tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News January 31, 2012 1:00am-2:00am EST
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campaign strategy. >> sean: that is all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. greta is next. >> greta: karl rove and donald trump is here. nine hours the polls open for the all important florida primary. it will be a sizzler. donald trump saw the brutal fight between romney and gingrich. donald trump will be here in a few seconds. first, karl rove the. nice to see you. the position tonight show that mitt romney a sizable lead ahead of gingrich. five days it was a different story. with what happened? >> if the polls are to be believed, there have been 15 polls in the last week alone showing romney of an average lead of 12.5 points. if this all comes to pass, it will be because of two debated
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performances and because the two candidates went at each other mono on mono on the stump and on the airwaves and mailboxes. mitt romney if he does win tomorrow night will have gotten the better of speaker gingrich despite two high profile endorsements of gingrich, one by herman cain and close endorsement from sarah palin. >> if he wins tomorrow night, 2 million republicans will be voting. 650,000 have been absentee voting which leaves over million left. is there any doubt when the poll margins are so big, are you reasonably certain this will be a governor romney win or is it possible that speaker gingrich could pull it off? >> the "new york times" projected a 3% that gingrich could pull it off.
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look, the evidence is romney is going to win but the question is how big the margin. that is why newt through in the endorsement of herman cain but he wanted to narrow that margin. i think one of the reasons why sarah palin is routing so strongly for newt. made it clear as possible short of throwing his arms around him and saying vote for the man. we'll see how it happens tomorrow night. >> greta: gingrich had 32 in south carolina, governor romney had 2. going into florida, the winner takes 50. it could have been hundred if they didn't get punished by the republican national committee. in some ways, if you had to lose florida state this is the year to lose it, right? >> let's be clear. they are not being punished.
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florida like every other state voted unanimously for a rule, here at window. if you go inside the window you get your full compliment of delegates. but if you go outside you give up half your delegates. florida on its own after joining in a unanimous vote decided to go outside the window and voluntarily give up half the delegates. if you are going to lose florida better when they voluntarily given up 49 delegates to lose the state when they have all 99 voting. we'll have more contests in february, michigan and arizona primaries in essence going outside the window give them to give up half the delegates. look likes governor romney's
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position is ready to win one or both of those. so he could suffer the same fate of having less than half the delegates. >> greta:. >> difference michigan and arizona they didn't want to vote against it. >> greta: now in terms of the strategy coming out of florida. let's look ahead. whole different dynamic in terms of kidnapping a an gets getting the vote. who is benefit is it. a month of caucus and not a primary? >> first of all i think it's going to be a advantage of ron paul. he's been spending a lot of time on caucus states. his campaign manager announced this is going to be a big focus. it also could be the advantage of mitt romney because two of the states, nevada and maine, he won last time around. 51% in nevada, 52% in maine.
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on the other hand, it might be a chance for newt gingrich, the expectation is romney takes two of the three because he took them last time. we've learned something. this is really unpredictable and unpredictable in a primary you magnify it ten times with a caucus, it's much smaller group of people who participate. a fraction of the people in iowa who voted in caucuses in the gubernatorial primary, for example. smaller turnout, more unpredictable they come. february is probably the month that will advantage mitt romney more than gingrich because the two big primaries are going to be arizona and michigan. michigan being romney's home state. other interesting thing we're going to have a beauty contest in missouri where gingrich didn't bother getting on the ballot.
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so there will be one night in march where missouri will vote and gingrich won't get many votes. >> greta: if you look at a check count, and compare both of them, who is more conservative? >> it depends on what your standard is. if your standard is who is in favor of paul ryan road map. remember, this is the thing that newt gingrich came out saying it was right wing social engineering. mitt romney embraced it albeit in a subtle fashion but a terrific speech. if you take a look who is fighter for welfare reform in the 1990s that would be gingrich. if you take a look who stood up strong on the question of traditional marriage it was romney thrust into the issue in november 2003 when his state supreme court declared gay
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marriage is the law of the land. here is the deal. people can look at this through whatever prism they want. is it guy who has been washington insider or the guy who is businessman. i frankly find a lot of this discussion i think having gingrich has hurt his cause by calling romney a moderate and now calling him a liberal. people have been listening to romney, he is a little bit to the left or right of gingrich, i'm not sure view him as a liberal. >> greta: do you think most voters, had think of speaker gingrich by virtue of having been speak are of the house as an insider. he is getting waxed by so-called insider in washington. he seems to be running sort of
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an outsider campaign? >> he is definitely running as the outsider. if you have been the former speaker of the house you are part of the establishment. what is damage to his the commercials is the revelations about his contract with afraid did i mack. there is nothing wrong with it. he was hired by the company to them to want to be associate with freddie mac. it would diminish the opposition of conservatives. he said positive things in the video about them. i think that has diminished his ability to portray himself as not a washington insider. >> greta: in senior santorum dropped out of the race or speaker gingrich stepped out, do those votes to go each other or do either one of their votes go to romney?
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>> conversely, if you add them up, rick santorum and romney's large people won't be voting for gingrich. >> greta: that is what i meant. all the santorum votes go to romney or gingrich is what i'm asking. >> it depends on how the candidates race and where the race is at that point. when rick perry got out of the race, it helped newt gingrich because gingrich was coming into south carolina where rick perry had support. that support, threw his support on the eve of the election and it helped. each of these changes so rapidly. i frankly think if santorum were to get out of the race today, voted would stick. nobody would gain an appreciable amount. on another day, newt would gain
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or mitt would gain. it depends on where the race is. what is interesting with this, the guy who has the highest positives and lowest negatives in the republican con stes rick santorum followed by mitt followed by newt followed by ron paul in that order. it's pretty amazing the guy first in iowa and it was fourth and fourth and now it looks like he'll be third is the guy who is favorable by a small margin but slightly higher than mitt's. >> greta: let's suppose we get to the convention, nobody has hit the number. what happens then? >> i just can't agree. this won't be something we go into the convention and somebody is going to have less than 50% of the delegates. we've seen in the matter three of contests, it's gone from eight or nine candidates, down to four.
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there will be a point where somebody wins persistently. then there will be inclination for people, he has been winning. that may happen on the sixth of march. originally i thought the contest could go on nonprofit april or may but we have 11 contests on the 6th of march. two of those states are likely to go strongly for newt gingrich. romney will get votes and delegates out of georgia and oklahoma but my suspicion those states will mostly go for gingrich. last, tennessee and wyoming are states that will be different. one will have an advantage over another. then the following states, idaho which has one out every six citizens are lds and massachusetts, romney home state. north dakota which is tended to
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favor a candidate that looks like romney. ohio, vermont and virginia, virginia which is the second largest black delegates and gingrich isn't going to be on the ballot. on that day you'll have winning states with 233 delegates, gingrich with 119 delegates and 104 delegates which could develop this pattern of persistent victories that causes people to start to lock in on homicidal. i think the odds of us going into a convention with someone less than 50% of the vote is slim and none. >> greta: thank you. check your clock, we are only 8 hours and 50 minutes from florida polls opening. herman cain endorsed gingrich and griff jenkins caught w up with him. what was biggest reason.
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>> he supports replacing the tax code. replacing the tax code is long overdue. he is seriously considering my 999 plan. he is not committed to it but fact he is open to it is a big factor. >> the tea party support which has been very weak. it could make a difference for newt in this race and tighten it up? >> i know that the tea party support could make a huge difference because i experienced it in florida straw poll. i happen to believe that some people are saying we don't have these candidates. people may not have the candidate of their choice. my favorite candidate, me. guess what? i'll go to the next best thing. support speaker gingrich. >> greta: griff jenkins talked to tea party members and other voters.
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>> reporter: with hours to go before the polls open in florida we wanted to find out where the voters were and how firm they were in the stance for the candidate of their choice. the recent poll shows 24% or playable. we wanted to test it out on the campaign trail. >> i decided to vote for romney. >> when, why romney? >> i think gingrich went way overboard with some of the comments he made. it was rather unfair. >> reporter: newt and romney was the guys. i like newt and romney. >> reporter: when is it going to come down for you? is sn is there an issue that would get your support? >> taxes. very important for me. best plan when it comes not
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increasing taxes. >> i'm still not sure. i couldn't make up my mind and first time i've been in a position i haven't been able to make up my mind way ahead of time. >> reporter: do you think there was too much emphasis on candidates attacking each other. do you enough about the candidates? >> i really don't have a big problem with candidates. if they can't handle this attack it will be something from the white house. you might as well get ready for it. >> i don't want to hear bad things about somebody. i want to hear good things. i have heard a lot of negatives. i'm not that concerned about newt's personal past. that doesn't have to do anything with america. i wanted to see what his vision is for the future. that is what i'm concerned about. >> greta: straight ahead, donald trump just got back from florida, and he saw the brutal
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campaigning. donald fires out harsh words for the candidates. also, did you hear what house speaker john boehner called president obama's economic message -- unamerican. you'll hear from both sides of the battle. democratic coch man is also here. plus is president obama making a career change. he just got a big offer. fin ♪ [ telephone rings ] [ laughs ] [ mayhem ] please continue to hold. the next available claims representative will be with you in 97 minutes. [ laughs ] ♪ and if you've got cut rate insurance, there's nothing you can do about this. so get allstate. the only insurance company that guarantees your claim experience won't be mayhem... like me. [ dennis ] introducing the claim satisfaction guarantee. only from allstate. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate. the other office devices? they don't get me.
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>> greta: capitol hill before union address, john boehner called the economic address unamerican. now speaker boehner is developing his words. >> he doubled down on the failed policies that haven't worked. he made the economy worse, higher taxes, more regulation, high spending. what i'm talking about is, the politics of dividing america. this is not the american way. if the president won't work with us to help create jobs, i'm sure the american people will elect someone that will. >> so what did they think about accusations. house democratic caucus, head of it.
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what do you make of the president's remark that the rich do not pay their fair share. some of the rich or all of the rich? >> i think the president made it clear there are a lot of folks that aren't contributing as much as other americans are and we should all be ready to pull together to get the economy going again. i believe that speaker boehner has missed the mark. it doesn't look like a good sign for having a chance to reach common ground on any number of important things including the payroll tax cut for 160 million american workers. i hope the speaker are changes his tune a bit. if he got most of his facts wrong, taxes have gone down since the president obama. i think i differ from what he says. >> greta: i think he was talking about class warfare but he was speaking to the rich don't pay their fair share. i'm curious, that is my question
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whether the thinking all the rich who aren't paying their fair share or some are not paying their fair share? >> clearly a lot of americans, for example, keep their money in the u.s. they don't send it to swiss bank accounts. they put money back into american businesses, they hire more workers. they are doing their fair share. they are looking for every way out whether legal or not trying to avoid their fair of taxes. >> greta: i guess it goes back to the tax code. you have those that are paying according to the tax code and maybe some don't pay enough. they are filing the tax code and tax loopholes that allows them to pay less tax. the democratic party the house and senate and white house for the first two years of the obama administration, noeffort was made to reform the tax code so
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that it could in any way as you might suggest fair. now all of a sudden we hear a fair share business. where are you reforming on the tax code? >> we were here. you have your facts wrong. difficulty to get things through congress, republican in the senate used the procedural maneuver to prohibit anything from passing unless they had a super majority. while democrats had a majority in the senate they didn't have the super majority with enough support to get all those measures through. and tax reform is very difficult things to try to do unless you have bipartisan support. >> greta: i guess i'm a little disenchanted, many americans are. when somebody has an enormous amount of influence in a particular house and has the white house and has the leadership that you might expect sort of utilize the leadership
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to seek the bipartisan to make things go right. we're going to be going around in the circle until we have leadership emerge that can fix it? >> you are describing it very well. let's put it this way. the president for the last two or three years proposed we stop giving tax subsidies for oil companies that is making tens of billions of dollars in profit every year. we haven't been able to pass that. republicans in the senate have block it. but wholesale reform is tough but we could go areas where there is abuse, over a trillion dollars a year is spent for special interest groups to lobby to get the tax breaks that don't go to all americans. we can do a number of things if we tackle either marks that go after those. >> greta: thanks so much for joining us.
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that is one of the things we talked about at trump tower. >> greta: nice to see you and glad to be in your conference room. >> great crew. >> greta: and you have a rant tweet about food stamps being up 45%? >> the economy is terrible. the world is not doing really well. some parts of the world are doing incredibly well but we are leading the world in terms of not doing well. obviously food stamps are going to be up and running and other bad things, if you look at unemployment, the real number of unemployment. they said the real numbers is 21% we don't count like it in the old days. if you were unemployed, today if you stop looking for a job they don't consider you unemployed. >> greta: or if you are
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underemployed. >> underemployed i leave out but if you stop looking for a job, you are not in the statistics. it's a problem. the country has very serious problems. >> greta: gingrich made a remark he referred to the president as food stamp president and set off a lot of people, some people thought it was a horrible criticism. >> if you ask any question or criticize the president it's always race it. how come he doesn't reveal his marks in school, was he bad student the answer is yes. >> greta: how do you know that? >> one college he was bad student and they got him columbia and he got into harvard. maybe it's not but that is what i hear. maybe everybody could say that, but you are a racist. if i say lousy student, you on
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don't consider that as racist. he did get accused of being racist because he mentioned food stamps. >> greta: how do we overcome that. food stamps we have so many people on food stamps a lot of people are hurting. >> the economy is not doing well. it was meaning the fact that people aren't getting out and working like they used to. you can make that case. you can make a case that people don't have the same drive because there are incentives. we have it that people are unemployed don't want to go back to work because they can pick up many more months of unemployment insurance and those other things. i've seen that. i hired a person once who said, could i start in three months. by the way, i said no thanks, forget it. >> greta: what is going on? there is a difference. some people want to go out and work and come in early and get
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benefits. some are not. why is there such a divide? >> it's just happening more and more with this country. that is why the country isn't doing like it used to do. there are people that want to take maximum advantage of benefits before they go back to work. >> greta: is that a state of mind. it's so easy to do, people don't care that much. they are willing to run it up. a sort of malaise? >> i can't say everybody. a lot of people are pitching hardered and working harder than before. it's a state of mind for some people. some people are really not out there doing what they are supposed to be doing. there are many people that would rather stay unemployed for a certain period of time, pick up maximum benefits and then go out and get a job. >> greta: a large part of the
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economy, is people's attitude, inspiration, if people are feeling good, might consume products, more people consume products the more we'll make those products. how do we inspire people to make people food feel good? >> it's very important element. i'm a big fan of steve jobs and great fan of apple. wouldn't it be great apple if they made these products in the united states. that would be the super apple. super apple. products are made for the most part in china. they get great credit. it's a great company but the products are made in china. wouldn't it be great if they were made in united states. >> greta: they are made so quickly in china, they can get them done cheaper and faster.
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>> i'm not knocking it but new leader we're going to build plants in the united states. we can do great things in the country but maybe the incentives aren't there or people aren't there. hundred percent of their products made out of the country it's sad. >> greta: inspiring people to be enthusiastic and attitudes are changing, it's a can do attitude. >> it starts from the top. it starts from the president. people don't feel great about the country right now. you look at any poll, people aren't feeling good about our politics leaders or the country. >> greta: we get hundreds of thousands of calls. people. what happened? >> we got change. you tell me. the word is real change.
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we need real change. he did run, people didn't know him. he never did anything. the only thing he did was in the house. so there it was nobody to criticize. if you are a person that does a lot and really with great success, you have a big record what people can criticize. he came in with really no record. he said he was going to give us change and change has not been a good thing. >> greta: the auto industry -- it's going down lagh two months. >> it depends on how you look at it. we have tremendous unemployment in this country. as far as the auto industry, do you think it would be saved if they would have done nothing? i personally do. they would have gone through the rules an regulations of the court system. you know if i look also and look
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at hundreds of billions of dollars are still out there waiting to be repaid, as you know including the auto industry. >> greta: what is the biggest criticism of him on economy? >> i just think it's incentive. lot of my friends are investing in other countries, going to brazil, every place but the united states. i just don't see the incentive is given to this great country. it won't be great for long. >> greta: is he taking it away or was the incentive not there when he came to office? >> i said it in o your show. one thing i thought he was going to be great cheerleader for the country. he has been very negative especially the whole thing with the class warfare and what he is doing in order to get re-elected. i always felt whether you liked him or didn't like him, whether you believe believed him or not he was going to be a great cheerleader for the country but
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he hasn't been. i think he wants to get re-elected, create a system where people dislike each other. its bad motive and bad thing for the country. whatever you call it. common phrase is class warfare. certainly a lot of people are saying that is the way he is going to get re-elected. because the economy stinks, unemployment is bad. a lot of things whether solyndra and lots of other things, they become investment bankers, why are they investing in billions of dollars things. they are not wall street people who take risk and know what they are doing. i read things, anybody that had a little bit of knowledge would have known that solyndra could not have made it. yet, we invest $500 million into solyndra. why did we do it?
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in my opinion, they were all his friends. >> greta: the thing that is disticker about, you can buy cheaper than they can make it. that a red flag. >> you can buy cheaper from other places in order to break even. why wouldn't somebody say, this model isn't working. >> greta: beyond that whoever was pushing that or advising it. i know the secretary of energy signed off on it, is that person still working and making decisions. people make horrible decisions in government and we never isolate who they are. the ultimate the president is still working. nobody fired the president. i guarantee he knew about solyndra. >> greta: coming up what question stumped donald trump. that is next and is president
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sanctions on companies that do business with iran's central bank. for more informs, go to have a great night. >> greta: before the primary donald trump says the gop candidates are playing right into the president obama's hands. our conversation with donald trump continues. >> now, it looks like governor romney has double digital lead on speaker gingrich. >> one thing, the commercials are going both ways but there are lots of commercials and pretty effective commercials. i think people feel he did well in the last debate and i told him so. i think he really did well. >> greta: governor romney? >> yes. and we felt gingrich, they are both friends of mine. but newt didn't well on last two debates and it really did have
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an impact. >> greta: who do you think would make a bigger change? >> i think both would make a change. >> and we really need change and we need it rapidly what is going on in the country you can't continue down the path. >> greta: and romney is the change person but everybody seems to run into the same logjam. it's hard to navigate the waters in washington. who would be more effective? >> i'm going to come out and endorse somebody but think both of them would be better than what we have right now. >> greta: is there anything that president obama does that you admire about? >> again, i thought he was going --. >> greta: anything at all? >> good xianler. pretty good campaigner.
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>> greta: that is not a lot? >> he came where nobody knew who he was. you look at manchurian candidate. college people didn't know him. nobody knew him. nobody ever comes out, ex-girlfriends, nothing, nobody. he came from someplace, he became president of the united states. unconceivable but it happened. so what did he do well? i guess he campaigned well is in. i just don't think he is putting that level of intelligence into gear for this country. >> greta: and gingrich and romney, would be better than president obama. tell me what could possibly tempt you to run for president if you think both those candidates would be good candidates. one thing is for the candidate would win. you have to make sure the candidate could win. >> greta: don't you think they could? >> i'm studying and watching very closely.
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they were rough ads. it could happen and some people might believe him and some people might not. in if you look what is happening with this country. you know i love what i'm doing. it would rather not run. i wish obama would be a great president. hasn't worked out that way. they have to be able to win. they're going to have to be able to win. we can't go through four more years of obama. >> greta: assume one of them is nominee and the nominee can't win against president obama. do you jump in at that point? >> i have to make my own determination and i would have to see who it is. i probably would come out and endorse somebody in the not too distant future and i'm not going to endorse and then run. >> greta: you say you are going to endorse or run? >> i will only consider running
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if that person doesn't win. in the meantime, i can't do anything until as you know, may. i have the apprentice and you are not allowed in my opinion a stupid law, you can't run if you have a show. you are allowed to go on shows and fly on air force one and do all the things but not to have a show. i don't know why they put it in. i have a very successful show and i'm not allowed to run anyway. >> greta: one last question, what is your advice to them? >> i wish they would get along. they are really playing right into the democrats if you look at it. they are both pretty rough. i watched this weekend but i was in florida and i watched some really vicious ads. >> greta: who is worse? >> i think they each have their
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moments, greta. mitt is brutal and moments where newt is brutal. i can't say who is worse. they are both pretty bad. in the end, now it may not work out that way. it could be the whole concept it's a toughening process and who emerges is going to be tough and ready to go. you could say that is true. the other thing you could say, instead of having like a winner immediately and four or five months of dead silence and the republicans are in the news all the time. maybe that is positive and it could very well be. but really they are going after each other and i think to a certain extent is playing into obama's hands. >> greta: looks like blood on the floor? >> a lot of blood. >> big news from hollywood. will president obama come face to face with steven3q
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>> greta: turns out the president caught the attention american idol's producer and now they want him to sing on the reality show. he has launched a twitter campaign to come to hollywood. he tweeted we love the vocal performance we would love to invite you on to american idol for a du ed with al green. it was al green's "let's stay together," that he sung. so far the president has not responded. >> and in colorado, the cold weather is not stopping them. ice golf is part of a tournament to prevent some local charities. there you have it. best of the rest. coming up, they are taking another day off. another day off. why is matthew broderick this was the gulf's best tourism season in years. all because so many people came to louisiana... they came to see us in florida... make that alabama...
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make that miissippi. the best part of the gulf is wherever you choose... and now is a great time to discover it. this year millions of people did. we set all kinds of records. next year we're out to do even better. so come on down to louisiana... florida... alabama... mississippi. we can't wait to see you. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. each day was fueled by thorough preparation for events to come. well somewhere along the way, emily went right on living.
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if you have a history of heart orlood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. my inspiration for quitting were my sons. they were my little cheering squad. [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where you want to be ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way. learn more at >> greta: back for last call. 80s icon ferris bueller is
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making a come back, bringing back the famous movie character in a new super bowl commercial. here is a sneak peek. >> i'm not sure what it is. >> i called the studio matthew. you're not shooting today. >> no. >> movies bring so much joy. just get some rest. >> he's on it. >> how can i handle work on a day like today? one of the worst performances of my career and never doubted it for a second. all right. can i get my crv brought up, please? i've got a lot to do today. >> broderick? >>. >> greta: that is your last call. make sure you go to greta we know you have something to say about the florida primary.
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