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tv   Cashin In  FOX News  January 28, 2012 11:30am-12:00pm EST

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company and analyst like it and so do i. >> thanks for watching. number one business begins with cheryl casone and carbin' in. >> forcing your boss to hand over yourr personal number to union boss says. that's what the head of the national relations board wants to do this year. is this an invasion of workers rights and what does it mean for jobs. welcome to carbin in. we have wane rogers and johnathon and tracey burns and john layfield. and columnist susan ox. welcome to all of you. wayne, you are outraged over this. and you are frustrated. you say it is a flat out invasion of privacy.
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>> any time you are asking a federal agent to reach in and tell somebody that you have to give information to them about your employee. this is invasion of privacy and employee and employer relationship should be between those people it is like a marriage. no one has a business messing around in there. the result of all of this is the fact that the agency, by giving to the union. in other words, the agency is saying you are filing a tax return. we'll make you give that information to the union so the union can organize you. sweat shops disappeared in the 18th century. this is just a grab for power. it is a way for the president to get votes because he's, you know, he's got the union
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therefore that's what he is doing. it doesn't create jobs. it drives them overseas. >> i see your point about the president. but the head of the nrb said the agency will run better and communicate with those who they are overseeing which is union members and taking care of them. what do you say? >> brainwashing them. listen to what you said. that is crazy talk. what is interesting though all of this and the fact that we are talking about it gives the unions a bigger voice than they have. membership is shrinking by the second but doing crazy stuff like wayne said harkens us back to the sweat shop gives the unions a voice and a positn out there. they are the largest campaign contributor to the president's reelection and probably will be again. unfortunately. they are going to stick their faces where they don't belong.
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>> susan, concern for business leaders in the country, is that this is not only an invasion of privacy but giving too much power to the board and unions who many companies are in a death knel fight when it comes to revenues. >> look, this proposal is about making sure that companies are not being obstructionist toward unionizing activities. there is a easy way to solve the privacy issue. you let employees tell their . employers that they want to optout. the idea that employees shouldn't be able to make sure they all have a voice and participate in the union activities is silly. what are they afraid of here? >> i think with the issue of job creation johnathon, what they are afraid of. if you have unions and more powerful unions, a lot of time the financial cost outweighs
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the cost of more employees, would you rather hire more employees or deal with a union that is cost prohibitive. and a cost and not just a union to your point. but a whole branch of government that is dedicated to serving not the individual but the union. and the fact that we have nlrb. arm of government for the unions is absurd. it is a product of not surprisingly fdr. and that era. it is not a question of privacy but question of property rights. unions don't own the company. and shareholders own the company. that information is their property and for government to come in through force and say i am sorry, you have to give it to someone else is absurd and a drain on the economy. >> john layfield. is this an anti-business idea? >> it is just pro union. they have fought over the
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power struggle gince the nra under the administration. nra was deemed unconstitutional because it was a growth and expansion of federal powers. 1946, five million people went on strike and crippling the economy and that's when the act came in and limitted radical people at the head of unions that created a biggest booms of the last century. it is a power grab by the unions and what they do. but it is also -- if you are negotiating against them. don't get out and negotiate. you are crippling business, too. >> to wayne's point. membership is dwindling. 30 percent of the sector is unionized. unions love to see them up their membership. >> i continuing is getting so overbloin. the idea that one particular provision like this will squash job creation is ridiculous. it is only six percent.
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>> they would like to see more. unions are threatened . the idea of unions is a threatened idea. >> my point is, why should companies be afraid. if you are doing it the right way. unions are doing good things . in fact, the company that the president mentioned in the state of the union. johnathon let me finish. the company that you mentioned mampter lock is a union shop and not only creating jobs, but they are bringing jobs back from china and it is competive in the global market place and that is not the story that anti-union people want to promote. >> i have nothing against unions ususan. >> really sounds like you do. >> they have no rights. they have no unique rights. the employee makes an offer and here's the job. the union can take it or hit the bricks and you advocate government coming in and forcing the employers to act
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in a certain fashion is not freedom. >> this is protecting worker's right. >> the question is jobs. the question here is jobs. >> but, but, let me address susit is forcing them f. they make that the law. that is forcing them it is not the individual's choice and that is an invasion of the individual's choice and that is absolutely wrong and should be struck down. now, when you come back to me. >> no, in fact it will drive jobs overseas. >> (talking all at once.) one at a time. what example, wayne. >> master lock. he picks one example out. wow, i found something up here. master lock. i can go talk about that. i will name you five that doesn't do it. >> look, i think the bottom line is no one wants
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telemarketer teamsters calling them at home and trying to drag me in the unions what the majority of people realize unions have cost a lot of money. we don't need worker protection anymore. we get that. we are in a different world and so the cost of companies to protect themselves is unfortunately taking away from hiring other people. >> john, do you agree with that? what about the energy industry and drill coal mines. >> look at car makers and airlines and baseball. they were sunk by unions and those legacy calls - costs that they built up. you can choose both sides. if you want to see where tracey. new car manufacturers are going in the south where they don't have to deal with union
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states. they cannot simply afford the union costs that build up over decades. money goes where it is reward. >> you had me until you used baseball. >> they almost killed baseball. >> thank goodness for mark mcguyer and steroids. >> coming up. how would you like to get paid with the e-mails and phone calls that you answer. new law in south america could have your paycheck heading north. ♪ ♪ you and me and the big old tree ♪ ♪ side by side, e, two, three ♪ ♪ counthe birds in the big o tree ♪ ♪ la la la [ male announcer ] the inspiring story of how shipping giant can befriend a forest may seem like the stuff of fairy tales.
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snolt ♪ carbin in for answering that phone call and e-mail. a new law in brazil requires companies to pay overtime if they answer e-mails or phone calls outs of the office hours. we should get this?
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why? >> i think it is much too heavy hand intrusive. but the spirit behind the law is personality. burnout is real. worker productivity decreases the more you work. diminishing returns. getting an idea of boundaries between work life and home life are important. shouldn't that be up to the employee. some people like 24 hour connection. >> it should be up to the employee and employer. >> this is arrogance of power. state man dates who and how and why. it is ridiculous. i can't be reach i can't call back and i have a emergency. that is crazy. if you are working you are working and if you are playing, you are playing.
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it doesn't matter 24 or five hours a day. it is a relationship between the employer and employee and that's all that counts. if it is unsatisfiryy one they will adjust that. they will do whatever it is necessary to make it work and it is between them. >> this reminds me of the french when they implemented 35 hour workweek and making sure they were leaving on time. and you know what, if you don't want to answer the e-mail hand in all of the electronic devices. i free lance when my kids were little. this is the way the world is right now. if you pay them for an late night e-mail. dock my pay when i make a doctor's apoignment for my kids k. you imagine what it does for pay roll costs. i was on the phone and e-mailing and how do you document that? do i come to your bedroom and
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see what you are doing? >> i don't think so. >> i hope not. how do you know if your co-worker is calling for happy hour or a work conversation? >> can you imagine the paperwork involved in this? boxes and boxes was ridiculous supporting documents. i think wayne hit a poign. what is a job? what is a job? a voluntarily mutually beneficial exchange between the employer and employee. for the government to man date this and that to the panel's point it is a negotiation between the two parties . they have no penalty and getting involve would mucks it up even more. >> you think it is unforceable. yes, it is. brazil has overtime pay and country full of hot chicks and i will go down there. this is ridiculous. what is this with work like
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balance. we have a grobe full of panseys. quick whining and work. you are at work and call home, you get docked for that. it is unenforceable. be glad you have a job. >> hot chicks in brazil. and pilots in ber mud a. i might feel that way, too. >> there are companies that are taking innovative steps and a better solution than the law. and we sue t-mobile is taking steps to volkswagon is shutug down emaims at night. but really engaging in conversation with the work force. make sure you are staying productive and you are not forced to work all of the time. >> is it to be fair. major accounting firms. kpmg. they push work life balance. they want their employees work hours and then go home and do
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something else. maybe that is a better route. >> send them to grazil and have a hot checks. and this is an centered choice. if i go to my . ear and you can call me any time and you can't call me and time. it is that relationship. if he doesn't like it he can fire me and i don't like it, i can quit. it is not up to the government agency. >> i worked for them and you work like a dog. you have to do something eventually. but a lot of people would be thrilled to get a e-mail at 10:00 from their boss. as long as the can check clears. >> fox news calls you and said the president of the united states is assassinate . what do you do . not cover the story.
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of course you cover it. they take place and you do it. thank you very much. coming up. how is this? the health food for public schools leaving a bad taste in the mouths of taxpayers. is it eating up more of your green whether you have kids or you don't. de, you won't just find us online, you'll also find us in person, with dedicated support teams at over 500 branches nationwide. so when you call or visit, you can ask for a name you know. because personal service starts with a real person. [ rodger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. our support teams are nearby, ready to help. it's no wonder so many investors are saying... [ all ] i'm with scottrade.
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>> coming up government food police at it again. will it take a bigger bite out of your wallet and president obama latest housing
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>> three days ahead of the
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florida primary. rom romm has a new ad. and an adthat takes words out of the contest. and on the top of the hour. late in the florida highest ranking republicans will join us. leon paneta acknowledged that a pakistani doctor provided key information that helped to take down osama bin laden . that informant could be in danger. and working on a bomb. this is part of the planning on a strike against iraq . more coming up. hope you join us. see you then. >> this might give you indegestion .
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nutrition standards for school meals. and try more than three billion green backs. if this gets kids to eat healthier why not spend the money. look at a terrible job they have done in educating kid and now more mon yepower to feed them as well in my god. we have made schools and governments the parents here. should it be brushing our kid's teeth as well we don't know if it is healthy. it is the same public system put forth the whole food purmid. eat like 20 servings was carbs every day. that was discredited. you have to take anything about what the government said with a grain of salt. >> join, it costs more for lunch and breakfast to get
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foods. they are cheep. >> it is inficiency of gompt it is around 1950 and called an epidemic of obesity and mayor bloomburg tried to stamp out buying sugary drinks. remember polio was a trillion dollar disease and eradicated misdemeanor world wide. to me it is worth it to feed them something worth eating. >> but, here is the idea. one could be having whole wheat spaghetti. most adults don't eat whole wheat spaghetti. >> i don't think it is a question but it is man dated again. once you introduce the next thing they are going to hold you down and stuff food down you and say this is what you
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eat and why. >> it is bad business. it is the parent's business how to raise their children and how to geet. they should be encouraged to eat properly and not forced to do it. >> they should be encouraged to at home. but so many kids live in poverty and the only meal they get is at school. they are nasty. and it is cheaper to buy potatos and french fries than put apples on the plate. push comes to shove. kids choose fries over an apple every day of the week. >> susan, is it worth the cost. >> medical costs is three billion a year for childhood embarrass. it is it a bargain. >> this is how she stays so slim. >> susan, great to have you. thanks for joining us. >> and mortgage relief to people paying bills on time.
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>> time for what i need to know for next week. wane rogers. >> ford motor reported less than what they need i think that ford is a buy and i own it and they will continue to do well going forward. >> tracey. president proposed a new financing plan for homeowners. get out of the housing market altogether. >> saudi arabia food and lower interest rates and john deer is the way to play it. >> johnathon. >> greek shipping play. what is in a name. not safe but strong and i own it in my fund. >> thank you so much. i want to remind everybody that neil cascruto will host live coverage .


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