tv Hannity FOX News February 1, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EST
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three minutes. >> sean: good panel tonight. let your heart not be back at our usual time tomorrow. thanks for being with us. >> greta: tonight well now they're all going west, newt gingrich is on a plane headed to the next campaign hot spot. nevada. he's looking at florida in his rear view mirror and governor mitt romney celebrates an important win. where are ron paul and senator rick santorum? in nevada campaigning and senator santorum will be right here to go on the record. but first all important florida primary results. governor mitt romney with a commanding victory. speaker gingrich takes second. and congressman ron paul takes fourth place. >> thomas payne is reported to have said lead, follow or get out of the way. well... mr. president, you
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were elected to lead. you chose to follow. now, it's time for you to get out of the way. >> primary contests are not easy. they're not supposed to be. this primary and polls our opponents have been watching and they like to comfort themselves that a campaign will leave us divided and weak but i've got news for them. a competitive primary does not divide us. it prepares us, and well win. >> greta: it's not over yet. speaker gingrich is rouing to fight on. >> i'm not going to compete with obama in singing because i'm not running for entertainer in chief. i'm running for president. and i would say, mr. president, you cannot sing past a disaster of your presidency. now... we will immediately i
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put down my teleprompter. i said to my staff earlier, i'm having to wait because of a staff failure, if barack obama gets reelected it will be a disaster for the united states of america. make no bones about it. if he can have a record this bad, unemployment this bad, deficits this bad, policies this bad, gasoline prices this high and still get reelected you can't imagine how radical he'll be in the second term. >> greta: now, developments from the florida campaign head quarters and right now, griff jenkins joins us live from romney headquarters. i imagine they're clearing out now but a lot of excitement there. >> that is right, greta. it's quiet down here in tampa but it was a electrified standing room only. governor romney gave a speech, he was comfortable and they ate it up, breaking into chants. what happened here is significant. not only does governor romney
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win 50 delegates here, but he will win here with more votes than any other candidate in g.o.p. presidential history here in florida. he won virtually in every imaginable category. won amongst hispanics and won women, won late voters and he won conservatives and tea partiers. i spoke with attorney general who has been campaigning with governor romney. she told me she was not surprised in the least he won in the landslide because she campaigned with him more than a year and a half ago here in florida and it came down to organizations and mitt romney reaped benefits that have hard work. now, you mentioned nevada. going forward we have nevada and maine coming up, nevada has a large mormon population. romney may do very well there. newt probably on a plane on his way right now.
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maine, that of course mitt romney territory, he's got a strong hold there. then, you go forward to colorado, missouri, and minnesota. newt gingrich is not even on the ballot in missouri. and in minnesota, libby has thrown way back his support for governor rom neechl he's leaving here with big confidence and a very, very big win. if in history who won florida has gone on to win the g.o.p. nomination. >> now, steve harrigan is live in orlando. >> there were silence here when results were read behind me seemed like many people were expecting a defeat but perhaps not such a dramatic one here tonight. throughout the day newt gingrich remained defiant speaking with supporters outside of a polling station saying this is a fight that
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will go on no matter what results in florida. he expected it to go on five, six months from now. today, he made the case that now, it's a two-person race in florida and he said it's a question of people power versus money power, money power being romney campaign. as far as reasons for the dramatic turn around, in the gingrich campaign, many people are pointing at different reasons. they're saying he was out debated. others saying he was outorganized but one thing is clear. he was outspent in this campaign by the romney campaign. one detail stands out. that is the amount of advertisements run by both sides, by wednesday of last week, the romney campaign had run 13,000 television ads. and during that same period, gingrich campaign just 200. both did go negative both attacked each other personally. romney campaign operating with
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a much bigger hammer than the gingrich campaign. back to you. >> greta: next up, caucus in nevada is this saturday and that is where we find senator rick santorum, joining us. good evening, sir. >> how are you greta? >> greta: doing well. i've heard you answer this question but our audience might not know this. how is your daughter bella? you and i have spoken about her. tell our audience how is she doing? >> she's doing just great. i want to thank you and everybody out there for prayers. she had a very rough go of it and got great care at the hospital able to get turned around and we're hoping she'll leave the hospital as soon as tomorrow so we're very optimistic and we love having our cheerful little girl with us. >> greta: i knew that good news i wanted to make sure our audience did. now, the campaign. you're already in nevada.
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looking at las vegas sun, you say newt became the issue in florida. i'm curious is it really the -- did, was it newt became the issue or negative ads? just trying to tear each other apart? >> newt became the issue in the sense there was a lot of negative ads but a lot of negative ads about newt history and position on issues and frankly, newt's misbehavior. that to me is not the kind of candidate we need to win as a conservative in republican primary. we have a moderate massachusetts governor. we need a strong principled conservative. he doesn't have baggage or the ability to self destruct. someone that can go out there with a message to beat mitt romney and importantly be able to defeat barack obama at the general election where he is the issue. not our candidates.
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>> greta: was the issue because he was the main challenger at the time to governor romney? when you look at spending, 13,000 ads run in z.200 ads by gingrich campaign. if you're counting that much money, is it about the person? or about the ad? >> well, clearly governor romney has, you know had an advantage on the ads. i'm not sure if that includes the super pack ads chi think they defended $5 million down there. and so ging rip competed with a big lead, went in there with big bucks in state of south carolina. he wasn't able to hold that lead. he lost it badly. and that is you know, he had an opportunity to make the point that he was the guy. and we didn't feel we can compete and given the size of
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the state and the state of our campaign from the standpoint of money. we raised about $4.5 million in the month of january which newt gingrich and you know, he had a much bigger vote coming out of south carolina than we did sort of a disputed delayed victory in iowa. we raised more money today than any other day one one online. we're getting a sense and a feeling out here in nevada and colorado and missouri and minnesota i've been to four states already in two days, we're getting a sense conservatives are looking elsewhere to find someone who can better match up against mitt romney and can be that principled conservative and draw a better contract with barack obama in the general election. >> greta: talking about conservatives, las vague yag yas sun said according to republicans in las vegas will be a challenging task for you than in iowa meaning iowa and nevada republicans are
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different. how do you meet that challenge? secondly, tomorrow you intend, i assume to go after governor romney because you have a speech about health care about president obama a.and governor rom nee. two part question. >> yeah. well, look. you saw the state of florida we had highest favorable railtings in the race but weren't spending money down there or time everybody else was. people liked us and if you look again at polls almost every gingrich voter if they didn't vote for newt was going to vote for me that. is not the case with our voters. they didn't see him as a conservative alternative. but we believe that there is a large block of votes out there here in nevada and here in colorado and out west and across the country that goring to start to see conservatives who can articulate a vision and win in the general election. that is what we're focused on. >> but it's not so.
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it -- winning general election you've got to get the nomination first. if you don't organization money and money to clobber the other person in ads. we've seen this negative ads work. so you need money you and need to win nomination before focusing on the general. >> well, greta, that is true but look at this, if the case for mitt romney is i've got the most money and i can beat up anyone who comes along to get in my way that is not a particularly strong argument to make because guess what? barack obama is going to have way more money than mitt romney and national media on his side. beat the living day lights out of him f the answer is whoever has most money wins republican nomination that isn't going to be. you need who is going to have the best record and the best message to be able to go out and take on barack obama knowing that you're going to be outspent and be beat up.
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but being able to discuss that mitt romney does not provide that. that is the problem here. he's not going to be able to bully and beat up obama sense res. he's not going to have that advantage and not going to have the organizational advantage. he needs to have track record advantage and he doesn't. >> greta: i'm curious, candidates for senate sharon angle and tea party. to what extent are you looking for their support? is she still a factor? terms of generating enthusiasm there? >> we welcome everybody's support. and i actually spoke at a tea party event this afternoon. and there are folk who's did support sharon angle. she's still involved. in politics and someone who you know we supported when she won the primary. she was running here in the general and we contributed to her campaign and supported
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her. doing a radio show, i would be deal yaited with -- delighted with her endorsement and anybody else out here these next few states we'd love their help and support here in the next few days. >> greta: thank you, sir, we're pulling for dell bela and hope to talk to you again, soon, sir. >> thanks greta, god bless. bye-bye. >> greta: newt gingrich has florida in his rear view mirror plotting a strategy for the next big contest, nevada. speaker gingrich will give you a sneak peek z jackie gingrich has ridden the campaign roller coaster with her father. how does she think he can build momentum? and an exciting day here at fox news channel. we got to do something unusual. what was it? why did we get the honor?
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>> and now we go live to the gingrich campaign headquarterses in orlando. the speaker's daughter joins us. good evening. >> good evening, gretta. thanks for having me on. >> i imagine extremely disappointed tonight. the numbers are bad for your father in florida. any reflection on the post mortum? well, you know, we are not very surprised at all. we knew even before we won south carolina and we won 12 points there. we knew it would be a very different race. they say it is a different demographic. you mentioned that there was a lot of money spent in florida. we were out spent four or five to one. we are not surprised about the outcome. but i think when we heard my father and what you will hear at the hotel was an optimistic america and an offer to work with people and to really create a future with the conservative values that we need today.
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>> what is the strategy for winning in nevada. and do you have the money and the ground game there already? >> well, a couple of things. first of all we are raising more and more money every day and every week and every month. and i think you will see that continue to happen as the conservative core goes around and as he mentioned in the segment. we had people working out in the state. we don't want to set our sights too high. it is no longer -- after iowa and new hampshire and florida, it becomes a multi state game. it is no longer one thing after another. you have to look ahead to super tuesday and all of the states will be in play. we are very much looking forward to that. >> well, if you are looking at the conventional wisdom looking ahead, it is a rough schedule for you. you have coming up the minnesota caucuses, you have governor paw paw -- palenti and michigan coming up and i assume with the romney
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connection, that he at least has the leg up going into that one. and you have missouri coming up, and your father didn't make the ballot there. it is a beauty contest. this is a rough couple weeks for your campaign. you have to lock beyond it a little, don't you? >> absolutely. i love the way you said a beauty contest. clearly we don't want to run a beauty contest. this is a serious race. senator santorum has every right to run. he is a great guy. he has repped reform welfare. -- he has helped to reform welfare. nationally there are two main candidates and that is governor romney and my father newt gingrich. and part of what this process is about is honing the message and talking about the core conservative values. and i think the farther we go along the cleary the contract will be between my father who balanced the budget and cut spending and cut taxes and governor romney. >> jackie, i talk to so many of the children of the candidates.
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this time it was in 2008. it is so rough, especially nights like this. you love your father and it is tough to see a loss. your thoughts how rough it is on you tonight. >> actually, i will be honest. we had a great dinner before we came out. we were very upbeat. i'm sure you probably watched it or if not you will watch it. his speech was out of the park. it was great. we are excited about where we are. >> i actually thought listen together speech he didn't congratulate governor romney. why not? >> i think he is looking forward. we are glad he came to florida and it is widdled down to the few here, governor romney was here and my father, and we are looking forward. this is one of four states. and we are loooong forward to the other 46. >> but the routine is that the candidates get up and they say congratulations to the winner. they ran a great race, see new nevada. he didn't say that.
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does that indicate that did he forget to or does it show how deep the wound might be in florida? >> no. i love the fact that you put routine and newt gingrich in the same sentence. dad is anything but routine. clearly he is focused on the future ahead and moving forward. >> did he call governor romney tonight? >> i honestly don't know, gretta. i can't speak to that. >> are you heading off to nevada? >> we are heading that way. we are excited to go there. to see the people and looking forward to that. this is a long trail. and that is the next state. after that there will be 45 more. we are very excited about where we are. i really think he delivered an incredible speech and i invite everyone to look at. it he told me afterwards when i congratulated him, he said, you know what, look forward to the next space of our campaign. he had a big smile on his face. >> jackie, thank you. hope you come back.
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>> thank you so much. coming up, believe it or not there is a good chance the race will get wilder and they will tackle the west and each other. did they set them up for the battle ahead 1234* mario diaz is here next. also, despite tonight's big win, new questions about romney's campaign strategy. we will go on the record.
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>> a showdown in florida and governor romney scores a big win. but newt gingrich is also thanking florida. why? he said florida made it clear this will be a two-person race. mario diaz is supporting governor romney and he joins us. good evening, sir. >> nice to see you. >> no contest. there is a lot of negative ads. am curious if there is a risk that the negative ads are turning on the swing voters and if it will backfire as we
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go down the path. >> i was happy he was hit and hit hard. if you can't deal with what you are getting hit with now in this primary season, wait until the billion-dollar obama machinery opens up and hits you with only negative campaigns. >> i don't think he got hit. dollar for dollar, it wasn't a level playing field in florida. he didn't get hit as hard. >> it was more of what his side spent. it is not like he got a full scale assault on him. there was an effort. >> you have to remember that he has been the front runner since the beginning and then there was five and then four. equally as important he has continued to be the target from the white house. you know, the white house has tried to play -- they consider him -- they consider him the candidate. >> they don't want to run against him. they are trying to defeat him. he has beenm. getting hit
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consistently. during this process one state it was one candidate getting hit and another candidate getting hit. but he has been getting hit and governor romney has been getting hit consistently. he has been a better candidate and a stronger candidate. nothing compares to who the nominee is. and they will receive from the negative campaign that is coming from the obama administration. joy are you surprised -- >> are you surprised on this vote in light of south florida? >> no. >> why? >> what is the issue that has everybody concerned more than anything else? jobs. it is the economy, right? if it is important for all-americans, imagine in the latino community in florida where unemploy meant is almost 14%. as important as jobs, the economy, the lack there of and the destruction of the economy by obama is forever -- for hispanics it is even more. >> didn't governor huntsman say that it is state of
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massachusetts was 47th in job creation? i mean, that is going to hurt because if job creation is key when he gets hit with that number when he turns around. >> he will get hit by that and so much more. but here is the reality. when we say that this president has failed it has been aai failed presidency, it is not just because i say so or you say so. it is because the benchmark was established by president obama. he said how to judge him. he said that unemploy meant would not reach 8%. and by now it is supposed to be 6%. so according to his own benchmarks, he has been a total failure, and that is going to berk the issue of the campaign. >> in the last twoa months unemploy meant has gone down. if it continues to go down between now and november, that argument is not going to be effective. what he will do is put up a flow chart and show the direction it will trend. the last two months, and that's a snap shot, but i
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don't think the democrat -- i don't think the republicans who rely on that number if the level goes down. >> first place, i hope the cbo was wrong. the report they released today said the r unemploy meant was going to drop and then it will go up and continue to go up and really go up. >> then i think a potato could win. if that employ meant level spikes, that's key. >> you are right. here is the other issue. i don't think int our country we are willing to accept -- say if it gets to 8%, 7.5%, those are western europe-type numbers. that's by wait precisely what the president wants to do. obama wantspr to take us toward a western european model. i don't think the american people are willingth to accept that as the model. >> but i think everyone agrees tws a terrible economy, and i think people will be looking at trends. rather than absolute numbers, he is running out of time. he is running out of time. but between now and november he has, what -- well, you count the months.
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i think they are looking at trends. i don't know which way the trend is. if the trend is in his favor, it won't matter. >> except fohir the fact that he put it in writing and he said it until he was blue in the face that those are the standards of the 80% unemploy meant, we would not reach that and it would be 6% now. i don't think anybody expects the unemploy meant would be at 6%. and there iser another issue, the creeping gasoline prices. they are starting to escalate. the buck stops at the desk of obama who has stopped the pipeline and stopped the drilling and has done everything to stop production. >> and that will be the trend. it depends on the trend. councilman, thank you for joining us. coming up, he just won florida by double digits, but does governor romney need to change his strategy? why would we ask that? we will explain. and it may be primary day, but the results of another big event today, and we are right in the middle of it. can you guess what it is? here is a hint. it was in new york city.
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live from america's news headquarters i'm ainsley hair hart. they are not letting them steel the spotlight entirely on this day. he disopped by checking out some wheels. he looked at hybrids and trucks and touted the chief business. the president took a political swipe at mitt romney saying there were some leaders willing to let the car industry die. a warning to men who might be battling prostate cancer. it is aimed at patients considering a pricey treatment known as pro-tom therapy. the latest research suggest itself may have more side affects than the traditional radiation. they use a different form of radiation. it has gained wide use in this country despite any proof.
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it is a safe and as effective as treatments. now back to "on the record" with gretta and check out our website, fox news .com. margin but no time tone joy the win. it's on to nevada. governor romney's florida strategy work in nevada? and byron york joins us from tampa. the strategy is that the one he takes to nevada? >> well, first of all he's going to do very well in nevada. mitt romney won nevada in 2008 with 51% of the vote with a large mormon population that went 95 for romney last time around. i don't think it's walking on a him too far to say he's going to win nevada what is interesting about this businessman thing is that i
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i've been watching him on a stop in iowa, new hampshire and south carolina now, in florida. there are speeches he gives when he talks about his business experience almost never mentions he was the governor of massachusetts. what he's trying to say is i've been a businessman and have been a success. i know how jobs are created and i can fix our economy. interesting thing is that if you look back and see how often did americans elect businessmen presidents it hasn't happened often. you have to go back to herbert hoover to find the last guy elected on a mostly business platform. >> all right. courting business in what you said a supermarket or start up business. that i've got that concept. i'm curious how to create jobs as a governor and if governor huntsman was correct massachusetts was 47th what happened?
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>> and that is between huntsman and rick perry, no longer in the race. question is how do state governments create an atmosphere in which private businesses create more jobs? and romney says it is a fact he's massachusetts under mitt romney did not lead the nation in job creation but romney is relying on his business past. >> if the president has bee been -- i he assume the president if you're saying creates atmosphere so jobs can be created and republican ideology is that you cut regulation and taxes if that had so far down the poll isn't that an extreme point of vulnerability?
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>> romney will have republicans united on this. they believe the president imposed too many new regulations on the economy. >> how do they explain mass mis? >> how does he explain massachusetts? >> massachusetts is going to be, yeah. well, first romney says yeah. massachusetts is about 85% democrats so he couldn't get all he wanted but that is going to be a problem for him. appealing to republicans and tough for him in primaries because massachusetts clearly one of the liberal states in the country. and mitt romney's record there is that newt gingrich might say as a moderate. i think that will work better for him in general election. >> greta: speaker gingrich said people power will defeat money power, that might be optimistic. we've seen the power of money
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in politics. >> i think that with newt gingrich we need to come back in a week or two and see how things look then. tonight he's vowing to go on. he doesn't have a lot of chances to make much impact until super tuesday, march 6th nl. what is he going to do six weeks? is he going to compete in contests between now and then? not clear what he's going to do with his major financial backer continues to back him? right now he's saying he's going to go on. >> greta: i want to note the ambient noise behind you is interesting. sounds like they're packing up, you better hurry out of there or you're going to get locked in. >> thank you. >> greta: straight ahead it was a very big night for governor romney. next up, saturday and nevada caucus, rick klein with a look down the campaign trail.
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and then, february 7, missouri primary. february 28th arizona and michigan primaries march is jam packed with contests. super tuesday is march 6. what will final four candidates face down the road? rick kline joins us. good evening, rick. >> hi, greta. >> greta: a about. c news and i know it because i saw it. tell us what is the news about mitt romney that abc broke? >> abc news learned this is a big step in the campaign to acknowledge what a political campaign is. if the ask hemplan cain is receiving secret service. and it will be a statement about why wr this romney campaign is headed. >> usually if you're the nominee which he is not, or if
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there has been a series of threats or if you ask for it or pay for it. do you know why he's getting it? >> our understanding is that he was concerned about growing crowds in new hampshire. i think after a win like this, it's the logical next step. have you to look at the map and the season now. and he is the clear front run skbrer a favor troit win. >> greta: now, on to nevada i think one of the interesting things in the newspaper in nevada by congressman ron paul he thinks they should stop taxing tips. but tell me, take a look at nevada. immigration and issue will that hurt governor romney? >> you didn't see knit florida. and mitt romney won northern half of the vote. and he lost primary condition but won in nevada because he had a strong organization that matters in caucuses. and i think its fair to say
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he's going to have a good week. and probably in maine as well, and so he's got favorable debates coming up. >> why is the tea party in nevada? >> that is what karen angle is go tok take on hairy reid in 2010. i think tea party is a back up. we've seen in cases like these we've seen mitt romney doing well among tea partiers. among people that just sort of liked them or identified with the tea party he's done fairly well, it's not that -- there are elements likely to line up now with newt gingrich. gingrich doesn't have a lot going on in nevada. >> and how about money? >> money is an acute issue for newt gingrich. he's got to pick battles now. he's running out of states to
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go in there to try to make a movement on the ground. and if you look there are six states in february february. mitt romney won five of the six but he's a favorite and it starts in nevada and ends in michigan. so if you're looking for places to gain approval there aren't a lot of friendly places on that map. >> greta: must have been very interesting. saturday is the day nevada and maine caucus and we'll be watching. rick, thank you. coming up on the record and fox news channel are celebrating and there is a good reason. you'll see why bells are ringing, next.
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>> greta: we're celebrating fox news channel's 10th year as number one cable news channel. times square was lit up celebrating the occasion z he had the honor to ring the opening bell in new york city. take a look. >> times square, can you believe it? me. times square. >> okay. this is really fun for on the record not only is it the 10 year anniversary of fox news channel being number one in all cable news but on the record approaching its 10 year anniversary as of february 4th. what a hoot this is for me. come on. i'm from wisconsin. about to go on television for nasdaq in times square. it doesn't get better than
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this. take a look at the room. isn't this fabulous? 0 years number one cable news channel but that is only the beginning. wait until you see the next 10 year, thank you nasdaq. >> what a day. time to buy, america. time to bi. fox news channel. fox business. we have been number one 10 years, what about that? >> greta: thanks again to the nasdaq for helping us celebrate our milestone, number one for 10 years can you believe that? that is fabulous, thank you for staying up late and joining us. we'll see you tomorrow night
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