed to be impartial here, you're not impartial between business and unions, you're in the pockets ever the unions. think about the context of this. megyn, as you know a huge amount of the money that president obama and the democrats are going to need to win re-election comes from the coffers of
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unions. think i think all circles back to the union money. megyn: a lot of unions were upset with the denial of the keystone pipeline which is an issue, the president sided with the environmentalists over the unions. this seems to be a bone to the unions. before i let you go. how unusual is this? when you have a republican president in there they stack the nlrb with right-leaning folks that favor business over labor. >> when i talk to people on capitol hill, mostly republicans. they say, look it's pretty unprecedented for the president to use this recess appointment power, and it's not just been the nlrb, they've used this power for a lot of the agencies that they weren't able to get their appointees through the advice and consent function of the senate. i think it's unusual, a lot of these agencies have been tilt ned favor of unions and against business. by the way, this i think contradicts a lot of what the president was saying in his state of the union where his message is we're going to be probusiness and get jobs back. this isn't the way to accomplish
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that. megyn: that is an interesting point that you may have your pick as the president but normally that person would go through the senate confirmation process and these members, three of them did not. they were recess appointments that were rather controversial. thank you. >> as you know by the way the head of his consumer finance position has also not been -- has not been senate confirmed, so this is a pattern. megyn: appointed at the same time and equally controversial to the other side. steve, thanks again. ironically we are getting this news on the same due that the bureau of labor statistics releases new data on union membership. in 2011 rates of union membership in the private and public sector represented 11.8% of the total workforce. the year before it was 11.9%. member ship dropping significantly significant 1983 when it was 20.1%. the white house is taking questions today about a electric car battery company that just filed for bankruptcy after it
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got more than a hundred million dollars of taxpayer money. this is the latest controversy over federal efforts to fund green technology companies, and the high profile failure of a couple of these firms, one of which of course is called solyndra. trace gallagher is here with more on the latest company. >> reporter: this a company that makes electric batteries for electric cars. they were given a $118 million grant. depending on how the kapter 11 restructuring goes taxpayers could get some of the money back, could get it all back, then again they may lose that money. this points to whether or not the obama administration is doing its homework when it comes to investing in these types of companies. at the state of the union address last year the president pointed out this country as exactly the type that we should be investing in. one day after that speech, almost exactly one year ago today the vice president visited the ener1 plant in green field,
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indiana. the vice president was there again touting the company. listen to what he said. >> it's time to shake off the let tha lethargy, man and get moving. american, american workers have nothing to be afraid of. we prove time and again when we give the american people the support they need to succeed this country can't be stopped. >> reporter: the white house made it very clear without that $118 million that the company would not be around. we went back and we checked the company's financials. at the end of the state of the union before vice president appeared there this company had already lost $69 million in revenue on $77 million earned. they were in deep trouble a year ago. and then the department of energy issues this statement now saying, and i'm quoting, the restructuring the chapter 11 is not expected to impact enerdel
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the parent company, and the company has made clear that they do not expect to reduce employment alternate the site. the at the site. they have 80 employees. they wanted to have a thousand employees that is not going to happen. when the vice president visited the site the stock price at $4.17 a share. it went down to 19-cents a share. it has been taken off the nasdaq all together. they are in chapter 11 and are in deep financial straits, meg megyn. megyn: president obama is pushing back against newt gingrich's claim that he is the stoo food stamp program. he acknowledged the stood stamp program has expanded under his administration but appears to be blaming someone else for that. >> first of all i don't put people on food stamps, people become eligible for food stamps. second of all the initial expansion of food stamp eligibility happened under my republican predecessor not under
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me. megyn: the reference apparently to former president george w. bush. when president george w. bush was in office we reached a peak of about 28.2 million americans on food stamps. under president obama right now 46.2 million people on that program today. new developments in the case involving a father and son and mother on trial for the alleged, so-called honor killings of this woman and three daughters. they alleged this man killed his own family. as the case now heads to the jury we will get the latest from the courtroom and speak to the journalist who has been covering this case from day one, about why these girls who had repeatedly complained to school administrations, and other safety officials who were supposed to be looking out for the welfare of children, did not get any help or protection before their lives were lost. plus, he pleaded guilty to drive-by jihad shootings in our
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nation's capitol. today we have the chilling new video showing the exreservist carrying out his attacks. an epic battle over the balance of power playing out in washington. senator charles grassley accusing president obama of side-stepping congress and over stepping his bounds as commander-in-chief. so why is this issue so important to the future of the country? right after the break. >> i'm going to do everything that i can do without congress to get things done. >> we can't wait for congress to act, and if they won't act, i will. all energy development comes with some risk,
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megyn: fox news alert we now have the 911 calls made from demi moore's home the day the actress was rushed to the hospital. the conversation is between a woman believed to be moore's friend and the operator on the other end. you can hear the woman saying that demi has been, quote,
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having issues lately. we are working on getting these recordings ready for you, and we will play them for you just as soon as we have them cued up. that will happen momentarily. stay with us. the actress has been hospitalized in the wake of a personal health failing, which her publicist has not called a drug related incident but is reporting involved the use of whip-its. new developments today on the increasingly angry debate over the balance of power in washington. republican senator charles grassley last night saying president obama through a rash of executive orders and recess appointments is setting very dangerous presents dents. >> president obama's decision to bypass the constitutional advice and consent of the senate is not an isolated incident by the president. it is merely the latest escalation in a pattern of contempt for elected representatives of the american
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people and the constitutional separation of power. megyn: senator grassley, one of the longest serving members in congress and ranking member on the judiciary committee did not stop there warning his democratic colleagues that there will one day be a republican back in the white house, and he says once the jeni is out of the bottle there is no putting it back in the bottle. we will discuss this with our panel. thank you for being here. he goes to the senate floor and delivers these remarks and produces a written version aeu are titled unconstitutional power grabs and is rather upset. before we get to the issues that he sites let me ask you if you agree with this julian, this is what he writes. time has come for congress on a bi-partisan basis to say enough is enough. would i ask my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to think hard about the precedent being set for the next republican
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president. these when he says once the jeni is out of the bottle you will not be able to get it back in. is there a bipartisan reason for the congress to be extra sensitive about executive branch power grabs? >> always. i think the congress should always be checking the executive when it comes to power grabs. i think there is no question about that. the problem with senator grassley's indictment was it wasn't a very persuasive indictment. presidents going back for decades have done recess appointments. president bush did 170 recess appointments compared to obama's about 32. the context of the recess appointment was when a minority in the senate was insisting on changing a democratic lee passed law to their liking. if there is anything that was anti-constitutional, antidemocratic it was the position on the senate republicans, the real criticisms on the unitary executive came under the bush administration. coy give you a dozen examples where you had constitutional scholars saying the bush
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administration, whether it was the out -lg of valley plame, whether it was ease dropping without warrants, a whole host of issues, and constitutional scholars made an incredibly persuasive point that went much, much further than the obama administration. megyn: grassley is upset about the recess appointments some of which we talked about in the a block with the nlrb. he sites barack obama grabbing power, he sites the we can't wait slogan, basically we can't indicate for congress. he says sorry that's how the constitution is set up. you have to wait for congress on certain things. go ahead, jay. >> i think you have two points to be made. we have a separation of powers doctrine in the constitution for a reason. that is you don't have an executive that starts acting as if they are the monarch. let me quickly say with regard to the recess appointments sure the constitution allows recess appointments, julian it was the democrats under harry reid and then senator obama who set up
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this proform ma session in order to block president bush from making recess appointments. you know what happened president bush stopped making them. that's number one. you can make recess appointments that is in the constitution but they actually have to be in recess. was bam pw-pl and harry reid that put that in play. with regard to the second point you make, megyn which is the overriding issue, that is we have separation of powers in this country so we are not under a monarchy. you cannot ignore the legislative process, and when the president said, which he did, if the congress doesn't get it done, i'm going to get it done, well, will president, you know you talk constitutional law at the university of chicago, read the constitution. you don't get to do that, that is not the way it works in our system. megyn: that's what grassley is saying. he goes into history here an talks about this is a quite from his letter. having had their rights violate by a king our founding fathers intentionally put laws in the branch of government that is most directly accountable to the citizen. he talks about what you need is
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consent of the governed. when the president bypasses congress not just with recess appointments but by doing end aeu rounds on labor and cap and trade, or he sites a number of other examples it sets up a dangerous violation of separation of powers. >> there is no question about that. everybody would agree with that, megyn. now, what you saw in the bush administration, for example when the bush administration tried to impose a system of military tribunalses. i support that in the context of al-qaida and war criminals. when he tried to circumvent congress the supreme court slapped him down. if president obama or any other president over reaches the executive power there is a system in place for congress or others to file a suit in federal district court and for the courts to strike that down. i doubt any of the examples that either you or jay, or steven in your previous segment have talked about would stand any chance in court of being struck down. secondly, to jay's point -- >> i absolutely disagree with you on this. megyn: we are running out of time. i want to give you a chance to make your point.
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>> on the proforma session you're right on that. i don't want to confuse the viewers by getting into too much detail. congress had to go out of session for the new session of congress to start which is when the president made the recess appointment. megyn: now we are really deep in the weeds. i have 30 seconds left. jay, i'll give you the last word. >> the president needs to read the constitution that he taught, and the reason senator grassley is upset is this is acting like a monarchy. as i said, megyn the president said it, if congress doesn't do it i'm going to do it but that is not the way the constitution works. megyn: quickly before we go, jay is there any chance of a legal challenge to these moves by president obama? >> you've seen that there is individual challenges being planned right now and filed by some of the business groups on the nlrb issue. by the way those appointments weren't even put up until the middle of december, and a few weeks late the president does this move. that is not the way it's supposed to work. yes, legal challenges are in the works and being planned, and we'll see what happens. i'm actually optimistic that
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they'll carry them out. megyn: always a pleasure seeing you both. thanks. a hot new question from last night's debate. g.o.p. candidates suggesting the president is treating israel badly. and voters are paying attention. we did some digging. wilwe will show you what we found in less than ten minutes. egypt is refusing to let a group of americans leave that count tree, including the son of the u.s. transportation secretary. our chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge has breaking news shortly on what is being done to get everyone out. she has inside information here. she'll join us shortly. plus, disturbing new video released of this masked man shooting at landmarks in the nation's capitol. trace gallagher has more on what the suspect was yelling as he fired his gun. just chilling. >> next time i shoot on this video i'll be shooting a gun.
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megyn: new security camera video of rand paul's dispute with the tsa in nashville is being released. a law enforcement officer initially described the kentucky senator as being, quote, irate after he refused to undergo a full pat-down, but the security footage may tell a different story. you can see rand paul highlighted here, hold on. there are no pictures of him being escorted. there he is on the lower left, to a holding area which is where they took him when he said he didn't want to be patted down. he wanted to go through the monitor again. senator paul game on "america live" earlier this week and he says the system needs changes,
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it doesn't make any sense the way it's set up now, he believ believes. fox news alert on chilling new videos now public showing a masked young man, armed for jihad as he drives around washington d.c. shooting at the pentagon and other military buildings. he is shooting in arabic, ala akbar, god is great. trace gallagher has more on this story. >> reporter: 25-year-old yonathan melaku is a marine reservist. he was never deployed overseas. he got a number of awards when he was in the marines. he acknowledged shooting multiple shots at six different buildings including the pentagon, a marine recruiting station, a coast guard recruiting station and twice shooting at the marine corps museum. the last attack there he mounted a video tape. he rolled down the window and opened fire. this is that videotape.
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you see him kind of talking to the camera, and at one point he even narrated the shooting, listen to this. >> this is a military building, federal building. i already targeted that building. last time i hit them they turned off the lights for about four or five days, punks. now here we go again. all right. next time i turn on this video i'll be shooting. >> reporter: kind of hard to hear because the music in the background. you did hear him kay before he started talking, ala akbar, god is great. there were no injuries involved in this at all because the shootings happened at night. he was caught at arlington national cemetery. he was trying to desecrate the gravestones of iraqi war veterans, when he fled the scene he dropped the backpack, inside that backpack were spent shell casings, ammonium nitrate used to create explosives.
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arabic statements referring to the taliban, al-qaida and osama bin laden. they found evidence at his apartment of a contraption used to fire explosive devices. clearly a dangerous by. he has now admitted, 25 years in prison is what he'll serve. megyn: wow, trace, thank you. there were new suggestions at last night's debate that the president is in trouble with jewish voters over his handling of israel. we will investigate that right after this break. plus, prosecutors say these four women, three of them sisters are the victims of a so-called honor killing. the newest developments as the case now heads to a jury, and why the accused, who include the girl's father, mother and brother could get off on lesser charges. and that wheel was really spinning for path sajak and vanna white it turns out. confessions from behind the wheel. >> "wheel of fortune," the show where anything can happen, and
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megyn: fox news alert, breaking news from the middle east. cairo digging in its heels for days now refusing to allow a group of americans to leave the country. now there are new suggestions that egypt could be jeopardizing the more than $1 billion america
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sends that country every year. included in the list of those detained is sam lahood, he's the son of transportation secretary ray lahood. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is live in washington with much more on this. >> reporter: thank you, megyn good afternoon. a short time ago a spokesman for iri told me that they have no new evidence or information to suggest this no exit list will be lifted and the matter resolved quickly. this issue is being worked at the highest levels of the administration. the president, the secretary of state, and a top's human rights officer telling reporters that congress is likely to withhold aid from egypt if there is no democratic transition in that country. as you mentioned sam lahood is the local director for the washington-based international republican institute a group that promotes democracy. iri was one of 17 organizations raided and investigated by egyptian authorities last
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month. >> we have been attempting since the 29th to try and regain access to our offices, to have the intimidation and harassment of our staff end and those things just haven't happened. thus far there's really been no positive progress. >> reporter: egypt's military is refusing to give up power and the generals are blaming foreign groups like the ngo's for the unrest. a former national security official in the bush administration says the stakes are clearly high. >> i do believe this is very, very dangerous. it is a dangerous game of chicken that the egyptian military is involved with here. >> reporter: a short time ago i got this email from sam lahood, what he said, megyn is he thought he could answer some of our questions about their status and whether they may be able to leave the country in a few hours but he did not give us any more specifics than that. megyn: wow, catherine, thank you so much, catherine herridge. as we mentioned the american taxpayer gives that country, egypt a staggering amount of money totaling more than a
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billion dollars in aid every year. former u.s. ambassador to the united nations john bolton will join us next hour on the diplomatic options available to the white house in this now showdown with egypt. there was new discussion among the republican candidates about president obama and the jewish vote last night. during last night's big debate the candidates suggesting that the president is losing support among jewish voters, because of his stance on israel. here is mitt romney. >> this president went before the united nations and castigated israel for building settlements. he said nothing about thousands of rockets being rained in on israel from the gaza strip. this president threw -- [applause] >> i think he threw israel under the bus with regards to defining the 67 borders as the starting point of negotiations. i think he disrespected prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu. megyn: threw eupl under the bus, disrespected on on he went. we did research here and found this gallop polling, look at this back in january of 09 when he took office he had a 83% approval rating among jewish voters. as of 2011 that number was down to 54%, almost a 30% drop. alan colmes is host of the alan colmes show and mike gallagher is a fox news contributor. the president maintains he's been a staunch ally to israel. but that graph from gallop seems to suggest that jewish voters don't think so. >> the graph is wrong -- the direct graph is right it may represent the way jewish voters are now thinking. he's been terrible lee represented. mitt romney misrepresented what happened. benjamin netanyahu thanked the president at the u in in september for in his stance of not having a palestinian state
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at the time. ed koch who is influential with jewish voters. megyn: former meije mayor of new york. >> he said he would support obama based on new information about how supportive obama has been with israel intervening with the egyptian army during the arab spring. helping to protect diplomates, providing bomb materials and all kinds of things to the israeli army. mitt romney clearly miss represented the president's position. and the 1967 border issue, he has always said that that should be a starting point for negotiations. benjamin netanyahu agrees with that, that has always been our policy. i think once we clarify his exact position and have it stop being misrepresented both in the press and by his detractors hopefully that graph will show a proper response to what his real position is. megyn: mike, the jewish vote is very important in florida, and in several other key states,
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including pennsylvania. it hasn't been as much of a factor in the primaries we've seen so far but it will be on tuesday. it's important in the general election, really important, the democrats are down there right now, they are rolling out a campaign to rival any of the g.o.p. rivals according to the reports, and they are focusing on the jewish community in particular. is he in danger of losing the jewish vote which he won by 78% in the 08 presidential election? >> reporter: megyn i think he is. the timing of this conversation is remarkable, because less than an hour ago i was at a shopping mall not far from here from where i sit at the -- in tampa and i was talking to a jewish couple, and both the husband and wife were arguing about the bizarre notion that jewish voters would be accepting of what has been a very lack luster performance on the part of the president, in terms of his strong stated support of israel. every one of those republicans last night here in florida, up in jacksonville have stated
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their strong, staunch support for the state of israel. this is complicated there is no question about it. alan seems to be wanting to make some political points on this. >> i'm telling you the truth, i'm telling you the actual facts. >> no, you're not. >> yes i am, absolutely. >> no, you're not. >> yes i am, mike, don't say i'm not telling you the facts. >> all right, okay say yes you are all you want. i didn't interrupt you alan, please. >> don't tell me i'm misrepresenting because i'm not. >> you're trying to score political points by attacking room rom. >> no he misrepresented the president. >> ace strong and unwaivering support for the state of israel. the fact of the matter is this is a president who embarrassed benjamin netanyahu, made him come in through the back door, jewish votes are aware of that. they are also aware, i think, that's why his numbers are eroding that it's very difficult to wrap your brain around a side that doesn't believe in the other side's right to exist. and megyn that is the big picture dilemma. the fact of the matter is. >> please explain to me. >> excuse me. megyn: quickly mike i want to get alan to respond.
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>> sure, the palestinians don't think israel has the right to exist. explain that alan. how do you defend that. >> i have a question for you, why did benjamin netanyahu thank the president after his u.n. speech this past september for his position on palestine? why did he do that? why does mitt romney misrepresent the president's stance when he didn't say we're going to go back to 1967 borders he said we'll use that as a starting point for negotiations. answer those questions mr. gallagher. >> sure, the fact -- well i can happily answer there is no question about the mistreatment that benjamin netanyahu received. >> why didn't he thank the president? >> why does any leader thank any leader with whom he disagrees with. it's called diplomacy, alan. did he thank him for making him go through the back door and not giving him a reception, a warm welcome. come on now you know that was a very big concern. >> you're ignoring my question. >> especially within the jewish community. megyn: i think we resolved a lot here. >> i answered it. not to your satisfaction as usual. >> not to my satisfaction.
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megyn: we've learned a lot and resolved a lot. no we haven't. it's always fun seeing you any way. >> thank you. megyn: have a great weekend. we have new information in just three minutes on what prosecutors say was a horrific honor killing that took the lives of three girls and their sort of mother. she wasn't their biological mother, but she was a second wife to their father. as the case heads to the jury we will investigate some possible missed opportunities to save these girls who had been complaining to family services, and their teachers, and others that they were very worried for their safety. where was anybody who could protect them? and we now have the 911 calls made from demi moore's home the day the actress was rushed to the hospital. they are publicist says she is suffering from exhaustion. tmz is reporting she was using drugs the night she had to go to the hospital. this conversation we have is between a woman who appears to
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be moore's friend and an operator on the other end. here is a sample of what we have heard. >> is she breathing normally? >> no, not so normal, more sort of shaking, burning up. >> what did she take. >> some form of -- glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ megyn: a jury is about to decide the fate of three people accused of killing off half their family. three of the victims sisters. prosecutors say their deaths were so-called honor killings, because the accused who include the girl's father, their mother, and their brother believed the teens became too western after moving from their native afghanistan. trace gallagher is here with more. trace. >> reporter: in fact the judge is issuing jury instructions right now, megyn so the deliberations should begin very soon. the trial has been going on for the better part of three months. in that time we have heard the father on the stand testifying that, yes, in fact his daughters
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he believes did dishonor him but, no he did not kill them. police have him on tape, secretly audiotape saying, and i'm quoting here, god's curse on them, may the develop defecate on their graves, going onto say, even if they come back to life a hundred times i have a cleaver in my hand, i will cut them in pieces. we have also learned that in court two of the three daughters actually told their schools they were living in abusive households, the 17-year-old tried to commit suicide. she told the school that she wanted out of the house, but there was no event srepbgs a intervention at all. the school told the girls they should try to get along with their families. they were actually drowned before they were put inside the car, and then their car was pushed into the canal by the family lexus. the rear light on the nissan was busted, and prosecutors say it matches the front headlight of the lexus, also being busted,
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the defense claims the prosecution's theory is preposterous, they are calling it nothing more than a tragic accident. the mother also admitted she was there at the canal the night the girls actually died, then recanted that saying that statement from her was coerced. again, the jury should get this case very soon, megyn. megyn: thank you. joining us now a reporter who has been covering this story since it broke who says this would not be the first time an honor killing has happened in north america. michael koren of sun news tv in toronto is me guest. this is so disturbing to me. when you hear the reports of these young girls who reached out to school officials, teachers,mont tree alpolice and social workers, all of whom became involved with this family after the girl said i'm afraid of my father, i'm afraid of my brother, i'm afraid something is going to happen to me, and it seems like no one intervened. why? >> well, also afraid of their biological mother. remember one of the accused is the biological mother and one of the victims was the
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step-mother. she was referred to as an aunt but she was part of a po a pa hreupolimist marriage. we have evidence that teachers, teachers when confronted by these girls, one as young as 13 who went to the teacher when she was only 12 and said i'm scared i need help, the teacher, she was heartbroken. she said i'll try to help you. it's when it went to middle and upper management at social worker, education and police level there was a reluctance to get involved. because in this country if you in any way are seen as being hesitant about embracing islam, if you criticize islam it's part of a phobia and you have to shut up. there is a huge dichotomy between the every day reality, the life of people in canada. we have a show on tv, it probably got to the space by now, and forgive us if it has called little mosque on the prairie portraying normal muslim
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life. they joke with each other. many muslims, wonderful, ordinary people but within the inner life of islam in this country there are many open wounds and we are frightened of addressing them. megyn: if you've got a situation where you have three daughters, as in this family who are doing nothing more disgraceful than dating western boys, and, you know, one wore a bikini, what makes a man like the man who is on trial here move his family from afghanistan, if he is that extreme as the prosecution contends, move from afghanistan and move to a country like canada and raise his family there? >> that is a good question. remember one of the boyfriends the main boyfriend was pakistani. he was western but he was pakistani he was a muslim. they moved from afghanistan to the gulf. they made a lot of money in dubai in real estate. they were a wealthy family, had some education. okay, let's be quite bold here, when you grow up with islam not as just your religion but our
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culture, your sociology, your way of life everything is about you is islam. i'm a catholic, i hope that informs everything that i do but i don't spend every day say look at me i'm a catholic. islam is different, it's not just a religion. when he suddenly sees his daughters, you're quite right, just being ordinary, they weren't being bad in any way. he doesn't care about them or their eternal soul, he cares about the dishonor it brings him. this is very important. it's not that i care about my daughters, it's i care about the shame they bring on me. the only way to exp u.n. ge this is by a blood sacrifice. there's one one honor killing a year in canada. when you talk about abuse, psychological abuse, beatings, we are talking about one hundred, 200. megyn: this is something very different than domestic abuse.
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michael i've got to go. very, very good having you. we'll have you back on monday or tuesday as we expect the case to go to the jury today. thank you very much. an italian cruise line that ran aground has decided how much they are willing to pay people for hours of fear and terror. we'll tell you.
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megyn: dramatic new pictures showing the cruise ship costa condoria moments before it bee gone to sink. you can see life boats in the sea off the coast of tuscan, italy. people wearing bright orange life jackets, desperately trying to escape. sadly, at least 16 people died. more and dozen remain missing. and now we are hearing that the owner, carnival cruise corporation is offering about $14,000 to the survivors for lost baggage and psychological trauma. adam shapiro of the fox business network has more.
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>> reporter: that's correct it's $14,416 to be exact for noninjured passengers, megyn. if they choose to accept this settlement they would be done, they would not take part in the claims, the legal lawsuits which have been filed already here in the united states, one in chicago, as well as in italy, and this was a deal negotiated between costa cruise lines the subsidiary of carnival in italy and consumer advocacy groups in italy. one of the groups is urging passengers that were not injured to reject this offer. they say it's too little. a lawyer in chicago is quoted as saying, it's a skwroeb. those who accept i joke. those who accept it will not be able to sue. those who don't will be able to pursue claims in court. as for the injured and people who died no settlement, this does not apply to them. megyn: wow, adam thank you. breaking news next on new numbers on the economy and how the president just reacted to those numbers. stay with us. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement
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or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. metamucil uses super hard working psyllium fiber, which gels to remove unsexy waste and reduce cholesterol. taking psyllium fiber won't make you a model but you should feel a little more super. metamucil. down with cholesterol. beth! hi! looking good. you've lost some weight. thanks. you noticed. these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right -- whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multi-grain cheerios -- 5 whole grains, 110 calories. creamy, dreamy peanut butter taste in a tempting new cereal. mmm! [ female announcer ] new multi-grain cheerios peanut butter.
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megyn: fox news alert new numbers on our economy and new reaction from our president. i'm megyn kelly. gross domestic product, that's the sum of all goods and services in our country, gdp grew 1.7% for the entire year. analysts say 3% is needed to keep up with the population growth. check out the first 10 quartsers after the 1980s recession compared to the most recent slide. president reagan's average growth was 6.1%, president obama's 2.4%. matt mccall and chris tires walt. matt, let me start with you. we are comparing it to president
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reagan 0 also suffered an economic downturn. >> this number tells me our current president has not done a very good job. you can look at that graph. that tells the story. really what we are seeing out of president obama. he took taxpayer money, tried to fix the problem by throwing it at the issue but it hasn't worked. now we are seeing growth slow down below expectations. where do we -- where do we go from here? megyn: how much growth do we need to get us out of this ditch? >> i think we need 3% to 3.5% growth. when i do my numbers i think it's 2.2% growth next year if we are lucky. any of the numbers we throw out
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there aren't going to enough to get the growth we need to come out of this recession. megyn: i want to play the sound bite from president obama. >> here is the good news. the good news is we are moving in the right direction. thanks to your efforts. thanks to some tough votes all of you took. thanks to the leadership nancy pelosi and the rest of the leadership team showed. we righted the ship, we did not tip into a great depression, the auto industry was saved, credit started flowing to small businesses again, and over the last 22 months we have seen 3 million jobs created, the last jobs since 2005. more jobs in manufacturing than we have seen since the 90s.
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megyn: so he was speaking to a group of democrats. in part this will become a political issue. >> in part and maybe in whole. the president has to hang his hat on this notion. first he lays count argument it could have been worse. and point 2 is it's getting better. talking about ray began and his growth' important to look at it over the arc of his time in office. but what matters is when the cake is baked, the last quarter of the year before the election and the first two quarters of the year before the election. in those times for northern ald reagan he had 7.0, 7.4 and something in the high 6s. the gdp growth rate was on fire. the economy was growing at a blinding pace and it was about
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even. the gdp growth rate was about the same as the overall enomic number, 7.4. president obama has a 5-point lagetween this growth rate and employment. he's under water on that. as you recall from the last three years, little blips and changes and problems elsewhe when you have a fragile recovery will turn voters against the president and his policies. megyn: what will change this number dramatically and can it be done before next november? >> if we can get con if confidek into small corporations and enlarge corporations. but the problem is it isn't going to happen before the election because there are too many uncertainties and
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regulations down the pike. keep in mind 70% of our economy comes from the consumer. consumers spent quite a bit of money during the holidays. and we saw businesses stack up in inventory. businesses won't be spending this much due to this regulation. i think we see below 2% growth. chris mentioned those numbers. that cannot be good for president obama going forward. megyn: we have an annual rate of 2.8%. and that's below expectations. politically does that become a deal for him, chris or do people pay attention to this level of detail as opposed to the unemployment rate which is easier to digest? >> both those numbers are a way for to us quantify when we look at indicators for how things are going. the problem for the president is this. people make these judgments based on are the store in my
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hometown opening or closing. do the people i know, are they going back to work roar they losing their jobs. people feel that around them and they make their judgments which usually tend to be rather correct. make their judgments based on what's happening in their community and their lives. we use these numbers to measure as a broad gauge of how things are going and it's proven correct over the years. george w. bush, when he was running for reelection in 1998, his growth rate lagged his unemployment rate and bill clinton hung it around his neck and beat him. megyn: republican presidential candidate rick santorum aiming to set himself apart from the other gop candidates and hitting a home run in last night's debate according to many. doug mcelway live in washington with more.
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>> reporter: there is growing consensus rick santorum had a strong night last night. after this obstacle course of 17 debates without a major gaffe, it demonstrates his facility in foreign and domestic policy. he won a big round of applause with a remark about bear knuckled brawls between the frontrunners romney and gingrich but he proved to be a bare knuckles brawler when he lashed out at romney over his stewardship of healthcare in massachusetts. in massachusetts everybody is mandated as a condition of breathing. and if you don't, you have to pay a fine. what's happened in massachusetts is people are now paying the fine. because health insurance is so expensive, and you have a preexisting condition clause in your just like boik.
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>> reporter: santorum while looking the treasure chest has found a benefactor in foster freise. some suggest that santorum's long rage at a time when so much of the focus is on fiscal conservativism. megyn: coming up in 20 minutes we'll take an indepartment look at these debates and the process. is this helping or hurting the candidates and the electorate. what does the mean for the general election as well? what's going to be the end result of all these debates? our focus group weighs in. and a fox news alert on a followup on a story we have been tracking for a couple weeks. the feds grabbed some orange juice imports on the border because of some potentially
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toxic chemicals. they have detained several shipments -- they have seized several shipments of o.j. sent from brazil and canada after finding trace of an illegal fungicide in them. they say it is below the dangerous levels. but they are taking no chances. coca-cola-owned minute maid found the chemical in juices as well. guards pat the united nations intercepting a bag con seasoning 35 pounds of cocaine. police say they don't entity or who was supposed to receive it. anna? >> reporter: it has a street value of nearly $2 million. new york police are trying to figure out how it got to the united nations mail intake center and how it belongs to. officials tell us they don't
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think there is any relationship between the cocaine and the united nations. but instead the cocaine was intended to be picked up at a dhl processing center. the packages were reportedly discovered january 16. a u.n. spokesman emphasize the packages were not diplomatic pouches and points out the detection of cocaine in one of the packages proves the security system at the u.n. is working well. >> u.n. offices around the world have been alerted to be on the lookout. but this as far as we can tell was a one-off. as far as we can tell, this was something that was very clearly not intended to arrive here at all. >> reporter: we are told two packages doctors to look like diplomatic pouches raised
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suspicion because of faulty logos. the u.s. security official says the drug was hidden in one of the bags inside of hollowed out notebooks. there was no return address on the pack and sent from cincinnati to new york. u.n. security contacted united states law enforcement. representatives from the u.n. said they don't believe the bags of cocaine were meant to make it as far as u.n.' headquarters. dhl says they cannot comment on what has been learned so far. megyn: tensions rising as egypt refuses to let several americans leave the country. what's up with that? including sam lahood, son of the u.s. transportation secretary. in three minutes former ambassador to the u.n. john bolton will join us.
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the new 911 tapes from the night demi moore was rushed to the hospital. and the republican presidential contenders fired up in the last debate before the florida primary. but do all these debates make for a better candidate? do they help the electorate? our focus group weighs in. >> i have grown to like romney. last night was the first time i gave mitt romney a standing "o" in my own living room. the truth is, it was about time for him to stand up for himself. [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition? ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8.
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megyn: a developing story? egypt where a number. mayor krans not allowed to -- where a number of americans are not allowed to leave the country. the no-exit list includes the
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son of the u.s. transportation secretary ray lahood. he heads a group that has been targeted for their activities. this is going on while egypt gets $1 billion a greer you the u.s. taxpayer. former ambassador to the united nations john bolton joins me now. he's also a fox news contributor. we fork over $1 billion and they tell 10 of our american citizens you are not going anywhere. >> this is different than the way the egyptian government has treated these groups before. they harassed them. they was they are doing. if they were really irritated with the groups they would expel the people from the country. refusing them exit is the step
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before they get arrested and tried. i do record this as very serious. it's possible it was just an effort commander in the military -- just an errant commander in the military. but if that's the case they need to fix it. megyn: this is on the heels of these offices getting raided last month. they ransacked 17 offices of 10 organizations around the country. and so this is if anything an escalation in their focus on these pro-democracy groups. didn't we fight this battle? didn't we go through the pro-democracy movement in egypt? >> i wouldn't blame this necessarily entirely on military. obviously they carried out the raids and i'm sure it's their orders stopping these individuals from leaving. but a lot of the successful parties in the recent
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parliamentary elections are hardly what i would consider exem lahrs of the -- would not consider them exemplars of the democratic spirit. i think they may have concluded we have had a lot of democracy in egypt. let's make sure others don't get a chance to do what we have done. city wouldn't be surprised if there was collusion between the brotherhood and the military to have this happen. megyn: we have the son after cabinet member over there and they are not letting them out. they are talking about how some of them have been interrogated after these raids. should we be giving them that billion dollars? >> i think right now in private we should be taking the egyptian government to the woodshed, the military in particular and making it clear that for this reason and a whole host of other
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reasons, the threats to the camp david accord and a number of steps that the mitt government has taken, that their aid, economic and military is at risk. you can only pull the trigger once when you cut off the aid. so you have to be prepared to do it at the right moment. and there are big issues at stake here. i mentioned the camp david accords that goes to the cornerstone of american foreign policy. but we should be leaving the government with no misunderstanding that they better keep their hand 60 american citizens. even if the obama administration doesn't cut off the aid, i don't think congress is going to sit idly by. megyn: why would they be doing this? even if it is the salafists? >> i think there are a number of explanations. one is a mistake. other is sheer stupidity.
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they think they can get away with it. it's a way of showing their power. but it could also be a way of testing us it doesn't matter at this point where the explanation is though we would certainly like to know. we need an extraordinarily strong response. at the moment it doesn't need to be public. but that would be the next step. we cannot leave any diplomatic ambiguity here. this conduct is not acceptable. megyn: the state department says it is concerned and it could jeopardize our aid to egypt. >> that's diplomatic ambiguity. we are not concerned, we are outraged and that's what we ought to be saying. megyn: the gloves were already off. not you knockout punches are flying. just ahead, our focus group. how do republican voters feel
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about this? do they like seeing this? she goes digging through crash every week in search of scratchoff tickets. redeeming the stubs for points one of them turned out to be a $1 million winner. turns out somebody didn't scratch enough. now not one but two other women claim she stole their jackpot. it's a good "kelly's court" today. what really happened the night actress demi here was taken to the hospital. her publicist tells one story, the 911 tapes tell another. >> is she breathing, yes? and she is convulsing. >> keep watching her closely. don't put anything in her mouth. of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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megyn: today fans of "welcome back kotter" are mourning the death of robert hegyes. he played sweat hog juan epstein. he would miss class and stay juan wasn't in class because he was sick, signed epstein's mother. he died of an aparents heart attack in a new jersey hospital. i iced to watch this show with my family. and i liked epstein. i liked horshack. but i loved john travolta to the
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point where there was a moment in my house, up your nose with a republicker hose. -- up tour nose with a rubber nose. to a point where i made the following phone call. 411. los angeles? travolta? they said it was unlisted. they wouldn't give me his number an wound up marrying someone else. we mourn the loss of epstein today. new details on demi moore's health crisis. the caller says the actress was having convulsions. and that's not all. trace gallagher has more from our west coast newsroom. >> reporter: this 911 call lasts 10 minutes. large parts of it are bleeped out because of california's medical laws.
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tmz reports she was using whipits. >> she smoked something similar to innocence. and she seems to be having convulsions. >> is she breathing? >> yes. >> she scwhroafer doses. >> she is convulsing. >> keep watching her closely. was it an accident or intentional. >> she smoked something, but the reaction was accidental. >> reporter: her publicist said she was suffering from exhaustion. a lot of the detail deals with her address, how old she is. listen as the dispatcher asks if she is awake. >> can you hear me? she can't speak. >> if she is not commit passed
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out. don't give her anything to eat or drink. have her rest in a position of comfort. >> she is convulsing so we are holding her down. >> don't put anything on her mouth, don't hold her down. >> i turned her head to the side. >> anything comes out of her mouth, wipe it down. >> reporter: she suffers some abuse problems in the 1980s, and a lot has been made about her weight. look at side by side since her divorce from ashton cuffer. you can visibly tell she has lost weight. in an interview with "harper's bazaar" magazine, is i will find out at end of my life at i'm not loveable, i'm not worthy of being loved, that there is something fundamentally wrong with me.
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that come out next month. demi moore has left that hospital that she was admitted to monday night in sherman oaks which is a suburb of los angeles. megyn: that just heartbreaking. all you can hope is she recovers, and if this was drugs, if it was, hopefully they will be honest about it. what's more important, getting the word out -- you can kill yourself. this beautiful wonderful woman could have been dead if that's what was behind this. in any event her family is with her and we wish her well. you heard of the cat that ate the canary. what about the cat that ground an airplane of passengers? an entire care plane. a million dollar lottery ticket lost then founding after a dumpster dive. but who should get the money? the person who found it, the person who bought it or the
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owner of the trash can to went to the trouble of mosing this sign on the trash can. find out when the gavel drops on "kelly's court." you know the good folks over at prilosec otc
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megyn: it was an allout slugfest in presidential debate number 19. frontrunners newt gingrich and mitt romney hitting each other hard as the crucial florida
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primary draws near. >> speaker gingrich was hired by freddie mac to promote them, to influence other people throughout washington, encouraging them not to dismantle these two interest its. i think that was an enormous mistake. he should have stood up and said these things are a disaster, this is a crisis. he should have been telling the american people these entities were causing a housing bubble that would cause a collapse. >> the governor has cheerfully been attacking me inaccurately and he knows it. the contracts we released from freddie mac said we would do no lobbying. but we began digging in after monday night because i had had enough of this. we discovered to our shock governor romney owns shares of fannie mae and freddy make.
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governor romney head a million off selling some of that. he owns shavers goldman sachs which is today foreclosing on floridians. megyn: rick santorum suggested the political fistfights are not helping anyone. >> these two gentlemen are distracting by playing petty personal politics. can we set aside that newt was a member of congress and used the skills he acquired as a member of congress to help people, and romney is a wealthy guy because he worked hard. can you leave that alone and focus on the issues? megyn: let's bring in our focus panel. a group of republican voters. was that rick santorum's best moment of that debate. >> i don't think we need rick santorum to be an arbiter of
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what we can speak about. i think what happened here is spirited discourse. and we need more of that. i would like to preface it by saying i not newt gingrich conducted himself with such distinction and presidential candor that he really wiped the floor with mitt romney. megyn: wow scram. >> i disagree. i think the way wolf blitzer handle it from the beginning, i think his first question should have been what is your reaction to the state of the union. all of the questions in the beginning meade that happen. it -- beginning made that happen. it encouraged bickering. i think rick santorum, that was his moment. megyn: he picked up on bickering put pout by the candidates. >> why not really just go for the big issues first? he kept pushing them. i thought. megyn: the whole thing was
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staged like a boxing match and football game. first they introduce the candidates, i was just missing the cheerleaders. then they debate the infighting. megyn: it's easy to beat up on the moderator. or is it the candidates? rick santorum was also encouraged to do that and you heard how he responded to it. >> we have to remember we are probably a very small number of americans watching every debate. most americans i don't think watch every debate. a lot of americans don't know about what's going back fan forth because they are no listening. for might was like watching two 13-year-old girls fight over a boy. it was enough, already. when santorum said that, i thought finally rick santorum woke up and i applauded him for that. megyn: does anybody feel upset when they see the bloodbath going on? >> gentlemen, have much.
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megyn: tony? >> i think we watched the past debecause it. newt did not rise to the top of the pack being a dignified statesman. now that's what he's trying to be. and romney wasn't offensive and vigorous and aggressive. i don't think we can criticize them. sometimes style is as important as substance. i have grown to like romney and last night was the first time i gave mitt romney a standing "o" in my own living room. i can't believe i admitted that. but the truth is, it was about time for him to stands up for himself. he's been i think a bit more unfairly attacked. >> taken as a whole these debates have been critically important to the process. we learned a lot about the candidates. i know far more about what these guys are going to do if they sit in the oval office than i do from our currents president who
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still is shy about telling us where he intends to go. so what? there is a little food fight here and there. does anybody want to revisit the obama-clinton contest of four years ago? megyn: the republicans seem to agree. that's why they structured the pry primary on test. >> this you planted a lot of the paid ads in terms of importance. we learn more from the debates than the advertising. megyn: is there an argument that this debate process will help the republican candidate because you mention mitt romney who has gotten better. he's gotten more pointed in his response. would you feel more comfortable having the republican candidate go out against barack obama? >> we have so much to lose. we cannot afford four more years of obama. we need somebody who's very strong and that's what this debate is going to do.
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obama is a skilled politician. he:speaks well. so we need to get the weaknesses out for the gop. megyn: is there an argument all these attacks, even the ugly ones. that that will wind up helping the republican candidate because it's been out there, it's less shocking? >> certainly the process is tedious and i'm sure the candidates are tired. but in the long run they are being vetsed. all the controversial topics are being talked about. and this is something we want to talk about now, it's slate january. get out -- it's late january. get out of the way and we'll get into substantive issues with the president in october. megyn: does it make you feel uncomfortable when you hear them getting ugly. do it make you uncomfortable? >> no. mitt romney had a great debate.
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it was his best ever. people want a fighter. but last night newt gingrich lost. mitt romney won. he was spirited and strong. mitt romney definitely won and people wants him somebody strong and say i'm a capitalist, i'm a success story. rick santorum is a nice guy but we are not playing high school tennis. we are at the olympics. barack obama is going to bring it in the general. >> conservatives don't only want to beat obama, they want to pummel him. that's why they wants somebody who is spirited and firey. megyn: but when it gets personal. newt called mitt a liar, then romney called mitt some things. last night wasn't even sure if it was his ad going after newt. are all those chinks in the armor the republican candidates
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are suffering before they go up before obama? >> i think it's uncomfortable for republicans to watch but it is important. actually the money issue now that it's out, it will shall harder for obama -- let's say the was mitt. when i was on the campaign on bush, bush sort of reminds me a little bit of romney. and he was not a good debater. he was pretty bad. so i like the fact that they are getting better. i don't like the little fights but that's going to happen in the general. so i think romney improved amazingly. and the difference was ridiculous. >> it's kind of like we don't get personal. your opinion about something but we never make it personal. i think they have to be careful of make it personal. >> newt gingrich brought it. he is -- wants a strong
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military. he's a good and loyal friend to israel and he wants to abolish capital gains taxes. >> after 19 debates to say we haven't talk bird yous is silly because we have. with the exception of ron paul they all generally believe the same things on policy. and your points, something drastically different than obama. obama is going to be so much more aggressive, much more finances, strong, better organized. if niece guys can't handle this type of debate now in january they are not going to be able to hold up. megyn: ron paul is an unnorth docked -- is an unother candidate. has anybody can moved towards ron paul. >> in. >> i like him because i don't
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feel like i'm dating him. we have all dated that guy who will look you in the eye and tell what you you want to hear to get what he wants. that's romney and gingrich. to get my vote they are going to tell me what i want. ron paul will not do that. >> governor romney stands for capitalism, he's going to create the jobs we need. people are losing their homes. megyn: wolf blitzer asked ron paul what he would do if he was on the phone are cass crow, he said i would ask him why he called. >> sendinged the politician to the moon. megyn: great job, paneling. we are taking your emails on it at she gets points and prize for collecting losing lottery
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tickets. but sharon jones hit it big when a dud turned out to be a million dollar jackpot. now two women claim she stole their loot. from a legal settlemt or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. your doctor will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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or visit your local liberty mutual office, where an agent can help you find the policy that's right for you. liberty mutual insurance, responsibility -- what's your policy? megyn: "kelly's court" is back in session. a dumpster dive for the golden ticket. every week sharon jones down in stakes scratchoff tickets from the trash at her local gas station. luck was a lady when one of those duds turned out to be a million dollar winner. problem is as soon as she claimed the jackpot the store manage ear claim the cash was hers. insisting there was a sign on that garbage can that read, "do not take." now a third woman has come
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forward claiming she is the one who discarded the ticket and she is the rightful owner. joining me now is former prosecutor jonna spilbor and fox news analyst lis weihl. this is straight out of a law school essay. let me start with you, jonna. who wins. buyer of the ticket in the woman who found it in the dumpster or the store manager? >> i'm representing the original purchaser and here is why. i'm looking at this as if this lotto ticket in the garbage, a million dollar winner did not get there on purpose. so there is a duty to try to ascertain the original purchaser. she didn't scratch enough. she didn't do her job scratching. >> she shouldn't get a penny unless sharon jones wants to
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give herb money. dumpster diver miss jones, she deserves it. she got lucky. she is out. >> in the scratcher's defense. she claimed that she did a little scratchen and then she got tired and she scanned its. the scanner said it was a loser. which is why she says said, no, no, i'm still the rightful owner. is that going to fly? >> maybe she could sue the lottery commission? maybe the tickets are defectively designed so you have to have a special degree to make sure -- old dumpster diver didn't have trouble knowing it was a winner? i'm just saying why do you need to scan it. why can't you look down and say 38s or three diamonds.
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why can't you use your eyes to tell you whether you won or not? >> you don't. maybe she could sue. you have got to take your penny or quarter out and make sure you scratch it off. she through it in the dump and she is out of it and the owner is, too. megyn: i think the store manager may have a good claim and i'll tell you why after this break. [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition? ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8.
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megyn: tell us why the store manager may have the best claim of all? >> she is going to say, she is saying i put a "do not take" sign above this trash can. i have a proprietary interest in this crash can. i had a deal with the manager the manager would take those
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discarded lottery tickets and use them. i don't think it's going to win. i'm still for the dumpster diver. megyn: if dumpster diver was effectively stealing out of a bin that said "do not take." >> because it didn't say "do not take" until after the ticket was taken. that's like putting a "beware of dog" sign out after the postman gets bit. megyn: who puts a "do not take" sign on the trash can? apparently this was a pattern by the woman who won. you can get prizes if you get a bunch of discarded lottery tickets. here is my question for you. i'm confused because reading the articles suggest the woman who original think scratched and failed to seat winnings has joined the lawsuit on her own behalf and also sif read she
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joined trying support the store manager saying that when she threw it in the garbage she said here are some tickets for lisa or some store worker. which is it? >> obviously the scratcher goes with the owner, we'll have more of a chance against the dumpster diver. but i'm going for sharon jones the dumpster diver. megyn: if the woman who originally bought the tickets and failed to scratch, but now is telling two different stories. i get and if i don't get it the store manager gets. she is out. >> i'm voting for the original purchaser. maybe she could share. she could share if she gets the money. megyn: it's $680,000 after taxes. in three minutes how one cat growrngd a full plane of passengers.
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>>megyn: a cat on a plane delays a light for four hours. >>trace: ripples gets out of the carry on and goes through the aisles and around passengers' legs and right into the cockpit, into where the captain is sitting. here is the owner of rip sells. >> some tried to cap him in first-class, and he took off into the cockpit. he went under the captain's feet. and they didn't see him get in there. >> and there was wiring under the plane and it is not a good idea for the cat to the duct tape that stuff so they took all the panels off, and they found ripples. under neath. making here kitty, kitty. now, t


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