tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News February 1, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EST
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>> sean: i got to go. listen, very special day at fox news channel, we are celebrating the network is number one, thanks to you for the last ten years. i have to thank our boss, roger ales. thank you for sticking with me, boss. greta is next. >> greta: new battles with the g.o.p. nomination, florida primary may not be over just yet. newt gingrich is challenging the result. fox news has learned the gingrich campaign will contest the winner take all rule. under that rule, governor romney would get all the delegates. so what is the problem? >> well back when, they had to decide what the states to do that said they wanted their primary early. if you were an early state that you had to have your delegates
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proportionately, winner take all. frankly they haven't enforced that. they don't have the power. it's not a penalty issue. it's a question of the fact they issued and that is what it is. >> greta: how it is, for exampling primary, cut in half they are down to 50 to begin with? >> it's a rule that says right up front. it's not like a punishment. they decided to cut in half. it's a question they said it's going to be proportional. what is going to happen, there is a contest already, because it only takes one person to make that request. that was done by not our campaign but we would back it up. it was done by a state committee in florida back sometime in november. they reiterated recently. it's my understanding it's a contest committee which should be referred. i have reason to believe to this
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day, talking to various groups, quite a few on that committee and on the rules committee that are very unhappy the chairman is not enforcing or choosing to enforce this rule. if it's not brought up sooner, i can't imagine with all that will happen that it weochblt be, but not decided, it will be a contest at the convention. >> greta: who makes the decision >> its republican national committee rule. it's not a question of law. it's a question of the rules of the party. so ultimately, what his members thinks. what he thinks up front and beyond that is the members of the committee think. and they can vote on all these things. >> greta: leaving the florida's primary, when it ended, governor romney had 50 and speaker gingrich had zero, winner take
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all. in the argument would prevail. any idea of what the numbers would be? >> gingrich my candidate got about 32% and i would assume that would be 16 delegates would go to him and romney would be losing more than that because he got less than 50% of the delegates. it's a big difference in this. plus, hey, look there a big difference when you look at the map there were counties that went to gingrich. so it should be very different. >> greta: the chairman of the republican party will be with us in a few minutes and we'll see what he has to say. good to see you. this is a fox news alert. a big endorsement to rick santorum, sharron angle ran an unsuccessful campaign against harry reid. she gave on the record this statement tonight. rick santorum and i have known
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each other for long time. he a strong fiscal conservative. he has undercover wavered in support of family families. his continuous opposition to amnesty and obamacare cap and trade is perfect fit for tea party movement. any thoughts about that endorsement? >> how big is the influence in tea party in nevada? >> it's big enough to upset the favorite candidate and sharron angle wound up losing and a lot of republicans thought she was weak candidate against harry reid and chosen candidate would have beaten harry reid but she was itself tea party favorite. would have some influence on tea party followers. it would help rick santorum in his effort to topple gingrich as the alternative to mitt romney.
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>> greta: speaking of endorsementss making the announcement that tomorrow he will make a big announcement. we assume it's an endorsement. if his endorsement worth something in nevada? >> the thing about endorsements is something the profile size of donald trump has certainly will make news. if he does endorse someone, the candidate will be happy to have the endorsement and donald will tell how great the candidate is. it will make a lot of news in the state of nevada where the next event. caucuses. >> greta: is he the anti-establishment candidate? >> that is question there. there is a lot of officeholders and party veterans who think newt gingrich would be poison for the ticket. who resist him on that basis.
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i remember in congress, you didn't want him to run on the top of the ticket. there are lot of other people that feel he a true you conservative and on he an insurgent and he is the guy and they are arguing who is the true conservative and they are talking about rockefeller republicans. i think rockefeller republicans have been dead for a long time and people against gingrich pat buchanan and s cowl cowl who hardly seem like moderate centrists. it's an interesting fight within the party. >> greta: you and i had a discussion about governor romney. everybody has been running the sound bite. >> something fat fact protecting the poor and if it's in need of repair i'll fix it. discussion and said what the
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programs were and so forth. this will undoubtedly haunt him as some of the other comments that point to him as rich guy and someone out of touch with the rich people all the way to the fall convention to the fall election if, indeed, he is the nominee. my sense of that particular comment the people that will be most upset about that comment and think it's the most telling, probably wouldn't vote for mitt romney anyway but that is just a guess. >> greta: if he runs the risk, it's going to be edited -- but in his campaign. he quoted president obama supposedly when it wasn't president obama quoting john mccain. >> i felt it was if you are romney supporter that would have been discouraging comment when he took a quote that president obama quoting senator mccain and made it look like the president had said something and he didn't and he did not say. that was unfair.
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his quote is out of context i'm afraid is part of the substance and texture of politics these days. politics sometimes aren't fair. >> greta: and so a different challenge for these candidates? >> organizational challenge, not money luke i spend on ads but you have to have people to organize it for you. you need a real organization. mitt romney clearly has that. he won the nevada caucuses four years ago. he would be the odds on favorite to win this. sharron angle endorses rick santorum and tea party turns out in force. we may have a new alternative before long to newt gingrich. a lot of people newt gingrich did badly in the state of florida with the accusation that romney had taken food out of mouths of holocaust survivors which a lot of people thought was way over the top.
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>> greta: it makes sense for senator santorum to push gingrich out and gingrich to push santorum out. many think their votes are shared but you don't think so? >> i think some of their votes are shared but we might get a surprise. if say santorum drops out. i'm not saying he will. i don't think he will and gingrich won't either. we won't get to the point of really knowing where the votes would go. they probably would be split to a greater degree than one might imagine. remember this -- the candidates go to the end and maybe they will. but sooner or later candidates drop out. the reason is they run out of the money and you can't effectively campaign without it. it could happen to either one of guys. >> greta: thank you. newt gingrich says he is anti-establishment candidate. he spent decades on capitol hill but he is getting criticism from
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some of the his republican colleagues. bob dole says it was his way or the highway. one called his leadership lacking and peter king called him undisciplined. senator lindsay graham joins us. you have some support but he is getting hammered from former colleagues. what was he like? >> when you looked look at his record he accomplished things in washington, welfare reform, welfare ended on newt's watch. balancing the budget. entitlement and the coo was in office and i thought newt was being too cozy with clinton and erratic. but now in 2012 after i tried to solve hard problems like immigration and coming up with a
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rationale energy solution, he was trying to lead a revolution. >> greta: so on he is not a different man in that respect of established speaker but you had a different vantage point? >> after i tried to sit down and govern putting together compromise on big emotional issues, it's difficult. what he was able to accomplish with president clinton is pretty historic. he did have an erratic nature. on monday we would say we're not going to give a 3500 tax credit to people who don't pay taxes. he goes to the white house on tuesday bind wednesday we're giving $500 tax credit to people that don't pay taxes. that was to me, that drove us crazy to a certain extent. now i understand how difficult it is to put deals together.
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i think i matured and i think he has mellowed and those that underestimate speaker gingrich is at their own peril. he has been dead twice, i don't know. but when you talk about conservatism when he is on there is no better messenger for what he believe as conservatives. when he is not on, he a danger to himself and others at times but newt gingrich is the guy who feels more comfortable with who he is. if you have to change the place behind me, washington, if you want to make change substantial and real, somebody has to come here real quick. so from my point of view, i don't mind his candidacy one bit. >> greta: you said danger and rerat i can, if you are trying to decide to vote for. what do you mean by danger? >> i think president obama is
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dangerous in the sense he is able to sell policies that are not good for the country long term. i the guess what i'm saying about newt. we finally lose confidence in him because he was changing the game plan, the last group won the day. but i can't imagine his job. the first time republicans had the congress in 40 years trying to lead a revolution, taking people like me that came to burn the place down and govern the country and deal with bill clinton a good politician. looking back, i appreciated how hard his job was better than i did in 1997. i'm here to say, the guy we were too hard on him but if he got the nominee i think he could win. only unelectable person is barack obama. if we make it about his time in office, there is no way in hell he will get rehired.
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>> greta: let me switch topics in afghanistan, we may.... >> if you are trying to win a war and negotiate with the enemy you want to do so, bringing home the troops, september of this year, bringing the search forces home means that general allen doesn't have the search forces to go into the east. so we shortened the fighting season and punishing the taliban. if we take combat off 2013 and taliban are being punished militarily and i hate these politicians that change the rules. don't you think they will be encouraged taliban that combat operations will be short nndz 2013. this is all local politics, this is domestic politics at the
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expense of a military strategy that i think is sound. >> greta: you've been over there a number of times. i was there with secretary of state of clinton and she told the women that the united states is not going to abandon them with the taliban. i still don't see that. what about the women? >> what do you think necessity believe that we will not be engaged in full-blown combat operations in 2013. if we remove the search forces, we won't have a robust 2013 campaign. how do you think the women and taliban feel and the guys and gals on the front line that are taking to the fight the enemy feel in some civil war and it will come to an end but i want us to lead but never go back. what they did in iraq, everything we fought for there, this is all domestic politics, there is no military commander suggest that we pull out in september, the search forces.
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>> greta: why is the president doing this? >> i think he is trying to send signals, i'm going end these wars. here is my message to the president. we're in these wars because afghanistan is the place where al-qaeda was welcomed as a gevt of the taliban. wouldn't it be a shame after ten years to leave a place where the taliban could reemerge. think he should enter into an agreement to have military bases three or four past 2014 with air force and special forces unit could defeat the taliban and then negotiate them with them. >> greta: and fannie mae and freddie mac, more than $150 billion. didn't believe that was not all two months ago. they were given millions in bonuses and are they going to get it? also an ominous warning, top
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u.s. officials have new information, it's not good at all. john bolton goes on the record. and michelle obama about to join american idol. stay tuned for the very latest tonight. you don't want to miss it. y... ♪ that right now, you want to know where you are, and where you'd like to be. we know you'd like to see the same information your advisor does so you can get a deeper understanding of what's going on with your portfolio. we know all this because we asked you, and what we heard helped us create pnc wealth insight, a smarter way to work with your pnc advisor, so you can make better decisions and live achievement.
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>> greta: whether fannie mae and freddie mac and the fight against the teachers ever end? to the tune $150 billion will you think that would be the end of the asking. not so fast, in november they asked for $13 billion in bonus pay -- $13 million for bonus pay. and senator joins us. you are trying to get this done. >> we are. we have a bill that would change the pay structure. compensation of fannie mae and freddie mac and make it more consistent with other regulators like the fdic and take any bonuses and prevent those from being awarded and use it to pay down the national debt. >> greta: what about good judgment. the man, authorizing director that authorized the payment. just use good judgment?
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>> it would. that is why people were so outraged. they saw at a time when freddie and fannie were losing. this posted losses in the last 16 quarters. they came to the congress for federal infusion in the multiple billions of dollars. the base compensation for ceo fannie mae was $5 million which is 14 times what the president of the united states makes. i hope we can get a vote. >> greta: it's bipartisan? >> so far. >> greta: both sides of the aisle are on this? >> that is correct. there is an amendment on this that senator mccain that we're voting on this week that would ban bonuses into the future. but this legislation is still, i hope, is something we can get done in the near future. we'll look for an opportunity. if we can't get a straight up and down vote.
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>> greta: acting director is authorized the bonuses, saying it attracts good talent. he is still in the position to make other decisions. is it pretty much -- i know he justify saying attracting good talent. i don't consider good talent if you are failing. what about him? >> he served to the pleasure of the president. the president has been very silent on this. it's his reiteration secretary that made the decisions on executive pay. the president hasn't spoken up at all on this. >> greta: that is what i don't get. people that make the decision at solyndra. we never find out who these people are. or someone that authorizes fast and furious while you try to clean up the problem on capitol
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hill or whatever. the actual culprit in the federal government good judgment they are still there for the next bad judgment? >> they are and there has been a lot of unbridled power in the executive branch in this administration. all the czars that were created and all the ways in which they tried to accomplish their agenda through agency regulations and things they can't get through the political process in congress. these appointments are example of that where he put people into positions went around it. this was unconstitutional power grab. it will be litigated. there will be a lot of lawsuits and challenges that are filed and many of us in congress will join in briefs in support of those lawsuits. >> greta: harry reid, in support why wouldn't he? you have democrats that support the bill? >> i would think he would. my guess is there is opposition
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to it because administration is opposed to this. >> greta: have you stopped the actual payment? >> there is undispersed bonuses. we're trying to prevent the awarding of that in the future and bring the entire compensation structure of fannie and freddie back in line with other financial rules. >> greta: but could someone run out the clock? >> i think they could run out clock if we don't get action on the bill. i think the american people deserve an answer on this. members of the congress should be on the record. we need a vote. >> greta: thank you, sir. >> republicans calling president obama campaign they are chief. wait until you hear what he did last night. and arizona governor jan brewer,
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lady and joe biden were have estimated in one night. they had high end fund-raisers and republicans are blasting president obama spending more time campaigning than governing. >> how are you greta. >> greta: i love this. i want to ask you about this. what is the story in florida. you obviously know this is going to be a problem. december 21 letter from you. >> copy of the secretary of state. >> greta: this is not a speaker letter, oh but. >> this is not a secret. >> greta: so you saw it coming? >> yes. and we're going to blow the listening for our rules but when state violates a rule of rnc and there are certain penalties that they can level.
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we have leveled every single penalty against florida. if there is a further complaint the rnc has a committee called the committee on contest. there are very few standing committees in rnc but there are committee on contest whose sole purpose is to hear complaints of delegates or delegates that have a problem. >> greta: but the winner take all. i don't see it as policy. they are stripped away of 50 delegates moving the primary up. that was the penalty. it says in the letter, those who have their contests before march 6th have to do the proportional and those that do it after is winner take all. it's one category or the other. they have their march 6th. they are proportional? >> that is why they suffered 50% loss. it was an area when they weren't
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supposed to. you are looking for a double penalty but there is and we made very clear. this happened -- there is going to be more than one complaint filed i can promise you that. that is why there is a committee on contests to hear allocation complaints. someone says i don't like the way the delegates were chosen in this state. i don't think the allocation should have chosen this way in florida. you file a complaint with committee on contests. they hear all the complaints and that is how it's resolved. these people have been here 40 years. >> greta: and rnc, entertainer in chief, you don't want him governing? >> what is that. >> greta:. >> i think we have a real disaster as far as the economy. we have a president that is more in love with campaigning than doing his job and listening to
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his own debt commission and doing something about the debts he prompted he would do. you know what i think. i mean this, i think our problems are right now, we don't have the concern that we have to do everything we can for the future of the republican party and i certainly am not worried about the future of the democratic party. i do think that even amongst the most strident republicans, number one concern including mine is the future of america. the very idea of freedom and liberty. >> greta: what issue is not attending too by virtue of being in the fund-raiser? >> that is all he does. lots of presidents campaigns but this president campaigns nonstop either himself, first lady, joe biden. it would be nice for him to do for starters is some of the promises he made to the american people by cutting the deficit in half by the end of his first
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term. we're not close. it's the biggest structural deficit in the history of the world. wouldn't it be nice if the democrats introduced a budget to congress which they have haven't done in thousand days. these are simple things. he said he wouldn't deal with lobbyists. he's got a hundred of them on payroll. he would reduce the cost of health care and health care is skyrocketing. >> if we hold him accountable that the president set for himself, he can't possibly win reelection nor should he be. >> greta: open invitation to come here and tell you where you are wrong but we can't get the president to come here? >> any time you want to talk about rnc rules. >> greta: nice to see you. a new warning about our national security. top u.s. intelligence officials are warning that iran is now more likely to launch terrorist
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attacks on u.s. soil. former u.n. ambassador john bolton joins us. saber rattling or we have to worry about terrorism on our soil? >> a few months ago administration ichb diet revolutionary guards to kill the saudi arabia ambassador in the united states. i don't think this is new. what it under lines that iran is determined to reach the successful conclusion to the quest for nuclear weapons. that remains or should remain our real focus. >> greta: my ni real change. i would assume they are threatening us. threats of terrorism on the u.s. soil. did it come as a huge surprise? >> i don't think so. they have armed terrorist in iraq and have attacked coalition forces and aiding and arming the taliban for the last ten years.
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they remain the world's central banker of international terrorism. but the main threat what ought to concentrate our attention is the nuclear weapons. the way the testimony went, it implied if we stop making noises about the nuclear weapons programs they wouldn't launch terrorist attacks here. you need to get the cart before the horse. >> greta: so that the iran will never get a nuclear weapon. meanwhile, there is a lot of chat ear and talk and each day goes by, i don't know how much, they are advancing? >> clearly iran doesn't believe it. if they thought they were going to face strict sanctions they would have taken appropriate actions. what is interesting to this testimony in response to senator of coats of indiana. he said all the existing sanctions against iran, all of them have not caused one change in its policies or programs in
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the nuclear weapons program. everything that has been going on for the past or six or seven years they have had no impact whatever. >> greta: we have had faulty intelligence over the years. how do we know that our intelligence is any better? >> i think a policymaker, let's forget the intelligence analysts. a policy maker has to assume you don't know everything. it's obviously clear that we don't know everything. >> greta: how do we know? >> what we don't know can't be good news. all of the information that has been out there for the last ten years, you can read it in international atomic energy reports, is iran is very, very close to achieving a nuclear weapons capability. what we don't know means we could be that much closer. >> greta: mahmoud ahmadinejad
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has said that he wants to wipe israel off the map? >> there isn't any doubt, what iran shows there is no conclusion other than they are seeking a nuclear weapon. >> greta: and clock ticks. >> and our nation is drowning in debt and it gets worse and worse and congress doesn't solve it. you'll hear from a congressman it's small compared to the debt but have to start someplace. congressman jeff lambry is here. jersey shores is taking on chris christie. wait until you hear what snooki said on this one. ... [consumer:] the economists make some good points. [announcer:] we say, you're right. find out how natural gas answers both at
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fox business brief. solid gains after positive news from manufacturing and construction industry. the dow finished up 83 points 12,716. facebook has officially filed a registration form to the securities and exchange commission for initial public offering. they have filed up to $5 billion and said it would like the idea to take place in the second quarter. company intends to list common stock under f.b.. >> wall street reporting bankrupt company amr wants to reduce kosdz by 20% for all of it's workers. catch my show weekdays and find fox business network in your area. fox business network, giving you the power to prosper. >> greta: $15.3 trillion now,
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that mind-blowing number is the current number of the debt. by the time on the record is over that number will be higher. how do we begin to pay it down? a group of freshmen group of congressmen, congressman jeff landry joins us. i have a copy of the letter you written on to speaker of the house something you want to do? >> yeah. i had discussion with other members of congress that recognize. a number of us had a surplus last year. so we all got together and why don't we do a press conference and show america that we are leading by example and asked the speaker to take that money and apply it to the debt. again, it's part of matching action with our rhetoric. >> greta: $1.4 million you want to turn back to the treasury? >> we want to apply it to the
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debt. >> greta: interesting thing, we understand that regular unused portions of money for a fund for two years before being transferred to the treasury. if you want to return for your money to pay off the debt, there is languish for two years? >> i didn't set that up. [ laughter ] >> greta: i'm saying that is what it says. i'm not criticizing you. >> you know, greta, at the end of the day, i think americans want to be shown that washington can do just what everybody else does. it can live within their means. think about what they did. we took a 5 percent in the beginning and came back and saved an additional 12% out of the budget. it's all the federal agencies would do that, we would be on road to somewhere. >> greta: most people get to the end of year, how much?
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>> $160,000. >> mostly have new carpets, new computer terminals and that most people they find out they have a cushion and will spend it? >> but families and businesses, what they do, exactly, what they look at it we have some debt. we've got profit. we apply the profit to the debt to reduce our debt and businesses and families do the same thing. pay more down on the credit card. this is showing america we can live on the same side of principles. when i got to washington, i've been congressional healthcare and retirement. showing people we can do better. >> greta: can you change your office? in many ways, when you ran your office, you saved this money, you didn't suffer? >> almost all of the members that part of the press conference today were business owners. we have to do this. we have to do it.
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it comes natural to us too save money to go and try to produce a product for less. >> greta: how do you deal with the national budget? >> we want to open. if the president took the budget those seven and eight freshman could do it, he could do it we could get someplace in this country. >> greta: i hope it keeps up and to take down the debt. see you, sir. >> american idol, move over. first lady michelle obama is moving in into your territory. we have video. jennifer lopez and randy jackson and battle jersey style. snooki against governor chris christie. that is next.
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[ applause ] ♪ i, so in love with you ♪. >> oh, beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain ♪ ♪ for purple mountains majesty ♪ above the plains >> first lady michelle obama, she critiqued both performances. >> did you ever think at this point in your life you would be a singing sensation? did you ever think thi it would happen? >> no. >> did he say, i'm going sing? >> no, that it was completely responsible sustain us on, i didn't hear about it until he got on youtube. he does have a beautiful voice and he sings to me all the time.
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he sings that song. that is why when people, i bet he sang al green. he does that all the time. >> he has better singing voice than you? >> absolutely. he doesn't hesitate to show it off. >> did you hear mitt romney sing what did you think? >> i saw it in the green room. it's beautiful. [ laughter ] >> greta: first lady was different in the tonight show but i'm not sure when president is asked about it. and snooki is not ignite so diplomatic. she is making her feeling knows about her feelings against chris christie. she said she won't be voting for christie for president but the governor is not running for president but that didn't stop snooki, i will not be voting for
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chris christie, from degrading the jersey shore show. -- >> greta: so what sparked the snooki's mean tweet. he has said that jersey shores make his state look bad. >> you remember this picture, jan brewer pointing her finger at president obama. cameras got caught her on the tarmac with the president and new photo shows it pointing again. this time she is pointing at sheriff. it happened there she was there to speak to students. but she pointed at the sheriff and there you have it. that is the best of the rest. last kourm call before we turn off the lights. there is a word of a new endorsement and you probably wouldn't have predict this had one. stay tuned. in 1894,
10:55 pm
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10:59 pm
>> greta: 11:00 is almost here, flash those studio lights, it's time for last call. if presidential candidates get endorsements for all sorts of reasons but there is one reason you probable hi haven't thought brks or heard about before. >> everyone is endorsing their candidates. roger ebert, if you've been waiting for roger ebert's opinion has endorsed ron paul saying he's the only one i'd want to sit next to on a long airplane flight. yeah. so if that is how we're choosing a president i'd like to endorse the girl from the t-mobile commercials. >> that is your last call. lights are blinking and we're closing down shop. before we go, i want you to go greta tonight and tell us what you think about tonight's show, politics and you can throw in how bad you feel about the fact the green
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