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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  February 5, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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th mail. it's good for your business. ♪ and even better for your customers. ♪ for safe and secure ways to stay connected, visit starts right now. ♪ >> tonight on huckabee. >> tonight on huckabee, she's won two academy awards and nominated for 17. one of the most versatile actresses of our time talks about taking on the role of one of the most iconic political figures of the 20th century, meryl streep joins the governor tonight and an inside look at president obama's reelection headquarters reveals a well-oiled machine. are republicans ready to fight this battle? plus, your he' totally unprepared and broke, always borrowing money. >> i'll fit in in washington.
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>> jerry and his friend with a special announcement. >> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [applause] >> thank you think, what a great audience we have here and welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city where we're celebrating ten years of being number one in cable news, even joe biden would say that it's a pretty big deal. and it is thanks to the vision and fox news has become the most trusted name in news in site of people like me being on the channel. as for people like me crowing a bit. hey, it ain't bragging if it's true. for pun years, one network will envision and reinvent. >> breaking news now on fox
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news channel. >> and in a fight. >> got to stand tough with the terrorists. >> osama bin laden is dead, the bum is dead. >> you're-- >> the growing national scandal. >> keep your hand out of my piggy bank. >> this is a nationwide phenomena. america's freedom. >> widespread corruption in the government. >> come on, you cowards. >> designing a simple approach and delivering a clear and powerful message. a decade of dominance, spanning the globe as an unmatched and unparalleled news gathering operation. >> this is smart, and casualty figures are smuggled through here. >> and the forces have begin fire. >> everything from rape to robbery. >> i'm deeply sorry. >> the radio transmissions, and put the insight-- >> the challenges you're facing out. >> they could face it, and both sides say it could be hired. >> top target for terrorists. >> and they believe the system discriminates.
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>> the tanks are rolling into position. >> the body of yasser arafat. >> up to the crime scene at the time of the shootings. >> carrying the body of anna nicole smith, has been a barrage of attacks. >> racing up the hill. >> muammar gaddafi and his son. >> and are you all right, bud? >> ten years at the top, building the most powerful name in the business. and the new blueprint for television news, fox news channel, ten years at number one, and counting. [applaus [applause] >> president obama or the democrats, have a war on that, it's wrong, obama loves jesus, did you hear the comments, not only did he mention jesus, but took it up a notch and declared that jesus was supporting the obama plan for higher taxes. now, i searched all over the new testament and i actually
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have a religion degree among any pursuits, but it was summed up like this, number one, taxes are necessary, number two, pay what you owe. that's about t render unto caesar, that which is caesar and render on to god that which is his. now, jesus was serious enough to about taying his taxes even he though he was poor, he got a coin from the mouth of a fish to pay his taxes. i believe if the president has his way he'll do a lot of fishing, and we better hope a lot have been eating coins. and he might rethink invoking the name of jesus under the tax plan. even when caesar is corrupt and use the it for stuff we don't like or agree with, but it's the last part of what jesus said that maybe the president missed, render unto god that which is is god's because a man who only gave 1% of income away, president
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obama may not be in a strong position it tell anyone what god wants. god requires a dime from each of the dollars we earned in the expression of the tithe, a minimum contribution, and that we trust god to bless the 90% that we keep. i'm not in the mood to take a lecture helping poor from someone maybe that believes that jesus wants us to pass the poor people off to the government so the christians can selfishly keep all they have. see, it's the church not the government who ought to be doing the helping of the poor, but if we follow maybe the government example and give a paltry 1% to church, and then expect the government to do charity, what we're going to end up with is it a government that wants not a dime out of a dollar, but 90 cents out of the dollar. now, look, this is not just obama. if any candidate, democrat or republican, who claims to love jesus and wants to help poor people, let me tell you something, we'll get his or her personal contributions and
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it says all you need to know about how serious they are, aen when someone tells you how much they love jesus to get your vote. see if they love him enough to he obey him and give him, because if they steal from god, they'll probably you rob you blind, it's that simple. [applaus [applause]. >> our next guest won two best actress awards, nominated for her role as british prime minister margaret thatcher in the movie iron lady. >> we must turn on principle or we will not stand at all. margaret with all due respect. when one has been to war. >> with all due respect, sir, i have done battle every single day of my life and many men have underestimated me before. and this is bound to do the same, but they will rue the
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day. now, shall i have another, tea, how do you take your tea, black or white? >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome meryl streep. [applaus [applause] >> how are you doing? it's so nice to have you here. >> nice to be here. [applause] >> when i saw that scene in which margaret thatcher was just essentially emasculating these men, you scared me. i wasn't sure i was going to introduce you out here. (laughter) >> i scared myself. >> mike: this is a remarkable film. one of the greatest, i think, movies that depict a living person that i've seen and it must have been an incredible challenge to play the role of margaret thatcher with so many people still knowing of her and remembering her. >> yeah. >> were you a little intimidated before you start this had process? >> i was, not the least because i'm from new jersey,
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i'm not british, so, i was walking into the cast of over 250 actors, all of whom were really beautiful, well-prepared actors playing very specific roles and i was scared about that, scared about playing a real person and also, someone that people have such vehement opinions about. >> mike: they really do and either love her or hate her, little middle ground about margaret thatcher. >> that's right. so we wanted to make a film that wasn't a traditional bio pic. i mean, there are lots of films that could be made about margaret thatcher and what she tried to do and achieve. we were interested in a human story from the point of view at the end of life and that sort of reckoning that people make, you know, as time goes by. >> mike: you know, there have been some critics because the picture starts with her in a contemporary setting. >> yes. >> we know that she's going
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through some issues of dementia, that's very real and then looks back on her remarkable career and some critics thought that was unfair. i personally thought that it made me appreciate her more because this remarkable figure, iconic, historic person, is also very real and very human. >> that's right, i think we send to, especially with political figures, reduce them to either villains, or saints. now? and people are people. we're all many fast setted and we have lots of different, different sides to us and the truth is always so much more interesting, nuanced and complicated. that's what we were after. >> it you have some maybe preconceptions of margaret thatcher and what were they, what were things that surprised you, as you got into the role? >> there were so many surprises. and i mean, so many surprises.
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she, she really is, held up as a conservative icon, in many, in to many people and together, with president reagan, credited with bringing down the berlin wall and all of that. and also making an approach to the soviet union to talk, to just make, to try to figure out how to talk to people. and so, one of the surprises that i had about her was that she never-- she was a scientist, she was a chemist by training and she went to oxford for chemistry and an early proponent of the idea of global warming and early warning about it, was very -- that surprised me. she also never touched the national health in britain since 1948. every person is afforded health care from the time they're born till they die.
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and she never taeted to dismantle that, she thought that was a birth right, in conservative circles here, she would be drummed out of the party for that, but it's just a different -- you know, and yet she adhered to very, very strict financial agenda, but there were just certain things that people found her very hard and cold, that were surprising to me. >> mike: you know, i think that's one of the ways in which the film helps really give us a picture of margaret thatcher that we never had because she was the iron lady, this tough person who could just dress down a room of men and have them in tears. and yet, there was also a very poignant scene in the film that i remember after she has virtually just destroyed the ego of every man in her cabinet and then she dismisses them. sum mayorly dismisses them and they walk out and then you see
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her hand trembling and i realize there was dramatic license there, but still, showed to me beneath the crust of the iron lady there was a soft heart. >> i think for me just as an actor, to explore the idea what it means to be a leader, to take all that, i mean, you take so much hatred. so much venom on yourself. how do people live? how do they remain strong when they still have to go to work and still the work of the nation depends on them? how do you not have it affect you physically effect you, to take all that responsibility on your shoulders? i think everybody that stands up for public offers, you know, should be applauded because there are many sacrifices you're bound to make with your family in many ways. and i just applaud people because i realize as i was stepping into her shoes just a little bit, that i didn't have any, anywhere close to the
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stamina and spine that she had. >> well, i'm not sure about that. when i read about you, i find, i know you're an incredibly well educated person. vassar, valedictorian of your high school. >> no, that's a lie. everybody at the high school knows that's a lie. >> mike: and you're also known as a person who's very self-efacing, not the person who takes yourself so seriously. so, truly with all of that. with your humility. you have no business running for office and no hope to ever run for office. >> you don't have to worry about that. (laughter) >> you're too smart and you don't have that sense of self-maybe aggrandizement and i want to balk about the role, margaret thatcher and meryl streep. we'll do that when we come back. stay with us. ♪ imagine zero pollutants in our environment. or zero dependency on forei oil.
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(applause) >> w >> we're back with meryl streep and the remarkable resemblance that you had to margaret thatcher, those of us who have seen new so many different roles, a time i had to remind myself. you're meryl streep and you're portraying margaret thatcher, that's not really margaret thatcher, because the transformation, the physical tran formation was stunning. i want you to talk about what did they do in terms of the makeup and the things you had to prepare for to look
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remarkably like margaret thatcher. >> well, thank you very much and behalf of my makeup man and my team, really. i've been working with the same makeup man and hair dresser for 35 years. >> wow. >> we started in the public theater in new york city and he bleached my hair for sophie's choice and he did my hair today. (laughter) >> boy, did he ever hitch himself to the right wagon. >> he's busy. >> well, he he's also just a master at what-- and he knows what i like to do. i like to transform the physical, because it makes you, it makes it easier to get into the interior of a character. so, the believable you are physically, the more we'll fw into who, i mean, we'll believe who you are. and in england, we met a
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british prosthetic designer, who is maybe the genius this have that i've ever met and i've done this a lot. i've played old ladies in out of africa, and everything, but this guy was, so together. roy and mark coullier, the the british guy. made the four decades very, very believable and the way they did it was by doing less and less, we did four different sessions of testing and each time i said, take away, take away, take away. because, the key to, i think, aging makeup is that you see the person, not the stuff. you know what i mean? so we found certain things that signify, like jowls and a neck they're just minimal, but when you apply that and with the tissue, the fine hand that
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mark had, and roy's the iconic hair. it worked really well and i owe everything, everything to these men. >> and do you think he could make me look like george clooney? (laughter) >> it wasn't supposed to be that funny. (laughter) >> why are you guys laughing? let's talk about margaret thatcher because she was historic not only because of the views that she had, but historic, shes with a the first female prime minister in a very man's british world. >> yes. >> so, how did you find that she was able to overcome the natural prejudices that people had not just being in the government, but the prime minister? >> now the weird thing is, the biggest leap for british people, i think, was the grossers daughter made this, more so than-- >> more, it was more than even being a woman. yes, it was very, they had very specific ideas of what
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each gender's job should be be, in the the world. and politics really didn't-- i think there were 635 members of parliament and there were 17 women when she entered as a 24 year-- >> and we've got another clip from the the film, i want to ask about it after we watch. >> and the lady to screech-- (laughter) >> and if she wanted to make her theory she must learn to calm down. (laughter) >> if the gentleman could perhaps attend more closely to what i am saying, rather than how i am saying it, and may get a valuable education in spite of himself. >> one of the things we have have to love about margaret thatcher, she was fearless in the face of opposition. >> she was, she is, she is. she's fearless and it's a great quality.
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it's a quality you really want in a leader, isn't it? >> it is the quality that you want. someone who just sort of doesn't care what everyone thinks about him or her, frankly, there's always going to be a number of people who don't like you. >> well, but she did care about getting her message across and she realized she was very canny that in order to be elected and to be seen she had to kind of transform herself because when women raise their voices they kind of get higher and it gets like this and it gets shrill and try to make a point and in a big room, i'm very familiar with this phenomenon, but she realized that she could have more authority and she could kind of cut through the argument and spoke like this, and lowered her voice, and founded more authortative. >> and something she decidedly
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worked on. >> he she did that to have a more effective roll in government. not that she was play acting, but understood the need to play her role as effectively as possible. >> yes. >> we've got a lot more to talk about, so i want to keep you here for the rest of the day, tomorrow, and-- (laughter) >> meryl streep stays with us, we'll be right back. [applause]. red lobster's ur course seafood feast is back. get soup, salad, cheddar bay biscuits, dessert and choose one of 7 entrees. four courses for only $15. offer ends soon. i'm jody gonzalez, ed lobster manager and i sea food differently. metamucil uses super hard working psyllium fiber, which gels to remove unsexy waste and reduce cholesterol. taking psyllium fiber won't make you a model but you should feel a little more super. metamucil. down with cholesterol.
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>> we're back with meryl streep. you're played a number of roles of a person who is still alive or a real person, but karen silkwood who passed away by the time you played the role. and one of the movies, i've got to talk about it. music of the heart. a teacher who teaches a violin
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program in harlem. and music is close to my life and advocate for music and art education. when you play the role of someone who is a real person and people know them. is it more difficult or easier because there's a model to go from? >> well, it's a different job. i mean, in some ways, it's easier because you do have, sort of every-- the back story is done and you don't have to invent that yourself. on the other hand for an actor, that's the fun part to make that up. and, but in terms of playing roberta was teaching in harlem yesterday till the bill rang, she is an amazing woman and she started a program that's really grown exponentially and i'm so glad that you raise your voice about music education 'cause they're cutting everything now. >> and it's wrong, the biggest sin that we have a done to our kids to take music and art
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from them. it's the heart of education for many right brained children. i know that's not why we're here to talk, but you've learned to play the violin to be roberta? >> i did, i learned bach's concerto and nobody wants to hear it at my house. >> we have a violin and we're going to -- no, i'm not going to do that to you. that would be mean if i brought one. >> that's okay. i really can't play it very well at all, anymore, because, you you do have to practice, you have to do it every day and my life doesn't afford at that kind of time, but i did love it. >> you love music. >> i do love music. >> mike: mamma mia, biggest grossing film of your career, many people don't know. but it also-- were your daughters reluctant and maybe not too sure about you doing at that role? >> no, they were thrilled. >> were they thrilled? >> yes. >> they were thrilled, you know, that movie really went around the world, i mean.
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>> just a fun movie. >> it's a fun movie, but it's exuberance translates all around the world into any language and one of the great nights of my life was sitting next to the empress of japan as we watched it. not kidding you, and everyone was, i mean, she is a god, i mean, related to the deity in some way in japan. so, people will not look at her, you're not allowed to really look at her. and she came into the audience and i realized that the empty seat next to me was going to be the empress of japan. and she's so beautiful and she sat next to me. and it's quiet. this is a movie about a girl who has slept with three different men and she doesn't know, i mean, her mother slept with three different men and she doesn't know which is her father from the day she's married. she doesn't know which one to walk down the aisle with. and thinking like, oh, my
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gosh, how is this going to go over? and the first strains of the first song came up and i have this dilemma, i don't know which one is the dad. and she leaned over to me and she said, very naughty. (laughter) >> that's going to be a memory for sure. >> and you've also talked about how difficult it is, as an actress that, as one ages, sometimes the roles just disappear, but they haven't for you. and yet, there is a challenge, isn't there to find roles that are suitable and ones that people will respect you for and say, okay, we'll put her in some type of role that there was he no longer going to be valid for someone over the age of 40? >> yeah, i think that's true. but, you know, i think if you're-- the card you're played in early years was mostly your
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sexuality, or being cute in a way that doesn't transform into the rest of life, then you run a risk of that, it's hard to be cute and really sexy, i mean, i don't think it is really hard to be sexy, but it's just the business perceives you differently, and so, that never was my thing early on. and even though i wanted those parts, i just didn't get them and so, you know. >> better. >> how are you been able to have maybe one of the most normal lives of nub within the screen industry. married 30 years to the same gentleman. you have four wonderful children. you live a normal life, you're not on the scandal sheets all the time. what is the key to that that maybe you would pass on to younger actress and artist toss say, look, here is the way to make this last for a lifetime. >> well, i just think a lot of
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it is serendipity and also probably for me i got a lesson early in life about lining up the priorities. you know? i had a boyfriend that i lived with for two years that i was wildly in love with, who died of cancer when he was only 40. and so, i had a -- it all lined up for me pretty clearly, you know, get your life right and then, everything else will be okay. >> mike: well, everything has been very okay for meryl streep. and thank you for sharing your wonderful artistry with us in so many roles, but most recently the powerful portrayal of a true historic icon, margaret thatcher and i open everybody sees "iron lady", you were and are iron lady. [applause] >> coming up an inside look
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i'm harris falkner, police in say that it appears the husband of a missing utah woman blew up the house. the children arrived and was supposed to be supervised, powell reportedly blocked the social worker from entering and moments later the house blew up. prior to that the attorney received an e-mail from powell reading i'm sorry, goodbye. josh powell had been under investigation since his wife susan disappeared from their utah home in december of 2009. mitt romney now headed to colorado to prepare for tuesday's caucuses there, the former massachusetts governor winning the nevada caucuses yesterday and grabbed the lion's share of the delegates in the race for the republican
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nomination. and romney making no mention of the others in the victory speech, instead focusing his attacks on president obama. >> this president began his presidency by apologizing for america. he should now be apologizing to america. >> harris:? cairo 19 americans among some nonprofit workers, could be facing trial and egypt could use aid. and one is the son of u.s. transportation secretary, ray lahood and blame so-called foreign hands for instigating civil unrest after the ouster of hosni mubarak. if connected sam lahood and other workers could face up to seven years in prison. no detroit date set. a growing text between the iranian regime and what leaders call hostile countries and iran threatening to cut off oil supplies and launching military exercises on the
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ground and previously held navel exercises near the oil routes at the straits of hormuz, i'm harris falkner, now back to huckabee. >> e-mail us at huck >> before the republicans get overconfident about defeating president obama might need to realize they're going to be facing the more formidable political machine that's been created. few have ventured inside the belly of that beast, my next guest has, news week's andrew romano. you've been inside this incredible obama machine. i want to ask you, what did you see that's amazing to you in terms. organization and just how prepared they are? >> sure, you know, i went back in early december to the headquarters in chicago. and it struck me, as a contrast between my visit in 2007 and april of 2007. they were a little start-up then now it's a behemoth. there are about 50,000 square
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feet of office surface. >> mike: 50,000 square feet and are they using most of it. >> most of it, but space for expansion there, at the time they had more than 200 staffers, in the headquarters, for comparison at the time romney's campaign and the biggest republican campaign had about 98 and go back to bill clinton in 96 or george h.w. bush, 40, george h.w. bush 10 or fewer so they're ramped up early and so, the scope of it's impressive. also impressive is the intensity of it. now, they're really, really focused on one day, that's election day, 2012. they don't have to worry about primaries and caucuses like republicans, they're focused on winning the election on ewilkes day. >> let's talk about the comparison, four years ago, it was an insurgent campaign and most people aren't taking barack obama that seriously. and it looked like hun was the default candidate. it was only later that it really became a race, this time what you're saying, is this is maybe the difference
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between the start-up of just the group of kids in facebook and full-blown microsoft, huh? >> yeah, no, i think that's an accurate comparison and especially when you mention the technology aspect. they're really, really focused on technology as a way to turn out voters and to get votes on election day. you know, when you saw some of this in 2008, but this year, a quote from the campaign we'll make 2008 look pre historic. >> in terms of the technology. >> in terms of technology, yeah, just to talk a little about that. they're going to plug everything they do into facebook, in 2008 they had an internal social network and we had to kind of sign up and create a profile. all internal. now you sign in with facebook and they get access to the information you have from your social network there and use that to target messages. instead of sending a message to all of your friends, he they say send it to your five friends in the swing district in pennsylvania who are really
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concerned about taxes and they can know that information. >> mike: and political, by the way, it's called microtargeting. >> yeah. >> where you don't just send a generic letter, hey, vote for me. you find out that a guy is a gun owner and pro-life, that's not obama, but you'll say i hope you renewed your membership to the n rch.r.a. an national right to life and that's what i'll do when i'm elected. so you're saying they're gleaning information from a message and to you, know a lot of stuff about you and target specifically to what your interests are. >> they're going to know a lot about my friends as well. that's the power of the social network will do. and the term this year that they're talking about is microlistening, goes beyond microtargeting. for example, a feature on the site where they say share your
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story, tell us about yourself. they're able to use all of those and use complicated a algorithms. and concerned about what you want. >> mike: andrew romano, a lot of republicans may be thinking, this is going to be easy election, no, it isn't. i want you to understand not only is it the amount of money, but the strategic way in way the money is being used in unprecedented ways that will make it one of the toughest and difficult challenges that any candidate has faced. so whatever that republican is, he's going to be walking into an amazing, extraordinary mountain to climb and we're going to see a pretty amazing election. anyway, thank you very much, andrew. [applause] we'll keep up with the story. coming up is las vegas headliners jerry fader and he's going to join us and he's
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>> over the past week all the political eyes of the country have been on nevada for the state's caucuses this weekend and even donald trump made some news in las vegas with his endorsement of mitt romney. but earlier this week, wint to the mirage hotel in las vegas where america's got talent winner, ventrioquist terry fader and his special guest had a very big announcement. thank you so much for having us, mike, you know shall one of the characters would be doing a song, but listen, i've got one of my guys who has something to say. walter t air dale and wants to talk about the 2012 election. >> things aren't going that well, are they? >> are you kidding? that's why, right here, right
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now, before this great audien audience, i, walter t airdale announcing i'm running for president-- >> of the united states? >> no, the president of the hair club for men. of course i meant the united states. >> wait, wait, walter, you're totally unprepared and broke and borrowing money. >> i'll fit right in in washington then, won't i. >> mike: walter, if you're running for president you have to have a campaign slogan. maybe like the audacity of hope? >> how about the audacity of a dope. no, no, kidding. i've got a real slogan, mike, walter t airdale for president. he won't talk unless you put words in his mouth. >> that would be historic, walter. >> you know with john f. kennedy we had the first catholic president, with barack obama we had the first african-american president. and now, mike, i think it's time for kind of american i am to be the president. >> what kind of american are you. >> i'm a proud
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mannequin-american. >> that's an interesting idea, i don't know any that anybody made of wood has been president. >> no, but al gore and mitt romney have come close. >> what party are you background to be affiliated with. >> i haven't decided. since neither party represents me, i'm considering starting a whole new one, maybe i'll be a rebe-puppet kin. >> or a dummy-kratt. >> or a sirs lady. >> second, third, fourth. >> doesn't you think that's much. >> didn't hurt bill clinton. >> and what's on your campaign. >> i've got a song for washington d.c. ♪ i've got friends in low places ♪ >> i tell you, terry, all of this campaigning is exhausting, can someone come out here and take me back to the campaign bus so i can rest. >> here, she is. >> mr. airdale, you look
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tense, did i give you a back rub? >> if i'm elected president i'll give every man in the country a private nurse just like her. that's going to cost the taxpayers a fortune. >> that's a sacrifice i'm willing to make. >> any final word you want the voters to remember. >> mike, thanks for having us on on remember, volt for walter t airdale. let's put a real dummy in the white house. >> mike: well said, walter. [applause] >> we're going to be checking in with terry and walter over the next few weeks and see how his campaign is going. up next, we're playing some of neil diamond's greatest hits with tribute band super diamond. stay with us. p
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>> they're one of the most successful bands. and act with sequinned shirts and guitars and sing the songs of the legendary neil diamond. ladies and gentlemen, this is the super diamond with me today and the leader of the band, surreal neil. >> hello governor. >> mike: great to have you with us. >> great to be here. >> mike: how did you start with the idea of a tribute band to neil diamond and what makes you such a fan of neil diamond? >> we believe that mr. diamond is one of america's greatest singer-song writers of all time. besides it's the only band i've ever been in that my parents really like. >> did you ever meet neil diamond has he heard the band? >> yes, he is, what a great guy. he sang with us two different times. >> really? >> and doesn't get any better than that. >> a little intimidating, isn't it? to do this with neil diamond ap he shows up. >> yeah. >> the good news, he's not going to show up today. you had it all to yourself.
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and let's hear some neil diamond from super diamond. [applause] ♪ money talks, it don't sing and dance and it don't walk ♪ ♪ long as i can have you hear with me, i'd much rather be forever in blue jeans ♪ ♪ honey's sweet, it ain't nothing it's treat ♪ ♪ if you pardon me, i'd like to say, we'll do okay, forever in blue jeans ♪ ♪ where it began, i can't begin to know it ♪
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♪ but then i know it's growing strong ♪ was it the spring, a spring that comes to summer ♪ ♪ and the need that's coming on ♪ ♪ hands, touching hands note night, reaching out, touching me, touching you ♪ ♪ sweet caroline ♪ good times never seemed so good ♪ so good, so good ♪ i've been inclined ♪ to believe they never would,
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no ♪ ♪ ♪ everywhere around the world, we're coming to america ♪ ♪ the flag's unfurled ♪ we're coming to america ♪ we're coming to america ♪ got a dream they've come to share, they're coming to america ♪ ♪ coming to america ♪ they are he' coming to america ♪ ♪ they're coming to america
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♪ stand up for america, today ♪ ♪ today ♪ today ♪ today (applause) >> my country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty. today! >> for thee i sing, for thee i sing, today ♪ ♪ today today ♪ today ♪ note the note tod♪ today ♪ (applause). >> super diamond, everybody, makes you love the great songs from neil diamond.
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thank you for joining us tonight hope you've had a great time just as we have, until next time, good night, god bless and have a great week. week. ♪ captioned by closed captioning services, inc. lord of the carry-on. sovereign of the security line. you never take an upgrade for granted. and you rent from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay th mid-size price. i deserve this. [ male announcer ] you do, business pro. you do. go national. go like a pro. that's going to have to be done by a certain date. you always have homework, okay? i don't have homework today. it's what's right here is what is most important to me.
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