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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 6, 2012 6:00am-9:00am EST

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show. why nbc is alogizing this morning for some of that happened with some of those backup people. >> plus president obama trying to score with voters before the big game. >> i deserve a second term but we're not done. >> he makes his case straight ahead. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> good morning, every one. oh, i think we're still playing the super bowl game here on the set. whoo! ok. >> we've got a winner, mr. bolling. the cover of "the new york post" says it all -- the giants stun and win the super bowl and the final was 21-17. oh, my goodness. this was the most -- so many people this morning are saying it's the most exciting super
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bowl they've ever seen. it really did come down to the last play. had one of those 12 guys in the end zone caught that brady hail mary, the pass would have won. but it wasn't their year. >> i know. i'm sorry to say that i went to bed after halftime. >> oh, my goodness! >> what? i'm a huge sports fan and i feel like i stayed up all night. i don't know what happened to me. >> did you have 12 beers first? >> seven. no, just kidding. you know i don't like beer. >> can i go inside football a little bit? >> you're a former professional athlete. >> david tyree who caught the very important catch a couple of years ago when the giants won the super bowl the last time. >> velcroed on his helmet. >> he was standing on the sidelines when and i can't remember who the receiver was, it wasn't cruz, right? anyway, eli late in the game has to make this play. mario manningham, a 35 yard pass play and this catch was -- right there. >> that was amazing. >> the most amazing catch.
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i felt bad for david tyree. that's going to go down as the best catch in super bowl history. what a game. also the giant punter should be the mvp. that guy pinned the patriots back at their own 1 a couple of times. that was fantastic. >> according to the little picks that we did around here, i lost. >> who won? >> we never win! >> i know. >> kilmeade won his own poll again. >> no! >> one of the things about this particular game and chris collins worth said very late in the fourth quarter, he said why can't these two teams play every week? it was such an amazing. there you can see eli manning, he was named the mvp. they are going -- did he win a car, too? how fantastic? they're going to have a big canyon of heroes ticker tape parade tomorrow right here in new york city on lower manhattan, lower manhattan, they'll have 500 special seats and if you want them, they'll have a lottery.
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it opens up today at 9:00 gchlt -- go to the mayor's twitter page. you may get the plush seats. >> more importantly because they play in new jersey, new jersey is going to have his own ticker parade, i guess. >> it's kind of like the flip-flop, they do jersey shore, all those people don't live in jersey but they call themselves jersey shore people. the giants actually do practice and play in jersey but they call them the new york giants so go figure the whole thing. all right, let's go back to politics for a minute. even the candidates on the republican side couldn't agree on their pick for the super bowl so you had mitt romney going are for the patriots. that makes sense. he was the governor of massachusetts. you have newt going for the new york giants in a little bit more of a convuluted ways, one of his son-in-laws have a relationship to the packers. he wanted to stick with the nfc team and you have rick santorum who came out against brady. he was like i don't like brady at all. i have to be for the giants.
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>> he's a steelers fan, obviously he's from pennsylvania and ron paul wouldn't pick a team but his press person said he always roots for the underdog which in this particular case would have been the giants. >> exactly right. meanwhile, how many tires did bridgestone sell during the bridgestone halftime show featuring madonna? oh, there she is. right there. it was quite a show and the internet is burning up whether or not this was a good or bad performance. >> the amazing thing that caught my eye first of all was madonna. she looked unbelievable. >> yeah. >> everyone around the party i was at, how old is she again? yeah, somewhere in her 50's. she looks amazing. i thought that the music was highly entertaining because she went back to the olden days and the songs that we all know at least. but the weird thing is did anyone else pick up on this? it didn't look like i was watching a tv show. it looked like it was filmed in a movie format or something. what was it?
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>> she was lip-synching the songs was part of the issue. i see what you mean. the film was almost like it was a -- >> like it wasn't live tv. >> it was live. >> what was really distracting. >> we had a fantastic super bowl party and no one liked that performance. i didn't like it. >> watch right here. madonna slips. >> she almost falls off the back of the stage. that would have been an indicator whether or not she was lip-synching. had she been singing live, she would have -- >> but she never broke -- >> there were plenty of other opportunities to find out if she was lip-synching. >> she looked like a -- look, she looks great. she looks fantastic. >> come on! >> no, look, tom petty was great. bruce springsteen was great. last night, it was like really? >> i know, i didn't necessarily like the overall show. but you have to give it to her as far as how she looked. >> not at the football -- not at the super bowl halftime. give it to her, go to her concert over here, if you want.
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>> god bless her for showing up. it's a tough show. some of the reviews, piers morgan said queen of what? lip-synching. paula abdul said awesome and then boomer esiason said madonna rocking well received. his co-host said when did madonna forget how to dance? that's right, the last time she had a hit. >> come on! >> do you think madonna was good or bad or are you indifferent? we'll share some of your comments a little later on. brian was there for all the festivities. i looked at his twitter feed and i saw a great picture of the halftime show. he's going to show you what was going on down on the field exclusive stuff you won't see anywhere else straight ahead. >> i want to find out with that band's role was. remember the great marching band, he said they would have a secret performance during the game yesterday. do we know what it is yet? >> no. >> we'll have to find out what
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that was as well. >> maybe it took seven to eight minutes to set up the stage and take it down, maybe they're playing during that. >> did you happen to catch the president who gave an interview with matt lauer beforehand, before the game and he made his case for -- even though he said different things in the past about how he would be a one term president if he didn't get things done to his satisfaction, he now gave the case about why he deserves his second term, a second term? >> i deserve a second term but we're not done. look, when you and i sat down, we were losing 750,000 jobs a month. in fact, we had found out just a few days before we sat down that we had lost that month 750,000 jobs. now we're creating 250,000. we created 3.7 million jobs over the last 23 months. we created the most jobs since 2005 many we got to return to old fashioned american values. everybody getting a fair shot. everybody doing their fair share. everybody playing by the same rules and that means, for
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example, regulations to make sure that wall street is following the same rules that main street is doing but we've made progress and the key right now is to make sure we don't start turning in a new direction that could turn that progress off. >> so the new motto instead of hope and change in my mind is fair share. fair share. i mean, that's what you're going to hear from now until november because they've obviously tested those words a gazillion times. they work. they work. >> clearly what we heard last night during that six minute interview with matt lauer. matt lauer wearing the necktie, was his stump speech. that's what he's going to do going forward. there's a problem with those numbers and newt gingrich who would like to actually be the president doing the halftime interview next time, he says the jobless numbers, there's a reason why those numbers are a little squishy. listen. >> well, it has dropped. you know why it's dropped? because over 4% of the people who would be unemployment have quit looking for work.
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if we had the same participation rate we had a couple of years ago, we'd be a 12% or 13% unemployment. people just quit looking. >> and besides that you've got the underemployment which in this country right now is aapproaching 20%. those are the people who would like to have full-time jobs but have to have either a part-time job. they have a couple of jobs trying to make ends meet. >> and the number that newt was talking about, four million people have left the work force. if you add those four million back in -- >> under president obama. >> have given up. >> if you add those four million back in, the same number of jobs divided by the amount of people in the work force that show about a 12% unemployment rate. so are they playing around with the numbers? it's the bureau of labor statistics. it's supposed to be nonpartisan. that's the department of labor. works directly for obama. >> are you saying they're cooking the books? >> i'm saying there's room for error. there's a -- when you're talking about four million people, how
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do you know? i mean -- >> how do you know? >> i don't think anyone should be surprised in an election year. >> they're estimating that number. >> ok. >> so it's interpretation, i think, is the way in which we would describe but we'll continue to debate this throughout the show. in the meantime, i have to give you a couple of headlines for your monday morning. we begin with a killer's last words. these are the words "i'm sorry, good-bye." josh powell sent that chilling e-mail to his lawyer minutes before police say he blew up his house killing himself and his two young sons. powell, the prime suspect in the disappearance of his wife pictured here, susan powell. she went missing in december of 2009. his 5 and 7-year-old sons were at his house for a supervised visit when he blocked the social worker from coming inside, then she smelled gas, seconds later, the house blew up. exploded in flames. just days ago, powell lost a custody battle for his sons and ordered to get a psych
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evaluation. at a candlelight vigil, prayers went out to the boys and susan powell's parents who had custody of them. >> those boys are with their mother again. >> i was afraid if he had the chance, the only way he could win this game that he was playing was to kill them. and i really felt that he was going to do that. >> wow. how tragic. the boys had been living with their father and grandfather until last september when the grandfather was arrested for child pornography. imagine being those other grandparents today. they've lost their daughter and their two grandchildren. it's been nearly two years since yardly love, star college lacrosse player died inside her dorm room at the university of virginia. today her ex-boyfriend will stand trial. he confessed to kicking in her door and shaking her. her lawyers will argue she died accidentally from an irregular heartbeat caused by taking
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aterol and drinking. love was just 22 years old. a teenage coffee barista kidnapped at work. her father is making an emotional plea to bring her home. >> i want to ask for her captors that they please send my daughter home. i will give you anything in this world, call me anonymously. you don't have to go through the police. i will meet you. i will give you whatever you want. >> his daughter, 18-year-old alaska native samantha coning was last seen on surveillance video leaving her job alongside a man with a gun. >> a protester busted in new york city after throwing a shoe at yemen's president. shoe throwing is a major insult in the islamic culture. he is in the united states for getting treated for burns he suffered during an assassination attempt he suffered last fall.
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he forced the editors at gun point to put his picture on the front page with no mention of the shoe tossing incident. and those are your headlines this morning. >> speak of the really big shoe, the halftime show we asked you about madonna's performance. jim e-mailed madonna's look, a plus. her performance, d minus. the guy on the high wire, a plus, plus, plus. >> i think he was from cirque du soleil. >> keep it coming! >> ok. coming up on our show. indiana republicans took a lot of heat for busting up the state's union laws but it may have created a lot of new jobs in the process. >> umass more like zoo mass this morning. pats fans take their anger to the streets and the less than upstanding behavior is caught on camera. ♪
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>> after a long stand-off with the canadian auto workers union, locomotive -- rather, the big manufacturer caterpillar is closing down its plant in canada and moving those jobs to indiana where governor mitch daniels has signed a law barring union contracts from requiring everyone pay union dues in order to work. they are now right to work state. >> stuart varney is here to explain. have they closed that plant in canada? >> yes, they shut it down. there has been a lockout since january 1st and they said it's closed, it's gone. we're not coming back. the work will be transferred they say to either brazil or north america.
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but they've hinted very strongly that it's going -- the work, the jobs are going to muncie, indiana. >> why? because of this new thing that just passed? >> in large part, yes. that's exactly right. is this the start of a flood? you make your state more attractive to manufacturers? you don't keep unions out but restrict their activities and pull in the jobs. that's the theory. that's happening now. those canadian jobs will almost certainly land up in muncie, indiana, right to work state. >> why are they closing the plant in canada? >> they could not come to an agreement with the union on wages, pensions, benefits but i think more importantly, it's flexibility. the modern manufacturer needs flexibility on the factory floor. you got to be able to say i want to do it this way and change very quickly. if you got a union contract full of work rules, you've los your flexibility. what a right to work state may get that flexibility back by having less union power on the
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shop floor. >> i find it so quick, though, unless they've been in talks and watching what went on in indiana. this thing just passed last week. >> it did, yes. >> do you think other companies have been eyeing indiana to see what would happen there? >> oh, yes. indiana is the first midwestern industrial manufacturing state to go right to work. the very first. it is surrounded by union dominated manufacturing states. odds are it's going to pull in a lot of jobs. >> that's a very good point. right next to indiana, illinois, the headquarters of caterpillar that could easily probably do the work there. so 450 jobs or so. but illinois, one of the highest tax states and also not a right to work state. >> precisely. the governor in illinois because they've got such an awful problem with the state finances simply raised taxes on individuals and companies. that's forcing a lot of people out of that state. they're going to be looking next door to indiana which is now far more friendly to manufacturers in the modern era if you want to
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put it like that. >> speaking of friendly, you have a friendly show on fox business as eric does as well. you'll be on exactly 3:10 from right now. check it out. >> precisely, yes. >> varney & company. see you later. >> thank you, sir. coming up on our show, john f. kennedy's former teenage intern shares an explosive story of their white house romance we've never heard before. >> he worked to raise his little girl. he's being denied a life saving operation because he's in this country illegally. should american doctors make an exception? we report, you decide. ugh, my sinus congestion, and it's your fault.
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instead of blaming me, try advil congestion relief. often the real problem is swelling, not mucus. advil congestion relief reduces swelling due to nasal inflammation. so i can breathe. advil congestion relief.
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>> some quick headlines. princess cruise line officials say there are now 499 reported cases of norovirus on the two ships that returned over the weekend. this as 200 passengers on a royal caribbean cruise ship are said to have become sick. and troops resume their assault today. residents remain trapped there as the area is pounded with rockets and artillery. at least 17 people have been killed adding to over 230 people killed over the weekend. gretch? >> thank you, eric. in entrance polls, the majority of nevada caucus goers over the weekend said electability was the most important quality when choosing a candidate. only 17% of caucus goers claim picking a true conservative was the most important trait. could conservatives get cheated in 2012? i'm joined by our washington insiders for a fair and balanced debate. crystal wright is a principle at
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communications and p.r. firm baker group and tom philly is a former official under president george bush. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> let me start with you, conservatives, even though the polls show it doesn't seem to be the most important factor for republican voters, are conservative voters going to get the shaft here if an actual moderate is the nominee? >> i think we're seeing conservative voters get the shaft now because all the candidates are revealing their true colors to voters except mitt romney and if it wasn't for his political machine, his money, organization, and all the endorsements from the moderate establishment coming out of the woodwork, mitt romney wouldn't be the frontrunner and i think you're going to see a conservative revolt. we're seeing that. mitt romney cannot pull 50% of republican voters around him. he can't rally with enthusiasm all of the republicans within the party. so i think at the end of the day, conservatives are going to get cheated. >> tom, is the prevailing thought process, though, that
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conservatives won't have any other choice so they'll vote for romney or even if they don't go vote, romney will be able to pick up more independents who, as we all know, decide most of the elections, is that the thought process? >> i think that's what you're seeing and you're already starting to see conservatives coalesce around romney. in nevada, he won a majority of conservative voters and he's won more conservative voters throughout the voting process. unfortunately for newt gingrich you need money and an organization in order to win a presidential election. i think you'll start to see the protest vote on the social right that is going primarily to rick santorum and somewhat to newt gingrich. but that is going to shift over to romney as he continues to win in colorado, in maine, and in michigan this month. >> it's interesting, crystal, because in the past, the conservative part of the population, a lot of what -- why they were deemed conservative had to do with social issues but to me in this election cycle, do you see it differently as well,
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that the people who are looking for the more conservative candidate are looking not so much at social issues but at the person that they think is going to make the most dramatic changes. >> gretchen, you're absolutely correct. it's not about social issues. we saw this with governor mcdonald's campaign and saw this with chris christie, it's about economic issues, taxation, limited government. i think where romney will have a real problem is distinguishing himself particularly as tom mentioned with independents and you mentioned. there's not a lot of contrast between barack obama and romney. and we saw a misstep from romney this week when he said i'm going to focus on the middle class. i don't care about the rich. i don't care about the rapport. that sounds a lot like obama talk and it's going to be problematic. i think at the end of the day, conservatives will rally around our nominee but it might not be the most conservative nominee and if you want to woo independents which are going to be key for both sides, you have got to have a sharp contrast with barack obama. and it's about jobs, it's about the economy.
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and you can't talk about class warfare. >> tom, i got to get you in here for a response. quick response. >> sure. i talk to people all across the country and what we need is a nominee who is going to be able to attract independents, conservative democrats without scaring the heck out of the left and bringing those obama nation voters back to the polls in 2012. and i think that ultimately we're going to see mitt romney run away with the nomination. >> very interesting debate. is crystal right? is tom right? are neither right? let us know what you think at our e-mail address or twitter. thanks so much for getting up bright and early, friends at he promised a product made in america. >> i want to do something that can bring some jobs and some hope to my small town. >> but the investors on the show shark tank said hey, don't do at home. go overseas or get out? the man who turned down the deal of a lifetime here live. and talk about sore losers.
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patriots fans take their anger to the streets and the low brow behavior all caught on camera. [ horn honks ]
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>> time for your shot of the morning now. humans weren't the only ones playing football this weekend. did you happen to catch animal planet's puffy ball? -- puppy bowl. it was the eighth annual one. >> can she push it across the goal line? yes! touchdown! >> that was the australian shepherd mix. one of four touchdowns but it was fumble the 9-week-old chihuahua terrier mix that took home the mvp title. >> most valuable puppy mvp? well done. >> very cute. >> meanwhile, our own brian kilmeade not in today. he's in transit back home. he was on the sidelines of the other big game, you know, the
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one that happened in indianapolis. check out that from brian's point of view. >> that is tom coughlin displaying the lombardi trophy for one reason. they have won the super bowl, 21-17. new york started like giants. one play and a forced safety. eli manning on fire completing his first nine passes. that's a super bowl record. one for a touch do down to vict cruz and it's salsa time. >> once i got it, i made sure i bagged it and then it was salsa time after that, baby. >> the patriots at halftime would be up one as tom brady hooks up with danny woodhead. despite being dominant through most of the first half, the pats score late and take a 10-9 lead into the locker room against the giants. who cares about that? madonna's here. >> ♪ music
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>> third quarter, the pats would roar out of the locker room. take a commanding 17-9 lead. >> touchdown, hernandez! >> new york would chip away. converting two field goal attempts, lawrence tyne. >> to make the score 17-15. >> we just got to get points and we got stopped twice in the third quarter and those were big field goals. >> and then the defense takes over. >> avoids the sack. is going to launch and intercepted! >> it was up to the giant offense to mount 1 last drive. and they would. the key catch, mario manningham. >> into traffic. >> the drive capped off with a bradshaw score. >> he wanted to stop and he gets into the end zone. >> final prayer from brady, not
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answered. >> to the end zone, hernandez is there. incomplete. >> new england falls to the giants in the football again. >> never give up! that's the whole attitude of this team is you believe in it. you keep fighting. you keep fighting. everybody comes out. everybody comes ready to play. everybody knows what they're supposed to do. this is the result. nobody said this could be done except for us. we believed in one another and let anybody say what they want to say, the giants are 2012 world champs, baby! >> is it extremely exciting eli manning who walks away a world champion and another mvp for him. final score 21-17. giants over the patriots and that's the fourth super bowl title for the g men. >> man, that's cool. >> right there. >> seems so professional doing that. didn't he? >> i know. he's good at that stuff. >> did he sign off? i know. >> hardest working guy at fox over the last couple of days, brian. he was all over the place.
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>> did you say hardest working guy? that's work? >> yeah. >> if you need someone to do some hard work like that next year, i'm the guy. we turn to sore losers. check out the pats fans taking the anger of a giant defeat to the streets of the university of massachusetts. >> police forced to use smoke bombs to scatter 15 unruly students. 14 charged with disorderly conduct. they face the possibility of being suspended from school and have to go to the giants parade. >> go to the giants parade. friends said he constantly pushed the limit chasing wild storms like these since he was 16 years old. but it wasn't a tornado that
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killed professional storm chaser andy gabrielleson that is to say. the 24-year-old died in a horrific car crash on his way home from tracking a storm in texas. police say he was hit head on by a suspected drunk driver going the wrong way on a turnpike in oklahoma. gabrielson was father of a 3-year-old daughter and just two weeks shy of his 25th birthday. >> she kept her secret for nearly 50 years. now, this white house intern sharing the intimate details of her alleged affair with president john f. kennedy. she worked in the white house in 1963. she's now a 69-year-old grandmother who is releasing a new book. in that book, alfred claims she carried on a year and a half long sexual relationship with the former president but claims the two never kissed? her book also details other kennedy family secrets like how the president hid his alleged affairs from jackie kennedy. alfred says they would use fake
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names and communicate in secret and she was invited on presidential trips where she would be sequestered in a hotel. no one from the kennedy family have responded to her story. >> and donations are pouring in for an illegal immigrant in oakland, california waiting six years for a kidney transplant. doctors won't perform surgery on him because his insurance runs out this month and he's not entitled to medicare but activists say the hospital should try to save his life because it's the right thing to do. >> he's paid his taxes. he waited his time on the list. he did everything he was supposed to do. >> the hospital says he is not being denied the transplant because he's an illegal immigrant but because there are better candidates who are more likely to have a successful kidney transplant or liver transplant. >> getting on the list. as we talked about a little while ago, the president of the united states had a six minute interview with matt lauer two hours before the big kickoff last night. matt asked him some important
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questions about tom brady and whether or not he thought that his kids had tom brady posters upstairs and the president said no. eventually they got around to some serious stuff like mr. president, what about what's going on with iran? and you know, their efforts to build a nuke. the president said he would prefer diplomacy over military intervention and he didn't think the country of israel had yet figured out how to respond to an attack. >> here's the president. >> we don't see any evidence that they have those intentions or capabilities right now and again, our goal is to resolve this issue diplomatically. that would be preferable. not going to take any options off the table but obviously, any kind of additional military activity inside the gulf is disruptive and has a big effect on us. it could have a big effect on oil prices. we've still got troops in afghanistan which borders iran and so our preferred solution here is diplomatic. we're going to keep pushing on that front but we're not going
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to take any options off the table and i've been very clear that we're going to do everything we can to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon. >> couple of thoughts here -- first of all, there's just a report out the other day that israel says they're going to attack iran by april! that's just around the corner, folks. second of all, if you're president of the united states, you know exactly what you're going to do. i think at this point with the iran and israel situation so is it that he cannot tell the general public what he thinks? >> probably. >> or -- or is he trying to push the issue past the election time and hope that nothing happens in between now and november. this is such a hot issue. it's hard to believe that there isn't more planning going on. >> can i give you a third option? he wants to divert attention from the fact that he's pulling troops out of the middle east when in fact the middle east is getting more and more dangerous. i mean, the place could go at any time. and with us bringing troops back, may not be the best time to be doing that. >> when the president was talking about, look, matt,
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you're asking me about conversations i'm having with israel, i'm not going to talk about those. so clearly, the united states is working in concert with the israelis on some sort of a plan and i figured the last place he needs to be talking about it is before the super bowl where you got 100 million people hanging on every word. keep the iranians guessing. what's he going to do? that particular soundbite was where the president was responding to the question whether or not he felt that iran might be able to hit us here. he said he did not. >> ok, we'll continue to look at other snippets of that interview throughout our show. here's what's coming up on ours. flunk your exam? now you can take it again. a new school policy gives students second, third and even fourth tries so they don't feel like failures. is that fair? we report, you decide. >> yep. and an entrepreneur with one demand -- his invention has to be made here in the u.s. of a. >> i want to do something that
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can bring some jobs and some hope to my small town. >> nice idea but shark tank investors said get lost. meet the guy who turned down the deal of a lifetime. next. i'm in a tricky situation here. i'm bidding on a 1979 dukes of hazzard lunchbox, but my auction ends in 15 seconds ! even worse, my buddy's bidding on the same lunchbox. it's airbrushed ! but i've got verizon 4g lte. it's so fast that i can outbid him at the last second. i got it ! yes, i won ! woo hoo ! it's got a thermos ! rely on verizon 4g lte.
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because only the fastest survive. the new spark card from capital one. spark miles gives me the most rewards of any small business credit card. the spark card earns double miles... so we really had to up our game. with spark, the boss earns double miles on every rchase, every day. that's setting the bar pretty high. owning my own business has never been more rewarding. coming through! [ male announcer ] introducing spark the small business credit cards from capital one. get more by choosing unlimited double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. what's in your wallet?
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2:30 in the afternoon, a lot to do, and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done. so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back, and roll up your sleeves. 5-hour energy is faster and easier than coffee. man, does it work. you'll get that alert, energized feeling you need to get stuff done. a lot of stuff. wow. look at you go. 5-hour energy. when you gotta get stuff done.
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have i got a surprise for you! yeah, [ bait's beneful healthy fiesta. gotta love the protein for muscles-- whoo-hoo! and omega-rich nutrition for that shiny coat. ever think healthy could taste so good? [ woman announcing ] beneful healthy fiesta. >> well, it's sink or swim in the shark tank. a primetime show featuring a panel of successful investors who decide if they want to invest their money in an inventer's product but when donny mccall pitched his truck storage system, the panel loved his idea until they asked him about this. >> at $15,000 in sales, where
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your price point isn't even an accurate price point, you don't want to go overseas to bring it down to a price point where it can happen. >> i don't believe the quality can stay. >> if you can find a quality manufacturer, can we take it overseas? >> no, sir. >> why not? >> it's not what i'm going to do with my company. >> fine. >> right now, i -- >> i believe in what i am. i believe in what i'm doing right now. if i can help in any way, i will. >> inventer and businessman donny mccall joins us from north carolina. tell us where it stands right now. are you still insistent that the product has to be manufactured here in america? >> oh, absolutely. i won't waiver on that. no. >> and now, tell us a little bit about what you plan to do now. i mean, this is -- are you going to use that in your advertising? >> oh, yes. we state that it's made in the united states and since the airing of the "shark tank" show we've had an overwhelming response of people who are in support of it and, you know, are
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insistent that we stay here, too, because it's high time that somebody stood up and not just bow down to the automatic of going to overseas to do anything. >> all right, donny, tell us a little bit. i'm a business guy and i got to find out. if you stay, continue to manufacture the product here, can you still make a profit? absolutely. and it's -- profits are different ways. the company can function. the company can thrive. the company can grow and the company can employ people here. i believe that with all my heart. i don't think it has to be an automatic response to go overseas just so that it can pad the profits. >> ok. what kind of difference would it be? in other words, if you were to send the manufacturing overseas. are we talking a 20% difference? 30%? how much? >> well, interestingly enough, a man approached me at one point asking to do my -- to give me a price on plastics that we have
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manufactured here and interestingly enough, they were 65% more expensive if i went overseas. he approached me, asked me if he could broker it, that type of thing. i said i will not go. if you want to give me a base line, that's fine. they were 65% more expensive than in concord, north carolina. >> where can people find that? >> we have product ready to go and i'm just -- i thank you for the opportunity to be here and just helping -- >> we're going to put it up on the web site a little bit later. thanks for manufacturing that product here in america. >> thank you, sir. >> if the president won't build it, the republicans say they will. details on congress' new push to overrule the oval office and bring that keystone pipeline project back to life. then a new school policy that gives students unlimited do
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overs so they don't feel like failures if they flunk a test. oh! [ male announcer ] in bli, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ '80s dance music plays ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. instead of blaming me, try advil congestion relief. often the real problem is swelling, not mucus. advil congestion relief reduces swelling due to nasal inflammation. so i can breathe. advil congestion relief. i was strong before weight watchers, but i'm stronger with it. i believe because it works. ♪ if you want it, you got it join for free. weight watchers points plus 2012. because it works.
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>> welcome back. a new grading system in a georgia school district is banning teachers from handing out zeros, even if the kid get them. it also lets students who fail exams retake the test until they pass. hmmm. whatever happened to accountability and what's going to happen to those kids when they grow up and need to be accountable for their actions? joining us right now is comedian brad stine. he joins us from nashville. good morning, what do you think of this no zero policy?
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kids can do better than a zero. let's retest them until they get a higher grade. >> you know, steve. it's impossible for me to comment on these things without offending the politically correct and by the way, offending the politically correct gives me great joy. this is just another idea of the liberal idiotcracy. not ideology, idiotcracy. the playbook is always this. you tear down those who are successful so you don't expose those who aren't as smart as anyone else or who are lazy. that's the key. we used to have a system that if you didn't do good you wore a dunce cap. you sat in the corner and you had a valedictorian. remember that? one guy. not aren't we all valedictorians? one guy. he studied hard and it worked well for him and those who didn't study hard eventually worked well for him, too, because he became their boss. the whole idea is we have to
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hold kids accountable for not showing up, not turning in their work. if they don't, they pay the price. that's what we used to do. that's what made the country great. >> back in the old days. things are very politically correct. in this particular school district regarding the new grading system, one of the higher ups there said assigning a grade of zero is equivalent to giving up on a child. well, if a kid gets a zero, it sounds like the kid has already given up, doesn't it? >> well, and that's what i love about that. don't give them a zero and let him keep trying until eventually he makes it. >> does it work in the real world? ok, i don't want somebody that said i meant well. you know what i'm saying? i don't want him jumping out of an airplane and my parachute packer is going i meant to pack that parachute. didn't get to it. but, you know, god bless you. it's not going to work. i'm still going to bounce. what i want to know is would this supervisor who created this concept use it in his world?
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what if he took his car to the mechanic, left it there all day. came back, gave him $1,000. drives off and it breaks down half way home. he brings it back and says you didn't fix my car. the mechanic says, you know what? i meant to, i didn't even pop the hood. i didn't even try. but here's the deal. bring it back time after time, day after day after day because here's the good news. i have the potential within me to fix your car eventually. i mean, nobody would live their lives like that. it would be ridiculous. and yet, this is what they want to give to our kids. if these people don't have to live in the same world they create, they shouldn't be able to create this kind of idiotology making our kids dunces. >> well said. all right, brad stine joins us every monday from nashville. sir, thank you very much. >> my pleasure and i still want a trophy! >> well, it's america. of course you're going to get one. all right, brad, thank you very much. all right, e-mail us. what do you think about his comments? on target or off? as he takes off his microphone.
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meanwhile, straight ahead, baby strollers -- a baby stroller rolls right into the path of a commuter train. you have to see what happens next. oh, my goodness. from the best to the worst. ads from last night's game. what did you like? this is a good one. my moderate e plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer up to 9 months. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections,
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have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. until the end of the quarter to think about your money... ♪ that right now, you want to know where you are, and where you'd like to be. we know you'd like to see the same information your advisor does so you can get a deeper understanding of what's going on with your portfolio. we know all this because we asked you, and what we heard helped us create pnc wealth insight, a smarter way to work with your pnc advisor, so you can make better decisions and live achievement. ♪ [ door creaking ] [ dog whimpers ] ♪ ♪ get up offa that thing ♪ and dance till you feel better ♪ ♪ get up offa that thing
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♪ a dance till you -- si it now ♪ dog barks ] [ deep beetle exhaust, dog barks ] ♪ y feel good [ male announcer ] back. and better than ever. the all-new beetle. [ dog barks ] ♪ get up off... can you enjoy vegetables with sauce
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and still reach your weight loss goals? you can with green giant frozen vegetables. over twenty delicious varieties ha sixty calories oless per serving and are now weight watchers-endorsed. try green giant frozen vegetables with sauce. >> right on time bright and early. 7:00 straight up on the east coast. thanks for sharing your time with us today. it's february 6th. i'm gretchen carlson. the new york giants now world champions after upsetting the patriots once again right down to the end, guys. the funnel -- fumbles and tumbles weren't all on the field. what happened? not that i could do a better job. she almost fell down a couple of times. >> slip sliding away. >> and president obama states his case for four more years. >> i deserve a second term but we're not done. >> well, what do you think? hear what else the president had to say so you can decide. steve? >> meanwhile, eric, an
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abandoned baby's stroller rolls straight on to the train tracks. there you see right there. wait until you see what happens next. we got the story that involves that lady in the green sweater. hour two for this monday after the super bowl starts right now. >> and welcome aboard, folks. we've got eric bolling in today from fox business and "the five" as well. he has a football because brian kilmeade is in transit right now from the super bowl. >> i bet i can get a spiral to you just this far away. >> i need a little bit more distance. >> you guys are good. >> let's see. maybe there's more distance between you and steve. there you go. >> all right. you got it. >> broken glass! >> good job. >> very nice. >> very nice. it did have a spiral. great game to the end. we'll bring you some of the highlights in a minute. couple of headlines for you right now.
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we begin with the killer's last words. "i'm sorry, good-bye." josh powell sent that chilling e-mail to his lawyer minutes before police say he blew up his own house killing himself and his two young sons. powell, the prime suspect in the disappearance of his wife susan powell in this picture here. she went missing back in december of 2009. the heat was apparently coming on to this guy. so what did he do? his 5 and 7-year-old sons were at his house for a supervised visit when he blocked the social worker from coming into the home, she smelled gas. seconds later, the house exploded in flames. just days ago, powell lost a custody battle as well for his sons and was ordered to get a psych evaluation. at a candlelight vigil last night, prayers went out to the boys and susan powell's parents who had custody of them. >> susan's father said one constellation i have right now is those boys are with their mother again. >> i was afraid if he had the chance, the only way he could win this game that he was playing was to kill them.
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and i really felt that he was going to do that. >> it's so sad. the boys had been living with their father and this man here, their grandfather until last september when the grandfather, the father of their dad, he was arrested for child pornography. it's been nearly two years since yardley love, a star college lacrosse player died inside her dorm room at the university of virginia. today, her ex-boyfriend will stand trial for that killing. police say the 24-year-old has confessed to kicking in love's bedroom door and shaking her, slamming her head into a wall several times. his lawyers will argue, though, she died accidentally from an irregular heartbeat caused by taking aterol and drinking alcohol. love was just 22 years old. brand new video into "fox & friends", a mother steps away from her baby stroller at a train station in australia and take a look at what happens next. the stroller slips away. watch it right here. it rolls right on to the tracks.
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the mother along with several good samaritans jumps into action. the mom in the green sweater there. they were able to rescue the baby before the next train plowed into the station. the baby doing just fine and almost as shocking as the video, check out this guy who saw the stroller and kept walking. yeah, i'll take another sip of my coffee. wow. well, a victory parade set for tomorrow in new york city's canyon of heroes for the super bowl champs, the giants for the second time in four years came from behind to beat the new england patriots. came coming down to the last play. there is, the hail mary pass. the giants deflecting tom brady's pass in the end zone as time runs out. eli manning, the super bowl mvp again. it's big blue's fourth championship. and those are your headlines. >> and half way between the beginning and the end of the game was the halftime show.
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this time starring madonna. she said last week she was nervous because last year, the black eyed peas which was not a very good show most say. >> i liked it. >> they performed before 111 million people and you can see madonna at one point, she does slip. but because she completely lip-synched the track, it went haywire. >> can i read my impromptu notes during the halftime show. we were having a great time. i go madonna, she looked good. looked a little old. a little slow. almost fell off the stage. she was no beyonce and there was lmfao watching lmfao watching hold madonna's leg up in the air. ongoing shameless promotion of that show "the voice" a mediocre reality show. enough with those judges from "the voice". >> so she did almost slip a couple of times. and she did look -- she did look older in the way in which she was dancing. you got to give to her for her
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whole entire look. she looked fantastic for her age. but i think her age showed a little bit because it almost looked like she didn't quite have the dance moves anymore. you kept waiting for her, right, to really break into it. it was entertaining. but i wish she would have -- i wish she would have sung live. that bugged me the most. >> i don't think they do that in anymore. >> they do it for the star spangled banner. why not do it for halftime show? >> over the last several years, they said they're going to allow the lip-synching. >> it loses a lot. we asked you what you thought of the big halftime show. eric in ohio said madonna reminded me of the tin man dancing to "wizard of oz." i thought -- oil can. i thought there would be somebody oiling her aged joints with an oil can. come on, eric. 50 something, not that old. >> scott in new york said this. i think madonna not only looks great for 53 but she moves like a 22-year-old. he's a cougar fan. i have never been a madonna fan but i think she performed great.
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>> and danielle in new york said betty white could have moved faster than that. >> and betty white was in a promo for, i think, "the voice." >> i don't know. i'm sick of those. >> by the way, nbc a little embarrassed this morning because one of the performers, the rapper m.i.a. singing with madonna at one point. there's m.i.a. right there. they blurred the scene because -- >> look at that. >> she flipped the bird for some reason. she didn't do it in rehearsal. >> i missed it. >> that's nice. 150 million kids watching and that's what we get to see. >> and nbc apologized. they say their delay system caught it late. >> why does somebody have to make a name for themselves in that show? i don't get it. >> now we're talking about it. >> i know. get a life! all right anyway, the best and worst commercials, we will analyze those directly ahead coming up. all right, meanwhile, we were telling you that matt lauer sat down with the president of the united states for six minute interview ahead of time. matt lauer went down memory
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lane, though, and said mr. president, you and i sat together exactly three years ago and we were talking about the economy and in particular the tarp funding and you said if you can't turn around the economy in three years, we're talking about a one term proposition. and then matt lauer said mr. president, do you deserve a second term? here's what the president said. >> i deserve a second term but we're not done. look, when you and i sat down, we were losing 750,000 jobs a month. in fact, we had found out just a few days before we sat down that we had lost that month 750,000 jobs. now we're creating 250,000. we've created 3.7 million jobs over the last 23 months. we created the most jobs since 2005. we've got to return to old-fashioned american values. everybody getting a fair shot. everybody doing their fair share. everybody playing by the same rules. and that means, for example, regulations to make sure that wall street is following the same rules that main street is doing. but we've made progress and the
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key right now is just to make sure that we don't start turning in a new direction that could throw that progress off. >> you see, i think that was a perfect pitch in the president's mind to the whole middle of the country. because he'll pretty much get the votes on the coasts, right? if you look at a map, those are the blue states. when he said let's go back to old-fashioned values, and people paying their fair share. see, i think that's an appeal by the president to the whole middle part of the country who likes the way that that sounds, they are in favor of good old-fashioned values. not sure they're in favor of this whole fair share argument but i think that was on purpose to throw those two lines together. >> can i point something out? you make a good point. the thing about this first weekend in february, 2009, right before the stimulus package was signed, which means he's selling the stimulus, he's asking for $850 billion of our money. he says if it doesn't work, i will be -- it will be a one term proposition at that same interview. the super bowl interview with
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matt lauer three years ago. well, guess what? we have a million and a half fewer jobs. we have a higher unemployment rate. gasoline prices have soared through the roof and home values have plummeted. i think there's a fair argument to be said, it's not working. it didn't work. time for you to move on. >> meanwhile, newt gingrich says ok, the president sure makes it sound like everything is turning around but he -- newt says those unemployment numbers, not as good as the president makes them seem. >> well, it has dropped. you know why it's dropped? because over 4% of the people who would be unemployed have quit looking for work. if we had the same participation rate we had a couple of years ago, we'd be at 12% or 13% unemployment. people quit looking. >> not only that but there was an adjustment last week and you can explain this better than we can understand it and that is suddenly, what, over a million people just disappeared? >> this is really, really, really important. the unemployment numbers, the
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number that newt cites right there. the work force numbers, it's a survey. it's a moving target. they pick up the phone and they actually make phone calls to different households and then they estimate. here's the problem. they've estimated that somewhere between 3 and 4 million people have left the work force. how do you know that? that is a huge number. never before have four million people left the work force in any given presidential period. if you add those people back, just assume they did because they're making guestimates on these numbers. the unemployment rate pushes 12%, maybe 10% to 11%. it's much worse and my point here is this. the initial jobless claims of people applying each week, you know exactly what those are because they walk into the office and sign in their name. the unemployment number and the number that we're talking about right here is an estimated by the bureau of labor statistics. there's a lot of funny business that could go on with that. >> what they were doing is they were taking that estimate and then squaring it with the census
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numbers, you know, they take the census every 10 years and they figured, ok, there's a million less people than we thought working which some have said that's kind of fishy. >> speaking of numbers, let's go out to nevada where guess what, nothing is official yet, folks, because they're still counting the votes. what they say they wanted to do especially in clark county which is the most populated area, includes las vegas and such. instead of what they did in iowa which they said tell people the votes and they ended up being wrong, in nevada, they wanted to do that process at the same time. so count the ballots, and certify. that's why they say they don't have a final number yet. but what does this say about the caucus system? iowa got it wrong. now we're out in nevada where they've known about this for four years and they can't figure out how to count their votes. and coming up, we have caucuses in minnesota, we have caucuses in what are the other states? they went off my screen. is the caucus system an old-fashioned thing that we should get rid of now and move forward so we know exactly what the votes are?
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>> well, it -- they've used it for a lot of years and some may say it's time to blow it up and do it all electronically. simply what they're trying to do in clark county is saying send us all the ballots and we'll recount them and make sure they're right. in some precincts a certain number of people signed in and that vote total might be more than the number of people that signed in. >> that's a problem! >> in many cases, it's just one person. they're off by one. anyway, there's a possibility that in some of these places where there were a lot, there's a vast discrepancy, they can actually throw out all the votes. so it's something to -- something to think about. >> let us know what you think about that. >> mitt romney still won decisively. >> but in some election battles you might not and that's my point, that every vote does count. coming up on our show, if the president won't build it, the republicans say they will. one congressman making a push to built the keystone pipeline without white house approval. he's already meeting opposition. we'll have both sides of that story next. >> and you just heard the
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president say his case for four more years, donald trump on whether or not he deserved it in just a bit. i'm thinking want.
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your finances can't manage themselves.
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but that doesn't mean they won't try. bring all your finances together with the help of the one person who can. a certified financial planner professional. cfp. let's make plan. ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8.
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>> welcome back, everyone. if the president won't build the keystone xl pipeline, republicans say they will. that's causing a battle between parties and democrats are standing by the president for the most part. at the center of the debate is jobs and joining me this morning from both sides of theish -- issue, republican from texas and democrat. such an honor to have you both here on the set with me this morning. let me start with you, you've been active in the house trying to have congress actually pass the keystone pipeline and go over the president's head. how are you going to do it? >> i filed legislation that
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will allow congress to approve the pipeline from albert y'all the -- alberta all the way down to texas. congress did this years ago when the obstructionists were against the alaska pipeline back in 1973. after four years, congress said enough. congress passed the legislation and it became law so congress has that authority. >> congressman, he just used the word obstructionists, is that what democrats are being in the house and senate to not create jobs as the republicans argue this pipeline would? >> i don't think that's the case. what we really want to do is do it right. this is a big pipeline, big project. goes through some very sensitive environmental areas. and we ought to build it correctly. it's a matter of how you build it and when you build it. in fact, the president and the whole process is moving along, congress stepped in about two months ago and said do it now or else. the president said no, we're going to do this thing the right way. >> they've had a long time to look at this, haven't they?
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i want to put up a map showing how many pipelines are already in existence. look at that. it's almost solid red in some parts. so this is not like it would be the only pipeline out there, right, congressman? >> that's correct. there are thousands of miles of pipelines throughout the country and people don't know that because generally speaking, they're safe. and this pipeline will go all the way from alberta down to my district in port arthur, texas and create millions of jobs, raise tax revenue for the states along the route. it has been changed over the questionable portion of the aquafir so it's been four years. it's time to do it. >> those pipelines are not really safe. in fact, for the last 20 years, the congress has refused to update the pipeline safety laws. we had a huge explosion in san francisco and i think seven people were killed in that. we always are having leaks. we need to do this right and we need to make sure it's safe and the actual pipeline has not been
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decided. so there's things that we need to do to make sure this is done correctly and the other pipelines, all those red lines, are they safe? they're in people's backyards. i know we have major problems in california about pipeline safety. we had the spill in the yellowstone river. it goes on and on. do it right, take your time and make sure it's done correctly auto. >> we'll see if congress gets there before the president. they're trying to pass it over his head. great for both of you to be here with me this morning. thanks so much for your time. >> thanks, gretchen. >> umass looks more like zoomass overnight. pats fans unleashing some unruly behavior and from the best to the absolute worst. we're grading the commercials from last night's big game.
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mauer, you got dandruff? actually, head & shoulders is for more than dandruff. it gives me a healthy scalp and great looking hair. does it do anything else for you? no? no? yes. [ male announcer ] head & shoulders. 7 benefits. 1 bottle. [ male announcer ] for our town. [ dog barks ] for our country. ♪ for our future. ♪ this isn't just the car we wanted to build. it's the car america had to build. ♪ the extended range electric chevy volt.
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from the heart of detroit to the health of the country, chevy runs deep.
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>> time for news by the numbers. first $4. that's how much you could be paying at the gas pump as prices are expected to go up another $0.60 or more by may. that's right, john. wait until may when you're going to be really whistling dixie. how many post offices could close by a cost cutting plan by the postmaster general. he says the postal service needs to make $20 billion in cuts by 2015. and finally, $22 million. that's how much the movie "chronicle" pulled in in the super bowl weekend. movie about kids with super powers beating out "the woman in black" by about a million dollars. all right. now, time to go bowling for ad
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dollars. >> thank you, steven. the super bowl isn't just about who wins on the field. companies spend millions of dollars on commercials. who were the winners and losers in between the plays? here with his picks for the best and worst super bowl ads, commercials is the executive creative director matt mcdonald. he's the brains behind famous ad campaigns like the magic of macy's that starred donald trump, martha stewart and jessica simpson together and the welcome bigwigs campaign that persuaded ceo's to dump their private jets for jet blue. ok, so let's -- the most -- i guess the best, your most creative, most interesting ads were? >> i think the standout of the night was by far the chrysler ad featuring clint eastwood. it was, you know, chrysler's rallying cry to america. >> let's show people. take a look. >> teams are in their locker room discussing what they can do
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to win this game in the second half. it's halftime in america, too. people are out of work and they're hurting. how do we come together and how do we win. detroit's showing us it can be done. what's true about them is true about all of us. this country can't be knocked out in one punch. we get right back up again and when we do, the world is going to hear the roar of our engines. yeah! it's halftime, america. and our second half is about to begin. >> ok. go ahead. >> i have a problem -- but go ahead. >> sure. i think, you know, amidst the sea of dogs and babies, that stands out as a message that will resonate with people especially right now with what's happening and it's always great to see clint eastwood again. >> right. however, halftime meaning we don't remember the first half when chrysler and g.m. took the bailouts. >> i think people are going to give chrysler credit for taking
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a positive message and sort of giving people inspiration. >> all right. take a look at this one. this is a key -- you like this one. >> this is a good counterpoint. watch. >> ♪ mr. sandman ♪ bring me a dream ♪ make him the cutest that i've ever seen ♪ >> all right. so that goes on and shows you what a guy dreams about. >> it does. it does. it shows, you know, motley crue, a great big giant sandwich being sawed by lumberjacks but it's the stuff that all guys dream of. this spot is particularly effective because it's done in such a way women will get a good laugh out of it as well. it's so ridiculous and over the top, not taking itself too seriously. >> let's get to your worst ad. take a look, guys. let's roll a piece of it first.
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>> guys, it's not that complicated. >> ok, you have some explaining to do because every guy in the studio just started staring at that commercial. >> i think that's actually the point. every guy may have seen him but every woman and 40% of the people who watch the super bowl is women. they groaned and slapped their heads in exhaustion. the message is pretty cynical and pretty untrue. >> ok. but teleflora who buys flowers for whom? >> one day a year, i think guys buy flowers. the other 364 days, it's women. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> $3 1/2 million per 30 second
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spotted. that's a record? >> that is the record. and i expect it to go up. >> all right. president obama says he deserves four more years to get his job done. donald trump on whether or not he thinks the president deserves that after the break. plus tim tebow hints at a new career in politics? tell you what the quarterback said when we return.
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>> time now for your shot of the morning. tim tebow taking to twitter right after the super bowl tweeting this photo of eli manning holding the lombardi trophy along with one single word. motivation. the broncos quarterback looking to add a super bowl championship to his resume and maybe even a job in politics? >> would you ever think of like running for office? >> for me, it could be something in my future, you know, something i have to think about and pray about and i have no idea right now but possibly. >> the quarterback making those comments during an interview on the golf channel. >> who knew they talked politics on the golf channel? >> well, he was spurned on by david faherty who wanted him to get into politics and asked him if it would be a possibility.
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>> motivation. are you motivated for some headlines? >> i am. ready? >> go. >> here are the rest of your headlines. check out the pats fans taking their anger of a giants defeat to the streets at the university of massachusetts. >> oh! >> police forced to use flash bombs and smoke grenades to scatter the 1500 unruly students. at least 14 of them charged with disorderly conduct. they now face the possibility of being suspended from school. >> a teenage coffee barista kidnapped at work? her father is making an emotional plea to bring her home. >> i want to ask for her captors if they would please send my daughter home. i will give you anything in this world. call me anonymously. you don't have to go through the police. i will meet you. i will give you whatever you want.
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>> his daughter, 18-year-old sa manta coning last seen surveillance video leaving her job in anchorage, alaska, alongside a man with a gun. her father offering a $41,000 award. >> protesters arrested in new york city after throwing a shoe at yemen's president. shoe throwing, a big insult in the islamic culture. he is in the u.s. to get treated for burns he suffered during an assassination attempt. back in yemen, his forces stormed into a state-run newspaper and forced the editors out at gunpoint to put his picture on the front page with no mention of the shoe tossing because that's embarrassing. speak of getting the boot, guess who is getting the boot in iran. >> ♪ the simpsons >> homer, bart and marge, any simpsons toy you can think of now officially banned in iran. the guy who runs iran's institute for the intellectual
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development of children and young adults says the dolls are banned because they promote western culture, barbie also on the banned list for being too promiscuo promiscuous. >> really. >> how about barbie and not ken. >> exactly. >> all right, fine. meanwhile, let's take a look at what's going on up in the sky. this is the radar and satellite. down in dixieland, we have some showers early on this monday morning after the super bowl. as you can see from the panhandle of florida up through portions of georgia and south carolina, a little bit of rain. also some rain moving through the great state of florida at this hour. balance of the country is nice and dry at this hour. hit the button. thank you very much. there you got the current readings coast to coast. it is chilly in the northern plains. 26 right now in minneapolis. 27 in rapid city. only 17 in denver, colorado. here in the big town, where we'll have a big parade tomorrow to celebrate the giants win, 33. meanwhile, later on today, eventually mid 50's in the mid
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atlantic back through the central plain states down through the southern plains. 82 delicious degrees in tampa. meanwhile in chicagoland, 44. and way out west in phoenix, going to be a beautiful day and 70 degrees. and that's your travelcast. >> are there caribou in caribou, maine? >> no. >> thank you. >> maybe caribou coffee? >> maybe. not sure why you came up with that question but we'll get to the heart of it. >> struck me as why do they call it caribou, maine? >> you know what? there's a trump at trump tower. >> there is. >> and his name is donald and joins us live right now. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> what do you think of the super bowl? >> great game. who would have thought? it was a great game. unbelievable game, actually. >> yeah. >> right down to the last minute there, the patriots would have caught that pass, the hail mary could have been decisive for the patriots the other direction. the president was front and center before the super bowl in an interview and he said that even though he said in the past that he could be a one term president if he doesn't get the job done, he now wants the
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american people to give him a second term. what did you think of that? >> well, you know, we keep talking about unemployment and the numbers getting better but we rely calculate the numbers differently today. people who aren't looking for work anymore because they've given up, they take them out of the stats and the numbers are much worse than the kind of numbers that are being produced so i don't know what's going on. i mean, they show different numbers because if you go out, the economy is not good. >> all right, donald, we talked about how they may be playing around with the numbers and trying to figure out how they come up with their numbers. talk to us about iran. you're very involved, you know exactly what goes on with the iranian people, with the oil situation here. when you listen to president obama yesterday talking to matt lauer on iran, what came to your mind? did he sound confident to you? >> i don't think you can go out and expose everything that you want to do in terms of, you know, your ideas on iran and, you know, whether you're the
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president or you're not the president, you really have to sit back and say -- you have to keep the cards to yourself. and one of the problems that we have politically is whether it's making deals or talking about china, everybody exposes everything. i don't think you can necessarily do that, eric. you have to go out, you have to let iran know, however in the strongest of terms, that they are not going to have a nuclear weapon. >> can i just follow up with you, donald, though? i mean, he talks in one sense, it's getting more dangerous in the middle east. yet, we're pulling back troops. maybe it's not the time to be pulling back troops. >> well, i will tell you this -- the middle east is a mess. it's going to be a mess whether we have troops there or not. and eventually we're going to have to get out and when we get out, it's going to blow up just like it has before. if you look at what's happening in iraq, it's blowing up all over the place. and i happened to be a believer -- i'm a very conservative person but i'm a believer in rebuilding our own country. i think we've built enough. we've spent $1 1/2 trillion in iraq as an example and now they
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want us out, they're throwing us out and iran is going to take over iraq and take over those great oil fields. >> isn't that crazy? >> i'm a believer strongly and i'm talking from a conservative standpoint, i want to rebuild our country! >> why not? absolutely. meanwhile, somebody, maybe a new president, come next november, i know that mitt romney would like the job on the republican side. a couple of days ago, out in nevada, could you explain what was going on behind the scenes? because i know mitt romney has credited you, you know, your endorsement with helping him win nevada and he won decisively but what was going on behind the scenes? because first, we heard donald trump is going to endorse newt gingrich. or maybe it's mitt or maybe it's newt. what was going on? auto >> everybody was putting out stuff that i was endorsing them and it's pretty clear to me and it's really clear to me, i like newt a lot but i think mitt romney is going to win the election against obama. i really believe that. i think obama will not do well
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and won't do as well as people are thinking he's going to do and i think that mitt romney is going to win the election but there was a lot of confusion as to who i was going to endorse and frankly, that made things exciting. >> i think newt really wanted it, didn't he? >> he did. i mean, he did. and others wanted it. but the fact is that i decided that mitt romney is somebody -- i think he's a terrific guy. he's actually a much different guy on a personal level than you get to see on television. and he's a very impressive person. and i love his stance on china. i love his stance on foreign trade and i think he's going to turn this country around. i think he's going to do a really good job in terms of the campaign and ultimately being president. >> why did you wait so long to come out with the endorsement on that particular day? i read in an interview you said you had made up your mind maybe 10 days before. so what was it about that specific day? >> well, i thought it was important to come out sometime, you know, when there was a lot in doubt. maybe there are still things in
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doubt. maybe there is. maybe there isn't. there was a lot riding on that particular race in nevada and it was interesting, because the numbers were much, much greater than you thought and a lot of people are giving me credit for that. and i will accept that credit. >> absolutely. all right. >> always accept credit. >> why not? >> we got to go. have you spoken to newt since you endorsed mitt? >> i called him but have not spoken to him, no. >> very good. donald trump joins us each and every monday. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> when we come back, it's their job to dig up dirt. we the people who get paid to expose politicians' dark secrets. >> dinner with bill ahers. our next guest land a seat at that table. wait until you hear how that went. first, let's see how this goes. ugh, my sinus congestion, and it's your fault.
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honey, i love you... oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato. ♪ what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. >> welcome back, everyone. where do political campaigns get the dirt for their attack ads? opposition researchers but you don't hear much about that. until right now. two opposition researchers have written a book called "we're with nobody" alan houghman and michael join me now at the desk. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> alan, you are the guys behind some of these negative ads that we see because you go out and you do the research. not only on the person that you're hired -- that's hired you but the person that they want to be. you do it on both people, right? >> that's right. it's crucial to too it on both sides so you know how you're going to be attacked. there's someone on the other side doing the same thing that we're doing and so we're going to find out what -- if you're running for congress, we're
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going for find out what they're going to find on you as well. it doesn't win us a lot of popularity contests, but it's crucial. >> so you give them valuable information and then you argue because you say look, this may come up about you, too, and you need to be prepared. >> yeah and if you don't do the self-research and a good example of that is probably herman cain, then you're going to find yourself in a lot of trouble when your guy is attacking you so we scrutinize our candidate with the same vigor we do their opponent and try to be objective about that. >> how do you do it? >> you mean literally what do you do? >> we start on the internet, you know, just finding out everything that's easy to get and then we narrow our search until we find out where we need to go to get more detail like -- like financial contributions. we go to the courthouse. we see whether they vote. we read every newspaper article and every tv clip about them. we just basically explore every aspect that can be documented. that's the most important part of what we do.
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>> so it's not necessarily based on rumor, on documentation. i want you to take a look at some of these pac ads. these, you might argue, would be the end results. you get the information and then a candidate puts out an ad like this one. >> does that look like an ad that you could have helped out the campaign with? providing that kind of information. >> well, you know, honestly, i look at that ad. it's a very powerful ad. i look at it and i have a hard time knowing whether or not there's anything to support what they're saying, you know, i don't get a lot of detail when i look at that ad but generally speaking, yeah, they mentioned the cayman islands and mentioned some specific things that someone put together, you know, the report on that and they know that they've got something to
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work with. >> all right, michael, let's look at this one. this is romney vs. gingrich, see if you can figure out something else. >> president reagan. >> gingrich exaggerates dropping reagan's name 50 times but in his diaries, reagan mentioned gingrich only once. reagan criticized gingrich saying newt's ideas "would cripple our defense program." reagan rejected newt's ideas on leadership -- >> all right, michael? would that be the kind of stuff you would have researched and found out? >> sure, you would go back and look at those instances where he was named or mentioned and you're trying to paint that picture. you know, we don't paint the picture. we're the guys that supply the paint and -- but that is a good example of some of the stuff we do. >> it's a fascinating topic especially since we're right in the heat of it right now and there's so many accusations going around. thanks so much. >> thank you for having us. >> coming up next on "fox & friends", what do two terrorists
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talk about when they sit down for dinner? you're about to find out. our next guest sat down with them. on this day in 1989, "straight up" is the number one song. still on my ipod by the way loaded. [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition? ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. alyour important legal matters in just minutes. now it's quicker and easier for you to start your business... protect your family... and launch your dreams. at, we put the law on your side. ♪ a refrigerator has never been hacked. an online virus has never attacked a corkboard.
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>> all right, the answer to the trivia question of the day is zsa zsa gabor. come on. imagine sitting down for dinner with bill ayers, the co-founder of the weather underground, the radical group that bombed government buildings and banks. that's exactly what our next guest did. joining us right now is the daily caller editor jamie weinstein.
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good morning, jamie. >> good morning to you. >> this was up at one of these celebrity auctions. how would you like to have dinner with bernadine dorr and bill ayers and you pay $2500 to do just that, right? >> right. tucker bought this auction. he thought it would be an interesting opportunity to try to get some answers from bernadine and bill. there was still, i think, a lot of unanswered questions from the last election. exactly how close they were to president obama. so there was six of us who went to actually the apartment of their friend, a very extravagant apartment to have dinner with them. and it turned out we weren't actually necessarily eating with them. they were serving us along with several of their friends and attendants and coming down to talk to us intermittently but it was certainly a bizarre experience. >> well, and they knew you guys were from a web site that tilts to the right. so they knew they had to be on their best behavior. when you asked them about, for instance, their radical past and, you know, the whole terrorist thing, what did they
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say? >> they -- bill ayers at one point said why don't you read something more contemporary? saying they didn't want to talk about it. but, of course, they have talked about this in books and in documentaries. this is not something they have put to the past and repented for. so it seems like a topic that they would be very naturally willing to discuss. but certainly, bill ayers didn't want to talk about it. bernadine was a little bit more forthcoming but certainly was not a topic they were that interested in discussing. >> ok, so you described earlier you're at a table that seats six and extraordinarily they had cutouts of what historical figures around the table. this is kind of weird. >> yeah, there was about six seats and we were supposed to choose which character that we wanted to sit at. they had a cutout, for instance i sat at dick cheney's table or at least plate. there was gertrude stein, the writer. there was rosa parks, sarah palin, david thorough and john
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mccain. so each of us chose one of them. obviously, three of them they liked. and three of them they didn't. characters. i happened to like all the characters. but i chose cheney because, you know, i kind of like cheney. >> real quickly, exit question, what does bill ayers serve for supper? >> it was a very gourmet meal. there was some tofu involved, some ribs. it was actually quite excellent. but it was actually, you know, kind of surprising. i think he cooked it, at least it looked like he cooked it. he was back there in the kitchen. but the meal was quite good. >> and you can read all about it your dinner with the dorn and ayers family coming up tomorrow in "the daily caller." thank you very much for joining us live from chicago. interesting. he leads america's bravest soldiers to war. brian goes one on one with the general. plus the president said he deserves a second term to get the job done. but dana perino says there's a major flaw in his explanation. good morning to you, ma'am.
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but does bringing a floor back to life really make us heroes? [ chuckles ] yes. yes, it does. ♪ call 1-800-steemer >> gretchen: good morning, everyone. hope you had a great weekend and fun time watching the super bowl. it's now monday, february 6. the new york giants crowned world champions. once again taking down the pats. but the fumbles weren't just on the field. did you see what happened at half time? whoopsie daisy. that's what happens when you wear eight-inch heels. >> steve: that's why i don't. meanwhile, listen to the president make his case for four more years. >> i deserve a second term, but we're not done. >> steve: oh, really? dana perino says there is a big flaw in his argument. she is going to share that with you because she's about five feet over there straight ahead. >> eric: he's exactly what america needs, inventer who
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wants his product made only in america. listen. >> i want to do something that can bring some jobs and some hope to my small town. >> eric: but investors said go overseas or get lost. did he turn down the deal of a lifetime? "fox & friends" hour two -- three starts right now. having so much fun. >> steve: welcome to the show. when did eric bolling throw in the super bowl football right there? when did the super bowl become new year's eve? you notice that? it's the party night. last night my wife and i were driving about 7:00 o'clock at might and the streets were deserted. if you look outside right now, not too many people out there because a lot of people are taking the day off, including our endure studio crew.
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>> gretchen: yeah. >> steve: normally keep in mind, this is one minute after 8:00 o'clock in the morning in the busiest city in america. there is taxi, with you there should be morrhuasle and bustle and people are sleeping it off because there was a big giants win. >> eric: a lot of celebrating going on. >> gretchen: we'll bring you more about the half time show specifically coming up. first the headlines. we begin with these horrible last words from a killer. i'm sorry. good-bye. josh powell sent that chilling e-mail to his lawyer minutes before police say he blew up his own house, killing himself and his two young sons. powell, the prime suspect in the disappearance of his wife, susan powell, who went miss not guilty december, 2009, his five and seven-year-old sons were at his home for a supervised visit when he blocked the supervisor from coming in. days ago he lost a custody battle for his sons and ordered to get a psych evaluation. at a candlelight vigil last
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night, prayers went out to the little boys and susan powell's parents who had custody of them. >> her father said one consolation i have is those boys are with their mother again. i was afraid if he had the chance, the only way he could win this game was to kill them and i had really felt that he was going to do that. >> gretchen: such a horrible story. this picture here is the grandfather of josh -- the father of josh powell, the grandfather of the little boys. last september, he was arrested for child pornography. fox news alert now. a federal judge in california has just called a hearing to determine jarrett loughner's future. loughner, the accused tucson shooter, has spent more than a year at a detention center where he's been forcibly medicated. we expect that judge to agree with the report that he's not
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competent to stand trial to allow the government more time to observe him. he faces 49 charges related to last january's shooting that left six people dead and then congresswoman gabrielle giffords in serious condition. he constantly pushed the limit chasing wild storms since he was just 16 years old. but it wasn't a tornado that killed professional storm chasing andy gabrielson. the 24-year-old died in a car crash on his way home from track ago storm in texas. he was hit head on by a suspected drunk driver going the wrong way on a turnpike in oklahoma. he was the father of three-year-old daughter, and just two weeks shoo i of his 25th birthday. parade set for tomorrow in new york's canyon of heros for the super bowl xlvi champs. for the second time in four years o'clock the underdogs came from behind to beat the new england patriots. the game coming down to this play, the hail mary by tom brady. 12 people going after one ball. nobody catches it.
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eli man, the super bowl mvp again, his fourth championship. those are your headlines. >> steve: dana perino was watching it because i was looking at your twitter feed. >> i didn't past the half time show. but i found out that the giants won and i couldn't have been happier. >> steve: they did decisively. >> it's really weird 'cause usually i sit there and now i'm sitting this and having eye contact. this is strange. >> steve: it's a little different. we're going to ask you about the president's interview. first, your reaction, they have just finalized the caucus results for the great state of nevada. romney, 50. gingrich, 21. paul, 18. rick santorum, almost 10%. >> as expected a little bit. romney solidifying that win in nevada. likely to go on to win in colorado and a couple other places. the washington examiner asked a good question this morning. how much losing can newt gingrich take? i think that he can take a lot and he's probably planning on
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taking a lot for the next few weeks. beyond that, i don't know how much longer -- >> steve: he's running out of dough, according to the paper. >> certainly going to run out of money. a little run out of steam. he was fired up and ready to go saturday night. >> eric: which is more important, the money or the steam? >> steam, i think. because if you're newt gingrich and you can continue to get on television and making news stories, then i think that you can keep going for quite a while. there is not another debate until february 22. he could probably last until then. >> gretchen: he claims he's going all the way to the convention in tampa. but most important to his campaign will be super tuesday. it's lot of the southern states where he might gain the same momentum he had in south carolina. >> right. he's got to figure out can i afford to do the basics of operating a campaign between now and march 6 is super tuesday. and then think of the ads. even president obama last night was talking about negative ads going to play a role in the campaign. air time is expensive,
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especially in some of the media markets that they're going to have to play in. >> gretchen: quick talk before we leave nevada, what do you make of the fact that it seems in the caucus states this year, they can't count and add them up. iowa is wrong. nevada tried to do it a slower way to certify while they're doing the process. it seems dig come bob lated. what's going on? >> i couldn't say. you would think p today's day and age when you could have precision -- like the market. think that technology could be used to give us a better read for some of these races. like a santorum, i think this is really key to look back at iowa. if you actually won iowa, like santorum did, that might have helped in fund raising and media attention. >> eric: we're going to move on, but the 50% number, that they pretty relevant, isn't it? >> yeah. i think so. but this is something that is not good for republicans overall
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and for romney, that participation was way down. and so with nevada being a swing state, i would imagine that the campaign in chicago that axelrod and company is looking at that and saying, we still got a ways to win in nevada. >> steve: it sure sounded like the president's stump speech when he vast down two hours before the super bowl. matt lauer reminded him three years earlier he were talking about the economy and you said unless the economy turns around, this could be a one-term pop am proposition. and last night he said, so sir, do you deserve a second term? here is the president's answer. >> i deserve a second term, but we're not done. look, when you and i sat down, we were losing 750,000 jobs a month. in fact, we found out just a few days before we sat down that we had lost that month 750,000 jobs. now we're creating 250,000. we created 3.7 million jobs over the last 23 months. we created the most jobs since 2005. we've got to return to
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old-fashioned american values. everybody getting a fair shot. everybody doing their fair share. everybody playing by the same rules. that means, for example, regulations to make sure that wall street is following the same rules that main street is doing. but we made progress and the key right now is just make sure that we don't start turning in a new direction that could throw that progress off. >> steve: what do you think of his argument? >> first of all, i wouldn't have repeated the verb, deserve. that's a strong verb. i would have said, i want to earn a second term. i feel like i have earned it. then he could go on and paint this picture. if you're the incumbent president and you get a chance to be on "60 minutes" every week or send a surrogate, that's lot of viewers. the night of the super bowl, you got maybe over 65 million people watching. everyone is in a good mood. you've got a nice shot of a tight, short interview with matt lauer and you're going to be able to deliver your message and he's painting this picture using numbers that people that might -- like eric, might know
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more about the numbers say, you can't say that! you can't get any words out 'cause you can't get on tv at the same time. >> gretchen: wasn't it on purpose where -- i think it's for the first time i saw him put it into his fair share discussion that he talked to middle america. he knew exactly who his viewerrers last night 'cause he had pretty much the coast lines wrapped up. they're going to go blue no matter what, probably. so he's thinking middle america, with those three words, old-fashioned values. did you get that, that he was speaking to the whole center of america? >> he's trying. he's trying and i think that those -- every single phrase that he uses is so poll tested. it does not seem authentic. there is an insincerity about it, especially when you look a little deeper and you think, but if you think old-fashioned value, why did you do this? but if you think that, why this? the place where he is failing to make his argument connect -- not connecting the dots is when he talks all about old-fashioned value, bringing back
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manufacturing, and then he says, and so the rich need to pay more, to pay their fair share. then i think, well, where is the connection between the rich paying more and continuing to bring more jobs back to america? that's where he's not connecting. i don't think that's lost on anybody. >> eric: we talk about this a lot on "the five." we have an argument about this almost daily. electability versus the real conservative. the very far right conservative portion of the gop says romney is not our guy because he's not conservative enough. does that matter? >> it's mattering a little bit. i think part of the reduction in the numbers of participation in some of these primary and caucus states is a reflection of that. and also really nasty fighting between gingrich and romney and not so much rick santorum, who i think has held himself aside from that, but might not matter. i think that has made republican voters turn it off. >> steve: isn't participate of the participation rate as well, you hear, well, the projections are, mitt romney is going to win
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by 50 points. so why bother blow ago big chunk of your saturday to sit in a basement somewhere? n my sister, her boyfriend organized for them to go this coming saturday. i think it's in colorado. and she could -- she's like, i'm going to be so bored. it will be mitt romney. why do i have to go do this? she's not that into it. but i think you're right. i think there probably is a little of some of that. this is what i think romney should do, i think he should set aside some time with some speech writers and his policy people and really think through, dig down deep and give a major policy address and reset the foundation and use that as a chance to try to seal the deal with some of these conservatives because -- he actually meets a lot of conservative tests. it's such that conservatives are skeptical by nature and for some reason with romney -- >> gretchen: i don't know if resetting -- i don't want to speak for them, but reset not guilty a policy speech, i think what some of the conservatives are upset about are the flip flopping things that he can't
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change. >> that's why i think he needs to reset it to say this is what i'm for. this is what i'm going to do and just from my experience, it's very unusual for a conservative to go into the oval office and change his or her position. hers one day. >> steve: listen, you can hear her position each and every day over there on "the five." >> i can get a word in edge wise between eric and bob. >> steve: it's a great show. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> gretchen: major spending cuts are underway at the pentagon. how is that playing out with our troops on the ground. >> eric: the fumbles and item bees at last night's super bowl not limited to football players. what did you think of madonna's performance at half time? reading your e-mails, coming up wake up!
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>> gretchen: welcome back. he is in charge of america's warriors off the field. the brave men and women who fight for our freedom around the world. >> steve: before the super bowl yesterday, brian had the chance to talk to one on one with u.s. army chief of staff general ray odierno. watch. >> i'm sit hearing with one of the many famous faces who has done more for this country. he's now chief of staff of the u.s. army and your fashion for the military and passion for football. this is something you really wanted to do and you feel very comfortable supporting the nfl. >> i think it's a relationship that is a support for the military. we have a lot of the same ethos. team work, and all those come together. by the way, the nfl is an extremely popular sports among
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our soldiers. >> this gentleman also played college football for west point. as you can see, he looks like a football player. he understands the game and has worked with the giants. as you look back in your days in iraq, you spent most of the last decade over there fighting the war -- fighting the war. have you suffered any of the trauma that most of the soldiers suffered? >> i wouldn't say trauma, but all of us, as you come back from a deployment, it takes a while for you to decompress. it takes you a while to reintegrate with your family. >> when you talk with the secretary of defense going overseas and we'll be lessening the war portion of the war in afghanistan more towards the training, do you wish you were briefed on that first or did you know he was going to say that? >> secretary -- we have lots of conversations, he's very hands on. he's very collaborative with the joint chiefs. we have lots of discussions. again, i would just tell this has been our strategy all along is that over time, we'll
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transition more responsibility to the afghans. i think that's still what our plan is. we'll do assessments from the commanders in afghanistan. they'll provide assessments back. i think secretary panetta is walking through the continued turnover and responsibility to the afghans. >> the super committee can't come up with a deal and they're going to have catastrophic cuts on the military because of that. what's your message to the politicians in america? they're trying to effect the most successful part of this government, especially over the last ten years. >> the bottom line is, we've just got through reviewing, the military is cutting $487 billion out of our budget over the next ten years. we're going to have to reduce our in strength by 80,000. we've had to reduce our modernization a bit. so we've done a lot already. so it's important that we do not go to sequestration. it would be devastating. we would have to redo our strategy. i would have to fundamentally
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decide what can we do, what we can't do, all of the departments who have to do that. to me, it's a significant threat to the security of our culture. >> finally, you talk about traumatic brain injuries and the football guys are worried about the concussions. have you found a marriage? >> yes, we have. we've been working for several months now with the nfl to come up with a joint relationship to deal with traumatic brain injuries, sharing what we've learned, understanding the studies they've done burks also talking about the stigma of concussions. we have the same ethos. soldiers sometimes don't want to admit that they have brain injuries. the nfl players sometimes are the same way. so we want to come up with ways to communicate to them that it's important of having a problem, they come forward because there are long-term impacts and we're also concerned about younger people. our young soldiers. i know the nfl is concerned
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about younger people playing earlier and earlier and the impact it can have on them. >> autopsy gung guy playing your whole life and you saw it over and over. it's a privilege, every time i can talk to you on camera and off camera. thanks for coming by. >> thanks, appreciate it.
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the best approach to food is tkeep it whole for better nutrition. that's what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the otr guy's flake is more processed. mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. ♪ oh, yeah ♪ 'cause i believe in you and me ♪ ♪ oh, boy ♪ i believe in miracles ♪ and i believe in you and me ♪ ♪ see, i was lost ♪ now i'm free ♪ 'cause i believe in you and me ♪
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>> steve: got quick monday morning headlines. a stunning number of nypd officers who were healthy when they responded to the september 11 attacks. now have cancer. according to brand-new data obtained by the "new york post," 297 cops have been diagnosed with cancer since working at ground zero. the average age when they got sick, 44. today would have been
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president ronald reagan's 101st birthday. the ronald reagan birth place museum in northern illinois is having a party to remember our 40th president. the apartment where he was born has been restored with furnishings from the early 1900s. eric, up to you and peter johnson. >> eric: thank you, steve. during the national prayer breakfast, president obama turned to the bible to push for higher taxes. >> i think to myself, if i'm willing to give something up, as somebody who has been extraordinarily blessed, give up some of the tax breaks that i enjoy, i actually think that's going to make economic sense. but for me as a christian, it also con sides with jesus' -- sign sides with jesus' -- coincides with jesus' teaching that to whom much is given, much is required. >> eric: should he be using religion to promote his policy as soon as joining me is peter johnson, jr.
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a little stunning for -- him invoking the name of jesus christ to raise tax. >> it is stunning. none of us like to cast the first stone burks the question becomes, is it a convenient christianity? is it a cafeteria christianity? here we have the president invoking luke about to whom much is given, and what the obligations are. but at the same time, catholics across the america are saying to the president of the united states, give us the opportunity to embrace our teachings, to embrace our beliefs and not have the government violate our first amendment rights to choose those beliefs. so this appeal to religion i don't sayity, to prayer, to christian scripture, it seems inconsistent given some of the policies that we've seen. so there has to be a consistent policy. is there always going to be a call to christianity or is there a call to christianity only when
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it's consistent with the political views of the president? >> eric: so let's point out what we're talking about, in the same very week that the president invoked jesus christ, talking about raising taxes, he also came down with a ruling that obamacare needs to provide, under obamacare, catholic university, hospitals have to provide sterilization, contraceptives and the morning after pill. >> right. and catholic bishops and catholics across america are speaking out against that. they're saying, this is a violation of the first amendment, the kind of golden rule of american government and politics saying don't do this to us. we don't want it done to other people. i think what catholics are saying in this country is listen, we don't need the government to adopt our religion. but by the same time, give us the opportunity to freely practice and exercise that religion. don't call upon bishops and priests and the organizations that they run to hand out pills
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that will kill babies instead of communion. don't call upon bishops and priests and cardinals to act in a way that does harm to what they believe. don't ask them to make a choice between faith and adherence to a government policy. so the call to christianity in a week when there is an attack, in my view, on the catholic church, seems inconsistent and it's going to be a big issue throughout this election year. >> eric: thank you so much. peter johnson, jr., thank you. >> god bless. >> eric: coming up, the entrepreneur who insisted his invention must be made in the usa. >> i want to do something that can bring some jobs and some hope to my small town. >> eric: but the shark tank investors told him go overseas or get lost. he turned down the deal of a lifetime. and the best and worst of last night's super bowl commercials. it's your last chance to e-mail us what you thought or read them
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. ♪ so, this is delicious okay... is this where we're at now, we just eat whatever tastes good? like these sweet honey clusters...
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actually there's a half a day's rth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. hey, i love your cereal there-- it's got that sweet honey taste. buno way it's calories, right? no way. lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one.
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than leading regar juice drinks. because less sugar is a better way to fly. ♪ just not literally. capri sun. respect what's in the pouch.
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>> gretchen: time for your shot of the morning. it comes from the other big game last night. of course, it was the eighth annual puppy bowl. >> he sure knows how to faye it packed the field. can she push it across the goal line? yes! touchdown! >> gretchen: that was aberdeen, the australian shepherd mix scoring one of four touchdowns. but it was fumbled. the nine week old dog who took home the mvp title. we watched that a little bit with our kids before the actual really big game. it's so cute to watch the dogs. never gets old. >> steve: speaking of the really big game, here is the headline from the "new york post" this morning, the new york -- new jersey -- giants are champions. they won with a jump ball, the final 21-17 and there you can see the giants. they are so happy. they returned, they won four years ago against this crew and they did it again last night.
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>> eric: if i'm not mistaken, i think they lost four games in a row at one point. >> gretchen: only won nine games, right? >> eric: great comeback. way to go. >> gretchen: as usual, there is always a lot of talk about the half time show and whether or not the performances were good or bad or somewhere in between. so we have been asking all morning what you thought of madonna's performance and here are some of the e-mails. john in arizona says i'm not a madonna fan but have to say it was a well wore i don't graphed show and better than some past shows i won't mention. >> steve: meanwhile, dan e-mails coming to a nursing home near you. dan, that's rough. awkward, but shiny. >> eric: how about this one? jim in new york says, madonna's looks a plus. madonna's performance, b minus. come on, lip syncing? guy on the high wire, a plus, plus. >> gretchen: you guys are telling me that they have to do lip syncing because it's such a big production? it really -- if you looked at
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her, you could really tell. it seems not authentic. >> steve: yeah. >> eric: that was pretty lame. lame is the one word where -- yeah. >> steve: plus, the rapper -- she does slip at one point and her voice doesn't break. that's kind of an indicatorrer she's singing a track. and the bird flipped the bird at the camera. they caught it. that's why it got fuzzy for a second while she inexplicable flipped off the planet. >> gretchen: why do you have to do that? that's just so upsetting. the millions of families watching this with their kids. luckily i missed it. so i'm hoping a lot of people missed it. why do you feel the need to make a name for yourself and do something that stupid? i don't get it. >> steve: meanwhile, i heard a statistic, something like close to 30% of the people who watched the super bowl watch for the ads. you don't like the gape, you watch the ads. we'll tell what you our favorites were. i think mine came in the first
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quarter. it was the end of the world and yet there was a guy in ha chevy truck made it through alive. watch. ♪ ♪ looks like we made it ♪ >> gretchen: a great audio track. >> eric: they forgot to put some types on. >> steve: a crashed flying saucer. the best part, though, i love the line here at the end, as you can see, four guys get -- where is dave? >> dave didn't drive the longest lasting most dependable truck on the road. dave drove a ford. [ laughter ]
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>> steve: if you want to survive armageddon, drive a chevy. >> eric: are you kidding me is it ford? you got to love fords, guys. >> gretchen: they didn't take any bailout. >> eric: take a look at my favorite ad. >> (speaking italian) ♪
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>> gretchen: eric, you're falling into the same category that i'm about to go down. >> eric: i don't even speak italian. >> steve: it's the international language of automobile, sir. >> eric: it was the car. it was amazing. >> gretchen: exactly. yeah, right. i'm going to be as low as you are. >> eric: okay. >> gretchen: here is my favorite ad again. you don't need any words or any language. just watch. ♪ don't you know that no life can always see an angel ♪ ♪-- >> gretchen: sorry. i'm going to be shallow for a moment. i got to say that thanks to my friend greg who was helping me watch all the ads and giving his ratings to help me when i was running out chasing after the kids, i didn't miss this one, though. everything became silent when that ad came on. >> eric: do you want to clarify what you mean about thanks to my friend greg who was helping me
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watch the ads? >> gretchen: yes. i was at a party and my friend greg, who i like a lot and has a red light good sense of humor, i said help me watch the ads and give me your rating. >> eric: you know what they say? stop digging. hand me the shovel. >> gretchen: oh. >> steve: what does it say about you two? you like the sexy italian girl you and like the guy. i like the trust. our viewers' least favorite commercial apparently, clint eastwood talking about its half time in america. >> find a way through tough times. if we can't find a way, then we'll make one. >> steve: well, he is one of the best directors in hollywood and here he puts together a pretty good argument for detroit is back. but i don't quite understand what half time in america means. >> eric: no doubt. it's good news. the u.s. auto industry is coming
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back, coming back strong, the economy is coming back stronger and they're benefiting from a boon from chrysler and gm. all good news. >> steve: meanwhile, we got something worst than some of those tv commercials. sore losers, pats fans. they took their age better their giant defeat to the streets of the university of massachusetts- amherst. >> steve: they're wrecking it for everybody. police in amherst forced to use flash bombs and smoke grenades to scatter 15 huh-uh ruly students. at least 14 of them charged with disorderly conduct. they now face the possibility of being suspended from school. hope it was worth it, guys. >> gretchen: you're not going to believe this video. watch as a mother steps away from her baby's stroller at a train station in australia. look at what happens next. the stroller slips away.
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watch in the video. right on to the tracks. there it goes. the mom, along with several other good samaritans were able to rescue the baby right before the next train plowed into the station and almost as shocking as the video, check out this guy, right there who saw the stroller and kept walking. oh, yeah. it's just a kid. somebody else will get it. he was texting. >> eric: it was coffee. it's important. all right. emotional moment on shark tan, the show where a panel of investors decide if they want to put their money into a product. donny mccall was on the show with his invention, the inadvisorrack a rack for a truck. the panel insist the product had to be manufactured overseas to make money. he turned down the money and now he's reaping the benefits. he joined us earlier on "fox & friends." listen. >> profits are different ways. the company can function, the company can thrive of, the company can grow and the company can employ people here.
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i believe that with all my heart. i don't think it has to be an automatic response to go overseas just so that it can pad the profits. >> eric: since then, he's received an overwhelming response of support and orders. >> steve: and he's going to manufacture them. >> eric: he is. he does. he says he's going to stay right here in america. inspiring. >> steve: good for him. you gave him a little advertisement. saying if people would like that, go to our web site and we'll have all the information. >> gretchen: coming up on our show, is mitt romney too moderate to win the general election? our next guest working behind the scenes to put newt gingrich ahead. >> eric: the president needed medical care, america stepped in to help. now wait until you hear how we're getting repaid. >> steve: doesn't look good
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exclusively from verizon. >> steve: quick headlines. protester busted here in new york city after throwing a shoe at the president of yemen. shoe throwing is a major insult in islam okay culture. the president there is in the united states to get treated for burns he suffered turn an assassination attempt. and a run away goat leads cops on a wild chase through melbourne, australia. they tried to catch it with a net, but it was too quick. that's a sheep sound, not a goat sound. they eventually cornered the goat, caged it, named it houdini, after the escape artist. now they're trying to find its owners. if you're missing that goat, cops have it. all right. gretch? and eric. >> gretchen: despite losing nevada, newt gingrich says he's
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in the race for the gop nomination for the long haul. our next guest plans to help him. >> eric: joining us is a super pac representative for the 1992 north carolina bush-quayle campaign. what is it about newt gingrich that you like versus the other candidate? >> well, newt is the guy that can take the message, the conservative message and the ideas to barak obama, to the liberal media. that's how he surged in november, december and that's how he surged in south carolina. he's the only candidate who can do that. after what we went through in '92 and '96 and 2008, we need a conservative who can do that. >> gretchen: so there are two things coming out of this. some of the critics of newt gingrich say he will not have another south carolina moment. but at the same time, i know you believe that some americans don't want to support a moderate because they saw what they believed a moderate, john mccain, they saw what happened to him in 2008.
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your comments? >> let's look at the great moderate moments in republican history, 2008 campaign, 2006 campaign, 1992 campaign, which i worked on, very frustrating. 1996 campaign. contrast that to 1980, to 1994 and 2010 when the republicans ran a true conservative message and they won big. that's how you get the moderates and independents. you convince them to join you. you don't pretend like you're joining them. >> eric: fair enough. but some would say the more conservative candidate would be a rick santorum. why is your pac backing newt gingrich instead of the more conservative? >> with all due respect to senator santorum, he's very outspoken on the social conservative issues and we agree with him on that. but his record of overall conservatism is just not there. examine his campaign in 2006 where he says he ran this great conservative campaign and went down swinging, it's just knot the truth. he ran a very moderate campaign trying to appeal to pennsylvania
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liberals and moderates and it didn't work. when you look at the entire career, speaker gingrich has done a lot more for conservatism than rick santorum ever has. >> gretchen: the spokesperson for winning our future, the gingrich super pac, thank you for sharing your thoughts. >> thanks. >> eric: a plan to keep the airline industry moving and keep passengers safe hits a sudden road block in congress. the big labor union just showed up and it wants to make some changes. congressman john mica explains next. >> gretchen: first, let's check if with martha mccallum for what's on at the top of the hour. good morning. >> good morning to you. happy monday. we've got brand-new poll numbers that show the head to head with president obama. there is some surprises in there that we're going to show you. the tragic case of the fire that took the lives of two boys whose mother disappeared just over two years ago. a virus on two cruise ships sparks fears that it may spread. all that coming up when we see you at the top of the hour so humpty dumpty had a...
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>> steve: next week, the house republicans will vote on a transportation bill to create more american jobs. the bill does not include any earmarks and encourages more private spending, all the things the tea party stands for. does the bill stand a chance in the senate? joining us is john micah, the chairman of the house transportation and infrastructure committee. he joins us from the canyon rotunda. good morning to you. >> sounds like congressmen get something done here. >> steve: okay. with this particular jobs bill, it would cut the amtrak budget. it would force approval of the keystone pipeline, among other things and create a whole bunch of real shovel ready jobs, right, sir? >> yeah. one of the major parts of the bill, you know, the administration through billions
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of dollars to infrastructure and most of that still sitting in the treasury after years and years. but we streamlined, cut a lot of the red tape, con solid date program, real reform in our transportation projects, which also gives us an opportunity to get people working. >> steve: right. i heard john boehner last week talk about how the house passed something like in the last year, 30 job creating bills. that's great. but then once you pass it, you hand it over to harry reid and he's just sitting on the stuff! >> well, that's part of the problem. mr. boehner has actually been able to break through both on the faa, which the senate will take up today, which accounts for between 8 and 11% of all of our economic activity in the united states. then we're going to pivot over to the transportation bill which it's been eight years since we've done a bill. we've had to do eight extensions. obama came in and killed the
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democrats' chance of passing a long-term bill. so we've had short-term employment. >> steve: regarding the faa bill, which i think would run for four years, it would create this bill that would run for four years, you really kind of tweak some unions and i know the united auto workers and the communication workers of america are upset because one of the provisions is until recently, it has called for 35% participation to vote on whether or not to unionize. you're going to up that to 50%. now the unions are steamed. >> that's true. you know, when obama packed the board, they changed the rules, 70 years of rules where you had to have 50% of the workers actually show up and vote. we weren't able to change that. the reduction, i should say, was lowered to whoever shows up. but we were able to put in this bill that we have 50% of the
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workers sign up to go to election. we have things like an audit, public hearings that were never required before. >> steve: you know with a? for a do nothing congress as the president has characterized you guy, it sounds like you're doing a lot. we appreciate you, john micah, from florida, for joining us on a busy day. thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> steve: all right. all right. more "fox & friends" live from new york city, two minutes, please, put down that clicker. we're paid by the viewer i had enough of feeling embarrassed about my skin. [ designer ] enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel.
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and i lost 46 pounds. my name is lindsey, and i'm 23 years young. i believe because it works. your turn. your time. your year. [ female announcer ] weight watchers, rated #1 best plan for weight loss by us news & world report. [ jennifer ] join for free. weight watchers points plus 2012. because it works. it's good. honey, i love you... oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato. ♪ what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. >> steve: he's going to put that on his wall, i bet. tomow


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