tv Red Eye FOX News February 5, 2012 2:00am-3:00am EST
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obama's own home nation of hawaii. as the examiners note, even if you take those 10 states and add in the states where the approval rating is below 50%, but higher than the disapproval, it is not cheeky for the chief. that's because even if he carries all of the states he will lose the electoral votes 323-215 which by michael claition seems to be quite a lot. can obama win in november? and more importantly, can anyone beat this table in a match?
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>> oh my god. >> i would say that is a no. a lot could change between now and november. >> yes, thanks for stealing my talking point greg. >> what do you mean? i am asking you a question. >> go ahead. >> wow, you are cantankerous. >> i am that too. please, ask your question. >> no wonder she's single. >> will his numbers pick up if the economy picks up? >> yes. what is it, nine months? >> to make a baby. >> i wouldn't know that. >> i didn't mean to bring it down there. you are taking what we are giving in a weird way. >> it ain't over until it is over, baby. >> anthony, as a long-time obama supporter does this make you nervous? i am starting to think i have
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amnesia. i can't buy into any of these polls. we are being inundated with the poll results that change on a daily basis, and i don't know whether people don't have any attention span. they change their mind within 24 hours and they are polling the guy. no one can stick to one thing now. they change every day. i am going to wait until election day. >> very good. the thing is, i don't think this shows. it is a map based on a poll. you candice like obama -- you can dislike obama and hate romney more. >> if the economy gets better of course he will get elected. he plays the class warfare card like nobody else. he sings al green. she was charming. 9 best hope we have is mitt romney. he has a classy wife who is ill and he stayed with her. she a rich guy.
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he could do for us what he did for himself, perhaps. >> she attractive. >> he is is a tom brady of the republican party. he is the best hope we have. obama will be tough to beat. >> i agree. bill you have been analyzing political races since the 1950s. what do you make of this? >> in the same survey they said his numbers are down in hawaii. i speak for every american who says who cares what they think about him in the home country of hawaii? they can't even vote. by that rational he is an illegal president. >> that is true. >> you have read my blog. >> i have read your blog. everybody says he is from kenya, but he is from hawaii which is a different state. >> have you to be connected to the country to be a state. >> exactly. no borders there. if there are no borders there is no way you can i'm ma -- immigrate. right? >> yes. what happens if you check out a radio exclusive's home 1234* and then, i will shoot
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all right, welcome back. did mitt's victory song produce nothing but a yawn? well according to a recent rase muss son -- rassmusson survey they would like to see another enter the race. and polls reflected a similar sense of meth in florida with 38% of primary goers say theg were not satisfied with the
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field. they said they would like someone else to run. armed with this very info and very little clothing, "red eye" hit the streets because that's where the people at. >> now, there is a new poll that says 30% of gop voters would like a third candidate. do you agree? >> yes, i do. >> who would be your candidate of choice? >> i think mitt has like ups and downs. he is more liberal. >> let me help you with this. >> don't take that the wrong way. >> someone else to vote for other than romney. if you have it you need penicillin. i'm talking about romney.
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do you have gone rhea? >> no. >> how about chris -- chris christie. he looks like a big villain. >> i like what he says about the school systems and more conservative. >> you know what i like about where he stands? there is always a lot of shade. up top. chris christie it sounds president will a or somebody who runs a candy store. come on out, kids, it is chris christie's candies. thank you for agreeing with me. excuse me. can i ask you a couple quick questions? the scarf doesn't fit you. can i do a rating with you? i have a couple of write in candidates that are lesser known. do you, a, recognize them, b, would you vote for them? take a look. do you recognize that person? >> no. >> that is andy levy. he is the editor in chief of "cat fancy."
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>> his eyes creep me out a little bit. >> do you recognize this person? >> yes. but i can't think of his name. >> that is brett bier. >> that is greg gutfeld. do you recognize that name? >> no. he looks like a creep. >> well, he looks less creep ethan the other guys. >> do you recognize this guy? >> yes, but his name doesn't come to mind. >> that is billy zane. you can be blasay about some things, rose, but not titanic. what is the movie? >> "titanic." >> no, it is "home alone." >> you can be blasa about some things, rose, but not titanic. i kind of gave it away. >> that's right, batman forever. appreciate it. >> i think you should grow the hair back. >> i don't think he can. >> billy zane needs row gain. any final words? >> no, kisses to new york. >> kisses to, no.
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new york kisses you right back. all over of the. >> well, if we have learned anything today, the american voter is not sure what they want. snoop dogg snows exactly what he -- knows exactly what he wants. and i think i know what i want. don't be insane! vote for zane. don't be silly vote for billy. bald is beautiful. bald is beautiful. >> i'm billy zane and i approve this message. >> i think we learned something from this package. >> this poll is interesting and discouraging. my feeling is, anthony, that the lack of enthusiasm is like the rest of us, they are not following it yet. >> well, i think the media will take anybody that is running and put them under the microscope. any new guy you throw in is going to be the exciting new guy. i think they would lead for a week, and then that would be the end of that. i think there was a poll that said 75% of voters if the election were held had to
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would say it is not even election day. >> that's a good . very knowledgeable. bernie, what do you think? does that depress you? >> yes, it does. indeed it does. for us in the media it is great. for example, i dislike newt gingrich. glad he is staying in the race for us. if donald trump got in, we would have -- you know, it would be a field day for us. but the voters are so ignorant and stupid. it is dissolutioning. there is no hope. there is no way to convey to them that we are in debt and in deep doo-doo. there is no way we can pick up on it. obama can sing about al green. >> we are easily charmed as a culture. aren't we? >> i have only known you for 15 years. michelle obama went on ellen degeneres today. that does -- charming works.
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>> i think romney is charming. i think newt has a certain rm cha. >> i think chris christie is charming in his own evil man way. he's my gov so i find him -- i like him. >> is gov a euphemism for something? >> governor. >> what chris christie has done for the fat man -- >> you are right. if chris christie wore three piece suits and had a -- what do they call it a fob? a watch fob and a walking cane and a hat and maybe a monical he would get 99% of the vote. >> and spoke with a british accent. >> he would win across all factions. >> very taft like. >> all right. enough. >> they are not monicals.
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they are called glasses. >> i like that word. >> you put the mono in monicals. to leave a voicemail, 212-462-5050 of the still to m could, the half time report 23r* tv's andy levy. >> tonight is sponsored by dog sleding. the winter racing sport most popular in the arctic regions of north america where the dogs pull the sleds across the terrain. thanks, dog sleding.
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welcome back. let's find out if we got anything wrong so far. for that we go to andy levy. what is going on? >> not much. . >> great. >> good. >> thanks for asking. >> romney wins florida. anthony, you say you like romney's statement about "i don't care about the very poor. they have a safety net." he was trying to appeal to the middle class. i agree with that, but it is kind of a problem. he phrases things wrong all of the time and he makes it easy for their opponents whether they are other republicans or democrats to take them out of context. >> i still don't see poor people. >> are you like the opposite of bruce willis. >> well, no, haley joel osmond. it is like a seventh sense. what about the people who work work -- didn't you have like working on your pool and stuff like that? >> i pay them so much and they end up being wealthy.
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>> good for you. that's excellent. america needs more people like you. bernard, you are going with the romney is an electable argument. i agree. he is probably more electable than newt. can a guy this uninspiring -- nobody actually likes romney. >> well, i disagree with that. a lot of people like romney. what is not to like about romney? he is a self-made guy essentially. he is a good looking millionaire. his wife has ms. he didn't ditch her. he is a good man. he contributes 20% of his earnings to charity and to his church. he is a good man. he is like the perfect candidate. what is not to like about mitt romney. >> i agree of the i am not saying he is like a bad guy or unlikeable guy. >> so why are you bugging, sir? >> he just doesn't inspire anyone. maybe that is okay.
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maybe you don't have to inspire anyone to get elected. but don't you think maybe that is an issue? >> when he was governor of massachusetts, he displayed a personality that i agree he is hiding fairly well. we had him on. he is funny and charming and he has a personality, but he has to put it out there if he wants to bring mr. i sing al green. you are right. >> are we over playing the whole inspirational thing? calvin coolidge lead by example. >> you know the vice president of chris was not too shabby either. it is a great, great uncle. >> i said maybe you don't have to be inspiring to be elected. i think you might be right about that. when you are running against a guy who at least four years ago was very inspirational to a lot of people, it would be a good quality to have. >> i suppose so. >> i don't really care.
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>> sleep walking through this. >> juliette, you said you think newt's advisors are smart to have him not make concession calls after he loses the primaries. and gingrich says given he was out spent 5-1 he was, quote, very, very delighted with the results. >> then there you go. he wasn't faking it. >> i i will leave it to you whether or not you want to believe in it. >> i believe in minute. i believe in my newt. >> you need the next mrs. mrs. gingrich. >> don't even go there. >> if his nickname is minute -- >> that's not what you want. just lastly, las vegas tv station klas is reporting that donald trump will endorse gingrich later today. >> did snoop dogg and ron paul, you said in the picture
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he posted of ron paul he posted where it says "smoke weed every day" despite the use of quotations, they were unable to attribute it to the texas representative. smoke weed every day is a snoop song. >> i knew that. you know who told me that? bernie goldberg. >> did he really? are you sure he didn't tell you twos a tupac -- tell you it was a tupac song? >> also greg, you mentioned that snoop's semiendorsement is probably because of the pro pot stance which is true. but if i may speak directly to the d-o-double g, gary johnson on his website has a page, and it has the headline gary gets it. then he says, there are 50 million admitted cannibus users. this is your fight. gary needs at least $1 from each of you. he is actively courting pot
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smokers. >> that's hard to do. the pot smokers will say, yes, sure, but -- >> there is a reason gary johnson had to switch parties. >> also by the way, again, nothing more boring than stoners talking about weed. >> that's true. if they just stop talking about it it would be legalized. i can't smoke weed. you know what will happen. >> no, i don't. >> it is medicinal. >> what the hell was that? >> well, let me tell you. >> they are rolling papers for tobacco. >> they are not mine, by the way. >>- q. i she just found them in her purse. -- -- >> she just found them in her purse. >> and that is asprin powder in her pouch. >> where are we right now? >> juliette, you pointed out that if the economy improves it will go up and that is a
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longtime. the polls show obama now at 46% approval rate which is up from 41% in november. he is tracking us. >> you are proving my . point. a couple last things. bill, you said you saw a poll saying if the election was held today was it 73% who said today is not election day? >> yes, that's probably wrong. a lot of people don't know when election day. >> the rest were stoners trying to vote for ron paul today. >> that gives me an idea. andy? >> yes jie. what about a massive movie called "election day" and it involves all of these well-known stars like ashton kutcher and rachel mcadams and just major stars, and they are all going to vote at different places, and then they kris cross their love lives. >> it is a sequel to "new year's day." but it is called "election day." >> valentine's day and then
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new year's day and election day. i like it. >> me too. we should go to hollywood. >> you will get a lot of vivid video fans going to that. >> i was just in hollywood. your timing is awful. i could have taken meetings. >> instead you took something else. >> that is really none of america's business. i am done. coming up, donald trump is dead set against voting for obama. can you blame him? but first, did wiener use the campaign funds to cover his buns? we report. >> guests on "red eye" will receive a guided tour of central park with the action brothers. they have been training together for over 15 years. their mission is to show you a good time every time. [ male announcer ] if you believe the mayan calendar,
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on december 21st, polar shifts will reverse the earth's gravitational pull and hurtle us all into space, which would render retirement planning unnecessary. but say the sun rises on december 22nd and you still need to retire, td ameritrade's investment consultants can help you build a plan that fits your life. we'll even throw in up to $600 when you open a new account or roll over an old 401(k). so who's in control now, mayans?
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romps in the sack to get creditors off your back? many americans would apparently. a national survey asks what would you give up in exchange for having someone else pay your bills for a month? 18% said they would give up sex for six months. that's like one in five actually. 23% said they would skip tv for a month. 21% would give up digital devices including cell phones for a month. 14% would give up the internet for a month. and 100% said bill schulz sucks. the people have spoken. let's discuss this in the -- >> lightning rooooouuuuunnnnndddd. lightning round. >> anthony, doesn't it say more about the quality of sex partners these people have than the size of their bills? >> exactly. what percent was that? >> that's 25. >> 25%.
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well, there are people not having sex for longer than six months. >> i don't know. it is always -- they always try to pit things against sex. sex is great. isn't it? >> in a way it is like a hate crime against sex. >> sex rules. also a good slogan. >> is the sex just not that important? >> well, it all depends on where you are in your life at that particular time. if you are getting busy and you are having the best time of your life with who ever it is for a certain period of months, you are not giving that crap up. if you are in a drought for a year, you are like, yeah, absolutely i will give it up. it is all relative. by the way, it is the exact opposite of prostitution. would you have sex if i paid your bills? i don't know. >> juliette, would you give up sex for a free month worth of bills? >> well, so i am not having
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any right now, so, yes. >> so you are not paying your bills? >> no, i am not having sex. wasn't that clear? so, yes, i would be fine going another month. it would be fantastic. >> check is in the mail. >> we need different categories forgiving up internet and giving up sex. isn't that the same thing? >> for me it is. bill you don't own a tv or cell phone and you have never had sex, so it would be an easy trade for you. >> that's not true. i realize everyone knows this is a hypothetical survey, but for me it is too real. many girls promised to pay my gills in return for not having sex with them of the that's why they call me the reverse jig low. it is not a position, people. stick around, we have more stories.
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while wiener was pretending somebody else sent the now famous crotch shot. that's impressive he went to this length, no pun intended, and it actually wasn't that long -- >> don't hate. hatin is bad. >> i kind of love him he went this far with the illusion. >> listen, i love me some anthony wiener. i miss the guy. yes he is a putz, but he was like newt gingrich. he gave us good tv toeder. he was great, but he was colorful, a bit of a weasel. he was a passionate guy. what did he do? he was not in the white house sexually assaulting an intern. >> cheating on his wife, that's all. >> i know, but it wasn't what bill clinton did. it didn't rise to that level. and yet bill clinton is a great states man and anthony wiener is a pervert. >> a picture is worth a thousand words, andy. you were the first to say that. and you were involved in the
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scandal because you exposed wiener's crotch shot on your radio show. do you feel like you broke this story? or do you feel you ended it? >> i think we pretty much ended it. it was nice to be able to use my journalistic integrity to steel someone else's photo. >> remember, it was brightbart that anthony had the picture taken. you were like woodward and better bernstein rolled together. >> woody and bernstein. >> oh yes, woody and bernstein. juliette, do you think the firm took the money anyway even though they knew he was lying? >> firm -- he said firm. yes. i mean if you ever meet anthony wiener as many of us have run across him in the green room, he is just that. a wiener. he probably suspected it this
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was a ruse. i would have i can tayen the money too. i would have i can tayen the money too. >> would you ever released the photos he sent to you? >> funny you mentioned that. i have the not through one source sort of kind of blurry, i have the real deal in my phone. i am starting to think i have to get rid of that. the minute i lose my phone. actually if they do think it is mine, that's an up shoot. that's good advertisement. >> do i have time for the story? there is a laboratory in new mexico that invented a bullet that could hit targets up to a mile away. it uses some kind of guidance system. in the future, it will shoot people by following a little red dot. i want to go to you, anthony. >> i have it. >> you have it some. >> i wish. does this take all of the fun out of borrowing a gun if it finds the target for you? >> you could go back to the regular guns. but to have something like
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that? >> anything deadly is good because it ends confrontations faster, correct? >> you could look at it that way, sure. >> do you disagree with me? excited by this technology? >> i thought it was related to the anthony wiener story. >> no, his aim was bad. >> anthony wiener is a three-way story. that's really what hurt him is the three-way with guys. this story is thrilling. i'm glad we can shoot a bullet and kill somebody a mile away. god bless america, it is wonderful. >> you get lost walking home a lot. if you have this gun you can aim it at your roommate and then walk home following the bullet. >> this is going to seriously affect the awesome movies like mark wallburg or sniper featuring bear rine yes, sir and billy zane. >> what comes around goes
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♪ when you're not strong, and i'll be your friend. ♪ see you around. yeah. ♪ i'll help you carry on... ♪ at 5:00 p.m. eastern time for "the five." tomorrow, return appearances from fox business network reporter adam shapiro, jedediah bila and kevin williamson. back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrap up jie. anthony, anything exciting going on in the old radio show? >> well, andy, let me tell you, today a snooki from "the jersey shore" was on and she confirmed she was not pregnant, right there on my show. is my award in the mail? i used to be in construction
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and i used to build things. i used to make a difference. >> now you let america know things. yes, important things. snookie is not pregnant. >> did she say she is "jest" not pregnant? bernard, how is imus going? >> hanging in there. tomorrow morning -- actually in a couple hours, the imus show on fox business. he calls newt gingrich skunk vomit and a lot more of that coming up. >> juliette, how is "owe -- o'reilly" going? >> it is going. i am in on saturdays and so tune in. >> i want to feel it. >> did you see that? did you see that? >> doesn't work? thank you for asking. >> back to you, greg. >> okay.
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